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SESSION 2023-24

Weightage: 50 marks.
Time Duration: 1.5 Hour
Important Instructions:
(a) There are 23 questions in this question paper.
(b) SECTIONA consists of 10 multiple -choice questions carying 1mark each.
(c) SECTION Bconsists of 6 short answer questions carrying 2 marks each.
(d) SECTION Cconsists of3short answer questionscarrying 3 marks each.
(e) SECTIONDconsists of 1 case-based question carrying4 marks.
() SECTION Econsists of 3 long answer questions carrying 5 marks each.
(g) Allquestions are compulsory.
The following questions are multiple -choice questions. Each question carries 1 mark.
1. Vapour pressure of a pure liquid Xis 2atm at 300 K. It is lowered to 1atm on dissolving 1gof Yin 20 g
of liquid X. If the molar mass of Xis 200, what is the molar mass ofY? P°-P
sa 20 (b) 50 (c) 100 (d) 200 M, xw,
2. What is the expected value of the van't Hoff factor for K,[Fe(CN)4] in dilute solutions?
(a) 3 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1 K,TFe(CN)]
3. 4.0 g of NaOH are present in one deciliter of solution. The molarity of solution is
(b) 2 (c) 3 (d) 4
4. On increasing dilution conductivity of a solution
(a) Increases decreases (c) first increases then decreases (d) remains unchanged
5.Time required to deposit 1 millimole of aluminium metal by the passage of 9.65 amperes through
aqueous solution of aluminium nitrate is:

s 30seconds (b) 10 seconds (c) 30,000 seconds (d) 10,000seconds

6. The law which indicates the relationship between solubility of a gas in liquid and pressure is
(a) Raoult's law Henry's law (c) Lowering of vapour pressure (d) Van't Hoff
7. The molarity of the solution containing 7.1 gof Na,SO, in 100 ml of aqueous solution is
(a) 2 M Joo5 M (c) 1 M (d) 0.05 M


8.3 moles of P and 2 moles of Qare mixed,what will be their total vapour pressure in the
solution if
their partial vapour pressures are 80 and 60 torr respectively?
(a) 80torr (b) 140 torr Je72 torr (d) 70 torr
9. Molar conductance of an electrolyte containing NaF at infinite dilution is
90.1S mol' cm
If NaF is replaced by KF, what is the value of molar
,(a 90.1S mol cm1 (b) 111.2 Smol' cm (c) 0S mol cm (d) 222.4 S mol' cn1
10. Sprinkling of salt helps in clearing the snow covered roads in hills. The
phenomenon involved in the
process is
(a) lowering in vapour pressure of snow
b depression in freezing point of snow
(C) melting of ice due to increase in temperature by putting salt (d)
increase in freezing point of snow
This section contains 6 questions of 2 marks
11.() Explainwhy aquatic species are more comfortable in cold
vwater rather than in warm water.
(ii) Why do gases nearly always tend to be less soluble in liquids as the
temperature is raised?
12. Calculate the molarity of a solution containing 5gofNaOH in
450 mL solution. U. 245M (2)
13. Define the term 'osmotic pressure. What is the
advantage of using osmotic pressure as compared to
other colligative properties for the determination of molar
masses of solutes in solutions? (2)
14. 15g of an unknown molecular substance was
dissolved in 450 g of water. The resulting solution
freezes at -0.34° C. What is the molar mass of the substance?(K for water =
1.86 Kkg/ mol) (2)
15. Calculate molality of 2.5 gof ethanoicacid M, =132.35
(CH,COOH) in 75 gof benzene. g'mer2)
16. Define the following terms: (i) molality (ii) mole fraction

This section contains 3 questions of 3 marks each.
17.Avoltaic cellis set up at 25°C with the following half cells: Al/A
(0.001 M) and Ni/Ni (0.50 M)
Write an equation for the reaction that occurs when the cell
1,46V generates an electric current and
determine the cell potential. Given: EO Ni2+/NI =-0.25 V: EO AI3+/A| 1.66 V
18. Calculate the emf of the following cell at 298 K: n 2
Fe(s) |Fe? (0.001 M) ||H* (1M) | Halg)(1 bar), Pt(s) (Given Ecel >O,5235V
E°cell=+0.44V) (3)
19. Conductivity of 2.5 x 10+M methanoicacid is 5.25 x
10Scm Calculate its molar conductivity
and degree of dissociation. Given: 2°(H") =349.5 Scm² mol' and 1°
(HCO0)=50.5 Scm²mol (3)
210 S m'mei-!


