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Thought Record

A Activating Event: Situation B Beliefs: Automatic Thoughts

What was happening just before I started to feel 1. Ask yourself: “What was I thinking?“ “What was I saying
this way? What was I doing? Who was I with? to myself?“ “What was going through my mind?”
Where was I? When was it? 2. Identify the Hot Thought and underline it.
3. Rate how much you believe this thought between 0-100.
I was getting ready to go to a party
I just don’t feel like doing anything
I really want to stay home
C Consequences
1. Describe your moods, emotions and feelings My life’s so boring I’m not going to have
with a single word
2. Write down any physical sensations
anything to say
3. Rate their intensity (0-100).
I’m such a loser
sad 90 I hate having to make small talk all night
depressed 70
I never know what to say
anxious 50
scared 60 What if I embarrass myself?
lump in my throat 60

D Disputation

My HOT Thought: I’m such a loser 90 75

Evidence That SUPPORTS My HOT Thought Evidence That DOES NOT SUPPORT
My HOT Thought

I always feel awkward around other people I’m just shy in groups or with strangers
I never have anything interesting to say I’ve had a group of close friends for years
I’m too shy If I were such a loser I wouldn’t have
I’m not good at meeting people even been invited to the party
I don’t have that many friends I’m good at lots of things that don’t involve
social situations
“I’m a loser” is an example of the cognitive
distortion labeling

E End Results: Alternative/More Balanced Thoughts

Alternative/More Balanced Thoughts Rate Moods/Emotions/Sensations Now
1. Rate how much you believe: 1-100 1. Re-rate the consequences from Part C
2. Re-rate Hot Thought 2. Write down & rate any new moods/ emotions
sad 75
I find socializing hard 75 depressed 45
anxious 50
I’m not that comfortable around other people 65
scared 25
I wish I were more outgoing 80
lump in my throat 25
relieved 50
calm 35

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