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FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands

Addis Ababa






February, 2024

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector

P.O.Box. 2561
Tel. + 251 11 618 4501/5516
Fax. + 251 11 661 1537/610898
Bob Marley Avenue,
Addis Ababa,
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands

Kalid Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project




February, 2024

Issue and Revision Record

Rev. Date Originator Checker Approver Description

February, 2024 Seid S. Zelalem B. Final

Melaku S.

This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied
upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability and
prior written authority of Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector (WEDSWS) being
obtained. WEDSWS accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequence of this document being used
for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person using or relying on the
document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to confirm his
agreement to indemnify WEDSWS for all loss or damage resulting there from. WEDSWS accepts no
responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation ii February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification



VOLUME – I Executive Summary
VOLUME – II Design of Dam and Appurtenant Structures
VOLUME – III Design of Irrigation and Drainage System
VOLUME – IV Design of Infrastructures
VOLUME – V Structural Design of Dam & Major Structures
VOLUME – VI Engineering Cost Estimates
VOLUME – VII Operation, Maintenance and Safety Manual
Part I Dam & Appurtenant Structures
Part II Irrigation & Drainage System
LOT -1 Dam and Appurtenant Structures
VOLUME – VIII Bid Document
VOLUME – IX Engineering Design Drawings
Part I Dam and Appurtenant Structures
Part II Infrastructures for Dam & Appurtenant Structures
VOLUME – X Technical Specifications
VOLUME – XI Bill of Quantities
LOT -2 Irrigation and Drainage System
VOLUME – XII Bid Document
VOLUME – XIII Engineering Design Drawings
Part I Irrigation and Drainage System
Part II Infrastructures for Irrigation System
VOLUME – XIV Technical Specifications
VOLUME – XV Bill of Quantities

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation iii February, 2024
Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification
Table of contents

1.1 Existing Irrigation Canals 2
1.2 Contractor’s Temporary Workshops Offices etc. 2
1.3 Keeping Works Free of Water 2
1.4 Maintenance of Traffic 2
1.5 Compensation Water and Flow Past Structures 2
1.6 Interference with Existing Works 3
1.7 Dimensions 3
1.8 Abatement of Nuisance 4
1.9 Lighting 4
1.10 Water Supply 4
1.11 Photographs 4
1.12 Datum 4
1.13 Surveying 4
1.14 Medical Arrangements 5
1.15 Inspection of Materials 5
1.16 Materials on and under the site 6
1.17 Additional Drawing 6
1.18 Working Drawings and Calculations 6
1.19 As built Drawings 7
1.20 Demolition and protection of works 7
2.1 Clearance of Ground 8
2.2 Agreement of Existing Ground Levels 8
2.3 Classification of Excavation 8
a) Excavation in rock 8
b) Excavation in normal material 9
2.4 Excavated Material 9
2.5 Timbering and Dewatering of Excavations 9
2.6 Preparation, Inspection and Blinding of Foundations 10
2.7 Trial Pits 11
2.8 Filling in general 11
2.9 Borrow pits and quarries 11
2.10 Canal and drain excavation 12
2.11 Preparation of embankment foundation 12
2.12 Canal embankments and dykes 13
2.13 Uncompact filling in embankments 13
2.14 Compacted fill 13
2.15 Compaction of soils 13
2.16 Reinstatement 15
3.1 Workmanship and Material General 17
3. 2 Approval of Concrete Constituents 17
3.3 Water for Concrete and Mortar 17
3.4 Aggregates for Concrete 17
Coarse Aggregate: 18
Fine Aggregate: 18
3.4.4 Testing Aggregates 18
Table 1:- Total numbers of tests required on aggregates 19
b) Routine Testing 20

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Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification
3.6 Mortar 22
3.7 Reinforcement 22
3.8 Formwork 23
4.1 Definitions 24
4.2 Standard Specifications 24
4.3 Concrete 24
Table 2 Concrete and Water-Cement Relationships 25
4.3.2 Cyclopean Concrete Alternative 25
4.3.3 Strength 25
Table 3 Concrete Strength Requirements 26
Table 4:- Standard Mixes for Ordinary Structural Concrete per 50 kg Bag of Cement 27
4.3.5 Production 28
4.3.6 Workability 28
4.4 Transporting, Placing and Compacting 28
4.5 Curing 32
4.6 Cutting, Bending and Fixing of Reinforcement 34
4.7 Construction Joints 36
4.8 Formwork 38
4.9 Forms for Joints 39
4.10 Removal of Formwork 39
4.11 Remedial Work to Defective Surfaces 40
4.12 Remedial Work to Existing Structures 40
4.13 Hand Mixed Concrete 40
4.14 Protection of Buried Concrete 41
4.14.1 Materials 41
4.14.2 Concrete in Contact with Ground 42
4.15 Pre-cast Concrete 42
4.15.1 Durability 42
4.15.2 Dimensional Tolerances 42
4.15.3 Handling and Storage of Units 43
4.15.4 Purchased Units 43
4.15.5 Testing Units 43
4.15.6 Pre-cast Concrete Blocks 44
5.1 Stone 45
5.2 Pitching 45
5.3 Stone Riprap 45
a. Graded Granular Material 46
Table 5.1: Grading Limits for Graded Granular Material 46
5.4 Masonry Works 46
PART 6 Mechanical and Electrical works 48
6.1General 48
6.11Scope of New Works 48
6.12 Altitude 48
The altitude of the pumping station is 1965masl. 48
6.13 De-rating 48
6.14 Spare Parts 48
6.15 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals 49
6.16 Record Drawings 49
6.17 Tests after Erection on Site 50
6.18 Continuous Test Period 51
6.2 Mechanical Particular Specification 52
6.21Pumps 52
1 Introduction 52

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification
2 Pump Sets General 52
3 Eligibility of Pump Set Suppliers 52
4 Type of Pump Sets 52
5 Pump Materials 53

6 Supply of Pump Set Technical Information 53

7 Pumps Performance Requirement 54
6.22 Pipe work, Equipment and Valves 54
1Pipe work 54
2 Valves 54
3 Performance Monitoring 55
6.31 Electrical General 56
1 Scope 56
2 EEPCO Work 56
3 Manual Changeover Units 57
4 Audible alarm with automatic reset to show engine starting 57
5 Motor and Equipment Voltages 57
6 Local Control Facilities 57
7 Starter Control Supplies 58
8 Auto-Resetting Function 58
9 Main LV Switchboard 58
10 Control & Instrumentation section 58
11 Main Pump Motor Starters 59
12 Sump Pump Motor Starter 60
7.1 Cast Steel 82
7.2 Structural Steelwork 82
7.3 Welding 84
7.4 Metal Spraying 84
7.5 Painting General 85
7.6 Painting of Steelwork subject to immersion in water 85
7.7 Painting of Metal Sprayed and Galvanized Steelwork 86
7.8 painting of Other Steelwork 87
8.1 General 89
9.1.1 Work included 89
9.2 Diversion Weir 89
9.3 Flood protection dyke 89
9.3.1 Materials 89
9.4 Approval of Contractor's Plan of Operations 89
9.5 Protection of Permanent Works 90

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FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

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Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification


1.1 Existing Irrigation Canals

Where works affect access of supplies of irrigation water to existing irrigation, the
Contractor shall be responsible for maintaining alternative access and supplies of
irrigation water at all time to the satisfaction of the Engineer and the owner.

1.2 Contractor’s Temporary Workshops Offices etc.

The location and layout of the Contractor’s temporary works, workshops, stores
plant yards, offices, staff housing, camp recreational facilities are to be approved
by the Engineer.

1.3 Keeping Works Free of Water

(1) Except where otherwise specified the Contractor shall keep the Site of the
Works free from water so that the work may be carried out in the dry. He
shall construct any cofferdams, temporary bulkheads, watercourses and
other works and supply and work such pumping plant as may be necessary
for this purpose.

(2) Notwithstanding any approval of the arrangements made for the exclusion
of water from the Works, the Contractor will be responsible for the
sufficiency thereof and will be liable for any loss of production, additional
overheads or additional costs of any kind that may results.

1.4 Maintenance of Traffic

The Contractor shall be responsible for providing, maintaining and removing, at

his own cost, adequate diversions to roads, access tracks and existing livestock
corridors interfered with during the execution of the Works, together with the
complete cost of any additional policing, sign posting, and the erection of barriers.

1.5 Compensation Water and Flow Past Structures

(1) The Contractor shall ensure that during the construction of weir, and other
structures across rivers and existing main canal and up to the time of
completion of the relevant parts of the Works, the whole natural flow of the
rivers shall be allowed to pass the Works except for such quantity as the
Contractor may reasonably require for the execution of the Works, unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer.

(2) After completion of those parts of the Works or Temporary Works, which
form a barrier to river flow, the Contractor will be required by the Employer
to pass such quantities of water into the river downstream of the structures
as may be directed. The Contractor shall not alter the rate of flow of such
water except with the approval of the Engineer. It is expected that a
specified minimum flow will have to be maintained at all times, but that it

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation 2 February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

may be possible to shut off the flow completely for periods of less than 24
hours only.

(3) The cost of such temporary works and all other changes arising in
compliance with this clause shall be deemed to be included in the rates
provided, however, that temporary provision for areas and channels, which
are indicated on the drawings will be paid for under special items in the Bill
of quantities these provisions include mainly the temporary maintaining of
normal flow in existing channel, which are situated wholly or partly in the
concrete area.

1.6 Interference with Existing Works

(1) The Contractor shall not interfere in any way with any existing works
whether the property of the Employer or of a third party and whether the
position of such works is indicated to the Contractor by the Engineer or not,
except where such interference is specifically described as part of the
Works either in the Contract or in the Engineer’s instructions.

(2) In pursuance of Clause 22 hereof the Contractor shall at his own expense
provide and erect to the approval of the Engineer such supports as may be
required to protect efficiently all structures or works which may be
endangered by the execution of the Works and he shall remove such
supports on completion of the Works or otherwise take such permanent
measures as may be required by the Engineer to protect the structures or

(3) The Contractor is to execute the Works in such a manner that he does not
damage or interfere with existing services which are located in proximity to
the Site. The Contractor shall be responsible for any damage or
interference that may be caused to these services due to execution of the
Works and shall carry out all necessary repairs at his own expense and to
the satisfaction of the Engineer.

1.7 Dimensions

All dimensions, distances and levels of the designs are indicated in the metric
system. When additional and / or working drawings are repaired, the contractor
shall submit these drawings in the metric system.

Should the dimensions shown on the drawing to coincide with standard nominal
sizes available, reasonable substitutions shall be authorized. No extra payment
will be allowed for such substation without specific approval.

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation 3 February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

1.8 Abatement of Nuisance

The Contractor shall adopt such measures, as the Engineer may consider
reasonable and necessary to minimize nuisance from dust, noise, or other cause.
Roads in frequent use with heavy traffic shall be watered a minimum of 3 times a
day at appropriate times to be agreed with the Engineer. Other roads within the
Site shall be watered at least once each day. The Contractor’s attention is drawn
to the damage to crops, which may be caused by dust. The Contractor is to take
such measures as may be necessary to prevent such damage by dust arising
from the execution of the Contract.

1.9 Lighting

The Contractor shall install and maintain a system of lighting to provide a

reasonable degree of illumination over the area of the Contractor’s offices and
camp and Engineer’s office and accommodation. He shall submit details of his
scheme for the approval of the Engineer before any work commences.

1.10 Water Supply

The Contractor shall provide an adequate supply of safe drinking water on the
Site. The quality, number, capacity and location of the installations shall be to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, and conform to the requirements of the appropriate

1.11 Photographs

Progress photographs in black and white will be required of such portions of the
works and taken at such times, as may be directed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall arrange for such photographs to be taken and shall promptly
supply eight uncounted copies of each progress photograph of a size 250mm. by
200mm. and suitably inscribed. The negatives of the photographs shall be the
property of the Employer and no prints from these negatives may be supplied to
any person or persons unless under the authority of the Employer or of the

1.12 Datum

The levels and grid shown on the Drawings are referred to local benchmarks
shown on the topographic map of diversion weir site and irrigation system layout,
in the execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall refer all works to that datum
and grid.

1.13 Surveying

The levels and grid shown on the Drawings are referred to local benchmarks
shown on the topographic map of existing canal datum and grid and, in the
execution of the Contract, the Contractor shall refer all works to that datum and

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Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

 The engineer will provide the contractor with all the necessary data for the
detailed setting out of the works the setting out of the main points of the
alignments dikes, canals, drains, roads and the center lines of structures will
be executed by the engineer.
 The detail setting out including the marking of all points for the works to be
constructed, shall be carried out by the contractor, after the clearing and
grubbing, but before the beginning of any other activity.
 The survey instruments to be used by the contractor shall be of a make and
type suitable for the work to be executed in a good state of repair and well-
adjusted the instruments and /or equipment shall be subject to the approval of
the engineer.
 All field books, calculations, maps, etc of the survey activities mentioned above
will be handed over to the engineer, immediately after the completion of the
 The contractor shall provide survey teams to the engineer for assistance in
order to set out the main points of the alignment and to check the contractors
setting out, as soon as the engineer may direct.
 The Contractor shall give to the engineer a surveying work program one month
early be for proceeding any wok and at least 10 days written notice of his
intention to commence any particular work of surveying. In these specified
dates. If in any case changes his schedules shall notify five days before the
date of commencement of the work scheduled as above.

1.14 Medical Arrangements

1.14.1 The contractor shall make arrangements according to the equations in force in
Ethiopia, for treatments on the site of casualties and sick persons.

1.14.2 The arrangements shall include the minimum provision of a dispensary with
inpatient facilities with a minimum of four beds, a qualified resident dresser and
assistant, and for regular visits by a qualified medical practitioner. Notwithstanding
the minimum requirements prescribed above, the contractor shall be responsible
for the adequacy of all the arrangements made.

1.14.3 Notwithstanding the minimum requirements prescribed above, the Contractor

shall be responsible for the adequacy of all the arrangements made.

1.15 Inspection of Materials

 The Engineer may employ an inspecting engineer to inspect materials for the
works at the supplier's premises or elsewhere, and at the supplier's premises
or elsewhere, and in this capacity the inspecting engineer will be regarded as
the engineer's Representative with the limitation imposes by clause 2 of the
condition of contract.

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

 Whenever work is to be done at time when work is not usually in progress, or

whenever the regular period for carting out such work is changed, the engineer
shall be given notice in sufficient time to arrange for proper inspection.

 If required by the engineer, the contractor shall supply copies of orders placed
by him for materials to be incorporated in the permanent works so that
inspection of the relevant materials can be arranged in sufficient time it
considered necessary by the engineer
1.16 Materials on and under the site

All soil, turf, gravel, stone, timber, or other materials obtained in the excavations,
clearing of the site of the works and soil sipping, shall belong to the Employer and
must not be removed from the works without the consent of the Engineer. The
contractor, however, may use for the consummation of the works timber felled on
the site and of the materials excavated under the contract which the Engineer
may determine to be fit for such use and shall use such materials if directed by the

1.17 Additional Drawing

 The contractor shall supply all additional drawings for the completion and
maintenance of the works these additional drawings must be based on the data
and principles of the contract Drawings and be proved and submitted to the
engineer in time.

 The Contractor shall supply drawings of all temporary works such as camp
buildings water supply fuel deposit, etc for the engineer
1.18 Working Drawings and Calculations

The contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the following working
drawings concerning

 Shuttering and for moulds for the concrete works

 Reinforcement for the concrete works, when not supplied to the contractor by
the Engineer or in case of changes
 Bending schedules and bar lists for the steel reinforcement, when not
supplied to the contractor by the engineer or in case of changes
 Pre-cast concrete units including the cast in parts such as fasteners, jointing
materials, lifting provisions, etc
 Formwork arrangement and proportion schedule.
 Masonry works, all pitching and rip rap works
 All steel construction including anchor bolts, templates, etc
 If required, the contractor shall also submit calculations to the engineer for
 Alternative designs proposed by the engineer including calculations
 All calculations of concrete mix design

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation 6 February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

1.19 As built Drawings

The contractor shall prepare and submit to the employer via the Engineer six
months prior to issuance of the maintenance certificate six paper copies and one
reproducible copy of the so called as built drawings showing clearly all coactions,
depths, slopes, heights, showing clearly all coactions, depths, slopes, heights,
shapes and dimensions of all permanent works as executed.

All costs related to the supply to the engineer of the mentioned number of drawings
and calculations shall be deemed to be included in the rates in the bill of quantities
any extra copy of the drawings and /or calculations which may be required, shall be
supplied against the unit rate as included in the bill of quantities.

1.20 Demolition and protection of works

 All materials arising from the clearance of structures, houses, etc shall be
disposed of at a depot with on a radius of about 1.5km from the place of
demolition. The exact location of the depot shall be indicated by the engineer.
 All voids shall be refilled with soil, compacted to the same density, as the
surrounding soil and the surface shall be finished to the existing ground level
and to the satisfaction of the engineer.
 The permission to remove existing objects as mentioned before shall be his
responsibility the permission to remove the objects shall be provided according
to the agreed time schedule of the contractor No removal shall take place
before the area has temporary works and/ or diversions, which have been
approved by the engineer.
 Any property situated in the direct proximity of the works shall be protected
against any damage which could be caused by vehicles, subsidence, vibration,
etc. any damage shall be repaired by the contractor to conform to the condition
of the property prior to damage and costs shall be born by the contractor.

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Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

2.1 Clearance of Ground

(1) The Contractor shall clear the ground on or below which the Works are to be
erected by removing vegetation and all superficial obstructions. The
combustible material cleared may be disposed of by strictly controlled
burning, which shall be approved in each instance by the Engineer.

(3) Trees, bushes and hedges at the Site shall not be cut down, damaged or
destroyed without the approval of the Engineer. Trees shall be defined as
having a girth exceeding 500 mm measured 600 mm above ground level
except where a tree has buttresses when the measurement shall be taken
immediately above the buttresses.

2.2 Agreement of Existing Ground Levels

(1) Prior to the start of any earthworks or excavation, but after site clearance, if
any, the levels of the existing ground shall be surveyed by the Contractor and
agreed between the Contractor and the Engineer. If the Contractor fails to
take the requisite levels the ground levels shown on the drawings or
determined by the Engineer shall be taken as correct.

(2) No allowance will be made for normal bulking or shrinking of the soil and the
Contractor shall make allowance for this in his rates.

2.3 Classification of Excavation

(1) For purposes of measurement, excavation is classified as follows:

a) Excavation in rock

i) "Hard rock”: - shall be defined as a recent lava flow which may be

dry or saturated material which requires the use of drifts, wedges
or explosions for its removal and shall not include loose rotten
shuttered or fractured forms of rocks or boulders less than 0.5 m3
by volume.

"Soft rock”: - shall be defined as ignimbrites, welded tuffs,

volcanic ash which are dry or saturated and can be loosened or
broken down effectively at a standard productivity of a single
pass of bull dozer ripper of 285 HP.

ii) All loose, shattered or fractured rock shall be removed from

excavations in rock. Where excavations in rock are carried out
by blasting, the manner and extent of the blasting shall be such
as will prevent damage to the surrounding strata or ground or to
the Works.
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Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

iii) No excavations in rock shall be carried out by blasting where

damage to the surrounding strata or ground or properties or to
the Works would result thereby. The rates for excavation in rock
shall be held to include for excavation by any means, as the
circumstances require.

b) Excavation in normal material

i) “Normal” material shall be defined as any material not classified

as rock.

