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<ÔÎ ∫u bªfi J¡Fu # Fu bß, ∫F •∫° J¡≤ ≤Fu F°u ? N≈fiu J¡t°u˘ J¡° ≈°Ôfi •∫°u* fiFÙ* J¡≤wu ? ˚Ô°
fwÔ°N°u w°u ŸFÙ ∫<Ì J¡tÕ fi J¡≤°uyu, w°u wC‡Fu* <Ÿ<] Jæ¡Ÿu ≈®°›w F°uyÙ ? N°æ≤ ∫F ˚Ù fwÔ°N°u <J¡
wC‡F°≤Ù J¡t°u˘ tu* ≈®b¨<W •∫°u* fiFÙ* F°uwÙ ? $$11-13$$ N≈fiu <≈w° Ju¡ ∫°u* ≈¥~>fiu ≈≤ J¡°”^∫ fiu J¡F° #
ZC<w N°æ≤ _t¨<w∫°u* fiu ıÙbfi≈∫Õ∏w N<ÀfiF°u`, Ÿ∏º∫°b∏Ìfi N°<Ì ≈®b¨<WR¡≈ @t°u˘ J¡° <b@°fi ∫°
≈®<w≈°Ìfi <J¡∫° Fæ Îba "@fi Ÿu, J¡tÕ Ÿu wS° ≈®ı°N°u* Ju¡ Ã≈°Ìfi Ÿu Nt¨wR¡≈ t°us ≈®°›w fiFÙ* F°uw°,
tC¶∫-tC¶∫ ∫<w Ô°uy ÎJ¡t°` Ã∫°y Ÿu t°us ≈®°›w J¡≤wu Fæ*', ÎuŸu NSÕ J¡° ≈®<w≈°Ìfi J¡≤fiub°ÔÙ "fi
@fiufi' oÃ∫°<Ì ZC<w tC<•w≈®°<›w Ju¡ <ÔÎ Ju¡bÔ Ã∫°y J¡°u FÙ Ÿ°@fi fwÔ°wÙ Fæ $ oŸ<ÔÎ ≈¥≠∫b≤, ofi
≈≤_≈≤ <b”] NS°u˘ tu* Ÿu <J¡ŸJ¡° tCHu NfiCŸ≤d J¡≤fi° ª°<FÎ ? ∫°u* Ÿ∏ÌuF tu* ≈nJ¡≤ tæ* J¡t°ÕfiC‹™>°fi
Ÿu Ì°ŸÙfi F…N° Fq≥ $$14-16$$ Ny_Ã∫ fiu J¡F° # ˚B, <≈w° Ÿu J¡F J¡≤ J¡°”^∫ ªC≈ F°u y∫°, Ÿ Ju¡
<≈w° fiu ªC≈-ª°≈ fæ™>u F…Î ≈C` Ÿu J¡F° $$17$$ N<Àfibuÿ∫ fiu J¡F° # <≈®∫ ≈C`, tæ* wCtŸu ÎJ¡ ŸC∏Ì≤ J¡S°
J¡Fw° Fq≥ , Ÿu ŸCfi°u $ ŸJu¡ NSÕ J¡° tCHŸu <fiÿª∫ J¡≤Ju¡ wC‡Fu* ı柰 Nh~>° Ôyu b柰 J¡≤fi° $$18$$
N›Ÿ≤°N°u* tu* NÃ∫∏w ŸC∏Ì≤Ù ŸC”<ª fi°tJ¡∑ ÎJ¡ N›Ÿ≤° SÙ $ bF t∫¥≤°u* Ÿu N°b¨W <Ft°Ô∫ Ju¡ <„©≤
≈≤ fæ™>Ù SÙ, ıF°≥ ≈≤ J¡°tŸaw›w <J¡∏fi¿≤∫°≥ <J¡∏fi≤°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S J®¡∑±>° J¡≤wÙ Fæ* N°æ≤ ≈°≈°u* J¡° fi°„
J¡≤fiub°Ô° ZÙyay°ıÙ J¡° ≈®b°F <J¡Ô°u*Ôu t°≤w° Fæ $ Ÿfiu N°J¡°„-t°yÕ Ÿu ı° ≤Fu o∏B Ju¡ Ìqw J¡°u
Ìu©° $ ŸC”<ª fiu Ìqw Ÿu J¡F° # tF°˚°y, N°≈ J¡F°≥ Ÿu N° ≤Fu Fæ*, Nf J¡F°≥ ı°wu Fæ* ? bF Ÿf J¨¡≈°≈¥bÕJ¡
tCHŸu J¡<F∫u $ Ìqw fiu J¡F° # ŸC∏Ì≤Ù, N°≈fiu fn° Nh~>° ≈®ÿfi <J¡∫° $ tææ* N°≈Ju¡ ≈®ÿfi J¡° ∫S°bwg W≤
Ìuw° Fq≥ $ @t°ÕÃt° ≤°ı<TÕ N¿≤‹¸>fiu<t N≈fiu ≈C` J¡°u ≤°≠∫ ÌuJ¡≤ w≈ J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ bfi tu* y∫° $ bF ≤°ı°
y∏@t°Ìfi ≈bÕw ≈≤ w≈_∫° J¡≤ ≤F° Fæ $ bFÙ J¡°∫Õ J¡≤Ju¡ tæ* N° ≤F° Fq≥ N°æ≤ Nf bF°≥ J¡° b¨w°∏w J¡Ffiu
Ju¡ <ÔÎ o∏B Ju¡ ≈°Ÿ ı°w° Fq≥ $$19-25$$ N›Ÿ≤° fiu J¡F° # ˚ybfig, bF°≥ ≈≤ J¡°æfi |¸>fi° F…oÕ, Ÿu
tCHŸu J¡<F∫u tæ* N°≈Ÿu <bfi∫≈¥bÕJ¡ ≈¥~>wÙ Fq≥ $ tu≤Ù NbFuÔfi° fi J¡∑<ı∫u $$26$$ ÌubÌqw fiu J¡F° # Fu
ŸC∏Ì≤Ù, ŸCfi°u, tæ* <b_w°≤ Ÿu wC‡Fu* bF°≥ J¡∑ |¸>fi° ŸCfi°w° Fq≥ $ ≤°ı° N¿≤‹¸>fiu<t y∏@t°Ìfi ≈bÕw tu*
J¡<™>fi w≈_∫° J¡≤ ≤F° Fæ, ∫F ı°fiJ¡≤ Ìub≤°ı o∏B fiu tCHu N°I° ÌÙ <J¡ "Fu Ìqw, wCt N›Ÿ≤°N°u* N°æ≤
<b<b@ f°ı°u* Ÿu ŸC„°u<˚w, y∏@bÕ, <Ÿ], <J¡∏fi≤ N°<ÌŸu <b˚¥<Tw <bt°fi J¡°u Îba w°Ô N°<Ì Ÿu Ÿ<≠ıw
Ÿufi° J¡°u ÔuJ¡≤ NfiuJ¡ ≈®J¡°≤ Ju¡ b¨s°u* Ÿu „°u<˚w y∏@t°Ìfi ≈bÕw ≈≤ ı°N°u N°æ≤ ≤°ı° N¿≤‹¸>fiu<t J¡°u
<bt°fi ≈≤ fæ™>° J¡≤ _byÕŸC© ˚°uyfiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ Nt≤°bwÙ ≈C≤Ù tu* Ôu N°N°u $$27-31$$ Ìub≤°ı o∏B J¡∑
bæŸÙ N°I° ≈°J¡≤ Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ Ÿ°t<y®∫°u* Ÿu ∫C•w Ÿ <bt°fi J¡°u ÔuJ¡≤ tæ* •w ≈bÕw y∫° $ bF°≥ ≈F…≥ª J¡≤
≤°ı° Ju¡ N°Zt tu* ı°J¡≤ tæ*fiu fiJ¡°u Ìub≤°ı o∏B J¡∑ Ÿf N°I° J¡F ŸCfi°oÕ $ Fu ŸC∏Ì≤Ù, tu≤u bªfi°u* J¡°u
ŸCfifiu Ju¡ f°Ì ŸaÌuF tu* ≈nJ¡≤ ≤°ı° fiu J¡F° # Fu Ìqw, tæ* N°≈Ÿu ≈¥~>fi° ª°Fw° Fq≥, tu≤u ≈®ÿfi J¡° W≤
ÌÙ<ı∫u $ _byÕ tu* J¡°æfi yCd N°æ≤ Ì°uT Fæ* ? fiJ¡° tu≤u Ÿ°tfiu bdÕfi J¡∑<ı∫u $ tæ* ∏Fu* ı°fiJ¡≤ ıæŸÙ
oh~>° F°uyÙ b柰 J¡R¡≥y° $$32-35$$ ÌubÌqw fiu J¡F° # ≤°ıfig, ≈C^∫ J¡∑ Ÿ°ty®Ù Ju¡ NfiCŸ°≤ tfiC‹∫ _byÕ
tu* Wt k¡Ô ˚°uyw° Fæ $ ÃJ¨¡‹¸> ≈C^∫ Ÿu ÃJ¨¡‹¸> _byÕ <tÔw° Fæ, tº∫t ≈C^∫ Ÿu tº∫t _byÕ <tÔw°
Fæ Îba J¡<fi‹™> ≈C^∫ Ÿu wÌgfiCR¡≈ J¡<fi‹™> FÙ k¡Ô˚°uy <tÔw° Fæ $ oŸtu* Fu≤ku¡≤ fiFÙ* F°uw° $ tF°„∫, ≈C^∫
Ju¡ w°≤w‡∫ Ju¡ NfiCŸ°≤ _byÕ-_S°fi N°æ≤ bF°≥ Ju¡ ŸC© J¡° w°≤w‡∫ (ÃJ¡TÕ N°æ≤ N≈J¡TÕ) F°uw° Fæ $
ŸyÕ - 1] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 5
<ı∏Fu* Wt _byÕ ≈®°›w fiFÙ* Fæ, fiJ¡°u Wt _byÕb°Ô°u* J¡∑ ÃJ¨¡‹¸>w° NŸfl ≈®wÙw F°uwÙ Fæ, Ÿt°fi
_byÕb°Ôu ÎJ¡ ÌqŸ≤u Ju¡ Ÿ°S oÕ‹∫°Õ, _≈@°Õ, <bπuT N°<Ì J¡≤wu Fæ* N°æ≤ Wt _byÕb°Ôu N≈fiÙ N≈us° FÙfi
_byÕb°Ô°u* J¡∑ FÙfiw° NS°Õwg Nv≈ ŸC© Ìu©J¡≤ Ÿ∏w°uT J¡≤wu Fæ* $ ıf wJ¡ ≈C^∫-s∫ fiFÙ* F°uw°, wf
wJ¡ _byÕb°ŸÙ ∫°u* Wt, tº∫t N°æ≤ N@t ŸC© J¡° NfiC˚b J¡≤wu J¡°Ô-∫°≈fi J¡≤wu Fæ* $ wÌfi∏w≤
≈C^∫°u* Ju¡ sÙd F°ufiu ≈≤ oŸÙ tfiC‹∫-Ô°uJ¡ tu* N°J¡≤ ı∏t y®Fd J¡≤wu Fæ* $ tF°≤°ı _byÕ tu* ∫u FÙ yCd
N°æ≤ Ì°uT <bΩt°fi Fæ* $$36-39$$ _byÕ Ju¡ ∫u FÙ yCd N°æ≤ Ì°uT°u* J¡°u ŸCfiJ¡≤ tF°≤°ı f°uÔu # ÌubÌqw, tæ*
ÎuŸu _byÕ-˚°uy J¡∑ oh~>° fiFÙ* J¡≤w° $ ıæŸu Ÿ°≥≈ ≈C≤°fiÙ Ju*¡ªCÔÙ J¡°u ~>°un Ìuw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ tæ* N°ı Ÿu
tF°y® w≈ J¡≤Ju¡ oŸ |¨d°_≈Ì „≤Ù≤ J¡°u ~>°un Ìq≥y° $ Fu ÌubÌqw, N°≈ oŸ <bt°fi J¡°u ÔuJ¡≤ Ìub≤°ı
o∏B Ju¡ ŸtÙ≈ ıæŸu N°∫u Su bæŸu b°<≈Ÿ ªÔu ı°o∫u, N°≈J¡°u fit_J¡°≤ Fæ $$40-42$$ ÌubÌqw fiu J¡F° #
ŸC∏Ì≤Ù, ≤°ı° Ju¡ ∫°u* J¡Ffiu ≈≤ tæ* bF <fibuÌfi J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ o∏B Ju¡ ≈°Ÿ y∫° $ bF°≥ ı°u b¨W°∏w F…N° S°
bF Ÿf tæ*fiu Ìub≤°ı o∏B J¡°u J¡F ŸCfi°∫° $ ≤°ı° N¿≤‹¸>fiu<t J¡∑ _byÕ Ju¡ ≈®<w <b≤<•w, Ìu©J¡≤ o∏Fu*
fn° N°ÿª∫Õ F…N° $ <k¡≤ tFu∏B fiu t@C≤ b°dÙ Ÿu tCHŸu J¡F° # Fu Ì¥w, wCt <k¡≤ bF°≥ ı°N°u N°æ≤ Ÿ
<b≤•w, ≤°ı° J¡°u f®ÊI°fi-≈®°<›w Ju¡ <ÔÎ w[bI tF<TÕ b°vtÙ<J¡ Ju¡ N°Zt tu* Ôu ı°N°u N°æ≤ tF<TÕ
b°vtÙ<J¡ Ÿu tu≤° ∫F Ÿ∏Ìu„° J¡F°u <J¡ tF<TÕıÙ, oŸ <b≤•w, <bfiÙw N°æ≤ _byÕ Ju¡ ≈®<w <fi_≈¨F ≤°ı°
J¡°u w[bI°fi J¡° ≈Ìu„ ÌÙ<ı∫u w[bI°fi Ju¡ ≈Ìu„ Ÿu ŸaŸ°≤-Ì…#© Ÿu ≈Ù<nw bF J®¡t„# tC<•w J¡°u
≈®°›w F°uy° $ ∫F J¡F J¡≤ Ìub≤°ı fiu tCHu ≤°ı° Ju¡ ≈°Ÿ ˚uı° $ tæ*fiu bF°≥ ı°J¡≤ o∏B Ju¡ Ÿ∏Ìu„ Ju¡ Ÿ°S
≤°ı° J¡°u b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ Ju¡ ŸtÙ≈ ≈<_Sw <J¡∫° N°æ≤ ≤°ı° fiu tF<TÕ Ÿu t°us Ju¡ Ÿ°@fi Ju¡ <bT∫ tu*
<ıI°Ÿ° J¡∑ $ wÌfi∏w≤ b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu ≤°ı° Ÿu ≈®Ù<w≈¥bÕJ¡ Ìu„, @fi, ≈C`, w≈ N°<Ì Ju¡ ≈®ÿfi π°≤°
N°≤°uÀ∫-JC¡„Ô ≈¥~>° $$43-49$$ ≤°ı° fiu J¡F° # ˚ybfig N°≈ Ÿf @t°u˘ Ju¡ w[b°u* J¡°u ı°fiwu Fæ* N°æ≤
<ıwfiu I°w∆∫ <bT∫ Fæ* fi ŸfJu¡ N°≈ I°w° Fæ*, tæ* N°≈Ju¡ Ì„Õfi Ÿu J¨¡w°SÕ Fq≥, ∫FÙ tu≤Ù JC¡„Ô Fæ $
˚ybfig ! oŸ Ÿt∫ tæ* <ıI°ŸC N°æ≤ ŸaŸ°≤Ì…#© Ÿu J¡°w≤ Fq≥ $ <ıŸ ˚°≥<w <bPfi fi N°bu bæŸu tCHu w[b J¡°
≈Ìu„ ÌÙ<ı∫u $ <ıŸŸu tæ* ŸaŸ°≤-f∏@fiR¡≈ ≈Ù±>° Ÿu tC•w F°u ı°«≥¡ $$50-51$$ b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu
J¡F° # ≤°ıfig, ŸC<fiÎ, tæ* N©^±>w[b-≈®<w≈°ÌJ¡ ≤°t°∫d J¡∑ J¡S° J¡Fq≥y°, ∫Ãfi≈¥bÕJ¡ Ÿu ŸCfiJ¡≤ Îba
⁄Ì∫ tu* @°≤d J¡≤ N°≈ ıÙb∏tC•w F°u ı°∫u*yu $$52$$ •w ≤°t°∫d b<Ÿ‹™>-≤°t Ÿab°Ì_bR¡≈ Fæ $
(c) bF tC<•w J¡° N<πwÙ∫ ≈°∫ N°æ≤ NÃ∫∏w J¡v∫°dJ¡°≤Ù Fæ $ Fu ≤°ıu∏B, N°≈ Ÿu ŸtHfiu tu*
ŸtSÕ Fæ* N°æ≤ tæ* ˚Ù Ÿu ı°fiw° Fq≥, oŸ<ÔÎ tæ* N°≈J¡°u Ÿu ŸCfi°w° Fq≥ $ N°≈ Ÿ°b@°fi F°uJ¡≤ ŸCfiu* $$53$$
≤°ı° fiu J¡F° # Fu w[bI°<fi∫°u* tu* Zu‹™>, ≤°t J¡°æfi Fæ* ? fiJ¡° Jæ¡Ÿ° _bR¡≈ Fæ ? bu <J¡Ÿ ba„ tu* Ã≈∏fi
F…Î Su ? bu f] Su NSb° tC•w ? ≈FÔu N°≈ tCHŸu ∫FÙ <fiÿª∫J¡≤ J¡Ffiu J¡∑ J¨¡≈° J¡≤u* $$54$$
(c) b<Ÿ‹™> N°æ≤ ≤°t Ju¡ Ÿab°Ì Ÿu ∫F Ÿ¥<ªw F°uw° Fæ <J¡ b<Ÿ‹™> fiu ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u ≈Ìu„ <Ì∫°
S° $ b<Ÿ‹™> yC” Su N°æ≤ ≤°t fiJu¡ <„‹∫ $ oŸ J¡S° fiu ≤°ı<TÕ Ju¡ tfi tu* Ÿ∏ÌuF Ã≈∏fi J¡≤ <Ì∫° <J¡
NI ıÙb FÙ I°fi-≈®°<›w Ju¡ <ÔÎ <„‹∫ F°uw° Fæ, <J¡∏wC ≤°t _b∫a Ÿfi°wfi f®Ê Su, bu •∫°u* <„‹∫ F°u*yu ?
bu J¡°æfi ≤°t Su, •∫° bu ≤°t fi°t Ju¡ J¡°uoÕ ıÙb Su ? ∫° ˚yb°fig Ju¡ Nbw°≤ ≈®<Ÿ] ≤°t Su, ÎuŸ° Ÿ∏ÌuF
F°ufiu ≈≤ ≤°ı<TÕ fiu tF<TÕ Ÿu <ıI°Ÿ° J¡∑ <J¡ N°≈ <J¡Ÿ ≤°t J¡∑ J¡S° J¡Fu*yu Ÿu tCHŸu J¡<F∫u $
6 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # <fiy®F°fiCy®FŸtSÕ ˚yb°fig ZÙF¿≤fiu „°≈ ≈°Ôfi Ju¡ fF°fiu ≤°ı° Ju¡ bu„ tu* Nbw°≤
<Ô∫° S° $ bu ŸbÕI F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù N≈fiu ˚•w°u* Ju¡ b°•∫°u* J¡°u ŸÃ∫ J¡≤fiu J¡∑ oh~>° Ÿu Ÿ°@°≤d tfiC‹∫°u* J¡∑
˚°≥<w NI F°u y∫u Su $$55$$ ≤°ı° fiu J¡F° # ˚ybfig, N≈≤°@Ù ∆∫<•w FÙ „°≈ J¡° ˚°ıfi F°uw° Fæ Îba
N≈≤°@ ˚Ù N≈¥dÕJ¡°t N°æ≤ Nv≈I ∆∫<•w FÙ J¡≤wu Fæ*, ı°u Ÿ<hªÌ°fi∏Ì_bR¡≈ N°æ≤ <ªÌg|fit¥<wÕ
≈≤tuÿb≤ Su, ∏Fu* N<˚„°≈ Jæ¡Ÿu ? NwÎb fiJu¡ ≈®<w N<˚„°≈ F°ufiu J¡° J¡°≤d •∫° S° N°æ≤ fiJ¡°u
<J¡Ÿfiu N<˚„°≈ <Ì∫° ? ∫F N°≈ tCHu fwÔ°oÎ $$56$$ b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # ≤°ıfig ! J¡°tJ®¡°u@
≤<Fw N°æ≤ ≈≤t I°fiÙ f®Ê° Ju¡ t°fiŸ≈C` ŸfiÃJC¡t°≤ ÎJ¡ Ÿt∫ f®ÊÔ°uJ¡ tu* fæ™>u Su $ ŸÙ Ÿt∫
`æÔ°u•∫°<@≈<w ˚yb°fig <b‹dC bæJC¡^™> Ÿu bF°≥ ≈@°≤u $ ŸÃ∫Ô°uJ¡ tu* <fib°Ÿ J¡≤ub°Ôu N∏∫°∏∫ Ìubw°N°u*
Ju¡ Ÿ°S f®Ê° fiu NU∫CÃS°fi N°<Ì Ÿu fiJ¡° ŸÃJ¡°≤ <J¡∫° $ Ju¡bÔ ŸfiÃJC¡t°≤ fiu, N≈fiu J¡°u <fi‹J¡°t
ŸtHJ¡≤, fiJ¡° NU∫CÃS°fi N°<Ì fiFÙ* <J¡∫° $ ∫F Ìu©J¡≤ ˚yb°fig <b‹dC fiu J¡F° # ŸfiÃJC¡t°≤, wCt
NFaJ¡°≤Ù F°u, wC‡F°≤Ù ªu‹¸>° ybÕŸ¥ªJ¡ Fæ, oŸ J¡°≤d wCt J¡°<wÕJu¡∫ fi°t Ÿu <b¶∫°w N°æ≤ J¡°t°Ÿ•w
F°uN°uyu $$57-59$$ ∫F ŸCfiJ¡≤ ŸfiÃJC¡t°≤ fiu ˚Ù NÃ∫∏w Ì…#©Ù F°uJ¡≤ <b‹dC J¡°u ∫F „°≈ <Ì∫° <J¡
N°≈J¡°u ˚Ù ŸbÕIw° J¡° ≈¿≤Ã∫°y J¡≤ JC¡~> J¡°Ô wJ¡ NI ıÙb J¡∑ ˚°≥<w ≤Ffi° ≈nuy° $ tF<TÕ ˚¨yC fiu ˚Ù
<b‹dC π°≤° N≈fiÙ ˚°∫°Õ J¡° <bfi°„ Ìu©J¡≤ J®¡°u@b„ ∏Fu* ∫F „°≈ <Ì∫° S° <J¡ "Fu <b‹dC, ıæŸu wCtfiu
tCHu ˜Ù<b∫°uyı<fiw Ì…#© Ÿu Ì…#<©w <J¡∫°, bæŸu FÙ wC‡Fu* ˚Ù ˜Ù<b∫°uyı<fiw Ì…#© J¡° NfiC˚b J¡≤fi°
≈nuy°(!) $$60-61$$ ≈FÔu <b‹dC fiu ıÔa@≤ J¡° R¡≈ ($) @°≤d J¡≤ ŸJ¡∑ ≈®°d<≈®∫° ˚°∫°Õ
! ∫F°≥ ≈≤ ∫F ≈°æ≤°<dJ¡ J¡S° Fæ <J¡ ≈¥bÕ J¡v≈ tu* ¶∫°<w fi°t J¡∑ ˚¨yC≈ÃfiÙ fiu <b‹dC-„≤Ù≤
tu* ÔÙfi F°ufiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ˚yb°fig <b‹dC J¡∑ ≈®°SÕfi° J¡∑ SÙ $ ˚yb°fig fiu ŸJ¡∑ ≈®°SÕfi° ≈¥dÕ J¡∑, ≈≤∏wC
˚¨yC Ju¡ tfi tu* N°∫° <J¡ <b‹dC fiu Ft°≤Ù ˜Ù J¡° <bfi°„ <J¡∫°, oŸÙ Ÿu ∏F°u*fiu sCÆ@ F°uJ¡≤ <b‹dC
J¡°u •w „°≈ <Ì∫° $
$ f®ÊbæbwÕ≈C≤°d tu* <Ô©° Fæ <J¡ y°uÔ°uJ¡_S ŸCÌ°t° fi°tJ¡ y°u≈°Ô ≤°@° Ju¡ „°≈ Ÿu ıÔa@≤ fi°t
Ÿu Ã≈∏fi F…N° N°æ≤ wCÔŸÙ fi°tJ¡∑ y°u≈Ù @tÕºbı ≤°ı° J¡∑ ≈ÃfiÙ Ÿu Ã≈∏fi F…oÕ SÙ $ ıÔa@≤ f®Ê° Ju¡
b≤Ÿu Nbº∫ F°u y∫° S° $ f®Ê° <J¡ŸÙ J¡°u ˚Ù <fiÃ∫ Nt≤ fiFÙ* J¡≤wu $ t≤fiu J¡° ÎJ¡ fi ÎJ¡ <fi<tW ≤©
~>°unwu Fæ* $ ∫FÙ f°w ∏F°u*fiu ıÔa@≤ Ÿu ˚Ù J¡FÙ SÙ <J¡ wC‡F°≤Ù ≈ÃfiÙ Ju¡ ŸwÙÃb J¡° fi°„ F°ufiu ≈≤, wC‡F°≤°
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N°æ≤°u* J¡° ˚Ù (`æb<dÕJu¡w≤°u* J¡° ˚Ù) N<@J¡°≤ Fæ $ N<@J¡°≤ Ju¡ <Ÿ] F°ufiu ≈≤ Z°æw N°ÃtI°fi tu* ıæŸu
J¡tÕJ¡°^±> tu* ≈®<w≈°<Ìw J¡t°u˘ Ju¡ NfiC‹™>°fi Ÿu Ã≈∏fi <ªW J¡∑ „C<] FuwC Fæ, bæŸu FÙ ∫F°≥ ≈≤ ˚Ù
≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d tu* ≈®Ì<„Õw _b-_b bdÕ N°æ≤ N°Zt Ju¡ J¡t°u˘ Ju¡ NfiC‹™>°fi Ÿu F°ufiub°ÔÙ <ªW J¡∑ „C<]
<ıI°Ÿ° Ju¡ Ã≈°Ìfi π°≤° FuwC Fæ, ∫°u* ≈¥bÕ N°æ≤ W≤≤°t°∫d tu* FuwC FuwCtL°bŸay<w J¡° ≈®Ì„Õfi J¡≤wu
F…Î Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ NfiSÕ J¡∑ <fib¨<WR¡≈ N∏∫ ≈®∫°uıfi <Ì©Ô°wu Fæ* $
≈FÔu <ıŸtu* J¡S°R¡≈ ≈°∫ Fæ Ÿ ≤°tª¿≤wbdÕfi°ÃtJ¡ ≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d J¡° <bª°≤ J¡≤ ı°u t°us Ju¡
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≈®°›w fiFÙ* F°uw° $$3$$
w°Ã≈∫Õ ∫F Fæ <J¡ ≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d tu* <ıŸ t∫°ÕÌ°≈C”T°uWt ˚yb°fi ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ J¡S° J¡° bdÕfi
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10 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
oÕÿb≤ tu* <bÿb°Ÿ Ju¡ ≈°∫ FuwC Fæ NS°Õwg Ÿ°≤Ù ≤°t°∫d J¡∑ J¡S° ŸCfifiu Ju¡ f°Ì tfiC‹∫ J¡°u @tÕ J¡° ∫S°SÕ
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ı°u ≈C”T oŸ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tu* t°us Ju¡ <ÔÎ fwÔ°∫u y∫u ~># ≈®J¡≤d°u* J¡° <bª°≤ J¡≤uy° ŸJ¡° <k¡≤ oŸ
NfiuJ¡<b@ Ì…#©°u* Ÿu ˚≤u F…Î ŸaŸ°≤ tu* N°ytfi fiFÙ* F°uy° NS°Õwg bF tC•w F°u ı°∫uy° $ ($)
Fu „`Cfi°„J¡, ≈FÔu ~>›≈fi Fı°≤ ÿÔ°uJ¡≈¿≤<tw ≈¥bÕ N°æ≤ W≤ Ì°u ©^±>°u* Ÿu ∫C•w oŸ ≤°t°∫d
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Fı°≤ ÿÔ°uJ¡ ≈¿≤<tw W≤J¡°^±> Ÿ<Fw ~># J¡°^±>°u* J¡∑) ≤ªfi° J¡≤ tæ*fiu Ÿu NfiCy®F N°æ≤ ≈®ut Ÿu
ÎJ¡°y®<ªW F°uJ¡≤ ıæŸu Ÿ°y≤ ≤Ãfi°SÙÕ J¡°u ≤Ãfi Ìuw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ <bfiÙw N°æ≤ tu|°bÙ N≈fiu <≈®∫ <„‹∫
˚≤π°ı J¡°u <Ì∫° $$4,5$$ tu|°bÙ ˚≤π°ı fiu tCHŸu ≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d J¡°u ≈®°›w J¡≤ ŸCtu” ≈bÕw_S <J¡ŸÙ
bfi tu* Ÿu f®Ê° J¡°u ŸCfi°∫° $$6$$ Ÿu ŸCfiJ¡≤ ŸfJu¡ <≈w°tF ˚yb°fig f®Ê° ˚≤π°ı Ju¡ «¡≈≤ fnu
≈®Ÿ∏fi F…Î N°æ≤ b≤Ì°fi Ju¡ fF°fiu ıywg Ju¡ ]°≤ Ju¡ Ÿ°@fi t°us„°˜ J¡∑ ≤ªfi° J¡≤fiÙ ª°<F∫u, ∫°u*
Wt N°„∫b°Ôu f®Ê° fiu ˚≤π°ı Ÿu J¡F° # Fu ≈C`, b≤ t°≥y°u $$7$$ ˚≤π°ı fiu J¡F° # Fu ˚ybfig Fu ˚¥w,
˚<b‹∫wg N°æ≤ bwÕt°fi Ju¡ _b°tÙ, <ıŸŸu ∫F ıfiw° Ì…#© Ÿu tC•w F°u ı°∫, bF ≈°∫ tCHŸu J¡<F∫u $
oŸÙ b≤ tu* tu≤Ù N<˚”<ª Fæ $$8$$ ZÙ f®Ê°ıÙ fiu J¡F° # bß ˚≤π°ı, ı°u wCtfiu tCHŸu ≈¥~>° Fæ oŸ
<bT∫ tu* N≈fiu yC” ZÙb°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ Ju¡ <fiJ¡¸> ı°J¡≤ fiŸu ≈®∫Ãfi Ÿu <bfi∫≈¥bÕJ¡ ≈®°SÕfi° J¡≤°u $ ∏F°u*fiu
<ıŸ N<fi¿∏Ìw (<fiÌ°uÕT) ≤°t°∫d J¡° N°≤‡˚ <J¡∫° Fæ, ŸÙ J¡° Zbd J¡≤fiu ≈≤ N<@J¡°≤Ù tfiC‹∫
Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ t°uF J¡°u (Nfi°<Ì N<bΩ°ı∏∫ NI°fi J¡°u) ≈°≤ J¡≤ ı°∫u*yu $ ıæŸu Ô°uy tF°yCd„°ÔÙ ≤°tŸuwC
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Zbd Ÿu FÙ Ì…_w≤ t°uFŸ°y≤ NS°Õwg oŸ ŸaŸ°≤tF°Ÿ°y≤ J¡°u Nfi°∫°Ÿ w≤ ı°∫u*yu $$9,10$$ b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ
fiu J¡F° # ˚ybfig f®Ê° ˚≤π°ı Ÿu ∫F J¡FJ¡≤ ŸJu¡ Ÿ°S tu≤u N°Zt tu* N°∫u $ tæ*fiu „Ù|® FÙ Ìub°<@Ìub
($) t¥Ô tu* ı°u J¡S°u≈°∫„ÆÌ N°∫° Fæ, ŸJ¡° NSÕ Ÿ›wJ¡°^±>∫C•w ≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d (f°ÔJ¡°^±>,
N∫°uº∫°J¡°^±> oÃ∫°<Ì J®¡t Ÿu Ÿ°w J¡°^±>°u* Ÿu ∫C•w ≤°t°∫d) Fæ $ ∫F NSÕ "<ıŸ y®∏S J¡∑ J¡S°
tu* tF<TÕ b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu @tÕw[bI°fi, @t°ÕfiC‹™>°fi N°æ≤ oÕÿb≤≈®≈<W J¡° <fib°ÕdI°fi Ju¡ ≈°∫R¡≈
Ÿu bdÕfi <J¡∫° Fæ ∫F J¡S°u≈°∫ Fæ oŸ ∆∫CÃ≈<W Ju¡ π°≤° ÔÆ@ F°uw° Fæ $ ≈FÔu Ÿ°w J¡°^±>°u* Ÿu ∫C•w
≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d J¡° Zbd N°æ≤ ŸJu¡ NSÕ ∫° ŸJu¡ œuÿ∫ J¡° <bª°≤ <J¡∫° ı°w° Fæ $ ŸŸu „t, Ìt
N°<Ì <Ÿ<] N°æ≤ ŸyCd f®Ê J¡° N°≈°ww# I°fi F°uw° Fæ wÌfi∏w≤ tfiC‹∫ <fiyCÕd w[b J¡° N<@J¡°≤Ù
F°uw° Fæ $ bæŸu N<@J¡°≤Ù Ju¡ <ÔÎ FÙ buÌ°∏wbuΩ ≈≤f®Ê≈®<w≈°ÌJ¡ oŸ y®∏S J¡° ≈Ìu„ Fæ $
(N) ZÙ≤°tª∏B<fi<tÕw ŸuwC, ı°u ŸuwCf∏@ ≤°tuÿb≤ Ju¡ fi°t Ÿu ≈®<Ÿ] Fæ $ „°˜ tu* <Ô©° Fæ <J¡
≤°tŸuwC J¡° Ì„Õfi J¡≤Ju¡ ıÙb Ju¡ f®ÊFÃ∫° N°<Ì Ÿf ≈°≈ ~¥>¸> ı°wu Fæ* $ "ŸuwCa ‹x° ŸtCB_∫ f®ÊFÃ∫°a
∆∫≈°uF<w $' ª¥≥<J¡ ≤°tŸuwC Ÿf ≈°≈°u* J¡°u ~C>n°w° Fæ, oŸ<ÔÎ bF tF°yCd„°ÔÙ J¡F° y∫° Fæ $
ŸyÕ - 2] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 11
f®Ê°ıÙ J¡∑ NU∫CÃS°fi, NP∫Õ, ≈°Ω N°<Ì π°≤° ≈¥ı° J¡∑ $ wÌfi∏w≤ Ÿf ≈®°<d∫°u* Ju¡ <FwæTÙ Nw#
Ÿ[byC d Ÿ‡≈∏fi (! ) f® Ê °ıÙ tC H Ÿu J¡Ffiu Ôyu $$11,12$$ Fu tC < fiZu ‹ ™>, ≈<b` <fiÌ°u Õ T
≤°tª¿≤wbdÕfiR¡≈ ≤°t°∫d J¡° N°≤‡˚ J¡≤Ju¡ (∫Ω<≈ N°≈J¡°u <b_w¨w y®∏S J¡∑ ≤ªfi° tu* fn° •Ôu„
F°uy° wS°<≈) ıf wJ¡ ŸJ¡∑ Ÿt°<›w fi F°u wf wJ¡ Ÿu fi ~>°un ÌÙ<ıÎ, Ÿu Nbÿ∫ FÙ ≈¥≤° J¡≤
±>°<ÔÎ $$13$$ Fu tFTuÕ ıæŸu „Ù|®y°tÙ ıF°ı π°≤° Ì…Ô˘P∫ tF°Ÿ°y≤ Nfi°∫°Ÿ WÙdÕ F°u ı°w° Fæ bæŸu
FÙ Ÿf Ô°uy oŸ W≤≤°t°∫d π°≤° oŸ ŸaŸ°≤R¡≈ ŸaJ¡¸> (c) Ÿu ~C>¸>J¡°≤° ≈° ı°∫u*yu $$14$$ oŸÙ<ÔÎ
Ft°≤° NfiC≤°u@ Fæ, N°≈ Ô°uy°u* Ju¡ <Fw Ju¡ <ÔÎ oŸ ≤°t°∫d tF°„°˜ J¡°u „Ù|® ≈®J¡°<„w J¡∑<ıÎ $ ∫F
J¡Ffiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ (#) FÙ tæ* ($) N°≈Ju¡ ≈°Ÿ N°∫° Fq≥ $$15$$ ıæŸu sd˚≤ Ju¡ <ÔÎ ıÔ≤°<„ Ÿu ™>Ù
«≥¡ªÙ ÔF≤ ŸÙ sd tu* ıÔ tu* ÔÙfi F°u ı°wÙ Fæ bæŸu FÙ ˚yb°fig f®Ê° ∫F J¡F J¡≤ ŸÙ sd tu* tu≤u Ÿ
≈<b` N°Zt Ÿu N∏w<FÕw F°u y∫u $$16$$ f®Ê°ıÙ Ju¡ N°fiu ≈≤ tCHu NÃ∫∏w <b_t∫ F°u y∫° S°, oŸ<ÔÎ
Ÿ Ÿt∫ tæ* fiJu¡ b°•∫ J¡° ttÕ fiFÙ* ŸtH ŸJ¡° $ fiJu¡ ªÔu ı°fiu≈≤ tæ*fiu <ªW tu* _b_Sw° ≈®°›w
J¡≤ _b_S fC<] Ÿu bF°≥ ≈≤ ¿_Sw ˚≤π°ı Ÿu ≈¥~>° $$17$$ bß ˚≤π°ı, f®Ê°ıÙ fiu ∫F •∫° J¡F° ?
