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A Norse Bestiary

in Memory of Charles Wright. His seat at the table is empty now,
the laughter remains.
Writer and Designer. Evan Jackson
Template: Adapted fromcM Word Template bv
Laura Hitsbrunner
Cover Illustrator. Matt Forsyth
Interior illustrators: Matt Forsyth. Jake Baker. Arthur Rackham.
Agam, carcocta. Dorothe, Enrique Loper Garre, Herbert James
Draper, Sarah Richter, Tomislav Jakupec. T ristan Brandon.
Wilgard Krause, Wizards of the Coast provided art
Special Thanks: Mara Kovacevic, Tristan Brandon, Steven
Additional Credit: Grimnir's epigram In the introduction is I very
loosely) adapted from lines that appear In Henry Adams
Bellows' translations ol t he skaldic poems VafyruAniimôl and
Grímnhmií This crime against literary decency was
perpetrated by myself vrth little tegard to the integrity of
original verse or skaldic form, cobbling lines together that are
rewritten and out -of-context from disparate stanzas in two
different texts. I doubt that Bellows would willingly recognize
It as his own. but I could not haw written it d he hadn't done it
first.and better. -EJ


Mat' i'.'i',,;- Illustrates a giant serpentllke creature rearing from

the depths in a cataclysmic scene
Matt is a fantasy artist and illustrator from New Zealand whose
work has been featured in the ADOM roleplayinggame.
Greenbrier Games' upcoming Lost One s boardga me, and

additionally featured the following pages of this text;

17-19,22.23.29,31.33- 47.48,50.56.

DUNMtMS * tNUGCMS 0*0, wuardi al the Cowl. Fr»<vti.n a.olmk Mvv.nlnh, I bwrim th» ihagon amperwxl, Oenwa anti ail ««her WUords M the Cant produt t
names, and tKarrespartM lotos ate trademark of WlrariX of the Cent an tho USA arU other toumnes.

this a»<S cantaaw maiarut «hat Is usor"i hr Wui rm ol the Coast amh'ur other authors. Such matwul ■ usad with pwnuion under the Community CoMaat Apeen» m lor
Dungeon MasivriGuld

A|lulhmi.i<ma>ma<e<ul m IN» wort H«H>r'lgt« 7M1 by TMevee' Cant Games Jaahson and (xtilished ladder the Community I <rd am AfframemOungoon
Table of Contents
Table of Contents-... .......................................................... 2
J|lrüdi» lion.—.................................................................. 3
Chapter t Bestiary—— ——......................................... ——.4
Mythic Monsters...................................................... —...... 4
Norse Archetypes.......... ........................................ ...... 4
Languages, Alignment and Type................. ——------------4
Aifbru---------------------------------------------------------------------- 5
L jósAif r Dreng------------------------------------------------------- 5
Ljósálír Húskari____________________________________ 6
LjósálfrSeiôdróttínn________________________________ 6
Ljósálf r Thegn-------------- - ----- —------------ ...----- .....------ - 7
Dõkkãlfr Dreng----------------- --------------------------------------- H
Dõkkãlfr Hirdwarrior-------------------------------------------------H
Dõkkãlfr Húskarl.------------- --------------------------------------- »
Dõkkãlfr Jarl______________________________________ 9——.,11
Thrãln (Draugr-Lord) .-„-„-......12
Gfengangr-------------------------------------------------------------- U
Bninnmigi----------------------------------------------------------------- 16
EJnhcrjl Warrior__________________________________ 17
Einhcrji Hera._________ _—-------------------------------- ---- -18
Fenrir.--------- --- ------------------------------------------------------- 19
Pylga---------------------------------- --------------------------------------- 21
Garm r__ ____________ —---------------------------24
Gullinburst I---------- -—.—.——--------------------- 25
Hábrók___ _________________________________________ 26
Hafgufa and l.yngbakr——27
Hafgufa---------------------------------------------------------------- 27
l.yngbakr—.—------------------------------------------------------ 27
Hamingja__________________ — -----------------------------------29
Holder___________________________________________ 3»
Jórmungandt---------------------------------------------------------- 31
Jõtnar--------------------------------------------------------------------- 33
Eldjtttunn...—.............................. -—„-------------------------- 33
Hrimlhurs (Rhnc-Giant) ___________________________ 33
Ltadwyrtn------------------------------------------------------------------ 36
Fafnir_________________________________________ — 37
Maca------------------------------------------------------------------------ 39
MaifoDc —-------------------------------——----------------------------41
Níòhõggr------------------------------------------------------------------- 42
Fossegrlm------ ----------------------------------------------- ~------46
Sanngrlftr, Valkyrie Paragon—-------------—-- --------—..... 47
Valra vn ——.——--------------------- ----------------- --------- —- 50
Vargr—- -------- ------—-------------- - -------------------------- —52
The Harriers: Hati and Skòll------------------------------------ 52
Vòcòr -------------------------------------------------------------------- 54
Chapter 2 Player Options--------------------------------------------- 55
Álfr (variant etf)______________________________________55
Chapter 3-- Magic Items .................................... -........ -.... 58

Appendix. Monster Llsti............

Stat Blocks by Type---------------
Star Blocks by CR------------------
Creatures by Environment —
Introduction Kennings and Attestations
Haw the Norse imagination conceived the monstrous Is
known to us mostly through Skaidlc poetry These stories
and songs were part of a vibrant oral tradition, which
means they were probably told and retold over
generations, with each poet reinventing them a bit along
GRIM AM I CALLED, THE WANDERER the way Like all storytellers, good skalds adapted their tale
to serve the needs of their communities. Sadly, many of
Sovereign and Helm-bearer these tales have since been lost to time, while others show
All-father, Victory-father, signs of having been reinterpreted through the lens of later
Host-blinder and Highest. writers and traditions
Fortunately for us, Norse peoples imagined a broad
menagerie of dangerous beasts —with some very specific
Never a single name have I worn. ideas about the role they would play in the final
destruction of their world. Some of these terrors appear in
multiple surviving texts, alongside vivid physical
From Ymir's flesh Midgardr I wrought, descriptions and tales of their dreadful deeds. In fact,
From his bones the mountains carved; many were so well - known that skalds could merely refer
to them indirectly with compound epithets called kennings.
The sky I wove /rom his frigid skull, “Fame-wolf," for example, appears as a kenning specific
Bled him to fill the oceans. to Fenrir, the bound wolf of Ragnariik.
For this reason, other legendary creatures are only ever
mentioned in passing, leaving us with little more than a
Much have I fared, much have I known, name or forgotten kenning to piece together their stories.
Much have I taken from the gods: Though incomplete, these accounts—or atteuatiom—af
the Norse monsters In Skaidlc poetry have sparked the
From whence arose the rending things, imagination of modern fantasy writers for generations.
That set so hungry upon the world. From Tolkien’s first forays in the genre to the bestiaries of
our favorite RPGs. they’re in the ONA of our DftD
archetypes but, like modem skalds, we've reinvented and
What things will bring the doom of death, reimagined them a bit to fit the needs of the game
When the gods to destruction go? The creatures attested in this supplement are a bit. on
In wisdom with many have I striven long, the darker side. They embody t he abstract fears of a people
who endured a harsh existence, given monstrous form
And here speak now my lore But what has always fascinated me about t he N orse
tradition Is how they approached the certainty of death.
They treated the end of their existence as a known
Until the fall of the world. quantity—an inevitable storm of fire and desolation that
would one day erase everything they were from the world.
-Grimnir, Sayings They named their death and, in so doing, lived. At the
core of their stories is a shared experience that looked a
rough, unforgiving world in theeye...yet somehow still
found the resolve to laugh, l ove, and be heroic.
This book is my attempt to make a small part of that
tradition possible at your table. May the stories you tell be
nothing short of legendary.

-Evan Jackson
Thievrs' Cant Games
section that highlights its mythic trait, notes how using it
Chapter 1: Bestiary changes the difficulty of the encounter and the rewards,
and Includes read - aloud text you can use mid - battle to
This bestiary provides game statistics and lore for forty signal a terrifying shift in the conflict
monsters suitable for any DADcampaign, but which arc
specifically drawn from Norse mythology. Among those
presented are many of the major players from the foretold Norse Archetypes
events of RagnarAk, but also creatures from lesser known While this book offers a variety of horrors to set upon your
myths and folklore—all of them ready to serve as players, you may notice there are some common themes
antagonists and allies for the players in your game. that repeat themselves.
The creaturrs In this bestiary are organized As mentioned above, early Norse culture was survival -
alphabetically A feware grouped under a banner heading, focused. Many of the monsters they dreamed up can
for example, the “Aptrgangar" section contains stat blocks probably be understood as reflections of things that
for various types of again -walkers. Creatures within these represented threats to the collective safety of their tribes
sections are presented alphabetically or in order of and communities. The tale of a villain so twtsted by greed
attestation. that they turned physically monstrous was a common
At the end of this book is an appendix containing lists of attestation, as were creatures that embodied the spread of
thecreatures arranged by type, challenge rating, and poison, disease, and corruption.
environment. DMs can use these lists, in conjunction with With death as a constant presence, It makes a certain
similar information in the Dungeon Master's Guide and amount of sense that skalds had plenty of stories about
othrr sources, to choose monsters for a particular walking corpses, who were also readily blamed as vectors
adventure or campaign of infection when any of the above plagues struck.
Insatiable, predatory hunger was also a repeated motif,
particularly among the monsters set to devour the world at
the Twilight of the Gods. In the Norse view, this unchecked
consumption of life would besiege all human civilization,
side-by -side with the staggering power of the primordial
elements embodied in the armies of the jõtnar

Languages, Alignment and Type

Some Norse monsters, like the legendary Jõtnar. defy
certain models of DAI) categorization For this reason,
languages known by the monsters in this supplement
should be taken as a general guide and adjusted freely as
needed. These selections were an interesting exercise
because many of the monsters borrow traits from more
than one of the traditional monster types. For example, is
the “giant" language really the best representation for the
tongue of the jõtnar when not all jõtnar were giants?
Alignment can be similarly tricky when applied to Norse
Mythic Monsters mythos Ancient Norse concepts of right and wrong don't
necessarily map precisely to the traditional balance as
Some of the most Infamous terrors from Norse mythology
depicted in the DAD multiverse. Returning to the previous
arc described In this supplement The skalds who told their
example of the jõtnar, despite the fact that they were fated
stories presented them as world - ending threats of
antagonists of the gods, it does not necessarily follow that
legendary proportions. The entries for the monsters In this
such figure* were evil. They could just as easily be seen as
book that fit this archetype all have a feature that sets
agents of cosmic cycles and change
them apart: mythic traits.
Finally, typing Norse monsters also involves a similar
Mythic trails were first introduced by Wizards of the
complexity As noted above, the concept of the jõtnar is a
Coast in the sourcebook Mythic Odysseys of Theros, which
fairly broad one. Some scholars would even label figures
featured monsters of similarly epk scale. As explained in
like Fenrir and Jõrmungandr as jõtnar due to their
that text, mythic trails are optional; they don't need to be
parentage, though they arc clearly something different
used during combat with these monsters. If you so choose,
than the classical DAD giant. Incase* like these, I have
you may simply ignore a monster's mythic trait and
chosen types I felt players would most likely expect,
mythic actions. If you wish to increase a battle's stakes,
adding the "titan" tag where applicable.
though, using a monster's mythic trait results in some
In general, campaigns that are heavily saga-themed will
mid-battle twist that changes the way the monster
most likely require a hit of resktnnlng and customization
behaves, restores Its resources, or provides it with new
of theclassic DAD lore from the outset. Since these
actions to use. As a result, the battle becomes deadlier and
classifications impact the use of spells, itrmsand othrr
rages on for longer than most combat encounters.
effects, DM* are highly encouraged to review rhe choices I
Mythic Odyssey» of Therm is not required to use these
have made and tailor as they sec fit.
mechanics. As in that sourcebook, each mythic monster in
this supplement features an “As a Mythic Encounter"
Unfortunately, the attestations of the Light and Dark Lives
we have are very limited, with only brief references J
surviving. While they certainly influenced the “Tolkien
elf,” which in turn stuped the elves of popular culture,
Norse Alfar were depicted with many traits classically M
attributed to other fantasy races j■
Both subraces were associated with great skill in
metakraft The Ljósãlfat, or "Light Elves," were nutahly 1
linked with several bright, heavenly halls constructed from
precious metals. Like, they were described with
celestial qualities. Including radiance, light and beauty.
Some of the more angelic associations may be due to the
Interpretations of later medieval translators, but they are
distinctly attested as "more beautiful than the Sun."
TheDõkkálfar, or "Dark Elves," had traits more
commonly associated with fantasy dwarves. Opinions
between scholars differ, but some believe that the
attestations of the Dõkkálfar, Svartãlfar and Dvcrgr all
describe the same race of beings, which may or may not
have been short of stature. These folk lived deep
underground and, like the drow of Faerãn, are described
with skin the color of charcoal or pitch They are not
attested In any sources as evil by nature, though, and may
have regularly lent their services to the Gods If considered
synonymous with Norse “dwarves," then the DOkkálfar
were Indeed the same arcane smiths that provided the/E»lr
with many of their legrndary magic weapons and items. Dreng
Drengs are young warriors who serve the houses of rhe
Alfar in hopes of advancement and renown. The fighters of
the Ijósálf ar rely on speed and tricks of light to overcome
their enemies. They wield single-edged shortswvrds called
scutes In combat.

Liósálfr Dreng Dazzling Defame. While the Ijòsálfr h wearing l<ht or no armor and
Medium humanoid ted). any alignment
wielding no shield, as AC includes its Charisma modifier

Armor Class 18 (leather Armor) Innata SpaUcoamg. the Ijõsállfs spellcasting ability is Charisma , spell
Hit Points«6<12d8* 12) save 0C 12). It can Innately cast the following spells, requiring no
Speed 30 ft material components:
At will Uy/it
WMI 19 H) 32 Ml 11M) 11 Ml 17 M) Actions
Muftrottoc*. The Ijósáifr makes three attacks: one with a dagger and two
Skills Ac rebabes »8. AthleOcs »5. Perception «2. Persuasion «7 with Its sean.
Senses Darkvision60 ft., Passive Perception 12
Dogger Melee or Ranged Weapon Attoc* ’6 to hit. reach 5 It. a range
Languages Common, Dvlsh
20/60 ft., one target. Hit. 61 ld4 ♦ 4) piercing damage
Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Seat. Melee Weopon Aaoth: »6 to ha. reach 5 ft, one target. HU. 71 Ld6 •
fey Ancestry. The Ijósáifr has advantage on saving throws agaeist 4| piercingdamage.
bei ng charmed. and magic can't put the Ijásálfr to sleep. Brighter than the Sun tl/day). the Ijósáifr casts daylight centered on
Lightfooted. íhr Ijósátfr can take the Dash or Disengage action as a it tail and is heavily obscured for the duration of the spell

bonus action on each oi its turns.

Álfr Player Characters LlÓSAlFRSt IPIIRÓn iNN
t o create elven PC's with more of a Norse flavor. Chapter 2 of this Powerful mage- lords, sctódróttnar wield tremendous
book presents complete rules for creating Alfr characters, Influence in the bright lulls of the Light Elves and hold the
including Ljósâlfr and Ookkálfr sobraces. highest ranks of their society. They haw a broad
knowledge of arcane magic at their disposal, favoring
spells associated with light and fire in combat
Húskarls are martial retainers of lhe ãlfr great houses. I.JÓSÁIIR SEfDDRÓrriNN
Experienced bond - warriors, they serve as elite bodyguards Medium humanoid I el fl, any alignment
and often lead younger waniors in battle. Ljõsãlfr húskarls
combine melee prowess with radiant magic to strike down Armor Class 13 (16 With Mage Armor I
their foes HH Points 99 (1MB • 18)
Speed 30 ft.

Ljósàlfh Hliskari STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA

Medium humonoid (elf). any alignment
10|*0| 16(*3) 12(*1) 15(*3) 151*2) 22 P6|

Armor Clast IB (Plate)

Saving Throws INT *7, IMS *6, CHA *10
HK Points 16111948 *76)
Speed 30 ft. Skills Arcana ♦ 11, History *11
Damage Resistances Damage from Spots; Nonmagical
STR DEX CON INT WI5 CHA Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing|from Stoneskin)
121*11 M(*4) 181*4) 12 (*1) 141*2) IT (*3) Senses DaritvHMn 60 ft , Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish, any two additional
Challenge 1218,400 XP|
Saving Throw» W15*6,CHA*7
Shill» Athletics ‘5, intimidation *7. Perception •<>. Persuasion • 7
fey Ancestry. The l|ósáltr lias advantage on savingthrows against
Senses Darkvivon 60It., PassivePerceptron 16
being charmed. and magk can't put the Ijósálfr to sleep
Languages Common, Elvish
Challenge 9 (SjOOO XP) Mogrc Resistance. I he Ijósáflr has advantage on saving throws
against speiis and other magical efforts.
Fey Ancestry, the l|<»allr has advantage on saving throws against Innate Spetlcmtmg. The Ijósálfr's speilcasting abikty n Chansma
being charmed, and magic can't put the Ijósálfr to sleep (spell save DC 18). • can innately cast the following spells,
SpeBcosting. The Ijósãlfr it an 1 lth-level spelkaster Its requiring no maten al components:
spellcasting ability is Charisma (spell save DC 15. ♦? to hit with At wilt disguise self. light invisibility
sped attacks). It has the following paladin spells prepared: Spefcastlng. I ne Ijósálfr is an 18th level spellcaster its
Cantnp (at wild; light spellcashng ability is Charisma (spell save DC 18, *10 to hit with
1st level (4 slots) command, protection from evil and good, tearing spell attacks). The Ijósálfr has the followmg sorcerer spells
smite prepared:

2nd level |3 slots!' branding imite, magic weopon Can tnps tat will): firr l»«. mage hand, mending, pmtidigitation,
shocking grasp
3rd level (2 slots). bhndmg smite, daylight, dispel magic
1st level (4 slots I detea magic. identify. moge armor", mogic
Actions mtssile. sfueW
MulriottncA. The Ijtallfr makes three attacks with its seas <x As 2nd level 13 slots): blur, misty step, suggestion
short bow. 3rd level 13 slots): counWrspd 1. daylight, fireball. dispel magic
Seo* weiee Weopon Attoct «6 to hit reach 5ft, one target. Hit 7 4th level 13 slots): charm monster, fire shield, stoneskm'
(ld6 ♦ 4) piercing damage.
5th level 13 slots): Vwnotafion, scrying, nollolbght
Shortbow. Ponged Weapon Attack: «B to hit, range 80/320fl, one
6th level 11 slot!: globe of invulnerability
target Hit 7 (Idft • 41 piercing damage.
7th level (1 slot): teleport
Brighter than the Sun (l/dayf. The IjòsãHr casts daylight centered
on itself and is heavily obscured for the duration of the spell 8th level (1 slot): sunburst
9th level (1 slot I: rim» stop
Reactions 'The Ijósálfr casts these spells on itself before combat.
Rebuke of Light /Recharges after a Short or Long Rest)
Immediately after an attacker within 30 feet of the Ijósilfr deals Actions
damage with an attack against a creature other than the Ijósálfr. Dagger. Mctee ar Ranged Weapon Mock. *7 to hit. reach 5 ft. or
the Ijàsálfrfoccesthe attacker to makeaOC 15 Wisdom saving range 20/60 fL, one target Hit 5 (ld4 • 3) piertrig damage.
throw On a failed save, the attacker takes radiant damage equal
Brighter than the Sun (¡/day). The l|ósã*r casts doylight, centered
to the damage it just dealt. On a successful save, it takes half as
on itself and it heavily obscured for the duration of the spell.
much damage
A thegn is a lesser Ijósâlfr lord whose position has been LlÓSÁIIR THEGN
granted by a sdòdróttln or other figure of power. They Medium humanoid (elf). any alignment
usually have some magical training and, like the nobles of
other cultures, may be charged with the management of Armor Class 13 (16 With Mage Armorl
va no us holdings Htt Point* 40 (9d9
Spaed 30 ft


9f-D 16 (»3) 11 l«0l 14 C2) 12 (»1) 19(H)
The Monster Manual and official sourcebooks contain stat blocks Saving Throws INT «5. W6 >4. CHA ♦?
tor many NPC archetypes such as bandits and guards, as well as Skill* Arcana «5. History «5. Perception *4
tips for customizing them Those tips include adding racial traits Sansa* Darkvision 60 ft., Passive Perception 14
from the Ptoyer* Handbook, equipping NPC* wrth magK items, I anguages Common, Elvish, any two additional
and swapping armor, weapons, and spells Challenge 6 (2,300 XPl
If you want to customize an NPC stat block as an áifr, apply the
ability modifiers and racial features listed below, if the NPCs AC, Fey Ancestry. The Ijósálfr has advantage on saving throws against
hit points, attack bonus, or damage changes, recalculate its being charmed, and mage cant put the Ijósáif r to sleep
challenge rating.
Spelkasting. The Ijósálfr is an Wvlevel spell caster its speUcastmg
abdtty is Charisma (spell save DC15, »7 to hit with spell attacks!
yósAlfr The Ijósálf r has the following sorcerer spells prepared
• »2 DEX, »2 CHA Cantnps (at will), fire Mt. hght. mage hand, mend ng,
• Fey Ancestry. Brighter than the Sun feature prestidgirabon
• Darkvision 60 ft.
1st level (4 slots): charm person, detect magic. identify, mage
• Proficiency in Perception skill omw, magic missile, shield
• Speaks Common. Elvish and Under common
2nd level (3 slots): misty step, suggestion
Dokkãlfar 3rd level (3 stotsl counrenpe#. daylight. fireball, fly
• *2 DEX. *2 STR, *2 CON, or+1 STR and *1 CON 4th level (3 slots): bonishment dominate beast
• Fey Ancestry, Sunlight Sensitivity and DOkkilfr Magic features 5th level (I slot): immolation
• Darkvision 120 ft
• Proficiency in Perception skill Actions
• Speaks Common. Elvish and Undercommon
Dagger. Melee or Ponged Weapon Attack Hi to hit, reach 5 ft or
range 20/60 ft. one target Htt. 5 (ld4 ♦ 31 piercing damage.
Brighter than the Sun (¡/day). 1 he l)6salfr casts doyfighr, centered
on itself and is heavily obscured for the duration of the spell Dri ng
Dôkkálír drcngs arc brazen and competitive guardians of
their house's honor. They rely on heavier weapon* and
more aggressive tactics than their I|ósâlír counterparts.

