SOP Online Video Link06122024085537

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No. ?rr IT-M&O
The Reglstrar,
Lahore High Court, Reccipt N -6
)istrict & Sessions Judge
AII The Dlstict & Sessions Jud.ges, .ltrelrrm
Prouince of the Punjab.
Dated Lahore the 7 ,.lL,ne- .2024
Dear Sir,
am directed to infomr you that the Hon'ble Chief Justice
and the Hon'ble Judges haue been pleased to start recording euidence,
arguments, and statements of uitnesses etc. through Video Link bg
declaring euery Distict Court as e-Court. In this regard, each District
Court shall make necessary arrangements at their end for the prouision of
Hardware & Softutare as per the follouting criteia;
i. A Desktop Compute_r uttth, a UPS, a \ldeo Camera uith _microphone
and speakers, a Medium-Dttg Prtnter, qn LED (at least 43' ii.all
mounted), the Internet (2 c<>nnections, S-MB dedicated CIR), ond
Video Calls, Viber, Skgpe, IMO, WhatsApp, Facebook, Messenger, a
Line Cctller, and Video Conferences, etc., will be proutded lo ecLch
Court of the District.
ii. With the exception of the Ccurts o/ Sessions Tials, Ci.uit Courts of
l"t Class, and Judiciat MaEistrate Section 30, ruhich u.till receiue
one additioncll computer ba.sed on their worklood, all Courts tuill
share the extsting computers for the Vtdeo Link facilitg.
iii. After completing codal for,xlalities, the distict court tuill pag for the
(if required) Jrom its otun budget.
-lT equipment
2. The Hon'ble Chief Ju stice and the Hon'ble
Judges haue
further been pleased to direct that the proairement process should be
initiated immediately and compleled uithin s* ue eks o the issuance of
this letter, and each Court uill use the e-Coutt room alreadA establishe
T-1fr-7"sp.cttue District until the procurement of the aboue-said
equipment is completed.
3. Moreouer, the Standard Operating Procedures /SOPsj,
alongtoith the request Performa (English & Urdu) for the Video Link
facilitg, are enclosed for reference and necessary action.

No. and Date Even
A copA is forutarded
for information to:-
1 . The Director General, Directorate of Judicial & Case Management,
Lahore High Court, Lahore.
2. The Director General, Directorate of District Judiciary, Lahore High
Court, Lahore.
3. The Secretary to the Hon'ble Chief Justice, Lahore High Court,
4. The Additional Registrar (C.S)/ Senior Priuate Secretary/ Priuate
Secretary to the Hon'ble Justice Miss Aalia Neelum, Admin Judge-
lT, Lahore High Court, Lahore.
5. The Staff Officer to leamed Registrar, Lahore High Court, Lahore.
6. OJfice Record.



1. Copy of this letter alongwith its enclosures be sent to all tte aurts
working in Distict Jlelum for information and stict compliance, and
also sensitize tLe Computer Operators attacled uith their courts to
comply with the instructions of Hon'ble Lahore High Court, Lahore as
mentioned in SOPs.
2. TtLe Senior Accountants, Sessions Courts, Jlelum are dtrected to
submit report about auailabilitg of funds in the releuant head of
account in connection uith purchase of IT Equipment as well as IT
equipment alreadg prouided to Computer Operators attaclrcd with ttrc
courts of Addl. District & Sessions Judges.
3. Copg of instructions for litigants/ lawyers for uid.eo link facility as well
as uideo link request form receiued from Hon'ble Lahore High Court,
Lahore be sent to all the Presidents, Bar Associations, District

/l^ 4^)w. t
Dtstrtct & Sessions Judge,


To ensure claritg, compliance, cnd accountabilitq uhtle promotittg
eff.ctency, isk management, and cotl-titruous improuetnent, Standard
Operol.ina Procedures (SOPs) are essetTtial for any sysremis successr/i.ri
inlptenLer"tation anLi oDeraliorl. SO-D.s ensure fhot lasks and processes are
carr[eci cut a.nd unifomtly by prouiding step-by-step
consr'sler LIlr.r
inslnrctiorrs -[or e>:ecLLtittg speciJlc procedules. This'"cy heips
mainlain. quality standards and preuetts en'ors or uatiati.ot-ts ir,
per{orrrtance.'l'he proposecl uideo-lirclc Standard Operating Procedurcs
(SOPs) are- iisted below to steamline the process.