(2) For the purpose of payment, items are included in the Bill of Quantities for
excavation in “normal”

(3) The classification of excavation shall be agreed by the Engineer and the
Contractor as the work proceeds and rocky conditions encountered. In the
event of a dispute over the classification of rock, the ruling of the Engineer
shall be final and binding.

2.4 Excavated Material

(1) Excavated material approved by the Engineer for uses as backfill shall be
deposited in spoil heaps confined to areas approved by the Engineer.

(2) Top soil shall be stored separately from the main excavated material and no
account disposed of without the approval of the Engineer.

(3) The Contractor shall include in his excavation rates for removing to tip all
surplus excavated material, rubbish and waste matter and for providing tips
and leaving them with an acceptable appearance, all to the approval of the

2.5 Timbering and Dewatering of Excavations

(1) The Contractor shall carry out timbering in accordance with the relevant
requirements or as may be necessary to protect life, property and structures
adjacent to the work, the work itself.

(2) All open excavation shall be securely timbered with suitable timber (or
alternative form of sheeting other than timber) as may be required and
whenever necessary to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the Contractor's
expense. Timber shall not be left in the excavations as they are being filled
up unless authorized by the Engineer.

(3) Every precaution shall be taken by the Contractor against slips and falls, and
the like in the excavations, but if any slips or falls should occur the Contractor
shall at once make good the same including all surface restoration and
reinstatement, all at his own cost. If any such fall or slip disturbs or weakens

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Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

any foundation or support to the works or adjacent buildings, pipes, etc., or

causes a space to exist outside the new work itself the Contractor shall
execute such additional works as the Engineer may require in consequence
thereof and fill up the space so caused, with concrete if necessary, as the
Engineer may direct, all at the Contractor's own expense.

(4) All excavation shall be kept free from water until construction work is
complete and for such time as the Engineer considers necessary to
safeguard the permanent work all at the Contractor's own expense.

(5) The Contractor shall be deemed to have included in his rates for excavation
for the supply and operation of all pumps and the construction of any sumps
or temporary drains necessary. Should any damage be caused by prolonged
or excessive pumping, making well shall be carried out by the Contractor at
his own cost and to the Engineer's approval.

(6) The Contractor shall comply with all instructions of the Engineer regarding the
supporting of the sides and dewatering of trenches or pits but shall not be
relieved of his responsibilities under the Contract because no objection has
been raised to the condition of the work.

2.6 Preparation, Inspection and Blinding of Foundations

(1) Where stated on the Drawings or elsewhere in the Specification, the

excavation shall be carried out as described and the Final Surface treated as
(2) The faces of excavations shall be clean and trimmed to the required lines and
levels. Any parts of the formation inconsistent with the nature and texture of
the main formation shall be removed if authorized by the Engineer, and the
voids so formed filled with a material and in a manner approved by the
Engineer. Such extra excavation including filling will be paid for by the
Employer provided it is not caused by any action or negligence by the
(3) Where the Final Surface is damaged or allowed to deteriorate through
instructions not being complied with, the cost of the re-excavation to a firm
base and making up with Grade C-20 lean mix concrete shall be borne by the
(4) If any slips or falls occur, the Contractor shall immediately make good the
same including all surface restoration, all at his own expense.
(5) The Contractor shall stop excavation at a minimum depth of 150mm above
any Final Surface to be blinded. The final 150mm excavation shall not be
carried out until the Contractor is ready to protect the Final Surface with
(6) The Contractor shall not excavate below the formation level or beyond any
exposed faces shown on the drawings. Any over-excavation shall be
backfilled and compacted at the Contractor's expense.

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

(7) The Contractor shall in accordance with Clause 38 of the Conditions of

Contract give due notice to the Engineer whenever any such work or
foundation is about to be ready for examination and no further work shall
proceed thereon until the Engineer's approval is given.
(8) The Contractor shall at all times afford protection to any exposed formation to
obviate deterioration and, where applicable, blinding concrete shall be laid
immediately following the Engineer's approval of the formation.

2.7 Trial Pits

(1) The Contractor shall excavate, maintain and afterwards fill at the rates in the
Bill of Quantities any trial pits ordered by the Engineer. The cost of trial pits
required by the Contractor shall be at the Contractor's expense.

(2) The sides of the pits shall, where deemed necessary by the Engineer for
safety purposes, be supported by the sheeting or boarding with adequate
framing and a ladder shall be provided for inspection purposes, the costs of
which shall be deemed to be included in the Contractor's excavation rates for
trial pits.

2.8 Filling in general

(1) Filling embankments, refilling of trenches and other earthworks shall be

formed with spoil selected or approved by the Engineer. The spoil shall be
placed in layers not exceeding 250 mm thick, or such other thickness as the
Engineer may approved after the Contractor has demonstrated the
capabilities of his plant, thoroughly compacted in accordance with clause
2.16 herein and trimmed to the levels and slope required.
(2) The Contractor shall make good in a manner as directed or approved by the
Engineer any damage or defects to the works caused by settlements, slips or
falls in earth works and shall do all necessary work to prevent the same.

2.9 Borrow pits and quarries

(1) If because of an insufficiency or spoil suitable for use as filling, or if because

of other circumstances the Engineer so agrees or orders, the Contractor shall
obtain spoil for filling and may obtain other materials from approved borrow
pits or quarries.

(2) The Contractor shall investigate the site or sites, which he proposes to open
up, and shall provide information by means of boreholes or trials pits to
satisfy the Engineer that the quality and quantity of material are suitable for
the works. The Engineer may require the Contractor to investigate further
until he is satisfied that adequate supplies of the required materials are
assured from the proposed site or sites. .

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(3) The Contractor shall be responsible for devising and effecting to the
satisfaction of the Engineer, methods of working the pit or quarry so as to
produce material so graded in size that a dense and stable mass of fill can be

(4) The pits and quarries shall be run in a safe manner and on completion of the
works; the Contractor shall carry their reinstatement to the satisfaction of the
Engineer by leaving them in a safe, tidy, regular and self-draining state. All
loose rock on upstanding faces shall be barred down and no face shall be left
overhanging except with the approval of the Engineer.

(5) Notwithstanding, the foregoing, the Engineer shall have the right to order the
Contractor to obtain materials from a particular source designated by him, in
which case the Employer will pay any extra haulage which the Engineer is
satisfied thereby incurred by the Contractor.

(6) The Engineer may order spoil for fillings to be obtained by widening certain
cuttings for permanent works beyond the specified profile. The cost such
widening including all trimming to smooth and even slopes will be paid for at
the rates inserted for excavation in similar ground.

2.10 Canal and drain excavation

(1) The excavation of all canals and drains shall be executed in such a manner
as to ensure that the side slops are not endangered by undercutting. Should
undercutting occur the Contractor shall take necessary measures to the
approval of the Engineer to prevent slips, including back filling, compacting
and trimming to the required slope or pitching or timber piling or cement
stabilization as may be necessary to prevent subsequent erosions. All such
remodel measures shall be at the Contractor's expense.

(2) The Contractor shall notify the Engineer without delay of any permeable
strata, fissures or unsuitable ground encountered during excavation.

2.11 Preparation of embankment foundation

Unless otherwise directed, the topsoil and other unsuitable materials shall be
removed from the foundations of canal embankments and dykes.

Where material occurs below formation level in cuttings or on the sites of

embankments which are unsuitable to remain in this position it shall, as required
by the Engineer, be removed, displaced or treated in such a manner as will render
it suitable.

To avoid interference with the constructing of structures, the Contractor may

suspend work on embankments and/or cuttings forming the approaches to
structures until such time as the construction of the latter is sufficiently advanced
to permit the completion of the approaches without the risk of interference or
damage the works.

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2.12 Canal embankments and dykes

The canal embankments and dykes shall be built to the dimensions and side
slopes shown on the drawings or as otherwise directed by the Engineer.

The embankments shall be hand trimmed to provide finished surfaces of neat and
even appearance and with alignment and regularity of surface to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.

Where the material in the embankment has been excavated in the wet, the
trimming shall be carried out when the material has dried to a condition and due
allowance shall be made for any further drying and shrinkage of the material.

2.13 Uncompact filling in embankments

Excavated spoil surplus to requirements for filling may be deposited in

embankments at the sides of the canals as shown on the drawings. The spoil
need not be compacted but shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers, the
thickness of which shall not exceed one meter. To prevent large unsightly
embankments the Engineer may direct that in deep out the spoil be deposited in
other parts of the works or in the spoil tips.

2.14 Compacted fill

In general, the specified source for the material for compacted fill in the canal and
dyke embankments will be the canal or drain excavation.

Where suitable material for compacted fill is not available in the adjacent canal or
drain excavation the deficiency shall be made available from canal or drain
excavation at other sections or from borrow pits, drains or elsewhere. Before
starting the excavation of canal, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for his
approval a mass haul diagram showing his proposals for obtaining this fill and
giving for each section along the canal, the quantity of the excavated material
which is to be used in the adjacent embankments, the quantity to be placed as
loose fill or spoil in the adjacent embankments or in spoil tips.

Material for fill shall be free from all organics material. Material for compacted fill,
unless otherwise directed, shall not contain rock or boulders. All material shall be
to the approval of the Engineer.

2.15 Compaction of soils

(1) The fill shall be placed in uniform layers not exceeding 250mm loose
thickness or such other thickness, which the Engineer may approve, and
each layer shall be compacted until the required degree of Compaction has
been obtained. The degree of compaction required would be 95 per cent
of the maximum dry density of the fill material as determined by the
laboratory compaction test method for moisture density relationship using

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the Lower Comparative Effort (L.C.E.). The in-situ dry density of the
compacted fill material will be determined by the sand replacement method.
The Contractor will carry out tests on the formation during the placement
and compaction has been obtained.

(2) The moisture content of the soil shall be carefully controlled either by
natural drying or wetting with a fine spray. In general, material approved
for fill must have natural water content close to the optimum water content
for compaction.

If the fill material is too wet, it shall be scarified or disked and aerated until
the proper water content is attained. When the specified compaction
density is

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not being obtained, placing of additional fill shall stop and the material in
place shall be scarified, adjusted in water content and recomputed until the
required compaction is obtained.

Adequate compaction, equipment for uniform compaction to the specified

density must be on hand before any fill operations are started by the

(3) Scarifying of surfaces

Where fill in embankment is to be compacted, the surface of the ground

under the embankment shall be scarified and compacted to a depth of 0.15
meters so as to provide a satisfactory bond between the ground and the fill.
The moisture content of the scarified surface shall be carefully controlled,
either by natural drying or by wetting with a fine spray. If, for any reason,
progress in compacting the fill is interrupted for an unreasonable time, the
surface of the fill shall be scarified before compaction continues. All costs
in connection with this work shall be included in the rates.

(4) The rates for compacted fill shall include:

 Excavation holding deposition of excavated material from approved

 The selection of suitable material
 Forming the embankment as specified in Clause 2.10
 Scarifying or disking the surface of the ground as specified in
Clause 2.16(3)
 Compacting the soil as specified in (1)
 Wetting or drying of soils as mentioned in 2.16 (2)
 Trimming of the finished embankment to the lines and levels as shown
on the Drawings
 The facilitation of test apparatus and any work, which is necessary to
enable the Engineer to carry out, field tests.

2.16 Reinstatement

(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for the temporary and permanent
reinstatement of roads, fields, paths, gardens, verges and the like, whether
public or private, which are affected by his operations.

(2) When in the opinion of the Engineer a suitable period has elapsed after
temporary reinstatement has been completed for there to be no further
settlement, he shall allow the Contractor to carry out the permanent
reinstatement. This shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his
responsibility for reinstatement and, should any further unforeseen
settlement take place, the Contractor will be required to make good the
reinstatement at his own expense.

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(3) Permanent reinstatement means that the ground surface shall be restored
to its original form and condition.

(4) Any diverted watercourses shall be reinstated in their former positions

and top soil shall be spread where the ground has been stripped. The
Contractor shall be deemed to have included in the rates entered in the
Bill of Quantities for the full cost of such reinstatement.

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3.1 Workmanship and Material General

 All workmanship shall be of the best quality appropriate to each Category of

work unless the materials used in the works shall approved by the Engineer all
materials used in the works shall be of the best quality of their respective kinds
as specified or described in the specification. Drawings and Bill of quantities
shall comply wherever possible with the current issue of the appropriate
standard published by the ASTM or other equivalent approved National or
International standard.

3. 2 Approval of Concrete Constituents

(1) The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer full details of all materials, which he
proposes to use for making structural or non-structural concrete as defined in Clause
4.1. No concrete shall be placed in the Permanent Works until the Engineer has
approved the materials of which it is composed. Approved materials shall not
thereafter be altered or replaced by other materials without the consent of the

3.3 Water for Concrete and Mortar

(1) Water for mixing or curing of concrete or mortar shall be to the approval of the
Engineer not containing more than the following concentrations of impurities:
Max ppm

 The sum of sulphates, alkali carbonates and bicarbonate 1000

 Chlorides 500
 Suspended solids 2000
 Other dissolved solids 2000
 Seawater or brackish water shall not be used

(2) The results of the analysis shall be submitted to the Engineer. The sample of
water sent for analysis shall be taken in the presence of the Engineer.

(3) If the source of water is changed it shall be tested as above. If the water
contains over 80 per cent of the maximum concentrations of impurities
properties given above it shall be re-tested at two monthly intervals.

3.4 Aggregates for Concrete

3.4.1 General Requirement

a) Fine and coarse aggregates shall comply with the Standards approved and in
addition they shall be chemically inert to alkali reaction and sound. There
shall have moisture absorption of less than 2 percent.

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b) Aggregates of rounded shape or otherwise capable of producing concrete of

good workability with the minimum addition of water shall be preferred.
c) The Contractor shall ensure that the nature and grading of aggregates remain
reasonably constant, and shall, if necessary, stockpile and include different
grading to ensure that the overall grading remains constant for each section
of the work.

d) Dust or flour resulting from crushing the aggregate shall not be allowed to
contaminate the stockpiles. When, in the opinion of the Engineer such
contamination has taken place it shall be removed by an approved means.

e) For mass concrete, in order to improve the consistency of the mix, dust or
flour resulting from crushing the aggregates, may subject to test, be included
in controlled quantities to supplement the fine aggregates.

f) The aggregates of various sizes shall be kept separately and from all
possible contamination and shall be stored on a hard standing area or in bins,
provided with proper drainage at the base of the stockpiles.
3.4.2 Grading

Except where aggregates have been otherwise specified on the Drawings the
grading of the aggregates shall be as follows:

Coarse Aggregate:

(a) 10 mm max. Size, graded, for all " fine" concrete.

(b) 20 mm max. size, graded, for all reinforced concrete in beams and for walls
and slabs.
(c) 36mm max size graded for all mass concrete walls and slabs.

Fine Aggregate:

(a) For Nominal mixes, where permitted to be used, natural sand aggregate only
shall be used except for non-structural concrete Class C-10 where all-in
aggregates may be used.

3.4.4 Testing Aggregates

a) Acceptance Testing

i) The Contractor shall deliver to the Engineer samples containing not

less than 50 kg of any aggregate, which he proposes to use in the
Permanent Works, and shall supply such further samples as the
Engineer may require. Each sample shall be clearly labeled to show
its origin and shall be accompanied by all the information in BS 882.

ii) Tests to determine compliance of the aggregates with all the

requirements of this Specification shall be carried out by the
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Contractor in a laboratory acceptable to the Engineer. If the tested

materials fail to comply with the Specification, further tests shall be
made in the presence of the Contractor and the Engineer and
acceptance of the material shall be based on such tests.

iii) The acceptance tests carried out by the Contractor shall generally be
on three representative samples of fine and coarse aggregates taken
in the presence of the Engineer. Total numbers of tests required for
acceptance are as follows:

Table 1:- Total numbers of tests required on aggregates

Test Fine Coarse Aggregates

Water Absorption - 3
Flakiness Index - 3*
Shell Content Determination - 3*
Test for Shell Content (where - 1
10% Fines Test or Aggregate - 3*
Impact Value
Grading 3* 3 on each nominal size

Chloride Content 3* 3*
Sulphate Content 3* 3*
Soundness - 3*
Petrographic Examination As required As required Minimum 3
Minimum 3
Clay, silt and dust determination 3 3
Organic impurities 3 3

One test on each sample

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iv) If at any time a significant physical or chemical change in the nature of the
coarse or fine aggregate occurs, or a new source aggregate is used, the
Engineer may direct that some or all of the acceptance testing is repeated.

b) Routine Testing

i) The Contractor shall carry out routine testing of aggregates for

compliance with the Specification during the period in which concrete
is being produced for the Permanent Works. The tests set out below
shall be performed on aggregates from each separate source on the
basis of one set of tests for each day on which aggregates are
delivered to site provided that no set of tests shall represent more than
250 tons of fine aggregate nor more than 500 tons of coarse
aggregate, and provided also that the aggregates are of uniform
quality. If the aggregate from any source is variable, the frequency of
testing shall be as instructed by the Engineer.

 Grading BS 812
 Silt and clay content BS 812
 Moisture content BS 812
 Check on organic impurities Test A3 in Appendix A.

ii) In addition to the above routine tests, the Contractor shall carry out the
following tests at the frequencies stated:

 Moisture content: As frequently as may be required in order

to control the water content of the concrete
as required by the Specification.

 Chloride content: As frequently as may be required to

ensure that the proportion of chlorides in
the aggregates does not exceed the limit
stated in the Specification.

iii) The Contractor shall take account of the fact that when the chloride
content is variable it may be necessary to test every load in order to
prevent excessive amounts of chloride contaminating the concrete.
For this purpose the Contractor shall use the rapid field test described
in Appendix A (the Quantab test). In the event of disagreement
regarding the results of the field test, the chloride content of the
aggregate shall be determined in the laboratory as described in BS
812 (the Volhard test).

3.4.5 Delivery and Storage of Aggregates

a) Aggregates shall be delivered to Site in clean and suitable vehicles. Different

types or sizes of aggregate shall not be delivered in one vehicle.

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b) Each type or size of aggregate shall be stored in a separate bin or

compartment having a base such that contamination of the aggregate is
prevented. Dividing walls between bins shall be substantial and continuous
so that no mixing of types or sizes occurs.

c) The storage of aggregates shall be arranged so that as far as possible rapid

drying out in hot weather is prevented in order to avoid sudden fluctuations in
water content. Storage of fine aggregates shall be arranged so that they can
drain sufficiently before use in order to prevent fluctuations in water content of
the concrete.

3.5 Cement

(1) Cement for use in the permanent works shall be Ordinary Portland Cement of
an approved type complying to approved standards.

(2) Cement shall be free flowing and free of lumps. It shall be supplied in the
manufacturer's sealed unbroken bags or in bulk.

(3) Bagged cement shall be transported in vehicles provided with effective

means of ensuring that it is protected from the weather.

(4) Bulk cement shall be transported in vehicles or in containers built and

equipped for the purpose.

(5) Cement in bags shall be stored in a suitable weatherproof structure of which

the interior shall be dry and well ventilated at all times. The floor shall be
raised above the surrounding ground level and shall be so constructed that
no moisture rises through it.