In time* of war, a dóklülfr |arI calls upon Urge number* of
loyal vassal* tn bring victory The blooded warrior* of
these families form the vanguard of their armies

Since dõkkâlfr society favors martial prowess over magical
affinity, it follows that the honored retainers of their
houses are proven warrior* with many deeds to their name
anil experience leading warriors in battle.

OrtKKÀt r® Burr».
Medium humanoid any alignment

Armor Cias* J4 i Natural Amwi

Hit Point*$8 (MS* IS)
Speed 30 ft


17 (»3) 14MI 15 (»2) 10(*0) ll(*O) IO(*O|

Skill* Athletics »5. Perception *2

Sense* Darkvision 120ft. Passive Perception 12
Languages Common, Elvish. Undercommon
Challenge 3 (700 XP)

Fey Ancestry. The dokkãlfr has advantage on saving throws

against bemg charmed, and magic can't put the dokkálfr to sleep
Innate Spetkmtrng. The dékkálk's jpetlcastmg ahibty s
Charisma. It can Innately cast the following ipdls. requmng no
matenat components
Cantrips (at wdl) mending
1/day each: dorkors* moçic wwrpcvr
Reckfes* At the start of its next turn, the dokkálfr can gam
advantage on all metee weapon attac k rolls during that turn, but
attac k coils against it have advantage until the start of its next
Sunlight Sensitivity. Wf»te in simlight. the dókkátfr has
disadvantage on attack roti*, a* well as on Wisdom (Perception)
check* that rely on s«ght.
Unarmored Detente. While not wearing any armor, the dókkálfr
add* its Constitution modifier to its armor class, it can use a shield
and stit gain this benefit

Muttiattock. Thr dókkálfr makes two longsword or handaw
longsword. Melee Weapon Attack *5 to hit. reach 5 ft . one
target Hit 7 (ids ♦ 3) siashmg damage, or 8 (IdlO ♦ 3) slashing
damage If used with two hand*
Hondoxe. Melee or Hanged Weapon Arrack *5 to hit. reach 5 ft. or
range 20/60, one target Hit 6 (l<36 ♦ 3| slashing damage
Álfr Player Characters DÔKKÁLFR HÚSKARL
To give etven PC's in your game more of a None flavor, Chapter 2 Medium humonotd (elf), any alignment
oí this book presents complete rules for creating Alfr characters,
including LjósAlfr and DokkAlfr subraces. Armor Claw 1? I Natural Armo»)
Hit Points 187 (25d8 ♦ 75)
Speed 30 ft


191-4) IT (-3) 16 f3) 12 fl) 141-2) 11 (*0|
Medium humanoid (elf), any alignment Saving Throw* DEX -7, CON *7, WI5 *6
Sk Nt* Athletics *8. Perception «6
Armor Cass 17 (Natural Armor, Shirridl Sente* Darkvtsion 120 ft, Passve Perception 16
Hit Point* 82 (lld8 * 33) Languages Common, Elvish, llndercommon
Speed 30 ft. Challenge 9 (S,000 XP)

STR DEX CON INT wts CHA Bottle Command. As a bonus action, the dokkalfr targets one ally
18 (*4| 15 (-2) 161-31 lift» 13fl) 121-1) he can see within JO feet of rt If the target can see or hear the
dokkalfr. the target can use It* reaction to make one melee attack
Saving Throw* DEX *5, CON «6.W15 «4 or to take the Dodge or Hide action.
SkKI* Athletics «7, Perception <4 Fey Ancestry. The dokkalfr has advantage on saving throws
Sen*»* D*kvtSMxi 120 ft. Passive Perceptor) 14 against bewig charmed, and magic canY put rhe dokkalfr to sleep
Language* Common. Elvish. Undercommon
Innate Speticastiag. Thedúkkillr's spellcasllng ability is
Challenge 511.800 XP|
Charisma X can innately cast the f ci towing spells. requiring no
material components:
FeyAncestry. Thedõkkálfr has advantage on savingthrows
against being charmed, and magic can't put the dokkalh to sleep. Cantrips (at wdl|: mending
Imune Spedcatdng. The dokkalfris spellcasnng ability is 1/day each rfarknesx magic weapon
Charisma It can innately cast the following spells, requiring no Sunlight Sensitivity. While In sunlight, the dókkAMr has
material components disadvantage on attack ro»s, as well as on Wisdom (Perception!
Cantrips (at will): mending checks that rely on sight

1/day each: darkness, magk weapon Unarmored Defense. While not weanng any armor, the dokküfr
adds its Constitution modifier to its armor class. It can use a sh-eld
Sunlight Sensitivity. While m simllght. the dokkilfr has
and sli I gam this benefit.
disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom (Perception)
checks that rely on sight
Unarmored Defense. While not wearing any armor, the dòkMlh
Mu/Botroc*. The dokkálf r m akes three attacks: two with Its
adds its Constitution moddier to its armor class. It can use a shield
longsword and one with Ks handaxe.
and still gain this benefn
Longsvrard. Ueiee Weapon Attack -8 to hit, read* S ft. one target
Actions HA. 8 (ld8 * 4) slashing damage, or 9 (ldlO- 4) slashing damage if
used with two hands.
Muttiattock Tltedokkitfr makes two longs word or handaxe
attack.* Mandate. Mriee or Ranged Weapon Attack »• to f»t, reach 5 ft or
tongsword Melee Weapon Mod »7tohrt, reach 5 ft , one target range 20/60, one target. Hit 1 (Id# • 4) slashing damage
Hit 81ld8 • 4) slashing damage, or 9 UdlO • 4j slashng damage if
used with two hands
Parry. Th» dokkalfr adds 3 to R* AC against one melee attack that
Handate. Metre or Ranged Weapon Attoik *1 to hit. reach SlL or
would hit it To do so. the dokkAlf r must see the attacker and be
range 20/60, one target. Hit. 7 (ld6 • 4) slashing damage
wielding a melee weapon.
Parry. The ddkkilfr adds 3 to its AC agamtt one melee attack that
would hit IL To do so. the dOkkâlfr must see the attacker and be
wielding a melee weapon. Jari
The high lords of the Dark Elves command the loyalty of
many holdings. ’Hsetr authority comes from their
readiness to provide protection for their subjects and fight
alongside their warriors in battle.
Dokkálfr Jarl
Medium humanoid (etf). any alignment

Armor Class 18 (Natural Armorl

Mt Points 2S6 (27<M * 13$)
Speed 30 ft.


2JW) 161-31 20Í-5) 12(*1) UM 181-4)

Saving Throw» STR «10. DEX *7. CON ♦$

MIR* Athletics «10. Intimidation «8, Perception «9, Persuasion «8
Sento* Darkv<s»on 120fl. Passive Perception IS
Language* Common, Elvish. Undercommon
Cha Henge 1218,400 XP)

Indomitoble (3i'Dcy). The dokkálfr can rerot a saving throw it fails.

It must use the new roil.
Fey Ancestry. 1 he dcfckálfr has advantage on saving throws
against bemg charmed, and magic cant put the dokkálfr to sleep.
Innate SpeUcaaing. Thedókkálfr's spelkasting ability is
Char ama it can innately cast the following spelts, requiring no
material components:
Cantrip* lat will): mending
1/day each: dPdrness, identify, magic weapon
Sunlight Sentrtnhty. While m sunlight, the dokkálfr has
disadvantage on attack roils, as well as on Wisdom (PerceptionI
check* that rely on sight.
Survivor. Th» dokkálfr regain* 10 hit points at the start of it* turn if
it has at least 1 hit point but fewer hit pomts than haM its hit pool
Unormored Detente. While not wearing any armor. the dokkálfr
adds its Constitution modifier to its armor class. It can use a shield
and still gain this benefit

Multiattack. The dókkáUr makes two attacks with Ks great word
or fundare.
Green word. *foiee Weapon Attack * 10 to hit. reach $ ft.. one
target. Hit 13 (2d6 * 6) slashing damage
Mondare. Melee ot Ranged Weapon Attack: • 10 to hit. reach $ ft or
range 20/60. one target Mt 9 (ld6 ♦ 6) slashing damage.

Legendary Actions
The dokkálfr can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the
options below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a
ume and only at the end of another creature's turn. The dokkálfr
regams spent legendary actions at the start of its turn.
Weapon Attack. Thedokkaifr make* a weapon attack.
Command Ally, fh» dokká dr target* onn ally it can seev>ith«i 10
feet of it If the target can see and hear the dokkálfr, the target
can make one weapon attack as a reaction and gains advantage
on the attack roll
Frighten Foe (Costs 2 Actions). The dokkálfr targets one enemy it
can see within 30 feet of a. If the target can see and hear it. the
target must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom saving throw or be
frightened until the end of dokkálfr* next turn.
The unquiet spirits of Norse tradition are not spectral
beings. Skaidic ghost stories attest to souls that are bound
to haunt specific locations, creatures, or significant
objects, but the halls of the Norse arc haunted by physical
creatures that moredosely resemble walking corpses than
specters. Known collectively as "after-goers," these
beings are compelled to walk the material plane for many
of the same reasons as their ethereal counterparts.

Draugar arise from the spirits of individuals so covetous
they cannot part from their riches, even In death. Buried
alongside hoards of their accumulated treasure, they
rarely leave their tombs for fear of thieving Intruders
Hulking Undead. Though they walk in bodies of flesh
swollen with preternatural strength, draugar are
unmistakably creatures of the grave. Lividity paints their
skin a deep blue - black and the stench of death that
sunounds a draugr can repel even the most stalwart of
Hard to Kill. The greed that drives a draugr is so powerful
that It can reanimate the aptrgangat's undead body 24
hours after It has been felled unless appropriate measures
are taken to dispose of the corpse
I mat ¡able A draugr doesn't require air. food, drink, or
sleep to maintain Its existence. It hungers for the
trappings of mortal life, however. For this reason, it may
feed by devour!ng 1 ivestock or other creatures (Including
humanoids) that dwell near Its burial mound. Though It
will never stray far, this all-consuming envy of the living
is one of the few things that can compel a draugr to
venture from its resting place

Draugr Stench of the Grove. Any creature that starts it s turn wahin 5 feet of the
Medium undead, neutral evil
draugr must succeed on a DC 17 Consta «ion saving throw orbe
poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the
Armor Cl>tt 16 |N jtural Armor)
c reature is immune to this Stench for 24 hours.
Mt Point* 180 (19d8*9$|
Speed 30 ft. Turn immunity. The draugr is immune to effects that turn undead


22|»« Ml*» 21 (♦S) ÜHI Mi*» 15 (♦» MuftfcrttocJr. the draugr makes two m*4»e attacks, one with its bit*
and one with its fist or longsword
Savin» Throws STR *10, COM ’9,W5*T Bite. Melee Weapon Attock *10 to hit. reach 5 ft., one creature. Hit
Damage ResHtances NecrotK. Psychic. Bludgeoning. Piercing, and 15 (2dB ♦ 6| piercing damage
Stosiwig tram Nonmagical Attacks
fht. Melee Weapon Attack: «10 to hit. reach 5ft., one target Hit 13
Damage Immunities Poison
<2d6 * 61 bludgeoning damage. Instead of dealing damage, the
Condition immunities Charmed, Exhaustion, Frightened, Paralyzed, draugr can grapple the target (escape DC 161 provided the target it
Poisoned, Stunned Large or smaller
Senses Darkvision Wit .PassivePerception 13
1 ongtwofd. Melee Weopon Attack; ♦ 10 to hit, reach 5 ft, one
Languages the languages it knew in Ide
creature. Hit 15 l2dB ♦ 61 slashing damage, or 17 (2dl0 ♦ 6) slashing
Chad* ng* 9(5,000 XP|
damage 4 used with two hands
Agan Walker. f the draugr dies, it can reanimate its body after 24 hours Gravewaik. While In dim light or darkness, the draugr can take the
unless the corpse is burned, dismembered, or otherwise destroyed Th* Hid* action as a bonus action.
body mu« be an the same plane et existence and the draugr regains ali Shadow Step. While in dim light or darkness, th* draugr can teleport
Its M points. as a bonus action up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space it can see
Brute. A melee weapon deals one edra die ol its damage when the that is also in dim light or darkness. It then has advantage on the
draugr hits with it (included in the attack) first melee attack it makes before the end of the turn

TurAin(Draugr-Lord) progressed, Thráin's heart sank deeper and deeper into
paranoia. Certain of betrayal in every comer and sensing
Though draugar arc twisted souls, they retain much of the fading of his own strength, Thrain once again turned
their sentience and can grow more powerful after to the dark arts, transforming himself into a creature with
generations of undcath. Some even embrace the transition the poweT to defend his wealth beyond death.
to this existence, using dark rituals to remake themselves
The long years of undeath have only made Thriin more
before mortality can separate them from their worldly avaricious and cruel He has all the power of a normal
riches. These draugr - lords appear In Norse sagas as draugr, only more formidable, and he Mill has a measure of
legendary evils, terrorizing entire communities while arcane magic at his disposal Thriin also wields a sentient,
making corpses of treasure hunters and heroes alike. preternaturally sharp longsword called Mistihtinn. The
Long ago, the draugr-lord known as Thráin was a blade's obsessive personality has been feeding the draugr -
mighty king who held dominion over a wide and lord's mania for centuries, constantly alerting Its master
prosperous domain. What he could not take by force, he to potential threats, both teal and Imagined. MMilteinn is
won by way of ancient and forbidden magics. In this way.
Thráin's most- prized possession and the weapon never
he accumulated vast sums of gold and numerous war
leaves his side when not in hand.
prizes in his lifetime As the many years of his reign

Thráin, Draigr Lord Stench ot the Grove. Any creature that starts its turn wdhin 10 leet of
Medium undead, neurralewf Thriin must succeed on a X IT Constitution saving throw or be
poisoned until the start of its next turn. On a successful saving throw, the
Armor Class 19 (Natural Armorl crealure Is «nmune to this Stench for 24 hours.
Hit Points 231 (22dS ♦ 132)
Turn immunity. Thriin is immune to effects that turn undead
Speed 30 ft.


24 (»7) 141* *2) 221*6) 171*3) 16 (*3) 16<*3) NuktottncA. Thriin makes three metee attacks, one with his bite
and two with his fist ot Mlstllteinn.
Saving Throws STR ♦ 14, CON ♦ 13, INT ♦ 10. WIS *10, CHA ♦ 10 Bite. Melee Weapon Attack ♦14 to hit, reach 5 ft. one creature Hit
Skills Arcana • 10, Athletic* ♦21. History • 10, Perception • 10, Steak h *9 20 (3d8 * 71 piercing damage.
Damage Resistances Necrotic. Psychic Fltt. Melee Weapon Attack *14 to hit, reach 5 ft . one target. Hrr IT
Damage Im mu nit let Poison; Bludgeonang, Piercing, and Slashing (rom (3d6* 7| bludgeoning damage Instead of dealing damage, Thrain
Nanmaglcai Anacks can grapple the target I esc ape X 17) provided the target <s Large or
Condition fmmunítle» Charmed. EdiausOon, Frightened. Paraftrred, smaller.
Poisoned, Stunned
MistNtefon. Mriee Weapon Attock • 17 to hit, reach 5 ft. one
Senses Darkvision 60 ft. Passive Perception 20
creature. Hit 23I3d8 * 10) slashing damage, or 25 I3dio • 10)
Languages Common. Deep Speech. Dwarvuh, Elvish, Giant, Sylvan
slathrng damage If used with two hands, ignoring slashing
ChaUenge 21 U3.000 XPl
resistance. On an attack roll oí 20. the target takes an adthtional 14
stashmg damage and Thráai rolls an additional d20 if Thriin rolls a
Again Woiker. 11 Thriin dies, he can reanimate his body alter 24 hours
20. he cuts off one of the creature's heads. T he creature dies if it
unless the corpse is burned, dismembered, or otherwise destroyed The
can't survive without the lost head A creature is immune to this
body must be on the same plane ol existence and Thriin regains all his
effect if it is immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or need a
hit pants
head, has legendary actions, or the DM decides that the creature is
inner» Speifcatring. Thráin's spellcastmg ability is Charisma (spell save too big for its head to be cut off with this weapon. Such a creature
DC 18. *10 to hit with spell attacks). Thriin can innately cast the instead takes an extra fidB slashing damage from the hit
following spelts, requiring no material components
Grave watt. While in dim light or darkness. Thriin can take the Hide
At wit her action as a bonus action.
3,'day each: bone, command Shadow Step. While in dim light or darkness. Thrain can teleport as
1/day each, cfoudkifl diVinatfoo. gaseous form. polymorph a bonus action up to 60 feet to an unoccupied space he can see that
•s also in dim light or darkness. He then has advantage on the firs
Special Equipment. Thriin wields Mrstilteinn, a *3 longsword with melee attack he makes before the end of the turn.
additional magicat properties. Thrain benefits from the following
properties while attuned to the longsword
Legendary Actions
Thriin can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.
• Thriin cannot be surprised except when incapacitated
Only one legendary action option can be used at a bme and only at the
• Thniin has advantage on initiative rolls. end of another creature's turn. Thrain regains spent legendary actions at
• When Thrain attacks an object with Mistilteinn and hits, the start ol his turn.
damage dice against the target one maximized
Move. Thrain mows up to his speed without provoking opportunity
Supernatural Brut». A mele» weapon deals two etfra dice ot its damage
Attack. Thriin makes a fist or bite attac k.
when Thriin tuts with it {metuded in the attack).
Mlstllteinn I Costs 2 actions). Thriin makes an attack with Mistilteinn
Thráin’s Lair
Thráin’s lair is a deep vault of earth and stone in which the
drougr was buried alive with all his wealth and worldly
possessions. The vault itself Is scaled beneath a large
barrow mound, marked only by a calm of black stones
inscribed with eldritch runes of forgotten origin. The
location of the tomb and Identities of those who built it
have likewise heen lost to rime.
Opulent Decoy. The halls of Thráin's vault were originally
adorned and furnished to replicate the lavish spaces of his
living stronghold. Over time, this opulence has given way
to cot and disrepair In the damp and filthy conditions of
the barrow. The stench of death now permeates the
tunnels that have run wild with gnarled roots and decay.

Lair Actions
On initiative count 20 (losing initiative ties), Thráin rolls a
d2O. On a result of 11 or higher, Thráin takes a lair action to
cause one of the following effects. Hecan't use the same
effect two rounds in a row.

The barrow trembles violently for a moment

Each creature on the floor of the tomb must
succeed on a DC to Dexterity saving throw or be
knocked prone.
Thráin targets one creature he can see within 60
feet of 1L A sworm o/ irnccts fills the space of the
target and immediately attacks, disappearing on
initiative count 20 of the next round.
Thráin targets any number of creatures he can see
within jo feet of him. No target can regain hit
points until initiative count 20 on the next round.