The following question is a case based question and carries 4 (2+2) marks each. Read the passage
carefully and answer the questions that follow
20. Electrolysis, a process by whichelectric current is passed through a substance to effectachemical
change inwhich the substance loses or gains an electron (oxidation or reduction). The process is carried
out in an electrolytic cell.IThe substance to be transformed mayformthe electrode, may constitute the
solution, or may be dissolved in the solution. Electriccurrent i.e electrons enters through the negatively
charged electrode cathode; components of the solution travel to this electrode, combine with the
electrons, and are transformed (reduced). Components of the solution also travel to the other electrode
anode, give up their electrons,and are transformed (oxidized) to neutral elements or new molecules. If
the substance to be transformed is the electrode, the reaction is often one in which the electrode
dissolves by giving up electrons.
a) Calculate the time to deposit 1.27 gof copper at cathode when a current of 2A was passed through
.27 = 63.5
the solution of CuSO4 96500 X2 X+
(b) Predict the productsof electrolysis in each of the following: (i) An aqueous solution of AgNO,with
silver electrodes. (ii) An aqueous solution of AgNO, with platinum electrodes (2+2)
This section contains 3 questions of5 marks each.
21.(a) Out of 1 Mglucose and2 M glucose, which one has a higher boiling point and why?
(b) A 10% solution (by mass) of sucrose in water has a freezing point of 269.15 K. Calculate the freezing
2u2 X9 I; =265.55
point of 10% glucose in water if the freezing point of pure water is 273,15 . 250
Given: (Molar mass of sucrose =342 gmol) (Molar mass of glucose =180 g mol) (2+3)
22. (a) The electrical resistanceof a column of 0.05 MNaOH solution of diameter 1 cm and length 50 cm
is 5.55 x 10°ohm.Calculate its resistivity, conductivity and molar conductivity.
(b) Whern a certain conductance cell was filledwith 0.1 MKCI, it hada resistance of 85 ohms at 25°C.
When the same cell was filled with an aqueous solution of 0.052 Munknown electrolyte, the resistance
was 96ohms. Calculate the molar conductance of the electrolyte at this concentration.
(Specific conductance of 0.1 M KCI = 1,29 x 102 ohm' cm1 (3+2)
23. Differentiate between the following terms:
(a) Hypertonic and hypotonic solution (b) ldeal and non ideal solution in terms of enthalpy change
(c) osmosis and reverse osmosis (d) Molar conductivity and limiting molar conductivity
(e) Conductance and specificconductance


22 MAY 2023
SESSION 2023-24
Weightage: 50 Marks
Time Allowed 1.5 hrs
I. This question paper contains - five sections A, B, C, D and E. Each section is compulsory.
However, there are internal choices in some questions.
II. Section A has 9 MCQ's questions of 1 mark each.
|I. Section B has 5 Very short Answer (VSA)-type questions of 2 marks each.
IV. Section C has 4 Short Answer (SA)-type questions of 3 marks each.
V. Section D has 3Long Answer (LA)-type questions of 5 marks each.
VI. Section E has 1 source based/case based/passage based question (4 marks ) with sub parts

116A=Cos x Sm« and A+ A'= 1, then value of « is
LSin x Cos x.
n/3 (b) /6 (c) u/4 (d) /2
2 -3
2.For what value of x,is the matrix A=-2 0
5 be skew-symmetric
(a) -3 (b) 2 (c) -2

