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The symptoms of STIs can vary widely depending on the specific infection, and some STIs may

not cause any symptoms at all. Here are common symptoms associated with each of the
mentioned STIs:

1. **Chlamydia**:
- Often asymptomatic.
- When present, symptoms can include abnormal genital discharge, burning sensation during
urination, and pain during sex.
- In women: lower abdominal pain, bleeding between periods.
- In men: testicular pain and swelling.

2. **Gonorrhea**:
- Often asymptomatic, especially in women.
- Symptoms may include painful urination, increased genital discharge, and pain during
- In women: vaginal bleeding between periods, pelvic pain.
- In men: pus-like discharge from the penis, testicular pain.

3. **Syphilis**:
- Primary stage: painless sores (chancres) at the site of infection.
- Secondary stage: skin rashes, mucous membrane lesions, fever, swollen lymph nodes, sore
- Latent stage: no symptoms.
- Tertiary stage: severe medical problems affecting the heart, brain, and other organs.

4. **HIV**:
- Acute infection: flu-like symptoms (fever, sore throat, swollen lymph nodes, rash).
- Chronic stage: asymptomatic or mild symptoms.
- Advanced stage (AIDS): severe weight loss, chronic diarrhea, night sweats, prolonged fever,
opportunistic infections.
5. **Human Papillomavirus (HPV)**:
- Often asymptomatic.
- Some strains cause genital warts (small bumps on the genitals, anus, or mouth).
- High-risk strains can lead to cancers (cervical, anal, penile, throat).

6. **Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV)**:

- Often asymptomatic.
- Symptoms can include painful blisters or sores on the genitals, anus, or mouth, itching, and
- First outbreak may be severe with flu-like symptoms.

7. **Trichomoniasis**:
- Often asymptomatic, especially in men.
- Symptoms may include itching or irritation inside the penis, burning after urination or
- In women: vaginal discharge (often frothy and yellow-green with a strong odor), genital
itching, discomfort during intercourse, and burning sensation during urination.

If you suspect you have an STI, it is important to see a healthcare provider for testing and
appropriate treatment. Early diagnosis and treatment are crucial to managing symptoms and
preventing complications or transmission to others.

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