NR569 Drilling Ships 2012

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Classification of Drilling Ships

January 2012

Rule Note
NR 569 DT R00 E

Marine Division
92571 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex – France
Tel: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 00 – Fax: + 33 (0)1 55 24 70 25
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2012 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved
ARTICLE 1 5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any
1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine Division (the "Society") is the classi- warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or
fication (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or structure of any type or part of it or system therein col- machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any sur-
lectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea bed or not, whether vey by the Society.
operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling ARTICLE 6
rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary equipment, subsea 6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not
or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise as decided by the provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance.
6.2. - If the Services of the Society cause to the Client a damage which is proved to be the direct
The Society: and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society, its liability to-
• prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (“Rules”); wards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having caused the
• issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (“Certificates”); damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thousand (8,000)
• publishes Registers. Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000) Euro and one
1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Stand- and a half times the above mentioned fee.
ards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively re- The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss such as e.g. loss of revenue, loss
ferred to as " Certification ". of profit, loss of production, loss relative to other contracts and indemnities for termination of oth-
1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and er agreements.
company safety management certification; ship and port security certification, training activities; all activi- 6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Serv-
ties and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, software, instrumen- ices were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client,
tation, measurements, tests and trials on board. and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be in-
1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its terrupted thereafter with the same periodicity.
representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are pre- ARTICLE 7
pared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime 7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing.
and/or Offshore Industry (the "Industry") practices.
7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving
1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or char- the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions
tering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Ship- in Article 8 hereunder.
builder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied
obligations by the interventions of the Society. 7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the
date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above
ARTICLE 2 and Article 8 hereunder.
2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following sur- 7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned.
veys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of
a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates ARTICLE 8
and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register. 8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment
2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards. 8.2. Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable leg-
2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present islation.
the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the 8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful
given appraisement or cause to modify its scope. notification to pay.
2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient ARTICLE 9
performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presenta- 9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information
tion of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out. available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However:
ARTICLE 3 • clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classifica-
3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their tion of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which
preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit;
are not a standard or a code of construction neither a guide for maintenance, a safety handbook • copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports
or a guide of professional practices, all of which are assumed to be known in detail and carefully can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer
followed at all times by the Client. of class;
Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those docu- • the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of the
ments. Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, are passed on
3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association working
has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention. rules;
• the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be
3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable
reviewed during certificating bodies audits and are disclosed upon order of the concerned governmen-
Rules and to the Code of Ethics of the Society. Surveyors have authority to decide locally on matters re-
tal or inter-governmental authorities or of a Court having jurisdiction.
lated to classification and certification of the Units, unless the Rules provide otherwise.
3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of The documents and data are subject to a file management plan.
random inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verifica- ARTICLE 10
tion. 10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event
ARTICLE 4 not reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control of the Society shall be deemed not to be a breach of
4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules:
• reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Cli- ARTICLE 11
ent; 11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the So-
• conducts surveys at the place of their construction; ciety may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client.
• classes Units and enters their class in its Register; 11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the
• surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee.
met. ARTICLE 12
The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the 12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the
extent of the surveys to be changed. framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules.
ARTICLE 5 12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court
5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing of Nanterre, France.
on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty. 12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are
5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration
of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society
for. and the Client shall be governed by English law.
In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production ARTICLE 13
or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory serv- 13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the
ices, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an im- Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions
plied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement.
for sale, insurance or chartering. 13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the va-
5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construc- lidity of the remaining provisions.
tion in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder, 13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may
respectively. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 k - 17 December 2008

NR 569
Classification of Drilling Ships









January 2012
Section 1 General
1 General 7
1.1 Application
1.2 Class notations
1.3 Classification Society involvement
1.4 Additional class notation DRILL
1.5 Position keeping - mooring
1.6 Design Criteria Statement
1.7 Design life
1.8 Statutory requirements
1.9 Definitions
1.10 Reference co-ordinate system
1.11 Documents to be submitted

Section 2 Stability and Subdivision

1 General 12
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation to be submitted
2 Stability 12
2.1 Trim and stability booklet
2.2 Operational procedures
2.3 Inclining test and deadweight survey
2.4 Units of same design
2.5 Stability calculations
2.6 Computation model
2.7 Righting moment and heeling moment curves
2.8 Intact stability
2.9 Subdivision and damage stability

Section 3 Structural Design Principles

1 Unit’s areas categorization 17
1.1 Principles
1.2 Structural categories for “offshore area”
2 Materials for construction 18
2.1 Design temperature
2.2 Material requirements for “ship area”
2.3 Material requirements for “offshore area”
2.4 Steels with specified through thickness properties
3 Inspections and checks 18
3.1 General
3.2 Inspection of “ship area”
3.3 Inspection of “offshore area”

2 Bureau Veritas January 2012

4 Subdivision arrangement 19
4.1 General
5 Compartment arrangement 19
5.1 General
6 Access 19
6.1 General
6.2 Means of access
6.3 Access to holds, tanks, ballast tanks and other spaces
6.4 Ladders
6.5 Access manual
7 Strength principles 21
7.1 General references
7.2 Structural continuity
7.3 Moonpool
7.4 Concentrated loads
7.5 Insert plates and doublers
7.6 Bottom structure
7.7 Side Structure
7.8 Deck structure
7.9 Bulkhead structure
7.10 Supporting structure for hull attachments
8 Net scantling approach 22
8.1 Principle
8.2 Corrosion addition for elements in “ship area”
8.3 Corrosion addition for elements in “offshore area”
9 Corrosion protection 23
9.1 General reference
9.2 Thickness increments and additional class notation STI
10 Welding and weld connections 23
10.1 Structural elements in “ship area”
10.2 Structural elements in “offshore area”

Section 4 Design Loads

1 General 24
1.1 Principles
1.2 Definitions
2 Loading conditions 25
2.1 Design loading conditions
3 Categories of loads 25
3.1 General
3.2 Fixed loads
3.3 Operational loads
3.4 Environmental loads
3.5 Accidental loads
3.6 Testing loads
3.7 Temporary construction loads

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 3

4 Hydrodynamic analysis 30
4.1 Principles
4.2 Wave load parameters
4.3 Moonpool effects
4.4 Considered environment
5 Loads for elements in the “ship area” 31
5.1 General
5.2 Factors of environment
5.3 Still water loads
5.4 Rule hull girder wave loads
5.5 Unit’s motions and accelerations
5.6 Load cases
5.7 Sea pressures
5.8 Internal pressures
5.9 Testing
6 Loads for elements in the “offshore area” 32
6.1 General

Section 5 Hull Assessment

1 Application 33
1.1 General
2 Hull girder strength 33
2.1 General
2.2 Strength characteristics of the hull girder transverse sections
2.3 Yielding checks
2.4 Ultimate strength check
3 Hull scantlings 33
3.1 Principle
3.2 Plating
3.3 Ordinary stiffeners
3.4 Primary supporting members
4 Fatigue check of structural details 34
4.1 General
4.2 Structural details
4.3 Spectral fatigue analysis
4.4 Deterministic fatigue analysis

Section 6 Offshore Areas and Other Structural Requirements

1 Structural elements in “offshore areas” 36
1.1 General
1.2 Calculations
2 Additional requirements for moonpool 36
2.1 Pumping mode
2.2 Sloshing

4 Bureau Veritas January 2012

3 Fore and aft structures 36
3.1 General
4 Superstructures and deckhouses 36
4.1 General
5 Explosions, minor collisions, dropped objects 36
5.1 General

Section 7 Machinery Installations

1 General 37
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Application
1.3 Scope
1.4 Principles
2 Requirements for machinery 37
2.1 General requirements
2.2 Machinery controls
2.3 Steam boilers
2.4 Steam pipe system
2.5 Air pressure systems
2.6 Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils
2.7 Bilge pumping arrangements
2.8 Protection against flooding
3 Additional requirements for machinery of self-propelled units 39
3.1 General
3.2 Means of going astern
3.3 Steam boilers and boiler feed systems
3.4 Machinery control

Section 8 Safety Features

1 General 41
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Application
1.3 Definition of hazardous areas
2 Emergency conditions due to drilling operations 41
2.1 Disconnection or shutdown
3 Machinery installations in hazardous area 42
3.1 Principles
4 Risk analysis 42
4.1 General

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 5

6 Bureau Veritas January 2012
NR 569, Sec 1


1 General 1.3 Classification Society involvement

1.1 Application 1.3.1 Scope of classification

The scope of classification for units listed above is based on
1.1.1 The present Note provides requirements for the classi- an appraisal of the integrated unit covering in general:
fication of “ship-shaped” drilling vessels, as defined in [1.9].
a) Hull, accommodation, helideck and hull attachments
1.1.2 The requirements of the present Note apply only for and appurtenances including:
units intended to be granted the class notations specified in
[1.2]. • foundations for the support of topsides equipment
and the hull mounted equipment
1.1.3 The requirements of the present Note are comple-
• support structure for life saving appliances
mentary to provisions of the Offshore Rules, Part A, Part B
and Part C, which remains applicable, except where other- • passive fire protection and cathodic protection
wise specified in the present Note.
b) Moonpool arrangement
1.2 Class notations c) Intact and damage stability

1.2.1 Structural type notation d) Marine equipment (with foundations) pertaining to the
The provisions of the present Note apply to surface units offloading facilities, if any
intended to be granted one of the following structural type e) Accommodation quarters
• offshore service ships - for surface units having a pro- f) Dynamic positioning system (in case of additional class
pulsion system and steering appliances notation DYNAPOS)
• offshore service barge - for non-propelled surface units g) Mooring system for position keeping, when relevant.
unable to perform non-assisted voyages.
h) Lifting appliances (in case of the additional class nota-
1.2.2 Service notations tion ALM)
The provisions of the present note apply to surface units
i) Drilling equipment and installations (in case of addi-
intended to be granted the service notation drilling, as
tional class notation DRILL, as stated in [1.4])
defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.2] of the Offshore Rules.
j) Equipment and systems necessary for the safe operation
1.2.3 Additional service features of the hull and to the safety of personnel on board as
The additional service features given in Tab 1, and defined defined in the Rules for the Classification of Offshore
in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [7] of the Offshore Rules are manda- Units and related applicable Rules (taking into account
tory for units covered by the present Note. the additional service features AUTO and IG, and the
additional class notation LSA)
1.2.4 Additional class notations
The additional class notations stated in Tab 2 may be granted k) Equipment and systems installed in the hull, the failure
to units covered by the present Note. In addition, additional of which may jeopardise the safety of the floating unit
class notation as given by the Ship Rules may be granted.
l) The fire and gas detection system for the hull as well as
1.2.5 Site, transit and navigation notations the definition of the hazardous areas of the hull
Drilling vessels covered by the present Note are surface m) The fire water and foam system for the protection of the
units, for which the site and transit notations may be com- hull
pleted by one of the navigation notations stated in Pt A,
Ch 1, Sec 2, [5.3] of the Offshore Rules. Site, transit and n) Propulsion plant, when relevant.
navigation notations are to be granted in accordance with
the provisions of Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [5] of the Offshore Rules. 1.3.2 Detailed boundaries for classification
Navigation notations will define rule loads corresponding to For each project, the detailed boundaries for the classifica-
relevant transit conditions and survival conditions onsite. tion of units covered by the present Note are defined by the
When no navigation notation is granted, the loads will be Society on case-by-case basis and with reference to the
defined based on hydrodynamic analysis. Details are given requested structural type and service notations, additional
in Sec 4. class notations and additional service features.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 7

NR 569, Sec 1

Table 1 : Additional service features

Items covered
service feature
AUTO Automated installations enabling periodically unattended operations of machinery spaces
HEL Helideck fitted onboard the unit
IG Inerting gas system fitted onboard
VeriSTAR-Hull Structural assessment through 3D partial finite element model

Table 2 : Additional class notations

Description Reference for definition
class notation
ALP, ALM, ALS Lifting and deck appliances NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.2]
COMF HEALTH-NOISE-g Comfort and health requirements relating to noise level NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.11]
COMF HEALTH-VIB-g Comfort and health requirements relating to vibration NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.11]
DYNAPOS Dynamic positioning (station keeping) system NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.3]
ETA Emergency towing arrangements NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.9]
HIPS High integrity protection systems NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.12]
LSA (1) Life saving appliances NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.7]
Spectral Fatigue Fatigue check through spectral fatigue techniques NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.13]
STI Specific thickness increments NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.10]
VeriSTAR-Hull FLM (2) Structural assessment through full length 3D finite NR445 Offshore Rules, Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.14]
element model
DRILL Requirements for the classification of drilling [1.4]
equipment and installations
RBVS-xxx Classed units for which the Society provides risk based NI 567 Risk Based Verification of floating
verification services Offshore Units
IVBS Classed units for which the Society provides NI 567 Risk Based Verification of floating
independent verification services, acting as Offshore Units
Independent Verification Body
RBA Units for which the classification process is carried out NR568 Classification of Offshore Units - Risk
through a risk analysis approach Based Approach
(1) The requirements relating to the additional class notation LSA are given in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 12 of the Offshore Rules; these
requirements are consistent with IMO LSA Code, as amended.
(2) The additional class notation VeriSTAR-Hull FLM may be granted based on the requirements of NR551 Structural Analysis of
Offshore Surface Units through Full Length Finite Element Models.

1.4 Additional class notation DRILL classification, and is to comply with the requirements of
NR570 Classification of drilling equipment.
1.4.1 General
Structural elements supporting or housing this equipment,
The additional class notation DRILL covers the classifica- and related facilities (topsides structures), are to be designed
tion of drilling equipment and installations fitted onboard and built in accordance with the relevant requirements of Pt
B, Ch 2 and Ch 3 of the Offshore Rules and NR570 Classifi-
drilling vessels. Technical requirements for the additional
cation of drilling equipment.
class notation DRILL are given in NR570 Classification of
drilling equipment. Subject to initial agreement, topsides structures may be
designed following other recognized standards, provided
1.4.2 Notation DRILL requested due consideration is given to inertial loads, overall deforma-
tions of the unit, differential displacements of supports
When the additional class notation DRILL is requested, the points and other relevant loadings, in accordance with the
equipment stated in Tab 3 is included in the scope of the provisions of Pt B, Ch 2 of the Offshore Rules.

