Kalid-Dijo To Specification With Gradation Req

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FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands






February, 2024

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector

P.O.Box. 2561
Tel. + 251 11 618 4501/5516
Fax. + 251 11 661 1537/610898
Email: info@ecdswc.com
Website: www.ecdswc.com
Bob Marley Avenue,
Addis Ababa,
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification

FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands

Kalid Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project




February, 2024

Issue and Revision Record

Rev. Date Originator Checker Approver Description

February, 2024 Dagmawi K. Nina K. Final
Belay B.
Yaheya A. Belay B.

This document has been prepared for the titled project or named part thereof and should not be relied
upon or used for any other project without an independent check being carried out as to its suitability
and prior written authority of Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector (WEDSWS)
being obtained. WEDSWS accepts no responsibility or liability for the consequence of this document
being used for a purpose other than the purposes for which it was commissioned. Any person using or
relying on the document for such other purpose agrees, and will by such use or reliance be taken to
confirm his agreement to indemnify WEDSWS for all loss or damage resulting there from. WEDSWS
accepts no responsibility or liability for this document to any party other than the person by whom it was

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation i February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification



VOLUME – I Executive Summary

VOLUME – II Design of Dam and Appurtenant Structures
VOLUME – III Design of Irrigation and Drainage System
VOLUME – IV Design of Infrastructures
VOLUME – V Structural Design of Dam & Major Structures
VOLUME – VI Engineering Cost Estimates
VOLUME – VII Operation, Maintenance and Safety Manual
Part I Dam & Appurtenant Structures
Part II Irrigation & Drainage System
LOT -1 Dam and Appurtenant Structures
VOLUME – VIII Bid Document
VOLUME – IX Engineering Design Drawings
Dam and Appurtenant Structures
Part II Infrastructures for Dam & Appurtenant Structures
VOLUME – X Technical Specifications
VOLUME – XI Bill of Quantities
LOT -2 Irrigation and Drainage System
VOLUME – XII Bid Document
VOLUME – XIII Engineering Design Drawings
Part I Irrigation and Drainage System
Part II Infrastructures for Irrigation System
VOLUME – XIV Technical Specifications
VOLUME – XV Bill of Quantities

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation ii February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification

1. General Provisions .................................................................................................. 1
1.1 General .................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Scope and Application ............................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Description of Works .............................................................................................. 1
1.1.3 References ............................................................................................................... 1
1.1.4 Standard Specifications ........................................................................................... 1
1.1.5 Engineer’s Approval ............................................................................................... 2
1.2 Contract Documents and Drawings ........................................................................ 2
1.2.1 Contract Documents ................................................................................................ 2
1.2.2 Drawings and Specification .................................................................................... 2
1.2.3 Contractor’s Working Drawings and Shop Drawings ............................................ 3
1.2.4 Levels and Dimensions ........................................................................................... 4
1.2.5 Final Survey and As Built Drawings ...................................................................... 4
1.3 Survey and Setting-Out Works ............................................................................... 5
1.3.1 General .................................................................................................................... 5
1.3.2 Level and Reference Datum and Triangulation Stations ........................................ 5
1.3.3 Check and Establish New Triangulation Stations ................................................... 5
1.3.4 Contractor’s Survey Technicians ............................................................................ 6
1.3.5 Setting Out of the Works ........................................................................................ 6
1.4 Work Monitoring .................................................................................................... 7
1.4.1 Construction Program ............................................................................................. 7
1.4.2 Progress Reports and Meetings ............................................................................... 7
1.4.3 Method Statements .................................................................................................. 8
1.4.4 Photographs ............................................................................................................. 9
1.5 Contractor’s Superintendence and Staff ................................................................. 9
1.5.1 Project Manager ...................................................................................................... 9
1.6 Contractor’s Facilities ........................................................................................... 10
1.6.1 Contractor’s Equipment ........................................................................................ 10
1.6.2 Contractor’s Yard .................................................................................................. 10
1.6.3 Accommodation for Workmen ............................................................................. 11
1.6.4 Contractor’s Offices, Stores, Yards, etc. ............................................................... 11
1.6.5 Site Communication System ................................................................................. 11
1.6.6 Building for Temporary Use by the Contractor .................................................... 12
1.6.7 Temporary Sanitary Conveniences ....................................................................... 12
1.6.8 Fire Fighting Equipment ....................................................................................... 12
1.6.9 First Aid Equipment .............................................................................................. 12
1.6.10 Construction Safety, Signs and Barriers ............................................................... 12
1.6.11 Project and Direction Signboard ........................................................................... 13
1.7 Supply of Materials and Goods............................................................................. 13
1.7.1 Requirement of Specifications, Standards, Brand Names .................................... 13
1.7.2 Approval of Suppliers of Services, Materials and Goods ..................................... 14
1.7.3 Contractor’s Orders for Materials ......................................................................... 14
1.7.4 Samples ................................................................................................................. 14
1.7.5 Test Certificates .................................................................................................... 15
1.7.6 Packing, Marking and Delivery ............................................................................ 15
1.7.7 Insurance ............................................................................................................... 16
1.7.8 Incidental Services ................................................................................................ 16
1.7.9 Warranty ............................................................................................................... 16
Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation iii February, 2024
Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
1.7.10 Delivery and Documents ....................................................................................... 17
1.8 Use of Land ........................................................................................................... 17
1.8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 17
1.8.2 Geological Information ......................................................................................... 17
1.8.3 Meteorological and Hydrological Data ................................................................. 18
1.8.4 Weather Recording Apparatus .............................................................................. 18
1.8.5 Conditions of Site ................................................................................................. 18
1.8.6 Site Boundaries ..................................................................................................... 19
1.8.7 Temporary Removal of Existing Services ............................................................ 19
1.8.8 Trespass................................................................................................................. 20
1.8.9 Dust Control .......................................................................................................... 20
1.8.10 Work in Vicinity of Electrical Equipment ............................................................ 20
1.8.11 Road Access to the Site......................................................................................... 20
1.8.12 Temporary Access and Haul Roads ...................................................................... 21
1.8.13 Existing Services along Permanent Access Road Alignment ............................... 22
1.8.14 Use of Construction Facilities and Works Constructed by Others ....................... 22
1.8.15 Use of Construction Facilities and Works Area.................................................... 22
1.8.16 Temporary Works – Completion of Works .......................................................... 23
1.9 Utilities .................................................................................................................. 24
1.9.1 Water Supply ........................................................................................................ 24
1.9.2 Sewerage and Sanitary Facilities .......................................................................... 24
1.9.3 Garbage Disposal .................................................................................................. 24
1.9.4 Electricity and Power Supply................................................................................ 24
1.9.5 Compressed Air .................................................................................................... 25
1.10 Contract Administration ........................................................................................ 25
1.10.1 Applications for Payment Certificates .................................................................. 25
1.10.2 Measurement for Payment .................................................................................... 26
1.10.3 Hours and Days of Working ................................................................................. 26
1.10.4 Sub-contract Orders .............................................................................................. 27
1.10.5 Claims for Damage to Persons or Property........................................................... 27
1.11 Maintenance and Defect Liabilities ...................................................................... 27
1.11.1 General .................................................................................................................. 27
1.11.2 Operation and Maintenance Instructions .............................................................. 28
1.11.3 Inspection by Engineer during the Maintenance Period ....................................... 29
1.11.4 Periodic Visits ....................................................................................................... 29
1.12 Training ................................................................................................................. 29
1.13 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 31
1.13.1 General .................................................................................................................. 31
1.13.2 Safety Officer ........................................................................................................ 31
1.13.3 Safety Measures .................................................................................................... 32
1.13.4 Fire Fighting Services ........................................................................................... 35
1.13.5 First Aid and Medical Services ............................................................................. 35
2. Environmental Control.......................................................................................... 36
2.1 Diversion and Control of Water during Construction ........................................... 36
2.1.1 General .................................................................................................................. 36
2.1.2 Dewatering ............................................................................................................ 36
2.1.3 Interference with Rivers and Streams ................................................................... 36
2.1.4 Responsibility for Works ...................................................................................... 36
2.1.5 Water Control Plan................................................................................................ 37
2.1.6 Diversion and Protection Works ........................................................................... 37

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation iv February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
2.1.7 Compensation Event Flood ................................................................................... 37
2.2 Fuel Storage and Machinery Maintenance ............................................................ 38
2.2.1 Requirement .......................................................................................................... 38
2.2.2 Drainage ................................................................................................................ 39
2.2.3 Soil Contamination................................................................................................ 39
2.3 Environmental Protection ..................................................................................... 39
2.3.1 General .................................................................................................................. 39
2.3.2 Precautions against Contamination of the Works ................................................. 39
2.4 Stockpiles and Spoil Dumps ................................................................................. 40
2.5 Rehabilitation of Works Areas .............................................................................. 40
2.5.1 General .................................................................................................................. 40
2.5.2 Preservation of Flora and Fauna ........................................................................... 41
2.5.3 Shaping of Areas ................................................................................................... 41
2.5.4 Preparation of Areas for Grassing ......................................................................... 41
2.5.5 Grassing ................................................................................................................ 42
2.5.6 Establishment of Grass.......................................................................................... 43
2.5.7 Maintenance of Grass............................................................................................ 43
2.5.8 Trees and Shrubs ................................................................................................... 43
3. Engineer’s Requirements ...................................................................................... 45
3.1 Survey ................................................................................................................... 45
3.1.1 Survey Operatives for the Engineer ...................................................................... 45
3.1.2 Materials and Survey Instruments for Engineer.................................................... 45
3.2 Transport for Engineer’s Staff .............................................................................. 47
3.2.1 Vehicles................................................................................................................. 47
3.3 Site Office for the Engineer and his Staff ............................................................. 47
3.4 Protective Clothing for the Engineer’s Staff ......................................................... 49
3.5 Materials Testing Laboratory ................................................................................ 49
3.5.1 General Requirements ........................................................................................... 49
3.5.2 Laboratory Testing Equipment ............................................................................. 50
3.5.3 Laboratory Staff .................................................................................................... 52
3.5.4 Tests not Undertaken in the Site Laboratory......................................................... 52
3.6 Facilities for Engineer to Take Samples ............................................................... 52
3.7 Radio Communication System ............................................................................. 52
3.8 Telecommunications System ................................................................................ 53
3.9 Resources Reports ................................................................................................. 53
3.10 Progress Reports ................................................................................................... 53
3.11 Monthly Statement ................................................................................................ 54
4. Site Investigations ................................................................................................. 55
4.1 General .................................................................................................................. 55
4.2 Standard of Work .................................................................................................. 55
4.3 Setting Out and Boreholes Levels......................................................................... 55
4.4 Area of Works - Permits ....................................................................................... 55
4.5 Inspection .............................................................................................................. 56
4.6 Contractor’s Work Program .................................................................................. 56
4.7 Work Diary ........................................................................................................... 56
4.7.1 Foremen Diary and Records ................................................................................. 56
4.7.2 Specialist’s Journals – Field Testing Data ............................................................ 56
4.7.3 Preliminary Laboratory Test Results .................................................................... 56
4.8 Reports .................................................................................................................. 56
4.9 Technical Review Meetings .................................................................................. 57

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation v February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
4.10 Site Works – Starting Permission ......................................................................... 57
4.11 Contractor’s Staff .................................................................................................. 57
4.12 Contractor’s Soil Testing Laboratory.................................................................... 58
4.13 Reinstatement ........................................................................................................ 58
4.14 Workmanship, Equipment and Materials.............................................................. 58
4.14.1 General Method of Advancing the Boring and Test Pits ...................................... 58
4.14.2 Boring and Drilling ............................................................................................... 59
4.14.3 Sampling and Storing ............................................................................................ 60
4.14.4 In Situ Testing ....................................................................................................... 62
4.14.5 Measurement of Water Levels .............................................................................. 63
4.14.6 Casing Pipes .......................................................................................................... 63
4.14.7 Laboratory Testings .............................................................................................. 63
4.14.8 Test Pits ................................................................................................................. 64
5. Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping Topsoil ............................................................ 65
5.1 Description ............................................................................................................ 65
5.2 Clearing ................................................................................................................. 65
5.3 Clearing Portion of the Reservoir Area................................................................. 65
5.4 Grubbing ............................................................................................................... 65
5.5 Stripping Topsoil .................................................................................................. 65
5.6 Construction Methods ........................................................................................... 66
5.6.1 Areas to be cleared ................................................................................................ 66
5.6.2 Areas to be Cleared, Grubbed and Stripped of Topsoil ........................................ 66
5.6.3 Topsoil .................................................................................................................. 66
5.6.4 Timber ................................................................................................................... 67
5.6.5 Structures .............................................................................................................. 67
5.6.6 Disposal of Material .............................................................................................. 67
6. Excavation ............................................................................................................. 69
6.1 General .................................................................................................................. 69
6.2 Seams, Cavities and Other Defects in Rock.......................................................... 69
6.3 Excavation of Unsound Material .......................................................................... 70
6.4 Support of Excavations ......................................................................................... 70
6.5 Slips, Falls and Excess Excavation ....................................................................... 71
6.6 Excavations to be Kept Dry .................................................................................. 71
6.7 Disposal of Excavated Material ............................................................................ 71
6.8 Spoil Dumps ......................................................................................................... 72
6.9 Definition of Rock ................................................................................................ 72
6.10 Excavation for Foundations for Embankments ..................................................... 72
6.10.1 General .................................................................................................................. 72
6.10.2 Required Quality of Foundation............................................................................ 73
6.10.3 Preparation of Foundations and Abutments in Rock ............................................ 73
6.10.4 Excavation of Cut-off Trench at Main Dam ......................................................... 73
6.10.5 Preparation of Foundations of Pervious Material for Clay Core .......................... 74
6.10.6 Integrity of Cut Slopes Prior to Embankment Construction ................................. 74
6.11 Excavation for Spillway Channels ........................................................................ 74
6.12 Excavation for Concrete Structures ...................................................................... 74
6.13 Excavation for Trenches, Pits and Footings.......................................................... 74
6.14 Clean-off of Foundations for Inspection ............................................................... 74
6.15 Blasting Work ....................................................................................................... 75
6.15.1 Scope ..................................................................................................................... 75
6.15.2 Definitions ............................................................................................................. 75

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation vi February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
6.15.3 Regulations............................................................................................................ 75
6.15.4 Safety Precautions ................................................................................................. 76
6.15.5 General .................................................................................................................. 76
6.15.6 Quality of Excavated Surface and Blasting Trials ................................................ 77
6.15.7 Monitoring of Blasts ............................................................................................. 77
6.15.8 Notification of Blasts ............................................................................................ 78
6.15.9 Blasting Near Structures ....................................................................................... 78
6.15.10 Disposal of Explosives ..................................................................................... 78
6.15.11 Control Blasting ............................................................................................... 78
6.15.12 Checking and Correcting the Excavated Profile .............................................. 79
6.15.13 Insecure Material .............................................................................................. 80
7. Earthworks and Embankment Construction.......................................................... 81
7.1 Dam Embankments ............................................................................................... 81
7.2 Dam Fills – Materials ............................................................................................ 81
7.2.1 Impervious Fill ...................................................................................................... 82
7.2.2 Filter and Drainage Materials................................................................................ 82
7.2.3 Rock Fill................................................................................................................ 82
7.2.4 Backfill to Structures ............................................................................................ 82
7.2.5 Dam Fills - Placing and Compaction .................................................................... 83
7.2.6 Trial Fills............................................................................................................... 83
7.2.7 Equipment ............................................................................................................. 84
7.2.8 Backfill to Structures ............................................................................................ 87
7.2.9 Field Density and Compaction Testing................................................................. 89
7.3 Borrow Pits and Quarries ...................................................................................... 91
7.4 Permitted Deviations ............................................................................................. 92
7.5 Compaction Trials ................................................................................................. 92
7.6 Preparation of Foundations and Abutments in Rock ............................................ 93
7.7 Excavation of Cutoff Trench at Main Dam .......................................................... 93
7.8 Material for Clay Core .......................................................................................... 93
7.9 Materials for Filters, Drainage Layers and Riprap Bedding ................................. 94
7.10 Topsoil Material .................................................................................................... 94
7.11 Material for Riprap ............................................................................................... 95
7.12 Construction of Clay Core and Shoulder Zone ..................................................... 95
7.13 Construction of Riprap Protection ........................................................................ 96
7.14 Construction of Internal Drainage Layers, Filters and Riprap Bedding ............... 96
7.15 Control of Moisture Content ................................................................................. 96
7.16 Test on Embanking Material ................................................................................. 97
7.17 Settlement Allowance ........................................................................................... 97
7.18 Hydro Seeding ...................................................................................................... 97
8. Drainage Works .................................................................................................... 97
8.1 General .................................................................................................................. 97
8.2 Excavation and Backfilling for Drainage Works .................................................. 98
8.2.1 Description ............................................................................................................ 98
8.2.2 Excavated Material ............................................................................................... 98
8.2.3 Granular Bedding Material ................................................................................... 98
8.2.4 Concrete Bedding.................................................................................................. 98
8.2.5 Ordinary Backfill Material .................................................................................... 98
8.2.6 Granular Backfill Material .................................................................................... 98
8.2.7 Excavation ............................................................................................................. 99
8.2.8 Backfilling with Ordinary or Granular Backfill Material ................................... 100

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation vii February, 2024
Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
8.3 Channel Excavation ............................................................................................ 100
8.3.1 General ................................................................................................................ 100
8.3.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 101
8.3.3 Construction Methods ......................................................................................... 101
8.4 Surface Drainage ................................................................................................. 101
8.4.1 Surface Drainage Types ...................................................................................... 101
8.4.2 Surface Drain Construction ................................................................................. 101
8.5 Stone Pitching ..................................................................................................... 103
8.5.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 103
8.5.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 103
8.5.3 Construction Methods ......................................................................................... 103
8.6 Gabions ............................................................................................................... 104
8.6.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 104
8.6.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 105
8.6.3 Construction Methods ......................................................................................... 106
8.7 Subsoil Drains ..................................................................................................... 106
8.7.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 106
8.7.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 106
8.7.3 Construction Methods ......................................................................................... 108
8.8 Weep Holes ......................................................................................................... 109
8.9 uPVC Pipes ......................................................................................................... 109
8.9.1 General ................................................................................................................ 109
8.9.2 Installation ........................................................................................................... 109
8.10 Slotted PVC Pipe Drains ..................................................................................... 109
8.10.1 General ................................................................................................................ 109
8.10.2 Installation ........................................................................................................... 110
8.11 RC Pipe Culverts................................................................................................. 110
8.11.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 111
8.11.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 111
8.12 Excavation and Backfilling for RC Pipe Culverts .............................................. 111
8.12.1 Excavation ........................................................................................................... 111
8.12.2 Backfilling ........................................................................................................... 113
8.13 Installation of RC Pipe Culverts ......................................................................... 113
8.13.1 General ................................................................................................................ 113
8.13.2 Butt Ended Pipe Culverts with Precast Concrete Collars ................................... 113
8.13.3 Rebated Pipe Culverts ......................................................................................... 114
8.13.4 Spigot and Socket Pipe Culverts ......................................................................... 114
8.14 Precast Box Culverts ........................................................................................... 115
8.14.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 115
8.14.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 115
8.14.3 Excavation and Backfilling ................................................................................. 115
9. Grouting .............................................................................................................. 117
9.1 Drilling and Grouting .......................................................................................... 117
9.1.1 Drilling - General ................................................................................................ 117
9.1.2 Water Pressure Tests ........................................................................................... 118
9.1.3 Pressure Grouting – General ............................................................................... 119
9.1.4 Grouting and Water Test Records ....................................................................... 123
9.1.5 Pipes, Fittings and Outlets for Grouting ............................................................. 123
10. Concrete Works .................................................................................................. 124
10.1 Scope ................................................................................................................... 124

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation viii February, 2024
Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
10.2 Concrete Production and Construction ............................................................... 124
10.2.1 General ................................................................................................................ 124
10.2.2 Cement ................................................................................................................ 128
10.2.3 Admixtures .......................................................................................................... 130
10.2.4 Water ................................................................................................................... 131
10.2.5 Aggregates .......................................................................................................... 131
10.2.6 Batching and Mixing........................................................................................... 133
10.2.7 Temperature of Concrete .................................................................................... 136
10.2.8 Sampling and Testing.......................................................................................... 137
10.2.9 Concrete Construction ......................................................................................... 142
10.2.10 Joints .............................................................................................................. 143
10.2.11 Tolerances for Concrete Construction ............................................................ 144
10.2.12 Falsework ....................................................................................................... 145
10.2.13 Formwork ....................................................................................................... 145
10.2.14 Finishes and Finishing .................................................................................... 147
10.2.15 Preparation for Placing Concrete ................................................................... 149
10.2.16 Placing Concrete ............................................................................................ 150
10.2.17 Protection of Concrete.................................................................................... 154
10.2.18 Curing of Concrete ......................................................................................... 154
10.2.19 Repair of Concrete ......................................................................................... 155
10.2.20 Cooling of Concrete ....................................................................................... 157
10.2.21 Water stops – General Concreting ................................................................. 158
10.2.22 Joint Strips for Expansion Joints .................................................................... 159
10.2.23 Polystyrene Filler for Expansion Joints ......................................................... 159
10.2.24 Mastic Filler ................................................................................................... 160
10.2.25 Pipe Wrapping Material ................................................................................. 160
10.2.26 Annular Seal for Pipes.................................................................................... 161
10.2.27 Epoxy Mortar ................................................................................................. 161
10.2.28 Reinforcement ................................................................................................ 162
10.2.29 Grouted Anchor Bars ..................................................................................... 164
10.2.30 Bridge Bearings .............................................................................................. 165
10.3 Concrete in Structures ......................................................................................... 165
10.3.1 Submittals............................................................................................................ 165
10.3.2 Concrete in the Side Spillway ............................................................................. 166
10.3.3 Concrete in Intake Tower.................................................................................... 168
10.3.4 Structural Concrete ............................................................................................. 169
10.3.5 Blinding Concrete ............................................................................................... 170
10.3.6 No-Fines Concrete .............................................................................................. 170
10.3.7 Backfill Concrete ................................................................................................ 171
10.3.8 Miscellaneous Concrete ...................................................................................... 171
10.3.9 Second Stage Concrete........................................................................................ 171
10.4 Precast Concrete .................................................................................................. 171
10.4.1 General ................................................................................................................ 171
10.4.2 Submission of Proposed Methods ....................................................................... 172
10.4.3 Handling .............................................................................................................. 172
10.4.4 Tolerances ........................................................................................................... 172
10.5 Underdrains and Rock Anchors .......................................................................... 172
10.5.1 General ................................................................................................................ 172
10.5.2 Gravel Filters ...................................................................................................... 173
10.5.3 Pipework ............................................................................................................. 173

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation ix February, 2024

Water and Energy Design and Supervision Works Sector
FDRE, Ministry of Irrigation and Lowlands
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
Volume – X Technical Specification
10.6 Rock Anchors...................................................................................................... 173
10.7 Tests on Anchor Bars .......................................................................................... 174
11. Pipes and Pipe works .......................................................................................... 175
11.1 Work to be Carried Out....................................................................................... 175
11.2 Transport and Handling ...................................................................................... 175
11.3 Concrete Pipes..................................................................................................... 175
11.4 Ductile Iron Pipes ............................................................................................... 175
11.5 Grey and Cast Iron Pipes..................................................................................... 176
11.6 Galvanized Mild Steel Pipework ........................................................................ 176
11.7 uPVC Pipes ......................................................................................................... 176
11.8 Steel Pipes ........................................................................................................... 177
11.8.1 Steel Pipes and Fittings ....................................................................................... 177
11.8.2 Flanged Joints ..................................................................................................... 177
11.8.3 Gasket and Joint Rings ........................................................................................ 178
11.8.4 Nuts, Bolts and Washers for Pipework ............................................................... 178
11.8.5 Welded Joints ...................................................................................................... 178
11.8.6 Welding of Joints for Steel Pipes ........................................................................ 179
11.8.7 Solvent Free Epoxy Linings ................................................................................ 180
11.8.8 Polyurethane Coatings ........................................................................................ 182
11.9 Excavation ........................................................................................................... 182
11.10 Laying ................................................................................................................. 183
11.11 Pipe Bedding and Backfilling of Pipe Trench .................................................... 183
11.12 Anchor Blocks and Concrete Surrounds ............................................................. 184
11.13 Jointing of Pipes .................................................................................................. 184
11.14 Flexible Couplings and Flange Adaptors ............................................................ 184
11.15 Cutting of Pipes................................................................................................... 185
11.16 Testing Pressure Pipework .................................................................................. 185
11.17 Testing of Pipework Not Subject to Internal Pressure ........................................ 186
11.18 Pipeline Markers ................................................................................................. 186
12. Metalwork ........................................................................................................... 187
12.1 Standards of Materials and Workmanship .......................................................... 187
12.2 Welding ............................................................................................................... 188
12.3 Galvanizing ......................................................................................................... 188
12.4 Nuts and Bolts ..................................................................................................... 189
12.5 Handrailing.......................................................................................................... 189
12.6 Staircase .............................................................................................................. 189
12.6.1 General ................................................................................................................ 189
12.6.2 Materials.............................................................................................................. 189
12.6.3 Protective Coating ............................................................................................... 189
12.6.4 Erection ............................................................................................................... 189
12.7 Trash Screen........................................................................................................ 190
12.8 Fixing and Building-in ........................................................................................ 190
12.9 Fabrication of Structural and other Steelwork .................................................... 191
12.9.1 Certificates .......................................................................................................... 191
12.9.2 Storage ................................................................................................................ 191
12.9.3 Quality................................................................................................................. 191
12.9.4 Changes to Proposals .......................................................................................... 191
12.9.5 Protective Coating ............................................................................................... 191
12.9.6 Shipment ............................................................................................................. 191
12.10 Tolerances for Structural Steelwork ................................................................... 192

