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ETICAL ES Exl. Which letter will be 6th to the right of 4th from | x9, Which letter will be 15th to the left of 7th from left end in English alphabetical series? the left end in English alphabetical series? oft avteren 3 ata er onae and @ 4 & ari 6 erm? atint avinren 4 win at arene arg @ 7 as ag 1s at ‘Ans. (3) ae? Ex2. Which letter will be 10th to the right of Sth from | ans, (2) Jeft end in English alphabetical series? == ..1. which letter will be 15th to the right of 18th from afin avinrer # ai ar ore ard & 5 & H ard 10 aT the left end in English alphabetical series? am? offtiaotsren # aia ar overt ang 818 Sant 1s a Ans. (0) aim Ex3. Which letter will be Sth to the left of 15th from | Ans. (D) left end in English alphabetical series? Ex11, Which letter will be 17th to the right of 16th from ati avin & aha ar ot and 2 15 4S ond § af leftend in English alphabetical series? om ht aoturen at er over anf @ 16 ¥en a7al Ans. (J) 20 Ex. Which letter will be 7th to the left of 17th from | 4" the tat cna in Baolish ulgmateticat seriee? | Bx12, Which letter wil be 16th to the right of 6th from ne ° . . > the right end in English alphabetical series? afte woferer He a ore any & 17H FG awe sit avharar # ats or ore an & 5 FF ae 1s a am? = Ans. (3) ‘Ans. (5) EXS. Which letter willbe 6th to the left of Sth from the ; Ex13, Which letter will be 7th to the right of 4th from right end in English alphabetical series? the right end in English alphabetical series? ait sofrer 3 et are a 8S war FT? sitet avian Habs wr oar ard 8 4S erl 7 at HM? Ans. (P) ‘Ans. (D) Ex6. Which letter will be Sth to the right of 15th from | 2.14 which letter will be 20th to the left of 10th from the right end in English alphabetical series? the right end in English alphabetical series? ati aoteren # air mr ort ang @ 18 #S ari s at Sar ar ate ent 2 10 % ane 20 am? eee oe Ans. (Q) ‘Ans. (W) Ex7. Which letter will be Sth to the right of 20th from . the right end in Bnglsh alphabetical seriee? "| #25. Which letter is Srdto the left of 4th tothe sight 2 wie Wat ar one ang @ 20 # & arf oat sft aoterar 3 ata wr tat ane 3 6 Sad 4S ae atm Ans. (L) Ans. (G) Ex8. Which letter will be 17th to the left of 7th from ' 2x16. Which letter is 4th to the right of 6th to the right the left end in English alphabetical series? of 7th from the left end in English alphabetical afi avteren # aia at aret ang & 78S ant 17 at series? am aii woh ¥ aber sat mg 8 7S a 6B aE Ans. (P) erm? PV PUBLICATION Oy BRING YOU SUCCESS Ans. (Q) Ex17. Which letter is 3rd to the left of 4th to the right of Sth to the right of 6th from the left end in English alphabetical series? atta aotoran & aren steer ang #6 Fant SHS ary 4% ant 3 da? Ans. (L) Ex18. Which letter is 4th to the left of Sth to the left of 6th to the right of 10th from the right end in English alphabetical series? itt aoiorer Habre star arg & 10 FS aT 6 FMS aes iw Ans. (8) Ex19. Which letter will be exactly between the 4th letter from left end and 18th letter from left end in En- lish alphabetical series? elt ere Bade ange nh 4 oh ER 18 Bona oh hatter? ‘Ans. (K) x20. Which letter will be exactly between the 6th letter from left ond and 20th letter from left ond in En- lish alphabetical series? rit ohare tae aon md 6 af mg B20 Hong ‘de tra tte? ‘Ans. (i) Ex21. Which letter will be exactly between the 4th letter from right end and 16th letter from right end in En- lish alphabetical series? ait avinrer # ats at anew art 8A ote a 8 16 & ava Sea te ET? Ans. (Q) Ex22. Which letter will be exactly between the 3rd let- ter from right end and 21st letter from right end in English alphabetical series? at aoorer ah wr aR TERS ste ae HII Bos ‘de ta He? Ans. (0) x23. Which letter will be exactly between the Grd letter from left end and 4th letter from right end in Ex- lish alphabetical series? ta aotaren 3 ate ar orator Stet ate arg a shat ara & aha ate He? ‘Ans. (i) x24. Which letter will be exactly between the 4th letter from left end and Sth letter from right end in En- lish alphabetical series? iit aoferen at er sree mg 4 she me S HoT ‘Sea ate Hae? Ans. (M) x25. Which letter will be exactly between the Grd letter from left end and 18th letter from left end in En- lish alphabetical series? adh woheren 8 ath at one ag 8 3 ote ae B18 TS iw ate a? ‘Ans. (J5K) x26. Which letter will be exactly between the 4th let- ter from the left end and 19th letter from the loft end in English alphabetical series? fit wofaren # ate a steam @ 4 afte ang #19 -F art & Sta te Ta? ‘Ans. (KL) Ex27. If alphabetical series is written in the reverse or- der then which letter will be 6th to the right of ‘4th from the