8 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 1

1.4.3 Notation DRILL not requested System Equipment

When the additional class notation DRILL is not requested, Mud mixing and • pumps
the equipment stated in Tab 3 and the relating topsides circulating facilities • standpipe manifold
structures are not included in the scope of the classification. • pulsation dampeners
However, the Society will include in the scope of the classi-
• mud hoses
fication items relating to drilling equipment and installa-
• safety valves
tions affecting the general safety of the unit, such as:
• mud agitators
• structural safety and loads generated by drilling equip- • mud mixing equipment
ment on the hull or other classed parts of the unit • degasser
• desander
• definition of hazardous areas
• desilter
• venting system • shale shakers
• drill string
• interface to the fire fighting and fire prevention systems
Cementing system • cement pump
• arrangement of emergency escapes.
• cement unit
The Society endeavours also to verify that the failure of • piping and transfer lines
equipment out of the scope of the classification does not • pulsation dampeners
impair significantly hull safety. Additional documentation • cement hoses
may be requested. • additives system
• control valves
Supports and foundations of drilling equipment which are
Drill string heave • accumulators
welded to the hull or other classed part of the unit will be
compensation • hydraulic cylinders
included in the scope of the classification. Classification
system (active or • piping (including flexibles)
limits will be defined on a case-by-case basis, after exami-
passive) • pressure vessels
nation of submitted drawings and documentation.
Tensioning system • accumulators
Table 3 : List of equipment covered by • hydraulic cylinders
the additional notation DRILL • piping system
• pressure vessels
• tensioning arms
System Equipment
Marine riser system • riser joints
Drilling structures • derricks
• telescopic joints and tensioner
• masts
• drilling towers
• ball and flexjoints
• pipe racks or equivalent structures
• choke, kill and auxiliary lines
• other supporting structures (such
• connectors
as the drill floor)
Well control system • Blow-Out Preventer (BOP)
Hoisting equipment • crown block
• rams preventers
• travelling block
• annular preventers
• drawworks
• test stumps
• drilling hook
• wellhead connector
Rotary equipment • rotary table • accumulators
• master bushing • control pods
• topdrive • acoustic BOP control
• rotary hose • Koomey unit
BOP and pipe • horizontal to vertical pipe • Choke and kill system
handling equipment handling systems • Diverter system, including piping
• BOP crane and valves
• winches Well test system • burners
Dry bulk storage • pressurized tanks • flare booms
and transfer system • piping for pressurized bulk • piping
transport • pressure vessels
• air compressor • pumps
• air dryer Other systems • pressure containing equipment
• control valves • pipings
• emergency compressor • electrical systems
• purge air system • control systems
• engines

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 9

NR 569, Sec 1

1.5 Position keeping - mooring 1.8.3 IMO MODU Code

Compliance with IMO MODU Code may be required by
1.5.1 For units covered by the present Note and fitted with Owner, Flag and/or Coastal State.
passive mooring systems for position keeping, mooring sys-
tem is to comply with the requirements of IMO MODU The Society reserves the right to refer to the requirements in
Code, [4.12], referring to MSC/Circ. 737 Guidelines on IMO MODU Code, when deemed necessary.
anchoring systems for MODUs.
1.9 Definitions
1.6 Design Criteria Statement
1.9.1 Offshore Rules
1.6.1 Classification is based upon the design data or Offshore Rules means Society Rules for the Classification of
assumptions specified by the party applying for classification. Offshore Units (NR445). When reference is made to the
A Design Criteria Statement is to list the services performed Offshore Rules, the latest version of these ones is applica-
by the unit and the design conditions and other assumptions ble.
on the basis of which class is assigned to the unit.
1.9.2 Ship Rules
The Design Criteria Statement is to be issued by the Society,
based on the information provided by the party applying for Ship Rules means Society Rules for the Classification of
classification. Steel Ships (NR467). When reference is made to the Ship
Rules, the latest version of these ones is applicable.
1.6.2 The Design Criteria Statement is to be referred to on
the unit’s Classification Certificates. 1.9.3 Drilling vessel
Drilling vessels are offshore units used for drilling activities
1.6.3 The Design Criteria Statement is to be incorporated in relating to exploration and/or exploitation of oil and gas.
the Operating Manual, as stated in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.4] These units operate generally on an operation site for a lim-
of the Offshore Rules. ited period and perform transit from one site to another.

1.6.4 Additional details about the Design Criteria State- Drilling vessels are generally equipped with dynamic posi-
ment are given in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.6] of the Offshore tioning systems (DP).
Rules. For the purpose of the application of referenced require-
ments of the Offshore Rules, drilling vessels are mobile off-
1.7 Design life shore units, as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.5.1] of the
Offshore Rules.
1.7.1 The requirements about “Service Life”, “Design life”,
unit modifications and unit re-assessment are given in Pt A, 1.9.4 BOP
Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.7] of the Offshore Rules. BOP is the acronym of Blow-Out Preventer, which is a well
control equipment used for sealing the well around a pipe
(drill pipe, casing or other types of pipe, depending on the
1.8 Statutory requirements
related operational phase). The sealing of the well is based
on two types of equipment, which are parts of the BOP:
1.8.1 Project specification
Prior to commencement of the review of drawings, the • annular devices
complete list of Rules, Codes and Statutory Requirements to • sealing rams.
be complied with must be submitted for information. This
list is to detail the requirements to be complied with: Technical requirements for the design, testing and inspec-
tion of the BOP are given in NR570 Classification of drilling
• International Rules equipment.
• Flag state requirements
• Coastal state requirements 1.10 Reference co-ordinate system
• Owner standards and procedures
1.10.1 The ship’s geometry, motions, accelerations and
• Industry standards loads are defined with respect to the following right-hand
• Classification notations. co-ordinate system (see Fig 1):
• Origin: at the intersection among the longitudinal plane
The project specification is also to specify the list of Owner of symmetry of ship, the aft end of L and the baseline
requested statutory certificates.
• X axis: longitudinal axis, positive forwards
1.8.2 Conflict of Rules • Y axis: transverse axis, positive towards portside
In case of conflict between the Society Rules and any Statu- • Z axis: vertical axis, positive upwards.
tory Requirements as given by Flag state or Coastal State,
the latter ones are to take precedence over the requirements Positive rotations are oriented in anti-clockwise direction
of the present Rules. about the X, Y and Z axes.

10 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 1

Figure 1 : Reference co-ordinate system 1.11 Documents to be submitted

Z 1.11.1 The documentation to be submitted is specified in
Pt A, Ch 1 of the Offshore Rules.
In addition, calculation reports, test reports, drawings and
X plans relevant for the application of requirements given in
the present Note will be submitted.


January 2012 Bureau Veritas 11

NR 569, Sec 2


1 General • transit arrival and departure conditions, anchors to be

onboard and with maximum related deck loads
1.1 Application • towing condition, if relevant
• normal operation conditions, covering the full range of
1.1.1 The requirements of the present section, including operating draughts and taking into account the maxi-
those related to damage stability, are applicable for all units mum loading of materials and equipment in the most
covered by the present Note, as defined in Sec 1, [1.1]. unfavourable position applicable. Normal operation
conditions are to cover:
1.1.2 Unit stability, subdivision, watertightness and weath-
ertightness are to comply with the applicable requirements - preliminary drilling operations, connexion of marine
of Pt B, Ch 1 of the Offshore Rules, except when otherwise riser
specified in the present section. - installation of conductor pipe
- BOP running
1.1.3 Attention is directed to the International Regulations
the unit may have to comply with such as IMO Code for the - normal drilling operations
Construction and Equipment of Mobile Offshore Drilling - casing running operations
Units (MODU code).
- tripping and associated handling of drill string
1.1.4 Specific criteria - cementing operations
If the Owner specifies criteria for intact and damage stability, - BOP testing
more severe than this section, these criteria are to be taken
- fishing works
into account and stated in the Design Criteria Statement.
- well testing operations, when relevant
1.2 Documentation to be submitted - well completion operations, when relevant, includ-
ing handling of X-mass tree
1.2.1 General • inspection conditions consistent with the operational
A stability file is to be submitted by the Owner or its repre- procedures
sentative. It has to include line plans, capacity plans, justifi-
• severe storm conditions assuming the same weight dis-
cation of lightweight characteristics, definition of loading
tribution as for transit/towing, as relevant, except for the
conditions, trim and stability booklet, damage stability
necessary ballast adjustments to bring the unit to the
booklet, damage control plan, damage control booklet.
survival draught and for the possible dumping of vari-
able deck load if such is specified in the operational
2 Stability procedures
• severe storm condition assuming the same weight distri-
2.1 Trim and stability booklet bution as for normal operation condition with the nec-
essary ballast adjustments to place the unit in the
2.1.1 General survival draught configuration. In this condition:
The trim and stability booklet of the unit, including the list - equipment liable to be disconnected, such as
of information defined in [2.1.2], is to be approved by the marine risers or mooring lines (when relevant), is
Society. assumed disconnected

2.1.2 List of information - equipment liable to be disconnected and stored on

deck, is assumed disconnected and secured on deck
Relevant information defined in Pt B, Ch 3, App 2, [1.1.2] of
Ship Rules is to be included in the trim and stability book- - equipment having a rest position, such as crane
let. The booklet is to contain the standard loading condi- booms and handling equipment, is assumed in rest
tions given in [2.1.3]. position
- the maximum amount of loads is assumed to be
2.1.3 Standard loading conditions stored on deck, such as drill pipe and casing stored
The standard loading conditions to be included in the trim in the pipe rack. Account may be taken of dumping
and stability booklet are: of variable deck load if specified in the operational
• lightweight condition procedure.

• docking condition with 10% of consumable supplies

12 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 2

2.2 Operational procedures • the deadweight survey indicates a change from the light
ship displacement calculated for the first of the series
2.2.1 General less than 1% of the displacement in working condition,
Adequate instructions and information related to the stabil-
ity, watertightness and weathertightness of the unit are to be • this survey indicates a change from the longitudinal
provided by the Owner and included in the Operating Man- position of the unit centre of gravity as determined for
ual (see [2.2.2]). In accordance with Pt A, Ch 1 of the Off- the first of the series less than 1% of the unit's length.
shore Rules, the procedures and operating instructions do
not fall into the scope of classification and need not to be 2.4.2 For the application of [2.4.1], the party applying for
approved by the Society. classification is required to submit detailed calculations
showing the differences of weights and centres of gravity.
2.2.2 Operating Manual
The results of the inclining test, or deadweight survey, or 2.5 Stability calculations
inclining test adjusted for weight differences when [2.4.1] is
applicable are to be indicated in the Operating Manual. 2.5.1 General
The light ship particulars are to include the detailed list of As a minimum, stability calculations for the standard load-
the equipment (cranes, accommodation, features...) located ing conditions defined in [2.1.3] are to be carried out and
on the unit when the test has been carried out. submitted to the Society. The Society may require stability
calculations for additional loading conditions, based on the
A record of all changes to machinery, structure, outfitting and investigation of the Loading Manual or on the information
equipment that affect the light ship data, are to be main- previously submitted. These additional loading conditions
tained in the Operating Manual or a in a light ship data alter- are to be stated in the Design Criteria Statement.
ations log and is to be taken into account in daily operations.
2.5.2 Ice and snow conditions
2.3 Inclining test and deadweight survey Units covered by the present Note and liable to operate in
areas of snow and glazed frost, the verification of the stabil-
2.3.1 Subject to the provisions of [2.4], an inclining test is ity, intact and damage, is to be performed taking into
to be carried out on each unit at the time of construction or account the possible overloads due to ice and snow accu-
following substantial modification, to determine accurately mulation.
the light ship data (weight and position of centre of gravity). In order to perform the stability calculation, the following
amount of ice may be used:
2.3.2 The inclining test is to take place, when the unit is as
• 140 kg/m 2 for horizontal exposed areas
near as possible to completion, in the presence and to the
satisfaction of the attending Surveyor. The test procedure is • 70 kg/m 2 for lateral or oblique exposed areas.
to be submitted to the Society for examination prior to
Different amount of ice corresponding to local regulations
being carried out.
or areas where the units are operating may be used instead
of the above values.
2.3.3 The results of the inclining test are to be submitted to
the Society for review.
2.5.3 Permeability of spaces assumed to be
2.3.4 A deadweight survey is to be conducted at intervals
not exceeding 5 years. An inclining test is to be carried out The permeability values of spaces assumed to be damaged
in the following cases: are normally to be taken as given in Tab 1.

• where the deadweight survey indicates a change from Other values may be used if adequately supported by calcu-
the calculated light ship displacement in excess of 1% lations and if consistent with operating practices.
of the displacement in working condition or
Table 1 : Permeability of spaces
• where this survey indicates a change from the longitudi-
nal position of the unit centre of gravity in excess of 1%
Spaces Permeabilities
of the unit's length.
Appropriated to stores 0,60
Occupied by accommodation 0,95
2.4 Units of same design Occupied by machinery 0,85

2.4.1 For successive units of a design or for units undergo- Voids 0,95
ing only minor alterations, the Society may, at its discretion, Intended for consumable liquids 0 to 0,95 (1)
waive the requirements of [2.3.1] and accept the light ship
Intended for other liquids 0 to 0,95 (1)
data of the first unit of the series in lieu of an inclining test,
provided that, notwithstanding minor differences in (1) The permeability of partially filled compartments are to
machinery, outfitting or equipment, both following condi- be consistent with the amount of liquid carried in the
tions are fulfilled: compartment

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 13

NR 569, Sec 2

2.5.4 Free surface effects 2.7 Righting moment and heeling moment
Free surface effects of liquids in all type of tanks are to be curves
considered for stability calculations. These effects are to be
taken into account on the basis of the requirements stipu- 2.7.1 Curves of righting moments and of wind heeling
lated in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2, [4] of the Ship Rules. moments are to be prepared covering the full range of oper-
ating draughts, including those in transit conditions, taking
In calculating the free surfaces effect in tanks containing
into account the maximum deck cargo and equipment in
consumable liquids, it is to be assumed that for each type of
liquid at least one transverse pair or a single centreline tank the most unfavourable position applicable. The righting
has a free surface and the tank or combination of tanks moment curves and wind heeling moments are to relate to
taken into account are to be those where the effect of free the most critical axis. Account is to be taken of the free sur-
surface is the greatest. face of liquids in tanks. In that respect, the assumptions of
[2.5.4] are to be taken into account.
Free surface effects of the flooded wells/recesses arranged in
the freeboard deck are to be taken into account for stability
2.7.2 Where equipment is of such a nature that it can be
lowered and stowed, additional wind heeling moment
curves may be required and such data are to clearly indi-
2.5.5 Moonpool
cate the position of such equipment.
The volume of the moonpool is not to be included in calcu-
lation of any hydrostatic properties. 2.7.3 The curves of wind heeling moments are to be drawn
for wind forces calculated by the following formula:
2.6 Computation model F = 0,5 CS CH P V2 A

2.6.1 The mathematical model used for stability computa- where:

tion is to be to the satisfaction of the Society. In particular
F : Wind force, in N
the model is to be suitable for the determination of the most
critical axis. CS : Shape coefficient depending on the shape of the
The damage stability calculations are to be performed with structural member exposed to the wind (refer to
the lost buoyance method. Tab 2)

CH : Height coefficient depending on the height

2.6.2 Displacement and KG values are to account for the
above sea level of the structural member
vertical force maintained by marine riser tensioners. Verti-
exposed to wind (refer to Tab 3)
cal components of passive mooring forces are also to be
taken into account, when relevant. P : Air specific mass (1,222 kg/m3)
The necessary data are to be submitted for the range of V : Wind speed, in m/s
applicable water depth.
A : Projected area of the exposed surface of the
2.6.3 The computation of the static stability curve are to structural member in either the upright or the
account for the progressive flooding of spaces. heeled condition, in m².