I Tirc Distict arLd SessiorLs Judges (D:&SJ) of the Distt;,cr Coutls,

as tlrc higlrcst at-tthoity, play a ytiuotal role in the entire project.
Their leadersltilt and ouersight are crucia[ for mon-itoi"nE an.d the successful execution of the uicleo-link J acility it
their distr:,cts. The District d,1d Se.-ssio,1s .rud ma! f,,/.rti7cr
n.orninate a cal r llrc executiort of tle t/,au>'iiric
facili.l.y in their respectiue Distncts and Tehsils/ Sub-lliuisions,
emplusizing their role in this si11rtifican.t initiatiue.

Euerg Couri in the Di.saict I'leadollarters cznd it.s ?'eh-sils,r 'a-titi be eq,ipped u'ith a uideo-link [acllty bg
prouiciing f[ ec]ltipment if required); i.e., Desktop ConLptLte.r
utitlt UPS. Video Camera LDith micropharLe & speaiiers, !,feditm
DittlJ Plit1ter, i,ED (at ieast t.uali nt.ourLte d), hten:.el ar'.it
Vlcieo Call, Viber, Skype, imo, V;hatsApp,,
ivlesseftger, Li.n.e Caller anci Video Conferertce, etc. (Antetvi,v,-ent
o.f At1icle 164, Qanun.e-Sh"ahadat Order, i984 o't Ju!1 24,
2A23). Tlrc cosl of the IT eEtilsr,ent uill be nLet out oI thc
I- District Court's out-L budget completitlg cado[ fannoliti'-s.

b' Any lttigan.t or pending cases) Lullo wishes to auail

[aLDVer (in
\ the uideo-Link facility m,ty applA for tle sanle. This can be done
cotuettientlg by JilLing aut the prescibed petforma (auaii.abLe ort
I the uebsite (https:/ / ot1 Fid.ays &
I Sahtrday s, at le ast seuen days before the hea 11n
Ilouteuer, in exceptionctl cases uJhere urget'LcA is inuoLuerl, ihe
Court utitl decide for the prouision of the iacilitg. Il [s hnpcrtctnt

)'og.' I 016
to note that the uideo-tink..facility, a modern and accessible tool,
u.till not be prouided to the proctainted of{enders. The duly JiUed
perfot'ma shouLd be submitted tn thz concemed Couri jor
seeking approual, ensuing a straightforu.tard and transparellt

4. eucluate the request for a uideo-litk

The. concerned Cout-t tt,ilL
heaing accordtng to the submitted performa u.sith tegitimate
documentary proofs. The Data Entty Operator/ Con-puler
Operator of the concerned Courl uiil maintain. the digital record
of utdeo-Iirtk requests and cotnmunicate to the Caurt to auaid
oueriappittg of such requests. Futlher, lheg utilt prepare and
subrrtit repuls cot"ttaining the folloru{ng data/ infonnation to t!rc
ouf.horities for their kind pentsaL and furtlrcr direction.s.

i. The nttmber of uideo-link appitcations receiued.

;.i. The number of uideo-litk. appltcaltons allowed.
iit. The nttmber of uicleo.litk appiications decli.r..eci.
ia. Thtz number c'i uideolinlc applications pending.
5. StLbject to the approual of the concemed Court for auailitg
uideo-lirtk facilit!.J, arl appropictte date and time u.till be futed
and communicated to th.t concerned parties. Tlu cause list u'ii!
reJlect a "ui.deo-link tao' against sttch cases for the tnfonttatiort
of lit-igants/ lauyers. lYo application for adjounttnent LDili be
enteftatned oft the heaing do.te for uideo-link cases.