3. A,Bare symmetric matrices of same order, then AB - BA is a :

(a) Zero Matrix (b) ldentity Mat YSkew Symmetric Matrix
(c) Symmetric MatrixS
4. Let Abe asquare matrix of order 3X3, then |kA|is equalto :
(a) k<A| (b) k²|A| seY kA (d) 3k<A|
5. The matrix is not invertible i.e inverse does not exist, if a has the value:
l2 1 1
(a) 2 (c) t1 (d) o
MBIIS/UT-1/Mathemotics/Closs XI/22-5-23/Page 1
6. If area of triangle is 35 sq. units with vertices (2, -6), (5, 4) and (k, 4).Then k is:
(a) 12 (b) -2 (c) - 12, -2 Jt 12, -2
0 01
7. If A = l0 a then the value of A| ladj A| is :

(a) a3 (b) aó (d) a12

8. Principal value of Cos(Cos) is: 6

(a) 7r/6 (b) T/6 (d) 2r/3

9. tan 1 + Cos1 (- 2) + Sin{ - ½) is equal to:
(a) 2r/3 3r/4 (c) T/2 (d) 6t


10. Check the continuity of the function f(x) =x| at x = 0 coniie

(-1, x 0
11. Write the simplest form of the function tan1COs* -Sinx
2 0
12.For what value of x: [1 2 =0? c-1
0 2
1 -2]
13.fA =|2 1 find |A|.=0
5 4


|5 3 8)
Using Cofactors of elements of second row, evaluate determinant
2l1 2.o 3l=1
[Cosx -sinx 0
14. If F(«) =Sinx Cosx that F() F(y) =F(x +y)

15. For the matrices A and B,verify that (AB) = B A'

A 3
B=[-1 2 1]
(k Cosx
16. Find the value of k if the function f(x) = T-2x ,if x* /2
3, if x = n/2
Is continuous at X = /2

17. Prove that: tan V1+x

# Cos'x, 1/V2 sxs1
MBIS/UT-1/Mathematics/Class XI/22-5-23/Page 2
18.Show that the function defined by glx) =x- [x] is discontinuous at all integral points. Here (x]
Denotes the greatest integer less than or equal to x.

Find the relation between a and b so that the function f defined by

[ax + 1,if xs3
f(x) =
lbx +3, ifx > 3 is continuous at x=3
V1+sinx + V1-sinx
19. Prove that: cot-{V1+sinx - V1-sinx/ 2
1 sinx 1
20. Evaluate the determinant -sinx 1 sinx|, find the interval where the value lie.
-1 -sinx 1 A= 2/st+1)
O<x< 2T
21. ysing matrices solve the system of equations
2x + 3y +3z =5; x -2y +z=-4 ; 3x - y- 2z =3 =1, 4 =2, 2=4
[2 -3 5
If A=||3 2 find A1. Using Al solve the system of equations 1-0 1 -2
1 -2. 9 -23
2x -3y + 5z =11; 3x +2y - 4z =-5; x+y- 2z =-3;1,y2,

(First and second carry 1 mark each and third carry 2 marks)
22.A trust fund has Rs 40,000 that must have invested in'two different types of bonds. The first
Bondpays 5 %interest per year, and the second bond pays 7%interest per year. Using
matrix multiplication,determine how to divide Rs 40,000 among the two types of bonds so
that trust obtains total annual interest of Rs 2,500
()Find the amount invested in first bond Ra 15D00
(i)Find the amount invested in second bond RA 29000
(ii) If Rs 2600 interest is required how it is divided in two bonds, find by matrix multiplication
I bomd= Rs 10,DDO

MBIIS/UT-1/Mathematics/Class XI\/22-5-23/Poge 3
26 MAY2023
SESSION: 2023-24

Weightage: 50 marks.
Time Duration: 1.5hrs

General Instructions:
i)The question paper has 20 questions. All questionsare compulsory.',
ii) This question paper has four sections: Section A, Section B, Section C&Section D.
ii)Section-A has 4 MCQ questions of 1 mark each; Section-B has 6questions of 2 marks each; Section-C
has 8questions of 3 marks each; Section-D has 2 questions of 5 marks.

