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OLIVET, Olives, 2 Sam. xv. Jebel et Tôr 14 Now called Jebel
Mount of 30; Ezek. et Tôr. (Mem.
(R.V. OLIVES, xi. 23; III.; Sh. XVII.)
Mount of) Zech. xiv. East of
4 Jerusalem.
ON Gen. xli. Heliopolis — A town of lower
45; xlvi. 20 Egypt. The
sacred city of
Heliopolis, about
10 miles north-
east of Cairo;
also called Beth-
shemesh and
Aven, which see.

ONO 1 Chr. viii. Kefr ʾAna 9 Now the village

12; Ezra ii. ‘Kefr ʾAna,’ 5
33; Neh. miles north of
vi. 2; vii. Lydda. In 1 Esdr.
37; xi. 35 v. 22 Onus.
(Mem. II. 251;
Sh. XIII.)
OPHEL 2 Chr. xxvii. — A part of ancient
3; xxxiii. Jerusalem,
14; Neh. south of the
iii. 26, 27; Temple
xi. 21 enclosure.
OPHIR Gen. x. 29; Not identified — Probably
1 Kings ix. Southern Arabia.
28; x. 11; See Smith’s
xxii. 48; 1 Bible Dictionary.
Chr. i. 23;
xxix. 4; 2
Chr. viii.
18; ix. 10;
Job xxii.
24; xxviii.
16; Ps.
xlv. 9;
Isaiah xiii.
12; Tobit
xiii. 17
OPHNI Josh. xviii. Jufna (?) 10 A town of
24 Benjamin.
Supposed by
some to be
Jufna, the
Gophna of
Josephus, 3
miles north-west
of Bethel, but
this would
perhaps place it
Benjamin. (Mem.
II.; Sh. XIV.)

OPHRAH (1) Josh. xviii. et Taiyibeh 10 ‘Five Roman

23; 1 miles east of
Sam. xiii. Bethel’
17 (Onomasticon).
This appears to
point to the
present large
village Taiyibeh.
(Mem. II. 293;
Sh. XIV.)

OPHRAH (2) Jud. vi. 11, Ferʾata (?)* 10 Probably the

24; viii. 27, present village
32; ix. 5 Ferʾata, 6 miles
west of
Shechem, the
old name of
which was
(Mem. II. 162;
Sh. XI.)—
OREB, The Judg. vii. Not identified — ʾOsh el Ghurâb, a
Rock 25; Isa. x. prominent peak
26 in the Jordan
Valley, north of
Jericho, has
been proposed.
See Quarterly
Statement, p.
22, 1877. (Mem.

OREB, Mount 2 Esdras ii. — Mount Horeb.

PADAN Gen. xlviii. — Padan-aram.
PADAN-ARAM Gen. xxv. — The land of
20; xxviii. Mesopotamia.
2, 5, 6, 7;
xxxi. 18;
xxxiii. 18;
xxxv. 9,
26; xlvi. 15
PAMPHYLIA 1 Macc. xv. — A district on the
23 south coast of
Asia Minor,
between Lycia
and Cilicia.
PARAH Josh. xviii. Kh. Fârah 14 One of the cities
23 in and allotted to
Benjamin. Now
the ruin Fârah,
south-east of
(Mem. III. 174;
PARAN, Desert Gen. xiv. 6; et Tih 27 The desert (‘et
of (el Paran) xxi. 21; Tih’) between
Num. x. Kadesh and
12; xii. 16; Sinai.
xiii. 3, 26;
Deut. i. 1;
1 Sam.
xxv. 1; 1
Kings xi.

PARAN, Mount Deut. xxxiii. Not identified — See preceding.

