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Guidance Note

for the Classification of

Self-Elevating Units

September 2010

Guidance Note
NI 534 DT R00 E

Marine Division
92571 Neuilly sur Seine Cedex – France
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2010 Bureau Veritas - All rights reserved
ARTICLE 1 5.4. - The Services of the Society cannot create any obligation bearing on the Society or constitute any
1.1. - BUREAU VERITAS is a Society the purpose of whose Marine Division (the "Society") is the classi- warranty of proper operation, beyond any representation set forth in the Rules, of any Unit, equipment or
fication (" Classification ") of any ship or vessel or structure of any type or part of it or system therein col- machinery, computer software of any sort or other comparable concepts that has been subject to any sur-
lectively hereinafter referred to as a "Unit" whether linked to shore, river bed or sea bed or not, whether vey by the Society.
operated or located at sea or in inland waters or partly on land, including submarines, hovercrafts, drilling ARTICLE 6
rigs, offshore installations of any type and of any purpose, their related and ancillary equipment, subsea 6.1. - The Society accepts no responsibility for the use of information related to its Services which was not
or not, such as well head and pipelines, mooring legs and mooring points or otherwise as decided by the provided for the purpose by the Society or with its assistance.
6.2. - If the Services of the Society cause to the Client a damage which is proved to be the direct
The Society: and reasonably foreseeable consequence of an error or omission of the Society, its liability to-
• prepares and publishes Rules for classification, Guidance Notes and other documents (“Rules”); wards the Client is limited to ten times the amount of fee paid for the Service having caused the
• issues Certificates, Attestations and Reports following its interventions (“Certificates”); damage, provided however that this limit shall be subject to a minimum of eight thousand (8,000)
• publishes Registers. Euro, and to a maximum which is the greater of eight hundred thousand (800,000) Euro and one
1.2. - The Society also participates in the application of National and International Regulations or Stand- and a half times the above mentioned fee.
ards, in particular by delegation from different Governments. Those activities are hereafter collectively re- The Society bears no liability for indirect or consequential loss such as e.g. loss of revenue, loss
ferred to as " Certification ". of profit, loss of production, loss relative to other contracts and indemnities for termination of oth-
1.3. - The Society can also provide services related to Classification and Certification such as ship and er agreements.
company safety management certification; ship and port security certification, training activities; all activi- 6.3. - All claims are to be presented to the Society in writing within three months of the date when the Serv-
ties and duties incidental thereto such as documentation on any supporting means, software, instrumen- ices were supplied or (if later) the date when the events which are relied on of were first known to the Client,
tation, measurements, tests and trials on board. and any claim which is not so presented shall be deemed waived and absolutely barred. Time is to be in-
1.4. - The interventions mentioned in 1.1., 1.2. and 1.3. are referred to as " Services ". The party and/or its terrupted thereafter with the same periodicity.
representative requesting the services is hereinafter referred to as the " Client ". The Services are pre- ARTICLE 7
pared and carried out on the assumption that the Clients are aware of the International Maritime 7.1. - Requests for Services are to be in writing.
and/or Offshore Industry (the "Industry") practices.
7.2. - Either the Client or the Society can terminate as of right the requested Services after giving
1.5. - The Society is neither and may not be considered as an Underwriter, Broker in ship's sale or char- the other party thirty days' written notice, for convenience, and without prejudice to the provisions
tering, Expert in Unit's valuation, Consulting Engineer, Controller, Naval Architect, Manufacturer, Ship- in Article 8 hereunder.
builder, Repair yard, Charterer or Shipowner who are not relieved of any of their expressed or implied
obligations by the interventions of the Society. 7.3. - The class granted to the concerned Units and the previously issued certificates remain valid until the
date of effect of the notice issued according to 7.2. here above subject to compliance with 2.3. here above
ARTICLE 2 and Article 8 hereunder.
2.1. - Classification is the appraisement given by the Society for its Client, at a certain date, following sur- 7.4. - The contract for classification and/or certification of a Unit cannot be transferred neither assigned.
veys by its Surveyors along the lines specified in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter on the level of compliance of
a Unit to its Rules or part of them. This appraisement is represented by a class entered on the Certificates ARTICLE 8
and periodically transcribed in the Society's Register. 8.1. - The Services of the Society, whether completed or not, involve, for the part carried out, the payment
2.2. - Certification is carried out by the Society along the same lines as set out in Articles 3 and 4 hereafter of fee upon receipt of the invoice and the reimbursement of the expenses incurred.
and with reference to the applicable National and International Regulations or Standards. 8.2. Overdue amounts are increased as of right by interest in accordance with the applicable leg-
2.3. - It is incumbent upon the Client to maintain the condition of the Unit after surveys, to present islation.
the Unit for surveys and to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may affect the 8.3. - The class of a Unit may be suspended in the event of non-payment of fee after a first unfruitful
given appraisement or cause to modify its scope. notification to pay.
2.4. - The Client is to give to the Society all access and information necessary for the safe and efficient ARTICLE 9
performance of the requested Services. The Client is the sole responsible for the conditions of presenta- 9.1. - The documents and data provided to or prepared by the Society for its Services, and the information
tion of the Unit for tests, trials and surveys and the conditions under which tests and trials are carried out. available to the Society, are treated as confidential. However:
ARTICLE 3 • clients have access to the data they have provided to the Society and, during the period of classifica-
3.1. - The Rules, procedures and instructions of the Society take into account at the date of their tion of the Unit for them, to the classification file consisting of survey reports and certificates which
preparation the state of currently available and proven technical knowledge of the Industry. They have been prepared at any time by the Society for the classification of the Unit;
are not a standard or a code of construction neither a guide for maintenance, a safety handbook • copy of the documents made available for the classification of the Unit and of available survey reports
or a guide of professional practices, all of which are assumed to be known in detail and carefully can be handed over to another Classification Society, where appropriate, in case of the Unit's transfer
followed at all times by the Client. of class;
Committees consisting of personalities from the Industry contribute to the development of those docu- • the data relative to the evolution of the Register, to the class suspension and to the survey status of the
ments. Units, as well as general technical information related to hull and equipment damages, are passed on
3.2. - The Society only is qualified to apply its Rules and to interpret them. Any reference to them to IACS (International Association of Classification Societies) according to the association working
has no effect unless it involves the Society's intervention. rules;
• the certificates, documents and information relative to the Units classed with the Society may be
3.3. - The Services of the Society are carried out by professional Surveyors according to the applicable
reviewed during certificating bodies audits and are disclosed upon order of the concerned governmen-
Rules and to the Code of Ethics of the Society. Surveyors have authority to decide locally on matters re-
tal or inter-governmental authorities or of a Court having jurisdiction.
lated to classification and certification of the Units, unless the Rules provide otherwise.
3.4. - The operations of the Society in providing its Services are exclusively conducted by way of The documents and data are subject to a file management plan.
random inspections and do not in any circumstances involve monitoring or exhaustive verifica- ARTICLE 10
tion. 10.1. - Any delay or shortcoming in the performance of its Services by the Society arising from an event
ARTICLE 4 not reasonably foreseeable by or beyond the control of the Society shall be deemed not to be a breach of
4.1. - The Society, acting by reference to its Rules:
• reviews the construction arrangements of the Units as shown on the documents presented by the Cli- ARTICLE 11
ent; 11.1. - In case of diverging opinions during surveys between the Client and the Society's surveyor, the So-
• conducts surveys at the place of their construction; ciety may designate another of its surveyors at the request of the Client.
• classes Units and enters their class in its Register; 11.2. - Disagreements of a technical nature between the Client and the Society can be submitted by the
• surveys periodically the Units in service to note that the requirements for the maintenance of class are Society to the advice of its Marine Advisory Committee.
met. ARTICLE 12
The Client is to inform the Society without delay of circumstances which may cause the date or the 12.1. - Disputes over the Services carried out by delegation of Governments are assessed within the
extent of the surveys to be changed. framework of the applicable agreements with the States, international Conventions and national rules.
ARTICLE 5 12.2. - Disputes arising out of the payment of the Society's invoices by the Client are submitted to the Court
5.1. - The Society acts as a provider of services. This cannot be construed as an obligation bearing of Nanterre, France.
on the Society to obtain a result or as a warranty. 12.3. - Other disputes over the present General Conditions or over the Services of the Society are
5.2. - The certificates issued by the Society pursuant to 5.1. here above are a statement on the level exclusively submitted to arbitration, by three arbitrators, in London according to the Arbitration
of compliance of the Unit to its Rules or to the documents of reference for the Services provided Act 1996 or any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof. The contract between the Society
for. and the Client shall be governed by English law.
In particular, the Society does not engage in any work relating to the design, building, production ARTICLE 13
or repair checks, neither in the operation of the Units or in their trade, neither in any advisory serv- 13.1. - These General Conditions constitute the sole contractual obligations binding together the
ices, and cannot be held liable on those accounts. Its certificates cannot be construed as an im- Society and the Client, to the exclusion of all other representation, statements, terms, conditions
plied or express warranty of safety, fitness for the purpose, seaworthiness of the Unit or of its value whether express or implied. They may be varied in writing by mutual agreement.
for sale, insurance or chartering. 13.2. - The invalidity of one or more stipulations of the present General Conditions does not affect the va-
5.3. - The Society does not declare the acceptance or commissioning of a Unit, nor of its construc- lidity of the remaining provisions.
tion in conformity with its design, that being the exclusive responsibility of its owner or builder, 13.3. - The definitions herein take precedence over any definitions serving the same purpose which may
respectively. appear in other documents issued by the Society.
BV Mod. Ad. ME 545 k - 17 December 2008

NI 534
Guidance Note for the Classification of
Self-Elevating Units












September 2010
Section 1 General
1 Scope 9
1.1 Application
2 Definitions 9
2.1 Self-elevating unit
2.2 Modes of operation
2.3 Water depth, water levels and crest elevation
2.4 Configuration of a self-elevating unit in elevated position
2.5 Configuration of a self-elevating unit in floating position
3 Classification requirements 10
3.1 General provision
3.2 Ship and offshore rules
3.3 Classification limits
3.4 Classification restrictions
3.5 Design Criteria Statement
3.6 Design life
3.7 Operating Manual
4 Statutory requirements 12
4.1 General
4.2 Project specification
4.3 Conflict of Rules
5 Classification notations 12
5.1 Class symbol, construction mark and notations
5.2 Elevating system
6 Required documentation 13
6.1 General
7 Rule application 14
7.1 Structure
7.2 Stability
7.3 Other subjects
8 Maintenance of class 15
8.1 General
9 Reference co-ordinate system 15
9.1 Hull

Section 2 Structure Design Principles

1 Steel grade and structural categories 16
1.1 Material strength
1.2 Steel grade selection
1.3 Structural categories
1.4 Steels with specified through thickness properties
1.5 Corrosion allowances

2 Bureau Veritas September 2010

2 Structural principles 17
2.1 Accessibility for inspection during service
2.2 General construction
2.3 Plating
2.4 Ordinary stiffeners
2.5 Primary supporting members
2.6 Leghouse
2.7 Legs
2.8 Spudcans and bottom mat
2.9 Deckhouses and superstructures
2.10 Reinforcements in way of supporting structures for hull attachments

Section 3 Design Conditions

1 General 21
1.1 Definition
1.2 Modes of operation and accidental conditions
2 Self-elevating unit in elevated condition 21
2.1 Calculation methodology
2.2 Loading conditions
3 Self-elevating unit in transit conditions 22
3.1 Design considerations for hull structure
3.2 Design considerations for legs and hull / legs connection
3.3 Dry tow transit
4 Installation / retrieval design conditions 23
4.1 Leg impact

Section 4 Environmental Conditions

1 General 24
1.1 Application
1.2 References
1.3 Environmental data
1.4 Environmental load
1.5 Documentation to be submitted
2 Waves 25
2.1 General
2.2 Design wave approach
2.3 Random / stochastic wave approach
3 Wind 25
3.1 Wind specification
4 Current 26
4.1 Current specification
5 Waterdepth and tides 26
5.1 Waterdepth and tide specification

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 3

6 Design temperatures 26
6.1 Air temperature
6.2 Water temperature
7 Marine growth 26
7.1 Marine growth specification
8 Soil 26
8.1 General

Section 5 Analysis in Elevated Position

1 General 27
1.1 Application
1.2 Reference
1.3 Calculation procedures
1.4 Definitions
2 Structural modelling 27
2.1 General
2.2 Hull modelling
2.3 Leg modelling
2.4 Leg / hull connection modelling
2.5 Boundary conditions
3 Hydrodynamic modelling 28
3.1 Marine growth
3.2 Drag and inertia coefficients
4 Loads and load effects 29
4.1 Fixed and operational loads
4.2 Leg inclination
4.3 Wind loads
4.4 Hydrodynamic loads
4.5 Dynamic amplification loads
4.6 P − ∆ and Euler effect
5 Loading conditions and load combinations 33
5.1 Loading conditions
5.2 Load cases
5.3 Loads combination
6 Resistance check 34
6.1 Air gap
6.2 Leg length reserve
6.3 Overturning stability
6.4 Structural strength in elevated position
6.5 Fatigue analysis

Section 6 Analysis in Transit Conditions

1 General 39
1.1 Application
1.2 Material

4 Bureau Veritas September 2010

2 Stability 40
2.1 General
3 Loads application in transit condition 40
3.1 General
3.2 Forces and moments for leg examination
3.3 Forces and moments for hull / leg
connection examination
3.4 Sea and internal pressure loads
4 Loads application in installation condition 43
4.1 General
4.2 Forces and moments for leg examination
4.3 Forces and moments for hull / leg
connection examination
5 Structure elements to be checked 44
5.1 General
5.2 Legs structure
5.3 Leg / hull connections
5.4 Hull structure
6 Hull scantling 44
6.1 General
6.2 Platings
6.3 Ordinary stiffeners
6.4 Primary members
6.5 Reinforcement of the flat bottom forward area
6.6 Superstructures and deckhouses

Section 7 Strength of Legs

1 General 46
1.1 Subject
1.2 References
1.3 Stress factor
1.4 Convention

2 Cylindrical and rectangular hollow section legs 47

2.1 General
2.2 Yielding
2.3 Overall buckling
2.4 Curve shell plating of cylindrical legs
2.5 Plate shell plating of rectangular hollow section legs
2.6 Ordinary stiffeners subject to lateral pressure and axial compressive stress
2.7 Horizontal ring stringers of cylindrical legs

3 Lattice legs 50
3.1 Methodology
3.2 Actual stresses for chords and bracings
3.3 Allowable stresses for chords and bracings
3.4 Checking criteria for chords and bracings

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 5

4 Additional local analysis 53
4.1 General
4.2 Stress criteria
4.3 Fatigue
4.4 Spudcans and bottom mat
4.5 Local punching

Section 8 Equipments, Appurtenances and Outfittings

1 Supports for hull attachments and appurtenances 55
1.1 General
1.2 Structural strength
1.3 Calculations
2 Crane connections 55
2.1 Rules to be applied
3 Superstructures and deckhouses 55
3.1 General
4 Helicopter deck 56
4.1 Reference standards
4.2 Structure
5 Hull outfitting 56
5.1 Bulwarks and guard rails
6 Launching appliances 56
6.1 Launching appliances used for survival craft or rescue boat
7 Equipment 56
7.1 General
7.2 Towing equipment

Section 9 Construction Survey - Welding - Tests and Trials

1 Construction survey 57
1.1 General
2 Welding and weld connections 57
2.1 Reference
2.2 General
2.3 Weld category
2.4 Weld types
2.5 Post welded treatment
2.6 Hull
2.7 Other structures
3 Tests and trials 58
3.1 Strength and watertightness testing
3.2 Jacking systems
3.3 Preloading test

6 Bureau Veritas September 2010

Appendix 1 Hydrodynamic Analysis of Self-Elevating Units in Floating
1 General 59
1.1 Principle
2 Modelling principles 59
2.1 Environmental data
2.2 Hydrodynamic model
2.3 Loading conditions
2.4 Sensitivity analysis
3 Unit response 59
3.1 Response amplitude operators
3.2 Hull girder loads, motions and

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 7

E : Young modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal to A : Cross-sectional area of the leg, in cm 2. Formu-
2,06 105 N/mm2 for steel lae given in Sec 2, Tab 2 may be applied if rele-
Rf : Reference stress of the material, in N/mm 2, as vant
defined in Sec 2, [1.1.1] I : Minimum moment of inertia of the leg, in cm4,
l : Span of the leg, in m, defined as follows: about its principal axis. Formulae given in
Sec 2, Tab 2 may be applied if relevant
• hull in elevated position: length of the leg
between the bottom of the spudcan and s : Spacing of ordinary stiffeners or length of the
either the lower guide or the center of the shorter side of the plate panel, in m
locking mechanism if any ls : Span, in m, of ordinary stiffeners, measured
• transit condition: length of the leg between between the supporting members
the upper guide and the top of the leg H max : Maximum wave height, in m
• installation condition (leg impact): length of Tass : Associated period to Hmax , in s
the leg from the bottom of the spudcan to g : Gravity acceleration taken equal to 9,81 m/s2.
the lower guide

8 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 1


1 Scope c) Transit mode:

The unit moves from one location to another within the
1.1 Application appropriate design limits established for such operations
The transit mode includes short duration field moves,
1.1.1 The present Guidance Note gives requirements and between locations in close proximity, and ocean transit,
recommendations to be considered for the classification for which a specific preparation of the unit is generally
and/or certification activities regarding the offshore self-ele- needed
vating or jack-up units, as defined in [2.1].
The unit may be self-floating or supported by a transpor-
The requirements of the present Note are complementary to
tation barge or ship during ocean tow
provisions of NR445 Rules for the Classification of Offshore
Units, which remain applicable, except where otherwise d) Installation mode:
specified. Period during which the unit is firstly lowering legs to
The present Guidance Note applies from small structures the sea bed, secondly elevating hull at the required ele-
operating in shallow water to large structures operating in vation above the sea level, and pre-loading the legs to
deep water. the extreme loading
The present Guidance Note is applicable to the design and e) Retrieval mode:
construction of newbuilt units and to reassessment and con-
Period during which the unit is lowering the hull and
version work of an existing unit. elevating legs to be in transit mode.

2 Definitions 2.3 Water depth, water levels and crest

2.1 Self-elevating unit
2.3.1 The reference water levels and crest elevation are
2.1.1 A self-elevating unit is a unit with a floating hull fitted defined as follows in the present Guidance Note (see also
with legs capable of being lowered to the sea bed and of Fig 1):
raising the hull above the sea level (see Fig 1).
• the Mean Water Level (MWL) is defined as the mean
The hull is to have sufficient buoyancy to safely move the
level between the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) and
unit from one location to another.
the Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)
The legs may be of a shell or truss type. The legs may be
• the astronomical tidal range is defined as the range
equipped with a lower mat, a gravity based structure or with
between the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) and the
footings designed to penetrate the sea bed.
Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)
The legs may be vertical or slanted.
• the maximum Still Water Level (SWL) is defined as the
level at the Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT) including
2.2 Modes of operation storm surge
2.2.1 A self-elevating unit is to be designed to resist loads • the crest elevation is defined as the height of wave crest
that may occur during all stages of the life-cycle of the unit above the Still Water Level (SWL).
such as working, survival, transit, installation and retrieval
mode. 2.3.2 Except otherwise specified, the reference water
depth, to be considered, is the distance between the sea
a) Working mode:
bed and the maximum SWL.
The unit is on location supported on the sea bed for
operating, and combined environmental and opera-
tional loading are within the appropriate design limits
2.4 Configuration of a self-elevating unit in
established for such operations elevated position
b) Survival mode: 2.4.1 The configuration of the self-elevating unit is to be
The unit is on location supported on the sea bed and defined based on site data associated to the unit service
may be subject to the most severe environmental load- such as drilling geotechnical or work-over, assistance, lift-
ing for which the unit is designed. Operations for which ing, accommodation …
the unit has been designed such as drilling, well servic-
ing, installation … may have been interrupted due to the 2.4.2 The configuration is defined with the following
severity of the environmental loadings parameters (see also Fig 1):

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 9

NI 534, Sec 1

Figure 1 : Definition of sea levels, clearance and air gap





Wave crest
Storm Surge clearance

Wave crest
Max Still Water Level (SWL)
Highest Astronomical Tide (HAT)
Mean Water Level (MWL)
Lowest Astronomical Tide (LAT)


Sea bed

Leg penetration Spudcan

a) Leg length penetration: The draft is defined as the distance from the lowest point of
The leg length penetration is the maximum leg penetra- the bottom leg, or spudcan if any, to the waterline.
tion into sea bed including spudcans
b) Leg length reserve: 3 Classification requirements
The leg length reserve is the reserve above upper guide
to avoid any soil settlement or punch through and to
provide a contingency in case the penetrations exceed 3.1 General provision
that predicted
3.1.1 The general provision of Part A, Chapter 1 of the
c) Air gap:
Rules for the Classification of Offshore Units, where the
The air gap is defined as the distance between the principal conditions and other aspect of the classification
underside of the hull and the LAT process are defined, are applicable.
d) Clearance:
The wave crest clearance is defined as the distance 3.2 Ship and offshore rules
between the highest wave crest and the underside of the
3.2.1 When reference is made to the Ship Rules, the latest
version of NR467 “Rules for the Classification of Steel
2.5 Configuration of a self-elevating unit in Ships” is applicable.
floating position
When reference is made to the Offshore Rules, the latest
2.5.1 In floating position the legs are usually elevated and version of NR445 “Rules for the Classification of Offshore
supported in the hull. Units” is applicable.