(6) Each delivery of cement in bags shall be stacked together in one place
separate from other deliveries. The bags shall be closely stacked but shall
not be stacked against an outside wall. If pallets are used, they shall be
constructed so that bags are not damaged during handling and stacking. No
stack of cement bags shall exceed 3 m in height. Different types of cement in
bags shall be clearly distinguished by visible markings and shall be stored in
separate stacks.

(7) Cement from broken bags shall not be used in the Permanent Works.

(8) Cement in bags shall be used in the order in which it is delivered.

(9) Bulk cement shall be stored in weatherproof silos, which shall bear a clear
indication of the type of cement contained in them. Different types of cement
shall not be mixed in the same silo.

(10) The Contractor shall provide sufficient storage capacity on Site to ensure that
his anticipated program of work is not interrupted due to lack of cement
having due regard to factors outside the Contractor's control.

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(11) Cement, which has become hardened, or lumpy, or fails to comply with the
Specification in any way shall be removed from the Site.

(12) The manufacturer or the Contractor shall test all cement used in the
Permanent Works in a laboratory acceptable to the Engineer. The tests shall
be in accordance with Test A1 in Appendix a contained at the end of the
Specification, and the Contractor shall supply two copies of each test
certificate to the Engineer.

(13) Cement which is stored on Site for longer than one month shall be retest in a
laboratory acceptable to the Engineer at the rate of one set of tests for every
200 Tones or remaining part of any single delivery, whichever is the lesser
amount. Testing shall be repeated at monthly intervals thereafter. Testing
shall be in accordance with Test A1 in Appendix A.

(14) Cement, which does not comply with the Specification, shall not be used in
the Permanent Works.

(15) The Contractor shall keep full records of all data relevant to the manufacture;
delivery, testing and use of all cement used in the Permanent Works and
shall provide the Engineer with two copies thereof.

3.6 Mortar

(1) Mortar shall be composed of fine aggregate as specified in Clause 3.3 and
the type of cement as specified in Clause 3.5. The mix proportions shall be as
stated on the Drawings or if not stated shall be one part of cement to three
parts of fine aggregate by weight.

(2) Small quantities of mortar may be hand mixed but for amounts over 0.5 m3 a
mechanical mixer shall be used.

(3) The water content of the mortar shall be as low as possible consistent with
the use for which it is required but in any case the water/cement ratio shall
not be more than 0.5.

(4) Mortar, which is specified, as `dry pack' shall be mixed with sufficient water
for the mix to become cohesive but not plastic when squeezed in the hand.
Dry pack mortar shall be rammed into the cavity it is required to fill, using a
hand rammer with sufficient force to ensue full compaction.

3.7 Reinforcement

(1) Reinforcement steel shall be either hot rolled round mild steel bar, or
deformed cold worked steel bar, to appropriate standards.

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(2) The Contractor shall obtain from his supplier certificates of the mechanical
and physical properties of the reinforcement and shall submit them to the
Engineer for approval.

(3) At the time of fixing, reinforcement shall be free from loose mill scale, rust
scale, and shall not be contaminated by grease, dirt, oil, paint, soil or any
other agency, which may impair the bond or initiate or accentuate any
reinforcement corrosion.

(4) Tying wire for steel reinforcement shall be 1.6 mm diameter annealed soft
iron wire.

(5) Cover and spacers shall be designed to maintain the correct clear cover of
concrete over steel reinforcement, shall be as small as possible consistent
with their purpose, and of a shape acceptable to the Engineer.

(6) Concrete cover blocks shall be manufactured with a 10 mm maximum

aggregate size and otherwise produced to the same specification as the
surrounding concrete. Wire cast in the block for the purpose of tying it to the
reinforcement shall comply with sub clause 3.8 (4).

(7) Spacers shall be of rustproof material and shall not produce staining, or
otherwise be detrimental to the concrete or steel.

3.8 Formwork

(1) The formwork may be of seasoned, planed, tongued and grooved timber,
plywood, blackboard, and tempered hardboard, steel or as specified on the

(2) All timber used for formwork shall be sound wood, well seasoned and free
from loose knots, shakes, large checks, warping and other defects. Before
use on the work, it shall be properly stacked and protected from injury from
any source. Any timber that becomes badly warped or cracked, prior to the
placing of concrete shall be rejected. All formwork for outside surfaces above
final ground level shall be either tongued and grooved or provided with a
suitable lining to produce a smooth surface finish.

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4.1 Definitions

(1) Structural concrete is any class of concrete, which is used, in reinforced, pre-
stressed or unreinforced concrete construction, which is subject to stress and
which is required to comply with other Clauses of the Specification.

(2) Non-structural concrete is composed of materials complying with the

Specification but for which no strength requirements are specified and which
is used only for filling voids and similar purposes where it is subjected to
significant stress.

(3) A formed surface is a face, which has been cast against formwork. A free
surface is a horizontal or nearly horizontal surface produced by screening or
trowelling to the level and finish required. A pour refers to the operation of
placing concrete into any mould, bay or formwork, etc., and also to the
volume that has to be filled. Pours in vertical succession are also referred to
as lifts.

(4) Water/cement ratio is the ratio by weight of the free water in the mix divided
by the weight of cement in the mix. Free water is the water in the mix
including water absorbed by the aggregate.

(5) Forms, formwork or shuttering shall mean all temporary moulds forming the
concrete to the required shape together with any special lining that may be
required to produce the concrete finish specified.

(6) False work or centering shall mean the furnishing, placing and removal of all
temporary construction such as framing, props and struts required for the
support of forms.

4.2 Standard Specifications

Concrete and all related work shall conform to the specifications hereunder or to
other equivalent standards approved by the Engineer.

4.3 Concrete
4.3.1 Concrete Mixes & Requirements
(1) The mix proportions shall be selected to ensure that the workability of the
fresh concrete is suitable for the conditions of handling and placing, having
regard to the structural element being constructed, the disposition of
reinforcement, the climatic conditions prevailing and the limitations set by
Table 3.2 of this Clause for the particular class of concrete specified.
(2) Notwithstanding the strength requirement of this Specification, in order to
ensure adequate durability of the finished concrete, while at the same time

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limiting its shrinkage characteristics the limits shown in Table 2 shall not be

Table 2 Concrete and Water-Cement Relationships

Class of W/C Total Water Cement Content per
Concrete (by weight) per 50 kg m³ of finished
Max of cement concrete (kg)
(liters) min.
C - 15 0.55 27.5 265
C - 20 0.50 25 272
C - 25 0.50 25 295

(3) In all cases of mix proportion, the added water shall be included with due
allowance for the moisture contained in the aggregate and shall be the
minimum consistent With the Workability requirements. Where difficulty is
experienced in maintaining the correct workability for the water cement ratio
outlined in Table 2 the use of a water reducing additives may be permitted by
the Engineer.
(4) Where the concrete is to be used in structures protected from the elements,
which are not water retaining, the water content indicated in Table 3.2 may be
increased by 2 liters per 50 kgs of cement.

4.3.2 Cyclopean Concrete Alternative

Cyclopean Concrete is to be formed using the available large rocks from the
approved source by the Engineer.

Clean cobbles or quarried rock size 300-500mm to 20mm are to be placed in

approximately 600mm. Concrete class B15 is placed in such a way as to fill
the interstices and bind the mass together. The result is approximately
40percent concrete and 60 percent cyclopean rock. Concrete is to be placed
with large bottom dump buckets, lowered to discharge directly over and into
the rock mass. Concrete can also be poured using pipe hoses for the
advantage to discharge at a more uniform rate and with less segregation and

4.3.3 Strength

(1) The basis for assessing the strength of concrete shall be related to the
characteristic Strength, defined as the Strength of the concrete at 28 days, as
determined by an approved standard method of testing below which not more
than 5% of the test results shall fall.

The relationship between the class of the concrete and characteristic

Strength shall accord with Table 3

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Table 3 Concrete Strength Requirements

Class of Characteristic Strength MN/m²

28 - Days 7 - Days
C - 15 15 11
C - 20 20 15
C - 25 25 19

4.3.4 Mixes

(1) Structural concrete proportion shall be determined either by an approved Mix

Design Method or by using the Standard Mixes set out in Table 4 having
regard for the limitations indicated for fine aggregate gradings referred to
under Section 3.3. For small sections of work the Engineer may give
permission for Nominal Mix proportioning to be used. Non Structural
Concrete shall conform to the requirement setout in Table 4

(2) If in the opinion of the Engineer, the Standard Mix or Nominal Mix Methods of
proportioning will not produce concrete to satisfy the requirements of this
Specification, the mix shall be designed.

(3) Details of the designed mixes shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer
before use.

(5) Proportions for the several classes of concrete shall conform to the
requirements of Table 4.

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Table 4:- Standard Mixes for Ordinary Structural Concrete per 50 kg Bag of Cement

Nominal max. Size of

40 20 14 10
Aggregate (mm)
Concrete Mediu
Workability Medium High Medium High Medium High High
Grade m
Limits of slump that may be 30 to 20 to 50 to 10 to 30 to 10 to
60 to 120 25 to 50
expected (mm) 60 50 100 30 60 25
Total Aggregate (kg) 370 330 320 280
C 15 Fine Aggregate (%) 30-45 30 – 45 35 –50 35 – 50 - - - -
Vol. of finished concrete m3) 0.200 0.183 0.178 0.160
Total Aggregate (kg) 305 270 280 250 255 220 240 200
C 20 Fine Aggregate (%) 30-35 30 – 40 30 – 40 35 – 45 35 – 45 40 – 50 40 – 50 45 55
Vol. of finished concrete m3) 0.165 0.155 0.156 0.143 0.146 0.130 0.137 0.121
Total Aggregate (kg) 265 240 240 215 220 195 210 175
C 25 Fine Aggregate (%) 30-35 30 – 40 30 – 40 35 45 35 – 45 40 –50 40 – 50 45 – 55
Vol. of finished concrete m3) 0.147 0.137 0.137 0.127 0.130 0.118 0.124 0.110

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4.3.5 Production

(1) Aggregates cement and water shall be proportioned by volume batching.

(2) The amount of water added shall conform to the requirements of Table 2

4.3.6 Workability

(1) Workability of fresh concrete shall be such that the concrete can be handled
and placed without segregation and, after compaction, shall completely fill the
Formwork and around all reinforcement and ducts.

(2) The quantity of water used shall not exceed that required to produce a
concrete with appropriate workability to be placed and compacted in the
required location.

4.4 Transporting, Placing and Compacting

(1) Concrete shall not be placed in any part of the Permanent Works until the
Engineer's consent has been given in writing, and the Contractor shall give
the Engineer at least 18 hours’ notice of his intention to place concrete.

(2) The time elapsing between mixing and placing a batch of concrete shall be as
short as practicable and in any case no longer than will permit completion of
placing and compaction before the onset of initial set. If the placing of any
batch of concrete is delayed beyond this period, the concrete shall not be
placed in the Permanent Works.

(3) If concrete placing is not commenced within 24 hours of the Engineer's

consent, the Contractor shall again request written consent as specified

(4) The concrete shall be discharged from the mixer such that the loss of slump
between discharge from the mixer and placing shall not exceed 25 mm.

(5) Excavated surfaces on which concrete is to be deposited shall be prepared

as set out in Section 3 of the Specification.

(6) Existing concrete surfaces shall be prepared as set out in the relevant
clauses. Before deposition of further concrete they shall be clean, hard and
sound and if required by the Engineer shall be wet but without any free
standing water.

(7) Any flow of water into an excavation shall be diverted through proper side
drains to a sump, or be removed by other suitable methods that will avoid
washing away the freshly deposited concrete or any of its constituents.
When they are no longer required any underdrains constructed for this
purpose should be completely grouted up or dealt with by a method agreed
by the Engineer.

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(8) If so instructed by the Engineer rock surfaces against which concrete is to be

placed shall receive a prior coating of mortar mixed in the proportions similar
to those of the fine portion in the concrete to be placed. The mortar shall be
kept ahead of the concrete. The mortar shall be well worked into all parts of
the excavated surfaces and shall be not less than 5 mm thick.

(9) If any fissures have been cleaned out as described in the Specification or as
instructed by the Engineer, they shall be filled with the mortar or with concrete
as instructed by the Engineer.

(10) The amount of mortar placed at any one time shall be limited so that it does
not dry out or set before being covered with concrete.

(11) The concrete shall be deposited as neatly as possible in its final position. It
shall be placed so as to avoid segregation of the concrete and displacement
of the reinforcement, other embedded items, or Formwork. It shall be brought
up in layers approximately parallel to the construction joint planes and not
exceeding 500 mm in compacted thickness unless otherwise permitted or
directed by the Engineer, but the layers shall not be less than four times the
maximum nominal size of aggregate in thickness.

(12) Layers shall not be placed so that they form featheredges nor shall they be
placed on a previous layer, which has taken its initial set. In order to comply
with this requirement, a layer may be started before completion of the
preceding layer.

(13) All the concrete in a single bay or pour shall be placed as a continuous
operation. It shall be carefully worked round all obstructions, irregularities in
the foundations and the like so that all parts are completely full of compacted
concrete with no segregation or honeycombing. It shall also be carefully
worked round and between water stops, reinforcement, embedded steelwork
and similar items that protrude above the surface of the completed pour.

(14) All work shall be completed on each batch of concrete before its initial set
commences and thereafter the concrete shall not be disturbed before it has
set hard. No concrete that has partially hardened during transit shall be used
in the Permanent Works and the transport of concrete from the mixer to the
point of placing shall be such that this requirement can be complied with.

(15) Concrete shall not be placed during rain, which is sufficiently heavy or
prolonged to wash mortar from coarse aggregate on the exposed faces of
fresh concrete. Means shall be provided to remove any water accumulating
on the surface of the placed concrete. Concrete shall not be deposited into
such accumulations of water.

(16) In dry weather, covers shall be provided for all fresh concrete surfaces, which
are not being worked on. Water shall not be added to concrete for any

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(17) When concrete is discharged above its place of final deposition, segregation
shall be prevented by the use of chutes, down pipes, trunking, baffles or other
appropriate devices.

(18) Forms for walls, columns and other thin sections of significant height shall be
provided with openings or other devices that will permit the concrete to be
placed in a manner that will prevent segregation and accumulations of
hardened concrete on the formwork or reinforcement above the level of the
placed concrete.

(19) When it is necessary to place concrete under water the Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer his proposals for the method and equipment to be
employed. The concrete shall be deposited either by bottom-discharging
watertight containers or through funnel-shaped tremies which are kept
continuously full with concrete up to a level above the water and which shall
have the discharging bottom fitted with a trapdoor and immersed in the
concrete in order to reduce to a minimum the contact of the concrete with the
water. Special care shall be taken to avoid segregation.

(20) If the concrete in a tremie pipe is allowed to fall to such an extent that water
enters the pipe, the latter shall be removed from the pour and filled with
concrete before being again lowered into the placing position. During and
after concreting under water, pumping or de-watering in the immediate
vicinity shall be suspended if there is any danger that such work will disturb
the freshly placed concrete.

(21) If concrete placing is interrupted for any reason and the duration of the
interruption cannot be forecast or is likely to be prolonged, the Contractor
shall immediately take the necessary action to form a construction joint so as
to eliminate as far as possible feather edges and sloping top surfaces and
shall thoroughly compact the concrete already placed in accordance with the
Specification. All work on the concrete shall be completed while it is still
plastic and it shall not thereafter be disturbed until it is hard enough to resist

(22) Equipment and materials to comply with this requirement shall be readily
available at all times during concrete placing.

(23) Before concreting is resumed after such an interruption the Contractor shall
cut out and remove all damaged or uncompacted concrete, feather edges or
any other undesirable features and shall leave a clean sound surface against
which the fresh concrete may be placed.

(24) If it becomes possible to resume concrete placing without contravening the

Specification and the Engineer consents to resumption, the new concrete
shall be thoroughly worked in and compacted against the existing concrete so
as to eliminate any cold joints.

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(25) Unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, pours shall not be more than two
meters high and shall as far as possible have a uniform thickness over the
plan area of the pour. Concrete shall be placed to the full planned height of all
pours except in the event of an interruption to placing in which case action
shall be taken as specified.

(26) The Contractor shall plan the dimensions of pours in such a way that thermal
or shrinkage stresses are minimized.

(27) The Contractor shall arrange that as far as possible the intervals between
placing successive lifts of concrete in one section of the Permanent Works be
of equal duration. This duration shall normally be not less than neither three
nor more than seven days under temperate weather conditions unless
otherwise agreed or instructed by the Engineer.

(28) Where required by the Engineer to limit the opening of construction joints due
to shrinkage, concrete shall not be placed against adjacent concrete, which is
less than 21 days old.

(29) If concrete has to be placed against recently cast concrete within a period of
less than 21 days, the pour shall be carried out as early as possible after the
adjacent pour but precautions shall be taken to minimize shrinkage. The
methods described in Clause 5.8 can be used to that effect. However the
Contractor shall submit for approval a proposed method and program for
placing of concrete.

(30) When the Drawings call for contraction gaps in concrete these shall be of the
widths and in the locations shown on the Drawings.

(31) The concrete shall be fully compacted throughout the full extent of the placed
layer. It shall be thoroughly worked against the formwork and around any
reinforcement and other embedded items, without displacing them. Particular
care shall be taken at arises and other confined spaces. Successive layers
of the same pour shall be thoroughly worked together.

(32) Concrete shall be compacted with the assistance of mechanical immersion

vibrators, unless the Engineer agrees to another method.

(33) Immersion vibrators shall operate at a frequency of between 7,000 and

10,000 cycles per minute. The Contractor shall ensure that vibrators are
operated at pressures and voltages not less than those recommended by the
manufacturer in order that the compaction effort is not reduced.

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(34) A sufficient number of vibrators shall be operated to enable the entire quantity
of concrete being placed to be vibrated for the necessary period and, in
addition, stand-by vibrators shall be available for instant use at each place
where concrete is being placed.

(35) Vibration shall be continued at each point until the concrete ceases to
contract, a thin layer of mortar has appeared on the surface and air bubbles
have ceased to appear. Vibrators shall not be used to move concrete
laterally and shall be withdrawn slowly to prevent the formation of voids.

(36) Vibration shall not be applied by way of reinforcement nor shall vibrators be
allowed to touch reinforcement or other embedded items. The vibrators shall
be inserted vertically into the concrete to penetrate the layer underneath at
regular spacing that shall not exceed the distance from the vibrator over
which vibration is visibly effective.

4.5 Curing

(1) Concrete shall be protected during the first stage of hardening from loss of
moisture and from the development of temperature differentials within the
concrete sufficient to cause cracking. The methods used for curing shall not
cause damage of any kind to the concrete.

(2) Curing shall be continued for as long as may be necessary to achieve the
above objectives but in any case for at least ten days or until the concrete is
covered by later construction whichever is the shorter period.

(3) The above two objectives are dealt with in the following sub-clauses, but
nothing shall prevent both objectives being achieved by a single method
where circumstances permit.

(4) The curing process shall commence as soon as the concrete is hard enough
to resist damage from the process, and in the case of large areas or
continuous pours shall commence on the completed section of the pour
before the rest of the pour is finished.

