Tuesday and Thursday 25th and 27th

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Tuesday 25th June 2024

Tuesday Digging Deep Outline


Text: Genesis 18: 1 - 6 ; I kings 17 : 8 - 16.


God's ways are indeed unsearchable and beyond human understanding. Rom.11: 33. Isa. 55: 8 - 9
You cannot box God into a corner or try to predict His plans. God does every of His work with a purpose
in mind. Ecc.3: 1 - 2. Sometimes God places great demand on people or require them to do unusual
things for His name’s sake only for such individual to later come into a realisation that it was all a divine
set - up for their lifting from the onset.


Divne simply means something originating or proceeding from God.

To set up is to place somebody advantageously in a fixed position or to make somebody ready or suitable
in advance for a particular purpose.

Therefore, divine set up is God placing us in an advantageous position for His own particular purpose.


1. THE WIDOW OF ZAREPHATH: 1kings 17: 8 - 16. A poor widow was divinely assisted to go the
way of sacrifice when she surrendered her last meal to a hungry prophet Elijah. Unknown to her, her
sacrificial seed was all that God needed to activate divine surprise supplies for her that lasted beyond
the years of famine in Israel and to preserve her and her only son from premature death.

2. PETER - THE FISHERMAN Luke 5: 1 -10.

Peter after a frustrating fishing expedition, was asked by Jesus to offer Him his boat as pulpit to preach
the gospel of the Kingdom to the numerous hungry souls. His kind gesture was all that God needed to
position him for a net breaking catch of fishes.

3. ISAAC - Gen.26: 12 -14.

Despite the famine period and frustration from his hostile Phillistine neighbours, Isaac refused to be
deterred from sowing his seeds to God. His sacrifice moved God to set him up for an hundred fold
harvest in THE SAME YEAR. This made him the envy of a whole nation!

4. SOLOMON - Moved by love for God, he proceeded to give an unusual sacrifice of a thousand burnt
offering and later twenty-two thousand burnt offering to the Lord and this earned him the title of the
greatest king to have ever lived after Jesus. 1Kgs.3: 3 - 5; 8 : 63


Whenever the Lord asks us to do the unthinkable for the advancement of His Kingdom, it is only a
platform to catapult us to enviable heights in life and destiny. Only our willingness and obedience is
required to embrace and enjoy this divine set up. Deu.28: 1 -2
Thursday 27th June 2024

Thursday Faith Clinic Message



We know from the Scriptures that dominion is our heritage in Christ. Eph.1 : 21 ; Rom.16 : 20.
One of the ways we manifest this dominion is t1:gh access to kingdom wealth and total
financial freedom.
We cannot be totally free until we are economically free. 2Cor.8:9; Deu.8:18.

1. God empowers us for wealth and dominion through the relation and application of the
covenant. Gen.22: 15 -18. The prosperity plan of God for us is not a promise, so it does not
answer to prayers and fastings. The prosperity plan of God for your dominion is through the
practice of the covenant of prosperity.Ps.89 :34, Deu.8: 18

2. In this covenant, you must play your part as an obligation for God to be committed. We can
only commit God on His own terms not ours. Isa.45:11

3. Financial dominion anchors on the covenant of seed time and harvest. Gen.8:22. Seed time
and harvest means giving and receiving which is what opens the gateway to dominion in all
areas of our lives. 3John2.

Our sacrificial giving at this time provokes all round favour that launches us into abundance,
fulfillment of destiny and more importantly, a life of dominion. 2Sam.24 :24; 2 Cor.9: 6 -11.


As we desire to live in dominion, we need the giving grace to sustain an ever-giving lifestyle.
Consider the Macedonia church. 2Cor.8: 1 - 3,7. The greater the giving grace, the greater our
coast will be enlarged in dominion. Therefore, ask for the giving grace today and be free from
the grip of greed.

Altar call


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