Lair Traits
Thráin’s barrow might have any or all of the following
effects in place

The first time a non-evil creature enters the

tomb's area, the creature takes 16 (3d 10) necrotic
Monsters tn the barrow have advantage on saving
throws against being charmed or friqhiened and
against features that turn undead.
The tomb is warded against the magical travel of
creatures Thráin hasn't authorized. Such
creatures can't teleport into or out of the tomb's
area or use planar travel to enter or leave IL
Effects that allow teleportation or planar travel
work within the tomb as king as they aren't used
to leave or enter the tomb's area

If Thráin is destroyed, these effects fade over the course of


New Magic Item: Mistilteinn

Full details for Thráin s legendary blade, MtiMternn, can be found
Chapter J of this book
RpngangT is a once - living creature that emerges nightly
from its grave, bound to haunt a location, creature, or
object from its life Like draugar, their bodies are invested
with supernatural vigor, but gjengangar lack the raw
physical might of those horrors. Similar in size to living
humanoids, they may have a hardy appearance —but
ravaged by death. Likewise, the skin of a gjengangr turns a
horrifying dark blue from the settling of blood that no
longer flows through their veins
Unfinished Business. Of all the after-goers, gjengangar
are most similar to the ghosts that appear in other cultural
traditions A gjengangr has the corpse-like physical form
of other aptrgangar but yearns to complete some
unresolved task from its life. It might seek to avenge Its
own death, fulfill an oath, or relay a message to a loved
one. Others may be driven by wickedness or spite, in the
.same way that a ghost might refuse rest until every
member of a certain family or tribe is dead.
As with classical ghosts, It might be possible to rid an
area of a gjrngangr by resolving Its unfinished business.
Also, like ghosts, they might be destroyed more easily by
Invoking a weakness tied to their former life,
l/ndeod Mature. A gjengangr doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep

A haugbui is a barrow-wight, a type of again-walker
whose spirit is bound to Its graveslte. They are relentlessly
territorial and, like draugar, will never stray more than a
short distance from their graves. Though a prized weapon
or artifact may be the source of this compulsion, their
barrows arc rarely elaborate tombs or treasure vaults.
Simply wandering too close to a haugbui's resting place,
even unwittingly, is usually enough to incur Its wrath
Armed Sentinels. Most haugbui were warriors before
death. As such, they differ individually In their methods of
defense. Some wield the melee weapons they favored In life
against Intruders, while others rely solely on the
supernatural strength of their undead forms. They may or
may not carry shields.
Grovebountf. A haugbui can emerge from its barrow and
traverse nearby terrain, but the grave itself remains the
source of its connection to the mortal world. As long as the
barrow and its contents remain Intact, the haugbui
maintains its undead watch. If the barrow is somehow
destroyed or the contents removed without also destroying
the haugbui, the aptrgangr may become a revenan» tn
pursuit of the creatures that defiled its resting place.
Undead Nature A haugbui doesn't require air, food,
drink, or sleep

MWrum undeod, neutral evil

Armor dat* 14 INatural Armor. 16 With Shieldl

Hit Point* 60 llldí* 24)
Speod 30 ft., burrow IS ft (barrow only)


191*4) 141*2) 16(*3) 101*01 131*1) 15 (*2)

Skills Athletics *7, Pvrr option *4

Damage Resistan* e* Necrotic. Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks that aren't Silvered
Damage Immunities Poison
Condition immunities Eihaustion. Poisoned
Sense* Darkvision 60 ft.. Passive Perception 14
Languages The languages It knew in life
Challenges 11.800 XPI

Sunlight Senutivity. While m sunlight, the haugbui has

disadvantage on attack rolls, as well as on Wisdom I Perception)
checks that r*fy on sight.
Turn Refinance. The haugbui has advantage on saving throws
against any effect that turns undead whde within 100 feet of its
Undeod Fortitude. If damage reduces the haugbui to 0 hit points,
It must make a Constitution saving throw with a DC of 5 «the
damage taken, unless the damage is radiant or from a critical ha
On a success, the haugbui drops to 1 hit pomt instead.
Aptrgangi Weaknesses. the haugbui has the following flaws
Armor Clan 13 Grovetound. The haugbui cannot willmgty move beyond 100
Hit Point* SS llOdS * 101 feet from Its burial mound. If an effect moves the haugbui outside
Sp«*d30tt this range, it must use its movement to return by the most direct
route. The haugbui can use its action to attack and defend itself
5TB DEX CON INT WIS CHA normally while returning to its barrow.
16(«3) 13(*1) UM) 1Q(*O) 121*1) 17(*3J Burial Rifes. If the big toes of the haugbui are tred together or
th* «oles of its feet ar* pierced with needles while the haugbui n
Damage Resistant** Bludgeoning, Pier eng. and Slashing from incapacitated in its barrow, th* haugbui is paralyzed until th*
binding is removed. If burial rites ar* adm mistered to th* haugbui
Nonmaglcal Attacks
whit* it is In thn state, the haugbui is destroyed.
Damage immunities Cold, Necrotic, Poison
Condition Immunttie* Charmed, Eihaustion, Frightened,
Paralyzed. Petrifred, Poisoned
Senses Darkvision GO ft., passive Perception 11 Muitiottach. The haugbui makes two melee attacks. It can use its
Language* Any languages it knew in life Rend Flesh in place of one mete* attack.
Challenge Challenge 411.100 XP) Clow. Melee Weapon Mock *T to hit. reach 5 ft., one target Hit 6
Ild4 • 4) slashing damage plus 9 |2d8) necrotic damage if the
Undead Fortitude. tl damage reduces the gjengangr to 0 tut targs is a creature that Is Large or smaller, 4 is grappled (escape
points, it must mak e a Constitution saving throw with a DC of S • DC 14). Until this grapple ends the haugui can't make a claw attack
the damage taken, unless the damage a radiant or from a critical against another target
hit Ona success, the gjengangr drops to 1 hit point instead. Fist. Melee Weapon Arrack «Ttohlt. reach 5ft, one target Hit
6(ld4 *41 bludgeoning damage plus 912d8) necrotic damage
Weapon (Longtrrord or Batt lean) Melee Weapon Attack. *7 to
empowered Slam. Melee Weapon Attack *5 to hit, reach 5 ft. one
hit. reach 5 ft., one target. Hit B | IdB » 4) slashing damage, or 9
target Hit. 6 (ld6* 3) bludgeoning damage and l0(3d6l necrotc
lid 10 • 4| slashing damage if wielded with two hands, plus 912d8l
necrotic damage
Hei-Ndr. Each non-undead creature within 60 feet of the
RendFleth. The haugbui make one claw attack against a Large or
gjengangr that can see It must succeed one DC 13 Wisdom saving
smaller creature it is grappling. If the attack hits, the target must
throw On a failure, the target is paral yred until the gjengangr
succeed on a DC 14 Constitution saving throw or it* hvt point
deals damage to it. or until the end of the gjengangr's next turn. If
maximum is reduced by an amount e<|ual to the damage taken.
a target's saving throw is successful or the effect ends (or It. the
This reduction lasts until th* target finishes a long rest. The target
target is immune to this gjengangr's Hel-blSr for th* next 24
dies If tius effect reduces its hit pant maximum to 0.
A brunnmigl is a savage, vulpine creature that dwells in the
untamed forests at the outskirts of humanoid civilization.
Solitary and foul-di«positioncd, they delight in creating
hardship for vulnerable communities near the woods
where they roam. More than mischief Is behind their acts
of sabotage, however, for a brunnmigi’s objective is
genuine malevolence
WeH-pisser, A brunmmlgi has no compunction about
targeting the resources vital to a community's survival.
One of Its favorite tricks is to befoul the water supply of a
small village, lurking nearby as the Inhabitants fall 111 one
by one, returning nightly to renew its corruption.
Vicious when cornered. Although brazen in their crimes
against the defenseless, a brunnmigi will avoid outright
confrontation, fleeing whenever presented with actual
danger. If forced into combat, they are dirty fighters,
relying on their considerable brute strength and surprising
speed tu effect a quick escape.

Lorge montimsHy. chaotic ml

Armor Class 15 ¡Natural Armorl

Hit Points (2 (lldlO *32)
Speed 50 ft.


181*4) 19(*4j 151*2) 11 15f*2| 7 (-2)

Saving Throw* DEX *7

Skills Perception >5. Stealth <7
Damage Immunttie» Poison
Condition Immunltie* Poisoned
Sense* OarkvtMon 60 ft. passive Perception 15
Language* Common, Dwarvish, Giant
Challenge Z (2.900 XP)

Keen Hearing and Smelt The brunnmigi has advantage on

Wisdom (Perception) checks that reky on hearing or smell
Conning Action. On each of Its turns, the brunnmigi can use a
bonus action to take the Dash or Disengage action
Erosion. if the brunnmigi is subjected to an effect that allows
it to make a Des ter it y saving throw to take only half damage,
the brunnmigi instead takes no damage if It succeeds on the
saving throw, and only half damage if it (aits

Muttiattock. t he brunnmigi makes three attacks one with its bite
and two with rts claws.
Me. «•.fee Weapon Attack • 7 to hit reach 5 ft, one target. Nit. 11
(2d6 ♦ 41 piercing damage,
Clows. Mefce Weapon Arrack *7 to hit, roach 5 ft, one target Hit:
14 (3d6 ♦ 4) slashing damage.
Venom Spray (Uecha/ye t). The brunnmigi releases a spray of
poison in a 15 foot cone. Each creature in the area must make a DC
16 Constitution saving throw On a failed save, a creature takes 18
|4dBi poison damage and is poaoned for 1 minute. On a succentui
save, the creature takes half as much damage and isn't poisoned A
porsoned creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of each
of its turns, ending the effect on Used on a success
Art by lake Baker

Those who die bravely in battle arc favored by the All - Einiier ji Warrior
Father. Chosen from the fallen and guided to Valhalla by Medium ceferttal, ctaoNc neutral
the Valkyrjar, the Einherjar spend their afterlives In
preparation for the coming battle that will take place at the Armor Clou 16 (¡8 With Shield)
Twilight of the Gods. Hit Points 51 IMS *34)
Glory of War. By day, the Einherjar hone their martial Speed 30 ft.
prowess in fiercecombat against each other on the shining
plains of Asgard. When night falls, they return to the Hall STH DEX CON INT WIS CHA
of the Slain where, wounds healed, they are feasted 181*4) 14(*2| 181*4) 8(-ll 10 (*0) 101*0)
through the night. This cycle continues endlessly until
Ragnatok, when the sounding of Gjallarhom will summon 0 wnage Resistances Blurtgconing, Piercing, and Slashing from
the Einherjar to stand in battle against the jfttnar and Nonmaglcal Attacks
numberless dead. Conditkm Immunities Exhaustion. Frightened, Pawned,
Immortality and l ate. Einherjar who fall in battle rise Unconscious
again in Asgard at the next sunset Only a wish spell cast Senses Dark vision 60 tt. Passive Perception 10
before dusk can strip a chosen soul of this protection l an gu ages the languages It knew in Ide
before its destined fate. Challenge 3 (700 XP)
Alone-figh ten. Until the coming of Ragnarõk, the
Einherjar have no reason to fear death, whatever the odds. Brute. A melee weapon deals one extra die of its damage when the
They train relentlessly and Individually favor many Einherji hits w«th it (Included in the attack).
different weapons. When encountered, those that wield Rec* Jeu. At the start of <s turn. the Einheqi can gain advantage
one-handed weapons will normally also carry shields. on all melee weapon attack rolls during that turn, but attack rolls
against it have advantage untd the start of its next turn
Runic Weapons. The Einherji 's weapons have a • 1 enchantment
(Included tn the attack)
Unormored Defense. While not wearing any armor, the Einherji
adds its Constitution modifier to its armor class. It can use a shiotd
and still gain this benefit
Vpfhoi/on Fury. As a bonus action, the Einherji can make one
weapon attack, which deals an extra4 (ldB) radiant damage on a
hit. It it does so. attack roils against it have advanta ge until the
Start of Its next turn

Multiattack. The Einherji makes two weapon attacks.
Battleaxe. Metre Weapon Attack. «7 to hit, reach 5 ft. one target.
Nit 14|2d8 ♦ 5) slashing damage, ar 16 |2dl0 *5) slashing damage
if used with two hands
Gr rotare. Mdee Weapon Attack *7 to hit. reach 5 ft. one target.
Hit IB 12d 12 • 5) slashing damage.
Lonysworrf. Melee Weapon Attack *7 to hit. reach 5 ft, one target.
Hit: 14 |2d8 * 5) slashing damage, a 16 <2dl0 * 5) slashing damage
if LBed with two hands
Skills Athletics «7. Perception -4
Damage Resistances Bludgeoning, Piercing, Mid $lashmgfrom
Nonmapcal Attacks
Condition immunities Exhaustion, frightened, Poisoned,
Senses Darkvnion 60 ft, Pasvre Perception 14
Languages the languages It knew in life
Challenge 8 i3,900 XP'i

Brute A melee weapon deals one e«tra die of its damage when t he
Emherji hits with ■ (Included «1 the attack;
Reckless. At the start of its turn, the Emherji can gain advantage
on ail melee weapon attack rods dunng that turn, but attack roll*
against it have advantage until the start of its next turn.
ffiwWc Weapons. The Emherjl's weapons have a ♦ 1 enchantment
Included in the attackj
Unormorod Defense. While not weanng any armor, the Emherji
adds its Constitution modifier to its armor class it can use a shield
and slit gam this benefit,
Volholton Fury. As a bonus action, the Einherji can make one
weapon attach, which deals an extra 912d8i radiant damage on a
hit. tf it does so. attach rolls against It have advantage until the
start of its next tum.

I Actions
Huttlattach. The Emherji makes three weapon attacks.
Bottiean. Mcfee WeaponAMock: «8 to tut, reach 5 ft. one target
Hit 14 |2d8 • 51 slashing damage, or 16 (2d 10 » $1 slashing damage
if used with two hands
Greotoxe. Melee Weopon Attoc* -8 to hit. reach 5 ft. one target
Hit 18{2dl2 ♦ 5) slashing damage
Loop j word. Uelee Weapon Mock <8 to hit, target
Hit. 14 (2d8 • 5| slashing damage, or 16(2dl0♦ 51 slashmgdamage
if used with two hands
Cort to Honor / J/Doy). To use this action, the Emherji must have
t aken damage dunng the current c cm bat if the Eeiher) i c an use
this action, It gives itself advantage on attack rolls until the end of
its next turr\ and ld4 ► 1 Emherji warriors appear >n unoccupied
spaces within X) feet of it The war non la a unti I they drop to 0 hit
points, and they take their turns immediately after the Einherp
hero'i tum on the same initiative count.
There is no creature «nested In all the sagas whose name thin as spider's thread and appeared nothing mote than a
carries more renown—nor dread—than the Wolf of the fine silk ribbon. Suspicious of the gods’ motives In
Fen*. "Fame-wolf," "the Ravener," and "Bane of the High challenging him to break the ribbon, the mighty Fenrir
One” are just a few of the many kennlngs the skalds haw agreed to be bo und—so long as he could hold Tyr’s hand
heaped upon him within his )aws ax hl* insurance against deception
A fearsome wolf of gargantuan size and Immense Henceforth, Tyr was known as "the one handed god."
strength. Fenrir is one of three children bom of the union U'of/ Unbound. No bond can hold Fenrir except the magic
between Loki and the jõtunn Angrboòa Together with his chain Glefpnir, forged by the Sons of Ivaldi from six
sister Hel, ruler of the dead, and brother Jdrmungandr, die impossible components. At the time of Ragnarõk, however,
world-serpent, he is one of three figures that will lead die all bonds will be broken, and Fenrir will join with his
enemies of the Asir in bathe at the Twilight of the Gods. siblings in the vanguard as they march against the Asir.
The Binding of Fenrir. Armed with foreknowledge of this When this comes to pass, the Wolf of the Fens will face
destiny, the Asir sought to bind Fenrir and so limit the Odin in battle, eventually swallowing the All -father. In
desolation he could bring about. Enlisting the help of the turn, Odin’s son Viharr will slay Fenrir by tearing his huge
dwarven smiths Brokkr and Eitri, the gods obtained an jaws asunder
unbteakablemagkal chain. Called GJripnir, this chain was

Fighting Fcnrlr as a mythic encounter is equivalent to
Ffmhir as a My fhk Encounter taking on two CR 26 erratum in one encounter. Award a
Fenrir numbers among the most powerful creature* a party 180,000 XP for defeating Fenrir after It uses Twilight
group of adventurers might face. If you wish to make an of the God*.
encounter with the Fenrl* Wolf truly legendary, Fenrir
might use its Twilight of the Gods mythic trait. When this
happens, It calls upon a reserve of strength Just as it
Using Baying Ruin
appears to be vanquished and heralds the end of an age. Fennr is a figure of godlike (and god-devounngl Mature A
When this happens, Fenrir can choose one of its mythic showdown with the Banc of the High One will commonly take
actions when it uses a legendary action. place as the final set piece battle at the end of the world in a
Read or paraphrase the following text when Fenrir use* Ragnarok-themed campaign. Before reaching this point, a party of
Its IVvUlght of the Gods trait: heroes will likely have many levels of experience, high-powered
magical artifacts, and supernatural gifts like divine Mewngs and
epic boons all at their disposal
The Wolf of the Fens lets loose a baleful howl, his For this reason, Fenrlr's mythic action Saying Ruin is meant to
ravening Jaw* spread wide. Hi* upper fangs seem be a crisis-inducing ability that can strike heroes down and sow
to touch the very sky...even as his lower Jaw meets terror in the climactic moments of the battle There are some
the dust of the burning earth mecharucal controls built Into the ability (it has only a 30 foot
range, costs three actions, and the saving throw ts not overly high
The world darkrru, unlit by Sun or stars. for front-line tank characters), but like any 'instant kill* effect, it
still has the potential to leave players feeling a brt cheated of a
The ground heaves, wracked by quakes and
well-earned victory if misused
tremors as mountains shatter—vast shards of
One way to make sure that players have a fair shot at victory is
stone crashing to the earth! Trees tear loose from
to make lore available to them in advance about Fenrir'*
their roots, casting soil in the air as they rip free
capabilities and enable them to plan countermeasures in
and fall, all while the wolf looks on, grinning with
narrating the encounter, you might also signal to players early that
Fenrir is about to unleash some serious close-range damage
Fmally, If It still seems like Bay mg Ruin ts fust too much for the PC's
Red flames flare and bum from the great beast's
to reasonably handle, you can after the effect *0 that on a failed
eyes and nostrils as it advances once more, hot
save, a creature takes ?6 (22d6) psychic damage instead
spittle dripping from its slavering maw.
Fenrir Slam. Melee Weapon Attack: • 18 to hit, reach 10ft, one target. Hit. 24
Gargonfuon momtrovty (titan), chaotic neutral
(4d6* lOJbkidgeoningdamage. It the target a a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 20 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Armor Oats 2$ INatural Armor)
Hrt Points «2 (24d2O* 240) Devour. Fennr makes one bite attack against a large or smaler creature
Speed 40 ft he a grapplmg. If the attack hits, the target takes the bite's damage, the
target a swallowed, and the grapple ends While swallowed, the creature
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA is bimded a nd restrained, it has total cover against attacks and other
30 («10) 171*3) JO («10) 1H*O| 19 1*4) 21 (♦») effects outside Fenrir, and It takes 56 (I6d6l acid damage at the start of
each at Fenrir's turns
Sowing Throw* STR ♦ 18, CON «18, WIS «12 It Fennr takes 60 damage or more on a single tian from a creature
Skills Athletics >26. Perception «12 i nude it, Fenrir must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw at
De me Re Resistances Cold. Lightning. Pcs son the end of that turn or regurgi late all swallowed creatives, which tall
Damage ImmirMtlei Fire-. Bludgeon ng, Piercing, and 5lashingfrom prone in a space within 10feet of Fenrir If Fence dies, a swallowed
NonmagicM Attacks c reatare Is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse try
Condition kmmunitio* Charmed. Frightened. Grappled, Paralysed, using 30 feet of movement, exiteig prone,
Possoned Frightful Pretence. Each creature of Fenrir's choice within 120 feet of It
Sen tn Blindught 120ft., Paswve Perception 22 and a ware of It must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or
Language* Common. Deep Speech, Dwarvi th. Elvish, Giant, Sylvan become frightened for 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw
Chali»nge 26 (90,000 XPl at the end of each of Ms liens, with disadvantage if Fennr Is within line of
sight, ending the effect on it self on a success if a creature's saving throw
Legendary Resistance (3,'Dayl. If Fenrir fails a saving throw, he can is successful or th* effect ends for 4, the creature is immune to Fenrir's
choose to succeed instead Frightful Presence for the next 24 hours
Mugre Rewstonce, Fennr has advantage on sawngthrows against spells Howl (Recharge S-t). Fenrir enuts a bloodcurdling howl Each creature
and other magical effects. within 30 feet of Fenrir that can hear the howl must make a DC 24
Mogic Weopont Fenrir's attacks count as magical for the purpose of Constitution saving throw, taking 71 IlJdlO) thunder damage on a failed
overcoming resistance and mmunity to nonmagical attacks and save, or haff as much damage on a successful one
Legendary Actions
Siege Monster. Fenrir deals double damage to objects and structures
Fenrir can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below.
Twilight of the Gods (Mythic Trait; Recharges offer a Short or Long
Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the
Rr st). When Fenrir is reduced to 0 hit points, he doesn't die or fall
end of another creature's turn. Fenrir regains spent legendary actions at
unconscious Instead, he regains JOO hit paints In addition, flames bum
the start of Its turn.
from hrs eyes and nostrils and hts bite attacks do an addrt local 1J I2dl2)
fire damage. Attack. Fenrir makes one brio attack or slam attack.
Move. Fenrir moves up to half his speed
Actions I etrp (Costs 2 actions). Fennr leaps a distance of up to half les speed
Multtottoch. Fennrcan use hs Fnghtful Presence. Hethen makes three without provoking opportunity attacks. A creature that is in a space
melee attacks where Fenrir lands Is pushed to the closest adjacent space not
Bitt. Melee Weapon Attack. • 18 to hit, teach 10 ft., one taigct. Hit. 36 occupied by Fenrir Fenrir then makes a slam attack against any
|4dl2 • 101 piercing damage. If the target Is a aeature. it is grappled pushed a entures.
(escape DC 20). Until this grapple ends, the target is restrained. and
Fenrir can't bite another target Mythic Actions
Shake Prey. Fenrir makes one bite attack against a Large or smaller Snapping Jeers. Fennr makes two bite attacks
creature he is grappling, rf the attack hits, the target takes 42 (12d6) Buying Ruin (Costs J octforrs). Fenrir emits a p>erceig howl Each
slashing damage and is thrown up to 60 feet In Fenrir's choice of creature within 30 feet of Fenrir that can hear the howl must succeed
drection and knocked prone, if a thrown target strikes a sokd surface, on a DC 15 Constitution saving throw or drop to 0 hit points. On a
the target takes 3 (ld6) bludgeoning damage for every 10 feet It was successful save, the creature Is frightened until the end of its next turn
thrown. II the target is thrown at another creature, that creature must A creature that Is immune to Fenre's Frightful presence is not
succeed on a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw or take the same damage and frightened.
be knocked prone.
Fylgjur arc totem or companion animals that reflect the
inner nature ot a creature. A sly or sneaky individual might
have a rat, snake or fox fylgja, while a person with poor
self-control might see their bad temper reflected in the
form of a bear or wolf
Fygljur mostly appear in prophetic dreams and visions,
foretelling the role their owners will play in the unfolding
of future events. Very rarely, however, important figures,
such as powerful leaders or great heroes, might be
encountered with a physical manifestation of their own
fygjja in their presence.
Hound Nature. Hie fox fylgja statblock applies the fylgja
template (see below) to the fox statblock from Icewind
Dale Rime of the Froctmaiden, using a Ijõsdifr
seiMrrfttinn as the companion soul.