1.The graph drawn between(E vsr) Electric field intensity Ewith the distance of point P due to
thin infinite plane sheet of charge is

(a) straight line parallel to x axis (b)parabola

(c) hyperbola (d) None of these

2. According to Coulomb's law, which is the correct relation for the following fhgure?
(a) q1 q2>0 utaia20 (c) q1 q2 =0 (d) 1> q1/ q2 >0

12 Fz1 42

3. Some charge is being given to a conductor. Then its potential

a) Is maximum at surface b remainsthe same throughout the conductor
c)is maximum at center d) is maximum somewhere between surface and center

4. Which of the following is not the propertyof anequipotential surface?

(a) They do not cross each other.
(b) The work done in carrying acharge from one point to another on an equipotential surtace
is zero.
(for a uniform electric fheld, they are concentric spheres.
(d) They can be imaginary spheres.


SECTION -B (2M X6=12M)
5. A
proton moves along the field from point Ato point Bin auniform electric field.
i) Does the electric field do positive work on a proton?
i) How willthe electricpotential energy of proton change?
iin)Does the answer in the above cases change if the proton moves against the electric fheld.
Justify your answer.
6. Charges (+a) and (-q) are placed at the points Aand Brespectively which are a distance 2L
apart. C is the midpoint between Aand B. What is the work done in moving a charge +Q along the
semicircle CRD. Justify your answer.

7. Derive an expression for the capacitance of aparallel plate capacitor and state the factors on
which the capacitance depends.
8. Show diagrammatically the orientation of the electric dipole in the field for which the torque is
i) maximum ii) half the maximum value. Also give the value of the torque for the two cases.
9. Using Gauss' Law, derive an expression for an electric fielddue to aspherical conducting shell at
any point P on the surface and represent this field graphically.
10. Twoparallel large thin metalsheets have equal surface densities 26.4X1012 C/m² of opposite
signs.Find the electric field between these sheets. Depict the electric field variation with point P
SECTION -C(3MX 8= 24M)
11.An electric dipole is held in auniform electric field.
i)Show that the net force acting on it is zero.
i) The dipole is aligned parallel tothe field.Find the work done in rotating it through the angle of

12. Two charges are at a distance d apart in air and have acoulomb force of F.What must be the
force between the two charges if a dielectric material of constant k is placed between them and the
distance between them is doubled?
13. Acapacitor of capacityC1 is charged to the potential of Vo. On
disconnecting with the battery, it is connected with an uncharged
capacitor of capacity C2 as shown in the adjoining fgure. Find the
ratio of energies before and after the connection of switch S. C


14. Explain why two field lines never cross each other. Sketch the field lines for two point charges
.q1=q2 andq1>q2 separated by distance d.What is the difference between the twocases?
15.Two concentric metallic spherical shells of radii R and 2R are given charges Q1 and Q2
respectively. The surface charge densities on the outer surfaces of the shells are equal. Determine
the ratio Q1:Q2.
16. Three charges -q, Q and -q are placed at equal distances on a straight line. If the potential
energy of the system of these charges is zero, then what is the ratio Q:q? Draw the graph toshow the
potential variation with the distance of point Pfor point charge.
17.State any two properties of electrostatic forces . Estimate the number of electrons transferred if
the body has a negative charge of 3X107 C. Is there a transfer of mass also ?
18. Draw the equipotentialsurfaces for an electric dipole.
An electric dipole of length 4 cm when placed with its axis making an angle of 60° with a uniform
electric field experiences a torque of 4V3 Nm.Calculate the potential energy of the dipole if it has a
charge of t-8 nc.
SECTION -D(5MX 2= 10M)
19. Acube of 20 cm is kept in a region as shown in the figure. An electric field Eexists in the region
such that the potentialat a point is given by V= 10x + 5, where Vis in volt and x is in m.Find the
(i)electric fheld and (ii) total electric flux through the cube.


20.a) Derive an expression for the electric potential at any equatorial point of an electric dipole.
b)Three point charges q -4q and 2q are placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle ABC of
side l. Obtain the expression for the magnitude of the resultant electric force acting on charge q.
Find out the amount of work done toseparate the charges at infhnite distance.




Weightage: 50 marks
Time Duration: 1 hr. 30 min

General Instructions:
1. The Question Paper contains THREE sections-READING, WRITING- and LITERATURE.
2. Attempt questions based on specific instructions for each part.
3.This paper consists of 4pages.

