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Fo! rier Series c 4.1 INTRODUCTION . ‘The development of Fourier analysis has a long history that involved several individuals and the investigation of several different physical phenomena. The concept of using trigonometric sums, i.e, sums of harmonically related sines and cosines or periodic complex exponentials to describe the periodic phenomena goes back to the Babylonians, who used these ideas to predict astronomical events. The modern history of the subject begins with L. Euler in 1748, who examined the motion of a vibrating string. Later on other mathematicians made several analysis on continuous-time signals. In this chapter, frequency analysis tools for continuous-time periodic signals are presented. The square, rectangular, triangular, sinusoidal and complex exponential signals are some of the periodic signals which are encountered in practice. ‘The basic mathematical representation of periodic signals is the Fourier series, which is a linear weighted sum of harmonically related sinusoidals or complex exponentials. Jean Baptiste Joseph Fourier (1768-1830), a French used such trigonometric series expansions to describe the phenomenon of heat conduction and temperature distribution through bodies, His works find applications in a variety of problems involving various fields like electromagnetics, optics, etc. 4.2 FOURIER SERIES—DIRICHLET’S CONDITIONS 4.2.1 Fourier Series ‘A function x(1) can be represented within the interval (fj, t3) by a complete set (or closed set) of orthogonal functions. This representation is called generalized Fourier series representation of a signal. 112 + Signals and Systems 4.2.2 Dirichlet’s Conditons a ‘The convergence of the Fourier series of a function ¥(¢) is given by the Dirt Ondition, ‘These conditions are sufficient conditions (but not necessary) to be satisfied, by a function x(t) for its Fourier series representation within the interval (f,,f). '-— 1 / = ichlet’s conditions are given as follows: | a Ss, 1. The function x(2) is a single-valued function of the variable tin the interval (t,, h), 2. The function x(¢) has a finite number of discontinuities. in the interval (t), 2) and each of these discontinuities is finite. 3. The function (1) has a finite number of maxima and minima in the interval (t,, 4) 4, The function x(¢) is absolutely integrable over any period, ie. a Jt < 4 These are the sufficient conditions for the existence of the Fourier series of a function x(t), Explanation of Dirichlet’s conditions: The function x(1) is a single-valued function, i.e. the function x(t) must have a single value at any instant of time. For example, consider Figure 4.1(a) which is not single-valued, because it has two values at time fo, Figure 4.1(b) represents a single-valued function as it has only one value at time fh, x(t) x(t) 7 @ (b) Figure 4.1 (a) Double-valued and (b) single-valued functions at to. © The function x(¢) has a finite number of discontinuities, Consider Figure 4.2(a). It has no finite number of discontinuities and it is not possible (0 find the value of the function x(t) at such a number of a discontinuities. Hence, it cannot be represented by a Fourier Series. The function shown in Figure 4.2(b) has a finite number of discontinuities and the value of x() at the discontinuity can be calculated by using the formula fa agen Aa) Fourier Series + 113 o oT i ‘ Fi (b) 42° Funct a , Figure 4.2 Function having (a) no finite number of discontinuities (b) finite number of discontinuities. (a) ¢ The function x(#) has a finite number of minima and