6. A uideo-lirtk facilitll wil:. not be prouided to the titigant if he/ sh,e

i.s ph'gsically present in the juisdiction of the concemecl DisLt'ict

Cou.rt except in
exceptional circalmstances, such as u-,hen
Iiltgants are unable to attend tirc Couri due tc iiLr,"cs:;r ,

r1i s ability2, geagr apllical dist ance3, tr a u el r e stiction s4, s ans iii L,e

i tndtters tuhich inuolue lhe safety clnd securit! o.f

Iitigants/ iau4lers or otler compellir"gl reasons lo be ascertorr,.ea

bA th.e cor'cerrLed Couri. Atl these autline-d justiJicatiotts itill be
1 subje-ct to tlLe approual of tlte concented Cottrl.
t 7. The Cot-trt mttst record the- objectiorts rcLised. by anlJ af th-e parlll
ciui,ng the proccedings or recording o.f euidence of t.h.e utitness.
I medi. i certtf,cate Ircn t metlical of!-cer oi Cout. ijo.spiial
nedic,l! ceiiJicote Jron o ,nedical ofier oI Gotit. Ilospitol
' frdueli]^g prool in legal tetm

Pa.te 2 oi 6

Suclt objections shall be d-ectd.ei ihen and lhere or cit t,lv linie
of r.rgumen.ts as deern.ed appropriate by the Caurt.

a A set of petition, unitten statement/ utitten re-piy,

the- plaint/
complaint or ang other doanrnent that he/ she mag be en!-itle.d
tc:t dem.and uttder antg taw for the ttme being in force, must be
proutded to tirc witness before the examination of the uLitn-ess
to haue acquaintance u.tith tLLe doanments , and an
acknatuledgment bg the uitness is to be Jiled before thc Court.

9 The Party sha

ensure t'ne presence of witness at the
f:ced/ allorued site one hour beJore the heaing of the case for
ueif.cation of the rlitness's tdentitA through original.
CNIC/ oriqinal passpori and. biomehtc ueifcation jrom NADRA
it the presence oJ an autltoized person, and a certiJicate ta ;,l1is
effecl toitl be submitted in the Court to auoid impersonatiat,".

7O. For biome,xic ue i1 cation of disable ts, tlLe lacal Distt'ict

Cour',{s) tuitl depute an officer/ offcial u.tell acquainled u,itlt IT
tcs uisii the- litigdnt's prernises for the said. purpose. Jrt

lili" , c.iora : l-rc iiliqr:rnt will bear trauel exp?-nses oj ihai

of.jicer/ cffictrt! as per tl Le nLles or set by iLrc Cot.t.ri,.

11. anly the Cout't shaLl record the uideo-link heatirgs, cLrtcl n.ts

other persoit be allouted to recorcl tlte heaing on tl,e-ir side. .\o

deuice ilcluding cell phones inside the notifed piace oj

uideo-linlc Caut't o-s uideo recordlt7g bg unauthoriz,ed person is
slrict1y prohibil:ed.. If theg d.o so, they n1"dA be proceede,a
againsl under the rcIetant [otus.
\t\ 12. The Court tnt;,st t-Lot make a direction for examitdng a u;itrress
on uideo-link if:
a. The necessary facilittes are not auailable ar canrLot

I reasonablil be ntarje available, or

b. The Coutl is{ed Lhat Lhe euii"ence can more

conuenierttly be giuen tr ntade in the courtroom, or

c. The Cou.rt is satisf,:d that tl'Le d.irection utoui.d. be urL[Qir ta

an.y ptttiu to tlrc proceedings, ar

t'ase 3 ai 6

d. The Caurt is satisfed that the person in respect of whom lirc

ciirection is
sorrght would rtol Eiue auidence or tl"'e

srrbmission. [2020 P Cr. L J 7784]

I-f onl.tne statem?.nt of a doctor is re.qulred as u,rtn.ess rn q

specilic case, tli.e doctar shall gel. ltts/ staieme -i reccrcLeci in
a tirc offtce of the cortcerteri lkdiccLl St:periftterLderii. lle/ Si'tc
shall aLso bring releuant oriEinal recorcl e.g., pcst-r."arLci!1.
r c: p rs rt s. m edico -!e 91
al d o cu rne nts. op e ratio tt note s e L c.