2.6.4 The flooded stability computation is to be to the satis- Table 2 : Shape coefficient Cs
faction of the Society and, in particular, is not to introduce
discontinuities in the static stability curve. Shape CS

It is to be checked that the unit is in static equilibrium at Spherical 0,40

every stage of flooding, the flooding water surface being Cylindrical 0,50
taken parallel to the sea surface. Large flat surface (hull, deckhouse, smooth
underdeck areas)
The computation may be based upon the following assump-
tions with respect to intermediate flooding: Drilling derrick 1,25
Wires 1,20
a) For unsymmetrical flooding of spaces connected by
pipes, ducts, etc., flooding is assumed to take place until Exposed beams and girders under deck 1,30
the sea level is reached before any equalisation occurs. Small parts 1,40
Isolated shapes (crane, beam, etc.) 1,50
b) Spaces freely connected by large unobstructed openings
are assumed to equalise as they get flooded. Clustered deckhouses or similar structures 1,10

14 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 2

Table 3 : Height coefficient CH 2.7.8 Wind heeling moments derived from wind tunnel
tests on a representative model of the unit may be consid-
Height above sea level (m) CH ered as alternatives to the method given in [2.7.3] to [2.7.7].
Such heeling moment determination is to include lift and
0 - 15,3 1,00
drag effects at various applicable heel angles.
15,3 - 30,5 1,10
30,5 - 46,0 1,20 2.8 Intact stability
46,0 - 61,0 1,30
2.8.1 Intact stability criteria
61,0 - 76,0 1,37
The stability of the unit in each mode of operation is to
76,0 - 91,5 1,43 comply with the following criteria:
91,5 - 106,5 1,48 • the area under the righting moment curve to the second
106,5 - 122,0 1,52 intercept or downflooding angle, whichever is less, is
122,0 - 137,0 1,56 not to be less than 40% in excess of the area under the
wind heeling moment curve to the same limiting angle
137,0 - 152,5 1,60
• the righting moment curve is to be positive over the entire
152,5 - 167,5 1,63 range of angles, from upright to the second intercept.
167,5 - 183,0 1,67
2.8.2 Severe storm condition
183,0 - 198,0 1,70
The unit is to be capable of attaining a severe storm condi-
198,0 - 213,5 1,72
tion without the removal or relocation of solid consumables
213,5 - 228,5 1,75 or other variable loads. The procedures recommended and
228,5 - 244,0 1,77 the approximate length of time required, considering both
operating condition and transit/towing condition, as rele-
244,0 - 256,0 1,79
vant, are to be included in the Operating Manual.
above 256 1,80
However, the Society may accept that a unit is loaded past
the point at which solid consumables would have to be
2.7.4 Wind forces are to be considered from any direction removed or relocated to go severe storm condition under
relative to the unit and the value of the wind speed is to be the following conditions, provided the allowable KG
taken as follows: requirement is not exceeded:
a) In general, a minimum wind speed of 36 m/s (70 knots) a) In a geographic location where weather conditions
is to be used for normal working conditions and a mini- annually or seasonally do not become sufficiently
mum wind speed of 51,5 m/s (100 knots) is to be used severe to require a unit to go to severe storm condition.
for the extreme environmental condition.
b) Or, where a unit is required to support extra deckload
b) Where a unit is to be limited in operation in sheltered for a short period of time that falls well within a period
waters (such as lakes, bays, swamps, rivers,...), reduced for which the weather forecast is favourable.
wind velocities, not less than 25,8 m/s (50 knots) for nor- The geographic locations, weather conditions and loading
mal working conditions, may be used and a Note is to be conditions in which this is permitted are to be identified in
entered on the unit's Classification Certificate restricting the Operating Manual.
the assigned class to the specified wind conditions.
2.8.3 Ballast adjustments for survival draught
2.7.5 In calculating the projected areas to the vertical When ballast adjustments to bring the unit to the survival
plane, the area of surfaces exposed to wind due to heel or draught are required for the purpose of meeting the intact
trim such as under decks surfaces, etc., are to be included stability criteria under extreme environment wind speed,
using the appropriate shape factor. Open truss work may be the unit is to be capable of attaining the said draught within
approximated by taking 30% of the projected block area of a period of time of 3 hours.
both the front and back section, i.e., 60% of the projected
Note 1: Based on the analysis of the documentation relating to
area of one side.
meteorological conditions, the Society may require period of time
less than 3 hours, on a case-by-case basis.
2.7.6 The wind heeling moment curve is to be calculated
for a sufficient number of heel angles to define the curve.
2.8.4 Alternative criteria for intact stability
The curve may be assumed to vary as the cosine function of
unit heel. Alternative stability criteria may be considered by the Soci-
ety, provided an equivalent level of safety is maintained and
2.7.7 For the calculation of wind heeling moments, the if they are demonstrated to afford adequate positive initial
lever of the wind overturning force is to be taken vertically stability. In determining the acceptability of such criteria,
from centre of pressure of all surfaces exposed to the wind the following is to be considered:
to the centre of lateral resistance of the underwater body of • environmental conditions representing realistic winds
the unit. In all cases, the unit is to be assumed floating free (including gusts) and waves appropriate for world-ser-
of mooring restraints. vice in various modes of operation

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 15

NR 569, Sec 2

• dynamic response of the unit. Analysis is to include the 2.9.2 Damage stability calculations
results of wind tunnel tests, wave tank model tests, and Damage stability calculations are to take into account the
non-linear simulation, where appropriate. Any wind proportions and design characteristics of the unit and the
and wave spectra used are to cover sufficient frequency arrangement and configuration of damaged compartments.
ranges to ensure that critical motion responses are
obtained 2.9.3 Damage stability criteria
• potential for flooding taking into account dynamic The unit is to have sufficient freeboard and be subdivided
responses in a seaway by means of watertight decks and bulkheads to provide suf-
• susceptibility to capsizing considering the unit's restora- ficient buoyancy and stability in order to withstand the
tion energy and the static inclination due to the mean flooding of any compartment in any operating or tran-
wind speed and the maximum dynamic response sit/towing condition, consistent with damage assumption
given in [2.9.1].
• an adequate safety margin to account for uncertainties.
The unit is to have sufficient reserve stability in a damaged
condition to withstand a wind heeling moment based on a
2.9 Subdivision and damage stability
velocity of 25,8 m/s (50 knots), superimposed from any
2.9.1 Extent of damage direction. In this condition, the final waterline after flooding
In assessing the damage stability of drilling vessels, the fol- is to be below the lower edge of any downflooding open-
lowing extent of damage is to be assumed to occur between ing. The ability to reduce angles of inclination by pumping
effective watertight bulkheads: out or ballasting compartments or application of mooring
forces, etc, is not to be considered as justifying any relax-
a) Vertical extent: from the baseline upwards without limit. ation of above requirements.
b) Horizontal penetration perpendicularly to the skin: 1,5 m. Anchor handling, bilge and ballast systems, lifesaving
The distance between effective watertight bulkheads or their equipment, means of escape and emergency power supply
nearest stepped portions which are positioned within the and lighting are to be capable of operating in the flooded
assumed extent of horizontal penetration are not to be less final equilibrium condition. In particular the angle at equi-
than 3 m; where there is a lesser distance, one or more of librium in the worst damage condition is not to prevent the
the adjacent bulkheads are to be disregarded. safe access to and the safe launching of lifeboats and
All piping, ventilation systems, trunks, etc., within the liferafts.
extent of damage are to be assumed to be damaged; posi-
tive means of closure are to be provided, in accordance 2.9.4 Alternative criteria
with Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 4 of the Offshore Rules, at watertight Alternative subdivision and damage stability criteria may be
boundaries to preclude the progressive flooding of other considered by the Society, provided an equivalent level of
spaces which are intended to be intact. safety is maintained. In determining the acceptability of
such criteria, the following is to be considered:
Where damage of a lesser extent than defined above results
in a more severe condition, such lesser extent is to be • extent of damage as set out in [2.9.1];
assumed. • the provision of an adequate margin against capsizing.

16 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 3


1 Unit’s areas categorization 1.1.3 Requirements for “offshore area”

Structural elements belonging to “offshore areas” are to

1.1 Principles comply with the requirements of Part B of the Offshore
Rules, except when otherwise specified in the present Note.
1.1.1 Definition of areas
Following analysis of the stress level in the structure and When the additional class notation DRILL is granted to the
design environment, the Society may categorize structural unit, some elements from “offshore area” may be also cov-
elements of units covered by the present Note as follows: ered by the requirements of NR570 Classification of drilling
equipment. In such a case, the requirements of NR570 are
• elements belonging to “ship area”, which are structural to take precedence.
elements composing the hull of the ship and covered by
the requirements of the Ship Rules
1.1.4 Extension of areas
• elements belonging to “offshore area”, which are struc-
tural elements welded to the hull structure providing an Limits between “ship area” and “offshore area” may be
interface between the hull and equipment and installa- adjusted by the Society as a result of engineering judgement
tions onboard the drilling vessel. Structural elements based on knowledge of the load path and related stress
reinforcing the hull for sustaining loads induced by top- level.
sides equipment are also to be included in the “offshore
area”. Typical examples of elements in offshore areas
are given in Tab 1. 1.2 Structural categories for “offshore area”
The Society reserves its right, according to appropriate
structural analysis, to declare other elements as belong- 1.2.1 Definition of categories
ing to offshore areas. Structural elements in welded steel belonging to “offshore
areas” are classed into three categories: second, first and
1.1.2 Requirements for “ship area”
special categories as listed:
Structural elements belonging to “ship area” are to comply
with the requirements of Part B of the Ship Rules, except • Second category: Second category elements are struc-
when otherwise specified in the present Note. In case of tural elements of minor importance, the failure of which
conflict between the Ship Rules and the present Note, the might induce only localised effects.
most severe requirement is to take precedence.
• First category: First category elements are main load car-
Table 1 : Typical examples of elements belonging to rying elements essential to the overall structural integrity
the “offshore area” of the unit.

• Special category: Special category elements are parts of

Structural elements first category elements located in way or at the vicinity
Derrick fondation into hull of critical load transmission areas and of stress concen-
tration locations.
Pipe rack supports
Substructure of laydown areas
1.2.2 Structural categorization
Pedestals and foundations of deck appliances
Structural categories, as defined in [1.2.1], are to be indi-
Drawworks foundation into hull cated on drawings submitted to the Society for approval.
Helideck supports
area The Society may, when deemed necessary, upgrade any
Passing mooring supports, when relevant
structural element to account for particular considerations
Handling cranes (for BOP, ROV, etc) pedestal such as novel design features or restrictions regarding
and foundation into hull access for quality control and in-service inspections.
Flare boom supports, when relevant
Foundations and supports of other non-perma- 1.2.3 Guidance for structural categorization
nent equipment
Structural categories specified in Tab 2 for various elements
Foundations and supports of silo for pouder belonging to “offshore area” are given as guidance for the
products application of [1.2.2].

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 17

NR 569, Sec 3

Table 2 : Guidance for structural categorization of 2.1.4 Water temperature requested by [2.1.1] is to be taken
“offshore area” as the water temperature of the coldest day (24 h) of the
year for any anticipated area of operation.
Category Structural element Where no particular value is specified, classification is to be
Second • Substructure of laydown areas based upon 0°C water temperature.
• Doubler plates, insert plates due to
topsides structures 2.2 Material requirements for “ship area”
• Outfitting features
• Stair towers and their substructure 2.2.1 Structural elements belonging to “ship area” are to
• Rest support structures for handling comply with the requirements relating to materials for con-
equipment struction given in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1 of the Ship Rules.
• Reinforcing stiffeners, girders or bulk-
heads sustaining a low or moderate 2.3 Material requirements for “offshore area”
level of stress and easily available for
inspection 2.3.1 Structural elements belonging to “offshore area” are
to comply with the requirements relating to materials for
First • In general, supports and stools of
equipment designed with soft toe
construction given in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2 of the Offshore
brackets Rules, taking into consideration the structural categories
• Drill floor support structure, includ-
defined in [1.2].
ing reinforcing stiffeners and girders
• Helideck supporting structure 2.4 Steels with specified through thickness
• pipe racks supporting structure properties
Special • Derrick supporting structure
2.4.1 The designer is to evaluate the risk of any lamellar
• In general, supports and stools of tearing, i.e. shrinkage stresses of the weld during cooling,
equipment designed without soft-toe
clamping of the structure close to a joint, thickness of mate-
rial, any rolling defects at mid-thickness and importance of
the weld runs.
2 Materials for construction
2.4.2 The maximum allowable stress through thickness is
50% of the yield stress. For Z-grade plates as defined in the
2.1 Design temperature Ship Rules, a maximum stress of 75% of yield stress can be
accepted as through thickness stress.
2.1.1 Design temperature of structural elements is to be Special attention to the welding of Z-grade plates is to be
taken as follows: paid by the designer. The Society may require ultrasonic
• for the emerged part of the structure (splash zone and inspection before and after welding of the plate.
above), the design temperature is the air temperature
defined in [2.1.3]. 3 Inspections and checks
• for the immersed part of the structure, the design tem-
perature is the water temperature defined in [2.1.4]. 3.1 General

2.1.2 The Society may accept values of design temperature 3.1.1 Materials, workmanship, structures and welded con-
obtained through direct calculation, provided that: nections are to be subjected, at the beginning of the work,
during construction and after completion, to inspections by
• the calculations are based on air temperature and water the Shipyard suitable to check compliance with the applica-
temperature as defined in [2.1.3] and [2.1.4]. ble requirements, approved plans and standards.
• the calculations provide a design temperature corre-
3.1.2 The manufacturer is to make available to the attend-
sponding to the worst condition of the unit in operation,
ing Surveyor a list of the manual welders and welding oper-
towing/transit and inspection.
ators and their respective qualifications.
• a complete calculation report, including a documenta-
tion of methods and software, is submitted to the Society. 3.1.3 The manufacturer’s internal organisation is responsi-
ble for ensuring that welders and operators are not
2.1.3 Air temperature requested by [2.1.1] is to be taken as employed under improper conditions or beyond the limits
the mean air temperature of the coldest day (24 h) of the of their respective qualifications and that welding proce-
year for any anticipated area of operation. dures are adopted within the approved limits and under the
appropriate operating conditions.
Where no particular value is specified, classification is to be
based upon the following air temperature: 3.1.4 The manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that the
operating conditions, welding procedures and work sched-
• 0°C for units not intended to operate in cold areas
ule are in accordance with the applicable requirements,
• −10°C for units intended to operate in cold areas. approved plans and recognized good welding practice.

18 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 3

3.2 Inspection of “ship area” Table 4 : List of references for

compartment arrangements
3.2.1 For parts of the structure defined as “ship areas”, the
requirements given in Pt B, Ch 12 of the Ship Rules are to Item Reference in Ship Rules
be applied.
Cofferdams Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [2]

3.2.2 Prior to construction start, the constructing shipyard Double bottoms Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [3]
is to propose a recognized standard for approval. Compartments forward of the Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [4]
collision bulkhead
3.2.3 The Society reserves the right to increase the number of Minimum bow height Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [5]
non destructive examinations due to complexity of the struc-
Fuel oil tanks Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [8]
ture and with particular attention to the intended service.

6 Access
3.3 Inspection of “offshore area”
6.1 General
3.3.1 For parts of the structure defined as “offshore areas”,
reference is to be made to Section 6 of NR426 “Construc- 6.1.1 As a rule, access arrangement is to comply with the
tion Survey of Steel Structures of Offshore Units and Instal- relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3 of the Ship Rules,
lations”. except when otherwise specified in the present Note.

3.3.2 The Society reserves the right to increase the number of 6.1.2 The requirements of [6.2] to [6.5] are to be consid-
non destructive examinations due to complexity of the struc- ered as mandatory requirements for Classification of units
ture and with particular attention to the intended service. covered by the present Note.