READING- 12 Marks

1) Read the passage given belowcarefully:

(1) 'Birds of afeather flock together' is an old maxim. The teenagars too behave in a similar
fashion, and are hence, more influenced by their peers than by elders. This is quite natural, for
the teenager's mind is impressionable and is influenced by their peers in school or college. So
great is this influence that there is a perceptible change in their behavior and personality as
soon as they enter college. The teenagers try to emulate their peers in their dress they wear.
Their hairstyle, clothes, language and behavior so much that their personality gets completely
(2) This happens because they directly relate with them, being in the same age group and class.
Quite often,they idolize their peers and have them as their role model. The same is not the
case with the adults, whom they perceive as old fashioned and irrelevant. This is an account of
the ever-increasing generation gap,which exists between today's youth and elders.
(3) The teenagers spend most of their time with their peer group and then with adults. It is
therefore, quite natural for them to imbibe the values, culture and behavior of the group. They
often sucCumb to peer pressure and do things that they would not normally do like smoking,
abusing,etc. Some under the influence of peer pressure improve their academic performance
or sporting skills,while others take to drugs and crime for the momentary thrill and adventure
it entails
(4) The influence of peers is also greater because they feel more comfortable and reassured in
their company. This is contrary to the awkwardness they feel, when interacting with adults,
whom they perceive as old and stern.
(5)Shrewd market men exploit this behavioral characteristic to promote the sale of products
targeted for them. Thus we find products like motorcycles, dresses, cosmetics and even
lifestyle products being endorsed by peers. They soon become a craze with the teenagers.This
in itself is ample proof of the profound influence of the peers on the teenagers. This influence
will increase, with increasing materialistic values permeating the society. It is because of this,
parents ensure that they have the right peers in school and college, so that they do not remain
distracted in their life.

A. Onthe basis of your understanding of the passage, answer the questions give below:

() There is a perceptible change in the behavior of thechildren. Here'perceptible' means,
(a) Something in a huge amnount (b) scarcely
c) extraordinary (d) noticeable

(i) Cite apoint in evidence, from the text, to suggest that the teenager's minds are impressionable.

(ii) According to the passage, how do the teenager's behave?

(a) They act sincerely
(b) They act irresponsibly
(e) They easily get influenced by their peers and act accordingly.
(d) They remain self-conscious and try to represent accordingly.

(iv)Choose the correct antonym of the word 'permanent' from paragraph 3.

(a) Permeate (b) succumb
(c) emulate ( momentary

(v) Which of the following statements is NOT cORRECT, according to the passage?
(a) Teenagers perceive the adults as old fashioned and irrelevant.
(b) Adults do not easily get influenced by teenagers.
(c) Peer pressure is an effect on an individual who gets encouraged and likes to imitate his age
(d) Allteenagers fall into bad company and start smoking and taking drugs.
(vi) List the two contradictory statements made by the author about the teenagers>
(vii) Why do teenagers feel uncomfortable while talking to adults?
(viii) Parents want to be sure that their teenagers have good peers. Why do they want so?

(ix) 'Birds of afeather flock together, the old adage used in paragraph 1 means:
(a) People feeldepressed in a different environment
(b) People of the same sort willbe found together.
(c) Birds like to flock together.
(d) Young children like to play with birds.

() Which is the apt title for the passage?
(a) The positive and negative aspects of peer pressure. (b) Influential era
c Phases of life (d) ldols of Teenagers


2) Youhave been asked to inform the students of your school about the inter schoolscience project
competitionto be hosted by your school. Draft a notice inviting participation of students for it. You
are Raghav/ Rajni of A.K.M Public School Noida (4)
3) Youare Arun/Aruna Verma, living at 147, Sector 10, Rohini, New Delhi. You are deeply troubled
by the discrimination practiced against the girl child even in urban areas, among well educated,
prosperous families. The discrimination can be seen most blatantly inmatters of food and nutrition,
health care, education,allowances, work at home and freedom. Write a letter to the Editor of a
tional newspaper, strongly condemning such practices. (5)
4) Onthe threshold of being a superpower, India does have a large workforce but unfortunately not
many in this force are employable for want of necessary skills. Write in about 200 words, an article
for a newspaper on the topic 'Skill development is the need of the hour. You are Anita/ Arnav
LITERATURE- 26 marks

