Royal Hotel Case

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3. Provide two examples, from your personal experience, 5. Describe first-, second-, and third-order organizational
of information systems that generate positive and neg- change induced by the adoption of new IT. Provide
ative unintended results. an example, real or imagined, for each of these three
4. Define the concept of systemic effects. Explain why it levels of change.
is important for you as a general or functional manager
to be aware of this concept.

1. Glass, Robert L. Software Runaways: Monumental Change.” Information Systems Management Journal
Software Disasters. Prentice Hall, 1997. 16(3), pp. 63–70.
2. Hofstede, G, Hofstede, GJ and Minkov, M. Cultures 4. Zuboff, S. In the Age of the Smart Machine: The
and Organizations: Software of the Mind. Revised and Future of Work and Power. New York: Basic Books,
expanded. New York: McGraw-Hill, 2010. 1988.
3. O’Hara, Margaret T., Watson, Richard T., and Kavan,
C. Bruce. (1999). “Managing the Three Levels of

■ Efficiency: Efficiency is defined as the ability to ■ Information system: Formal, sociotechnical, organi-
limit waste and maximize the ratio of the output zational system designed to collect, process, store, and
produced to the inputs consumed. In other words, distribute information.
a firm is more efficient when it produces more ■ Information technology: Hardware, software, and
with the same amount of resources, produces the telecommunication equipment.
same with less resources, or produces more with less ■ IT infrastructure: The infrastructure is the set of
resources. shared IT resources and services of the firm, and it
■ Effectiveness: The ability to achieve stated goals or forms a firm’s technological backbone that constrains
objectives. Typically a more effective firm is one that and enables opportunities for future information sys-
makes better decisions and is able to carry them out tems implementations.
successfully. ■ Organizational structure: The organizational design,
■ External environment: The world outside the firm that reporting, and relationships within the information sys-
creates influences such as regulation, the competitive tem.
landscape, and general business and social trends (e.g., ■ Process: The series of steps necessary to complete an
outsourcing, customer self-service). organizational activity.
■ Firm culture: The collection of beliefs, expectations, ■ Systemic effects: The notion that the different compo-
and values shared by the members of an organization. nents of a system are interdependent and that change
■ Firm strategy: The manner in which the organization in one component affects all other components of the
intends to achieve its objectives. system.


INTRODUCTION was thrilled. FC was a highly regarded local IT consulting

firm serving the needs of clients ranging from independent
In early May 2006, after his first year in the master’s midsized hotels to large multinational grocery chains.
program at the Very Famous University (VFU), Blake While small and nimble, FC afforded the opportunity
Cantera landed a summer internship with Fancy Consul- to work with large clients on cutting-edge projects. It also
tants & Company (FC). Upon receiving FC’s call, Blake offered significant potential for personal growth and, with
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its flat organizational structure, FC prided itself on pick- the bathroom when the guest checks in, particularly
ing independent and self-reliant young consultants who’d if she is a returning guest. And that’s not as bad as
work immediately on projects rather than toil in the “ana- a stain on the carpet or a clogged toilet. I had one
lysts limbo” for years. This was the most appealing aspect of my best customers call down to report a clogged
of FC for Blake, who knew that he would be able to do toilet last week; can you imagine? Unacceptable! I
some real work over the summer. need you to make sure this never happens again.
After a brief introduction to FC systems and culture
and a two-week orientation discussing the FC approach As he sat listening to the GM, Blake briefly ques-
to consulting, Blake was assigned to his first account. tioned the wisdom of taking on so much responsibility so
As expected, this was a relatively small account. On the quickly; he had not even finished his master’s! But this
bright side, Blake was sent alone to manage the whole was a brief moment of doubt, and he remembered one of
project, from start to finish. He was thrilled; July had not his father’s famous sayings: “Did you want the bicycle?
even started and he was already doing some real work! Now you have to pedal!” Blake silently chuckled to him-
self and tuned back into the GM’s tirades with a confident
THE ROYAL HOTEL smile. He already had the answer to the problem.