6.2 Means of access

4 Subdivision arrangement
6.2.1 Each space within the unit is to be provided with at
least one permanent means of access to enable, throughout
4.1 General
the life of the unit, overall and close-up inspections and
thickness measurements.
4.1.1 Subdivision arrangement of units covered by the
present Note is to comply with the relevant requirements of 6.2.2 For the access to horizontal openings, hatches or
Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1 of the Ship Rules. The list of detailed refer- manholes, the dimensions are to be sufficient to allow a
ences is given in Tab 3. person wearing a self-contained air-breathing apparatus and
protective equipment to ascend or descend any ladder
Table 3 : List of references for without obstruction and also to provide a clear opening to
subdivision arrangement facilitate the hoisting of an injured person from the bottom
of a confined space. The minimum clear opening is not to
Item Reference in Ship Rules be less than 600 x 600 mm. When access to a hold is
arranged through a flush manhole in the deck or a hatch,
Number and arrangement of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [1]
the top of the ladder is to be placed as close as possible to
transverse watertight bulkheads
the deck or the hatch coaming. Access hatch coamings hav-
Collision bulkhead Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [2] ing a height greater than 900 mm are to be provided with
Aft peak, machinery space Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [3] steps on the outside in conjunction with the ladder.
bulkheads and stern tubes
Height of transverse watertight Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [5] 6.2.3 For access to vertical openings or manholes in swash
bulkheads other than collision bulkheads, floors, girders and web frames providing pas-
bulkheads and aft peak bulkhead sage through the length and breath of the space, the mini-
mum opening is to be not less than 600 x 800 mm at a
Openings in watertight bulkheads Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [6]
height not more than 600 mm from the bottom shell plate
and decks
unless gratings or other footholds are provided.

5 Compartment arrangement 6.2.4 Technical provisions of IMO Resolution MSC.133(76),

as amended, can be used as a reference for the design and
arrangement of means of access.
5.1 General
6.2.5 Where a permanent means of access may be suscep-
5.1.1 Relevant requirements relating to compartment tible to damage during normal operations or where it is
arrangement given in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2 of the Ship Rules are impracticable to fit permanent means of access, the Society
to be complied with. The detailed list of references is given may accept, on a case-by-case basis, the provision of mov-
in Tab 4. able or portable means of access, provided that the means

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 19

NR 569, Sec 3

of attaching, rigging, suspending or supporting the portable 6.4.4 The width of ladders between stringers is not to be
means of access forms a permanent part of the unit’s struc- less than 400 mm.
ture. All portable equipment is to be capable of being
readily erected or deployed by unit’s personnel. 6.4.5 The treads are to be equally spaced at a distance
apart measured vertically not exceeding 300 mm. They are
to be formed of two square steel bars of not less than 22
6.2.6 Equipment on deck is to be arranged such as to allow
mm by 22 mm in section fitted to form a horizontal step
inspections of deck plating and to avoid permanent concen-
with the edges pointing upward, or of equivalent construc-
tration of dust, mud and remaining water.
tion. The treads are to be carried through the side stringers
and attached thereto by double continuous welding.
6.3 Access to holds, tanks, ballast tanks
and other spaces 6.4.6 All sloping ladders are to be provided with handrails
of substantial construction on both sides fitted at a conve-
6.3.1 Safe access is defined in accordance with IMO Reso- nient distance above the treads.
lution A.864(20) Recommendations for entering enclosed
spaces aboard ships. 6.5 Access manual
6.3.2 Safe access to holds, cofferdams, tanks and other 6.5.1 An access manual is to be incorporated in the operat-
spaces are to be direct from the deck and such as to ensure ing manual of the unit. The access manual is to describe
their complete inspection. Safe access may be from a machin- unit’s means of access to carry out overall and close-up
ery space, pump room, deep cofferdam, pipe tunnel, hold, inspections and thickness measurements.
double-hull space or similar compartment not intended for
the carriage of oil or hazardous materials, where it is imprac-
6.5.2 The access manual is to be up-dated as necessary,
ticable to provide such access from an open deck.
and an up-dated copy is to be maintained onboard.

6.3.3 Tanks or subdivisions of tanks having a length of 35

6.5.3 The access manual is to include, for each space, the
m or more are to be fitted with two access hatchways and
following information:
• plans showing the means of access to the space, with
Tanks less than 35 m in length are to be served with at least
appropriate technical specifications and dimensions
one hatchway and ladder. When a tank is subdivided by
one or more swash bulkheads or other obstructions which • plans showing the means of access within each space to
do not allow ready means of access, at least two hatchways enable an overall inspection to be carried out, with
and ladders are to be fitted. appropriate technical specifications and dimensions;
the plans are to indicate from where each area in the
When two hatchways are fitted, they are to be placed as far
space can be inspected
apart as practicable.
• plans showing the means of access within each space to
6.3.4 Each hold are to be provided with at least two means enable close-up inspection to be carried out, with
of access. Generally, these accesses are arranged diago- appropriate technical specifications and dimensions;
nally. the plans are to indicate the position of structural critical
areas, whether the means of access are permanent or
6.3.5 In general, when two means of access are fitted, they portable and from where each area can be inspected
are to be arranged as far apart as practicable. Note 1: Critical structural areas are locations identified from calcu-
lations to require monitoring, or, from the service history of
similar or sister units, to be sensitive to cracking, buckling,
6.4 Ladders
deformation or corrosion which would impair the structural
integrity of the unit.
6.4.1 In general, the ladders are not to be inclined at an
angle exceeding 70°. The flights of ladders are not to be • instructions for inspecting and maintaining the struc-
more than 9 m in actual length. Resting platforms of ade- tural strength of all means of access and means of
quate dimensions are to be provided. attachment, taking into account any corrosive atmo-
sphere that may be within the space
6.4.2 Ladders and handrails are to be constructed of steel • instructions for safety guidance when rafting is used for
of adequate strength and stiffness and securely attached to close-up inspections and thickness measurements
the tank structure by stays. The method of support and
length of stay are to be such that vibration is reduced to a • instructions for the rigging and use of any portable
practical minimum. means of access in a safe manner
• an inventory of all portable means of access
6.4.3 Provision is to be made for maintaining the structural
strength of the ladders and railings taking into account the • records of periodical inspections and maintenance of
corrosive effect of the cargo. the unit’s means of access.

20 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 3

7 Strength principles 7.2.7 Where necessary, the shape of openings is to be spe-

cially designed to reduce the stress concentration factors.
Particular attention is to be paid to the passage of secondary
7.1 General references stiffeners through web plating in the stress vicinity of heavy
loads, i.e. drilling equipment loads on deck supports.
7.1.1 The requirements of Ship Rules, referenced in Tab 5
are to be complied with, except when otherwise specified 7.2.8 Openings are to be generally well rounded with
in the present section. smooth edges.

Table 5 : List of references for strength principles 7.2.9 Primary supporting members are to be arranged in such
a way that they ensure adequate continuity of strength. Abrupt
Item Reference in Ship Rules changes in height or in cross-section are to be avoided.

Connection with high strength Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.2]

steel 7.3 Moonpool
Connections between steel and Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [1.3] 7.3.1 The required longitudinal strength of the unit is to be
aluminium maintained in way of the moonpool. The transition of aft
and fore members is to be developed so as to maintain con-
Plating Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [2]
tinuity of longitudinal material.
Ordinary stiffeners Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3]
7.3.2 Moonpool plating is to be suitably stiffened to pre-
Primary supporting members Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4] vent damage due to objects that may be trapped in the
moonpool when the unit is moving.
7.2 Structural continuity
7.3.3 Moonpool corners in way of bottom and deck, which
7.2.1 The variation in scantling between the midship are stress concentration regions, are generally reinforced
region and the fore and aft parts is to be gradual. with corner plates or brackets.

Attention is to be paid to the structural continuity:

7.4 Concentrated loads
• in way of changes in the framing system
7.4.1 Structural parts in way of concentrated loads from der-
• at the connections of primary or ordinary stiffeners
rick, pipe racks, drawworks, drilling mud equipment, cement-
• in way of moonpool ing equipment, storage of heavy equipment such as BOP, ...,
• in way of cellar decks and other arrangements for stor- are to be reinforced, at the satisfaction of the Society.
age of heavy equipment (BOP, X-mass tree, etc) 7.4.2 When a positioning mooring system is fitted, the
• in way of ends of superstructures. structural parts in way of fairleads, winches, etc, are to be
designed so as to withstand forces equivalent to the break-
7.2.2 Longitudinal members contributing to the hull girder ing strength of the mooring line.
longitudinal strength are to extend continuously for a suffi-
cient distance towards the ends of the ship. 7.5 Insert plates and doublers
7.2.3 Longitudinals of the bottom, bilge, sheerstrake, deck, 7.5.1 A local increase in plating thickness is generally to be
upper and lower longitudinal bulkhead and inner side achieved through insert plates. Insert plates are to be made
strakes, as well as the latter strakes themselves, the lower of materials of a quality at least equal to that of the plates on
strake of the centreline bottom girder and the upper strake which they are welded.
of the centreline deck girder, where fitted, are to be continu-
ous through the transverse bulkheads of the cargo area and 7.5.2 Plating under heavy concentrated loads shall be rein-
cofferdams. Alternative solutions may be examined by the forced with doublers (only compression loads allowed)
Society on a case by case basis, provided they are equally and/or stiffeners where necessary. Doublers in way of
effective. equipment and pipe rack supports are to be limited in size
and avoided in areas of the deck with high stress. A detailed
7.2.4 Ordinary stiffeners contributing to the hull girder lon- drawing showing location of the doublers is to be submitted
gitudinal strength are generally to be continuous when to the Society for review.
crossing primary supporting members. Otherwise, the detail
of connections is considered by the Society on a case by 7.6 Bottom structure
case basis.
7.6.1 Relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4 of the Ship
7.2.5 Where stress concentrations may occur in way of Rules are to be complied with.
structural discontinuities, adequate compensation and rein-
forcements are to be provided. 7.7 Side Structure
7.2.6 Openings are to be avoided, as far as practicable, in 7.7.1 Relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 5 of the Ship
way of highly stressed areas. Rules are to be complied with.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 21

NR 569, Sec 3

7.8 Deck structure 8.1.2 Net thickness of plating is to be obtained by deduct-

ing the rule corrosion addition from the gross thickness
7.8.1 Relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 6 of the Ship indicated by the Designer. The requirement of [8.1.3]is to
Rules are to be complied with. be considered.

8.1.3 For all finite element models, the net thickness of plat-
7.9 Bulkhead structure
ing is to be obtained by deducting half of the rule corrosion
7.9.1 Relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 7 of the Ship addition from the gross thickness indicated by the Designer.
Rules are to be complied with.
8.2 Corrosion addition for elements in “ship
7.10 Supporting structure for hull attachments area”

7.10.1 Generally, the supports for attachments and appur- 8.2.1 The values of rule corrosion additions are given inTab
tenances are to be fitted in way of longitudinal and transver- 6. If the party applying for classification specifies values of
sal bulkheads or in way of deck beams. Other supports are corrosion additions greater than those defined inTab 6,
to be fitted in way of large primary supporting members. these values are to be taken into account for calculations
and stated in the Design Criteria Statement.
7.10.2 When the supports are only located on transverse
web beam, the longitudinal structure is to be adequately 8.2.2 In general, the corrosion addition to be considered
reinforced. for plating forming the boundary between two compart-
ments of different types is equal to:
7.10.3 The cut out in the deck transverse for the passage of • for plating with a gross thickness greater than 10 mm,
ordinary stiffeners are to be closed in way of supports. the sum of the values specified in Tab 6 for one side
exposure to each compartment
7.10.4 Particular attention is to be paid to buckling below
• for plating with a gross thickness less than or equal to 10
mm, the smallest of the following values:
- 20 % of the gross thickness of the plating
8 Net scantling approach
- sum of the values specified in Tab 6 for one side
exposure to each compartment.
8.1 Principle
For an internal member within a given compartment, or for
8.1.1 Except when otherwise specified, the scantlings plating forming the boundary between two compartments
obtained by applying the criteria specified in this Note and of the same type, the corrosion addition to be considered is
in applicable requirements of the Ship Rules are net scant- twice the value specified in Tab 6 for one side exposure to
lings (see Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, [1] and [2] of the Ship Rules). that compartment.

Table 6 : Rule corrosion additions, in mm, for each exposed side

Corrosion addition Corrosion addition for

Compartment type
in general (mm) (1) special cases (mm)
Ballast tanks 1,00 1,25 in upper zone (2)
horizontal plating 0,75 1,00 in upper zone (2)
Tanks for hydrocarbon products
non-horizontal plating 0,50 1,00 in upper zone (2)
and fuel oil tanks
ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members 0,75 1,00 in upper zone (2)
Tanks for water-based mud 1,25
Tanks for oil-based mud 1,25
Tanks for drilling brines 1,25
Dry holds for storage of pouder products in sacks 0,50
Silo-rooms / Dry holds for storage of pouder products in silo 0,50
General 1,75
Corner plates or brackets in way of deck and bottom 1,75
Void spaces 0,50
Accommodations 0,00
Compartments in ship area others than mentioned above 0,50
Outside sea and air 0,50
(1) Corrosion additions are applicable to all members of the considered item, considering the exceptions given for special cases,
when relevant
(2) Upper zone: area within 1,5 m below the top of the tank. This is not applicable for tanks in the double-bottom.

22 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 3

8.2.3 For structural members made of stainless steel, the 9.2.2 For the checking criteria specified in the present Note
corrosion addition is to be taken equal to 0. and in applicable requirements of the Ship Rules the thick-
ness increments are not to be considered.
8.3 Corrosion addition for elements in “off-
9.2.3 Notation STI requested
shore area”
When the unit has the additional class notation STI, the
8.3.1 The minimum corrosion addition to be applied for thickness increments may be defined by the Owner or by
structural elements in “offshore areas”, exposed to outside the Society, as follows:
air and sea, is 0,50 mm for each exposed side. a) When the Owner specifies its own thickness incre-
ments, it is to be notified to the Society where thickness
8.3.2 For structural elements in “offshore area” located in
increments are provided. Thickness increments are to be
various compartments, the minimum corrosion addition is
stated in the Design Criteria Statement.
to be taken as defined in Tab 6, for each exposed side.
Example: for supports of silo located in silo-rooms. b) When the Owner does not provide its own thickness
increments, the values to be generally considered are
8.3.3 For structural members made of stainless steel, the defined as follows:
corrosion addition is to be taken equal to 0. • 1 mm for all decks
• 1 mm for the outer shell and bottom, except the
9 Corrosion protection splash zone
• 1 mm for inner side, when relevant, and inner bottom
9.1 General reference
• 2 mm for side shell located in the splash zone
9.1.1 The requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 5, [1] and [2] of • 2 mm for moonpool plating.
the Offshore Rules, relating to corrosion protection methods Adequate indications (location, value of thickness incre-
and design of corrosion protection systems, are to be com- ments) are to be given in the relevant structural drawings.
plied with. These requirements refer to NR423 Corrosion
Protection of Steel Offshore Units and Installations. 9.2.4 Notation STI not requested
When the additional class notation STI is not assigned to
9.2 Thickness increments and additional the unit, the thickness increments are to be taken equal to
class notation STI zero.

