DUNE Factions&TreacheryCards+EXP1-3 v2

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10 1/4 1 10 10
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Arrakeen 2 2 1 1 3
Paul Atreides of the Planet Caladan
You have powers of prescience. This gives you knowledge of Treachery Cards, the
location of the next Spice Blow, and elements of your opponents' Battle Plan. The KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to force
Atreides have an excellent intelligence network, you are the only player allowed to your opponent to reveal their entire Battle Plan (dial value,
take notes during the game. leader, and any treachery cards).
ALLIANCE: You may assist your allies by forcing their
The Kwisatz Haderach becomes available once you have lost 7 forces in battle. opponent to show them one element of their Battle Plan.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops You may look at the top card of the Spice Deck before any
are destroyed. player acts in this phase. Make one shipment and then one
movement. Shipping cost determined by destination type.

2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase 7. Battle Phase

Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. one faction. You may force your opponent to reveal either
their dial value, leader, weapon card, or defence card.
You may add the Kwisatz Haderach (if available) to your Battle
3. CHOAM Phase Plan. Leaders accompanied by the Kwisatz Haderach cannot turn
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. traitor. The Kwisatz Haderach can only be killed in a lasgun‐shield

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4]

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. You may look at each card
8. Spice Harvesting Phase
as it is offered for auction. Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.

5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 2] 9. Mentat Phase

Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
10 2/8 4 10 10
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Carthag 2 2 1 1 3
Baron Vladimir Harkonnen of the Planet Geidi Prime
Master of treachery and cruel deeds. You keep all 4 Traitor Cards at the start of the
KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to take
game. You can hold up to 8 Treachery Cards, receive an additional card at the start
any number of cards from any player. For each card you take,
of the game, and a free card each time you purchase a card in the Bidding Phase.
you must give one card in return.
You may also capture enemy leaders each time you win a battle. ALLIANCE: Traitor Cards you hold may be used against your
ally's opponent if you so choose.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type.

2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase

Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the
7. Battle Phase
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
one faction.

You may capture a random leader from your oppenent if you

3. CHOAM Phase win a battle. You may either (a) immediately kill the leader and
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. receive 2 spice or (b) keep the leader to use in battle, but then
return that leader to their faction once used.

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 8]

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. You may take an additional
8. Spice Harvesting Phase
Treachery Card from the deck for each one you win at auction. Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.

5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 2] 9. Mentat Phase

Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
5 1/4 1 5 15
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Tuek's Sietch 1 1 0.5 1 3
Guild Steersman Edric
The Spacing Guild controls all shipment onto and off Dune. When other factions
KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to block
ship forces to Dune they pay spice to you instead of the Spice Bank.
one off‐planet shipment of forces to Dune by any one player.
You only pay guild rates for shipment (half the normal fee, rounding up) when ALLIANCE: Your ally may ship forces at guild rates and may
shipping your forces to Dune. You may ship any forces back to your off‐planet also ship across territories on Dune. Your allies win with you if
reserve from any territory paying 1 spice for every 2 forces. you win by your special victory.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops You may choose to make your shipment and movement at any
are destroyed. time you choose in this phase. Pay shipping costs to the Spice
Bank. Other players pay you for shipment!
You may make one of three types of shipment and then one
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase movement: [1] Ship from off‐planet to Dune.
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the [2] Ship from one territory to another.
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. [3] Ship from Dune to off‐planet.

7. Battle Phase
3. CHOAM Phase Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. one faction.

8. Spice Harvesting Phase

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.

9. Mentat Phase
Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 1] holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies. If no
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. faction has won the game by the end, you have prevented
control of Dune and automatically win the game!
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
Padishah EMPEROR
10 1/4 1 0 20
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:

1 2 1 1 3
Padishah Emperor Shaddam IV of House Corrino
You have access to great wealth. All proceeds from the Bidding Phase are paid to
KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to
you and you may make direct contributions to your ally.
revive up to 3 forces or one leader for free.
You command the elite Sardaukar terror troops of Selusa Secundus. ALLIANCE: You may share your great wealth with your allies.
You may also pay spice directly to the bank to revive up to 3
additional forces for your ally

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type.