5) Read the extract given below and answer the questions that follow: (1x6=6)
Life is what it is about...
If we were not so single-minded
about keeping our lives moving,
and for once could do nothing,
perhapsa huge silence
might interrupt this sadness
of never understanding ourselves
andof threatening ourselves with death
(i) Name the poem and the poet?,
(ii) How can you best complete the sentence'Life is what it is about

(ii) The stanza highlights the problems caused in the world due to:
(a) Growing materialism, greed and power-lust (b) Growing population
(c)lntoxicated quality of air (d)Different races and nationalism


(iv) What isman'single minded about?
(a) Own progress and advancement
(b) Concentrating on one idea
(c) To think only about their own country
(d) None of these

(v)Whom does 'we' refer to in the given stanza?

(vi)What does 'keeping our lives moving' mean?

6) Answer the questions given below in 40-50 words each: (2x5=10)
() "You realize the true value only on losing it"Comment on this statement in the light of
the story,
The Last Lesson'.
(1) State the common issue faced by the aged in the current times, with
reference to the poem My
Mother at Sixty Slx.
(ii) What do we come to know about the author of "Lost Spring, Anees Jung, through her
with Saheb and Mukesh?
(iv) It's easy to judge others and give advice, but much more difficult to apply it to
ourselves.Elaborate with reference to the character of Sam in "The Third Level'
(v) Comment on any one aspect of the writing style of the author, Kalki in The Tiger King.

7) Answer in 150 words:

The Last Lesson reflects the flaws in human character that led to the sad plight of the people in
Alsace.Substantiate your answer with evidence from the text.

8)Answer in 150words: (5)

It would be unkind to say that Charley was a coward. Life is a series of episodes fullof miseries and
pleasantries.Charley didn't like to embrace either. Critically analyze his approach supporting the
incidents from the text

24 MA 2023

SESSION 2023-24

Weightage: 50 marks.
Time Duration: 1.5 Hour
Important Instructions:
Allquestions are compulsory.
The question paper consists of two sections AandB. You are to attempt all the sections.
Q. No 1 to 18 in section Aare multiple choice questions carrying 1 mark each.
QNO. 19 to 27 in section Bare short answer typequestions.
Use your time judiciously.
SECTION-A (1X18=18)
1.Which of the following commands willCreatealist? (1)
( list1=list) (b) list1=)
(c) list1=[1,2,3, a'] (d) All of these
2. The list I1 contains(3,4.5,6,6,0]
What will be the output of the following expression?
(b) 3 (c) 5 (d) 8
3. Consider a declaration
RECORD ='[[12,"Raj"[25," Jamil"("John",59)]' (1)
Which of the following represents the data type of RECORD ?
(a) tuple (b) list Jestr (d) error in statement (1)
4.-Which of the following statements willresult in an error in Python?

(a) print('HELLO:fnd(L)) >2 (b) print('HELLO:index(')) > 2

(c) print(('HE"L=OTindex('L)) >2 sa print([(H"E""LOÁind('L) (1)


5. Which of the following statements willreturn True on execution ?

(a) welcome 2022.isalpha E e uz2022 W meV

5'welcome 2022.i_lower())
0 Cuz pridsd tn covdar Dujats
() 'welcome 2022.isspace)
(a) welcome 2022.isdigit) CT cuI wl cOnny olpra
6.What will be the datatype of Nafter the assignment statement in the following code:

import random
a float 0.00 <-tu oetmal!
(b) int
(c) Tuple () powv!
(d) Error (1)
7.Which of the following operations will throw an error on execution?
A-[10,2o] eB30
tpe (e)
(a) A.append(30) [1o, 20,30
(c) A.append([30) [10,20, [3o|
(a) A.extend([30) 10, 20, 3o] (1)
8.What shall be the output for the execution of the following statement?