9.2.1 A thickness increment of platings and, where rele-

vant, of stiffeners may be added to the gross thickness in
10 Welding and weld connections
special areas subject to mechanical wastage due to abra-
sion or in areas of difficult maintenance. 10.1 Structural elements in “ship area”
tnet = tgross − tc
10.1.1 The requirements stipulated in Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1 of
tgross = tas-built − ti the Ship Rules are to be applied for welding of elements in
where: the “ship area”.
ti : Thickness increment
tc : Corrosion addition as defined in [8] 10.2 Structural elements in “offshore area”
tnet : Net thickness 10.2.1 The requirements stipulated in NR426 Construction
tgross : Gross thickness Survey of Steel Structure of Offshore Units and Installations
The gross thickness plus the thickness increment is equal to are to be applied for welding of elements in the “offshore
the as-built thickness. area”.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 23

NR 569, Sec 4


1 General 1.1.3 Direct calculations and model tests

Direct calculations are recommended for the evaluation of
1.1 Principles various load parameters stated in the present section.
Hydrodynamic calculations may be calibrated based on
1.1.1 Definition of loads model tests. In such a case, the testing procedures and
The principle of load definition for the checking of struc- methods used for the extrapolation of model tests to full
tural elements is different for “ship area” and for “offshore scale data are to be at the satisfaction of the Society. Prefer-
area”, as defined in Sec 3. ably, the procedure should be reviewed and agreed before
For elements belonging to the “ship area”, the loads are the test is performed.
defined based on the principles Pt B of the Ship Rules, tak-
ing into account the requirements of the present section. Attendence of a Surveyor to model test will be decided at
the convenience of the Society.
For elements belonging to the “offshore area”, the loads are
defined based on the principles of Pt B of the Offshore
Rules, taking into account the requirements of the present 1.1.4 Data to be submitted
section. The following information is to be submitted to the Society,
in addition to the information requested in Sec 1:
1.1.2 Loading manual
A loading manual of the unit is to be submitted for • maximum water depth in which the unit can operate
approval. As a minimum, the loading manual is to comply
with the relevant requirements of Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2, [2] and • maximum drilling depth, measured from the rotary
Pt B, Ch 11, Sec 2, [3] of the Ship Rules. equipment
For units covered by the present Note, the loading manual • limiting operational parameters for normal operations,
is to include the following types of loading conditions: as required in [1.1.5]
• harbour conditions, including dry docking conditions
• transit/towing conditions covering at least the following • limiting load parameters, as stated in [1.1.6].
- the vessel is sailing with 10% of consumable 1.1.5 Limiting operational parameters
onboard (arrival condition) The Owner is to define the limiting operational parameters
- the vessel is sailing with 100% of consumable for loading conditions covering normal operations on-site.
onboard (departure condition) Generally, these limiting operational parameters are
• normal operation conditions including, generally, the expressed in terms of pitch/roll amplitudes and heave
items specified in Sec 2, [2.1.3] as a minimum, the fol- amplitudes.
lowing situations are to be covered:
Limiting operational parameters for each loading condition
- the vessel is arrived on site and prepares for drilling
covering normal operations are to be stated in the Operat-
ing Manual.
- drilling without riser (top hole drilling), generally
performed for the installation of conductor pipe
1.1.6 Limiting load parameters for operating
- running BOP conditions and inspections
- normal drilling
Based on the environmental data of the intended site and
- the vessel is prepared for casing running
on station keeping capabilities of the unit, the Owner is to
- casing running define the for each loading condition the following limiting
- well completion operations, when relevant, includ- load parameters:
ing running of X-mas tree
- in-field transit from one well to another, when rele- • significant waive height
vant • wave period
- stand-by conditions onsite due to stop of drilling
operations, when limiting operational parameters • wind velocity
are exceeded
• current velocity at surface.
• survival conditions onsite
• inspection conditions These parameters will be stated by the Society in the Design
• accidental loading conditions. Criteria Statement.

24 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 4

1.2 Definitions 3.2 Fixed loads

1.2.1 The definitions of the following terms are indicated in 3.2.1 Fixed load or lightweight is the weight of the com-
Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 1, [1] of the Ship Rules: plete unit with all permanently attached machineries,
equipment and other items of outfit such as:
• still water loads
• piping
• wave loads
• deckings, walkways and stairways
• dynamic loads
• permanent drilling equipment
• local loads
• outfittings
• hull girder loads
• spare parts
• loading condition
• furniture.
• load case.
The light weight of the unit includes the weight, to their nor-
1.2.2 Other definitions are given in Pt B, Ch 2 of the Off- mal working level, of all permanent ballast and other liq-
shore Rules. uids such as lubricating oil and water in the boilers, but
excludes the weight of liquids or other fluids contained in
2 Loading conditions supply, reserve or storage tanks.

3.2.2 Fixed loads are to comply with the applicable

2.1 Design loading conditions requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2] of the Offshore Rules.

2.1.1 Design loading conditions specified in [2.1.3] are to

be considered for structural checks required in Sec 5 and
3.3 Operational loads
Sec 6.
3.3.1 Operational loads are loads associated with the oper-
When loading conditions shown in [2.1.3] are foreseen in ation of the unit and include:
the loading manual, the analysis is to be carried out taking
• the weights of all moving equipment and machineries
into account the associated draught and still water bending
moments as indicated in the loading manual. • the weight of drill string and related pieces of equip-
2.1.2 In addition to [2.1.3] the Society may require to con- • variable loads of consumable supplies weights such as:
sider other conditions from the loading manual as design
loading condition for structural check, when considered - casing
that these conditions are expected to be critical for struc- - drilling and potable water
tural elements. The selection will be done on a case-by-
- drilling mud
case basis, taking into account design and operational spec-
ificities of the unit. - drilling brines
- cement
2.1.3 As a rule, design loading conditions given in Tab 1
will be considered. - oil products
By default, the percentages of consumables and fillings of - chemical products
capacities given in Tab 1 are to be considered. The Society • storage of cuttings, when relevant
may accept different definitions of design loading condi-
tions, based on the specificities of design and operations of • seawage, dirty oil and water tanks
each unit. • other storage loads
• hydrostatic loads (buoyancy)
3 Categories of loads • liquids in tanks
• ballast loads
3.1 General
• riser tensioner forces
3.1.1 The following categories of loads are considered: • heave compensator loads
• fixed loads • hook and rotary equipment loads
• operational loads • loads resulting from lifting appliances in operation
• environmental loads Dynamic loads induced by equipment in operation are to
• accidental loads be considered as operational loads.
• testing loads
3.3.2 Operational loads are to comply with the applicable
• temporary construction loads. requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2] of the Offshore Rules.

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NR 569, Sec 4

Table 1 : Design loading conditions

Item Loading condition Type Description (1)

LC1 Transit arrival Transit / • this condition represents the vessel arriving in harbour from an operation site
Towing • 10% of drilling consumables and vessel consumables are onboard
• 10% of casing and drill pipe are onboard, on its racks
• all riser joints are stored at its specific location
• no operational load is applied
• BOP is onboard at its specific location
• X-mas tree is not onboard
• all mud tanks are empty
• spaces for cuttings storage and tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water, are full or
empty, as to maximize the effect of vertical bending moment and shear force
LC2 Transit departure Transit / • this condition represents the vessel fully loaded, leaving the harbour for transit to
Towing the intended site
• 100% of drilling consumable and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100% of casing and drill pipe are onboard, on its specific locations on racks
• all riser joints are stored at its specific location
• no operational load is applied
• BOP is onboard at its specific location
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location
• all mud tanks are full
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC3 BOP running - Normal • this condition represents the handling of BOP and its re-installation on the well-
re-installation operation head after a previous disconnexion and retrieval on the unit; it is supposed that
90% of the casing is already in the hole
• 10% of drilling consumables are onboard
• the BOP is suspended on the hook through riser joints; the position of the BOP is
on the wellhead, at maximum depth in which the unit can operate (2)
• drill pipe is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 10% of casing is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on the hook (2)
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• active mud tanks are filled at 50%
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC4 BOP running - Normal • this condition represents the handling of BOP and its first installation on the well-
first installation operation head; the conductor pipe is already installed
• 100% of drilling consumables are onboard
• the BOP is suspended on the hook, as relevant, through riser joints; the position of
the BOP is on the wellhead, at maximum depth in which the unit can operate (2)
• drill pipe is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of casing is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on the hook (2)
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• active mud tanks are full
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
(1) For all loading conditions, the draughts and the filling of water ballast tanks are to be taken as indicated in the loading manual
for relevant loading conditions; generally, the filling of water ballast tanks will compensate the trim and heel of the unit.
(2) During installation of pipe, casing or riser joints, suspended loads will be alternatively applied on the hook and on the drill
floor. The worst situation is to be considered for the definition of design loading conditions.
(3) Horizontal X-mas tree will not be considered onboard, because drilling operations are performed through the X-mas tree,
which is installed on the wellhead before the BOP.
(4) Inspection conditions are to be considered only when inspections on the intended operating site will be provided, and when
the loading configuration is not covered by other loading conditions.

26 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 4

Item Loading condition Type Description (1)

LC5 Normal drilling - Normal • this condition represents normal drilling operations in deeper parts of the well (low-
deep operation est casing, liner)
• 10% of drilling and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100% of drill pipe, the drill collar and drill bit are suspended on the hook (2)
• forces and torque induced by rotary equipment are considered
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on riser tensioning equipment, which is active
• 10% of casing is stored at its specific locations, on racks or on the drill floor
• BOP is not onboard
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• active mud tanks are filled at 50%
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC6 Normal drilling - Normal • this condition represents normal drilling operations in the upper part of the well
surface operation (surface casing)
• 100% of drilling and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100% of drill pipe, the drill collar and drill bit are suspended on the hook (2)
• forces and torque induced by rotary equipment are considered
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on riser tensioning equipment, which is active
• 100% of casing is stored at its specific locations, on racks or on the drill floor
• BOP is not onboard
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• active mud tanks are full
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC7 Casing running 10% Normal • this condition represents casing running phase with 10% of drilling and vessel con-
operation sumables onboard
• the heaviest casing string is suspended on the hook (2); remaining casing is stored
at its specific locations, on racks
• drill pipe is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on riser tensioning equipment, which is active
• BOP is not onboard
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• active mud tanks are filled at 50%
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC8 Casing running 100% Normal • this condition represents casing running phase with 100% of drilling and vessel
operation consumables onboard
• the heaviest casing string is suspended on the hook (2); remaining casing is stored
at its specific locations, on racks
• drill pipe is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on riser tensioning equipment, which is active
• BOP is not onboard
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• active mud tanks are filled at 50%
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
(1) For all loading conditions, the draughts and the filling of water ballast tanks are to be taken as indicated in the loading manual
for relevant loading conditions; generally, the filling of water ballast tanks will compensate the trim and heel of the unit.
(2) During installation of pipe, casing or riser joints, suspended loads will be alternatively applied on the hook and on the drill
floor. The worst situation is to be considered for the definition of design loading conditions.
(3) Horizontal X-mas tree will not be considered onboard, because drilling operations are performed through the X-mas tree,
which is installed on the wellhead before the BOP.
(4) Inspection conditions are to be considered only when inspections on the intended operating site will be provided, and when
the loading configuration is not covered by other loading conditions.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 27

NR 569, Sec 4

Item Loading condition Type Description (1)

LC9 Stand-by onsite 10% Normal • this condition represents the vessel in stand-by condition on the intended operating
operation site, with 10% of consumables; environmental conditions are such that it is
expected to exceed the limiting operational parameters defined in [1.1.5]
• 10% of drilling and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100% of the drill pipe is stored on its specific locations, on racks
• 10% of casing is stored on its specific locations, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are suspended on riser tensioning equipment, which is active
• no load is applied on the hook
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• BOP is not onboard
• active mud tanks are filled at 50%
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC10 Stand-by onsite 100% Normal • this condition represents the vessel in stand-by condition on the intended operating
operation site, with 100% of consumables; environmental conditions are such that it is
expected to exceed the limiting operational parameters defined in [1.1.5]
• 100% of drilling and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100 % of the drill pipe is stored on its specific locations, on racks
• 100% of casing is stored on its specific locations, on racks
• 100 % of riser joints are suspended on riser tensioning equipment, which is active
• no load is applied on the hook
• X-mas tree is onboard, at its specific location (3)
• BOP is not onboard
• active mud tanks are full
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC11 Survival 10% Survival • this condition represents the vessel in survival condition on the operating site, with
onsite 10% of consumables onboard; environmental conditions correspond to a severe
storm with return period of at least 50 years, as defined in [4.4.3].
• 10% of drilling and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100% drill pipe is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 10% of casing is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are stored at its specific locations
• BOP and X-mas tree are onboard or on the wellhead, depending of the disconnec-
tion procedure
• no load is applied on the hook or on riser tensioning system
• active mud tanks are full
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
LC12 Survival 100% Survival • this condition represents the vessel in survival condition on the operating site, with
onsite 100% of consumables onboard; environmental conditions correspond to a severe
storm with return period of at least 50 years, as defined in [4.4.3].
• 100% of drilling and vessel consumables are onboard
• 100% drill pipe is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of casing is stored at its specific location, on racks
• 100% of riser joints are stored at its specific locations
• BOP and X-mas tree are onboard, at specific locations
• no load is applied on the hook or on riser tensioning system
• active mud tanks are full
• spaces for cuttings storage, tanks for seawage, dirty oil and water are empty are
empty or full, as to maximize the effect of bending moment and shear forces
(1) For all loading conditions, the draughts and the filling of water ballast tanks are to be taken as indicated in the loading manual
for relevant loading conditions; generally, the filling of water ballast tanks will compensate the trim and heel of the unit.
(2) During installation of pipe, casing or riser joints, suspended loads will be alternatively applied on the hook and on the drill
floor. The worst situation is to be considered for the definition of design loading conditions.
(3) Horizontal X-mas tree will not be considered onboard, because drilling operations are performed through the X-mas tree,
which is installed on the wellhead before the BOP.
(4) Inspection conditions are to be considered only when inspections on the intended operating site will be provided, and when
the loading configuration is not covered by other loading conditions.

28 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 4

Item Loading condition Type Description (1)

LC13 Inspection (4) Inspection • this condition represents the vessel in inspection conditions, at the intended operat-
ing site
• load distribution for this condition will be considered according to the loading
LC14 Accidental-transit Accidental • this condition represents the vessel in accidental situation, during transit/towing
• the condition will be defined in accordance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.3] of the Off-
shore Rules and Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [4] of the Offshore Rules.
LC15 Accidental-operation Accidental • this condition represents the vessel in accidental situation, during operations onsite
• the condition will be defined in accordance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.3] of the Off-
shore Rules and Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [4] of the Offshore Rules.
(1) For all loading conditions, the draughts and the filling of water ballast tanks are to be taken as indicated in the loading manual
for relevant loading conditions; generally, the filling of water ballast tanks will compensate the trim and heel of the unit.
(2) During installation of pipe, casing or riser joints, suspended loads will be alternatively applied on the hook and on the drill
floor. The worst situation is to be considered for the definition of design loading conditions.
(3) Horizontal X-mas tree will not be considered onboard, because drilling operations are performed through the X-mas tree,
which is installed on the wellhead before the BOP.
(4) Inspection conditions are to be considered only when inspections on the intended operating site will be provided, and when
the loading configuration is not covered by other loading conditions.