left end? “afk af moteren at Prats eH H Porat omy wat ate aT re aT 4-H aU 6 eT? Ans. (Q) x28. If English alphabetical series is written in the re- verse order then which letter will be 7th to the Fight of 17th from the right end? safe oft avteren ah Pata ae # Porat ory aa ata aT see ane 8 17 &S ae 7 at eT? Ais. (9) x29. If English alphabetical series is written in the re- verse order then which letter will be 5th to the left of 4th from the right end? “ate ora avteren at Pratt wom H fran se ct ahr arm ani & 4S and 5 eT? ‘Ans. (1) x30. If English alphabetical series is written in the re- verse order then which letter will be 7th to the right of 17th from the right end? ‘af fit aviere ah fetta aoe fora ae at ter srge ane 8178S ame 7 at a? ‘Ans. (3) Ex31. If English alphabetical series is written in the ‘verse order then which letter is 6th to the right of 4th from the left end? “af afte oterar a fetta an # Reta arg atte aT art ang & 4 ard 6 eT? ‘Ans. (Q) x32. If English alphabetical series is written in the re- verse order then which letter will be 2nd to the left of Sth to the right of 3rd from the left end? cafe fit ote a fetter am fear ag tt aT sree ang oF arf SF ang 2 ei? ‘Ans. (0) PV PUBLICATION (2) BRING YOU SUCCESS 1Bx33.1f every alternative letter starting from A is de- leted then which letter will be 4th to the right of Sth from the left end? ate aS aye are ee wes eT one ear feat oI Ta srt oat arg 85 FS a 4 eT? ‘Ans. (R) Ex34.1f every alternative letter starting from A is de- leted then which letter will be Sth to the right of Sth from the left end? cafe a8 aps art EE Hew Gee ote Tar feet oe Ta ‘aire one ag & 5a Ban 5 HoT? Ans. (7) Ex35.If every alternative letter starting from A is de- leted then which letter will be Srd to the left of Sth from the right end? cafe AB aps wR ET we Ge oteTe Fer feat aE at ‘ait wor ad & 54S ane 3 eT? Ans. (L) x36. If every alternative letter starting from A is de- leted then which letter will be 4th to the right of 10th from the right end? cafe a age wea ee mew aT oe ear feat oI ‘ahr ar one ag @ 10 FH and 4 eT? ‘Ans. (P) x37. If every alternative letter starting from B is de- leted then which letter will be Sth to the right of 4th from the left end? aft Ba UR a aE wie gem ora Fa Rear a ‘ahr ara eng 84 Sane 5 eT? Ans. (Q) Ex38.If every alternative letter starting from B is de- leted then which letter will be Sth to the left of 12th from the left end? cafe Ba aR Bet EUR GET ote eer fear Te at sah wr oe ard 2 FS ane 5 Hm? Ans. (Mt) x39. If every alternative letter starting from B is de- leted then which letter will be Srd to the left of ‘7th from the right end? cafe BR Re EE wes GAT ote ear fear Te at air ar ort ag & 7S an 3 er? ‘Ans. (G) Ex40. If every alternative letter starting from B is de- leted then which letter will be 6th to the right of 12th from the right end? RBA oe oe re ee oe re eer ‘ahem are Ans. (0) Ex41.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 10th to the left of 9th from the right end? cafe ware orater fee aria art sear: ete ae fea amy at atrer sree ad @ 98 S and oat eh? ‘Ans. (F) Ex42.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 8th to the left of 15th from the right end? cafe nam a fecta crit onateit at wear: fewtta aH ‘eran omg at ate ar star aR & 15% ant 8 eT? Ans. (3) Ex43.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 6th to the right of 15th from the right end? ‘af mame oraten fete ante drat swat: fata aa ‘fee omega att wt arae an B 15H ang 6 Fen? ‘Ans. (V) Ex¢4.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 11th to the right of 14th from the right end? safe were orate once at em: fetta a ‘era oe at ahve ovare ag B14 HH aT 11 at ee? ‘Ans. (P) Ex45.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 8th to the right of 11th from the left end? cafe ware staat fe archer ara awa: Reset mH ‘fer ang at tere sree ane @ 11-F S ae Sat ee? Ans. (0) Ex46.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 7th to the right of 16th from the left end? cafe gam orciet wen fete onaien Ztat wt wea: fact ea 8 fran ary at ate tae an 2 16a & ant Tat em? Ans. (Q) Ex47.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be Sth to the left of 14th from the left end? ‘ate germ rie em feta oration Stat a a: fats wee 8 fran ay at aire ange and 8 14d Sand 5 at am? ‘Ans. (5) Ex48.If first half and second half both are written in the reverse order respectively then which letter will be 6th to the left of 10th from the left end? ‘afc se ora a fe angen Sr at ame: feet ao ‘ran mg tat wr ote ane & 10 F a Var EMT? Ans. (J) PV PUBLICATION (3) BRING YOU SUCCESS x49. Ifthe first halfis written in the reverse order then which letter will be 7th to the left of 12th from the right end? EXS7. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 10th to the left of 14th from the left end? fe were arate wt Pett aoe fore oe a at aT cafe feta arainn a fect ae 8 fora om wa are sae ad B12 8S Me Tat eT? sree ang & 14 & art 10 at eT? Ans. (F) ‘Ans. (D) x50. Ifthe first half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 7th to the left of 16th from the right end? cafe we orfer a fetta wea H fora oe ae whee art ane @ Let S ag 7 at aT? Ans. (J) ExS1L If the first half's written in the reverse order then which letter will be 4th to the right of 13th from right end? ‘ate wen onaten at feat ae fara are wat ah aT ara ang 13 & an wher ee? Ans. (R) x52. Ifthe first half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 11th to the right of 14th from the right end? ExS8. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 6th to the left of 15th from the left end? vat fret orator at rete a fora ore aera a are ang @ 15 ¥ Fart 6 AT? ‘Ans. (1) Ex89. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 5th to the right of 10th from the left end? “ate fect onaien a feaite ae HY forar oe at atte sree ae ® 10 #-& at Sat eT? Ans. (® x60. f the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 7th to the right of 13th from the left end? wer oraiet = eH fer argc ad 8 14 & an at a? Ans. (X) EXS3. Ifthe first half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 7th to the right of 10th from the left end? cafe wom orien at fetta wea Y fra oT Ae steer ara ag & 10-4 S ae 7 ai aT? Ans. (Q) EXS4. Ifthe first half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 7th to the right of 12th from the left end? cafe sam orcier ay faatta, wa fre omy wa wher ara ard 128 Sard 7 ae? Ans. (8) EXSS. Ifthe first half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 13th to the left of 22nd from the left end? cafe were orcgfer Prete ae fra om a ster age org & 22% S and 1gai een? Ans. (E) ExS6. if the first half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 8th to the left of 14th from the left end? cafe mam ancien @y fetta ae Y fra omy a ster sree arg & 14 3S at sat eer? Ans. (#) wah at fe fea onan at fetta eH seq ang & 13% & ag 7 at et? ‘ns. (7) Ex61. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be Sth to the right of 10th from the right end? ‘ate fenta onaien at fetta am # Frat ore at stra age ere & 10 ¥ S arg Saf ee? ‘Ans. (R) x62. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 5th to the right of 15th from the right end? ‘ate feta ataxia Putra wee HE fern ory tare art ard & 18a & and Sai een? ‘Ans. (W) Ex63. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be Sth to the left of 11th from the right end? “ate feta orien a fetta am H fran oe at atta ara arg @ 11-4 S ae Sat am? ‘Ans. (5) Ex64. If the second half is written in the reverse order then which letter will be 8th to the left of 15th from the right end? ‘ate font arin a frat aw rar oT, wet TET ora ang & 15a # omg 8 at ZT? ‘Ans. (D) at strat PV PUBLICATION 4) BRING YOU SUCCESS X65. The following series is given: ‘fren att hm & B23C$4HES@O6HIQS%78-9UZY Now solve the following questions related to this series ‘Fa Boh Beare Pre 6 art Sh rs aie () Which clement will be Sth to the right of 4th from the left end? _ aim wat a & 4 # ard 5 at am? EX66.C54@DS6OEFGIS7%U*SZ#89TSV Now solve the following questions related to this series Fa Ah 3 aticg Prox fet rat at ee ate: () Which clement will be 7th to right of 8th from the left end? ata wa ani @ 8 ad 7 at oT? (i) Which element will be 6th to the left of 17th from | (i) Which element will be exactly between the 3rd the let end? . clement from the left end and 3rd element from lu Walen cloment wil be exeliy between the Sen] "REE end? (0 Jement from left end and 4th clement fom the | SE TeL ane B Sate any 8 3S shew ate 8 do Hight end? s Ans, (i) (4) wo @ . ae sae ang 5 8 tel 8 Se ote em? |) Fina the oddone out: ey ae fr HR fae oie (iv) Find the odd one out: © Pind the odd one o twyaae mi sse (aB3 @sse (a74 sz (60H @ms%e (Ey 8 9% fe} u9z sh, oy | AB 8,00 (vy) How many symbols are there which are Tollowed UQEND SOE FGI 7% by a digit and preceded by a letter? ns. $28 ‘ta fran aaraner t fore cre ee Uw ore omar ¢ war | (v) How many symbols are there which are immedi- ‘forres ata are Ua ata otter #7 ately followed by a letter and preceded by a digit? Ans. C$ 4, 3%67 BE fant wehora fire’ tes ar Uw oie one Ewe (vi) What will come next in the following series 234, ‘ (Tne ond, * has wre 8 ow ovate oir 22 234, #B0, 6H, 2 ea Sut H omen va Sarg? | Ans. 4.@D, 6 OE, 7% U ‘Ans. % 79. PV PUBLICATION GY BRING YOU SUCCESS

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