Ÿu tCHŸu „Ù|® J¡F°u $ tu≤u ∫°u* ≈¥~>fiu ≈≤ ˚≤π°ı fiu tCHŸu <k¡≤ J¡F° # tFTu˘, ˚yb°fig f®Ê° fiu J¡F° <J¡
N°≈fiu ıæŸu ≈FÔu <ªW J¡°u <b„C] J¡≤fiub°Ôu ≤°t°∫d J¡∑ ≤ªfi° J¡∑, oŸ Ÿt∫ ˚Ù bæŸu FÙ Ÿf Ô°uy°u* Ju¡
<Fw Ju¡ <ÔÎ ŸaŸ°≤R¡≈Ù ŸtCB Ÿu w°≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ fi°æJ¡°R¡≈ W≤ ≤°t°∫d J¡∑ ≤ªfi° J¡∑<ıÎ $$18,19$$
(≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d <ªW„C<]ıfiJ¡ F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d Ô°uJ¡<FwJ¡°≤Ù Fæ, W≤≤°t°∫d tC<•w≈®Ì F°ufiu Ju¡
J¡°≤d Ô°uJ¡<FwJ¡°≤Ù Fæ, oŸ<ÔÎ Ô°uJ¡ <Fw°SÕÃb Ì°ufi°u* tu* Ÿt°fi Fæ $)
˚ybfig ! oŸ <bT∫ tu* tu≤Ù ˚Ù ÎJ¡ ≈®°SÕfi° Fæ <J¡ tF°tfi° ≤°tª∏BıÙ, ˚≤w, Ô‚td, „`CPfi,
∫„¿_bfiÙ ŸÙw°, tF°fC<] ≤°t°fiC∫°∫Ù t¿∏`≈C` N°<Ì N∏∫°∏∫ ≈¿≤b°≤ Ju¡ Ô°uy°u* fiu oŸ ŸaŸ°≤ŸaJ¡¸>
tu* <J¡Ÿ ≈®J¡°≤ ∆∫bF°≤ <J¡∫° ? ŸJ¡°u J¡<F∫u $ fi Ô°uy°u* fiu NI°fiÙ ıÙb J¡∑ w≤F „°uJ¡∫C•w F°uJ¡≤
J¡°Ô∫°≈fi <J¡∫° S° ∫° bu tC•w ıÙb J¡∑ w≤F NŸay ≤Fu Su ?$$20,21$$ ˚ybfig, <J¡Ÿ ≈®J¡°≤ ∏F°u*fiu
Ì…#©t°yÕ J¡° N<wJ®¡td <J¡∫° S°, tCHu ŸJ¡° <b„ÌR¡≈ Ÿu ≈Ìu„ ÌÙ<ıÎ $ tæ* N°æ≤ ŸaŸ°≤ Ju¡ N∏∫
t°fib (N°≈Ju¡ ≈Ìu„Zbd Ÿu J¨¡w°SÕ ıfiw°) Ft Ÿ˚Ù bæŸu FÙ N°ª≤d J¡≤u*yu N°æ≤ bæŸu N°ª≤d
J¡≤ ŸaŸ°≤ŸaJ¡¸> Ÿu tC<•w ≈®°›w J¡≤u*yu $$22$$ tF°≤°ı, ˚≤π°ı fiu fnu N°Ì≤ Ju¡ Ÿ°S tCHŸu J¡Ffiu
Ju¡ <ÔÎ NfiC≤°u@ <J¡∫° wf tæ* ˚yb°fig f®Ê° J¡∑ N°I°fiCŸ°≤ ŸŸu J¡Ffiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ≈®b¨W F…N° $ tæ*fiu
(!) ∫Ω<≈ Ÿ¨<‹¸> Ju¡ Ÿt∫ f®Ê° tu* ≤ı°uyCd J¡∑ N<@J¡w° ≤FwÙ Fæ wS°<≈ Ÿ Ÿt∫ ıywg Ju¡
]°≤ Ju¡ <ÔÎ J¡”d°∫C•w F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d fitu* Ÿ[byCd J¡∑ ≈®ªC≤w° F°u yoÕ, oŸÙ<ÔÎ ∏Fu* "tF°Ÿ[b'
J¡F° $
(c) "ŸaŸ°≤ŸaJ¡¸>°wg' oŸ N≈°Ì°fi ≈a*ªtÙ Ÿu, <ıŸfiu oŸu ≈°≤ J¡≤ <Ô∫°, ŸJu¡ ŸaŸ°≤ J¡°
NÃ∫∏w <bh~>uÌ F°u ı°w° Fæ, Ÿu <k¡≤ ŸaŸ°≤≈®°<›w fiFÙ* F°uwÙ, ∫F Ÿ¥<ªw F°uw° Fæ $
(#) ˚°b ∫F Fæ <J¡ ˚≤π°ı Ju¡ π°≤° N°Ìu„ ∫° Ÿ∏Ìu„ ˚uı° ı° ŸJ¡w° S°, ≈≤ ∫F tæ*fiu <ªw
fiFÙ* ŸtH° $ J¡°∫Õ J¡∑ yC”w°J¡° º∫°fi ≤©wu F…Î tæ* _b∫a FÙ N°≈Ju¡ ≈°Ÿ N°∫° Fq≥ $
($) ıywg≈¥≠∫ f®Ê° $
12 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
J¡F° # bß ˚≤π°ı, ı°u wCtfiu tCHŸu ≈¥~>° Fæ, Ÿu tæ* <b_w°≤ Ÿu wCtŸu J¡Fw° Fq≥, Ÿ°b@°fi F°uJ¡≤
ŸCfi°u $ Ÿu ŸCfifiu Ÿu wC‡F°≤° N°Ãtw[b J¡° NI°fiR¡≈ tÔ Ìq≤ F°u ı°∫uy° N°æ≤ tfi J¡∑ b¨<W <fitÕÔ
F°u ı°∫uyÙ $$23,24$$ tF°twu ˚≤π°ı, J¡tÔfi∫fi ≤°t Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ <bT∫°u* J¡°u <tØ∫° ŸtH J¡≤ fitu*
N°Ÿ<•w J¡° Ã∫°yJ¡≤ ıæŸu Ô°uJ¡∫°`° J¡° <fib°ÕF J¡≤fiu Ÿu ŸC©Ù F…Î Su, wCt ˚Ù bæŸu FÙ ∆∫bF°≤ J¡≤°u,
b柰 J¡≤fiu Ÿu ŸC©Ù F°u ŸJ¡°uyu $$25$$
tF°tfi° Ô‚td, ˚≤w, „`CPfi, J¡°æ„v∫°, ŸC<t`°, ŸÙw°, Ì„≤S Îba ≤°t Ju¡ <t` J¨¡w°˜ N°æ≤
N<b≤°u@, ≈C≤°u<Fw b<Ÿ‹™>, b°tÌub, ∫u Ÿ˚Ù ≈≤tI°fiÙ Su $ ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ @¨<‹¸>, ı∫∏w, ˚°Ÿ, ŸÃ∫
NS°Õwg ŸÃ∫b•w° <bı∫, <b˚ÙTd, ŸCTud, FfiCt°fig N°æ≤ ŸCy®Ùb J¡° Nt°Ã∫ o∏B<ıwg ∫u N°™> t∏`Ù
˚Ù tF°tfi°, <ıwu¿∏B∫, ŸtÌ„ÙÕ, <bT∫°u* tu* N°Ÿ<•w Ÿu ≤<Fw, ≈®°›w ≈®°≤Æ@ J¡t°uÕ Ju¡ fi°„ J¡∑ ≈®wÙs°
J¡≤fiub°Ôu Îba ıÙb∏tC•w Su $ Fu bß ˚≤π°ı, ∫u Ô°uy <ıŸ ≈®J¡°≤ N°æ≤ <ıŸ ˚°b Ÿu ZC<w N°æ≤ _t¨<w
tu* J¡Fu y∫u F°ut, Ì°fi N°<Ì Z°æw-_t°wÕ J¡tÕ, N°Ì°fi, ≈®Ì°fi N°<Ì Ô°æ<J¡J¡ Ÿf ∆∫bF°≤ N°æ≤ o‹¸><ª∏wfi
N°<Ì <b<Fw J¡tÕ J¡° NfiC‹™>°fi J¡≤wu Su, wCt ˚Ù ∫<Ì bæŸu FÙ J¡≤ ŸJ¡°u, w°u wCt ˚Ù Nfi°∫°Ÿ ŸaŸ°≤R¡≈Ù
ŸaJ¡¸> Ÿu tC•w F°u ı°N°uyu $$26-30$$ N<@J¡ •∫° J¡Fq≥, ÃJ¨¡‹¸> I°fifÔ Ÿu ∫C•w ∆∫<•w N≈°≤
ŸaŸ°≤Ÿ°y≤ tu* <y≤fiu ≈≤ ˚Ù oŸ ≈≤t ∫°uy J¡°u ≈®°›w J¡≤ o‹¸><b∫°uy Ÿu Ã≈∏fi „°uJ¡, Ì…#©, ÌÙfiw°
N°<Ì ŸaJ¡¸>°u* Ÿu tC•w F°u J¡≤ <fiÃ∫ w¨›w F°u ı°w° Fæ $$31$$
Ì¥Ÿ≤° ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w
wÙŸ≤° ŸyÕ
Âÿ∫ Ju¡ t°ıÕfi Ju¡ ≈°∫, b°Ÿfi°˚uÌ-<fiR¡≈d ≈¥bÕJ¡ fiJu¡ Ôsd wS° ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ wÙSÕ
∫°`° J¡° <b_w°≤ Ÿu bdÕfi $
ıæŸu ıÙb∏tC•w ZÙ≤°tª∏B N°<Ì fiu ∆∫bF°≤ <J¡∫° S° bæŸu FÙ wCt ˚Ù ∆∫bF°≤ J¡≤°u, ÎuŸ° ≈¥bÕ ŸyÕ
tu* J¡F° $ ˚≤π°ı ıÙb∏tC•w¿_S<w J¡∑ ≈®°<›w Ju¡ J®¡t Ju¡ bdÕfi Ju¡ Zbd π°≤° FÙ ZÙ≤°tıÙ J¡∑
ıÙb∏tC•w¿_S<w-≈®°<›w Ju¡ ≈°∫ J¡∑ <ıI°Ÿ° J¡≤wu F…Î ≈¥~>wu Fæ* $
˚≤π°ı fiu J¡F° # Fu f®Êfig, N°≈ ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ J¡S° J¡° NbÔ‡ffi J¡≤ ıÙb∏tC•w J¡∑ ¿_S<w
J¡° NS°Õwg Ôsd N°æ≤ Ô°æ<J¡J¡-bæ<ÌJ¡ ∆∫bF°≤ J¡° bdÕfi J¡∑<ıÎ, ŸJ¡° Zbd J¡≤Ju¡ tæ* ≈≤t ŸC©Ù
F°u«≥¡y° (!) $$1$$
(!) ¸>ÙJ¡°J¡°≤°u* fiu oŸ ÿÔ°uJ¡ Ju¡ N°æ≤ ≈®J¡°≤ Ÿu ˚Ù NSÕ <J¡∫u Fæ* $ ıæŸu Fu f®Êfig, ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ
J®¡t Ÿu ıÙb∏tC•w F…Î Su, ÎuŸÙ J¡v≈fi° J¡≤ tCHŸu ≈FÔu Ÿu J¡<F∫u, <ıŸ J®¡t Ÿu tæ* <fiÃ∫ ŸC©Ù F°u«≥¡ $
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ZC<w ıfiJ¡ N°æ≤ ∫°Ibv•∫ J¡∑ J¡v≈fi° J¡≤Ju¡ _b∫a FÙ Ÿab°ÌR¡≈ Ÿu w[b J¡° f°u@ J¡≤°wÙ Fæ bæŸu FÙ
N°≈ ˚Ù tCHu w[bI°fi J¡≤°oÎ $ oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ w[bIR¡≈ Ÿu J¡¿v≈w Ì„≤S N°<Ì J¡∑ ≈¥bÕ≤°t°∫d tu*
t¥i>ª∫°Õ N°æ≤ tC<•w J¡° N˚°b Ìu©fiu Îba <fiÃ∫tC•w ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ "w_∫ F fi Ìub°ÿª fi°˚¥Ã∫°
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ŸyÕ - 3] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 13
˚≤π°ı Ju¡ ∫°u* ≈¥~>fiu ≈≤ tF<TÕ b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ ıÙb∏tC<•w J¡° Ôsd, _bR¡≈, Ÿ°@fi N°æ≤ k¡Ô
π°≤° ıÙb∏tC•w¿_S<w J¡° <b_w°≤ J¡≤fiu J¡∑ oh~>° Ÿu ŸC©≈¥bÕJ¡ I°fi F°ufiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ≈FÔu Ÿasu≈ Ÿu
tC<•w J¡° Ôsd N°æ≤ _bR¡≈ <Ì©Ô°wu Fæ* $
ZÙb°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # bß ˚≤π°ı, ıæŸu ˚®tb„ ”≈≤<Fw N°J¡°„ tu* fiÙÔu, ≈ÙÔu N°<Ì ≤ay°u*
J¡° ˚°fi F°uw° Fæ bæŸu FÙ NI°fib„ f®Ê tu* ıywg J¡° ˚®t F°uw° Fæ $ oŸ<ÔÎ ≈®t°d N°æ≤ NfiC˚b Ÿu tæ*fiu
<fiÿª∫ <J¡∫° Fæ <J¡ fiÙR¡≈ N°J¡°„ tu* fiÙÔu, ≈ÙÔu N°<Ì ≤ay°u* J¡∑ ˚°≥<w f®Ê tu* J¡¿v≈w NÃ∫∏w
NŸ‡˚°<bw ıywg J¡° Ÿt¥Ô N<bΩ° N°æ≤ ŸJu¡ Ÿa_J¡°≤ Ju¡ fi°„ π°≤° ıæŸu <k¡≤ _t≤d FÙ fi F°u Ÿ
≈®J¡°≤ <b_t≤d F°ufi° FÙ ŸfŸu ÃJ¨¡‹¸> tC<•w J¡° Ôsd N°æ≤ _bR¡≈ Fæ (c) $$2$$
≈¥bÕ ÿÔ°uJ¡ tu* tC<•w Ju¡ Ôsd N°æ≤ _bR¡≈ _b°fiC˚b<Ÿ] <Ì©Ô°∫u, fiJ¡° NfiC˚b Ftu* •∫°u* fiFÙ*
F°uw° ? ÎuŸÙ „aJ¡° F°ufiu ≈≤ J¡Fwu Fæ* $
˚≤π°ı, ıf wJ¡ Âÿ∫ Ju¡ NÃ∫∏w N˚°b J¡° I°fi fiFÙ* F°uw° NS°Õwg Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ Âÿ∫ ≈®≈*ª
˚®°¿∏wJ¡¿v≈w Fæ, NwÎb NÃ∫∏w NŸwg Fæ, ∫F I°fi ıf wJ¡ »w°≈¥bÕJ¡ fiFÙ* F°uw° wf wJ¡ J¡°uoÕ ˚Ù
<J¡ŸÙ ≈®J¡°≤ tC<•w Ju¡ Ôsd N°æ≤ _bR¡≈ J¡° I°fi ≈®°›w J¡≤fiu tu* ŸtSÕ fiFÙ* F°u ŸJ¡w° $ Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ ıywg
Ju¡ N<@‹™>°fi ≈®Ã∫y<˚∏fi N°Ãtw[bJu¡ Ÿ°s°wg Ÿu FÙ Âÿ∫ J¡° NÃ∫∏w f°@ F°u ŸJ¡w° Fæ $ oŸ<ÔÎ
N<bŸab°ÌÙ N°ÃtI°fi J¡°u ≈°∫ Ÿu ≈®°›w J¡≤°u $$3$$
ŸJ¡∑ ≈®°<›w J¡° •∫° ≈°∫ Fæ ? oŸ ≈≤ J¡Fwu Fæ* $
bß, oŸ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™>R¡≈ „°˜ Ju¡ I°w F°ufiu ≈≤ •w I°fi NŸ‡˚b fiFÙ* Fæ, f¿vJ¡ Ÿa˚b FÙ
Nfi°<Ì ıÙb J¡°u f®Ê N˚uÌ f°u@ J¡≤°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ZC<w tu* f®Ê tu* J¡°∫°uÕ≈°<@≈®bu„ π°≤° N°y∏wCJ¡ ıÙb˚°b
J¡∑ J¡v≈fi° J¡∑ yoÕ Fæ bæŸu FÙ ∫F°≥ ≈≤ ˚Ù ŸtHfi° ª°<F∫u, oŸ<ÔÎ J¡°uoÕ <b≤°u@ fiFÙ* Fæ$
(c) ∫Ω<≈ ≈≤°usI°fiÙ J¡°u ˚Ù ŸCTC<›w tu* N°æ≤ <fi<bÕJ¡v≈¡Ÿt°<@ tu* Âÿ∫ J¡° <b_t≤d F°uw°
Fæ wS°<≈ bF <b_t≤d ≈Cfi#_t≤d fiFÙ* Fæ NS°Õwg Ÿu ŸCTC<›w N°æ≤ Ÿt°<@ Ju¡ Nfi∏w≤ <k¡≤ f®Ê
tu* ıywg J¡° ˚®t F°uw° Fæ $ NSb° ≈Cfi#_t≤d J¡° NSÕ "≈Cfi# _t∫Õwu&fiufi - <k¡≤ <ıŸŸu _t≤d <J¡∫°
ı°∫' oŸ ∆∫CÃ≈<W Ÿu N∏w#J¡≤d Fæ $ •w N∏w#J¡≤d <ıŸtu* fiFÙ* Fæ ÎuŸ° <b_t≤d-_t≤d J¡°
N˚°b $ ∫F πæw Ju¡ ≈®<w˚°Ÿt°` Ju¡ N˚°b J¡° ≈Ôsd Fæ $ NSb° <b_t≤d Ju¡ Ÿt°fi <b_t≤d
∫F NSÕ Fæ $ ıæŸu <b_t¨w <bT∫ J¡∑ NfiC˚bJ¡w°Õ Ju¡ ≤Ffiu ≈≤ ˚Ù ≈®wÙ<w fiFÙ* F°uwÙ bæŸu FÙ ªæw∏∫
Ju¡ ≤Fwu F…Î FÙ Âÿ∫ J¡∑ N≈®wÙ<w <b_t≤d Fæ $
„aJ¡° # •∫° ≈≤t°SÕ ŸÃ∫ Âÿ∫ J¡∑ FÙ ıæŸu Ÿ°a¶∫°u* J¡∑ N<˚tw tC<•w tu* N≈®wÙ<w F°uwÙ Fæ bæŸu
FÙ N°≈Ju¡ N<˚tw tC<•w tu* ˚Ù N≈®wÙ<w F°uwÙ Fæ ? Ÿt°@°fi # fiFÙ*, Ft°≤u tw tu* ıywg ≈≤t°SÕ
ŸÃ∫ fiFÙ* Fæ, bF f®Ê tu* Nº∫_w Fæ $ „aJ¡° # bF ˚®t Jæ¡Ÿu Fæ, •∫°u*<J¡ bF Ÿa_J¡°≤ Ÿu ı∏∫ fiFÙ*
Fæ $ Ÿt°@°fi # bF ≈¥bÕ ≈¥bÕ ıywg Ju¡ ∆∫bF°≤ Ÿu Ã≈∏fi Ÿa_J¡°≤ Ÿu ı∏∫ Fæ $ „aJ¡° # Ì°uT Ÿu Ã≈∏fi
fi F°ufiu N°æ≤ N<@‹™>°fi„¥∏∫ F°ufiu Ÿu bF ˚®t fiFÙ* Fæ $ Ÿt°@°fi # ıæŸu Ìq≤Ãb N°æ≤ N<bª°≤R¡≈ Ì°uT
Ÿu N°J¡°„ tu* fiÙÔu ≤ay J¡° ˚®t F°uw° Fæ bæŸu FÙ N<bΩ°R¡≈ Ì°uT Ÿu f®Ê tu* ıywg J¡° ˚®t F°uw° Fæ $
Âÿ∫ J¡° N°Ã∫¿∏wJ¡ h~>uÌ tC<•w J¡° Ôsd Fæ N°æ≤ N°Ã∫¿∏wJ¡ Âÿ∫<bfi°„ Ÿu ≈Ô<sw <ª∏t°`
tu* Nb_S°fi tC<•w J¡° _bR¡≈ Fæ, ∫F <fi‹J¡TÕ <fiJ¡Ô° $
14 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
Fæ $ oŸ œuÿ∫ Ÿu FÙ oŸ y®∏S J¡° <fit°Õd N°≤‡˚ <J¡∫° Fæ $ ∫<Ì wCt ıf wJ¡ w[b J¡° <fidÕ∫ fi F°u,
wf wJ¡ ˚<•w N°æ≤ Z]° Ju¡ Ÿ°S oŸJ¡° Zbd J¡≤°u, w°u Nbÿ∫ FÙ wC‡Fu* w[bI°fi ≈®°›w F°uy°,
N∏∫S° J¡Ì°<≈ ˚®t J¡° Ÿa„°u@fi fiFÙ* F°uy° $ ˚®tŸa„°u@fi F…Î <ffi° w[bI°fi F°u FÙ fiFÙ* ŸJ¡w° $$4$$
•w NSÕ J¡°u FÙ N<@J¡ <b„Ì J¡≤wu F…Î J¡Fwu Fæ* $
Fu Nfi|, ∫F ıywg b_wCw# <tØ∫° Fæ, ∫F N°J¡°„ tu* fiÙÔu, ≈ÙÔu N°<Ì ≤ay°u* J¡∑ ˚°≥<w N°≈°ww#
ŸÃ∫-Ÿ° ≈®wÙw F°uw° Fæ, <J¡∏wC oŸ y®∏S tu* Ì<„Õw <bª°≤ Ÿu ŸFı tu* FÙ ∫F NŸwg (<tØ∫°) Fæ, ∫F
≈®wÙw F°u ı°w° Fæ $$5$$
"NfiC˚¥∫wu' oŸŸu •w NfiC˚b •∫° N°Ãtªæw∏∫ FÙ Fæ ∫° N∏∫ Fæ ? N∏∫ w°u F°u fiFÙ* ŸJ¡w°,
•∫°u*<J¡ <ªwg Ÿu N∏∫, ın N°æ≤ <bT∫ F°ufiu Ÿu, NfiC˚b Ju¡ ∫°uÀ∫ fiFÙ* Fæ $ ∫<Ì N°Ãt° FÙ NfiC˚b Fæ, w°u
bF ≈FÔu FÙ <bΩt°fi Fæ, <k¡≤ „°˜ J¡∑ •∫° N°bÿ∫J¡w° ? ÎuŸÙ „*J¡° ≈≤ J¡Fwu Fæ* $
∫Ω<≈ N°Ãt° FÙ NfiC˚b Fæ wS°<≈ bF Âÿ∫ Ju¡ Ÿ°S Ÿ<‡t<Ôw Fæ, Nw# ŸJ¡° NfiC˚b fiFÙ*
F°uw°, <J¡∏wC tfi J¡∑ b¨<WR¡≈ N°Ãtw[bŸ°s°ÃJ¡°≤R¡≈ f°u@ π°≤° N<bΩ° J¡° fi°„ F°ufiu Ÿu N<bΩ°ı∏∫
Âÿ∫ wÙfi°u* J¡°Ô°u* tu* ˚Ù fiFÙ* Fæ, NS°Õwg bF t°∫°bÙ J¡∑ t°∫° Ju¡ Ÿt°fi wÙfi°u* J¡°Ô°u* tu* <tØ∫° Fæ $ ı°u
ŸJ¡° B‹¸>° Fæ bFÙ ŸÃ∫ Fæ $ ∫F Ÿwg N°Ãt° FÙ ŸbÕ` <b≤°ıt°fi N°æ≤ ≈®J¡°„t°fi Fæ $$6$$
ªæw∏∫_bR¡≈ N°Ãt° Ju¡ <Ÿb° ı°u JC¡~> <Ì©°oÕ Ìuw° Fæ, bF Ÿf ın NwÎb N°Ãt° tu* J¡¿v≈w N°æ≤
<tØ∫° Fæ, oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ Âÿ∫ b_wC J¡° t°ıÕfi NS°Õwg N¿_wÃb≈¿≤F°≤ F°u ı°∫, w°u <fiÃ∫<Ÿ] N°ÃtR¡≈
˚Ù ≈≤t<fib¨Õ<W (<fib°Õd fi°tJ¡ t°us) Ÿ I°fi Ÿu Ã≈∏fi-ŸÙ F°uwÙ Fæ $ •w b¨<W Ÿu F…N° Ju¡bÔ
_bR¡≈˚¥w NfiC˚b „°˜ J¡° k¡Ô Fæ, ∫F ˚°b Fæ $
N∏∫ „°˜°u* tu* Ì<„Õw ≈°∫°u* Ÿu FÙ tC<•w •∫°u* fi F°u ?
