B.A. P Hindi A Semester 3rd

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[This question paper

6014 4
Your Roll No'..."""""'
4. 'sfir6' ffdtr d fr*qqr dfrqt (rz )

6014 G
Sr. No. of Question Paper:

Unique PaPer Code : 620s1312

'€T{ cr$ {kq' Frs:r 6'r qfrqrEq RRsql
Name of the PaPer : Hindi A

q1 q6qr dfrsr (tz) of the Course : B.A. (Programme) Hindi

'3T*r {.rt' qr-6 t Fq( du Name

Semester : III
Blsrdr 15
Duration : 3 Hours -..rP)-----:1
'ft.d qt ff' ur*t - gcr< qr qn ftRqgt
,rat *Aqftt5r
6. FFfr tr6 q( fr:qff ftfrq
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ergmroftR<e t

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+Br uco_er ft_fl_c_e
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3. 'EW'qErfr + W rilc+ Rft\,r
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'rai or crft-6, 6Erft
d cRifu*_dr ete sflfr\,r


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