maxima. ; ‘The function shown in Figure 4.3(a) has no fixed number of minima and maxima. So, it cannot be represented by Fourier series. Whereas, the funciton shown in Figure 4.3(b) has one minimum and one maximum (finite number of minima and maxima). So, it can be represented by a Fourier series. x0) +A 0 — t “A @ i ) Figure 43 Function having (a) no fixed number of minima and maxima (b) fixed number of minima and maxima, ‘© The function x(¢) is absolutely integrable in the interval (1, th). ‘The function shown in Figure 4.4(a) is not absolutely integrable within the interval (ty) considered. Hence, it cannot be represented by a Fourier series. But the function shown in Figure 4.4(b) is absolutely integrable over (0, 7), ie. i, T- fbiivh: tise Baisone CIA Se O and hence can be represented by a Fourier series. a(t) a(t) a t ° T t (a) (b) Figure 44 (a) Absolutely not integrable and (b) absolutely integrable function: oe i FOURIER SERIES 114 + Sinats ond SY 1 TRIGONOMETRIC (INUSOIDA Se soca, he. in gays and cox navy, n ‘8 ally rated sine and cosine (eT A (tp + Te where T= Ini, A set of rns a complete OThOgONs! 8 rier series comprising the following sin, 1, 2, - : 3 refer a function x(t) cam Be re and cosine functions: x) = ao + 41 “ 4+ by sin cay + bz sin 20h + + cos Wt + dp COS 2Uyl +--+ + dy COS Mol 2+ + Dy Sin NOpf + ++ in nat), StS f+ T 41) alt) = dg (dy 608 Nyt + bn ani yy by are the Fourier coefficients. ; : / ner ation (4.1) s the trigonometric or sinusoidal Fourier series representation of x(t) over the interval (iy fo + 7). Also, the constant by = 0, as the term sin nao! = 0 for n = 0. ‘The other Fourier coefficients are given by ot? =z J xndr waz J xo 0 ‘This is called thé DC or average value of x(t). 2+? a, = = J x(t)cosnape dt to. tT b= 5 J x(0)sinnaye at fo The trigonometric Fourier series may also be represented in a simple form, i.e. MD=Cy + E.Cy(ndpt ~9,), 0p = nal T This form is called the harmonic form Fourier series or ie ‘ polar Fourier series of x(t). The term Co is called the DC component, and the term C, cos (nat — $n) is called the’nth harmonic component of x(1). The first harmonic component C, cos (apt = ¢,) is commonly called the amar component as it has the same fundamental Period as a) , coefficients C, are called the harmonic amplitude i cnn re oie ipitudes or spectral amplitudes and the angles Th i le coefficients Cy, C, and %, are related fo coefficients a, a, and b, by the equations: Co= ay ya? +6? $= tan| Pn ap, Fourlor Serios + 115 4.4 COMPLEX EXPONENTIAL FOURIER SERIES Although the two forms of Trigonometric Fourier series are the common forms of a Fourier series, the complex exponential form is more general and usually more convenient and more compact. So, it is used almost exclusively and it finds extensive application in communication theory. The set of complex exponential functions, (en =0,41, #2...) forms a closed orthogonal set over an interval (fg, fy + 7) where T = 2n/y for any value of fy and, therefore, it can be used to represent a Fourier series, An arbitrary function x(t) can be represented by a complex exponential series over an interval (lo, f + T) as X00) = Fy + Fel 4 e208 4 acy Feil ge + Fi % wf FF Fe PM ot Bye MM ge x)= YL Kel ty StS tg +T where F, are known as the complex Fourier coefficients and are given by pot? Bap J mena 4.5. RELATION BETWEEN TRIGONOMETRIC AND COMPLEX FOURIER SERIES The complex exponential Fourier series is given by x) = Fy + Rel + Fie?" peek Felt pee 2 + Felt + Fge Ply. But, it is known that not (4.2) elo! = cos Wot + sin pt 0 = cos Wt — j sin Wot ei = cos nMof + j sin