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Case Study
Case Study
Elevating Employability in India's IT Sector Through Liqvid's Holistic Training

In the dynamic realm of information technology, where • Career Advancement: Limited upward mobility due to
technical skills are the foundation, what additional the inability to communicate effectively with
asset can propel IT professionals to the forefront of their colleagues and superiors.
field and open doors to global opportunities?
Jetking understood that to truly fulfill its mission of
producing well-rounded IT professionals, it needed to
Jetking, a pioneer in hardware and networking training
address this language gap head-on.
across India, recognized a critical challenge facing their
technically adept graduates: a lack of proficiency in
English communication, a skill essential for success in The Solution: A Multi-Faceted Approach
the interconnected world of IT.
to Language Empowerment
Embark on a journey with Jetking as they partner with Jetking sought a language training partner who could
Liqvid English Edge, a leading language training deliver a comprehensive and tailored solution that aligned
provider, to bridge this language gap and empower their with their students' unique needs. Liqvid, renowned for its
students with the communication skills and confidence expertise in creating customized training solutions and its
to thrive in the competitive IT landscape. commitment to quality, collaborated with Jetking to
develop a comprehensive program that seamlessly
The Challenge: From Technical Expertise integrated with the JCHNP curriculum. The program's
multifaceted approach addressed the specific needs of
to Effective Communicators Jetking's students, focusing on both language acquisition
and soft skills development.
Jetking's esteemed Jetking Certified Hardware and
Networking Professional (JCHNP) program provided The Liqvid English Edge program for Jetking students
students with a strong foundation in technical encompassed:
knowledge. However, the program did not address the
language barrier faced by many students, particularly
• Personalized Assessment: Each student's English
those who hail from diverse linguistic backgrounds.
proficiency was assessed to identify specific areas for
improvement, ensuring a targeted and effective
Many graduates struggled with:
learning experience.
• Confident Client Interaction: Difficulty in articulating
• Industry-Specific Curriculum: The curriculum was
technical solutions to clients and stakeholders in a
meticulously designed to incorporate IT-related
clear and persuasive manner.
terminology, scenarios, and communication challenges,
ensuring relevance and practicality for the students.
• Effective Collaboration: Challenges in participating in
international projects and collaborating with diverse
teams due to language barriers.
Case Study
Elevating Employability in India's IT Sector Through Liqvid's Holistic Training

• Bilingual Support: Recognizing the linguistic diversity • Monitoring and Evaluation: Liqvid conducted on-site
of India, the program offered modules in Hindi, Gujarati, visits, collected feedback from both trainers and
and Kannada, facilitating a smoother transition to students, and used this data to refine and enhance the
English for those with different mother tongues. program continuously.

• Soft Skills Integration: Beyond language proficiency,

the program emphasized crucial soft skills such as The Results: Transforming Lives and
presentation, group discussion, professional etiquette, Careers
interview techniques, and personal grooming,
preparing students for the holistic demands of the IT The impact of the Jetking-Liqvid collaboration was
workplace. profound and far-reaching:

• Blended Learning Model: The program seamlessly • Confident Communication: Jetking graduates emerged
integrated instructor-led training with interactive from the program with newfound confidence in their
computer-based modules, maximizing engagement and English communication skills, enabling them to
allowing students to learn at their own pace. articulate their technical knowledge effectively and
engage in professional interactions with ease.
Implementation: A Nationwide Commitment
• Enhanced Employability: Armed with both technical
to Excellence expertise and strong communication skills, Jetking
graduates became highly sought-after by employers,
The scale of Jetking's operation, with over 125 centers leading to increased job placements and improved
across India, presented a unique challenge: ensuring career trajectories.
consistent and high-quality delivery of the program
nationwide. Liqvid rose to the occasion by implementing a • Industry Recognition: Jetking's reputation as a leading
robust training and support system: IT training provider was further solidified, as the
institute became known for producing well-rounded
• Train-the-Trainer (TTT) Programs: Liqvid conducted
professionals who could seamlessly integrate into the
intensive TTT sessions, empowering Jetking's
global IT workforce.
instructors with the pedagogical skills, knowledge, and
resources necessary to deliver the program effectively
• Positive Social Impact: By empowering individuals
and uniformly across all centers.
from diverse backgrounds with English language skills,
the program contributed to social mobility and
• Ongoing Quality Assurance: Liqvid maintained
economic empowerment.
continuous communication with Jetking trainers,
providing guidance, addressing queries, and ensuring
adherence to the program's standards through regular
follow-up and feedback sessions.
Case Study
Elevating Employability in India's IT Sector Through Liqvid's Holistic Training

Customer Quotes
"The English Edge program has been a game-changer
for me. I now feel confident participating in technical
discussions and presenting my ideas in English." –
Jetking Graduate

"Our partnership with Liqvid has been instrumental in

transforming our students into confident and articulate
IT professionals, ready to take on the world." – Jetking


The Jetking-Liqvid collaboration serves as a shining

example of how a well-designed and thoughtfully
implemented language training program can have a
transformative impact on individuals and organizations

By recognizing the importance of English communication

skills in the IT industry and investing in a comprehensive
solution, Jetking has not only enhanced the career
prospects of their students but also reinforced their
commitment to producing well-rounded professionals
who can thrive in the global arena.

This case study is a testament to the power of language to

empower individuals, bridge cultural divides, and unlock
a world of opportunities.

• Confident Client Interaction: Difficulty in articulating

technical solutions to clients and stakeholders in a
clear and persuasive manner.

• Effective Collaboration: Challenges in participating in

international projects and collaborating with diverse
teams due to language barriers.

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