N∏∫S° ≈¥b°uÕ•w ≈°∫ J¡° y®Fd fi J¡≤fiu ≈≤ Nfi°<Ì NI°fi Ÿu N∏@u Nfi°Ãt° J¡° ≈®<w≈°Ìfi
J¡≤fiub°Ôu „°˜R¡≈Ù y»gi>°u* tu* ™>°uJ¡≤ ©° ≤Fu-≤°y°∏@ ıfi°u* Ju¡ ≈wfi Ju¡ J¡°≤d˚¥w ywÕwCv∫ wwg wwg
„°˜°u* π°≤° <fi<ÌÕ‹¸> ≈°∫°u* Ÿu Îu<FJ¡ N°æ≤ ≈°≤Ô°æ<J¡J¡ <bT∫°u* tu* N°Ÿ•w F°uJ¡≤ N°ª≤d J¡≤ ≤Fu
NwÎb <bT∫°u* Ju¡ ≈˚°uy Ju¡ <ÔÎ f°≤ f°≤ ı∏t y®Fd J¡≤ ≤Fu t¥©°u˘ J¡°u Nfi∏w f®ÊJ¡v≈°u* Ÿu ˚Ù
<fib¨Õ<W (<fib°Õd t°us) fiFÙ* <tÔ ŸJ¡wÙ $ ˚°b ∫F Fæ <J¡ Nfi°<Ì NI°fi J¡∑ I°fi Ÿu N<w¿≤•w Fı°≤°u*
Ÿ°@fi°u* Ÿu ˚Ù <fib¨<W fiFÙ* F°u ŸJ¡wÙ $$7$$
≈°Ÿfi° N°<Ì N∏∫ ≈°∫°u* Ÿu ≈®°›w F°ufiub°Ôu Ÿ°Ô°u•∫ N°<Ì N°æ≤ ˚Ù t°us Fæ*, fiŸu <fib¨Õ<W
•∫°u* fiFÙ* F°uyÙ ?
Fu f®Êfig, <fi#„uTR¡≈ Ÿu b°Ÿfi°N°u* J¡° (ı∏t Ju¡ fÙı°u* J¡°) ı°u ≈¿≤Ã∫°y (t¥Ô°uh~>uÌ) Fæ, bF
Wt (tC¶∫) (!) t°us J¡F° ı°w° Fæ $ •w tC¶∫ t°us J¡°u N<bΩ°R¡≈ tÔ Ÿu ≤<Fw I°fiÙ FÙ
≈®°›w J¡≤ ŸJ¡wu Fæ*, N∏∫ fiFÙ* $$8$$
b°Ÿfi°N°u* Ju¡ fi‹¸> F°ufiu ≈≤ b°Ÿfi°N°u* Ju¡ J¡°≤d R¡≈ tfi Ju¡ N¿_wÃb Ÿu <k¡≤ b°Ÿfi°Î≥ ≈æÌ° F°u
(!) "tªg' @°wC f∏@fi J¡∑ <fib¨<WR¡≈ NSÕ tu* R¡» Fæ $ b°Ÿfi°Î≥ FÙ tC¶∫ f∏@fi Fæ $ Ÿ°Ô°u•∫
N°<Ì tC<•w∫°u* tu* b°Ÿfi°N°u* J¡° fi°„ fiFÙ* F°uw°, oŸ<ÔÎ fitu* t°us„ÆÌ y°æd Fæ $
ŸyÕ - 3] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 15
ı°∫uyÙ, fiŸu f∏@fi ˚Ù F°uy° ?
Fu f®Êfig, ıæŸu „Ùw Ju¡ fi‹¸> F°ufiu ≈≤ <FtJ¡d wC≤∏w yÔ ı°wu Fæ*, bæŸu FÙ b°Ÿfi°N°u* Ju¡ fi‹¸> F°ufiu
≈≤ b°Ÿfi°≈CaıR¡≈ <ªW „Ù|® fi‹¸> F°u ı°w° Fæ $$9$$
tfi Ju¡ fi‹¸> F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù _S¥Ô ÌuFR¡≈ f∏@ ffi° FÙ ≤Fuy° ?
ıæŸu <≈≤°u∫u F…Î Ÿ¥‚t Ÿ¥` Ÿu (@°yu Ÿu) t°u<w∫°u* J¡° Ÿt¥F ¿_Sw ≤Fw° Fæ bæŸu FÙ ≈*ªtF°˚¥w°u* Ÿu
ffi° F…N° ∫F „≤Ù≤ b°Ÿfi° Ÿu ©n° Fæ $$10$$
oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ ≈°uÌg|°w Ÿu ÃJ¨¡‹¸> tC<•w J¡° bdÕfi J¡≤ ≈®_wCw ıÙb∏tC<•w J¡°u J¡Ffiu J¡∑ oh~>° Ÿu
ŸJu¡ bdÕfi tu* N≈u<sw b°Ÿfi°πæ<bº∫ (b°Ÿfi° Ì°u ≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ Fæ, ÎuŸ°) J¡Fwu Fæ* $
b°Ÿfi° Ì°u ≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ J¡FÙ yoÕ Fæ „C] N°æ≤ t<Ôfi $ t<Ôfi b°Ÿfi° ı∏t J¡∑ J¡°≤d Fæ N°æ≤ „C]
b°Ÿfi° ı∏t J¡° fi°„ J¡≤wÙ Fæ N°æ≤ t°us J¡° Ÿ°@fi Fæ $$11$$
t<Ôfi b°Ÿfi° J¡° Ôsd J¡Fwu Fæ* $
b°Ÿfi° fÙı°u* Ju¡ NaJC¡¿≤w F°ufiu tu* NI°fi FÙ ŸCsu` Fæ $ NI°fiR¡≈ ŸCsu` tu* <ıŸJ¡° J¡Ôub≤ ©¥f
<b„°Ô F…N° Fæ NS°Õwg <bT∫°u* Ju¡ NfiCŸ∏@°fi Ju¡ NU∫°Ÿ Ÿu ©¥f f»Ù F…oÕ, ≤°y-πuT N°<Ì Ÿu b¨<]
J¡°u ≈®°›w F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d |fi (<fi<bn) NFaJ¡°≤R¡≈ su` Ju¡ _b°tÙ π°≤° ˚ÔÙ ˚°≥<w ≈°ÔÙ-≈°uTÙ yoÕ
NwÎb „°u<˚w oŸÙ ≈CfiıÕ∏tJ¡°¿≤dÙ (f°≤-f°≤ ı∏t J¡≤°fiub°ÔÙ) b°Ÿfi° J¡°u ≈¿^±>w Ô°uy°u* fiu
t<Ôfi J¡F° Fæ $$12$$
„C] b°Ÿfi° J¡° Ôsd J¡Fwu Fæ* $
ı°u ˚¥fiu F…Î fÙı Ju¡ Ÿt°fi NaJC¡≤ Ã≈∏fi J¡≤fiu J¡∑ „<•w Ÿu „¥∏∫ F°uJ¡≤ ≤FwÙ Fæ NS°Õwg ≈CfiıÕ∏t
J¡∑ Ã≈°ÌJ¡ J¡°≤d fi F°uJ¡≤ Ju¡bÔ t°` ≈®°≤Æ@b„ ÌuF N°<Ì J¡° NbÔ‡ffi J¡≤Ju¡ ≤FwÙ Fæ NS°Õwg
ÌuF@°≤dt°` Ÿu ≈∫Õb<Ÿw F°uwÙ Fæ, bF „C] b°Ÿfi° J¡FÙ ı°wÙ Fæ $$13$$
ıæŸu fÙı Ju¡ N∏Ì≤ ≈FÔu Ÿu FÙ <bΩt°fi N°æ≤ Ÿ¥‚t N*JC¡≤ Ÿt∫, ıÔ, <t\>Ù N°<Ì Ju¡ Ÿ‡f∏@ Ÿu
N°<b˚Õ¥w F°u ı°wu Fæ* bæŸu FÙ b°Ÿfi°N°u* Ju¡ N∏Ì≤ ≈FÔu Ÿu FÙ <bΩt°fi N°y°tÙ ı∏t≈≤‡≈≤° J¡°t, J¡tÕ
N°<Ì <fi<tW Ÿu N°<b˚Õ¥w F°uwÙ Fæ, •∫°u*<J¡ NÃ∫∏w NŸwg J¡° ı∏t FÙ fiFÙ* F°u ŸJ¡w° $ ÎuŸÙ Nb_S°
tu* w[bI°fi π°≤° N<bΩ°R¡≈Ù su` Ju¡ ıÔ ı°fiu Ÿu ŸJu¡ N∏wyÕw ı∏t°*JC¡≤ J¡° fi°„ F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù N≈fiu
≈®°≤Æ@ Ÿu ≈®<wf] ˚¥fiu F…Î fÙı°u* Ju¡ Ÿt°fi Ju¡bÔ ÌuF@°≤dt°` FÙ <ıŸJ¡° ≈®∫°uıfi Fæ ÎuŸÙ ı°u b°Ÿfi°
Nb<„‹¸> ≤FwÙ Fæ, bF „C] b°Ÿfi° Fæ, ∫F ˚°b Fæ $
•w NSÕ J¡°u FÙ _kC¡¸> J¡≤wu Fæ* $
≈CfiıÕ∏t J¡° <fib°≤d J¡≤fiub°ÔÙ „C] b°Ÿfi° ıÙb∏tC•w ≈C”T°u* Ju¡ „≤Ù≤ tu*, ªJ®¡ tu* ˚®td Ju¡
Ÿt°fi, t¨w Ÿa_J¡°≤R¡≈ Ÿu ≤FwÙ Fæ NS°Õwg ÌuF@°≤dR¡≈ J¡°∫Õ Ÿu fitu* ˚Ù b°Ÿfi° Ju¡ N¿_wÃb J¡°
NfiCt°fi F°uw° Fæ $$14$$ ı°u Ô°uy „C] b°Ÿfi° Ÿu ∫C•w Fæ*, bu FÙ I°wIu∫ (<ı∏F°u*fiu I°w∆∫ ≈Ì°SÕ J¡°u,
f®Ê J¡°u ı°fi <Ô∫° Fæ) F°uwu Fæ*, I°wIu∫ F°uJ¡≤ bu <k¡≤ ı∏tR¡≈ NfiSÕ Ju¡ ˚°ıfi fiFÙ* F°uwu NS°Õwg
Ì…#©˚°ıfi ≈CfiıÕ∏t≈≤ <bı∫ ≈°J¡≤ ıÙb∏tC•w ≈Ì ≈®°›w J¡≤wu Fæ* bu FÙ b°_wb tu* fC<]t°fig J¡Fu ı°wu
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16 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
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ı°N°uyu $$16,17$$ bß ˚≤π°ı ! ≤°ıÙbÔ°uªfi ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiu yC”JC¡Ô Ÿu Ô°æ¸>J¡≤ JC¡~> <Ìfi
˚°≥<w-˚°≥<w J¡∑ ÔÙÔ°N°u* π°≤° <fi˚Õ∫ F°uJ¡≤ N≈fiu |≤ tu* FÙ <fw°∫u $$18$$ wÌfi∏w≤ JC¡~> Ÿt∫
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≤°≠∫ J¡∑ ŸC∆∫b_S° Ÿu ≈®ı°N°u* tu* ≠b≤°<Ì ≈Ùn° ˚Ù fiFÙ* SÙ, ˚∫, NJ¡°Ôt≤d N°<Ì N∏∫ ≈Ùn°N°u*
J¡∑ w°u f°w FÙ •∫° SÙ ? $$19$$
∫F Ÿ¥<ªw J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ "<byw≠b≤tg' ≈Ì <Ì∫° Fæ $
Ÿ Ÿt∫ tF°yCd„°ÔÙ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡° tfi wÙSÕ N°æ≤ ≈C^∫°Zt Ìu©fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ NÃ∫∏w ÃJ¡<^™>w
F…N° $ ($) $$20$$ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiu ≈C^∫ wÙS°u˘ Ju¡ Ì„Õfi J¡° ∫°u* <bª°≤ J¡≤ ZÙ<≈w¨ª≤d°u* Ju¡ (ZÙtF°≤°ı
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≈®°SÕfi° J¡°u Ÿk¡Ô (≈¥dÕ) J¡≤fiu J¡∑ J¨¡≈° J¡∑<ı∫u oŸ ŸaŸ°≤ tu* J¡°uoÕ ÎuŸ° fiFÙ* Fæ, ı°u ≈®°SÙÕ F°uJ¡≤ N°≈Ju¡
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$ „aJ¡° # oŸ Nº∫°Ãt„°˜ tu* wÙSÕ∫°`° Ju¡ bdÕfi Îba N°yu <J¡∫u ı°fiub°Ôu t¨y∫°bdÕfi J¡° •∫°
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Fæ, w°u ÎuŸÙ Nb_S° tu* ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ ı∏t N°<Ì J¡° ˚Ù ∫FÙ* ≈≤ bdÕfi ≈®°›w F°uy° N°æ≤ ZÙ≤°t°∫d
∆∫SÕ F°u ı°∫uy° ? Ÿt°@°fi # "J¡S°u≈°∫°fig <bª°∫Õ' (213) oŸ ÿÔ°uJ¡ tu* N≈fiu N≈fiu bdÕ N°æ≤
N°Zt°u* Ju¡ ∫°uÀ∫ ∫I°<Ì J¡t°u˘ Ÿu Ã≈∏fi <ªW„C<] J¡° f®Ê<bΩ°<@J¡°≤ tu* ≈∫°uy Fæ, ÎuŸ° J¡F° Fæ $ ı°u
Nb_S°, <bΩ° N°<Ì Ÿ°ty®Ù Ju¡ fi F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d ∫I N°<Ì J¡° NfiC‹™>°fi J¡≤fiu tu* ŸtSÕ fiFÙ* Fæ, ŸJ¡°
N°<Ì Ÿu ˚Ù ∫I Ÿu F°ufiub°ÔÙ <ªW„C<] F°ufiu ≈≤ f®Ê<bΩ° tu* N<@J¡°≤ <Ÿ] F°uw° Fæ, •∫°u*<J¡ "Îwu
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b°•∫ Fæ* $ oŸ f°w J¡°u Ÿ¥<ªw J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ wÙSÕ∫°`° J¡° bdÕfi <J¡∫° $ NwÎb ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ tu*
b¨]°b_S° J¡∑ J¡v≈fi° <J¡∫u <ffi° N°Ãt<ıI°Ÿ° J¡° bdÕfi <J¡∫° •w NSÕ J¡∑ Ÿ¥ªfi° tu* J¡°uoÕ N°≈<W
fiFÙ* Fæ $ t¨y∫° J¡° bdÕfi ≈¥bÕ‹¸> J¡°æw¥FÔ≈¥dÕ _S°fi°u* J¡°u ≈Cfi# Ìu©fiu J¡∑ ÃJ¡^™>° ˚Ù N°Ãt<ıI°Ÿ° tu*
f°@J¡ Fæ, ∫<Ì •w J¡°æwCJ¡ Ju¡ NfiC˚b Ju¡ <ffi° bF ÃJ¡^™>° Ìq≤ fiFÙ* F°uwÙ F°u, w°u ŸJ¡° NfiC˚b
J¡≤Ju¡ FÙ ∫° ŸJ¡∑ NŸ°≤w° Ju¡ <fiÿª∫ π°≤° Ÿ ÃJ¡^™>° J¡°u Ìq≤ J¡≤ ıÙb <fi<bÕPfi Zbd N°<Ì tu*
ŸaÔÀfi F°u, ∫F <b„uTf°u@fi Ju¡ <ÔÎ Fæ $ oŸ<ÔÎ ŸJ¡° bdÕfi <ªw Fæ $
ŸyÕ - 4] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 17
≈®°SÕfi° SÙ, wÙSÕÌ„Õfi Ju¡ <ÔÎ fnu NŸtaıŸ tu* ≈nJ¡≤ NfiCI° Ìu FÙ ÌÙ $$24$$ „C˚ fis` N°æ≤ „C˚ <Ìfi
tu* f®°Êd°u* π°≤° tayÔ≈°™> J¡≤°J¡≤ Îba tayÔt∫ bu„-˚¥T° Ÿu „≤Ù≤ J¡°u NÔaJ¨¡w J¡≤, N°„Ùb°ÕÌ Ìu ≤FÙ*
t°w°N°u* π°≤° ≈Cfi# ≈Cfi# N°<Ôayfi J¡≤ ©¥f <b˚¥<Tw <J¡∫u y∫u ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ˚°o∫°u*, b<Ÿ‹™> π°≤° ≈®u<Tw
„°˜I f®°Êd°u*, J¡<w≈∫ N≈fiu ≈®utÙ Zu‹™> ≤°ıJC¡t°≤°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S wÙSÕ∫°`° Ju¡ <ÔÎ N≈fiu |≤ Ÿu
<fiJ¡Ôu $$25-27$$ fiy≤ÔÔfi°N°u* Ÿu ˚≥b≤°u* J¡∑ ≈*<•w Ju¡ Ÿt°fi ª*ªÔ fiu`°u* π°≤° fnu N°Ì≤ Ju¡ Ÿ°S
Ìu©u ı° ≤Fu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ıf fiy≤ Ÿu <fiJ¡Ôu w°u fiy≤b°<Ÿ∫°u* fiu fiJ¡∑ ∫°`° Ju¡ ≈Ôs tu* tayÔ Ju¡
<ÔÎ w¥≤Ù|°uT Ÿu fiJ¡° N<˚fi∏Ìfi <J¡∫° $$28$$ ıæŸu fkÕ¡ J¡∑ H<n∫°u* Ÿu <Ft°Ô∫ N°h~>°<Ìw F°u ı°w°
Fæ bæŸu FÙ y®°tÙd t<FÔ°N°u* Ju¡ ª*ªÔ F°S°u* Ÿu f≤Ÿ°oÕ yoÕ Ô°ı° (@°fi N°<Ì) J¡∑ b¨<‹¸> Ÿu fiJ¡° „≤Ù≤
∆∫°›w F°u y∫° $$29$$ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ f®°Êd°u* J¡°u Ì°fi, Ÿ‡t°fi N°<Ì Ÿu N≈fiu b„ tu* J¡≤wu, ≈®ı°N°u*
Ju¡ N°„Ùb°ÕÌ ŸCfiwu N°æ≤ <Ì„°N°u* Ju¡ N∏w ˚°y°u* J¡°u Ìu©wu F…Î yFfi bfi°u* tu* ©¥f |¥tu $$30$$ wÌ…≈≤°∏w
N<w Zu‹™> N≈fiÙ ≤°ı@°fiÙ J¡°u„Ô Ÿu N°≤‡˚ J¡≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiu _fi°fi, Ì°fi, w≈, º∫°fi J¡≤wu F…Î
≈<b`wt fiÌÙw¸>, ≈C^∫ bfi, N°Zt, ıayÔ, Ìu„°u* J¡∑ ŸÙt°N°u* tu* <_Sw ŸtCB N°æ≤ ≈bÕw°u* Ju¡ w¸>,
ª°≥ÌfiÙ Ju¡ Ÿt°fi _bh~> ZÙ˚°yÙ≤SÙ, fiÙÔ J¡tÔ Ju¡ wCv∫ <fitÕÔ ZÙ∫tCfi°, Ÿ≤_bwÙ, ŸwÔı, <ªfi°f,
o≤°bwÙ, Ju¡bÔ budÙ fiÌÙ, J¨¡‹d° Ÿu <tÔÙ F…oÕ budÙ, <fi<bÕ∏º∫°, Ÿ≤∫¥, ªtÕ^bwÙ, <bw_w°, ∆∫°Ÿ,
f°F…Ì°, ≈®∫°y, fiæ<tT°≤^∫, @t°Õ≤^∫, y∫°, J¡°„Ù, ZÙ„æÔ, Ju¡Ì°≤fi°S, ≈C‹J¡≤, J®¡t≈®°›w t°fiŸ
Ÿ≤°ub≤, W≤ t°fiŸ, F∫y®ÙbwÙSÕ, N<ÀfiwÙSÕ (≠b°Ô°tC©Ù), tF°wÙSÕ o∏BΩC‡fiŸ≤ N°<Ì ≈C^∫ wÙSÕ,
Ÿ≤, ≈C^∫wt fi<Ì∫°≥, fiÌ, w°Ô°f N°<Ì Ju¡ Ÿ°Ì≤ Ì„Õfi <J¡∫u $ _b°tÙ J¡°<wÕJu¡∫, „°Ôy®°tR¡≈Ù F¿≤,
ZÙF¿≤ Ju¡ wS° tF°ÌubıÙ Ju¡ ª°æŸ™> _S°fi, N°ÿª∫Õt∫ <b<b@ <b<ª`w°N°u* Ÿu ≈¥dÕ ª°≤°u* ŸtCB°u* Ju¡ w¸>,
<b∏º∫°ªÔ N°æ≤ t∏Ì≤°ªÔ Ju¡ Ôw°y¨F (H°<n∫°≥), <Ft°Ô∫ N°<Ì Ÿ°w JC¡Ô ≈bÕw, fnu fnu tF<TÕ∫°u*,
≤°ı<TÕ∫°u*, Ìubw°N°u* N°æ≤ f®°Êd°u* Ju¡ ≈<b`wt N°æ≤ tayÔt∫ N°Zt°u* Ju¡ fnu N°Ì≤ Ÿu Ì„Õfi <J¡∫u $
ÌqŸ≤°u* J¡° Ÿ‡t°fi J¡≤fiub°Ôu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiu N≈fiu ˚°o∫°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ª°≤°u* <Ì„°N°u* Ju¡ ≈®°∏w˚°y°u*
(ŸÙt°N°u*) Îba Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ ≈¨ØbÙ tu* ≈Cfi# ≈Cfi# (≈FÔu Ì„Õfi J¡≤fiu ≈≤ ˚Ù Ô°æ¸>wu Ÿt∫ <fiJ¡¸> tu* N°∫u F…Î
_S°fi°u* tu* J¡°æw¥FÔ Ÿu ∫° fiJ¡∑ N<@J¡ t<Ft° ≈®J¡¸> J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ <k¡≤ <k¡≤) ˚®td <J¡∫° $$31-41$$
ıæŸu Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ <Ì„°N°u* tu* <bF°≤ J¡≤ ZÙ<„bıÙ <„bÔ°uJ¡ tu* (Jæ¡Ô°Ÿ tu*) ı°wu Fæ*, bæŸu FÙ wwg wwg _S°fi°u*
tu* ¿_Sw Ìubw°, <J¡∏fi≤ N°æ≤ tfiC‹∫°u* π°≤° ŸÃJ¨¡w ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ oŸ Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ ˚¥t^±>ÔJ¡°u (ı‡f¥πÙ≈R¡≈
≈¨<SbÙ J¡°u) ˚ÔÙ ˚°≥<w Ìu©J¡≤ N≈fiu |≤ N∫°uº∫° Ô°æ¸> N°∫u $$42$$
wÙŸ≤° ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w

ª°æS° ŸyÕ
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ wÙSÕ∫°`° Ÿu Ô°æ¸>fiu ≈≤ |≤ tu* <t`°u* J¡° N°fi∏Ì-Ÿt°≤°uF wS°
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ N°©u¸>ª∫°Õ N°<Ì J¡° bdÕfi $
ZÙb°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # Fu ˚≤π°ı, fiy≤b°<Ÿ∫°u* fiu ZÙ≤°tª∏B Ju¡ «¡≈≤ ≈C‹≈°aı<Ô∫°u* ≈≤
≈C‹≈°aı<Ô∫°≥ f≤Ÿ°oÕ $ ∫°u* fiy≤b°<Ÿ∫°u* π°≤° ŸÃJ¨¡w ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ıæŸu ZÙt°fig ı∫∏w (o∏B J¡°
18 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
≈C`) _byÕ tu* (Nt≤°bwÙ tu*) ≈®bu„ J¡≤w° Fæ bæŸu FÙ N≈fiu |≤ tu* ≈®<b‹¸> F…Î $ wÌ…≈≤°∏w ≈®St ≈®b°Ÿ
Ÿu Ô°æ¸>u F…Î ≤°tıÙ fiu <≈w°ıÙ J¡°u, JC¡ÔyC” b<„‹™>ıÙ J¡°u, ˚°oÕ-f∏@CN°u* J¡°u, f®°Êd°u* J¡°u, JC¡Ô
Ju¡ fnu-f¥»°u* J¡°u ∫S°∫°uÀ∫ ≈®d°t <J¡∫° $$1,2$$ <t`°u* fiu ˚°o∫°u* fiu, <≈w° fiu N°æ≤ f®°Êd°u* fiu
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u f°≤ f°≤ N°<Ôayfi <J¡∫° $ N°<Ôayfi J¡≤fiub°Ô°u* Ju¡ ≈®<w ∫S°∫°uÀ∫ N<˚b°Ìfi,
<≈®∫ ˚°Td N°<Ì ŸC∏Ì≤ ∆∫bF°≤ J¡≤fiub°Ôu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ FTÕ Ÿu k¥¡Ôu fiFÙ* Ÿt°wu Su $$3$$ tF°≤°ı
Ì„≤S Ju¡ |≤ tu* ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ f°≥ŸC≤Ù J¡∑ J¡°utÔ ºb<fi Ju¡ Ÿt°fi t@C≤ <≈®∫bªfi°u* Ÿu N°á°<Ìw
F…Î Ô°uy ≈≤_≈≤ <Ì„°-<Ì„° tu* |¥tfiu Ôyu $ ∫° FTÕ Ÿu Ã≈∏fi ∆∫°t°uF Ÿu ∏Fu* <ÌÀ˚®t F°u y∫°, ∫F
NSÕ Fæ $$4$$ ZÙ≤°tª∏B Ju¡ „C˚°ytfi Ju¡ ≈Ôs tu* N°™> <Ìfi wJ¡ f≤°f≤ N°fi∏Ì≈¥bÕJ¡ ßb F°uw°
≤F° $ •w ßb FTÕ Ÿu ©¥f ≈®Ÿ∏fi Ô°uy°u* π°≤° <J¡∫u y∫u y‡˚Ù≤ J¡°uÔ°FÔ Ÿu ≈¥dÕ ≤F° $$5$$ wfŸu
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ˚°≥<w-˚°≥<w Ju¡ Ìu„°ª°≤°u* J¡° o@≤ @≤ bdÕfi J¡≤wu F…Î |≤ tu* FÙ ŸC©≈¥bÕJ¡ ≤Fu $$6$$
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ <fiÃ∫ ≈®°w#J¡°Ô „˙∫° J¡° Ã∫°y J¡≤, <b<@≈¥bÕJ¡ _fi°fi, Ÿ∏º∫° N°<Ì J¡tÕ J¡≤Ju¡
Ÿ˚° tu* fæ™>u F…Î o∏BwCv∫ N≈fiu <≈w°ıÙ J¡° Ì„Õfi J¡≤wu Su N°æ≤ ÎJ¡ ≈F≤ wJ¡ ZÙb<Ÿ‹™> N°<Ì Ju¡
Ÿ°S fæ™>J¡≤ I°fi≈¥dÕ <b<b@ <b<ª` J¡S°N°u* π°≤° fnu N°Ì≤ Ju¡ Ÿ°S ŸÃŸay J¡≤ wÌfi∏w≤ <„J¡°≤
©uÔfiu J¡∑ oh~>° Ÿu, <≈w°ıÙ J¡∑ N°I° ÔuJ¡≤, fnÙ ˚°≤Ù Ÿufi° Ju¡ Ÿ°S bfib≤°F, bfit<FT N°<Ì
Ÿu ˚≤u F…Î bfi tu* ı°wu Su $$7-9$$ bF°≥ Ÿu |≤ Ô°æ¸>J¡≤ _fi°fi N°<Ì J¡tÕ J¡≤ wS° <t` N°æ≤ f∏@CN°u*
Ju¡ Ÿ°S ˚°uıfi J¡≤ <t`°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ≤°<` <fw°wu Su $$10$$
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ wÙSÕ∫°`° Ÿu Ô°æ¸>J¡≤ Ô‚td N°æ≤ „`CPfi Ju¡ Ÿ°S ≈®°∫# oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ <Ìfiª∫°Õ
J¡≤wu F…Î <≈w°ıÙ Ju¡ |≤ tu* ŸC©≈¥bÕJ¡ ≤Fwu Su $ Fu ˚≤π°ı, ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ≤°ı°N°u* Ju¡ ∫°uÀ∫ ∆∫bF°≤
Ÿu tfi°uF≤, Ÿ≠ıfi°u* Ju¡ <ªW J¡°u ª°≥ÌfiÙ Ju¡ Ÿt°fi N°fi∏Ì Ìufiub°ÔÙ, ÿÔ°|fiÙ∫ Îba Nt¨wBb Ju¡
Ÿt°fi ŸC∏Ì≤ ªu‹¸>° Ÿu J¡°Ô∫°≈fi J¡≤wu Su $$11,12$$
ª°æS° ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w

≈°≥ªb° ŸyÕ
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju „≤Ù≤ tu* J¨¡„w° N°<Ì, bæ≤°À∫ N°<Ì N°æ≤ ≤°ı° π°≤° ŸJu¡ J¡°≤d J¡∑ <ıI°Ÿ°
wS° ZÙ b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ Ju¡ W≤ J¡° ≈J®¡t $
oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ <ªW„C<] Ju¡ <ÔÎ Ÿ°@fi˚¥w <Ìfiª∫°Õ J¡° bdÕfi J¡≤ ŸJu¡ k¡ÔR¡≈