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12.11 Erection of Structural Steelwork ......................................................................... 193
12.11.1 General ........................................................................................................... 193
12.11.2 Anchor Bolts .................................................................................................. 193
12.11.3 Erection .......................................................................................................... 193
13. Instrumentation ................................................................................................... 194
13.1 General ................................................................................................................ 194
13.2 Proposed Instrumentation:................................................................................... 194
13.3 Placement of the Instruments: ............................................................................. 196
13.3.1 Main Dam: .......................................................................................................... 196
13.4 General ................................................................................................................ 198
13.5 Design ................................................................................................................. 198
13.6 Standardization .................................................................................................... 198
13.7 Installation ........................................................................................................... 198
13.8 Operation and Maintenance Instructions ............................................................ 199
13.9 Spare Parts, Special Tools, etc ............................................................................ 200
13.10 Field Data Sheets ................................................................................................ 200
13.11 Electricity Supply................................................................................................ 200
13.12 Site Testing and Commissioning......................................................................... 200
13.13 Vibrating Wire Piezometers ................................................................................ 200
13.14 Water Level Meter .............................................................................................. 202
13.15 Surface Movement Indicators ............................................................................. 202
13.16 Flow Measuring Weirs ........................................................................................ 202
13.17 Water Level Boards ............................................................................................ 202
13.18 Water Level Sensors ........................................................................................... 202
13.19 Water Level Recorders........................................................................................ 203
13.20 Depth Echo-sounder............................................................................................ 203
14. Pressure Relief Wells .......................................................................................... 204
14.1 General ................................................................................................................ 204
14.2 Installation ........................................................................................................... 204
14.3 Casing ................................................................................................................. 204
14.4 Screen .................................................................................................................. 204
14.5 Gravel Placement ................................................................................................ 204
14.6 Well Completion ................................................................................................. 205
14.7 Development ....................................................................................................... 205
15. Cleaning, Corrosion Protection and Painting ...................................................... 207
15.1 General ................................................................................................................ 207
15.1.1 Requirement ........................................................................................................ 207
15.1.2 Surface Not Requiring Corrosion Protection ...................................................... 207
15.1.3 Embedded Metalwork ......................................................................................... 207
15.1.4 Welding Margins ................................................................................................ 207
15.1.5 Metal to Metal and Metal to Concrete Contact ................................................... 207
15.1.6 Temporary Corrosion Inhibitor ........................................................................... 208
15.1.7 Care of Coated Metalwork .................................................................................. 208
15.1.8 Colour Schedule .................................................................................................. 208
15.2 Supply of Materials ............................................................................................. 208
15.2.1 Qualification of Materials for Painting ............................................................... 208
15.2.2 Supply of Materials ............................................................................................. 209
15.2.3 Paint Manufacturer .............................................................................................. 209
15.2.4 Tropicalisation..................................................................................................... 209
15.3 Surface Preparation ............................................................................................. 209

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15.3.1 Metalwork ........................................................................................................... 209
15.3.2 Concrete and Concrete Blockwork Surfaces ...................................................... 210
15.3.3 Timber ................................................................................................................. 211
15.4 Application of Coating Materials ........................................................................ 211
15.4.1 Personnel ............................................................................................................. 211
15.4.2 Equipment ........................................................................................................... 211
15.4.3 Temperature and Humidity ................................................................................. 211
15.4.4 Priming................................................................................................................ 211
15.4.5 Spraying .............................................................................................................. 212
15.4.6 Film Thickness .................................................................................................... 212
15.4.7 Tinting ................................................................................................................. 212
15.4.8 Inaccessible Surfaces .......................................................................................... 212
15.4.9 Protection of Surfaces ......................................................................................... 212
15.4.10 Defects............................................................................................................ 213
15.4.11 Elapsed Time .................................................................................................. 213
15.5 Coating Systems.................................................................................................. 213
15.6 Epoxy Coating System ........................................................................................ 213
15.7 Portland Cement Wash........................................................................................ 213
15.8 Galvanising ......................................................................................................... 214
15.8.1 General ................................................................................................................ 214
15.8.2 Film Thickness .................................................................................................... 214
15.8.3 Repairs to Galvanising ........................................................................................ 214
15.9 Painting Concrete, Blockwork and Plasterboard Surfaces .................................. 215
15.9.1 General ................................................................................................................ 215
15.10 Painting and Varnishing Timber ......................................................................... 215
15.10.1 General ........................................................................................................... 215
15.11 Road Painting and Signs ..................................................................................... 215
15.11.1 Requirement ................................................................................................... 215
15.11.2 Materials ......................................................................................................... 215
15.12 Inspection and Testing ........................................................................................ 215
15.12.1 General ........................................................................................................... 215
15.12.2 Profile ............................................................................................................. 216
15.12.3 Coating Thickness .......................................................................................... 216
15.12.4 Coating Continuity ......................................................................................... 216
15.12.5 Other Tests ..................................................................................................... 216
15.12.6 Rejection ........................................................................................................ 216
15.13 Painting Buildings ............................................................................................... 222
15.13.1 General ........................................................................................................... 222
15.13.2 Preparation of Surfaces .................................................................................. 222
15.13.3 Protection of Hardwood ................................................................................. 222
15.13.4 Protection and Painting of Softwood ............................................................. 223
15.13.5 Protection and Painting of Metal.................................................................... 223
15.13.6 Painting of Concrete, Plaster and Blockwork ................................................ 223
15.13.7 Protection and Painting of Aluminium........................................................... 224
15.13.8 Conditions for Painting .................................................................................. 224
16. Miscellaneous ...................................................................................................... 224
16.1 Fencing and Gates ............................................................................................... 224
16.2 Doors ................................................................................................................... 225
16.3 Glass .................................................................................................................... 225
16.3.1 General ................................................................................................................ 225

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16.3.2 Clear Sheet Glass ................................................................................................ 226
16.3.3 Float Glass .......................................................................................................... 226
16.4 Windows ............................................................................................................. 226
16.4.1 General ................................................................................................................ 226
16.4.2 Timber Framed Windows ................................................................................... 226
16.4.3 Aluminium Framed Windows............................................................................. 226
16.4.4 Timber Framed Adjustable and Fixed Louvered Windows ................................ 227
16.5 Rainwater Down-Pipe ......................................................................................... 227
16.6 Brickwork............................................................................................................ 227
16.6.1 Description .......................................................................................................... 227
16.6.2 Brick Walls ......................................................................................................... 227
16.7 Cement Rendering / Plastering............................................................................ 228
16.8 Masonry for Structures........................................................................................ 228
17. Water Control Gates............................................................................................ 229
17.1 General ................................................................................................................ 229
17.1.1 Scope of Works ................................................................................................... 229
17.1.2 Standard Specification ........................................................................................ 229
17.1.3 Guarding of Machinery ....................................................................................... 229
17.1.4 Fixing in Concrete............................................................................................... 229
17.1.5 Grounding ........................................................................................................... 230
17.1.6 Labels and Plates................................................................................................. 230
17.1.7 Design Calculations and Drawings ..................................................................... 230
17.2 Materials, Workmanship and Design .................................................................. 230
17.2.1 Materials Stresses and Workmanship ................................................................. 230
17.2.2 Minimum Thickness ........................................................................................... 231
17.2.3 Earthquake Loading ............................................................................................ 231
17.2.4 Welding ............................................................................................................... 232
17.2.5 Castings ............................................................................................................... 232
17.2.6 Nuts, Bolts and Washers ..................................................................................... 233
17.2.7 Fixings................................................................................................................. 234
17.2.8 Bearings .............................................................................................................. 234
17.2.9 Seals .................................................................................................................... 234
17.2.10 Lifting Ropes, Drums and Sheaves ................................................................ 235
17.3 Electric Equipment and Wiring .......................................................................... 235
17.3.1 Permanent Electricity Supplies ............................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
17.3.2 Motor .................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
17.3.3 Electric Actuator ................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
17.3.4 Motor Brake ........................................................................................................ 268
17.3.5 Electric Cables and Wiring ................................................................................. 268
17.3.6 Motor Starters and Ammeters ............................................................................. 268
17.3.7 Conduit ................................................................................................................ 268
17.3.8 Enclosures ........................................................................................................... 268
17.3.9 Limit Switches .................................................................................................... 268
17.3.10 Indicating Lights ............................................................................................ 269
17.3.11 Instruments and Meters .................................................................................. 269
17.4 Painting, Inspection and Erection ....................................................................... 269
17.4.1 Shop Cleaning and Painting ................................................................................ 269
17.4.2 Supply of Paint .................................................................................................... 270
17.4.3 Paint .................................................................................................................... 270
17.4.4 Galvanising ......................................................................................................... 271

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17.4.5 Preparation and Storage of Bolts ........................................................................ 271
17.4.6 Instruction for Site Erection ................................................................................ 272
17.4.7 Erection and Inspection at Place of Manufacture ............................................... 272
17.4.8 Test Procedure Instructions ................................................................................. 273
17.4.9 Tests .................................................................................................................... 273
17.4.10 Leakage Test .................................................................................................. 273
17.4.11 Spare Parts and Tools ..................................................................................... 273
17.4.12 Operating and Maintenance Instructions ........................................................ 274
17.5 Shop Assembly and Tests ................................................................................... 275
17.5.1 Gate and Guide Frame ........................................................................................ 275
17.5.2 Operating Gear and Control Cabinet .................................................................. 275
17.6 Installation and Tests at the Site.......................................................................... 276
17.6.1 Guide Frames ...................................................................................................... 276
17.6.2 Gates ................................................................................................................... 276
17.6.3 Operating Gear and Control Cabinet .................................................................. 276

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1. General Provisions
1.1 General

1.1.1 Scope and Application

These general provisions of the specifications shall apply to the all Works and are
an integral part of the Contract and shall be read and construed with all other
parts of the Contract Documents.

1.1.2 Description of Works

The principal items of work to be executed under this Contract include but are not
limited to the following:

a) Main Dam (incorporating core, shell, filters and rockfill).

b) Cofferdam (part of the Works).

c) Spillway (incorporating Approach Channel, Spill weir, discharge channel and

Stilling Basin Bridge).

d) Intake and irrigation conduit (incorporating pedestrian bridge, pumping

station, outlet pipe, chute, gates and trash rack).

e) Mechanical and Electrical Plant.

f) Downstream Works (including Irrigation Off take Channel, Bottom Outlet

Stilling Basin and Return Channel to River).

g) Pressure Relief Wells.

h) Instrumentation.

i) Operator’s Camp

Other works associated with the above including any modifications carried out
within the terms of the Contract.

1.1.3 References

Any references in this Specification are references to parts in this Specification,

unless stated otherwise.

In terms of the Contract the Engineer will carry out the duties under the terms of
his appointment by the Employer. The Engineer will delegate to the Engineer. Any
duties and authorities vested in the Engineer.

1.1.4 Standard Specifications

Unless otherwise specified, all materials and workmanship shall comply with the
requirements of the relevant British Standards/Codes of Practice or American
Standards/Codes of Practice. Other equivalent or superior National or
International Standards or Codes of Practice may be substituted at the sole
discretion of the Engineer. If, after the date of 28 Days prior to the bid submission
date there is an amendment to a standard specification relevant to the Contract,
the Engineer will direct whether the amendment is to apply.
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The Contractor shall provide to the Engineer one copy of every standard
specification or code referred to in this Specification or proposed by the
Contractor. Such standard specifications will be accessible to the Contractor at all
reasonable times.

All materials and workmanship not fully specified herein, or covered by an

approved standard, shall be of such a kind used in first class work and suitable to
the climate in the area of the Site.

1.1.5 Engineer’s Approval

Within this Specification there are references to approval by the Engineer or

approval of alternatives or approval for a relaxation of the Specification. If the
Contractor requests approval under these provisions each such request shall be
accompanied by full documentation, giving the reasons for the requested
approval, alternatives proposed, supporting calculations, manufacture’s literature,
etc, as may be necessary to fully demonstrate the benefits of the Contractor’s
proposal. The Engineer will not give approval under any circumstances where the
Contractor’s proposals will not give an equal or better standard of quality to that
given in the Specification.

In this specification approved by the Engineer shall cover also approval by the
Engineer where such duty and authority has been granted to him in accordance
with the Conditions of Contract.

1.2 Contract Documents and Drawings

1.2.1 Contract Documents

The Contractor will be provided with 3 sets of the Contract documents for his own
use. A complete set of Contract documents supplied by the Engineer and all
further instructions issued by him shall be kept at all times by the Contractor on
the Site and available to the Engineer and his staff on the site.

Any sections in the Contract documents which relate to work or materials not
required in the Works shall be deemed not to apply.

1.2.2 Drawings and Specification

The Drawings which are included in the bidding documents and which will form
part of the Drawings to be used for the construction of the Works show the work
to be carried out in accordance with the Contract in sufficient detail for the
Contractor to fully plan his activities. The Contractor shall check the Drawings and
Specification carefully and advise the Engineer in writing, of any ambiguities,
discrepancies, errors or omissions and a full instruction will be furnished to the
Contractor should any ambiguities, discrepancies, errors or omissions be found.
The Contractor shall be required to perform the work in accordance with such
further instructions. Although the Drawings are prepared to scale, work shall be
based upon levels, dimensions shown on the Drawings and not on dimensions
scaled from the Drawings.

Drawings when read in conjunction with the Specification and instructions that
may be issued from time to time by the Engineer will show sufficient dimensions,
specific details and typical details to define the various features of the work, but
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the details necessary for the construction of any part of the Works may have to
the deduced from several Drawings. Any additional drawings, which the
Contractor requires to interpret how to construct the Works, shall be prepared by
the Contractor and approved by the Engineer. All costs relating to these additional
drawings shall be borne by the Contractor.

The Engineer may, from time to time, issue additional or revised Drawings to
modify the Works.

The Drawings provided as part of the documents do not show arrangement of

bars, bar sizes or their spacing. An estimate of reinforcement weights, however,
has been allowed for in the Bill of Quantities.

Reinforcement Drawings will be issued to the Contractor during the construction

of the Works, based on a Programme to be agreed by the Engineer. The
Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer, for approval, all bar bending
schedules based on these drawings. Each sheet of the bar bending schedules
shall include the total length and the total weight of each bar diameter.

1.2.3 Contractor’s Working Drawings and Shop Drawings

The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer such working drawings
and shop drawings as may be necessary to illustrate his proposed method of
working. These working drawings and shop drawings shall:
a) Be prepared to appropriate scales and include plans, elevations and sections.
b) Consist of an electronic copy of the drawing (if available), one print and one
copy of design calculations, specification and parts catalogues.

c) Be signed by a qualified engineer responsible for the design, checked and

approved by the Contractor prior to submission.

d) Bear the title “Contract Nr 1: Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project”.

Within 60 Days of receiving such working drawings and shop drawings the
Engineer shall signify his approval or request modifications. The Contractor shall
modify the designs and drawings, as may be required by the Engineer.

The Works shall be constructed in accordance with the approved working

Drawings and shop Drawings, and a copy of such Drawings shall be kept on the
Site at all times until the completion of the Contract. All Drawings on which
changes are made, shall have the revisions clearly marked and dated.

Construction, fabrication or manufacture of any portion of the Works shall not

commence until the design and drawings have been approved in writing by the
Engineer and thereafter no change shall be made to any Drawings so approved
without the permission of the Engineer. Permission to make such changes shall
be treated as a new submission under this Clause 1.2.3, and the requirements
(a) through (d) above shall be met.

The checking and approval of the working drawings and shop drawings by the
Engineer shall not in any way relieve the Contractor of his responsibility, so that
at completion, the Works shall be in good order and condition and in conformity

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in every respect with the requirements of the Contract and the Engineer’s

1.2.4 Levels and Dimensions

The ground levels together with the levels and dimensions of existing features are
believed, but are not guaranteed, to be correct.

All dimensions and levels shown on the Drawings (or mentioned in the Contract
documents), shall be verified by the Contractor on the Site. The Contractor shall
be held responsible for the accuracy and maintenance of all dimensions and

Wherever dimensions or levels are marked on the Drawings, such dimensions or

levels shall take precedence over dimensions scaled from the Drawings. Scaled
dimensions may only be used in the absence of more precise information on the
Drawings and/or elsewhere, after the approval of the Engineer.

Any ambiguities or discrepancies shall be referred to the Engineer, as soon as

possible, for further instruction and/or clarification.

The setting out of the Works is described in Clause 1.3.

1.2.5 Final Survey and As Built Drawings

On completion of the Works, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer As-built
drawings including final reduced levels and size and height of the building as

The "As-Built" drawings for the whole Works, including the original bid Drawings
(not originally prepared by the Contractor) are to be produced by the Contractor
and submitted to the Engineer as specified in Section 4 (Contract Data) to scales
approved by the Engineer. All “As-built” drawings shall be produced on A1 or A3
paper size using the AutoCAD drawing system.

Two paper copies of each drawing shall be submitted for review and approval by
the Engineer. Following the correction of any errors or omissions identified by the
Engineer the Contractor shall submit the final “As-built” drawings as:
a) An electronic copy of each drawing.
b) Three copies of all A1 drawings in bound albums.

c) Three copies of all A3 drawings (including reduced copies of the A1

drawings) in bound albums.

Final bar-bending schedules shall be submitted with corresponding bar-marks on

approved "As-Built" drawings.

Structural steel drawings, supplier's drawings, fabrication and shop drawings,

large scale detail drawings including all structural steel connection details not
shown nor provided by Engineer and any additional drawings shall be prepared
by Contractor and submitted together with detailed design calculations.

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A sample of the format of the As-Built drawing which contains title block, text and
symbols, metric units, drawing scales etc will be issued to the Contractor by the
Engineer and this shall form the basis of presentations of As-Built drawings.

1.3 Survey and Setting-Out Works

1.3.1 General

The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the correct setting out of all the

1.3.2 Level and Reference Datum and Triangulation Stations

The reference datum Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project shall relate to the
triangulation stations detailed on the setting out Drawings (to be issued
immediately after the Start Date). The setting out co-ordinates relate to the UTM
projection using the Adundam (Ethiopia) Datum with a modified project level
datum, which for the purposes of Kalid-Dijo Dam And Irrigation will henceforth be
referred to as the “Project Datum”.

The Master Triangulation Station, the location and value of permanent bench
marks to be used for the project; the Contractor shall obtain in writing from the

The Engineer cannot guarantee the existence of the triangulation stations,

benchmarks and other reference marks referred to above and in clause 1.3.3
paragraph (a) below, nor will he accept responsibility for replacing any surveying
reference points found to be missing or displaced.

1.3.3 Check and Establish New Triangulation Stations

Prior to commencement of the Works, the Contractor shall engage the services of
a fully qualified and Licensed Surveyor, approved by the Engineer, to undertake
and carry out the following tasks.
a) To survey, check and certify that all levels and co-ordinates stated on the
Drawings are correct with respect to both the survey grids and triangulation
station levels. If any survey markers are missing the Contractor shall
re-establish them in accordance with the procedures outlined below (unless
otherwise agreed with the Engineer that a lost, disturbed or displaced survey
marker is no longer required). Any ambiguities or discrepancies shall be
referred to the Engineer, as soon as possible, for further instruction or

b) To establish on Site a sufficient number of permanent triangulation stations,

generally at intervals of 500 m or less. These stations shall be along and near
the Works alignment and securely away from all areas where they are likely
to be disturbed. They shall be securely concreted. The locations and
installation of these markers shall be as agreed with the Engineer. All
permanent stations shall be constructed in accordance to the details and
standards adopted by the State Survey Department unless otherwise agreed
by the Engineer. Each survey monument shall have at least two recovery pegs
of a similar type of construction.

c) The levels and coordinates so certified and established in accordance with

this Clause 1.3.3 shall be referred to in construction of the Works. The
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Stations shall be painted in such distinguishing Colours as may be agreed

with the Engineer. The monument number and the values (levels and co-
ordinates) must be written on the concrete.

d) All levelling shall be carried out to a minimum accuracy of:

±16 mm or ±20k mm (whichever is the lesser)

Where k is in kilometers and shall be closed to approved triangulation stations.

e) All traversing shall be closed by completing a loop survey or closing to a

second reference mark of known position and shall be of an accuracy of at
least ± 10 ppm of the measured distance.

f) All measurement, calculations, plans etc. shall be in metric units.

The levels and co-ordinates so established shall be carefully preserved and

protected from any disturbance. If levels and co-ordinates are disturbed (or
displaced) as a result of the Contractor’s operations, the Contractor shall forthwith
engage the services of a suitably qualified Licensed Surveyor (approved by the
Engineer), to replace them, unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer that the
disturbed survey markers are no longer required.
Throughout the Contract period, or unless otherwise agreed by the Engineer, the
levels and co-ordinates established, shall be jointly checked by both the
Contractor and the Engineer at least once a month, or sooner if there is any doubt
whatsoever regarding their accuracy. If any ambiguities or discrepancies arise,
the Engineer shall issue to the Contractor instructions directing the manner in
which these discrepancies are to be corrected. If found necessary the Engineer
may instruct the Contractor to engage the services of a Licensed Surveyor to re-
establish the correct levels and co-ordinates.

The Contractor shall replace any survey monuments, where construction requires
their removal. The Engineer’s approval must be obtained and before the removal
of any individual survey monuments.

1.3.4 Contractor’s Survey Technicians

The Contractor shall provide competent qualified surveying technicians and the
necessary support teams to carry out all necessary survey work to set out all the
construction works in a neat and workmanlike manner.

1.3.5 Setting Out of the Works

The Contractor shall provide all necessary instruments; appliances, materials and
labour and special labour, land and water transport that may be required by him
in setting out any part of the Works and shall carefully protect and preserve all
benchmarks, sight rails, pegs and other things used in setting out of the Works.

The Contractor shall give the Engineer not less than 24 hours notice of his
intention to set out or give levels for any part of the Works in order that
arrangements can be made for checking the accuracy of the setting out or levels.
In order that the Engineer can expedite such checking the Contractor shall as
soon as practical supply the Engineer with records in approved form

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relating to all reference pegs and benchmarks in connection to the set out or levels
for any part of the Works which are required to be checked.

1.4 Work Monitoring

1.4.1 Construction Program

In accordance with the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall submit a

construction programme for approval. The programme shall be in network and bar
chart form and shall include:
a) Dates for Sub-contract ordering.
b) Dates for the issue of Drawings for the purpose of planning the Works.

c) Start and completion dates for each construction activity.

The construction programme will be a complete document in itself, with all activity
durations clearly shown, together with the earliest and latest event times.

Whenever the Contractor proposes to update the Programme, he shall

immediately advise the Engineer in writing and if the Engineer considers the
update is a major one, the Contractor shall submit a revised Programme for
approval. If such a change in the Programme affects the Engineer’s design and
Drawing programme, the Engineer will not be responsible for the consequences
of the late issue of any Drawings, which are attributable to that change.

If at any time it appears to the Engineer that the actual programme of works falls
behind the Programme the Contractor shall, within 14 Days of the date of such
default, submit for approval an update Programme showing the proposed
measures to complete the Works by the Intended Completion Date.

Whenever requested by the Engineer, the Contractor shall promptly furnish a

detailed sub-programme of the Programme, for particular parts of the Works.

Notwithstanding the inclusion of any details in the Programme, the Contractor

shall submit to the Engineer, in writing, any request for additional information or
Drawings with a minimum notice of 28 Days before the Contractor requires the
information or Drawings. Any such request shall be sufficiently detailed to clearly
define the requirements.

1.4.2 Progress Reports and Meetings

By the end of the first week of each month the Contractor shall submit a progress
report to the Engineer. The report shall show progress to the end of the preceding
month, with respect to the approved Contract program.

The report shall show the position of all activities required under the Contract,
such as mapping, subsoil investigations design, drawings, procurement,
manufacture, works tests, delivery, erection, testing and commissioning. Any
delay shall be detailed by the Contractor, together with the proposed action to
overcome the delay.

From time to time the Engineer may call meetings, in his office or at the
Contractor’s offices or at the Site, as the Engineer deems necessary, to consider

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the program of the Contractor or for liaison with other contractors. The responsible
representatives of the Contractor shall attend such meetings.

