Lykin Race

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Lykin Race People of the East

Lykin’s are shapeshifting

Lykin are the native mortal race of
humanoids who have features that
Braxia. They have been hunted,
can allow them to pass as Elves.
subjugated, and dominated to the
Their teeth are typically fanged.
point of near extermination. The
They have ears that are slightly
remaining tribes have moved into
longer and sharper than elf ears.
the numerous mountains or
Their eyes are typically black,
escaped farther east into Darkmist.
orange, or yellow. They can appear
more animalistic, sporting fur, The remaining Lykin exist in
fangs, talons, tails, and other servitude or in a state of desperate
features that represent the animal survival. They have been pushed to
they are connected to. the darkest places of the Eastern
Continent and are forced to carve
Lykin believes that the more one
out new homelands against the
of their kind appears like their
nightmares of the world. Free
beast spirit, the more lives they
Lykin either attempt to remain
have lived. In the still existing
unseen and untouched by the
tribes, Lykins that appear more
Braxans, or they are finding ways
animalistic are typically more
to help their people escape this
powerful than other members of
their community. These
individuals can be incredibly gifted Lykin seek the help of their Beast
intellectually, physically, and Nature Gods to drive the
spiritually, or some combination Braxans, and their god of Light,
of the three. from their lands.
Lykin Traits
Ability Score Increase. Two
Abilities of your choice increase by

Age. Lykins mature at the same

rate as humans and live up to 120

Size. Lykins stand between 5 and 7

feet tall, generally weighing from
125 to 300 pounds, depending on
their beast spirit. Your size is

Speed. Your base walking speed is

35 feet.

Darkvision (Optional). You can see

in dim light within 60 feet of you
as if it were bright light, and in
darkness as if it were dim light.
You can’t discern color in darkness,
only shades of gray.

Of the Land. You gain proficiency

in one skill of choice between
Animal Handling, Nature, or
Survival. If you already have
proficiency with one of these skills,
you can gain expertise instead.

Spirit Connection. You can cast

the spell Find Familiar as a ritual
once per long rest.

Learned Hunter. You deal an extra Languages. You can speak, read,
1d4 damage to a creature you hit and write common and
with an attack if you have primordial.
advantage on the attack roll.
Subraces. You must choose a Beast
Damage increases to 2d4 at 5th level.
Spirit when creating a Lykin.

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