10 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 1

3.3 Classification limits 3.4.3 Class restrictions, if any, will be entered as a Memo-
randa on the unit's Certificates of Classification and are to
3.3.1 Site conditions be incorporated in the Operating Manual (see Pt A, Ch 1,
Sec 4, [2.4] of the Offshore Rules).
It is incumbent to the owners/operators:
• to perform the necessary investigations, including envi- 3.5 Design Criteria Statement
ronmental and geotechnical surveys, prior to operating
the unit at a given site 3.5.1 General
• to ascertain that the actual conditions met at the con- Classification is based upon the design data or assumptions
templated operating site remain on the safety side when specified by the party applying for classification.
compared to design data and assumptions (particularly A Design Criteria Statement is to list the service(s) per-
those listed in the Design Criteria Statement). Such site formed by the unit and the design conditions and other
assessment is not part of the classification. assumptions on the basis of which class is assigned to the
Classification does not cover the following item:
The Design Criteria Statement is issued by the Society,
• the assessment of sea bottom conditions and geotechni- based on information provided by the party applying for
cal investigations classification.
• the prediction of footing penetration during pre-loading The Design Criteria Statement is to be referred to on the
• the jack-up foundation stability after pre-loading unit's Classification Certificates.
The Design Criteria Statement is to be incorporated in the
• the assessment of the possible sea floor movement.
Operating Manual as prescribed in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.4.]
of the Offshore Rules.
3.3.2 Operating procedures
Classification does not cover the procedures to be used for 3.5.2 Unit’s activities
the unit's positioning, leg lowering and jacking, preloading, The Design Criteria Statement is to list the main services for
jetting and other related to operations. which the unit is designed, the service notation and other
notations assigned to the unit.
It is the responsibility of the owner, or the operator if distinct
from the owner, to ascertain that the said procedures and The nature of the unit’s activity is to be duly accounted for
their implementation satisfy the design criteria of the unit in the application of the Offshore Rules, as far as classifica-
and the design of the related equipment. tion is concerned.
For other classification limits applicable to operating proce- 3.5.3 Structural design criteria
dures, refer to Part B, Chapter 2 of the Offshore Rules.
The Design Criteria Statement is to list the necessary data
pertaining to the structural design of the unit for the differ-
3.3.3 Hull attachments and appurtenances
ent conditions of operation of the unit, according to provi-
The class limit for the review of the supports of appurte- sions of Part B, Chapter 2 of the Offshore Rules.
nances is defined as follows:
3.5.4 Machinery, electrical and other system design
• for classed equipments, the whole structure supporting conditions
the equipments is included in the scope of classification
The party applying for classification is to submit the neces-
and subject to the requirements of Sec 8, [1]
sary description, diagrammatic plans, design data of all sys-
• for non-classed equipments, the scope of review is lim- tems, including those used solely for the service (drilling,
ited, in principle, to the review of the hull attachment lifting, etc.) performed by the unit and, where applicable,
and the affected supporting structure to any non-welded their cross connections with other systems. The submitted
connection of the equipment (pinned, bolted connec- data are to incorporate all information necessary to the
tion, sliding support ...). For appurtenances welded on assessment of the unit for the purpose of the assignment of
the hull, the scope of class is defined on a case by case class or for the assignment of additional class notations.
basis but remains limited to the connection with hull
In accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [4.8.2] of the Off-
shore Rules, the party applying for classification is to give
an estimation of electric balance for the different conditions
3.4 Classification restrictions of operation of the unit. The specifications are to list all
important equipment and apparatus, their rating and the
3.4.1 When the design data and assumptions specified by power factors, as applicable.
the party applying for classification do not comply with the
applicable Rules requirements, restrictions may be placed 3.6 Design life
upon the unit's class.
3.6.1 The requirements about “Service life”, “Design life”,
3.4.2 When deemed necessary, restrictions may be placed unit modifications and unit re-assessment are given in Pt A,
on the duration of the service life of the unit. Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.7] of the Offshore Rules.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 11

NI 534, Sec 1

3.7 Operating Manual 4.2.2 The project specification is also to specify the list of
owner requested certificates.
3.7.1 An Operating Manual, which includes instructions
regarding the safe operation of the unit and of the systems 4.3 Conflict of Rules
and equipment fitted on the unit, is to be placed on board
the unit. The Operating Manual is to be, at all times, made 4.3.1 In case of conflict between this Guidance Note and
available to all concerned. A copy of the Operating Manual any Statutory Requirement as given by Flag State or Coastal
is to be retained ashore by the Owners of the unit or their State, the latter ones are to take precedence over the
representatives. requirement of the present Guidance Note.
The Operating Manual is to incorporate a dedicated section
containing all information relating to classification, particu- 4.3.2 In case of conflict between owner or industry stand-
larly environmental, loading and other design criteria as ards and the present Guidance Note, the latter one is nor-
well as classification restrictions. The Operating Manual of mally to take precedence.
a self elevating unit is also to stipulate the instructions
related to transit conditions, preloading and the emergency 5 Classification notations
procedures in case of punch through.
It is the responsibility of the party applying for classification 5.1 Class symbol, construction mark and
to prepare the contents of the Operating Manual. notations
3.7.2 The Operating Manual is to be submitted for review 5.1.1 The classification notations give the scope according
to the Society, this review being limited to checking that the to which the class of the units has been based and refer to
classification related material as listed above is consistent the specific rule requirements which are to be complied
with data given in the Design Criteria Statement defined in with for their assignment.
5.1.2 The types of classification assigned to a self-elevating
4 Statutory requirements unit are described in Tab 1.

5.1.3 A site notation specifying the name of field and/or the

4.1 General geographical area, where the unit is to operate, is to be
assigned. When the self-elevating unit is not intended to
4.1.1 The classification of a unit does not relieve owners, operate on a specific geographical area, the site notation is
designers, builders and other interested parties from com- to be characterized by the most unfavorable sea conditions
pliance with any requirements issued by administration for the unit.
(international conventions, national laws and regulations Whatever the site notation, the party applying for classifica-
and other instruments).
tion is to provide the most unfavorable environmental con-
ditions for which the self-elevating is designed, as stipulated
4.1.2 The Society's activities do not cover the above men-
in Sec 3. These conditions are to be reported in Design Cri-
tioned requirements.
teria Statement.
4.1.3 When authorized by the administration concerned, All changes of the geographical area or stipulated environ-
the Society will act on its behalf within the limits of such mental conditions are to be submitted to the Society’s
authorization. In this respect, the Society will take into examination and the site notation may be modified accord-
account the relevant national requirements, survey the unit, ingly after approval of the design for the new conditions,
report and issue or contribute to the issue of the corre- and if applicable, execution of the necessary reinforce-
sponding certificates. (see Pt A Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.1.3.] of the ments.
Offshore Rules).
5.1.4 The transit notation “Transit - Specified criteria” is
assigned to units for which the transit is restricted to speci-
4.2 Project specification
fied environmental conditions as stipulated in the Design
4.2.1 Prior to designing the unit, the complete list of Rules, Criteria Statement.
Codes and Statutory requirements to be complied with is to
be established and submitted. This list is to detail the 5.2 Elevating system
requirements to be complied with:
5.2.1 The structural type notation Offshore Self-elevating
• international conventions, (SOLAS,ILLC, MARPOL, ILO
unit lays down that the jacking mechanism for self-elevating
and IMO Assembly Resolutions)
units are to be approved by the Society as mentioned in
• flag state requirements Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11 of the Offshore Rules. It includes:
• coastal state requirement • review of design, manufacturing and testing documents
• owner standards and procedures • witnessing of testing
• industry standards • visits during the manufacturing
• classification notations. • inspection at suppliers works, as needed.

12 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 1

Table 1 : Classification notations for a self-elevating unit

Classification notations References

Class symbol I or II
{, [ or µ to be separately assigned before:
- HULL notation
Construction mark
- MACH notation
- additional class notation, when relevant
Structural type notation offshore self-elevating unit
- drilling (geotechnical) or drilling (workover)
- drilling assistance
- lifting
Service notations
- production
- accommodation Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2 of the Offshore Rules
- special service ( )
- name of field
Site notation - geographical area of operation
- most unfavorable sea conditions
Transit notation transit - specific criteria
- ALM (lifting appliance)
Additional class notations / - DYNAPOS (dynamic positioning)
additional service features - AUTO (automation system)
(may be optional) - HEL (Helideck)
- ...

5.2.2 The elevating systems are to be arranged with redun- • for equipment liable to induce, when in use, signifi-
dancy in order to avoid any uncontrolled descent of the unit cant loads within the structure of the unit, all infor-
and impair the possibility to jack the unit to a safe position. mation on these loads, such as:
- drilling loads
5.2.3 Hydraulic system and electrical system associated
with the elevating system are to comply with the relevant - crane loads on pedestal and on boom and hook
chapters in Part C of the Offshore Rules. rests (lifting)
- other loads from lifting and handling equipment
6 Required documentation b) Structural calculations
• calculations of environmental loadings including
6.1 General forces and moments from wind, waves, currents, ice,
snow, earthquakes as applicable
6.1.1 The required documentation is listed in Part A, Chap- • calculations of loads induced by equipment
ter 1 of the Offshore Rules. • stability calculations for the intact and damaged con-
ditions including detailed computation of wind
6.1.2 The required documentations are to clearly show all exposed areas and, if applicable, ice formation effects
essential features, arrangement and scantling of the struc-
ture, machinery, boilers, auxiliaries and other equipment • global analysis in elevated position
cover by the classification. • calculations of the unit's resistance against overturn-
ing while resting on the sea bed
6.1.3 In addition to what is specified in [6.1.1], the docu- • hydrodynamic calculation in floating condition, if
mentation is to include the following information for plan relevant
review purposes:
• hull calculation in floating condition
a) Design data • leg strength calculation in floating condition
Design condition data, as stipulated in Sec 3, including • local strength calculations of legs, leg/hull connec-
environmental data (see Sec 4) tion, hull attachments and appurtenances, ...
The data are to be as comprehensive as possible and to • fatigue calculation of structural details
clearly give evidence of all applicable environmental
• jacking systems (including locking system, if any)
• maximum loading for all decks areas • calculation of segregation of loads between jacking
• results of model basin tests, when performed and locking system
• results of wind tunnel tests, when performed • calculations of cathodic protection system

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 13

NI 534, Sec 1

c) Structural drawings • bilge system

• general arrangement plan (in elevating and towing • hazardous areas drawings
• fire bulkhead arrangement drawing
• deck loading plans
• fire and gas drawings showing types and locations of
• main structural drawings showing structural arrange-
detection and extinguishing equipment
ments, scantlings, grades of steel, welded connec-
tions and structural details. These drawings are to • schematic diagrams of main emergency power sup-
include, as applicable: plies and electrical installations
- transverse and longitudinal sections of the hull • corrosion protection system including:
- decks including helicopter deck - in case of impressed current system, operating
- shell plating and framing manual and detail of maintenance operations
- bulkheads and flats - in case of sacrificial anodes: detail of mainte-
- legs including racks, chords, bracings and their nance/ retrofit operations
connections for lattice legs, shell plating, stiffen- • key as-built drawings
ers, stringers, struts, connections of racks with
shell plate and supporting leg rack members, • design limitations:
potential openings, for shell type legs - on site
- detailed drawings of racks, if any, including their - during installation (leg lowering and preloading)
arrangement in towing and elevating conditions
- for self-elevating unit removal (lowering the hull,
- footings (spudcans) and mats
leg retrieval)
- leghouses
- during transit (leg arrangement, rig and other
- superstructures and deck houses
equipment sea fastening)
• detailed structural drawings in the areas of connec-
• emergency procedures in case of punch through
tions between main structural members in way of:
- foundations of elevating systems • Design Criteria Statement issued by the Society,
including classification restrictions, if any
- leghouse guides
- drilling derrick • Classification Certificates, continuous survey lists
and other certificates issued by the Society.
- anchoring equipment
- crane foundations, and
- all other parts liable to be subject to high local
7 Rule application
loadings or stress concentrations
d) Operating Manual 7.1 Structure
As a minimum, the Operating Manual is to include the 7.1.1 The Sections of the present Guidance Note (and Off-
following information, where applicable: shore Rules) are to be applied for the scantling and arrange-
• general description and principal particulars of the ment of unit items according to Tab 2.
• general arrangement plan showing watertight com- Table 2 : Applicable Sections
partments, closures, vents, intakes and discharges, for the scantling of unit items
down flooding points
• capacity plan showing the capacity, centre of gravity Applicable
Section / Article
and free surface correction for each tank, fixed and
variable deck loads, permanent ballast, and the Sec 2
location of draught gauges and draught marks Sec 5
Hull and legs structure
• loading manual Sec 6
• permissible loadings for all decks Sec 7

• amount of snow and ice allowable on deck Sec 2

Hull attachment and appurtenances
Sec 8, [1]
• stability drawings including body plan, inclining
experiment results and allowable KG curves Superstructures and deckhouses Sec 8, [3]
• amount of allowable marine growth Crane Sec 8, [2]
• towing arrangements Helicopter decks Sec 8, [4]
• temporary mooring and position anchoring arrange- Hull outfitting Sec 8, [5]
Launching appliances Sec 8, [6]
• ballast control system drawings including piping
diagram showing remote and manual control Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11
Jacking system
devices of the Offshore Rules

14 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 1

7.2 Stability 9 Reference co-ordinate system

7.2.1 Article Sec 6, [2] of the present Guidance Note is to
be applied for the stability assessment. 9.1 Hull

7.3 Other subjects 9.1.1 Except specified otherwise, the unit’s geometry and
loads are defined with respect to the following right-hand
7.3.1 Other subjects such as electricity, automation, co-ordinate system:
machinery, piping and safety are dealt with the Offshore • Origin: at the intersection among the longitudinal plane
Rules. of symmetry of unit, the aft end and the baseline
• X axis: longitudinal axis, positive forwards
8 Maintenance of class
• Y axis: transverse axis, positive towards portside
8.1 General • Z axis: vertical axis, positive upwards.

8.1.1 Conditions for the maintenance of Class are defined 9.1.2 Positive rotations are oriented in anti-clockwise
in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Offshore Rules. direction about the X, Y and Z axes.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 15

NI 534, Sec 2


1 Steel grade and structural categories • First category: first category elements are main load car-
rying elements essential to the overall structural integrity
of the unit
1.1 Material strength
• Special category: special category elements are parts of
1.1.1 According to the Offshore Rules, the reference stress first category elements located in way or at the vicinity
of material Rf , in N/mm2, to be considered for strength cal- of critical load transmission areas and of stress concen-
culation is defined by: tration locations.
R f = min (R eG, ---------
) 1.3.2 Categories of structural members of self-
1, 2
elevated units
The structural members of self-elevated units are to be cate-
ReG : Minimum specified yield stress of the material,
gorized as indicated in Tab 1.
in N/mm2
Structural categories are to be indicated on the drawings
R : Tensile strength of the material, in N/mm 2.
submitted to the Society for approval.
1.1.2 For steel having a yield stress above 690 N/mm2, spe- The Society may, where deemed necessary, upgrade any
cial consideration will be given by the society. structural element to account for particular considerations
such as novel design features or restrictions regarding
1.2 Steel grade selection access for quality control and in-service inspections.

1.2.1 The selected steels are to have mechanical properties 1.4 Steels with specified through thickness
satisfying the structural design of the unit and the require-
ments of this Article.

1.2.2 The steel grade for a structural element is to be 1.4.1 The designer is to evaluate the risk of any lamellar
selected in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 2 of the Off- tearing.
shore Rules, on the basis of:
1.4.2 The maximum allowable stress through thickness is
• the design service temperature defined in Sec 4, [6] 50% of the yield stress. For Z-grade plates as defined in the
• the structural category set out in [1.3] Ship Rules, a maximum stress of 75% of the yield stress can
• the reference thickness of the element defined in Pt B, be accepted as through thickness stress.
Ch 3, Sec 2 of the Offshore Rules. Special attention to the welding of Z-grade plates is to be
The design air temperature is to be considered for structural paid by the designer. The Society may require ultrasonic
inspection before and after welding of the plate.
elements located above the minimum water depth (i.e.
The design water temperature is to be considered for struc-
1.5 Corrosion allowances
tural elements located below the minimum water depth
1.5.1 The scantling obtained by applying the criteria speci-
(refer to Sec 4, [6] for complementary information).
fied in the present Guidance Note are gross scantlings i.e
1.2.3 For elements having a yield stress above 460 N/mm2 those which provide the strength characteristics required to
and below 690 N/mm2, thickness limitations for different sustain the loads including corrosion margin. The strength
steel grades are to be considered according to IACS Recom- criteria take into account a moderate and progressive corro-
mendation No. 11 (Rev 1. 1996) "Material Selection Guide- sion, up to an amount of 4% in 20 years.
line for Mobile Offshore Drilling Units", taking into account
1.5.2 For the particular case of legs without cathodic pro-
the structural categories defined in [1.3].
tection, a corrosion rates of 0,4 mm per year is to be consid-
ered in the splash zone (i.e. in the area limited by LAT
1.3 Structural categories minus trough of wave and the SWL plus the crest of wave)
to be deduced from the as-built thickness minus the Owner
1.3.1 Categories to be considered
margin, as specified in [1.5.3]. The corrosion rate applies
Structural elements in welded steel constructions are on the external shell and internal one, if relevant.
classed into three categories: second, first and special cate-
gories, as listed hereafter: 1.5.3 Any additional thickness increment, as may be pro-
• Second category: second category elements are struc- vided in accordance with the provisions of the Offshore
tural elements of minor importance, the failure of which Rules Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 5, is to be deduced from actual nomi-
might induce only localized effects nal thicknesses prior to application of strength criteria.

16 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 2

Table 1 : Application of structural categories

Structural member category

• second category elements are structural elements which are classed neither in the special nor in the first categories
• bottom plating
• strength deck plating, excluding that belonging to the special category
• side shell plating
• bulkhead plating belonging to main structure of the hull
• legs, except part classed in the special category
• shell plates of boxed jackhouses and main girders of truss jackhouses
• platings and bulkheads in spudcans
• deck plating, shell plating and bulkheads in mat structure
• heavily loaded elements forming main truss or frames of integrated decks, support frames or heavy modules
• structure supporting crane pedestals, large flare towers or long span bridges
• helideck frames
• cantilever beams and substructure of drill floor (legs and main beams)
• appurtenances connections to hull when used for essential operations excluding that belonging to the special category
• sheer strake at strength deck (1)
• stringer plate in strength deck (1)
• deck strakes in way of bulkheads participating to overall bending moment (1)
• strength deck and bottom plating at outboard corners of large hatch openings (monpool)
• bilge strake (1)
• vertical members of cylindrical and rectangular hollow section legs (external shell plating including vertical stiffeners if any,
racks, ...)
• chords, including nodes and racks, and main bracings of lattice legs
• connection of legs with spudcans or mat structure
• nodes in truss of jackhouses
• cast steel structural members
• structure in way of jacking or other elevating arrangements including padeyes or bearing members
• structure in way of leg locking including padeyes or bearing members
• leghouse guides for leg loads transferring to the hull
• connections of leghouses to the hull
• highly stressed area of appurtenance connections to the hull (including padeyes if any), when used for essential operations
(1) Single strakes are required to be of special category or of grade E/EH and are to have breadths not less than (800 + 5 L) mm,
where L is the length of the hull, as defined in Sec 6.
Note 1: Any welded attachments of loaded equipments on hull plating are not to have grade lower than that used for the hull plating.