2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase 7. Battle Phase

Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. one faction. Your elite Sardaukar are worth two normal forces
in battle ‐ and when taking losses ‐ against all other forces except
for the Fremen.
3. CHOAM Phase
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. Sardaukar (x5)

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] 8. Spice Harvesting Phase

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. Your winning bids are paid to Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
the Spice Bank. Other players must pay you! force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.

5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 1] 9. Mentat Phase

Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. Only one Sardaukar holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
may be revived per turn. counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
3 1/4 1 10 10
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Distribute forces between Sietch Tabr, False Wall South & False Wall West 3 ­ ­ 2 3
Liet­Kynes, Planetary Ecologist
The Fremen are native to Dune and know its ways. Your forces emerge from the KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to place
deserts of the far‐side of the planet and move expertly over the sand. They are not a sandworm in any territory you wish.
devoured by Shai‐Hulud and may ride the sandworm. ALLIANCE: You may decide to protect (or not) your allies from
being devoured by a sandworm. You may also allow them to
Your Fedaykin commandos are the fiercest warriors on Dune and even your regular revive 3 forces for free during Revival Phase. Your allies win
forces are a match for the imperial Sardaukar. with you if you win by your special victory condition.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories in which the storm passes or stops You may bring any or all of your reserves for free onto ‐ or within
are halved (rounding up). two territories of ‐ the Great Flat. You may bring your reserves
You resolve the storm movement by revealing the top card of into the storm (losing half).
your Storm Deck and moving the Storm that many spaces. Return Your forces may move two territories on foot.
the used Storm Card to the deck, shuffle the deck, and look at
the next card to be drawn. 7. Battle Phase
Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase one faction. Your forces fight at full strength without paying
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the spice. Your Fedaykin commandos are worth two normal forces
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. in battle and when taking losses.
Fremen are not devoured by Shai‐Hulud. They may ride the Fedaykin (x3)
sandworm to any location on the board following resolution of
the Nexus. If an additional sandworm is drawn ‐ the Fremen 8. Spice Harvesting Phase
may redirect it to any sand territory. Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
3. CHOAM Phase force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice.
9. Mentat Phase
Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies. After
the last turn, check if your plans to alter Dune have succeeded:
• You or no faction occupies Sietch Tabr and Habbanya Sietch.
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 3] • None of the great houses (Harkonnen, Atreides, Richese, or
Only one Fedaykin may be revived per turn. the Emperor) occupies Tuek's Sietch.
If both are true, you and your allies win the game.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
5 1/4 1 1 19
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Advisor in any territory 1 2 1 1 3
Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam
The Bene Gesserit are adept in the ways of mind control. Your spiritual advisors
KARAMA: You may use any Worthless Card as if it is a Karama card.
accompany other factions' forces travelling to Dune and you may use the Voice to
command your opponents in battle. You may win the game by Prediction. ALLIANCE: In an alliance you may use the Voice on an ally's

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type. When any other faction ships
off‐planet forces to Dune you may ship one advisor from your
Fighters reserves into the same territory or the Polar Sink for free.
Advisors coexist peacefully with other forces and have no effect
Advisors on combat, control of strongholds, or ornithopter access.
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase
Advisors moving into unoccupied territory must flip to Fighters,
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the but may enter occupied territory as either Advisors or Fighters.
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. You When another faction ships or moves into a territory where
may now flip Advisors to Fighters in all territories where you want you have Fighters you may flip them to Advisors.
to battle this turn.
7. Battle Phase
3. CHOAM Phase Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
Receive a donation of 2 spice from CHOAM, regardless of how one faction. You may use the Voice to force your opponent to
much spice you currently have. play ‐ or not play ‐ one specific weapon type, defence type, cheap
hero, special card, or worthless card in their Battle Plan.