Fox Fylgja (Ljósálfr Seiddróttinn)

Tiny ceteiirol. unohgned

Armor Cías» 13
Hit Potril» 9911808’18)
Speed 30 ft. burrow 5 fl


2 (-4) 16 (*3) 11 (*0) 3 (-4) 12 MJ 6 (-2J

Saving Throws as Ijósálfr seiMróttinn

Challenge 0 (10 XPI

Keen Hearing and Smeit. The fylgja has advantage on Wisdom

(Perceptton) checks that rely on hearing or smell
Shared Saul The t yfgja is a manifestai ion of the IjOsMf r
setMróQinn's soul It shares certain traits with Its owner:

• Thelytftaand l|ósátfi se*8dróttinn share the same pool

of hit points. Any damage or heali ng sustained by one Is
also experienced by the other
• The fylgja uses the l|ósalfrse»Mrôttlnn'ssav<ig throw
• When either the f yigia or IjósAHr seiddrótt Inn are
subject to the following conditions, both cree tures
suffer the effect: charmed, frightened, incapacitated,
can shake things up a bit or give powerful enemies secret
¡tunned When one of the above conditions is ended for
vulnerabilities for players to figure out
either the fyfg)a or Ijosalfr wiMrãetmn, the effect is
Giving fylgjur to players can also support adventure hooks. A
ended for both
powerful antagonist might call upon dark magic to separate a PC
• While within 60 feet of tach other, the lyfgja and Ij&ilfr from then soul, rendering them temporarily exposed and
seiAdrbttmn have advantage on W>sdom (Perception! vulnerable Alternatively, a benevolent guiding power might
checks and gain a «6 bonus to thee passive Wisdom decide a PC needs to reconcile a certain aspect of then own
(Perception) and passive InteUçrncc (investigation) identity and reveal the character's fylgja for a time, either as an
scores exercise in inspiration or atonement.
• The fylgja disappears when the (josAHr selAdrAttmn falls Campaigns where all party members lor all sentient beings) are
betow 0 hit points, reappearing only if the Ijosüf r accompanied by physically manifested fylgjur are even passible
seíAdróttinn is stabilized or healed. On the other hand, dealing with the additional complexity and
vulnerabilities created by a fylgja companion might not be fun as a
Actions long-term element for a player who doesn't find the trade-off
Bite. Uefee Weapon Arioch ’5 to he, reach $ ft., one target. Hit: worth it So, as With all monsters and mechanics, use your own
1 piercing damage judgment when adding fylgjur to your game
FYI GIA Tl MPLaTE • While within 60 feet of each other, the fyigja and
its owner have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
A fyjgla can take the form of any beast When It manifests
checks and gain a *5 bonus to their passive Wisdom
In physical form, It retains all the beast's statistic» except (Perception) and passive Intelligence (Investigation)
as noted below. scores
Like a familiar, a fyigja acts Independently, but it always
obeys the commands of Its owner. In combat, it rolls its
A fyigjadoes not makr death saves. When its shared pool
own initiative and acts on its own turn. A fyigja can attack of hit points falls below o, a fylgla disappears, reappearing
if it has the appropriate actions available, and can take only If Its owner stabilizes The fyigja of a creature that has
other actions as normal, such as the help action. Sending been stabilized remains unconscious until Itsowner
fylgjur Into combat can be a risky prospect, however, given regains consciousness
the direct link they havr to their owner's health.
Fygjur do not otherwise share the unconscious condition
Type. The fyigja'$ type becomes celestial Instead of
with their owners, or vice versa. In fact, an individual’»
personal fyigja may only appear when they are dreaming
Hit Points The fyigja and its owner share the same pool
or in a similar state of altered perception, such as a volva’s
of hit points Any damage or healing sustained by one is ritual to evoke visions or memories. Additionally, the
also experienced by the other. physical manifestation of a person's fyigja may only exist
Saving Throws The fyigja uses the saving throw
as long makes to guide Itsowner toward a given goal.
modifiers of its owner Despite some similarities, fyigjur are not familiars. They
New Special Trait Shared Soul The fyigja is a
cannot speak or communicate telepathically, and they
manifestation of Its owner's soul It shares certain traits
cannot deliver touch spells to targets for their owners.
with its owner.

• When either the fyigja or its owner are subject to

the following conditions, both creatures suffer the
Those who die ignobly, with neither valor nor courage, do
not feast in the hall of the All - father. They dwell instead in
die cold depths of Hclheimr, a region of Nlflheimr named
for the daughtrT of Loki who is its queen and ntler. At the
coining of Ragnarõk, the gates of Hclheimr will open, and
the legions of the dead will spill forth, joining with the
Jõtnar of Muspelhcim to march against the Alsir and their
Until that day comes, the gates of Hel are guarded by a
monstrous, blood-drenched hound known as Garmr,
Howling Herald. Garmr will signal the arrival of
Ragnarõk with a terrifying howl, a dark echo of
Gjallarhorn, the ancient horn Heimdallr will sound to
summon the Einherjar to battle. At this time, Garmr will
freed from the chain that binds him to his endless wat
Hound of War. Once loosed, Garmr will leave the cav«
Gnlpahellir to join with the legions of the dead. Hew
then meet the god Tyr on the field of battle, and e
slay the other

n Huge momtmAy, lawful neutral

I Armor CImi 17
I Hit Point* 168 I16dl2« 64)
Sp*»4 50ft,


1 191’4) 12(«1) 18 Ml 10(»0) 16H3) •{-«

I S A81* Athletics *8, Pwcepticn *11, Stealth «5

Damage Resist «oco* Fire
Damage Immunities Necrotic
Condition Immumtic* Exhaustion. Frightened, Stinned
Sense* Trueiight 30 It.. Passtre Perception 21
language* understand* all language* but cannot speak
Challenge 11 (7.200 XP)

Aggmiiee. As a bonus action. Garmr can more up to Its speed

. t ow aid a hosti» crea ture that «can see
Keen Hearing and Smet. Gttmr has aOvant age on Wisdom
I (Perception) checks that te*y on hearing or smell
Pocfr Tocrics Garmr has advantage on an attack roll against a
creature if at lead one of Garmr” s allies n within 5 feet of the
I creature and the ally isn't mcopacitoted.
Vigilant. Garmr cant be surprised, and it has advantage on saving
I throws against being knocked i/ncwwcwr.

Muttiottack. Garmr makes two bite attacks
Site. UcieeUfaopan Attack *8 to hit, reach S ft, one target. Hit 14
(3d6 • 4) piercing damage plus 14 (4d6) necrobc damage.
Wording Howf. Garmr howls mapcally Every enemy within 300
feet of the Garmr that can hear it must succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom
saving throw or be frightened until the end of Garmr”s next turn or
until Garmr is Incapacitated. A frightened target that starts ns turn
withm 30 feet of Garmr must use all its movement on that turn to
get as far from the Garmr as possible, must finish the move before
taking an action, and must take the most there t route, even if
hazards liethat way Atar grt that successfully saves is immune to
Garmr'* Warding Howl for the next 24 hour*.
The golden
Ivaldi in answer to a challenge from Loki.
Odin's spear, Freyr’s ship and Sif's hair from Brokkr and
Eitri, the Wolf's- Father struck a wager with the two
dwarves Hazarding his own head as stakes, Loki wagered
the brothers could craft no finer treasures than those he
had already obtained In response, Brokkr heaved a boar's
pelt Into the forge and bade Eitri to work the bellows.
Despite the mischief-maker's best efforts to disrupt the
dwarven smith's work. GulUnbursti, a golden-maned boar
with gleaming bristles, came forth from the enchanted
forge When the coals finally cooled, l-oki only managed to
keep his head by reminding the Sons of Ivaldi they coukl
not take his head without also taking pan of his neck-
which, fortunately for him, was not part of the deal-
Freyr’s Steed. GulUnbursti is an ideal mount crafted fora
god. Although obviously a construct. Its behavior is in
most ways indistinguishable from that of a normal boar.
However, due to the ancient magic invested by Brokkr
during its creation, Gullinbursti can traverse land, air, or
water with speed equal to that of a riding horse.
Constructed Nature Gullinbursti doesn't require air,
food, drink, or sleep.

GULLINBURSTI tmmutobfe Form. Gulbntxirsti a immune to any spell or effect that

Large construe t. unohgned would alter its form

Armo» Class 20 (Nat wal Armor) Light Intensity. Any creature that starts ns turn wtf hin 10 few of
Hit Pomti 210(20010 *1001 Gullmbursb and cJn see Guflinbursti must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom
Spaad 60 ft, fly 60 ft saving throw <x be blinded until the start of the creature's next turn.
A creature can avert Its eyes to avoid the saving throw at the start of
$TW DEX CON INT WIS CHA Its turn, if the creature does so, A can't see Gul In bur st I until the start of
18H) 10(*0l 20(»5| 21-4) T1-2) 5 (-31 its next turn, when it can avert as eyes again if the creature loo*s at
GulUnbursti in the meant ime, it must immediately make the save

Damage imnwnitie* Fre, Poison. Psychic; Bludgeoning. Piercing, and Magic Aesritonce. GUlinbunti has advantageon saving throws against
Slashing from Nonmjgcal Attacks that aren't Adamantine spells and other magical effects.
Condition Immunities Charmed, E*haustión. Frightened. Paralyzed, Magic Weoponi. Gullinbursti’s attacks count as magical lor the purpose
Pet rtf led. Poisoned of overcoming reslstanceand immunity to nonmagkal attacks and
Senses Passive Perception 8 damage
Languages Understands the languages al <* rider and creator but can't
ffrlenttou (Per/iargei attar a Short or Long Haiti. if Gdlinbursti takes
10 damage or less that would reduce it to 0 hit points, it is reduced to 1
Challenge 12 (8,400 XPl
hit point instead.

Cborpe. rf Gull in burst i moves at least 20 feet straight toward a target Water Hanner, Gullinbursti can move across water as if it were sold
and then hits rt with a tusk attach on the same turn, the target takes an ground
extra 10(3d6l slashing damage If the target is a creature, it must
succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be knocked prone.
Tusk. Melee Weapon Attack. *8 to hit. reach 5 ft. one target Hit 14 (3d6 »
Mfuminotion. Guilinbunti magically theds bright Ight in a 30 foot radius
4) slashing damage
and dim light for an additional 30 feet This light goes out when
Gullnbursti is destroyed.

Creatures that fail beneath Hábrók's shadow have precious
little time to marvel at the bird's astonishing size, as a
rending doom nearly always follows in the fatal clutches of
its giant talons.
High Pants. Attested a* first among ail hawks by none
other than All father himself. Hábrók’s name means
"high pants" — a nickname conferred upon the beast by
the&sir due to its long legs and deadly reach.
Deadly Companion, 'though aggressive and wild by
nature, Hábrók’s size allows for the possibility that the
great hawk could serve as unique mount for a hero or one
of theiEsir. if properly interned by a handler of sufficient

Huge beost. umltgned

ArmorCias* 151 Natural Armor)

Hit Point* 184 (16012*801
Speed 20 ft_, fly 120 ft.


28 («9) 10 (*0) 201*5) 1(4) 10 (*0) 9(11

Saving Throws (XX *5. CON «10. W15 *5

Mili i Perception «5
S«n>»* Passive Perception IS
Challenge 14(11.500 XPI

ftyby. Hábrók doesn't provoke opportunity attacks when it flies

out rd an enemy 's reach
Keen Sight. Hábrók has advantage on Wisdom I Perception!
checks that retyons«ht

Muttiattock. Hábrók makes two attacks; one with its beak and
one with its talon*
Beok. Melee Weapon aaocá, • 14 to hit. reach 10 ft., one target Hit
27 (4d8 • 91 piercing damage
Talon*. Melee Weapon Attack *14 to hit, reach 10 It. one target.
Hit 23 (4d6 • 9) ilasfeng damage, and the target is grappled
lescape DC 19). Until (his grapple ends, the target«restrained,
and Hábrók can't use its talons on another target

Legendary Actions
Hábrókcan take 3 legendary actions, chooungfrom the options
below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and
only at the end of another creature'stum. Hábrók regains spent
legendary actions at the start oí its turn
Peck. Hábrók makes one beak attack.

Move. Hábrók moves up to its speed

Swoop (Costs 2 Actions). Habrok moves up to its speed and
attacks with its talons

Hafgufa and Lyngbakr
When grizzled longship captains share cups in the
mcadhalls of remote coastal communities, the tales of
theif encounters at sea rival those of the skalds. There are
two names, however, that when spoken aloud, arc
guaranteed to silence their boasting and tall talcs.
These names belong to the creatures known as Hafgufa
and Lyngbakr, two sea monsters of Immense size—so big.
in fact, that they lure their prey by mimicking entire

Attested as the mother of sea monsters, Hafgufa Is a vast,
fish-shaped creature that dwells In the uncharted depths
at the edge of the world. Her name means "sea steam" and
old sailors say she sates her great appetite by consuming
whole ships, their crews, and every form of life which
dwells beneath the waves.
When Hafgufa hunts, she rests in shallow waters with
her nose and head |ust above the surface. Because of her
great size, they are easily mistaken for huge rocks by the
unsuspecting ships that wander too close

A colossal whale with rock - like skin. Lyngbakr* s name
means "heather back"—a reference to the creature’s most
common tactic for luring unlucky sailors to their doom
When partially submerged, Lyngbakr looks exactly like a
natural island covered In flowers. Explorers who make
landfall, however, quickly discover their fatal error when
the monstrous whale plunges into the depths, devouring
the drowned corpses at its leisure.

Bitt. Melee weapon Mock. *15 to hit. reach to ft. one target. Hit 24
(3d 10 • 8) piece ing damage
Toil Smosh. Meier Weapon Mock: »!5to hit. reach 10ft, one target. Hit.
17 (2d» ♦ H) bludgeonmg damage.
Strom Breath ¡Pechar ft S-6). Hafgufa exhales a 60- foot cone of
scaldmg steam Each creature In that area must succeed on a DC 22
Dexterity sating throw, takng 77 (22d6) (ire damage on a fated save, or
half as much damage on a successful one.

Legendary Actions
Halgufa un take J legendary actions, choosing from the options below.
Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the
Languages end of another creature's turn. Hafgufa regains spent legendary actions
Challenge 22 141,000 HP) at the start of Its turn.

AmpMbioui. Hafgufa can breathe air and water Oetect. Hafgufa makes a Wisdom (Perceptron) check.

1 ependory Pttittooct <3.'Day). it Hafgufa fails a saving throw, she can Move. Hafgufa moves up to her speed
choose to succeed instead Feed (Cotts 3 Actions). Hafgufa sucks the water withm a 40 foot cone
Sreye Monster. Hafgufa deals double damage to objects and structures. toward her Each creature of I arge site or smaller that area must
make a DC 22 Strength saving throw or be pulled 40 feet toward
Actions Hafgufa Hafgufa lhen makes a bite attack against each creature
within range
Muftfof rock. Hafgufa makes one attack weh her bite and one attack
with hartad smash.
Lyngbakr Step* Nomter. lyngbakr deals double damage to objects and structures
Gorgontuan monitronty ttdon), unoHgned (Included m Water Displacing M<wement|

Armor Claw 21 (Natural Armor) Actions

HH Point* 553 !2Td2O * 270)
Mulhottock. Lyngbakr make* two attacks: one with Its tute and one
Speed Ofc. swim 60ft
with Its slam

STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Bite. Melee Weapon Attack ‘IT to tut. reach 20 ft. one target. Hit: 32
301*10) 10(*0) K(*10) 3 (-41 21 f*2) 7 (-2) (SdS* 101 piercing damage.
Slam. Melee Weapon Attack, *17 to hit. reach 20 ft. one target. Hit
Saving Throw* STR «17, CON *17, Wt5 *12 21 (2d 10 * 101 bludgeoning damage
Skill* Perception <16 Woter O/spiacinp Movement. A* a bonus action after movingat least
Damage Immunities Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing from 10 feet in the water, Lyngbakr can send a wave through the water in
Nonmagi cal Attack* a 120-foot-radius circle centered on Itself That area become*
Condition Immunities Frightened, Poisoned, Prone. Stunned diff'Kult terrain until the end of Lyngbakr'* neat turn. Each creature
Sense* Blindught 120 ft. Passive Perception 26 In that area that Is concentrating must succeed on a DC 25
Language* - Constitution savmgthrow or thecreature's concentration is broken.
Challenge 2 J 150^00 W>) The wave deal* 100 bludgeoning damage to all structures in contact
with the water in the area. Including ship* if a creature is near a
fchotocotion. lyngbakr can't use it* bimdsigbe while deafened structure that rs destroyed or cdlaptes. the creature might be struck by
Folse Appeor once. 2<h4e Lyngbakr remain* motiontes*. it Is debris, a creature within had the distance of the structure's height must
^distinguishable iron» an oidinary island make a DC 25 Derterity saving throw. On a tailed save, the creature take*
Freedom of Movement. I yngbakr ignore* difficult terrain, and magical 17 l5dG) bludgeoning damage. On a successful save, the creature takes
effect* can’t reduce it * speed or cause it to be rnrnmned. It can spend 5 half as much damage.
feet of movement to escape from nonmagic a I restraint* or bemg
grappled Legendary Actions
Lyngbakr can tak e 3 legendary actions, choosing from the option*
Hold Breath Lyngbakr can hold its breath for 3 days
below Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only
Keen Hearing. Lyngbakr has advantage on Wisdom (Perception! checks
at the end of another creature's turn. Lyngbakr regains spent legendary
that rety on hearing. actions at the start of it* turn.
Iependory Resistance f J/OoyJ. If Lyngbakr tails a saving throw, it can
Slam (Co«t* 2 Action»). Lyngbakr make* one slam attack.
choose to *urcrod instead
Move, I yngbakr moves upto <ts speed
Mossive. Lyngbakr can carry up to 20.000 pounds of weight atop its
back, but move* at half speed if the weight eaceed* 10,000 pound*.
Medium ceieitfal, neutral good

skits acrobatics »5. Athletics *6, Perception M

Oamage Resistances Necrotic; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and
Slashing from Nonmagical Attacks
Oamage Immunities Poison
Condition immunities Charmed, Erhaustion, Frightened.
Grappled. Paralyzed, Petrified. Poisoned. Restrained
Senses Darkvision 60 ft. Passive Perception 14
Languages the languages It knew m Ide and those of the creature
it protects
CtnUenge 511.800 XP|

Multiottaek, rhe hamingja makes two spinttblade attacks
Ithereofness. Tf-e hamingja enters the Ethereal Plane from the
Material Plane, or vice versa. It is visible on the Material Plane
while it is In the Border Ethereal, and vice versa, yet It can't affect
or be affected by anything on the other plane.
ipintblodt. Melee Weapon Mtock Hi to hit, reach 5 It., one target

Hamingja Hit 7 |ld8«31 slashing damage plus 11 QdlO) force damage.

Hamingjar embody the good fortune and suecos that is

attached to a individual or family, appearing in the form of
a feminine guardian spirit. runs Fate 11/doy). When an ally the hamir»g|a can see within 30
Ancestral Protectors. Individuals with particularly strong feet of It rolls a d20 far an attack roll, an ability check, or a saving
destinies might Independently manifest their own throw, the hammgja c an use Its reaction to let the ally re* ci I the
hamingja, but more often they are passed down through die. The ally must use the new roll
generations from one soul to another A hamingja might
accompany an adventurer as a warding presence, the
enduring sign of a loving family guiding the next
generation's path from beyond. Alternatively, the
enduringhamingja of a legendary hero might become Hamincjar ano PC’s
attached to a rising champion that follows In their path
Hammgjar make great narrative toots in campaigns where
and pursues the same goals.
family Uncage or historical events are important themes. They
Unseen Guardian. A hamingja ¡¿ephemeral and naturally
can be used to show the influence of the past on the present
invisible A creature might hear and feel a hamingja In
passing, but the celestial remains invisible even if it makes or the playing out of grand destinies over time.
an attack Very rarely, a hamingja might appear as the They can also be used as a device to recall beloved NPCs
projection of an unconscious person's spirit or become (or even Player Characters) that have fallen, but whose
apparent through the use of magic that allows someone to presence is still felt, watching over the party's ongoing
see the invisible. In these instances, the hamingja appears adventures.
as the vague outline of a feminine form.
Ceteaial Nature. A hamingja requires no air, food, drink.
The deep woods are old, eldritch places where light dances
with primeval mist and shadows play across thick blankets
of emerald moss. The hidden places in these forests arc
inhabited by captivating spirits who serve as keepers. The
traveler who enters a hulder's domain might well win Its
aid with a show of respect — but those who succumb to its
charms risk becoming the spirit's permanent servant.
When a hulder reveals herself, she appears as a
strikingly beautiful, fey-like woman She will carefully
position herself, though, so as to conceal her long cow's
tail, lest her true nature be discovered. It is also said that a
hulder may be known by contriving the means to view her
back, which is hollow like a rotted-out tree.
Seductive Warden*, Hulders excel at enticing lustful
humanoids with the promise of pleasure, then keeping
them indefinitely as mates and servants. Such encounters
often prove fatal, with the hapless victim eventually
drained of life or soul. Other tales suggest, however, that a
hulder can become human, should a mortal freely pledge
their love in good faith and fulfill that promise.
Further, a hulder is not by nature without kindness
Those who keep their secrets or set aside hearth offerings
often prosper or receive magical favors from the spirit.
Woodland Magic Hulders can speak with plants and
animals, 'they can become unseen at will, lunng
Interlopers away from their domains or Into traps while
relying on their enchantments for defense. They also know
a handful of useful spells.

