Family Medicine II Final Notes

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1) Young men for 10 days nack pain and sever stiffness, X-ray : lumbar spine scoliosis


2) Rheumatic arthritis criteria : morning stiffness for 60 min
3) Tx of RA : methotrexate
4) Osteoarthritis : DIP
5) Tx of OA :
6) Tx of Fibromyalgia : low impact exercises
7) Dx of Fibromyalgia : chronic pain for 3 month.. women.. 11/18 tender points
8) Tx of TB : Isoniazid , Rifampin, Ethambutol, Pyrazinamide .
9) TB cant be transmitted : extrapulmonary TB
10) TB ppd test :
11) HIV pts should be vaccinated with BCG vaccine ? NO, because they are immunocompromised
12) Tx for pts who has non tender lesions around his anal surface (syphilis) Painless non tender
lesions ? penicillin
13) Young pts , pain is mostly in evening , no relations to menstrual cycle, no nausea no vomiting
, no sensation to sound , pain for 5 month ? DX: tension headache Tx: NSAIDS and control
14) Tx of Cluster headache with acute attack : 100% o2 with nasal canula
15) Red flags for headache : age > 50
16) Prophylaxis for pts who has unilateral headache with visual Dx: migrane beta blocker
17) What don’t you will not meat in cluster headache : no visual aura in cluster headache
18) Old pts with headache, pain with chewing jaw in right side (pain and stiffness) : joint cell
19) 45 years old men, headache for 2 hours , erythema on face and rhinorrhea : cluster headache
20) Maneuver for cervical radiculopathy ? spurling test
21) Old pts complains hip and buttock pain in both side, more severe during walking, relieve
when the pts has dorsal flexion ( sitting ) ? spinal stenosis
22) Young pts, afebrile with back pain , heavy lifting, positive SLR Test ? acute back pain Tx: Pain
killer test : lasik test
23) 53 year old women was struck from behind , neck pain . mechanism of cervical pain ?
whiplash syndrome = hyperextension of neck
24) Young men complains neck pain and stiffness , radiate to the groin , no trauma history, he
was treated for 3 years ago, he has sacrolitits , Rf negative. Dx ? ankylosing spondylitis Dx
test : HLA-B27
25) Which disease is most frequently in age >50 ? lower back pain
26) RA- criteria
27) 35 year old women , who has left knee pain associated with effusion, no Trauma . which
management is not first line Tx ? NO MRI
28) Monoarthritis in young pts ? STI (neisseria gonorrhoeae)
29) NSAIDS and COX-INH are not modified medications (methotrexate yes )
30) If pts has any trauma before  Damage will be easily
31) Old pts has Gout ? Dx : Aspiration of swollen Toe
32) Sings of knee injury ? locking sign
33) X-ray of knee pain >? If you hear any sound – NO X-ray
34) Women with red rash in checks … SLE ? TEST ? Anti-sm-AB
35) Which sign or sx are spec for otitis media ? immobility (tympanometry )
36) meniscus damage test ? mcmurray test
37) ACL-tear test ? lachman test
38) Red flags for neck pain, except ? muscle strengthening
39) Red flags for back pain ? Age>50, wight loss, medical Hx of Cancer
40) Spinal stenosis ( improve with sitting..)
41) Red flags for headache ? unilateral doesn’t cluster headache (not red flag)
42) Pts has .. , frontal headache , nasal congestion 10 days ago ? sinusitis headache
43) Young pts ,DM typ 2 , complains severe ear pain on external, tender ear and targus , pain on
back of ear ? mastoiditis (Red flag )
44) Indication for Neuroimaging except ?
45) Which group has frequent angle close glaucoma ? African American and Asian ( Anatomy of
46) cervical radiculopathy ? C….
47) BACK pain in ? L4-L5
48) 60 pts , takes hydrochlorothiazide (HTN) , swollen toe joint and erythema ? Gout
49) Which viral UR Infection , related to asthma diathesis ? RSV
50) Fibromyalgia DX ? diagnosis of exclusion
51) Which ….. ARE mostly for seasonal allergic triggers ?
52) Young pts has .. lesions for several weeks , new swelling in groins ? syphilis
53) Joint frequently spread in OA ? DIP and wrist
54) synovial joint fluid WBC less 1000 ? ASPETIC
55) young pts with dysuria, several sexual partner , purulent discharge, gram neg diplococcic,
Tx : azithromycin and ceftriaxone
56) pts has exercise induced asthma ? Tx > inhalation beta
57) old women with SEVERE headache, high ESR, pain on joint ? Polymyalgia rheumatica Tx:
corticosteroids 1mg
58) Tx of lymphnode TB ? 6 months of rifampicin and isoniazid plus pyrazinamide for the first 2
59) For all red flags od headache symptoms ? DO MRI

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