(z) ['RAKAD, 'RA]
(b) ['AB, 'RAKAD, AB, 'RA]
»>ABRAKADABRA". pattition (AB)
e "'RAKAD, 'RA] >> ( ,AB, 'RAKA DADRA?)
(d) Error (1)
9.Which of the following options is the correct precedence of the access scopes for
Pythonvariables ?
(a) Builtin >Global > Local Eilt -f
(b) Local >Global > Builtin
6Builtin >Global >Local
(d) Global > Local > Builtin L<E<G<B (1)


10. What shall be the output of the following statements ?


print(S[:2) > T=MARSH MELLOW".4püt ('H)
(a) ['MARS, 'MELLOW]
(c) ('MARS, 'H;'MELLOW")
(d) Error
11. What shall be the output of the
following Python code ?
def CalcA=3,B=2): CORRECJ CODE:
print(A'B,end="#*") Cale (A-3,8-2):
Calc(4) pit (A*B, ma-"H")
(a) 8#2,3 2,3#
(b) 8#2,32,3#
(c) 44#2,3#2,3#
wRONG S 2,32,3#
ia) ErroTNDNIATJDN (1)
12. Which of the following
methods/functions cannot be used with a dictionary ?
(a) popitem) Fene a key-lve pa

(c) keys() Rur o viwoeet

(eh index) ERRDR (1)
13.What shall be the output for the following Python statements ?
N=M.pop) 30.0
print(N"2) 30.020. O
(a) 60 (b) 60.0 f30.030.0 d) Error
14. What shall be the output for the following Python statements ?
(a) (10, 20,'HELLO'] e (10, 20,'H;'E,'L'L O]
(c) (10, 20, ['HELLO'] (d) Error (1)


15. Which of the following options is an unexpected utput of the code given below?
import random N= len(Dice )-1
N= b-)
O.42 3 u 5.
Dice =(1.2,3,4.5,6) Len laice) =6 ’N-1 9-4
N=len(Dice)-1 eepwill
for iin range(2): byuh 2 4-4 wnich meluoles
print(Dice[random.randint(1,N-1),end='#") oMly 1.2,3,4,4 b)
1, 4
(a) 2#2# (b) 5#3#
(c) 5#2# 5#6# my mnbol1)
16. What willbe the output of the following code? Blom 1to4
hey kay, value pan
for ky in D.items() :
D[k]= k+y
D[11= 9410
p21 = 2+ 20 ’ D[2] = 22
for iin D: D[3] =3+ 30
)D[3] =33
print(.D,end='#sep=->) i=1
1->114 2->22# 3-33#
(b) 1->10#2->20#3->30# ON COMBITNING
(c) 1#11->2#22->3#33->
(d) Error
17. What will be the output of the following code?
L= [10,20,30]
def Convert(X):
global G
for iin range(N):
X[i] += G
for i in L:
(a) 10#20#30#4
(b) 12#22#32#4
(c) 10#20#30#2
(d) Error


18. What willbe the output of the folowing code? (1)
def Change(L):
N=len(L)/I2 N 47 =?0
for i in range(N): wni= 0, L[o),t[2] L[21, L[o]
L),L[N+i]- L[N+i],L[]
A-ti0.20.30,40I 2 TNDENATI DN
for i in A:
A-|30, M0, 40, 20] WRONG
(a) 10#20#30#40# STEP2: 'cr! mip le
(b) 40#30#20#10# TRICK!:
(c) 30#40#10#20#
(d) Error
Reeorls /ROw
19. Write a program to check the number of 'h' present in a string. (2)
20. (a)What is the NULL value in MySql? (1)
(b) Differentiate between degree and cardinality of arelation (1)
(c)What is the use of GroupBy command? (1)
(d) Which keyword eliminates redundant data from a query result? (1)
(e) Differentiate between Char and Varchar data type with the help of an example. (2)
21. Differentiate between local and global variables. (2)
22. Write a program in Python to show bubble sorting oF a user defined list. (3)

23. Write a program to reversea string using functions. (3)

24. Explain different types of arguments in functions using suitable examples (4)
25. Write a python program using functions to print all even numbers from a list. (3)
26. Differentiate between Actual and Formal parameters (2)


27. Write the output for SQL queries (a) to (c), and commands for (d) to (g)
are based on the table watch given below (7)

type qty_store
Watchid watch_name price
10000 unisex 100
W001 hightime

WO02 lifetime 15000 ladies 150

WO03 wave 20000 gents 200

7000 unisex 250

WO04 highfashion
WO05 goldentime 25000 gents 100

Sale quarter
watchid qty_sold
w001 10
wO03 5 1

W002 20 2
w003 10 2

W001 15 3

WO02 20 3
w005 10 4

wO03 15 4

(a) Select max(price), minlgty_store) from watches;

