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Social Media Future Skills


Project 1:
Instructions to the trainer:

 Divide the students into groups with a maximum of 4 members in each group.
 By now, students already have a Facebook account. Ask each group to create a Facebook page
with an appropriate name. They need to choose a relevant category/categories and provide a
proper description of at least two/three lines. The chosen category and the description should
match the subject of your page.
 Ask them to publish the page.
 Ask them to invite friends to like the page.
 One group member will create the page from his/her account. Among the other three members,
one will like the page, one will follow the page and the third one will like and follow the page.
 Ask the admin to post something on the page. The other members need to share the same with
three different options from the available ones.
 The member whose account is used to create the page is the admin. Ask him or her to assign
different roles to the other team members. The other members need to check what activities they
can perform.
 Now, ask one member to go to Settings and set different options for visitor posts on the page. Ask
the other members to check what happens when different options are chosen.
 Ask the group members to set different options for Post and Story sharing and check the result of
the same.
 Can others tag the page on their posts? If not, allow them to tag the page on their posts?
 Ask the admin to create an automatic response on the page. Ask the other members to check
whether they get an automatic message when they visit the page.
 Now, ask the team to create one online and one offline event with all the necessary details. Ask
everyone on the team to respond to the event.

Now, create a presentation with all the following information.

 Which category/categories did you choose for your page? Why?

 Name the friends that you invited to like the page.
 What happens when you like a page but not follow the same and vice versa?
 What are the options available while sharing a post from the page? What happens for selecting
different options?
 How many roles are available on a page? What are the activities each role can perform?
 What options are available for visitor posts? Explain what happens when you choose different
 What options are available for Post and Story sharing? Explain what happens when you choose
different options.
 How did you find out whether others can tag the page or not?
 What message did you set on the page? Give screenshots of the automatic message that one gets
while visiting the page.
 Name the events and the timing of the events you created. To whom did you send invitations?

Each team needs to send the ppt file to the trainer at the end of the session.
Social Media Future Skills

Scoring instruction:

 5 marks to be given for creating a page with an appropriate name and category.
 A score on the scale of 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 the highest) will be given for the description.
The marks should be given based on the relevance and clarity of the description.
 2 marks to be given for publishing the page.
 1 mark will be given for inviting each friend.
 2 marks will be given for explaining what happens when one likes but does not follow a page and
vice versa.
 2 marks to be given for assigning a different role to each member.
 2 marks will be given explaining different activities that each member with the respective roles
 1 mark to be given for noting down each correct option for Visitor posts and 2 marks for explaining
what happens after selecting the same.
 1 mark to be given for noting down each correct option for Post and Story sharing and 2 marks for
explaining what happens after selecting the same.
 2 marks for figuring out whether visitors can tag your page on their posts.
 5 marks for setting automatic reply on the page.
 5 marks for creating each event: online and offline. 1 mark for sending an invitation to each
 The team will be given a score on the scale of 2-10 for the presentation where 2 is the lowest and
10 is the highest score. While giving a score for the presentation, the trainer needs to take the
communication skill, the correctness of the answers and topics, and the coverage of all the
questions into consideration.

Project 2:
Instructions to the trainer:

 Continue with the same group made in the previous project.

 Ask them to create a word file named “LinkedIn Project” and note down everything they are asked to in this file
during this project.
 Now that every student has a LinkedIn profile, ask them to set up the profile by adding a proper tagline,
summary and other details, if not added by now. You need to visit each student’s profile and check whether all
the relevant fields are filled in or not.
 Ask each team member to connect with the other members and the trainer on LinkedIn. Take a screenshot that
they are added to your network.
 Ask each team member to add a skill on LinkedIn. They need to note down their respective skills. After they add
the skill, ask the other members to endorse the skill. Ask the students to write down the steps of adding a skill.
Also, take a note of how did they endorse the skill.
 Ask two group members to ask for recommendations from the other two members. They need to respond to
those requests by writing recommendations. Note down the process of asking for a recommendation and
recommending someone on LinkedIn (as applicable).
 Ask the team members to use the Practice and get feedback feature on the Interview preparation page. Two of
the members will write a response and ask for feedback from the other two members. The other two members
will record a video and ask for feedback from the ones to whom they gave feedback. Also, the members that
record a video answer need to get instant AI-powered feedback. All the members from a group need to select
Social Media Future Skills

different answers. Ask them to note down the questions they chose, the feedback they got from and gave to
 Ask the members to find a group on Interview preparation. They need to note down five group names that
appeared on the search result. Each member will join a different group and note down the name. Also, they will
note down the post in that group they liked the most.
 Ask each member to email you the word file “LinkedIn Project”.

Scoring Instruction:

 A score on the scale of 1-3 to be given for the tagline, depending on the correctness and relevance
of the same.
 A score on the scale of 1-5 will be given for the summary, depending on the appropriateness of the
summary. Here, the trainer should consider the written communication skill of the student.
 2 marks will be given for filling in each additional field.
 1 mark to be given for connecting with each team member.
 1 mark to be given for adding a skill, 1 mark for each correct step of adding a skill. 2 marks will be
credited for endorsing a skill. Give 1 mark for each correct step of endorsing a skill.
 2 marks will be given for asking for a recommendation or recommending someone on LinkedIn.
 A score between 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) to be given for the answer to the
sample questions on the Interview Preparation page.
 A score between 1-5 (1 being the lowest and 5 being the highest) to be given for the video in
response to the sample questions on the Interview Preparation page.
 A score between 1-3 (1 being the lowest and 3 being the highest) to be given for the feedback sent
by each student.
 1 mark will be given for noting down each of the five groups that appear on the search result.
 2 marks to be given for joining a group.
 2 marks to be given for noting down the post that they liked the most.
Social Media Future Skills

Discussion forum

Instructions to the trainers

 The facilitator may post the given questions in the discussion forum.
 The facilitator can choose any five questions from the given question set to post on the discussion
 Encourage students to answer the same.
 1 mark to be given to everyone who takes part in the discussion.
 A score of 1 to 5 to be given for each answer that is relevant to the question, depending on the
clarity of the answer.
 A bonus of 5 marks to be given to the student who gives the first relevant answer to a question. If
the answer is irrelevant to the question, give 1 mark for taking part in the discussion.
 If a student answers in one or two words, he/she should not be given the full marks, depending on
the validity of the answer a score ranging from 1 to 3 marks to be given else 1 mark for
 The student with the highest participation to be given a bonus of 5 marks
 Any student who comments on an answer posted by someone gets a bonus of 2 marks.
 If a student initiates an engaging discussion on the forum on any question or answer, the student
gets a bonus of 5 marks.

1. Which social networking site do you use the most? What do you mostly do there?
2. Search for a group which you would like to join and provide the name of that group. What kinds of
topics are usually discussed there?
3. Visit a review site and share the type of reviews you get from the site against a specific service,
property or product.
4. Did you ever experience or see someone affected by the negative side of social media? Explain in a
few words.
5. What kinds of benefits do you get from social media? Give one or two examples.

If LMS does not have the interface to give scores against the Forum participation, the same to be captured
in an excel sheet and when the interface would be available, the admin will arrange to collect the scores
and feed them into the system.

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