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1) Name(optional):

2) Designation:_________________________________

3) Age in years: Up to 30 ( ) 31 -40 ( ) 40and above ( )

4) Education: Graduate ( ) Post graduate and beyond ( ) ITI ( ) Diploma( )

5) Gender: Male ( ) female ( )

6) Length of service:__________________________________________Years.

Kindly your feedback for the below mentioned statements

I-Strongly agree 2-Agree 3-Neutral 4-Disagree 5-Strongly disagree Questions 1 2 3 4 5

1 The Existing Working

Environment In The Organization
2 Communication System Is
Prevailing In The Organization Is
3 Cooperation Among Employees Are
4 Level Of Satisfaction On Rewards And
Recognition Is Satisfactory
5 Level Of Agreement Towards
Insurance Scheme Provided By
The Organisation Is Effective
6 Level Of Agreement Towards
Satisfaction On Retirement
7 Level Of Agreement Towards
Future Career In The
Organisation Is Beneficial
8 Level Of Agreement Towards
Workers Participation On
Management Is Effective
9 Level Of Agreement Towards
Morale Of The Company Is
10 Promotional Oppurtun1tes Provided In
The Organisation Is Effective
11 Effective Grievance Redressal
Mechanism In the Company is
12 Scope For Personal Growth
And Development
13 Statutory Requirements Compiled
By The Company Is Effective
14 Training Programs Provided By The
Company Is Effective
15 Punctuality Is Following In
The Company.
16 Providing Job Security

17 Stress Is Manageable In The

18 Satisfied With The Working
Hours Following In The
19 Considering Employees After
Leaving The Company
20 Work Expectation Met After

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