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] 8. Spice Harvesting Phase

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
9. Mentat Phase
Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 1] holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies. If the
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. faction you predicted wins in the turn you predicted, reveal your
prediction and win alone.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
10 1/4 1 6 14
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
3 Cyborgs and 3 Suboids in the HMS 1 2 1 1 3
Prince Rhombur Vernius of Planet Ix
Cyborg and master of manufacturing and technology. You control the Hidden
KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to move
Mobile Stronghold (HMS) and can move it 3 spaces while in control. You know the
the HMS 2 territories on your turn during Shipment and
starting Treachery Cards, can delay one each Bidding Phase, and even insert your
Movement in addition to your normal movement.
ALLIANCE: Your ally can discard a Treachery Card won from
Your forces are split between the strong Cyborgs and the weak Suboids. bidding and draw from the top of the deck instead.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. The Hidden Mobile Stronghold is immune to the determined by destination type. Groups with Cyborgs can move
storms and worms. You may move the HMS up to 3 territories 2 territories on foot.
before the storm is revealed, picking up spice as you move.
7. Battle Phase
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the one faction. Cyborgs are worth two forces. Suboids are worth
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. half a force. Suboids cannot be supported with spice but each
can be sacrificed to spare a Cyborg that would be lost after
3. CHOAM Phase battle.
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. Suboid (x13)

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] Cyborg (x7)

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. You draw one more
Treachery Cards than number of players and select one to return 8. Spice Harvesting Phase
to the deck. Auction out the others. You can swap out a Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
Treachery Card about to be auctioned with one from your hand force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
once per Bidding Phase. Cyborgs always collect 3.

5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 1] 9. Mentat Phase

Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
Cyborgs cost 3 spice to revive. counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
5 1/4 3 0 20
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Face Dancers 2 2 1 1 3
Tleilaxian Masters Council
You control the vital Cloning technology of the Axlotl tanks. When other factions
pay for revivals, they pay spice to you instead of the Spice Bank. KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to
prevent a player from performing a revival (forces and/or
You do not get any Traitors at the start. After all other players have selected Traitor leader).
Cards, you draw 3 cards from the remaining cards as your Face Dancers. If a Face
Dancer wins any combat, you can reveal the card and exchange any remaining ALLIANCE: You may revive your allies' forces and leaders at
tokens for your own. The Leader gets sent to the tanks, if not already dead, without half price (round up).
yielding spice. Draw 3 new Face Dancers after all are revealed.
1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase
Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type.

2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase 7. Battle Phase

Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. one faction. You may reveal the Traitor Card for any Face Dancer
3. CHOAM Phase that won a battle after fully resolving it. The revealed leader gets
sent to the tanks if not already dead and you can replace the
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice.
winner's force tokens with your own from your reserves or other
4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4]
Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards.
8. Spice Harvesting Phase
Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 2] force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
You revive additional forces at half cost (rounded up), paid to the
Spice Bank with no limit on the forces revived. You get 1 spice
from the Spice Bank for every other player using free revival. 9. Mentat Phase
Other players pay you for additional revivals and you can Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
increase their revival limit to 5 if you wish. holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
You may revive dead leaders of other factions for a negotiated counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
price before all 5 leaders are dead. Or revive them to use as your You may discard one of your unrevealed Face Dancers, shuffle
own to a max of 5 active leaders. the Traitor Deck, and draw a new one once per Mentat Phase.
Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ played at the start of a Storm Phase, enables player to
control the storm this phase and move it from 0 to 10 sectors in a
38 Battle Cards: counterclockwise direction.
5 Projectile Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is revealed but before
5 Shields ‐ defends your leader against any Projectile Weapon in battle. the storm moves. You must have forces on or next to the Shield Wall
5 Poison Weapons ‐ used as weapons during battle. without a storm blocking you. This blows up the Shield Wall and all forces
5 Snoopers ‐ defends your leader against any Poison Weapon in battle. on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall token on the wall as a reminder. The
1 Weirding Way ‐ a special weapon. Counts as a Projectile Weapon, Imperial Basin, Carthag, and Arrakeen are no longer protected from the
unless played with another weapon. Then it counts as a Projectile Defence storm. Remove the card from the game after use.
(not as a Shield).
1 Chemistry ‐ a special defence. Counts as a Poison Defence, unless 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of a Spice Blow Phase. Instead of
played with another defence. Then it counts as a Poison Weapon. revealing the next Spice Blow Card, it causes a sandworm to appear. Phase
1 Shield Snooper ‐ a special defence. Both a Shield and Snooper. proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Poison Blade ‐ a special weapon. Both a Projectile and Poison Weapon. 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up. Double the Spice Blow
1 Lasgun ‐ a special weapon. There is no defence against a lasgun. But, amount.
should a Shield be played in the same battle, a nuclear explosion occurs,
wiping the territory clean with both sides losing everything. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase. Allows one extra
1 Poison Tooth ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders without possible movement for either forces that have already moved this turn or those that
defence. Decision is made after Battle Plan is revealed. Discard if used. have not been moved.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ a special weapon. Kills both leaders unless shielded.
Leaders do not count towards battle total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the base Free Revival
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader in battle. Has no value and is rates and raise the normal revival limit to 7 for all factions.
discarded afterwards.
6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value in play and must be used instead of a 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player. Forces that player
weapon or defence to get rid of. Special to the Bene Gesserit and CHOAM. to answer any one "yes" or "no" question concerning the game. May
1 Reinforcements ‐ Play instead of a weapon or defence. Adds 2 to dial answer "I don't know" if the question is about a future action that is not
and then sends 3 forces from reserves to tanks. Discard after use. known.
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ Play as a weapon or defence. Your undialed 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players must discard half
forces return to your reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to get an extra revival. Immediately get
2 Karama Cards: either one of your leaders or 5 of your forces back to your reserves.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
5 1/4 1 0 20
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:

