Using Likert Scale in Implementing Curriculum

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Title: The Role of Likert Scales in Implementing a New Curriculum in Schools


The implementation of a new curriculum in schools is a complex and multifaceted process that requires careful
planning, execution, and evaluation. One crucial aspect of this process is gathering feedback from
stakeholders, including teachers, students, and administrators. The Likert scale is a popular and effective tool
for measuring attitudes and perceptions, making it a valuable instrument for assessing the success of a new

What is a Likert Scale?:

A Likert scale is a type of psychometric rating scale that measures attitudes or opinions by asking respondents
to indicate their level of agreement or disagreement with a series of statement. The scale typically consists of
five or seven response options, ranging from 'strongly agree' to 'strongly disagree.' This format allows
researchers to quantify qualitative data and analyze it statistically.

The Use of Likert Scales in Curriculum Implementation:

In the context of curriculum implementation, Likert scales can be used to gather feedback on various aspects of
the new curriculum, such as its clarity, relevance, and effectiveness. For example, teachers might be asked to
rate their level of agreement with statements such as 'The new curriculum is easy to understand' or 'The new
curriculum is preparing students for the future.' Students, on the other hand, might be asked to rate their level
of engagement with the new curriculum or their level of confidence in their ability to master the new material.

Advantages of using Likert Scales:

* Likert scales are easy to administer and analyze, making them a cost-effective way to gather large amounts
of data quickly.
* They provide a standardized format for measuring attitudes and perceptions, which allows for easy
comparison between different groups of respondents.
* Likert scales can be used to measure both positive and negative attitudes, making them a versatile tool for
assessing a wide range of attitudes and perceptions.
* The use of a Likert scale can help to minimize response bias, as respondents are less likely to feel pressured
to give a certain answer when presented with a range of options.

Disadvantages of using Likert Scales:

* Likert scales may not be able to capture the full complexity of attitudes and perceptions, as they rely on pre-
determined response options.
* They may be subject to response style bias, where respondents tend to use one end of the scale more than the
other, regardless of the content of the question.
* Likert scales may not be suitable for all types of questions, such as those that are open-ended or that require a
nuanced response.

Best Practices for using Likert Scales in Curriculum Implementation:

* Use clear and concise statements that are directly related to the curriculum and its implementation.
* Ensure that the response options are balanced and cover the full range of possible attitudes and perceptions.
* Provide clear instructions on how to complete the survey and ensure that respondents understand the
meaning of the response options.
* Use a sufficient sample size to ensure that the results are representative of the population being surveyed.
* Consider using other methods, such as open-ended questions or interviews, to supplement the data collected
using Likert scales.


Likert scales are a valuable tool for measuring attitudes and perceptions in the context of curriculum
implementation. They provide a standardized format for gathering feedback from stakeholders, and their ease
of administration and analysis make them a cost-effective option for large-scale data collection. However, it is
important to use Likert scales appropriately, following best practices and considering their limitations, in order
to ensure that the data collected is valid and reliable.

In conclusion, Likert scales can play a crucial role in implementing a new curriculum in schools by providing
valuable feedback from stakeholders on various aspects of the curriculum. By using Likert scales effectively
and following best practices, educators can gain a deeper understanding of the attitudes and perceptions of
teachers, students, and administrators, and use that information to make informed decisions about curriculum

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