1.4.3 Method Statements

In addition to the requirements of the Contractor’s program the Contractor shall

provide to the Engineer fourteen (14) days before commencement of the particular
operation or work a detailed method statement of any operation or work which
affects the operation of existing works or requires extensive interfacing with the

Each method statement shall comprise a step-by step schedule of specific

operations and activities with descriptions, dates, times and durations for each
step. It shall highlight specific points in the program and include contingency plans
for emergency reinstatement of the Contractor’s Equipment including “point of no
return” and “earliest staff time” of modified or new plant. The statement shall
clearly state who and what organization will carry out work and precisely when
and what support or provisions are to be provided by others outside the Contract.
The statement shall be supported by sketches, diagrams or other supporting
details to enable a clear understanding of the method and significance of each
step of work or operation.

Unless otherwise confirmed in writing, acceptance of the tender will not signify
acceptance of the Contractor's Equipment, proposed methods of construction.
Temporary Works or materials, nor will it in any way relieve the Contractor of any
of his responsibilities under the Contract. Further it will not be accepted as a basis
for claiming additional compensation where the proposed methods of construction
or the proposed materials do not comply with the Specifications and are not
accepted by the Engineer for reasons of inadequacy or of non-viability in fulfilling
the Contract.

The Specifications deal with the quality of materials, workmanship, etc., but the
actual methods of construction are not, with some exceptions, generally specified.
The construction of the Works will involved dealing with a number of special
engineering problems. The accuracy of the Works, the high standard of
workmanship demanded under the Specifications, the safety of the workmen
employed and the speed of construction will depend on the correct handling of
these problems by the Contractor. Although responsibility for these matters rests
with Contractor, it is essential that there shall be full liaison between him and the
Engineer with regard to construction methods and materials to be employed.

Unless otherwise directed, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for consent
full details concerning the methods, equipment and materials proposed for each
section of the work or installation. These shall be referred to as Method
Statements. The Engineer will consent to or comment on the proposals within 21
days of receipt.

The Engineer's consent will not be withheld unreasonably with held provided the
methods, equipment and materials proposed may be expected to produce an
acceptable end result, but any approval, consent, acceptance agreement, etc., by
the Engineer shall not relieve the Contractor of his responsibilities for safety,
adherence to the program, compliance with the Specifications and Drawings or
any other requirements in fulfilment of the Contract.

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After operations have been commenced, it is possible that modifications to the

construction methods originally agreed upon will be found desirable and such
modifications will be made from time to time in writing and agreed with the

No work which affects the operation of existing work shall be carried out until a
method statement has been submitted to and consented by the Engineer.

1.4.4 Photographs

The Contractor shall provide progress photographs taken by an approved

professional photographer as, when, and where, directed by the Engineer, at
intervals of not more than fifteen (15) days. The photographs shall be sufficient in
number and location to record the exact progress of works. The photographic
records shall include Construction on Site and all other Works including Plant
during manufacture, factory assembly, delivery, erection, commissioning and
rectification of major assemblies or components and as required by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide four (4) colour prints of not less than 180 x 100 mm
with date when the photograph was taken of each photograph taken, signed by
the Contractor and the Engineer, and the negative. Where digital photography is
employed, the Contractor shall submit it also in computerized media, in a format
as instructed by the Engineer. Albums to accommodate the photographs shall be
provided by the Contractor. Prints shall be made on a variable contrast paper and
shall exhibit a minimum amount of grain. The negatives shall be the sole property
of the Engineer and shall not be copied without his permission.

A volume of photographs shall be included with the operation and maintenance

manuals. The photographs shall be adequately edited and provided with captions
and descriptions to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The cost of preparing photographs and records as required under this sub- clause
shall be spread over and included in the prices inserted in the Bill of Quantities by
the Contractor and no separate payment will be made therefore.

1.5 Contractor’s Superintendence and Staff

1.5.1 Project Manager

The Contractor shall nominate a Project Manager (PM) for the Contract, who shall
be a Chartered Engineer, or other approved internationally recognized
professional engineer with at least fifteen (15) years’ experience. A curriculum
vitae for the proposed PM shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval together
with copies of certificates of professional status.

The specific responsibilities of the PM shall be as follows:

 Representation on behalf of the Contractor in all discussions, correspondence

and matters relating to the Works.
 Coordination and monitoring of the Contract progress, which shall include the
preparation of the Contract Programme, monitoring of progress and
submission of monthly Progress Reports. At the discretion of the Engineer,
regular meetings shall be called at which the PM shall give a full account of
the Contract progress and programme.

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 Coordination and checking of designs, drawings and submissions. The PM

shall be responsible for coordinating the design, technical information and
data between sub-contractors. All calculations, drawings and information
submitted to the Engineer shall be checked by the PM and certified as having
been checked before submission.
 Contract communication between the Engineer and the Contractor. The PM
shall attend all meetings involving the Contractor and the Engineer, and shall
have full delegated authority on behalf of the Contractor.
 Coordination and programming of factory tests, and the submission of Test
 Coordination and programming of Plant delivery.
 Coordination and programming of installation of Plant on site, Site Tests and
Take Over Trials.
 Production of detailed Method Statements of any work which involves or
affects the performance of existing equipment, processes, or connections to
or disruption of existing supplies or services.
 Coordination and preparation of Record Drawings and Operation and
Maintenance Manuals.
 Preparation and coordination of training of the Employer’s personnel.
 Submission of Payment Valuations and Claims.

1.6 Contractor’s Facilities

1.6.1 Contractor’s Equipment

All Contractors’ Equipment used in the performance of the works shall be of such
type, size and of such method of working as the Engineer approves. If for any
reason whatsoever the Engineer shall be of the opinion that any excavator,
mechanical digger, roller, pile hammer, concrete mixer, vibrator, welder or other
machine or appliance employed or proposed to be employed by the Contractor
for the purpose of the works shall not be used, or that any such machine or
appliance as aforesaid is unsuitable for use in the Works or any part of them, then
such equipment shall be immediately withdrawn from use. In particular the
Engineer may prohibit or suspend the use of machinery which in his opinion is
likely to: remove more material than is necessary; damage or render unsuitable
any structure; break or damage pipes, conduits, cables or any other property or
work of any kind. Similarly, the Engineer may prohibit use of machinery causing a
nuisance by noise or otherwise.

Any change of the method of performing the work as a consequence of such order
shall be at the cost of the Contractor who shall have no cause for claim against
the Engineer on account of having to carry out the work by different methods or
for the idleness or removal of any constructional plant.

The cost of providing Contractor’s Equipment for all purpose shall be included in
and uniformly spread over all the items of the Bill of Quantities.

1.6.2 Contractor’s Yard

The Contractor’s Yard(s) shall be used by the Contractor for his equipment,
offices, stores, plant, workshops, latrines, and messing accommodation. The
erection of temporary buildings or structures on the site will not be allowed without
the permission in writing of the Engineer.

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The Contractor shall make his own arrangement for all offices, stores, yards etc.
and for all services in connection therewith.

The locations of all offices, stores, yards etc. shall be agreed beforehand with the
Engineer and shall be such as to avoid obstruction and nuisance to the Works
and public and shall be laid out in an orderly manner.

At the beginning of the Contract the Contractor’s yard(s) shall be fenced off. By
the end of period of Maintenance the area and its environs shall be cleared of all
construction equipment, materials, buildings and the like and shall be re-graded
and reinstated as directed by the Engineer.

1.6.3 Accommodation for Workmen

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on Site, suitable and sufficient shelters,
temporary accommodation and mess rooms for use of the workmen and the
supervisory staff during working hours, as is both customary and necessary.

The locations of the workmen's accommodation shall be agreed beforehand with

the Engineer and shall be such as to avoid obstruction and nuisance to the Works
and members of the public and shall be laid out in an orderly manner. The
construction and habitability of the accommodation shall comply with the local
statutory or other authorities and be subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Sufficient toilet and washing facilities shall be provided to the satisfaction of the
Engineer and Government Health Officer. Proper provision shall be made for the
disposal of all waste and refuse and there shall be an adequate supply of water
for washing, cooking and drinking purposes. Sleeping quarters shall be properly
ventilated and illuminated.

The whole accommodation area or camp shall be kept clean at all times to the
satisfaction of the Engineer acting in conjunction with the Government Health

Workmen's accommodation, for which interim payments have been made, shall
be maintained in good order and shall not be demolished or removed from the
Site or otherwise disposed of without the prior approval of the Engineer.

1.6.4 Contractor’s Offices, Stores, Yards, etc.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on Site, offices for the use of his
Representative and supervisors, to which written instructions by the Engineer can
be delivered. Any instructions delivered to such an office, shall be deemed to
have been delivered to the Contractor.

1.6.5 Site Communication System

The Contractor shall supply, install, maintain, operate and subsequently remove
a comprehensive site communication system and shall allow free use thereof by
the Engineer's staff and by all persons duly authorized by the Engineer. The
system shall include for the interconnection of all communication sets through a
central exchange.
The number of communication sets to be provided shall be as follows:

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 Such number as may be required by the Contractor for all working areas and
for the offices and other temporary buildings used by the Contractor and his
 Up to five (5) additional to the above as may be ordered by the Engineer for
his Site offices and other temporary installations and for other staff of the

1.6.6 Building for Temporary Use by the Contractor

The Contractor shall maintain, in perfectly usable and watertight condition, such
temporary and permanent buildings as required for the performance of the Works.
These shall include accommodation for his employees and the stores for
construction materials and tools, pipes and accessories, etc. Before erecting any
structure for his temporary use the Contractor shall present the necessary
drawings, showing its location and nature, to the Engineer for his approval.

Prior to Bidding, The Contractor must ascertain all the requirements for the above.

1.6.7 Temporary Sanitary Conveniences

The Contractor shall provide all proper sanitary conveniences for his staff and
labourers at the various sites of works and along any pipeline routes. The
conveniences shall be disinfected with lime or otherwise and all night soil shall be
cleared out daily; this, together with any organic and inorganic refuse produced at
the works shall be removed and disposed of by the Contractor in such manner
and in such places as may be directed by the Engineer from time to time. All
arrangements shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and may be
modified by him from time to time as he deems necessary.

1.6.8 Fire Fighting Equipment

Suitable firefighting equipment shall be provided by the Contractor and maintained

on site to deal with any outbreak of fire. All possible precautions shall be taken
to provide for the safe storage of petroleum, explosives, gas bottles, and all other
dangerous materials.

Permits shall be obtained for the storage of such materials wherever this is
required by the regulations of the competent authorities.

1.6.9 First Aid Equipment

The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site first aid equipment
comprising the following:

a. Several complete first aid kit with medicines, bandages, splints, etc.

b. Motor car to be always available for emergency transportation.

c. Stretchers for carrying injured persons are to be provided and maintained at

the site.

1.6.10 Construction Safety, Signs and Barriers

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The Contractor shall obey all the statutory safety regulations and trade
requirements throughout the time of his possession of the site, from site hand-
over to the end of the Defects Liability Period.

The Contractor shall employ safety deputies to enforce safety regulations. Staff
and visitors shall be provided with protective measures suited to the type of work
and work conditions, including helmets, eye shields and goggles, protective
gloves and mittens, protective boots, etc.

The Contractor shall erect construction safety signs and barriers as and where
directed by the Engineer. The signs and barriers shall be maintained in good
condition and kept clean at all times.

All the places where work is being carried out shall be enclosed by suitable
barriers, fences or other means as approved by the Engineer to avoid entrance of
unauthorized persons or animals. Such barriers, fences etc. shall be placed at a
safe distance from the work to safeguard against falling debris, collapse of false
works and scaffoldings, etc. The Contractor shall provide barriers and warning
boards advising of danger and prohibiting access to the site. Barriers and fencing
shall be illuminated during night time and watched by the Contractor at all times.
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all safety measures and the
protection of all personnel and the Works.

1.6.11 Project and Direction Signboard

The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain adequate signboards at

locations to be determined by the Engineer. The project signboards shall be 120
cm high and 240 cm wide and shall be lettered according to instructions issued
by the Engineer. Direction signboards shall be erected in sufficient numbers, as
instructed by the Engineer.

The cost of providing Contractor’s temporary facilities shall be deemed to be

included in and uniformly spread over the rates for all items in the Bill of Quantities.

1.7 Supply of Materials and Goods

1.7.1 Requirement of Specifications, Standards, Brand Names

The Contractor shall fulfil all requirements and obligations under all Clauses of the
Specifications or on the Drawings. Neither the following clauses of these
specifications, any descriptions therein, nor the quantities, shall limit the
obligations of the Contractor under the conditions of contract. Where items are not
included in the Bill of Quantities for any such requirements or obligations, the cost
of such requirements or obligations shall be deemed to be included in and spread
over all the items of the Bills of Quantities.

All ISO, British, or other Standards (including Codes of Practice) mentioned herein
shall be deemed to form part of these specifications. All references to such
standards shall be to the latest edition or revision thereof unless otherwise stated.
Where a specific British or other standard is referred to in these specifications,
another standard will be acceptable, provided that it ensures a quality of material
and workmanship equal to or better than the Standard referred to. If the
Contractor intends to use such alternative standard, he shall

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notify the Engineer thereof, submitting with his notice 2 copies (in English) of the
proposed standard, and shall not order any material or perform, any work unless
and until he has obtained the Engineer written approval of such Standard.

Brand names, where used in the Specifications or on the Drawings, are only
intended to define a standard of quality and performance and the Contractor may
use alternative products of at least equal quality and capacity.

Where the term “or similar” is used it shall be construed as “or equivalent”.

When alternatives are offered, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for
approval a statement detailing the alternatives, and shall include full technical
descriptions, drawings, and specifications, and shall provide such full information
as is required to enable the Contractor to demonstrate to the Engineer that the
alternative is equivalent to the item specified. Any further information that the
Engineer may require shall be produced by the Contractor when called for.

1.7.2 Approval of Suppliers of Services, Materials and Goods

All materials to be provided shall be new, unused of the most recent manufactures
and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials unless otherwise
provided in the Contract.

Before entering into any sub-Contract for the supply of any materials or goods the
Contractor shall obtain the Engineer’s approval in writing of the sub- contractor
from whom he proposes to obtain such materials of goods. Should the Engineer
at any time be dissatisfied with such materials or goods or with the method or
performance of such sub-Contractor’s work or place of business, the Engineer
shall be empowered to cancel his previously given approval of such sub-
contractor. The Contractor shall then obtain the said services, materials or goods
from such other sub-contractor as may be approved by the Engineer and shall
bear any additional cost thereof.

If during the Contract, through any reason, a supplier should increase the cost of
materials above that of other equally reputable suppliers, the Engineer may, at his
own discretion, asks the Contractor to change his supplier or he may only
authorise payment for materials at the rates of other suppliers.

Irrespective of any approval of a supplier or subcontractor the Contractor shall

remain solely responsible or all suppliers and subcontractors.

1.7.3 Contractor’s Orders for Materials

Without prejudice to any other clause in the Specifications, the Contractor shall
before ordering any plant, building materials, metal work, pipes and accessories
or any other articles for use and installation in the Works, seek the approval of the
Engineer of the names of the persons or firms from whom he desires to obtain
any such articles.

Procurement of plant, materials, and any other goods that has not been approved
by the Engineer may be rejected by the Engineer, and shall be at the Contractor’s

1.7.4 Samples

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In addition to any special provisions herein for the sampling and testing of
materials, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer as he may require, samples
of all materials and goods which the Contractor proposes to use or employ in or
for the works. The samples should be a true representative of the proposed goods,
and shall be marked clearly to bear the following:

 Designation of the Contract.

 The Contractor’s identification.
 Notification of identity of the sample.
 The source or manufacturer of the sample.
 The particulars of the sample.
 The designation of use of the sample.

Such samples, if approved, will be retained by the Engineer, and no materials or

goods of which samples have been submitted shall be used on the permanent
works unless and until such samples have been approved in writing by the
Engineer. Notwithstanding the Engineer’s approval as provided for herein, the
Contractor shall be solely responsible for the quality of all materials and goods
supplied unless specified otherwise.

The cost of supplying all such samples and of conveying the same to such place
of inspection or testing as the Engineer may designate within the country of origin,
and of complying with the requirements of this Clause shall be deemed to be
included in the Bid rates and prices.

1.7.5 Test Certificates

Should the Engineer not inspect any materials or goods at the places of
manufacture the Contractor shall obtain Certificates of Tests performed on such
materials or goods by a testing agency approved by the Engineer and shall send
such Certificates to the Engineer. Such Certificates shall certify that the materials
or goods concerned have been tested in accordance with the requirements of the
Specifications and shall give the results of all the tests carried out. The Contractor
shall provide adequate means of identifying the materials and goods delivered to
the site with the corresponding certificates.

All costs incurred in complying with this Clause shall be deemed to be included in
the Bid rates and prices.

1.7.6 Packing, Marking and Delivery

Prior to dispatch to the Works, the equipment and materials shall be thoroughly
protected against corrosion and incidental damage, including the effects of
vermin, strong sunlight, rain, high temperature and humidity and, when imported
from overseas, salty atmosphere or sea spray.
The equipment and materials shall be packed to withstand rough handling in
transit, and packages shall be suitable for export to and storage in the tropics,
including possible delays on exposed quaysides. The Contractor shall be held
responsible for the materials and equipment being packed so that it reaches
destination intact and undamaged. The Contractor shall provide, and include in
the Contract price the cost of all necessary packing cases and crates, properly
strengthened by battens (which shall be considered as non-returnable), packing
materials (to include but not limited to the use of polythene or similar water-proof
wrapping, silica, etc. wherever necessary), hoop iron banding and labour.
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All crates and packages shall be correctly and adequately marked with durable
clear print as follows:

 Name of the Project.

 Contract Designation.
 Designation of Materials and Equipment.
 Item Number.

1.7.7 Insurance

The goods supplied under the Contract shall be fully insured in a freely convertible
currency against loss or damage incidental to manufacture or acquisition,
transportation, storage and delivery in the specified manner.

The insurance shall be in an amount equal to one hundred and ten percent (110%)
of the value of the goods from warehouse to warehouse on all risks basis,
including war risks and strike clauses.

1.7.8 Incidental Services

The Contractor and his Supplier shall be responsible to provide any or all of the
following services:

 Performance or supervision of on-site assembly and/or operation of the

supplied goods.
 Furnishing of tools required for assembly and/or maintenance of the supplied
 Furnishing of a detailed operation and maintenance manual for each
appropriate unit of the supplied goods.
 Performance, supervision, maintenance and/or repair of the supplied goods
for a period of time as stated in the Contract, provided that these services
shall not relieve the Supplier of any warranty obligations under this Contract.
 Conduct of training of the Engineer’s personnel at the Supplier’s plant and/or
on-site, in assembly, operation, maintenance and/or repair of the supplied

The cost of the preceding incidental services, if not specified otherwise in the Bill
of Quantities, shall be included in and spread over the rates entered there for the
applicable goods.

1.7.9 Warranty

The Contractor and his Supplier (manufacturer) shall warrant that the goods
supplied under the Contract are new, unused, and of the most recent or current
models and incorporate all recent improvements in design and materials. The
Contractor and Supplier shall also warrant that the goods supplied under the
Contract shall have no defect arising from design, materials or workmanship.

This warranty shall remain valid for twenty four (24) months after the goods, or
any portion thereof as the case may be, have been delivered to the final
destination indicated in the Contract.

The Employer or Engineer shall promptly notify the Contractor in writing of any
claims arising under this warranty. Upon receipt of such notice, the Contractor
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shall promptly repair or replace the defective goods or parts thereof without costs
to the Engineer other than, where applicable, the cost of inland delivery of the
repaired or replaced goods or parts from the port of entry to the final destination.

1.7.10 Delivery and Documents

Delivery of the goods shall be made by the Supplier according to the specified

Upon shipment, the Contractor shall notify the Engineer and the insurance
company, in writing, the full details of the shipment including contract designation,
description of goods, quantity, the vessel, the bill of lading number and date, port
of loading, date of shipment, port of discharge and expected date of arrival,
company hired for handling inland transport, expected date of arrival on site,
customs release arrangements, etc.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer the following documents with a copy
to the insurance company:

 Four (4) copies of the Supplier’s invoice showing the goods description,
quantity, unit prices and total amount.
 Original and three (3) copies of the negotiable, clean, on-board bill of lading
marked “Freight Prepaid”.
 Four (4) copies of packing list identifying the contents of each package.
 Insurance certificate.
 Manufacturer’s/Supplier’s warranty certificates.
 Inspection certificates, issued by the nominated inspection agency and the
Manufacturer’s factory inspection report.
 Certificate of origin.

The above documents shall be received by the Engineer not later than seven (7)
days before the arrival of the goods to the port of discharge, and if not received
as stipulated, the Supplier shall be responsible for any consequent expenses.

1.8 Use of Land

1.8.1 General

Any geological or hydrological information given hereunder or elsewhere in the

Specifications or shown on the Drawings is to assist the Contractor at the time of
bidding. Such information shall be deemed to be information provided by or on
behalf of the Employer under the Conditions of Contract. The information is not
warranted by the Employer or the Engineer and the Contractor shall make use of
and interpret the same on his own responsibility.

1.8.2 Geological Information

Geotechnical investigations comprising boreholes, trenching, trial pits, soundings

and other in-situ testing has been carried out at the site of the Main Dam, proposed
borrow and quarry areas. Soil samples have been taken and subjected to
laboratory analysis. Plans showing locations of investigation holes and a summary
of results are included on the Drawings.

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Full details of the works carried out including results of laboratory tests, borehole
logs etc. are given in the Site Investigation Reports (as given in Section 2).

It is strongly emphasized that the information contained in the geotechnical

investigation reports is made available without guarantee or obligation of any kind
whatsoever on the part of the Employer or Engineer. There is no expressed or
implied agreement that the depths or character of material or any recommendation
or interpretation are correct or complete.

The Contractor shall carry out any further investigations at his own cost.

1.8.3 Meteorological and Hydrological Data

Meteorological data and hydrological data related to the Kalid-Dijo Dam And
Irrigation are given in the Site Investigation Reports (as given in Section 2 of the

The meteorological and hydrological data is believed to be, but is not guaranteed
to be, correct. The data is provided for information only, without any guarantee or
obligation of any kind whatsoever on the part of the Employer or Engineer.

1.8.4 Weather Recording Apparatus

The Contractor shall provide, set up and maintain for the full period of the works
an automatic rain gauge of an approved type for daily reading. The equipment is
to be properly housed in a fenced enclosure at a location to be selected by the
Engineer and shall include a suitable maximum-minimum thermometer.

Daily readings shall be submitted to the Engineer on a monthly basis and in an

agreed form and all records shall be made available for inspection at all times.

The Contractor shall ensure that the rain gauge is in good working condition
throughout the Contract and maintain the same.

The rain gauge shall revert to the Engineer on Completion of the Works.

1.8.5 Conditions of Site

Before carrying out any work the Contractor shall inspect the Site in conjunction
with the Engineer to establish its general condition which shall be agreed and
recorded in writing, and where, in the opinion of the Engineer it is deemed
necessary, by means of photography.

Details recorded shall include the location of all boundary and survey beacons,
the conditions of buildings, surfaces, terracing (if any), ditches, watercourses,
roads, tracks, fences and other information relating to the Site and elsewhere
which may be affected by the Contractor’s operations.
The Contractor shall provide all necessary materials, labour and assistance for
measurements or any other purposes in order to establish all information
pertaining to this Clause 1.8.5.

Within two weeks of Site inspection the Contractor shall submit in bound
document with all details so recorded for the Engineer’s approval. Subject to any

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modifications required the approved document shall form the agreed record of the
condition of the Site before commencement of the Works.

1.8.6 Site Boundaries

The Engineer will be responsible for making available the Site.

Where the Works are to be executed on lands referred to above, the Engineer will
be responsible for negotiating and obtaining rights of way and the serving of all
notices as may be required upon the owners, tenants, or occupiers of the land
and it shall be the obligation of the Contractor to keep the Engineer and the
Engineer fully informed concerning the rate of Contract progress and of his
intention to enter and begin work within any way leave.

The boundary of the land acquired for the construction of the Works will be
indicated by the Engineer and the Contractor shall set out, provide, erect, maintain
and reinstate, from commencement to final completion of the Works, substantial
galvanised iron pipes or similar approved markers indicating the boundary of the
Site at regular 500 m or such other intervals as the Engineer may require.

In the event of any boundary or survey beacon being disturbed or displaced as a

result of the Contractor’s operations the Contractor shall forthwith at his own
expense replace the beacon. The Contractor shall employ the services of an
approved Licensed Surveyor for this purpose if the boundary or survey beacon
disturbed or displaced was established for the purpose of land title deeds.

The Contractor shall not exceed the limits of the Site as shown on the Drawings
except in exceptional circumstances and only with prior approval of the Employer.

The Contractor shall be responsible for obtaining the consent of the owners,
tenants or occupiers of private land to the use of such land for temporary access
or for other temporary purposes outside the limits of the Site. Before entering upon
such private land for the purpose of commencing construction the Contractor shall
confirm in writing to the Engineer that he has obtained this consent.

