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quirement Id Page Title Details Type (change or new) Priority

Compared to header, footer logo appears too

1 Home Page Footer logo is blur blurred. Change Medium

Adding a some value statement on why one should

subscribe could prove of great help in attractig more

I have mutiple thoughts here:

1. Are we continuing to send newsletters ? If yes,
what interval ? Monthly, quarterly or .. ?
2. Instead of asking just the email id, I would suggest
we ask for name aswell. It will help in rightly
addressing the newsletters. Currently it just picks the
first part of email id. Eg: if email id is, email notification was having
"Hello agroha"
3. Currently we have "Want to get the latest news
and updates from Wilkgard ? Sign up for our
newsletter" as call for action. Can we further
improvise making the 'Why' of it more lucrative;
something like, "Want to gain industry insight, learn
about recent developments, gain some basic
knowledge on RF products, gain some handson on
troubleshooting or want to learn how to care your
antenna products ? if yes, then subscribe our
5 Home Page Newsletter subscription newletter now" New Medium

Post subscrbing the confirmation message is

appearing in green text. This is not much appealing
(also because of dark background and font size).
6 Home Page Newsletter subscription Reconsider on how to make it look best. Change Medium
Subscription confirmation page which appears on
clicking the link supplied in email should focus on
building some engagement. We can display past
newsletters links or some knowledge material to
intensify the subscribers interest in learning
something new.
Do we have access to all our past newsletters ? If
yes, we can upload them all to this website and new
joiners will then be able to view old newsletters
aswell. I am assuming it could help us in ranking
better on google search too.

14th July: Boss asked me to make a decision and

was in concurrence of making the knowledge centre
extremely user friendly. I will ask professionals to
create a page which is a index for all the blogs we
9 Home Page Newsletter subscription have on our website. New High

The panel/banner area which is asking for

subscribers email id is having more than the required
amount of height. I would suggest we reduce the
10 Home Page Newsletter subscription banner height making it look more appealing. Change Medium

Should display 'relevant' product result

Doesn't look like the results which are getting

displayed are arranged by relevance. I did search
using 'connectors' to test this and results started with
everything else but not the connectors. It is worth
checking with developer team on suggestions to
address this issue.
11 Home Page Product search Change High

Page which appears on clicking the 'Shop Now'

button is displaying product in a 'Default sorting'
order. I would suggest default view should display
13 Home Page 'Shop Now' button 'popular' products. Change Low

Main banner is having two navigating icons to view

next banner or previous banner but still displays the
same banner. We should either remove those
navigation icons or add a separate banner for the
15 Home Page Main banner transitioning effect to work. Change Low
This content is appearing too dull. We should make it
look more readable.
Either change the background or make the text bold.
16 Home Page 'What is RF' or may be do both ? Change Medium

We should avoid unncecessary page scroll by

removing extra height from each panel on home
17 Home Page Reduce page scroll page. Keeping page appeal into consideration. Change Low

Current banner image lacks appeal. Having

19 Knowledge Centre Banner Image something more relevant is required. Change Low

Looking at the 'Filter by category' and 'Filter by

brand' in blog page, my initial understanding was this
would filter the knowledge centre content (as in
filtering the blogs).
I personally find these section unappropriate for a
visitor who has landed on to knowledge centre page.
Existing functionality should be moved to more
relevant page and we should have a functionality to
21 Knowledge Centre Relevance Issue search for relevant blog instead. Change High

The overall page layout could be futher improved

helping the viewers to quickly pick the relevant topic
of their interest rather than clicking one after the
other and navigating through 9 pages to find
22 Knowledge Centre Overall page layout something of interest. Change Low

Banner image for Contact Us page and Blog page is

same. From appeal perspective we should have
23 Contact Us Banner Image better images Change Low

This field currently is checking for numeric value but

not the minimum characters. It is getting submitted
even with a single number.

"Should we assign a minium number of atleast 8

characters with this ? And to know the best time to
call should we also ask them to enter the state or
country that they are contacting us from ?

24 Contact Us Phone Number Change Low

The list of product categories which appear as a
drop down on clicking the 'Buy Now' button is quite
exhaustive. Would suggest we simplify it further by
hiding those for which we do not have a products
25 Home Page Buy Now available to list Change Medium

Is this a separate account created in Linkedin ? I

could see just two posts and the latest one is 3
months old. If we are planning to benefit from
Linkedin then we should plan our approach on this.

Clicking of LinkedIn icon should open the page in a

27 Social Marketing LinkedIn new tab rather than the exsiting. Change Low

I am assuming we do not create any 'user name' and

instead user should enter the email id to login. If so,
we should just prompt for email address to be
entered and edit the default text which appears in
login text box prompting the user to enter 'User
29 Login User name / Email name or Email id' Change Medium

This page is now displaying button to either 'Become

a Vendor' or 'Become a wholesale customer'.
36 Login My Account Remove
Too little this
Can we not think of some thing more Change Medium
41 About explorer-rv Company intro for those
Entire textcurious
needs to
to know about
checked for explorer-rv
relevance and main Change Medium
42 Conditions of Use Terms title needs to more clearer Change High

The font style abruptly changes for the titles in

second half of the page. Also check other such
43 Privacy Policy Textual effects pages to ensure a standard look and feel. Change High

Newsletter subscription Subscription confirmation Email overall appeal is average. Need to make it
45 email email look more impressive Change Low
Why not share a impressive writeup in first email-
afterall they have subscribed to our newsletters and
Newsletter welcome have expressed their interest to read valuable
46 email Email content content. Current email is just so much basic and dry. Change Medium

The product scroll which appears under "You Might

"You Might Also Need" Also Need" section has 'Add to cart' button unevenly
49 Product specific page upselling product button displayed Change Low

Image size isn't appearing right on FB post

"I randomly tried by clicking on facebook icon from

RG6DT-P andthis
Label "Share realized that isthe
product!" image which
appearing awaywas
appearing on FB post
the social media links. wasn't of right size.
Face book share If we want to have FB share option then better we
51 Product specific page functionality have it working
Decision: Removeright."
this label as it is obvious by Change Low
52 Product specific page "Share this product!" looking at the social media icons.
Notes Ready for build Requirement Status Assigned Delivered

Yes Active

Yes Active

Yes Active Yes

Yes Active

Yes Active

Yes Active Yes

Yes Active

Yes Active
Yes Active

Yes Active

Yes Active

Yes Active Yes

Yes Active

Yes Active

Yes Active
Yes Active

Unsure if you know but we can create

a company page using your existing
Linkedin account. I believe this would
have helped you attract more visitors
to your company page. Posts will still
appear under your personal account
with a option to also display them
under the company page (when
needed). No Awaiting input

Yes Active

14th July: Boss said she will add this No Duplicate

to her ToDo No Awaiting input
No Due for review

Yes Active

Yes Active
Can you please share some write up
on how important is to have
knowledge and willingness to learn
(not just RF but anything) if users
really want to feel empowered and not
get deceived by poor quality products
or sellers.

14th July: Boss's ToDo No Awaiting input

Yes Active

Yes Active
Yes Active Yes

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