Count Ilban Richese 2 2 1 1 3

Disgraced Inventor of important Technologies. During each Bidding Phase, instead
of normal cards, you auction off one Richese Treachery Card from your special deck KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to buy
and may additionally auction off one card from your hand with your chosen auction one of your Richese Treachery Cards for 3 spice, secretly
method. Other factions will pay you for these cards. choosing which one.
You may also ship a No‐Field along with your forces that is treated as one force ALLIANCE: You may ship an ally's forces using an available No‐
until revealed. The same No‐Field cannot be used twice in a row and only one can Field that is immediately revealed. You may also give an ally a
be on Dune at any time. Richese Treachery Card from your hand at any time.
1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase
Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type. No‐Fields ship and move as one
force token until revealed. They can be revealed at any time but
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase there can only be one on Dune at any time. The same one cannot
be used twice in a row.
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. 7. Battle Phase
3. CHOAM Phase Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
one faction. No‐Fields are dialed as the forces they represent but
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice.
you must have the required number of forces in reserve. Atreides
may not see your dialed number if there is a No‐Field in battle.

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4]

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. You reveal and auction off a No‐Field
Richese Treachery Card from your special deck each bidding round.
You may also place a card from your hand up for auction before 8. Spice Harvesting Phase
normal bidding. You choose the auction method (Normal, Once‐
Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
around, or Silent) and you gain the spice if other factions buy
force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
your cards. Karama cannot be used to win these auctions.
Unrevealed No‐Fields collect spice as if it is one force.