The Contractor shall at his own expense pay all costs, expenses, rentals,
compensation or other disbursements which may be incurred by him in
negotiations with the owners, tenants or occupiers and during the subsequent use
by him of such private land or roads for these purposes.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all damage, which he may inflict to land
and property lying outside the limits of the Site, as defined above. Compensation
for damage to such land or property caused by the Contractor shall be assessed
by the Collector of Land Revenue for settlement by the Contractor through the
The Employer will be entitled to withhold from any payments due to the Contractor
sufficient sums that may appear to him to be necessary to cover the Contractor’s
liabilities under this Clause 1.8.6 and the Contract until evidence is produced by
the Contractor to the Engineer to show that the Contractor’s liabilities in this
respect have been finally settled and discharged.

1.8.7 Temporary Removal of Existing Services

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Should it become necessary for the proper execution of the work to temporarily
remove or divert any existing services, pipes, sewers, cables and the like the
Contractor shall obtain permission from the responsible authority or owner and
shall carry out the work at his own expense in a manner and at times to be
approved by such authority or owner and shall subsequently reinstate the work to
the satisfaction of such authority or owner.

In the event of the owner or responsible authority electing to arrange for the
temporary removal of an existing service the Contractor shall pay the cost of his
or their doing the work. Should the Contractor fail to pay the cost of the said work
within a reasonable period of the account being presented the Engineer reserves
the right to settle the account and deduct the sum paid by him from moneys due
to or which may become due to the Contractor.

1.8.8 Trespass

In carrying out the Works due regard shall be paid to the amenities of adjacent
property and to the interests of owners, tenants and occupiers. The Contractor
shall take adequate steps to prevent trespass by his employees and the
employees of his Subcontractors and shall be wholly responsible for making good
any loss or damage caused by such trespass.

1.8.9 Dust Control

The Contractor shall provide suitable spraying equipment for regular spraying of
water over existing roads used by the Contractor and over completed as well as
incomplete roads and other barren areas of the Site and as and when directed by
the Engineer.

1.8.10 Work in Vicinity of Electrical Equipment

Any permanent fencing or other safeguards required to be erected around

electrical equipment shall be completed before connection is made to the
electricity supply. In so far as this is not practicable, the Engineer may permit the
use of temporary fencing or other safeguard measures.

1.8.11 Road Access to the Site

The Contractor shall ascertain for himself the practicability of using the existing
public roads as shown on the Drawings for access to the site.

The highways, roads and bridges have widely varying load limits, and the
Contractor shall be responsible for determining the load limits existing at the time
and ensuring that his Equipment does not exceed such limits. Before moving any
heavy construction traffic onto highways, roads and bridges, the Contractor shall
make suitable arrangements with the appropriate authorities and obtain their
approval for the passage of such traffic. Where the authorities require and specify
any special protection or strengthening to highways, roads or bridges, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer his proposals for such work, after their
approval by the authority concerned.

The Contractor shall be responsible for inspecting the existing tracks and shall
make his own assessment of the work necessary to bring them to the required
standard for constructional traffic.
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The Contractor shall take all reasonable precautions to ensure the safety of
members of the public using the access roads.

The Contractor shall maintain access to properties adjacent to the tracks or to

roads leading away from the tracks, at all times throughout the duration of the

The Contractor shall not drive tracked Equipment on any bituminous sealed road
surface. Only rubber tyred vehicles, conforming to applicable load restrictions, will
be permitted to use bituminous sealed roads.

All additional roads required by the Contractor as access and haul roads on the
Site shall be provided by the Contractor.

1.8.12 Temporary Access and Haul Roads General

The Contractor shall design, construct and maintain all temporary access and haul
roads (including associated drainage and stream crossing facilities) to the various
working sites and designated borrow, quarry and disposal areas, as required for
the execution of the Works.
When access and haul roads traverse through private or alienated land, the
Contractor shall be solely and fully responsible to make his own arrangements
with the landowner and to pay all necessary costs. Maintenance of Roads

The Contractor shall be wholly responsible for the maintenance of all roads
constructed by him.

In maintaining these roads the Contractor shall:

 Keep clear and in good working order all road structures, bridges, culverts,
drains and other waterways.
 Patch potholes with approved materials, keep the road surface in good repair
and perform any grading and necessary resurfacing.
 Maintain all fender posts, guide posts, guard posts, fencing, signs, signposts
and other roadside structures.
 Keep the road surface and shoulders free from all rocks, fallen timber,
branches, limbs, leaves, rubbish and other debris and materials removed from
drains and drainage structures.
 Maintain batters. Location of Temporary Access and Haul Roads

The location of all temporary access and haul roads required by the Contractor
shall be in accordance with the proposals submitted with such modifications as
approved by the Engineer from time to time. Use of Roads by Others

During the period of the Contract, the Engineer and other contractors employed
by the Engineer may be engaged on other works in the vicinity of the Works
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covered by this Specification, and the Contractor shall allow the Engineer and
such other contractors free and unrestricted use of all access and haul roads and
shall not restrict the access of authorized persons as may be selected by the

1.8.13 Existing Services along Permanent Access Road Alignment

The Contractor shall take every precaution to ensure that all existing services,
pipes, sewers, culverts, cables, retaining walls and the like are located, supported
and safeguarded from damaged even though they may not be in the line of
excavation but near to it. Any damage caused to any such services, pipes,
culverts, cables and the like attributable to the Contractor’s operations or due to
his negligence shall be made good by the Contractor at his own expense to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and of the owner or responsible Authority.

In the event of the Owner or responsible Authority electing to repair such damage
the Contractor shall pay the cost of his or their so doing the work. Should the
Contractor fail to pay the cost of the said work within a reasonable period of the
account being presented the Engineer reserves the right to settle the account and
deduct the sum paid by him from moneys due or which may become due to the

1.8.14 Use of Construction Facilities and Works Constructed by Others

Concurrent with the construction of the Works, the Engineer and other Contractors
employed by the Engineer may have constructed access facilities including
bridges and roads and other Works within the vicinity of the site. The access
facilities may be temporary or permanent in nature.

Subject to the discretion of the Engineer and approval in writing the Contractor
may make use of a portion or portions of the Works and access facilities
constructed by others in connection with his construction activities.

Where permission is granted in writing by the Engineer or Engineer to allow the

Contractor to use such portion or portions of works and access facilities the
Contractor shall fully comply with the requirements and conditions set forth in such
approval and any special directions which may be issued by the Engineer or
Engineer from time to time during the Contract period. Notwithstanding such
permission or approval the Contractor shall be fully responsible and liable for any
damages he may have done and pay compensation and or make good at his own
cost such damages.

Any disapproval by the Engineer to allow the Contractor to make use of portion or
portions of Works and access facilities constructed by others shall in no way
relieve the Contractor of his entire responsibility to complete the Works in
accordance with the Contract nor shall he be entitled to any claim for extension of
time or additional cost.

1.8.15 Use of Construction Facilities and Works Area

Other contractors employed by the Engineer and their workmen and workmen of
the Engineer and of other Government or Regional authorities may be carrying
out work on or near the Site.

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The Engineer and other contractors employed by him shall have the right to use
the access facilities including bridges and roads which the Engineer has given
possession of to the Contractor or which have been constructed or acquired by
the Contractor for the purposes of the Contract.

Concurrent with the construction of the Works, the Engineer may have under
construction such other contractors as detailed in Schedule 5 of Section 2 of the

The Contractor’s operations shall be planned to avoid as far as is practicable any

interference or delay to the work of the Engineer and of other contractors
employed by the Engineer or other Government or Regional authorities at the site
of these operations. To assist in co-ordinating his operations with the work being
done by others the Contractor shall establish direct site liaison and communication
as necessary with the Engineer and other contractors employed by the Engineer
for all purposes associated with his proposed operations. In the event that the
requirements of the Contractor, the Engineer and other contractors conflict at any
stage of the work, the Engineer shall decide the order in which work shall proceed.

1.8.16 Temporary Works – Completion of Works

The Contractor shall execute, erect, maintain and remove upon completion of the
Works, all Temporary Works in accordance with the proposals submitted and
approved in writing and with such modifications as approved by the Engineer from
time to time.

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval drawings and full
particulars of all Temporary Works, which he intends to construct at least 28 Days
before he desires to commence constructing such works. The submission to or
approval by the Engineer of any such proposals by the Contractor shall not relieve
the Contractor of any of his responsibility for the sufficiency of the Temporary
Works for their intended purpose. The Contractor shall also obtain any necessary
approval from local statutory or other Government authorities before commencing
construction. Such work shall not be started without prior approval of the Engineer.

Temporary Works on which interim payments have been made shall be

maintained in good order and shall not be demolished, removed from the Site or
otherwise disposed of without the prior approval of the Engineer.

No office, store, workshop or other habitable building will be permitted underneath

or within 3 m of the nearest point in plan of the un-insulated overhead conductor
of low or medium voltage of an electricity supply main.

On completion of the Works, all Temporary Works constructed by the Contractor

or handed over to the Contractor by the Engineer, unless otherwise specified or
directed by the Engineer, shall be removed from the Site, as approved by the
Engineer. The Contractor shall make safe all areas affected by Temporary Works
and reinstate natural drainage. The Contractor shall finish, reinstate, clean up and
relinquish parts of the Site at the end of the Defects Liability Period or such earlier
times as directed by the Engineer. Buildings and facilities removed from the Site
will become the Contractor’s property unless otherwise specified.

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1.9 Utilities

1.9.1 Water Supply

The Contractor shall make his own arrangements to install a supply of potable
water to the construction facilities including site offices and laboratory and for the
Engineer’ facilities provided under the Contract. The supply shall be taken from
sources approved by the Engineer.

Potable water shall comply with the requirements of World Health Organization
standards. The pH values shall be in the range 7.5 to 8.5.

The Contractor shall submit his plans for the water supply and reticulation system,
including filtering, chlorination and other proposed treatment, to the Engineer for
approval, not less than 28 Days before commencing construction of the
installation. The quality, number, capacity and location of the drinking points shall
be to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also provide an ample supply of clean water for aggregate
processing, concrete, washing down, and his other uses on the works.

1.9.2 Sewerage and Sanitary Facilities

The Contractor shall supply, construct, operate and maintain temporary toilet
facilities at sufficient locations in the Site. Facilities shall be complete with
adequate water-borne water closets, urinals and hand basins, septic tanks,
absorption trenches or approved other sewerage disposal installations.

The temporary toilet facilities shall meet the requirements of the local health
authority. The location of these facilities and their construction shall be as
approved by the Engineer.

Sewerage from temporary facilities shall be disposed of in a hygienic manner as

approved by the Engineer.

All persons connected with the construction of the Works shall be obliged to use
these conveniences. Any employee found violating this requirement shall be liable
to immediate discharge and to be refused further employment on the construction
of the Works or access to the Site.

1.9.3 Garbage Disposal

The Contractor shall undertake the collection of and disposal of garbage from the
works areas including the Engineer’s offices and laboratory. Garbage collections
shall be made at least twice each week at times approved by the Engineer and
the service shall be continued until the end of the Defects Liability Period for the
whole of the Works.

Garbage shall be disposed of in a properly constructed incinerator followed by

burial of the residue in a location approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall
also bury any non-combustible garbage or waste construction materials.

1.9.4 Electricity and Power Supply

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The Contractor shall design, supply and install the electric generating Equipment
and distribution systems, including the operation and maintenance, as required
for the execution of the Works. The installation shall provide for the following:

a) Power and light for the Contractor’s workshops, stores, offices and all other
facilities necessary for the execution of the Works.

b) Power and light for the Engineer’s site office and materials testing

The power supply shall be 3 phase, 4 wire, 50 Hz, 415 V (ph-ph) for power and
240 V (ph-N) for lighting and small power and shall comply with the regulations of
the Ethiopian Electric Power Corporation (EEPCo.). The systems shall be
constructed to a standard approved by the Engineer. Facilities shall be provided
to permit the isolation of individual supply points while maintaining supply to the
remainder of the system.

Not less than 28 Days prior to the installation of generating Equipment and
distribution system the Contractor shall submit in full detail his proposals and
drawings for approval by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also install, connect and maintain in good condition all
cables, conductors and other electrical plant and equipment required to perform
his contractual obligations. All such plant and installation as described above shall
comply with the relevant requirements and regulations of the Ethiopian Electric
Power Corporation (EEPCO), and shall be maintained to the approval of the

The cost of providing electric power supply for all purposes shall be included in
and uniformly spread over all items of the Bills of Quantities.

1.9.5 Compressed Air

The Contractor shall supply any necessary compressed air plant and equipment
required for erection, testing and commissioning of the Works.

Electrically driven compressors connected to the site electricity supply shall not
be used without prior permission by the Engineer. Diesel engine driven
compressors shall not be located within buildings or in a location that may cause
a health hazard to personnel due to exhaust fumes.

1.10 Contract Administration

1.10.1 Applications for Payment Certificates

The Contractor's applications for payment certificates pursuant to the Conditions

of Contract shall be numbered consecutively and shall be submitted in duplicate
to the Engineer with a copy to the Engineer’s Representative at Site, and shall be
accompanied by a schedule giving the following detailed particulars:

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a) All the items for which payment (in whole or in part) is being claimed up to the
date of the application (inclusive of previous applications), listed in the manner
and in the order of the Bill of Quantities and Schedule of Prices.

b) The amount of payment being claimed in respect of each item (quantities to

be stated where appropriate).

c) Details of Variation Orders, if any, issued by the Engineer, with the amounts
to be added or deducted in respect of each.

d) A summary of Day work, if any, ordered by the Engineer.

e) Details of payment claimed in respect of Nominated Sub-contractors, if any.

f) A summary (or summaries), grouped in the same manner as in the Bill of

Quantities and Schedule of Prices, showing the total gross value of work done
to the date of the application.

g) The deduction in respect of retention money with details being given where

h) Details of advance or progress payments where allowed for by the Conditions.

j) The resulting net total amount claimed.

k) Deduction in respect of amount previously certified for payment.

l) The resulting amount claimed as payment due on the application.

m) Where applicable, amounts claimed in respect of contract price adjustment,

with calculations.

The foregoing procedure for fully detailed interim statements may, at the
Engineer's discretion, be modified to allow the Contractor to submit fully detailed
statements at intervals as agreed with the Parties hereto, and in that case the
intervening statements may be submitted in summary form only. Before any such
summarized statement is submitted the valuation shall be agreed with the
Engineer and shall be supported by such measurement of any major items as he
considers necessary.

1.10.2 Measurement for Payment

All the work to be done and goods and services to be provided by the Contractor
as specified in the Specifications and other general obligations of the Contractor
under the Contract shall be valued for payment by reference only to such items
as are provided therefor in the Bill of Quantities and Schedule of Prices The cost
of any work, goods, services and general obligations as aforesaid which are not
so itemised shall be deemed to be included in the rates and prices for other items
in the Bill of Quantities and Schedule of Prices.

1.10.3 Hours and Days of Working

The Contractor shall plan his work on the basis of a five-day working week, and
within the hours of 8:00 am and 6:00 pm. Should the Contractor require that
additional working hours, or weekend working, he shall submit a request to the

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Engineer for permission to work extended hours, giving full reasons for the
requests. Approval to such requests will not be granted on a regular basis, but
only in exceptional circumstances.

Notwithstanding the foregoing nothing in this Contract will restrict the Contractor
undertaking any tasks at any time where such tasks are essential for the saving
of life or property or for the safety of the Works, in which case the Contractor shall
immediately advise the Engineer.

1.10.4 Sub-contract Orders

Where the Engineer has consented to the supply of Plant or execution of work by
Manufacturers or Sub-contractors proposed by the Contractor when bidding such
Manufacturers or Sub-contractors shall not be changed without the prior approval
in writing of the Engineer. A copy of every sub-order shall be sent to the Engineer
at the time the order is placed, each clearly marked with the title of the project and
the Contract number.

The Contractor shall be responsible for all work carried out by his Manufacturers,
Suppliers and/or Sub-contractors.

The Contractor shall supply three unpriced copies of all sub-orders including those
for items manufactured at his works. The sub-order shall indicate the Plant for
which the item is intended, state in detail the applicable Specifications and list
requirements give sufficient information for ready identification and shall state
that items shall be subject to witness tests and inspection.

1.10.5 Claims for Damage to Persons or Property

Any claim received by the Engineer or Engineer in respect of matters in which the
Contractor is required under the Contract to indemnify the Engineer will be passed
to the Contractor who shall likewise inform the Engineer of any such claim which
is submitted directly to him by a claimant. The Contractor shall do everything
necessary, including notifying the insurers of claims received, to ensure that all
claims are settled properly and expeditiously and shall keep the Engineer
informed as to the progress made towards settlement, failing which the Engineer
shall be entitled to make direct payment to claimants of all outstanding amounts
due to them in the Engineer's opinion and without prejudice to any other method
of recovery to deduct by way of set-off the amounts so paid from any sums due
or which shall become due from the Engineer to the Contractor.

If the Contractor receives a claim, which he considers to be in respect of matters

in which he is indemnified by the Engineer under the Contract, he shall
immediately forward such claim to the Engineer.

1.11 Maintenance and Defect Liabilities

1.11.1 General

Following the issue of the Taking Over Certificate the Engineer will provide
operating and maintenance personnel and consumables for the Works. Operation
and maintenance of the Works shall be under the guidance of the Contractor to
the extent specified hereinafter, until performance tests have been completed and
the Defects Liability Certificate issued.

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1.11.2 Operation and Maintenance Instructions

The Contractor shall provide operating and maintenance instructions for Plant,
including instrumentation, to be supplied and installed under the Contract, it is
intended that these instructions will be incorporated in the Operator's Maintenance
Manuals for the Works to be compiled by the Engineer and to this end they shall
be in loose leaf form on paper of A4 international size.

Upon completion of all work and after completion of all tests, the Contractor shall
instruct/and train the Engineer’s staff or his representative fully in operation,
adjustment and maintenance of all equipment. 14 Days’ notice shall be given to
the Engineer in advance of the training period.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the operation of all equipment
supplied and installed by him until the Engineer acknowledges having received all
necessary instructions in the operation of the equipment.

Operating and maintenance instructions shall be submitted as drafts for

examination and approved by the Engineer prior to final issue and shall be ready
for issue prior to taking over of the Works by the Engineer.

Five copies of the operation and maintenance manual shall be supplied by the
Contractor to the Engineer who will retain one copy and deliver the others to the
Engineer. Completion will not be certified until the manuals are supplied.

Manufacturer’s advertising literature and advertising catalogues will not be

acceptable for operating and maintenance instructions, but may be included for

Operating and maintenance manuals shall generally take the following form and
shall contain the following information:
a) Step-by-step procedures for any operation likely to be carried out during the
life of the Plant;

b) Maintenance and troubleshooting information, including charts showing

lubrication, checking, testing and replacement procedures to be carried out
daily, weekly, monthly and at longer intervals;

c) Where applicable, fault location charts to facilitate tracing the cause of


d) Technical details;

e) Description of the installation;

f) Final settings of relays, timers etc.

g) Complete parts list.

The manuals shall have a hard cover bound with the name and title of the
installation clearly marked on it. It shall contain all materials in A4 size pages in
loose leaf form.

The manual shall be properly indexed and contain dividers with tabs between
each section. All data must be organized in a neat and concise manner.

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1.11.3 Inspection by Engineer during the Maintenance Period

The Engineer will give the Contractor due notice of his intention to carry out any
inspection of the Works during the Maintenance Period and the Contractor shall
thereupon arrange for a responsible representative to be present at the times,
dates and locations named by the Engineer. This representative shall render all
necessary assistance and take note of all matters to which his attention is directed
by the Engineer.

1.11.4 Periodic Visits

The installations shall be visited periodically after the commencement of the

Defects Liability Period by a competent engineer(s) and/or other specialist
representative(s) of the Contractor, who shall inspect all Plant provided under the
Contract, ensure that servicing, adjustments and recalibrations as necessary are
being carried out on all those items requiring attention, and assess the
competence of the Engineer's personnel.

The Contractor shall obtain the Engineer's approval before each visit and shall
supply a full service report after each visit.

1.12 Training
When Tests on Completion have been successfully concluded, the Contractor
shall allow for staff to operate the Plant and to train personnel assigned by the
Engineer, in the correct procedure of operation and maintenance of the whole of
the Works for a period of twelve (12) months.

Training shall commence at an appropriate time during erection of plant, and shall
be programmed so that, at the end of the three (3) months period of operation of
the Works by the Contractor, the Engineer's personnel can be entrusted with
taking over the operation and maintenance of the Works, under the control and
supervision of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall continue with the training of the Engineer's personnel
following the completion of the three (3) months period of operation of the Works
by the Contractor so that upon issue of the Defects Liability Certificate the
Engineer's personnel will be able to operate and maintain the plant and the Works
efficiently without the Contractor's supervision.

The Contractor shall allow in his Bid for the attendance of skilled staff for these
purposes and shall price for one (1) week of classroom training and two (2) weeks
of “hands on” training of the applicable Works components. The actual length of
time will be determined by the Engineer and the Engineer, and the final costs will
be calculated from these rates.

Training shall be provided as follows:

a) Training shall be provided on site and at the Engineer’s venues as
appropriate, and commence at or before the erection of plant or at such time
as is directed by the Engineer.

b) In addition to formal training, the Contractor shall provide all opportunities and
assistance for the Engineer's personnel to become familiar with the Plant
during manufacture, installation, testing and commissioning, and during the
following twelve (12) months operating and maintenance. The
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Contractor shall submit to the Engineer a monthly statement of opportunities

for such familiarization that will arise during the twelve (12) month period.

c) The Engineer will make available selected staff for the Contractor to train in
the safe and efficient operation and maintenance of the installed Plant. The
Contractor shall allow for comprehensive training of the Engineer’s staff and
shall follow as appropriate the Works shift (24 hour, 3 shifts) pattern.

d) Training shall be provided for operations, maintenance, safety, security, and

laboratory and management personnel.

e) The Contractor shall prepare and submit to the Engineer detailed job
specifications for positions of Staff, stating the duties and tasks with which the
operating staff should become familiar.

f) Training shall be performed by specialist personnel specifically allocated to

the task by the Contractor and shall be additional to any "familiarity" training
that is to take place during the erection/testing period. Such training shall be
specific to the trainee's position and discipline and shall be appropriate to staff
with the basic skills related to their grade. Training on individual items of plant,
equipment or systems shall be carried out by the Manufacturer or a specialist
approved by the equipment Manufacturer. Provision shall be made for both
classroom and hands-on training in this respect.

g) The Contractor shall submit details of the number of training specialists he

shall assign to each phase of training, together with details of their
qualifications, capabilities and experience, for the approval of the Engineer.

h) The Contractor shall maintain a register of attendance at training sessions

and the subjects covered and shall carry out assessments to monitor the
effectiveness of training.

i) Based on the assessments, the Contractor shall offer technical advice,

organize and conduct special tutorial sessions as necessary.

j) Training shall be based on the relevant Operating and Maintenance Manuals

and Record Drawings, including P&I Diagrams and flow sheets.

k) At least twelve (12) weeks prior to the start of training the Contractor shall
provide a draft syllabus of the training to be provided and shall then develop
in liaison with the Engineer and the Engineer an approved syllabus, Training
Programme and Training Methodology which shall be available at least four
(4) Weeks prior to the agreed start date for the training. The syllabus to be
provided by the Contractor shall be based upon, but not limited to, the
i) Safety procedures, with particular respect to chemical handling,
entry/working in confined spaces and similar;
ii) General plant description:
iii) Detailed description and demonstration of all electrical, mechanical
and ICA equipment;
iv) Optimisation of plant operation;
v) Operating instructions;
vi) Inspection and maintenance instructions;
vii) Fault finding and correction;

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viii) Emergency procedures;

ix) Spares - strategic and consumables;
x) Special tools;
xi) Review of relevant Drawings, P&IDs and O&M manuals.

The Training Programme shall start at or before the erection of Plant and shall be
designed so that by the end of the classroom, workshop and ‘hands-on’ training,
the Engineer’s staff will be sufficiently proficient so as to be able to continue
operation and maintenance of the Works with minimal supervision by the
Contractor. Effectiveness of the training shall be demonstrated by an assessment
including a test (designed by the Contractor) and on successful completion, each
employee shall receive a certificate of competence.

Assessments shall be carried out jointly by the Engineer, Engineer and the
Contractor at monthly intervals up to the issue of the Taking-Over Certificate, and
then every three (3) months until the end of the Defects Liability Period, to confirm
that the Engineer's staff has received the adequate training in Plant operation and

Based on the assessments, the Contractor shall offer technical advice, organize
and conduct special tutorial sessions for any personnel who have been assessed
as needing them, and ensure that they carry out operations and maintenance
procedures correctly.

The Contractor shall include a sum in his bid for the attendance of skilled
personnel for the Training of Engineer’s staff under this Clause and for the
purposes of pricing shall include one (1) week of formal training and two (2) weeks
of on-the-job training. The Contractor shall include a rate for additional attendance
of skilled training personnel, which is to be used only if deemed necessary by the

1.13 Safety Precautions

1.13.1 General

The Contractor shall comply with all safety and health regulations in Ethiopia and
also with any safety instruction given by the Engineer. In the performance of the
Works, the Contractor shall exercise every reasonable precaution to protect from
injury persons or property. The Contractor shall erect and maintain all necessary
temporary fencing, barricades, barriers, signs and lights and provide fire alarm,
fire extinguishing and firefighting services at strategic points on the Site. The
Contractor shall adopt and enforce such rules and regulations as may be
necessary, desirable or proper to safeguard the public, all persons engaged in the
work and its supervision.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the flagging and control of traffic and he
shall comply with the requirements of the Engineer, Police and the competent
authority in these matters.