3.4 Environmental loads Table 2 : Wind velocity values

3.4.1 General Loading condition Wind speed (m/s) (1)

Environmental loads are loads resulting from the action of Loading conditions covering 51,5
the environment and include loads resulting from: transit/towing phase
• wind Loading conditions covering normal 36,0
• waves operations

• current Survival conditions on-site 51,5

• ice and snow where relevant. Inspection conditions 36,0

(1) The values specified in the table correspond to 1 minute
Dynamic loads induced by unit's motions (inertia forces) or
wind velocity at 10 m above the mean water level
by dynamic response to environment action are to be con-
sidered as environmental loads.
3.4.5 Current loads
3.4.2 Environmental data Current loads are to be calculated in compliance with the
Environmental data for the intended sites of operation are to requirements given in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2, [4] of the Offshore
be specified for the purpose of design load definition. Rules and Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.4] of the Offshore Rules.

The environmental data are to comply with the require- 3.4.6 Ice and snow
ments of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 2 of the Offshore Rules. The requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.7] of the Offshore
Rules are to be complied with.
3.4.3 Wave loads
Wave loads are to be defined in accordance with the 3.4.7 Vortex sheeding
requirements of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [3.3] of the Offshore The Society may require to consider the possibility of flutter
Rules. of structural members due to vortex shedding.
Design waves used for wave loads definition are to be
described by wave energy spectra or deterministic waves 3.5 Accidental loads
having appropriate shape and size. Consideration is to be
given to waves of lesser height, where, due to their period, 3.5.1 Accidental loads are loads that may be sustained dur-
the effect on structural elements may be greater. ing accidental events, such as:
• collisions by supply boats or other craft
3.4.4 Wind loads
• impact by dropped objects
Wind pressures and forces acting on structural elements are
to be calculated based on sustained and gust wind veloci- • breaking of mooring lines.
ties, as relevant, and using the method defined in Pt B, Ch Accidental loads also include loads resulting of such event
1, Sec 2, [4.2] or other method to the satisfaction of the
(damaged situations) or of other exceptional conditions to
be determined with regard to the activities of the unit in
When no particular wind data are specified, the classifica- accordance with Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 1, [4.3] of the Offshore
tion will be based on the wind velocity values given in Tab 2. Rules and Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [4] of the Offshore Rules.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 29

NR 569, Sec 4

3.6 Testing loads undesirable effects on personnel and equipments

installed on deck
3.6.1 Testing loads are loads sustained by the structure dur- • sloshing motion may occur in large moonpools, with
ing testing phases of tanks or equipment. additional dynamic load on structural elements and per-
turbing the use of various drilling equipment through
3.7 Temporary construction loads the moonpool.

3.7.1 In accordance with the provisions of Pt A, Ch 1 of the 4.3.2 A particular attention is to be given to the modelling of
Offshore Rules, temporary construction loads not resulting free surface inside the moonpool space, as well as to the
from the tests required to be performed by the applicable water motion in the moonpool during hydrodynamic analysis.
Rules requirements are not subject to review by the Society
unless a specific request is made. The attention of the Builder 4.3.3 The discretisation of wetted area within the moon-
is however called upon the provisions of Pt B, Ch 3 of the pool is to be sufficiently fine, at the satisfaction of the Soci-
Offshore Rules concerning construction procedures liable to ety, to capture the details of fluid flow.
affect, for instance by prestressing, the strength of the unit.
4.3.4 An additional damping factor of water motion within
the moonpool is to be considered for hydrodynamic analy-
4 Hydrodynamic analysis sis. The purpose of this factor is to correct large motions and
free surface elevation in the moonpool close to resonance,
4.1 Principles and also to provide an accurate heave motion transfer func-
tion. This factor may be calibrated from model tests, taking
4.1.1 General into account viscous scale effects.
Hydrodynamic analysis is requested when navigation notations
are not granted to the unit (for transit and site conditions). 4.3.5 As a rule, in addition to wave loads parameters
defined in [4.2], the hydrodynamic analysis will provide the
When navigation notations are granted, hydrodynamic following outputs:
analysis is recommended, in order to superimpose values of
• eigenfrequency of the pumping mode, as defined in
load parameters given by the navigation notations with the
ones obtained by direct calculations or tests.
• natural frequency of sloshing modes (longitudinal and
When hydrodynamic analysis is performed in order to
transversal) in the moonpool
assess the wave load parameters, as defined in [4.2], the
requirements of the present article are to be taken into • maximum sloshing pressure on moonpool plating, when
account. relevant.

4.1.2 Methodology 4.4 Considered environment

Hydrodynamic analysis will be performed based on the
applicable requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 4 of the Offshore 4.4.1 Loading conditions covering towing/transit
Rules, except when otherwise specified in the present Note. phase
When hydrodynamic analysis is performed in order to com-
4.2 Wave load parameters pare the values of wave load parameters with the ones given
by the navigation notation, the considered environment is
4.2.1 The hydrodynamic analysis is to result in the follow- to correspond to a probability of 10−8.
ing wave load parameters:
4.4.2 Loading conditions covering normal
• wave induced vertical bending moment operations on-site
• wave induced horizontal bending moment For loading conditions covering normal operations on-site,
• wave induced vertical shear force the hydrodynamic analysis will provide the maximum val-
• accelerations in 3 directions including gravity ues of wave load parameters defined in [4.2], and corre-
sponding to an environment defined by the limiting load
• relative wave elevation.
parameters defined by the Owner for the investigated load-
The values of these parameters are to be specified over the ing condition (see [1.1.6]).
length of the unit. Units motions at centre of gravity are also
to be calculated. 4.4.3 Survival loading conditions on the intended
operating site
For survival conditions, the environment on the operation site
4.3 Moonpool effects to be considered for hydrodynamic analysis is to correspond
4.3.1 For units covered by the present note, the moonpool to a severe storm with return period of at least 50 years.
may induce two hydrodynamic effects important for the Higher return periods may be considered upon the request
design of the hull: of the party applying for classification.
• pumping mode is generated by vertical oscillation of Maximum values of wave load parameters provided by
water column within the moonpool, when entering in hydrodynamic analysis are to be superimposed with the
resonance with wave loads; the water column may be ones corresponding to the navigation notation covering
“pumped” above the upper part of the moonpool with onsite conditions, when relevant.

30 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 4

4.4.4 Accidental conditions 5.2.3 Values of factors of environment

When hydrodynamic analysis is carried out in order to The factors of environment are to be taken not less than 0,65.
determine wave loads for accidental conditions, the envi-
Factors of environment may not be constant along the
ronment to be considered is to correspond to a return
length of the unit hull.
period of at least 1 month.
In case a navigation notation completes the site notation
5 Loads for elements in the “ship area” and transit notation of the unit, the values of all the factors
of environment are to be taken as given in Tab 3.

5.1 General
Table 3 : Factors of environment
5.1.1 Load cases applied for the assessment of structural
elements belonging to “ship areas” combine fixed loads, Navigation notation Factors of environment
operational loads and wave loads. Ice and snow loads are Unrestricted navigation 1,00
also to be considered, when relevant. Summer zone 0,90
Current loads are not mandatory, but may be requested by
Tropical zone 0,80
the Society for hydrodynamic analysis, on a case-by-case
basis. Coastal area 0,80
Sheltered area 0,65
5.2 Factors of environment
On a case-by-case basis, the Society may accept factors of
5.2.1 Definition environment determined by the Designer, if duly justified.
Factors of environment apply only to wave loads.
5.2.4 Navigation notation
Factors of environment are to be such as, the selected val-
ues of the design load parameters are to be superior or When the factors of environment calculated as in [5.2.2]
equal to the values calculated through the hydrodynamic are significantly above those given in Tab 3, the Society
analysis, when available. reserves the right to change the navigation notation with a
more severe one.
The factors of environment are the following ones:
fVBM : Factor of environment for vertical wave bending If factors of environment as in [5.2.2] are greater than 1, no
moment navigation notation is to be considered for on-site condition.

fHBM : Factor of environment for horizontal wave

bending moment 5.3 Still water loads
fVSF : Factor of environment for vertical wave shear 5.3.1 Still water bending moment distribution
For each design loading condition, as defined in [2.1],
fRWE : Factor of environment for relative wave eleva- design or allowable still water bending moment distribution
tion in upright ship condition is to be presented in a diagram or a table showing the val-
faB : Factor of environment for the wave parameter ues for bending moment at the position of centre of each
aB. When no navigation notation is granted to compartment and at each transverse bulkhead.
the unit, accelerations could be taken directly Still water bending moment distribution indicated in Pt B,
from hydrodynamic calculations Ch 5, Sec 2, [2] of the Ship Rules is not applicable to units
fdeck : Factor of environment for the wave pressure on covered by the present Note.
deck. fdeck may be taken equal to fRWE.
5.3.2 Still water shear force distribution
5.2.2 Assessment of factor of environment Design or allowable still water shear force distribution is to
When hydrodynamic analysis is available, factors of envi- be presented in a diagram or a table showing the values for
ronment defined in [5.2.1] are to be calculated using the shear force at the position of each transverse bulkhead.
following formula:
fi = Vhydro i / VRule1i 5.4 Rule hull girder wave loads
5.4.1 Transit/towing conditions and survival
i : Subscript of considered wave parameter, as conditions
defined in [5.2.1]
Rule values of hull girder wave loads are to be calculated in
Vhydro i : Value of the considered wave parameter “i” accordance with Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [3.2] of the Offshore
obtained through hydrodynamic analysis, when Rules, using values of factors of environment as defined in
available. [5.2]. The following parameters are to be calculated:
VRule1i : Rule value of the considered wave parameter • vertical wave bending moment
“i” applying the formulas given in the present
Section and taking the factor of environment • horizontal wave bending moment
equal to 1. • vertical wave shear force.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 31

NR 569, Sec 4

5.4.2 Normal operation conditions and inspection 5.6 Load cases

conditions onsite
When hydrodynamic analysis is available, values of vertical 5.6.1 General
wave bending moment, horizontal wave bending moment For all loading conditions defined in [2], unit’s hull is to be
and vertical shear force are to be taken directly from the assessed under the load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and “d”, as
hydrodynamic analysis. However, longitudinal distributions defined in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [4] of the Offshore Rules.
from Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [3.2] of the Offshore Rules, associ- These load cases combine hull girder loads, sea pressures
ated with maximum values from hydrodynamic analysis and hull motions and accelerations.
may be used, upon the acceptance of the Society. For normal operation conditions and inspection conditions,
When hydrodynamic analysis is not available, rules values main load parameters defining load cases “a”, “b”, “c” and
for hull girder wave loads are to be taken, by default, as “d” may be taken from hydrodynamic analysis, when avail-
defined in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [3.2] of the Offshore Rules, able.
taking into account the navigation notation completing the
site notation of the unit. 5.7 Sea pressures

5.5 Unit’s motions and accelerations 5.7.1 General

Still water pressures, waves pressures in upright ship condi-
5.5.1 Transit/towing conditions tion and inclined ship conditions are to be calculated as
For transit/towing conditions, unit’s motions and accelera- defined in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [5] of the Offshore Rules.
tions are to be calculated in accordance with Pt D, Ch 1,
Sec 5, [3.3] of the Offshore Rules, taking into account the 5.7.2 Moonpool pressures
following modifications: Sea pressures on moonpool bulkheads are to be calculated
• the motion and acceleration parameter, aB, is to be as sea pressures, as defined in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [5] of the
taken as follows: Offshore Rules.

V h The profiles of these sea pressures are to be taken with con-

a B = f aB  0, 2 ------- + 3 -----w- sideration to the direction of relevant components of unit’s
 L
The Society may accept reductions of pressures on moon-
faB : Factor of environment for motion and accel- pool bulkheads or profiles taken directly from direct calcula-
eration parameter tions or model tests, provided that relevant documentation
• values of the distance between unit’s center of gravity on calculations or test procedures is submitted to the Society
and transverse metacenter, GM, and roll radius of gyra- for review.
tion, δ, are to be taken from the loading manual or Trim
and Stability Booklet. Approximative values of GM and 5.8 Internal pressures
δ, calculated on the basis of Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 3 of the Ship
Rules, may be accepted by the Society on a case-by- 5.8.1 General
case basis. Internal pressures of liquid tanks are to be calculated based
When a hydrodynamic analysis is available, values of accel- on the requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [6] of the Offshore
erations and motions obtained through the hydrodynamic Rules, taking into account unit’s motions and accelerations
analysis will be superimposed with the ones coresponding defined in the present Note.
to the navigation notation completing the transit notation of
the unit. 5.9 Testing
5.5.2 Normal operation conditions and inspection 5.9.1 Testing pressures are to be considered as required in
conditions onsite Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 5, [6] of the Offshore Rules.
For normal operation conditions and inspection conditions
onsite, unit’s motions and accelerations are to be taken 6 Loads for elements in the “offshore area”
directly from the hydrodynamic analysis, when available.
When hydrodynamic analysis is not available, unit’s accel- 6.1 General
erations and motions will be taken as defined in Pt D, Ch 1,
Sec 5, [3.3] of the Offshore Rules, taking into account the 6.1.1 Load induced by topsides - drilling equipment on ele-
navigation notation completing the site notation of the unit. ments belonging to the “offshore area” are to be specified by
the Designer of drilling plant or other relevant equipment.
5.5.3 Survival conditions onsite
For units intended to be granted the additional notation
For survival conditions onsite, unit’s motions and accelera-
DRILL, these loads are to be consistent with the loads for
tions are to be calculated in accordance with Pt D, Ch 1,
drilling structures defined in NR570 “Drilling Equipment”.
Sec 5, [3.3] of the Offshore Rules, taking into account the
navigation notation completing the site notation of the unit. 6.1.2 As a minimum, structural element belonging to “off-
When a hydrodynamic analysis is available, relevant factor shore area” are to be assessed under the load cases “a”, “b”,
of environment will be calculated for an environment with “c”, and “d”, defined for “ship area”, taking into account
a return period of at least 50 years. inertial forces induced by relevant acceleration components.

32 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 5


1 Application 3 Hull scantlings

1.1 General 3.1 Principle

1.1.1 The requirements of the present Section are applica- 3.1.1 General reference
ble for all design loading conditions defined in Sec 4, [2], Plating, ordinary stiffeners and primary supporting members
taking into account the corresponding loading, as defined are to comply with the requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 7 of
in Sec 4. the Offshore Rules, taking into account the requirements of
the present Section.

2 Hull girder strength The Society may also refer to Pt B, Ch 7 of the Ship Rules,
when deemed necessary.

2.1 General 3.1.2 Net thickness

All thickness referred to in this Section are net, i.e. they do
2.1.1 Hull girder strength is to be evaluated independently for not include any margin for corrosion.
each type of design loading condition defined in Sec 4, [2].
The applicable corrosion additions are those specified in
Sec 3.
2.2 Strength characteristics of the hull
girder transverse sections 3.1.3 Partial safety factors
The partial safety factors to be considered for the determina-
2.2.1 The strength characteristics of the hull girder trans- tion of the rule scantlings are specified in the present Sec-
verse section are to comply with Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 1 of the tion.
Ship Rules.