5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 2] 9. Mentat Phase

Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
Richese Special + Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ at the start of a Storm Phase,
control the storm and move it from 0 to 10 sectors.
10 Richese Cards: 38 Battle Cards: 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is
Auctioned in Richese special auction. 5 Projectile Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader. revealed but before the storm moves. You must have
1 Ornithopter ‐ use during Shipping and 5 Shields ‐ blocks any Projectile Weapon. forces on or next to the Shield Wall. Blows up the Shield
Movement to gain an extra move OR move with 5 Poison Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader. Wall and all forces on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall
Ornithopter advantage. 5 Snoopers ‐ blocks any Poison Weapon. token on the wall. The Imperial Basin, Carthag, and
1 Residual Poison ‐ play before choosing 1 Weirding Way ‐ counts as a Projectile Arrakeen are no longer protected from the Storm.
leaders in battle to kill one of their available Weapon or Projectile Defence if played with Remove the card from the game after use.
leaders at random. No spice is collected for it. another weapon.
1 Semuta Drug ‐ take a Treachery Card 1 Chemistry ‐ counts as a Poison Defence or 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of Spice Blow
immediately after another player discards it. Poison Weapon if played with another defence. Phase. Instead of revealing the next Spice Blow Card,
1 Stone Burner ‐ choose after battle plans are 1 Shield Snooper ‐ both Shield and Snooper. phase proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
revealed: Both leaders are killed, OR both 1 Poison Blade ‐ both Projectile and Poison 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up.
leaders in this battle do not count their strength Weapon. Double the Spice Blow amount.
if they otherwise survived. In either case, the 1 Lasgun ‐ always kills enemy leader. Wipes
player with the higher number of undialed force the territory clean if a Shield is played in battle. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase.
tokens wins the battle. Dialed forces are lost 1 Poison Tooth ‐ kills both leaders without Allows one extra movement for any forces regardless of
normally. possible defence after Battle Plan reveal. Use prior movement.
1 Mirror Weapon ‐ play as part of your Battle optional, discard if used.
Plan. Copies your opponent's weapon, if they 1 Artillery Strike ‐ kills both leaders unless 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the
reveal one. shielded. Leaders do not count towards battle base Free Revival rates and raise the normal revival limit
1 Portable Snooper ‐ protect your leader total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. to 7 for all factions.
from a Poison Weapon. If you did not play a 3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader.
defence, you may play this from hand after Has no value and is discarded afterwards. 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player.
revealing your battle plan. 6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value. Forces that player to answer any one "yes" or "no"
1 Distrans ‐ give another player a Treachery 1 Reinforcements ‐ adds 2 to dial and then question concerning the game.
Card from your hand (anytime outside of kills 3 from reserves. Discard after use. 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players
bidding) if their hand is not full. 1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ play as weapon or discard half their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Juice of Sappho ‐ play to be considered first defence. Your undialed forces return to your 1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to immediately
or last in turn order for any phase or battle. reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use. revive one of your leaders or 5 of your forces.
1 Karama ‐ see Karama Cards section.
1 Nullentropy Box ‐ pay 2 spice to take any 2 Karama Cards:
Treachery Card from the discard pile. Shuffle the Use for one of the following: A) Factions special power, B) Blocking an opponent's use of faction advantage,
pile afterwards and discard this card on top. C) You or ally ship at half price, D) Win an auction immediately or pay for a bid over spice reserves.
2 1/5 1 0 20
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Ur­Director Malina Aru of the 0 2 1 1 3
Combine Honnete Ober Advancer Merchantiles
Economic powerhouse of the Imperium. You run the CHOAM Charity from your KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to
pocket but always come out on top. During the Mentat Phase you can also use the discard any Treachery Cards from your hand to gain 3 spice for
Inflation Token to double or cancel next turns' charity, but the opposite will happen each.
on the subsequent turn. ALLIANCE: Once per turn, at the end of any phase you may
You may also discard duplicate Treachery Cards for spice or Worthless Cards for exhange a Treachery Card with your ally. You may also pay for
special effects. your ally's forces in battle.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type.
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase 7. Battle Phase
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. one faction. When other players pay spice for forces in battle,
half goes to you (rounded down). If an Auditor Leader is in battle
3. CHOAM Phase you can audit (look at) cards randomly in your opponent's
Claim 2 spice from the Spice Bank for each other player in the hand. Two cards if they survived, one if they died. The subject can
game and you pay the spice to players that claim CHOAM Charity. cancel the audit by paying one spice per card to be revealed. An
The inflation token doubles or cancels all amounts in this step. Auditor can not be captured by the Harkonnen.
No Bribes can be made when the Inflation token shows Double.

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 5] 8. Spice Harvesting Phase

Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. At the end of any phase Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
you may discard duplicates of the same Treachery Cards for 3 spice force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
each or Worthless Cards for 2 each. Alternatively you may
discard Worthless Cards for special effects. See card list on back. 9. Mentat Phase
Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 0] counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies.
You have no free revival. Each revival costs you 1 spice and you have During the Mentat Phase you can choose to use your Inflation
no limit to the amount of revivals you may make. An Auditor can be token and make the subsequent CHOAM Charity double or
revived regardless of the status of your other Leaders and can not be negated. The opposite action happens on the following turn and
revived by the Tleilaxu for their own use. the token is then removed.
CHOAM Specials + Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ at the start of a Storm Phase,
control the storm and move it from 0 to 10 sectors.
38 Battle Cards: 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is
6 Worthless Card specials: revealed but before the storm moves. You must have
Discarded for special effects during play. 5 Projectile Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader.
5 Shields ‐ blocks any Projectile Weapon. forces on or next to the Shield Wall. Blows up the Shield
Baliset 5 Poison Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader. Wall and all forces on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall
During Shipping and Movement, prevent 5 Snoopers ‐ blocks any Poison Weapon. token on the wall. The Imperial Basin, Carthag, and
a player from moving into a territory you 1 Weirding Way ‐ counts as a Projectile Arrakeen are no longer protected from the Storm.
occupy. They may ship in normally. Remove the card from the game after use.
Weapon or Projectile Defence if played with
another weapon.
Jubba Cloak
1 Chemistry ‐ counts as a Poison Defence or 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of Spice Blow
During storm movement, prevent the
loss of your forces in one territory. Poison Weapon if played with another defence. Phase. Instead of revealing the next Spice Blow Card,
1 Shield Snooper ‐ both Shield and Snooper. phase proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
Kull Wahad 1 Poison Blade ‐ both Projectile and Poison 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up.
Prevent a player from playing a Karama Weapon. Double the Spice Blow amount.
Card this phase as they attempt to do so. 1 Lasgun ‐ always kills enemy leader. Wipes
the territory clean if a Shield is played in battle. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase.
Kulon 1 Poison Tooth ‐ kills both leaders without Allows one extra movement for any forces regardless of
On your turn in Shipping and Movement, possible defence after Battle Plan reveal. Use prior movement.
move your forces one extra territory. optional, discard if used.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ kills both leaders unless 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the
La La La shielded. Leaders do not count towards battle base Free Revival rates and raise the normal revival limit
During Revival, prevent a player from to 7 for all factions.
total, nor do dead leaders yield spice.
taking Free Revival.
3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader.
Has no value and is discarded afterwards. 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player.
Trip to Gamont 6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value. Forces that player to answer any one "yes" or "no"
During Mentat Pause, send any one force question concerning the game.
belonging to another player to the
1 Reinforcements ‐ adds 2 to dial and then
kills 3 from reserves. Discard after use. 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ play as weapon or discard half their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to immediately
2 Karama Cards: defence. Your undialed forces return to your
revive one of your leaders or 5 of your forces.
reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
12 1/4 1 6 14
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
Place forces in any one unoccupied territory after all other factions have set up 2 2 1 1 3
Viscount Hundro Moritani
The ruthless Moritani will stop at nothing in the conquest for Dune. You will sow KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to select
fear with assassinations, terrorism, and sabotage. Going so far as to break up and what Treachery Cards your opponent discards or retains after
form new alliances. winning a fight against you.
ALLIANCE: When your ally loses a battle that had a winner,
You will be contending with your bitter rivals of House Ecaz for the loyalties of the they may keep one Treachery Card they played in the battle.
formidable Duke Prad Vidal.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type. You may activate a Terror Token
in a Stronghold when any non‐allied faction enters it. Or
alternatively, form an alliance with them (barring Ecaz) and
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase returning the Token to the pool. Can break existing alliances!