The Royal Hotel in New York City was a luxury all- THE SOLUTION
suite hotel primarily serving an executive clientele visiting
Manhattan on business. Typically, these business guests After examining the property and interviewing a number
stayed for three to six days, during which time they used of people, including the directors of housekeeping, main-
their suite as a temporary office. Thus, Royal Hotel’s man- tenance, and IT, Blake recommended that the Royal Hotel
agement had positioned the property to cater to the many purchase and install M-Tech’s Espresso! Rapid Response
needs of this busy and demanding audience. Amenities Solution (see Case Appendix for a description of the
included in-suite plain paper fax, printer, and copier; three product). In his presentation to the executive team, high-
two-line telephones with voice mail and remote message lighting the main advantages of the proposed information
alert; high-speed Internet access; and plasma TVs and system, he mentioned the following:
entertainment centers in each of the 482 guest suites. The ■ Rapid response: The Espresso! application enabled the
Royal Hotel also provided three restaurants and a coffee use of a phone interface, allowing housekeepers to
shop on the premises, a 24-hour business center, a fitness report problems with the room (e.g., light bulb out) as
center, suite dining, laundry service, complimentary shoe soon as the problem was identified rather than having
shine, and dedicated high-speed elevators. While business to wait until the housekeeper ended the shift and ver-
fluctuated in relation to the economic cycle, the Royal bally communicated the problem to the maintenance
welcomed over 150 thousand guest per year bringing in department.
total revenues of upward of $30M.
■ Quality control: Since the new information system
This made for a fairly complex operation that needed
allowed immediate reporting of problems, it reduced
to run smoothly and consistently. Given the high percent-
the chance of “slippage through the cracks” occur-
age of repeat guests it was important that guest rooms be
ring when housekeepers at the end of the shift forgot
spotless and consistently in working order.
to communicate the problem. It also eliminated the
risk that maintenance would forget or claim it did not
receive the request.
As he arrived at the property for a one-week assignment, ■ Preventive maintenance: The maintenance department
all expenses paid, Blake thought to himself with a smile, would be able to identify recurrent problems and stop
“I can get used to this. . .” But, with just enough time to them before they occurred again.
take a shower, he had to get ready for a dinner meeting ■ Reporting: Management would be able to extract a
with the general manager (GM). number of extremely valuable reports from the sys-
The Royal Hotel’s GM was a no-nonsense, old-school tem (see Case Appendix for details). This would allow
hotelier with a distinctive German accent. He quickly managers to reward best performers and motivate
zeroed in on the task, in response to Blake’s comment employees.
about the “very good” quality of service provided by the
Royal Hotel: Upon receiving the go-ahead from the executive team,
Blake negotiated with the vendor for the application license,
Our level of service is unacceptable! We are very configuration and start-up costs, ongoing maintenance and
good by most hotels’ standard, but we are not “most support, and a week of onsite training. But as he was
hotels.” Our guests are extremely discerning; it is preparing for the upcoming roll-out and implementation,
completely unacceptable to have a light bulb out in he was called to a new account. This unexpected call was

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CASE STUDY (continued)

bittersweet. Yes, he would not be able to see his very first you on a flight back to NYC; you should have con-
project through, but the partner at FC must have noticed firmation in your inbox.
his performance since he was being reassigned to a project
with a regional credit union in Cortland, New York. Not Blake realized that this was not the time to voice his
quite New York City, but the project was larger and more own doubts about Jack. Rather, he simply took ownership
high profile. This was a good move for a summer intern! of solving the problem and began modifying his plans on the
As Blake handed the Royal Hotel project to his fly. Out were the pre-class barbeques and trading summer
replacement and classmate at VFU, Jack Scarso, he was internship stories with classmates. Two weeks was proba-
a bit nervous. Having been on a couple of teams with bly just enough to attempt to straighten out the mess made
Jack back at school, Blake did not hold him in the high- by Jack. Blake’s attempts to get in touch with Jack were
est esteem. Yet, telling himself that Jack deserved a fair futile. Jack’s internship had ended and he was backpacking
shake, Blake turned over all the paperwork and his draft through the woods of Utah to, as he put it, relieve stress and
information system design, adding a word of caution: recharge his batteries before school started again.
Upon returning to the Royal Hotel, Blake found that
Jack, the GM is very impatient about this project. the machine running Espresso! was sitting in a corner col-
Make sure you don’t let his anxiety for an oper- lecting dust. It looked like it was abandoned soon after
ational system rush you into a half-baked design. roll-out, a suspicion confirmed by the director of IT, who
This is a complex operation, there is a heck-of-a-lot mentioned that the installation and training session had
going on here. Good luck! been smooth sailing. Employees had been very eager to
learn about the system but seemed to lose that interest
rapidly afterward.
SIC TRANSIT GLORIA MUNDI9 The director of housekeeping and the director of main-
tenance did not have much to add, simply noting that
A month and a half had gone by since Blake left the employees found the old manual system to work much
Royal Hotel. While he heard from Jack a couple of times better for their needs. The GM, on the other hand, had
regarding minor questions, he assumed everything had much to say, his German accent more pronounced than
gone well. He felt good about the quality of the mate- ever. The words were still ringing in Blake’s ears as he
rial he had left with Jack, as well as the quality of the left the meeting: “I invested a lot of money in this soft-
Espresso! application and the contract he had negotiated. ware. You better deliver all the results you promised in
He had missed staying at the Royal Hotel, having your presentation.”
traded down to a Ramada Inn across the street from the As Blake prepared to troubleshoot this failed informa-
bank headquarters. But he felt good about the project as tion system and to devise a solution to make it work, he
he wrapped up the documentation. A full-time offer was remembered the words of his information systems profes-
a sure bet! sor at VFU: “Focus on the information system design, not
“Here it comes,” Blake smiled as he recognized the the technology investment!” “Therein lay the solution,”
cell phone ring tone associated with his boss’s personal Blake thought with a tinge of hope.
cell phone. As he picked up, Blake quickly realized he was
in for a surprise. Blake’s boss sounded quite unhappy as

What happened at the Royal Hotel? I just got a 1. Despite having relatively little specific information
call from the GM over there. He said that they about why the system failed, what do you think are
did what you and Jack proposed and they wasted a the main reasons for such failure?
bunch of money on a system nobody is using! I had 2. How could you fix these problems?
my doubts about Jack, but I thought you’d have no 3. Reflecting on this experience, what do you think where
problem with this project. You don’t start school for the main mistakes, if any, that Blake made in handling
another two weeks, right? My assistant just booked the engagement?

9A phrase meaning “thus passes away the glory of the world ” used to remind us that nothing is permanent and that we must stay
humble. As Blake found out, so fleeting can be the fortunes of a summer internship.
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