(5) Details of the Contractor's proposals for curing concrete shall be submitted to
the Engineer before the placing of concrete commences in the permanent

(6) Exposed concrete surfaces shall be closely covered with impermeable

sheeting, properly secured to prevent its removal by wind and the
development of air spaces beneath it. Joints in the sheeting shall be lapped
by at least 300 mm.

(7) If for some reason it is not possible to use impermeable sheeting, the
Contractor shall keep the exposed surfaces continuously wet by means of a

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water spray or by covering with a water adsorbent material which is kept wet,
unless this method conflicts with the other sub-clauses of this Clause.

(8) Water used for curing shall be of the same quality as that used for mixing as
stated in Clause 3.2.1.

(9) Formed surfaces may be cured by retaining the formwork in place for the
required curing period.

(10) If the use of the foregoing methods is inappropriate, surfaces which will not
have further concrete bonded to them and which are not to receive an
application of a finish may be cured by the application of a curing compound
having an efficiency index of at least 90 per cent when tested in accordance
with Test A8 in Appendix A. Curing compounds shall contain a fugitive dye to
enable the extent of the spread to be seen easily.

(11) Curing compound used on surfaces exposed to the sky shall if instructed by
the Engineer, contain sufficient finely divided flake aluminum in suspension to
produce a complete coverage of the surface with a metallic finish when
applied at the rate recommended by the manufacturer.

(12) Curing compounds shall become stable and impervious to the evaporation of
water from the concrete surface within 60 minutes of application. The
material shall not react chemically with the concrete and shall not crack, peel
or disintegrate within 21 days after application.

(13) If instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall, in addition to the curing
provisions set out above provide a suitable form of shading to prevent the
direct rays of the sun reaching the concrete surfaces for at least the first four
days of the curing period.

(14) The Contractor shall limit the development of temperature differentials in

concrete after placing by any means appropriate to the circumstances as
accepted by the Engineer, which shall include the following:

a) Limiting concrete temperatures at placing as set out in the relevant


b) Using low heat cement, subject to the agreement of the Engineer.

c) Insulating exposed concrete surfaces by using insulating blankets.

Such blankets shall have a thermal conductance C value less than 1.0

d) Leaving formwork in place during the curing period. Steel forms shall
be suitably insulated on the outside.

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e) Preventing rapid dissipation of heat from surfaces by shielding from


f) Avoiding the use of water sprays when such use would cause rapid
cooling of the surface.

(15) Freshly placed concrete shall be protected from rainfall and from water
running over the surface until it is sufficiently hard to resist damage from this

(16) No traffic shall be allowed on any concrete surface until such time as it is hard
enough to resist damage by such traffic.

(17) Concrete placed in the Permanent Works shall not be subjected to any
structural loading until it has attained at least its minimum average strength
as defined in Clause 5.3.

(18) If the Contractor desires to impose structural loads in newly placed concrete,
he shall make at least ten test cubes and cure them in the same conditions
as the concrete they represent. These cubes shall be tested singly at
suitable intervals in order to estimate the time at which the minimum average
strength is reached.

4.6 Cutting, Bending and Fixing of Reinforcement

(1) The Contractor shall be responsible for preparing all bending schedules in
compliance with BS 4466 (Bending dimensions and scheduling of
reinforcement for concrete) and the checking of those provided from the
following information that will be given on the construction drawings:

 Required bar diameter

 Required steel specification
 Bar locations and plan area covered
 Bar spacing
 Bar cover
 Required lap length

(2) The Contractor shall be responsible for determining:

 Required number of bars

 Required shape code
 Required bending dimensions
 Overall length of each bar

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(3) Reinforcement shown on the drawings will be that required for structural
purposes only. The Contractor shall be responsible for designing all
reinforcement necessary for positioning and supporting structural
reinforcement (chairs, spacing bars and the like).

(4) The Contractor shall provide test certificates for all reinforcement giving
details of compliance with the required specification.

(5) All bars shall be hot rolled deformed, unless otherwise permitted by the
Engineer. Bar reinforcement shall be bundled and each bundle of steel shall
be tagged with identifying tags, showing the size and mark of the bar. The
bundles shall be stacked clear of the ground in easily accessible positions
that do not in any way hinder the progress of work and shall be kept clean.

(6) When placed in the work reinforcement shall be free from coatings or dirt,
detrimental scale, paint, oil or other foreign substances. When steel has on its
surface rust, loose scale and dust, which is easily removable, it may be
cleaned by a method approved by the Engineer.

(7) All reinforcing bars, ties, links and fabric shall be fixed in the positions shown
on the Drawings within the tolerances specified in BS 4466. In no case shall
the cover specified on the Drawings be increased by more than 5 millimeters.

(8) Displacement of reinforcement beyond the specified tolerance shall be

prevented by supporting the bars sufficiently and securely fixing them
together at intersections where necessary.

(9) The ends of all tying wires shall be turned into the body of the concrete and
not allowed to project towards the surfaces of the concrete.

(10) Spacers shall be used to maintain the cover to all steel and shall be made of
dense cement mortar of one part cement and two parts sand.

(11) Spacers shall be rectangular in section and the flat sides shall bear against
the formwork and the steel. Wire cast into the blocks to fix them to the
reinforcement shall be 1.6 millimeters diameter soft annealed iron. The
Engineer may approve the use of spacers made of other materials. Spacers
shall not be used on the wet face of water retaining or water excluding
structures. Chairs, stools, etc. shall be used to maintain clearance between
two or more layers of reinforcement.

(12) Nothing shall be allowed to interfere with the specified position of

reinforcement. The fixing of reinforcement shall be checked before and during
concreting, and particular attention shall be given to the position of top steel
in cantilever sections. During concrete placing a competent steel fixer shall be
in attendance to adjust and correct the position of any reinforcement which
may be displaced.

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(13) All reinforcement shall be provided in full lengths as indicated on the

Drawings. Splicing of bars, except where shown on the Drawings, shall not
be permitted without the written approval of the Engineer. Splices shall be
staggered as far as possible. Bar reinforcement shall not be welded without
the Engineer's written permission.

(14) In lapped splices, the bars shall be placed in contact and wired together in
such manner as to maintain a clearance between bars of not less than 50

(15) Mesh or mar reinforcement shall overlap sufficiently to maintain a uniform

strength and shall be securely fastened at ends and edges. The edge lap
shall not be less than 40 diameters of the mesh reinforcement bar or two
mesh widths whichever is greater.

4.7 Construction Joints

(1) Except where construction joints in Concrete are shown in the Contract, the
Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval to the positions and details of
such joints before any work is commenced.

(2) Joint lines shall be clean, true and regular, and, wherever possible, arranged
in horizontal and vertical lines to coincide with features of the finished work.

(3) Concreting shall be carried out continuously up to construction joints.

(4) Concrete shall not be allowed to run to a featheredge. Vertical joints shall be
formed against a stop board suitably notched to the reinforcement. The top
surface of each lift of concrete shall be straight and level unless shown
otherwise in the Contract.

(5) Where a kicker is used, it shall be at least 70 mm high and shall be integral
with the previous concrete.

(6) Whenever concrete is to be bonded to other concrete which has hardened,

the surface of contact between the sections shall be deemed a construction

(7) Where construction joints are shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall
form such joints in those positions. The location of joints, which the
Contractor requires to make for the purpose of construction, shall be subject
to the agreement of the Engineer and details shall be submitted with the
programme of Works required by the Conditions of Contract. The exact
location of all construction joints shall be submitted to the Engineer at least 28
days prior to the start of construction of the relevant part of the works.
Construction joints shall be in vertical or horizontal plans except in sloping
slabs where they shall be normal to the exposed surface or elsewhere the
Drawings require a different arrangement.

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(8) Construction joints shall be so arranged as to reduce to a minimum the

effects of shrinking in the concrete after placing, and shall be placed in the
most advantageous positions with regard to stresses in the structures and the
desirability of staggering joints.

(9) Feather edges of concrete at joints shall be avoided and any featheredges,
which may have formed where reinforcing bars, project through a joint shall
be cut back until sound concrete has been reached.

(10) The intersections of horizontal or near horizontal joints and exposed faces of
concrete shall appear as straight lines produced by use of a guide strip fixed
to the formwork at the top of the concrete lift, or by other means acceptable to
the Engineer.

(11) Construction joints formed as free surfaces shall not exceed a slope of 20 per
cent from the horizontal.

(12) The surface of the fresh concrete in horizontal or near horizontal joints shall
be thoroughly cleaned and roughened by means of high pressure water and
air jets when the concrete is hard enough to withstand the treatment without
the leaching of cement. The surface of vertical joints shall be similar treated if
circumstances permit the removal of formwork at a suitable time.

(13) Where concrete has become too hard for the above treatment to be
successful, the surface whether formed or free is to be thoroughly scrabbled
by mechanical means or wet sand blasted and then washed with clean water.
The indentations produced by scrabbling shall be not less than 10 mm deep
and shall not extend closer than 40 mm to a finished face.

(14) If instructed by the Engineer the surface of the concrete shall be thoroughly
brushed with a thin layer of mortar complying with Clause 3.7, all as set out in
Clause 5.7 immediately prior to the deposition of fresh concrete. The mortar
shall be kept just ahead of the fresh concrete being placed and the fresh
layer of concrete shall be thoroughly and systematically vibrated to full depth
to ensure complete bond with the adjacent layer.

(15) No mortar or concrete may be placed in position on or against a construction

joint until the joint has been inspected and passed by the Engineer.

(16) Expansion and contraction joints are discontinuities in concrete designed to

allow for thermal or other movements in the concrete.
(17) Expansion joints are formed with a gap between the concrete faces to permit
subsequent expansion of the concrete. Construction joints are formed to
permit initial contraction of the concrete and may include provision for
subsequent filling.

(18) Expansion and contraction joints shall be formed in the positions and in
accordance with the details shown on the Drawings or elsewhere in the
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4.8 Formwork

(1) All forms shall be of wood or metal and shall be built grout-tight and of
sufficient rigidity to prevent distortion due to the pressure of the
concrete and other loads incidental to the construction operations.
Forms shall be constructed and maintained so as to prevent warping
and the openings of joints due to shrinkage of the timber.

(2) The forms shall be substantial and unyielding and shall be so

designed that the finished concrete will conform to the proper
dimensions and contours. The design of the forms shall take into
account the effect of vibration of concrete as it is placed.

(3) All Formwork shall, unless otherwise directed, be provided with 25 mm

by 25 mm angle fillets so as to form splays on internal and external

(4) A grout check formed from 25 millimeters square hardwood timber

shall be incorporated in the Formwork to provide a clean, level,
horizontal joint on exposed concrete surfaces at the top of each lift.

(5) All joints in the Formwork shall be either horizontal or vertical. End
Formwork shall be square across the mass of concrete.

(6) Where concrete is to be deposited to a slope steeper than 20 degrees

to the horizontal, top formwork shall be used to enable the concrete to
be properly compacted unless the Engineer agrees otherwise.

(7) Openings for the inspection and cleaning of the inside of formwork for
walls, piers and columns shall be formed in such a way that they can
be closed conveniently before commencing to place concrete.

(8) Form clamps, tie bolts and anchors shall be used to fasten forms. The
use of wire ties to hold forms in position during placing of concrete will
not be permitted. Tie bolts and clamps shall be positive in action and
of sufficient strength and number to prevent spreading or springing of
the forms. They shall be of such type that no metal part shall be left
within the specified concrete cover. For water retaining sections,
methods of fixing the forms, which result in holes through the concrete
section when the formwork is removed, shall not be used and built-in
wall ties shall be fitted with water baffles.

(9) All forms for outside surfaces shall be constructed with stiff wales at
right angles to the studs and all form clamps shall extend through and
fasten such wales.

(10) The shape, strength, rigidity, grout tightness and surface smoothness
of forms, which are re-used, shall be maintained at all times. Any
warped, bulged or otherwise damaged timber shall be replaced.
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Forms, which are unsatisfactory, shall not be re-used. If the surface

finish on the formed concrete deteriorates as a result of deterioration
of the faces of the forms, the Engineer shall instruct that forms be
resurfaced, or discarded.

(11) All forms shall be treated with approved mould or similar oil or be
soaked with water immediately before placing concrete to prevent
adherence of concrete. Any materials, which adhere to or discolor
concrete shall not be used.

(12) All forms shall be set and maintained true to the line designated until
the concrete is sufficiently hardened. Forms shall remain in place for
periods, which shall be as specified in relevant clause. When forms
appear to be unsatisfactory in any way, either before or during the
placing of concrete, the Engineer shall order the work stopped until the
defects have been corrected.

(13) All Formwork shall be approved by the Engineer before concrete is

placed within it. The Contractor shall, if required by the Engineer,
provide copies of calculations of the strength and stability of the
Formwork and Falsework. Notwithstanding the Engineer's approval of
these calculations, the Contractor shall be held responsible for the
safety and adequacy of Formwork.

4.9 Forms for Joints

(1) Where permanent or temporary joints are to be made in horizontal or

inclined members, stout stopping off boards shall be securely fixed
across the mould to form a water-tight joint. The form of the permanent
joint shall be as shown on the Drawings.

(2) Where reinforcement or water stops pass through the face of a joint
the stopping off board shall be drilled so that the bars or water stop
can pass through, or the board shall be made in sections with a half
round indentation in the joint faces for each bar so that when placed
the board is neat and accurate fit and no grout leaks from the concrete
through the bar holes, joints or around the water stop.

4.10 Removal of Formwork

(1) Formwork shall be carefully removed without shock or disturbance to

the concrete. No formwork shall be removed until the concrete has
gained sufficient strength to withstand safely any stresses to which it
may thereby be subjected.

(2) The minimum periods, which shall elapse between completion of

placing concrete and removal of forms shall be decided by the

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4.11 Remedial Work to Defective Surfaces

(1) If on stripping any formwork the concrete surface is found to be

defective in any way, the Contractor shall make no attempt to remedy
such defects prior to the Engineer's inspection and the receipt of any
instructions, which the Engineer may give.

(2) Defective surfaces shall not be made good by plastering nor by

sealing with Vandex or any other sealing compound.

(3) Areas of honeycombing which the Engineer agrees may be repaired

shall be cut back to sound concrete or to 75mm whichever is the
greater distance. In the case of reinforced concrete the area shall be
cut back to at least 25mm clear distance behind the reinforcement or
to 75mm, whichever is the greater distance. The cavity shall have
sides at right angles to the face of the concrete. After cleaning out with
water and compressed air, a thin layer of cement grout shall be
brushed on to the concrete surfaces in the cavity and it shall then be
filled immediately with concrete of the same class as the main body
and well vibrated/compacted with the provision of a lip to enable
concrete to be placed. The form shall be filled to a point above the top
edge of the cavity.

(4) After seven days the lip of concrete shall be broken off and the surface
ground smooth.

(5) Surface irregularities, which are outside the limits of tolerance set out
in Clause 5.13, shall be ground down in the manner and to the extent
instructed by the Engineer.

(6) Defects other than those mentioned above shall be dealt with as
instructed by the Engineer.

4.12 Remedial Work to Existing Structures

(1) Where shown on the Drawings or instructed by the

Engineer, surfaces to existing structures shall be sealed
with Vandex or similar approved in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations. For water-retaining
structures, two coats shall be applied and in the case of
other structures, only one coat shall be applied.

4.13 Hand Mixed Concrete

(1) Concrete for structural purposes shall not be mixed by hand. Where
non-structural concrete is required, hand mixing may be carried out
subject to the agreement of the Engineer.

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(2) The mixing shall be done on a hard impermeable surface. The

materials shall be turned over not less than three times dry, water shall
then be sprayed on and the materials again turned over not less than
three times in a wet condition and worked together until a mixture of
uniform consistency is obtained.

(3) For hand mixed concrete the specified quantities of cement shall be
increased by 10% and not more than 0.5 cubic meters shall be mixed
at one time. During windy weather efficient precautions shall be taken
to prevent cement from being blown away during the process of
gauging and mixing.

4.14 Protection of Buried Concrete

4.14.1 Materials

a) Plastic sheeting where shown shall be polythene sheeting 250

microns minimum thickness (except where otherwise specified) to BS
743 to the approval of the Engineer. The Contractor shall provide
suitable samples for approval before any concreting works shall begin.

b) All joints in the plastic meeting shall be made with an approved

polythene based adhesive tape. This tape shall also be used where
tailoring of the sheeting to complicated shapers is necessary, e.g.
gullies, pipe ducts, etc.

c) Bitumen coating shall consist of one priming coat and one finishing
coat of approved bitumen based high build asbestos filled liquid

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4.14.2 Concrete in Contact with Ground

a) Where directed by the Engineer or shown on the Drawings concrete

work which will placed directly against rock or soil or which will
subsequently have backfill placed against it will be protected in the
following way from the aggressive action of salts contained in rock, soil
or groundwater:

i) Concrete placed directly against cut-face shall be protected by

a layer of plastic sheeting laid over the area to be concreted. All
laps shall be at least 300 mm wide and sufficient surplus
sheeting shall be left to enable a margin of at least 30 mm
width to protect above the ground/concrete interface to be
sealed onto the adjacent finished concrete surface with the
bitumen coating. Special care shall be taken to avoid damage
to the plastic sheeting during concreting.

ii) Formed or free concrete surfaces against which backfill will

subsequently be placed will be protected by the application of
bitumen coating.

iii) No protection will be applied to surfaces against which concrete

will subsequently be placed, except as described in the
following sub-clause.

4.15 Pre-cast Concrete

4.15.1 Durability

a) Pre-cast units required for use in exposed places, including items such
as curbstones and copings liable to be affected by de-icing salts shall
be made with concrete of a class not weaker than 30 Mpa and having
a water/cement ratio as low as possible consistent with proper

b) The concrete shall include an air entraining admixture to provide the

following air contents by volume of compacted concrete:

i) Concrete containing 40mm max. nominal size aggregate

ii) Concrete containing 20mm max. nominal size aggregate 4-6%
iii) Concrete containing 10mm max. nominal size aggregate 6-8%

4.15.2 Dimensional Tolerances

a) Units shall be accurately formed to the dimensions shown on the

Drawings and within the tolerances set out in the specification unless
closer tolerances are called for elsewhere in the Contract.
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4.15.3 Handling and Storage of Units

a) Pre-cast units shall be handled in a manner that will not cause

damage of any kind and shall be stored on a hard, impermeable base.
Pre-stressed units and large pre-cast normally reinforced units shall be
handled and stored so that no stresses shall be induced in excess of
those which they will incur in their final positions in the Permanent
Works unless they have been designed to resist such stresses.

b) Units shall be provided with adequate lifting holes or loops, placed in

the locations shown on the Drawings or agreed by the Engineer and
they shall be lifted only by such holes or loops. Where it is not
possible to provide holes or loops, suitable sling positions shall be
indicated in paint on the units.

c) Units shall be marked indelibly with the reference number and date of
casting and shall be stacked on suitable packers, which will not
damage the concrete or stain the surfaces. Not more than two
packers shall be placed under each unit and these shall be located
either at the positions of the permanent support points or in positions
such that the induced stresses in the unit will be a minimum.