bæ≤°À∫ J¡∑ Ÿ°@fiŸ°ty®Ù J¡°u J¡Ffiu J¡∑ oh~>° Ÿu ≈J®¡t J¡≤wu Fæ* $
b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # Fu ˚≤π°ı, wÌfi∏w≤ <J¡ŸÙ Ÿt∫ ıf <J¡ ≤°tª∏BıÙ Îba ≤°t°fiC∫°∫Ù
Ô‚td N°æ≤ „`CPfi Ju¡ ≈¥≤u Ÿ°uÔF bTÕ Ju¡ F°ufiu tu* JC¡~> tFÙfi°u* J¡∑ J¡Ÿ≤ SÙ, ˚≤w ŸÌ° N≈fiu fi°fi° Ju¡
|≤ tu* N°fi∏Ì≈¥bÕJ¡ ≤Fwu Su N°æ≤ tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S ŸCª°”R¡≈ Ÿu oŸ Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ ≈¨<SbÙt^±>Ô J¡° ≈°Ôfi
J¡≤wu Su N°æ≤ tF°≈®°I Îba ≈≤°t„Õ J¡≤fiu tu* JC¡„Ô≤°ı° ≤°ı≈C`°u* Ju¡ <bb°F Ju¡ <ÔÎ ˚Ù ≈®<w<Ìfi t¿∏`∫°u*
Ju¡ Ÿ°S ≈≤°t„Õ J¡≤wu Su $ wÙSÕ∫°`° J¡≤ ªCJ¡fiu ≈≤ N≈fiu |≤ tu* FÙ ¿_Sw ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ıæŸu „≤ÌgM¡wC
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SÙ, bu ŸÌ° Ì…#©Ù N°æ≤ Ì°Ÿ ≤Fwu Su $ ¿ª`<Ô<©w Ju¡ Ÿt°fi bu <J¡ŸÙ Ÿu JC¡~> f°uÔwu ˚Ù fi Su $$1-7$$
≈¿≤ıfi°u* Ju¡ f°≤ f°≤ ≈®°SÕfi° J¡≤fiu ≈≤ J¡‹¸> Ÿu _fi°fi, Ÿ∏º∫°b∏Ìfi N°<Ì Nbÿ∫ J¡wÕ∆∫ Ìæ<fiJ¡ J¡tÕ
J¡≤wu Su, fiJ¡° tC©J¡tÔ ‡Ô°fi F°u y∫° S° $$8$$
<b<b@ yCd°u* Ju¡ N°y°≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u ≈¥b°uÕ•w <ª∏w° N°<Ì Ÿu ∫C•w Ìu©J¡≤ fiJu¡ ˚°oÕ
Ô‚td N°æ≤ „`CPfi ˚Ù ŸÙ Nb_S° J¡°u ≈®°›w F…Î $$9$$ Ÿ˚Ù ≈C`°u* J¡°u Ì…#©Ù N°æ≤ J¨¡„ Ìu©J¡≤
≤°<fi∫°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S J¡°u fnÙ <ª∏w° F…oÕ $$10$$ Fu ˚≤π°ı, tF°≤°ı "≈C`, wC‡Fu* J¡°æfi-
ŸÙ fnÙ <ª∏w° Fæ' oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ fnÙ t@C≤ b°dÙ Ÿu f°≤ f°≤ ≈¥~>wu Su, ≈≤∏wC ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiJ¡°u JC¡~>
˚Ù fiFÙ* fw°wu Su $$11$$ <≈w°ıÙ, tCHu JC¡~> ˚Ù Ì…#© fiFÙ* Fæ, - ∫F J¡FJ¡≤ J¡tÔfi∫fi ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ
<≈w°ıÙ J¡∑ y°uÌ tu* ı°J¡≤ ªC≈ª°≈ fæ™> ı°wu Su $$12$$ wÌfi∏w≤ tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S fiu "≤°t <J¡Ÿ<ÔÎ
<©∏fi Fæ*' ∫F b•w°N°u* tu* Zu‹™> wS° Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ J¡°∫°u˘ Ju¡ I°w° ZÙb<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ Ÿu ≈¥~>° $$13$$ Ì„≤SıÙ
Ju¡ ∫°u* ≈¥~>fiu ≈≤ <bª°≤ J¡≤ tF<TÕ b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ fiu ≤°ı° Ÿu J¡F° # ≤°ıfig, oŸtu* JC¡~> J¡°≤d Fæ, ≈≤
ZÙtfig, N°≈ Ì…#©Ù fi F°u* $$14$$
(∫F°≥ ≈≤ ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ <ª∏w° J¡° k¡Ô „C˚ F°uy°, ∫F Ì„°Õfiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ "ZÙtfig' Ÿ‡f°u@fi Fæ $)
ıæŸu ŸaŸ°≤ tu* ≈¨<SbÙ, ıÔ N°<Ì tF°˚¥w Ÿ¨<‹¸> N°æ≤ ≈®Ô∫ Ju¡ <ffi° ~>°u¸>u-t°u¸>u J¡°≤d°u* Ÿu b¨<]
N°æ≤ s∫R¡≈ <bJ¡°≤ J¡°u ≈®°›w fiFÙ* F°uwu, bæŸu FÙ ŸÃ≈C”T ˚Ù ~>°u¸>u-t°u¸>u J¡°≤d°u* Ÿu J®¡°u@, <bT°Ì N°æ≤
FTÕ Ju¡ b„Ù˚¥w fiFÙ* F°uwu $$15$$
≈°≥ªb°≥ ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w

~>™>b°≥> ŸyÕ
<bÿb°<t`ıÙ J¡° N°ytfi, ≤°ı° π°≤° fiJ¡° <b<@bwg ≈¥ıfi wS° M¡<T Ju¡ N°ytfiı<fiw FT°uÕBuJ¡ Ÿu
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NwÎb Ÿ∏ÌuF Ju¡ <fidÕ∫ Ju¡ <ÔÎ JC¡~> J¡°Ô J¡∑ ≈®wÙs° J¡≤fiub°Ôu tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S t°æfi F°u y∫u Su N°æ≤
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20 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
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S° $ fiJu¡ wuı Ÿu fiu` N°æ≤ tfi ≈®Ÿ∏fi F°uwu Su, ŸŸu ˚∫ J¡° ˚Ù Ÿaª°≤ F°uw° S°, bF ≈®Ÿ°Ì yCd Ÿu
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≈®Ÿ∏fi-y‡˚Ù≤ wuı Ÿu M¡<T J¡∑ J¡°¿∏w NfiC≤*<ıw SÙ $ fiJu¡ F°S tu* <ª≤J¡°Ô Ÿu ≈¿≤y¨<Fw ÎJ¡ ŸC∏Ì≤
N°æ≤ <ªJ¡fi° J¡t^±>ÔC S° $ fiJ¡° <ªW ¿_fiÀ@ N°æ≤ ≈®Ÿ∏fi S° $ fiJ¡° ⁄Ì∫ Ì∫° Ÿu ≈¿≤≈¥dÕ S°,
oŸ<ÔÎ ˚°Td N°<Ì ˚Ù ŸCt@C≤ S° N°æ≤ ≈®Ÿ∏fi Â<‹¸>≈°w Nt¨wwCv∫ S° $ bu <ı@≤ Â<‹¸> ±>°Ôwu Su,
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Su $ fiJ¡∑ ˚°æ*Fu* Ÿku¡Ì N°æ≤ «≥¡ªÙ SÙ* $ Ì„ÕJ¡°u* Ju¡ ⁄Ì∫ tu* NÃ∫∏w N°ÿª∫Õ J¡° Ÿaª°≤ J¡≤ ≤Fu tC<fib≤
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≈≤ <f©≤ yoÕ $ ıæŸu Ÿ¥∫Õ o∏B J¡° ≈®Ã∫<˚b°Ìfi J¡≤wu Fæ*, bæŸu FÙ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ fiu ˚Ù t@C≤ N°æ≤ Ì°≤
b°dÙ π°≤° N°„Ùb°ÕÌ ÌuJ¡≤ ≤°ı° J¡° ≈®Ã∫<˚b°Ìfi <J¡∫° $$16-25$$ wÌfi∏w≤ b<Ÿ‹™> N°<Ì Ÿ˚Ù
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˚ybfig , ıæŸu Ÿ¥∫Õ N≈fiu wuı°ut∫ Ì„Õfi π°≤° J¡tÔ Ju¡ w°Ô°f°u* ≈≤ NfiCy®F J¡≤wu Fæ*, bæŸu FÙ Nfi°∫°Ÿ
≈®°›w N°≈Ju¡ NÌg˚¥w wuı°ut∫ Ì„Õfi°u* Ÿu Ft Ô°uy NÃ∫∏w NfiCy¨FÙw F…Î Fæ* $$27$$ tFTuÕ, ı°u Nfi°<Ì
(J¡°≤d≤<Fw), s∫ ≤<Fw N°æ≤ N<bfi°„Ù ≈≤t ≈C”T°SÕR¡≈ ŸC© Fæ, N°≈Ju¡ Ì„Õfi°u* Ÿu bF ŸC© tCHu
≈®°›w F…N° Fæ $$28$$ <fi_Ÿ∏ÌuF N°ı Ftfiu ≈C^∫ Ÿu @∏∫ ≈C”T°u* Ju¡ N°yu _S°fi ≈®°›w J¡≤ <Ô∫° Fæ,
•∫°u*<J¡ Ft Ô°uy°u* Ju¡ œuÿ∫ Ÿu N°≈J¡° „C˚°ytfi F…N° Fæ $$29$$ ∫°u* tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S Ju¡ Ÿt°fi FÙ J¡F
ŸyÕ - 6] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 21
≤Fu tF<TÕ N°æ≤ N∏∫ ≤°ı° Ÿ˚°˚bfi tu* N°J¡≤ N°Ÿfi°u* ≈≤ fæ™> y∫u $$30$$ tF<TÕ Ju¡ „C˚°ytfi Ÿu
≈®Ÿ∏fibÌfi tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S fiu tF<TÕ J¡∑ w≈_∫°Ÿ‡≈<W (<b≈CÔ w≈) Ÿu ˚∫˚Ùw F°uJ¡≤ ÌqŸ≤u Ju¡ π°≤°
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tF<TÕ <bÿb°<t` fiu ≤°ı° Ju¡ NP∫Õ J¡°u _bÙJ¡°≤ J¡≤ „°˜ tu* b<dÕw <b<@ Ÿu ≈®Ì<sd° J¡≤ ≤Fu ≤°ı° J¡∑
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<©Ô ™>° $ ∏F°u*fiu ≤°ı° Ÿu fiJ¡∑ wS° ≤°≠∫ Ju¡ <b¿˚∏fi Nay°u J¡∑ JC¡„Ô ≈¥~>Ù N°æ≤ ≈¥~>° # N°≈J¡°
≤°ıJ¡°uT w°u ≈¿≤≈¥dÕ Fæ ? $$33$$
wÌ∏w≤ tC<fiZu‹™> <bÿb°<t`ıÙ fiu ≈®Ÿ∏fiw°≈¥bÕJ¡ tF<TÕ b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ Ÿu <tÔJ¡≤ b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ J¡∑ ≈¥ı°
J¡∑ N°æ≤ fiŸu ∫S°∫°uÀ∫ fiJu¡ <„‹∫, N°Zt Ju¡ t¨y, ≈sÙ N°<Ì J¡∑ JC¡„Ô ≈¥~>Ù $$34$$ sd ˚≤ Ju¡
<ÔÎ ≈≤_≈≤ <tÔJ¡≤ N°æ≤ ∫S°∫°uÀ∫ ≈¥ı°-ŸÃJ¡°≤ J¡≤ Ÿ˚ÙJ¡°u fnÙ ≈®Ÿ∏fiw° F…oÕ $ bu ≤°ıtFÔ tu*
N≈fiu N≈fiu N°Ÿfi°u* ≈≤ fæ™> y∫u $ N°tfiu Ÿ°tfiu fæ™>fiu Ÿu fiJ¡° wuı ≈≤_≈≤ f» y∫° $ bu Ÿf N°≈Ÿ tu*
ÎJ¡ ÌqŸ≤u Ÿu JC¡„Ô ≈®ÿfi J¡≤fiu Ôyu $ tF°t<w <bÿb°<t`ıÙ Ju¡ N°Ÿfi ≈≤ fæ™>fiu Ju¡ ≈≤°∏w tF°≤°ı
Ì„≤S fiu fiJu¡ ª≤d ≈©°≤u, ∏Fu* ÌqŸ≤Ù f°≤ NP∫Õ <Ì∫°, y°∫¡ÌÙ Îba ª∏Ìfi, ≈C‹≈, b˜ NÔaJ¡°≤,
Ì<sd°, k¡Ô N°æ≤ w°‡f¥Ô Ÿu fiJ¡∑ ≈Cfi#-≈Cfi# ≈¥ı° J¡∑ $$35-37$$ <b<@≈¥bÕJ¡ ≈¥ıJ¡≤ ≈®Ÿ∏fi<ªW
≈C^∫°Ãt° ≤°ı° fiu F°S ı°un J¡≤ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ Ÿu ∫u b°•∫ J¡Fu # ˚ybfig, t≤d@t°Õ ıÙb J¡°u Nt¨w
Ô°˚ Ÿu ı柰 ŸC© F°uw° Fæ, ÌÙ|ÕJ¡°Ô J¡∑ Nfi°b¨<‹¸> Ju¡ Nfi∏w≤ b¨<‹¸> Ju¡ Ô°˚ Ÿu <J¡Ÿ°fi J¡°u ı柰
N°fi∏Ì F°uw° Fæ Îba N∏@u J¡°u fi∫fi≈®°<›w Ÿu ı柰 FTÕ F°uw° Fæ Ft°≤u <ÔÎ N°≈J¡° „C˚°ytfi b柰 FÙ,
ŸŸu ˚Ù f»J¡≤ N°fi∏Ì≈®Ì Fæ $ ≈C`<bFÙfi ∆∫<•w J¡°u @tÕ≈ÃfiÙ Ÿu ≈C`°uÃ≈<W F°ufiu ≈≤ ı柰 N°á°Ì
F°uw° Fæ, Ì¿≤B ≈C”T J¡°u _b›fi tu* ‹¸> @fi J¡° Ô°˚ F°ufiu ≈≤ ı柰 N°fi∏Ì F°uw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ N°≈J¡°
N°ytfi Ft°≤u <ÔÎ ŸC©J¡°≤J¡ Fæ $ tfiC‹∫ <ª≤J¡°Ô Ÿu o¿h~>w t<d, t∏`, NU∫CÌ∫ N°<Ì J¡∑ ≈®°<›w,
<≈®∫wt ˚°oÕ, ≈C` N°<Ì Ju¡ Ÿt°yt N°æ≤ ©°uoÕ yoÕ b_wC Ju¡ Ô°˚ Ÿu ıæŸu N<fibÕªfiÙ∫ N°á°Ì J¡°
NfiC˚b J¡≤wu Fæ*, bæŸu FÙ N°≈Ju¡ N°ytfi Ÿu Ftu* N°á°Ì F°u ≤F° Fæ $$38-41$$
f®Êfig, _SÔª≤ tfiC‹∫ N°<ÌJ¡°u N°J¡°„ tu* nfiu Ÿu ı柰 N°fi∏Ì F°uw° Fæ, N°æ≤ t¨w ≈C”T Ju¡
≈Cfi# b°<≈Ÿ N° ı°fiu Ÿu ŸJu¡ f°∏@b°u* J¡°u ı柰 N°fi∏Ì F°uw° Fæ bæŸu FÙ N°≈Ju¡ N°ytfi Ÿu Ftu* N°fi∏Ì
F°u ≤F° Fæ, N°≈J¡° _b°yw F°u $$42$$ tC<fib≤, f®ÊÔ°uJ¡ tu* ≤Ffi° <J¡ŸJ¡°u ≈®Ù<wJ¡≤ fi F°uy° ? bæŸu FÙ
≈®Ù<wJ¡≤ N°≈J¡° N°ytfi Fæ NS°Õwg ıæŸu f®ÊÔ°uJ¡ tu* <fib°Ÿ J¡≤fiu J¡∑ ŸfJ¡°u _≈¨F° ≤FwÙ Fæ, bæŸu FÙ
N°≈Ju¡ N°ytfi J¡∑ Ÿ˚Ù J¡°u _≈¨F° ≤FwÙ Fæ, tæ* ∫F <fiÿ~>Ô ŸÃ∫ N°≈Ÿu J¡Fw° Fq≥ $$43$$ ˚ybfig, N°≈
≈≤t @°<tÕJ¡ Fæ*, N°≈J¡∑ •∫° N<˚Ô°T° Fæ ? tæ* N°≈J¡∑ •∫° Ÿub° J¡R¡≥ ? f®Êfig N°≈ ŸÃ≈°` Fæ* tu≤u
˚°À∫ Ÿu ∫F°≥ N°∫u Fæ* $ ˚ybfig, N°≈ ≈FÔu ≤°ı<TÕ „ÆÌ Ÿu N<˚<Fw F°uwu Su, oŸ Ÿt∫ w≈_∫° Ÿu
f®Ê<TÕÃb J¡°u ≈®°›w F…Î ≈≤tbªÕ_bÙ N°≈ tu≤u ≈≤t ≈¥≠∫ Fæ* $$44,45$$ ıæŸu yay°ıÔ Ju¡ _fi°fi Ÿu tCHu
≈®Ÿ∏fiw° F°uwÙ Fæ, bæŸu FÙ N°≈Ju¡ Ì„Õfi Ÿu ≈®Ÿ∏fiw° F…oÕ Fæ $ •w ≈®Ÿ∏fiw° tu≤u ⁄Ì∫ J¡°u „ÙwÔ J¡≤
≤FÙ Fæ $$46$$ ˚ybfig , N°≈J¡°u fi <J¡ŸÙ b_wC J¡∑ N<˚Ô°T° Fæ, fi <J¡ŸÙ Ÿu ˚∫ Fæ N°æ≤ fi J®¡°u@ FÙ Fæ $
N°≈tu* ≤°y (<bT∫-b°Ÿfi°) ˚Ù fiFÙ* Fæ $ N°<@-∆∫°<@ N°<Ì <b≈<W∫°≥ ˚Ù fiFÙ* Fæ, <k¡≤ ˚Ù N°≈ tu≤u
22 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
≈°Ÿ N°∫u Fæ*, ∫F fnÙ N°ÿª∫Õ J¡∑ f°w Fæ $$47$$ Fu w[bI<„≤°utdu, N°≈Ju¡ „C˚°ytfi Ÿu tæ* <fi‹≈°≈
F°u y∫° Fq≥ $ N≈fiu J¡°u ≈C^∫su` tu* ¿_Sw ŸtH ≤F° Fq≥ NS°Õwg N°≈Ju¡ N°ytfi Ÿu tu≤° y¨F ˚Ù ≈<b` F°u
y∫° Fæ $ N<@J¡ •∫° J¡Fq≥, tæ* N≈fiu J¡°u Nt¨wt∫ ª∏Bt^±>Ô tu* <fitÀfi ŸtH ≤F° Fq≥ $$48$$ tCfiu, tCHu
≈®wÙw F°u ≤F° Fæ <J¡ N°≈J¡° „C˚°ytfi Ÿ°s°wg f®Ê J¡° „C˚°ytfi Fæ $ N°≈Ju¡ N°ytfi Ÿu Ã≈∏fi ≈C^∫
Ÿu tæ* ≈<b` F…N° Fq≥, ∫„ N°æ≤ NU∫CÌ∫ Ÿu NfiCy¨<Fw Fq≥ $ N°ı N°≈Ju¡ N°ytfi Ÿu Ã≈∏fi ≈C^∫ Ÿu
NfiC≤a<ıw tu≤° ı∏t Ÿk¡Ô F°u y∫° Fæ N°æ≤ tu≤° ıÙbfi Ÿ°SÕJ¡ F°u y∫° Fæ $$49,50$$ ∫F°≥ N°∫u F…Î
N°≈Ju¡ Ì„Õfi J¡≤, ≈¥ı° J¡≤ N°æ≤ ≈®d°t J¡≤, ıæŸu ª∏Bt° J¡°u Ìu©J¡≤ ŸtCB N≈fiu tu* fiFÙ* Ÿt°w°,
w¸>ŸÙt° J¡°u Ô°≥|J¡≤ ~>Ô ≈nw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ tæ* ˚Ù N≈fiu tu* k¥¡Ô° fiFÙ* Ÿt° ≤F° Fq≥ $$51$$ tC<fib≤,
N°≈J¡° ı°u J¡°∫Õ F°u, <ıŸ ≈®∫°uıfi Ÿu N°≈ N°∫u Fæ*, Ÿu N°≈ <J¡∫° FÙ Ÿt<HÎ, •∫°u*<J¡ N°≈ ŸbÕÌ°
tu≤u t°fifiÙ∫ Fæ $$52$$ y°<@fi∏Ìfi, N≈fiu J¡°∫Õ Ju¡ <bT∫ tu* N°≈ <bª°≤ fi J¡∑<ıÎ $ ˚ybfig, ≈°`˚¥w
N°≈Ju¡ <ÔÎ tCHu JC¡~> ˚Ù NÌu∫ fiFÙ* Fæ $ tu≤° J¡°∫Õ <Ÿ] F°uy° ∫° fiFÙ*, oŸJ¡° <bª°≤ N°≈ tw J¡∑<ıÎ $
tæ* N°≈J¡° J¡°∫Õ Ÿ‡≈¥dÕR¡≈ Ÿu @tÕw# J¡R¡≥y° $ N°≈ tu≤u ≈≤t Ìub Fæ $$53,54$$ N°Ãt<bwg tF°≤°ı
Ì„≤S π°≤° <bfi∫≈¥bÕJ¡ J¡Fu y∫u ZC<wt@C≤ ŸC<t‹¸> bªfi°u* J¡°u ŸCfiJ¡≤ ≈®¶∫°wJ¡∑<wÕ N°æ≤ <b¶∫°w
yCdb°Ôu tC<fi≈Cayb <bÿb°<t` ≈≤t ≈®Ÿ∏fiw° J¡°u ≈®°›w F…Î $$55$$
~>™>b°≥ ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w

Ÿ°wb°≥ ŸyÕ
≤°ı° J¡∑ ≈®„aŸ° J¡≤ ZÙ<bÿb°<t`ıÙ J¡° N≈fiu N°ytfi J¡° ≈®∫°uıfi J¡Ffi° wS°
≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ <bfi°„ Ju¡ <ÔÎ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u t°≥yfi° $
b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # ˚≤π°ı, tF°≤°ı Ju¡ N°ÿª∫Õ≈¥dÕ •w <b_w¨w b°•∫ J¡°u ŸCfiJ¡≤ tF°tC<fi
<bÿb°<t`ıÙ Ju¡ „≤Ù≤ tu* ≤°ut°aª ~>° y∫u $ ∏F°u*fiu ≈CÔ<J¡w F°uJ¡≤ ≤°ı° Ÿu J¡F° # tF°≤°ı, ˚¥Ô°uJ¡ tu* ÎuŸ°
b°•∫ N°≈Ju¡ FÙ ∫°uÀ∫ Fæ, •∫°u*<J¡ N°≈ tF°ba„ tu* Ã≈∏fi F…Î Fæ* N°æ≤ yC” b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ Ju¡ N°I°J¡°≤Ù
Fæ* $$1,2$$ tF°≤°ı, tæ* ı°u J¡Ffi° ª°Fw° Fq≥, ŸJu¡ <bT∫ tu* N°≈ J¡wÕ∆∫ J¡° <fiÿª∫ J¡∑<ıÎ N°æ≤ @tÕ
J¡° ≈¿≤≈°Ôfi J¡∑<ıÎ $$3$$ ≈C”TZu‹™>, tæ* <Ÿ<]Ô°˚ Ju¡ <ÔÎ ∫I N°≤‡˚ J¡≤w° Fq≥ $ ˚ÙTd ≤°sŸ tu≤u
∫I tu* <bPfi J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ N° ı°wu Fæ* $$4$$ ıf-ıf tæ* ∫I π°≤° Ìubw°N°u* J¡° ˚ıfi ≈¥ıfi J¡≤w° Fq≥
wf wf ≤°sŸ tu≤u ∫I J¡°u <~>∏fi <˚∏fi J¡≤ Ìuwu Fæ* $ tu≤u fF…w f°≤ ∫I N°≤‡˚ J¡≤fiu ≈≤ ≤°sŸ fi°∫J¡°u*
fiu ∫I˚¥<t J¡°u t°aŸ N°æ≤ ≤•w Ÿu ≈°¸> <Ì∫° $ tu≤u ∫I°u* Ju¡ ∫°u* <bPfi°u* π°≤° <~>∏fi <˚∏fi F°ufiu ≈≤ tu≤° ß°F
ı°w° ≤F° $ oŸ f°≤ <k¡≤ tæ*fiu ∫I J¡° N°≤‡˚ <J¡∫° Fæ, ŸJu¡ ≈®wÙJ¡°≤ Ju¡ <ÔÎ N°≈Ju¡ ≈°Ÿ N°∫°
Fq≥ $$5-7$$ ≤°ıfig, J®¡°u@ J¡≤Ju¡ NS°Õwg „°≈Ì°fi π°≤° ŸJ¡° ≈®wÙJ¡°≤ J¡≤fiu J¡∑ tu≤Ù oh~>° fiFÙ* F°uwÙ,
J¡°≤d <J¡ J®¡°u@≤<Fw F°uJ¡≤ FÙ ∫I°fiC‹™>°fi <J¡∫° ı°w° Fæ N°æ≤ J®C¡] F…Î <ffi° „°≈ Ìufi° fiFÙ* ffiw° $$8$$
≤°ıfig , •w tF°∫I Ÿt°≤‡˚ tu* ÎuŸÙ tu≤Ù ∫IÌÙs° Fæ $ N°≈Ju¡ NfiCy®F Ÿu <fi<bÕPfi ∫I Ÿt°›w J¡≤
tF°k¡Ô ≈®°›w J¡R¡≥y°, ÎuŸÙ N°„° Ÿu tæ* N°≈Ju¡ ŸtÙ≈ N°∫° Fq≥ $ ≤°ıfig, tæ* NÃ∫∏w N°wÕ (Ì…#©Ù) N°æ≤
„≤d°SÙÕ Fq≥ , N°≈ tu≤Ù ≤s° J¡∑<ıÎ $ ≈®°<SÕ∫°u* J¡°u <fi≤°„ J¡≤fi° Ÿ≠ıfi°u* J¡° <w≤_J¡°≤ Fæ NS°Õwg <w≤_J¡°≤
ŸyÕ - 8] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 23
Ju¡ Ÿt°fi ÀÔ°<fiJ¡≤ Fæ $$9,10$$ ≤°ıfig N°≈Ju¡ ≈C` ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ tW<Ÿ*F Ju¡ Ÿt°fi ≈≤°J®¡t„°ÔÙ NÃ∫∏w
„°u˚°Ÿ‡≈∏fi, tFu∏B Ju¡ Ÿt°fi „°æ∫Õ Ÿ‡≈∏fi N°æ≤ ≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ <bfi°„ tu* Ìs Fæ* $ Nt°u| ≈≤°J®¡tb°Ôu
J¡°J¡≈s@°≤Ù „¥≤-bÙ≤ N≈fiu ≠∫u‹™> ≈C` ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u N°≈ tCHu ÌÙ¿ıÎ $ tæ* N≈fiu <Ì∆∫ wuı Ÿu ofiJ¡∑
≤s° J¡R¡≥y° $ ∫°u* tu≤u wuı Ÿu ŸC≤<sw bu ∫I Ju¡ <bPbaŸJ¡ ≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ <„≤ J¡°¸>fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ŸtSÕ Fæ* $$12,13$$
tæ* ˚Ù <fi#ŸÙt ≈®˚°b Ÿu ∫C•w N°æ≤ <b<b@ N˜, „˜ N°æ≤ <bΩ° ÌuJ¡≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏B J¡° J¡v∫°d J¡R¡≥y° $
<ıŸŸu bu wÙfi°u* Ô°uJ¡°u* tu* ≈¥≠∫ F°u ı°∫u*yu $$14$$ ıæŸu J®C¡] <Ÿ*F J¡°u Ìu©J¡≤ t¨y bfi tu* ≈æÌ° F…Î o¿≤d
J¡∑ (w¨d<b„uT J¡∑) N°u¸> tu* ©nu fiFÙ* F°u ŸJ¡wu, bæŸu FÙ bu ≤°sŸ ZÙ≤°t Ju¡ Ÿ°tfiu ©nu fiFÙ* F°u
ŸJ¡wu $$15$$ ıæŸu J®C¡] <Ÿ*F Ju¡ <Ÿb° ÌqŸ≤° J¡°uoÕ ıÙb tW F°<S∫°u* Ÿu fiFÙ* Ôn ŸJ¡w°, bæŸu FÙ ZÙ≤°tıÙ
Ju¡ <Ÿb° ÌqŸ≤° ≈C”T fiŸu fiFÙ* Ôn ŸJ¡w° $ ÎJ¡ w°u ≤°sŸ FÙ fÔ Ÿu y<bÕw, NÃ∫∏w ≈°≈Ù, ∫C] tu*
J¡°ÔJ¥¡¸>Ÿu ˚Ù N<@J¡ wÙb®, JC¡<≈w ∫t Ju¡ Ÿt°fi N<w Ì°”d Fæ*, Ÿ ≈≤ <k¡≤ bu Fæ* ©≤ ÌqTd Ju¡
ŸubJ¡ $$16,17$$ tF°≤°ı, ıæŸu tu| J¡∑ tCŸÔ°@°≤ b¨<‹¸> J¡°u @¥<Ô J¡d fiFÙ* ŸF ŸJ¡wu, bæŸu FÙ
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ f°db¨<‹¸> J¡°u ≤°sŸ fiFÙ* ŸF ŸJu*¡yu $$18$$ tF°≤°ı, N°≈ ∫F tu≤° ≈C` Fæ ÎuŸ° ≈®°J¨¡w
_fiuF fi J¡∑<ıÎ, •∫°u*<J¡ ŸaŸ°≤ tu* tF°Ãt° ≈C”T°u* Ju¡ <ÔÎ J¡°uoÕ b_wC NÌu∫ fiFÙ* Fæ $ tF°≤°ı, w≈°ufÔ