2; Hab. iii.
PARVAIM 2 Chr. iii. 6 Not identified — The name of the
country from
which the gold
was procured for
the decoration of
PAS-DAMMIM 1 Chr. xi. — See Ephes-
13 dammim.
PATHROS Is. xi. 11; — A part of Upper
Jer. xliv. 1, Egypt, possibly
15; Ezek. about Thebes.
xxix. 14; Pathrusim, Gen.
xxx. 14 x. 14; 1 Chr. i. 12
PAU Gen. xxxvi. Not identified — The capital of
39 Hadar, King of
PAI 1 Chr. i. 50 Not identified — Probably the
same as the
PENIEL and Gen. xxxii. Not identified — Very probably
PENUEL 30; xxxii. somewhere on
31; Judg. the northern
viii. 8, 9, slope of ‘Jebel
17; 1 Osha.’ See Heth
Kings xii. & Moab, pp.
25 177–179.
PEOR, Top of Num. xxiii. Not identified 14 See Beth-peor.
28 Probably the
peak above ‘ʾAin
overlooking the
Dead Sea, etc.
Statement, p.
87; 1882.

PERAZIM, Isaiah Not identified — See Baal-

Mount xxviii. 21 perazim.
PEREZ-UZZAH 2 Sam. vi. Not identified — The threshing-
8; 1 Chr. floor of Nachon,
xiii. 11 in the
of Jerusalem.
PERSEPOLIS 2 Macc. ix. Chehl-Minar — At one time the
2 capital of Persia
proper. Now
called Chehl-
Minar. The ruins
are of great
extent and
covering an area
of many acres.
See Niebuhr
(Reis., ii. 121);
(Voyages, ii.
245); Ker Porter
(Travels, i. 576);
Heeren (Asiatic
Nations, i. 143–
196); Rich
(Residence in
Khurdistan, ii.
pp. 218–222);
(Palaces of
Nineveh and
Restored, pp.
89–124); etc.

PERSIA 2 Chr. —
xxxvi. 20,
22, 23;
Ezr. i. 1, 2,
8; iii. 7; iv.
3, 5, 7, 24;
vi. 14; vii.
1; ix. 9;
Esth. i. 3,
14, 18; x.
2; Ezek.
xxvii. 10;
xxxviii. 5;
Dan. viii.
20; x. 1,
13, 20; xi.
2; 1 Esdr.
iii. 1, 9,
14; v. 6;
vii. 4; viii.
80; Judith
i. 7; Bel i.
1; 1 Macc.
iii. 31; vi.
1, 5, 56; 2
Macc. i.
13, 19, 20,
33; ix. 1,
PETHOR Num. xxii. — A town of
5; Deut. Mesopotamia,
xxiii. 4 where Balaam
resided. Situated
on the
PHARATHONI 1 Macc. ix. Not identified — Probably
50 Pirathon, which
PHARPAR, 2 Kings v. Nahr Taura, — In the Arabic
River 12 one of the version Nahr
branches of Taura takes the
the Barada place of Pharpar.
PHASELIS 1 Macc. xv. Tekrova — A town on the
23 coast of Asia
Minor, on the
confines of Lycia
and Pamphylia.
Now called
(Smith’s Bible

PHENICE 1 Esdr. ii. — Phenicia in 3

17, 24, 25, Macc. iii. 15; 4
27; iv. 48; Macc. iv. 2
vi. 3, 7,
27, 29; vii.
1; viii. 19,
23, 67; 2
Esdr. 1, 2;
2 Macc. iii.
5, 8; iv. 4,
22; viii. 8;
x. 11
PHILISTIA Ps. lx. 8; — The south part of
lxxxvii. 4; the maritime
cviii. 9 plain of Syria.
Identical with the
word Palestine.
(Smith’s Bible
PHISON Ecclus. — The Greek form
xxiv. 25 of Pison.
PHUD Judith ii. 23 — Phut. See Put.
PI-BESETH Ezek. xxx. Tell Basta — Bubastis. Now
17 ‘Tell Basta,’ near
Zagazig, in
Lower Egypt.
PI-HAHIROTH Ex. xiv. 2, Not identified — Camping-station
9; Num. of the Israelites
xxxiii. 7, 8 before Migdol.
PIRA 1 Esdr. v. — Thought to be a
19 repetition and
variation of
Caphira in the
same verse.
PIRATHON Judg. xii. Ferʾôn (?)* 10 ‘In the land of
15 Ephraim in the
Mount of the
According to the
old traveller
Hap-Parchi, it
lay about two
hours (6 miles)
west of
Shechem, and
was called
Benjamin of Tud.
ii. 426; Robinson
iii. 134). Some
14 miles to the
west of
Shechem and
north of Ferʾata
is the village
Ferʾôn, which
Capt. Conder
proposes to
identify with
Pirathon. (Mem.
II. 164; Sh. XI.)
Pharathoni (1
Macc. ix. 50) is
possibly the
PISGAH, Mount Num. xxi. Râs Sîâghah 15 Apparently the
20; xxiii. peak called ‘Râs
14; Deut. Sîâghah,’ west
iii. 17, 27; of Neba (Mount
iv. 49; Nebo). (Heth
xxxiv. 1 and Moab, p.
PISON Gen. ii. 11 One of the four
(R.V. PISHON) heads flowing
out of Eden.
PITHOM Ex. i. 11 Tell Mahuta — In Lower Egypt,
on the Ismailia
Zagazig Railway.
PTOLEMAIS 1 Macc. v. ʾAkka — Accho—St. Jean
15, 22, 55; d’Acre, the
x. 1, 39, modern ʾAkka;
50–58, 60; see Accho.
xi. 22, 24;
xii. 45, 48;
xiii. 12; 2
Macc. xiii.
24, 25;
Acts xxi. 7