1.5.4 When the unit is converted from an existing unit, the 2.1.2 Means of access
assessment of strength is to be based on actual measured The means of access in the self-elevating unit are to allow
thicknesses reduced by any specified corrosion prediction inspection of the critical structure connections identified
or corrosion allowance. during the drawing review by the Society and/or the
The number of inaccessible areas is to be limited and
2 Structural principles clearly identified on the structure drawings. The Society
reserves the right to require additional corrosion allowances
2.1 Accessibility for inspection during for these areas. Special attention is to be paid to fatigue
Web frame numbers are to be attached to structure or walk-
way inside of tanks to the satisfaction of the attending Sur-
2.1.1 Principle
Accessibility for inspection, and also for maintenance, is Equipment on deck are to be arranged to allow inspections
required with respect to the durability and integrity of the of the deck plating and to avoid permanent concentration of
structure. dust and remaining water.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 17

NI 534, Sec 2

2.2 General construction 2.4 Ordinary stiffeners

2.2.1 Structural continuity 2.4.1 The strength principles requirements for the ordinary
Attention is to be paid to the structural continuity: stiffeners are those given in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [3] of the Ship
• of the leg structure
• in way of the connections of leg houses (jackhouses,
spudhouses) ends with the hull 2.5 Primary supporting members
• of the leg connections with spudcans or mat structure
2.5.1 The strength principles requirements for the primary
• in way of changes in the framing system supporting members are those given in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 3, [4]
• at the connections of primary or ordinary stiffeners of the Ship Rules.

• in way of deck equipment connections. Additional strength principles requirements for bottom,
side, deck and bulkhead structure are respectively given in
The framing system of the hull is to consider the global the Ship Rules, Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 4 to Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 7.
stress flow in both elevated and floating positions. In princi-
ple, several framing types are adopted for triangular hulls to
ensure a better hull strength continuity between leghouses. 2.6 Leghouse
Rectangular hulls are usually longitudinally framed.
2.6.1 The leghouse includes all the structural elements of
Where stress concentrations may occur in way of structural
the hull allowing the load transfer between legs and hull.
discontinuities, adequate compensation and reinforcements
Therefore the horizontal guides (hull structural members in
are to be provided.
contact with the legs), the elevating and locking systems
Openings are to be avoided, as far as practicable, in way of with their supporting structure are part of the leghouse.
highly stressed areas.
The leghouse is usually formed by spudhouse and jack-
Where necessary, the shape of openings is to be specially house.
designed to reduce the stress concentration factors. Particu-
lar attention is to be paid to the passage of secondary stiff- 2.6.2 Load carrying members of the leghouses are to be
eners through web plating in the stress vicinity of heavy designed for the maximum design loads and are to be so
loads. arranged that loads transmitted from the legs are properly
Openings are to be generally well rounded with smooth diffused into the hull structure.
2.6.3 For the purposes of better contact and gap reduction
Primary supporting members are to be arranged in such a
between the legs and guides doubling plates may be fitted.
way that they ensure adequate continuity of strength.
The contact area is to be as large as possible and the extent
Abrupt changes in height or in cross-section are to be
avoided. of doublers is to cover the whole contact area.
In case several doubling plates are fitted for shell to shell
2.2.2 Sniped ends contact, the contact area is not to be interrupted because of
In principle, sniped ends of primary and secondary stiffen- the presence of doublers. The welded connections of the
ers are to be less than 30 degrees. doublers between them are to be as flush as possible.

In addition to normal loads due to leg-guide contact, ana-

2.3 Plating lysed according to Sec 5 and Sec 6, the welds between the
doublers and guide structure are also to withstand tangen-
2.3.1 A local increase in plating thickness is generally to be tial friction forces provided by leg displacements against
achieved through insert plates. guides ones.
Insert plates are to be made of materials of a quality at least
equal to that of the plates on which they are welded.
2.7 Legs
Plating under heavy concentrated loads may be reinforced
with doublers (only compression loads allowed) and/or stiff- 2.7.1 Legs may be either of shell type or of lattice type
eners where necessary. Doublers in way of equipment are (truss leg type). Individual footings (spudcans) may be fitted
to be limited in size and avoided in areas of the deck with or legs may be permanently attached to a bottom mat.
high stress.
Doublers having width, in mm, greater than: 2.7.2 Shell type legs (cylindrical or rectangular hollow sec-
tion) may be designed as either stiffened or unstiffened
• 20 times their thickness, for thicknesses ≤ 15 mm
• 25 times their thickness, for thicknesses > 15 mm
All structural elements participating to the global strength of
are to be fitted with slot welds, according to the Ship Rules, the legs (shell, ordinary stiffeners) are to be continuous
Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1. when crossing primary members.

18 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 2

Table 2 : Equivalent leg strength properties

Leg type Equivalent properties

Ac A = 3 AC
AShy = AShz = 3/2 ASh
1 b
Iy = Iz = 1/2 AC b2
y IT = 1/4 ASh b2

Ac A = 4 AC
AShy = AShz = 2 ASh

y Iy = Iz = A C b 2
IT = ASh b2

Ac A = 4 AC

AShy = AShz = 2 ASh

Iy = Iz = A C b 2
IT = ASh b2

z A = π (D − t) t
AShy = AShz = A/2
t 3
πt ( D – t )
4 Iy = Iz = -------------------------
πt ( D – t )
IT = -------------------------

z b2
A = 2 t (b1 + b2)
AShy = 2 t b2
AShz = 2 t b1
5 1 3 3
Iy = ------ [ b 2 b 1 – ( b 2 – 2t ) ( b1 – 2t ) ]
b1 t 12
1 3 3
Iz = ------ [ b 1 b 2 – ( b 1 – 2t ) ( b2 – 2t ) ]

A : Cross sectional area

AC : Cross sectional area of the chords (including racks as stipulated in Sec 5, [2.3.1]
AShy : Shear area with respect to y-axis of the leg
AShz : Shear area with respect to z-axis of the leg
ASh : Shear area of the one leg side, as defined in Tab 3
Iy : Moment of inertia about the y-axis of the leg
Iz : Moment of inertia about the z-axis of the leg
IT : Torsion moment of inertia
b : Distance between chords
D : Outer diameter of cylindrical shell leg type
b1, b2 : Respectively depth and breadth of rectangular hollow section leg
t : Thickness of the leg shell.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 19

NI 534, Sec 2

Table 3 : Equivalent shear area of one leg side for lattice legs

Structure Equivalent shear area of one leg side

( 1 + ν )sb
A S h = -------------------------
1 AD d

b ----------
2A D

( 1 + ν )sb
AS h = -------------------------
2 AT d

d b ------- + ----------

( 1 + ν )sb -
AS h = -------------------------
3 d

AD b ----------
4A D

( 1 + ν )sb
A S h = ---------------------------
4 AT d

b ---------- + ----------
2AD 2A T


ASh : Shear area of one leg side leg

AD : Cross-sectional area of diagonal bracings
AC : Cross-sectional area of chords (including racks as stipulated in Sec 5, [2.3.1]
AT : Cross-sectional area of vertical bracings
b : Distance between chords
s : Spacing of bays
d : Length of diagonal bracings
ν : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a value of 0,3 is to be taken into account.

2.7.3 Lattice leg type are usually made of tubular members. 2.9 Deckhouses and superstructures
Particular attention is to be paid to tubular connections
which are highly stressed areas subject to fatigue. Generally 2.9.1 Deckhouses and superstructures are to have sufficient
excentricities are to be minimized. strength for their size, function and location, with due con-
sideration given to the environmental conditions to which
The bracing system of lattice legs is to be so arranged to
the unit may be exposed. Their scantling is to be designed
ensure structural redundancy.
in transit conditions for sustaining green water pressure on
unprotected front bulkheads as defined in Sec 8, [3].
2.7.4 The mechanical properties of lattice and shell leg type
may be obtained from formulae given in Tab 2 and Tab 3.
2.10 Reinforcements in way of supporting
structures for hull attachments
2.8 Spudcans and bottom mat
2.10.1 Generally, the supports for attachments and appur-
2.8.1 When spudcans are fitted, particular attention is to be tenances are to be fitted in way of longitudinal and transver-
paid on the connection to the legs which may be subject to sal bulkheads or in way of deck beams. Other supports are
fatigue. Suitable overlapping of the legs are to be fitted so as to be fitted in way of large primary supporting members.
to transfer the loads from the legs to the spudcan. The main structure may be locally reinforced by means of
insert plates.
2.8.2 When the bottoms of the legs are attached to a mat,
particular attention is to be given to the attachment and the Cut outs in local structure in way of hull attachments are to
framing and bracing of the mat, in order that the loads be closed by full collar plates.
resulting from the legs are properly distributed. Particular attention is to be paid to buckling below supports.

20 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 3


1 General c) Transit design conditions:

The transit design conditions are the most stringent con-

1.1 Definition ditions for the strength and the stability of the self-ele-
vating unit during field or ocean transit mode (see
definitions in Sec 1, [2.2.1]).
1.1.1 The design conditions are data on which the struc-
tural design is based. The data are to include a description If ocean transit is not allowed, it is to be stipulated in the
of: Design Criteria Statement.

• the general configuration of the unit (air gap, leg length In principle, the legs are elevated in transit operations
penetration, leg length reserve …)
The initial transportation to site of a permanent installa-
• the distribution of fixed and operational loads (see Sec 5, tion is also considered as a transit condition.
d) Installation/retrieval design conditions:
• the environmental conditions (see Sec 4)
Installation/retrieval design conditions are defined as the
• the wind screen areas most stringent conditions for the strength and the stabil-
ity of the self-elevating unit during installation or
• any other relevant data. retrieval mode.

Installation/retrieval design conditions cover leg impact

1.2 Modes of operation and accidental conditions while lowering the legs and pre-loading con-
conditions dition (for units without bottom mats).

Pre-loading condition is a condition where the legs are

1.2.1 The design conditions are to be specified by the party statically loaded at the maximum vertical loading asso-
applying for classification for all modes of operation (see ciated with extreme storm condition.
also Sec 1, [2.2]) and accidental conditions:
e) Accidental conditions, if relevant:
a) Operating design conditions:
The design of the unit may consider the possibility of
The operating design conditions are defined as the most accidental loads resulting from collisions, dropped
stringent conditions for the strength and the stability of objects, fire or explosions.
the self- elevating unit during working mode.
For accidental conditions, broken bracings, broken
The environmental data to be specified for these condi- joints, leg deformation, punch through and boat impact
tions are to constitute the limits for a condition of opera- may be studied.
tion of the unit or for the operation of a particular In principle, the environmental data for the accidental
equipment or system. conditions, as specified in Sec 4, are to be taken for a
return period of 1 year.
b) Severe storm design conditions:

The severe storm design conditions are defined as the 1.2.2 All the above loading conditions are to be described
most stringent conditions for the strength and the stabil- in details in the Operating Manual.
ity of the self-elevating unit during survival mode. They
are considered as extreme conditions. 2 Self-elevating unit in elevated
The environmental data for these conditions, as speci- condition
fied in Sec 4, are to be provided for a return period not
lower than: 2.1 Calculation methodology
• 50 years, in general
2.1.1 A global analysis of the self-elevating unit in elevated
• 100 years,, for self-elevating units permanently position is to be carried out for checking the overall behav-
installed on site. iour.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 21

NI 534, Sec 3

2.1.2 The self-elevating unit response is generally non-lin- 3 Self-elevating unit in transit
ear for the following reasons: conditions
• the non-linear wave loadings, due to:

- the hydrodynamic drag loads

3.1 Design considerations for hull structure

- the wave kinematic 3.1.1 The hull of the self-elevating unit is to be designed to
withstand sea pressure, internal tank pressure, inertia loads
- the variation of the submerged portion of the legs and hull girder loads.
- the interaction between wave and current The hull strength is to comply with requirements given in
Sec 6.
• the non-linear amplification of the large deflections of
the legs
3.2 Design considerations for legs and hull /
• the resonance of the structure at wave period legs connection
• the non-linear interactions such as:
3.2.1 General
- leg/hull interaction Structural elements of the unit (legs, leg/hull connection)
are to be designed for the static and inertia forces induced
- leg/sea bottom interaction
by the motions and accelerations of the self-elevating unit
• the static inclination of the legs, due to: in the most severe environmental conditions for the two fol-
lowing conditions:
- fabrication tolerance
• field transit conditions
- fixation system • ocean transit conditions.
- hull inclination.
Legs and legs/hull connection structure are to be assessed
using the simplified approach defined in Sec 6. Alternative
These non-linearities are to be properly taken into account methodology may be accepted by the Society on a case by
for the resistance assessment. case basis.

2.1.3 In general, a deterministic analysis (design wave 3.2.2 Leg arrangement

methodology) is accurate enough for resistance assessment.
The legs and legs/hull connection structure are to be
Calculation methodology for deterministic analysis, model- assessed for any proposed leg arrangement with respect to
ling, loads and load effects are described in Sec 5. The pro- vertical position during field and ocean transit moves, and
cedures for wave load calculation is defined in Sec 5, [4.4]. the approved positions are to be specified in the Operating
Manual (see Sec 1, [3.7]). Such leg arrangements are also to
Stochastic analysis (irregular sea state described by wave
be considered for stability assessment.
energy spectrum) is required for structure with significant
dynamic response (see Sec 5, [4.5.4]) and fatigue assesse- 3.2.3 Motions and accelerations
ment. Further information of stochastic analysis, in both fre-
quency and time domain, are mentioned in Technical and Legs and legs/hull connection structure are to be designed
for bending moments and forces caused by motions taking
Research Bulletin 5-5A, Guidelines for Site Specific Assess-
into account:
ment of Mobile Jack-up Units published by the Society of
Naval Architects and Marine Engineers (SNAME). • a minimum value of single amplitude of roll or pitch
equal to 6° at the natural period of the unit (see Sec 6,
[3.1.3]) plus 120% of the gravity caused by the legs
2.2 Loading conditions angle of inclination for field transit conditions
• values given by the hydrodynamic calculation as speci-
2.2.1 The structural strength assessment of a self-elevating fied in [3.2.4] or, as an alternative, a value of single
unit in elevated position, is to be based on the following amplitude of roll or pitch equal to 15° at a 10 s period
design conditions: plus 120% of the gravity caused by the legs angle of
inclination for ocean transit conditions.
• operating design conditions

• severe storm design conditions 3.2.4 Hydrodynamic calculations and model tests
Motions and accelerations to take into account for both field
• accidental conditions
and ocean transit conditions may be derived from hydrody-
• pre-loading conditions. namic calculations (see App 1 for the methodology) and/or
obtained from model tests on the basis of the unit’s charac-
The corresponding load cases are specified in Sec 5, [5.2]. teristics and intended environmental transit conditions.

22 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 3

Motions and accelerations for transit conditions are to be 3.3 Dry tow transit
determined based on significant metocean data with a
return period of at least: 3.3.1 Dry tow transit (transit mode where the unit is carried
as cargo on another ship) is not covered within the scope of
• 50 years for mobile units classification.
• 10 years for permanent units, except when otherwise
specified by the party applying for the Classification. 4 Installation / retrieval design
In no case, these values of motions and accelerations are to
be lower than those given in [3.2.3] for field transit condi-
4.1 Leg impact
4.1.1 Legs are to be designed to withstand the dynamic
Hydrodynamic calculation may be required by the Society
loads which may be encountered by their unsupported
when deemed necessary.
length just prior to touching bottom, and also to withstand
the shock of touching bottom while the unit is afloat and
3.2.5 Wind loads subject to wave motions.
The effect of wind forces resulting from maximum wind In principle, leg strength due to its impacts on sea bottom is
velocity, as defined in Sec 5, [4.3], is to be taken into to be examined in accordance with Sec 6, [4.2.1], except if
account in addition to [3.2.3]. more detailed analysis is provided.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 23

NI 534, Sec 4



Hs : Significant wave height, in m, corresponding to Note 1: Different limiting conditions may be associated with differ-
the mean wave height of the third highest waves ent operational loads arising from the various equipment related to
each unit service but also from a given equipment (e.g. crane, etc.).
Tp : Peak period of the wave spectrum, in s
Tz : Zero up-crossing period, in s. 1.3.2 It is the responsibility of the party applying for classi-
fication to ascertain that the environmental parameters are
correct, complete and compatible with the use of the unit,
1 General in accordance with provisions of the present Section.

1.1 Application 1.4 Environmental load

1.1.1 The purpose of this Section is to provide requirements 1.4.1 Environmental loads are loads resulting from the
regarding the necessary environmental information to be action of the environment and include loads resulting from:
specified by the party applying for classification for assess-
ing the structural design of a self-elevating unit. • wave
• wind
1.2 References • current

1.2.1 Industry Standards • ice and snow, where relevant

a) ISO 19901-1:2005 Petroleum and natural gas industries • earthquake, where relevant.
- Specific requirements for offshore structures - Part 1:
Metocean design and operating conditions Dynamic loads induced by unit's motions (inertia forces) or
by dynamic response to environment actions are to be con-
b) Technical and Research Bulletin 5-5A, Guidelines for sidered as environmental loads.
Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-up Units pub-
lished by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine Reactions to environmental loads (foundations) are to be
Engineers (SNAME) considered as environmental loads.

c) API RP 2A-WSD Recommended Practice for Planning,

1.4.2 Specific environmental loadings such as loadings due
Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms -
to ice, snow or earthquake are not dealt with the present
Working Stress Design - latest edition
Guidance Note. In case such loadings are to be considered,
d) ISO/DIS 19905-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - the Offshore Rules are to be referred.
Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units - Part 1:
1.5 Documentation to be submitted

1.3 Environmental data 1.5.1 The data defining the environmental conditions are to
be specified in terms of:
1.3.1 Environmental data are to be specified by the party
applying for classification. They are to include: • wave data

• data for the severe storm design condition (extreme, sur- • wind data
vival), in accordance with requirements of Sec 3, [1.2.1] • current data
• data for the limiting environmental (threshold) condi- • waterdepth and tide data
tions considered for operating, transit, installation and
preloading design condition of the unit • atmospheric and sea temperatures data,
• the long term distribution of environmental data on and, where applicable:
which the design of the structure for fatigue is based
• marine growth
• data for any other particular design condition of the sub-
ject unit. • any other relevant conditions.

24 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 4

2 Waves 2.3.3 Short term irregular sea-state

A short term irregular sea state is described by means of
wave energy characterized by:
2.1 General
• the significant wave height (Hs)
2.1.1 Waves data are to be specified, for the purpose of • the peak period (Tp) or the zero-up crossing period (Tz)
resistance assessment for each condition of the unit.
• a wave spectrum

2.1.2 For a given condition of operation of the unit, the • the mean wave direction
wave height is to be specified for a sufficient range of peri- • a directional spreading function, where applicable.
ods, such that the maximum response of the unit is properly
covered for all sea states liable to be met in such a condi- Irregular sea states are actually divided into two broad
tion. Directional data may be considered, where applica- types: wind seas and swells. Wind seas are generated by
ble. local wind whereas swells are waves which have no con-
nection to the local wind but have travelled out the area
2.1.3 Wave conditions to be considered for design pur- where they were generated. Spectra for swells and wind
poses of the unit in elevated position (see Sec 3, [2.1]) may seas are to be clearly distinguished.
be described by design wave methods or by stochastic In general, the Pierson Moskowitz spectrum is to be
method using wave energy spectrum. Stochastic method is applied. Narrower spectrum, such as JONSWAP or swell
to be used for fatigue analyses. spectrum, should be considered for location with limited
fetch or shallow water (see [1.2], item a).
2.2 Design wave approach 2.3.4 Long term distribution of the irregular sea
A long term distribution of the sea is described by a family
2.2.1 In design wave approach (deterministic or quasi-
of wave spectra with their associated probability of occur-
static method), the sea states are represented by regular
The sea state statistic data are generally provided under the
2.2.2 The design waves are to be those that produce the form of a “scatter diagram” (table Significant wave - Wave
most unfavorable load on the structure taking into account period):
the size and shape of the structure. • Tp (or Tz) intervals of 1 second
• Hs interval of 1 meter
2.2.3 Where the design wave approach is used, waves data
are to be specified for each design condition in terms of: • number of occurrences, with reference duration of
3 hours.
• maximum wave height H max
The scatter diagram summarizes directions, together with
• associated wave period Tass
number / percentage of occurrence of each heading sector.
• wave direction. Information about extreme environmental conditions, either
directional or seasonal extremes (typhoons, etc.) given by
2.2.4 For a 3 hours sea state, the following relationship metocean specialist, is to be separately described and docu-
between the significant wave height HS and the maximum mented in specification and is to be submitted to the Soci-
wave height Hmax is to be considered: ety for information.
Hmax = 1,86 H s
3 Wind
If no associated period to Hmax is specified, it is to be taken
as follows:
3.1 Wind specification
T as s = 2, 5 H m a x
3.1.1 Wind data are to be specified for the purpose of
resistance assessment in elevated position and for stability
2.2.5 In addition to [2.2.3], wave data are to be specified
in floated position.
for wave periods equal or close to the natural period of the
unit (see Sec 5, [4.5]). 3.1.2 As the wind velocity changes both with time and
height above sea level, the wind design data are to be spec-
2.3 Random / stochastic wave approach ified as the wind speed at a reference height above the
water level (usually taken as 10 m above the mean water
2.3.1 In random / stochastic wave approach, the irregular level) and averaged over 1 min., or another suitable refer-
sea states are described by wave energy spectrum. ence time interval.
The wind speeds averaged over other time intervals and the
2.3.2 For structure with significant dynamic response (see vertical profiles of wind speed, which are required for the
Sec 5, [4.5.4]) and for fatigue assessment, the sea state is to calculation of wind loads, are to be derived from the above
be described by a random wave mode. reference wind speed using recognized relations.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 25

NI 534, Sec 4

3.1.3 Wind is to be considered from any direction relative 6.1.2 Where no particular value is specified, the following
to the unit. Directional data may be considered where design air temperature may be considered:
applicable. • 0°C for units not intended to operate in cold areas

4 Current • − 10°C for units intended to operate in cold areas.

4.1 Current specification 6.2 Water temperature

4.1.1 Current data are to be primarily specified for the pur- 6.2.1 For the immersed part of the structure, the design
poses of resistance assessment of the self-elevated unit in temperature is the water temperature of the coldest day
elevated position. (24 h) of the year for any anticipated area of operation.