4.15.4 Purchased Units

a) If the Contractor proposes to purchase pre-cast units from a supplier,

he shall ensure that such units comply with the requirements of the
Specification and shall carry out any tests, which the Engineer may
require to check compliance.

b) Units shall not be obtained from any supplier who refuses free access
by the Engineer to the factory to inspect and test materials and

4.15.5 Testing Units

a) Pre-cast units shall be capable of safely sustaining the loads, which

they have been designed to carry. If instructed by the Engineer, the
Contractor shall subject units selected by the Engineer to load tests
simulating the working conditions. Details of such tests shall be
agreed between the Engineer and the Contractor.

b) In the case of units subject to bending loads the test piece shall be
supported at full span and a loading equivalent to 1.25 times the sum
of the live and dead loads which were assumed in the design shall be
maintained for one hour without the appearance of any signs of
distress. The recovery one hour after the removal of load shall be not
less than 75 per cent of the full load deflection.

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c) If the unit fails to meet the above, deflection tests shall also be carried
out which, on units subject to bending, shall be as follows:

d) The unit shall be supported at full span and a load applied in

increments instructed by the Engineer up to 95 per cent of the
designed ultimate load. This load shall be held for fifteen minutes
without failure of the unit. The deflection at the end of this period shall
be not more than 1/40th of the span. The load shall then be further
increased until failure occurs.

e) If the unit fails to sustain the required load for the prescribed period or
if the deflection exceeds the specified amount, the Engineer may order
two further tests, and if either of these fails, the batch of units which
they represent may be rejected.

4.15.6 Pre-cast Concrete Blocks

a) Pre-cast concrete blocks shall conform to BS 2028, 1364: 1968 Type

'A' Dense Aggregate Blocks. Blocks shall be solid or hollow, of the
sizes required and shall be made in approved moulds of metal
construction of sufficient strength to ensure the manufacture of blocks
of even size and shape.

b) Concrete blocks for general walling shall be of an approved size.

Cutting where necessary shall be such that clean sharp arises are
produced without fracture or cracking of the portion to be used. Voids
in cut blocks shall be filled solid with concrete.

c) Where concrete blocks are described as 'hollow', cavities are not to

exceed 1/3 of the bearing surface and the material is in no case to be
less than 50mm thick.

d) The face of concrete blocks to be plastered shall have a reasonably

dense fair finish from moulds.

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5.1 Stone

(1) Stone for all kinds of work shall be of good quality, solid and surable,
voidless and without soft weathered or decomposed parts. The stone and
quarry where it is excavated shall be approved by the Engineer. On the
Engineer's request, the Contractor shall submit samples of stone proposed
for work prior to the placing of order or prior to the beginning of quarry

5.2 Pitching

(1) Pitching is used for paving of horizontal or sloping ground surfaces. It

includes one layer of manually placed stone forming an even smooth
surface. Pitching shall be one of the types given below.

(2) "Dry pitching" means pitching without using of binding material, instead of
it, the clearances are wedged by stone fragments and filled with well
compacted gravel or sand.

(3) "Cemented pitching" means pitching in which clearances are filled with
cement mortar. Stone shall be placed in the layer of fresh concrete the
grade of which is indicated on the drawings.

(4) For all pitching types the quality of stone shall be as indicated in Clause 5.1
stones shall be of random length and width but not less 0.03 m 3 by volume
and either thickness shown on the drawings. The sides of all stones shall
be roughly shaped with a hammer to obtain a sufficiently good fit.

(5) The site for pitching shall be well compacted and even. Over this site, in the
case of dry pitching, a layer of sorted filter material is lays, consisting of
one or more layers, to the dimensions shown on the drawings or as
directed by the Engineer. For pitching on mortar, the under layer shall
consist of concrete of the grade and thickness specified on the drawings.
Over this layer the stones are laid with each stone rigidly fixed with its
natural surface square to the open surface to form an even face with
broken joints.

5.3 Stone Riprap

Where shown on the Drawings, stone riprap shall be handset to provide maximum
interlocking effect. The stones, the largest of which shall be used at the bottom,
shall be well bedded on a layer of Grade Granular Material as shown on the
drawings rammed to an even surface grading limit given in Table 6.1. The whole
work shall be finished to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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a. Graded Granular Material

Graded Granular Material shall be naturally occurring well-graded river or

lake aggregate and sand, and shall be essentially free from dust, clay,
vegetative matter and other deleterious materials. Natural sources of
material may require selective removal or addition of certain fractions that
are outside the limits given in Table 6.1.

Table 5.1: Grading Limits for Graded Granular Material

% Passing by
BS Sieve Size
37.5 mm 100
28.0 mm 70 – 100
20.0 mm 60 – 90
10.0 mm 45 –75
5.0 mm 30 –60
2.0 mm 20 –50
425 µm 10 –30
75 µm 0-2

5.4 Masonry Works

(1) Masonry shall be constructed from random stones set in cement-

mortar and shall be built to the lines and levels shown on the
Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.
(2) The stones shall be from an approved source and shall be sound
and clean. Any stones, which in the opinion of the Engineer are not
perfectly clean, shall be washed before use. Stones shall be set in
position with their natural beds as near as possible to the horizontal
and the interstices between the stones shall be completely filled with
mortar. The stones are to be selected and placed so as to keep the
amount of mortar to a minimum. One exposed face, stones shall be
selected and where necessary roughly dressed so as to provide a
fair face showing an even distribution of stone sizes.

(3) The face of the masonry is to be kept wet while the pointing is
proceeding and for as long thereafter as the Engineer may deem
necessary. Provision shall be made to clean all exposed faces both

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Work proceeds and on completion so that they are left in a neat, tidy
and clean condition. This cleaning is deemed to be included in the
rates for masonry.

(4) Before a general start on a structure of large dimensions is begun

the Contractor will be required to build a small portion of the walling
of required type and pointing for approval by the Engineer. After
approval has been given, the remainder of the work will be required
to conform to the samples.

(5) In all cases where pipes or the like are built into walls, the masonry,
together with any concrete or brickwork associated therewith, shall
be fitted around pipe work and caulked or sealed with flexible
waterproof material to prevent leakage around the pipe or fracture of
the pipe.

(6) Where shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, masonry

shall be anchored to the concrete footing by means of steel
reinforcing bars cast into the concrete whilst still plastic.

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PART 6 Mechanical and Electrical works

The mechanical and electrical works, i.e. supply, installation and
commissioning of Electro-mechanical Components shall be performed for
the following plants:

- Transfer pumping station

6.11Scope of New Works
This part of the project will include the construction of a new 72 m3/h
transmission system with new pumping station.

A summary of the scope of works detailed herein is as follows

 Supply and installation of horizontal split surface centrifugal pumps

according to the specification, drawings and BOQ.
 Complete electrical design and installation with main switch board at
the pump station.
 Supply and install pipes and fittings and other accessories for the
pumping station.
6.12 Altitude
The altitude of the pumping station is 1965masl.

6.13 De-rating

Items of plant at the works shall be de-rated for an altitude of 1390masl and
a maximum ambient temperature of 300C.
6.14 Spare Parts
Two years supply of spare parts essential for regular servicing of equipment
as recommended by the manufacturer or indicated in the service manuals
shall be offered. The spare parts shall at least include the following items;
 Complete set of spare fuses or MCB's as required
 Spare coils and contactors for starters
 Spare overload relays and contacts for starters
 Recommended spares for control systems
 Service kit, Bearing, Mechanical seal, Packing gland etc. for
surface and submersible pumps & motors
 Any other spares recommended by the manufacturer

All spare parts shall be new, unused and strictly interchangeable with the
parts for which they are intended to be replacements. The parts shall be
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treated and packed for long storage under the climatic conditions prevailing
at the Site. Each spare part shall be clearly marked or labeled on the outside
of its packing with its description and purpose.

When more than one spare is packed in a single case or other container,
general description of its containers and other packages shall be marked and
numbered in an approved manner for purposes of identification.
6.15 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals
The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer illustrated operating and
maintenance manuals. The manuals shall be in one or more volumes in
order to separate literature from drawings, etc., as necessary.

The manuals shall have tests in English. They shall include the following
information for the operating personnel:

 Description of all systems installed, including electric lighting

and power installation, electronic installations, mechanical
installation, air systems, automatic controls systems, etc. An
identification system should be established and shown on
drawings and in the manuals.
 Schedule of all equipment suppliers (and their local agents)
including names, addresses, telephone, telex and Fax
 Fully detailed instructions for the installation testing and
commissioning of all plant, which will be undertaken by the
contractor including detailed schedules of checks to be carried
out prior to putting the equipment into operation.
 The Start-Up Operation and shut down instructions for all
equipment and systems,
 Full maintenance instructions for all equipment including
planned maintenance schedules or charts giving daily,
weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and annual
maintenance instruction, together with recommended
lubricants and spares. This should also include details of
routine maintenance work that will be within the competence
of the normal maintenance staff, and notification of
maintenance work that will have to be done the manufacturer,
his agent or other specialist operator.
 Spare parts list.
 Fault finding charts.
 Copies of performance curves.
6.16 Record Drawings

Record drawings shall be prepared and compiled by the Contractor after the
Works have been completed and handed over and shall constitute a
permanent record of the whole of the works as finally built and installed.
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A print of the appropriate wiring connection diagram shall be fixed to the

inside of the hinged front of each control cabinet, switchboard panel or
distribution switchboard. The print shall be protected by non-flammable
transparent material. Where insufficient space is available, the print shall be
reduced in size. A copy of the print shall also be provided with the Record
Drawings and inserted in the Operating and Maintenance Instructions. In
addition, block diagrams of the panel components shall also be fixed to the
inside front covers so that operators and maintenance personnel are made
aware of the function of each component.

6.17 Tests after Erection on Site

All Plant shall pass such tests on site as are required by the Engineer/owner
to prove compliance with the contract independently of any tests which may
already have been carried out at the Manufacturer's works. In particular, all
electrical pressure tests made at the Manufacturer's works shall be repeated
at voltages to be approved by the Engineer, and all pump performance tests
shall be repeated on Site.

The Contractor shall prepare all on site test results and certificates for all
items as required by the IEE Regulations and relevant British Standards.
These certificates and test results shall be provided in triplicate with copies
included within the operation and maintenance manuals.

All skilled labor, supervision, apparatus, electricity, water, fuel and the like for
tests, and instruments required for carrying out the tests efficiently will be the
responsibility of and at the expense of the Contractor. The accuracy of the
instruments shall be demonstrated if required.

Tests on completion shall be carried out to ensure that the Plant is complete,
has been correctly installed, is reliable in operation under the conditions at
site and is able to operate over its whole working range. In addition, the
efficiency and performance of the Plant shall be checked as far as possible
over the whole works

Range and the values obtained will be compared with those obtained during
the tests at the Contractor's premises.

On completion, all plant and pipe work systems shall be properly balanced,
left in working order and instructions given on the efficient operation and
maintenance of the plant to the Engineer/ Employer satisfaction.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer/ Employer, the Plant does not comply with
this Specification, the defect shall be remedied at no cost to the Employer.

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6.18 Continuous Test Period

The Plant shall be tested, under normal operating conditions over a

continuous period of 14 days. The Plant shall, at the discretion of the
Engineer, be divided into sections for the purpose of these tests but each
and every section shall be tested for the full period of 14 days continuous
operation. Where sections of Plant form an integral operation the section of
the Plant shall be tested together to ensure the correct and proper
functioning of the water pumping, storage and flow systems,

The Contractor shall arrange to run all Plant before submission for final
testing to ensure that the period will not be interrupted for adjustment or

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6.2 Mechanical Particular Specification

1 Introduction
This section of the Specification sets out the particular requirements for the
mechanical part of the transfer pumping station Works. The Contractor shall
supply, transport to site, store, protect and paint, unload, install, test on
completion and carry out performance tests as detailed herein and as
required demonstrating the satisfactory operation of this part of the Works.

The Contractor shall provide all labour, material, plant and equipment for a
complete working installation to the satisfaction of the Engineer/owner.

2 Pump Sets General

Transfer pump sets are required at pumping stations. All these pump sets
will be of the same type and design and the following paragraphs, ‘Eligibility
of Pump set Suppliers’, ‘Type of Pump set’, ‘Motor Sizing and De-rating’,
‘Pump Materials’, ‘Data to be supplied’, apply to all these pump sets. The
Performance requirements for the pumping station have been specified
separately at the end of this clause.

3 Eligibility of Pump Set Suppliers

It is important that the pump set installation is simple, reliable, durable and
easy to operate. The durability of an installation of this nature is dependent
on good maintenance which will sometimes require support from the pump
supplier or their agent. The pump set supplier shall therefore be limited to
one who can demonstrate the provision of an effective support service in
Ethiopia and extensive experience of working in similar projects elsewhere.

4 Type of Pump Sets

The pumps shall be of end suction surface centrifugal pump long coupled
with its electric motor drive and mounted horizontally on a fabricated steel
base plate.

The pump shall have both suction and delivery radial nozzles with rolling
element bearings on both the drive and suction side. The orientation of both
the suction and delivery nozzles shall suit the layout as shown on the

Shaft seals shall be by either stuffing box seal or mechanical seal. The
speed of pumps shall not exceed 1500 rpm. The max water temperature is
300C and has a maximum of sand grain size 2.5mm.

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5 Pump Materials
Materials of construction shall be selected with due regard to the water
being pumped and the risk of corrosion, cavitation, and metal-to-metal
galling that can occur within a pump in all its modes of operation. The
following table outlines the general material construction of the pump.
However it is the Contractor’s responsibility to select the exact grade of
materials that will provide an adequate service life. The contractor shall
specify in detail materials offered and all Technical Information.

Horizontal Split Double Suction Pumps

Pump Parts Material
Pump Casing Cast iron
Bearing Housing Cast iron
Stuffing box Housing Cast iron
Shaft Stainless steel
Impeller Cast bronze
Shaft sleeve Chrome nickel steel
Shaft protecting sleeve Chrome nickel steel
Gland packing Teflon + graphite

6 Supply of Pump Set Technical Information

The Contractor shall submit the following technical information
(i) Drive De-rating Calculations
(iii) A set of combined pump set performance curves which shall
 The standard head versus flow over the complete working range
for the duty impeller diameter and both the maximum and
minimum impeller diameters. (Impeller diameters shall be
 The pump efficiency
 The NPSH required
 The pump absorbed power
 The motor efficiency
 The motor input power

The guaranteed duty point and all other specified duty points shall be shown
on these curves.

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7 Pumps Performance Requirement

Two new end suction centrifugal pump sets with electric motor drives shall
be provided to transfer 300l/s of water to the service canal. This shall be
achieved with one duty pump set and one standby.

The required guaranteed duty point of each pump sets is 300l/s at a head of
62 metres.

The pumps must be capable of operating over the operating range without
cavitation, undue vibration or any detrimental effect. The NPSH requirement
of the pumps at the run out point shall be less than 7metres.

The Contractor shall submit pump sets factory test results to the
Engineer/Employer. All pump sets shall operate at their guaranteed design
points within the ‘acceptance’ tolerances for flow rate and total head laid
down in BS EN ISO 9906. The pump sets will not be accepted if they are
outside the accepted tolerances. Pumps shall have a minimum hydraulic
efficiency of 75% at the design point.

Vibration of the pump sets or any point inside or outside the bearings shall
be no more than 0.71 mm/s and the vibration amplitude (crest value) shall be
no more than 0.05 mm when the pump sets run normally.

Pump casings shall be subject to a pressure test at 1.5 times the pressure
obtained with the delivery valve closed. The positive suction head shall be
taken into account in determining this pressure.

6.22 Pipe work, Equipment and Valves

1Pipe work
The Contractor shall supply and install all the required pipe work above
ground within the pumping station in accordance with the specification and
Drawing. The extent of the pipe work and associated fittings is shown on the
drawing. The pipe work shall be galvanized steel and flanged with EPDM
gaskets approved for use with potable water. All pipe work shall be fully
supported, including the installation of all necessary thrust blocks, and no
loads shall be transferred to the flow meter or valves.
The pipe work shall be as indicated on the drawings and schedule of prices.

2 Valves
Valves of the same type and size and designed for the same service shall be
obtained from a single manufacturer, and shall be strictly interchangeable.
Valves shall be provided as specified on the Drawings and in this
Specification, and shall be specifically designed for use in raw and treated
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Valves shall unless otherwise specified be double flanged and flanges shall
be as specified in this Specification.
All valves shall be of the sizes shown on the Drawings or stated in the
Documents and shall be obtained from manufacturers approved by the
All valves bodies shall give the following information:

 Manufacturer's name
 Hydraulic test pressure
 Size of valve
 Direction of flow 'Arrow'

All valves, hand wheel, spindles and headstocks shall be positioned to give
good access for operational personnel.
Valves shall not be installed in an inverted position.
Valves buried or installed in underground chambers where access to a hand
wheel would be impractical shall be key operated.
All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close the
valve or penstock and the direction of rotation for opening and closing shall
be indicated on the hand wheels.
Unless otherwise stated the hand wheels shall be coated with black plastic
and incorporate facilities for padlocking in either the open or closed position.
For complete list of valves refer to the schedule of prices. All valves shall be
rated for 25 bars, be fully supported and all the nuts and bolts shall be in
galvanized steel.

3 Performance Monitoring
The following equipment shall be provided and installed to monitor the
performance of the pump set at the pump station site. The equipment shall
be in accordance with the standard specifications and particular
 One water meter.
 Pressure gauge with stop cock.
 Low level alarm and stop conductivity electrode
 Low level alarm and stop reset conductivity electrode
For complete list refer to the schedule of prices

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6.31 Electrical General
1 Scope
The electrical works for pumping station and treatment plant shall include the
following items:
 Main LV switchboard (incorporating the control & instrumentation)
 1 No. standby diesel generator
 Cabling (main LV, auxiliary, control & instrumentation)
2 EEPCO Work
All HV work including supply and installation of the station transformer will be
carried out by EEPCO. One pole mounted transformer of 15/0.4 with 400
KVA capacity will be installed at the station.
The following transformer protection devices may be incorporated by
 Buchholz relay (on conservator type transformers)
 Overpressure device (on hermetically sealed transformers)
 Coolant over-temperature alarm and trip.
EEPCO will connect them to their HV circuit breaker. EEPCO will provide an
inter-trip signal to the corresponding downstream LV ACBs.
The Contractor shall provide the following:
 Main LV cabling from EEPCO metering to the AMF (mains
failure switch)
 From Standby generator to AMF (mains failure switch)
 From AMF (mains failure switch) to LV Switchboard
 From main switch board to applicable loads.
 Auxiliary supply cables from the Essential Services
Switchboard to applicable distribution boards and loads.
 Termination of the main LV cables shall be carried out to
the satisfaction of EEPCO and if required, under their direct
Sizing of the main LV cables shall be in accordance with the design carried
out to meet the requirements of the section of this specification relating to
cable sizing and voltage drop.

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The expected vector group for the transformers is DYn11, but even if this is
not the case it can be expected that the secondary winding will be “star”
connected with the star point brought out at the system neutral.
Earthing of transformer secondary winding star point shall be solid by
connection of the neutral conductor to earth. Each connection shall be via a
bolted link.
3 Manual Changeover Units
The Manual change over unit shall be fixed and supported to suit
the final cabling requirements to the unit and switchgear.