Ÿu <fi_Ÿ∏ÌuF ı°fiw° Fq≥ N°æ≤ N°≈ ˚Ù tu≤u bªfi Ÿu ı°<fi∫u <J¡ <bPfiJ¡°≤Ù Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ ≤°sŸ t≤u F…Î FÙ Fæ*,
•∫°u*<J¡ tu≤u ŸÂ„ tF°t<w ≈C”T°u* J¡∑ Ÿa<ÌÀ@ <bT∫ tu* ≈®b¨<W FÙ fiFÙ* F°uwÙ $$19,20$$ tæ* ı°fiw° Fq≥,
tF°wuı_bÙ b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ ı°fiwu Fæ* N°æ≤ N∏∫°∏∫ tF°Ãt° ˚Ù ı°fiwu Fæ* <J¡ J¡tÔfi∫fi ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ tF°Ãt°
(ıÙb°u≈°<@ Ÿu N≈¿≤¿h~>∏fi N°Ãt° oÕÿb≤) Fæ*, Ÿ°t°∏∫ ≈C”T fiFÙ* Fæ* $$21$$ ∫<Ì @tÕ, tFW° N°æ≤ ∫„
J¡∑ ≤s° J¡≤fiÙ ª°<FÎ, ÎuŸÙ N°≈J¡∑ b°Ÿfi° F°u, w°u tu≤u o¿h~>w J¡∑ <Ÿ<] Ju¡ <ÔÎ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u tCHu
ÌÙ<ıÎ $ ≤°tª∏BıÙ <ıŸ ∫I tu* tu≤u ∫I Ju¡ <bPbaŸJ¡ N°æ≤ ŸbÕ<bPfiJ¡°≤Ù ≤°sŸ°u* J¡°u t°≤u*yu, tu≤° ∫F
∫I ÌŸ <Ìfi tu* ≈¥≤° F°uy° $$22,23$$ NwÎb Fu tF°≤°ı, oŸ <bT∫ tu* N°≈Ju¡ b<„‹™> N°<Ì t∏`Ù NfiCt<w
≈®Ì°fi J¡≤u* $ fiJ¡∑ NfiCI° Ÿu N°≈ ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u tu≤u Ÿ°S ˚u<ıÎ $$24$$ Fu ≤°|b, N°≈ NbŸ≤I Fæ*,
ıæŸu tu≤° ∫F ∫I J¡° NbŸ≤ fÙw fi ı°∫ b柰 J¡∑<ıÎ N°≈J¡° J¡v∫°d F°uy°, N°≈ tfi tu* „°uJ¡ J¡°u ıyF
fi ÌÙ<ıÎ $$25$$ Ÿt∫ ≈≤ S°un° ˚Ù J¡°∫Õ <J¡∫° ı°∫, w°u bF fF…w ≈J¡°≤J¡ F°uw° Fæ $ NŸt∫ tu* fF…w
˚Ù ≈J¡°≤ <J¡∫° ı°∫, w°u bF <fi‹k¡Ô ı°w° Fæ $$26$$ @t°ÕÃt° tF°wuı_bÙ tC<fiZu‹™> <bÿb°<t`ıÙ
∫°u* @tÕ-NSÕ Ÿu ∫C•w b°•∫ J¡FJ¡≤ ªC≈ F°u y∫u $$27$$ tF°fiC˚°b ≤°ı° Ì„≤S tF<TÕ Ju¡ •w bªfi
ŸCfiJ¡≤ ∫C<•w∫C•w W≤ Ìufiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ JC¡~> J¡°Ô wJ¡ ªC≈ª°≈ fæ™>u ≤Fu, •∫°u*<J¡ <ıŸJ¡° tfi°u≤S ≈¥dÕ fi
<J¡∫° ı°∫ ÎuŸ° @Ùt°fig ≈C”T ∫C<•w∫C•w J¡Sfi Ju¡ <ffi° Ÿaw°uT J¡°u ≈®°›w fiFÙ* F°uw° $$28$$
Ÿ°wb°≥ ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w

N°™>b°≥ ŸyÕ
≤°ı° J¡° ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ tu* N<@J¡ _fiuF F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d fitu* ∫C] J¡∑ N∫°uÀ∫w° J¡° bdÕfi wS° ≤°bd
N°<Ì Ju¡ fÔ J¡°u ı°fiJ¡≤ ≤°ı° Ju¡ <bT°Ì J¡° bdÕfi $
b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # ˚≤π°ı, ≤°ıZu‹™> Ì„≤S <bÿb°<t`ıÙ Ju¡ •w bªfi ŸCfiJ¡≤ ÎJ¡ sd Ju¡
24 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
<ÔÎ <ª`<Ô<©w J¡∑ fi°o˘ <fiÿªu‹¸> F°u y∫u N°æ≤ wÌfi∏w≤ ÌÙfi bªfi J¡Ffiu Ôyu $$1$$ tC<fib≤, J¡tÔfi∫fi
ZÙ≤°t N˚Ù ≈¥≤u Ÿ°uÔF bTÕ J¡° ˚Ù fiFÙ* F…N° $ tæ* oŸtu* ≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ∫C] J¡≤fiu J¡∑ ∫°uÀ∫w° fiFÙ*
Ìu©w° Fq≥ $$2$$ ≈®˚°u, ∫F tu≤Ù ≈¥dÕ ÎJ¡ Ns°æ<FdÙ Ÿufi° Fæ, <ıŸJ¡° tæ* N@Ùÿb≤ Fq≥ $ ŸJ¡°u ÔuJ¡≤ tæ* FÙ
≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ∫C] J¡R¡≥y° $$3$$ ∫u Ÿ˚Ù Ÿæ<fiJ¡ „¥≤, bÙ≤, ≈≤°J®¡t„°ÔÙ N°æ≤ ≈≤°t„Õ Ìufiu tu* Ìs Fæ* $
tæ* Ÿt≤˚¥<t tu* @fiCT, f°d ÔuJ¡≤ Ÿt_w Ÿæ<fiJ¡°u* J¡∑ ≤s° J¡R¡≥y° $ ıæŸu <Ÿ*F tW F°<S∫°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ∫C]
J¡≤w° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ ofi „¥≤-bÙ≤ Ÿæ<fiJ¡°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S tæ* tFu∏B Ÿu f<Ô‹¸> bÙ≤°u* Ÿu ˚Ù ∫C] J¡≤ ŸJ¡w°
Fq≥ $$4,5$$ ZÙ≤°t f°ÔJ¡ Fæ, ∫C] Ÿu <fiw°∏w Nfi<˚I Fæ N°æ≤ Ÿufi° J¡° fÔ°fÔ fiFÙ* ı°fiw° $ oŸfiu
N∏w#≈C≤ tu* J®¡∑n° Ju¡ <ÔÎ J¡¿v≈w Ÿay®°t ~>°unJ¡≤ N∏∫ ≤d˚¥<t fiFÙ* Ìu©Ù Fæ $ fi ∫F Wt „˜°u* Ÿu
∫C•w Fæ, fi Wt N˜°u* Ÿu ∫C•w Fæ N°æ≤ fi ∫C]<bΩ° tu* <fi≈Cd FÙ Fæ $ Ÿt≤˚¥<t tu* NŸa¶∫ „¥≤-bÙ≤°u*
Ÿu Jæ¡Ÿu ∫C] J¡≤fi° ª°<FÎ, ∫F ˚Ù oŸu I°w fiFÙ* Fæ, ∫C]<fi≈Cdw° w°u Ìq≤ ≤FÙ $ Ju¡bÔ ∫F ≤°ıJC¡t°≤°u* Ju¡
Ÿ°S ≈C‹≈°u* Ÿu ŸC„°u<˚w fiy≤°u≈bfi°u* tu*, Ω°fi Ju¡ JC¡aı°u* tu* ≈¿≤˚®td J¡≤fi° wS° ˚°≥<w-˚°≥<w Ju¡ ≈C‹≈°u*
Ÿu ∆∫°›w N≈fiu tFÔ Ju¡ N°≥yfi tu* J®¡∑n° J¡≤fi° ı°fiw° Fæ $ N°ıJ¡Ô w°u tu≤u Ì…˚°ÕÀ∫ Ÿu <FtŸu J¡tÔ Ju¡
Ÿt°fi J¡tÔbÌfi ZÙ≤°t NÃ∫∏w J¨¡„ N°æ≤ ≈ÙÔ° F°u y∫° Fæ $ bF fi N∏fi ©° ŸJ¡w° Fæ, fi |≤ tu* |¥t-
<k¡≤ ŸJ¡w° Fæ $ ⁄Ì∫yw Ì…#© Ÿu ∆∫°JC¡Ô F°uJ¡≤ ªC≈ª°≈ fæ™>° ≤Fw° Fæ $ tC<fiZu‹™>, ŸJu¡ J¡°≤d tæ*,
tu≤Ù ≤°<fi∫°≥, tu≤u ŸubJ¡byÕ ŸfJu¡ Ÿf „≤ÃJ¡°Ô Ju¡ tu| Ju¡ Ÿt°fi <fi#Ÿ°≤ F°u y∫u Fæ* $$6-12$$ „≤Ù≤ Ÿu
owfi° ŸCJC¡t°≤, Nb_S° Ÿu f°ÔJ¡ tu≤° fhª° Fæ $ Ÿ ≈≤ Ÿu t°fi<ŸJ¡ ≈Ùn° fiu ıJ¡n ≤©° Fæ $ ÎuŸÙ
≈¿≤¿_S<w tu* Ÿu tæ* <fi„°ª≤°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S Ônfiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ N°≈J¡°u Jæ¡Ÿu Ìq≥ $$13$$
∫<Ì J¡Fu* <J¡ N°≈ w°u @tÕ<Ô›ŸC Fæ*, N°≈J¡°u @tÕ<b≤°u@Ù ≈C`_fiuF Ÿu •∫° ≈®∫°uıfi Fæ ? oŸ ≈≤
J¡Fwu Fæ* $
tCfiÙÿb≤, f°Ô°ayfi° Ju¡ Nay J¡° Ÿay, ŸC@°≤Ÿ J¡° Ÿubfi, ≤°≠∫ J¡° N°<@≈Ã∫ N°<Ì <ıwfiu ≈®J¡°≤
Ju¡ ŸC© Fæ*, fi ŸfJ¡∑ N≈us° tæ* ≈C`_fiuFı<fiw ŸC© J¡°u N<@J¡ tF[b Ìuw° Fq≥ NS°Õwg ≈¥b°uÕ•w ŸC© @tÕ
Ju¡ k¡Ô Fæ*, ≈≤ bu ≈C`_fiuFı<fiw ŸC© Ÿu f»J¡≤ fiFÙ* Fæ* $ wÙfi°u* Ô°uJ¡°u* tu* @°<tÕJ¡J¡ Ô°uy ˚Ù ÌÙ|ÕJ¡°Ô tu*
<Ÿ] F°ufiub°Ôu ≈¿≤ZtŸ°º∫ •Ôu„J¡°≤Ù w≈_∫° N°<Ì tF°≤‡˚°u* J¡°u ≈C`_fiuF Ÿu FÙ <fi#Ÿ∏ÌuF J¡≤wu
Fæ* $$14,15$$ tC<fiZu‹™>, tfiC‹∫ ≈®°d, @fi-Ÿ‡≈<W N°æ≤ <˜∫°u* J¡°u ~>°un ŸJ¡wu Fæ*, ty≤ ≈C` J¡°u fiFÙ*
~>°un ŸJ¡wu, ∫F ≈®°<d∫°u* J¡° _b˚°b Fæ $$16$$ ≤°sŸ fnu J®¥¡≤ J¡°∫Õ J¡≤fiub°Ôu N°æ≤ J¥¡¸> ∫C] tu* Ìs Fæ* $
ZÙ≤°tª∏B fiJu¡ Ÿ°S ∫C] J¡≤u*, ∫F J¡v≈fi° FÙ tu≤u <ÔÎ N<w NŸFfiÙ∫ Fæ $$17$$
tC<fib≤, tæ* ıÙfiu J¡∑ oh~>° J¡≤w° Fq≥, Ôu<J¡fi ≤°tª∏B Ÿu sd˚≤ Ju¡ <ÔÎ ˚Ù <b∫C•w F°uJ¡≤ tæ* ıÙ
fiFÙ* ŸJ¡w° $$18$$ ˚ybfig, tCHu Ã≈∏fi F…Î fi°æ Fı°≤ bT°u˘ wJ¡ ≈C` J¡∑ J¡°tfi° Ÿw°wÙ ≤FÙ, wÌ…≈≤°∏w
fnu J¡‹¸> Ÿu tæ*fiu ofi ª°≤ fu¸>°u* J¡°u Ã≈∏fi <J¡∫° Fæ $$19$$ ofi ª°≤°u* tu* J¡tÔfi∫fi ≤°t ŸbÕ≈®@°fi Fæ,
ŸJu¡ <ffi° ŸJu¡ wÙfi ˚°oÕ ˚Ù fiFÙ* ıÙ ŸJu*¡yu $ <ıŸJ¡°u Ôu ı°fiu Ÿu Nb<„‹¸> wÙfi°u* J¡° ˚Ù t≤d
Nbÿ∫‡˚°bÙ Fæ, Ÿ ZÙ≤°t J¡°u N°≈ t¨Ã∫CR¡≈ ≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ ŸtÙ≈ Ôu ı° ≤Fu Fæ*, w°u ª°≤°u* ≈C`°u* Ÿu FÙfi tCHu
N°≈ t≤° FÙ ı°<fi∫u $$20,21$$ ª°≤ ≈C`°u* tu* Ÿu ≤°tª∏B Ju¡ «¡≈≤ FÙ tu≤° Ÿb°Õ<@J¡ ≈®ut Fæ, •∫°u*<J¡ bF
ŸbÕ≠∫u‹™> N°æ≤ @t°ÕÃt° Fæ $ oŸ<ÔÎ ≤°t J¡°u N°≈ tw Ôu ı°o∫u $$22$$ tCfiu, ∫<Ì N°≈J¡°u ≤°sŸ°u* J¡∑
ŸyÕ - 8] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 25
Ÿufi° J¡° ŸaF°≤ J¡≤fiu J¡∑ oh~>° F°u, w°u tu≤u Ÿ°S tu≤Ù ªwC≤a¿ydÙ Ÿufi° J¡°u Ôu ı°o∫u $$23$$
•w ≤°sŸ°u* tu* <J¡wfi° fÔ Fæ, bu <J¡ŸJu¡ ≈C` Fæ*, Jæ¡Ÿu ≤Fwu Fæ*, <J¡wfiu Fæ* N°æ≤ fiJu¡ fi°t •∫° Fæ ?
∫F Ÿf _≈‹¸>R¡≈ Ÿu tCHu ŸCfi°o∫u $
Fu f®Êfig, tCHu ∫° <„„C ≤°t J¡°u NSb° tu≤u ª°≤°u* f°ÔJ¡°u* J¡°u J¥¡¸>∫C] tu* <b„°≤Ì fi ≤°sŸ°u* J¡°
≈®wÙJ¡°≤ Jæ¡Ÿu J¡≤fi° ª°<F∫u N°æ≤ fi Ì…≤°Ãt° ≤°sŸ°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S tF°≤d tu* Jæ¡Ÿu ≤Ffi° ª°<FÎ, ∫F ˚Ù
tCHŸu J¡<F∫u $ ∫u ≤°sŸ fnu fÔy<bÕw Fæ* $$25,26$$ Ÿ°s°wg JC¡fu≤ J¡° ˚°oÕ tC<fi <bZb° J¡° ≈C`
tF°fÔ„°ÔÙ ≤°bdfi°tJ¡ ≤°sŸ ŸCfi° ı°w° Fæ $ bF Ì…fCÕ<] ∫<Ì N°≈Ju¡ ∫I tu* <bPfi J¡≤w° Fæ, w°u Ft
Ÿ Ì…‹¸>°Ãt° Ju¡ Ÿ°S ∫C] J¡≤fiu tu* ŸtSÕ fiFÙ* Fæ $$27,28$$ f®Êfig, <J¡ŸÙ Ÿt∫ <J¡ŸÙ ŸtCÌ°∫ tu*
<b≈CÔ fÔ N°æ≤ Ÿ‡≈<W Ÿu Ÿ‡≈∏fi ≈C”T ˚¥w°u* tu* Ì∫ J¡°u ≈®°›w F°uwu Fæ* N°æ≤ J¡°Ô ≈°J¡≤ <bfi°„ J¡°u
≈®°›w F°uwu Fæ* $$29$$ oŸ Ÿt∫ w°u Ft Ô°uy ≤°bd N°<Ì „`CN°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°tfiu ©nu F°ufiu tu* ŸbÕS° NŸtSÕ
Fæ*, ∫F oÕÿb≤Ù∫ <fi∫t FÙ Fæ $$30$$ oŸ<ÔÎ Fu @tÕI, NfiCJ¡‡≈fiÙ∫ tu≤u ≈C` ≈≤ NfiCy®F <J¡<ı∫u N°æ≤
≈®°SÙÕ Ju¡ tfi°u≤S J¡°u ≈¥dÕ fi J¡≤ ŸJ¡fiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d Nv≈ ˚°À∫b°Ôu tCH≈≤ ˚Ù NfiCy®F J¡∑<ı∫u $ N°≈
Ft°≤u ≈≤t Ìub Fæ* $$31$$
N°≈J¡°u ÎuŸ° N@æ∫Õ Jæ¡Ÿu F…N° ? oŸ ≈®ÿfi ≈≤ J¡Fwu Fæ* $
Ìubw°, ÌæÃ∫, y∏@bÕ, ∫s, ≈sÙ, fi°y ∫u Ÿf ≤°bd Ÿu Ônfiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ NŸtSÕ Fæ*, tfiC‹∫°u* J¡∑ w°u
f°w FÙ •∫° Fæ ? ≤°bd fnu fÔ„°<Ô∫°u* Ju¡ fÔ J¡°u ˚Ù ∫C] tu* F≤ Ôuw° Fæ, ŸJu¡ Ÿ°S Ÿay®°t tu* Ônfiu
Ju¡ <ÔÎ Ft ŸtSÕ fiFÙ* Fæ* $ ŸJu¡ ≈C` o∏B<ıwg N°<Ì Ju¡ Ÿ°S ˚Ù Ft fiFÙ* Ôn ŸJ¡wu NSb° ÎuŸu
fÔ„°ÔÙ ≤°bd J¡° tu≤u fhªu •∫° J¡≤ ŸJu*¡yu ?$$32,33$$ <ıŸ Ÿt∫ t°∏@°w° N°<Ì ≤°ı°N°u* fiu
ı∏t <Ô∫° S°, ∫F J¡°Ô b柰 fiFÙ* Fæ $ oŸ Ÿt∫ tu* Ÿ≠ıfi FÙ <fifÕÔ Fæ* $ oŸ Ÿt∫ ∫F ≤|Cba„Ù∫
f°ÔJ¡ (tæ*) fC»°≈u Ÿu <„<SÔ F°u y∫° Fæ NSb° ZÙ≤°tª∏B f¥»°u* J¡∑ ˚°≥<w <„<SÔ Fæ $$34$$ NSb°
∫<Ì N°≈Ju¡ ∫I tu* <bPfi J¡≤fiub°Ô° NŸC≤Zu‹™> t@C≈C` Ôbd Fæ, w°u ˚Ù tæ* N≈fiu fu¸>u J¡°u fiFÙ* ı°fiu
Ìq≥y° $$35$$ NSb° ∫<Ì ∫t Ju¡ ŸÌ¨„ ŸC∏Ì N°æ≤ ≈ŸC∏Ì Ju¡ ≈C` (t°≤Ùª N°æ≤ ŸCf°F…) N°≈Ju¡ ∫I Ju¡
<bPbaŸJ¡ Fæ*, w°u ˚Ù tæ* N≈fiu ≈C` J¡°u N°≈Ju¡ Ÿ°S fiFÙ* ˚uı¥≥y° $$36$$
wC‡F°≤u fi Ìufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù w≈°ufÔ Ÿu ZÙ≤°t J¡°u Nbÿ∫ FÙ Ôu ı°«≥¡y°, ÎuŸ° ∫<Ì <bÿb°<t` J¡Fu*, w°u
oŸ ≈≤ J¡Fwu Fæ* $
f®Êfig, ∫<Ì ZÙ≤°t J¡°u ıfÌÕ_wÙ Ôu ı°N°uyu, w°u Ÿ J¡v≈ tu* N°≈Ÿu tæ* FÙ t°≤° ı°«≥¡y°, t≤u
<ffi° tæ* N≈fiÙ <fi¿ÿªw <bı∫ fiFÙ* Ìu©w° Fq≥ $$37$$ oÃ∫°<Ì t@C≤ bªfi J¡FJ¡≤, tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S tC<fi
Ju¡ N<˚tw (≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u ˚uıfiu) Ju¡ <bT∫ tu* N°æ≤ ≤°sŸb@ Ju¡ <bT∫ tu* J®¡t„# ZÙ≤°t J¡°u ˚uıfi°
ª°<FÎ NSb° fiFÙ* N°æ≤ ≤°sŸ°u* J¡° b@ F°u ŸJu¡y° ∫° fiFÙ* oÃ∫°<Ì Ÿ∏ÌuFR¡≈ Ÿ°y≤ J¡∑ fnÙ w≤ay°u* tu*
<fitÀfi F°u sd˚≤ Ju¡ <ÔÎ ˚Ù <fiÿª∫ fiFÙ* J¡≤ ŸJu¡ $ NwÎb Ÿ Ÿt∫ fiJ¡∑ Ì„° ∏fiw w≤ay°u* Ÿu
∫C•w Ÿ°y≤ tu* ±¥>f ≤Fu ≈C”T J¡∑ ŸÙ F°u ≤FÙ SÙ $$38$$
N°™>b°≥ ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w
26 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d

fi°æb°≥ ŸyÕ
≤°ı° Ju¡ <fiTu@ J¡≤fiu ≈≤ ZÙ<bÿb°<t`ıÙ J¡° J®C¡] F°ufi° N°æ≤ ZÙb<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ J¡° ZÙ<bÿb°<t`ıÙ Ju¡
w≈°ufÔ N°æ≤ N˜-fÔ Ju¡ J¡Sfi π°≤° @Ù≤u-@Ù≤u ≤°ı° Ì„≤S J¡°u ŸtH°fi° $
b°vtÙ<J¡ fiu J¡F° # Fu ˚≤π°ı, N≈fiu <≈®∫ ≈C` ≤°tª∏BıÙ tu* N<@J¡ _fiuF F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d <ıfi
bªfi°u* J¡°u J¡Fwu Ÿt∫ Ì„≤S Ju¡ fiu` N°≥ŸCN°u* Ÿu ˚≤ y∫u Su, fiJu¡ ÎuŸu fªfi°u* J¡°u ŸCfifiu Ju¡ f°Ì J®¡°u<@w
F°uJ¡≤ <bÿb°<t` fiu ≤°ı° Ÿu <fi‡fi<fi<ÌÕ‹¸> b°•∫ J¡F° # tæ* N°≈Ju¡ N°Ìu„ J¡° Nbÿ∫ ≈°Ôfi J¡R¡≥y°'
oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ ≈FÔu ≈®<wI° J¡≤ ŸJ¡°u ~>°unfi° ª°Fwu F°u, oŸJ¡° twÔf ∫F F°uw° Fæ <J¡ N°≈ <Ÿ*F F°uJ¡≤
t°fi°u* Nf t¨y ffifiu J¡∑ oh~>° J¡≤ ≤Fu F°u $$1,2$$ ≤°|b°u* Ju¡ JC¡Ô J¡∑ ∫F t∫°ÕÌ° fiFÙ* Fæ NS°Õwg oŸ
≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ H¥™>Ù ≈®<wI° J¡≤fi° ∫° <tØ∫° f°uÔfi° ≤|Cba<„∫°u* Ju¡ <ÔÎ NfiC<ªw (<fi∏ÌfiÙ∫) Fæ $ •∫°
„Ùw°a„C ª∏Bt° J¡∑ J¡˚Ù ‹d <J¡≤du* F°uwÙ Fæ ? Fu ≤°ıfig, N≈fiÙ ≈®<wI° J¡∑ ≈¥<wÕ J¡≤fiu tu* N≈fiu J¡°u
∫<Ì NŸtSÕ ≈° ≤Fu F°u, w°u tæ* ıæŸu N°∫° S° bæŸu FÙ b°≈Ÿ ı°«≥¡y° $ N≈fiÙ ≈®<wI° Ÿu h∫Cw F°ufiub°Ôu
Fu Ì„≤S, wC‡F°≤°, N≈fiu N°ÃtÙ∫°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S, J¡v∫°d F°u $$3,4$$ b°vtÙ<J¡ fiu J¡F° # Ÿ tF°fig
w≈_bÙ <bÿb°<t` Ju¡ J®¡°u<@w F°ufiu ≈≤ Ÿ°≤Ù ≈¨ØbÙ J¡°≥≈fiu ÔyÙ $ Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ Ìubw°N°u* J¡°u ˚∫ F°ufiu Ôy° $$5$$
(≈¨<SbÙ N≈fiu tfi tu* ∫F Ÿ°uªJ¡≤ ˚∫ Ju¡ t°≤u J¡°≥≈fiu ÔyÙ <J¡ Ì„≤S tu≤u _b°tÙ Fæ*, ∏F°u*fiu N≈fiÙ
≈®<wI° J¡° ≈°Ôfi fi J¡≤ <bÿb°<t` J¡° fn° ˚°≤Ù N≈≤°@ <J¡∫° Fæ N°æ≤ N≈≤°@Ù Ì„≤S J¡°u tæ*fiu @°≤d
<J¡∫° Fæ, Nw# oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ Ju¡ Ÿ‡f∏@ J¡° <bª°≤ J¡≤, tCHu ˚Ù N≈fiÙ N≈≤°<@fiÙ ŸtH J¡≤ J¡Ì°<ªwg
„°≈ fi Ìu* $ Ìubw°N°u* J¡°u oŸ <bª°≤ Ÿu ˚∫ F…N° <J¡ <bÿb°<t` J®¡°u@ tu* N°J¡≤ N≈fiu w≈ Ju¡ ≈®˚°b Ÿu
ÌqŸ≤u ≤°tªaB J¡°u Ã≈∏fi J¡≤ ≤°bdb@ Ju¡ <ÔÎ ŸÙJ¡°u ∫<Ì ≈®u¿≤w J¡≤ Ìu*yu, w°u fn° ˚°≤Ù NfiSÕ F°uy°,
•∫°u*<J¡ fibÙfi ≤°tª∏B Ju¡ Ÿ°S Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡° J¡°uoÕ Ÿ‡f∏@ fiFÙ* Fæ, Nw# N∏w tu* bF Ft°≤u «¡≈≤ ˚Ù
N°J®¡td J¡≤ ŸJ¡w° Fæ $)
ıywg Ju¡ <t` tF°tC<fi <bÿb°<t` J¡°u J®¡°u@ Ÿu N<˚˚¥w ∫°fiu J®¡°u@≈¥dÕ Ìu©J¡≤ @æ∫Õ N°<Ì yCd°u* Ÿu
Ÿ‡≈∏fi, Wt b®w°u* J¡° NfiC‹™>°fi J¡≤fiub°Ôu fC<]t°fig tF<TÕ b<Ÿ‹™> <fi‡fi<fi<ÌÕ‹¸> b°•∫ f°uÔu $$6$$
b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ fiu J¡F° # Fu ≤°ıfig, wCt o‚b°JC¡ ba„ tu* Ÿ°s°wg ÌqŸ≤u @tÕ Ju¡ ŸÌ¨„ Ã≈∏fi F…Î F°u $ NfiuJ¡
≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ Ô‚tÙ Ÿu Ÿ‡≈∏fi F°u, wÙfi°u* Ô°uJ¡°u* tu* Ÿ≠ıfi°u* Ju¡ ı°u Wt°uWt yCd Fæ* fiŸu ≈¿≤≈¥dÕ F°u,
@Ù≤ N°æ≤ ≈®<wI°≈°Ôfi N°<Ì Nh~>u b®w°u* J¡° NfiC‹™>°fi J¡≤wu F°u, oŸ<ÔÎ wC‡Fu* @tÕ J¡° ≈¿≤Ã∫°y fiFÙ*
J¡≤fi° ª°<FÎ •∫°u*<J¡ _byÕ, t¨Ã∫C N°æ≤ ≈°w°Ô-ofi wÙfi°u* Ô°uJ¡°u tu* wCt N≈fiu @t°Õª≤d Ÿu N°æ≤ ∫„ Ÿu
<b¶∫°w F°u $$7,8$$ wC‡F°≤u JC¡Ô tu* Ã≈∏fi F…Î ≈FÔu Ju¡ ≤°ı°N°u* fiu ≈®<wI°≈°Ôfi N°<Ì @t°u˘ J¡°
<J¡wfi٠̨»w° Ju¡ Ÿ°S ≈¿≤≈°Ôfi <J¡∫° S°, Ÿu _t≤d J¡≤°u N°æ≤ wÙfi°u* Ô°uJ¡°u* tu* N˚Ù‹¸> ≈®°›w J¡≤fiu
tu* ŸtSÕ tF<TÕ <bÿb°<t` Ju¡ b°•∫ J¡° N°Ì≤≈¥bÕJ¡ ≈°Ôfi J¡≤°u $ "N°≈J¡∑ N°I° J¡° ≈°Ôfi J¡R¡≥y°' ∫°u*
≈®<wI° J¡≤Ju¡ ŸŸu N≈fi° tC≥F t°un Ô°uyu, w°u wC‡F°≤u Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ o‹¸>, ≈¥wÕ (f°bÔÙ, J¥¡≈, w°Ô°f N°<Ì)
N°<Ì @tÕ fi‹¸> F°u ı°∫u*yu, oŸ<ÔÎ tF°tC<fi <bÿb°<t` Ju¡ Ÿ°S ZÙ≤°tª∏B J¡°u ˚uı°u $$9,10$$
Ô°uJ¡ tu* ∫F ≈®<Ÿ] Fæ <J¡ ıæŸu ≤°ı° ˚Ôu-fC≤u N°ª≤d J¡≤wu Fæ*, bæŸu FÙ fiJ¡∑ ≈®ı° ˚Ù N°ª≤d
ŸyÕ - 9] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 27
J¡≤wÙ Fæ, oŸ<ÔÎ N≈fiÙ ≈®ı° J¡°u Nh~>Ù <„s° Ìufiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ wC‡Fu* N≈fiÙ ≈®<wI° J¡° vÔa|fi fiFÙ*
J¡≤fi° ª°<F∫u $ ∫°u* tF<TÕ b<Ÿ‹™> Ì„≤S J¡°u ≈Ìu„ Ìuwu Fæ* $
o‚b°JC¡ba„ tu* Ã≈∏fi F°uJ¡≤ N°æ≤ _b∫a Ì„≤S ıæŸu ≤°ı° F°uJ¡≤ ˚Ù ∫<Ì wCt N≈fiu bªfi°u* J¡°
≈°Ôfi fiFÙ* J¡≤wu F°u w°u ˚Ô° fwÔ°N°u <J¡ oŸ ŸaŸ°≤ tu* ÌqŸ≤° J¡°æfi ≈®<wI° J¡° ≈°Ôfi J¡≤uy° ? $$11$$
