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National Institute for Competitive Exams (NICE)

Time 2 hours 30 Minutes 2081-01-10 Full Marks :100

(नायब सब्ु बा): English Language & Diplomacy

Part I: English Language (40 Marks)

Translate the following Nepali Passage into English:

1. संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका कम से कम एक तिहाई सदस्य उपस्थिि भएमा महासभाको गणपूरक संख्या पूरा भएको मातिन्छ । िर
कुिै पति तिणणय तििको िातग बहुसंख्यक सदस्यहरुको उपस्थिति जरुरी छ । महासभाको कुिै पति तिणणय तिइिे कायण
मिदाि वा सवणसम्मतिबाट सम्पन्न हुन्छ। संयुक्त राष्ट्र संघका प्रत्येक सदस्यहरुिे यस प्रयोजिका िातग समाि रुपमा अतिकार
प्राप्त गदण छि् । तवश्व शास्थि र सुरक्षा कायम राख्ने प्रश्न, सुरक्षा पररषद् का अिायी सदस्य आतदको तिवाण चि िथा सदस्यिा
तििम्बि जस्ता महत्वपूणण तवषयमा दु ई तिहाई बहुमिद्वारा तिणणय तिइन्छ। अन्य कुराहरुमा बहुमिद्वारा तिणणय हुन्छ।

2. (a) Write the meaning of any two words from the following and use them properly in your own sentences:
i) Agremo iii) State visit ii) Persona non grata iv) Joint Communique
b) Complete the following sentences with appropriate prepositions:
i) I might inform you...... Monday.
ii) I have arranged lunch for you....... 10 o'clock.
c) Correct the grammatical errors in the following sentences:
Hari is learning Chinese for two years. Ram do not know anything about the accident.
d)Complete the following conversation:
Rita: Hello! I am Rita, personal secretary to the Ambassador of any Embassy. I am calling to fix an appointment for our
Ambassador to meet with the foreign secretary.
Rita: What time will it be convenient for the foreign secretary?

3. Read the following passage and answer the questions given below:
It is a misfortunate for a country when politics invade the educational sphere. One philosopher says, "Education has
for its object the formation of character." One may belong to this or that political party but the educational knows no
parties. One writer has regretted that the attempts are made to engulf the students in the conflict of parties. While
the mental faculty of young students is still incomplete and they still lack the maturity of judgement which is created
by good education and is destroyed by bad politics. Education should, therefore, be a means to prepare the students
to enable them to learn all they can about these issues.
a) What could be a suitable title of this passage?
b) What is a misfortunate for a country?
c) What does one philosopher say about education?
d) Why has the writer regretted?
e) What should education be?

4. Write an essay on any one of the following topics in about 200 words:
a) Peace for development
b) Good governance in Nepal.
c) Nepal-India relationship.
d) Urbanization and pollution.
e) Women trafficking in Nepal.

Part II: International Relation and Diplomacy

5. How do you distinguish between international relations and international politics?
6. Explain the term "balance of power".
7. What do you mean by the recognition of a state?
8. "Customs, conventions, legislative enactments constitute the sources of
National Institute for Competitive Exams (NICE)
9. International Law". How do you justify? Describe the importance of Nepal's role in the peace-keeping operations of
the United Nations.
10. What is meant by South-South Cooperation? 11. What are the main problems of non-aligned movement?
11. What are the main problems of non-aligned movement ?
12. What are the problems of the Least Developed Countries?
13. Write short notes on:
i) Détente ii) shuttle Diplomacy
14. What are the major components of Economic Diplomacy?
15 . "Foreign policy is the extension of domestic policy" Elucidate the statement. 10 marks.

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