PUNON Num. xxxiii. Not identified — Camping-station

43 of the Israelites
in the desert.
PUT 1 Chr. i. 8; Not identified — A Hamite people.
Nah. iii. 9 Phut (Gen. x. 6);
Phud (Judith ii.
23); Libya (Jer.
xlvi. 9; Ezek.
xxxviii. 5; see
Libya.) (Grove’s
Bible Index.)

RABBAH Josh. xv. 60 Kh. Rubba 14 A city of Judah,

(?)* named with
‘Rubba,’ in the
hills, 4 miles
east of Beit
Jibrîn. (Mem. III.
314; Sh. XXI.)—
RABBAH Josh. xiii. ʾAmmân 11 Now called
25; 2 ʾAmmân, on the
Sam. xi. 1; highlands of
xii. 26, 27, Gilead. A large
29; xvii. Roman city
27; 1 Chr. (Philadelphia) was
xx. 1; built there in the
Ezek. xxi. second century
20 a.d., of which fine
ruins yet remain.
‘The City of
Waters’ (Heth and
Moab, p. 152);
Conder’s Primer of
RABBAH of the Jer. xlix. 2, Bible Geography,
Ammonites 3 p. 103; see also
Burckhardt (Syria,
RABBATH of Ezek. xxi. 357–360); Seetzen
the Ammonites 20 (Reisen i. 396; iv.
(R.V. RABBAH) 212, 214); Irby
(June 14);
Buckingham (East
Syria, 68–82); Lord
RABBATH of Deut. iii. 11
Lindsay (5th ed.
Robinson (ii. 172–

RABBITH Josh. xix. Râba* 10 Now the village

20 ‘Râba,’ on the
watershed south
of Gilboa. (Mem.
II. Sh. XII.)—
RACHAL 1 Sam. xxx. Not identified — In the south of
(R.V. RACAL) 29 Judah.
RACHEL, Tomb Gen. xxxv. Kubbet Râhîl 14 Kubbet Râhil,
of 20; 1 near Bethlehem.
Sam. x. 2 The site has
been shown
from the fourth
century to the
present time in
the same place.
(Mem. III. 54, 55,
and 129; Sh.
RAGAU Judith i. 5, — Probably another
15 form for ‘Rages.’
RAGES Job i. 14; iv. Rhey — ‘A city of Media.’
1, 20; v. 5; The name ‘Rhey’
vi. 9, 12; is now applied to
ix. 2 the ruins 5 miles
south-east of
Teheran. See
Ker Porter’s
Travels, i. 357–
364; Fraser’s
Khorassan, p.