4.1.2 The current velocity profiles are to be specified from 6.2.2 Where no particular value is specified, a design water
the sea bed to the water depth (SWL) and taking into temperature of 0°C may be considered.
account the contribution of all relevant components such as
tidal current, wind generated current and circulation cur-
rent. 7 Marine growth
Unusual bottom or stratified effects are to be clearly stated.
Directional profiles may be considered, where applicable. 7.1 Marine growth specification

7.1.1 Marine growth data are to be specified for the pur-

5 Waterdepth and tides pose of global analysis of the self-elevating unit since it
tends to modify the drag and inertia forces and increase the
5.1 Waterdepth and tide specification leg mass.

5.1.1 The maximum Still Water Level (SWL), as defined in 7.1.2 Thickness of marine growth and height of application
Sec 1, [2.3], is to be specified for the purposes of resistance on the legs of the self-elevating unit are to be specified.
assessment of the self-elevated unit in elevated position.

5.1.2 For the purpose of strength analysis at a given site, 8 Soil

consideration is also to be given to the minimum water-
depth associated with extreme waves.
8.1 General
6 Design temperatures 8.1.1 The nature, strength and behavioural parameters
(such as liquefaction potential, long term consolidation,
6.1 Air temperature etc.) of soil for which the unit is designed in relation with
the expected type of foundation are to be specified.
6.1.1 For the emerged part of the structure (splash zone and
above), the design temperature is defined as the mean air 8.1.2 As a minimum, the maximum design penetration of
temperature of the coldest day (24 h) of the year for any leg tip, footings, mat, etc., below mud line is to be speci-
anticipated area of operation. fied.

26 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 5



λ : Wave length to be taken equal to: ior, assessing the air gap, the overturning stability and deter-
g 2 mining the maximum strength capacity of legs, elevating
λ = ------- T ass and locking system(s) and leghouses. The analysis is to be

based on environmental data submitted by the party apply-
Actual value in shallow water is to be consid-
ing for classification in compliance with Sec 4.
ered if necessary
Pa : Average vertical loads, in kN, in the leg in way 1.3.2 Non-linear characteristics of the self-elevating unit
of the locking system, if any, or at mid-distance may be modelled either accurately or with equivalent sim-
between upper and lower guides otherwise plified assumptions. In most cases, the latter ones are suffi-
PEuler : Euler critical loads, in kN, defined by: cient for representing a realistic global response.

π EI –5
P Eule r = -------------2 10 1.3.3 Critical structural areas may be identified during the
(kl ) global analysis. They are to be locally analysed through
where k is the effective leg length factor to be finite element analysis.
taken equal to 2, except otherwise duly justified
ρ : Sea water density taken equal to 1,025 ton/m 3. 1.4 Definitions
1.4.1 A self-elevating unit is to sustain global loads due to
1 General the application of external environmental loads. For the
purpose of the present Guidance Note, the following defini-
1.1 Application tions are reminded:

1.1.1 The purpose of this Section is to provide requirements • the overturning moment is defined as the total moment
related to the global analysis of the self-elevating unit in ele- which is generated by environmental loads and tends to
vated position. capsize the unit
The requirements in [2] and [3] apply to the structural and • the base shear force is defined as the total horizontal
hydrodynamic modelling of the self-elevating unit. resulting force transferred to the soil by the footings.
The requirements in [4] and [5] apply to the determination,
application and combination of loads. 2 Structural modelling
The resistance assessment is dealt in [6]. It includes air gap,
leg length reserve, stability and structure checks. Additional 2.1 General
local analyses are specified in [6] for critical structural
members. 2.1.1 The structural modelling is to take accurately into
account the geometric and mechanical properties of the
1.2 Reference unit, the distribution of the inertia and the boundary condi-
1.2.1 Industry standards
The simplified and detailed levels of modelling presented
a) Technical and Research Bulletin 5-5A, Guidelines for from [2.2] to [2.5] may be combined. In principle, a simpli-
Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-up Units pub- fied model performed in accordance with [2.2.1], [2.3.2]
lished by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine and [2.4.2] is accurate enough for assessing the overall
Engineers (SNAME) behavior of the self-elevating unit in elevated position.
b) API RP 2A-WSD Recommended Practice for Planning,
Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms - 2.2 Hull modelling
Working Stress Design - latest edition
c) ISO/DIS 19905-1 Petroleum and natural gas industries - 2.2.1 Beam model
Site-specific assessment of mobile offshore units - Part 1: In case beam model is used for modelling the hull, the stiff-
Jack-ups ness and inertia of the model are to represent the hull ones.
The model is to be based on a grillage of equivalent beams
1.3 Calculation procedures modelling side shell, longitudinal and transverse bulkheads.
These equivalent beams are positioned at their neutral axis.
1.3.1 A global analysis of the self-elevating unit in elevated Their span, spacing, attached plating and mechanical prop-
position is to be performed for checking the overall behav- erties are to be determined according to Sec 2, [2.5].

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 27

NI 534, Sec 5

The hull is usually a closed box shape and, so, not made of 2.4.2 Simplified modelling
several open section beams. Therefore, particular attention For simplified modelling, the connection between the leg
is to be paid to the assessment of torsional inertiae of the and the hull is to be assumed fixed in way of the fixating
equivalent beams. The overall torsional inertia of the hull system, if any; otherwise, it is to be assumed fixed at mid-
may be estimated considering the hull girder as a box-type distance between upper and lower guides.
section beam and distributed between the beams.
2.4.3 Detailed modelling
2.2.2 Finite element models Leghouse guides and elevating / locking systems stiffnesses
The structural model is to represent the primary supporting are to be accurately modelled and their modelling is to be
members with the plating to which they are connected. duly justified (see [1.2.1], items a) and c).
Ordinary stiffeners are also to be represented in order to
reproduce the stiffness and inertia of the actual hull struc- 2.5 Boundary conditions
ture. In principle, they are to be represented by beam ele-
ments. 2.5.1 The boundary conditions are to be considered as fol-
Meshing is to be carried out following uniformity criteria
among the different elements, i.e.: • for designing the upper part of legs as well as the leg /
hull connection, the spudcans are assumed to be simply
• Most of quadrilateral elements are to be such that the
ratio between the longer side length and the shorter side
length does not exceed 2. Some of them may have a • for designing the lower part of the leg, the spudcans are
ratio not exceeding 4. Their angles are to be greater than assumed to be fixed.
60° and less than 120°. The triangular element angles
2.5.2 For the natural period assessment of the self-elevating
are to be greater than 30° and less than 120°
unit (see [4.5]), the spudcans are assumed to be simply sup-
• In principle, the size of elements is not to exceed the ported.
spacing of secondary stiffeners. Finer mesh (typically
In case of self elevating units having a natural period equal
100 mm x 100 mm) are to be used for local strength
to or greater than the wave period, special considerations
may be given by the Society to the boundary conditions.

2.3 Leg modelling 2.5.3 In lieu of [2.5.1] and [2.5.2], leg bottom stiffness,
based on relevant foundation analysis, may be taken into
2.3.1 General account on a case by case basis, in particular for permanent
The leg stiffness used in the global analysis may account for units.
a contribution from a portion of the rack tooth material. The
assumed effective area of the rack teeth is not to exceed 2.5.4 The boundary conditions are to be applied either at
10% of their maximum cross sectional area. When check- mid-height of the maximum predicted penetration if the
ing the capacity of the chords, the chord properties are to spudcans is partially penetrated or at mid-height of the
be determined discounting the rack teeth. spudcans otherwise.

2.3.2 Equivalent leg model 3 Hydrodynamic modelling

Lattice legs may be represented as equivalent beam model.
In that case, special care is to be paid on representing the 3.1 Marine growth
actual cross-sectional and shear areas as well as bending
and torsional moments of inertia. 3.1.1 When applicable, marine growth is to be included in
The formulae given in Sec 2, Tab 2 and Sec 2, Tab 3 may be the hydrodynamic model, adding the appropriate marine
used as a guidance. growth thickness on the outside boundary of each individ-
ual member below the Mean Water Level (MWL) + 2 m.
2.3.3 Detailed leg model Thus, for a tubular member, the outer diameter D becomes:
The legs are to be modelled using either shell or beam ele- D = Dinitial + 2 tMG
ments. The model geometry of the leg is to be fully in where:
accordance with the design. For lattice leg modelled with
beam, chords and braces are to be represented at their neu- D initial : Initial outer diameter without marine growth
tral axis. Brackets normally need not to be taken into tMG : Marine growth thickness, as specified in Sec 4,
account for the global analysis, but is to be considered for [7].
the local analysis.
3.2 Drag and inertia coefficients
2.4 Leg / hull connection modelling
3.2.1 Drag and inertia coefficients are to be taken from rec-
2.4.1 General ognized industry standards (see [1.2.1]).
Particular attention is to be paid for the modelling of the leg The values of drag (CD) and inertia (CM) coefficients given in
/ hull connection since it influences the force and moment Tab 1 may be considered for the calculation except men-
distribution over the whole structure. tioned otherwise.

28 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 5

Table 1 : Drag and inertia coefficients • hydrostatic loads (buoyancy)

• liquids in tanks
Beam shape CD CM
condition • ballast loads
Cylindrical smooth 0,65 2,0 • riser tensioning loads
(outer diameter < 1,5 m) rough 1,0 1,8 • hook or rotary table loads

Rectangular π D 1 • loads resulting from lifting appliances in operation.

rough 2,0 1 + ---  ---- + --- D
---- 
cross-section 4 B 2 B
Dynamic loads induced by equipment in operation are to
B : Sectional dimension parallel to flow be considered as operational loads.
D : Sectional dimension normal to flow.
4.1.3 Mass distribution
3.2.2 The smooth values are to be applied above (MWL) +
The mass distribution resulting from fixed and operational
2 m and the rough values below (MWL) + 2 m, where MWL
loads is to be accurately represented for each loading con-
is as defined in Sec 1, [2.3.1].
dition in order to match to the actual total weight and posi-
tion of the centre of gravity.
3.2.3 In case equivalent truss leg modelling is used, hydro-
dynamic properties are to be calculated according to
[1.2.1], items a) and c). 4.1.4 Hull sagging
During installation on site, the hull usually switches from
hogging condition, generated by the buoyancy, to sagging
4 Loads and load effects condition due to hull self-weight and functional loads when
the unit starts to jack-up. The bending moment going
through the legs due to hull sagging is widely dependent on
4.1 Fixed and operational loads
the hull / guides clearances, the design of the jacking sys-
tem and operating parameters. Leg bending moment
4.1.1 Fixed loads induced by hull sagging may be reduced on a case by case
Fixed load or light weight is the weight of the complete unit basis according to [1.2.1], items a) and c).
with all permanently attached machineries, equipment and
other items of outfit such as:
4.2 Leg inclination
• piping
• deckings, walkways and stairways 4.2.1 The effect of static leg inclination is to be considered
as it induces additional bending moment at leg guide con-
• fittings nection. The total initial offset at spudcan is given by:
• spare parts e0 = e1 + e2 + e3
• furniture.
The light weight of the unit includes the weight, to their nor- e0 : Total offset of leg spudcan from theoretical ini-
mal working level, of all permanent ballast and other liq- tial position, in m (see Fig 1)
uids such as lubricating oil and water in the boilers, but
excludes the weight of liquids or other fluids contained in e1 : Eccentricity due to leg/guide clearances, in m
supply, reserve or storage tanks. e2 : Offset due to maximum hull inclination (heel
and trim) permitted by the operating manual, in
4.1.2 Operational loads
Operational loads are loads associated with the operation
e3 : Offset due to leg fabrication tolerances, in m.
of the unit and include:
• weights of all moving equipment and machineries The total offset e0 is to be submitted by the designer.

• variable loads of consumable supplies weights such as: 4.2.2 The additional bending moment Ms, in kN⋅m, at leg
- casing, drill and potable waters hull connection, due to static leg inclination, is to be calcu-
lated according to the following formula:
- mud
Pa e0
- cement M S = ---------------------
- oil 1 – ----------- -
P E ul e r
- gas where:
- chemical products
e0 : Total offset of leg spudcan, in m, defined in
• other storage loads [4.2.1].

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 29

NI 534, Sec 5

Figure 1 : Total initial offset at spudcan θ : Direction of the wind flow with x-axis, in
degrees. The x-axis is defined as the longitudi-
nal axis
Fx(θ) : Value of the wind force, in kN, along x-axis for
the direction θ. Fx(0) corresponds to head wind
force calculated according to [4.3.1]
Fy(θ) : Value of the wind force, in kN, along y-axis for
the direction θ. Fy(90) corresponds to beam
wind force calculated according to [4.3.1]
KDc(θ) : Coefficient defined by:

2 cos ( θ )
K D c ( θ ) = ---------------------------------2-
1 + [ cos ( θ ) ]

KDs(θ) : Coefficient defined by:

2 sin ( θ )
K D s ( θ ) = ---------------------------------2
1 + [ sin ( θ ) ]

4.3.5 Wind forces are to be applied at the centre of the

areas exposed to the wind.
Table 2 : Shape coefficient CS

4.3 Wind loads Shape CS

4.3.1 Wind loads are to be determined using wind velocity Spherical 0,40
and wind profile as specified in Sec 4, [3]. Cylindrical 0,50
Large flat surface (hull, declasse, smooth 1,00
4.3.2 When wind tunnel data are available, these data are underdeck areas)
to be considered for the calculation of the pressure and
Drilling derrick 1,25
resulting forces.
Wires 1,20
4.3.3 When no particular data are specified, the wind force Exposed beams and girders under deck 1,30
FWind is to be calculated according to the following formula: Small parts 1,40
1 Isolated shapes (crane, beam, etc.) 1,50
F Wi nd = --- C S C H ρA ir A W i nd V Wi nd 10
2 –3

2 Clustered deckhouses or similar structures 1,10

CS : Shape coefficient depending on the shape of Table 3 : Height coefficient CH
the structural member exposed to the wind (see
Tab 2) Height above sea level (m) CH

CH : Height coefficient depending on the height 0 - 15,3 1,00

above sea level of the structural member 15,3 - 30,5 1,10
exposed to wind (see Tab 3) 30,5 - 46,0 1,20
46,0 - 61,0 1,30
ρAir : Air specific mass equal to 1,222 kg/m3
61,0 - 76,0 1,37
AWind : Projected area of the exposed surface of the 76,0 - 91,5 1,43
structural member in the direction of the wind 91,5 - 106,5 1,48
flow, in m2. 106,5 - 122,0 1,52
VWind : 1 minute wind velocity at 10 m above the mean 122,0 - 137,0 1,56
water level, in m/s. See Sec 4, [3]. 137,0 - 152,5 1,60
152,5 - 167,5 1,63
4.3.4 Wind forces are usually evaluated in head and beam 167,5 - 183,0 1,67
sea conditions. They may be extrapolated to other wind 183,0 - 198,0 1,70
headings using the following formulae: 198,0 - 213,5 1,72
Fx(θ) = KDc Fx (0) 213,5 - 228,5 1,75
228,5 - 244,0 1,77
Fy(θ) = KDc Fy (90) 244,0 - 256,0 1,79
where: above 256 1,80

30 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 5

4.4 Hydrodynamic loads an : Fluid particle acceleration normal to the mem-

ber, in m/s2
4.4.1 Reference dimensions of the submerged members of
a self-elevating unit in a plane normal to the fluid velocity is CD : Drag coefficient defined in [3.2]
normally below five times the wavelength, and Morison CM : Inertia coefficient defined in [3.2]
forces are to be considered:
D : Reference dimension, in m, in a plane normal
FHydro = FDrag + FInertia to the fluid velocity vn
S : Cross sectional member, in m2
FHydro : Total hydrodynamic force (Morison force) per
unit length to be applied on submerged ele- vn : Relative fluid particle velocity, in m/s, normal to
ments, in kN⋅m−1 the member axis taking into account the wave
particle velocity un, the current velocity vCn and
FDrag : Morison drag force per unit length, in kN⋅m−1,
the lateral velocity of the considered member if
normal to the axis of the member (n) considered
not negligible.
in the analysis and in the direction of the rela-
tive fluid velocity, defined by:
4.4.2 The evaluation of un and an is to be based on appro-
1 priate wave theory (Airy, Stockes and Stream theory)
F D ra g = --- ρC D Dv n v n
2 according to water depth, maximum wave height and asso-
FInertia : Morison inertia force per unit length, in kN⋅m−1, ciated wave period, given in Fig 2.
normal to the member (n) axis and in the direc- For stochastic wave, by superposition of Airy waves, the
tion of the fluid particle acceleration normal to wave kinematics between the wave crest and the still water
member (n) and defined by: level should be estimated by stretching or extrapolation
FInertia = ρ CM S an methods.

Figure 2 : Wave theory

d : Mean water depth, i.e the distance between the sea bed and the Mean Water Level (MWL), in m, as specified in Sec 4, [5]
Hb : Breaking wave height, in m.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 31

NI 534, Sec 5

4.4.3 The current velocity vCn is to be computed from cur- 4.5.3 The increase of the natural period due to Euler effect
rent data specified in Sec 4, [4]. The current velocity vCn is is to be taken into account either by direct analysis or by the
to be added vectorially to the wave particle velocity un. simplified methodology explained hereafter.
In case direct analysis is used, the methodology is to be
4.4.4 The current profile is modified by the presence of duly justified (see references in [1.2.1], items a) and c)).
crest and trough of wave. Appropriate current profile Otherwise, the natural period is to be increased as follows:
stretching or compressing method, as explained in [1.2.1],
item b), is to be applied to compute the drag force. T n = -------------------------
1 – ----------- -
4.4.5 The phase difference of the wave between the legs is P E ul e r
to be considered for the assessment of the hydrodynamic Tn : Natural period, in s, taking into account Euler
loads. effect
T0 : Natural period, in s, as defined in [4.5.2].
4.5 Dynamic amplification loads
4.5.4 In principle, the dynamic amplification loads for
deterministic analyses are to be determined using classical
4.5.1 Natural periods of self-elevating unit may falls within
Single Degree of Freedom (SDOF) methodology. More
the range of wave periods. Therefore, wave loads, because
sophisticated methodologies (negative stiffness), as
of their time varying nature, may excite the jack-up struc-
explained in [1.2.1], items a) and c), are to be considered
ture and amplify the static responses. Additional dynamic
for stochastic analysis.
amplification loads are to be considered during the analysis
in order to take into account this phenomena. The dynamic amplification loads act in the same direction
as hydrodynamic loads defined in [4.4.1].
4.5.2 The natural period of the unit is to be assessed, and According to SDOF method, the dynamic amplification load
its determination is to be performed using finite element FDyn is to be applied as nodal forces at the centre of gravity of
analysis. the hull and calculated with the following formula:
As an alternative, the natural period may be obtained from FDyn = (DAF − 1) BS
the following formula: where:
M FDyn : Dynamic amplification load, in kN
T 0 = 2π -----
K BS : Amplitude of quasi-static base shear, in kN, due
to wave and current loads over one cycle, i.e.
BS ma x – B Sm in
M : Mass of the unit, in tons, defined by BS = ---------------------------------
M = Mp + 0,5 (MLL + MWB + MAW) + MLU with:
Mp : Weight of the hull including lightship and pay- BSmax : Maximum quasi-static base shear
load, in tons force, in kN
BSmin : Minimum quasi-static base shear
MLL : Total weight of all the legs below either the
force, in kN
lower guide or the centre of the locking mecha-
nism if any, in tons DAF : Dynamic amplification factor defined by:

MLU : Total weight of all the legs above either the 1

DA F = ---------------------------------------------------------
2 2 2
lower guide or the centre of the locking mecha- [ ( 1 – Ω ) + ( 2ξΩ ) ]
nism if any, in tons to be taken not less than 1
MAW : Added water mass, in tons. MAW is to be evalu- Ω : Ratio defined by the following formula:
ated according to the following formula: Tn
Ω = -------
MAW = 1,025 (CM − 1) V Tas s

CM : Inertia coefficient defined in [3.2.1] Tn : Natural period of the self-elevating unit, in s, as

defined in [4.5.3]
V : Volume of submerged part of the
Tass : Wave excitation period, in s, i.e. associated
legs, in m3
period to H max as specified in Sec 4, [2]
MWB : Total weight of water ballast inside the legs if ξ : Percentage of the critical damping determined
any, in tons according to Tab 4, and calculated as the sum
K : Transverse stiffness of the unit, in kN⋅m−1 of the structural damping and potential founda-
defined by: tion and hydrodynamic damping. In principle, ξ
is to be taken as follows:
3EI –5
K = n --------
10 • ξ = 0,04 for cylindrical and rectangular sec-
tion legs
n : Number of legs. • ξ = 0,07 for lattice legs.