1.13.2 Safety Officer

The Contractor shall employ a Safety Officer on Site. The Safety Officer shall be
qualified in safety, and familiar with the type of work being performed, and his
assignment shall include initiation of measures for the protection of Health and
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Safety including the prevention of accidents and he shall see, by personal

inspection, ensure that all safety rules and regulations are enforced. The
Contractor shall hold regular scheduled safety meetings, at least once a month,
with his engineers, supervisors and foremen and when directed with the Engineer.
The Contractor shall keep the Engineer advised as to when these meetings are
to be held and shall provide the Engineer with a copy of the proposed agenda.
Other duties of the Safety Officer shall be subservient to his duties as Safety

1.13.3 Safety Measures

Safety measures shall include but shall not be limited to the following apects.

a) Temporary Fencing

The Contractor shall erect, maintain and remove suitable and approved
temporary fencing to enclose such areas of land, (such as
Engineer’s/Contractor’s offices and yards, construction works being carried
out beside buildings, public roads, or footpaths and any other place where
the Contractor’s operations will endanger lives or public property), occupied
by the Contractor within the Site as may be necessary to implement his
obligations under the Contract, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where any
temporary fence has to be erected alongside a public road, or footpath it shall
be of the type required by and shall be erected to the satisfaction of the
authority concerned.

b) Lighting

The Contractor shall provide sufficient lighting to ensure that, in all places
where work is in progress:
i) Safe working conditions are provided for the Contractor’s personnel,
personnel of other contractors employed by the Engineer and for
personnel of the Engineer.
ii) The Works can be constructed in complete compliance with the
iii) A complete inspection of all Works in progress can be made by the

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The Contractor shall supply a suitable instrument to the Engineer for

measuring the intensity of illumination. The instrument shall comply with
BS 667.

Illumination for areas operations not listed in the above table shall conform
to the requirements of the Lighting Guide, Building and Civil Engineering
Site, Illuminating Engineering Society, London.

All moving Equipment used during night operations shall be equipped with
sufficient lights and reflectors to ensure safe working conditions.

Not less than 14 Days before the start of night operations, the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer his proposals for lighting in the areas in which
he proposes to work at night. The Contractor shall modify the proposals if
required by the Engineer, and shall not begin operations at night, until the
proposals for lighting, in an amended form if required have been approved
by the Engineer.

The submission to or approval by the Engineer of the Contractor’s proposals

for lighting shall not relieve the Contractor of any of his liabilities or
obligations under the Contract.

c) Work in the Vicinity of Electrical Equipment

In the interest of safety and security the Contractor shall complete the
erection of any safety fencing round electrical and mechanical apparatus by
the time that the said apparatus is connected to any electricity supply.

d) Safety Instructions

The Contractors shall, at his own cost, supply and issue to his employees and
those of his Subcontractors and the staff of the Engineer printed safety
instructions in Amharic and English and in other languages used by his
employees at Site.

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e) Accident Reports

The Contractor shall promptly report to the Engineer in the form to be agreed,
all accidents involving death or serious injury to staff or workmen, and
furnish monthly reports of all accidents to staff or workmen involving loss
of time, giving such information as may be prescribed by the Engineer.

f) The Contractor shall provide all necessary signs for the works. These shall
include, but not be limited to:

i) Standard road signs;

ii) Warning/danger signs;

iii) Control signs;

iv) Safety signs;

v) Direction signs.

Wording on all signs shall be in both Amharic and English. The size, colour,
lettering and location of all signs will be subject to approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall maintain all signs placed by himself as well as those
placed by the Engineer.

If the Engineer considers that the system of signs provided by the Contractor
is inadequate to ensure safety, or unsatisfactory in other respects, the
Contractor shall add to, amend, or otherwise change the system to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

g) The Contractor shall provide protective clothing to all workers. This shall
include but not limited to the following:

i) Wellington boots;

ii) Site boots or jungle boots or similar;

iii) Protective helmets;

iv) Heavy duty rain coats;

v) Protective eye goggles;

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vi) Ear protectors;

vii) Face masks to prevent inhalation of dust.

1.13.4 Fire Fighting Services

The Contractor shall be responsible for all fire-prevention measures, fire

protection and firefighting on the Site for the duration of the Contract.

The Contractor shall be guided by the recommendations of the Ethiopian Fire

Department (where applicable).

The Contractor shall provide, regularly maintain and operate all firefighting
equipment including, but not limited to, water pumps, lines, hydrants, hoses and
chemical fire extinguishers adequate for the protection of all buildings or work
under construction.

All services and equipment provided under this section shall be subject to the prior
approval of the Engineer. Should the Engineer at any time consider services or
equipment to be inadequate to meet the needs of the project and so advise the
Contractor in writing, the Contractor shall take immediate steps to correct the
inadequacies, as required by the Engineer. Any such measures shall be at the
cost of the Contractor.

The Contractor shall ensure that an adequate number of employees are fully
conversant with the handling of firefighting equipment and taking control in case
of emergency.

1.13.5 First Aid and Medical Services

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for ensuring necessary first aid services
to his staff and workmen, including transport for injured personnel to hospital or
other appropriate accommodation as and when required.

The Contractor shall supply, maintain and keep stock of medicines and medical
equipment of a scope, quantity and standard deemed by a medical doctor to be
sufficient for first-aid.

The Contractor shall obtain and follow the advice of a medical doctor on all such
matters as water supply, sanitation, refuse and sewerage disposal, and provisions
of fly-screens and anti-malarial precautions and upon industrial health and
hygiene. A proportion of the Contractor’s employees, normally 1 man per gang
shall be trained in first-aid.

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2. Environmental Control

2.1 Diversion and Control of Water during Construction

2.1.1 General

The Contractor shall design, construct and maintain all temporary diversion and
all protective works which are necessary for the prevention of surface drainage
and ground water entering the various parts of the Works.

Diversion and protective works may comprise, but are not necessarily limited to,
cofferdams, levee banks, channels, flumes, conduits, drains, pumps and settling
ponds. The location of these works shall be such that there shall be no
encroachment on any area required for the construction of the Works.

The Contractor must be aware that some works will have to be stopped during
and after rain as the flow of water will increase and flooding will occur along rivers
and streams and in low lying areas. He shall take into account that the actual
working period and the effectiveness of labour and Contractor’s Equipment, which
might be reduced as a result hereof.

Also, the Contractor must also be aware that rivers, lakes, existing ponds and
wells may dry out during the dry seasons, and he must also take adequate
measures to obtain and preserve the amount of water required for the execution
of the Works.

On completion of the Works, all diversion and protective works shall be removed
and disposed of or shall be levelled in a manner to give a sightly appearance, and
so as not to interfere in any way with the operation or usefulness of the Works.

2.1.2 Dewatering

The Contractor shall design dewatering systems and shall furnish, install, maintain
and operate all necessary pumping, piping and other equipment and temporary
structures for dewatering and maintaining the various parts of the Works free from
water during construction and, as required, for inspection, safety and installations
by other contractors or the Engineer or, if directed, after any part of the Works is

2.1.3 Interference with Rivers and Streams

The Contractor shall not interfere with the natural flow of rivers or streams on the
Site for any purpose without prior approval of the Engineer.

2.1.4 Responsibility for Works

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for any damage or delay to the Works
caused by failure of the diversion and protective works and/or dewatering
installations constructed by him and shall indemnify the Engineer against claims
by other contractors employed by the Engineer working on the Site or by
landholders or other persons, arising out of any such failure.

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The Contractor shall be responsible for, and shall repair or reinstate at his
expense, any damage to foundations, excavated slopes or any other parts of the
Works caused by the failure of the diversion and protective works and/or
dewatering installations.

2.1.5 Water Control Plan

The Contractor‘s method of river and stream diversion and control of the Works
and dewatering foundation during the construction of all associated structures
shall be in accordance with the proposals submitted with the Bid and with such
modifications as are approved by the Engineer from time to time.

The Contractor's attention is drawn to the importance of the time factor in

completing the various stages of river diversion since due to the seasonal nature
of river flows, any delay in completion of the river diversion could endanger the
Works or cause undue delay in completion of the Works.

The Contractor shall take into account that some of the river diversion procedures,
together with some of the work on the dam foundations, has to be carried out in
the early stages of the Contract. Contractor’s Equipment must therefore be
provided which can achieve the required rate of working with a reasonable amount
of spare capacity. In particular, the initial aggregate production plant and concrete
patching and placing plant shall be capable of producing concrete of the quality,
and in the quantity required for the river diversion works.

At least 28 days before commencing any work on diversion works the Contractor
shall submit to the Engineer a detailed Water Control Plan describing the
proposed sequence of work.

The Contractor shall ensure that whatever dewatering system, cofferdams, levees
and other temporary works which he constructs in the river channel shall not
prevent the passage through the site of riparian flow of water. The Contractor
shall include in his Water Control Plan such measures as may be necessary to
maintain surface water flow for downstream riparian users.

2.1.6 Diversion and Protection Works

The Contractor shall design and construct cofferdams and levee banks sufficiently
far outside the foundations of the Works to permit the foundation for the applicable
structures to be adequately dewatered for construction.

The Contractor shall design, construct and maintain for the duration of the
Contract all diversion works. Any damage, caused by the Contractor’s operations
or negligence, to the Works during the diversion shall be repaired by and at the
expense of the Contractor.

2.1.7 Compensation Event Flood

The characteristics of a flood occurring in the period October to May that would
be considered as a Compensation Event (the Compensation Event Flood). In
order to establish that the Compensation Event Flood had occurred the Contractor
shall demonstrate that the total flood volume in a 24 hr period exceeds the defined
volume. This may be achieved by a minimum of:

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a) Hourly records of water levels upstream of the Main Dam construction


b) Hourly records of water levels at the dam site gauging station.

The Contractor shall derive the inflow hydrograph for the flood using the recorded
levels. The record of level data and the derived inflow hydrograph shall be
submitted to the Engineer for approval A Compensation Event Flood will only by
recognised if the Engineer approves the derived inflow hydrograph as
demonstrating that the defined volume has been exceeded.

All other floods shall be deemed to be at the risk of the Contractor.

2.2 Fuel Storage and Machinery Maintenance

2.2.1 Requirement

The Contractor shall provide and maintain bund walls around his fuel storage
areas within the Site. Such walls shall be of a sufficient height to contain a volume
equal to one and one half (1.5) times the entire contents of his fuel storage

Fuel dispensing areas and machinery maintenance areas shall be provided with
concrete hard standing surface draining to oil separators.

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2.2.2 Drainage

Drainage from fuel storage and machinery maintenance areas shall be treated to
remove oil and/or fuel. Where the drain passes through or across the bund wall
the Contractor shall provide a means of preventing flow so that in the event of a
leak all split fuel and other liquids will be contained by the bund walls.

2.2.3 Soil Contamination

Soil contaminated by fuel leakage shall be removed and placed in disposal areas
as directed by the Engineer.

2.3 Environmental Protection

2.3.1 General

The Contractor shall conduct his activities so as to cause the least possible
disturbance to the existing amenities, whether natural or man-made, and so as to
comply with all statutory requirements.

In undertaking the Works the Contractor shall:

 Undertake all work in an environmentally sensitive manner;

 Undertake no work outside the defined area of the Works without prior
written approval from the Engineer;
 As far as possible, set up temporary works, park vehicles, etc., within the
area designated for this purpose;
 Take all necessary actions to ensure that water quality in nearby rivers and
streams is not adversely affected;
 Minimise the effects of runoff and erosion;
 Minimise disturbance or disruption of the daily lives of local communities to
the maximum possible extent; and
 Ensure that at all times the Site is maintained in a neat and tidy condition.

The Engineer may, at his discretion, direct in writing additional environmental

requirements which shall be observed by the Contractor.

2.3.2 Precautions against Contamination of the Works

The Contractor shall take the utmost care to ensure that the River and all other
surface and groundwater sources are not polluted or contaminated by him. If any
pollution or contamination of these sources should occur due to the Contractor’s
activities, he shall carry out, at his own cost, any such measures necessary to
rectify such pollution, as directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall satisfy the Engineer that all his personnel on the Site are
medically fit to be in contact with a public water supply and his personnel shall
undergo any necessary medical tests, to show that they are free from any
infectious diseases and are not carriers of any such diseases.

The Contractor shall at all times take every possible precaution against
contamination of the Works and existing wells. The Contractor shall give strict

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instructions to all persons employed by him to use the sanitary accommodation


Throughout the Contract the Site and any areas for the Temporary Works outside
the Site shall be kept in a clean, tidy and sanitary condition.

The Contractor shall at all times take measures to avoid contamination of existing
watercourses and drains by petrol, oil or other harmful materials. In this context,
collection sumps shall be provided in all workshop areas. These shall be pumped
out regularly with the waste disposed of at a location agreed with the Engineer.

The Contractor shall be responsible for making all arrangements for the disposal
of wastewater including the disposal of water from the testing of pipes and water
retaining structures.

2.4 Stockpiles and Spoil Dumps

The Contractor shall ensure that:

Any rare local plant species as identified by the Engineer that may be
affected are replanted as directed by the Engineer;
 The stockpiles and spoil dumps are shaped to blend with the local
topography as far as is practicable;
 Drainage is provided to control groundwater flow such that migration of fines
is kept to a minimum;
 Surface water runoff is conducted through or over or around the spoil dumps
to prevent erosion damage;
 The toes of the slopes are formed of rock to prevent the sloughing or scour
of the slopes; and
 Final exposed surfaces are revegetated.
2.5 Rehabilitation of Works Areas

2.5.1 General

The Contractor shall rehabilitate disturbed areas of Permanent Works, quarries,

borrow and spoil areas, the Contractor's works and accommodation areas
(including the areas designated for the Engineer's use) and the areas required for
the construction of temporary access roads as well as such other areas as may
be specified or instructed by the Engineer.

All precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to prevent the erosion of soil from
any lands used or occupied by the Contractor and of the bed or banks of any river
or stream and the deposition of excavated or eroded material in any river or
stream that may result from the execution of the Works.

Where and when directed by the Engineer soil conservation measures on

excavated surfaces or surfaces of filled material which form part of the Works shall
be performed in accordance with this Specification and as shown on the Drawings.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the Contractor’s operations in areas other than
those described in above, cause erosion hazards, the Contractor shall undertake
soil conservation measures in these areas at his own cost when

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directed by the Engineer and in accordance with the practices and procedures
described in this Specification.

All soil conservation measures shall be carried out in the earliest possible period,
as determined by the Engineer, and to ensure that the required protection is
established by the time of completion of the Works.

Such rehabilitation shall comprise grassing and planting of trees and shrubs and
shall be carried out at the earliest opportunity during the course of the Works.

The planting of grass, trees and shrubs shall be carried out during periods most
likely to produce beneficial results.

Rehabilitation measures shall be carried out concurrently with the construction of

the Works.

2.5.2 Preservation of Flora and Fauna

The Contractor shall refrain from destroying, removing or clearing trees, timber,
scrub, crops and other flora to any extent greater than is approved by the Engineer
as being necessary for the execution of this Contract and shall take such
measures as may be necessary to prevent his employees from hunting,
disturbing, capturing or destroying stock, crops and such fauna as may be
protected by relevant statutes.

2.5.3 Shaping of Areas

Cut and fill slopes shall be shaped in a manner such that the final profile appears
as a natural extension of the adjacent undisturbed ground profiles.

Shaped surfaces shall be left slightly rough to facilitate binding with topsoil or the
natural establishment of vegetation. Shaped surfaces which have been hardened
or compacted shall be broken by ripping or scarifying.

2.5.4 Preparation of Areas for Grassing

The various areas to be grassed shall be prepared as follows:

a) Areas not requiring Topsoil: Where the areas to be grassed consist of

organically suitable material which has not been hardened or compacted,
they shall be scarified to a minimum depth of 150 mm.

b) Areas Requiring Topsoil: Where areas to be grassed consist of organically

unsuitable material, the surface shall be roughened to ensure a proper bond
between the topsoil and the subsoil. Hardened surfaces shall be broken by
ripping or scarifying. Topsoil shall be placed on the prepared surfaces and be
trimmed to the uniform thickness required by means of hand raking or
mechanical blading.

c) Fertilising: The Contractor shall test the top 150 mm of the prepared surfaces
at each working area to determine the amount and type of fertiliser
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required for establishing proper growth conditions for the grass. The required
amount and type of fertiliser shall be evenly applied over all surfaces where
grass is to be planted and shall then be thoroughly mixed with the soil to a
depth of 150 mm either mechanically or manually. Where hydroseeding is to
be carried out, the fertiliser may be mixed with cellulose pulp and water used
in hydroseeding.

d) Grass Runners: Areas to be planted with grass runners shall be prepared as

for grass sods. Grass runners shall be protected against drying out and shall
be kept moist from the time of harvesting until finally placed. Runners shall
be harvested from locally available and approved grasses.

The first row of runners shall be planted along the contour, thereafter each
successive row shall be planted parallel and 300 mm from the previous row.

The runners shall be laid in furrows of minimum 50 mm depth, covered over with
soil which shall be firmly pressed around them. The Contractor shall water the
runners directly after placing to prevent drying out.

2.5.5 Grassing

The method of establishing grass may be sodding, hydroseeding and hand

seeding as approved by the Engineer.

a) Sodding: Areas to be grassed by sodding shall be given a layer of topsoil at

least 75 mm thick unless, due to the presence of suitable subsoil, the Engineer
determines that the topsoil may be omitted. The areas to be sodded shall be
thoroughly watered beforehand so that they are wet to a depth of at least 150
mm when sods are placed. The surface shall be made slightly rough to ensure
a good penetration of roots into the soil. Sods shall be protected against
drying out and shall be kept moist from the time of harvesting until finally

The first row of sods shall, where it is possible, be laid in a straight line and,
if on a slope, starting at the bottom of the slope. The sods shall be butted
tightly against each other, care being taken not to stretch or overlap sods.
Where a good fit cannot be obtained, the intervening space shall be filled
with topsoil. Adjacent rows shall be placed with the joints staggered. Each
sod shall be held in position by a wooden stake approximately 300 mm long
by 20 mm in diameter hammered into the soil.

The Contractor shall water the sods directly after placing to prevent undue
drying out. As sodding is completed, each section shall be lightly rolled or
stamped into place and thoroughly watered.

b) Hydroseeding: Prior to hydroseeding, the topsoil shall be prepared by

forming furrows 80 mm deep in rows approximately 150 mm apart running
parallel to the contour lines of the finished surface.

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Seed for hydroseeding shall be good quality fresh seed that has been
germination tested and certified.

The seed mixture shall be of approved species and proportions.

Mulch shall be added to the hydroseeding mix at a rate of 2.5 tonne/ha.

c) Hand seeding: Prior to hand seeding the topsoil shall be prepared by forming
furrows 80 mm deep in rows approximately 150 mm apart running parallel
to the contour lines of the finished surface.

An approved seed mixture shall be mixed with two parts per volume of clean
dry sand, then divided in half and applied evenly in two successive

On completion of the seeding the surface shall be lightly raked to cover the
seed with no more than 5 mm of soil.

After seeding mulch shall be applied by hand at a rate of 5 tonne/ha and

rolled lightly.

2.5.6 Establishment of Grass

All seeded, sodded and planted areas shall be adequately watered at frequent
and regular intervals in order to ensure proper germination of seeds and growth
of grass until the grass has established an acceptable cover, and thereafter as
required to sustain growth.

The Contractor shall mow the grass on all areas that have been grassed wherever
necessary such that the maximum height of the grass be 75 mm.

Weeds shall be controlled by means of pulling, cutting or any other effective


Any bare patches where the grass has grown, or where it has been damaged,
shall be recultivated, planted, sodded or hydroseeded without any additional
Grassing shall be considered satisfactory if not less than 75% of the area planted
or hydroseeded is covered with grass of the seeded species and that there shall
be no bare patches of more than 500 mm in maximum dimension. In the case of
sodding, to be considered satisfactory, the full area shall be covered with live
grass not less than three months after sodding.

2.5.7 Maintenance of Grass

The Contractor shall maintain the grassed areas for a period of 12 months or until
the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate, whichever is the later.

2.5.8 Trees and Shrubs

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Trees and shrubs shall be planted where shown in the Drawings or as directed by
the Engineer.

Directly after planting, each plant shall be well watered to establish the plant firmly
in the soil. After the soil is set, additional soil shall be added where necessary to
bring the hole backfill to within 150 mm of the ground surface, in order to ensure
that sufficient water can be retained. All trees shall be tied to a suitable tanalith-
treated timber stake planted firmly in the ground. After planting, the ground surface
around the plant shall be covered with mulch in order to minimise evaporation.

The Contractor shall maintain the trees and shrubs for a period of 12 months or
until the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate, whichever is the later.
Maintenance shall include watering and keeping the plants free from weeds and

Every tree or shrub that is not healthy or shows unsatisfactory growth shall be
replaced by the Contractor at his own expense before the end of this period.

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3. Engineer’s Requirements

3.1 Survey

Prior to the commencement of the Works the Contractor shall make available to
the Engineer survey operatives and material and survey instruments as defined
in Clauses 3.1.1 and below. These shall be available to the Engineer
until the end of the Defects Liability Period for the whole of the Works.

3.1.1 Survey Operatives for the Engineer

The Contractor shall supply chainman and labourers as required by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide men equal to the tasks required and shall maintain
continuity of staff. Chainmen shall be experienced in assisting engineers in survey

It shall be the discretion of the Engineer to select chainmen and labourers whom
he considers reliable and suitable.

3.1.2 Materials and Survey Instruments for Engineer

The Contractor shall provide for the exclusive use of the Engineer and/or his staff,
all such instruments, equipment and consumable items to enable him to check the
accuracy of the Contractor’s setting out.

The instruments and equipment to be provided shall comprise the items detailed

 2 Nr Total Station (leica TPS 1102 or equivalent) with 2 second accuracy.

Each total station to have the following accessories:
 appropriate on board software for data collection, reduction and output;
 appropriate hand carrying box;
 2 Nr 16Mb PCMCIA memory cards;
 1 Nr data access cable for PC interface;
 1 Nr set telescopic legs (same manufacturer);
 2 Nr heavy duty batteries;
 1 Nr mains charger;
 1 Nr 12V cigarette lighter charger;
 1 Nr external PCMCIA card reader;
 2 Nr traversing sets to include target/prism/tribrach/legs for distance
measurement to 3 km plus carrying cases;
 4 Nr adjustable telescopic detailing sticks, complete with target/
reflector/ mounting / level;
 2 Nr survey software (LiSCAD 6.2 or equivalent) with capability to produce
contours, cross-sections, longitudinal sections, adjustments, volumes, CAD
drawing, CAD input/output, with no limit on number of points, complete with
appropriate manuals, hardware keys and installation CDs;
 3 Nr Automatic Levels – Lieca NA2 or equivalent (complete with carrying
case, standard adjusting tools etc. and telescopic aluminium tripod);
 5 Nr levelling staves - 5 m aluminium, telescopic, complete with bubble level;
 1 Nr compass;

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 3 Nr 100 m Fibron measuring band, divided throughout and numbered at

1 m intervals and divided over the first 5 m at 100 mm, 10 mm and 1 mm
intervals (including repair sets for same);
 2 Nr digital barometer;
 4 Nr 30 m steel box tapes (white face);
 4 Nr 30 m fibreglass box tapes;
 20 Nr 2.5 m ranging rods;
 2 Nr 1.5 m spirit levels - steel or aluminium
 3 Nr survey umbrellas;
 6 Nr Walki Talkis operating on an unrestricted wavelength, capable of
communicating our 3 km with clear line of sight - complete with 2 spare sets
of rechargeable batters and one mains recharger for each - Contractor to
arrange all necessary licenses.

In sufficient quantities: straightedges, plumbs, canvas bags, pegs, hammers,

paints, consumables, etc.

The Contractor shall ensure that the instruments and equipment are maintained
and at all times in good repair and adjustment. In the event of any instrument
being unserviceable for whatever reason the Contractor shall supply an equivalent
instrument until the original instrument is returned to service.

On completion of the Contract the Contractor shall ensure that all instruments and
equipment provided in accordance with the above list are in good working order
(servicing and/or replacing any items that are damaged or not working) and these
shall be handed over to, and become the property of, the Engineer.

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3.2 Transport for Engineer’s Staff

3.2.1 Vehicles

The Contractor shall provide and maintain the following vehicles for the exclusive
use, at all times, of the Engineer and his staff.