Hm der Telepathic Rond. T bo hulder ignores the rang» restriction on its

Medium fey. neutral telepathy when communicat Ing with a c reature it has charmed. The two
don't even need to be on the same plane of existence.
Armor Class 16
Nit Points 66ll2d8 • 121 Actions
Speed 30 ft.. swim 30 ft.
Fey Charm. The hulder targets one humanoid or beast it can see wMhm
30 feet of it if the target can see the htider. it must succeed on a DC IT
Wisdom saving throw or be magically charmed, The charmed creature
a (-11 17(*3) 13 (»1| 15 (*2) 12(H) 201»5|
regards the hulder as a busted friend to be heeded and protected
Although the target isn't under the hulder's control, it takes the tedder's
Shifts Dec opton «9. Insight »5, Perception «5, Persuasion «9, Stealth »T
requests or actions in the most favorable way fl can
Damag■ Resistances Poison, Bludgeonmg. P wrong, and Slash ng from
Each t ime the hulder or its allies do anything harmful to the target, it
Nonmagical Att acks
can repeat the saving throw, ending the effect on itself on a success.
Sen ses Darkvision 60 It. Passrve Perception 15
Otherwise. the effect lasts 24 hours or until the hulder dies, it on a
Languages Common. Sylvan, Telepathy 60 It.
different plane of existence from the target, or ends the effett as a bonus
Challenge 4 (1400 XP)
action. If a target's saving throw is successful, the target á immune to
the I wilder‘s Fey Charm for the nest 24 hours
Amphibious, T he holder can breathe air and water.
The holder can have no more than one humanord and up to three
Innate Speikatting. Thehulder's innate spellcasting ability n beasts charmed at a time.
Chansma (spell save DC 15). The hulder can innately cast the following
Oram mg Mm. The hulder kistes a creature charmed by It or a willing
spells, requiring no material components:
creature. The target must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw
At will: druidcroft. thorn wtvp against this magic, taking 32 (5dl0 • 5) psychic damage on a failed
3/day each dnpetmogte. entangle, goodbony. plant growth. tpdre save, or half as much damage on a successful one The target's hit
growth point maximum is reduced by an amount equal to the damage
1/day each: grmpmg rot, wolf of thorn* taken. This reduction lasts until the target finishes a long rest. The
Magic Retirtance. ’he hulder has advantage on saving throws target dies if this effect reduces its hit point maximum to 0.
against spells and other magical effects Inviiible Par ¡age. rhe hulder magically turns mwuli/e until it
Speok with Beasts and Plant*. The hulder can communicate with beasts attacks or casts a spell, or until its concentration ends (as if
and plants as It they and the hulder shared a language concentrating on a spelll. While hwlvbte. It leaves no physical
evidence of its passage, so it can be tracked only by magic. Any
equipment It wears or carnes is invisible with it.
When Ragnaròk comes. the seaswlll heave and swell with '
the violent thrashing of the World-Serpent, a creature so
enormous It encircles the entire world On that day,
fõrmungandr will release his tail from his mouth and |oln
his siblings on the plain of Vignd for the final battle, filling
the seas and sky with venom while his brother, Fenrir,
covers the land in fire.
lormungandr is attested as a poisonous sea serpent of
titanic proportions When he acts with hostile intent, the
effect is cataclysmic, displacing entire oceans and
sundering land masses. Even a chance encounter with the
World-Serpent's Indifference leaves utter disaster In Its
wake, wiping whole settlements from the map and
redefining the shape of the known world.
Bound serpent As with his monstrous brother and sister.
the>Eslr sought to safely contain jOrmungandr's
destructive potential. The gods could not alter the fate of
tlte second child of Loki any more than their own,
however, and lormungandr grew to his vast size after
being hurled into the sea by the All - father
Thunder's Foe. Tile skalds attest to mulliplecontests of
strength between Thor and lormungandr Their lifelong
rivalry wiU end at Ragnardk, however, when the Thunder
God and World Serpent face each other in battle Thor will
finally slay lormungandr in that fight but will himself fall
tn the monster's venom after raking only nine steps
The titanic serpent's hide splits open, revraling a
green sac of venomous fluid buried beneath layers
Jõrmungandr numbers among the mast powerful creatures
of scale and muscle. Fissures run across the
a group of adventurers might face If you wish to make an
encounter with the World-Serpent truly legendary, beast's ancient plates, revealing three other
Jõrmungandr might use its Sacs of Venom mythic trait. pumping, blood-slick sacs. The sea terror
When this happens, it calls upon a reserve of strength just thrashes, channeling pain into fury
as it appears to be vanquished After its venom sacs arc
exposed, Jõrmungandr can choose one of its mythic
actions when it uses a legendary action Fighting Jõrmungandr as a mythic encounter is equivalent
Read or paraphrase the following text when to taking an two CR 26 creatures in one encounter. Award a
Jõrmungandr uses its Venom Sacs trait. party 180,000 XP for defeating Jõrmungandr after it uses
Venom Sacs.

Ute. Mvlee Weapon Attack. «18 to hit, reach 15 ft . one creature. Hit. 23
Gargontuon drogan (titan/. neutro/
(3dB ♦ 10| piercing damage, and the target must make a DC 21
Ar mot Class 22 (Natural Armor I Constitution saving throw. taking 32 (5dl2| poison damage on a fated
Hit Points 409(2t<I20 ‘189) save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
Speed 30 fl., swan 80 It Slam. Melee Weapon Attack • IB to hit. reach 20 It, one target. Hit 20
(3d6 ♦ 10) bludgeoning damage and 6 (Id 121 poison damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Toil.MefeeWeopooAttodr. *18toh4,reach20ft.,anetarg« Hit 23(308 I
30 {*101 ll(*0) 29(*9I 11 (*o> 22 (*6) 101*01 • 101 bludgeoning damage, and rf the target rs a creature, it n knocked
Saving Throws STR «18. CON *17. WtS *14
Devour. Melee Weapon Attack • 18 to hit. reach 5 ft., one targeL Hit 23
0am»(e Resistances Cold, Fire. Lightning. Thunder
(2dl2* lOJpierringdamageand 6(ld¡7l posen damage. If thetargrtis I
Damage Immunities Poison. Bludgeoning. Plertmg, and Slashing tram
a large or smaller creature grappled by Jõrmungandr, that creature is I
Nonmagical Attacks
swa (lowed, and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the creature is
Condition Immunities Charmed, Frçhtened, Paralyzed. Poecned,
blinded and restrained. it has total cover against attacks and other
effects outsde Jõrmungandr. and it takes 42 I12d6l poison damage at
Senses Bkndsight 120 ft.. Passive Perc cption 16
the start of each of Jormungandr’s turns if Jõrmungandr takes 50
damage or more an a single turn from a creature inside it, Jõrmungandr I
Challenge 26 (90.000 XP|
must succeed on a DC 25 Constitution saving throw at the end of that
turn or regurgitate all swallowed creatures, which (all prone m a spate
Venom Sac* I Mythic Troit, Recharge* after a Short or long Rett). When
within 10 feet of Jõrmungandr. 4 Jõrmungandr dies, a swallowed
jõrmungandr is reduced to 0 hit points. 4 doesn't die or fall wnonscJous.
creature is no longer restrained by it and can escape from the corpse by I
Instead, the damage creates a acks in its Me. revealing Its venom sacs
uung 15 feet of movement, exiting prone.
jõrmungandr has low sacs two on its chest, one on its back, and one at
Poison Breath (Recharge S-t). Jõrmungandr exhales poisonous gas in a I
the base ol its tail. A venom sac has an AC of 22 and 100hit points tt Is
90 foot line. Each creoture tn that line must make a OC 22 Constitution
immune to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from
saving throw, taking 77 (22d6) poison damage on a failed save, or half as I
nonmapcal attacks, and it is Immune to all conditions. It it is torced to
make a saving throw, treat its ability scores as 101*01 i I two venom sacs much damage on a success/U one
are destroyed. Jormungandr’s person breath attack is reduced to 38
(1 ld6). If Jõrmungandr finishes a short or long rest. Its Me heals, any
Legendary Actions
destroyed sacs regenerate, its poison breath attack rs restored to full Jõrmungandr can take 3 legendary actions choosing from the optons
damage, and the sacs are covered again. Jõrmunga ndr d ies when all below Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only I
venom sacs are destroyed at the end of another creature’s turn Jõrmungandr regains spent
legendary actions at the start of its turn
legendary Resistance (3/Ooy). If Jõrmungandr fails a saving throw, it
can choose to succeed instead Move, Jõrmungandr moves up to ha tt its speed
Magic Weapon*. Jõrmungandr's attacks count as magical for the TML Jõrmungandr makes one tail attack.
purpose of overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagical attacks
Bite (Cost* 3 Actions). Jõrmungandr makes one bile attack
and damage.
Siege Monster. Jõrmungandr deals double damage to objects and Mythic Actions
structures It jormangandr's mythic trait is active, 4 can use the optnns below I
Spel-Resistant Hide. Jõrmungandr has advantage on saving ttrows as legendary actions for 1 hour after usmg Venom Sacs.
against spells, and any creature that makes a spell attack against Rampage, arm ungandr makr-. two attacks one with ns tail and onr
Jõrmungandr has disadvantage on the attack roll. w<th its slam.

Actions Poison Ctoud (Corts 2 Actions). Each creature wrttvn 10 feet of

Jõrmungandr must make a DC 25 Constitution savmg throw. taking 13
Multiattack. Jõrmungandr makes three attacks: one with 4s slam, one
(3dH) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a
with Its tail, and one with Its bde
successful one. Until the start of its next turn, Jõrmreigandr and its
venom sacs are lightly obscured.
Over many years, the word "jdtunn" has commonly been
glowed In translation as "giant" by many writers. While
many fõtnar were indeed of lowering height, It L< broadly
misleading to think of them collectively in this way. Some
were attested .similarly to humanoids, fabled for their
beauty and even intermarrying with theZEsir to become as
gods themselves. Others were wildly monstrous in form,
described as bestial - or possessing horrific features like
multiple heads
The race of fõtnar can more accurately be understood as
primordial creatures that came into being during the
yawning darkness of Glnungagap. They are distinct from
other divine figures, like the/Esir and the Vanir, In that
they embody the primeval chaos of Creation that will
eventually be unleashed to overthrow the gods. Thus, the
cosmic role of the jomar is to drive the eternal cycle of
destruction and rebirth as civilization is consumed and
remade again.
As primeval forces of change and disruption, fõtnar take
many forms and are associated with primal elemental
power. They are identified as neither virtuous nor
malevolent, tending instead toward the balanceof
neutrality. Individual jótnar, however, vary widely in their
motivations and alliances

Eldfòtnar arc towering warriors that dwell In the fire
realm of Mtispellshelmr As such, they rise from the same
elemental heat that met and thawed the Ice of Nlflheimr in
the primordial void of Glnungagap From these drippings,
Ymir. the father of all fõtnar was bom.
Surtr'i Soldiers The eldfótnar comprise the legions of
Surtr and they will follow his flaming sword into battle at
the coming of Ragnarõk. Bifrõst, the bridge between
realms, will shatter as they ride across it and then all the
world will be engulfed in the flames of their advance.

Hrimthurs (Rime-Giant)
Sometimes glossed as "frost ■ giants." hrimthursar were
among the first fõtnar. birthed from Ymir's sweat in the
primordial Rime of the Élivágai rivers at the dawn of time.
Beings of elemental cold, they arc proper giants, dwarfing
humanoid races and rivaling even classical storm giants in
Wimer Warriors. Hnmthursar dwell In the out lands of
(Otunhelmr, making their halls In the gnm, primeval
forests and lofty mountains where the winters never cease
Their rising at the Twilight of the Gods will similarly be
signaled by the spread of a harsh, unending winter that
will stifle all life on Miògaròr
Hrimthurs and EldjOtunn
As noted above, the many variants of jbinar could fill an entire
dedicated bestiary on their own For this reason, the
attestations and details oí these diverse beings will be
explored further in Thieves' Cant Games' next installment of
the Gnmnir's lore series: The Soo* of Jotnat.
The hrimthurs and eldjOtunn. giants of primordial ice and
fire that figure prominently In the events of RagnarOk. are
detailed here. Together, they represent two dichotomous
forces of elemental power necessary for both creation and
destruction. As the jbtnar most recognizable from popular
fantasy, these beings will also likely have greater application
tn the typical DAD campagn than other jdtunn variants.

I I Ololl XX
Huge giant. neutral

Armor Class IT (Splint)

Hit Points 250 (20dl2 * 120)
Speed 50 ft


29 (*9) ÍI-1I 23(*O1 »<-!> 12(«1) Mf+2)

Saving Throws STR*14. CON *11. CHA«7

Skills Athletics • 14. Perception >t>
Damage Immunities Fire
Senses Passive Perception It
Languages Common. Gant. Primordial
Challenge 13 (10.000 XP)

[¡dutch A ttacks.The eldjOtunn s weapon attacks are treated as

magical for the purpose oí bypassing resistance and immunity to
nonmagic al weapons
Flaming Weopons. Any metal melee weapon the eldjOtunn wields
deals an extra 7 (2d6) fire damage on a hit (included in the attack).
Flaming Body. A creature that touches the eldjOtunn or hits it with
a melee attack while within 5 feet of It takes 11 |2dl0| fire damage.
Nonm a pc al weapons that hit the eldjOtunn are destroyed by Tire
immediately after dealing damage to it.
«/ummotron. 1 he eldjOtunn sheds bright light in a 30-foot radius
and den light m an additional 30 feet
Water Susceptibility. For every 5 feet the eldjOtunn moves I n
water, or for every gallon of water splashed on «. it takes 1 cold

Muftiotrock. The eidjdtunn makes two melee weapon attacks
G reo rsword. Mr.'te Weapon Attack; »14 to hit, teach 10 ft. one
target. Hit 20 (3d 12 • 9| slashing damage, plus 7 (2d6) fire damage.
Molten Rock. «oopedWeoporrAttodr. «14 to hrt,range 60/240 ft.
one target HitJl (4dl0 • 9| bludgeoning damage, plus 7 (2d6| fire
damage if the target is a creature or a flam mabie object. It ignites.
Until a creature takes an action to douse the Are. the target takes 5
lidio- fire damage at tlie start of each of its turns
Touch. Mefoe Wrcpon Arrocfc ♦ 14 to hit, roach 5 ft., one target Hit
1312d6 ♦ 6) fi»» damage. 1 the target is a creature or a flammable
object. it ignites. Until a creature takes an action to douse the fire,
the target takes 51 IdlO) fire damage at the start of each oí its
Lindwyrms are cunning, serpent - like creatures of draconic
origin that stalk untamed forests, murky swamps and
Ughtless caves. Their scaled bodies are long and sinuous,
like that of a snake—though they travel over ground on
two or four legs.
The breath of a llndwyrm Is deadly poison, but unlike it#
proper dragon cousins, a llndwyrm cannot fly They are
deceptively agile for their size, however, and many a
wouW-be worm-slayer has met their untimely end by
underestimating their tactics
Dangerous Ground. Viciously territorial and deeply vain,
lindwyrms know their domains well and are adept at using
the Landscape to their utmost advantage In combat, they
delight in ambushing their prey and luring intruders into
clever traps of their own devising.

LlNDWYRM Bite. Mefee Weopoo Attack- • to to h*t. reach 10 ft.. one target Hit 22
Huge dragon, neutral evil
(3d 10 • 6) piercing damage plus 11 (2dl0) poison damage
Constrict. Mdee Weapon Attack «10 to IM. reach 5 ft. one Large or
smaller creature. Mt. 22 (3dl0 • 61 btudgeenrog damage. The target is
grappled lescape DC 16). Until this grapple ends, the creature is
restrained, andthelindwyrm can't constrict another target.
STB SwoUow. 1 he llndwyrm makes one bite attack agaeist a Medium or
23(*€) smaller target It is grappling. If the attack hits, the target Is also
swallowed and the grapple ends. While swallowed, the target is blinded
Skills Perceptron *6. Stealth *7 and restrained, It has total cover against attacks and other effects
Damage Immunities Poison outside the llndwyrm. and It takes 21 (606! acid damage at the start of
Condition knmunrtws Porsoned each of the leidwyrm’s turns A llndwyrm can have only one creature
Senses Darkvlsioo 90 ft., T<emorsense20 ft. Passive Perception 16 swallowed at a time.
Languages Common, Draconic Il the llndwyrm takes 30 damage or more on a single turn from the
Challenge 11 (7,200 XP) swallowed creature, the tndwyrm must succeed on a DC 14 Constitution
saving throw at the end of that turn or regurgitate the creature, which
SurprHeAttatk. if thelmdwyrm surprises a creature and hits fl with tais prone in a space within 10 feet of the Indwyrm If the 6 ndwyrm dies,
an attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra a swallowed crcatire is no longer restrained try fl and ran escape from
7I2d6l damage from the attack. the corpse by using 14 feet of movement, eating prone.
Poison Breath (Recharge 5-i). The llndwyrm exhales venom In a 20-toot
Actions cone. Each creature In that cone must make a DC 16 Dexterity saving
Mullía ttack. The llndwyrm makes two attacks: one with its bite and one throw, taking 66112dl0l poison damage on a faded save, or half as much
to constrict. damage on a successfiJ one.

r 36
While most lindwyrms can assume no other form than that t
of wingless snake like dragon, Fafnir was not bom a
serpent Once a highly-reputed Dwarvrn berserker with
many deeds to his name, Fafnir was the pride of his
father's house. But when his father foolishly broke host
custom and ransomed the gods for gold, Fafnir was
overcome by an ancient curse that had been pLu'ed on the
treasure. Consumed by greed, he eventually murdered his
father, seizing the hoard for himself. Trusting no one, the
murderous son carried his ill-gotten gains far from
civilization Into the dark of an ancient wood. Deep in the
shadows of a secret cave, Fafnir Jealously guarded and
counted his gold as the years passed. Slowly, the curse
transformed him into the covetous monster he is today.
In his current form. Fafnir is an unusually swift and
strong lindwyrm with no desire but to protect Ills hoard
and grow it further if possible He has nothing to gain by
retreat, and will take any measure necessary to secure his
treasure, fighting to the death if necessary.

I Al NIR \S \ My Illi' Em ounter

Fafnir presents a serious threat to even high - level
characters, but you can increase the challenge by using the
Curse of Greed trait. When this happens, Fafnir regroups
from his wounds to make a last stand defending his hoard,
and then he can choose one of his mythic actio ns when he
uses a legendary action
You might foreshadow Fafnir using his mythic trait by
describing the lindwyrm's savage defense of his gold or
targeting of characters who try to collect it Read or
paraphrase the fallowing text when Fafnir finally uses his
Curse of Greed trait:

The vicious lindwyrm rears back, howling with

rage, then lunging forward. Clawing desperately
at the coins beneath its feet, as if to gather the
entire hoard to itself, it screams again and plunges
itself directly into the vast pile of gold, as if to
become one with it. Glittering coins are sent flying
as Fafnir erupts from the pile before you again, its
gouged and tattered scales now embedded with a
girding layer of coins. The seeching lindwyrm
crouches to strike, defending its treasure to the
very last.