L4. If ortlirte statement oJ a Foretsic Lab Expert is requ.ired, tts

rr,,ifness in a specifc case, the Foren.sic Lab Experi simll get
6"* t.
his/ her statement reconied in t|",e o-ffi.ce of the con cented
Direcl.or General of the concented Forenstc Lab/ Agency.
He/ Slrc shall also bing releuant oi"ginaL repotls/ doanments.

15. If online statemenl of a.n under-tri,al pisoner/ cortuicted person

is recluired in any case, his/ her euidence shall be recorded in
the offce of the concenud Jcril Supeintencient, utlzere he/ slrc
rl -a?
is confned. The jail offi.cer shall ensure the un.der-tiai
ptisoner/ conoicted person's bi.orrtetric attendance dwing tb,e
recording of oniine statemen.t. The pisone"r's phi.lsicai
appearance tnust be completelA uisible from hecLd ta tae to rule
ou.t an11 disability/

16. TLte Courl u.till record the demeanour of a witness chtnirc i:cis

stcttetnent, ii Lhe Courl deems i,L.

17. The Coutl n(tl1 at ctng time uan) or reuoke a clirectict,",,'

pennissiot'l for exa.mina.tlon o{ cL tlitness on uideo-li,rtk..

t8. If ct .fails ctuittg the proceedings, the Court rr,"cty

1* adjaunt th.e proceedings or ntakes sttch other as ;t oLa'q

.i. approptiate.
t' 19. tf the titigant is not phgsiealtg presetd in the jttrisdiction ctj the
) Court uhere he/ f"leti the case an'tci the concented couri hc,s

alLowed. h-is/ her request to auail the uid.eo-link Jacilitv, he/ she
wiII auail tlt: utdeo-link facilitg fr"om the Dtstict/ Senior Coitil
(concemed) uhere he/ dw is phgsica.l.ty presenl, ruhile irtlrf iiingl
all the reqrtirenents rn,zntioned. in tlris SOP.

2O. If the litigant is restding/ presenl outside the country and the
caurt grants his/her request to auail the said iacililg, l'ie / she
uLiI[ auail the uideo-linlc factlity front the Palcistan Embassy/
High Commission/ Cottsulate/ Notary auaiiczble in the embassy
as ihe case mag be, in the respectiue country. The officer oi tke
Higlt Commission/ EmbassA to be nominated by ti,.e
Pakistan High. Commissioner/ Antbassador of the releuatlt
country at the uenue of recording of euidence shall also er'-sure
the presctTce of uitness in tlrc Embassg/ I'li5th
Contmission-,/ Consulate/ liotary auailable in tle embassg,
dutittg tl,e recording of ettidence and not o-Ilcu any i" c:.

percan" to prompt the LDitne-ss.

27. A uitness/ IiligarLt shall fle an alfdauit/ uttder-tairing dtti11

uetiJied bg a Judge/ Ambassador/ High.-Conrnisslcr,er/ an.,11
persan authoti.zed by Ambassador/ High-Commissioner as ti.ra
case maA be, lttith the ctssurance that original persot't/ witn.ess.
uhase stdtemen"t through uideo-littk is to be recarded. is
present before him. A copA of the same is to be made auailable
tc the other side, in order to ntle out ang irnpersonatioa.

22, The petitioner/ plaintifi/ appetl.a.nt/ defendant,/ responctent as

the case may be, uho examines the uitness through uideo-iittk
must also file an a.ffidavtt/ underTaking to tle concerned CoLLrt
before examiruing the witness and copy uLhereof be pro'rid,ed tc
the other side regarding identifica.tion.

23. The statenenL of the wttness/ rrr,y partA must be e>:cnt ir,et)

cituing Courl hours according to Pakistan Standard 7\me uncier

't'he Oaths Act, 1873. 'fhe Luitness should rtot pLeaci an',i1
t? inconueruience on account of th.e time diiference betu:eer,
Pctlcistan and the coutltiy 'uthere ct oerson or utitness res{

r\ 24, The y',duocates, Police OlJLcers etc. 1.Lho are slrpposed to att?,n-C
ihrough uideo-linlc shoula be in proper uriform/ dress.

25. No Person irciudbtg ang aduocate cal claim or apply for copy
of tronscipt of such uideo-Link Couri Recording/ proceeding s.