32 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 5

Table 4 : Damping according to the damping source These loading conditions are to be based on data specified
for the design conditions respectively defined in Sec 3,
Percentage of critical [1.2.1], respectively in items a), b), d) and e).
Damping source damping for each
damping source
5.2 Load cases
Structure holding system, etc... 2%
Foundation between 0 and 2% 5.2.1 For each loading condition, load cases are to be
established. The load cases refer to the most unfavorable
Hydrodynamic between 0 and 3% combinations of the environmental loads with fixed and
associated operational loads.
4.5.5 For DAF greater than 2, stochastic wave approach 5.2.2 For operating, severe storm and accidental loading
(see references in [1.2.1], items a) and c)) is generally to be conditions, loads defined in [4.1] to [4.6] are to be consid-
preferred to design wave approach. ered.
In any case, at the resonance and to account for irregular
waves effect, the DAF is not to be taken greater than the 5.2.3 For pre-loading condition, loads defined in [4.1] and
value given by the following formula: [4.2] are to be considered. Environmental loads are usually
not considered.
DA F = --------------------
0 , 65
1, 5 ξ 5.2.4 In addition to [5.2.1], static load cases are to be ana-
lysed for hull strength assessment. The static load cases refer
4.6 P − ∆ and Euler effect to the most unfavorable combinations of the fixed and oper-
ational loads on the hull.
4.6.1 Due to high leg axial loads, the lateral or bending For this load case, loads defined in [4.1] and [4.2] are to be
stiffness of the leg beam is reduced. As a result, the horizon- considered. No environmental load is taken into account.
tal hull displacement under environmental loads is
increased. 5.2.5 If necessary, other load cases that might be more crit-
ical are also to be investigated.
4.6.2 In principle, non linear large displacement methods
or geometric negative stiffness methods, as defined in
5.3 Loads combination
[1.2.1], items a) and c), are recommended for modelling
this phenomena. 5.3.1 For each load case, the environmental loads (current,
wave, wind and dynamic amplification loads) are assumed
4.6.3 As an alternative, the linear first order hull displace-
to act simultaneously in the same direction.
ment is to be increased using the following simplified geo-
metric stiffness approach: 5.3.2 The environmental loads headings shown on Fig 3
∆0 and Fig 4 are at least to be considered.
∆ = ---------------------
1 – ----------- -
P Euler Figure 3 : Environmental load headings
for triangular hull
∆ : Amplified linear-elastic displacement, in m
∆0 : Linear first order hull displacement due to envi-
ronmental loads, in m. The displacement is
measured usually at the centre of gravity of the
hull. COG
The amplified linear-elastic displacement ∆ is usually Head
obtained applying additional nodal forces at the centre of 0˚ O
gravity of the hull.
5 Loading conditions and load Quartering
90˚- α˚
5.1 Loading conditions
5.1.1 The structure of the unit in elevated position is to be
designed for the following loading conditions:
• operating design conditions
• severe storm design conditions
• pre-loading condition Load heading angle (deg)

• accidental conditions, if relevant. x

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 33

NI 534, Sec 5

Figure 4 : Environmental loads headings 6.1.2 Mobile units

for rectangular hull with 4 legs The unit is to be designed for a crest clearance of either:
• 1,2 m (4 ft.), or
• 10% of the combined storm surge, astronomical tide
and height of the maximum wave crest above the mean
Head 0˚ O COG low water level (i.e. LAT),
whichever is less.
The air gap is to be calculated with the maximum wave
height having a return period of 50 years for mobile units.

6.1.3 Permanent units

Quartering The unit is to be designed for a crest clearance of at least
90˚- α 90˚ 1,5 m (5 ft.).
Beam loading The air gap is to be calculated with the maximum wave
y height having a return period of 100 years.
The society may require higher air gap or crest clearance on
a case by case basis.

6.2 Leg length reserve

Load heading angle (deg)
x 6.2.1 A minimum leg length reserve of 1,5 m above upper
guide or one jack stroke on hydraulic units is to be fitted so
The environmental load headings are to be considered with as to provide a contingency in case the actual penetration
respect to the position of the centre of gravity to maximize exceed that predicted.
the forces and bending moments in the legs.
Other environmental load headings may be required by the 6.3 Overturning stability
Society on a case by case basis, in particular for hull with
more than four legs. 6.3.1 Definitions
The self-elevating unit is to have sufficient reserve stability
5.3.3 For each heading, the environmental elements (wind, against overturning moment generated by the metocean
waves and current) are to be combined with their design loads.
As defined in [1.4], the overturning moment tends to cap-
For wave load assessment, the most unfavorable combina- size the unit. The overturning moment is to take into
tion of wave height, wave period and water level is to be account wave, wind, current effect and dynamic amplifica-
retained. tion loads.
Wave loads are to be assessed considering the maximum Conversely, the stabilizing moment tends to stabilize the
wave height Hmax and generally over a range of wave peri- unit. The stabilizing moment is generated by the fixed and
ods. A range of ± 15% around the specified period is rec- operational loads corresponding to the loading condition.
ommended. The wave loads are to be also evaluated at the As a rule, the minimum elevated weight is normally to be
natural period of the unit with the appropriate wave height determined assuming 50% of the variable load permitted by
(see Sec 4, [2.2]), if more severe. the operating manual. The stabilizing moment is to be
reduced considering buoyancy and leg inclination.
6 Resistance check The stabilizing and overturning moments are to be calcu-
lated around an horizontal axis of rotation passing by the
centre of two spudcans (see Fig 5). Special consideration
6.1 Air gap
may be asked by the Society for self-elevating units with
mast supports.
6.1.1 General
Self elevating units are to be designed with sufficient air gap 6.3.2 Criterion
(see definition in Sec 1, [2.4]) to allow the passage of waves In operating and severe storm conditions, the stabilizing
larger than the design waves under the hull. moment is to be greater than 1,25 times the overturning
The crest elevation, to be considered for air gap assessment, moment:
is to be measured above the maximum Still Water Level (see Ms > 1,25 Mo
definition in Sec 1, [2.3]).
The crest clearance is to be measured between the under-
side of the unit in the elevated position and the crest of the Ms : Stabilizing moment, in kN⋅m
design wave. Mo : Overturning moment, in kN⋅m.

34 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 5

Figure 5 : Axis of rotation for overturning and stabilizing moments

Wind loads Weight


Hydrodynamic Hydrodynamic
loads loads

Axis for OTM and

SM calculation


OTM means Overturning moment

SM means Stabilizing moment

6.3.3 Permanent units For structural strength calculation of these elements, the
For permanent units, the overturning moment is to be basic allowable stress factor α, as defined in the Offshore
assessed considering the maximum wave height having a Rules, Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5.4.2], is to be taken as follows:
return period of 10 000 years. • “Static”, “Pre-loading” load cases: α = 0,6

6.4 Structural strength in elevated position • “Operating”, “Severe storm” load cases: α = 0,8
• “Accidental” load cases: α = 1,0
6.4.1 General
The structural strength of the following items is to be Note 1: The load cases “Operating” and “Severe storm” refer to
checked in elevated position: load case 2 of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3 of the Offshore Rules.
• legs and spudcans scantling Note 2: The basic allowable strength for “Static” load case is
• elevating system included pinions and rack teeth, if any increased by one-third and two-third for respectively load case 2
(“Operating” and “Severe storm”) and load case 3 (“Accidental”)
• guide and leghouse connections
defined in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3, [1.3] of the Offshore Rules. The same
• overall hull strength principle is to be applied when strength assessment is requested to
• local structural details of the hull, if relevant. be checked according to industry standards, such as [1.2.1], item b).

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 35

NI 534, Sec 5

6.4.2 Legs and spudcans 2π

cosh  ------- ( d – z d )
Legs are to be analysed through at least a beam model (inte- 1  λ 
grated or separated from the global model), simply supported p h = ρg zd + --- H m a x ---------------------------------------------
2 2π
in way of the spudcan, and satisfying the boundary condi- cosh  ------- d
 λ 
tions of the connections with the leghouses. Attention is
drawn on lattice legs which have to be accurately modelled where:
with all the chords and bracings, as specified in [2.3.3]. d : Still water depth, in m, from the seabed to the
Global loads applying on legs, i.e. bending moments about maximum SWL
y and z axes of the legs (respectively Mby and Mbz), shear zd : Depth below still water level, in m, counted
force (T) and axial load distribution (P) along the legs are to positive downward.
be obtained from the global analysis. The application of Leg structure is to sustain global and local loads. The scant-
bending moments and shear force on the leg model may be ling of the legs and the spudcans are to comply with the
performed by means of forces FU and FL calculated in requirements of Sec 7.
6.4.3 Guide and leghouse connections
In case of units with lattice legs, global or local analysis is to
provide the following loads for each structural member Finite element analysis of the leghouses is to be performed.
(bracings and chords): Particular attention is to be paid for load transfer from legs
to guides and leghouses.
• axial force P_i
In case of a global analysis in which leg / hull connections
• bending moment about y-axis Mby_i
are simply modelled according to [2.4.2], the loads at
• bending moment about z-axis Mbz_i upper FU and lower FL guides are respectively given, in kN,
• shear force T_i by the following formulae (see also Fig 6):
• torsion moment Mt_i. MLG
- ( 1 – χ)
F U = ---------
The local hydrostatic sea pressure applying onto leg mem-
bers is determined as follows: FL = FU + TLG

Figure 6 : Bending moment and shear force at leg / hull connections

Upper guide
Fu χ MLG

Locking system
(if any)

Lower guide

TLBS : Leg base shear

36 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 5

where: • when a locking system is fitted:

hG : Distance between lower and upper guide, in m - for the design of the locking system: c = 1
MLG : Bending moment in the leg at lower guide, in
- for the design of legs and guides: c ≤ 0,5
TLG : Shear force in the leg just below the lower It is to be checked that the strength of the guides and the
guide, in kN leghouses is in compliance with the following criteria:
χ : Part of bending moment taken by jacking mech-
• yielding criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5] of the Off-
anisms (see Fig 6).
shore Rules
χ is to be considered as follows:
• buckling criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [6] of the
• for jacking system without racks and pinions nor fixa-
Offshore Rules and Sec 7 of the present Guidance Note,
tion system: χ = 0
when relevant
• for jacking system with racks and pinions, χ may be cal-
culated according to the following formula: • fatigue criteria: refer to [6.5].

χ = ----------------------------------------- 6.4.4 Elevating and locking systems
hGA Shear 3
1 + ---------------------- 10
KR The elevating and locking systems are to be designed to
withstand the loads (i.e. vertical force and part of bending
moment not taken by guides as specified in [6.4.3]) coming
G : Shear modulus to be taken to 0,8⋅105 N/mm2 from the global analysis.
for steel
AShear : Shear area of the leg, in m2, as defined in Refer to Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 11 of the Offshore Rules for rule
Sec 2, Tab 2 corresponding to AShy and AShz
with respect to the axis of the leg The structural members supporting the elevating and lock-
KR : Rotational stiffness of the leg / hull connec- ing systems are in compliance with the following criteria:
tion due to racks and pinions, in kN⋅m. • yielding criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5] of the Off-
KR may be calculated by a simplified two- shore Rules
dimensional model, as follows (see Fig 7):
• buckling criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [6] of the
1 2 Offshore Rules and Sec 7 of the present Guidance Note
K R = --- K e d e
2 when relevant
Ke : Vertical stiffness of the rack and pinion sys-
• fatigue criteria, if relevant: refer to [6.5].
tem (see Fig 7), in kN/m
de : Minimum distance between teeth of oppo- 6.4.5 Overall hull strength
site leg rack in the considered direction (see
Fig 7), in m The hull is to be checked in elevated position in static load-
ing condition. The overall hull strength is to be in compli-
For the design of legs and guides: χ ≤ 0,5 ance with the following criteria using α equal to 0,6:

Figure 7 : Rotational stiffness of the elevating system • yielding criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5] of the Off-
shore Rules
• buckling criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [6] of the
Upper guide Offshore Rules and Sec 7 of the present Guidance Note,
when relevant.

6.4.6 Local structural details of the hull

Relevant methodology is to be used for assessing the hull
ke ke
critical details. For appurtenances and their attachments,
see Sec 8.

It is to be checked that these structural members are in com-

pliance with the following criteria:
• yielding criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5] of the Off-
shore Rules
• buckling criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [6] of the
Offshore Rules and Sec 7 of the present Guidance Note,
Lower guide
when relevant
de • fatigue criteria, if relevant: refer to [6.5].

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 37

NI 534, Sec 5

6.5 Fatigue analysis The Society may require other details to be checked, when
deemed necessary, on the basis of the detailed geometry
6.5.1 General and stress level.
Fatigue calculation is to be provided to the Society for units In addition to those details, the locations in where the cal-
with lattice legs or units operating in waterdepth greater culated hot spot stress is higher than allowable yielding cri-
than 40 m. The Society may request fatigue calculation for teria, are to be assessed for fatigue.
lower waterdepth, if deemed necessary.
6.5.4 Loading
The fatigue life of the unit is to be specified by the party
applying for classification. Otherwise, a fatigue life of The spectral fatigue analysis is to take into account, at least,
20 years on site is to be considered. except duly justified:
• 12 headings (every 30 degrees)
6.5.2 Fatigue analysis methodologies • 25 frequencies for frequency domain calculations.
It is recommended to use spectral analysis techniques. Refinements are to be performed around peak and can-
Other rational methods may be used provided adequate cellation frequencies.
representation of the forces and member responses can be
demonstrated. 6.5.5 Load cases for fatigue evaluation
For fatigue evaluation, operating and storm conditions are
Both time and frequency domain methodologies may be
to be considered proportionally to the duration of each con-
applied (see [1.2.1], item b)).
dition on site over the total design life. Several sites may be
6.5.3 Structural details considered if necessary. Towing condition may be taken
into account if relevant.
Fatigue assessment of the following details is to be per-
formed: 6.5.6 Stress concentration factors
a) Legs: Stress concentration factors are usually assessed through
• nodes for lattice legs Finite Element Model computation or parametric formula
• thickness tapering, if any, for cylindrical and rectan-
gular section legs 6.5.7 S-N curves
• leg connection with spudcan The S-N curve are to be taken from recognized standards.
b) Leghouses:
6.5.8 Criterion
• nodes for latticed jackhouses The damage ratio is to be not greater than those given
• end of bracket connections leading to hard points. in Tab 5.

Table 5 : Damage ratio

Degree of accessibility for inspection, maintenance and repair

Consequence of failure
Not accessible (2) Underwater inspection (3) Dry inspection (4)
Critical (1) 0,10 0.25 0,50
Non-critical 0,20 0,50 1,00
(1) Critical damage as per risk analysis including loss of life, collision, sinking, other major damage to the installations and major
production losses. When the risk analysis report categorizing the structural elements as critical or non-critical is not available,
all structural elements are to be considered as critical.
(2) Includes areas that can be inspected in dry or underwater conditions but require heavy works such as dry-docking for repair.
(3) Includes areas that can be inspected in dry conditions but with extensive preparation and heavy impact on operation.
(4) Allowable damage ratio to be considered for mobile units (unit inspected in dry dock as specified in the Offshore Rules, Part A).
Legs and leghouses are to be considered as critical elements.

38 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 6



L : Rule length, in m, of the unit. L is to be not less ZTOP : Z co-ordinate, in m, of the highest point of the
than 96% and need not exceed 97% of the tank in Z direction with respect to the reference
extreme length at the summer load waterline on co-ordinate system defined in Sec 1, [9]
transit dAP : Height, in m, of the top of the air pipe above
For non rectangular hull, the rules length of the tank top
unit is to be based on the extreme length of the Z : Vertical co-ordinate, in m, of the load point as
unit, parallel to the towing direction at summer defined in [3.4.1] with respect to the reference
draft co-ordinate system defined in Sec 1, [9]
BW : Moulded breath, in m, measured at the middle pPV : Setting pressure, in bar, of safety valves
of the unit length
ρL : Density, in t/m3, of the liquid cargo carried.
C : Wave parameter, to be taken equal to:
• for L < 90 m:
1 General
C = ( 118 – 0,36 L ) -------------
1.1 Application
• for L > 90 m:
1.1.1 Requirements of the present Section are complemen-
300 – L 1, 5
C = 10, 75 –  ------------------- tary to provisions of Sec 5.
 100 

D : Depth of the unit, in m 1.1.2 The structural elements of the self-elevating units are
to be adequately designed to withstand load conditions
TS : Draught of the unit, in m, corresponding to the
induced by unit motions when field and/or ocean transit are
loading case for transit operation provided.
AR : Roll single amplitude of the unit, in rad (see also
The main loads to be taken into account, resulting from
the minimum values defined in Sec 3, [3.2.1]) motions and accelerations of the unit induced during tran-
AP : Pitch single amplitude of the unit, in rad (see sit, are:
also the minimum values defined in Sec 3, • forces and moments induced by legs, defined in [3.2],
[3.2.1]) for local reinforcement in way of the self-elevating unit
GMt, GMl: Distances, in m, from the unit's centre of gravity guides
to the transverse and longitudinal metacentres • sea pressure, defined in [3.4], for the scantling of plates,
respectively, for the transit loading considered. and ordinary and primary members.
GMt and GMl are to be obtained from stability
and/or hydrodynamic calculations 1.1.3 In addition, the structural elements of the self-elevat-
δt , δl : Roll and pitch radii of gyration, in m, for the ing units are to be adequately designed to withstand loads
transit loading considered. δt and δl are to be during installation, as defined in [4.2].
obtained from stability and/or hydrodynamic
1.1.4 Each main structural element of the unit (legs, hull
and legs / hull interfaces) may be examined separately, tak-
TR : Roll period, in s (see also [3.1.3]) ing into account the interaction forces and moments
TP : Pitch period, in s (see also [3.1.3]) induced by unit motions.
ca : Aspect ratio of the plate panel, equal to:
1.1.5 Hull unit structure
s 2
s The requirements of [6] apply for the yielding checks of
c a = 1 ,21 1 + 0 ,33  ---- – 0 ,69 ----
 lP lp main hull unit structural elements based on simplified
to be taken not greater than 1,0
Finite element calculations, based on full length models
lp : Length, in m, of the longer side of the plate
and taking into account the global still and wave loads to be
panel used for the determination of the self-elevating unit girder
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate- strength, may be required by the Society when deemed nec-
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2, unless essary. In such a case, wave loads are to be computed by
otherwise specified, with k as defined in [1.2.1] hydrodynamic calculation, as defined in Sec 3, [3.2.4].

