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NAME: Abrenica, Mark Christian B.

Assignment #1
SECTION: K-2 July , 2022



100 V

0.2 H

1) For the R-L circuit given, obtain the following:

a) instantaneous equation of the current
b) graph of the circuit current with respect to time (provide a tabulated data for the current with respect to time)
c) current in the circuit
c.1) 15 ms after closing the switch
c.2) after 2TC
d) voltage across the resistor at t = 1TC
e) voltage across the inductor after
e.1) 1 TC
e.2) 15 ms
e.3) verify that the voltage across the inductor plus the voltage across the resistor at 15 ms equals to the total voltage
f) energy consumed by the resistor from t = 0 to 20 ms
g) energy stored in the inductor at t = 20 ms
h) voltage across the inductor at t = infinity
i) voltage across the resistor at t = infinity

a) =



c.1) 15 ms after closing the switch

; t=15 ms

c.2) after 2TC

t = 2TC = (2) =0.04
; t=0.04

; t= 1 TC = =
e.1) 1 TC
; t = 1TC = =

e.2) 15 ms
; t =15 ms

e.3) verify that the voltage across the inductor plus the voltage across the resistor at 15 ms
equals to the total voltage

; t=15 ms

; =100 V
47.24 V+ 52.76 V = 100 V
100 V = 100 V 

f) energy consumed by the resistor from t = 0 to 20 ms

E= =
E= (10)
E = 3.36 watt-sec = 3.36 J

g) energy stored in the inductor at t = 20 ms

W= ; t = 20 ms

h) voltage across the inductor at t = infinity

i) voltage across the resistor at t = infinity

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