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Temple of the Four Fathers Fire Mage: Can cast five fire spells per day.

ive fire spells per day. Scroll of Fathers of the Four Elements
Fireball if needed.
An adventure for 2-4 characters of low level, de-
signed for any OSR rule system.

Areas H and I: Sleeping quarters and storage. Background: Four young mages once studied
Beds for the guards and fire mage. Shelves of the elements with an unmatched intensity and
supplies (food, wine, spare weapons). Wall shelf devotion. Their desire: to bind earth, wind, fire,
filled with books and scrolls detailing the ele- and water into living, subservient creatures.
mental mages’ deeds. Countless hours of research and practice led to
 Personal items of followers mostly valueless. the earliest elemental spells, and after decades,
they bound themselves to the very essence of
 Hidden floor compartment under the fire
the elements. Each mage transformed into the
mage’s bed holds a Scroll of Magic Missile
first of the four elemental creatures.
and Light.
 Stolen casks of good wine and boxes of Centuries passed and the elemental mages’
quality food, enough for several weeks for minds descended into madness with power they
the seven followers in the temple. had achieved. Longing for an end to their unnat-
ural lives, they concocted a powerful ritual which
 One of books details an “end of times” if the bound the four mages to separate stone sar-
four elemental mages awake at the same cophagi. It is here where they rest to this day
time and come together... still...

Conclusion and additional notes: GM’s Background: Temple guardians protect the
slumbering mages from those who wish to steal
Map by Dungeon Scrawl / Thom Wilson
Once awakened, each elemental mage will try
their essence or release them from their self-
to awaken the others. The mages will try to kill the
imposed bondage. If the mages are awakened
intruders but will simultaneously move toward the
Area G: Main temple. Black pillars hold up a ceil- and released, they will bring destruction to the
temple or the other tombs.
ing covered in masterwork paintings of the ele- temple and each other.
mental mages spreading their disastrous work. Each mage becomes stronger (harder to hit,
Start the adventure with the Area A description.
Silk pillows for worshippers on the floor throughout. deals more damage, adds more hit points)
when within sight of another mage.
 Six zealot spearmen and a fire mage guard
the northern statue of the four mages. If all four mages are within sight of each other, a Area A: Locked stone entry door. Magical can-
cataclysmic event occurs: mortals suffer 1d100 dles provide light. Two closed, wooden doors.
 A pit before the dais drops unsuspecting in-
truders into a fiery pit 50’ below the floor. points of damage as their elements intermingle  Tapestries of the four elemental mages.
and erupt. The temple and all within will likely be  Ceiling carvings show mass destruction.
 Black pillars heal followers of the elements d4 destroyed. The mages will leave the temple and
points upon touch (once per round).  Floor tiles are stained red from many deadly
resume their destructive ways.
 Bags of gold and gems piled around the battles between guards and intruders.
statue (totals: 1d1000x5 gp, 1d1000 gems of This version of the adventure designed for any
various types, 1d10 gp value each). old school game system. Find more brochure
adventures by Thom Wilson / ThrowiGames at
Zealot Spearmen: Steel armor, deadly spears.
Written by Thom Wilson, Unedited.

Area B: Temple entry, protected by two fire- Area D: Tomb of the Water-drinker. Lidless burial
spitting statues. box filled to the brim with water. Mage slumbers
 Guardians keep eternal what over southern underwater. Wake the mage with the command
double doors. word “water”.
 Piles of ash of dead intruders scattered  Dipping the first non-magical wooden rod or
throughout the area. staff into the watery tomb adds a magical
healing ability (see below).
 50% chance one magical item found within
the ash piles.  Tidal wave erupts from the sarcophagus
when the mage awakens (d4 rounds after
 Secret doors to tombs are found behind ele-
characters enter the tomb). Wave deals d4
mental tapestries (hard to spot).
damage to any in the area.
Fire-spitting Statues: Hardened stone exterior.  1d100 sp and a Decanter of Endless Water
Breathe deadly fire to close enemies. are found at the bottom of the sarcophagus.

Water-drinker, Water Mage: Can cast known water

spells. Regenerates half lost damage each round.

Area C: Tomb of the Wind-walker. Sarcophagus

sealed with magic, but can be opened with the
command word “wind”. Healing Effect: Can cast one full heal and one Art by Je Shields
 Powerful wind blasts through the room when half heal spell each day.
the tomb is first opened (deals d4 damage
to all within the area). Area E: Tomb of the Earthquaker. Hardened mud Area F: Tomb of the Firestarter. Stone box burned
sarcophagus (cocoon-like) envelops the sleeping from continuous fire within. Mage lies sleeping in
 Placing the first non-magical shield on the
mage. Command word “earth” begins cracking the flames. Command word “fire” awakens the
sarcophagus adds a magical knock-back
the mud and releases the mage in 1d4 rounds. mage within 1d4 rounds.
effect (see below).
 Hardened pieces burst from the cocoon  One magic missile (d4 damage) spits from
 Sarcophagus contains 1d100 gp and a Rod
each round until the mage exits. Pieces ran- the burning sarcophagus each round until
of Wind Control—1d4 charges, controls wind
domly strike 1-2 in the area, dealing d2 the mage exits.
within 500 feet of caster.
damage.  Casting the first steel weapon into the burn-
 The Wind-walker exits the sarcophagus within
 Touching the first piece of mud to any non- ing sarcophagus adds a +d4 fire damage
d4 rounds.
magical armor betters its defense/rating by ability to the weapon. All other non-magical,
one point. non-steel items cast into the fire are de-
Wind-walker, Air Mage: Can cast known wind spells.
Takes half damage from weapons.  Pieces of mud have 1d100 small gems
(various types), each worth 1d20 gp.  1d100 flame-red rubies lie at the bottom of
the sarcophagus (each worth 1d100 gp).
Earthquaker, Earth Mage: Can cast known earth Firestarter, Fire Mage: Can cast known fire spells.
Knock-back Effect: When shield is struck inten- spells. Challenging defense and massive stone fists. Immune to fire.
tionally or in defense (near hit), nearest foe is
knocked back 20’ or knocked prone.

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