wC‡F°≤u ıæŸu <b<„‹¸> ∆∫<•w∫°u* π°≤° ªÔ°∫u y∫u ∆∫bF°≤ Ÿu (<fi∫t Ÿu) Ÿ°@°≤d NI°fiÙ ˚Ù t∫°ÕÌ° J¡°
vÔa|fi fiFÙ* J¡≤wu, Nw# N≈fiÙ ≈®<wI° J¡° ≈°Ôfi fi J¡≤fi° wC‡F°≤u <ÔÎ NÃ∫∏w NfiC<ªw Fæ $$12$$
o∏B Ju¡ Ÿ°S tu* ≤•©° F…N° Nt¨w N<Àfi π°≤° ª°≤°u* N°u≤ ≤<sw F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d ıæŸu ŸJ¡∑ ≤°sŸ Ô°uy
JC¡~> ˚Ù F°<fi fiFÙ* J¡≤ ŸJ¡wu, bæŸu FÙ ≈C”T°u* tu* <Ÿ*F Ju¡ Ÿt°fi NS°Õwg ≈C”T°u* tu* Zu‹™> ZÙ<bÿb°<t` π°≤°
≤<sw F°ufiu ≈≤, <k¡≤ ª°Fu N˜<bΩ° tu* <fi≈Cd F°u*, ª°Fu fi F°u, ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u ≤°sŸ Ô°uy JC¡~> ˚Ù
F°<fi fiFÙ* ≈F…≥ª° ŸJu*¡yu $$13$$
≤°ı° Ju¡ ≈®<w _b∫a J¡<Sw NSÕ J¡∑ ≈C<‹¸> J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ <bÿb°<t` Ju¡ Ô°uJ¡°uW≤ ≈®˚°b J¡° tF<TÕ
b<Ÿ‹™> bdÕfi J¡≤wu Fæ* $
∫u <bÿb°<t` tC<fi t¥<wÕt°fig Ÿ°s°wg @tÕ, fnu fnu „<•w„°<Ô∫°u* tu* ŸfŸu N<@J¡ „<•w„°ÔÙ,
ŸaŸ°≤ tu* ŸfŸu N<@J¡ fC<]t°fig N°æ≤ w≈ Ju¡ Ÿb°uÕhª y¨F Fæ* $$14$$ ª≤°ª≤ wÙfi°u* Ô°uJ¡°u* tu* ∫F ≈®<Ÿ<]
Fæ <J¡ <b<b@ N˜<bΩ° tu* ∫u owfiu <fi≈Cd Fæ* <J¡ oŸ Ÿt∫ ofiJ¡∑ f≤°f≤Ù J¡≤fiub°Ô° ÌqŸ≤° J¡°uoÕ fiFÙ* Fæ
N°æ≤ fi ˚<b‹∫ tu* ˚Ù J¡°uoÕ F°uy° $ tF<TÕ <bÿb°<t` J¡∑ Ÿt°fiw° fi Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ Ìubw° J¡≤ ŸJ¡wu Fæ*, fi N∏∫
M¡<T J¡≤ ŸJ¡wu Fæ* N°æ≤ fi NŸC≤, ≤°sŸ, fi°y, ∫s N°æ≤ y∏@bÕ FÙ J¡≤ ŸJ¡wu Fæ* $$15,16$$ <bÿb°<t`
ıf ≤°≠∫ J¡≤wu Su, wf fiJ¡∑ y® w≈ÿª∫°Õ Ÿu Ÿ∏wC‹¸> F°uJ¡≤ ”B fiu J¨¡„°ÿb π°≤° ≈®Ÿ¥w N˜ ∏Fu*
<Ì∫u $ ≈®ı°≈<w Ju¡ ≈C` ”B Ju¡ Ÿt°fi ŸaF°≤ J¡≤fiu tu* bÙ≤, ÌÙ<›wt°fig N°æ≤ „`CN°u* J¡° <fiÌÕÔfi J¡≤fiu tu*
ŸtSÕ bu J¨¡„°ÿb π°≤° ≈®Ÿ¥w N˜ (N˜R¡≈Ù Ìub) <bÿb°<t` J¡°u ≈®°›w F°uJ¡≤ NfiCª≤ Ju¡ Ÿt°fi fiJ¡∑
Ÿub° J¡≤wu Fæ* $$17,18$$
fitu* ≈®@°fi N˜°u* J¡°u J¡Fwu Fæ* $
Ìs ≈®ı°≈<w J¡∑ ı∫° N°æ≤ ŸC≈®˚° fi°tJ¡∑ Ì°u NÃ∫∏w ŸC∏Ì≤ J¡∏∫°Î≥ SÙ* $ fiJu¡ y˚Õ Ÿu fnu
≈≤°J®¡tÙ N°æ≤ „`CN°u* π°≤° Ì…ıÕ∫ Ÿ°æ ≈C` Ã≈∏fi F…Î $ fitu* ı∫° fiu ≈<wŸub° Ÿu b≤ ≈°J¡≤ ÌubŸufi°
NŸC≤°u* J¡° b@ J¡≤fiu tu* ŸtSÕ F°u, oŸ<ÔÎ ∫Su‹¸> <bF°≤ J¡≤fiub°Ôu ≈ª°Ÿ ≈C` N≈fiu y˚Õ Ÿu Ã≈∏fi
<J¡∫u N°æ≤ ŸC≈®˚° fiu „`CN°u* J¡° <ÌÔ ÌFÔ°fiub°Ôu Ì…|ÕTÕ N°æ≤ ˚∫aJ¡≤ N°J¡°≤b°Ôu NÃ∫∏w fÔÙ Ÿa|TÕfi°t
Ju¡ N∏∫ ≈ª°Ÿ ≈C` Ã≈∏fi <J¡∫u $ ≤°ıfig, oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ Ju¡ ≈≤°J®¡tb°Ôu tF°wuı_bÙ N°æ≤ Ÿ°≤u ıywg J¡°u
N≈fiu ∫°uy Ju¡ ≈®˚°b Ÿu F_w°tÔJ¡bwg Ìu©fiub°Ôu ∫u tF°fiC˚°b tF<TÕ <bÿb°<t` Fæ*, Nw# ≤°tª∏BıÙ
Ju¡ ofiJu¡ Ÿ°S ı°fiu tu* wC‡Fu* tfi tu* <J¡ŸÙ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ ∆∫°JC¡Ôw° fiFÙ* J¡≤fiÙ ª°<FÎ $ •∫°u*<J¡ Fu Ÿ°@°u,
tF°≈®˚°b„°ÔÙ ∫u tCfiÙ∏B <ıŸ ≈C”T J¡∑ Ÿ<∏fi<@ tu* F°u ŸJ¡∑ ∫<Ì t¨Ã∫C ˚Ù ≈®°›w F°u, w°u ˚Ù bF
Nt≤˚°b J¡°u ≈®°›w F°u ı°w° Fæ, oŸ<ÔÎ wCt t¥©Õ tfiC‹∫ J¡∑ fi°o˘ ÌÙfi tw ffi°u $$19-23$$
fi°æb°≥ ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w
28 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d

ÌŸb°≥ ŸyÕ
ZÙb<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ Ju¡ ŸtH°fiu ≈≤ ≤°ı° Ì„≤S π°≤° ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u N∏w#≈C≤ Ÿu fCÔb°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ
≈®<wF°≤ J¡°u ˚uıfi°, ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u Ì°Ÿ Ìu©J¡≤ ≈®<wF°≤ J¡° b°≈Ÿ N°fi°, ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑
Nb_S° ≈¥~>fiu ≈≤ NfiCª≤ J¡° ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ <b≤°y°b_S° J¡Ffi° $
b°vtÙ<J¡ıÙ fiu J¡F° # Fu ˚≤π°ı, tF<TÕ b<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ Ju¡ ∫°u* J¡Ffiu ≈≤ ≤°ı° Ì„≤S fiu ≈®Ÿ∏fitfi
F°uJ¡≤ N≈fiu ≈C` ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u Ô‚td Ju¡ Ÿ°S fCÔ°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ≈®wÙF°≤ Ÿu J¡F° $$1$$ Ì„≤S fiu
J¡F° # Fu ≈®wÙF°≤, Nt°u| (Ÿk¡Ô) ≈≤°J®¡tb°Ôu N°ı°fiCf°F… ZÙ≤°tª∏B J¡°u tF<TÕ <bÿb°<t` Ju¡ ∫I
J¡∑ <fi<bÕPfi <Ÿ<] Ju¡ <ÔÎ Ô‚td Ju¡ Ÿ°S ∫F°≥ „Ù|® Ôu N°N°u $$2$$ oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ ≤°ı° Ì„≤S π°≤°
˚uı° y∫° π°≤≈°Ô N∏w#≈C≤ tu* ¿_Sw ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ <fib°Ÿ_S°fi tu* ı°J¡≤ N°æ≤ tCFqwÕt°` tu* b°≈Ÿ
N°J¡≤ ≤°ı° Ÿu J¡Ffiu Ôy° # N≈fiÙ ˚Cı°N°u* Ÿu „`CŸt¥F J¡° tÌÕfi J¡≤fiub°Ôu Fu Ìub, ≤°<` F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚®t≤
ıæŸu J¡tÔ tu* Ì°Ÿ F°uJ¡≤ fæ™>° ≤Fw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ N≈fiu <fib°Ÿ_S°fi tu* NÃ∫∏w Ì°Ÿ
F°uJ¡≤ fæ™>u F…Î Fæ* $ S°unÙ Ìu≤ tu* N°w° Fq≥, ÎuŸ° J¡FJ¡≤ <k¡≤ <J¡ŸÙ b_wC J¡° º∫°fi J¡≤fiu Ôy ı°wu Fæ*,
fiJ¡°u owfiÙ ÀÔ°<fi F°u yoÕ Fæ <J¡ bu <J¡ŸÙ Ju¡ <fiJ¡¸> ™>F≤fi° ˚Ù fiFÙ* ª°Fwu $$3-5$$ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡
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©°Ÿ NfiCª≤ Ÿu N°ÿb°Ÿfi ≈¥bÕJ¡ J®¡t„# Ÿf b¨W°∏w ≈¥~>fiu Ôyu # ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Jæ¡Ÿu Fæ* N°æ≤ •∫° J¡≤
≤Fu Fæ* ? ∫°u* ≈¥~>u ı°fiu ≈≤ Ÿ ŸubJ¡ fiu NÃ∫∏w Ì°Ÿ F°uJ¡≤ ≤°ı° Ÿu ∫u b°•∫ J¡Fu # tF°≤°ı, N°≈Ju¡
≈C` ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u NÃ∫∏w J¨¡„ N°æ≤ <©∏fi Ìu©J¡≤ fiJu¡ <bT∫ tu* Ft Ô°uy ˚Ù owfiu Ì…#©Ù F°u y∫u
Fæ* <J¡ Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡° „≤Ù≤ ÔJ¡nÙ Ju¡ Ÿt°fi F°u y∫° Fæ $ NS°Õwg Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡° „≤Ù≤ Ju¡bÔ N¿_S≈aı≤
t°` ≤F y∫° Fæ $$6-8$$ J¡tÔ≈` Ju¡ Ÿt°fi fiu`b°Ôu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ f®°Êd°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ıfŸu wÙSÕ∫°`°
J¡≤ |≤ b°≈Ÿ Ô°æ¸>u Fæ*, wf Ÿu bu NÃ∫∏w <©∏fi ≤Fwu Fæ* $ N°‡Ô°fi (JC¡‡FÔ°∫u) „≤Ù≤b°Ôu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ
Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡∑ f°≤f°≤ ≈®°SÕfi° Ÿu N≈fiu Ÿ∏º∫°b∏Ìfi ˚°uıfi N°<Ì J¡°∫Õ J¡˚Ù J¡≤wu Fæ* N°æ≤ J¡˚Ù fiFÙ* ˚Ù
J¡≤wu Fæ* $ _fi°fi, Ìub≈¥ıfi, Ì°fi, ˚°uıfi N°<Ì tu* ŸÌ° Ì°Ÿ ≤Fwu Fæ* N°æ≤ ≈®°SÕfi° J¡≤fiu ≈≤ ˚Ù w¨<›w≈∫Õ∏w
˚°uıfi fiFÙ* J¡≤wu $$9-11$$
ıæŸu tu| J¡∑ @°≤°N°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ª°wJ¡ ©uÔJ¥¡Ì (J®¡∑n°) J¡≤w° Fæ, bæŸu N°≥yfi tu* H¥Ô° HCÔ°fiub°ÔÙ
N∏w#≈C≤ J¡∑ ª≈Ô Nayfi°N°u* Ju¡ Ÿ°S ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡˚Ù J®¡∑n° ˚Ù fiFÙ* J¡≤wu $ ıæŸu S°unu Ÿt∫ tu*
_byÕ Ÿu <y≤fiub°Ôu ≈C”T J¡°u _byÙÕ∫ ˚°uy-Ÿ°ty®Ù N°fi∏Ì fiFÙ* ÌuwÙ, bæŸu FÙ tCJC¡Ô Ju¡ ŸÌ¨„ N°J¡°≤b°Ôu
t°<dJ¡°u* Ÿu ı<nw ŸC∏Ì≤ Ju¡∫¥≤ N°æ≤ J¡¸>J¡ ˚Ù ∏Fu* N°fi∏Ì fiFÙ* Ìuwu $ J®¡∑±>° J¡≤fiub°ÔÙ ŸC∏Ì≤ ≤t<d∫°u*
Ju¡ J¡¸>°sR¡≈Ù f°d°u* Ju¡ Ÿt°fi fFfiub°Ôu ŸCy∏@ ≈¥dÕ ≈C‹≈ J¡∑ b°∫C Ÿu ∫C•w Ôw°N°u* Ju¡ <fiJC¡aı°u* tu* ˚Ù
ŸÌ° Ì°ŸÙfi <bT^d ≤Fwu Fæ* $ ı°u ≈Ì°SÕ ≈˚°uy tu* Ô°uJ¡ N°æ≤ „°˜ Ÿu N<b”], tfi°uF≤, _b°<Ì‹¸>
N°æ≤ J¡°utÔ Fæ*, fiŸu ˚Ù NZC≈¥dÕfiu` Ju¡ Ÿt°fi <©∏fi F°u ı°wu Fæ* $$12-15$$ F°b-˚°b, Ô°b^∫,
<bÔ°Ÿ N°<Ì Ÿu „°u<˚w fi¨Ã∫ J¡≤fiub°ÔÙ N∏w#≈C≤ J¡∑ Nayfi°N°u* J¡°u Ìu©J¡≤ "Ì…#©Ì°<∫fiÙ ∫u Ÿf •∫°
J¡≤ ≤FÙ Fæ*' oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ fiJu¡ fi¨Ã∫ N°<Ì <bÔ°Ÿ°u* J¡∑ N°u≤ J¡¸>°s J¡≤Ju¡ ZÙ≤°tıÙ fi J¡°<t<fi∫°u* J¡∑
ŸyÕ - 10] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 29
<fi∏Ì° J¡≤wu Fæ* $ ˚°uıfi, „∫fi, ∫°fi (Ÿb°≤Ù), <bÔ°Ÿ, _fi°fi, N°Ÿfi N°<Ì Ju¡ <fiÌ°uÕT F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù
∏tW J¡∑ w≤F fiJ¡∑ NbFuÔfi° J¡≤wu Fæ* $ "Ÿ‡≈<W Ÿu, <b≈<W Ÿu, |≤ Ÿu N°æ≤ N∏∫°∏∫ ∆∫°≈°≤°u* Ÿu
•∫° F°ufiub°Ô° Fæ, •∫°u*<J¡ ∫u Ÿf NŸwg Fæ*, N<@J¡ <Ìfi wJ¡ ≤Ffiub°Ôu fiFÙ* Fæ*, fiÿb≤ Fæ* $' - ÎuŸ° J¡F
J¡≤ <k¡≤ ªC≈ F°u ı°wu Fæ* N°æ≤ ÎJ¡°J¡∑ ≤Fwu Fæ* $ ≈¿≤F°Ÿ Ÿu ≈®Ÿ∏fi fiFÙ* F°uwu, ˚°uy°u* tu* N°Ÿ•w fiFÙ*
F°uwu, J¡°∫°uÕ tu* ŸF∫°uy fiFÙ* J¡≤wu N°æ≤ <J¡ŸÙ ≈®J¡°≤ Ju¡ J¡°∫°Õ≤‡˚ tu* N°_S° fiFÙ* ≤©wu, <J¡∏wC t°æfi FÙ
≤Fwu Fæ* $ ıæŸu ª≈Ô fiu`b°ÔÙ F¿≤<d∫°≥ b¨s J¡°u N°fi∏Ì fiFÙ* ÌuwÙ, bæŸu FÙ <ıfiJu¡ Ju¡„°u* tu* ≈C‹≈ N°æ≤
≤Ãfi°u* J¡∑ taı¿≤∫°≥ ÔyÙ Fæ*, Z¨ay°≤ J¡∑ F°b-˚°b N°<Ì ªu‹¸>°N°u* N°æ≤ J¡¸>°s Ÿu <ıfiJu¡ fiu` <w≤~>u Fæ*,
ÎuŸÙ ÔÔfi°Î≥ ∏Fu* N°fi∏Ì fiFÙ* ÌuwÙ $$16-20$$ <J¡ŸÙ hªba„Ù ≈C”T J¡°u, fiÙª ı°<w Ju¡ ≈C”T°u* tu*
J®¡∑wÌ°Ÿ F°ufiu ≈≤ ıæŸu ÎJ¡°∏w <fiıÕfi ≈®Ìu„ N°æ≤ N≤^∫ N°<Ì tu* ≤Ffi° Nh~>° Ôyw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u ÎJ¡°∏w tu*, fiÌÙ Ju¡ wÙ≤ tu*, <Ìy∏w tu* N°æ≤ <fiıÕfi N≤^∫ ≈®Ìu„ tu* ≤Ffi° Nh~>°
Ôyw° Fæ $$21$$ ≤°ıfig, b˜, ≈°fi, ˚°uıfi, Ì°fi N°<Ì Ÿu <btC© F°uJ¡≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ÿa∏∫°Ÿ @tÕ Ÿu
ÌÙ<sw Ÿa∏∫°ŸÙ J¡° NfiCJ¡≤d J¡≤ ≤Fu Fæ* NS°Õwg Ÿa∏∫°ŸÙ <ıŸ w≤F <J¡ŸÙ b_wC J¡° ≈¿≤y®F N°<Ì fiFÙ*
J¡≤w°, bæŸu FÙ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ˚Ù <J¡ŸÙ b_wC J¡° ≈¿≤y®F N°<Ì fiFÙ* J¡≤wu Fæ* <b≤•w Ÿu ≤F° J¡≤wu
Fæ* $$22$$ tF°≤°ı, ≤°tª∏BıÙ ıfi„¥∏∫ Ìu„ tu* ÎJ¡°J¡∑ F°uJ¡≤ ≤Fwu Fæ* N°æ≤ bF°≥ tfi Ôy°J¡≤ fi F≥Ÿwu
Fæ*, fi ≤°uwu Fæ* N°æ≤ fi y°wu Fæ*, <J¡∏wC ≈µ°Ÿfi Ôy°J¡≤ N°æ≤ N≈fiu f°a∫u F°S tu* J¡≈°uÔ ≤©J¡≤ <J¡ŸÙ «≥¡ªÙ
b_wC J¡° º∫°fi Ôy°∫u fæ™>u ≤Fwu Fæ* $ o‹¸> N°æ≤ N<fi‹¸> ≈Ì°S°u˘ Ju¡ <tÔfiu ≈≤ fi FTÕ N°æ≤ <bT°Ì J¡≤wu Fæ*,
fi N<˚t°fi J¡≤wu Fæ* N°æ≤ fi ≤°≠∫ J¡∑ oh~>° FÙ J¡≤wu Fæ* $$23-25$$ Ft Ô°uy ∫F fiFÙ* ı°fiwu <J¡ bu
J¡F°≥ ı°wu Fæ*, •∫° J¡≤wu Fæ*, •∫° ª°Fwu Fæ*, <J¡ŸJ¡° NfiCŸ≤d J¡≤wu Fæ* $ ıæŸu „≤wg M¡wC J¡∑ Ÿt°<›w tu*
b¨s J¡∑ Nb_S° F°uwÙ Fæ, bæŸu FÙ ZÙ≤°tª∏B ≈®<w<Ìfi Ì…fÔu-≈wÔu N°æ≤ ≈ÙÔu F°uwu ªÔu ı° ≤Fu Fæ* N°æ≤
W≤°uW≤ fiJ¡° bæ≤°À∫ f»w° FÙ ªÔ° ı° ≤F° Fæ $$26,27$$
≤°ıfig, ŸbÕÌ° ZÙ≤°tª∏B J¡° NfiCŸ≤d J¡≤fiub°Ôu „`CPfi N°æ≤ Ô‚td ˚Ù ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡
Ÿt°fi Ì…fÕÔ F°u ≤Fu Fæ*, NS°Õwg ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ ™>ÙJ¡ ≈®<w<f‡f Ju¡ Ÿt°fi F°u ≤Fu Fæ* $$28$$ fi°æJ¡≤°u* Ju¡,
≤°ı°N°u* Ju¡ N°æ≤ t°w°N°u* Ju¡ f°≤ f°≤ ≈¥~>fiu ≈≤ ˚Ù "JC¡~> fiFÙ*' ÎuŸ° ≈®Ã∫CW≤ ÌuJ¡≤ N°æ≤ N≈fiu
N<˚≈®°∫ J¡∑ Ÿ¥ªJ¡ ªu‹¸>°N°u* J¡°u fi J¡≤ ªC≈ F°u ı°wu Fæ* $ $$29$$ N≈fiu ŸtÙ≈ Ju¡ <bbuJ¡∑ <t`°u* J¡°u
∫F ≈Ìu„ Ìuwu Fæ* <J¡ ofi «¡≈≤-«¡≈≤ Ÿu ŸC∏Ì≤ ÌÙ©fiub°Ôu s<dJ¡ŸC©ıfiJ¡ <bT∫°u* Ÿu wCt N≈fi°
tfi F¸>° Ô°u NS°Õwg s<dJ¡ NŸwg <bT∫°u* tu* N≈fi° tfi J¡˚Ù tw Ôy°N°u $$30$$ NfiuJ¡ ≈®J¡°≤ Ju¡
N°˚¥Td°u* Ÿu ŸC∏Ì≤, <bÔ°Ÿ_S°fi tu* Nb¿_Sw ≤t<d∫°u* J¡°u N≈fiu Ÿ°tfiu ©nÙ Ìu©J¡≤ fiJu¡ ≈®<w
_fiuF≤<Fw ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ <bfi°„ J¡∑ FÙ @°≤d° J¡≤wu Fæ* $ Ft Ô°uy°u* fiu N≈fiÙ N°∫C ≈≤t ≈Ì J¡∑
≈®°<›w Ju¡ <ffi° ∫°u* FÙ <fi≤SÕJ¡ NfiuJ¡ w≤F J¡∑ ªu‹¸>°N°u* Ju¡ π°≤° ∆∫wÙw J¡≤ ÌÙ, oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ t@C≤
N°æ≤ _≈‹¸> b°dÙ Ÿu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ f°≤ f°≤ y°fi J¡≤wu Fæ* $ ∫<Ì J¡°uoÕ ŸtÙ≈_S NfiCª≤ ∏Fu* ∫F
J¡Fu <J¡ N°≈ Ÿt®°¸> F°u, w°u ŸJu¡ J¡Sfi J¡°u ∏tW≈®Ô°≈ J¡∑ fi°o˘ ŸtHJ¡≤ ÌqŸ≤Ù N°u≤ <ªW J¡≤Ju¡
F≥Ÿwu Fæ* $ <J¡ŸÙ Ju¡ b°•∫ J¡°u fi ŸCfiwu Fæ* N°æ≤ fi Ÿ°tfiu J¡∑ b_wC J¡°u Ìu©wu Fæ* $ yCd°<Ì Ÿu ∫C•w
<b_t∫°uÃ≈°ÌJ¡ Wt b_wC Ju¡ ≈®°›w F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù ŸJ¡∑ NbI° J¡≤wu Fæ* $$31-34$$
30 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
∫<Ì „aJ¡° F°u <J¡ yCd°<Ì Ju¡ ÃJ¡TÕ Ÿu <b_t∫∫°uÀ∫ b_wC tu* <b_t∫ J¡≤fi° FÙ <ªw Fæ, Nw#
ŸJ¡∑ NbI° J¡≤fi° ™>ÙJ¡ fiFÙ* Fæ, w°u oŸ ≈≤ J¡Fwu Fæ* $
N°J¡°„R¡≈ tF°≤^∫ tu* ıæŸu N°J¡°„J¡t<ÔfiÙ NŸ‡˚b N°æ≤ <b_t∫°uÃ≈°ÌJ¡ Fæ, bæŸu FÙ ∫F
tfi ˚Ù Fæ, oŸ<ÔÎ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u <b_t∫ fiFÙ* F°uw° Fæ $ (w°Ã≈∫Õ ∫F Fæ <J¡ <ıŸ tfi tu* f°fl
<bT∫ π°≤° <b_t∫ F°uw° Fæ, bF tfi FÙ N°J¡°„R¡≈ tF°≤^∫ tu* ∫° N°J¡°„¿_Sw N≤^∫ tu*
J¡t<ÔfiÙJ¡∑ w≤F _b∫a NŸ‡˚b N°æ≤ <b_t∫ıfiJ¡ Fæ $ ıæŸu <bbuJ¡∑ ≈C”T Ju¡ tfi tu* N°J¡°„J¡t<ÔfiÙ
Ÿu <b_t∫ fiFÙ* F°uw°, •∫°u*<J¡ bF ı°fiw° Fæ <J¡ N°J¡°„ tu* ≈FÔu N≤^∫ J¡° F°ufi° FÙ NŸ‡˚b Fæ
<k¡≤ Ÿtu* J¡t<ÔfiÙ F°uyÙ Jæ¡Ÿu ? bæŸu FÙ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ∫F ı°fiwu Fæ* <J¡ J¥¡¸>_S NŸay N°Ãt° tu*
tfi J¡° ŸaŸyÕ FÙ NŸa‡˚b Fæ N°æ≤ Ÿtu* <b_t∫°<ÌJ¡° F°ufi° ˚Ù NŸ‡˚b Fæ, Nw# fiJ¡°u <J¡ŸÙ
f°fl ≈Ì°SÕ Ÿu <b_t∫ fiFÙ* F°uw° $$35$$
ÿÔ°uJ¡_S Ì°u N<≈ „ÆÌ N°J¡°„N≤^∫ N°æ≤ N°J¡°„J¡t<ÔfiÙ J¡∑ NŸa˚°bfi° Ÿ¥<ªw J¡≤fiu Ju¡
<ÔÎ Fæ* $
ıæŸu tu| J¡∑ @°≤°Î≥ fnu ˚°≤Ù ≈ÃS≤ J¡° ˚uÌfi fiFÙ* J¡≤ ŸJ¡wÙ, bæŸu FÙ J¡°tÌub NfiuJ¡ ŸC∏Ì≤
<˜∫°u* Ju¡ fÙª tu* ≤Ffiu ≈≤ ˚Ù ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ tfi J¡° N≈fiu f°d°u* Ÿu ˚uÌfi fiFÙ* J¡≤ ŸJ¡w° $$36$$
"N°≈<W∫°u* Ju¡ ≈®@°fi <fib°Ÿ_S°fiR¡≈ @fi J¡°u •∫°u* ª°Fw° Fæ ?' - ÎuŸÙ <„s° ÌuJ¡≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ
N≈fi° Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ @fi ∫°ªJ¡°u* J¡°u Ìu Ìuwu Fæ* $ N°æ≤ ∫F N°≈<W Fæ, ∫F Ÿ‡≈<W Fæ, ∫F Ÿf Ju¡bÔ J¡v≈fi°N°u*
Ÿu ˚≤° F…N°, tfi Ÿu ™>° F…N° ˚®t Fæ, ÎuŸu ÿÔ°uJ¡°u* J¡°u ©¥f y°wu Fæ* $ "F° tæ* t≤ y∫° N°æ≤ tæ* Nfi°S F°u
y∫°, oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ Ô°uJ¡ J®¡∏Ìfi w°u J¡≤wu Fæ*, ≈≤ bæ≤°À∫ J¡°u ≈®°›w fiFÙ* F°uwu, ∫F fn° N°ÿª∫Õ Fæ $' - ÎuŸ°
FÙ J¡Fwu Fæ* $$37-39$$ ≤|Cba„R¡≈ tF°N≤^∫ tu* „°Ô b¨s Ju¡ Ÿt°fi, „`CN°u* J¡° tÌÕfi J¡≤fiu tu* ŸtSÕ
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡∑ ÎuŸÙ Nb_S° Ìu©J¡≤ Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡°u NÃ∫∏w ©uÌ F°u ≤F° Fæ $$40$$ Fu tF°f°F°u, oŸ
≈®J¡°≤ „°uJ¡ Ÿu ≈¿≤≈¥dÕ N∏w#J¡≤db°Ôu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ <bT∫ tu* Ftu* •∫° J¡≤fi° ª°<FÎ, <ıŸŸu <J¡
fiJ¡° „°uJ¡ <fib¨W F°u, ∫F Ft fiFÙ* ı°fiwu, Nw# Fu J¡tÔfi∫fi, Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡°u ≈°∫ fwÔ°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ
N°≈ FÙ Ft°≤u <ÌÀÌ„ÕJ¡ F°u* $$41$$