26. Tl-Le paftA requesting the faciLitg of a uideo-Iink sltould beur the
expenses for the an'angements of facility and mLtst aLso
prouide a USB/ Extemat Hard diue of capacitg (at least )25 GB

Pose 5 af6
Lo 5OA CB) ia the Court in ctducnce, t-o preserue the case
recarding pennanentig. Tlrc uisital must be recorded ar" tne
Court's eru)., secured. u.tith the of the Cour7, uLltich. sitaiL t:t:
m.ade" pail of the case file with password prctectian-. Th.e
ysassutord shalt be kept in a sealed enDelope {FlAer Bag) and.
antnexed with the case file, The audio-uideo u.;ill alsa be saL;ed
on tlle computer data at the tial Coun ll the decision of th"e appeal. If at anA later stage, uideo-tinlc recordhtg is
required before any CotLi1 the uitl be prouided as per

27. The technical team oJ' th"e concenrcd Cottt't (Do"ta Dnt,nL

aperator/ Computer Operator) shall ensure thc;t oll tecltnica.!.

arrangetnents at bolh ends (Cotuls cts weil as ren'tote sites),
inciuciing technical gcldgets (aud.lo, uideo, storage, InierrLet,
etc.), are .fi-t.ttcti.or',-irtg caffectlA before the heaing of the case.
iv[oreouer, the technical team s'nail also ensure that ail i']'
eqlLipment, is in workinq conditior, be-iore leauingi the Cot;rt, i.e.,
{ th,e sustent is free o.f uiruse.s, artd th.e intentet cotlrLectiorL is it1.

1 orkitg cot""diiiot.
i.u eic.

t1 28, 'f he
facilitg of ren.deing ttrgunrcnts betore a Couti bu aru.i
iau.tyer/ counsel can. also be auailed th,rough uideo-iinlt as per
aboue SOPs.

29. These SOPs can be amended reldting to anA ctdditian or

deleti.on or u"p-dation as per the requirements u.)ith the approua!
of the Hon'bte Autl'toritg.
:l-* I *:,ll):** { ** )t *{ *:i* *


IIIDEO LINI( RE T I;OR),1 RP c.4.slt t

l/iieo Liuk .'jame of DLslricl lo
D a.te Avail l'ucilitlt

Cq.ra Nwnbe r/fD

Case Title l/s.

.Fi-xe d llcJirra Conrl

Date of ):Ieariug
A tly o cftl.e/,,lpp I icint N ne
(who inlentls lo prortuce
thc eyitlence/ argua tlte
cuse lh rou It ridto Iittk
d t) t
o c 0 I e 14 p f li.c q tt

^CIIC (Ca0 Attached)

Ite as (s)/J us t iJic atb n fo r
o u
tl p p c eratrce tlt r o u g 11 vid eo -

('i'ilh Doct.otle inaiy Pi .)o./)


tl ddr css o f ,,1 p p I i c a t t

,l ctiva l'Ia b ile N u trb e r

l|'lu sApp Nutrbe t

E-nw i I A rldress (O ptio nal)
1 I li ei d :; ar e nto rtiu l or "t.


i, ldvocate / Focal Per.ron.for

*a und.ertakes that the informatian git'en abo|e is trLae/alttirchtic to the besl of my lotovledge, ctnd !

i -shall nol recard caurt proceedfugs tlrough any device, nor nake the. sante public ott trtty
piqtform, and. if does so, mq, be proceeded against under the oppiicable llws.

Nonre & Signature

(Lat',, y e r / F a c al p et's o ru I it p iic att )
./l l.l Arec e s s ar\j D o c ume nl o.rv Prools Are .4ltaclted Hercwillt.

