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PNR No:: 116171DCA6412

Time Allowed: 03:00 hrs Max.Marks: 80
1. This question paper is divided into two parts A and B.
2. Answer all the questions in serial order.
3. Part A contains 10 questions of 2 marks each. All questions are compulsory.
4. Part B contains 10 questions (Questions 2 to 11) of 10 marks each, attempt any 06 questions out of 10.
Attempt all parts of the selected question. Only first 06 attempted questions would be evaluated.
5. The student is required to attempt the question paper in English medium only.
6. Simple non programmable calculator is allowed.


Q1(a) Define Relational Databases?

(b) What do you mean by Outer Joins? Write Syntax.
(c) Give the purpose of insert command in database?
(d) What do you understand by Entity Relationship model?
(e) What do you mean by complex queries?
(f) List out various types of attributes with example?
(g) Distinguish between volatile and non-volatile storage.
(h) What are different transaction states?
(i) What do you mean by Exclusive Locking?
(j) Describe least model semantics?


Q2 Explain the architecture of DBMS.

Q3 Distinguish between primary key constraints and foreign key constraints.

Q4 Explain different types of Integrity Constraints in DBMS and their purposes.

Q5 Explain Aggregate functions.

Q6 What is relational algebra? Explain various types of Relational algebra operations.

Q7 Write short notes on transactions and schedules.

Q8 Explain various features of relational databases.

Q9 Write the procedure of testing for serializability. Support your answer with suitable example

Q10 What are the properties of transaction?

Q11 Distinguish between deferred database modification and immediate database modification with the
help of a suitable example.

-- End of Question Paper --

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