nat e FF = cos NW - j SiN NWot Replacing the exponential functions of Eq. (4.2) by their equivalent trigonometrical identities, we have 90) X(t) = Fy + Fj (cos ayt + j sin ay) + + + F, (Cos n@yt + j sin nwt) + + F.x(cos apt — j sin yf) + +++ + F.q(Cos nwpt — j sin nagt) + M6 + Son's and Systems Rearranging the RUS, we have A(t) = Fy + (Fy + Fy) con cag os + (Ry + Fg) ces nnd © : +E) = Fy) sina te + (By = Fgh sin BOF ay Comparing Eq. (4.3) with the standard trigonometric Fourier series. W© Ft ag = Fo a, = Fy + Fan b= Fe Fa) Similarly, an exponential Fourier series can be derived from the nigonometric Founer seriey using the formulae Fo= do 1 Faz z(t ~ Sb) | F.g2 sli, + dba) 4.6 CONCEPT OF NEGATIVE FREQUENCY ‘The complex exponential Fourier series representation (lm fy + T) is & linear combination of complex exponentia Hay, 4M, The presence of negative frequencies is sim of a signal x(1) over the int | functions of frequencies. 0. ply as the mathematical model of @ signal e use of negative frequencies. In fact, areal function x(#) cannot be represented by ‘79? without their opposite rotating counterpart ¢ “°°. When bods mb! are combined, we get a real funciton of time. Of cours. the complex-valued functions e”6¥ or ¢°°¥ have no physical meaning individual but £ real functions (cos nan oF sin nadt) when combined together. That is, the negative fF sianals are not physical signals, aber than they are only a mathematical concept required to er: seompact mathematical description of a real signal by combining complex exponentials positive and negative frequencies 4.7 REPRESENTATION OF FOURIER SERIES OF CON PERIODIC SIGNALS ONTINUOUS-TIME tn ie prccng ates we pa considered the Fourier series representation of an arbitrary ju terval (thy 2), 1.8. (oe fa + 7 7 ‘ Fourier is may ot be eal ose his Ee ala ae ahora Consider any periodic signal x(t), The sigs Ta satisfies the condition, x1 +1) = a(0, ea a is said t0 be periodic with period Tuli r sons. , i.e, x() is periodic if it repeats after every requires th complex exponential phasors the counter parts (¢/"% and ‘ior Sortos © WNT Thus, for a periodic finetion x(), we have MO= YL bell (comet eo yi a Janel ay iy wwhete ‘The cholee of fy is immaterial for a periodic signal, But it is significant for the Fourier series expansion of function ina finite interval where the series expansion is not unique. The Fourier series expansion of a periodic function iy unique, inrespective of the location of fy of the signal 4.8 COMPLEX FOURIER SPECTRUM ‘The complex Fourier series representation of funetion in terms of function x(1) is equivalent to resolving the monically related components of the fundamental frequency @ (or fi) A complex weighting factor #, (or C,), called the spectral amplitude is assigned to cach harmonic component. Graphical representation of a spectral amplitude along with a spectral phase is called the complex frequency spectrum, An amplitude spectrum without phase information does not specify the waveform; because, in general, F, (or C,) is a complex quantity. Therefore, such a spectrum is called the complex frequency spectrum, However, if F, (or C,) is purely real or purely imaginary, the phase spectrum can be disregarded, Figure 4.5 below shows a typic amplitude spectrum, where a vertical line has been drawn h harmonic frequency and the height of the line represents the amplitude at the corresponding harmonic frequency. ‘This spectrum is known as the discrete spectrum or line spectrum nd exists only at discrete ‘requencies that are harmonically related. Figure 4.5(a) represents the spectrum of a (rigonometric Fourier series extending from 0 to %, producing a ‘one-sided spectrum as. no negative frequencies exist here. Figure 4.5(b) represents the spectrum ofa complex exponential Fourier series extending from e> to e», producing a two-sided spectrum, a ‘The amplitude spectrum of the exponential series is symmetrical about the vertical axis. This {s true for all real periodic functions, ICL IFal Gr Fy Thor, G Ca Fa Fy ¥ G Of Ye Mam nhy hoo ho 0 fo Yommho : (a) (b) Migure 4.5 Complex frequency speetrum for (a) trigonometric Fo Fourier series. series and (b) complex exponential LIB + Saqals and Systems 7 WF, is a general complex number, then Fy = Wighe™ Fa Wyle Webs WE) Henve, the magoitiate spectrum is symmettical about the vertical ane Passing thee wrtgia and, thus, if isan even function of @,. It is called the even Symmetry of the spectrum, Also, @, is the phase of and 0, 1s the phase of f 7 Spmmcteical about the vertical axis. ILis called the orld sum © Accordingly, for a real-valued periodic signal, wn, the m: and the phase spectrum is anti-yymmetrical about 4 When x(2) is teal, then F=f Bh th Nita 1S an ma So. the phase spectrum ry of phase spectrum, pnilude spectrum is 5 xis passing through MMetrieay he verti the trips im the complex conjugate 4.9 REPRESENTATION OF ARBITRARY FUNCTION A signal xi) can be represented in terms of relative Present in the signal. This is possible by represent is a frequency domain representation of th. 4 signal at each instant of time. So. a signal x(2) can be represented in two mplitudes of various freq £1 hy its exponential signal x10). The time qUENCY compomeny urier series. This domain representation specifies equivalent ways: 1. Time domain representation, where Une domain representation is calle: 2. Frequency domain representation, where the Signal x(t) is defined in terms of it spectrun. X(1) is represented as 4 function of time. Graphiess «d the waveform Any of the above two representations uniquely specifies the function, ie 1S specified in time domain, its spectrum can be determined. Convers specified, its time domain representation can be deterins it is necessary that both amplitude and phase spectra are Specttum is either real or imaginary, as such, only an frequency components have identical phase re if the signal xy sely, if the spectrum is d. In order to determine the function, specified. However, in many cases, the amplitude plot is sufficient as all the ation, 4.10 PROPERTIES OF FOURIER SERIES The following are some important properties of the Fourier series \. Linearity: Let x(t) and y(t) be two periodic signals with period 7. Let the Fourier series coefficients of x(t) be a, and that of y(t) be Bys ie. if x) AS5 a, yo A, 5, 2(t) = Axi) + Ay) Ss Aa, + Bb, a S a > sys Fouror Series » 119 . Time-shifing: If x) As ay then xt) BR env, . Time-reversal: If x) Bs ay, then x) BS a, |. Frequency-shifting: If 3) BS ay, then x(n! Biya, . Time-scaling: If wy= Eger then " x(kt) =F, ayelttob! where k is the scaling factor. . Conjugation/Symmetry: If x) AL a, then x) Bo a’, Multiplication: If x) AL a, 0 EB b then (0) y(t) = E oes Periodic convolution: If x) AL a, yO Bs b LE Px ye-nde= (yn) ah, h If x(0) is a real and even signal, then a, is real and even. . If x(0) is a real and odd signal, then a, is purely imaginary and odd. 120 + Signals and Systems an anes maNOMNON TN ‘The Fourier series fails to converge at a point aamnoee If is the num , in the signal approximation, large amounts of ripples at the point of discontinuity, approximated function. This is called Gibb's phenomenon. For a discontinuity