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Carla Kaye B.

Lapuz June 25, 2024

ENG 1 –A

Controlled Explanation

“Language: The Bridge Between Cultures”

Language is a bridge between cultures, not a barrier. I strongly agree with the speaker in the
video. It is sad that most of us see language as a barrier to understanding and connecting with
others when, in fact, the key to understanding other cultures is language. It’s not about what
“we don’t know,” it’s about “what’s more to know.” Preserving language is preserving
culture. As the speaker said, when a language dies, a culture dies with it. If we switch
perspectives and try to look at language from different lenses—language as a barrier and
language as a bridge—we will actually arrive at one conclusion: language is the solution

“Implications of Culture on Language”

The video about the implications of culture on language has had a great impact on me as a
future educator, considering the fact that I am more likely to handle students from diverse
cultures. The interconnectedness of culture and language has always been my guide to
understanding and conveying messages. In the examples of situations in the video, it is shown
that people with different cultural backgrounds might convey and understand messages
differently. People from different cultures perceive and understand messages in various ways.
Culture indeed shapes our day-to-day communication. As we’re more likely to encounter
cultural experiences and manifest different ways of communication, let’s take this chance to
get to know more about other cultures and be culturally sensitive.

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