RAKKATH Josh. xix. Tûbarîya 6 One of the

35 fortified towns of
Naphtali. The old
name of
Tiberias. (Mem.
I. 365; Sh. VI.)
RAKKON Josh. xix. Tell er 9 One of the towns
46 Rakkeit* of Dan. Now Tell
er Rakkeit, north
of Jaffa. (Mem.
II. 262, 275; Sh.
RAMAH (1), of Josh. xviii. er-Ram 14 Now the village
Benjamin 25; Judg. er-Ram, 5 miles
iv. 5; xix. north of
13; 1 Jerusalem. It is
Sam. xxii. uncertain
6; 1 Kings whether these
xv. 17, 21; references point
2 Chr. xvi. to one or more
1; Ezra ii. places. (Mem.
26; Neh. III. 13; Sh. XVII.)
vii. 30; xi.
33; Is. x.
29; Jer.
xxxi. 15;
xl. 1; Hos.
v. 8
RAMAH (2) Josh. xix. er Râmeh 6 Now the village
36 ‘Râmeh,’ in
Lower Galilee,
west of Safed.
(Mem. I. 205;
Sh. IV.)
RAMAH (3) Josh. xix. Râmia (?) 6 Now the village
29 Râmia, east of
the Ladder of
Tyrus, in Upper
Galilee. (Mem.
I.; Sh. IV.)
RAMATH-LEHI Judg. xv. Not identified —
RAMATH- Josh. xiii. er Rimthe 11 Possibly the ruin
MIZPEH 26 (??)* ‘Rimthe,’ in the
northern limits of
Gad, and about
midway between
Bozrah and the
(Conder’s Heth
& Moab, 175).
RAMATH- Josh. xix. 8; Not identified — Somewhere in the
NEGEB 1 Sam. south of Judah.
(R.V. RAMAH xxx. 27 In Sam. xxx. 27
of the South) Ramoth.
RAMATHAIM- 1 Sam. i. 1, Not identified — Somewhere in
ZOPHIM or 19; ii. 11; Mount Ephraim.
RAMAH vii. 17; viii. It does not
4; xv. 34; appear to have
xvi. 13; been the same
xix. 18– place as Ramah
23; xx. 1; (1).
xxv. 1;
xxviii. 3

RAMATHEM 1 Macc. xi. Not identified — Thought to be the

34 same as last.
RAMESES Gen. xlvii. Not identified — A city in Lower
RAAMSES 11; Ex. i. Egypt. Thought
RAMESSE 11; xii. 37; to be the same
Num. as Zoan; which
xxxiii. 3, 5; see.
Judith i. 9
RAMOTH 1 Chr. vi. er Râmeh* 10 Now the village
73 Râmeh, south of
the plain of
Esdraelon. See
Remeth. (Mem.
II. 155; Sh. XI.)
RAMOTH in Deut. iv. 43; Reimûn (?)* 11 One of the six
Gilead Josh. xx. cities of refuge.
8; xxi. 38; Fifteen Roman
1 Kings iv. miles from
13; xxii. 3– Philadelphia
24; 2 (Onomasticon).
Kings viii. The village Es-
28; ix. 1, Salt is about this
4, 14; 1 distance. In 2
Chr. vi. 80; Kings viii. 29,
2 Chr. and Chr. xxii. 6,
xviii. 2–28; called Ramah.
xxii. 5 Probably
(Conder’s Heth
and Moab, p.
RAPHIA 3 Macc. i. 1 — Probably the
same as
RAPHON or 1 Macc. v. Rafeh (?) 7 Placed at ‘Rafeh,’
RAPHANA 37 4 miles south-
west of Edrei, by
Dr. Merill (East
of Jordan).
RECHAH 1 Chr. iv. 12 Not identified —
RED SEA Ex. x. 19;
xiii. 18; xv.
4, 22; xxiii.
31; Num.
xiv. 25;
xxi. 4, 14;
xxxiii. 10,
11; Deut. i.
1, 40; xi.
4; Josh. ii.
10; iv. 23;
xxiv. 6;
Judg. xi.
16; 1
Kings ix.
26; Neh.
ix. 9; Ps.
cvi. 5–9,
22; cxxxvi.
13, 15;
Jer. xlix.
21; Judith
v. 13; 1
Macc. iv.
9; Called
‘the Sea’
in Exodus
xiv. 2, 9,
16, 21, 28;
xv. 1, 4, 8,
10, 19;
Josh. xxiv.
6, 7