of unit height, the partial sum exhibits a maximum value of Ny overshoot of 9% of the height at the discontinuity, it is immaterial how large y bea mit : For a fixed value off, say 1 = fp (Figure 4.6), the partial sums converge to the coment and at the discontinuity, they converge to one-half the sum of original values of the g; Valuy either sides of discontinuity. ignal T Of te Y ae Sen = x) ay Figure 4.6 Gibb’s phenomenon, However, if the value of tg is closer to the discontinuity, then larg to minimize errors below a predefined value. Thus, as N increases, the ripples in the partial sums become compresed towards te discontinuity. But for any finite value of N, the peak amplitude of the ripples must be ke constant. € values of N are required IMPORTANT FORMULAE 1. Trigonometric (Sinusoidal) Fourier series x(0) = a9 + Y (a, cosnaye +b, sinnayt) nl Average value (or) DC component, to j T ae = x(t) dt T o a oir | Sir J x) cos nat dt i * ohtr De= 5 J x(0)sin nage dt ‘0 5 bs pre eer Fount Geres ¢ 121 2, Polar (Harmonic) Fourier series a) = Cy+ YC, cos (nat -¢,) asl Pinas b, Ce % C,= ya; +63, 9, = tan ( } 3. Complex exponential Fourier series a= 5 ie ig+T F= F J me dr » 4. Fourier coefficients-relationship y= Foy ty = Fy + Fay by = jlFe~ Fa) Fo dg, Fy = 404 ~ ibg)s Fan = HGy + iby) 4) = Cor Oy = Cy COS Op by = C, sin 0, Co= a9, Cy = fa? +82, 0, = wwr'(2| a, Co= Fon Cy = 21 l 5. Properties of Fourier series (i) Linearity: If x) AL, a,, y(t) ARS 5b, then x(t) = Ax(t) + By) AS 4 Aa, + Bb, (ii) Time shifting : a(t =) Bs ema, (iii) Time-reversal x) Bs a, (iv) Frequency shifting xy met BS a, (¥) Time-scaling x0T) = ¥ aye, kis scaling factor x0 Bat, Pe : 122 Ssgna's and Systems (ii) Multiplication MOO = L aebae (viii) Periodic Convolution » x) x y(0) = fate) y(r— 2) dr AS 4) aun 4 (ix) If x(f) is a real and even signal, then dy, is real and even. inary and odd. ()_If-x(0 is a real and odd signal, then a, is purely imag! (xi) For even x2), b, ="0. (xii) For odd (1), ay SOLVED PROBLEMS Problem 4.1. Expand the function .x(#) shown in the Figure over the interval (0, 1). 4.6 by trigonometric Fourier series Figure 4.6 Problem 4.1. - Also find the exponential Fourier series. Determine the exponential Fourier series directly. Solution: From the figure, we have x) =A OStS1 Let to = 0 a p+T=1 Qn Iso r= Also a 2 = Zen a7 Trigonometic Fourier series: The trigonometric Fourier series is given by 3 A(t) = dy + Y (a, cos nat +b, sin nat) n=l a(t) = a + D(a, cos 27nt +b, sin 2znt) n=l ——_— in 9 10 ‘The coefficients are evaluated as follows: port age = J aide % \ LJ Ardr 0 0 > S st a= = J xt) cos nape dr to 1 2] Arcos 2nt dt 0 1 = 2A J rcos 2nnt dt o a 7 a sedans dees et] {> [cosa de = S22t at sin at | Poa ay SR Ee ant a | = ifs eos 2m +2 sind cos 0-0) ren 24 Gag ll t0-1-01 aes Lage Othe 124 + Signals and Systems 2 rT 7 J x@)sin nape dr % bn 1 2 JArsin nayt dt 9 1 2A J rsin nape dt a . i sin at — at cosat . 2a[ 2ant —2amnt cos 2ant {: [sina de = EES arn 2A ann [sin 2zn-2an cos2an-sin0+0] u 2A ae —2an) -A nt the trigonometric Fourier series wy= 4-4 sin2nnt geri Ln tial Fourier series from Trigonometric Fourier series: bn= Therefore, is given by Deriving Exponent We have A Fo= m= 5 2an xponential Fourier series is given by wo 3 Re An (eee we BS } 2m ye ‘Therefore, the complex ¢ Direct Determination of Exponential Fourier series: We have the complex exponential Fourier series given by a(t) = z Fen Fourier Series * 125 cru J oer a hy F,= T 1 Fy = Vf Ate?