Fighting Fafnir as a mythic encounter is equivalent to

caking on two CR17 creatures in one encounter. Award a
party 36,000 XP for defeating Fafnir after he uses Curse
Lastly, defeating Fafnir still leaves the quest Ion of wha
to do with the lindwymrs cursed hoard If the parry clai
the spoils of their victory, you can choose to have the curse
pass to them, with each character gaining a new flaw to
roleplay: "I will do anything necessary to keep and prot
my gold."
When a creature acts In a manner directly counter to this
flaw, they might sustain sdio psychic damage, similar
gras, but the exact nature of the curse and die means of
lifting it should be tailored to your own campaign as a
adventure hook.
Fafnir’s Fair
Fafnir’s lair is a deep eave in a primal forest of gnarled
Regionai Effects
The region containing Fafnir's lair is warped by the
trees and twisted thornbushes where he jealously guards
lindwyrm's magic, which creates one or more of the
his hoard of treasure, hidden away from the eyes of thieves
following effects;
and would - be heroes.
Cursed Gold. Although the location of Fafnir's cave
• Thickets form labyrinthine passages within 1 mile
remains a mystery, skaldic legends tell of the vast,
of Fafnir's lair The thickets act as 10-foot-high,
glittering mountain of gold upon which the lindwyrm
to-foot -thick walls that blockline of sight
sleeps. Covetous even of other creatures' envy, Fafnir
Creatures can move through the thickets, with
himself encourages these tales by walking among
every 1 foot a creature moves costing it 4 feet of
humanoids in (hvarven form and luring treasure hunters
movement. A creature in the thickets must make a
to their doom In the deadly wilds of the poison woods.
DC 15 Dexterity saving throw once each round it's
in contact with the thickets or take J (ld6)
On initiative count 20(tosing initialise ties), Fafnir can piercing damage from thorns
take a lair action to cause one of the fallowing effects. He Each to-foot -cube of thickets has AC 5, Jo hit
can't use the same effect two rounds in a row: points, resistance to bludgeoning and piercing
damage, vulnerability to flte damage. and
• The allure of Fafnir's cursed hoard becomes immunity to psychic and thunder damage
briefly overwhelming in a 20 - fool - radius sphere • Within 1 mile of his lair, Fafnir leaves no physical
centered on a point Fafnir can see within 120 feet evidence of his passage unless he wishes to.
of It The sphere spreads around comers and Lisis Tracking him there is impossible except by
until initiative count 20 on the next round. Each magical means. In addition, he ignores movement
creature that starts Its turn in the cloud must impediments and damage from plants in this area
succeed on a DC 19 Wisdom saving throw or spend that arc neither magical nor creatures, Including
its turn within the sphere greedily shoveling gold the thickets described above. The plants remove
coins into its pockets and packs. A creature under themselves from the Fafnir’s path
this effect can instead choose to take a different • Small bodies of water within 1 mile of the lair
action or move outside the sphere but takes 28 become poisonous. A creature that drinks the
(Sdio) psychic damage and has disadvantage on water must succeed on a DC 19 Constitution
attack rolls and ability checks saving throw or become poisoned for 8 hours. An
• A toxic cloud of Fafnir's poison wafts through the affected creature can repeat the saving throw at
lair near Fafnir. Each creature within 120 feet of the end of each hour
Fafnir must succeed on a DC 19Constitution
savtng throw or take 5 (tdiu) poison and treat ail If Fafnir dies, the poisonous water becomes clean and the
other creatures as lightly obscured until the end thickets remain, but within ldio days, they become
of their next turn. mundane plants and normal difficult terrain, losing their
Fafnir , Eldritch Lindwyrm >t has total cover against attacks and other effects outside Fafnir, and it
Huge dr agem, neutral evil takes 21 |6d6) acid damage at the start of each of Fafnir's turns. Fafnir
can hove only one creature swallowed at a time.
Armor das s 19 ¡Natural Armor! If Fafnlr takes 30 damage or more on a ungle turn from the swallowed
Hit Points i I53(22dl2 ♦ 110) c feature. Fafnir must succeed an a DC IB Constitution saving throw at
Speed 50 It.. cl rnb 40 ft., swim 40 fl. t lie end of that turn or regur pt ate the creature, which falls prone in a
space within 10 feel of Faina. If Fafnir dies, a swallowed creature is no
STR DDt CON INT W1S CHA longer restrained by him and can escape from the corpse by using 15
25 (*7) 16|«3) 21 (*5) 12 (‘11 14 (*2) 15(*2) feet of mevement. exiting prone.
Poison Breath (AechargeS-t). Fafnir exhales venom in a 2D foot cone
Saving Throw» 5TR • 1 J, DE* «9, CON «11 Each creature In that cone must make a DC 20 Dexterity saving throw,
Skills Perception *M. Stealth ‘15 taking 66112d 10) poison damage on a failed save, or half as much
Damage tmmunrtiet Poison damage on a successful one
Condition immunities Poisoned
Change Shape. Fafnlr magically polymorphs Into a dwarven warlord or
Sonto» Darkvision 90h , Tremorsense 30 ft, Passwe Perception 24
back into his lindwyrm form. He reverts to its dwarven form if he dies
l anguage» Common. Draconic. Dwarvish
Any equipment he is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by the new
Challenge 17(18,000 XP1
form (Fafnir's choice).
In his dwarven form. Fafrw retains his alignment, hit pants. Hit Dice,
Cuno of Creed (Mythic Trait; Recharget otter o Short or long
ability to speak, proficiencies, legendary Resistance, lair actions, and
Rest). if Fafnir it reduced to 0 hit points, lie doesn't die or fall
mtelhgence, Wisdom, and Charisma scores, as well as this action His
unconscious Instead, he regains 170 hit points in addition, Fafnlr
statistics and capabilities are otherwise replaced by those of the new
plunges himself ésto his hoard of treasu re and emerges wit h a layer
form, except any class features or legendary actons of that form
of gold coins embedded in his scales, granting him 100 temporary
hit points.
Legendary Actions
Legendary tteihtonce (t/Doy). if Fafrar fails a saving throw, he can
Fafnir can take 3 legendary actions, choosi ng from the options below
choose to succeed instead.
Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the
Surprise Attock. if Fafnlr surprises a creatine and hits it with an end of another creature's turn Fafnir regains spent legendary actions at
attack during the first round of combat, the target takes an extra 10 rhe start of Its turn.
|3d6) damage from the attack
Move. Faina moves up to his speed without provoking opportunity
Muftiottocfc. Fafnir makes three attacks: two with ha bite and one to Detect. Fafrw makes a Wisdom i Perception! check.
constrict. Bite Attack Fafnir makes a bite attack.
Me. Melee Weapon Attack ♦ 13 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target Hit 23
13d 10 ♦ 7) piercing damage plus 11 l2dl0 I poison damage. Mythic Actions
Constrict. Meter Weapon Artock. *13 to hit, reach 5ft, one large or if Fafnir's mythic trait is active, he can use the opt axis below as
smaller creature Hit 23 (3di0* 7) bludgeoning damage The target* legendary actions for 1 hour after using Curse of Greed,
grappled (escape DC 181. Until this grapple ends, the creature is Shopping Jo*n. Fafnlr makes two attacks with Its bite.
restrained, and Fafnlr can't constrict another target Blinding Greed (Costs 2 action). The gold embedded in Fafnir 's scales
Swallow. Fafnir makes one bite attack against a Medium or smaller flashes brightly, compeikng nearby creatures to stare at C Each creature
target he >s grappling If the attack hits, the target •$ afso swallowed, and within 5 feet of Fafnir must succeed on a DC 16 Constitution saving
the grapple ends. Wh4e swallowed, the target is Winded and restrained, threw or be blinded until the end of the creature's next turn.
Insidious and malevolent, a mar a is a variety of hagai
known as a Night - Rider This kenning rrfers to their habit
of invading the dreams of sleeping victims while crushl
the Ufe from their bodies.
Although they mostly target the dreams of humanoids
and other sentient beings, a mara may also undertake
other acts of malice, such as riding animals to exhaustion
during the night, afflicting livestock, or assuming animal
form to infiltrate communities and cause discord wirliln
Mara - Dream. While a humanoid sleeps, a mara can
straddle the person ethereally and intrude upon its
dreams. Any creature with truesight can see the hag’s
spectral form straddling Its prey The ethereal hag fills her
victim's head with doubts and fears, in the hope of wea
down its will while growing its fear The hag continues tht
process until the victim finally expires in Its sleep. II
thwarted, the mara returns each night until successful of
slain. The survivor of such an attack will discover bruises*
on their body and other indications of crushing pressure
when they wake.
Solitary Slculkm. Unlike most other hags, maras do not
normally form covens. They make poor allies or servants,
even to their own kind, preferring instead to hoard the
power their dark magic grants them over helpless victims
all for themselves.

Maim (Nicht-Riiifr) 4th level (3 slotsl: phantasmal Miler, polymorph

Medium ky, neutral evil
5th level (2 stoul: enervation, tcrymg

Armor Class 17 (Natural Armorl 6th level 11 slot): eyebite

HR Points 112 (15dl * 451
Speed 30 ft Actions
Claws (Hog Form Only;. Melee Weapon Attack. *7 to hit, reach 5 ft. one
STR DEX CON INt WIS CHA target Nit 13 |2d8 • 4) slashing damage
161*4) 15|*2J 16 (*3) 161*31 14 (*2) 161*3)
Change Shope. The hag magically polymorphs into a Small or Medaim
female hiananoid. a large cat. or back into her true form. Her statistics
Skills Deception *6, ins/ght «S, Perception *5, Stealth •$ are the same in each form Any equipment she is wearing or carrying
Damage Resistances Cold. Fire; Bludgeoning, Piercing, and Slashing isn't transformed. She reverts to her true form if she dies
Irom Attacks that aren't Silvered
Cthereatoeu. The hag magically enters the Ethereal Plane from the
Condition Immunities C banned
Material Plane, or vice versa
Semes Dortrviston 120 ft, Passive Perception 15
languages Common, Primordial. Sylvan pide Dream il/OayJ. While on the Ethereal Plane, the hag magically sits
ChaUenge8 (3.900 XP) on the chest of a sleeping hienanoid on the Matenai Plane A protection
fmm evif and good spell cast on the target prevents this contact, as does
innote Spellcostiny The hag's innate spellcasting ability is Charisma a magic arde. As lang as the contact persists, the target has dreadful
(spell save DC 14. *6 to hit with spell attacks). She can innately cast the visions and feels a crushing weight on their chest. If these visons last for
f dlowing spells, requiring no material components: at least 1 hour, the target gains no benefit from 4s rest, and becomes
grappled lEscape DC 17). Until this graopíe ends, the creature is
At will: detect magic, frrr trait
restrained and Begins to suffocate until woken and freed from the
2/day each: plane (self only), toy of enfeebfement. strep grapple.
Moyic Resistance. T he hag has advantage on saving throws against
speib and other magical effects Reactions
Speikattmg. the hag is a 12th-leve< spelkaster Her spellcasting ability Dream Cater. When an unconscreen creature the hag can see within
is intelligence (spell save DC 14, «6 to hit with spell attacks. The hag has 30 feet of her regains consciousness, the hag can forte the creature
the following wizard spells prepared: to make a DC IS Wisdom saving throw Unless the save succeeds, the
creature takes 11 (2dl0) psychic damage, and the hag regains hit
1st level 14 slotsl: identify, ray of sá: Aneas
points equal to the amount of damage taken. A creature that is
2nd level |3slots): hold person, locate object rogaming consciousness from the hag's Ride Dream is immune to
3rd level 13 slots), bestow cune. countenpetl. phontom need this effect.
Merfrum Iwnonotd (merfolk). neutral

Armor Clru 12
Hit Point* 39 <6d8 ♦ 12)
Spood 10 ft., swim 40 ft


14 1*2) MW) 14 (*2) 181*4) 10(«O) 13|*1)

Saving Throw* DEX *4. INT *6. WIS *2

Skill* Aruna *6. Perception <2
Sen*ci dar k vision 60 ft_ passive Perception 12
Language* Aquan. Common
Challenge 1I2O1XP;

AmpWbtoui. The marfolk can breathe air and water

Mar folk fomigM. T ha marfolk can't be turpnsod and ha* advantage on
Like merfolk, a marmennill (feminine-, margygr) is an ■utwtive roll*.
aquatic humanoid with the lower body of a fish. They live irwxrte Speiicos ting. The marfolk's innate spe4castingability is
in the cold reaches off the shores of northlands and are intelligence I sped save DC 14). The marfolk can innately cast the
generally of hardier constitution than merfolk. following spelts, requiring no material components
Legend also ascribes the gift of foresight to the people of
At wilt: truestrAc. guidance
die sea. hut experience has taught them distrust ol
surface-dwellers. who often go to extreme lengths to take 3/day each augury.‘ detect mogic. ' locate otyncr ’
advantage of their prophetic ability. For dlls reason, l?day each: ctairvoywicr. ’legend tore.’ «crying. ' true toeing'
marfolk usually avoid contact with land -based •Divination spell ol 1st level or higher
settlements, living in close-knit and well - hidden tribal
Portent (Rechorget after the marfolk Cacti a Divination Spot of
communities far from shore
irt Level or Higher). When the marfolk or a creature < can see
Second Sight A mamwnnill or margygt' s foresight can
makes an attack roil, a saving throw, or an abilty check, the
take the form of sudden flashes of insight that help it avoid
marfolk can coll a d20 and choose to use this roll In place of the
danger or Intuit solutions. Talented margygur who apply
attack roll, saving throw, cm ability check.
themselves, however, might become accomplished
võlvas—powerful seeresses providing guidance to their
communities for generations.
Coral Sear. Melee Attack *4 to hit reach 5 ft., one target Hit 5
|ld6 • 2) piercing damage.
The nine realms of the Norse universe are all connected by
the branches of Yggdrasill, a vast ash tree that binds
together all existence Among the twisting roots of the
world-tree, there lives a creature that dwells In endless
darkness, an immense dragon that gnaws on the tree’s
roots and feasts upon the corpses of the dead.
Níòhõggr is one of the most terrifying figures attested in
all skaldic lore Extant texts evoke a massive beast of the
underworld, known as malice - striker, that devours the
undead remains of oath - breakers and other betrayers.
While associated with monsters that are classically
Identified as serpents, Ntòhúggr is simultaneously
depicted in a more traditionally draconic manner than
such creatures—notably tn that it has wings and can fly.
Doom Bnnger. Like ocher iconic creatures that appear In
the sagas, Ntòhõggr Is associated with certain cosmic
forces and has an important role to play in the Twilight of
the Gods. Malice - striker serves as standard - bearer for the
sweeping darkness, death, and corruption that will
overtake the world in the final days of Fimbuivefi.
Darkness Ráing. When Ragnarõk comes, the world - tree
will tear loose from its roots and Níôhõggr will fly forth
from its lair at Nastrond, bearing the legions of the dead
on its night -dark wings They will join with the children of
Loki and jotnar in the last battle against the gods.
Gorçonruoo dragon, neutra? Actions
Muttlottodr. Niôhòggr can use Its Frightful Presence it then makes
Armor CL*»» 21 (Natural Armor) three attacks: one with its claw, one with ns Gnashing Frenzy, and one
Hrt Point» 331 (17d2O* 153) with its maw
Clow. Mefee Weapon Anock ’18 to hit. reach target. Hit 23
(3d8 ♦ 10) piercing damage
30 (-10) 10(*D) 29 (*9) 15<‘2) 20 (»5) 17(43) Cnathing Treaty. Metee Weapon Aitor k ♦18 to hit, reach 10 ft, one
target. N< 38 (8d6 • 10) piercing damage.
Saving Throw» DEX •S.CON «17, WIS «13 Naw. Mefre Weapon Attack: ♦ 18 to hit. reach 10 ft.. one target. Hit: 29
Skills Perception >21 (3412 ♦ 101 ptarcingdamage plus 19 (3dl2l necrotc damage
Damage immunHies Acid, Necrotic, Poison. Bludgeoning. Piercing, and Frightful Pretente. Each creature of Nidhoggr's choice that is within
Slashing from Nonmag leal Attacks 120 feet ol Niôhòggr and aware of it must succeed on a DC 21 Wisdom
Condition Immunities Charmed. Frightened. Paralyzed, Poisoned, saving throw or become frightened for 1 minute. Acreature can repeat
Restrained the saving throw at the end of each of it* turns, ending the effect on
Sense* Biindsght 60ft., Darkvision 120ft., Passiva Perception 31 itself on a success, tf a creature's saving throw is successful or the effect
Language* Common, Oraconc ends f or A. the creat urc rs immune to Niôhòggr s Frightful Presence for
Challenge 26 (90.000 XP) the next 24 hours.
Necrotic Breath (Recharge 5-4). Niôhòggr enhiles decay and
Kean SmelL Niôhòggr has advantage on Wrsdom iPerceptionl checks
corruption in a 90-foot cone Each creature in that area must make a DC
that rely on smell
24 Constitution saving throw, taking 91 (26d6l necrotic damage on a
Disgorge Deod (Myth* Trait; Recfrorget after a Short or long Rett). if failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one.
N-dhoggr is reduced to 0 hit points, it doesn't die or tall unconscious
Instead, it regains 200 hi points and vomits the corpses of the slain it Legendary Actions
has devoured; 5 (Ida » 3) wights (without Suntght Sensitivity I arise In
Niôhòggr can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
unoc cupied spaces within 15 feet of Niôhòggr The wights act right after
below. Only one legendary an ion optan can be used at a time and only
Niôhòggr on the same nit iat ive count and fight unta they're destroyed.
at the end of another creature's turn Niôhòggr regam* spent legendary
They disappear when Niôhòggr is destroyed. In addition, Niôhòggr
actions at the start of rt» turn
regains 20 hit points at the start of its turn. It it takes radiant damage,
this trait doesn't function at the start of its next turn Niôhòggr dies only Detect. Niôhòggr make* a Wisdom Perception check
it it start* its turn with 0 hit points and doesn't regenerate, Claw Attack. Nôhoggr makes a claw attack
legendary Reiii ronce (3,■'Doy). if Niôhòggr fails a saving throw, It can Maw (Costs 2 Actions). Niôhòggr make* a maw attack.
choose to succeed instead
Mogic Weapons NMhOggfs attack* count a* magical for the purpose of Mythic Actions
overcoming resistance and immunity to nonmagic al attacks and if Niôhòggr * rnytfuc trait is active, it can use the options below as
damage legendary actions for 1 hour after using Disgorge Dead
Siege Monitor. Niôhòggr deals double damage to object* and Roke. Niôhòggr makes two attacks with its daws
Disgorge (Cost* J action»). NidbOggr vomit* 2 additional wight* in the
Sped Printout Hide. Niôhòggr has advantage on saving throws against same manner os It* mythre trait.
spelt, and any creature that makes a spell attack against Niôhòggr has
disadvantage on the attack roll
nidi ioggr's Lair
Nidhõggr makes its lair in a dread hall with north - facing
doors located on the darkened shores of Nâstrõnd in the
underwork! of Heiheimr There it feasts ravenously on the
corpses of those who died dishonorably until the coming of
Ifen of Serpents and IJnpair. The roof of Nâstrõnd flail
drips with deadly venom, which Is created by the
innumerable serpents that wind over its walls and
structure. Wading through wild streams, the ranks of the
envious and treacherous dead file ceaselessly toward the
shadowy hall and the fate that awaits them there.

(Xi initiative count 2O( losing initiative ties), Niôhòggr can
take a lair action to cause one of the fallowing effects. It
can't use the same effect two rounds in a row

• Nidhõggr causes the snakes that inhabit its lair to

lunge from a point it can sec within 150 feet of it
Each creature within 20 feet of that point must
succeed on a DC 19 Constitution saving throw or
take 5 (2<U) piercing damage and become
poisoned until the end of its next turn.
• Níòhòggr causes the corpses In Its lair to unleash
a horrid wailing in a 20-foot-radius sphere
centered on a point Nidhõggr can see within 120
feet of it which has unnerving effects on non­
undead creatures that hear it Each creature
wtthin 20 feet of that point must succeed on a DC
19 Wisdom saving throw or have disadvantage on
melee attack rolls. Strength checks, and Dexterity
checks until the end of Its next turn. On a níòhòggr as a Mythic Encounter
successful save, a creature is immune to this Nidhõggr numbers among the most powerful creatures a
effect for to minutes. group of adventurers might face. If you wish to make an
encounter with Malke Striker truly legendary, Nidhõggr
might use its Disgorge Dead mythic trait When this
REGIONAL EFITCTS happens, It calls upon a reserve of strength just as It
The region containing Nídhóggr's lair is warped by its appears to be vanquished and summons more foes to the
presence, which creates one or more of the following battlefield After these wights emerge, Nidhõggr can
effects: choose one of its mythic actions when it uses a legendary
• The land approaching the shore of Nâstrõnd 1$ Read or paraphrase the following text when Nidhõggr
run with rivers and streams through which the uses its DLsgorge Dead trait:
dead march. These rivers are difficult terrain.
• The groaning and wails of the marching dead
echo through the air and can be heard from 1
The nightmare dragon unleashes a shrieking roar,
mile away.
thrashing its mighty skull from side to side as it
• Creeping shadows ding to the ground within
vents its rage. A gout of black bile spews forth
500 feet of Nídhóggr's lair The shadows
from Its terrible maw, strewing the ground before
occasionally take eerie forms, such as grasping
it with blood-slick, half-devoured corpses.
claws and writhing serpents.
Mai Ice-striker lets loose another ear-splitting
scream as the corpse-warriors rise to their feet,
If Nidhõggr dies, the dead lose their supernatural
compulsion to march toward the hall of Nástrõnd. Other
regional effects end after tdio days.

fighting Nidhõggr as a mythic encounter is equivalent to

taking on two CR 26 creatures in one encounter. Award a
party XP for defeating Nidhõggr after it use*
Disgorge Dead.