tl lcs ,,\.o ofthe Court

I ArtLl liiigatt or lautyer (in pending cq,sea) ullo rrishes 10 auail the uideo-link j;ciiit1J ncL!
apply Jor the s.{me. This caft be done ccnl,er" bg filLitlg out the p,,cscribecl per{o11rL.i
(auai.iable an the uebsite (https:/ / dsj.put; on Ftidags & Satu.rd.(1ys, at ieest
seuen d"ags belore the hearing of the case, HoLoeue\ in exceptional cases wh.te urgellcl) is
itluolued, the Courl will dectcie for the proui.;ion af the facilitA. It ts inLpoiant to tote tl."al the
vid.en-littk facilitA, a modent and accessible tool, uill nat be prauided to the prcclair\eci
of{enders, 'i'he ciuly fllecl performa should be subnlitted i,-\ the caftcenxed Caurl lcr :;eeking
approval, ensuing a straiglttforu.tard anri transperent pracess.
lt uid,eo-link facilit_t1 toill ttc:t be prouided to tlle litigent if he/ she is pltysicallg present in the
JLolsCiction- of tte concenrcd Distict CawT ?-ycept in exceptional ci,,cumstaaces, suci. a.s
ohen iiligaltts are ufteble lo attend the Cautl due tc illness, disabiiittl, qeaqrcphicai
disltolce, trauei te-stnctions, se\sitiue niatters Lohich inuolLe the safeti] 471s) 544.ti,t11 ol
liilgatts,/ lawyers or oiher compelhng reasons ta be 6.scenairccl bl) tlw colLcerned Court- Alt
lhese au.tlined- jLtstif.catians will be sltbject Lo the approL4! oi the concerrled Cour!.
Srrbjecl li t)-Le o-pltroual aj the concemed Coutl for avarlirry uideolir'h .facility, an apijrap.ore
dote and t;-n1e 1,uilL be jL\e-d ard communicated ta i]1e cor,cern.".d pdtlies. The utustt Li:;i r;:ii!
re-llec! .L "Dideo-link tag" dgqirLst such ca-ses for the ir,fanialion of iitignt Lts,t iia
ctppLicatLon for adjautnmcn.l uill be ente-tTcLined on the hea.ittg date for uidc.,it1k. .!1ses.
'i'he PaftLl shdil e|l.sure- tl:e presettce o! witne$s at tl'Le
a f)<ed ./ aLlowed site a\e irc,ir be.fol',,"-
the |er^nrq of the case .lor uetifcoticn of lh.e utb"e-.s's (dentit11 tlircticll, otili..a!
CliiCl ongirtii passporl or.C bicm.etic uetif"caticn fi.ont NADRA in lhe presen.. a.i an
au.tltcizeci persctn. and o. certtf,cate b tltis effeci wilL hc subnlltted it ti,.e Corii ta vcld
ii Far biameiic ,eif.ccticn cf clisabled liligtnLs, tlv ic.ol Disancf Cotll',,ls) .NIII rj.eptr-,: ar,,/ )fficial i.el! tcqitainled aith lT ta uisil ihe litiganis laccltian/ prcmtses for ii..e xiiil
pltr\ase. lt1 this regar.1, iile litigant wtll bea| trdoel exDerLses of ti'Lal c_ff,ce-r/ ojjir'.iai as per
iin pretailitLq ,"?/es c,-sel b!/ the Caut1.
6 lf lhe liliq.ltlt ts not ph,ysico-llu presenl ln f/ie junsdic liotl cf th.- Co,,t.rt Lul.ere ie,t s'rre fi?-d il..e
cnse and ti& .aftccrtrcd Coui has d.tlatt)ed his/ her rcqu.est to duo,ii th?- tJideo-!i11.. i:.".iiit!,
lrc/ si.:.e el.)otl the ui.lea-link facililu li'om tie Dislict/ Senl.o j Court (ccl,cetrea) *ilere
he/ sile is pl-tgsrcall!/ ptesent, tuhile fulfLlinE al! the requiretr,ents mentioned ir, thi.s SOP.
If the lili7anl is residing/ presettt outside the cau.11l.4/ arud the court grants itis/ het rci)u.:si ta
LucLi! ilLe said. faciiitlj, he // she LuilL ouaii the uidec]ink facilit! fioa ihe Pokistcn ,nra.s.s!/
iTirtit Corruiissicn/ Cansulate/ ;'iotery atailable ir, t'r1s 9.t11.11e35i! o-s the cas.,- n\a::j he ii t'ne
respectiue courLtry. Tile aLlicer of the Pakis;en Higll Comrtissian/ Ernba-ssg ac be :.cnrilta.led