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 39

NI 534, Sec 6

1.2 Material 3.1.2 Motions and accelerations (simplified

1.2.1 Selected steels and structural element categories are The roll acceleration αR and the pitch acceleration αP, in
to be as defined in Sec 2, [1] and Sec 2, [2]. rad/s2, are obtained from the following formulae:
Unless otherwise specified, the material factor k, as a func- 2π 2
αR = A R  -------
tion of the reference stress of the material Rf , has the values  TR 

defined in Tab 1.
2π 2
αP = A P  -------
For intermediate values of Rf , k may be obtained by linear  TP 
3.1.3 Natural periods of motions
Steels having a yield stress lower than 235 N/mm2 or greater
The natural period, in s, for the roll motion may be
than 390 N/mm2 are considered by the Society on a case by
approached by the following formula:
case basis.
T R = 2π ------------------
Table 1 : Material factor k g GMt
The natural period, in s, for the pitch motion may be
Rf , in N/mm2 k
approached by the following formula:
235 1,00
315 0,78 T P = 2π ------------------
gG Ml
355 0,72
390 0,68 3.1.4 Unit relative motion
The values of the relative motions of the unit in upright and
inclined conditions, at any hull transverse section, are
2 Stability obtained, in m, from the following formulae:
• in upright condition:
2.1 General h1 = 0,7 C
• in inclined condition:
2.1.1 The Offshore Rules Part B, Chapter 1, is to be applied
for the stability assessment. BW
h 2 = 0, 5 h 1 + A R ------
In case of units unmanned during towing, damage stability
calculations may be not requested by the Society. In these formulae, h1 is to be taken not greater than the min-
imum of TS and D − 0,9 TS.
2.1.2 In case of non rectangular hull, attention is drawn on
the fact that stability assessment is to be performed in
3.2 Forces and moments for leg examination
fore/aft, athwartships and diagonal directions.
3.2.1 Legs are to be designed for forces and moments
3 Loads application in transit condition induced by their own weight subject to the unit motions
and accelerations defined in Sec 3, [3.2], combined with
the wind velocity.
3.1 General
3.2.2 Legs are to be loaded by distributed forces for the fol-
3.1.1 The main hypotheses for the simplified approach cal- lowing unit motion cases:
culation of the unit motions and accelerations during transit • unit in upright conditions: only loads induced by pitch
operations are: motion and wind loads as defined in [3.2.4] and [3.2.5]
are to be taken into account, roll motion effect being
• the only calculations of the rolling and pitching acceler-
taken equal to zero
ations are carried out. The effect of sway, heave and
surge are taken into account in the force and moment • unit in inclined conditions: loads induced by roll
effects by an increase of 20% in the gravity forces motion and wind loads as defined in [3.2.3] and [3.2.5]
are to be taken into account, pitch motion effect being
• the roll and pitch accelerations are calculated at the nat- taken equal to zero.
ural period of roll and pitch of the unit (see [3.1.2])
3.2.3 Load distribution under roll motion
• the single amplitude of roll and pitch is the one defined
in Sec 3, [3.2.3]. The elementary horizontal force FiR, in kN, induced by roll
motion and applied to an elementary length of leg, li, is
The values of the natural period of roll and pitch may be obtained by the following formula:
requested by the Society for several loading cases and ele-
F iR = p i ( 1,2 g sin A R + α R z i )
vating positions of legs during transit operations, according
to intended transit cases provided in the operating manual. where:

40 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 6

pi : Weight, in t, of an elementary length of leg li 3.3.2 The global forces and moments are to be calculated
zi : Distance, in m, measured as shown on Fig 1. in the following unit motion cases:
The total vertical force FvR, in kN, induced by the leg under • unit in upright conditions: only loads induced by pitch
roll is obtained by the following formula: motion and wind loads as defined in [3.2.4] and [3.2.5]
F vR = P Leg ( 1, 2 g cos A R + αR y i ) are to be taken into account, roll motion effect being
taken equal to zero
PLeg : Total weight of the leg, in t • unit in inclined conditions: loads induced by roll
yi : Distance, in m, measured as shown on Fig 1. motion and wind loads as defined in [3.2.3] and [3.2.5]
are to be taken into account, pitch motion effect being
3.2.4 Load distribution under pitch motion taken equal to zero.
The horizontal force FiP, in kN, induced by pitch motion
and applied to an elementary length of leg, li, is obtained When the leg mass is uniformly distributed along the leg
by the following formula: length, the values of the forces and moments induced by the
legs to the unit structure at upper guide level may be calcu-
F iP = p i ( 1,2 g sin A P + α P z i )
lated by the following simplified formulae:
pi : Weight, in t, of an elementary length of leg li • Forces and moment induced by roll motion:
zi : Distance, in m, measured as shown on Fig 1. F VR = P L e g ( 1,2 g cos A R + α R y i )
The total vertical force FvP, in kN, induced by the leg under
pitch is obtained by the following formula: F R = P L e g 1,2 g sin A R + αR  --- + z b
F vP = P Leg ( 1,2 g cos A P + α P x i ) 2 2
l 2 l + 6 l z b + 6z b 
M R = P L e g  --- + z b 1, 2 g sin A R + αR  -------------------------------------------
where: 2   3 l + 6 zb 

PLeg : Total weight of the leg, in t

xi : Distance, in m, measured as shown on Fig 1. • Forces and moment induced by pitch motion:

3.2.5 Wind load distribution F VP = P L e g ( 1, 2 g cos AP + α P x i )

Wind loads to be applied to the legs during transit condi- l
F P = P L e g 1,2 g sin A P + α P  --- + z b
tions are defined in Sec 5, [4.3.1]. 2 

2 2
l 2 l + 6 l zb + 6 zb 
3.3 Forces and moments for hull / leg M P = P L e g  --- + z b 1,2 g sin A P + α P  -------------------------------------------
2   3 l + 6z b 
connection examination
3.3.1 The global horizontal and vertical forces and
moments applied to the leg guides and to the unit structure FVR, FR, MR: Respectively vertical force, horizontal force, in
may be obtained by integration of the elementary loads kN, and moment, in kN⋅m, induced by the leg
defined in [3.2.3] and [3.2.4], combined with the wind to the unit structure under roll motion at upper
effect as defined in [3.2.5]. guide level

Figure 1 : Forces and moments induced by legs


li li
Fir Fip

l l
pi pi
Ar Ap

αr Fvr αp Fvp
zb zb
Ar Y Ap X

yi xi

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 41

NI 534, Sec 6

FVP, FP, MP: Respectively vertical force, horizontal force, in 3.4 Sea and internal pressure loads
kN, and moment, in kN⋅m, induced by the leg
to the unit structure under pitch motion at upper 3.4.1 Load point
guide level Unless otherwise specified, lateral pressure are to be calcu-
PLeg : Total weight of the leg, in t
• for plates, at the lower edge of the elementary plate
zb : Distance, in m, between the still water level and panel or at the lower edge of the strake
the upper guide, as shown on Fig 1. • for stiffeners, at mid-span for longitudinal/horizontal stiff-
eners or at the lower and upper ends for vertical stiffeners.
3.3.3 The horizontal loads FU and FL at respectively upper
and lower guides are given, in kN, by the following formu- 3.4.2 Sea pressure on bottom
lae (see Fig 2): The sea pressure hb at any point of the hull bottom, in
MUG kN/m2, is the greater of the values obtained from the follow-
- (1 – χ)
F L = ---------- ing formulae:
hb = 10 (TS + h1)
hb = 10 (TS + h2)
hG : Distance between lower and upper guides, in h1, h2 : Unit relative motions, in m, as defined in [3.1.4]
m, as shown on Fig 2
In no case hb is to be taken, in kN/m2, less than 1,75 TS.
MUG : Bending moment MR or MP in the leg at upper
guide, as defined in [3.3.2], for the motion case 3.4.3 Sea pressure on side shell
considered, in kN⋅m The sea pressure hs at any point of the side shell, in KN/m2,
TUG : Shear force FR or FP in the leg just above the is obtained from the following formula:
upper guide, as defined in [3.3.2] for the motion hs = hb − 10 Z, with hs ≥ 15 TS
case considered, in kN where
χ : Part of bending moment taken by jacking mech- hb : Greater value of the bottom pressure as defined
anisms as defined in Sec 5, [6.4.3]. in [3.4.2].

Figure 2 : Bending moment and shear force at leg/hull connections

Upper guide


Pinion and/or
locking system χ MUG
(if any) hG TUG

guide FL

42 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 6

3.4.4 Sea pressure on deck θ0 : Roll or pitch angle amplitude during installa-
tion, in rad, to be specified by the designer. This
The sea pressure hd at any point of the exposed deck, in
value is to be specified by the party applying for
kN/m2, is obtained from the following formula:
classification and usually computed by hydro-
hd = hb − 10 D dynamic calculations
Ky : Transverse stiffness of the leg, in kN⋅m−1,
defined by:
hb : Greater value of the pressure on bottom as
3 EI –5
defined in [3.4.2]. K y = --------
In no case, hd is to be taken, in kN/m2, less than the lowest
Kz : Vertical stiffness of the leg, in kN⋅m−1, defined
of the following: 0,4 L or 15 TS.
Specific areas which are subject to concentrated loads as E A –1
well as the values of these loads are to be specified. The K z = ------- 10
local structure reinforcement is to be determined by direct
calculation. d : Water depth, in m, to be considered during
installation condition
3.4.5 Internal pressure and flooding xl : Distance between the centre of flotation and the
leg, in m, as shown on Fig 3
The internal pressure to be considered for watertight bulk-
heads and decks located in liquid compartments is, in J : Value defined by:
kN/m2, the greater of the values obtained from the following • for roll motion:
2π 2
J = I m R  ------- – ∆ gG Mt
h i = ρ L g ( Z TO P + 0, 5 d AP – Z )  TR 

h i = ρ L g ( Z TO P – Z ) + 100PPV
• for pitch motion:
0, 8L
hi = ρ L g  -------------------
 420 – L 2π 2
J = I m P  ------- – ∆ gGM l
 TP 
The internal pressure to be considered for watertight bulk-
heads and decks which constitute flooding boundaries is, in ImR, ImP : Mass moments of inertia of the self-elevating
kN/m2, obtained from the following formula: unit for, respectively, roll and pitch motions, in
h Fi = 1,025 g ( Z TO P – Z )
∆ : Displacement of the unit, in tons.

4 Loads application in installation

4.2.2 The nodal forces Px and Pz defined in [4.2.1] are to be
condition applied at the lower end of the spudcan, as shown on Fig 3.

4.1 General Figure 3 : Leg impact loads

4.1.1 Legs and elevating systems are to be designed to

withstand the shock of touching bottom while the unit is θ
afloat and subject to wave motions.

4.2 Forces and moments for leg examination

4.2.1 The maximum horizontal and vertical impact loads
on legs, respectively Px and Pz, are given, in kN, by the fol-
lowing formulae:

JK y d
P x = θ 0 --------------------
d Kz
1 + ----------2
h Ky

JK z
P z = θ 0 --------------------
h Ky
2 Px
1 + ----------2
d Kz

where: Pz

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 43

NI 534, Sec 6

4.3 Forces and moments for hull / leg 5.3.2 The leg / hull connections are to be examined by
connection examination direct calculation according to the:
• structure design principles defined in Sec 2
4.3.1 Forces and moments at guides and elevating system
• forces and moments due to inertia and wind loads on
are to be assessed according to the methodology described
the legs during transit condition, as defined in [3.3]
in Sec 5, [6.4.3] and based on impact loads given in [4.2.1].
• forces and moments due to impact loads on the legs
during installation, as defined in [4.3]
5 Structure elements to be checked • strength requirements given in [5.3.3].

5.1 General 5.3.3 The structural strength of the leg/hull connections is

to comply with the following criteria:
5.1.1 The three main structure elements to be checked in
• yielding criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5] of the Off-
transit conditions are the:
shore Rules
• leg structure, according to [5.2]
• buckling criteria: refer to Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [6] of the
• connection between legs and unit structure, according Offshore Rules and Sec 7 of the present Guidance Note,
to [5.3] when relevant.
• hull unit, according to [5.4]. For the structural strength calculation, the basic allowable
Where scantlings are obtained from direct calculation pro- stress factor α, as defined in the Offshore Rules Pt B, Ch 3,
cedures which are different from those specified in the Sec 3, [5.4.2], is to be taken equal to 0,8 for the load cases
present Section, adequate supporting documentation is to “Transit” and “Leg impact”.
be submitted to the Society.
5.4 Hull structure
5.2 Legs structure
5.4.1 The hull structure is to be examined according to [6].
5.2.1 General
The leg structure is to be examined according to the: 6 Hull scantling
• structure design principle defined in Sec 2
• inertia and wind loads distributed along the legs during 6.1 General
transit, as defined in [3.2] (taking into account design
consideration defined in Sec 3, [3.2]) 6.1.1 The present Article gives requirements for the scant-
• impact loads during installation condition, as defined in ling of hull (outer and internal) platings, ordinary stiffeners
[4.2] and primary members, when the unit is floating during the
ocean or field transit operations.
• provisions given in [5.2.2] and [5.2.3]
The local forces and support reinforcements, in way of the
• strength requirements of Sec 7.
structure intended to withstand the reactions induced by the
5.2.2 Legs are be analysed as cantilever beams, fixed in transit where the unit is transported on a heavy lift unit, are
way of unit leg support areas and loaded by distributed to be submitted for examination.
forces as stipulated in [3.2] and [4.2] for transit and installa-
tion conditions. 6.2 Platings
5.2.3 Bending moments about y and z axes of the legs 6.2.1 The thickness, in mm, of the platings subjected to lat-
(respectively Mby and Mbz), shear force (T) and axial load eral pressure is to be not less than the values given in Tab 2.
distribution (P) along the legs are to be obtained from the
analyses in transit and installation conditions as defined in 6.3 Ordinary stiffeners
In case of units with lattice legs, the analyses are to provide 6.3.1 Horizontal stiffeners
the following loads for each member (bracings and chords): The section modulus w, in cm3, and the shear sectional area
• axial force P_i Ash, in cm 2, of horizontal ordinary stiffeners subjected to lat-
• bending moment about y-axis Mby_i eral pressure are to be not less than the values obtained
from the following formulae:
• bending moment about z-axis Mbz_i
• shear force T_i h
w = 1, 3 β b ------------------------------ s l s 10
2 3

12 ⋅ 0,65 R y
• torsion moment Mt_i.
h s
A s h = 12 ,75 β s -----  1 – --------  s l s
5.3 Leg / hull connections Ry  2 l s
5.3.1 The leg / hull connections include all the local struc-
ture and systems used to transfer the leg moments and h : Pressure, in kN/m 2, as defined in [3.4].
forces to the hull (i.e. leghouse guides, elevating and lock- βb, βs : Coefficients defined in Tab 3, depending on the
ing systems including their supporting structure). number of brackets at ends of the stiffener.

44 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 6

Table 2 : Hull plating thickness Where the three dimensional beam model does not take
into account the overall loading of the main structure in
Thickness, Minimum thickness, addition to local loads applied to primary structure, it is to
in mm in mm be checked that the equivalent stresses σVM and shear
Bottom stresses τ12 fulfill the following conditions:
t = 5 + 4, 5 s + 0, 0026 L k
σVM ≤ 0,50 Ry
Side shell and
h t = 4, 5 + 4, 5 s + 0, 0026 L k τ12 ≤ 0,40 Ry
deck t = 24Ca s -----
Watertight The local buckling check may be carried out according to
inner bottom t = 3, 5 + 4, 5 s + 0, 0026 L k Ch 7, Sec 1, [5] of the Ship Rules for plate panels which
and bulkheads constitute primary supporting members.
Note 1:
6.4.2 Horizontal primary supporting members
h : Pressure as defined in [3.4].
The section modulus w, in cm3, and the shear sectional area
Table 3 : Coefficients βb and βs Ash, in cm2, of horizontal primary supporting members are
to be not less than the values obtained from the following
Brackets at ends (1) βb βs formulae:

0 1,00 1,00 h
w = 1 ,3 βb ------------------------ s l s 10
2 3

m0,65 R y
1 0,90 0,95
2 0,81 0,90 A s h = 12 ,75 βs ----- s l s
(1) The length of the brackets is to be not less than 0,1 l.
6.3.2 Vertical stiffeners h : Pressure, in kN/m2, as defined in [3.4]
The section modulus w, in cm3, and the shear sectional area m : Boundary coefficient to be taken equal to:
Ash, in cm 2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners subjected to lateral • m = 12 where primary members may be con-
pressure are to be not less than the values obtained from the sidered as clamped at each ends
following formulae: • m = 10 otherwise
3 h inf + 2 h s up 2 3 βb, βs : Coefficients defined in Tab 3.
w = 1,04 β b ------------------------------
- s l 10
60 ⋅ 0,8 R y s
6.4.3 Vertical primary supporting members
0,7 h inf + 0,3 h su p  s
As h - 1 – -------- s l s
= 12,75 β s ------------------------------------------- The section modulus w, in cm3, and the shear sectional area
Ry  2 l s
Ash, in cm2, of vertical primary supporting members are to
where: be not less than the values obtained from the following for-
hinf : Pressure, in kN/m 2, as defined in [3.4] calcu-
lated at the lower end of the stiffener ( 3 h inf + 2h s up ) 2 3
w = 1, 04 β b -----------------------------------
- s l s 10
hsup : Pressure, in kN/m 2, as defined in [3.4] calcu- 60 × 0, 8 Ry
lated at the upper end of the stiffener 0,7 h inf + 0, 3 h su p
A s h = 12 ,75 βs -------------------------------------------
- s ls
βb, βs : Coefficients defined in Tab 3. Ry
6.4 Primary members hinf, hsup : Pressures, in kN/m2, as defined in [3.4] and cal-
culated at, respectively, the lower and the upper
6.4.1 Analysis criteria
ends of the stiffener
The requirements of this sub-article apply for the yielding
βb, βs : Coefficients defined in Tab 3.
check of primary supporting members analysed through an
isolated beam structural model.
6.5 Reinforcement of the flat bottom forward
Depending on structural arrangement, direct calculations
based on a three dimensional beam model may be
requested by the Society. 6.5.1 Where the minimum forward draught, in m, provided
Where the three dimensional beam model takes into for ocean transit operation is lower than 0,04 L, local rein-
account the overall loading of the main structure in addition forcements of the flat bottom forward area are to be pro-
to local loads applied to primary structure, it is to be vided as defined in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 1, [3] of the Ship Rules.
checked that the equivalent stresses σVM and shear stresses
τ12 fulfil the following conditions: 6.6 Superstructures and deckhouses
σVM ≤ 0,75 Ry
6.6.1 The superstructures and deckhouses are to be in
τ12 ≤ 0,40 Ry accordance with Sec 8, [3].