The units shall include the following basic requirements

 Incoming mains and standby circuit breakers
 Main bypass switch suitably interlocked
 Mains and alternator Changeover contractors electrically
and mechanically interlocked
4 Audible alarm with automatic reset to show engine
 Adjustable time delays on load “ pick – up “ and for engine “
run – on “ after mains restoration

There is no requirement to parallel the standby diesel plant with

the EEPCO incoming mains supply. All required electrical and,
where possible mechanical interlocks shall be provided to prevent
any form of inadvertent simultaneous closing of the supply source
circuit breakers.
5 Motor and Equipment Voltages
The drives of auxiliary pumps, fans etc shall operate on a 380 V
3 phase supply.
Single phase power sockets provided as part of the building services
system shall operate at 220 V.
Note:- The expected ratio of the EEPCO transformer will provide a
nominal secondary open circuit voltage of approximately 400 V. Thus
the fully loaded voltage will be 380 V phase to phase, and 220 V
phase to neutral. The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining
the actual supply voltage from EEPCO.

6 Local Control Facilities

For each of the motors powered from a starter or drive in one of the LV
switchboards, provision shall be made to start and stop the motor locally
from the front panel of the switchboard.
For the chlorination motive water pumps, these shall additionally be provided
with local control stations located close to the pumps themselves. Each local
control station shall be equipped with pushbuttons for the following functions:
 Start
 Stop
 Emergency stop

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Use of the start and stop pushbuttons shall be possible when the control
selector at the starter is set to “Remote”, but the emergency stop button shall
be effective in all modes of operation.

7 Starter Control Supplies

Each motor starter shall be complete with its own integral control transformer
to provide 110 V AC auxiliary voltages for the operation of the contactor(s)
and other control circuits. Control transformers shall be supplied from two
phases of the incoming 380 V supply and shall be connected on the
downstream side of the incoming isolation device.
A test switch shall be fitted which will bypass the incoming isolation device
and supply to the control transformer only. The test switch shall be arranged
such that it can only be engaged when the compartment door is open, and
its operation is automatically cancelled when the compartment door is
Each control transformer shall have one end of its secondary winding
connected to earth, and shall be complete with upstream fuse protection (in
both poles) and downstream fuse protection (live pole only).
8 Auto-Resetting Function
All starters and drives shall be fitted with an auto-resetting function which
operates once each time the starter is powered up to reset any alarm or
lockout condition arising from a cleared source. As a result, failsafe alarm
circuits shall be set to the “healthy” condition thus allowing the drive to
become available and ready for service.
Where the source of the alarm or lockout condition has not cleared the
attempt to reset shall fail and the starter or drive will power-up into the failed
or locked out condition.
9 Main LV Switchboard
The main LV Switchboard shall be installed in the clear water pumping
station and it shall incorporate incoming compartment, bus bar section,
motor starter compartment, common controls & instrumentation, feeders etc.
All loads within the station shall be supplied, directly or indirectly, from the
Main LV Switchboard.
The incoming compartment comprises as a minimum the following:-
 General isolating switch with fuses and external
 Protective relay against under/over voltage, phase
reversal and lack of phase.
 Voltmeter and ammeter with phase selector
 Over current relay
 Earth leakage relay
 Power on light
 Lightening surge arrestor etc.
10 Control & Instrumentation section
A control & instrumentation section shall be provided as part of the Main LV
Switchboard to house the station instrumentation converters and relays. The
section shall incorporate a metal fronted panel complete with key lockable
handle. The section shall match the appearance of the LV switchboard.

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The control & instrumentation section shall be complete with the following
 220 V single phase and switched neutral incoming switch-disconnector
rated 16 A and incorporating protective shrouding on the circuit side (not
door interlocked)
 220 V single phase MCB distribution board with outgoing circuits for:
o 220/110 V control transformer
o internal lighting
o anti-condensation heaters
o Other 220 V loads
 1 No. 220/110 V control transformer complete with primary and secondary
fuse or MCB protection.
 Fluorescent type lighting to give illumination of the whole of the section
interior. Each fitting shall be complete with safety cage or mechanically
robust diffuser
 Door switch to automatically switch on the internal lighting
 Compartment anti-condensation heaters complete with thermostat
 Instrumentation earth bar
 Auxiliary relays, terminal blocks and sundry items as necessary
Transformer and power supply unit ratings to be determined by the
11 Main Pump Motor Starters

Each starter shall be complete with the following features:

 Incoming door interlocked switch disconnector
 Control circuit bypass “test” switch
 Set of three contactors for star/delta starting
 Motor protection relay incorporating instantaneous overcurrent, earth-
fault, thermal overload, delayed start, current unbalance, loss of
phase and under voltage
 Integral 380/110 V transformer for AC control supply
 Power factor correction device to 0.96 when the load is at rated value
 110 V AC operated “external trip” relay (de-energise to trip/energise to
permit running)
 110 V AC operated “start/stop” command relay (energise to start)
 Thermistor relay
 Front of panel mounted start, stop and reset pushbuttons
 Front of panel mounted hand/off/auto selector switch (auto selects
control from the C&I section)

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 Front of panel mounted indicator lamps for running, stopped, motor

protection relay fault, motor winding over temperature alarm, motor
winding over temperature trip, and “external trip operated”
 “Power-up” auto-reset timer relay
 Anti-condensation heater complete with fuse protection and
 Cable termination features for multiple outgoing multicore power
 Volt-free changeover contacts for remote indication of running status,
internal trip conditions, external trip relay operated, control selection
and “available”
 Auxiliary terminals and contacts as necessary
The external trip relay shall be powered from circuitry in the Control &
Instrumentation section and will be energised when external hydraulic
conditions permit operation of the pump set. If the external trip relay is de-
energised it shall latch out and power to the pump shall immediately be cut-
off. The pump shall remain unavailable for service until the trip condition has
been cancelled and the relay has been manually reset, or reset by a power-
up auto reset function following power failure.
The “available” signal shall be generated when no internally detected trip
conditions exist and the “external trip” relay is energised.

12 Sump Pump Motor Starter

2 No. starter sections shall be provided for the pumping station sump
drainage pumps. Each starter shall be complete with the following features:
 Incoming door interlocked switch disconnector
 Control circuit bypass “test” switch
 Line contactor for DOL starting
 Motor thermal protection device incorporating thermal overload and
single phasing protection
 Integral 380/110 V transformer for AC control supply
 Power factor correction device to 0.96 when the load is at rated value
 Front of panel mounted start, stop and reset pushbuttons
 Front of panel mounted hand/off/auto selector switch (auto selects
control from the sump pumps common control section)
 Front of panel mounted indicator lamps for running, stopped, and
motor overload
 “Power-up” auto-reset timer relay
 Anti-condensation heater complete with fuse protection and

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 Cable termination features for outgoing multicore power cable

 Volt-free changeover contacts for remote indication of running status,
internal trip condition, and “available”
 Auxiliary terminals and contacts as necessary

13 Sump Pump Common Controls Section

A control section shall be provided to operate in conjunction with the
pumping station sump drainage pumps. The section shall be complete with
the following features:
 Incoming door interlocked switch disconnector
 Control circuit bypass “test” switch
 Integral 380/110 V transformer for AC control supply
 Front of panel mounted duty selector switch
 Level electrode relays for “start/stop pump duty 1”, “start/stop pump
duty 2”, and “sump high level alarm”
 Rail mounted fuses for level relays
 Connections to starter sections for Sump Pump 1 and Sump Pump 2
 Auxiliary contacts as necessary

14 Power Factor Correction

Power factor correction capacitors shall be provided within each starter rated
to achieve a target power factor of 0.96 when the drive is operating at rated
load. Light fittings are specified in the document relating to building services
to incorporate power factor correction.
Consideration shall be given to the fact that motor drives are de-rated due to
altitude and will thus require additional capacitor correction to achieve the
desired running power factor.
No attempt shall be made to correct the power factor of any motor during its
starting period.
As a result, the provision of automatic switched banks of power factor
correction capacitors shall not be required.

15 Earthing
a) General
A complete earthing system shall be supplied and installed, and shall be in
accordance with the requirements of the General Specification,
BS 7430:1991 (Code of Practice for Earthing), the 17th Edition of the IEE
Regulations (BS7671), and any particular requirements stipulated by
The earthing system shall include:
 Two separate earth fields each comprising sufficient rods to ensure a
resistance to earth of 1 ohms or less

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 Main earth bar, wall mounted in the pumping station building in the zone
underneath the switchboards mezzanine floor
 Secondary earth bar wall-mounted in the Chlorination Building
 Cross-bonding to the EEPCO transformer station
 Cross-bonding to pumping station earthing system
 Radial system of circuit protective conductors connecting to each
electrical device
 Main equipotential bonding system connecting to all conductive pipes
entering or leaving the station
 Equipotential bonding system connecting to all non-electrical items of
plant; cable trays; metallic floors, stairs and handrails; metal doors and
 Instrumentation earth
The configuration of the earthing system shall be radial with an independent
circuit protective conductor being provided for each plant item. Such a
protective conductor shall either be the cable armour wires, or a separate
green/yellow PVC insulated conductor, or shall be an unused core in the
power cable to the plant item (eg. a 4 core cable can be used for a circuit
with no neutral, and the blue core can be used as earth provided that it is
marked with green/yellow sleeving at every termination).
A cable number shall be allocated to each earthing conductor and this shall
be shown on a cable sheath number fixed to each end of the cable. Earthing
conductor numbers shall be shown on the drawings.
The main earth bar shall include three separate sections, two for the
connection of the two groups of earth rods, and the third section for the
connection of earth bonding conductors and earths to other earth bars.
Bolted links shall be fitted to link the three sections together.
Bonding connections shall be made to any lightning protection system earth
rods which are installed.
b) Bonding
All extraneous metalwork within the works shall be bonded to earth. A ring
earth network (with radial connections as necessary) shall be supplied and
installed to connect to all extraneous metalwork including but not limited to:
 Metallic cable trays and ladders
 Hand railings and metal barriers
 Pipes and cables entering the works
 Structural steelwork
 Concrete re-inforcement

c) Station Earth
A main station earth shall be provided comprising a sufficient number of
earth rods arranged in two groups each one constructed to achieve a
resistance to the general mass of earth not exceeding 5 ohms. The actual

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resistance to earth of each individual group shall be determined by the

Contractor to meet all of the following requirements:
 Enable fault current at any point within the installation to be returned
to the supply source, i.e. the transformer or generator neutral(s),
without thermal or mechanical damage to connected apparatus and to
enable protective equipment to operative correctly
 Limit the Earth Potential Rise (EPR) on all metalwork and the surface
of the ground to which persons have normal access, to a safe vale
under normal and abnormal circuit conditions
 Ensure compliance with the requirements of this specification and to
ensure the site is classified “Cold” as defined by the International
Telecommunication Union (ITU)
Each earth rod shall be provided with a pre-cast concrete connection box.
The boxes shall be of a design which is flush with the ground and shall be
installed away from areas required for vehicle access, or areas designated
for future works.

d) Cable Armours
All cable armours, metallic sheaths and screens shall be connected to earth.
Earthing shall be at both ends except in the case single core cables and in
this case the armours shall be earthed at one end only. At the non-earthed
ends of single core cables, insulation shall be applied to the armour wires to
prevent accidental contact with earth.
Where practicable the cable armour wires shall be used as the sole circuit
protective conductor. Where this is not practicable or where there is risk of
corrosion, either the power cable shall include an additional core or a
separate earth cable shall be run alongside the power cable.

16 Lightning Protection System

A study in accordance with BS 6651 shall be made to determine whether a
lightning protection system is required for the pumping station building.
If a system is required this shall comprise:
 Colour co-ordinated PVC sheathed copper tape laid along the apex of the
roof of the pumping station
 Down-conductors at each end and at intermediate positions every
20 metres
 Single earth rod in underground disconnecting chamber for each down-
conductor to achieve a resistance to earth not less than 10 ohms
All earth rods provided as part of a lightning protection system shall be
bonded to the station’s main earthing system.

17 Cabling
a) General

The Contractor shall supply, install, and terminate a complete cabling system
including power, control, instrumentation, communications, and building
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services cables. Cables shall be as detailed on the cable schedule subject

to confirmation of ratings.

All cables run within a building shall be mechanically protected either by

being of armoured construction, being enclosed in galvanised steel conduit
or trunking, or by being run on cable trays or ladders with galvanised steel
protection covers fitted. In locations particularly vulnerable to damage,
galvanised steel protection covers shall be fitted to cable trays and ladders
even if all the cables on that route are of armoured construction. Cable
armouring shall be of the steel wire type except for single-core AC cables
which shall use aluminium wire or strip armouring.

b) Cable Types and Uses

Power cables shall incorporate XLPE thermosetting insulation and armouring

(except where they are building services single insulated wires contained in
conduit or trunking).
Multi-core control cables (carrying digital signals for switching and signalling)
shall be armoured type and shall be rated for the voltage at which they are
required to operate subject to a minimum of 110 V.

Multi-pair cables (carrying analogue signals) shall be armoured and

screened and constructed in accordance with BS 5308. These cables shall
be used primarily for analogue signals based on power sources not
exceeding 24 V DC. Additionally, the use of these cables to carry low level
digital signals (voltage not exceeding 24 V DC and “on state” current not
exceeding 5 mA) is permitted.

Data cables carrying RS232, Ethernet or similar shall be to designs and

performance levels which are suitable for their intended duty. Where these
cables run outside panels (including underground sections) they shall either
be of an armour protected design, or they shall be run with a suitable form of
mechanical protection (eg. run inside rigid metal conduit or wire protected
flexible conduit).
Cables run entirely within panels need not incorporate any form of
c) Cable Routes

Underground cables between buildings shall run using one of the following
 Surface accessible concrete trenches with inlaid cover slabs
 Underground ducts and draw pits
The use of direct burial shall not be permitted. Where surface accessible
concrete trenches cross roadways the trenches and cover slabs shall be
strong enough to support the axle weight of the largest truck, tanker, or
crane likely to be used at the pumping station.

Unless unavoidable, draw pits shall not be positioned in roadways. If draw

pits have to be located in roadways their covers shall be strong enough to

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support the axle weight of the largest truck, tanker, or crane likely to be used
at the pumping station.
The following routes shall be provided:
 EEPCO substation to the pumping station building
 Generator House to the pumping station building
 Pumping station to the contact tank (level sensor location)
 Pumping station to the valve house
Each duct route shall be provided with 20% spare unused ducts, with a
minimum of 1 No. spare duct. Every spare duct shall be provided with a pull-
Cables entering buildings and structures, or running within buildings between
fire zones, shall pass via cable transits guaranteed to form a fire barrier and
gas seal.
Cables other than building services circuits within the pumping station, the
chlorination building or the valve house, shall run on cable routes
constructed using cable tray and/or ladder.

Building services circuits shall run using one of the following methods:
 SWA cables shall run on cable tray/ladder as per plant cables
 Single insulated wires shall run inside conduit or trunking
Where a conduit and/or trunking system is used for building services, the
conduit shall be of the galvanised steel type and shall be complete with
compatible galvanised accessories and connection boxes. Trunking shall be
galvanised steel.

d) Voltage Drop

Cable systems shall achieve voltage drops as detailed in the 17th edition of
the IEE wiring regulations (BS 7671). For an installation fed from a
dedicated transformer (ie. with no publicly owned LV distribution system)
these permit the following voltage drops:

Installation Lighting Other Uses

Overall voltage drop 2% 3%
Voltage drop in the final circuit 3% 3%

The overall voltage drop shall include the following components:

 Voltage drop from the transformer (or generator) to the Main LV
 Voltage drop from the Main LV Switchboard to the next switchboard or
distribution board (and for the section to a subsequent switchboard or
distribution board for some circuits)
 Voltage drop from the final switchboard or distribution board to the
connected device
Where a motor starter is located close to the source of supply it can be
assumed that it will continue to receive an adequate level of voltage during
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motor starting, and no separate consideration need be given to voltage drop

during motor starting.
Where a circuit feeds to a remotely located switchboard containing starters it
might be necessary to separately consider the voltage drop experienced at
the motor starters during the motor starting period.

Where part of the load on a remotely located switchboard is for lighting

purposes, the overall voltage drop permitted up to the point where lighting
circuits split from circuits used for other purposes shall be the allowance for
lighting. After this point both the overall and final circuit voltage drops, the
allowance for non-lighting loads shall be as per “other uses”.

Where control cables carry substantial amounts of current (eg. emergency

stop circuits carrying contactor current) consideration shall be given to the
voltage drop resulting from long circuit lengths. The maximum permitted
voltage drop in a control circuit, from the transformer or PSU which produces
the control voltage, shall be 5% as per non-lighting final circuits. Where
possible, control circuits shall carry only signalling currents so that large
currents are avoided (eg. operation shall be via relays rather than direct

e) Cable Rating Requirements

Cables connecting to or from major transformers or generators shall be
rated, both in terms of current and voltage drop, for the full load which could
be supplied by that transformer or generator. A reduced size relating to the
actual connected load shall not be permitted.

Cables connecting from one switchboard to another can be rated for the
actual connected load (including allowance for future loads fed from “spare”
circuits), provided they are able to withstand the prospective fault current let
through by the upstream protective device.

Where cables are de-rated due to the proximity of other cables the following
factors can be considered:
 Where a single trench or duct contains cables (or groups of cables) from
two or more transformers or generators which normally share the load, the
worst case will apply when one circuit is operating alone. In this case it
can be assumed that the other circuit is generating no heat.
 For de-rating purposes earthing cables can be disregarded since under
normal circumstances they carry no current
 The heat generation from control and communications cables is usually
negligible and provided this is true in a particular circumstance, the
presence of these cables can be disregarded
All cables using air as their cooling medium shall be de-rated according to
the altitude at the installation.

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f) Oversized and De-Rated Cables

Where cables have to be increased in size due to voltage drop or de-rating

reasons, the equipment to which they connect shall be constructed to accept
the oversized cables. Where this is not possible, a junction box shall be
provided at the end of the oversized cable to allow a conversion to a smaller
cable. The junction box shall be equipped with suitably sized terminals to
accept the oversized cables and the smaller cable. Where the oversized
cable is in fact multiple cables, the junction box shall accept all the cables
installed as part of this circuit.

The smaller cable provided for the final connection into the equipment shall
be sized according to the current rating of the circuit and shall be of
negligible length so that additional voltage drop considerations will not apply.

The assumption is made that all equipment will be able to accept the full-
sized incoming cables so the design does not include any junction boxes
which might be necessary for size reduction. Where the limitations of the
equipment provided by the Contractor makes such junction boxes
necessary, the Contractor shall identify each location and shall supply and
install each junction box, including termination of the incoming and outgoing
cables. This shall be a no extra cost to the Employer.

The change from one cable to another, where this is solely for size change
reasons, shall not require a change of cable number.
Size-change junction boxes shall not be installed underground or in locations
where they could be subjected to flooding.
g) Cable Termination Schedules
The Contractor shall prepare a cable termination schedule for both ends of
each control, instrumentation and communication cable.
h) Cable Loop Diagrams
The Contractor shall prepare a cable loop diagram for each signal carried by
each control, instrumentation or communication cable. Each cable shall be
shown from source to destination, and detailing all terminations and
i) Unused Cable Entries
Any unused cable entries in motors, instruments, actuators, etc. not used
after cabling is completed shall be plugged with threaded brass blanks and
the threaded joints made watertight by using suitable tape or jointing
18 Building Electrical Installations

Electrical installation will be performed in various buildings in the

treatment plant and within the TP compound.

a) Electrical Installation within Pump Station

Electrical installation in the clear water pump house will include all
lighting, power outlets, controls, cables, cable tray etc.
The main LV switchgear shall be installed within clear water pump
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b) Electrical Installation within Diesel House

Electrical installation in the diesel house will include all lighting,

power outlets, controls, cables, cable tray, and accessories within
diesel house and fuel tank area.

c) Electrical Installation within Guard House and operator’s


Externally mounted floodlight s will be controlled from the

guardhouse. Electrical installation in the within Guard House and
operator’s dwelling will include all lighting, power outlets, controls,
cables, cable tray etc.
The control board shall be wall mounted to an approved height
and positioned over the incoming cable duct such that the cables
enter directly from below.