 New air-conditioned 4-wheel drive 4-door long-wheel base of not less than
2300cc capacity, diesel engine vehicles complete with safety belts, fog lights,
spare wheels, standard repair tools and other accessories normally provided
with the purchase of the vehicle.
 New motor cycles of not less than 125 cc capacity complete with crash
helmets, repair tools and other accessories normally provided with the
purchase of the motor cycles.

The order for the vehicles shall be placed immediately on receipt of the Engineer’s

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all insurances, licences, toll charges,
maintenance, repairs, fuel and lubricants, for the duration of the Contract up to
the time of the issue of the Defects Liability Certificate for the whole of the Works,
unless prior notice is given by the Engineer that the vehicles are no longer required
for the purpose of the Contract.

The vehicles shall be registered for private use and be comprehensively insured
for any driver and any passengers and carriage of goods and samples throughout
the duration of the Contract. The policies shall be to the approval of the Engineer
and the Contractor shall produce them for inspection on request.

The vehicles shall be fully taxed for use on public highways and for carriage of
passengers, goods and samples.

The vehicles shall be maintained in a road working condition and in conformity

with the vehicles manufacturers' instructions.

In the event of accident or breakdown or unserviceable for more than 24 hours

the Contractor shall provide suitable replacement vehicles as and when required.

All vehicles except motor cycles shall be provided with competent and
experienced drivers by the Contractor. These drivers shall be at the disposal of
the Engineer and his staff. In the event that the regular drivers go on leave or
absent for more than 24 hours the Contractor shall provide suitable substitution
driver as and when required. The drivers shall be requiring to work any hours as
required by the Engineer.
Unless otherwise specified, all vehicles and accessories shall become the
property of the Contractor when no longer required by the Engineer.

3.3 Site Office for the Engineer and his Staff

The Contractor shall provide and maintain, until the completion of the Works, new
site office for the exclusive use of the Engineer as specified below all in
accordance with the relevant Drawings inclusive of all fittings, furniture and
equipment as specified in Appendix 1. All fittings, furniture and equipment

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provided shall be new. Stationery, printing materials, and consumable items, for
all the Engineer’s staff, shall be provided by the Contractor.

The Contractor may be permitted to provide re-locatable or transportable new site

office of equivalent area as an alternative to the design type shown in the
Drawings, but only if:

a) The quality of such re-locatable or transportable site office shall be of

equivalent standard but not inferior to the design type and shall be equipped
with similar fittings, furniture and equipment as indicated in the designed site

b) The Contractor shall have submitted details of his proposals with his Bid (in
Section 2 of the Contract).

If the proposed alternative is likely to result in higher internal temperatures then

the Contractor shall provide full air-conditioning at no additional cost.

The office shall be located in the designated area for the Contractor’s office,
accommodation and site yards, as shown in the Drawings, at a location to be
agreed with the Engineer. The Contractor shall construct temporary roads and
parking areas as directed by the Engineer. Earthworks and drainage for the
building and roads and parking areas shall be carried out to a standard approved
by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain all accesses to the site office
useable under all weather conditions.

The site office shall comply with local building by-laws and the Contractor shall
pay all charges in relation thereto.

The Contractor shall ensure a continuous supply of electric power and potable
water to the site office at all hours including nights, Sundays and Public Holidays.

The site office shall be constructed or provided and completed within 70 Days
after the Start Date.
The Contractor shall maintain the site office and facilities provided in accordance
with the provisions of this Clause 3.3 in good order and condition until the issue
of the Defects Liability Certificate for the whole of the Works or such earlier time
as may be instructed by the Engineer. Maintenance shall include the repair and
making good of all faults and defects that become apparent in the building, surface
drainage including cleaning, electrical, plumbing, water supply and sewerage
services appurtenant to the building and all items in the building. Maintenance
shall include the provision of expendable items such as electric light tubes and
bulbs and repainting required by manifestly poor workmanship or materials in the
initial supply including pest control.

The Contractor shall provide regular services and maintenance of the fittings,
furniture and office equipment including replacement of inferior office furniture,
fittings and equipment as directed by the Engineer.

Once the site office including fittings, furniture and equipment is no longer required
it shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall, unless

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otherwise directed by the Engineer, be removed from the Site. The area occupied
by the office shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.4 Protective Clothing for the Engineer’s Staff

The Contractor shall provide protective clothing of an approved type to all the
Engineer’s staff. This shall include but not limited to the following:

a) Wellington boots.

b) Site boots or jungle boots or similar.

c) Protective helmets.

d) Heavy duty rain coats.

e) Protective eye goggles.

f) Ear protectors.

g) Face masks to prevent inhalation of dust.

3.5 Materials Testing Laboratory

3.5.1 General Requirements

The Contractor shall provide, staff and maintain, until completion of the Works, a
new soils, concrete and materials testing laboratory for the exclusive use of the
Engineer all in accordance with the relevant Drawings inclusive of all furniture,
fittings, and equipment as specified in Appendix 2 and as may be necessary to
carry out all soils, concrete and materials testing referred to in Clause 3.5.2. All
furniture, fittings and equipment provided shall be new. Stationeries, printing
materials, consumable items and protective clothing for all the Engineer’s staff
shall be provided by the Contractor.

The Contractor may be permitted to provide re-locatable or transportable new

materials testing laboratory of equivalent area as an alternative to the design type
shown in the Drawings, but only if:

a) The quality of such re-locatable or transportable new materials testing

laboratory shall be of equivalent standard but not inferior to the design type
and shall be equipped with similar fittings, furniture and equipment as
indicated in the designed type.

b) The Contractor shall have submitted details of his proposals with his Bid (in
Section 2 of the Contract).

If the proposed alternative is likely to result in higher internal temperatures then

the Contractor shall provide full air-conditioning at no additional cost.
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The testing laboratory shall be located in the designated area for the Contractor’s
office, accommodation and site yards, as shown in the Drawings, at a location to
be agreed with the Engineer. The Contractor shall construct temporary roads and
parking areas as directed by the Engineer. Earthworks and drainage for the
building and roads and parking areas shall be carried out to a standard approved
by the Engineer. The Contractor shall maintain all access to the testing laboratory
useable under all weather conditions.

The testing laboratory shall comply with local building by-laws and the Contractor
shall pay all charges in relation thereto.

The Contractor shall ensure a continuous supply of electric power and water to
the testing laboratory at all hours including nights, Sundays and Public Holidays.

The testing laboratory shall be constructed or provided and completed within 70

Days after the Start Date.

The Contractor shall maintain the testing laboratory and facilities provided in
accordance with the provisions of this Clause in good order and condition until the
issue of the Defects Liability Certificate for the whole of the Works or such earlier
time as may be instructed by the Engineer. Maintenance shall include, the repair
and making good of all faults and defects that become apparent in the building,
surface drainage, including electrical, plumbing, water supply and sewerage
services appurtenant to the building and all items of testing and other equipment,
furniture and fittings in the building. Maintenance shall include cleaning regularly
and the provision of expendable items such as electric light tubes and bulbs and
repainting as required in the initial supply including pest control.

The Contractor shall provide regular services and maintenance of the fittings,
furniture and testing equipment including replacement of unacceptable furniture,
fittings and equipment as directed by the Engineer.

Once the testing laboratory including fittings, furniture and equipment is no longer
required it shall remain the property of the Contractor and shall, unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer, be removed from the Site. The area occupied by the
office shall be reinstated to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

3.5.2 Laboratory Testing Equipment

The materials testing laboratory shall be fully equipped to carry out the tests listed
below in accordance with the procedures laid down in British, or other approved

a) Embankment Materials:

i) Determination of moisture content.

ii) Determination of the density/moisture relation for soils (standard and

modified Proctor compaction test).

iii) Determination of dry density of soil in the field.

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iv) Particle size analysis (by sieving and hydrometer).

v) Atterberg Limits (minimum one set of Fallcone and one set of


vi) Relative density of cohesionless material (Test ASTM No. 2049-69).

b) Concrete aggregates:

i) Particle size analysis (by sieving with mechanical sieve shaker).

ii) Specific gravity.

iii) Density.

iv) Organic impurities.

v) Clay and silt content.

vi) Moisture content.

c) Fresh Concrete:

i) Slump.

ii) Density.

d) Hardened Concrete - Cube Samples:

i) Crushing strength (1 560 kN compression machine, hand-operated).

ii) Weight.

Items of laboratory testing equipment as listed in Appendix 2 are considered to be

the minimum items required to be supplied by the Contractor. Whenever directed
by the Engineer, from time to time during the construction period, any
supplementary items considered necessary to carry out soils and materials testing
mentioned above shall be provided by the Contractor at no additional cost.

Laboratory equipment shall be properly calibrated and shall conform to the

requirements of the relevant British Standards (BS) or other approved standards.

Electrically-operated equipment shall be suitable for use with the site electricity
supply to be provided by the Contractor.

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Sufficient spare parts and consumables to cover normal usage during the period
of the Contract shall be provided together with a supply of distilled water and gas
as required.

Items of laboratory equipment lost or damaged, for any reason, shall be replaced
immediately by the Contractor.

On completion of the Contract, all laboratory testing equipment shall revert to the

3.5.3 Laboratory Staff

A senior laboratory technician will be provided by the Contractor.

The Contractor shall provide a sufficient number of competent qualified laboratory

technicians who shall be suitably experienced in laboratory testing to a high
standard and who are capable of producing reliable and consistent results all at
the direction and approval of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall provide all such suitable labour, as the Engineer may deem
necessary for the assistance of the laboratory technicians and for the expeditious
completion of testing works.

It shall be the discretion of the Engineer to select laboratory technicians and

labourers whom he considers reliable and suitable.

3.5.4 Tests not Undertaken in the Site Laboratory

Any tests that cannot be undertaken in the site testing laboratory because:

a) The site testing laboratory is not functional (at the start of the Contract or at
any other time).

b) The necessary equipment for the test has not been provided.

c) The necessary equipment for the test has been provided but is not
Then the Contractor shall arrange to have any such tests undertaken at an
independent laboratory to be approved by the Engineer.

3.6 Facilities for Engineer to Take Samples

The Contractor shall provide facilities for the Engineer to take samples for testing
of any of the fill, concrete or other materials to be incorporated in the Works. Such
samples may be taken before or after incorporation into the Works or at any stage
during construction at the discretion of the Engineer.

3.7 Radio Communication System

The Contractor shall provide, set up and maintain during the period of construction
and such time as shall be required by the Engineer a radio communication system
of a type approved by both the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation and
the Engineer. The Contractor shall liaise
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with the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation regarding the lease of

VHF/FM Telephone Channels, and obtain users equipment as specified and
approved by them.

This system shall be for the sole use of the Engineer and his staff and shall comply
with the Radio Communication Regulations, 1957.

The system units shall have a minimum range of 40 km.

A minimum of nine sets of the system units shall be provided to enable

communication between the Engineer’s site office and the personnel in their
offices or in the field. In addition one of the nine sets shall be installed in the
Engineer’s office provided under the contract for the project office and housing
(see Schedule 5 in Section 2 of the Contract).

The Contractor shall obtain all permissions, licenses and permits at his own cost
prior to the start of the Works.
In the event of either the equipment breaking down or becoming otherwise
unserviceable for more than 48 hours, the Contractor shall immediately provide
alternative equipment for replacement.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for all costs of rental and chargeable
calls, operation and maintenance.

Unless otherwise specified, the radio communication system and accessories

shall become the property of the Contractor when in the opinion of the Engineer it
is no longer required.

3.8 Telecommunications System

The Contractor shall make arrangements with the Ethiopian Telecommunications

Corporation to provide and install, at the Engineer’s site office, a telephone system
as specified in Appendix 1 of the Specification, for the exclusive use of the
Engineer and his staff and shall pay all costs related thereto including deposits
required by the Ethiopian Telecommunications Corporation.

On completion of works or such other time as directed by the Engineer the

Contractor shall make arrangements to dismantle the telephone system.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the application, provision, installation,
deposit, licence, maintenance and repair of the telecommunication system.

Whenever the telecommunication system is out of commission or under repair,

the Contractor shall provide an immediate replacement at his own cost.

3.9 Resources Reports

During the course of construction the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer each
month or as instructed a detailed list by trade classification of manpower employed
during the report period and a list of all major items of Equipment on Site.
3.10 Progress Reports

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Pursuant to Clause 1.4.2 progress reports shall give accurate estimates of work
completed of each activity shown on the approved Programme.

Provision of the above mentioned progress report by the Contractor will be

required prior to the issuing of the monthly interim payment certificate by the

3.11 Monthly Statement

In accordance with the Conditions of Contract the Contractor shall submit a
monthly statement of the works properly executed including unfixed materials and
goods, which are intended for the Works delivered to or adjacent to the Works, so
that the Engineer can make a fair valuation of the work executed and the value of
the unfixed materials and goods and issue an interim certificate in accordance
with the requirements of the Conditions of Contract.

The monthly statement shall be accompanied by, but not limited to, survey notes,
records of measurements, calculations, delivery notes, bills, vouchers and
receipts of materials and goods delivered to or adjacent to the Site, and any other
supporting documents as required by the Engineer all to be prepared by the
Contractor in support of the amounts claimed for the work properly executed.

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4. Site Investigations

4.1 General

The Contractor shall conduct borings and test pits at the following locations/areas
and purposes:

 Impounding and borrow areas

 Boreholes in the impounding area to determine thickness of overburden.
 Test pits by hand or machine to determine, quantity and quality of
construction materials, cohesive and granular.

In-situ tests shall be conducted in the soil section of the borings.

Permeability tests, under pressure or opened-ended shall be conducted as


All borings and test pits shall facilitate adequate sampling.

The actual number of borings and test pits will be the responsibility of the

All the above mentioned works as well as the laboratory testings will be under the
responsibility of a qualified geotechnical engineer.

4.2 Standard of Work

The works shall be carried out in accordance with the recommendations and
preferred methods of the latest editions of British or of ASTM Standards for site
and laboratory investigation and testing.

Where the requirements of the Standards are in conflict with this Specification the
latter shall take precedence.

At all times the Contractor shall have available on site a copy of all the approved
Standards and of this Specification.

4.3 Setting Out and Boreholes Levels

The Contractor shall be responsible for setting out each borehole and test pit
location relating to site grid and Benchmarks supplied by the Engineer.

The locations shall be accurate within + 1.0m. The levels shall be accurate within
+ 5 cm. The Contractor must obtain the approval of the Engineer as to the accurate
location of his equipment prior to starting work. The Contractor shall make his
equipment and calculations available to the Engineer if requested, and afford the
Engineer all necessary assistance in checking the setting out.

4.4 Area of Works - Permits

It is the responsibility of the Contractor to coordinate where required his access

and operations in the work area. Obtaining all legal permissions from the local
authorities and private owners (if any) are included.

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4.5 Inspection

All Works will be under continuous inspection of the Engineer and/or his
Representative. The Contractor shall cooperate and assist the Engineer in the
fulfilment of his duties.

4.6 Contractor’s Work Program

The Contractor shall design his work program and present it for approval of the
The program shall detail equipment and personnel required for full compliance will
all details of the Specification.

In case that the Program or part of do not comply with the requirements as
determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall modify it without delay.
Acceptance of the program shall not reduce the Contractor’s responsibility for full
compliance with all the requirements of the specifications.

The Contractor’s crew shall be experienced with similar Work. The Contractor
shall submit, when required, CV detailing the experience of his senior personnel.

The Contractor shall remove and replace without reservation before and during
the Work any crew member, equipment, material or part of which, as determined
by the Engineer, hinder performance of the specified Work in the best and more
reliable manner. The Contractor is not entitled to any compensation for expenses
or losses due to such removals and replacements even if approvals were given
previously by the Engineer.

4.7 Work Diary

4.7.1 Foremen Diary and Records

The Contractor shall keep a daily work diary and submit to the Engineer every day
2 copies of the previous day record. Diary will include all technical and
administrative details of the drilling, such as those given in the Appendix.

The layout of the diary will be submitted by the Contractor. Any additional detail
required by the Engineer will be recorded in the diary.

4.7.2 Specialist’s Journals – Field Testing Data

Upon request the Contractor shall provide all unprocessed field data for the
specialist testing carried out. The data shall be submitted in 1 copy to the Engineer
within 24 hours of the completion of each days operations.

4.7.3 Preliminary Laboratory Test Results

Photocopies of actual test result checked by a specialist geotechnical engineer

shall be submitted in duplicate to the Engineer each week and not later than 1
week after completion of each test.

4.8 Reports

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A report covering in detail every item of work carried out under the Contract shall
be produced by the Contractor and submitted in draft form, on the date indicated
in the Contract to the Engineer.
This report shall include among others the information detailed in the Appendix.

The report size shall be International Paper size A4. Five draft copies of the report
shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. After any alterations required by
the Engineer and final approval having been obtained, the report shall be
submitted in its final form, in ten copies.

All reports; diaries, records and any other document shall be in the English

4.9 Technical Review Meetings

The Contractor will be expected to attend meetings from time to time at which the
results from work already carried out and work remaining to be carried out will be
reviewed. The costs associated with attendance at such meeting of staff directly
associated with the Contract shall be included in the rates.

4.10 Site Works – Starting Permission

Boring, excavation, testing and other site works shall not begin until the Contractor
has obtained the Engineer’s permission, and the presence of all services has been

4.11 Contractor’s Staff

The Contractor shall provide a very high standard of management and technical
services and supervision of the investigation works.

Site Senior Supervisor: The works on site shall be carried out under the
supervision and guidance of as skilled and experienced senior geotechnical
engineer or engineering geologist who can demonstrate a minimum of 10 years
relevant experience in high quality site investigation. He will be fully conversant
with the theory and techniques of the fieldwork, laboratory testing and reporting
covered by this contract. He will be expected to maintain close liaison with the

He shall be present during the site work and shall always be in close attendance
on the site work to ensure that the highest quality of sampling, testing and samples
handling is achieved. The person holding this position shall be in charge of
producing the boreholes and test pit logs, the Testing data, the preliminary site
records and may also be in charge of writing the draft and final reports.

Borings and Test Pits Supervisors: Each operation shall have, in continuous
attendance during operating time, an experienced geotechnical engineer,
geologist or engineering geologist who can demonstrate a minimum of 3 years
relevant experience. He shall always be present during boring, excavation,
sampling and in-situ-testing operations and shall be capable of producing the logs
and directing the teams in matters of techniques so as to ensure that the highest
quality of sampling and testing is achieved.

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Borings Foremen: Each boring rig shall be manned by experienced crew headed
by skilled foreman who can demonstrate a minimum of 5 years relevant

Laboratory Senior Supervisor: For al testing allocated to the Contractor’s

laboratory soil testing shall be carried out under the supervision and guidance of
skilled and experienced senior geotechnical Engineer, who can demonstrate a
minimum of 10 years relevant experience in laboratory testing.

The Contractor shall provide further experienced staff as necessary for the full,
proper and continuous conduction and supervision of the Works.

The Contractor shall ensure that sufficient labour is available on site.

All the senior personnel will be instructed by the Contractor on all relevant aspects
of the Specification and will be familiar with the latter.

4.12 Contractor’s Soil Testing Laboratory

The Contractor shall employ an accredited competent Soil Testing Laboratory to
carry out all required laboratory testing allocated to him by the Engineer. The
Laboratory will have to be approved by the Engineer.

4.13 Reinstatement
On completion of all works required at each borehole, and test pit and after
obtaining the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor shall backfill the borehole or
excavation. The Contractor shall consult and agree with the Engineer a procedure
for such infilling.

4.14 Workmanship, Equipment and Materials

4.14.1 General Method of Advancing the Boring and Test Pits Borings

The advancing of the borings shall be in a vertical direction and consist of Boring
combined with Standard Penetration and /or Vane Testing, sampling or disturbed
and undisturbed samples and Packer or Open End Permeability Testing.

Standard Penetration Testing (SPT) and/or Vane Testing (VT) shall be performed
at intervals of not more than 1.5 meters center to center. In between the SPT
locations Wash or Auger or Driver or undisturbed Shelby or core samples shall be
taken as appropriate and according to Engineer’s instruction or approval.

Packer or Open End Permeability Testing shall be performed in several Borings,

in rock section and depth intervals as instructed.
Special care should be taken in advancing the boring in order that truly
undisturbed soil will be available for undisturbed sampling and for in-situ testing.

All boreholes shall be suitably lined where necessary to avoid any collapse or
instability of the borehole wall. Where borings are of such depth that the
advancement of a casing becomes impracticable or where obstruction are likely

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to be met then Contractor shall bore at, or provide casings of, sufficient diameter,
to complete the work. Should any boring prove unsuccessful because of the
Contractor’s failure to begin operations with a sufficiently large diameter boring for
the specified depth, then the Contractor shall be liable for any necessary
enlargement at his own expense.

Wherever casing is employed, only the soil below the tip of the casing is to be
tested or sampled. The bottom of the borehole should be clean of disturbed soil
before sampling or testing. When instructed or as approved by the Engineer, a
suitable drilling mud shall be used for stabilizing the bottom of a cased holed and
the wall of an uncased hole.

Where permeability tests are required, boreholes shall be of a specific size to suit
the testing equipment. In borings where hard strata are encountered, through
which the auger cannot penetrate, the Contractor shall use coring techniques to
penetrate the obstruction, and to enable boring, in situ testing and sampling to

In any case when rockhead has been encountered, core drilling will be employed.

Measurements of water levels shall be performed and recorded at least once a

day during drilling or before drilling starts. The Contractor shall supply and have
available reliable water level measuring instruments.

Boring work will not be started until Contractor’s equipment has been examined
and approved by the Engineer. Approval of the equipment does not release the
Contractor from his responsibility for proper execution of the borings and tests. It
remains his responsibility to select his methods and equipment according to the
types of soils and rock layers which are encountered. Test Pits

Test pits shall be excavated in order to obtain information on the subsurface

condition in the Dam area and in the investigated borrow area.

The test pits shall be excavated to a depth of 5 m. the Contractor shall take all
necessary measures to secure the stability of the walls of the excavations.

The Engineer may order a field density test to be carried out in the pit.

4.14.2 Boring and Drilling Auger Boring

Auger Boring will be used for advancing the hole and obtaining continuous
samples from the depth intervals between in-hole testing and undisturbed
sampling. Auger type and size, use of drilling fluid and its type, shall all suit the
sub-soil condition and the specified requirements. Auger types may include Spiral
Auger, Hollow-Stemmed Auger, Bucket Auger, Chopper, etc. Core Drilling

Core Drilling shall only be required: (1) to penetrate and sample hard strata if and
where encountered; (2) to obtain core samples from rock strata.

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The core drilling shall retrieve, the entire material drilled, using as required single
or double tube core barrel of suitable type.

Diameter of bit will not be less than NX size, the core recovery shall be 100%, with
cores retrieved and stored in natural-undisturbed state. For these requirements
the Contractor shall determine his drilling equipment and method, pressure on bit,
drilling fluid pressure, maintain a stable hole above, ream as required, install
temporary casing pipes, adjust method of bit retrieval and core extraction from
barrel and their safeguarding. Core runs shall be between 1.5 m (max) in length.
In the case that the core recovery is 50-80 %, the next run will be 1.0 m. for core
recovery of less than 40 % the next run will be 0.5 m.

The drilling fluid shall be clean water or drilling mud all as approved by the

4.14.3 Sampling and Storing Sampling Practice

The preparation for and methods of taking samples, together with their size,
preservation, handling and transport to the laboratory shall be in accordance with
British Standard 5930: Code of Practice for Site Investigations and/or the relevant
ASTM. Disturbed Samples

Disturbed samples shall be obtained at intervals as required to truly represent all

types of the bored strata according to depth and in a manner approved by the
Engineer. The minimum depth interval between samples shall be 0.5 meter and
at each change of material or as instructed. Small disturbed samples shall be not
less than 1.0 kg. They shall be placed immediately and after being carefully
cleaned of dirt or flushing fluid in airtight double bags or containers. Each bag or
container shall be readily identified with the borehole reference, the soil stratum,
the depth from which it was taken and the date of sampling. Standard Penetration and Vane Test Samples

The Contractor shall retrieve and store the entire sample retained in each split
spoon sampler or adhering to the vane. The sample shall be handle and stored
as described for the disturbed samples. Undisturbed Samples

In cohesive soils with a field assessed strength of firm or less, undisturbed

samples shall be taken using a thin walled piston sampler of a minimum of 76 mm
diameter which shall be driven by continuous static thrust all as per ASTM D 1587.
The samples shall be of nominally 0.5 m in length of undisturbed material. If
obstruction is met the sampler shall be withdrawn and another sample taken when
the obstruction has been removed. Precaution shall be taken to ensure that there
is no movement of the sample inside the sample tube or other mechanical
disturbance during separation of the filled sample tube from the piston sampler.

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Intervals of sampling shall be as required for truly representing all types of

prevailing cohesive strata according to depth.

In stiffer cohesive strata the thin walled piston sampler will be replaced by an
undisturbed driven sampler. For the latter all driving detail shall be recorded. The
ends of the samples shall be carefully coated with layers of low melting point
microcrystalline wax to give a thickness of at least 10 mm to provide an effective
seal against changes of moisture content. Any unfilled space in the sample tube
should be filled with a suitable packing to minimize disturbance in transit.