3.2 Plating
2.3 Yielding checks
3.2.1 Hull plating is to be checked against yielding and
2.3.1 Yielding checks cover: buckling. The requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2] of the
Offshore Rules are to be complied with. When applying
• normal hull girder stresses these requirements, design loading conditions and corre-
sponding loads defined in Sec 4 are to be considered.
• shear stresses

• section modulus and moment of inertia. 3.3 Ordinary stiffeners

2.3.2 The requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 6, [2] of the Off- 3.3.1 Ordinary stiffeners are to be checked against:
shore Rules are to be complied with.
• yielding
When considering these requirements, still water bending
• buckling
moment and vertical wave bending moment are to cover all
design loading conditions defined in Sec 4, [2]. • ultimate strength.

For normal operation conditions and inspection conditions, 3.3.2 The requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 7, [3] of the Off-
vertical wave bending moment is to be taken from hydrody- shore Rules, relating to yielding check of ordinary stiffeners,
namic analysis. are to be complied with. When applying these require-
ments, design loading conditions and corresponding loads
defined in Sec 4 are to be considered.
2.4 Ultimate strength check
3.3.3 Criteria for checking of ordinary stiffeners against
2.4.1 Ultimate strength checks are to be carried out in buckling and ultimate strength are given in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec
accordance with Pt B, Ch 6, Sec 3 of the Ship Rules. 7, [4] of the Offshore Rules.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 33

NR 569, Sec 5

3.4 Primary supporting members 4.1.2 The fatigue life and sea conditions of the unit, are to
be specified by the Owner, and to be indicated on the mid-
3.4.1 General ship section drawing.
All units covered by the present Note are to be granted the By default the fatigue life is to be greater than 20 years.
additional service feature VeriSTAR-Hull. This notation
requires a partial three dimensional finite element model for 4.1.3 Fatigue calculation is to be provided to the Society
the checking of primary supporting members. for design review.
This requirement may be waived for units having a length For units intended to be granted the additional notation
less than 170 m. Spectral Fatigue, this calculation is to be a spectral fatigue
In addition, units intended to receive the additional nota- analysis performed according to [4.3] and NI 539 “Spectral
tion VeriSTAR-Hull FLM, are to comply with the require- Fatigue Analysis Methodology for Ships and Offshore
ments of NR551 “Structural Analysis of Offshore Surface Units”.
Units through Full Length Finite Elements Models”. For all other units, a deterministic fatigue calculation is to
be carried out according to [4.4].
3.4.2 Yielding and buckling criteria
Primary supporting members are to be assessed against 4.1.4 Corrosive environment is to be taken into account
yielding and buckling. These criteria are given in Pt D, Ch 1, where there is no corrosion protection system. Information
Sec 7, [5] of the Offshore Rules. on the corrosion protection system, if any, is to be given by
the Designer.
3.4.3 Number of models
Each typical hold of the ship is to be assessed through a par-
tial finite element model.
4.2 Structural details
A particular attention is to be given to: 4.2.1 The structural details to be checked are to be selected
• moonpool region from those defined in Pt B, Ch 12, App 2 of the Ship Rules,
as relevant.
• derrick supporting region
• BOP hold 4.2.2 In addition, the following structural details are also to
• X-mass tree hold. be checked:
c) In general, topsides connection with the main deck
3.4.4 Model extension
d) Drawworks and cranes pedestal
Partial models are to be sufficiently extended to provide
accurate results within the targeted region of the ship, at the e) Passive Mooring integration structure with hull, if rele-
satisfaction of the Society. vant
Partial models including moonpool are to be extended at f) Derrick connection with hull
least 0,2L aft and fore transversal bulkheads of the moon-
pool. g) Connections of heavy silos with the hull
h) Moonpool corner brackets.
3.4.5 Structural modeling
In addition to those details, the locations in which the cal-
Structural modeling criteria covering boundary conditions, culated stress is higher than the minimum yield stress, are to
coarse mesh, fine mesh and very fine mesh models given in be assessed for fatigue.
Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 7, [5.4] of the Offshore Rules are to be com-
plied with.
4.3 Spectral fatigue analysis
3.4.6 Load model
Checkings through partial finite element models are to 4.3.1 The spectral fatigue analysis includes the following
cover design loading conditions given in Sec 4, [2]. three steps:
• Hydrodynamic analysis:
All fixed loads and operating loads induced by the top-
sides/drilling plant on the hull are to be taken into account. This analysis determines the external loads induced by
the waves on the unit, and the resulting motions
4 Fatigue check of structural details • Structural analysis:
Loads are applied on a structural model of the unit. The
4.1 General structural analysis provides the RAOs of stresses at loca-
tion of interest, within the model
4.1.1 The structural details to be checked are those defined • Fatigue damage calculation based on statistics of stress
in [4.2].
The Society may require other details to be checked, when
deemed necessary on the basis of the detail geometry and 4.3.2 At least 5 headings and 25 frequencies for onsite con-
stress level. ditions are to be taken into account.

34 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 5

Table 1 : Damage ratio for spectral fatigue analysis

Degree of accessibility for inspection, maintenance and repair

Consequence of failure
Not accessible (2) Accessible for dry inspection
Critical (1) 0,1 0,5
Non-critical 0,2 1,0
(1) Critical damage as per risk analysis including loss of life, uncontrolled pollution, collision, sinking, other major damage to the
installations and major production losses. When risk analysis report categorizing structural elements as critical or non-critical is
not available, all structural elements are to considered as critical.
(2) Includes areas that can be inspected in dry conditions but require heavy works for repair.

4.3.3 Intermittent wetting effect, near free surface, is to be However, more than 4 loading conditions may be requested
taken into account by means of an additional (differential) on a case by case basis, taking into account the specificities
pressure loading on the side shell. Loading is defined for a of the unit and its operations.
representative finite wave height. The result is used to cor- Wave loads are to be considered for a probability of 10-5.
rect stiffener bending stress in intermittent wetting area,
other contributions of this loading being negligible. 4.4.3 Partial safety factors
For onsite conditions, where the loads are obtained through
4.3.4 The short term distribution of hot spot stress ranges
hydrodynamic analysis, partial safety factors are to be taken
for a given sea-state is obtained by spectral analysis of the
as defined in Tab 2.
transfer function of hot spot stress ranges, and by Rayleigh
statistics. The long term distribution, over a given period in For towing/transit conditions, the partial safety factors to be
time, is obtained by summation of the short term distribu- taken into account are those given in Part B, Ch 7, Sec 4 of
tions, over the scatter diagram at site where the unit will the Ship Rules.
Table 2 : Fatigue check - Partial safety factors
4.3.5 The fatigue damage is evaluated from the distribution
of stress ranges, by the Miner Sum. Value
4.3.6 Checking criteria Partial safety factors Details at
covering uncertainties Symbol ends of
For the spectral fatigue analysis, the fatigue damage ratio is General
regarding: ordinary
to be not greater than those given in Tab 1.

4.4 Deterministic fatigue analysis Still water hull girder

γS1 1,00 1,00
4.4.1 General Wave hull girder loads γW1 1,03 1,11
Deterministic fatigue calculations are to be carried out
Still water pressure γS2 1,00 1,00
based on the methodology given in Pt B, Ch 7 of the Ship
Rules. The requirements of the present section are to be Wave pressure γW2 1,07 1,15
taken into account. Resistance γR 1,02 1,02
4.4.2 Loading conditions
4.4.4 Checking criteria
Without other detailed information, at least 4 design load-
ing conditions, as defined in Sec 4 Tab 1, are to be taken The criteria given in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 4 of the Ship Rules is to
into account, as follows: be complied with.
• towing/transit condition with 10% of consumables - 4.4.5 Low cycle fatigue
representing 1/6 of lifetime The fatigue due to variable loads due to drilling operations
• towing/transit condition with 100% of consumables - are to be taken into account. The frequency of these loads is
representing 1/6 of lifetime established on a case-by-case basis.
• normal drilling /surface - representing 1/3 of lifetime In this case the calculation should take into account the
• normal drilling / deep - representing 1/3 of lifetime. wave at a probability level not less than 10-4.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 35

NR 569, Sec 6



1 Structural elements in “offshore 2 Additional requirements for

areas” moonpool

1.1 General 2.1 Pumping mode

2.1.1 The moonpool is to be checked against resonant
1.1.1 Structural elements belonging to “offshore area” are pumping mode, by comparing the eigenfrequency of pump-
defined and categorized in Sec 3, [1]. ing mode with relevant wave frequencies. Detailed docu-
mentation on calculations or model tests is to be submitted.
1.1.2 Structural elements belonging to “offshore area” are Constructive measures for the reduction of pumping mode
to comply with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3 of the may be accepted by the Society.
Offshore Rules. Detailed calculations are to be submitted to
the Society for review. 2.2 Sloshing
1.1.3 For the application of [1.1.2] and taking into account 2.2.1 The risk of sloshing inside the moonpool is to be eval-
the design loading conditions defined in Sec 4, the follow- uated by calculation or model tests. A related procedure is
ing conditions are to be considered for the assessment of given in Pt B, Ch 5, Sec 6 of the Ship Rules.
“offshore areas”:
2.2.2 For moonpool for which the risk of sloshing cannot
• static conditions, with α = 0,6 be excluded, maximum sloshing pressure determined
• design conditions, which include normal operation, through direct calculations, model test or other recognized
inspection and survival condition onsite (see Sec 4), approaches is to be taken into account for the checking of
with α = 0,8 moonpool boundaries.

• towing/transit conditions, with α = 0,8 3 Fore and aft structures

• accidental conditions, with α = 1,0
3.1 General
3.1.1 Fore and aft structures are to comply with the follow-
α : Basic allowable stress factor defined in Pt B,
ing requirements:
Ch 3, Sec 3, [5.4] of the Offshore Rules.
• relevant requirements of Pt B of the Ship Rules, for tow-
ing/transit conditions
1.1.4 Cut outs in local structure in way of hull attachments
are to be closed by full collar plates. • relevant requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 8 of the Off-
shore Rules for onsite conditions.

1.2 Calculations 4 Superstructures and deckhouses

1.2.1 Finite element calculation
4.1 General
A three dimensional finite element model is to be submit-
ted. A fine mesh of construction details is required. 4.1.1 The requirements of Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 8, [5] of the Off-
shore Rules are to be complied with.
The extension of the model is to be agreed by the Society.
5 Explosions, minor collisions,
1.2.2 Checking criteria
dropped objects
Allowable stress are those given in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5] of
the Offshore Rules.
5.1 General
Buckling is to be checked according to Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 7 of
the Offshore Rules. 5.1.1 Requirements and recommendations relating to pro-
tection to explosions, minor collision analysis and dropped
For fatigue analysis, the damage ratio is to be not greater objects analysis are given in Pt D, Ch 1, Sec 9 of the Off-
than those given in Sec 5, Tab 1. shore Rules.

36 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 7


1 General 1.4.2 The design will have regard to material used in con-
struction, to the marine and industrial purpose for which the
unit is intended and to the operating and environmental
1.1 Introduction
conditions to which the unit is subjected.
1.1.1 The present Section provides specific requirements
for machinery installations installed onboard units covered 2 Requirements for machinery
by the present Note, as defined in Sec 1. These require-
ments are to be considered in addition to those given in the
Offshore Rules. 2.1 General requirements
1.1.2 The requirements of the present Section undertake 2.1.1 Machinery, components and systems essential to the
the provisions of IMO MODU Code, giving some additional safety of the unit are to be designed to operate in static con-
interpretations of the Society. The Society reserves the right ditions from upright and in level trim under an angle of
to make reference to IMO MODU Code when deemed nec- inclination of 15° either way and simultaneously trimmed
essary. up to 5° by the bow or stern.
Deviations from these angles may be accepted by the Soci-
1.2 Application
ety on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the type,
1.2.1 Drillships covered by the present Note are to comply size and service condition of the unit.
with the relevant requirements of Pt C, Ch 1 of the Offshore
Rules, except when otherwise specified in the present Section. 2.1.2 All installations, systems or part of systems and fit-
tings which are under internal pressure are to be subjected
1.2.2 In addition, other codes and standards recognized by to appropriate tests, including a pressure test before being
the Society and which have been proven to be effective by put into service for the first time.
actual application by the offshore drilling industry may be
applied. In case of conflict between these codes and the 2.1.3 The arrangements of installations is to be such as to
requirements of the present Note, the Society is to be con- facilitate safe access, cleaning, inspection and maintenance
sulted for clarification and acceptance. of machinery including boilers and pressure vessels.
1.2.3 For machinery installations with alternative design,
2.1.4 Machinery for which there is a risk of overspeeding is
deviating from the prescriptive requirements of the present
to be provided with appropriate means to ensure that the
Section, the Society will carry out the approval based on the
safe speed is not exceeded.
provisions of SOLAS regulation II-1/55 and MSC.1/Circ.1212
“Guideline on alternative design and arrangements for SOLAS
2.1.5 Where applicable, machinery or parts of machinery
chapters II-1 and III”. Additional engineering analysis will be
which may be subjected to dangerous overpressure is to be
requested, at the satisfaction of the Society.
provided with appropriate means of protection against such
1.3 Scope
2.1.6 Gearing, shafts and coupling used for transmission of
1.3.1 The requirements of the present Section concern all
power to machinery are to be designed and constructed to
machinery installations, boilers and other pressure vessels,
withstand the maximum working stresses to which they may
associated piping systems and fittings.
be subjected in all service conditions, taking into account
1.3.2 For machinery installations of the drilling plant, refer- the type of engines by which they are driven.
ence is done to the requirements of NR570 “Drilling equip-
ment”, which are coherent with the requirements of the 2.1.7 Internal combustion engines of a cylinder diameter of
present Section. 200 mm or crankcase volume of 0,6 m3 or above are to be
provided with crankcase explosion relief valves of an
1.4 Principles approved type with sufficient relief area. The relief valves
will be arranged to ensure that the discharge is directed so
1.4.1 Machinery installations covered by the present Sec- as to minimize the risk of injury to personnel.
tion will be designed, constructed, installed and protected
for the intended service as to reduce to a minimum any 2.1.8 When the failure of machinery could lead rapidly to
danger to persons onboard. Considerations will be given to complete breakdown, damage or explosion, automatic
the consequences of the failure of systems and equipment shutoff arrangements or alarms are to be provided, at the
essential to the safety of the unit. satisfaction of the Society.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 37

NR 569, Sec 7

2.1.9 Means are to be provided to ensure that machinery 2.3.5 Boilers which are essential for the safety of the unit
can be brought into operation from the dead ship condition and which are designed to have a water level are to be pro-
without external aid. vided with at least two means for indicating its water level.
At least one direct-reading gauge glass is to be provided.
2.1.10 Machinery relating to normal operation of vital sys-
tems (ballast system, well control,..) is to be provided with
2.4 Steam pipe system
appropriate means ensuring to sustain or restore the normal
operation even when one of the essential auxiliaries is not
2.4.1 Pipes and other fitting conveying steam are to be
designed, constructed and installed as to withstand the
maximum working stress to which they may be subjected.
2.1.11 Arrangements for storage, distribution and utiliza-
tion of oil fuel, lubricating oil and other flammable oils will
2.4.2 Means for draining steam pipes that may be sub-
be such as to ensure the safety of the unit and persons
jected to water hammer effect are to be provided, at the sat-
isfaction of the Society.