19 Flood Lights Cables, Wiring and Accessories

Armored power and control cables, together with bare copper

earth wire conductors shall be extended underground from the
compound switchgear to the various structures. Electrical
installation in the compound will include Services and facilities
within the compound, including road lighting and floodlighting

Weatherproof termination cabinets shall be supplied and installed

at the head of each tank structure, to suit the layout of the tank
related pipe work, plant and equipment.

Tough rubber sheathed power and control cables shall be

extended from the weatherproof cabinets to the controls within
the tanks and wet well, the cables being suitably supported on
cable trays.

Cables to the compound road lighting columns and the area

floodlighting columns shall be terminated within the base of each
column at separate miniature circuit breakers.

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6.32 Standby Diesel Generating Plant

1 General

Whenever EEPCO power failure occurs, so as to satisfy part of the

water demand, Standby generating plants shall be erected in the
generator buildings at the pumping station.
The requirements shall include for the manufacture, supply,
installation, test and commissioning of all materials, equipment, plant
and components necessary for the provision of fully operational and
functioning standby diesel plant, associated switchgear and services,
as specified and shown on the drawings.

The diesel plant and equipment shall include:

 Diesel generating set exhaust pipe work

 Fuel tanks and pipe work
 Manual Changeover panels
 Switchgear
 Cables
 Earthing
 All accessories and other necessary items

The plant and associated equipment should be to the highest

possible standard and requiring the minimum of maintenance. The
contractor shall therefore ensure that the equipment offered meets all
relevant Standards and is of a type and manufacture such that
spares are readily available for immediate and long term use.

The diesel plant, while providing a standby power sources, shall be

continuously rated and of a type suitable for continuous operation:
the plant being brought into service only in the event of EEPCO
mains supply failure. The set shall be rated for the duties specified
together with all starting current, surges and the like, due allowance
being made for the altitude and climate conditions specified.

It is intended that the plant is sized/rated to cater for 50% of the total
electrical load at the site. The details of the load capabilities of the
set shall be clearly identified on the set and as part of the operating
manual supplied by the contractor.

2 Starting Surges and Sequence Starting

The Contractor shall/rate the diesel plant to suit the finally agreed
starting method for the pumping sets. The effects of light load
running must be taken into account, the contractor including for the
provision of any dummy loads necessary. Full details of how the sets
have been rated shall be provided.

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Load/supply alarm indicator shall be provided to advise operators

that the mains network is not sufficient to meet the compound/site
loads. Details shall be agreed.

3 Type of Plant

The contractor shall supply and install the generating plant complete
with all switchgear and controls, auxiliary equipment, and all other
items as specified and required for the erection and setting to work of
the plant in accordance with the specification.

The generating plant shall be suitable for manual start-up and

changeover from mains to standby, this unit being located within the
diesel house. All required interlocks should be provided to prevent
inadvertent paralleling.

4 General Descriptions

The generating set shall be as set out below:

Number required 1 for pumping station & treatment

Diesel engine:
Minimum power at site To suit the alternator
Ignition Compression
Starting medium Electric 24 volts heavy duty
Starting method To suit the individual pumps
manual push button
Cycle 4 strokes
Cooling Water cooled with radiator
Lubrication pressure
Shut down Manual push button and automatic
shutdown safety features
Engine speed 1500 revolution per minute

Number required One for one engine
Coupling Direct
Generating voltage 400 ACV
Phase Three(3), 4-wire system
Connection Star with neutral earth point
Pole No. 4
Frequency 50 Hz
Rating Power 900 KVA
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Duty Continuous
Overload 10% for 1 hour in any 12hr period
Excitation Self

The plant shall be designed and/or selected to operate under the

specified conditions prevailing at the site. In this respect the
contractor shall allow for operation in an unheated, minimum
ventilated building and dust-laden atmosphere. The contractor shall
be fully responsible for sizing the diesel plant to suit the rating of the
alternator which in turn shall be sized and rated to suit the pumping
plant, starting surges, equipment loads and auxiliaries at each of the
compounds. Full details are to be submitted with the tender.

The plant and equipment shall be suitable for continuous operation

and shall be rated to suit the prime power requirements of the
complete installation including staring currents, surges and the like.

The ratings specified for the diesel plant are approximate only. It
shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to liaise with the EEPCO
and the Engineer to determine precisely what loadings should be
used to size the diesel plant, all details being agreed before the
commencement of supply.

All components shall be fully tropicalised and protected against

mould growth.
5 Alternator Power output

The alternator power output for the diesel set shall be of sufficient
rating to provide power for the items of plant finally identified by the
contractor, particularly the pumping plant. The final rating of the
diesel plant shall therefore be determined by the contractor to suit the
pumping plant and auxiliaries, together with derating factors for
temperature and altitude and an allowance for starting surges and
transient voltage dip associated with starting.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the plant
offered and supplied is properly and adequately ventilated and
suitable for the site operating conditions. In addition, the contractor
shall size and rate the plant to suit the load demand, altitude and
temperature, the necessary derating factors being taken into account
to suit the plant characteristics.

The load details and set rating shown on the drawings are intended
for guidance only. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for
determining the final loads associated with the pumping plant
supplied and shall consider staring characteristics, plant load
requirements and auxiliaries so that the final size and rating of the
diesel plant meets the load requirements associated with the
compound. Staring details shown on the drawings are for information
only and have been used to merely establish an indicative diesel

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plant rating. Details of the diesel plant shall be submitted with the

The Contractor shall consider the details specified and shown on the
drawings, taking into account the pumping plant identified together
with the station auxiliaries, floodlighting, road lighting etc.

The contractor shall clearly identify, on the diesel control panel, the
maximum load capability of the plant such the operators can add
loads to the set and be fully aware of the set loadings. The contractor
shall clearly identify the minimum load at which the set can operate
for prolonged periods without causing damage to the set through
"light load running". In addition to being indicated on the control
panel, these limits shall also be clearly described within the
operation/maintenance manual.

6 Operation

Upon mains failure, the standby sets shall be manually started and
within 20 seconds reach full operating voltage.

7 Performance

With the operating conditions specified, the set equipped with its
standard air intake filters, shall be capable to delivering its rated
output continuously at rated voltage and 0.8 lagging power factor and
of delivering 10% in excess of the continuous maximum rating for a
period of one hour in any 12 hour period.
The deviation of the waveform of the voltage output from a pure sine
wave shall not exceed the limits specified in BS 5000 Part 99.

Radiated interference shall be suppressed to the limits specified in

BS 800 and BS 833.

8 Diesel Engine

The diesel engine shall be designed and build to the appropriate

British Standard Specification or to an alternative widely accepted
specification, which maintains an equal standard of quality. The
engine shall be a water cooled, direct injection, compression ignition
type, suitable for operating on diesel commercially available in
Ethiopia. The engine shall be totally enclosed, with forced lubrication
from an integral pump having suitable coarse strainer and fine filter
elements fitted to the suction and delivery sides respectively. The
filters shall be conveniently located for servicing and shall be
equipped with a spring loaded bypass valve to ensure oil circulation if
the filters become clogged. The capacity of the lubricating oil system
shall be sufficient to enable the engine to run continuously at any
load without replenishment until normal routine maintenance is
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A suitable filter shall be fitted in the fuel line immediately before the
pumps. Air filters complying with BS 1701, Grade A or Grade B
suitable for use in a medium atmosphere shall be fitted to the engine
air intakes.

Cooling water system shall be of the fan cooled radiator type,

thermostatically controlled, with means of discharging waste heat
from the engine room. A circulating water pump of ample capacity
shall be fitted and suitable provision made for waster expansion and

Adequate drains shall be provided at low points in the water and

lubricating oil systems.

A statically and dynamically balanced flywheel shall be provided of

such mass to ensure smooth engine operating during staring and

Bearings shall be suitable for operation over long periods without the
need for replacement of the lubricant.

Suitable means shall be provided for turning the engine main shaft by
hand and the associated generator to facilitate inspection and

The engine governor shall ensure control within= 2.5% of nominal

speed for all conditions of load, and shall be capable of fine
adjustment with the engine running. Governor details shall be
submitted with the tender.

Injectors shall be suitable for the grade of fuel selected, and fuel
pumps shall be capable of individual adjustment to maintain even
load distribution between cylinders.

Starting shall be by means of electricity supplied from a starter

battery. The engines shall be equipped with a 12 volt electric starting
system of sufficient capacity to crank the engine at a speed, which
will allow for diesel staring of the engine. The staring battery shall be
capable of withstanding the loads imposed upon it. Auxiliary circuits
connected to the battery shall be protected by fuses.

The battery shall be used to supply the staring and control equipment
and relay operation shall not be impaired when the battery is
supplying current to the starter motor.

Lead-acid batteries shall be furnished having sufficient capacity for at

least 30 seconds at firing speed in the ambient temperatures
specified and with capacity for staring the diesel engine a minimum
of ten times each day.
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A suitable battery-charging generator shall be provided with sufficient

capacity to recharge the batteries back to normal staring
requirements quickly.

The engine mounted instrument panel and engine control shall

include all items necessary for manual staring, governor speed
control, shut down, and also visual alarms indicating, low fuel, low oil
pressure, engine temperature, vibration alarm, oil temperature, high
cooling water temperature and over-spread.

In the case of all the above items, automatic shutdown shall occur.
Additional safety measures shall be provided in accordance with the
requirements of the particular plant offered.

The engine shall be complete with all pipe work, valves, heaters and
ancillary equipment necessary for its correct operation, including inlet
air filters, silencer, exhaust piping, all supports and anti-vibration
mountings, hot air discharge louvres, canvas ducting, etc.

Fuel level, oil pressure and temperature, water temperature and

engine speed, shall be indicated by means of approved dial gauges
and integrating house-run meter and fuel flow meter shall be
provided in each case. Gauges shall be graduated in metric units.

The engines shall be capable of being started from crank position.

Details relating to the lubrication, fuelling and cooling system of the

diesel plant shall be finally determined by the contractor to suit the
diesel plant offered. Details of systems, particularly the fuelling
systems, shall be submitted with the tender such that sufficient
information is readily available for an assessment to be carried out.

All auxiliary equipment for starting the set shall be provided. Critical
speeds occurring during start up or shut down shall be countered by
satisfactory means, and no critical speed within close proximity to the
operation conditions will be acceptable.

After all tests, the contractor shall ensure that the fuel tanks are left

The Contractor shall include for a series of suitable sized drip trays
for installation below the diesel plant, tanks etc. These trays shall be
sized such that they are easy to handle, remove and replace and
shall be located to minimize the effects of oil spillage onto the power
station floor. Details shall be provided for approval.

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9 Exhaust System

The exhaust system indicated on the drawings is for information only.

The Contractor shall provide exact details of his proposals. The
contractor shall supply silencers to meet the requirements of the
installation and to reduce the exhaust noise to a level comparable to
a domestic installation. The Contractor shall ensure that the system
proposed does not create unacceptable backpressures.

The exhaust system shall be fully lagged within the building and shall
be provided with sleeving where they pass through the building
structures. The exhausts shall be suitable fixed and supported such
that no undue strain is imposed upon the exhaust system and/or the
building structure. Full details of the contractor's proposals for
running, supporting and installation of the exhaust system shall be
submitted for approval.

The exhaust shall exit the room via a mild steel sleeve with asbestos
rope packing to ensure no heat transfer takes place to the structure.
The final size, type and fixing arrangements for the domestic silencer
shall be agreed. Details shall be submitted for approval.

The contractor shall be fully responsible for the supply and complete
installation of the ventilation louvers required within the external wall
of the power station for the discharge of the hot air. These louvers,
forming part of the ducting and exhaust system, shall be designed to
permit maximum discharge during the operation of the plant, but shall
restrict entry of rain/dust during the stationary period of plant.

The gravity flap louvers shall be of the industrial, non-return design to

permit air flow in one direction. The frames/apertures shall be sized
by the contractor to suit the requirements of the plant offered. The
frames shall be manufactured from prime galvanised steel. The
blades shall be a minimum of 20 swg lightweight aluminum fixed to
spindles, which shall rotate in self-lubricating nylon bushes. Canvas
ducting from the radiator to the louvers shall be flame retardant.
Details shall be provided for approval.

10 Auxiliary Equipment

Any auxiliary equipment not specifically mentioned, but needed to

start and operate the set, shall be provided and fitted. Normal starting
sequence of circulating oil, fuel supply and the like shall be adhered

Critical speeds occurring during start up or shut down shall be

encountered by satisfactory means, and no critical speed within the
close proximity to the operating conditions will be accepted.

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The engine shall be capable of, and adjusted to permit operation on

a suitable diesel fuel such as gas-oil economically and readily
available in Ethiopia. After test, the contractor shall ensure that the
daily service tank is left full and that a change of lubricating oil is
available for the engine as part of this contract. The filling of the main
bulk storage tank will be at the Employer's expense, but the
contractor shall make all necessary arrangement on his behalf, as
part of this contract.

11 Alternator

The contractor shall supply and install an alternator and associated

equipment to operate in conjunction with the diesel engine described
previously. The alternators shall be direct coupled by means of a
flexible coupling and spigotted flanged ring to ensure permanent
alignment and shall be capable of delivering their rated output
continuously at 380 volts and 0.8 lagging power factor. The
alternators shall be provided with direct self-excitation.

Alternators shall be constructed to BS 2613 and BS 5000 part 99 or

other approved equal specification, and rated for operation under the
conditions of climate, elevation and load previously specified.
Insulation shall be Class F throughout. Heater windings shall be
provided in the alternator so that the temperature of the machine can
be maintained electrically at approximately 30 0 C above the ambient
temperature. When the set is standing, as in the case of the standby
set, the heater winding shall be supplied from 220 volt single phase
circuit through a small double wound transformer having a secondary
voltage of 50 volts. The mid-point of the secondary shall be earthed
and the connections shall be such that when the set is running. the
heater is disconnected. Thermostatic control or protection will be
required. Details of this requirement are to be agreed to suit the site

The alternators shall also be of a screen protected, drip proof

construction, and shall be radio suppressed to BS 800 and BS 833.
The alternators shall be provided with automatic voltage regulation of
an approved type, such that generated voltage shall be held within
2% over the full range of load. Maximum divergence of voltage
waveform shall be to BS 5000 Part 99. The alternators shall be
capable of sustaining a 10% overload for one hour without damage,
and the degree of out of balance load which may be carried shall be
stated in the tenders.

Three-phase machines shall be star connected, and a diagram

showing terminal markings and phase rotation shall be provided in
the terminal box. Cable connecting the machine windings and
machine terminal shall not have a higher de-rating factor for r-
temperature than the winding. Connection to the control cubicle shall
be made through approved cable and boxes.
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A non-ferrous metal rating plant shall be fixed on the front of the

alternator giving the following information.

Continuous output 90 kVA at 0.8 pf

Voltage V
Frequency Hz speed rev/min
Control supply V DC Marker's name
Serial number Year of supply
Any other relevant, standard information

Each alternator shall be fitted with embedded temperature sensitive

thermistors to control a winding over temperature relay mounted in
the alternator control cubicle. Each shall have at least three
thermistors. Additional alternator protection shall be recommended
by the contractor for consideration.

12 Control Panel

A control cubicle shall be provided for each alternator and shall

accommodate the following equipment, in addition to all other items
necessary to the installation and operation of the plant. The control
panels shall comprise totally enclosed steel cubicles, the numbers
and layout of compartment being dictated by the additional
switchgear requirements and automatic mains failure chageover
units. A hinged door (s) on the panel shall be provided for access to
all components. The panel shall be free standing on a 100mm raised
base. The final external colour of the panel shall be subject to an
agreement. The inside shall be white and all instruments black on a
white background.

The control panel shall include:

 a manually/automatically operated air or moulded case circuit

breaker with overload and under voltage protection to control
the generator load.
 tripped indication
 engine off, start, stop controls
 audible fault/stop alarm with mute and reset provision
 earth bar and neutral link
 mains and control cable terminal boxes for incoming and
outgoing supplies
 a single phase switch fuse which shall be wired to a pair of
incoming terminations and associated distribution fuses for
supplying any required mains operated equipment on the set
(i.e. heaters, battery, charger and the like)
 an automatic voltage regulator of the type which will maintain
its adjustment for long periods without attention.

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 Where required, a hand field regulator complete with a

"Hand/Auto" switch. The hand field regulator shall give stable
control of the voltage under the specified operating conditions.
If the hand field regulator is to be left in a precise position
when the set is under the control of the automatic voltage
regulator, this position shall be clearly marked.
 A hand-auto-test switch shall be provided to facilitate
operation and maintenance checks. The Contractor shall
recommend the frequency with which the sets shall be test
operated on load/no load
 Control equipment as necessary to fulfil the functional
requirement associated with the engine start, stop, governor
control and the like as necessary for each station.
 voltmeter
 voltmeter selector switch
 three ammeters, reading current in each leg
 polyphase maximum demand indicator meter
 hours run meter
 frequency meter of the vibrating reed type
 power factor meter
 kilo watt hour meter with maximum demand pointer
 battery trickle charge ammeter
 low oil pressure indicator
 high oil temperature indicator
 high water temperature indicator
 over speed indicator
 overload indicator
 starter failed indicator
 set failed indicator

The panel shall also include other lamps as required for the correct
operation of the generating set together with alarms and switches.
Automatic shutdown shall occur with the operation of any of the first
five alarm, protection and indicating circuits together with overload
after reaching an agreed predetermined load value, and the
operation of the thermistor protection relay.

13 Enclosures for Electrical and Control Equipment

Enclosures for electrical and control equipment shall be drip proof

and dust protecting with adequate front access as necessary for
maintenance and repair and to IP51 classification. Special attention
shall be given to the method of construction and to the mounting of
the components to minimize the effect of vibration. Diagrams of
connection in durable form shall be mounted inside the enclosures.

Full consideration shall be given to the fixing/supports and the

running/connection of all cables. Full details shall be submitted for
approval, the contractor taking into consideration all details including
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cable terminations, access to these terminations, cable-bending radii


14 Finishes

All ferrous metalwork shall be either painted or processed to give a

rustproof coating. Ferrous metalwork to be painted shall first be
either shot blaster or thoroughly wire brushed to remove all scale and
oxide and immediately given one brushed coat or two sprayed coats
of primer. After not less than four hours, one brushed or two sprayed
undercoats followed by one brushed or two sprayed finishing coats of
hear and oil resisting quality paint shall be applied.