Every effort shall be made to ensure that such samples do not disintegrate during
their recovery, storage, or testing owing to the relief of pore water and/or
overburden pressure. Core Samples

Immediately after retrieval, cores shall be carefully cleaned from flushing fluid and
stored according to depth in suitable wooden boxes about 1.5 m in length,
compatible to core diameters so that core movement will be avoided. The boxes
shall be sufficiently strong to enable handling and transporting without any
distorting or breaking. Core run details shall be of size not less than the core
diameter and fit tightly in the box. The maximum amount of core in each box shall
not exceed 5 m. The cores boxes shall have a suitable hinged lid and securing

Breaking of solid core to enable placing into the core box should be avoided as
much as possible. However, if this is unavoidable it should be approved by the
Engineer and marked on the wooden block. Small Size Sample Storage

Fist-size or smaller disturbed samples representing in depth order the various

strata encountered at each borehole, shall be labelled and stored in small boxes,
placed together in a small simple container so to enable a rapid field inspection of
borehole profile and comparison between holes so to facilitate the proper
selection of samples for laboratory tests and designating of the required testings. Water Sample

Samples of water will be taken from the hole at the Engineer’s instruction with
suitable bailer or sampler. Water samples shall be stored in clean plastic bottles
of at least 500 cm3 capacity reliable tight screw caps. Labelling

All samples and containers shall be immediately labeled and numbered, details of
which shall also be recorded on the work diary.

The labels shall include details of: job name, sample number, drillhole number,
depth interval, date and where appropriate top and bottom of sample.

All markings shall be with permanent and waterproof ink.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Storage Place

All samples shall be stored by the Contractor in a temporary place, specially

designated and guarded from physical damage, sun and excess moisture
Easy access to the samples shall be available at all times.

At the Engineer’s approval the Contractor shall transport with care samples to the

4.14.4 In Situ Testing Trained Personnel

All in situ testing is to be carried out by trained and experienced personnel. SPT
and VT may be performed by the rig operators. Permeability tests shall only be
performed by experienced specialists. Calibration of Equipment

When the nature of the equipment is such that calibration is required, e. g.

pressure gauges, then the Contractor shall have such equipment calibrated at an
accredited institution, at time not more than 45 days before starting the field work.
And then at intervals as required to for obtaining reliable readings, and as per
manufacturer instructions. Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) and Vane Tests (VT)

(a) Standard Penetration Tests (SPT) shall be performed in cohesive and non
cohesive materials of the soil section of the boreholes, at a maximum of
1.5m intervals measured center to center, whenever there is a change in soil
strata, or as instructed.

The tests shall be performed according to the latest edition of ASTM

D-1586; or as described in BS 1377. The hammer shall be of the type
incorporating an automatic trip mechanism to ensure free fall from exactly
30 inches.

(b) In soft clay materials Vane Tests (VT) shall be performed together with and
following the SPT of the soil section of the boreholes, at 1.5 m intervals or
as instructed. The tests shall be performed according to the latest edition of
ASTM D-2573

(c) According to soil type, SPT and/or VT shall immediately follow undisturbed
sampling Packer Permeability Tests

(a) Permeability test shall be performed in soil or rock strata at various levels as
well as after reaching final depth. The testing shall be performed according
to BS 5930, Clause 21.4 or 21.5.

(b) Injection pressures at ground level will be in the range of about 0.5 to 5 bar.
The required pump supply will reach 0.3 m3/min.

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(c) The pressure shall be applied by a pump capable of applying an even (non
fluctuating) pressure. Calibrated water and pressure gauges shall also be
supplied by the Contractor.

(d) The sections tested will be determined by the Engineer during drilling as will
be the pressures and the testing periods.

(e) The test shall be performed with a single packer manufactured by a

reputable firm, capable of sealing adequately and isolating the tested
Pneumatic and mechanical types shall be available on Site and used as
required and approved. The packers shall be of varying diameters capable
of operating in holes of 101mm; 86 mm and 76mm. The Contractor shall
submit together with his offer the list of packers he intends to use and include
manufacturer’s specifications.

(f) The Contractor shall be responsible to have equipment and spares and to
perform the tests to the Engineer’s satisfaction. The tests will be performed
with clean fresh water. The required quantities for every test (2 m3) must be
available on Site and in clean tanks.

(g) The Contractor shall check and determine that his testing equipment is in
good working condition prior to each test.

4.14.5 Measurement of Water Levels

Measurements of water levels shall be performed and recorded every day when
drilling starts, stops, before, during and after testing and at the Instruction of the
Engineer. The Contactor will supply and have available two reliable instruments
to measure water levels to a depth of 30 m. The measuring devices shall be
marked on 1 cm intervals and shall have manufacturer’s calibration charts for
elongation, and shall be of the type able to measure water depth both in and open,
uncased, hole and in a cased hole.

4.14.6 Casing Pipes

The Contractor will lower casing pipes according to his borehole design and
approved working method, and as necessary to avoid any instability or collapse
of the hole so to enable the performance of the specified boring, sampling and
testing to the planned final depth.

The casings types and dimensions shall be compatible with the final depth and
diameters of the hole as well as to the bit, testing apparatus and samplers
diameter. Any necessary enlargement of the hole due to insufficient casings shall
be at the Contractor’s expense.

Soft layers at the upper part of each boring shall be cased prior to penetrating into
lower stiffer strata.

4.14.7 Laboratory Testings

Laboratory testing shall be performed in the Engineer’s laboratory and in part by

the Contractor in a competent licensed Soil Testing Laboratory approved by the
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If necessary, more than one laboratory may be approved, but under no

circumstances shall an undisturbed sample be split and tested in more than one
All tests shall be performed in accordance to the latest edition of BS or ASTM as
relevant, all subjected to the Engineer’s approval. The Engineer will schedule
laboratory tests he requires and will issue his approval for the removal of collected
samples to the Contractor’s laboratory progressively through the period field
works are being undertaken. Tentative list of test types is given in the BQ, with
provisional quantities.

The Contractor shall dispatch the samples selected for testing within 3 days from
issuing of the testing schedule.

Packing means, methods, way of handling and dispatching of all samples shall be
such to prevent any disturbance or damage to the samples, in accordance with
the relevant BS and ASTM.

All undisturbed tubes and specimens as well as samples to be tested for moisture
content, shall be kept at all times in a temperate humidity-controlled room.

If disturbance of the specimen might be caused by the ejection device or if

required by the Engineer, undisturbed samples tubes shall be split lengthwise or
cut off in section to facilitate removal of the specimen with minimum disturbance.

The Contractor shall inform the Engineer as soon as possible after receipt of the
sample at the testing laboratory if the sample is not adequate for all the tests

All tests shall be performed and reports submitted within the time table set in the

4.14.8 Test Pits

The Contractor shall excavate test pits to a depth of 5 meters. The plan area of
the base of the pits shall not be less than 1 sq.m. Such pits shall be not less than
1 m. wide to allow unimpeded access for personnel.

About 3 to 5 typical soil samples shall be taken for performing compaction and
other tests in the Soil Laboratory. Quantity of each sample shall be not less than
25 kg and as necessary for the required testings.

All samples shall be packed in suitable bags, and stored appropriately.

Information for test pit shall include:

(a) Number, location, final depth, date.

(b) No. of pit, depth and quantity of each sample.
(c) Sketches of the strata encountered with notes on any discontinuities or
non-uniform horizons.
(d) Data on the depth and quantity of groundwater, if any.
(e) Data on the stability of the sides of the pit.

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5. Clearing, Grubbing and Stripping Topsoil

5.1 Description

This work shall consist of clearing, and/or grubbing and/or stripping topsoil. The
work shall also include the demolition and disposal of structures in said areas,
except where otherwise provided for in the Contract, as specified herein and as
required by the Engineer.

5.2 Clearing

Clearing shall consist of the cutting and/or taking down, removal and disposal of
everything above ground level, including objects overhanging the areas to be
cleared such as tree branches, except such trees, vegetation, structures or parts
of structures, and other things which are designated in the Contract to remain, or
be removed by others, or which the Engineer directs are to be left undisturbed.
The material to be cleared shall include but not necessarily be limited to trees,
stumps (parts above ground), logs, brush, undergrowth, long grasses, crops,
loose vegetable matter and structures (except those structures whose removal or
clearance is otherwise provided for in the Contract). Clearing shall also include
the levelling of obsolete dikes, terraces, ditches, etc., unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer.

5.3 Clearing Portion of the Reservoir Area

The Contractor shall clear the reservoir area as shown on the Drawings or directed
by the Engineer. The boundaries of the areas to be cleared shall be marked on
the ground by the Engineer. Clearing shall be undertaken towards the end of the
Contract to reduce the amount of regrowth.

Tree stumps and roots shall be left firm in the ground. All timber greater than 750
mm in girth shall be left where it falls except that the Contractor shall trim off all
branches and leave the trunks wholly on the ground and not lying across other

All fallen timber less than 750 mm in girth and all branches, saplings, brush and
rubbish shall be disposed of as provided above.

The use of tracked or wheeled vehicles will be permitted in the area only along
roads and tracks, which are approved for this purpose. The Contractor shall
conduct his clearing operations in such a manner that any disturbance of the
original surface conditions in the cleared area shall be avoided or kept to a

5.4 Grubbing

Grubbing shall consist of the removal and disposal of surface vegetation, the
bases of stumps, roots, the underground parts of structures, and other
obstructions to a depth of at least 0.50 m below ground level, all to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.

5.5 Stripping Topsoil

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Stripping topsoil shall consist of the removal of the full depth of topsoil to an
average depth of at least 100 mm below ground level (but not exceeding 0.50 m)
and it’s stockpiling separate from other excavated material for use in the Works,
and/or its disposal, as directed by the Engineer.

5.6 Construction Methods

5.6.1 Areas to be cleared

The area of the Works, as indicated on the Drawings shall be cleared as described
above. The Contractor shall ensure that no clearance, particularly of the existing
forest, occurs beyond the limits of the Works shown on the Drawings.

In areas which are to be cleared only, and in which grubbing and stripping topsoil
are not required, the methods of work shall be such as will not unduly damage the
surface vegetation and topsoil, and care shall be taken not to disturb the topsoil
and the root systems of grasses and other surface vegetation. No topsoil shall be
removed from such areas, except as directed by the Engineer and any topsoil,
grasses and other surface vegetation otherwise removed or disturbed shall be
replaced and made good at the Contractor’s own expense, all to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.

5.6.2 Areas to be Cleared, Grubbed and Stripped of Topsoil

Except as otherwise shown on the Drawings and/or directed by the Engineer,

clearing, grubbing and stripping of topsoil shall be carried out in all areas of the
Works except that grubbing and stripping topsoil shall not be carried out in those
areas, along the permanent access roads where:

a) Embankment is to be constructed on earth designated as swamp or soft


b) Embankment is to be constructed to a height at the centre-line of 1.50 metres

or more on ground with a cross-slope of not more than 1 (vertical) to 30

Except where further excavation is required, holes and cavities in the ground
surface after clearing, grubbing and stripping topsoil shall be filled with materials
similar to the adjacent ground, and such fill shall be compacted to a dry density
similar to that of the surrounding material, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

This work shall be considered incidental to the work of clearing, grubbing and
stripping topsoil, and shall not be measured for payment.

5.6.3 Topsoil

Topsoil to be stockpiled for the Works shall be sufficiently fertile to promote and
support the growth of vegetation, and shall be taken from such areas where
clearing, grubbing and stripping topsoil is required as specified or directed by the
Engineer. Before stockpiling, topsoil shall be separated from objectionable
materials, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The Contractor shall arrange for
stockpile sites within the Site at his own expense, and all to the satisfaction of the

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Otherwise, topsoil removed during grubbing and stripping operations shall be

separated from objectionable materials and spread within areas of the Site as
proposed by the Contractor and approved by the Engineer or as directed by the

Where the Temporary Works (not subsequently covered by the Works or by the
reservoir after impounding) will involve works on, or movement over, topsoil which
is in the opinion of the Engineer substantially more fertile than the sub- soil, the
Contractor shall strip the topsoil to the full depth (not exceeding 0.50 m) and shall
store it on Site. After completion of the Works, or the appropriate part thereof, the
Contractor shall replace the topsoil as far as practicable in the original positions
and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

5.6.4 Timber

The area of the Works is expected to be cleared of all saleable timber. However,
the ownership of timber is vested in the Engineer.
Saleable timber shall be trimmed and stacked in accessible places within the Site
all as approved or directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall have the right to use unsaleable timber (or saleable timber
when permission is granted in writing by the Engineer) for his own purposes in
connection with the Contract, always provided that he shall comply with the
direction of the Engineer.

5.6.5 Structures

Major structures are those which cannot practicably be cleared by bulldozer

and/or hydraulic excavator, whose demolition requires pneumatic tools,
explosives and/or other specialised equipment. A brief description of each major
structure (if any) and depth to which extent it shall be demolished is given in the
Bills of Quantities.

All fences, buildings, structures, and encumbrances of any character within the
limits of the Works, except those to be removed by others or designated to remain,
shall be demolished and removed by the Contractor.

Materials designated in the Contract or directed by the Engineer to be salvaged,

shall be carefully removed and stored, and shall be the property of the Engineer.

5.6.6 Disposal of Material

Unwanted material from clearing, grubbing and the stripping of topsoil (including
the demolition of structures), shall be disposed of as approved or directed by the

Combustible material including all timber (except timber to be salvaged, saleable

or re-used), all brush, stumps, roots, vegetation and other combustible refuse may
be piled up within the Site and burned, where burning is allowed. All ashes and
other residue from burning within the reservoir area shall be buried and covered
with a minimum depth of 0.5 m of overburden material.

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All burning shall be subject to the prior approval of the relevant Government
authorities, where necessary, and shall be carried out in conformance with all
pertinent regulations.

Burning shall also be carried out at such places and at such times and in such a
manner as to prevent fire from damaging vegetation and property within the Site
designated to be preserved, and from spreading to areas adjoining the Site and
damaging vegetation and property therein.

Should the clearing, grubbing and stripping of topsoil be carried out at a time when
burning is not permitted, the Contractor may pile up combustible materials within
the Site outside the limits of the Works, and burn it at a time when burning is

Where burning is not permitted at any time, or the Contractor elects not to burn
unwanted material, combustible material shall be disposed of together with
incombustible material.

Incombustible material, including where appropriate the remains of burning, shall

be disposed of in a safe and tidy manner at solid waste dumps outside the Site,
unless otherwise approved or directed by the Engineer. The Contractor shall be
solely responsible for making the necessary agreements, and paying expenses
and claims arising from the use of such solid waste dumps whether on
Government or private land. No environmental damage shall arise from the
Contractor’s activities.

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6. Excavation

6.1 General

The Contractor shall make excavations in any material for the several parts of the
Works and shall dispose of the excavated materials all as specified, shown on the
Drawings, or ordered by the Engineer.

Before commencing or recommencing each excavation on the Site, the Contractor

shall give to the Engineer at least 7 Days written notice of the proposed date,
which shall not be less than 7 Days after the appropriate part of the Site has been
cleared as specified in Clause 5.6. Within this period an agreed record of the
ground levels and topography shall be made for the measurement of the Works.

Excavation which is to remain open permanently shall be carried out to the lines
and levels shown on the Drawings or to such other lines and levels as the
Engineer may direct as the work proceeds depending on the nature of the ground
exposed. In common excavation the exposed faces shall be trimmed to the
required profiles. In rock excavation the face shall be trimmed so that no point of
rock protrudes within the required “Payment Line”.

Excavation which is to remain open only temporarily shall be carried out in such
a manner as to permit the proper execution of the Works. Sides of common
excavation which, at the Contractor’s choice, are excavated to unstable slopes
shall be adequately supported at his own expense. No face of any excavation
shall be covered before it has been approved by the Engineer.

Where a structure or embankment is to be founded on sound ground, not

necessarily rock, the excavation shall be taken down until the required formation
is exposed, all loose soil, turf, vegetable soil and peat being removed.
Where the formation of any excavation, being other than rock, is to support the
foundation or floor of a structure the bottom 150 mm thereof shall not be
excavated and trimmed until immediately before placing the Works upon it.

When a structure or embankment is to be founded on rock but does not require

penetration into it, all soft overburden shall be removed and the surface of the
rock cleared of any loose pieces of rock by barring and wedging.

Where the foundation calls for penetration into the rock, the excavation of the rock
may be carried out by blasting. The explosives shall be used in such a manner as
to prevent the shattering of the rock, and loose or shattered rock shall be removed
by barring and wedging so that the exposed surface is sound.

Where directed the Contractor shall wash down the surface of the excavated rock
for inspection, and shall examine all excavated rock faces as soon as possible
and regularly thereafter and shall remove all insecure pieces of loose rock.

Boulders, logs and other objectionable materials encountered in excavation shall

be removed.

6.2 Seams, Cavities and Other Defects in Rock

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The exploratory investigations of the foundations, slopes and other areas to be

excavated are not sufficiently complete to disclose all seams, cavities and other
defects that may exist in the rock. It is anticipated that there may be depressions,
fissures, faults, heavily fractured rock, seams, interstratified rock, and bands of
soft disintegrating rock running in various directions in the materials to be
excavated and in the foundations, slopes and other areas. The assumed lines of
excavation shown in the Drawings shall therefore not be interpreted as indicating
with any degree of accuracy the final or actual excavation lines or that no defects

Where such seams, cavities or defects occur they shall be corrected by local
surface excavations, below the general surface of excavation, to the lines, depths
and dimensions directed by the Engineer. These local surface excavations shall
be solidly backfilled with concrete or covered by shotcrete; except that seams and
other defects below the general level of the foundations for the dam shall be
treated as specified in the relevant sections of these Specifications.

The Engineer may direct that certain surfaces to be protected and/or supported in
accordance with the relevant sections of these Specifications.

6.3 Excavation of Unsound Material

If any unsound material occurs in the bottom of any excavation, or at the

foundation level, the Contractor shall remove it and dispose of it to the satisfaction
of the Engineer.

Unless otherwise specified or ordered by the Engineer, the Contractor shall fill the
voids so formed with concrete of the same class as the adjacent structure in the
formations to structures, with the same material as that which comprises the fill in
the formation to embankments, and with suitable granular material to the approval
of the Engineer in the case of pipelines and embankment pitching.

If the Contractor encounters any material which in his opinion may be unsound,
he shall immediately inform the Engineer, who will instruct the Contractor in writing
as to whether or not the said material shall be treated as unsound, provided that
if in the Engineer’s opinion the unsoundness of the formation is due to the
Contractor’s method of working or his failure to keep the excavation free from
water, the removal, disposal and replacement of unsound material shall not be
measured for payment. The omission by the Engineer to give an instruction shall
not relieve the Contractor from any responsibility for defects in the Works, if prior
to construction the Contractor shall have failed to request the Engineer, in writing,
to inspect the exposed foundation.

6.4 Support of Excavations

The Contractor shall provide the supports necessary for the excavations and shall
not remove such supports until in the opinion of the Engineer, the Works is
sufficiently far advanced to permit such removal. The Contractor shall submit his
proposals for such supports to the Engineer when required.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer, the support proposed by the Contractor is
insufficient, then the Engineer may order the provision of stronger support, in
which event the Contractor shall provide and shall make no charge for providing
such stronger support to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

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6.5 Slips, Falls and Excess Excavation

The Contractor shall prevent slips and falls of material from the sides of the
excavation and embankments.

In the event of slips or falls occurring in the excavations, and where excavations
are made in excess of the dimensions required for the Works, the voids so formed
shall be filled by the Contractor. When such voids occur in rock and, in the opinion
of the Engineer, may affect the stability of the ground for the support of the Works,
or of the adjacent structures and services, the Contractor shall fill the void solid
with concrete of the same class as the adjoining structure unless shown otherwise
on the Drawings. In other cases the Contractor shall fill the voids with selected
excavated material placed and compacted to the approval of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall make no charge for additional payment in respect of filling such

6.6 Excavations to be Kept Dry

Unless otherwise approved (and such approval will only be given in exceptional
circumstances) the Contractor shall keep the excavations free from water from
whatever source, so that the Works shall be constructed in dry conditions. The
Contractor shall maintain the accumulated or sub-soil water at level below that of
the bottom of the Works by such methods, to such depth and for such duration
as the Engineer may approve. Where the method approved by the Engineer
involves the use of mechanical Equipment, the Contractor shall maintain on Site
in working order as much stand-by Equipment as is necessary to ensure the safety
of the Works.

The method and position of disposal of water from the excavations shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer.

In the event of the Contractor requiring drainage grips, channels or sub-drains,

the Engineer may permit them to be constructed below the level and within the
width limits of the Works. Full proposals shall be submitted for approval of the

Any provision that the Contractor makes below the Works shall, if left in place, be
made to provide support at least equal to the permanent support. No sub-
drainage pipes shall be left in place unless they are filled with concrete or other
material approved by the Engineer.

6.7 Disposal of Excavated Material

All excavated material, so far as it is suitable, shall be available to meet the

requirements for fill or backfill or embankment fill. Any surplus material, whether
or not temporarily allowed to be placed within a stream area, shall be finally
disposed of in such a manner as not to obstruct any stream nor otherwise impair
the efficiency or appearance of the Works, nor is it to endanger the partly finished

The Contractor shall transport and dispose of all excavated material not required
for the Works. The locations proposed by the Contractor for disposing or storing
excavated materials, whether temporarily or permanently, shall be subject to the
approval of the Engineer.
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Excavated material shall be deposited in such places and in such a manner as

not to cause damage to any highway, services or property either within or outside
the Site, and so as to cause no impediment to the drainage of the Site or
surrounding area.

6.8 Spoil Dumps

Possible locations for spoil dumps within the reservoir area are shown on the

Unless otherwise approved, spoil dumps within the reservoir area shall, on
completion, be graded to have slight cross falls and even side slopes not greater
than one vertical to two horizontal. Spoil dumps outside the reservoir area shall
be landscaped to the approval of the Engineer.

6.9 Definition of Rock

There are separate items in the Bill of Quantities for excavation of materials other
than rock and excavation of rock. For this purpose rock is defined as material
which occurs naturally in ledges or masses and can only be broken down at
standard productivity for subsequent extraction by:

a) Mechanically operated breakers or drills and explosives.

b) Suitable ripper on a bulldozer having an output in excess of 190 kW.

Boulders or pieces of rock less than 0.5 m³ in volume will not be classed as rock
for the purpose of payment.

Indication on the Drawings of level of rockhead or estimated level of rockhead

shall be taken to mean the estimated level of the boundary between weathered
and unweathered material. For payment purposes the above criteria for the
definition of rock shall be applied to material both above and below any level so
indicated. All excavated material that is not rock shall be considered as common

6.10 Excavation for Foundations for Embankments

6.10.1 General

Excavation for the foundations for embankments shall include:

 The removal of all topsoil, rubbish, vegetative matter of every kind including
stumps, roots and all other perishable or objectionable materials, including
those which may be contaminated during excavation.
 The removal of transported soils, such as colluvium, alluvium and other
deposits, and completely weathered rock material, unless otherwise directed
by the Engineer, from the foundation area, the removal of materials, which
might interfere with the proper bonding of the embankment with the foundation
or the proper compacting of the embankment, and the removal of materials of
inadequate strength. The extent and depth of the excavation to reach a
suitable foundation shall be as directed by the Engineer.

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The Engineer may direct that the excavation be performed in successive stages
until suitable foundation conditions are reached.

6.10.2 Required Quality of Foundation

Excavation for the foundations of the embankment shall be made to sufficient

depth to secure a foundation on generally highly weathered or less weathered
rock essentially free from completely weathered materials, open seams or other
objectionable defects.

The alignment and cross-sectional dimensions of the foundations shall be subject

to changes considered necessary to adapt the foundation to the conditions
disclosed by the excavation.

Steep or overhanging rock faces shall be cut back to a short continuous face, or
a series of stepped faces, to provide satisfactory abutment contact slopes of the
embankment. Such rock faces shall, in general, be cut back to slopes of
0.75 Horizontal to 1 vertical or flatter. Where it is not possible or desirable to meet
these requirements the rock shall be solidly faced with backfill concrete to provide
abutment contact slopes not steeper than 0.75 horizontal to 1 vertical.

Seams or other defects below the general level of the foundation shall be
excavated to the lines and levels directed and backfilled solidly with concrete or

6.10.3 Preparation of Foundations and Abutments in Rock

Where material for the earth fill core is to be placed against rock foundations or
abutments the rock shall excavated to the lines and dimensions indicated on the
Drawings. The rock shall be so shaped as to form a smooth and regular surface
to the satisfaction of the Engineer so that the core can be properly compacted
against it. All cavities, fissures, and areas where a smooth surface cannot be
achieved shall be treated with concrete.