Nokkar arc mercurial, shapcchanging spirits that inhabit
bodies of water. They arc natural enchanters but vary
widely in disposition and so may choose to use their power
for good or Ul
A nokk's humanoid form can be male, female, or
without gender and can also shift throughout their
lifespan They lack the modesty of other species and have
no taboos regarding nudity, though a no Ide might present
itself in dripping wet clothes that are otherwise
appropriate to the onlooker, should such
better suit its mood or purpose.
A nokk with wicked intent (or one that is forced to
defend itself) will take advantage of its natural
environment, where it can become invisible at will. Using
Its various charms, the spirit will draw a target into the
water with itself. Once submerged, the nokk will maintain
the enchantment as long as possible, weaving Its hypnotic
song until the target allows itself to drown.
Singing Succor. A nokk's song is not only a weapon but
can have restorative power as well. Indeed, obtaining the
goodwill of such a spirit can mean the difference between
life and death for a traveler in need. Nokkar hove also been
known to raise the fortunes of an individual, provided
something of suitable value is offered in return.
Foraf Steed. In conditions of heavy fog, some nokkar may
venture from their domain in the form of a white horse
Unwary souls who attempt to ride the polymorphed nokk
will find themselves unable to dismount and driving hard is wearing or carryingisn t tranitormed it revert 4 to its true
toward a watery doom at the bottom of the nokk's lair. it <fcC4.
A creature that touches the nakk wfvle It is in hone farm must
succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or become grappled
I Escape DC 16). Until the grapple ends, t he tar get« restrained and
Medium fey. any alignment considered riding the nokk as an uncontrolled mount The nokk
can end this effect at will.
Armor Clan 15 (Natural Armor)
¡ Hit Points JI (7dB) Actions
Spaed JO ft., swim 30 ft. Slam. Melee weapon attack «Oto hit. reach 5 ft target Hit
1 bludgeoning damage
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA Drowning Song. The nekk chooses one humanoid «can see
10 (*01 16 («3) 11W) 15 i *2) 131*3) IS (*4) within 150 feet oí It If the target can hear the nakfa the target
must succeed on a DC 14 Wisdom saving throw or be mage ally
Skills Deception «6. Performance •!. Persuasion <6 c/iorrned while the nokk maintains concentration, up to 10
t Damage Resistances Psychic minutes las if concentrating on a spell),
Damage Immunities Poison The chormed target a incapoataied and instead of holdmg its
■ Condition Immunities Charmed. Frightened. Poisoned breath inderwater it tries to breathe normally, immediately
I Sc nsei paservv Prrrrpturn 11 running out of breath unless « can breathe water
I Languages Common, Sylvan If the charmed target is more than 5 feet away from the nokk.
Challenge 2 (450XP) the target must move on its turn towardthe nokk bythe mod
direct route, trying to get within 5 feet. It doesn’t avoid
Amphibiout Music. I he nokk can breathe air and water tt can also opportiairty attacks.
I sing and be heard underwater, The effect ends if the target can no longer hear the nokk. Before
innote Speilcomng, "he nokk's spekcastmg ability Is Chansma moving Into damaging terrain, such as a campfire or a pc and
(spell save DC 14). It can innately cast the following spells, whenever it takes damage from a source other than the nokk or
inquiring no material components drowrang, the target can repeat the savmg throw Acharmed
target can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each o< its
At will friends
turns. If the saving throw is success! U, the effect ends on It
I 3/day cokn emotions, charm person A target that successfully saves has advantage on saving throws
I li'day each enthrall against the nokk's Drowning Song for 24 hours
Aquatic InvidblUty. If Immersed in water, the nokk can make itself Sweet Song of Rett Creatures of the nokk's choice who can hear
invrsiWr as a bonus action. It remains irwaibfe untilrtleaves the its performance during a long rest regain all spent Hit Dice and
water, ends the etvslbi*ty as a bonus action, or dies. gain 10 temporary ht points

Few nokkar's names are known to mortals—or if they an? Actions
known, it is In the cautionary tales of grim villagers, with
Bardic incplration (1/iong ar chart rett). As a bonus action.
monikers like “the fair maid of the river” and so forth Fossegrim can give one chosen creature (o ther than hen) a <K
Fossegrim is the exception. inspeation die The chosen creature must be within 60 feet of
A renowned skald and master musician, the tales of
Fosseghm and able to hear him O nce w ithin the next 10
Fossegrim's virtuosity have spread far and wide. These
minutes, the creature can roll the die and add the number
legends speak of a mirthful spirit that dwells in the fine
rolled to one ability check, attack roll, or saving throw it
mist of a waterfall, whose mystic lays can compel the
makes. The creature can u se t he inspirat ion die after the roll is
mighty to yield and the lame to dance.
made but before the DM says whether it succeeds or falls Once
Hidden Teacher. Fossegrim is a wise spirit and may be
the inspiration die is rolled, it is lost A creature can have only
inclined to share his knowledge, should a worthy student
one inspiration die at a time.
present them self. This hope has led many a would-be
apprentice to leave home and hearth with the goal of Stem. Meter weapon attack «Oto ha. reach} ft, one target Hr
) bludgeoning damage
learning his secrets It is said that the teachings of
Fossegrim will cause the fingers of his students to Taunt llDay/. Fossegrim can use a bonus action on hrs turn to
bleed, though once learned, the resulting music can target one creature within .10 feet of IL If the target can hear
command the very trees to attend and move In time Fossegrim, the target must succeed on a DC 17 Charisma saving
throw or have disadvantage on ability checks, attack rolls, and
saving throws until the start of Fossegn m's next turn
Medrum fey, any alignment Drowning Song. Fossegrim chooses one humano*) he can see
wkhin 150 feet of him If the target can hear Fossegnm. the target
must succeed on a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or be magically
chormed while Fossegnm maintains concentration, up to 10
mmutes (as rf concentrating on a spell
The cbormed target is incapacitated and instead of holding its
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA breath underwater it tries to breathe normally, immediately
10|*0| U(M| 12 (*1) 15 (*2) 161*31 21 (*5) running out of breath unless It can breathe water
If the charmed target is more than 5 feet away from Fossegrim.
Saving Throws WIS *6, CHA •# the target must move on its turn toward Fossegrim by the
Skill» Insight -6. Percepoon ‘6. Performance • 1 J. Persuasion »A direct route, trying to get within 5 feet It donnT avoid
Damage Resistances Psychic opportunity attacks
Damage Immunities Poison The effect ends If the target can no longer hear Fossegrim.
Condition Immunities Charmed. Frightened. Poisoned Before moving into damaging terrain, such as a campfire or a pit
Sen »es passive Perception 16 and whenever <t takes damage from a source other than Fossegnm
Languages Common. Dwarvlsh. Elvish, Giant Sytvan or drowning, the target can repeat the saving throw. A charmed
target can also repeat the saving throw at the end of each of its
Challenge 7 (2300 XP)
turns if the sawng throw Is successful, the effect ends on it.
Amptiibroui Musk. Fossegnm can breathe a« and watet. He can A taiget that successfully saves has advantage on saving throws
also ung and be heard underwater. against the Fossegrim's Drowiwig Song for24 hours.

Innate Spellcacting. Fauegnm's spellcmting atxkty n Chansma Sweet Song of Best. Creatures of Fossegnm's choice who can hear
(spell save DC 17). He can innately cast the following speBs, his performance during a long rest regam all spent Hit Dice and
gain 10 temporary hit pools
requiring no motenal components
At will; fnendt. tncloui mockery

3,‘day calm emotrom, charm penan, tirçge&on
Vdoy each enthrall, Mdeoui laughter. otto s irresistible dance
Aquatic ImMbiNty. if immersed in water, Fossegrim can make
himself iiwisible as a bonus action. It remains rnvisiWe until he
leaves the water, ends the mviwbikty as a bonus action, ar dies
Brook Norse. Fmsegnm can use his action to polymorph erto a
ndmg horw or back into his true form While m this form he retains
his alignment, personality, and intelligence, Wisdom, and
Charisma scores, as well as his Amphibious trait Any equipment
he is wean ng or carrpng isn't transformed. He reverts to his true
town «f he the*
A creature that touches Fossegrim while he is in horse form
must succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or become
grappled (Escape DC 16). Until the grapple ends, the target is
rntiained and considered tiding Fossegrim as an uncontrolled
mount. Fossegrim
Warriors who die well in battle are honored by the£sir.
Half of these join Freya on the shining field of Fólkvangr,
where they are honored and made part of her revered host.
The other half are borne to Valhalla by female riders that
serve the AU- father directly. Those fallen warriors become
die Einherjar and the shieidmaidens that choose them
from among the slain are called valkyrjar.
Peerless Warrtoresus. A Valkyrie's existence is in all ways
oriented around the practice of war. As such, they arc
consummate shieidmaidens, given names that often evoke
the crush of battle, such as “helm-crasher," "tumult,"
and "victory-rune." When they appear, they are usually
clad tn mail and mounted on warhorses that can traverse
the very sky.
Odin "» Handmaidens. Although not born of the mortal
realm, valkyrjat often serve as an extension of the All­
father's will in Miògardr Those tasked with this duty may
Interact a great deal with mortals and some forge
meaningful relationships over time. The outcome of more
than one battle has been decided because such a Valkyrie
chose to enter the fray alongside individuals that earned
their respect or exhibited great valor.
There are even attestations of love- relationships
existing between valkyrjar and certain heroes, occasionally
resulting tn marriage or children.

Sanngridr, Valkyrie Paragon

As with any warrior host, the valkyrjar include among their
numbers certain champions that arc true exemplars of
their warrior creed. These paragons vary as widely in
personality and goals as humanoids do. but all can readily
point to a long list of deeds provi ng a history of glory in
battle, Ihey can usually be found fighting in the vanguard
or leading other valkyrjar into battle against Odin's
Sanngrlòr is one such paragon. As one might expect of a
warrior whose name means "vehemence," she is known
for a ferocity in battle that borders on zealotry. The
unrelenting scorn with which she regard* her enemies Is
such, in fact, that many of Sanngrlòr'$ fellow
shieidmaidens would call It cruelty—If they ever found
themselves on the wrong end of her war spear. As It
stands, however, most valkyrjar are fust grateful Sanngridr
is on their side

Vai.kyrif equipment it I* wearing or carrying, While mounted and not
Medium cele diol, lawful neutral incapacitated, the vakyrie can't be surprised. and both it and its mount
have advantage on Dexterity saving throws. If the valkyne is reduced to 0
Armor Class 20 (Natural. Shield) hit points while tiding Its mount, the mount is reduced to 0 ha points as
MM Point* 161I17d8 ♦ 851 well
Speed 30 ft
STB DEX CON IMT WIS CHA Muf tfottack. The valkyne makes two attacks with Its radiant spear
JOI’S) 161*3) 201*5) 1S(*J) JI 1*5) 191*4)
Jtodrant Spear. Metae Weapon Mock: ‘9 to hit, reach 10 ft., one target
Hit 12 (2d6 • 5) piercing damage plus 10I3d6l radiant d amage
Saving Throw* STR «9, CON *9, WIS «9, CHA «8
Skill* Athletic* *9, History *6, invght *9, Perception «9 Choose rhe Stain. I he vakyrie targets a humanoid within 10 feet of it
Damage Immunities Radiant that ha* been dead for no longer than 1 minute and died bravely. The
Condition Immunities C hatmed. Exhaustion, f tigh tened target's spirt rises as an Emherji warrior ei the space of its corpse or In
Sense* Truesight 120 ft. Passive Perception 19 the nearest unoccupied space. The Elnherji is friendly to the valkyne and
languages Common follows its verbal commands I no action tequ>red| The vakyrie can have
Challenge 12 IB.400 XP) no mere than seven Emberjar under its command at one time

fndomitoNe (2/Dcy). if the vaikyrle fails a saving throw. It can choose to Legendary Actions
succeed instead. The vakyrie can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options
Innate Spedcatting. The valkync's ipellcasting ability is Wisdom (sped below. Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and on»y
save DC 17, *9 to hit with spell attacks! Thevakynecan Innately cast at the end of another creature's turn. The vakyrie regains spent
the following spells, requinngno material components: legendary action* at the start of its turn.
Atta ck. The valkyne makes a r adía nt spear att ack or cast s guiding bolt
Al will: command, guiding boll. ipare the dying
1/dayoach: crutoder't montle Command Ally. The valkyne targets one ally it can see withm 30 feet of
It. If the target can see and hear the valkyne, the target can make one
Magic RetiMonce. T he valkyne has advantage on saving throws against
weapon attack as a reaction and gains advantage on the attack rolL
spelts and other mapcal effects.
Coordinated Assault (Costs 2 Actions). Th* valkynemake* a radiant
Mount, if the valkyrie isn't mounted, it can use a bonus action to
spear attack, and then its mount can use fls reaction to make a melee
mapcally teleport onto the pegatia serving as its moint, provided the
weapon attack
valkyrie and it* mount are on the same plane of existence. When it
teleports, the vakyrie appear* astride the mount, along with any
Medium celestioi, Imvful neutral

Armor Class22 (Natural, Shieidl

Hit Points 210 (20d»‘ 120)
Speed 30 ft


22 (*4) 19 IM) 23(*41 1S|*2| 221*4) 19 (M)

Saving Throws STR *13. CON *13, WIS *13.CHA *11

Skills Athletics *13. History *9. m sight «13. Perception «13
Damage Immunities Radiant
Condition immunities Charmed. Exhaustion, Fnghtened
Senses Truesçht 120 ft. Passwe Perception 23
languages Common
Challenge 21 i33£OOXP|

Indomitable <3,'Day). If Sanngridr (ads a savmg throw, she can

choose to succeed Instead

At wtt commond, gudng Mt spore the dying

I/day each aun of life, compelled duel crusoefer s monde, spirit
Mogfc Resistance. Sanngridr has advantage on saving throws
against spelts and other magical effects
Mount It Sanngridr isn't mounted, she can use a bonus action to
magically teleport onto the peprnut serving as her mount,
provided Sanngnflr and her mount are on the Mme plane ol
existence When she teleports, SanngriOr appears astride the
mount, along with any equipment she is wearing or carrying While
mounted and not incapacitated, Sanngridr cant be surprised, and
both she and her mount have advantage on Deetenty saving
throws If SanngriOr is reduced toO hit points while riding her
mount, the mount is reduced to 0 hit points as wH Legendary Actions
Sanngridr can take J legendary actions, r hoosing from the options
Actions below Only one Irgcndary action option can be uted at a time and
MirttiottocA. Sanngndr makes two attacks with h er raikant spear only at the end of another c features turn Sanngridr rega ns spent
legendary actions at the start of her turn
Rodion r Spear. Melee Weapon Attach. • 13 to hit. reach 10 It. one
I target Hit. 16 (3d6 « 6) piercing damage plus 10 (3d6) radiant Attack. Sanngnflr makes a radiar» spear attack or casts guidng
I damage bolt

Choose the Slowi. San ngridr targets a humanrwi within 10 feet of Command ANy. Sanngndr targets one aUy she can see within 30
i her that has been dead for no longer than 1 minute and died feet of her. if the target can see and hear Sanngndr. the target
1 bravely The target's spirit rises as an Ei nherji warrior in the space can make one weapon attack as a reaction and gains advantage
r* o< its corpse or in the nearest unoccupied space. The Bribery is on the attack roll.
friendly to Sanngrldr and follows her verbal commands (no action Coordinated Assault I Costs 2 Actions). Sanngridr makesa
requredl. Sarmgrtftr can have no more than seven Einherjar under radiant spear attack, and then her mount can use Its reaction to
her command at one time. make a melee weapon attach.

In every culture, there is a story of a creature that
embodies some of the most deeply buried fears lurking In
their collective unconscious - a monster composed of pure
malice and insidious darkness For Norse peoples, this role
is filled by a shapeshifting terror known as the valravn.
A valravn isa fallen hjalnur, a helmed warrior that can
assume humanoid, raven, or half - bestial form. They are
deadly fighters with blade and shield, augmenting their
martial prowess with eldritrh magic.
Raven of the Stain. Norse skalds, who generally avoided
binary depictions of good and evil, described the origins of
a valravn as a gruesome ritual beginning with the death of
a royal individual or an Innocent Should a raven be
permitted to feast on the corpse or heartsblood of such a
person, a valravn could emerge, shedding its animal shape.
For this reason, when a king or queen falls in battk*, their
corpse must always be recovered and given proper burial
rites, lest it fall prey to battlefield scavengers and create an
unthinkable horror.
Shapeshifting Villains. A valravn retains the wisdom of
the being from which It spawned, as well as that of any
creature whose heart It devours. They can pass for human
and will take advantage of this fact to manipulate their
victims, often striking predatory bargains with individuals
in need to further their dark aims.
Legendary Evil. A valravn is a tough foe that can serve as
a longterm antagonist to a party of adventurers. For less
formidable encounters, you can adjust its difficulty by
ignoring or reducing the number of their legendary

VaihavnsasMmiik I.moiisiirs Jffl

A legendary valravn presents a serious threat to even high -
level characters, but you can increase the challenge by
using the Death of Many Forms trait. When this happens,
the valravn casts off each of its forms in succession to sited
its wounds, and then It can choose one of Its mythic J|
actions when it uses a legendary action.
Read or paraphrase the following text when the vateWfl
finally uses its Death of Many Forms trait.

A piercing cry rings out like a screaming birdcall

The very skin of the creature before you splits
Iopen with the sound of rending flesh, falling away
like a wet cloak as a new menacing shape emerges
from beneath with a bestial grin, ready to strlkr.

Fighting a valravn as a mythic encuuntc i is equivalent to

taking on two CR17 creatures in one erx < lunter Award .1
party 36,000 XP fot defeating the valravnafter ituse»
Death of Many Forms.
Vairavn 4th level<3 slots): banishment, Maggenng smite
Medium momfrosity, neufrni evil
5th level (2 slots): destructive wove (necrotic)

Armor Class 20 (Plate. Shield!

Nit Pointe 180 (19d8 *95)
Speed 30 ft., fty 50 II in raven and raven hybrid loma Multi attack. The vairavn makes three melee attacks
Beak (Haven or Hoven Hybrid Form Only). Mdec Wf opon Attack *8 to
STR DEX CON INT WIS CHA hit, reach 5 ft. one target Hit’ 1 piercing damage, plus 9 |2d8i necrotic
20(*5| 14 (♦» 20 (♦51 15 (*2) 16f*3) 181*41 damage ei raven form, or 4 (ld4 • 2) piercing damage, plus 18 |4d8i
necrotic damage In hybnd form
Saving Throw» DEX -8, WIS *■>. CHA ♦ 10 Bite (Wolf Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Attack *11 to hit. reach 5
Skill» Deceptcn *10, Percept on *9 ft., one target Hit: 10 Ud8 • 6) piercing damage, plus IB |4dB) necrotic
Damage immunitie* Necrotic. Poison. Bludgeoning. Piece eig. and damage.
Slashing from Nonmagrcal Attacks that aren't Silvered
Cfows IWolf Hybrid Form Only). Melee Weapon Aitock <11 to hit. reach 5
Condition Immunities Exhaustion. Frightened, Poisoned
ft., one creature. Hit 11 (2d4 • 6) slashing damage plus 18 |4d8l necrotic
Senses Da/kvrsion 120 It. Passive Percepton 19
Language* the languages its progenitor knew an Ide
Challenge IT(18.000 XP) longsword (Humanoid or Hybrid Forms Only). Melee Weapon Attack
•11 to hit. reach 5 ft. one tArget Hit 10 (ld8 • 6) tlasheig damage, or 11
Sba pec hanger rhe valravn can uv it* action to polymorph into a raven, (IdlO • 6) slashing damage if used with two hands, plus 18 (4d8l necrotic
a raven lumanoid hybnd or into a wolf humanoid hybnd, or back into damage.
it* humanoid form. • * statistic s. other than it* u re, are the same in each
form. Any equipment it is wearing or carrying is absorbed or borne by
the new form (the vairavn'* choice) Parry, t he vairavn adds 6 to it* AC against one melee attack that would
Death of Many Form (Mythic Trait. Pechorges after a Short or long hit it To do so. the vairavn must see the attacker and be wielding a
melee weapon
Pest). When a vairavn Is reduced to 0 hit points. It doesn't die or fall
unconscious. Instead, the damage forces It to change into a different
form using its shapechanger trait and It regains 100 h« points. It cannot
Legendary Actions
use <s normal raven form or a form that has previously been reduced to The vairavn can take 2 legondary actions, choosmg from the options
0 hit pomte. Each subsequent form has 100 hit pools and the vairavn below. Only one legendary acton option can be used at a time and only
must assume a new form eac h time it is reduced to 0 hit points When it at the end of another creature's turn. The valrawi regains spent
has no forms left, the vairavn becomes a normal raven, if the vairavn legendary actions at the start of its turn.
finishes a short or long rest and is not m normal raven form. It heals and Mo ve. T he vairavn moves up to its speed
any lost farms are restored. The vairavn dies when all of Its forms are
Weapon Attack. The vairavn makes a weapon attack
Swarm (Costs 2 Actions), f ho vairavn causes two swarm* of rosen* (see
Atopic Pesa ronce. T he vairavn has advantage on saving throws against
the MonsterManual) to appear in unoccupied spaces within 5 feet of
spells and other magical effects.
it The swarms are allied to the vairavn and act in its defense.
Mimicry. The vairavn can mimic simple sounds it has heard, such as a
person whispering, a baby crymg, or an animal differing. A c reature that Mythic Actions
hear* the sounds can tell they are imitation* with a successful DC 15 8 the vairavn's mythic trait is active. It can use the options below as
Wisdom (Insightl check. legendary actions for 1 hour after using Death of Many Forms.
Speffcouing. i he vairavn ts a 19th4evel spellcaster Its spellcasbng Bloodies. Ttie vairavn makes two weapon attacks
atjikty is Charisma (spell save DC 18, * 10 to hit with spell attacks! it has
Word of Dark Seiflr (Costs 2 ActionsThe vairavn speaks forbidden
the followeig paladin spells prepared
magic Each creature within 10 feet of the vairavn loses concentration
1st level 14 slats): command, compelled duel, searing unite
on any active spell it has cast and must succeed on a DC 21
2nd level 13 slots): hold person, mogk weapon Consteutnn saving throw, or take 26 (4dl2) necrotic damage
3rd level |3 slotsl: dispel magic, elemental weapon
Vargai are wolves of immense size, known for their
viciousness and raw strength. Bred tn the iron-wood of
Jãmviôr by a monstrous jotnar woman, a vargr possesses
greater running than most beasts, but is driven by an
insatiable hunger and thirst for violence.

Tin Harriers: Hati andSkôi.i

The vargr Hati's name means “hating -one," and his
cruelty is matched only by that of his brother, Skbll, whose
name means "mocking-one " Sired by Fenrlr, these vargar
exist In a state of unending pursuit. Hat I chases the Moon
relentlessly through the night sky as Skull hounds the Sun
throughout the day without tepneve.
Like their father, the fate of both Hati and SkOll is
Inexorably tied to Ragnarbk, and the Haniers each have a
particular role In the Twilight of the Gods. Both will finally
end their long hunts, catching and devouring their prey,
casting the world into final darkness.
Vargr Harrier Hati and Skoi i )
Huge monstrosity, unowned

Armor Claw 16 (Natural Armorl Armor Class 17 INaturai Armor)

Nit Point» 94 (M12 • 36) Hit Points 161 [14dl2‘ 70)
Speed 45 ft


24 (*T) 151*2) 21(*51 111*01 16 (»3) »l-l)

Saving Throws STR *12, CON ‘10, WIS <8

Skills Athletics «12, Perception *13. Stealth *T
Condition Immunities Frightened
Santes Passive Pprceptxin 23
Languages Common. Dwacnsh, f Irish (can understand but not
Challenge 13 (10,000 XFJ

Keen Hearing and Smell. T he vargr has advantage on Wisdom Meen Hearing and Smell. lhe harrier has advantage on
(Perception) checks that rely on heanng or smell. Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on hearing or smell.

