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1st 2nd 3rd 4th sum

Vowel A E - I

e.g.) am- (love) ten- (hold) veh- (convey) dorm- (sleep)

Infinitive am-Are ten-Ere veh-ere dorm-Ire esse

Present am-o ten-Eo veh-o dorm-Io sum

am-As ten-Es veh-is dorm-Is es
am-At ten-Et veh-it dorm-It est
am-Amus ten-Emus veh-imus dorm-Imus sumus
am-Atis ten-Etis veh-itis dorm-Itis estis
am-Ant ten-Ent veh-unt dorm-Iunt sunt
**-int => -unt

INFINITIVE: unlimited in person and number: -re: to ~

am-A-re to love
ten-E-re to hold
veh-e-re to convey
dorm-I-re to sleep

**the following verbs naturally go with an infinitive

love/like I like to swim natare amo.

be afraid/fear She is afraid to swim. natare timet.

order I order Marcus to swim. Marcum natare iubeo.

** in a dictionary/vocab list, verbs are listed in the following order:

1st conjugation -o, -are amo, amare, amavi, amatum

2nd conjugation -eo, -ere video, videre, vidi, visum

3rd conjugation -o, -ere traho, trahere, traxi, tractum

4th conjugation -io, -ire audio, audire, audivi, auditum


ad towards a/ab from, away from

contra against e/ex out of
circum around cum with (~함께)
per through/along de about/down from
in into/onto in in/on

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