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Sunday 30th June 2024

Sunday Service Message Outline

Theme: Sacrificial Giving

Topic: Absolute Trust in God

Text: 1 KINGS 17:8-14

Absolute trust refers to a state of complete reliance and confidence in someone or something,
without any doubts or reservations. Therefore, absolute trust in God means to completely rely
on God without any doubt.
Your level of trust in God will determine what you will be willing to give unto God. Sacrificial
giving is one way by which we demonstrate our trust in God.

1. Abraham trusted God and he was willing to sacrifice Isaac. Gen 22:9-11
2. The widow of Zarephath trusted God with her last meal.
3. The little boy trusted Jesus with his only meal. John 6:9-12
4. The Disciples trusted God with their all. Matt 19:27-29, Luke 18:28
5. Jesus trusted God and he sacrificed himself. Luke 23:46
6. Apostle Paul trusted God with his all. Phil 3:7-8, 2 Corin 12:15, Acts 21:13


1. God is the source of all. Deut 8:18, John 3:27, Rev 4:11
2. God has more than enough. Psalm 50:10-12
3. Wealth is not constant; God is ever constant. Prov 23:5
4. No one knows tomorrow. Jere 10:23

God demonstrated His trust in man by creating everything we will ever need and by sending
His only begotten son to die for us. Is there anything too big for you to trust God with?

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