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 45

NI 534, Sec 7



ν : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a Ae : Sectional area, in cm 2, of the stiffener with an
value of 0,3 is to be taken into account attached plating of width be
α : Stress factor, as defined in [1.3.1] Ie : Moment of inertia, in cm 4, of the stiffener with
D : Outer diameter of cylindrical leg, in mm an attached shell plating of width be , about its
t : Shell thickness of leg, in mm neutral axis parallel to the plating
wy : Section modulus about y-axis of the leg, in cm3 D _i : Outer diameter of member “i”, in cm
wz : Section modulus about z-axis of the leg, in cm3 t_i : Shell thickness of the member “i”, in mm
P : Compressive axial force in the leg, in kN, A_i : Cross sectional area of the member “i”, in cm2
derived from the global analysis in elevated ASh_i : Shear area of the member “i”, in cm2
position and the transit analysis as obtained I_i : Minimum moment of inertia of the member “i”
from, respectively, Sec 5, [6.4.2] and Sec 6, about its principal axis, in cm4
Ip_i : Polar inertia of the member “i”, in cm4
Mby : Bending moment about y-axis of the leg, in
w y_i : Section modulus of the member “i”, in cm3,
kN⋅m, derived from the global analysis in ele-
about y-axis
vated position and the transit analysis as
obtained from, respectively, Sec 5, [6.4.2] and w z_i : Section modulus of the member “i”, in cm3,
Sec 6, [5.2.3] about z-axis
Mbz : Bending moment about z-axis of the leg, in l_i : Span of the member “i”, in m
kN⋅m, derived from the global analysis in ele- x : Subscript symbol relating to axial axis of the
vated position and the transit analysis as structural element
obtained from, respectively, Sec 5, [6.4.2] and y : Subscript symbol relating to strong bending axis
Sec 6, [5.2.3] of the structural element
ph : Hydrostatic pressure defined in Sec 5, [6.4.2] z : Subscript symbol relating to weak bending axis
P_i : Axial force acting in the considered structural of the structural element
member of lattice legs, in kN, as obtained from _i : Subscript symbol relating to the considered
Sec 5, [6.4.2] and Sec 6, [5.2.3] structural member “i” (chords or bracings) of
Mby_i : Bending moment about y-axis in the considered lattice legs.
structural member of a lattice leg, in kN⋅m, as
obtained from Sec 5, [6.4.2] and Sec 6, [5.2.3] 1 General
Mbz_i : Bending moment about z-axis in the considered
structural member of a lattice leg, in kN⋅m, as 1.1 Subject
obtained from Sec 5, [6.4.2] and Sec 6, [5.2.3]
T_i : Shear force acting in the considered structural 1.1.1 The present Section specifies the allowable stress cri-
member of a lattice leg, in kN, as obtained from teria for evaluating the global and local strengths of the leg
Sec 5, [6.4.2] and Sec 6, [5.2.3] structure with respect to yielding, buckling and local
Mt_i : Torsion moment acting in the considered struc- punching of the elements of the structure.
tural member of a lattice leg, in kN⋅m, as
obtained from Sec 5, [6.4.2] and Sec 6, [5.2.3] 1.2 References
hw : Web height of ordinary stiffeners, in mm
1.2.1 Industry standards
tw : Web thickness of ordinary stiffeners, in mm
a) Technical and Research Bulletin 5-5A, Guidelines for
tf : Face plate thickness of ordinary stiffeners, in Site Specific Assessment of Mobile Jack-up Units pub-
mm lished by the Society of Naval Architects and Marine
tp : Thickness, in mm, of the attached plating Engineers (SNAME)
bf : Face plate width of ordinary stiffeners, in mm b) AISC Specification for Structural Steel Buildings
be : Width, in m, of the plating attached to the stiff- c) API RP 2A-WSD Recommended Practice for Planning,
ener, for the buckling check, defined in Pt B, Ch Designing, and Constructing Fixed Offshore Platforms -
7, Sec 2 of the Ship Rules Working Stress Design - latest edition

46 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 7

1.3 Stress factor 2.2.3 Checking criteria

The equivalent stress is not to exceed the allowable stress
1.3.1 For structural strength calculation, the basic allowa- σa, for the loading condition considered, according to the
ble stress factor α, as defined in the Offshore Rules Pt B, Ch following criterion:
3, Sec 3, [5.4.2], is to be taken as follows: σc ≤ σa
• “Static”, “Pre-loading” load cases: α = 0,6 where:
• “Operating”, “Severe storm” load cases: α = 0,8 σa : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, given by:
• “Transit”, “Leg impact” load cases: α = 0,8 σa = 1,1 α Rf
• “Accidental” load cases: α = 1,0
2.3 Overall buckling
Note 1: The load cases “Operating” and “Severe storm” refer to
load case 2 of Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3 of the Offshore Rules. 2.3.1 Actual leg axial stress
Note 2: The basic allowable strength for “Static” load case is The actual leg axial stress σax, in N/mm2, is to be obtained,
increased by one-third and two-third for respectively load case 2 at each point of the leg, from the following formula:
(“Operating” and “Severe storm”) and load case 3 (“Accidental”)
defined in Pt B, Ch 2, Sec 3. [1.3] of the Offshore Rules. The same σa x = 10 ----
principle is to be applied when strength assessment is requested to A
be checked according to industry standards, such as [1.2.1], item
c). 2.3.2 Actual leg bending stress
The actual leg bending stresses σby and σbz , in N/mm2, with
respect to the local reference system of the leg are to be
1.4 Convention
obtained, at each point of the leg, from the following formu-
1.4.1 It is assumed in the present Section that tensile stress
is positive whereas compressive stress is negative. M by 3
σby = --------
- 10
2 Cylindrical and rectangular hollow M bz 3
σbz = --------
- 10
section legs wz

2.3.3 Allowable compressive stress

2.1 General Provided the geometric conditions defined in Tab 1 are sat-
isfied, the allowable compressive stress σca_i, in N/mm 2, is to
2.1.1 The present Article gives requirements for the scant- be obtained from the following formulae:
ling of legs having cylindrical and rectangular sections.
σca = σE for σ E ≤ -------
2.2 Yielding 2
ReH  ReH
σ c a = R e H  1 – --------
- for σ E > -------
2.2.1 Equivalent stress for leg analysed through  4σ E 2
beam structural model
For uniaxial stress condition (e.g. obtained by beam calcu-
σE : Column buckling stress, in N/mm2, to be
lation), the equivalent stress σc , in N/mm 2, at each point of
obtained from the following formula:
the leg, is given by:
7 π 2 EI
σ E = ---------------------2 10 – 4
σc = σ + 3τ
2 2
8A ( 2 l )

where: 2.3.4 Allowable bending stress

σ : Normal stress, in N/mm 2 Provided the geometric conditions defined in Tab 1 are sat-
τ : Shear stress, in N/mm2. isfied, the allowable bending stress, in N/mm2, is to be
obtained from the following formulae:
2.2.2 Equivalent stress for leg analysed through a) Cylindrical section legs:
finite element structural model D 14000
• fo r ---- ≤ ----------------
For biaxial stress condition (e.g. obtained by finite element t Rf
calculation with plate elements), the equivalent stress σc, in
σ c b = 1,25 R f
N/mm2, at each point, is given by:
14000 D 22000
• fo r ---------------- < ---- ≤ ----------------
σc = σ1 + σ2 –σ1 σ2
2 2
Rf t Rf

where 2800 t
σ c b = 1, 25  --------------- + 0, 8  R f
 DR f 
σ1, σ2 2
: Membrane principal stresses, in N/mm , in the
element, including the effects of both overall For cylindrical section leg, σcby and σcbz are to be taken
and local loads. equal to σcb

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 47

NI 534, Sec 7

b) Rectangular hollow section legs: σby : Actual leg bending stress, in N/mm 2, with
respect to y-leg axis, as defined in [2.3.2], for
b 500
• fo r -----k ≤ ---------- the considered loading case
t Rf
σbz : Actual leg bending stress, in N/mm 2, with
σ cb = 1, 1 R f respect to z-leg axis, as defined in [2.3.2], for
the considered loading case
500 b 625
• fo r ---------- < -----k ≤ ---------- σca : Allowable compressive stress, in N/mm2, as
Rf t Rf
defined in [2.3.3]
b k R f – 4  σcby : Allowable bending stress, in N/mm2, with
σ cb = 1, 1 R f  1,36 –  2,26 -------------- 10
  t  respect to y-leg axis, as defined in [2.3.4]
where: σcbz : Allowable bending stress, in N/mm2, with
respect to z-leg axis, as defined in [2.3.4].
bk : Breadth, in mm, of the side “k” of the rec-
tangular hollow section leg, as defined in
Tab 1. 2.4 Curve shell plating of cylindrical legs
σcb is to be calculated for both strong and weak bending 2.4.1 Hoop stress
axes, respectively named σcby and σcbz in the present The shell plating of cylindrical legs is to be able to with-
Section. stand hoop stress due to hydrostatic pressure. Recognized
standards, such as that defined in [1.2.1], item c), are to be
Table 1 : Geometric conditions considered for design criteria.

Leg cross-section Geometric conditions 2.4.2 Combination of global forces with hydrostatic
Cylindrical section leg pressure
The shell plating scantling of cylindrical legs is to be
checked considering combinations of tensile and compres-
z sive axial forces with hydrostatic pressure. Recognized
standards, such as that defined in [1.2.1], item c), are to be
D 22000
• ---- ≤ ---------------- considered for design criteria.
t t Rf

• t Š 6 mm 2.5 Plate shell plating of rectangular hollow

y section legs
2.5.1 Thickness of laterally loaded plate panels
The thickness of laterally loaded plate panels subjected to
in-plane normal stress is to be not less than the value
Rectangular hollow section leg obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
• -----1 ≤ 625
---------- ph
t = 14 ,9 s --------------
z b2 t Rf αλ L R f

b 625 where:
t • -----2 ≤ ----------
t Rf σax + σb  2 σa x + σ b
λL = 1 – 0 ,95  ------------------------- – 0 ,225 ------------------------
 Rf  Rf
b1 t • t Š 6 mm
y b1 σax : Actual leg axial stress, in N/mm2, as defined in
• ----- ≤ 6
b2 [2.3.1], for the considered loading case
σb : Maximum actual leg bending stress σby or σbz ,
in N/mm2, as defined in [2.3.2], for the consid-
ered loading case.
2.3.5 Checking criteria
It is to be checked that the scantling of the leg is in compli- 2.5.2 Critical buckling stress of plate panels
ance with the following criteria: The critical buckling stress of the plate panels is to comply
with the following formula:
σ a x 8  σ by σb z  σ ax
----------- - ≤1
+ --- -------------- + ------------- fo r ----------- ≥ 0,2 σ a x + σ b ≤ ασc
ασc a 9  ασ cby ασ cbz ασ ca
σax σ by σ bz  σ ax
- +  -------------
-------------- - ≤1
- + ------------- for ----------- < 0 ,2 σax : Actual leg axial stress, in N/mm2, as defined in
2ασ c a  ασ cby ασ cbz ασ ca
[2.3.1], for the considered loading case
where: σb : Maximum actual leg bending stress σby or σbz, in
σax : Actual leg axial stress, in N/mm 2, as defined in N/mm2, as defined in [2.3.2], for the considered
[2.3.1], for the considered loading case loading case

48 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 7

σc : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, calculated ph

- s l 2 10 3
w = --------------------------------------------------------
from the following formula: 12 α ( R f – ( σ a x + σ b ) ) s
ph  s -
R A S h = 10 --------
- 1 – -------- sl
σc = σ E for σ E ≤ ----f α Rf  2ls  s
R R where:
σc = R f  1 – --------f - for σ E > ----f
 4σ E 2
σax : Actual leg axial stress, as defined in [2.3.1], in
σE : Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2, to be obtained N/mm2, for the considered loading case
from the following formula:
σb : Maximum actual leg bending stress σby or σbz ,
π2 E t 2
-  --- K 1 ε10 –6
σ E = ------------------------- as defined in [2.3.2], in N/mm2, for the consid-
12 ( 1 – ν ) b 2  
ered loading case.
K1 : Buckling factor defined in Tab 2
2.6.2 Buckling criteria
Table 2 : Buckling factor K1 for plane panels
The critical buckling stress of ordinary stiffener is to comply
Aspect ratio Buckling factor K1 with the following formula:

ζ≥1 4 σ a x + σb ≤ ασc

ζ 1 2 where:
ζ<1 + ---
 ζ
σax : Actual leg axial stress, in N/mm2, as defined in
[2.3.1], for the considered loading case
ε : Coefficient to be taken equal to:
• ε = 1,00 for ζ ≥ 1 σb : Maximum actual leg bending stress σby or σbz, in
N/mm2, as defined in [2.3.2], for the considered
• ε = 1,05 for ζ < 1 and side “b” stiffened by
loading case
flat bar
• ε = 1,10 for ζ < 1 and side “b” stiffened by σc : Critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, calculated
bulb section from the following formula:
• ε = 1,21 for ζ < 1 and side “b” stiffened by
angle or T-section R
σc = σE for σE ≤ ----f
• ε = 1,30 for ζ < 1 and side “b” stiffened by
primary supporting members. R R
σ c = R f  1 – --------f - for σE > ----f
 4σ E 2
with ζ = a / b
a, b : Lengths, in m, of the sides of the plate panel, as σE : Minimum Euler buckling stress, in N/mm2,
shown in Fig 1. defined by:

Figure 1 : Buckling of a simply supported rectangular σE = min (σE1, σE2, σE3)

plate panel subjected to compression
σE1 : Euler column buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined
in item a) below
σ σ σE2 : Euler torsional buckling stress, in N/mm2,
defined in item b) below
σE3 : Euler web buckling stress, in N/mm2, defined in
item c) below.
a) The Euler column buckling stress of axially loaded stiff-
eners, in N/mm2, is obtained from the following for-

σE 1 = π 2 E ------------10
Ae ls
2.6 Ordinary stiffeners subject to lateral
b) The Euler torsional buckling stresses of axially loaded
pressure and axial compressive stress stiffeners, in N/mm2, is obtained from the following for-
2.6.1 Yielding criteria mula:
The section modulus w, in cm3, and the shear sectional area π 2 E Iw  KC I
-2 -------2 + m 2 + 0 ,385 E ---t
σE 2 = -------------------
ASh , in cm 2, of vertical ordinary stiffeners subject to lateral 4
10 I p l s  m  I p
pressure are to be not less than the values obtained from the
following formulae: where:

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 49

NI 534, Sec 7

Iw : Sectorial moment of inertia, in cm 6, of the 2.7 Horizontal ring stringers of cylindrical

stiffener about its connection to the attached legs
• for flat bars: 2.7.1 The horizontal ring stringer scantlings of cylindrical
legs are to be able to withstand hydrostatic pressure. Recog-
h t 3 3
w w –6
I w = ------------ 10 nized standards, such as that defined in [1.2.1], item c), are
to be considered for design criteria.
• for T-sections:
t f b f3 h w2 – 6 3 Lattice legs
I w = ---------------
- 10
• for angles and bulb sections:
3.1 Methodology
b f3 h w2
Iw - [t ( b 2 + 2 b f h w + 4h w2 )
= ------------------------------
12 ( b f + h w ) 2 f f 3.1.1 Chords and bracings
+ 3t w b f h w ] 10
The present Article provides a methodology for analysing
4 round hollow structural section bracings and chords from
Ip : Polar moment of inertia, in cm , of the stiff-
beam model. In case other geometries are encountered, the
ener about its connection to the attached
design methodology is to be accepted by the Society.
• for flat bars: The present methodology is based on detailed models of the
legs, as described in Sec 5, [2.3.3], and loaded with overall
h w3 t w –4 loads derived from the global analysis in elevated position
I p = ----------
- 10
3 and transit analysis, as obtained respectively in Sec 5,
• for stiffeners with face plate: [6.4.2] and Sec 6, [5.2.1]. Each structural member, i.e chord
hw tw3 and bracing, is to comply with stress criteria defined in
Ip =  ----------
- + h w2 b f t f 10
 3  [3.4.1] to [3.4.6].

It : St. Venant’s moment of inertia, in cm4, of the 3.1.2 Tubular joints

stiffener without attached plating: Tubular joints are to be designed according to [1.2.1], items
• for flat bars: b) or c), with respect to the allowable strength design
h w t w3 – 4 method.
I t = ----------
- 10
3 Fatigue resistance of tubular joints is also to be checked by
• for stiffeners with face plate: appropriate calculation in accordance with the provisions
of Sec 5, [6.5].
1 t
I t = --- h w t w3 + b f t f3  1 – 0 ,63 ----f  10

3  b f
3.2 Actual stresses for chords and bracings
m : Number of half waves, to be taken equal to
the integer number such that (see also Tab 3): 3.2.1 Actual axial stress
2 2
m ( m – 1 ) ≤ KC < m ( m + 1 )
2 2
The actual axial stress σax_i in the considered structural
4 member, in N/mm2, is given by:
C0 ls
- 10 6
K C = -------------
π 4 E Iw P –i
σa x–i = 10 -------
A –i
C0 : Spring stiffness of the attached plating:
Et p3 –3
3.2.2 Actual bending stresses
C 0 = --------------10
2 ,73 s
The actual bending stresses σby_i and σbz_i in the considered
c) The Euler buckling stress of the stiffener web is structural member, with respect to the local y and z axes of
obtained, in N/mm 2, from the following formulae: the member, in N/mm 2, are given by:
• for flat bars:
BM by–i 3
tW  2 4 σby –i = ---------------- 10
σ E3 = 16  ------
- 10 w y–i
h W
BM bz–i 3
• for stiffeners with face plate: σbz –i = ---------------- 10
w z–i
tW  2 4
σ E3 = 78  ------
- 10 where:
 h W

Table 3 : Torsional buckling of B = ----------------------------- ≥1
1, 6 σ a x – i
axially loaded stiffeners - Number m of half waves 1 – --------------------
σE ule r
σax_i : Actual axial stress in the considered structural
KC 0 ≤ KC < 4 4 ≤ KC < 36 36 ≤ KC < 144
member, as defined in [3.2.1], in N/mm2, for the
m 1 2 3 considered loading case

50 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 7

σEuler : Euler critical buckling stress, in N/mm2, given where:

by: σE_i : Column buckling stress, in N/mm2, to be
π 2 EI –i obtained from the following formula:
σ Eule r = ------------------------2 10 –4
A –i ( K l–i ) 7π 2 EI –i
σE –i = ----------------------------2 10 –4
Cm : Coefficient defined as follows: 8 A –i ( 2 l –i )

• For members not subject to transverse load-

3.3.3 Allowable bending stress
ing between their supports in the plane of
bending: The allowable bending stress σcb_i in the considered struc-
tural member, in N/mm2, is to be obtained from the follow-
M ing formulae:
C m = 0, 6 – 0,4 -------1
• For cylindrical members
where M1/M2 is the ratio of the smaller to
D – i 14000
the larger bending moments at the ends of - fo r ------- ≤ ----------------
that portion of the considered member “i” t– i Rf
unbraced in the plane of bending under σcb_i = 1,25 Rf
consideration. M1/M2 is positive when the
member is bent in reverse curvature, nega- 14000 D – i 22000
- fo r ---------------- < ------- ≤ ----------------
tive when bent in single curvature Rf t –i Rf

• For members subject to transverse loading 2800 t –i

σ c b–i = 1, 25  ------------------ + 0, 8 R f
between their supports:  D –i R f 

Cm = 0,85 for members whose ends are

22000 D– i 90000
restrained - fo r ---------------- < ------- ≤ ----------------
Rf t –i Rf
Cm = 1,0 for members whose ends are unre-
strained. 52800t – i
σ c b–i = 1, 25 --------------------- R f
D –i
3.2.3 Actual shear stress • For other member geometries, the allowable bending
The actual shear stress τs_i in the considered structural mem- stress is to be defined according to [1.2.1], item b).
ber, in N/mm 2, is given by:
3.3.4 Allowable shear stress
T –i
τ s–i = 20 ---------- The allowable shear stress τas_i in the considered structural
A Sh–i
member, in N/mm2, is to be obtained as the greater value
from the following formulae:
3.2.4 Actual torsional stress
The actual torsional stress τt_i of in the considered structural τ a s–i = ---------------------------------
l sh – i D – i 5 ⁄ 4
member, in N/mm 2, is given by: --------  -------
D –i  t– i 
M t –i D –i 3
τ t–i = ----------------- 10 78000
2 I p–i τ a s–i = -------------------
D –i
 t–i 
3.3 Allowable stresses for chords and
but is not to exceed 0,6 Rf
3.3.1 Allowable tensile stress
lsh_i : Distance, in m, along the member length from
The allowable tensile stress σat_i in the considered structural the beginning to maximum shear force.
member, in N/mm2, is to be obtained from the following
formula: 3.3.5 Allowable torsional stress
σat_i = Rf The allowable torsional stress τat_i in the considered struc-
tural member, in N/mm2, is to be obtained as the greater
3.3.2 Allowable compressive axial stress value from the following formulae:
The allowable compressive axial stress σca_i in the consid- 246000
τ a t–i = -------------------------------
ered structural member, in N/mm 2, is to be obtained from l – i  D – i

the following formulae: ------- -------

D –i  t –i 

R 120000
σca –i = σ E–i for σ E–i ≤ ----f τ a t–i = -------------------
2 D –i
Rf  Rf  t–i 
σca –i = R f  1 – ----------- for σ E–i > ----
 4 σE –i 2
but is not to exceed 0,6 Rf.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 51

NI 534, Sec 7

3.4 Checking criteria for chords and bracings σbz_i : Actual bending stress, in N/mm2, in the consid-
ered structural member with respect to the local
3.4.1 Tensile stress z axis of the member, as defined in [3.2.2], and
For members subject to axial tensile force, it is to be for the considered load case
checked that the scantling is in compliance with the follow- σat_i : Allowable tensile stress, in N/mm2, in the con-
ing criteria: sidered structural member, as defined in [3.3.1]
σ a x–i ≤ ασat –i σcb_i : Allowable bending stress, in N/mm2, in the con-
sidered structural member, as defined in [3.3.3].
σax_i : Actual axial stress, in N/mm2, in the considered 3.4.5 Combined compressive axial and bending
structural member, as defined in [3.2.1], and for force
the considered load case For members subject to both bending and compressive axial
σat_i : Allowable tensile stress, in N/mm2, in the con- force, it is to be checked that the scantling is in compliance
sidered structural member, as defined in [3.3.1]. with the following criteria:
σ a x–i 8 σ b y–i σ bz–i σ a x–i
3.4.2 Compressive stress - + ---  -------------- + -------------
------------- - ≤ 1 for - ≥ 0, 2
ασ c a–i 9 ασ c b–i ασ c b–i
 ασc a –i
For members subject to compressive force, it is to be
checked that the scantling is in compliance with the follow- σ a x–i σ by–i σ bz–i σa x –i
ing criteria: ------------------ +  -------------- + -------------- ≤ 1 fo r -------------- < 0, 2
2 ασ c a–i  ασc b –i ασ c b–i ασ c a–i
σax_i ≤ α σca_i
σax_i : Actual axial stress, in N/mm 2, in the considered
σax_i : Actual axial stress, in N/mm2, in the considered structural member, as defined in [3.2.1], and for
structural member, as defined in [3.2.1], and for the considered load case
the considered load case
σby_i : Actual bending stress, in N/mm2, in the consid-
σca_i : Allowable compressive stress, in N/mm2, in the ered structural member with respect to the local
considered structural member, as defined in y axis of the member, as defined in [3.2.2], and
[3.3.2]. for the considered load case

