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TERM TEST 1 Level 2 NAME: Mark:

1 Match the sentences in A to their continuation in B. Pay attention to the words and expressions in bold. (8 x ½ = 4 points)
1. John said that the film was very amusing.
2. Mark is so easy-going.
3. James always gets good marks.
4. David was aware of the problem.
5. Jack waited for the weather to clear up.
6. Mike was bored to death during the film.
7. Nick is so materialistic.
8. Ed was getting tired.
...... a. He couldn’t wait for it to end.
...... b. So he decided to do something about it.
...... c. He couldn’t stop laughing.
...... d. He never worries about anything.
...... e. He’s a great student.
...... f. So he decided to leave the party early.
...... g. Then he left the house.
...... h. The only thing he cares about is money.

2 Complete the sentences with a suitable word or expression. (10 x 1 = 10 points)

1. The manager decided to …………………… the meeting in the boardroom.
2. I’m sure you will …………………… to work out a solution in the end.
3. He tried to …………………… her from making a mistake, but she didn’t listen to his advice.
4. Please …………………… seated until the mayor has left the room.
5. It’s hot, but there’s a slight …………………… .
6. I think that this singer is …………………… . He’s not as good as people think he is.
7. The lecture was a real …………………… . It made me think.
8. Keep trying. Don’t …………………… .
9. We shouldn’t get distracted. We need to …………………… on the main issues.
10. This book is …………………… . It’s one of the best books I have ever read.

TERM TEST 1 Level 2

3 The following sentences do not make sense. Correct them without changing the words in bold. (8 x ½ = 4 points)
1. She is so optimistic. She always thinks that things will go wrong.
2. He was thrilled when he was rejected by the university.
3. Dan was very offended by John’s thoughtful behaviour.
4. This is a major problem. It will be easily solved.
5. The teacher was furious when the students were helpful.
6. This is a very controversial article. Everyone agrees with it.
7. You will get frostbite if you stay out in the sun too long.
8. You will stand out from the crowd if you look like everybody else.

4 Complete the sentences so that they are true for you. (7 x 1 = 7 points)
1. I take after ......................................................... because .............................................
...................................................................................................................................... .
2. I look up to .........................................................because .............................................
...................................................................................................................................... .
3. I try to stay away from ..............................................................because ......................
...................................................................................................................................... .
4. I always get permission from .........................................................................................
before .......................................................................................................................... .
5. I get along with ..................................................because .............................................
...................................................................................................................................... .
6. When my friends argue, I usually side with ...................................................................
because ....................................................................................................................... .
7. I grew apart from ......................................................after .............................................
...................................................................................................................................... .

TERM TEST 1 Level 2

1 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (9 x 1 = 9 points)
1. The sky …………………… (look) overcast at the moment. Do you think it ……………………
2. Before I …………………… (meet) Sasha, I …………………… never ……………………
(speak) to anyone from Russia.
3. I …………………… (look for) Julian. …………………… you …………………… (see) him
4. It was our secret so why …………………… you …………………… (tell) Rachel? I
…………………… (not trust) you ever again.
5. Who …………………… you …………………… (talk) to when I …………………… (see) you
this morning?
6. We often …………………… (go) running on Saturdays, but last Saturday we
…………………… (go) swimming.
7. I …………………… (meet) Jane tomorrow. I …………………… (not see) her for three years.
8. By the time he …………………… (hear) the news about the fire, he ……………………
already …………………… (call) home.
9. I …………………… (hope) that by 5 o’clock, we …………………… (finish) the meeting.

2 Complete the sentences. Use a suitable form of the modal in brackets.

There may be more than one possible answer. (6 x ½ = 3 points)
1. There’s no way that he missed the party on purpose.
He ........................................................................................................ . (must)
2. I’m sorry that I didn’t study for the test.
I ......................................................................................................... . (should)
3. Bob doesn’t know if he can be there on time.
He ....................................................................................................... . (might)
4. Tom isn’t in the country.
That man .............................................................................................. . (can’t)
5. I am not very good at sport.
I ............................................................................................................ . (can’t)
6. Our teacher is late.
There ..................................................................................................... . (may)

TERM TEST 1 Level 2

3 Rewrite the sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the meaning of the original sentences.
(6 x 1 = 6 points)
1. It’s not compulsory to wear a uniform in my school. (have to)
2. I would like to taste Indian food. (never)
3. I hope to finish painting my house this week. (by the end of the week)
4. There was a lot of noise in the classroom when the teacher walked in. (students)
5. The shop is meant to be open till 7 but it’s only 6 and it’s already closed. (must)
6. Sue went to New York for the first time last week. (never)

4 Complete the passage with appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets. (14 x ½ = 7 points)

For centuries, children 1. …………………… (enjoy) bedtime stories. In the past, parents
often 2. …………………… (read) these stories to their children before going to sleep.

Today, things 3. …………………… (change). Many parents can’t read bedtime stories
to their kids while they 4. …………………… (sit) next to them because they
…………………… (live) apart. The developers of a new iPad app, called Kindoma,
…………………… (come up with) a solution to this problem.

So how 7. …………………… Kindoma …………………… (work)? Kindoma

…………………… (combine) e-books with video calls. When a child
…………………… (call) his parent, they 10. …………………… (choose) a book
together by browsing the Kindoma library. The app then 11. …………………… (display)
the pages from the book on the screen, next to the video of both the child and the
adult. Either of them can turn the page and an arrow 12. …………………… (pop up) on
the screen when one of them 13. …………………… (point) to a word or picture.

At the moment, Kindoma is not very popular. Yet, it is possible that within a few years,
people from all over the world 14. …………………… (read) books to their kids in this
way. Perhaps Kindoma will succeed in preserving the tradition of the bedtime story
even in today’s world.

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