bi1 ttLe Pakistan High Contniss;.onet/ Atlbassador ai Lh9 deuant caunlry the tapla 41
rcccrding af eutd.ence s/rall en:;ute ilLe presetxae o/" u/itness ift tirc ".t. l1:rr.b..ssy/ lligh
ConrmissronT Con-suldte/ Notary auailable in the etrbass!,J, duing the recctd;.ftg of er:i.lerLce
and. not crlioto anll deuice ar person ta proff,pt the ulitness.
8 ./:l s.ii oj' the plaint/ pelitian, uitten silttenLefll/u)ritte repl.!, comp!ftin1; ar ati!! etl,.e;
iocurner-i. thet h.e/ she n.e.y be *ltitled ta dei".dnd under on].,] law for lhe tir'e beitii rri .fttrce,
n1tist' be prautded ta the @ttness bejore tiLe exai.,in.ation af ile uihessta l\&ue acaiuniiier!.:e
tuitt',llLe dacu.ments, atd.6.n aclinctuled,lJne?'Lt lry lhe Lritrless is to be Jiled helt,e iie Coiiri.
9 A lLit:ress/ litiqcnt sizaLl Jiie d.n affdavifr'turder-takit tg duly uenf,e<i b! a
,iu(ige,/ Attbassadar/ liiglx"Catnmissiotter/ ang persan outltoized bg Atnbassc.ciorl ii"qti-
Corrinrissicr:er as tfuo mo1l be, uith the assu,-.Ln.e lhc1t arigi,.al persan/ *,i i7,', ri,rc.5.
.tl.irer,.rll lh"raulth uicleo-ltlk is io be, is p/gseni before hirr.. A cop:l at iii": sctn',e,s
..1.." tc be n\c.ti.e nuetlable la the atlrct side, iL orcler to nie cui anli impersotldliai
1A s!atenlertl. o.f tle .!i-tness/ in!,j patt4,y must be erdlilined dunlg CcLLti hours aL-.Lxirti:tig rc
?ak:islalr Sicndcrd 'j'inie 'l/der The Odtl:.s Act, I873. 'j'he utlr,ess sha.ti{1. t,-.!. plea:!. dtty
inr:or"ueriance c11 acaoutl-l oi ti& tinrc diLference bet'"Leen Fckjstdn ai(1. iltu cai.irr'y i.))rera ai
\ i.1
o r- i-1-, ii,1e.s.s,,e.siaies.
Or|lll iie Couti sllall recorcl the ,ideo-',ink heaings. anC \c cther pet's(]t'. bc lo
T\ re.ord lh.e lca tirtg ott iheir side. lio ane slTcill be allcwed ta car\J eleciro;.,i. cr 6.\lJ ct'ner
I recordrnq deuice i..chtdir,g cel! phortes inside ihe nohf,eci pia.ce of oideo-link Courl. cs r.,ltlec
reccftli]1g b! Lolauthorize€! person is stictllJ ptol1ibi.ted lf theA do sc, thel ntlr.y be
I i2rcceeLl.ed]st under the rele!.Lnt
lJo Fersorr iricltrdi:rg dtL, aduocate can clairn ar applll iar cop! af trcn$cnp! o_i ::,,tch L'tcca'
iu.,]r Coui Recorditlg/ praceedi,].gs.
13. TlTe A{i-uacates, Police A'f.cet s etc, wilo dre supposed la dtt.nd thraugh ideo-link shclid he
irt proper untfcnn/ dress.
14. 'fhe party rcquesting tle iacilit_Ll of a uideo'iirk shouLcl bear Ll-Le expeis4s -for tile
cLrrutrger.enls of the trcilittJ c,1d m1/sl etsa provtde a U-<B/ L:xtetnal llard diue cj ctpacily
{at least i25 GB to 50A GB) to the Court in adoqnce, t.o preserue the cdse recardin-g
pernaneftti!/. Tile uisual must be recorded at the CaLUt's elzd) secured with the seal ci lhe
Court, which sho.l.I be nade part af tlLe case file urith passwotd protection-
15. Tle jacilitg of rertdeitg arguments before a Court bg ang lauuger/counse! can be
an:aiLed ti"Lrouglt uideo-link as per SOPI.
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-.i:sr -' r-i-,r.>,, tl{,1.,+,fV$'-.ri,,/-Ltt'& o{L*L./ ,!t){td,nJiilrturgency
:,- L Li i: i: :;:,,'c- a. jt -( t ; j 11 l ) / l t / (, i' ! 2, 1 )i a *. -. .7 tt ;a.{t,
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-l z- /:)r: -,.:,tr s rJ j- t) v Lht/,,,r,i't-,)-i L rt Jv.2- L,rr,Jt-z-,,
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-*-,rLf G,t t:- L,16, yt ;. (SOp's<- /t,,.tq3e) Jr t k t,Ju