3.4.3 Shear stress σbz_i : Actual bending stress, in N/mm2, in the consid-
ered structural member with respect to the local
For members subject to shear force, it is to be checked that
y axis of the member, as defined in [3.2.2], and
the scantling is in compliance with the following criteria:
for the considered load case
τs_i ≤ α τas_i σca_i : Allowable compressive stress, in N/mm2, in the
where: considered structural member, as defined in
τs_i : Actual shear stress, in N/mm2, in the considered [3.3.2]
structural member, as defined in [3.2.3], and for σcb_i : Allowable bending stress, in N/mm2, in the con-
the considered load case sidered structural member, as defined in [3.3.3].
τas_i : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, in the consid-
3.4.6 Combined axial, bending, shear and torsional
ered structural member, as defined in [3.3.4]. force
3.4.4 Combined tensile axial and bending force When the actual torsional stress is above 20% of the allow-
able torsional stress, the scantling is to comply with the fol-
For members subject to both bending and tensile axial
lowing formula:
force, it is to be checked that the scantling is in compliance
with the following criteria: σ a x–i σb –i τ s– i τ t –i 2
 -------------
- + -------------- +  ------------ + ------------ ≤ 1
 ασ c a i ασ c b–i   ατ a s –i ατ a t–i
σ a x–i 8 σ by–i σ bz–i σax–i –
- + ---  -------------- + -------------
------------ - ≤ 1 for - ≥ 0, 2
ασa t –i 9 ασcb –i ασ cb –i
 ασ at –i where:
σ a x–i σb y–i σbz –i σ ax–i σax_i : Actual axial stress, in N/mm 2, in the considered
- +  -------------
---------------- - ≤ 1
- + ------------- fo r - < 0, 2
------------ structural member, as defined in [3.2.1], and for
2ασ a t–i  ασ cb–i ασ cb–i ασ at–i
the considered load case
where: σb_i : Combined bending stress, in N/mm2, defined by
σax_i : 2
Actual axial stress, in N/mm , in the considered the following formula:
structural member, as defined in [3.2.1], and for
the considered load case σb –i = σ b y–i + σbz –i

σby_i : Actual bending stress, in N/mm , in the consid- 2 σby_i : Actual bending stress, in N/mm2, in the consid-
ered structural member with respect to the local ered structural member with respect to the local
y axis of the member, as defined in [3.2.2], and y axis of the member, as defined in [3.2.2], and
for the considered load case for the considered load case

52 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 7

σbz_i : Actual bending stress, in N/mm 2, in the consid- 4.2.3 Yielding criteria
ered structural member with respect to the local The equivalent stress is not to exceed the allowable stress
y axis of the member, as defined in [3.2.2], and σa, for the loading condition considered, according to the
for the considered load case following formula:
τs_i : Actual shear stress, in N/mm 2, in the considered
σc ≤ σa
structural member, as defined in [3.2.3], and for
the considered load case where:
τt_i : Actual torsional stress, in N/mm2, in the consid- σa : Allowable stress, in N/mm2, given by:
ered structural member, as defined in [3.2.4], σa = 1,1 α Rf
and for the considered load case
σca_i : Allowable compressive stress, in N/mm2, in the 4.2.4 Buckling criteria
considered structural member, as defined in Local buckling is to be checked using recognized tech-
[3.3.2] niques and standards as described in Pt B, Chap 3, Sec 3,
σcb_i : Allowable bending stress, in N/mm2, in the con- [6] of the Offshore Rules.
sidered structural member, as defined in [3.3.3]
τas_i : Allowable shear stress, in N/mm2, in the consid- 4.3 Fatigue
ered structural member, as defined in [3.3.4]
τat_i : Allowable torsional stress, in N/mm2, in the 4.3.1 The Society may require to check the fatigue strength
considered structural member, as defined in of any details in accordance with the provision of Sec 5,
[3.3.5]. [6.5].

4 Additional local analysis 4.4 Spudcans and bottom mat

4.4.1 The pressure distribution to be applied on the spud-

4.1 General cans or the bottom mat is to be submitted by the party
applying for classification.
4.1.1 The present Article is applicable to all structural leg
details not previously mentioned in this Section. In particu- The pressure distribution is to take into account the nature
lar, spudcans/bottom mat scantling and leg scantling sub- and the behaviour of the soil.
ject to local punching are to be checked in accordance with If no accurate data are available, a uniform pressure distri-
[4.2] and [4.3] and special provisions given in [4.4] and bution is to be considered for the spudcan strength assesse-
[4.5]. ment.
4.1.2 The local structural detail analysis is to be carried out
4.4.2 Three dimensional finite element model is required
using relevant methodologies. Resistance check is to be per-
for the strength checking of the spudcan scantling.
formed in accordance with criteria given in [4.2] and [4.3].
The extension of the model is to be agreed by the Society.
4.2 Stress criteria
4.5 Local punching
4.2.1 Equivalent stress for details analysed through
isolated beam structural model 4.5.1 Methodology
The equivalent stress σc , in N/mm2, at each point, is given Local leg scantling is to be checked against local punching
by: due to guide contact forces in elevated position as well as in
transit condition.
σc = σ + 3τ
2 2

Global loads of the studied member are to be taken into

account in addition to the punching force. The combination
σ : Normal stress, in N/mm 2 of both punching and global loads are to be such that the
τ : Shear stress, in N/mm2. results is to give the worst stress configuration.
Above stresses are the result of the addition of overall and In principle, local punching for rectangular hollow and
local loads. cylindrical sections is to be checked by performing finite
element analysis and using criteria defined in [4.2.3] and
4.2.2 Equivalent stress for details analysed through
finite element structural model [4.2.4]. Punching of lattice leg is usually carried out using
beam model.
The equivalent stress, in N/mm2, at each point, is given by:
As local plate bending is designing for local punching, skin
σc = σ1 + σ2 –σ1 σ2
2 2
stresses are to be considered in the analysis.
4.5.2 Lattice leg
σ1, σ2 : Membrane principal stresses (except otherwise
The contact force on the studied chord is to be modelled
specified), in N/mm2, in the element under
using punctual load.
study, including the effects of both overall and
local loads. Chords are to be checked using criteria defined in [3].

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 53

NI 534, Sec 7

4.5.3 Rectangular hollow section leg Figure 2 : Punching force

distribution on cylindrical leg
The reaction forces in way of guides are to be distributed
according to the design load report submitted by the

Depending on local stiffnesses and the clearance between

guide and legs, the classification Society may require non
linear contact analysis on a case by case basis.

4.5.4 Cylindrical section leg

The reaction forces in way of guides are to be distributed
according to the design load report submitted by the 120°
designer. If this distribution is not specified, the contact
force is to be distributed according to Fig 2, i.e. over a 120°
angle with a cosine distribution. Particular attention is to be
paid on the deformation of the leg which is to be contained
by the guide structure.

Depending on local stiffnesses and the clearance between

guides and legs, the Society may require non linear contact
analysis on a case-by-case basis.

54 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 8



1 Supports for hull attachments and 2 Crane connections

2.1 Rules to be applied
1.1 General
2.1.1 Crane connections with hull structure are to comply
1.1.1 The present Article is applicable to all major supports
with NR526 “Rules for the Classification and the Certifica-
for hull attachments, such as:
tion of Cranes on board Ships and Offshore Units”.
• topsides
• drilling unit
3 Superstructures and deckhouses
• derrick
• flare tower
• offloading stations
3.1 General
• helideck
3.1.1 The superstructures and deckhouses are to be in
• boat landing platforms / stairtowers. accordance with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4 of
the Ship Rules.
1.2 Structural strength
For the application of these requirements, the following
1.2.1 The hull attachment and the affected supporting parameters are to be considered:
structure under the deck or inboard the side shell are to
AR : Roll single amplitude of the unit, in rad, as
comply with Part B of the Offshore Rules.
specified in Sec 6
The yielding stress criteria are given in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [5]
of the Offshore Rules. AP : Pitch single amplitude of the unit, in rad, as
specified in Sec 6
The buckling stress criteria are given in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3, [6]
of the Offshore Rules and Sec 7, [3] of the present Guid- hW : Wave parameter, in m, given by:
ance Note, when relevant.
L – 250 3
1.2.2 The structure is to be able to withstand the forces cal- h W = 11 ,44 – -------------------
culated for static, towing, operating, extreme and damage
conditions. The forces are to be calculated by the construct- L : Rule length, in m, of the unit, as defined in Sec
ing shipyard or attachment designer. 6.
1.2.3 For the spectral fatigue analysis, the damage ratio is The front bulkhead is to be determined with respect to the
to be not greater than the values given in Sec 5, Tab 5. towing direction.

1.3 Calculations 3.1.2 When the superstructures are not directly located on
the deck of the hull but supported by pillars, a global
1.3.1 Finite element calculation strength calculation of the structure supporting the super-
A three dimensional finite element model of the support structures is to be submitted according to methods, stand-
structure is to be submitted. A fine mesh of construction ards or codes recognized by the Society.
details is required. The mesh size is to be typically
100 mm x 100 mm. The lateral pressures on the superstructures are to be calcu-
lated as defined in Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 4, [2] of the Ship Rules.
1.3.2 Load cases When the height of the supporting pillars is equivalent to a
The model is to take into account: standard superstructure height, the lowest tier of the super-
structure is to be considered as the second tier of the super-
• the forces generated by the support structure on the hull structure; when the height of the supporting pillars is
• the global loads induced by the hull or the leg to the equivalent to two standard superstructure heights, the low-
local connections in both floating and elevated posi- est tier of the superstructure is to be considered as the third
tions, if any. tier of the superstructure, and so on.

September 2010 Bureau Veritas 55

NI 534, Sec 8

4 Helicopter deck 6.1.2 The loads exerted by launching appliance are to cor-
respond to the SWL of the launching appliances.
4.1 Reference standards
6.1.3 The combined stress, in N/mm2, is not to exceed the
4.1.1 The arrangement maintenance are to be in accord- smaller of:
ance with the Civil Aviation Publication 437 “Offshore Hel-
icopter Landing Areas − Guidance on Standards” (CAP 437)
and the MODU code. - and ---------
2, 2 4 ,5

4.2 Structure where ReG and R are respectively the minimum specified
yield stress and the ultimate minimum tensile strength of the
4.2.1 The scantlings of the structure are to be in accord-
material, in N/mm2, as defined in Sec 2, [1.1].
ance with the requirements of Pt B, Ch 9, Sec 10 of the Ship
The accelerations aX1, aZ1, aY2 and aZ2 for the calculation of 7 Equipment
the inertial forces during transit, as specified in Pt B, Ch 9,
Sec 10, [4.6] of the Ship Rules, may be assessed by hydro-
dynamic calculation. If the hydrodynamic calculation is not 7.1 General
available, the accelerations to be considered are those
caused by roll and pitch motions of 15° single amplitude at 7.1.1 Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 4 of the Ship Rules applies for the
a period of 10 s. design of shipboard fittings and supporting hull structures
associated with mooring.
5 Hull outfitting
7.1.2 For non-rectangular hulls, the breadth B to be taken
5.1 Bulwarks and guard rails for the equipment number calculation is the maximum
breadth of the unit.
5.1.1 Bulwarks and guard rails are to comply with the
requirements of Pt B, Ch 10, Sec 2 of the Ship Rules.
In topsides, the perimeter of all open deck areas, walkways 7.2 Towing equipment
around accommodation spaces, catwalks and openings are
also to be protected with similar guard rails. 7.2.1 For the evaluation of loads applied to winches and
other towing equipment, the line is to be considered as
6 Launching appliances loaded to its guaranteed breaking strength.

6.1 Launching appliances used for survival 7.2.2 The stress criteria to be considered for checking the
craft or rescue boat hull connection (including the affected supporting structure
under the deck) are given in Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 3 of the Off-
6.1.1 The scantlings of deck ordinary stiffeners and primary shore Rules. A basic allowable stress factor α equal to 1 is
members are to be determined by direct calculations. to be used.

56 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, Sec 9



1 Construction survey 2.4.3 Full penetration angle welds

Full penetration angle welds are required when assembling
highly stressed elements playing an important part in the
1.1 General
structure and in which fatigue phenomena are likely to
occur. This case may occur in particular for elements of spe-
1.1.1 The construction survey is to be performed in compli-
cial and first categories.
ance with Pt B, Ch 3, Sec 6 of the Offshore Rules and
NR426 “Construction Survey of Steel Structures of Offshore When full penetration is applied locally in way of hot spot,
Units and Installations”. the length of full penetration welds is not to be less than the
greater of the following values:
2 Welding and weld connections a) length of the area where the tension stress normal to
welds is above 0,3 times the tensile strength of the filler
2.1 Reference
b) length of the area where the shear stress parallel to
2.1.1 Industry standards welds is above 0,3 times the tensile strength of the filler
a) ANSI/AWS D1-1: Structural Welding Code
c) 400 mm.
The tension stress and shear stress required in a) and b) are
2.2 General
to be calculated using a very fine mesh finite element
model. The size of the elements is not to be above
2.2.1 The design of weld connections of all the structural
100 mm x 100 mm. Values of stresses calculated at element
members of self-elevating units, including the tubular con-
centroid are to be used.
nections, is to comply with the requirements of NR426
“Construction Survey of Steel Structures of Offshore Units The length of areas defined in items a) and b) is to include
and Installations”. an integer of 100 mm x 100 mm elements.

2.4.4 Tubular connections

2.3 Weld category
Design of nodes and their welding procedures are to be pre-
sented to the examination of the Society at the design stage,
2.3.1 A weld is to be classed in the same category as the
as stipulated in NR426, Sec 3, [1].
category of the element (see Sec 2) on which welding is per-
formed. In case of a weld connecting two elements classed For special and first category elements, all the welds are to
in different categories, the weld is to be classed in the cate- be full penetration welds.
gory of the higher classed element.
2.4.5 Fillet weld assembly
2.3.2 Attention is drawn on the fact that welding on a per- These restricted penetration fillet welds are related to con-
manent backing flat bar is not allowed for the special cate- nections of stiffeners to plates, securing brackets, etc.
gory and is subject to approval for the other categories, The value of the throat thickness is to comply with the
particularly in case of possible corrosion and cyclic load- requirements given in [2.6] and [2.7]. The throat thickness
ings. for double fillet welds need not to exceed 0,45 e (e being
the thickness of the thinnest plate of the assembly). Moreo-
2.4 Weld types ver, the throat thickness of the fillet welds is not to be less
2.4.1 General • 3,5 mm in the general case
The weld preparation is to comply with the requirements • 3,5 mm for high strength steel assemblies and e ≤ 8 mm
given in NR426, Sec 3.
• 4 mm for high strength steel assemblies and:
The distance between welds are not to be less than the val- 8 mm < e ≤ 12 mm
ues required in NR426, Sec 3, [2.4]. • 5 mm for high strength steel assemblies and e > 12 mm.

2.4.2 Butt weld assembly 2.4.6 Discontinuous welds and scallop welds
In the case of welding of plates with different thicknesses, Discontinuous welds and scallop welds are generally not
tapering is to be fitted as specified in NR426, Sec 3, [2.5]. allowed.

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NI 534, Sec 9

2.5 Post welded treatment Table 1 : Welding factors wF for hollow section legs

2.5.1 Grinding
For structural elements subject to fatigue cycles, grinding of Connection
weld connection may be required to improve the fatigue of to
life. Vertical ordinary stiffeners leg plating (1) 0,13
2.5.2 Post Weld Heat Treatment (PWHT) Primary members leg plating 0,25
For very thick assemblies subject to high restraint and essen- Ordinary stiffeners
primary members (2) 0,35
tial to the structural safety of the unit or installation, a post (including collar plates)
weld heat treatment may be applied. (1) In legs intended to be ballasted with water, continuous
Such a treatment, where considered by the Builder, is to be welding with wF = 0,35 is to be adopted.
indicated with all its operating conditions in the welding (2) All the ordinary stiffeners participating to the global
programme and on the construction drawings, as stipulated strength of the legs are to be continuous when crossing
in NR426, Sec 3, [4.6]. primary members. They are to be welded on both sides
of the web of the stiffeners the primary members.
2.6 Hull
3 Tests and trials
2.6.1 Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1 of the Ship Rules is to be applied
for the design of welds of all the structures of the self elevat-
ing unit, except those listed in [2.7.1]. 3.1 Strength and watertightness testing

3.1.1 All the compartments and watertight members of the

2.7 Other structures
hull and legs shell type structure are to be tested for strength
2.7.1 The following requirements apply to the design of the and watertightness checking in accordance with Pt B, Ch 3,
welds for legs, spudcans, leghouses and structure support- Sec 7 of the Offshore Rules.
ing appurtenances.
3.2 Jacking systems
2.7.2 The scantling of welds (throat of fillet welds, partial
and full penetration welds) is to be determined based on 3.2.1 Jacking systems are to be tested in compliance with
direct calculation approach. Recognized methodology such the provisions given in Pt C, Ch 11, Sec 11 of the Offshore
as defined in [2.1.1], item a) is to be used. Rules.
2.7.3 Hollow section legs
3.2.2 Proof tests and running tests are to be performed as
The throat thickness of fillet weld T connections of ordinary
per an agreed program as stipulated in NR266 Survey of
stiffeners and primary members is to be not less than the
Materials and Equipment at Works for the Classification of
value specified in Pt B, Ch 12, Sec 1 of the Ship Rules con-
Ships and Offshore Units.
sidering the values of welding factor wF given in Tab 1.

2.7.4 Lattice legs 3.3 Preloading test

The design of tubular connections is to take into considera-
tion the welding procedures and in particular post weld 3.3.1 For units without bottom mats, all the legs are to be
heat treatment (PWHT), if applied. preloaded to the maximum applicable combined gravity
Connections of chords with rack elements are to be of full plus overturning load.
penetration. In case of chords made of several structural The reviewed preload procedure is to be included in the
members, the connections are to be of full penetration. Operating Manual.

58 Bureau Veritas September 2010

NI 534, App 1



1 General 2.4 Sensitivity analysis

2.4.1 A sensitivity analysis is required during hydrody-

1.1 Principle namic analysis.
Sensitivity analysis is to be performed based on variations of
1.1.1 The values of wave induced loads and motions when wave parameters (peak period, wave spectrum parameter,
the unit is floating may be assessed through direct calcula- direction...) and other parameters (trim, loading of unit,
tions. etc.), if deemed relevant.

1.1.2 The hydrodynamic analysis is to be carried out using

a recognized software. In particular, the use of a software 3 Unit response
based on three dimensional potential flow based diffraction
radiation theory is required. Software is to be documented. 3.1 Response amplitude operators

3.1.1 RAOs (Response Amplitude Operators) and natural

2 Modelling principles periods are to be calculated for each degree of freedom.
RAOs are to be calculated for different headings, generally
2.1 Environmental data every 15°. The number of heading intervals may be reduced
at the Society satisfaction.
2.1.1 General RAOs are to be calculated:
The particular provisions of Sec 4 are applicable. • for wave circular frequencies covering the anticipated
sea states and spectra, and, as a minimum, from
0,1 rad/s to 2,0 rad/s
2.2 Hydrodynamic model
• with a step in wave circular frequencies not exceeding
2.2.1 The model should take into account the following 0,05 rad/s. Refinements are to be performed around nat-
effects: ural periods of the unit, in particular in roll and pitch.

• the unit hull forms with appendices, if any 3.2 Hull girder loads, motions and
• the light weight distribution (including structure weight, accelerations
equipment weight, leg weight…)
3.2.1 The hydrodynamic analysis is to result in the follow-
• the loading conditions (see [2.3]). ing parameters:

The wetted surface of the unit is to be modelled by a suffi- • motions of the hull, including natural frequencies of
cient number of elements. Size of elements in the model is roll, pitch and heave motions
to be consistent with the wave parameters (wave length and • relative wave elevation over the length of the hull
amplitude, in particular). • total accelerations in the three directions, at the top of
each leg and jackhouse and/or inertia loads applied on
2.2.2 The values taken for roll damping are to be duly justi- legs (by direct integration of accelerations along the leg
fied. length)
• total accelerations in the three directions, at relevant
2.3 Loading conditions positions of the appurtenances
• wave induced global load distribution, if relevant, over
2.3.1 The following loading conditions are to be taken into the length of the hull.
These parameters are usually to be calculated based on a
• field transit condition short term distribution which is to be submitted.
• ocean transit condition
3.2.2 The values of wave induced loads and unit motions
• installation condition while lowering the legs (see Sec 6, to be determined for transit conditions are those which can
[4.2.1]). be reached for the return period defined in Sec 3, [3.2.4].

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