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Alice 1G8



Hi everyone, I am Offred, a handmaid. Today, I have gathered you secretly to inform

you of the world I want to live in, a perfect world. To begin, I want to live in a world
without violence and terror. Because you’re not tired of living locked up? To have no
freedom? In each way, I am.
I’m sorry but we can’t go on like, we can’t keep getting manipulated and obey stupid
rules. Every days women are raped, forced and no body says anything! Really, you
think that’s normal? I don’t think so. When I heard about this group, I immediately
wanted to interact with you. You are the only way to make a difference.
Now, I’m going to describe my world, our future world. First this will be a free world,
with no rules, no obligations, no handmaids and no leader. Just happy people to live
and do what they love. Everyone could live where he wants and with whom he
wants. Families will be together and united. We can use our real names again, have
our own opinions and be able to express them. Women will be able to have their
bank accounts and go to work, be independent.
And even, we all have the right to respect and education like everyone else! Isn’t it?
This new world would establish peace in the hearts of all. Wouldn’t that be beautiful?
Have a normal life? Everyone would be equal and submitted to the same laws.
But for that you have to fight, it will be hard, painful, dangerous and this going to take
long but it’s worth it.
We must be careful and act together all the time. At the beginning, you can simply
protest in the streets to show your discontent for example, I don’t know. Work
together and come up with ideas to change the world, if we get there, just imagine, it
would be amazing.
So, I give you all my strength to succeed, I believe in you and your abilities. I know
you’re capable. Do it, do it for all those people who dream of it. Good luck and thank
you for listening me.

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