Successive coats of paint shall be slightly differing shades. The

interior surface of electrical equipment enclosures shall be finished
white and all external surfaces shall be finished to the BS 4800 to
suit the manufacturer's standard colour. The engine crankcase shall
not be painted internally unless the plant is resistant to the lubricating

15 Drawings

The contractor shall provide to the Engineer specific sets of the

following drawings:

 Building drawings showing details of cable entries, pipe

entries and ducts required.
 General arrangement drawings showing the principal
dimensions and set weights.
 General arrangement of the diesel engines.
 Details, supports and general requirements associated
with the exhaust system.
 General arrangement of the alternator and exciter showing
terminal markings, polarity and phase rotation.
 General arrangement of the electrical control panel.
 Schematic and wiring diagram of the electrical control

16 Works Tests

The set shall be tested as a unit at the manufacturer's works (or

elsewhere by agreement) for output and performance generally in
accordance with the requirements of BS 649 and BS 5000 Part 99.
The Engineer shall be given adequate notice in writing of the date
and the time of the works test and he, or his representative, shall, if
he so desires, be present at such test and be given all reasonable
facilities for his own inspections during the course of the tests.

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17 Commissioning

The Contractor shall include for fully commissioning the set and its
control equipment and for the purpose of the required tests, shall
provide all necessary instruments, tools, fuel and lubricating oil. The
following tests and checks, as applicable, shall be carried out by the
contractor in the presence of the Engineer or his representative.

 Check that the main frame is level in all directions, engine

and generator shafts are in proper alignment and the
vibration absorbing devices are properly installed and
 Check water and sump oil levels and that the water jacket
and radiator heater (if fitted) are in working order.
 Check the battery electrolyte levels and the specific
 Examine the containers in which the fuel and lubricating
oils are delivered and check that the type and grades of oil
are as recommended for the unit.
 Ensure that sufficient fuel oil is in the fuel tank for a six-
hours test run.
 Check that all radiator and engine block water drain points
are free from sludge and other blockage.
 Check engine bolts, main drive coupling, valve clearances,
fuel pump settings, governor set-rings, pipeline connection,
water hose, exhaust couplings, flexible pipe work and the
 Check all outgoing connections on the generator and at the
control panel. All lugs for principal connections shall have
clean and bright contact surfaces. A suitable abrasive
material shall be used where necessary.
 Check access panels and doors for proper opening and
closing and for the functioning of any interlocks fitted.
 With the set isolated from the system, start the engine by
means of the "start" push button and allow it to run up to
normal speed. Check that the battery charging dynamo is
in operation with the engine running.
 Check instruments and gauges for normal operation and
response and that the generator voltage is being
maintained within the prescribed limits.
 Compare the reading of the frequency meter with that of
the engine tachometer, where both are fitted.
 Stop the engine and verify that the generator contactor
opens at between 95% and 85% of normal voltage. Re-
check water and oil levels.
 Run the set a various load for periods totaling at least 30
minutes. Check the voltage and current in each phase in
turn and check that the voltage and frequency are being
maintained within the required limits with large alternations

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of loads. Note the rate of charge on the dynamo ammeter

with the engine running and the rate of charge on the
battery-charging ammeter with the engine stopped. Check
against the manufacture's recommendations and adjust
charging rates if necessary.
 Check that the various engine safeguards operate
 Check vibration absorbing devices for proper operation
and that the performance of all flexible connections, both
mechanical and electrical, is satisfactory.
 When all tests are satisfactory and agreed with the
Engineer or his representative, the lubricating oil and water
levels shall be finally checked, the fuel tank replenished
and the set left in normal operating order.
 An initial supply of all lubricating oils and grease shall e
provided by the Contractor.

Running of the engine for any length of time under- non-load
conditions is undesirable and tests calling for such operation should
be carried out in as short time as possible consistent with

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7.1 Cast Steel

(1) Steel castings shall comply with B.S. 3100 "Steel

castings for general engineering purposes". All
castings shall be carefully moulded to the form and
dimensions shown on the Drawings and shall present
clean and true surfaces free from all defects.

(2) Subject to the prior agreement of the Engineer,

defects in castings may be rectified by welding. Not-
withstanding such prior agreement to the use of
welding, the Engineer may reject any finished welded
casting should he not be satisfied as to its soundness.

(3) If called for by the Engineer, non-destructive tests on

the castings shall be carried out by the Contractor.


7.2 Structural Steelwork

(5) Structural steelwork used in the works shall comply

with the requirements of the standards set out below
wherever applicable.

B.S. 4300 "Weldable structural steel"

B.S. 153 " Steel girder bridges:

B.S 449 “The use of structural steel in building"

B.S. 1775 " Steel tubes for

mechanical, structural and
general engineering

B.S. 4604 “The use of high strength

friction grip bolts inStructural
steel work. Metric series'.

(6) The Contractor shall arrange for the submission of

shop drawings for the whole of the steelwork to the
Engineer for his approval. All such drawings shall
show the dimensions of all parts, method of
construction, spacing of rivers, welding sectional
areas and all other details. No materials shall be
ordered nor fabrication commenced until such
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drawings are approved by the Engineers in writing.

(7) Tests as required under the several British Standards

quoted for steel to be used in the works shall be
carried out in the presence of the Engineer or his
representative and at least four days' notice must
be given to him for the dates proposed for such tests.
At least four days' clear notice shall also be given of
the data on which fabricated steelwork will be ready
for inspection in the fabricator's works.

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7.3 Welding

(8) All welding shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the
Engineer and shall comply with the requirements of B.S. 5135 "Material are
welding of carbon and carbon manganese steels".

(9) The Contractor shall arrange tests for the approval of welders in
accordance with B.S. 4872 " Approval is not required: Part 1 Fusion
welding of steel" and that each welding operator prior to his employment on
fabrication or erection of important structures or at any time if required by
the Engineer, shall pass the quantifying test for the type of weld on which
he is to be employed as detailed in B.S 4872.

(10) The names of all operators, together with all particulars of tests taken by
them, shall be recorded and made available to the Engineer when required.
Should the Contractor wish any particular operator to be re-tested in any
test, which he has previously failed, this shall be done only after the
operator has received further instruction.

(11) The Contractor shall supply each welding operator with an identification
stamp and all work done shall be stamped to enable the welds to be traced
to the operator by whom they were made. The Contractor shall keep a
record the issue of all such stamps and this shall be made available to the
Engineer when required.

7.4 Metal Spraying

(12) Steelwork described to be metal sprayed shall be grit blasted and metal
sprayed with a coating of aluminum 125 microns thick or alternatively of
zinc 85 microns thick, applied in accordance with B.S. 2569 "Sprayed metal
coatings" Part 1 "Protection of iron and steel by aluminum and zinc against
atmospheric corrosion". Spraying will not be allowed on steel on which grit
blasting has been completed for more than 2 hours.

(13) Wherever possible metal spraying is to be carried out after fabrication.

Where factory made joints are sprayed after the remainder of the member
has been coated, particular care is to be taken to ensure that the joint is
first thoroughly cleaned by grit blasting. All meeting faces of bolted and
riveted joints, except where otherwise specified, are to be painted with one
coat of zinc chromate primer and the joint made before the paint has dried,
except for joints to be encased in concrete.

(14) Where welds are to be made on Site the steel is to be free of metal coating
over a distance of 150mm from the edge to be welled. Steelwork in contact
with concrete is to be free of metal spray except for an overlapping strip
from 6mm to 18mm wide measured from the edge of the concrete.

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7.5 Painting General

(15) No painting shall be done until the surface to be protected have been made
absolutely clean and free from all rust, grease, mill-scale, moisture and or
other injurious materials. The work of cleaning steel is to be carried out
with great thoroughness. No paint shall be applied to metal surfaces,
which are to be embedded in concrete, except where otherwise specified.
All galvanized surfaces are to be cleaned of oil, grease and dirt by means
of a de-greasing fluid before being primed and painted as specified.

(16) All scraping, cleaning and painting shall be done by skilled operatives.
Paint shall be applied by brushing or spraying in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions and except where otherwise specified in
accordance with B.S. Code of Practice CP 231 "painting of buildings".
Except as herein specified, no paint shall be applied to any surface when it
is in the slightest degree damp and any paint applied to such damp
surfaces shall be scraped off and the surface repainted at the Contractor's
expense. The Contractor shall take any precautions necessary to prevent
dust and dirt coming into contact with freshly painted surfaces or with
surfaces being coated. Particular care shall be taken to maintain a strong
paint film and all arises, bolt heads, etc. Second and subsequent coats
have paint shall only be applied after the previous coats have dried and
hardened, and at a time approved by the Engineer.

(17) All paints and coatings shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer
before use. Only brands manufactured by makers of repute will be
approved. Other paint systems will be considered provided that the
Engineer has been fully satisfied that they are in all respects equal to or
better than those specified herein. All paints are to be supplied ready-
mixed and delivered to Site in the maker's sealed containers: no thinners
shall be added except with the prior approval of the Engineer. All tint and
colors shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

7.6 Painting of Steelwork subject to immersion in water

(18) Steelwork subject to immersion in water is to be shot blasted and

immediately coated with a weld tolerant rust inhibitive primer, which is to be
followed by two coats of coal tar epoxy, pitch epoxy or pitch polyurethene
to a thickness of 250 microns.

(19) After erection the steelwork shall be pained a further two coats of a similar
paint to a total thickness of 375 microns.

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7.7 Painting of Metal Sprayed and Galvanized Steelwork

(20) All steelwork which is aluminum sprayed is to be painted under factory

conditions as follows:-

a) One coat of either etching or non-etching primer in accordance with the

manufacturer’s instructions.

b) One coat non-etching primer.

c) Two coat micaceous iron oxide paint.

(21) All steelwork which is zinc sprayed or galvanized is to be painted under

factory conditions as follows: -

a) One coat etching primer.

b) One coat non-etching primer.

c) Two coat micaceous iron oxide paint.

(22) All metal coated steelwork is to be protected further at Site as follows: -

(d) All bare metal at site welds etc. to be grit blasted and sprayed with
aluminum or zinc, as the case may be, to a thickness of 125 microns for
aluminum or 85 microns for zinc and paint as at works.

(e) All damage to aluminum or zinc spray to be repaired and made good to
ensure that the specified film thickness of 125 microns for aluminum or
85 microns for zinc is maintained throughout.

(f) All damaged paintwork to be repaired and made good to ensure that
the full four coat treatment has been achieved on all surfaces.

(g) Apply one final coat of micaceous iron oxide, or one undercoat and one
finishing coat of gloss enamel or of alkyd resin to all surfaces after
erection. The colour of the final coat is to be approved by the

(23) Surfaces of steelwork to be covered with concrete are to be thoroughly

cleaned and freed from all dirt immediately before the concrete is placed in
position. Steelwork is to be sealed at the junction with the concrete surface
by a bead of alkali resistant mastic after concreting and before applying the
final coat of paint.

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

7.8 Painting of Other Steelwork

(24) where steelwork is not required to be metal sprayed or galvanized, it shall

be shot-blasted and painted under factory conditions as follows: -

a) One coat of epoxy primer.

b) One coat of red lead primer.

c) One coat of micaceous iron oxide paint.

(25) The steelwork is to be further protected at Site as follows: -

d) All damaged paintwork to be repaired and made good to ensure that the
full four coat treatment has been achieved on all surfaces.

e) Apply one final coat of micaceous iron oxide and one undercoat and
one finishing coat of gloss enamel or of alkyd resin to all surfaces after
erection. The colour of the final coat is to be approved by the

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification


8.1 The contractor shall make arrangements as necessary for the housing, feeding
and welfare of his own employees by providing, servicing and maintaining a
camp on the site or sites the contractor will not be permitted to such camps with
in irrigable areas.

The accommodation shall comply with appropriate Government regulations

dwelling shall be constructed with non- - insulated metal walls neither permitted.
All hutment and buildings shall be adequately equipped and furnished. The
contractors shall also construct and maintain adequate roads or paths to all
hutment and buildings.

8.2 Although hutments, buildings and facilities erected by the contractor on the
site are from the time of their erection until the completion of the works, the
property of the contractor, the contractor shall not demolish or remove any
buildings without the written permission of the engineer. On the completion of
the works, the employer may show separate agreement will be establishes
between the employer and the contractor.

8.3 The contractor shall provide the engineer with sufficient details and drawings of
the camp accommodation, which he intends to provide, so that the approval of
theappropriate authorities can be obtained prior to constriction.

8.4 The contractor's main site workshops, stores, plant yard, offices, etc are to be
located on a site which will arrangement, and way of constriction of these
facilities will be subject to the approval of the engineer.

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification


8.1 General

This section covers the construction, maintenance, and the performance of all
work necessary to care for river water, groundwater, and local drainage in
connection with the entire Contract, so that such water does not interfere with the
progress of affect the quality of the construction.

9.1.1 Work included

The Work includes but is not limited to the following: Diversion and care of river during construction

(II) Un-watering and handling of water behind cofferdams, in conduit and all
other parts of the work.

9.2 Diversion Weir

The Construction of the weir and intake will require the permanent diversion of the
river flow and important dewatering measures for lowering the water tables.
Hence the construction program of the works will be defined by the Contractor and
approved by the Engineer.

9.3 Flood protection dyke

9.3.1 Materials

Materials for flood protection dyke shall be obtained from required excavation or
from borrow as selected by the Contractor approved by the Engineer.

9.4 Approval of Contractor's Plan of Operations

Within thirty days after receipt of notice to proceed with the Contract, the
Contractor shall submit his proposed plan of operations for all works under this
section for approval of the Engineer, including.

a) Description of method including layout of un-watering system for cofferdam,

excavation areas, and other parts of the work.

b) Details including capacity of un-watering equipment, for un-watering

cofferdams, excavation areas, and other parts of the work.

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

9.5 Protection of Permanent Works

The Contractor shall provide such means as are necessary to supplement the
approved schemes or diversion, care of river, and un-watering during construction
for the protection of the permanent works.

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

Part II

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FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification



The Drawings include mainly the following.

- Detail design of Irrigation and derange system layout

- Longitudinal profile and sections of Main canal, Secondary canal,
Tertiary canals and etc.
- Longitudinal profile and sections of interception drain, Main drain,
Secondary drain. Tertiary drain and etc.
- Plans, sections and details of various hydraulic structures



This dam irrigation project is located in Silti zone around Dalucha town in Sothern
Nations Nationality People Regional state. The proposed dam and irrigation project is to
be undertaken on Dijo River. The geographic coordinates of the proposed dam site is
868194 UTM Northing and 413216 UTM Easting. All weather road from Werabe town to
Dalucha town passes close to the dam site and command area which could be used to
approach to the project sites. The command area for irrigation purpose is dawn stream
from the proposed dam site and found 500m North West from Dalucha town.


Mean annual rainfall of the town is 1085.3 mm with a temperature range from 12.9
(minimum) to 31.5oc (maximum) and mean annual temperature is 20oC. Traditional
classification based on altitude and temperature shows the presence of zones in the
town surrounding is classified as Woina-Dega (subtropical warm): altitude varies
between 1500 - 2500masl with mean temperature range of 16-20oc.

The total annual average rainfall in the basin is about 2506 to 2250 mm. The period from
May to September is a wet season. The monthly rainfall during dry season varies
between 515.9 to 82 mm. The record of temperature data shows that a minimum value
was 8.20C, it recorded during August, and the maximum was 31.50C, recorded during

Brief Description of Works

The components of this scheme include camping and store, Access road, head work (Dam),
canals (Earthen & lined), cross drainage, head and cross regulators and controlling structure.

Irrigation and Drainage System

The conveyance system consists of main canal to irrigate total command area of 1,800
ha. The main canal starts from outlet of intake structure on left side and conveys water
Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation 92 February, 2024
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FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

for a length of 15400m. Main canal is aligned parallel to the contours and supplies to
8SC & 1PSC secondary canals.

Main Canal

The main canal is designed for a discharge of 0.93 l/s/ha and has taken off from intake
structure receives water from the Dam and carries it towards the command to reach the
irrigation project site. The main canal has Escape and cross regulator structure, one tail
regulator at the end and a few bridges at suitable intervals to facilitate movement from
one bank to the other.


The contractor shall give full and complete written notice of all important
operations to the Engineer sufficiently in advance to enable the Engineer to
make such arrangements as the Engineer may consider necessary for
inspection and for any other purpose. The contractor shall not start any
important operation without the written approval of the Engineer.


If river bunds or other flood protection works either temporary or existing,

require to be breached, the contractor shall submit detailed proposals for
carrying out the work together with drawings and calculations, to the
Engineer at least one month before work is due to start. No work shall be
started until the Engineer has given his approval in writing.


Not less than fourteen days before commencing any portion of the works,
the contractor, if so ordered, shall submit to the Engineer for his approval
complete drawings of all temporary works the contractor may require for
the construction of that part of the works.

Notwithstanding approval by the Engineer of any design responsible for

their efficiency, security and maintenance and for all obligations and risks in
regard to such temporary works which are specified or implied in the

Except where specific items are provided for the Bill of Quantities, the costs
of all temporary works of every description, including dewatering temporary
diversions of canals, roads and footpaths shall be included in the rates.

The contractor shall submit to the Engineer his detailed proposals for
carrying out this work and shall confirm strictly with clause 1.3 and 1.4 of
these specifications, so that there is sufficient time for the Engineer to
consult with the Irrigation Authorities and other concerned parties. The

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification

Contractor shall not start the work without written approval of the Engineer
and the cost of all such work shall be included in the rates


When ordered by the Engineer, the contractor shall carry out all works,
which may be necessary to permanently connect the works constructed
under the contract, with works to be made under a separate contract.


The contractor shall make all arrangements for location, selecting and
processing of natural materials in accordance with the General Technical
Specifications and shall submit to the Engineer for approval full information
regarding the proposed source well in advance before using the material.
Approval of source does not imply that all material in that source is

Before placing any order for materials for incorporation in the works, the
contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the names of suppliers
and manufactures and the origin, manufactures specification, quality,
weight, strength, description, etc. of the materials. The contractor shall
supply a copy of each order placed, which copy shall be retained by the
Engineer. No materials shall be ordered or obtained from any firm or
supplier, which the Engineer has not previously approved in writing.


All equipment to be employed by the contractor shall be fully in accordance

with the contractor’s proposal and to Engineer’s approval.

If, in the option of the Engineer, the equipment shall be found not to comply
with the requirements set forth in the contract and those agreed between
the Engineer and the contractor, or if the equipment shall be out of order
for more than a week, the Engineer may order the relevant equipment to
withdrawn and replaced by alternative equipment which complies with the,
requirements mentioned above. The extra cost involved in such
replacement shall be borne by the contractor.


In amplification of clause 36 of the conditions of contract, the contractor

shall provide and maintain such further equipment and staff which may be
necessary for collecting samples and caring out tests required by the
specifications for the control of materials and workmanship on and about
the site, and for those tests for which the laboratory provided by the
contractor is not equipped. Any costs involved in compliance with these
clauses shall be included in the rates.

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FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – IXV Technical Specification


All fill materials can be taken from the cut areas and if this may not be
sufficient be obtained from borrow pits that are not utilized for cultivation.


Alignments, levels and dimensions of the structures are shown on the

Drawings. Except for the members of the constructions, a major part of the
structures will be erected in masonry.

All related members of each structure, such as structural steel works, stone
protections, water level, weep holes if any, etc, shall be provided and fixed
in accordance with the Drawings.

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation 95 February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector

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