REHOB (1) Num. xiii. Hunîn (??) 6 See Beth-rehob,

21; 2 near Banias,
Sam. x. 6, Laish, and Dan
8 (Tell el Kâdy), a
city in the valley
that lieth by
REHOB (2) Josh. xix. Not identified — Allotted to Asher.
28; xxi.
31; 1 Chr.
vi. 75
REHOB (3) Josh. xix. Not identified — Allotted to Asher.
30; Judg.
i. 31
REHOBOTH Gen. xxvi. Ruheibeh 20 To the south of
22 Beersheba and
Bered are a
heap of ruins,
and some wells
called ‘er
Ruheibeh.’ See
Desert of Sinai,
316, by Dr.
REHOBOTH, Gen. x. 11 Not identified 11 Usually placed
The City near Nineveh on
(R.V. the south side.
REHOBOTH- See the next.
REHOBOTH by Gen. xxxvi. Rahabeh, or — ‘The name
the River 37; 1 Chr. Rahabeh “Rahabeh” is
i. 48 Melek (?) applied to two
places on the
Euphrates, one
8 miles below
the junction of
the Khabûr,
about 3 miles
west of the river
Euphrates, i.
119; ii. 610), the
other 4 or 5
miles further
down on the left
bank, and called
Rahabeh Melek.’
REKEM Josh. xviii. Not identified — One of the towns
27 of Benjamin.
Named between
Mozah (Beit
Mizzeh) and
Irpeel (Rafat?).
ʾAin Karim has
been proposed
(Smith’s Bible
Dictionary), but
the name and
position are alike
Possibly the
word should
read Dekem, in
which case Beit
Dukku lies in a
REMETH Josh. xix. er Râmeh (?)* 10 ? Ramoth of 1
21 Chr. vi. 73. Now
the village er
Râmeh, 5½
miles north of
Samaria. (Mem.
II. 155; Sh. XI.)

REMMON Josh. xix. 7 13 See En-rimmon

(R.V. RIMMON) (of Simeon).
REMMON Josh. xix. Rummâneh 6 Now the village
METHOAR 13 Rummâneh, on
(R.V. RIMMON) the edge of
‘Sahel el
Buttauf,’ north of
Nazareth and
Seffurieh. (Mem.
I. 363; Sh. VI.)
Methoar means

REPHAIM, The Josh. xv. 8; el Bŭkeiʾa 14 Now called el

Valley of xviii. 16; 2 Bŭkeiʾa, the
Sam. v. plain south of
18–22; Jerusalem, on
xxiii. 13; 1 the way to
Chr. xi. 15; Bethlehem.
xiv. 9; Is.
xvii. 5
REPHIDIM Num. xxxiii. Not identified — One of the
14, 15 camping places
of the Israelites
in the desert
between Alush
and Sinai.
Robinson places
Rephidim in
‘Wady esh
Sheikh.’ (Rob. i.
121.) Burckhardt
(Syria and C.
488), Stanley (S.
and P. 40–42),
Ritter (xiv. 740,
741), in Wâdy
RESEN Gen. x. 12 Not identified — One of the cities
Between built by Asshur,
Nimrúd and ‘between
Kuyunjik Nineveh and
Calah.’ The ruins
of a town near
the modern
village of
Selamiyeh would
suit the situation,
but they are not
of any great
(Smith’s Bible
REUBEN, Tribe Josh. xiii. — The eastern parts
of 15–23; of the country
Josephus beyond Jordan,
9 Ant. viii. which belonged
1 to the
Reubenites and
Gadites and to
the half tribes of
Manasseh. (9
Ant. viii. 1.)

REZEPH 2 Kings xix. Not identified — There are several

12; Is. Near Nisibin towns of this
xxxvii. 12 name in
One west of the
Euphrates on
the road from
Racca to Hŭms,
the other east of
the Euphrates
near Bagdad;
between these
two rests the
claim to the
ancient site.
(Smith’s Bible
RHODUS 1 Macc. xv. Island of — The Island of
23 Rhodes Rhodes in the
RIBLAH Num. xxxiv. Ribleh — Probably the
11; 2 same as in 2
Kings xxiii. Kings xxiii. 33.
33; xxv. 6, The present

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