(b) Select quarter, sum(qty_sold) from sale group by quarter;

(c) Select watch_name, qty_store, sum(qty_sold), qty_storesum(gty_sold) "Stock"

from watches w, saleswhere w. watched=swatches group by s. watched;

(d) To display all the details of those watches whose name ends with Time'

(e) To display watch's name and price of those watches which have price range

in between 5000-15000.

() To display total quantity in store of Unisex type watches

(g)To display watch names and their quantity sold in the first quarter.


SESSION: 2023-24

Weightage: 50 marks.
Time Duration: 1/2 hrs
General Instructions:
1. The question paper consists of 24 questions and all are compulsory.
2. There are Four sections in the Question paper namely Section A, B, C and D.
3. Section A:Question numbers 01 to 11 are multiple choice questions of 1
4. Section B: Question numbers 12 to17 carrying 02 marks each and should not exceed 40-60 words each.
5. Section C: Question numbers 18 to 21 carrying 03 marks each and should not exceed 80-100 words
6. Section D: Question numbers 22 to 24 carrying 05 marks each and should not exceed
150-200 words each.
1. In asingle knockout fixture for 18 teams the number of byes to be given. (1)
(a) 16 (3) 14
(c) 12 (d) 10
2. What is the CobraPose called in Sanskrit?
(a) Bhujangasana (b) Mayurasana
(c) Vajrasana (d) None of these
3. Weakening of bones due to loss of bone density and improper bone formation is: (1)
(a) Amenorrhea (b) Anorexia Nervosa
()Osteoporosis (d) Lordosis
4. Ardha-matsyendrasana and Paschimottanasana help in curing: (1)
(a) Diabetes (b) Asthma
(c) Back pain (d) All of these
5. The basic function of Management is? (1)
(a) Controlling (b) Budgeting
(c) Planning (d) Organising
6. What percentage of the person's (normal) weight is more, then he willbe called obese? (1)
(a) 15% (b) 20%
(c) 25% (d) 30%
7. Which one of the following asanas is not done for obesity? (1)
(a) Vajrasana (b) Trikonasana
(c) Ardha Matsyendrasana (d) Pawanmuktasana
8. How many matches willbe played in the knockout tournaments first round if there are
15 teams?
(a) 8 (b) 7
(c) 5 (d)6
9. The reason for the increase in bloodpressure is (1)
(a) Anxiety and mental stress (b) Walking more
(c) Fasting (d) Laziness
10. National SportsDay is Celebrated on? (1)
(a) 20th August (b) 29th August
(c) 28th August (d) 27th August
11.Match the following: (1)
I. Garudasana 1. Round shoulder
Il. Gomukhasana 2. Lordosis
IIM.Chakrasana 3. Bow legs
IV. Naukasana 4. Knock knees
(a) |-3,||-4,||1-1,|V-2 (b) |-1,|-3,l-4,IV-2
(c) -4,|1-2,|||-1,IV-3 (d) I-2,l1-3,||-4,IV-1
12. Write down the merits and demerits of the league
tournament. (2)
13. Write any two signif1cance of the Extramural Tournament.
14. Write any two benefits of women participation in sports.
Kuoch hee (2)
15. List downvarious types of knee deformities. Explain any one.
16. Why controlling function isimportant in sportsevent management.
17. Briefly explain Menstrual Dysfunction.
18. What is the meaning of the female athletes Triad? Explain any two in brief.
19. Define bye. Explain the rules of giving bye with help of an example.
20. What are lifestyle related disease; What are important role of asana to
prevent the
lifestyle related diseases?
21. What is the tournament? Explain two types of
tournaments. (3)
22. What is Menstrual dysfunction? Describe different types of
menstrual disorders. (5)
23. Define diabetes. Explain any two asanas which help to
control diabetes. (5)
24. What do you mean by Postural deformities? Explain in detail the
Spinal curvature

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