*™ dt 0 1 Are?" dt 0 “at -1 fra =< - , a A "sae (e*"(—jamn-1)- 0-1) ~4n = carlin ea fn at =} = -—n ~jtan-1+1) 40 a "" 2an ‘The complex exponential Fourier series is given by Problem 4.2 (a) Determine the trigonometric Fourier series expansion of a full wave rectified cosine function shown in Figure 4.7: (b) Derive the corresponding exponential Fourier series. (©) Draw the complex Fourier spectrum. 5 [JNTU: Nov 2004; May 2005] x0) “Sal 3nd -72 0 m2 3nd Smt Figure 4.7 Problem 4.2. 126 + Signals and Systane Solution; Vicon the figure, we have MN) = e068 | Let wens (a) Trigonometric Fourier series ay + Xa, cos nay +H, sin HAO nat aA) = a(t) = ay +X (dy, C08 2ne +b, win 2a) nal just mea J Ode Mw Ae = f coseds 7 mn bin in tan sin ()] 1k n —| sin 2 +sin& {fun £-ran] u (ell iL 7 4 7 Fouror Sees» 127 al b - J a) cos nae dt i 2 = J costcos 2nt dt oa a2 9, cos (t + 2nt) + cos (t- 21 nt) + cos (t — 2nt) 2 Fan (-r cos (A + B) + cos (A - B) = 2 cos A cos B) 2 J loos Qn+1)1+ cos 2n = 1)e] dt ald I = 1 ffsinansnef” fsinen= pf? iL oaalt [o) mV Sn sin Qn vt = sin Qn+ (=) sin 2n~ DF sin Qn - (=) ¢§— 2n+l 2n-1 [ x al- 2sin 2n+ 02) 2sin Qn 0) at x 2n+l 2n-1 cos sin 2nt dt [sin (t+ 2nt)— sin (= 2nt)] de (es sin (A + B) + sin (A = B) = 2 c0s A sin B) 1 a = — J [sinQn+r+sinQn-Delde on Signals and Systems ae a | a ‘| eon(2n a | cn a cos (2nd 1)" ves Que (4) cos n= WV #608 (Qn ~ fH | . 2 od ny ” ast mnt : , ! = =(0) a”) A ye ‘Therefore, the trigonometric Fourier series is given bys » aetent ci 2,2$ {ol} id L j Jomo (yn “ Spa zerl a (bh) Lxponential Fourler seria: We Wave aie Selita F Ryeltat aoe i By using the conversion formulae, we verte Wye J moni? | "tay Cit el |} mm 4 Wy) nel Dhue, the veries is of the fom, 2 2 2 2 wia2 oe ee eg 7 iss, TGR gett DBE Fourier Series * 129 (c) Complex Fourier spectrum: 11 is the plot between F, and . i ei . "and ng (or @). As Fis real. only amplitude spectrum is sufficient. The amplitude spectrum is shown in Figure 4.8. 2 (nay = 2n) 2S 25a Figure 4.8 Problem 4.2(c). Problem 4.3 For the periodic gate function shown in Figure 4.9, (a) Find the trigonometric Fourier series. (b) Derive the corresponding exponential Fourier series. (c) Find the exponential Fourier series directly. (d) Plot the magnitude and phase spectra. [JNTU: Nov. 2004] fo A a2 | 2 t -T Td 0 72 i ' Figure 4.9 Problem 4.3. Solution: For the periodic gate function given in figure, we have t A, -hetch so=ava(}= en 2 T) lo, otherwise (8) Trigonometric Fourier series: The Fourier coefficients are given by 130 + Signals and Systems m 2 ri a= 2 f fitjeosnayrdi== f Acosnapyt dt “mn “in 4/2 2af sin nayt | "FL tily ca 2Ar sin (nayr/2) a a= T (uayt/2) a 2m b= = J F0)sin nay ans J Asin nayt dt 1 -m 2. | cos neve p 2al aad oos( 2 r 2 z (neayt/2) + cos (nar /2 ny ‘Therefore, the trigonometric Fourier series is given by At | 2Ar & sin (nayz/2) y= AF, 2A § sin (naye/2) OE TO nayziny "At (b) Exponential Fourier series from the trigonometric Fourier series: We have, Fey lay- Ih) = play ~0) = AE Sn ey 2) T (nayt/2) ‘The exponential Fourier series is given by =F Fein! n== At finee & hae (o) Direct Determination ef Exponential Fourier series: We hiwe ne & reba! ve Lut “1 n Fey Sf pe rod J Ac int pe ‘ elt at wa Vota Toa al cue ff? Af ecmeuel git Modnay |, T fa _ Ape Mw) La sin (nayel2 Ina v 2A) sin (neye/2) | e/2 _ Ar | sin (nay /2) r mo fr | (aye?) 6 fm SE ryelttal AL. F Sia (neye/2) 7 Tota (nan! Notes WC nagt?2 xy then . Arf sin he BS | v ) Alot i 5 on Tonath EES ia called the sampling finiction, Sa(x), Wis closely related to the sine function, x sina sinc ye ees Hoy( Ma") ‘ onde z s(t A te eat nem () Amplitude and Phase spectra: The amplitude and phase spectta are given in Figures 4.10(a) and (b), 4 VME