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the 7. Battle Phase
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
one faction. If you are in 2 or more Stronghold battles (not
with Ecaz), you gain control of Duke Vidal for this Battle Phase, if
3. CHOAM Phase he is alive. After losing a battle where the enemy leader survived,
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. you may (once per faction) Assassinate a leader of the winning
faction for whom you have a Traitor Card. The target must be
outside the battle.
8. Spice Harvesting Phase
4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
9. Mentat Phase
Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 2] holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. You may place or move
a Terror Token to a Stronghold without one (except the IMS). If
Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No you Assassinated a leader this turn, you may draw a new Traitor
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. Card leaving the old one visible.
Moritani Terror + Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ at the start of a Storm Phase,
control the storm and move it from 0 to 10 sectors.
38 Battle Cards: 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is
6 Terror Tokens: revealed but before the storm moves. You must have
Played face down, one per stronghold. 5 Projectile Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader.
5 Shields ‐ blocks any Projectile Weapon. forces on or next to the Shield Wall. Blows up the Shield
Assassination 5 Poison Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader. Wall and all forces on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall
Kill a random leader from the triggering 5 Snoopers ‐ blocks any Poison Weapon. token on the wall. The Imperial Basin, Carthag, and
faction and collect spice (3 for Zoal). 1 Weirding Way ‐ counts as a Projectile Arrakeen are no longer protected from the Storm.
Extortion Weapon or Projectile Defence if played with Remove the card from the game after use.
Gain 5 spice as a bribe from the Spice another weapon.
Bank. Regain this token along with the 1 Chemistry ‐ counts as a Poison Defence or 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of Spice Blow
bribe unless any one player, going in Poison Weapon if played with another defence. Phase. Instead of revealing the next Spice Blow Card,
storm order, pays you 3 spice. phase proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
1 Shield Snooper ‐ both Shield and Snooper.
Robbery 1 Poison Blade ‐ both Projectile and Poison 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up.
Steal half of the spice (rounded up) from Weapon. Double the Spice Blow amount.
faction or gain Treachery Card from deck. 1 Lasgun ‐ always kills enemy leader. Wipes
the territory clean if a Shield is played in battle. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase.
Draw and discard a random card from 1 Poison Tooth ‐ kills both leaders without Allows one extra movement for any forces regardless of
triggering faction's hand. May then give possible defence after Battle Plan reveal. Use prior movement.
them a Treachery Card from your hand. optional, discard if used.
1 Artillery Strike ‐ kills both leaders unless 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the
Sneak Attack
shielded. Leaders do not count towards battle base Free Revival rates and raise the normal revival limit
Send up to 5 forces from reserves into
that territory at no cost (if possible), total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. to 7 for all factions.
even if Atomics Aftermath token is there. 3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader.
Has no value and is discarded afterwards. 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player.
Atomics Forces that player to answer any one "yes" or "no"
Wipes the territory clean. Place down 6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value.
Atomics Aftermath token. None may ship 1 Reinforcements ‐ adds 2 to dial and then question concerning the game.
into this territory. Hand Limit is reduced kills 3 from reserves. Discard after use. 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players
by one for you and your ally. 1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ play as weapon or discard half their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to immediately
2 Karama Cards: defence. Your undialed forces return to your
revive one of your leaders or 5 of your forces.
reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.
12 1/4 1* 6 14
Free Revival: Shipment Cost: Movement Range:
*Traitor card of one Ecaz leader starts revealed! Imperial Basin
2 2 1 1 3
Archduke Armand Ecaz
Your honorable house relies on shrewd diplomacy and alliances to get ahead. KARAMA: You may play a Karama card once per game to add
Ambassadors to the other houses will bring special advantages. You can also help the difference between your leader and the opponents leader
your allies more directly than any other faction by co‐existing on the board. to the dial if you played no weapon or defence.
ALLIANCE: You may have your ally benefit from an activated
You will have access to the the formidable Duke Prad Vidal but be wary of the Ambassador Token effect.
treacherous Moritani and their efforts to sway him to their side.

