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Fill in the blanks

1. If the students’ own language uses a different wiring system to English, the first
task will be to master English ____handwriting_______.
2. When students’ mother tongue is not English, ___mechanical____ writing
activities are used.
3. Writing isn’t just about__accuracy______. It is also having a message and
communicating it successfully to other people.
4. Mechanical writing activities are used when students’s__mother tongue______ is
different from English.
5. In mechanical writing, the students are not required to think or use
their__imagination_____ in any ways.
6. In mechanical writing, students can__copy___the sentence even if they do not
know what it means.
7. If writing tasks lack __authenticity__________, they do not motivate students.
8. Dictation as a writing exercise is an__intensive_____ activity, which makes
students pay attention to spelling.
9. In teaching writing, the _accuracy_____of the final product is stressed and the
process is ignored.
10. Correcting written work is very __time-consuming___ for teachers and is often
seen to have very little effect on student’s progress.
II. True/False:
1. In pre-listening, we only focus on main idea, but major details. T
2. The sub-skills of writing that we teach will vary a lot, depending on the motivation
the needs of our learners. F motivation -> age
3. When we teach writing, we need to focus on both accuracy and on building up and
communicating a message. T
4. Short writing tasks are usually controlled writing activities and done a
grammatical structure has been taught of writing sentences following aural
practice. F aural -> oral
5. It is not good to correct words immediately in class. F
6. All of the skills are equally important to students. F -> writing is the least
important skill.
7. The main importance of writing in the classroom is to help students to
communicate. F communication -> learn
8. Knowing the name of the letter is not really useful in teaching individual letters. F
9. In EFL classroom, writing as a means to consolidate language recently studied. T
10. There is one way to guide students' writing. F (2 ways in text book)

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