ety mi) Oya Wil Ail Ava At ' ame ; ey | ele eer (nth, = ny AWK Avi (oy Ample spectrum te " Hy — (0) Plans pecs Higure 4100 Hroblem 4,34), Problem dob Hind the flest few terms of the Fourier series of the function x(t) given in Figure 4,11, Also plot the frequeney apectun, uo) or fae ‘ Figure 4.11 Problem 4.4, Solution: From the given figuee, we write the function a()) as dm { O T=20 136 + Signals and Systems : = 2 eR) - OF Toe past : a= = J snaeare fod JAsin ede 0 = Gylreose be Ar cos # + cos 0]=—— A 2 a=4 = tT a J x(0) cos nayt dr to 2% = J xt) cos nt dt 2m 4 it JAsin cos nt dt 0 At = = fsint cos nt dt an) " At i Llsin (n+ 1)tsin (nt) dt 0 = Al reostnt It, cos(@a—1 “Qn ntl n=l " A [-eeeeetent cote pe nent] 2n| ntl n=1 A facosn+ x41 cos (n=) x-1 2a n+l n=l AJ=l+l 1-1 tine 4, = ——|——+—— 2a[ ntl n=l ), m= odd when a = odd, Fou Soon + 137 AARNE N= CVT, A Vet ener 2 male onet S ae xo = 1) neeven yatt het J wsinnayeat ty i ese J ae sinnrd rea NN) sin nt « it = SJ Asinesinne dy a ‘This integral is zero, except for = 1, 5 * bys Af sinrsinear a) : =A Jain? rar *4, aA : nee s age AaAgne- yy 2Aconm £2 aseven 7(0" ~ 1) Problem 4.7 Find the Fourier series expansion for the function shown in Figure 4.15. Figure 4.18 Problem 4,7, 138 + Signals and Systems Solution: From the figure, we have 2t r Tr 2, 21), 2 ere 2a[l+ 2, 2 <1e-] 4at Tt fy = tereg As f( = f(A, the given function f(0) is odd. de = 0; only Be exists- 9 ™ bn 7 J fsin nays dt -m m TS 4At ENT 2a 142 sin napa j SO sin nant T lan ft. -TI4 Solving for by we get tye BA neh 59 vr = BA a3, 71h wr 8A 1 1 = 24) sin or -ssin 31 + sin Sor + a =I g sz ] problem 4.8. Find the complex Fourier Coefficients of the signal fls) = cos ay + sin? at solution: Given (0) = C08 Opt + sin? @of ~ Yor com ofa em] . ad theme -eu a +e) 1 jay, Ape Maser yt I a 2 te = 5 ne Fourier Sorios * 139 ‘Therefore, Fos and all other values of F, are zero, Problem 4.9 Find the complex Fourier series of unit impulse train 6;(t) shown in Figure 4.16, [JNTU: Feb. 2007] x) = 6) at 0 r a Figure 4.16 Problem 4.9. Solution: From the figure, we get x(t) = 6;(t) = Y d(t-nT) Let d)= Y Fe ay = 1 72 7 = J Se at -m " i? 33 1 = J oe" dt=—x1 712 T Fak + x(t) = 5; (2) x Problem 4.10 Find the exponential Fourier series for the waveform shown in Figure 4.17. Rah [INTU: Nov. 2007] 140+ signals and Systems Ao 3a — 0 " oe Figure 4.17 Problem 4.10. Solution: From the figure, we have 100 100 (122) ay O fO= 2 2 0, ferer-4 Period of f() = T sae r Since f(0) = f(-1), its an even function. Therefore b, = A i tara 2, “le, +4]-¢ 2 EA ER ETT TE Fourier Series + 143 2 =F J Leos nape dt - ;[2ee ° TL 2aniT | yy Bly eee when aa nt _ 12 & cos(2aniT) fos ste la Problem 4.13 Find the exponential Fourier series of the following triangular waveform given in Figure 4,20, Also plot the frequency spectrum. [JNTU: Nov. 2004, 2007] JAA + Signals and Systems Solution: Boon the figure, we have mh ot fo { <1<0 wth, O | FO)sin neyye de -m Here f(0) is odd and sin nage is odd and their product is even. ‘Therefore, FO) sin neye di 0 Thus, the Fourier series of odd functions contains only sine tems. {b) Now consider the even periodic function, Le. SW = feo Here FW cos nayt de m As f(O and cos n@pf, both are even, their product is 4m Tr 0 Iso even, Therefore, Oy P(D eos neyyt de 2m Now hee J F@sin nayedt -m As f() is even and sin nag is odd, their product is odd, Therefore, for odd functions, the ntea under the curve is zero, Re b= 0 Thus, the Fourier series of even functions does not contain sine terms, (©) Now consider the half-wave symmetric function, ie, fo = -i(+33) 148_+_ signals