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Interviewer: could you tell us what tourist need to know when visiting your region?

Interviewee: There are many things tourists need to know about this region. Firstly, the heat is so strong
that it could be life threatening. However, it isn’t clear in the early morning because of the chill in the
air. Secondly, they must be told about the rapid change of the temperature, which is very misleading.
Furthermore, it is a remote area and as there is no shade to protect you from the strong heat of the sun
it is not advisable to travel on foot. Lastly, Clean fresh water is not easy to find although there are a few
wells in the farms, the water is hot and green, which is dangerous to drink.

Interviewer: could you tell our readers what effects extreme thirst can have on people and how this
should be managed?

Interviewee: It can affect you both physically and mentally. For example, dehydration could cause
breathing difficulties and lack of energy so that you can’t speak. regarding mental effects of extreme
thirst, it is very common to daydream about water. Tourists usually want to quench their thirst as soon
as they get their hands on water, which is very dangerous because if you cool down too fast you might
pass out. The gradual reduction in temperature is possible by sucking a piece of ice and taking rest
indoors as the temperature is much lower than outdoors.

Interviewer: what do you think could be done locally to make the region safer?

Interviewee: well, in my opinion the first thing to do is to inform tourists about the dangers of extreme
heat in this area so that they can protect themselves. For example, they could be told about the low
water quality and the importance of carrying clean water. Although rental cars are available, not many
tourists are aware of it. Additionally, providing public transport such as buses and taxies would be very
beneficial. Last but not least, planting trees on each side of the road would be a great idea because
many tourists that turn up at my place suffer from walking in the sun while walking.

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