∫<Ì ∫F°≥ ≈≤ ∫F „aJ¡° F°u <J¡ ≤°ıfiÙ<w N°<Ì ∆∫bF°≤°u* J¡°u ı°fifiub°Ôu fnu-fnu <bπ°fi°u* π°≤°
≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u ≈Ìu„ <ÌÔ°N°u, <ıŸŸu fiJ¡° Ÿ°≤° t°uF fi‹¸> F°u ı°∫, w°u oŸ „aJ¡° J¡° NfiCª≤
Ÿt°@°fi J¡≤w° Fæ $
≈®˚°u, ≤°ıfiÙ<w N°<Ì ∆∫bF°≤°u* Ju¡ ≈Ìu„J¡ ≤°ı° N°æ≤ Nh~>u f®°Êd ≈¿^±>w°u* J¡°u N≈fiu N°yu Ìu©J¡≤
≤°tª∏BıÙ N∆∫y® F°uJ¡≤ fiJ¡∑ F≥ŸÙ n°wu Fæ* NS°Õwg fiJ¡° <J¡ŸÙ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡° Ÿ‡t°fi fi J¡≤ <w≤_J¡°≤
J¡≤wu Fæ* $ f°fl ̨<‹¸>∫°u* Ÿu NfiuJ¡ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡° ÌÙ©fiub°Ô° ∫F <b_w¨w ıywg <bfi°„Ù FÙ Fæ $ ∫F NFt°J¡°≤
b¨<W Ÿu y‡∫ ≈≤t°SÕ (≈≤t°ÃtR¡≈) b_wC fiFÙ* Fæ, <J¡∏wC ŸŸu <˚∏fi NŸwg b_wC Fæ, ÎuŸ° <fidÕ∫ J¡≤Ju¡
ŸJu¡ <ıI°ŸC F°uJ¡≤ ªC≈ª°≈ Nb¿_Sw ≤Fwu Fæ* $$42,43$$ tF°≤°ı, f°fl ıywg tu* NS°Õwg „`C,
N°ÃtÙ∫, <t`, ≤°≠∫ N°æ≤ t°w° N°<Ì tu* Ÿ‡≈<W ∫° <b≈<W tu* ≤°tª∏B <J¡ŸÙ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ N°_S° (<bÿb°Ÿ)
fiFÙ* J¡≤wu $ N°_S° Ÿu, N°„° Ÿu, oh~>° Ÿu N°æ≤ N°Ãt<bZ°¿∏w J¡∑ ≈®°<›w Ÿu „¥∏∫ ∫u ≤°tª∏BıÙ fi t¥»
ŸyÕ - 11] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 31
Fæ* N°æ≤ fi tC•w FÙ Fæ*, ∏Fu* ÎuŸ° Ìu©J¡≤ Ft Ô°uy fnu Ì…#©Ù ∫° NÃ∫∏w ≈¿≤w›w F°uwu Fæ* $$44-46$$
(N°„° ≈≤°@Ùfi <bT∫°u* tu* F°uwÙ Fæ N°æ≤ _b°@Ùfi <bT∫°u* tu* N°_S° F°uwÙ Fæ, ∫°u* N°_S° N°æ≤ N°„°
J¡° ˚uÌ ŸtHfi° ª°<FÎ $ ≤°tª∏BıÙ tu* <bbuJ¡ Fæ, Nw# bu t¥i> fiFÙ* J¡Fu ı° ŸJ¡wu N°æ≤ N°Ãt<bZ°¿∏w
fitu* fiFÙ* Fæ, Nw# tC•w fiFÙ* J¡Fu ı° ŸJ¡wu, oŸ<ÔÎ bu fi t¥i> Fæ* N°æ≤ fi tC•w Fæ*, ÎuŸ° oŸ ÿÔ°uJ¡ Ÿu
J¡F° y∫° Fæ $ @tÕ Ÿu •∫° F°uy° ? t°w°N°u* Ÿu •∫° F°uy°, oŸ <b_w¨w ≤°≠∫ Ÿu J¡°æfi ≈®∫°uıfi <Ÿ]
F°uy°, <J¡ŸÙ H¥™>Ù b_wC J¡∑ oh~>° Ÿu •∫° ? oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡° <fiÿª∫ J¡≤Ju¡ ≈®°d Ã∫°y J¡≤fiu J¡∑ oh~>° J¡≤
≤Fu Fæ* NS°Õwg ≤°y N°<Ì Ì°uT FÙ ı∏t N°æ≤ t≤dR¡≈ Ì…#© Ju¡ J¡°≤d Fæ*, Nw# t≤fiu Ÿu FÙ tu≤Ù tC<•w
F°uyÙ, ∫°u* <fiÿª∫ J¡≤Ju¡ ≈®°d-Ã∫°y J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ ßCJ¡ F°u ≤Fu Fæ*, ∫F ˚°b Fæ $)
ıæŸu b¨<‹¸> J¡° ≈®<wf∏@ F°ufiu ≈≤ ª°wJ¡ ≈sÙ NÃ∫∏w <πÀfi F°u ı°w° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ
˚°uy, N°∫C‹∫, ≤°≠∫, <t`, <≈w° N°æ≤ t°w° Ju¡ <bT∫ tu* NÃ∫∏w <πÀfi F°u y∫u Fæ* $$47$$ tF°≤°ı, ∫°u*
N°≈Ju¡ ≈C` ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ «¡≈≤ NfiuJ¡ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡∑ <ª∏w°, J¨¡„w° N°<Ì <b<b@ „°©°-≈®„°©° Ju¡
R¡≈ Ÿu <b_w°≤≈¥bÕJ¡ N°oÕ F…oÕ <b≈<WR¡≈ Ôw°J¡° Ÿt¥Ô h~>uÌ J¡≤fiu tu* ≈≤t Ì∫°ÔC N°≈ FÙ Ω°uy
J¡≤u* $$48$$ Fu ≈®˚°u, Ÿ ≈®J¡°≤ Ju¡ _b˚°bb°Ôu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u Ÿty® bæ˚b°u* Ÿu ≈¿≤≈¥dÕ ∫F ŸaŸ°≤R¡≈Ù
ı°Ô J¨¡<`t N°æ≤ ≈®<wJ¥¡Ô <bT Ju¡ Ÿt°fi ≈®wÙw F°u ≤F° Fæ ÎuŸu tF°t°uF Ÿu t°u<Fw ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u
ŸaŸ°≤-∆∫bF°≤ tu* ≈®b¨W J¡≤°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ oŸ ˚¥t^±>Ô tu* J¡°uoÕ ˚Ù tF°„<•w„°ÔÙ fiFÙ* Fæ $$49,50$$
ıæŸu ˚°_J¡≤ (Ÿ¥∫Õ) N≈fiu ˚°_J¡≤≈fiJ¡°u oŸ ≈¨ØbÙ ≈≤ <y≤fiub°Ôu N∏@J¡°≤J¡° fi°„J¡≤ Ÿk¡Ô ffi°w°
Fæ, bæŸu oŸ ˚¥©^±> tu* ÎuŸ° J¡°uoÕ ˚Ù tF°tfi° ŸtSÕ Ÿ°@C ≈C”T fiFÙ* Fæ, ı°u <J¡ ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ tfi tu*
≤Ffiub°Ôu NfiuJ¡<b@ Ì…#©Ì°∫Ù t°uFR¡≈ N∏@J¡°≤J¡° <bfi°„ J¡≤ N≈fiu Ÿ°@C≈fiJ¡°u Ÿk¡Ô ffi°bu $$51$$
ÌŸb°≥ ŸyÕ Ÿt°›w

À∫°≤Fb°≥ ŸyÕ
NfiCª≤ Ju¡ tC≥F Ÿu ZÙ≤°tıÙ J¡∑ Nb_S° ŸCfifiu ≈≤ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ J¡° fiŸu Ì°Ÿ F°ufiu J¡° J¡°≤d ≈¥~>fi°$
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡° b¨W°∏w ŸCfiJ¡≤ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ fiu J¡F° # Fu tF°≈®°I Ô°uy°u*, ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ∫<Ì
ŸªtCª FÙ ÎuŸÙ Nb_S° J¡°u ≈®°›w F…Î Fæ* NS°Õwg <b≤•w, Ì…#©Ù N°æ≤ t°u<Fw F…Î Fæ*, w°u ıæŸu t¨y°u* J¡°
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<bbuJ¡ Ÿu ∫C•w ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡° ∫F t°uF <J¡∏FÙ N°≈<W∫°u* Ÿu NSb° ≤°yb„ fiFÙ* Fæ, <J¡∏wC ∫F
tF°k¡ÔÌ°∫J¡ f°u@ FÙ Fæ $$2$$ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ „Ù|® ∫F°≥ N°∫u* N°æ≤ ∫FÙ* ≈≤ ıæŸu b°∫C ≈bÕw tu* ¿_Sw
tu| J¡°u n° Ìuw° Fæ, bæŸu FÙ Ft fiJu¡ t°uF J¡°u wC≤∏w Ìq≤ J¡≤ Ìu*yu $$3$$ ≈°∫ π°≤° •w t°uF Ju¡ Ìq≤
J¡≤ Ìufiu ≈≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ft Ô°uy°u* J¡∑ ˚°≥<w "w<π‹d°u# ≈≤ta ≈Ìtg' oÃ∫°<Ì ZC<w tu* ≈®<Ÿ] ≈≤t ≈Ì
NS°Õwg N≈fiÙ N°Ãt° tu* <bZ°¿∏w J¡°u ≈®°›w F°u*yu NS°Õwg N°Ãt°≤°t F°u ı°∫u*yu $$4$$ t°uF Ju¡ F¸> ı°fiu ≈≤
ZÙ≤°tıÙ Nt¨w <≈∫u F…Î ≈C”T J¡∑ fi°o˘ f®ÊR¡≈, ≈≤t°fi∏ÌŸ‡≈∏fi, N≈¿≤¿h~>∏fiI°fi_bR¡≈,
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ı°∫uy° $$5$$ t°fifiÙ∫ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ wÌfi∏w≤ _b_S<ªW F°uJ¡≤ N≈fiu bdÕ N°æ≤ N°Zt Ju¡ NfiCR¡≈
32 ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d [bæ≤°À∫ ≈®J¡≤d
Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ ∆∫bF°≤°u* J¡°u <fif°Õ@R¡≈ Ÿu J¡≤u*yu $$6$$ tfifi N°<Ì Ÿu Ã≈∏fi I°fi J¡∑ »w°R¡≈ fÔ Ÿu ∫C•w
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u Ô°uJ¡ tu* J¡°∫Õw[b N°æ≤ J¡°≤dw[b J¡° I°fi F°u ı°∫uy° NSb° Ô°uy°u* Ju¡ ≈≤t ≈C”T°SÕ
N°æ≤ ŸaŸ°≤-˚®td J¡° ˚Ù <bbuJ¡ Ÿu I°fi F°u ı°∫uy° NSb° Ô°uJ¡°ÃtJ¡ <b≤°¸>g, N∆∫°J¨¡w N°æ≤
<F≤^∫y˚Õ - ∫u ≈≤t°SÕw# f®Ê FÙ Fæ*, ŸŸu ≈¨SJg¡ fiFÙ* Fæ*, ∫F I°fi F°u ı°∫uy° $ wÌ…≈≤°∏w ∏Fu* ŸC©,
Ì…#© N°<Ì fiFÙ* F°u*yu N°æ≤ ŸCbdÕ N°æ≤ <t\>Ù Ju¡ i>uÔu tu* JC¡~> ˚Ù N∏w≤ ≈®wÙw fiFÙ* F°uy° $$7$$ tC<fiZu‹™>
ZÙ<bÿb°<t`ıÙ Ju¡ ∫°u* J¡Ffiu ≈≤ ≤°ı° Ì„≤S J¡° <ªW N°á°<Ìw F°u y∫°, ∏F°u*fiu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u
Ô°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ <k¡≤ N∏∫ Ìqw ˚uıu $$8$$ π°≤≈°Ô°u* Ju¡ ytfi Ju¡ Nfi∏w≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ <≈w°ıÙ Ju¡ <fiJ¡¸>
ı°fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ, ıæŸu Ÿ¥∫Õ ≈bÕw Ÿu <Ìw F°uw° Fæ bæŸu FÙ N≈fiu |≤ Ju¡ N°Ÿfi Ÿu ™>J¡≤ S°unu Ÿu NfiCª≤°u*
N°æ≤ Ì°u ˚°o∫°u* (Ô‚td wS° „`CPfi) Ju¡ Ÿ°S <ıwfiu Ÿt∫ tu* ≤°ı° N°æ≤ tC<fi J¡° Ÿab°Ì F…N° wfiu
FÙ Ÿt∫ tu* o∏B J¡∑ _byÕ˚¥<t Ju¡ Ÿt°fi ≤tdÙ∫ <≈w°ıÙ Ju¡ ≈<b`wt <fib°Ÿ_S°fi tu* y∫u $$9,10$$
ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiu Ìubb¨∏Ì Ÿu ≈¿≤b¨w o∏B Ju¡ ŸÌ¨„ ≤°ı°N°u* Ju¡ t^±>Ô Ju¡ tº∫ tu* <b≤°ıt°fi tF°≤°ı
Ì„≤S Ju¡ Ìq≤ Ÿu FÙ Ì„Õfi <J¡∫u $ fiJu¡ NyÔ-fyÔ tu* fæ™>u ZÙb<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ N°æ≤ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ fiŸu
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t∏`Ù, t°Ô°J¡°≤ ≈a<•w f°≥@J¡≤ fæ™>u Su $ ∫S°∫°uÀ∫ _S°fi ≈≤ ©nÙ F…oÕ NwÎb t¥<wÕtwÙ <Ì„°N°u* Ju¡
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<bÿb°<t` N°<Ì M¡<Tb¨∏Ì wS° tF°≤°ı Ì„≤S N°<Ì ≤°ıb¨∏Ì fiu Ìq≤ Ÿu N≈fiu <fiJ¡¸> N° ≤Fu Ÿ°s°wg
J¡°<wÕJu¡∫Ju¡ wCv∫ R¡≈b°fig N°æ≤ fÔb°fig ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u Ìu©° $$14$$ „°¿∏w N°æ≤ <bbuJ¡ Ju¡ FuwC
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<Ì©°oÕ Ìuwu Su $ fiJ¡° Ì„Õfi fn° <≈®∫ Ôyw° S°, fiJu¡ „≤Ù≤ Ju¡ Nb∫b Ÿt<b˚•w Su, N°J¨¡<w fnÙ
˚∆∫ SÙ, fiJ¡° „°∏w N°æ≤ ŸbÕtfi°uF≤ „≤Ù≤ ≈C”T°SÕÔ°˚ Ju¡ (@tÕ, NSÕ, J¡°t N°æ≤ t°us ≈®°<›w Ju¡)
<fiw°∏w ∫°uÀ∫ S° $ bu fnu <bfiÙw N°æ≤ Ì°≤ Su $ ∫°æbfi J¡° N°≤‡˚ F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù fiJu¡ „≤Ù≤ tu* ∫°æbfi°u<ªw
ª*ªÔw° fiFÙ* SÙ <J¡∏wC b¨]°u<ªw „°¿∏w (y‡˚Ù≤w°) „°u˚° Ìu ≤FÙ SÙ, N<bbuJ¡ Ju¡ fi‹¸> F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d
fitu* <J¡ŸÙ ≈®J¡°≤ J¡° πuy fiFÙ* S° <k¡≤ ˚Ù ∏Fu* ≈≤t°∏Ì ≈®°›w fiFÙ* F…N° S° $ Ìu©wu FÙ ≈®wÙw F°uw°
S° <J¡ fiJ¡∑ N˚Ù‹¸> ≈®°<›w ≈®°∫# Ÿ<∏fi<Fw FÙ Fæ $$15-17$$ ∏F°u*fiu ŸaŸ°≤ J¡∑ y<w<b<@ J¡° <bª°≤
J¡≤ <Ô∫° S°, bu ≈<b`yCdb°Ôu Ô°uy°u* Ju¡ N°Z∫ Su N°æ≤ yCd°u* fiu t°fi°u* Ÿ[byCd Ju¡ Ô°u˚ Ÿu fiJ¡°
N°Z∫ <Ô∫° F…N° S° $ ZÙ≤°tıÙ Ì°≤_b˚°b <„‹¸> N°æ≤ Ì„ÕfiÙ∫ Su $ bu s°u˚≤<Fw ¿_S<w Ÿu Ÿ‡≈¥dÕ
Ÿ°@fiŸ‡≈<W F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù w[bI°fiR¡≈ ≈≤t°fi∏Ì ≈®°›w fi F°ufiu Ju¡ J¡°≤d N≈fiu N∏w#J¡≤dJ¡°u¸>≤ J¡°u
(tfi°u≤S J¡°u) N≈¥dÕ-Ÿ° <Ì©° ≤Fu Su $$18,19$$ oŸ ≈®J¡°≤ NfiuJ¡ yCd°u* Ÿu ≈¿≤≈¥dÕ N°æ≤ NÃ∫∏w
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≈®d°t <J¡∫° $$20,21$$ ıf<J¡ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ "≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡°u Ô°N°u' ∫°u* ≤°tª∏BıÙ Ju¡ <bT∫ tu*
≤°ı° Ÿu J¡F ≤Fu Su, ŸÙ Ÿt∫ J¡tÔfi∫fi ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ZÙ<≈w°ıÙ Ju¡ ª≤d°u* tu* ≈®d°t J¡≤fiu Ju¡ <ÔÎ
ŸyÕ - 11] ZÙ ∫°uyb°<Ÿ‹™> tF°≤°t°∫d 33
ŸtÙ≈ tu* N°∫u $$22$$ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ fiu ≈FÔu-≈FÔu <≈w°ıÙ J¡°u ≈®d°t <J¡∫° $ wÌ…≈≤°∏w t°fifiÙ∫
≈C”T°u* π°≤° ˚Ù ≈®@°fiR¡≈ Ÿu Ÿ‡t°<fiw b<Ÿ‹™> N°æ≤ <bÿb°<t`ıÙ J¡°u ≈®d°t <J¡∫° $$23$$ wÌfi∏w≤
f®°Êd°u* J¡°u, f∏@CN°u* J¡°u N°æ≤ N≈fiu fnu-f¥»°u* J¡°u ≈®d°t <J¡∫° $ wÌfi∏w≤ ≤°ı°N°u* π°≤° <J¡∫u y∫u
≈®d°t°u* J¡°u w<fiJ¡ HCJ¡°∫u y∫u t_wJ¡ Ÿu, ≈®Ÿ∏fi Â<‹¸> Ÿu N°æ≤ t@C≤ b°dÙ Ÿu y®Fd <J¡∫° $$24$$
Ÿt<ªW N°æ≤ ÌubwCv∫ Ì„ÕfiÙ∫ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ tC<fi∫°u* J¡° N°„Ùb°ÕÌ y®FdJ¡≤ <≈w°ıÙ J¡∑ ≈<b` Ÿ<∏fi<@
tu* ≈F…≥ªu $$25$$ _fiuFt∫ ≤°ı° fiu ≈®d°t„ÙÔ ≤°tª∏BıÙ J¡° <Ÿ≤ Ÿ¥≥|J¡≤ N°<Ôayfi <J¡∫° N°æ≤ ıæŸu
≤°ıFaŸ J¡tÔ J¡°u ª¥tw° Fæ bæŸu FÙ f°≤ f°≤ fiJ¡° tC≥F ª¥t° $$26$$ „`Cw°≈fi ≤°ı° fiu ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ
J¡∑ FÙ fi°o˘ Ô‚td N°æ≤ „`CPfi J¡° ˚Ù N°<Ôayfi N°æ≤ ªC‡ffi <J¡∫° $$27$$ N°<Ôayfi J¡≤fiu Ju¡ ≈ÿª°wg
≤°ı° Ju¡ "bß, tu≤Ù y°uÌ tu* fæ™>°u' ∫F J¡Ffiu ≈≤ ZÙ≤°tª∏BıÙ ˚¥<t ≈≤ NfiCª≤°u* π°≤° <f~>°∫u y∫u b˜
≈≤ fæ™> y∫u $$28$$ ≤°ı° Ì„≤S fiu J¡F° # ≈C` wCt <bbuJ¡Ÿ‡≈∏fi F°u Îba <b<b@ J¡v∫°d°u* Ju¡ ˚°ıfi F°u,
wCt N<bbu<J¡∫°u* J¡∑ fi°o˘ <„<SÔ fC<] Ÿu N≈fiÙ N°Ãt° J¡°u <©∏fi tw J¡≤°u $ bß, b¨]°u* J¡∑, f®°Êd°u*
J¡∑ N°æ≤ yC”ıfi°u* J¡∑ N°I° J¡° ≈°Ôfi J¡≤ ≤Fu wC‡F°≤u ıæŸu ıfi°u* J¡°u FÙ ≈<b` ≈Ì ≈®°›w F°uw° Fæ, <J¡∏wC
ı°u Ô°uy t°uF J¡° NfiCŸ≤d J¡≤wu Fæ*, ∏Fu* bF ≈Ì fiFÙ* <tÔ ŸJ¡w° $$29,30$$ ≈C`, w˚Ù wJ¡ N°≈<W∫°≥
<fifÕÔ F°uJ¡≤ Ìq≤ ≤FwÙ Fæ*, ıf wJ¡ t°uF J¡°u NbJ¡°„ fiFÙ* <Ì∫° ı°w° $ t°uF J¡°u NbJ¡°„ <tÔfiu ≈≤ w°u
bu fnÙ fÔbwÙ F°u ı°wÙ Fæ* $$31$$ ZÙb<Ÿ‹™>ıÙ fiu J¡F° # Fu ≤°ı≈C`, Fu tF°˚¥ı, wCt fnu „¥≤bÙ≤ F°u,
wCtfiu Ì…#© J¡∑ ≈≤‡≈≤° Ju¡ ıfiJ¡ N°æ≤ J¡<™>fi°oÕ Ÿu fi‹¸> F°ufiub°Ôu ofi <bT∫R¡≈ „`CN°u* ≈≤ <bı∫ ≈° ÔÙ
Fæ $$32$$ ÎuŸu ≈®˚°b„°ÔÙ F°ufiu ≈≤ ˚Ù t¥i> Ô°uy°u* Ju¡ ∫°uÀ∫ <bsu≈R¡≈ fnÙ w≤ay°u* Ÿu tF°fig N°b≤dR¡≈
„æÃ∫ Ÿu ∫C•w t°uFR¡≈ ŸtCB tu* Nfi°ÃtI (N°Ãtw[b J¡°u fi ı°fifiub°Ôu) J¡∑ ˚°≥<w •∫°u* <fitÀfi F°uwu
F°u ? $$33$$ ZÙ<bÿb°<t`ıÙ fiu J¡F° # ≤°ıJC¡t°≤, <ªW π°≤° J¡∑ yoÕ ª*ªÔ fiÙÔJ¡tÔ°u* Ju¡ wCv∫
fiu`°u*J¡∑ ª*ªÔw°J¡°u ~>°unJ¡≤ J¡<F∫u <J¡ N°≈Ju¡ t°uFJ¡° •∫° J¡°≤d Fæ ?$$34$$ ıæŸu |≤ J¡°u ª¥Fu ©°uÌ
±>°Ôwu Fæa, bæŸu FÙ ı°u tfi J¡∑ ∆∫S°Î≥ N°≈Ju¡ <ªWJ¡°u Ì…#©Ù J¡≤ ≤FÙ Fæ* $ bu <J¡Ÿ<ÔÎ F…oÕ Fæ*, <J¡wfiÙ Fæ*,
N°æ≤ J¡°æfiŸÙ N<˚Ô°T° Ju¡ ≈®°›w F°ufiu ≈≤ „°∏w F°uyÙ ?$$35$$
t°fi<ŸJ¡ ∆∫S°N°u* Ju¡ J¡°≤d ıywg tu* ≈®<Ÿ] FÙ Fæa, fiJu¡ <ÔÎ ≈®ÿfi •∫°u* J¡≤wu Fæ* ? oŸ „aJ¡° ≈≤
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approximately at any rate, at such things as annual income and
expenditure, and if we can discover those we shall obtain figures and
facts which will be of great service in many ways.
Many counties had far wealthier monasteries than Staffordshire.
The richest counties in England in this respect were Yorkshire and
Middlesex, but both of these are exceptional, the former by reason of
its disproportionate area, and the latter because it contains the City
of London and many of its suburbs. Somerset and Lincolnshire were
placed next by their trading centres, and Kent by its position on the
main road between the capital and the Continent. Of the remaining
thirty-four English counties (excluding Monmouthshire), Staffordshire
came twenty-fifth in monastic wealth, the following being poorer:
Durham, Cumberland, Northumberland, Buckinghamshire, Cornwall,
Derby, Hereford, Westmoreland and Rutland. The last-named
possessed only a single house.
Staffordshire, with a total monastic wealth of some £1,600 annual
net income,[3] comes in a group which includes the following
counties: Shropshire (£1,966), Lancashire (£1,698), Durham
(£1,515), Cumberland (£1,311) and Northumberland (£1,177).[4] It
takes its comparatively low position not because it possessed any
houses of exceptional smallness or poverty at the time the valuation
from which the above figures were taken (1535), but because all the
houses were of moderate size without there being any very wealthy
abbeys to inflate exceptionally the total. The richest house in the
county, Burton Abbey, was only rated at £412 5s. net income.[5] On
the whole the Staffordshire houses represent the monasteries of
average income, with no great and famous abbeys to monopolise
the attention and interest and to introduce exceptional elements. The
history of the suppression in Staffordshire will illustrate the
suppression of the ordinary religious houses. That of the great and
famous abbeys is well known, but it will be interesting to see how the
ordinary average houses fell.