Pock Tactics The vargr has advantage on attack tols agamst a Pock Tactic». Ti* harrier has advantage on attack tolls agamst a
creature K at least one of the vargr's allies is within 5 feet of the creature it at least one of the harrier's allies is within 5 feet at the
creature and the ally isn't incapacItated. creature and the ally isn't incapacitated

Actions Actions
Muttiattack. The vary makes two melee attacks. Muitlottoch. The harrier makes two melee attacks

Bending Bite. Melee Weapon Mock «9 to hit. reach 5 ft, one Heading Bite. Matte Weapon Mock • 12 to Nt, reach 5 ft,
target. Hit. 17 (2d 10 ♦ 6) piercing damage If the target is a target Hit lB(2dlO* 7) piercing damage If the target is a
creature, it mint succeed on a DC 16 Strength saving throw or be creature, it must succeed on a DC 18 Strength sawng throw or be
knocked prone If the target Is already prone, the vargr can make knocked prone, If the target is already prone, the harrier can make
one bite attack agamst it as a bonus action, one bite attack against it as a bonus action

ffovenlng Feost The vargr feasts on the corpse o< one enemy ftovenrnp Feast. The harrier leasts on the corpse of one enemy
within 5 feet of it that died within the past minute, gaining 10 within 5 leet of H that died within the past minute, gaining 10
tern por ary hit points for the ne«t 10 minutes Each creature of the temporary hit points lor the neat 10 minutes. Each creature of the
vatgr’s choice that is imthm 60 feet of it and able to see x must harrier's choice that Is within 60 feet of it and able to see X must
succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or be frightenedof it lor succeed on a DC 16 Wisdom sad ng thr ow or be frightened of >t for
1 minute. A creature can repeat tlie sawng throw at the end of 1 minute. A creature can repeat the saving throw at the end of
each of Ks turns, ending the effect an Itself on a success. If a each of its turns, endmg the effect on itself on a success if a
creature s saving throw is successful or the effect ends for It, the creature's saving thro* n successful or the effect ends far it. the
creature is immune to the vargr s Ravening Feast for the next 24 creature is immune to the harrier's Ravening Feast for the nest 24
A võrôr is a kind of guardian spirit that watches over a soul
through ail the days of their life. They are incorporeal
beings but can manifest certain minor effects in the
physical world, appearing, very rarely, as aspark of light
or humanoid shape.
Lingering Bond Some varòir manage to endure beyond
the death of their ward soul, perhaps afflicting an
individual tied to the loss or lingering in a place of
personal significance. A bereft vdrdr might respond kindly
toward those willing to avenge their fallen companion or
complete an unfinished task on their behalf
With the DM’s permission, a person who casts the find
familiar spell can choose to conjure a vtirftr instead of the
listed options.

Vow OR
Tiny celestial. neutro! good

Armor Class 11
Hrt Points 5 <2d4)
Speed Oft, By 50 ft


1(-5| 13C1I 10 («O) 13 Ml 141-2) 11 (*0)

Damage Resistances Acd. Cold. Fee, Lightning. Necrotic,

Thunder. Bludgeoning. Piercing, and Slashing from Nonmagcal
Oamaga Immunities Poisoned
Condition immunities fahaustion. Grappled.Paralysed.
Pononed, Prone. Restrained, Unconscious
Senses Daricvlsion 120 ft. Passive Perception 12
languages Understands all languages IM can't speak them
Challenge 1/4 (SO XP)

Ephemera/, The Vbrdr can't wear or carry anything.

Innate Spelkoiting. The VOrbr'smnate spellcastlng ability Is
Wisdom (spell save DC 12). It can Innately cast the following
spells, requiring no components:
At will: dancing befits, dnik/craft
Incorporeal Movement. The Vordr can move through other
creatures and objects as If they were difficult terrain. It takes 5
(ldlO) force damage 4 it ends its turn inside an object
Limited Telepathy. The Vordr can magically communicate
simple ideas, emotions, and images telepathically wrth any
creature within 100 feet of it that can understand a language
Varioble I Hum) notion. The Vordr sheds bnght light In a 5- to
20-foot radius and dim light for an additional number of feet
equal to the chosen radius The VOrdr can alter the radius asa
bonus action.
familiar. The Vórôr can serve another creature as a familiar,
forming a magic, telepathic bond with that willing companion
While the two are bonded, the companion can sense what the
vordr senses as long as they are within 1 mile of each other. At
any time and for any reason, the vordr can end fts service as a
familiar, ending the telepathic bond

Superior Invisibility. The VOrdr and ns light maglcaRy become
invisible until its concentration ends (as II concentrating on a
Chapter 2:
Player Options


"Mony places are there, and glorious Thai which
Álfheimr is one, where dwell the peoples called Light-
but the Dark- Lives dwell down in the earth, and they tire
unlike in appearance, but by far more unlike in nature "

—Snorri Sturlson, Gytfoglnnmgof the Prose

Translated by Arthur Gilchrist Brod

Alfar are the archetypical elves of Norse mythology. As

such, they share some traits with the classical DAD elf,
which is to some extent derived from the Tolkien elf. As
noted in Chapter 1, however, the skalds imagined the alfar
as beings possessing certain traits that are more
commonly ascribed to celestials or dwarves in traditional
fantasy depictions
To create elven player characters that are more closely-
aligned with Norse themes, use the below variant features
in place of the standard elven race and subraces found in
the Player's Handbook.

Tut Light and rm Dark

Though a clear dichotomy exists between the IfósAlfar and
dõkkálfar, It Is a difference In culture and primordial
nature, not moral disposition. They can both more
accurately be thought of M keepers of ancient knowledge
and magical lore, bound to the world but not entirely of it
in the same manner as traditional DA Delves

Magic ai. Crafters

Of what value Is ancient knowledge if you never put it to
good use?
The alfar are dedicated artisans, renowned throughout
the nine realms for stunning feats of architecture and
magical craftwork. These achievements instill a deep sense
of family pride in many álfr houses that other folk may
find arrogant or off -putting. Alfar tend to sec this as a
different form of the same competitive streak that other
raen express in feats of strength or lyrical virtuosity,
however, and their best artisans generally stand ready to
answer any challenge Impugning their skill.

Hau and Hihitage LIÕSÁI.FH
As a Ijósálfr, you possess a disciplined mind, well - adapted
Though their realms and creations arc wonderous in
to the pursuit of higher knowledge and arcane power. As a
nature, the attestations of the Alfar suggest their society is
being closely tied to primordial light, you can call upon the
structured much like that of humans Their leaders rule
radiant energy within your soul, dispelling darkness at
from large halls, which are multipurpose buildings serving
both as home and as gathering place. Those who build
Dwelling In vast halls of near-celestialbeauty.the
halls use them to maintain rhe support of their retainers by
IjósAlfar are somewhat more removed from the mundane
hearing their petitions and rewarding loyalty with feasting
affairs of the world than their dôkkãlfar kin The light elves
and gifts.
regard host-obligation as an inviolable bond, however,
and the gleaming walls of their homes are built for more
ÁI.IR Names than just the pursuit of mystic wisdom. When Ragnarôk
Allr names typically have meanings that express traits comes, it is the Ijõsálfar who will provide shelter to the
which are valued In their culture, or which are associated souls of the dead through die destruction of the world.
with images of light or darkness. Alfar do not normally They see themselves as stewards and guardians,
have surnames, relying instead on nicknames. They also preserving the past for the world reborn
use patronymics and metronymics (“son of. " or Ljósálfar can be of any complexion, but their features
"daughter of.."). have an otherworldly aspect and their skin has shining,
Mak Names: Alviss, Bláinn. Durinn, Fáinn, Finnr, Gloni, almost luminous quality
Hanan Brighter than the Sun. You know the light cantrip Once
Female Names: Astrid, livala, Uv, Revna, Runa, Solvelg, you reach 3rd level, you can cast the daylight spell once
Thyra, Tove with this trait as a 3rd-level spell, centered on yourself
When you cast daylight using this feature, you become
heavily obscured for the duration, and you must complete
Ái ir Traits a long rest before you can do so again Charisma Is your
Your Alfr character has a variety of natural abilities, rhe spellcasting ability for these spells
result of thousands of years of álfr tradition. Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by
Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity Increases by 2. 1.
Age Since the lifespan of Alfar is not directly addressed
In any extant Norse text, we have no reason to believe they D0KKÁ1 I H
live any longer than humans. But given their association As a dõkkálfr, you possess the same fey lineage as your
with ancient knowledge and otherworldly realms, It can be Ijõsálfar kin but come from a hardier people that are well-
thematically useful to treat them like traditional elves In acquainted with physical labor and passionate revelry You
this regard. If this is the Dungeon Master's preference, were born of primordial darkness and can call upon its
Alfar reach physical maturity at about the same age as essence to shroud you within its shadowy folds.
humans. However, the alfar understanding of adulthood Born of kingdoms far beneath the surface of Alfhelmr,
goes beyond physical growth to encompass worldly dòkkálfar society Is rooted In the ways of the forge and the
experience. Anã Ifr typically claims adulthood around the deep magic of theearth. Their cavern-like halls are hewn
age of too and can live to be 750 years old. directly from the rock Itself but are no less magnificent
Alignment. Alfar see themselves as existing outside the than the shining structures of their surface-dwelling kin
eternal struggle and have only an indirect role attested In The dark elves place great value on lineage, but also
Ragnarúk For this reason, they tend toward neutrality and personal achievement A dõkkálfr can typically recite the
can seem somewhat aloof by the standards of other races. names of their entire bloodline for several generations, as
Though their creations serve both the/Esir and jdtnar, they well as their most noteworthy individual creations. They
value honor, respecting skill over concepts of virtue or see themselves as the inheritors of a great legacy, eageT to
villainy build upon that foundation.
Site. Alfar range from under s to over 6 feet tall and hove Dõkkálfar have skin the color of charcoal or pitch, which
varying builds according to their training. Your size Is seems to absorb the light rather than reflect it.
Medium. Ability Score Increase Your Strength score increases by
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet 2, your Constitution score increases by 2, or both your
Darkvision. A Ijósálfr's vision transcends normal light Strength and Constitution increase by 1 (your choice).
while a dõkkálfr'5 is accustomed to underground caverns Superior Darkvision. Your darkvision has a radius of 120
You have superior vision in dark and dim conditions You feet
can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were Sunlight Sensitivity. You have disadvantage on attack
bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You rolls and on Wisdom (Perception) checks that rely on sight
can't discern color In darkness, only shades uf gray. when you, the target of your attack, or whatever you are
Keen Semes. You have proficiency In the Perception skill trying to perceive is in direct sunlight
Fey Ancestry. You have advantage on saving throws Dõkkálfr Magic. You know the mending cantnp. When
against being charmed. and magic can't put you to sleep you reach )rd level, you can cast the identify spell once with
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, this trait and regain the ability to do so when you finish a
Elvish and Undercommon long rest. When you reach 5th level, you can cast the
Subnue Two Mibraces of Alfar exist In the nine realms darkness spell once with this trait and regain the ability to
Ifósãlfar and dõlddlfar Choose one of these subraces. do so when you finish a long rest. Charisma Is your
spellcasting ability for these spells.

Chapter 3:
Magic Items

Legendary Magic

Hromund then looted the sword and rested it on his knee, and
saitt "Tril me now, how many men did you defeat in duels
with Mistllrein."
‘Tour hundred and twenty," said the draw, "and I never
received a graze... “
—Unknown Skald, HrdmundarsogaGripsumar
Translated by Gavin Chappell

This section presents magic items that arc associated with

the monsters In Chapter J, They may become important in
encounters involving these foes.

WondroiH Item, artifact
Gleipnir is a fine-linked chain of exquisite craftsmanship.
Wrought at the behest of Odin as an unbreakable binding
by the dwarven smiths Brokkr and Eitri, Gleipnir is
invested with powerful magic, but appears and feels as
light as a silk ribbon
You can use an action to place this chain on a willing ot
incapacitated creature. The chain ad justs to fit a creature of
any state. A creature that Is bound with Gleipnir is
restrained In addition, the chain prevents the creature
from using any method of extradimensional movement,
including teleportation or travel to a different plane of
existence The chain doesn't prevent the creature from
passing through an interdimensional portal.
You and any creature you designate when you use the
chain can use an action to remove it. Once every jo days,
the bound creature can m ake a DC 50 S trength {Athletics)
check. On a success, the creature breaks free and destroys
the chain.
When the day of RagnarOk arrives, a creature bound with
Gleipnir can make a DC 5 Strength (Athletics) check. On a
success, the creature breaks free and destroys the chain.
Weapon (longwordf, artifact (requires attunement)
You gain a • J bonus to attack and damage rolls made with
this magic weapon. In addition, the weapon ignores
resistance to slashing damage.
When you attack a creature with this weapon and roll a
20 on the attack roll, that target takes an extra U slashing
damage. Then mil another dzo. If you roll a 20, you cut off
one of the creature's heads The creature die* If it can't
survive without the lost head A creature is Immune to this
effect if It Is Immune to slashing damage, doesn't have or
need a head, has legendary actions, or the DM decides that
thecrearure is too big fot Its head to he cut off with this
weapon. Such a creature instead takes an extra odS
slashing damage from the hit.
In addition, the weapon has the following properties:
Ruiner. When you attack an object with this magic sword
and hit, maximize your weapon damage dice against the
Obsessive Vigilance. This magic weapon warns you of
danger. W hile the weapon is on your person, you have
advantage on initiative rolls. In addition, you can't be
surprised, except when Incapacitated by something other
than nonmagical sleep.The weapon magically awakens
you if you are sleeping naturally when combat begins.
Flow. Mistilteinn makes Its wielder proud and boastful.
While attuned to the weapon, you gain the following flaw
"I brag about my exploits and I refuse to back down from
Sentience Mistilteinn isa sentient, lawful neutral
weapon with an Inte lligence of 6, a Wisdom of 15. and a
Charisma of to. It can see and hear out to 120 feet and has
darkvision, it communicates by transmitting emotions to
Its wielder, although on rare occasions it uses a limited
form of telepathy to bring to the wielder’s mind a few lines
of ancient skaldic poetry
(•mortality. Mistilteinn isgnm, suspicious, and greedy
It desires above all to serve a warrior of great renown,
recognized as both wealthy and powerful It disdains
cowards but Is not above its wielder resorting to treachery
or sorcery to maintain its position—and silently urges its
owner to do anything necessary to achieve that end.
Proficiency with a longsword allows you to add your
proficiency bonus to the attack roll for any attack you
make with Mistilteinn.

Monster Lists
Stat Blocks by Type

Einhcrji Hero
Einherjl Warrior
Fox Fylgja of Ljósálf r Sciôdróttinn
Sanngrlftr, Valkyrie Paragon


Fafnir, Eldtr Itch Llndwyrm
Lind wy rm

Mara (Night-Rider)

Hrlmthurs (Rime-Giant)

DOkkálfr Drcng
Dõkkãlfr Hirdwarrior
Dõkkálfr Huskarl
Dõkkálfr fail
Ljósãlfr Dr eng
Ljósãlfr Huskarl
Ljósãlfr Seiàdróttinn
Ljósãlfr Thegn

Garni r
Vargr Harrier (Hat! and Skfill)

Thrãln (Draugr-Lord)
Challenge 17 (18.000 XP)
Fafnir, Eldtritch Lindwyrm
Stat Blocks by CR Valravn

CllAI.ILNC.lU (10 XP)

Challenge 21 (33.000 XP)
Fox Fylgja of L)ósãlf r Selòdrrttttnn Sanngridr. Valkyrie Paragon
Thrâin (Draug r - Lord)
CHALLENGE 1 ¿4 (50 XP)
Vflrdr Challenge 22 (41 .OCX) .XP)
Marfolk CHAI U NGE 23 (50.000 XP)
Challenge 2 (450 XP)
Nekk Challenge 26 (90.000 XP)
CHALLENGE 3 (700 XP) lormungandr
Dokkâlfr lire ng Nidhdggr
Elnherji Wanlor
Ljóiülfr Dreng

Challenge 4(1.100 XP)


Chai unge5(1.800 XP)

Dokkâlfr Hirdwarrior

Challenge 6 (2,300 XP)


CHALLE NG) 7(2,900X1»)


Chai unge 8(3.900 XP)

Einhcrji Hero
Mara (Night-Rider)

Challenge 9 (5,000 XP)

Dõkkâlfr Húskarl
Ljóúlfr Húskarl

CHALLENGE 11 (7,200 XP)

Garni r
Lind wy rm

Challenge 12(8.400 XP)

Dõkkâlfr |arl
Lfrósâlfr Selôdróctinn

Challenge 13(10.000 XP)

Hrimf hurs (Rime-Giant)
Vargr Harrier (Hati and Skõll)

CHaÜÍngE 14(11.500X1')
Creatures by Environment Hill Creatures

Arctic Creatures Creatures Challenge (XP)

Einheqi Warrior 3(700XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP)
Haugbui 5(L800XP)
Vargr 7 (2,900 XP)
Brunnmigi 7 (2,900 XP)
Hrlmthurs I Rime-Giant ) 13 110,000 XP)
Vargr 7(2.900 XP)
Vargr Hamer (Hati and Skolll 13110,000 XP)
E inherji Hero 8 (3,900 XP)
Draugr 9 (5,000 XP)
Coastal Creatures
Valkyrie 12 (8.400 XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP)
Vargr Harrier (Hati and Skôll) 13 (10,000 XP)
MadoUi K200XP)
Valravn 17 (18J300XP)
Nekk 2(450XP)
Sanngridr, Valkyrie Paragon 21 (33.000 XP)
Fossegrim 7 (2.900 XP)
Hafgufa 22 (41,000 XP)
Mountain Creatures
Lyngbakr 23 (50,000 XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP)
Jdrmungandr 26 (90,000 XP)
Haugbui 5 (1,800 XP)
Draugr 9 (5,000 XP)
Forest Creatures
lindwyrm 11 (7 J00 XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP) EkfyOtunn 13 (10,000 XP)
Gjtflcanv 4 (1,100 XP)
Hnmthurs (Rime-Giant 1 13 (10,000 XP)
Hu Ider 4(1,100 XP)
Hábcók 14 (11300 XP)
Haugbui 5 (1,800 XP)
Valravn 17(18,OOOXP)
Brunnmigi 7 (2,900 XP)
Fenrir 26 (90,000 XP)
Vargr 7(2,900 XP)
Mara (Night-Rider I 8 (3,900 XP)
Swamp Creatures
Draugr 9 (5.000 XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP)
Lndwyrm 11 (7 JOO XP)
Gjengangr 4 (1,100 XP)
Gullinbunli 12 (8,400 XP)
Huldrr 4 (1,100 XP)
Vargr Hamer (Hati and Skoil) 13 (10,000 XP)
Haugbui 5 (1.800 XP)
Fafnir. Eldtritch Lindwyrm 17 (18,000 XP)
Mara (Night-Rider) 8 (3,900 XP)
Valravn 17 (18,000 XP)
Lindwyrm 11 (7.200 XP)

Grassland Creatures
Unoerdark Creatures
Creatures Challenge (XP)
Creatures Challenge (XP)
Einhetp Wamor 3Í700XPI
Dbkkãlfr Dreng 3(700XP)
Brunnmigi 7 (2,900 XP)
Gjengangr 4 (1.100 XP)
Vargr 7 (2,900 XP)
Dokkálfr Hlrdwamor 5 (1,800 XP)
Emherji Hero 8 (3,900 XP)
DOkkWr Húskart 9 (5,000 XP)
Gullmbursti 12 (8,400 XP)
Draugr 9 (5,000 XP)
Valkyrie 12 (8,400 XP)
Garmr 11 (7J00 XP)
Vargr Harrier (Hati and ShOII) 13 (10,000 XP)
Lindwyrm 11 (7JOO XP)
Sanngridr, Valkyrie Paragon 21 (33,000 XP)
Doktólfr Jarl 12 (8.400 XP)
Eldfdtunn 13 (10,000XP)
Valravn 17(l8,000XP)
Thráln IDraugr-Lord) 2K33.000XP)
Underwater Creatures
Creature* Challenge (XP)

Marfottt 1 (200 XP)

Nflkk K45OXP)
Fmsegrim 7 (2.900 XP)
Hafgufa 22 (41,000 XP)
lyngbakr 23 (50,000 XP)
JArmungandr 26 (90,000 XP)

Urmn/Settlement Creatures
Creature* Challenge (XP)
Fox Fylgja of Ljósãlfr SelMrómnn O(IOXP)
Vd’dr 1/4(5OXP)
Emherjar Warrior 3 (700 MP)
IjóUífr Drang 3(700XP|
Gjengangr 4 (1,100 XP)
Hammgja 5 (1,800 XP)
Haugbui 5 (1,800 XP)
Uówblfr Thegn 6 (2,300 XP)
Bninnmigi 7 (2,900 XP)
Emhrr|ar Hero 8 (3,900 XP)
Mara (Night-Rider 1 8 (3,900 XP)
yóUlfr Hihkari 9 (5,000 XP)
yóMHfr Seiftdrónmn 12 (8,400 XP)

Valkyr* 12 (8,400 XP)

Valravn 17118,000 XP)
SanngrlOr. Valkyrie Paragon 21 (33,000 XP)
A Comprehensive Norse
Bestiary lor 5E!
Whether you’re homebrewing a grimdark
Viking campaign based on the Sagas—or just
looking to change things up with a few
monsters your players haven't seen before—
The Book of Monstrous Kennings presents a
horde of classic Norse creatures of different
challenge levels and types to unleash.

Featuring a brand-new player race and 40 new

statblocks ready to drop in your game, the lore
contained herein is all you need for legendary
Norse adventures'


• 40 new monsters with easy-to-use

game statistics, including legendary
and mythic-level encounters.

• Comprehensive lore for each entry

based on attestations from Norse
sagas and Skaldic poetry

• The Alfr variant elf player race,

featuring 2 new subraces, the Ljósálfr
and Dókkálfr

• 2 new magic items connected to Norse

monstrous lore

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