Lesson26 Draft 2

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CLASS: 1 Nb (Mixed Abilities) SUBJECT: TIME: 10:00-11:00

English DAY: Monday DATE: : 24/6/2024


LESSON: Reading Textbook Based Lesson / Non-Textbook Based Lesson


THEME: Health and Environment

TOPIC: Healthy Eating and the Digestive System
Main Skill: Reading
Main Skill
3.1 Understand a variety of text by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning
Main Skill: Reading
3.1 Understand a variety of text by using a range of appropriate reading strategies to construct meaning
Skill ..

Main Skill: Reading

Main Skill
LEARNING 3.1.2 Understand specific details and information in simple longer texts

Complementary Main Skill: Reading

Skill 3.1.4 Use with some support familiar print and digital resources to check meaning
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
 explain the concept of a balanced plate and the importance of various food categories
(carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits, grains) in maintaining a healthy diet.
 understand the six stages of the human digestive system and be able to describe what happens at
each stage from food entry to waste excretion.
 read and interpret nutritional information, comparing it to the body's fuel needs, and articulate the
relationship between food intake and energy production.

By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:

 accurately explain what a balanced diet is using the balanced plate diagram and identify the major
food categories and their roles in maintaining health during class discussion and activities.
 correctly arrange the jumbled sections of the digestive process in order and explain each stage
SUCCESS CRITERIA: during the group activity, demonstrating an understanding of the sequential process and its
 successfully answer multiple-choice questions related to the nutritional content and its importance
after reading paragraphs 1 & 2 of "Fuelling the Body” and complete the picture puzzle of the human
digestive system, showcasing their ability to connect nutritional information to the digestive process.
MATERIALS @ REFERENCES: PPT with inserted images and diagrams, Reading materials, Picture puzzles
THINKING Circle Map Flow Map Tree Map Multi-Flow Map
PROCESS: Double Bubble Map Bridge Map Brace Map Bubble Map
Round Table 3 stray and 1 stay
Think, Pair, Share Presentation
TEACHING & LEARNING Hot seat Role Play

Gallery Walk Others:

1. Ask students "Does anyone know what a 'Human Dustbin' is?” and encourage students to share their
views and opinions.

2. Provide students a picture with the food portion (balanced plate) on PPT.
3. Teacher responds to their views, then explain the concept using the balanced plate diagram.
4. Teacher explains why it is essential to keep their bodies healthy and how it connects to the digestive

Lesson Pre- Reading

Development 1. Show the picture of the human digestive system on the PPT and provide 6 short sections of the process of
2. Explain the process of digestion using the diagram and sentence strips with the six stages of digestion.
3. Show 2 pictures on PPT: one picture of fuel (such as gasoline for a car) and another picture of food categories
(carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits, grains). Explain that just as fuel is essential for a car to run, different
food categories are essential for our bodies to function properly.
4. The teacher uses descriptions from "Fuelling the Body" to explain these pictures and highlight important
factors using phrase cards. Teach the connection between food as fuel for the body and the importance of
various food categories in maintaining health. For example, point out that carbohydrates provide energy, proteins
help with growth and repair, and vegetables and fruits supply essential vitamins and minerals. Use the phrase
cards to emphasize key points from the descriptions, such as "Energy," "Growth," "Repair," and "Vitamins."
While- Reading
1. Divide the students into groups of 3-4
2.Provide each group with the six jumbled sections of "The Human Digestive System” and a piece of paper
marked with serial numbers 1-6.
3. Conduct a race and ask students to read the content, rearrange the sections in the correct order, and paste
them onto the piece of paper.
4. The teacher show the answers on PPT and gives a reward to the first group to complete and get the answer
Post- Reading
1.Divide students into pairs. Give each pair paragraphs 1 & 2 of "Fuelling the Body" to read silently.
2.On the PPT, present questions 1-4 with multiple-choice answers.
3.Teacher reads the questions aloud, and have pairs discuss and raise their hands to answer.
4. Give a discussion of the answers after the students answer the questions. Explain why each answer is correct
or incorrect and relate it back to the key points discussed in the lesson.

1. Divide students into 5 groups. Provide each group with a picture puzzle of the human digestive

system to complete. (The teacher provided the students with a description of the organ on four
pieces of paper. The students wrote the name of the organ on the back of the paper. Correct
answers can be redeemed from the teacher for the corresponding organ pictures. Students were
asked to paste their pictures on large pieces of paper from top to bottom in the order food moves
Post-Lesson in and out of the body.)
(Closure) 2. Review the key concepts learned about healthy eating and the digestive system. (Ask students

“Can anyone tell me the five main food categories we discussed?” The five main food categories
are carbohydrates, protein, vegetables, fruits, and grains. Each category plays a vital role in
keeping our bodies healthy)
3. Maintain a healthy diet and taking care of one’s body by discussing the long-term benefits of
healthy eating habits, such as increased energy, better concentration, and overall well-being.

School Project Quiz Task Written Exercise

Observation Oral Worksheet

NOTES Lesson is postponed due to Outdoor Activity Public Holiday

Meeting Course Sick Leave
School Programme Cuti Rehat Khas (CRK)

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