z,lt(Lu o,rlJ{ Jlctd', -t,-,f ,/6ot{ (-l lL, "-tjili,L),'i 4y' jt164-.rorrt -(t,7;:v;-,>,,t
:.,,!";;.:;i-a1';{ jliL,;:..,a-,,,('!-c(,7t 4o L-i:,A-,{",;;.--},,if LJ p i y'jr".::.
-l :-, :* ;ut[,, J J't-y,, I l,t',,:i L l,,f {,,t,t'-ad -,V i-? 4rW;: !.ii? [ J r' )

{,,t,;;,(L / -t1", ::;;,J-2 Lii;,f ,/,,L2 Z,v,Jt,,j/1.-.!;,=t,1j.1j/sljt-j,+:_:{:..t,:,,tr/,


.lt'.i0 'j:|t,o j.t;4:,2t"Stz-,-:/.{,tf ,t,r,,JVi.-ov,>,/Jvy,rf lr-a.yuq(1t)

l.-.,;; ilu
,t.,,;,,.-,-,,t j/t)trr,:,,.-:) jt- f r'rfuZi\i,ii,.!i(,-,/)t,.u,:)t1.1-4,j'.1,'!2' 9
,ju.t:t i;q--f {.,,'t rvi -, LJt,a-tt)J ),g,1 ,:L,0t::,rtri,l.,t/ti uf"r!;v L}.,,j-:
Il" "l:,/
I 6(p/j_iz-,,,,jr-(
/,-ivt-,,1.,,'('.-u,-(u:,,r- ttiJry,J.u, Li,6,g, Lceii Llne Oaths Act, l8'13:lVL,>Jv\,t,?+t 10

\.t\. -{,- /:c-t i.,''i-,"4 I (,,r'.-.'{ 0 L.:'rtr',' L-( -,-zJ L,t!,'to :i'u \.,

t ,;',!-,/-61i,-{ur,::.":;t(L,!').,(',::v,'F ,-/,,r/,,,(-/t,tt,i&,Wr/;&llf,tglrv1t;,-17 .11

J ii,(:.::\, ":ttL-i; ;',:,t -(/-J,,,t!,-;r.,{Lv l--tiii,rt,,,,j{tJt/,".--,,ti,.itt,f /'!.i r -(,'.1
-,!LV$u,,r.-z Xtl-ri ;v:ta L.Jri.-y,ie, j //,-+t-l --
- 7'i,l::,a,.,, a! i P L J-$.t.f ) Lit, ;,{t 3 i,!,r-, /-l tL',i-,{' J I i J ) i
r .t2
-',,J /J )'ct "l-.6 i;,r/LorcaLox;,Jl/(,u!'-..t, z-1,,/:,!7tj ptetvt-,./:
r)t .13

:,i j ,1.'t115g( - , 'af:.1;,l,."-t,'1r71-./:)t:,,'-v .ttL-r,ti,L.t,: /J;Lli-/i,,-{,.!-3r'

2-r7. -ir-.i.t,i.,:,)'* it:,-Zsd,tl z,;,t1"'i3t,q,(,//'.rr)/f ,),j<oesoo-.GBtzsi::ll;-',:

-("-vy|-,iJ ut l';riPassword Prot ectiona,i t;it ivL/'j

-*d /"r vi u{'i i i.A.v L ;:.,',,1'i"> r',!+,i r,i:-v L:;,. *,; L -i z:, 15

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