1. Storm Phase 6. Shipment & Movement Phase

Forces in sand territories through which the storm passes or stops Make one shipment and then one movement. Shipping cost
are destroyed. determined by destination type. You may activate an Ambassador
Token when any non‐allied faction enters a Stronghold with a
different factions Token. When the last non Ecaz Token is
2. Spice Blow & Nexus Phase activated, randomly draw a new pool of 5 tokens.
Spice Blow cards are drawn. Shai‐Hulud devours everything on the
prior spice blow and signals Alliances to be made or broken. 7. Battle Phase
Resolve battles in each territory that is occupied by more than
one faction. If you and ally are fighting together due to co‐
3. CHOAM Phase existing in an area, either faction can fight (play leader and
Claim up to 2 CHOAM Charity if you have only 1 or no spice. cards) but Ecaz always commits half its forces (rounded up and
full strength) while allied forces are dialed nomally.

8. Spice Harvesting Phase

4. Treachery Bidding Phase [Hand Limit 4] Forces in territories that contain spice may collect 2 spice per
Bid spice to acquire Treachery Cards. force ‐ or 3 spice per force if you have access to ornithopters.
While collecting together with ally, split collection by aggrement
or equally otherwise (ally gets remainder). Both collect fully
5. Tleilaxu Revival Phase [Free Revival 2] from shared Strongholds.
Additional forces may be revived at a cost of 2 spice per force. No 9. Mentat Phase
more than 3 forces may be revived per turn. You may always revive Collect bribes. A faction occupying 3 strongholds (or an alliance
Duke Vidal for 5 spice. You can place Ambassador Tokens from holding 4 strongholds) wins the game. Holding all 3 Tech Tokens
your pool in Strongholds without one. Each turn, cost starts at 1 counts as a stronghold but cannot be shared between allies. Your
spice and increases by one for each subsequent Ambassador. alliance needs only 3 strongholds if co‐occupying all.
Ecaz Ambassadors + Treachery Cards 10 Special Cards:
1 Weather Control ‐ at the start of a Storm Phase,
control the storm and move it from 0 to 10 sectors.
38 Battle Cards: 1 Family Atomics ‐ played after storm movement is
11 Ambassador Tokens: revealed but before the storm moves. You must have
Played face up, one per stronghold. 5 Projectile Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader.
5 Shields ‐ blocks any Projectile Weapon. forces on or next to the Shield Wall. Blows up the Shield
Ecaz ‐ always available 5 Poison Weapons ‐ kills enemy leader. Wall and all forces on it. Place the Destroyed Shield Wall
Gain Duke Vidal if alive. Alternatively, 5 Snoopers ‐ blocks any Poison Weapon. token on the wall. The Imperial Basin, Carthag, and
form an alliance with the faction if 1 Weirding Way ‐ counts as a Projectile Arrakeen are no longer protected from the Storm.
both are solo, ally gains Duke Vidal for Remove the card from the game after use.
one turn.
Weapon or Projectile Defence if played with
Atreides another weapon.
See the faction's hand. 1 Thumper ‐ played at the beginning of Spice Blow
Bene Gesserit 1 Chemistry ‐ counts as a Poison Defence or
Choose effect of any Ambassador Poison Weapon if played with another defence. Phase. Instead of revealing the next Spice Blow Card,
outside of pool to trigger. 1 Shield Snooper ‐ both Shield and Snooper. phase proceeds as though Shai‐Hulud has been revealed.
Gain 5 spice from the Spice Bank. 1 Poison Blade ‐ both Projectile and Poison 1 Harvester ‐ played just after Spice Blow comes up.
CHOAM Weapon. Double the Spice Blow amount.
Discard any of your Treachery Cards and 1 Lasgun ‐ always kills enemy leader. Wipes
gain 3 spice for each. the territory clean if a Shield is played in battle. 1 Hajr ‐ played during Shipping and Movement Phase.
1 Poison Tooth ‐ kills both leaders without Allows one extra movement for any forces regardless of
Look at one random Traitor Card
that the faction holds. possible defence after Battle Plan reveal. Use prior movement.
optional, discard if used.
Move a group of your forces on the
1 Artillery Strike ‐ kills both leaders unless 1 Recruits ‐ played during Revival Phase to double the
board to any allowed territory.
Ix shielded. Leaders do not count towards battle base Free Revival rates and raise the normal revival limit
Discard a Treachery Card from hand total, nor do dead leaders yield spice. to 7 for all factions.
and draw a new one. 3 Cheap Hero ‐ played in place of a leader.
Buy a Treachery Card for 3 spice. Has no value and is discarded afterwards. 2 Truthtrance ‐ played at any time against any player.
Guild 6 Worthless Cards ‐ have no value. Forces that player to answer any one "yes" or "no"
Ship down up to 4 forces for free. question concerning the game.
1 Reinforcements ‐ adds 2 to dial and then
Tleilaxu 1 Amal ‐ played at the start of any phase. All players
kills 3 from reserves. Discard after use.
Revive one leader or up to 4 forces
1 Harass and Withdraw ‐ play as weapon or discard half their spice (rounded up) to the Spice Bank.
for free.
1 Tleilaxu Ghola ‐ play at any time to immediately
2 Karama Cards: defence. Your undialed forces return to your
revive one of your leaders or 5 of your forces.
reserves. Canceled by traitor. Discard after use.
When played can do any one of the following:
A) Use the special Karama power of the player's faction. See faction sheet for details.
B) Prevent other players from using one of their advantages once, at execution. Can stop alliance benefits. Preventable advantages are preceded by
C) Play during Shipment Phase to ship at discounted Guild rates (1/2 price of shipment) or allow ally to do so. Spice paid goes to the Spice Bank.
D) Play to immediately win an auction, or to pay for a bid that is higher than player's spice total at auction.

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