and Systems ____ Here 1 J feayeos nage dt a [F J feos nae att | f(t) cos many dt | " SI Changing the variable ¢ by + (7/2) in the second iat we pet 2 Wd t ~ : r i =] J sey cosnaye a ff 145 Jews manly Ja a a Using the symmetry property, (0 = flr + (772)], we get m ars z J L/tere0s nay ~ fe) cos nay eos nah 0 forn =even mm 0, = AE fayeos mays di, form = odd Tr 0 m J f@sin nays de a a ™m zs | Ae)sinnayt drs 1 10 sin nogy a m Changing the variable 1 by 1 + (7/2) in the second integral, we get afm m ° r by = =F) ff sin nay a + [a[1+E)sinnnr42) a a lees" 2 Using the symmetry property, f(t) = -f[i + (7/2)], we get 2 n2 m2 = FI f £Osinnaye d+ f -faysin in nat] a a 2[™m m2 z J £0 sin nage dt ~ f ed a dnewae S n=even, 4m a pinks nsodd a ius, the Fourier series of half-wave symmetry function consists of only odd harmonies Fourier Series * 149 Problem 4.15 The complex exponential representation of a signal x(¢) over the interval (0, 7) is < 3 x(t)= 7, x ; + (nz) (i) What is the numerical value of 7? (ii) If one of the components of x(t) is A cos 3zt, determine the value of A. Gii) Determine the minimum number of terms which must be retained in the representation of x(1) in order to include 99.9% of the energy in the interval. [INTU: May 2004, 2005] Solution: Given 3 x)= 3] ole Comparing this with the exponential Fourier series, x= E Fel" We get the following: - 3 @ Fn = : 44(nayP . 3 (i) Fo= a Fp=Fi= 3 440 3 Fy=Fa= ane) ane? 3 Fy=F3= eS 449 Now, j 3 7 ,jmt e+ | —> 0) :}é (aa ae _ R 150 + Signals and Gystorns 3 -] 2cos3mt, we get, Comparing A cos 3at with | — 449K i 322 20,0646 44907 A = 0.0646 (ili) Total energy = 0.0646 units 99.9 ‘ 99.9% of total energy = 0.0646 % — a = 0.0645 units y contained in DC term and Ist harmonic is given by 2 oi ool 3 = af +21hl -) [2a] -0 m number of terms required = 2, i.e. the DC term and te Ener Therefore, the minimut term, Problem 4.16 Find the exponential Fourier series and plot the frequency spectrum fof wave rectified sine wave given in Figure 4.22. [JNTU: Nov. 2004, 2007; May 2005, 2007; Feb. 2007, 08 an ' - 0 m an Figure 4.22 Problem 4,16. Solution: From the figure, we get fi) =A sint Let f=0 y+Tan T= ott Fz = 7 LQ eM dy fo Asin €!? ay ie oon sin 2?" dp a Im own itm 7 tis nome sin f cos | (“Jen 0 1 2A Sy |- 4A I (1~4n") } f 2A k a(1~4n?) Feu 24 = 2A FF =F, = —. 51 2 35 2A he ha= St ae Se Therefore, the exponential Fourier series is given by A= (2 . fone peo \1 =n? The frequency spectrum is given in Figure 4.23. -UBK ABR Figure 4.23 Frequency spectrum, iron : | Problem 4.17 Determine the complex exponential Fourier series of the periodic square way, shown in Figure 4.24. 4/0) A -T -72 0 ™2 T ar t Figure 4.24. Problem 4.17. Solution: From the given figure, we get f(=A, 0—0-Cb") jinn F,=0,n=2m#0 (n= even) > = Im +1 (n= odd) ror 4a (Alener peoea\ Jn problem 4.18 Find the complex exponential Fourier series representation of the following signals: (i) fl) = cos Mgt (ii) {(O = sin gt Solution pJOayt 4 - jomt (i) Given f() = cos wy = {te us | i) = elt g | tony Sa 2° a Comparing with the complex exponential Fourier series, Sw= Y Ren We get the Fourier coefficients as follows: 1 FeFas 3, Fy=Oslnlel ( Given y= sin ag CBIT-LIBRARY elt — goiont ae hh Ace. Novum h G40. Ls ey ie aT ate cnmmnennnninnne But foe S Remy Call et Therefore, the Fourier coefficients are given by: " 1 Rea “1 nes F,=0,|n] #1 Problem 4.19 Find the exponential Fourier series of the triangular waveform shown in Figure 4.25, ch Ses 154 + 5% 154+ Signals and Systems Solution: From the figure, we get 25+ a) -r

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