The Staffordshire monasteries were, however, sufficiently varied
in situation and character to make their history worth studying. They
were by no means all of one type, nor were they all, in the sixteenth
century, similarly circumstanced. They represented the four great
orders of monks: Benedictine, Austin, Cluniac, and Cistercian, and
there were houses of Dominican and Franciscan Friars, as well as of
the later Austin Friars. Burton Abbey was a house large enough to
be involved in national politics; Calwich was so insignificant that the
Government was able to suppress it illegally without protest or
remark. Between these were some dozen houses, small enough to
come within the scope of the Act for the dissolution of the lesser
monasteries, yet nearly all able to purchase exemption from its
provisions. Some, like Stone, stood close to busy highways; some,
like Croxden, in its secluded valley, lay remote from towns and even
villages; others stood near the well-to-do market towns of Stafford,
Leek, and Lichfield. They had originated in various ways. St.
Modwen’s Abbey at Burton-on-Trent was the foundation of Wulfric
Spot, patriot and soldier, in 1004; where the road crossed the Trent
he founded and richly endowed the Benedictine abbey on a site
which already had sacred associations. Beside it grew a flourishing
town. In its Scriptorium was compiled one of the most valuable of the
English monastic chronicles. Kings and prelates lodged within its
walls. Burton Abbey played a part in national history more than once.
Another Benedictine house arose before the Norman Conquest.
Burchard, the third son of Algar, whose other sons were the traitors
Edwin and Morcar, accompanied Archbishop Aldred to Rome when
he went to fetch his pallium and to obtain papal authorization for the
privileges of the Confessor’s new abbey at Westminster. Returning,
Burchard fell ill at Rheims, and, dying, was buried within the
precincts of the Abbey of St. Remigius there. In gratitude Algar gave
to St. Remigius the “villa” of Lapley in Staffordshire, and a priory was
built there as a cell dependent on the house at Rheims. In
acknowledgment of the help which the Norman invaders had
received from the prayers of the Norman monks, Henry de Ferrers
established near his castle at Tutbury a priory dependent on the
great Abbey of St. Peter-sur-Dive. More worldly motives caused the
erection of other houses. Trentham was founded by Hugh, Earl of
Chester, as a help towards re-establishing the authority and pre-
eminence he had lost in Staffordshire when the Palatine Earldom of
Chester was created. Robert de Stafford re-founded Stone as an
Austin Priory in order to assist in the building up of a great estate in
the district (c. 1130). Trentham became an Austin Priory when Earl
Ralf of Chester left, on his death-bed, 100 solidates of Trentham
Manor to restore it. The vicar of the parish, John, who was the Earl’s
Chaplain, became Prior, and for thirty years the endowment
continued to be paid to him alone. Not till 1195 was it transferred to
“the Canons.”
Such an arrangement illustrates the distinctive feature of the
Austin Canons. They lived in modified seclusion. They were parish
priests living in community. The rule of St. Augustine represented an
attempt at monastic reform by the method of compromise. Other
Austin Priories were: Rocester, founded in 1146 by Richard Bacon,
nephew of the Earl of Chester; Calwich, given to Kenilworth by
Nicholas de Gresley Fitz Nigel; St. John’s, Lichfield, built by Bishop
Roger de Clinton when he raised strong walls round the Cathedral
close in the reign of Stephen; Ronton, founded by Robert Fitz Noel,
who had obtained an estate in Staffordshire through his marriage to
the daughter of Bishop Robert de Limesey (1086–1117), as a cell to
Haughmond; and St. Thomas’s, Stafford. The origin of the last was
particularly interesting. Richard de Peche, Bishop of the Diocese,
was one of the friends of Becket. He took part in his consecration,
and soon after the murder he dedicated a priory at Stafford to the
memory of St. Thomas the Martyr, on land given by a wealthy
burgess. When he felt his own end approaching, soon after, he
resigned the bishopric and retired to the priory, where shortly after he
died and was buried (1182).
The relations between the Austin Canons and the parishes were
close, as we have seen. Portions of their houses were often used as
parish churches. Just as the Vicar at Trentham became the head of
the priory also, so at Stone the priory absorbed the church. At
Rocester there was such doubt in the fourteenth century as to the
proper place at which the parishioners ought to make their Easter
Communions that the matter had to be referred to Bishop Norbury,
and he left the matter undecided. At the dissolution of the Priory the
parishioners were able to secure three bells for their own use on the
plea that these had wont to be rung for parochial services as well as
for those of the Canons. When the bishop cited to his visitations the
churchwardens and synodsmen (“sidesmen”) of the churches served
by Austin priories, he wrote to the Convents. It was often the
practice, for instance at Rocester, for the senior canon, next after the
Prior, to hold the vicarage.
The Cluniac Order was a revision of the Benedictine rule. Its
object was to bring reform; but the abolition of the obligation to
perform manual labour, which formed so excellent a feature of the
original Benedictine system, merely increased opportunities for
idleness. The earliest Cluniac house in Staffordshire arose at
Canwell, in the reign of Stephen. It was the foundation, in 1142, of
the widow of Justice Geoffrey Ridel, who had perished twenty years
before in the disaster to the White Ship. Another Cluniac house was
built at Dudley, as a cell to Wenlock. It was founded by Gervase
Paganel, Baron of Dudley (1161), in fulfilment of his father’s
The Cistercian Order was another revision of the Benedictine
rule. Instead of relaxing the strictness of the original rule, the
Cistercians aimed at increased austerity and simplicity. In the reign
of Stephen a small company of recluses fled from the anarchy and
lawlessness around them to Radmore, in the recesses of Cannock
Chase. For some years they lived, men and women, independently
of any of the recognised Orders, but the place was too remote and
the state of the country too disorderly for such a defenceless
position. They soon had to join one of the great Orders. By the
advice of the Empress Matilda they chose the Cistercian and
dismissed the women. But food was difficult to obtain, the foresters
made frequent depredations, life became impossible even for
Cistercians, and they had to remove to Stoneleigh, in Warwickshire.
The Cistercians, whose rule ordered in civitatibus, castellis, villis,
nulla nostra construenda sunt cenobia, sed in locis a conversatione
hominum semotis, had to wait another generation before they could
obtain a footing in the county. They must follow, not precede, order
and police. The establishment of a Cistercian house, therefore, is an
evident token that law reigned in the district where it arose. The
Cistercians aimed at being, not scholars and statesmen such as the
Benedictines had become, but farmers, and this feature commended
them to all who desired the cultivation and civilisation of the waste
tracts into which the Benedictines had never penetrated. The latter
had become great landowners, with numerous flourishing towns
belonging to them, and wide estates well cultivated. The land
unoccupied by the Benedictines was wild and rough, but offering
opportunities for pasturage. To pasturage, therefore, the Cistercians
devoted themselves; and the growth of the wool trade, which arose
almost at the same time as they came into favour, made them
masters of the most profitable branch of English industry.
Bertram de Verdun, lord of Alton, occupied a middle position
between the old feudal aristocracy and the new men who were
becoming their rivals. He married Earl Ferrers’ niece, and by his
father’s marriage was connected with Geoffrey de Clinton, Henry I’s
Chamberlain. He himself was one of Henry II’s most trusted and
trustworthy officials. On a visit to his relative, the Constable of
Normandy, he was taken to see the Cistercian house which the
Constable’s step-father had founded. De Verdun was so impressed
that he determined to found a similar house in Staffordshire, where
the growth of law and order gave opportunity for developing his
lands. He requested the Abbot of Aunay to send some of his monks
to the site he offered near Alton. Two years later (1180) they
removed to a more suitable spot a few miles distant, where the
beautiful ruins of Croxden Abbey still stand. They well illustrate the
simplicity which characterised Cistercian architecture, though the
church was almost unique among houses of the order in England in
having a semi-circular apse with five radiating chapels, instead of the
usual plain square end.[6] This was copied from the parent house at
Aunay, and it emphasises the peculiarity that Croxden, unlike most
of the Cistercian abbeys in England, was the offshoot of a foreign
Farther northwards the Cistercians could not yet penetrate. But
the Earls of Chester were meanwhile engaged in developing the
estates they held there, and early in the thirteenth century Ralf
Blundeville, who played an independent and honourable part in the
difficult and dishonourable times of King John’s reign, was strong
enough to take definite steps. He established a market at Leek in
1208. In 1214, the very year when the Papal Legate received at
Burton Abbey Archbishop Langton’s spirited protest against his
intrusion into the affairs of the State and Church of England, Ralf
Blundeville founded the abbey at Dieulacres. The site was a little
north of Leek. He gave it to the Cistercians, the skilful farmers and
agriculturists, bestowing upon them wide lands and extensive
privileges. They were to be his agents for the civilisation of the
Moorlands, and well they performed their work. Soon afterwards a
third Cistercian house was founded at Hulton by Henry de Audley,
constable of the neighbouring castle of Newcastle-under-Lyme, who
had for some time been engaged in building up an estate there.
Hulton Abbey had, later, a pottery where tiles and other articles were
made. There were nunneries at Brewood, on the western border of
the county, and at Fairwell, near the road between Lichfield and
Rugeley. Both were Benedictine. The friars reached Staffordshire in
the reign of Henry III. There were Grey Friars at Lichfield and
Stafford and Black Friars at Newcastle-under-Lyme. At Radford, near
Stafford, a house of Lepers, with a master and friars of the Holy
Sepulchre, stood for some time. The house of the Austin Friars, at
Stafford, was founded by Ralf, Baron of Stafford, in the reign of
Edward III. At Lees the Priory of Rocester maintained a chantry, or
cell. The Knights Templars had a Preceptory at Keele.
The monasteries and nunneries were usually well endowed, and
most of them became possessed of considerable worldly
possessions. The records of the Dissolution disclose lists of manors,
granges, tenements, water-mills, fulling mills, and salt pans, which
produced large revenues. From appropriated livings, tithes and
oblations were drawn away from the places where they were paid,
for the benefit of the distant monastery. Fees were sometimes paid
on admission to the Community. Did a son obtain ordination through
the help of the monks, how could the father better show his gratitude
than by making them a gift? Lights and masses were endowed. The
monks had command of ready money and were able to lend to those
who required cash, it might be to those overtaken by sudden
necessity or to some desirous of making a pilgrimage. When a
verderer of Cannock, in the thirteenth century, rendered himself
liable to the severe penalties of the Forest Laws, he fled for his life
beyond the seas and sold his manor to St. Thomas’s Priory at
Stafford.[7] Corrodies originally were a form of life assurance.[8] For a
lump sum Dieulacres sold a corrody to a Jew, consisting of food and
clothing for life.[9] It was an attractive though shortsighted method of
obtaining money or lands, for the corrodies sometimes entailed a
severe strain, and there are complaints of the non-fulfilment of the
obligations. In 1294 the Prior of Stone was fined for having
wrongfully deprived a man of his corrody, which consisted of a daily
loaf of bread and a gallon of ale, with a canon’s habit worth a mark
yearly, provender for horse and keep for groom, four cartloads of
wood annually, and two candles a night from Hallowmas to
Candlemas.[10] Corrodies led to further difficulties. Founders and
kings claimed the right of nomination. So early as Edward I’s reign
Dieulacres had a contention with the King on the subject. Such
demands often became a grave abuse, and there are numberless
instances, especially in such reigns as those of Edward II and
Richard II, of the quartering on the monasteries of discharged
soldiers and worn-out officials. The Bishop of Lichfield once
demanded from Tutbury a corrody for his cook, but Archbishop
Peckham forbade it to be granted. The practice continued to the very
end. Even so late as 1532 we find the servants of the Duke of
Richmond, Henry VIII’s natural son, billeted in the English
monasteries during their master’s absence on the Continent.[11]
Monastic hospitality was often grievously abused. No doubt when
kings and other great men lodged in the monasteries they usually
made some acknowledgment. But the Priory of Stone complained to
Bishop Norbury (1322–59) that it was impoverished by the many
claims which were made on its hospitality by travellers of every
degree in consequence of its being juxta viam regiam, and in 1382
Burton made a similar complaint to the Pope. In the early years of
Henry VI’s reign Burton was absolutely insolvent and was put into
commission for seven years.[12]
Many houses had the privilege of holding fairs and markets.
Croxden, Dieulacres, Rocester and Burton did a brisk trade with
foreign wool merchants in the thirteenth and fourteenth centuries,
and their wool was almost unexcelled in England. Edward III once
exacted 600 sacks of wool from Staffordshire at a low rate, and the
Croxden annalist says he failed to pay even that. Sometimes the
business transactions of the monks were questionable: In 1457 the
Prior of St. Thomas’s, Stafford, was sued for £10 damages for
having sold a horse sciens equum illum in varias infirmitates
collapsum et ad laborandum impotentem.[13] Sometimes, especially
in the case of the friars in the towns, strong opposition was raised. In
1282 the King had to intervene to protect the friars minors at
Stafford, as it appeared that certain regrators put hindrances in the
way of their purchasing even daily victuals, and at times even
snatched out of their hands what they had bought.[14]
But the religious rendered real services to the towns. Burton grew
up beside the Abbey walls, built very largely under the direction of
the abbots through many generations. Abbot Nicholas built the first
street in the twelfth century, and the fifteenth abbot, Thomas de
Felde, built the great hall in the market place. Later still Abbot Beyne
founded the Grammar School.
Of these houses the following remained till the sixteenth century:
Brewood Nunnery, Burton Abbey, Calwich Priory, Canwell Priory,
Croxden Abbey, Dieulacres Abbey, Dudley Priory, Fairwell Nunnery,
Hulton Abbey, Rocester Abbey, Ronton Priory, Sandwell Priory, St.
Thomas’s Priory at Stafford, St. John’s Priory at Lichfield, Stone
Priory, Trentham Priory, and Tutbury Priory; and the friaries at
Lichfield, Stafford and Newcastle-under-Lyme. It is with the
dissolution of these that we shall be concerned. They were not pre-
eminent for size, wealth, vice or virtue; they did not give to the
history of the Reformation any famous names or contribute any
striking episodes. They represent, rather, the ordinary “rank and file”
of the religious houses. For that reason they are, perhaps, the better
worth investigation, because they are typical of the average.
It is the exceptional which attracts attention, but it is the ordinary
which better represents the truth. If, therefore, we can obtain a
correct estimate of the conditions of the Staffordshire houses at the
time of their surrender we may fairly safely accept it as a tolerably
accurate picture of the condition of English monasticism as a whole.
The accounts which the records give of the manner and details of
the suppression in Staffordshire represent in all probability the
ordinary course of that great undertaking everywhere. The results
which followed, the settlements which were made, and the new
arrangements which became necessary in Staffordshire, are
probably typical of those which followed in the great majority of
places. By restricting our scrutiny we may obtain a better view.

The Dissolution of the Monasteries by Henry VIII is popularly

represented as an isolated act, standing alone in the nation’s history.
Except that it was on an exceptionally large scale, such is very far
from being the fact. It was, indeed, only the last stage in a process
which had long been in progress. The Suppression, in 1312, of the
Knights Templars, who had a Preceptory in Staffordshire at Keele,
was the first great destruction of a Religious Order, and it must not
be forgotten that it was the work of the Papacy. A century later Henry
V, for financial and political reasons, suppressed the Alien Priories,
Lapley, in Staffordshire, among them. During the following hundred
years, which intervene before we arrive at the time with which we are
more immediately concerned, such great ecclesiastics as Wykeham,
Chichele, Waynflete, Fisher, and Alcock, had all laid hands on
monastic wealth for educational purposes. Even the great
Dissolution of the sixteenth century was no idea suddenly conceived
at the moment. It was itself, again, the last phase of a movement
which naturally developed. It was one of the Acts of a great drama.
The suppressions of the fourteenth and fifteenth centuries had
fatally weakened the idea that property devoted to religious purposes
was for ever inviolable. The intentions of Founders could no longer
be sacrosanct. The tendency was, not even to ask whether the
monasteries were fulfilling the objects for which they had been
founded, but rather, whether they were needed. The New Learning
had little respect for old foundations, and Staffordshire had an early
example of the way it would deal with endowments.
William Smythe was Bishop of Lichfield and Coventry from 1493
to 1496. As Lord President of the Welsh Marches he was mainly
employed in unepiscopal work, Thomas Fort, Prior of Stone, acting
as his suffragan. He founded Brasenose College, at Oxford, and
boldly diverted monastic endowments into new channels. In 1495 he
suppressed the Austin Priory of St. John at Lichfield, and used the
site and property for a Grammar School and Almshouses. Such
action obviously indicates that at Lichfield, at any rate, there was
neglect of charity and education by the “religious,” otherwise Bishop
Smythe would have had no need to suppress St. John’s Priory.
Bishop Smythe was an early Wolsey, on a small scale. The
Cardinal, like the Bishop, was a politician rather than an ecclesiastic,
and he, too, laid bold hands on monastic endowments for
educational purposes.
Of course Wolsey’s work was much more important than Bishop
Smythe’s, and the history of Staffordshire shows in some measure
how it was accomplished. He became Chancellor in 1515 and
sought from the Pope visitatorial powers over the English
monasteries. Such authority for a royal official was little of a novelty.
The King had always claimed to have considerable power in the
religious houses, and had often exercised it. The royal license was
necessary before a new Superior could be elected, and during the
vacancy the temporalities were taken over and administered by royal
officials. The election, when made, required the royal assent. In all
sorts of ways the royal power made itself felt in the religious houses.
It was continually interfering in their internal affairs, as we shall see
fully when we approach the time of the General Dissolution. It was
able to bring such considerable influence to bear in elections that
requests were made for headships just as for other appointments
which were properly in the gift of the Government.[15] The right of
nominating to corrodies, always claimed and constantly exercised,
would of itself ensure the presence of representatives of the King
and his opinions in the religious houses. How widely the right was
interpreted in the sixteenth century may be gathered from the claim
made by the Duke of Richmond, Henry VIII’s illegitimate son, in
1532. In that year he wrote from Calais to the Prior of Tutbury,
informing him that he had been sent on a mission to France and that
the King’s pleasure was that such of his servants as remained
behind in England should be established in religious houses, “of
whom,” the letter says, “Robert Amyas, clerk of my jewel house, is
appointed to abide at your monastery.”[16] Even so recently as 1490
the King had exercised the powers which Wolsey desired, and by
papal authorisation.
Wolsey, therefore, knew he was on safe ground in making his
request to the Pope. After some delay, Leo X granted the desired
authority (1518), and Wolsey issued statutes for the Austin Canons
next year.
He soon began his splendid educational schemes. With some
difficulty he obtained the Pope’s consent (April, 1524) to use the
revenues of St. Frideswide’s at Oxford (where Reginald Pole, a
Staffordshire man, while a student at Oxford, had had a pension,
though he was of Royal lineage) towards the endowment of the
college he was founding.[17] This, of course, was quite insufficient for
the splendid scheme he had in mind, and many further negotiations
with the Pope resulted in a series of grudgingly granted Bulls during
several years. Meanwhile, Wolsey proceeded with his work. The
single house he had obtained was by no means all he intended to
appropriate, and he had already drawn up the draft of a license for
incorporating for the use of his college at Oxford twenty-one other
houses, including those at Canwell and Sandwell,[18] in
Staffordshire. It is a Latin document of eleven pages, and is in
Wriothesley’s handwriting.
In 1514 there had been but a single inmate at Canwell available
for appointment to the office of Prior. As a Cluniac house it had never
received adequate supervision, and had often been unsatisfactory:
long ago one of its canons had become a murderer.[19] Sandwell had
been on the verge of bankruptcy, with discreditable canons, wasteful
and unbusiness-like management, violent altercations with
neighbours and armed “religious” rivals. Its buildings were in bad
repair. Both houses were ripe for dissolution.
The deed for the dissolution of St. Mary’s, Sandwell, by William
Burbank, LL.D., is dated February, 1524.[20] It is a Latin document of
twenty-three pages, written on vellum, signed by Prior John and
sealed by Burbank. The witnesses are Thomas Cromwell, John
Clifton (chaplain), Roland Rokyn, and John Lupton. The house was
not absolutely closed; provision was made for the religious services
to be maintained, and the servants and inmates who were dismissed
were recompensed. The yearly value was £12 in spiritualities and
£26 8s. 7d. in temporalities.[21]
Clement VII’s Bull authorising this did not issue till six months
later. It permitted the suppression of monasteries to the value of
3,000 ducats, and was dated September 11th. It received the royal
assent on October 1st.[22] It included Sandwell and, obviously,
Canwell, though the writing is partly defaced. On the 13th of January,
1526, Letters Patent were signed at Greenwich, and delivered at
Westminster on January 20th, granting to Wolsey the sites, etc., of
St. Mary’s, Sandwell, and St. Giles’s, Canwell,[23] with lands in
Staffordshire at Sandwell, West Bromwich, Dudley, Tipton, Magna
and Parva Bar, Harborne, Wernell, Coston, Wombourn, Wednesbury,
Feccham, Canwell, Drayton, Hyns, Wyfford, Packington, Bittertone,
Tamworth, Whittington, Elford, and Farysley. Canwell was worth £10
in spiritualities and £15 0s. 3d. in temporalities. No time was lost. On
February 10th the houses were transferred to John Higden, dean of
Cardinal’s College, the grant being sealed with Wolsey’s seal, which,
enclosed in an iron case at the foot of the vellum, remains to this day
a splendid impression.[24] The records of the estates were put into
excellent order. William Brabazon surveyed the Manor of Canwell,
and has left a full and detailed description of church, manor-house,
ou-buildings, and land, with full details, measurements, rental,
amount of timber, etc. The church was 84 feet long and 23 feet wide,
with a tiled roof. It had a ruinous Lady Chapel on the north side 42
feet long and 14 feet wide, and bells worth £33 6s. 8d. The manor-
house was 69 feet long by 15 feet wide, with one side tiled and the
other thatched, and three rooms above and below, but its timber was
in a bad state. There was a hall and kitchen, the latter also ruinous, a
three-roomed stable, a kiln, bolting house, and chamber for corn,
dove-house, and a large barn 112 feet by 28 feet. We have also a
detailed list of the cottagers by name, with their rents (1d. per annum
per cottage), dated the 13th of March, 1526.[25] A præcipe for a fine
relating to the possessions of Canwell, and a lease and a
conveyance of Sandwell, show that the former had been dissolved
by the year 1527.[26] Its founder, Lord Lisle, had released his title by
fine. The latter was “given” by Edward, Lord Dudley.
The same business-like procedure was followed in making over
the endowments to the College. The estates having been carefully
and fully surveyed, a complete “Register” of all the documents was
delivered to Dr. Higden, under date 21st of June, 1527. The Dean
himself was a keen business man, like all the men who enjoyed
Wolsey’s favour, and at once set about improving the revenues,
visiting the estates, and raising the rents where it was possible to do
The suppression of the monasteries formed part of the charges
laid against Wolsey on his impeachment. Dean Higden’s raising of
the rents was charged against the Cardinal, who was also accused
of “shamefully slandering many good religious houses and good
virtuous men living in them,” as well as often forcing suppressions by
“crafty persuasions.” The houses alleged to be so wrongfully
suppressed were, however, by no means restored on his fall. Full
details of them were obtained by Commissions of local gentry: Sir
John Gifford, Sir Edward Aston, Edward Lyttleton, and John Vernon,
acted in Staffordshire. Then, whatever still remained was sold.
William Burbank and Thomas Cromwell did this work at Canwell and
Sandwell.[28] The sale at the former reached £8 and at the latter £21.
The bells at Sandwell were worth £33 6s. 8d., and at Canwell £13
6s. 8d., and debts and rents due at Lady-day amounted to £189 10s.
On the other hand, there were the costs of Burbank and Cromwell
for their journey from Tickford to Sandwell, and for their five days’
stay at Sandwell and three days’ at Canwell. The fees of the
“Praysors” were 3s. 4d.; and one of the monks at Canwell was paid
£1 in wages, and another 6s. 8d. The Prior’s father and the servants
also received payments. The work was done thoroughly. The
establishment evidently had been leniently dealt with, and indeed to
a considerable extent maintained, so long as Wolsey lived, but now
the religious life, at least, ceased, for we may conclude that the sale
of the bells implies that the churches were closed or put to secular
In the re-arrangement of the endowments of Wolsey’s College,
Canwell was spared for it, and so was Sandwell, but the rectories
belonging to the latter and the manor at the former were assigned to
the College at Windsor. The Prior of Shene also received some of
the lands at Sandwell, and John Voysey, alias Harmon, Bishop of
Exeter, made purchases at Canwell. The “total issues” from the
Staffordshire houses are set down in the Account Book of the
College for 1530 as £31 7s. from Sandwell and £14 6s. from
Bishop Geoffrey Blythe was another of the products of the New
Learning: a suspect by reason of his advanced opinions, yet a
burner of heretics; the ordainer of Colet and the rejector as indoctus
et indignus of a Canon of Ronton nominated to a vicarage in 1530;
the acceptor so early as 1530 of Henry VIII’s refusal to allow an
appeal to Rome which the Bishops of the Province of Canterbury
made against Archbishop Warham in regard to probate.
While Wolsey was appropriating monastic endowments for the
benefit of learning, Bishop Blythe was engaged in similar work, and
he obtained Wolsey’s help in suppressing the Benedictine Nunnery
at Fairwell.
In 1526 the diocese had received a visit from the Cardinal in
person. In March he came to the Cathedral in his capacity of Legate
a latere, formally to investigate a complaint of the vicars. It did not
contribute to his popularity, and was met by a protest on the part of
the Great Chapter. However, he examined and ratified the Cathedral
statutes; and probably during the Visitation, which lasted from March
5th to April 4th, Bishop Blythe discussed the condition of Fairwell
with the Cardinal, and received from him advice and encouragement.
Fairwell Nunnery had been founded by Bishop Roger de Clinton
(1129–1148), a few miles from Lichfield. Bishop Norbury, on a
visitation, had found various delinquencies which caused him to
issue a series of detailed injunctions in 1331.[30] They had to be
translated into French as the nuns did not understand Latin. In 1367
Bishop Stretton again exercised his authority and in the same way.
From the orders he issued[31] we are able to gather the nature of the
things complained of. The laudable practice of going for walks in
common was commended, but none were to go out without two
others for company, and then only by leave of the Prioress. The
threefold vow was to be observed, and also the periods of silence.
Such secular women, except necessary servants, as were living
within the nunnery were to obtain the Bishop’s license or to be
dismissed, and the same order was issued with regard to male
children. The accounts were to be laid before the whole Convent
yearly at least, and grants of land were to require the Bishop’s
authorization. There had been too much luxury, and all were ordered
to take their meals in the Guest Hall, where, alone, except in cases
of sickness or other reasonable cause, a fire was permissible.
In March, 1527, a Commission was sealed by Wolsey at
Hampton Court empowering Richard Strete, B.D., Archdeacon of
Salop and Canon of Lichfield, and William Clayborough, LL.D.,
Canon of York, to complete the suppression of Fairwell.[32] The nuns
and chaplains were to be translated to other houses, and the goods
of the house were to go to the Dean and Chapter of Lichfield for the
support of the choristers. The formal grant to the Dean and Chapter,
of the Nunnery and all its possessions, was made on August 28th
following.[33] In return they bound themselves to say an annual Obit
for the Bishop.
Such work as that which has been described—work on a small
scale by Bishops Smythe and Blythe, and on a larger scale by
Wolsey—became of very great historical importance. It revived the
memory of the destruction of the Knights Templars and the
confiscation of the Alien Priories, and familiarised public opinion in
the earlier years of the sixteenth century with the idea of monastic
dissolutions. That no suspicion of personal cupidity or of self-interest
could be laid against any of the authors was in itself of great value to
the men who afterwards followed in their footsteps with very different
motives. The genuine disinterestedness of purpose which prompted
these earlier “reformers” went far to blind the public to the real
objects of the later. And Wolsey’s dissolutions did much more. They
not only supplied contemporary examples and revived old
precedents; they not only gave practical effect to the tendency of the
New Learning to disparage old forms of religious life; they actually
trained up experts in the work of suppressing religious houses.
Thomas Cromwell made, as Wolsey’s secretary, his first essays in
the art which was afterwards to gain for him the name of the
“Hammer of the Monks.” We have seen him busy in the case of both
the Staffordshire houses which were dissolved by the Cardinal.
Richard Strete, too, we shall soon meet again.
Cromwell, even at this early stage of his career, earned a
reputation for unscrupulous harshness, and susceptibility to bribery;
but on the whole it is evident that these suppressions were
accomplished with the least possible friction. The interests of all who
were involved—patrons, monks, servants, tenants, were considered
and recognised. And the general results to learning were
undoubtedly good.

When the assembly, which has gained for itself the name of the
Reformation Parliament, met, the air was full of rumours of attacks
upon the clergy. The French Ambassador reported: “it is the
intention, when Wolsey is dead or destroyed, to get rid of the Church
and spoil the goods of both.” Parliament assembled on November
3rd, 1530, and to the Convocation which was called at the same time
the heads of the following religious houses in Staffordshire were
summoned: Burton, Rocester, Dieulacres, Hulton, Croxden, Tutbury,
Stone, St. Thomas (Stafford), Trentham, Ronton, Calwich, and
Dudley. Sandwell and Canwell had, of course, disappeared recently.
The Bishop of the diocese was Geoffrey Blythe. Archdeacon Strete
was one of the Proctors for the clergy.
The Prior of Calwich, who was summoned, died just at this
juncture, and the dispute which arose as to the appointment of a
successor enabled the Crown to assert its supremacy at the
expense of all parties concerned.
Calwich had originally been a hermitage, and had been given by
Nicholas de Gresley Fitz Nigel in the twelfth century to the Priory of
Kenilworth. It had thus become a cell of that house, and came under
the rules of the Austin Canons. A considerable amount of building
had been done at Calwich in the latter part of the fourteenth century:
in 1391 the Pope granted Indulgences to those who visited the place
and made contributions to the fabric on the feast of St. Margaret and
certain other days. The history of Calwich illustrates how the
dependent “cells” were a source of weakness to the monastic
system. Such houses were often unsatisfactory. They were
sometimes looked upon as places of banishment for brethren who
deserved punishment: a method of discipline akin to the later system
of penal settlements like Botany Bay, and as likely to be productive
of the very worst results. The very men who needed supervision
would be freed from it, and the remedy would intensify the evil. In

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