2.2 Machinery controls 2.4.3 When a steam pipe of fitting may receive steam at a
pressure higher than its design pressure, suitable reducing
2.2.1 Machinery essential for the safety of the unit is to be valve, relief valve and pressure gauge are to be fitted.
provided with effective means for operation and control.

2.2.2 Machinery essential for the safety of the unit, when

2.5 Air pressure systems
provided with automatic starting, operational and control
2.5.1 Adequate means to prevent excess pressure in any
systems, is generally provided for manually overriding the
part of compressed air systems are to be provided.
automatic controls. Failure of any part of the automatic and
remote control system is not to prevent the use of the man-
2.5.2 For all systems, suitable pressure-relief arrangements
ual override. Visual indication is to be provided to show
are to be provided.
when the override is actuated.
2.5.3 Starting air arrangements for internal combustion
2.3 Steam boilers engines are to be protected against the effects of backfiring
and internal explosions in the starting air pipes, at the satis-
2.3.1 Steam boilers and unfired steam generators are to be faction of the Society.
provided with at least two safety valves of adequate capac-
ity. The Society may accept steam boilers and unfired steam 2.5.4 Starting air pipes from the air receivers to internal
generators having only one safety valve, provided that ade- combustion engines are to be entirely separated from the
quate means of protection against overpressures are fitted, compressor discharge pipe systems.
at the satisfaction of the Society.
2.5.5 Staring air pressure systems are to be adequately
2.3.2 Oil fired boilers which are intended to operate with- drained. Provision is to be made to reduce to a minimum
out manual supervision are to be fitted with safety devices the entry of oil into such systems.
for shut off the fuel supply and starting the alarm in the fol-
lowing situations: 2.6 Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil
• low water level and other flammable oils
• air supply failure
2.6.1 Fitting and valves conveying flammable oils in
• flame failure. machinery space are to be of a material approved by the
Society, with regard to the risk of fire.
2.3.3 Steam generating systems which could be rendered
dangerous by the failure of its feedwater supply are to be
2.6.2 The location and arrangement of vent pipes for fuel
provided with at least two feedwater systems, including the
oil, settling and lubrication oil tanks are to be such that, in
feed pumps. However, a single penetration of the steam
the event of a broken vent pipe, the risk of ingress of rain-
drum is acceptable. Any part of the feedwater system is to
water or seawater is minimized.
be provided with adequate means to prevent overpressure.
For steam generating systems which are non essential for 2.6.3 For each type of fuel used onboard for propulsion
the safety of the unit, only one feedwater system is accept- and vital systems, two fuel oil service tanks are to be pro-
able, provided that automatic shutdown of the steam gener- vided. The capacity of each tank is to be such as to ensure
ating system upon loss of feedwater supply is fitted. fuel supply for at least eight hours at the maximum continu-
ous rating of the propulsion plant, when relevant, and nor-
2.3.4 Boilers are to be provided with means to supervise mal operating load of the generator plant.
and control the quality of the feedwater. As far as practica-
ble, means to preclude the entry of oil or other contami- 2.6.4 All surfaces of high pressure fuel delivery lines with
nants which may adversely affect the boiler are to be temperatures above 220°C, which may be impinged as a
provided. result of fuel system failure, are to be properly insulated.

38 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 7

2.6.5 High pressure fuel delivery lines are to be screened or 2.7.7 At least two self-priming power pumps connected to
otherwise protected to avoid, as far as practicable, oil spray each bilge main are to be provided. Sanitary, ballast and
or oil leakages onto hot surfaces, into machinery air intakes general service pumps may be accepted as independent
power bilge pumps if fitted with the necessary connections
or other sources of ignition.
to the bilge pumping system.

2.6.6 The number of joints in high pressure fuel lines is to

2.7.8 The arrangement of bilge pumping system is to be
be reduced as much as practicable. such as to prevent the passing of sea water into dry spaces,
or inadvertently from one compartment to another.
2.6.7 High pressure fuel delivery lines between high pres-
sure pumps and fuel injectors are to be protected with a 2.7.9 Distribution boxes and manually operated valves in
jacketed piping system capable to contain a high pressure connection with the bilge pumping arrangements are to be
line failure. The jacketed piping system is to include a placed in locations accessible under ordinary circum-
means for collection of leakages and an alarm system in stances. When such valves are located in normally
unmanned spaces below the assigned load line and not
case of fuel line failure.
provided with high bilge water level alarms, they are to be
operated from outside the space.
2.7 Bilge pumping arrangements
2.7.10 A means to indicate whether a valve is open or
2.7.1 The requirements given under [2.7] are to be consid- close is to be provided at each location from which the
valve can be controlled. The indicator will rely on move-
ered in addition to the requirements of Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [6]
ment of the valve spindle.
of the Offshore Rules, relating to bilge systems.

2.7.2 Units covered by the present Note are to be provided 2.8 Protection against flooding
with an efficient bilge pumping system capable of pumping
from and draining watertight compartments other than 2.8.1 Seawater inlet and discharge in spaces below the
spaces permanently appropriated for fresh water, ballast assigned load line is to be provided with an appropriate
valve. When this valve is located in normally unmanned
water, oil fuel or other liquid products and for which other
spaces which are not provided with high bilge water level
means of pumping are provided. The bilge pumping system detection, it is to be operated from an accessible position
is to be capable to operate under all practical conditions outside the space.
whether the unit is upright or inclined as per [2.1.1].

3 Additional requirements for machinery

2.7.3 Additional suction systems may be requested by the
Society to be provided in large compartments or compart-
of self-propelled units
ments of unusual form. Arrangements directing the water to
the suction pipes are also to be provided. 3.1 General
Compartments provided with bilge suctions may be drained
3.1.1 The requirements of the present Article [3] are appli-
to other spaces provided with bilge pumping capability.
cable only for units having the structural type notation
offshore service ship, which are self-propelled units capa-
2.7.4 Compartments with bilge pumping capability or bilge ble to perform non-assisted voyages. These requirements
suctions, adjacent to the sea or to tanks containing liquids, are to be applied in addition to those given in [2].
or containing piping systems conveying liquids, are to be
provided with means appropriate to detect the presence of 3.1.2 Main propulsion machinery and all auxiliary machin-
water. ery essential to the propulsion and the safety of the unit are
to be capable of operating in static conditions as defined in
[2.1.1] and in dynamic conditions under 22,5° rolling and
2.7.5 Bilge pumping arrangements and the means to detect
simultaneously pitching 7,5° by bow or stern.
the presence of water may be dispensed by the Society for
particular compartments, when it is considered that the Deviations from these angles may be accepted by the Soci-
safety of the unit is not impaired by the absence of such ety on a case-by-case basis, taking into account the type,
size and service condition of the unit.

3.1.3 Special consideration is to be given to the design,

2.7.6 Design, construction and installation of bilge pipes is
construction and installation of propulsion machinery sys-
to take into account the eventual effect of corrosion and tems so that any mode of their vibration should not cause
other expected deterioration. Special consideration is to be undue stresses in this machinery in the normal operating
given to bilge pipes passing through ballast tanks. ranges.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 39

NR 569, Sec 7

3.1.4 Means are to be provided whereby normal operation A pitch indicator is to be provided on the navigating bridge
of propulsion machinery can be sustained or restored even for controllable pitch propellers.
with one essential auxiliaries becomes inoperative. Special
consideration is to be given to the malfunction of: 3.4.2 Where remote control of propulsion machinery from
• generator set which serves as main source of electrical the navigation bridge is provided and the machinery spaces
power are intended to be manned, the following requirements are
to be complied with:
• sources of steam supply
• the speed, direction of thrust and the pitch of the pro-
• arrangements for boilers feedwater
peller, when relevant, are to be fully controllable from
• arrangements which supply fuel oil for boilers or the navigating bridge under all sailing conditions
engines including manoeuvring
• sources of lubricating oil pressure • the remote control is to be performed, for each indepen-
• sources of water pressure dent propeller, by a control device so designed and con-
structed that its operation does not require particular
• condensate pumps and the arrangements to maintain attention to the operational details of the machinery. If
vacuum in condensers
several propellers are designed to operate simulta-
• mechanical air supply for boilers neously, these propellers may be controlled by one con-
trol device
• air compressors and receivers for starting or control pur-
poses • the main propulsion machinery is to be provided with
• hydraulic, pneumatic or electrical means for control in an emergency stopping device on the navigating bridge
main propulsion machinery, including controllable- and independent from the bridge control system
pitch propellers.
• propulsion machinery orders from the navigating bridge
will be indicated in the main machinery control station
3.2 Means of going astern or at the manoeuvring platform, as relevant

• remote control of the propulsion machinery is to be pos-

3.2.1 Units covered by the present note and having the
structural type notation offshore service ship are to have sible from only one station at a time. At one control sta-
sufficient power for going astern to secure proper control of tion, interconnected control units are permitted. At each
the unit in all normal circumstances. station, an indicator showing which station is in control
of propulsion machinery is to be provided. The transfer
3.2.2 The ability of the machinery to reverse the direction of control between navigating bridge and machinery
of thrust of the propeller in sufficient time and so to bring spaces will be possible only in the machinery space of
the unit to rest within a reasonable distance from maximum machinery control room.
ahead service speed is to be demonstrated.
• local control of propulsion machinery is to be possible
even in the case of failure in any part of the remote con-
3.3 Steam boilers and boiler feed systems
trol system

3.3.1 Water tube boilers serving turbine propulsion • the design of remote control system is to be such that in
machinery are to be fitted with a high water level alarm. case of its failure, an alarm will be given and the preset
speed and direction of thrust will be maintained until
3.3.2 Steam generating systems which provides services local control is in operation
essential for the propulsion of the unit are to be provided
with not less than two separate feedwater systems from and • indicators are to be fitted on the navigating bridge for
including the feed pumps. Single penetration of the steam propeller speed and direction, in case of fixed pitch pro-
drum is acceptable. Means to prevent overpressure are to pellers, and for propeller speed and pitch position, in
be provided in any part of the system. case of controllable pitch propeller

• an alarm is to be provided at the navigating bridge and

3.4 Machinery control
in the machinery space to indicate low starting air pres-
sure set at a level which still permits main engine start-
3.4.1 Main and auxiliary machinery essential for propul-
ing operation. If the remote control of propulsion
sion of the unit are to be provided with effective means for
its operation control. Control systems essential for the pro- machinery is designed for automatic starting, the num-
pulsion, control and safety of the unit are to be independent ber of automatic consecutive attempts which fail to pro-
or designed such that the failure of one system does not duce a start are to be limited to safeguard sufficient
degrade the performance of another system. starting air pressure for starting locally.

40 Bureau Veritas January 2012

NR 569, Sec 8


1 General 2 Emergency conditions due to drilling

1.1 Introduction
2.1 Disconnection or shutdown
1.1.1 The present Section provides specific requirements
relating to safety features of units covered by the present 2.1.1 General
Note, as defined in Sec 1. In view of exceptional events during drilling operations in
which the explosion hazard may extend outside the zones
1.1.2 The requirements of the present Section undertake
defined in [1.3], special arrangements are to be provided to
the provisions of IMO MODU Code, giving some additional
facilitate the selective disconnection or shutdown of the fol-
interpretations of the Society. The Society reserves the right
lowing equipment:
to make reference to IMO MODU Code when deemed nec-
essary. • ventilation systems, except fans necessary for supplying
combustion air to prime movers for the production of
electrical power
1.2 Application
• main generator prime movers, including the ventilation
1.2.1 The requirements of the present Section are to be systems for these
considered in addition to those of Pt C, Ch 4 of the Offshore • emergency generator prime movers.
Rules, which are applicable for Mobile Offshore Drilling
Units. These referenced requirements are related to: 2.1.2 Shutdown
• arrangement of the unit Shutdown systems required in [2.1.1] are to be designed
such that the risk of unintentional stoppage caused by mal-
• hazardous areas
function in a shutdown system and the risk of inadvertent
• structural fire protection operation of a shutdown are minimized.
• detection, controls, communications, alarms
• fire fighting 2.1.3 Dynamic positioning
In case of drillships for which the station keeping is ensured
• structural integrity
only through the dynamic positioning system, the selective
• escape disconnection or shutdown of machinery and equipment
• fire plan associated with maintaining the operability of dynamic
• safety features relating to helicopter facilities positioning system is to be specially considered.
• life saving appliances. Additional studies of various scenarios relating to the dis-
persion of gas in case of exceptional event during drilling
1.3 Definition of hazardous areas operations, may be requested by the Society, on a case-by-
case basis.
1.3.1 Hazardous areas are all those areas where, due to the It is to be checked that the eventual disconnection or shut-
possible presence of a flammable atmosphere, the use with- down of equipment maintaining the operability of dynamic
out proper consideration of machinery or electrical equip- positioning system, in zones affected under the worth sce-
ment may lead to fire hazard or explosion. nario of gas dispersion, will preserve the efficiency of sta-
tion keeping and the integrity of the well.
1.3.2 Hazardous areas are divided into zones as follows:
Findings of this checking are to be consistent with the Oper-
Zone 0 : Zone in which an explosive gas/air mixture is
ation Manual of the unit. Eventual limitations based on
continuously present or present for long periods
these findings may be stated in an annex of Certificate of
Zone 1 : Zone in which an explosive gas/air mixture is Classification.
likely to occur in normal operation
Zone 2 : Zone in which an explosive gas/air mixture is 2.1.4 Operability after emergency shutdown
not likely to occur, and if it occurs, it will only At least the following facilities are to be operable after
persist for a short time. emergency shutdown:
Non-hazardous areas are those which are not classified as • emergency lighting, for at least 30 minutes
hazardous according to the above definitions. • BOP control system - Koomey unit
• general alarm system
1.3.3 Further details relating to the definition and classifi-
cation of hazardous areas are given in Pt C, Ch 4, Sec 3, [1] • public address system
and [2] of the Offshore Rules. • battery-supplied radiocommunication installations.

January 2012 Bureau Veritas 41

NR 569, Sec 8

3 Machinery installations in hazardous 4 Risk analysis

4.1 General

3.1 Principles 4.1.1 If deemed necessary by the Society, risk analysis is to

be performed to validate various layouts and to determine
the critical conditions that equipments are capable to with-
3.1.1 Mechanical equipment and machinery in hazardous
stand. A detailed report on risk analysis will be submitted to
areas will be constructed and installed as to reduce the risk
the Society.
of ignition from sparking due to the formation of static elec-
tricity or friction between moving parts and from high tem- 4.1.2 When requested, the assessment through risk analysis
peratures of exposed parts due to exhaust or other is to be performed based on standards recognized by the
emissions. Society, such as:
• API RP 14J “Recommended Practice for Design and
3.1.2 The installation of internal combustion machinery Hazard Analysis for Offshore Production Facilities”
may be permitted in zone 1 and zone 2 hazardous areas, • EN ISO 17776 “Guidelines on tools and techniques for
provided that the precautions taken against the risk of dan- hazard identification and risk assessment”
gerous ignition are at the satisfaction of the Society. 4.1.3 The following principles are to be considered for risk
3.1.3 The installation of fired equipment may be permitted • a suitable level of safety is to be maintained and verified
in zone 2 hazardous areas, provided that the precautions throughout the life of the unit
taken against the risk of dangerous ignition are at the satis- • suitable access is to be provided for the inspection and
faction of the Society. maintenance.

42 Bureau Veritas January 2012

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