Before placing the earth fill core material against the rock foundation all obvious
cracks in the rock shall be cleaned out and a cement slurry in the proportions of 1
Part Cement: 2 Parts Water shall be spread over the contact zone and in the

6.10.4 Excavation of Cut-off Trench at Main Dam

The cut-off trench at the Main Dam will be founded on overburden or rock as
indicated on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Where the cut-off trench is founded on rock, the sequence of excavation shall be:

 Excavate down to rock level;

 Excavate moderately weathered or partially weathered rock to depths directed
by the Engineer, by the use of hydraulic breakers, jack hammers or other such
equipment for the excavation in rock (blasting of the rock will not be permitted);
 Clean up of the exposed rock, including picking and barring of loose rock;
 Place cement slurry over the exposed rock surface, at locations as directed
by the Engineer to the requirements given in Clause 6.10.3.

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6.10.5 Preparation of Foundations of Pervious Material for Clay Core

Where earth fill clay core material is to be placed on foundations of pervious

material, any material in the foundations, which has a coarser grading than the F1
filter material, shall be deemed to be unsound. Where the unsound material is of
a shallow depth it shall be fully excavated out and the hole backfilled with clay
core material.

6.10.6 Integrity of Cut Slopes Prior to Embankment Construction

The Contractor shall remove and dispose of any materials from excavated
surfaces that has dried out and cracked and may form erosion pathways for
embankment material Zones, in the opinion of the Engineer.

6.11 Excavation for Spillway Channels

Excavation for Service and Auxiliary Spillway channels shall be made to the lines,
grades and dimensions shown on the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

6.12 Excavation for Concrete Structures

The bottom and side slopes of excavations upon, or against which, concrete is to
be placed shall be excavated to the lines, grades and dimensions shown in the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Material will not be permitted to extend
within the neat lines of the structure. If, at any point in rock excavation, material is
excavated, at the direction of the Engineer, beyond the lines shown in the
Drawings, the additional excavation shall be filled solidly with concrete or as
directed by the Engineer. If, at any point in rock excavation, material is excavated
beyond the lines shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer, or
foundation materials are needlessly damaged by blasting or other operations by
the Contractor, the over-excavation shall be filled solidly with concrete and all such
work shall be at no additional cost to the Engineer.

6.13 Excavation for Trenches, Pits and Footings

Excavation shall be performed by the use of hand tools and mechanical plant, in
such a manner as to prevent shattering of the sides and bottom of the excavation.
The Engineer may approve the use of line drilled holes and light blasting in
appropriate locations.

All planking, strutting and supports necessary to retain the sides of the excavation
shall be provided, erected and maintained by the Contractor.

6.14 Clean-off of Foundations for Inspection

The Contractor shall clean-off foundations for inspection with either an air jet
under high pressure or an air and water jet under high pressure, as considered
appropriate, where and when directed by the Engineer.

The Engineer may direct clean-off of foundations for inspection after each
successive stage of excavation for foundations to determine whether any unsound
or unsuitable material is present in the foundation.

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Clean-off of foundations for inspection is separate and distinct from clean up

before placement of any embankment materials and concrete, as required
elsewhere in these Specifications.

6.15 Blasting Work

6.15.1 Scope

This clause deals with the requirements for blasting methods to be used for

6.15.2 Definitions

a) "Specified Excavation or Payment Line"

Means the excavation profile given on the Drawings or determined by

the Engineer for the Works, within which no unexcavated or loose
material shall occur after the excavation is complete except as
allowed within the specified tolerances. It is also the line to which
payment for excavation and concreting or backfilling will be made.

b) "Pre-splitting"

Means drilling a line of closely spaced parallel holes of appropriate

diameter along the excavation surface, charging the holes with an
appropriate amount of explosive and detonating these holes
simultaneously, prior to the main production blast, to shear the rock
along the line of drill holes.

c) "Smooth blasting"

Means the drilling of a number of closely spaced parallel holes along

the excavation surface, with a suitable burden/spacing ratio, loading
all the holes lightly with a uniform continuous charge of small diameter
explosive and detonating all these charges simultaneously, after the
detonation of the main production blast.

6.15.3 Regulations

The proper storage, transport, importation, security arrangements during

transport to the Contractor’s storage magazine(s) at Site and the correct
possession and use of explosives shall be the responsibility of the Contractor.

The Engineer shall have the right to inspect explosives magazines and records
kept in respect of the storage, receipt and issue of explosives.

The Contractor shall display in his site office and all his explosives magazines a
copy of any applicable Statutory Regulations and the applicable section of the
approved Health and Safety policy and shall supply a copy to the Engineer.

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A copy of all certificates issued to workmen to permit them to undertake blasting,

and to Contractor to cover the purchasing, storage and transport of explosives
shall be submitted to the Engineer before any blasting work is undertaken.

6.15.4 Safety Precautions

In addition to the requirements of Clause 6.15.3 the Contractor shall store,

transport, possess and use explosives in accordance with a recognised standard
of no less a standard than that of Safety and Health in Building and Civil
Engineering Work of the International Labour Office (Geneva).

Further the Contractor shall take particular precautions with respect of the high
incidence of lightning such as the use of non-electric detonators or electric
detonators specially manufactured for use in such circumstances coupled with the
use of lightning warning equipment.

The Contractor shall install and operate a siren of sufficient volume to be easily
heard above the general site noise from all points within a radius of 1.0 km of
surface blasts.

6.15.5 General

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer at least 30 Days before the
commencement of excavation full details of his proposed methods and sequence
of excavation and programme for the use of explosives.

If traffic or any road has to be interrupted for blasting operations, the Contractor
shall obtain approval of his schedule for such interruption from the appropriate
authorities and shall prove to the Engineer that he has obtained it, prior to the

The work shall be programmed so as to minimise blasting adjacent to previously

constructed sections of the Works.

Where blasting is necessary every precaution including the use of blast mats,
timber boarding or other means shall be exercised to protect the Works and
persons, animals and property in the vicinity of the Site. The Contractor shall
accept responsibility for all injury or damage occasioned by any blasting
operations and shall make good such damage without any additional payment.

Within 2 weeks of receipt of the proposals, the Engineer shall indicate acceptance
in part or in whole, in writing, to the Contractor. The Engineer reserves the right to
reject the proposals if, in his opinion, undesirable damage to permanent rock
surfaces or existing structures will result from carrying out the blasting as
proposed. If acceptance is withheld, new proposals in whole or in part shall be
submitted. No drilling or blasting shall be carried out in areas for which the
proposals have not been accepted by the Engineer.

Each separate blast shall then be designed in accordance with modern blasting
practice to break out the rock with the minimum explosive force. Full details of
each blast shall be submitted to the Engineer for scrutiny not later than 2 Days
prior to the commencement of drilling. The details shall include the location, depth
and area of blast holes, the type, strength, amount, column load and distribution
of explosives to be used per hole, per delay and per blast, the

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sequence and pattern of delays and the description and purpose of any special
methods to be adopted by the Contractor.

The consent by the Engineer to any blasting proposals shall not relieve the
Contractor of his responsibilities under the Contract.

6.15.6 Quality of Excavated Surface and Blasting Trials

Unless otherwise detailed on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer all

blasting work shall be carried out using controlled blasting techniques to minimise
any damage to the final profile.

Use shall be made of approved special explosives and/or blasting techniques

which will minimise blasting induced fractures, or disturbance, on the rock faces
outside the excavation line so preserving the rock in the soundest possible

The surface after blasting shall exhibit a regular fracture plane between barrels
without back break. The total length of half barrels visible on the surface after
blasting shall be at least 75% of the length of perimeter holes previously drilled.
Light charges shall be used for enlarging or correcting the excavated profile and
also for excavating trenches.

The Contractor shall incorporate a series of blasting trials in his initial blasting
operations to substantiate his proposed methods of blasting. Details of all
proposed blasting trials and procedures shall be submitted to the Engineer for
scrutiny in the normal manner.

A sufficient number of trials shall be carried out to substantiate that the depth and
spacing of holes, the type and amount of explosive used per hole and the number
and sequence of delays has been optimised in order to avoid as far as practicable
fracturing or otherwise damaging the ground below or beyond the excavation line
or level.

The minimum depth and length of each trial section shall be 5 m and 10 m
respectively or as otherwise directed by the Engineer. The site for the trials shall
be agreed with the Engineer.

Once the results of the trials are approved, such results shall form the basis of
whether future controlled blasting is achieving the required standard.

If in the opinion of the Engineer, the methods of blasting are at any time causing
excessive or undesirable disturbance of the rock mass surrounding the excavated
space, he may order the Contractor to change his methods of blasting and/or
carry out further blasting trials until the desired results are achieved. No additional
payment shall be made for any change or further trials ordered by the Engineer
or any delays resulting there from.

6.15.7 Monitoring of Blasts

The Contractor shall supply and operate an approved tri-axial particle velocity
meter equipped with a permanent paper trace output, which shall be used as and
where directed by the Engineer to monitor blasting work.

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The Contractor shall keep records of all blasting carried out showing the time and
location of each blast, the type and amount of explosive used, together with any
other relevant data. Two copies of these records shall be sent to the Engineer
weekly relating to the previous week's work.

6.15.8 Notification of Blasts

The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of the intention to blast at least 24 hours
beforehand, and at the same time shall advise if any changes will be made to
previously agreed methods.

The Contractor shall distribute written notification to all organisations on Site, 24

hours prior to undertaking surface blasting. Any delay or postponement of any
blasts shall be notified to all organisations immediately. The Engineer reserves
the right to restrict surface blasting to after 16:00 hours where blasting at other
times will cause unacceptable disruption to other work being undertaken on the

6.15.9 Blasting Near Structures

The Contractor shall be responsible for avoiding damage to adjacent structures

from fly rock by erecting barricades and/or the use of blast mats or other means
acceptable to the Engineer. Should any damage be caused by his operations this
shall be made good without any additional payment.

The unrestricted use of explosives will generally not be permitted in any part of
the Works. The amount of explosives that may be detonated shall not result in a
ground vibration with a peak particle velocity in excess of 50 mm/s at the nearest
point of any part of the Works to the blasting site. Where circumstances dictate
(such as when blasting is required adjacent to partially cured concrete), the peak
particle velocity permitted may be reduced by the Engineer.

In each and every case where the Contractor wishes to blast within 3 m of a
structure, he shall prepare a proposal for this blasting and submit it to the Engineer
for consent. No blasting work of this nature may be carried out without the written
consent of the Engineer, notwithstanding such consent the Contractor shall
remain solely responsible for his blasting operations.

6.15.10 Disposal of Explosives

Should the Contractor be granted permission by the relevant Statutory Authority

to retain outdated explosives in the site magazine or storage place, he shall
immediately inform the Engineer and if requested to do so furnish the Engineer
with a copy of such authorisation. When any explosives are to be destroyed, the
Engineer shall be informed at least 24 hours before the destruction is due to take

6.15.11 Control Blasting General

Controlled blasting methods incorporate but are not limited to pre-splitting or

smooth blasting techniques and shall make use of explosive specially
manufactured for this purpose.

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All charges shall be accurately made up and inserted into the holes at the correct
spacing, and all holes shall be correctly stemmed and connected in the correct

The weight of explosives initiated instantaneously shall be limited to an amount

which will not cause damage to excavation surfaces and adjacent parts of the

If at any time the methods of drilling and blasting do not produce the desired
results of a uniform profile and shear face without overbreak, all within the
tolerances specified, the Contractor shall be required to undertake further tests as
specified in Clause 6.15.6 until a technique is arrived at that will produce the
desired results. Drilling

In all controlled blasting, drilling accuracy of perimeter holes is of prime

importance and the Contractor shall take particular care and make use of sight
lines and guide rails in surface work to control the alignment and depth of blast
holes. Holes which are likely to protrude more than 100 mm beyond the
excavation profile shall not be charged up and shall be re-drilled.

The blast pattern shall be accurately set out and holes shall be collared within 50
mm of the required position but not within the specified excavation profile. Holes
which are over-drilled shall be fully stemmed to the required depth before charging
up takes place.
The burden and spacing of holes shall be chosen to suit the explosive charge
concentration limits as determined by the site trials. The spacing of holes for pre-
split blasting are generally required to be at closer spacing than those for smooth
blasting and shall not exceed ten times the diameter of the drill hole.

The length of perimeter holes for any individual lift shall not exceed 10 m or any
lesser depth detailed on the Drawings unless the Contractor can demonstrate to
the Engineer that he can stay within the required tolerances, produce a uniform
surface, and provide suitable access for all the subsequent necessary scaling,
inspection, mapping and installation of the required rock reinforcement and
support, in which event the length of holes may be increased to a maximum of 3
m upon written agreement of the Engineer. The bottom of the production holes
shall not be lower than the bottom of the perimeter holes. Use of Explosives

Both cartridge and bulk emulsion explosives may be used where appropriate.

In controlled blasting the type, size, decoupling and charge concentration of

perimeter and bulk charges shall be within established parameters unless
otherwise proven acceptable by the site trials.

Fully charged production holes shall be kept sufficiently clear of the final profile to
prevent damage being caused by these holes. Production holes closest to the
final surface (easer holes) shall have lighter charges to minimize damage to the
final surface.

6.15.12 Checking and Correcting the Excavated Profile

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The excavated profile shall be checked for line, level and underbreak using
methods agreed by the Engineer. Any work executed or delays which are due to
the Contractor having to re-excavate underbreak and then re-install support shall
be carried out without additional payment and no extension of time will be allowed
for this work.

6.15.13 Insecure Material

The slopes of cutting shall be cleared of all rock fragments which move when
prised with a crow-bar. Where, in the slopes of cuttings, layers of rock and soft
material alternate and the Engineer considers that the slope immediately after
dressing, will not permanently withstand the effect of weather, the Contractor shall
excavate any insecure material to an approved depth and build up the resulting
spaces with Class C15 concrete or masonry using rock similar to the adjoining
natural rock as to ensure solid face.

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7. Earthworks and Embankment Construction

7.1 Dam Embankments

The dam embankments comprising the Main Dam shall consist of compacted
earth fill/shell material shoulders and rock fill and shell material for the shoulders
of the Main Dam. The various filters and drains, shall also be included. The
upstream slope of the coffer dam shall also have the riprap protection and

The embankment shall be constructed to conform at the end of the Defects

Liability Period to the finished levels shown on the Drawings.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain proper profile rails showing the position
and inclination of the various slopes.

Other than for construction of the upstream Cofferdam and the temporary limits of
the embankments placed during the period of the Diversion the difference in
elevation at any two points on the unfinished surface of the embankment shall not
exceed 2.0 m.

Notwithstanding this condition, lengths of the dam embankment may be

constructed at different times, with the requirement that the temporary transverse
slope (in a direction parallel to the dam axis) of the placed fill (to include core and
shoulder zones) does not exceed 1:3.0 (vertical : horizontal). When the fill placing
is recommenced against this slope, it shall be first cut back to well compacted
material, without shrinkage cracks and with the correct moisture, for the shell and
core fill materials. The new fill shall be thoroughly keyed onto this slope by
supplementary compaction in an upstream-downstream direction, where each
new layer meets the slope.

The new fill layers will connect to the existing fill by cutting in the existing slope
“steps” (horizontal) of 3 core layers depth on which the end of the new layer shall
be compacted. The “steps” shall be cut one at a time.

The difference in elevation at the boundaries between adjacent material zones

shall not exceed 0.5 m.

All material for the riprap protection, the rock fill, shell fill, the earth fill, clay core
and the various filters and drains shall be obtained from sources approved by the
Engineer. Potential Borrow Areas, Potential quarry locations which have been
investigated within and outside of the reservoir area, may be utilised by the
Contractor for rock, shell and core materials, as long as the requirements of this
Specification (with respect to these materials), are satisfied. The Contractor shall
be responsible for all arrangements in connection with the use of any
quarry/borrow areas outside the Site, including obtaining permissions and way-
leaves, development, payment of royalties and restoration after use.

7.2 Dam Fills – Materials

This specification covers materials for permanent earthworks in the form of the
main embankment and backfill behind structures, as well as temporary earthworks
Such as the cofferdam.

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Although quarries and Borrow Areas should be opened to provide the fill materials
required, nevertheless it is anticipated that substantial proportions of material
obtained from excavations will be suitable for use as fill in the dam. All reasonable
measures shall be taken to maximize use of excavated material in the permanent

7.2.1 Impervious Fill

Material for impervious fill shall be core material or alluvium from the borrow pits
or dam excavation with at least 35% of the material by weight finer than 0.075 mm
(No. 200 BS sieve) and 70% finer than 5 mm.

7.2.2 Filter and Drainage Materials

These shall comply with the following requirements:

a) They shall consist of hard durable crushed rock or clean natural sand and
hard durable gravel derived from sources approved by the Engineer. It is
anticipated that these materials will be obtained from the quarries or
alluvium, although processing, such as washing, crushing, screening,
cycloning and blending, will be necessary to achieve the specification

b) The water absorption (ASTM C128) shall not exceed 4%, the percentage
wear in the Los Angeles abrasion test (ASM C131) shall not exceed 35%
and when subjected to the sodium soundness test (ASTM 88) the weighted
average loss after 5 cycles shall not exceed 12%.

c) Filter materials after compaction shall be evenly graded within the limits
shown in Table 3.7.1 and shall be non-cohesive.

d) Material which has become mixed or contaminated with other fill materials
shall not be used.

In addition to listed quality requirement the drainage material should satisfy the
required particle size range.

Fine Filter Gradation Requirement

Dmax Dmin
effective %
size Size mm %pass Size mm pass
D5 0.075 0 0.075 5
D10 0.42 10 0.084 10
D15 0.5 15 0.1 15
D60 2.52 60 0.5 60
D90 20 90 3 90
D100 30 100 6 100

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Coarse Filter Graduation Requirement

Dmax Dmin
size Size mm %pass Size mm % pass
D5 2 0 0.075 5
D10 4 10 1 10
D15 4.8 15 2 15
D60 15 60 4.2 60
D90 30 90 10 90
D100 76 100 12.7 100

7.2.3 Rock Fill

The shell and rock fill materials should have gradations satisfying the following Requirements:

Shell Gradation Requirement

sieve size mm Coarser Finer

100 100
75 90 100
50 60 100
37.5 40 100
25 30 95
20 15 85
10 10 55
5 3 30
2 0 15
0.075 0 5

Rockfill Gradation Requirement

sieve size %pass

600 100
300 70 100
200 55 90
100 20 70
75 10 60
50 0 40
30 0 15
25 0 10

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7.2.4 Backfill to Structures

Material for backfill shall be either durable, free-draining, well-graded crushed rock
with a maximum size of 75mm or earth fill as specified above, as shown on the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

mm % finer % finer
(time) (coarse)
400 100 100
300 100 90
200 100 80
100 100 65
37.5 80 43
10 47 10
5 33 0
2 10 0
0.5 0 0
0.075 0 0

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7.2.5 Dam Fills - Placing and Compaction

This specification covers permanent earthworks in the form of the main

embankment and backfill behind structures and construction of temporary
earthworks in the downstream cofferdams.

The embankments shall comprise core, selected filter, drainage and rock fill

The Contractor shall provide and maintain proper profile rails showing the position
and inclination of the various slopes. No filling will be approved in the absence of
proper setting out and survey control.
The Contractor shall take all measures necessary to ensure the safety of
personnel working at the toe of external embankment slopes, including catch
fences and such other measures as are considered necessary by the Engineer.
Notwithstanding the foregoing the Contractor shall remain solely responsible for
the safety of the Works and all personnel.

7.2.6 Trial Fills

Before placing any fill in the permanent Works the Contractor shall construct a
trial fill, for the construction of the dam embankment, using the plant and materials
he proposes to use for the permanent works. The purpose of this trial fill is to
determine working practices necessary to achieve the required in-situ density and
moisture content and to demonstrate that the Contractor's working methods and
equipment are satisfactory. The trial fill shall be constructed in a location to be
agreed with the Engineer.

If there is a change in the nature of the fill material, the Engineer may direct that
additional laboratory tests and/or trial fill are required to assess whether any
change in working practice is required. The Engineer shall decide which additional
laboratory tests are required and the Constructor shall comply and submit the test
results for the Engineer’s approval of the said material. If the Engineers rejects
the material shall not be used by the Contractor for the dam construction.

The trial fill shall be so located as to allow a clear run of at least 50m for the fill
and the compaction equipment and shall contain not less than 2000m3 of each of
the following:

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 Compacted shoulder fills

 Filter and Transition fills
 Bedding

The Contractor shall use the same equipment and techniques to construct the trial
fill as that which he proposes to use to construct the main embankment. In
coordination with the Engineer the Contractor shall determine on the trial fill the
layer thickness, loading of the rollers and the number of roller passes required to
achieve the specified degree of compaction.

In demonstrating his working methods the Contractor shall cover the following

 Setting out
 Layer thickness control
 Spreading and grading of fill
 Wetting of fill material (in addition to Borrow area wetting)
 Compaction of fill
 Reworking of a failed layer
 Removal of a failed layer
 Method of working after rain
 Control and finish of upstream and downstream face of dam.

The fill placed in the trial fill shall cover the full range of moisture contents

In addition to in-situ density moisture content and laboratory compaction tests to

demonstrate conformity to the specified degree of compaction, the Contractor
shall carry out other testing and investigations as agreed with the Engineer, to
provide an independent check on the density achieved. This shall include:

 Levelling the surface of each layer in a 1.5m grid between each pass of the
roller to determine the relationship between settlement and number of passes.
 Particle size distribution tests.
 Trial trench to examine segregation within layers and degree of interlocking
between layers.

Before commencing the trial fill the Contractor shall submit in writing his proposals
for carrying out the trials for the approval of the Engineer. On completion of the
trial fill the Contractor shall submit a report on the trials to the Engineer.

No fill shall be placed as part of the permanent works until the trial fill relevant to
that section of work has been completed, and the approval of the Engineer.

7.2.7 Equipment Vibratory Rollers

Vibratory rollers shall have a total static weight of not less than 10-15 ton with at
least 90 percent of the weight transmitted to the ground through a single smooth
drum for granular material and pad foot (7” high) roller for core material, when the
roller is standing in a level position. The diameter of the drum shall be larger

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than 1.5m. The frequency of vibration during operations shall not be greater than
25 Hertz, for core and 32 Hertz for filter and transition materials and at those
frequencies, the dynamic force shall be not less than 18,000 kg. The roller shall
be operated at speeds not to exceed 3km per hour. The character and efficiency
of this equipment shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The vibratory
roller shall be towed by a tractor equivalent to a Caterpillar D-9. The same weight,
static/dynamic forces, velocity, etc., are required of self propelled vibratory
compactors. Power Tampers

Compaction of material, in areas where it is impracticable to use a heavy roller or

tractor, shall be performed by the use of approved power tampers or vibratory
rollers of smaller size. Impervious Fill

Earthfill shall be placed and compacted in continuous layers which are

approximately horizontal and not more than 200 mm compacted thickness or as
directed by the Engineer. A compactor tamping roller or similar approved shall be

Before placing any layer, the surface of the underlying layer shall be moistened
and/or worked with a scarifier or other suitable equipment if in the opinion of the
Engineer such moistening or working is necessary to ensure that there is a
satisfactory bond between the two layers. Furthermore, before placing a new
layer, any material in underlying layers shall be removed or re-worked to the
satisfaction of the Engineer if in his opinion:

 It has been compacted outside the limits of moisture content specified

herein, or
 It has received less compaction than specified herein, or
 It has been cracked by drying, softened by wetting, or damaged by any other

At the time of compaction in the embankment, each portion of the fill shall have
moisture content within the range "Proctor Optimum Moisture Content" (OMC) to
OMC + 2%, or within such other range related to the Proctor Optimum as the
Engineer may determine.

If it is necessary to add water, this shall be done well in advance of placing by

spraying at the borrow pits. Supplementary water may be added on the
embankment, but only from tankers producing a uniform spray controlled from the
cab. Water tankers with leaky valves or fittings will not be permitted on the
embankment. If it is necessary to dry the material all necessary work such as
ripping, aeration with rotary cultivators, harrowing, etc. shall be carried out before
transporting the material to the embankment.

The Contractor shall be responsible for ensuring that the moisture content of each
portion of fill is uniform and within the specified limits at the time of compaction
and shall use such plant as may be necessary to achieve this.

Any material which has been placed in the embankment and prepared for
compaction at moisture content outside the limits specified and any material

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being compacted, which has been damaged by drying or wetting or any other
cause, shall be removed or re-worked to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Holes formed in the embankment by the removal of samples for tests shall be
filled and consolidated in homogeneity with the surrounding fill.

The routes taken on the embankment by vehicles and mechanical plant shall be
varied to avoid tracking and local over compaction.

Impervious fill shall be compacted in such a manner that the average percentage
compaction of the fill at any time defined as the ratio Filed Dry Density to
Laboratory Maximum Dry Density shall be not less than 98%.

Material which has been compacted to a dry density less than that required by this
Specification or at a moisture content outside the specified range shall be
removed or re-worked and recompacted until the required properties are
achieved. In this case the field dry densities recorded before removal or re-
compaction of the material shall be omitted from the calculations of mean
percentage compaction and standard deviation. Filter and Drainage Material

Filter materials associated with the concrete face are to be placed next to slopes
of up to 1 vertical to 0.25 horizontal. The Contractor shall form and compact the
inner slopes to form a neat, uniform and workmanlike appearance.

Great care shall be taken to avoid segregation, and where this occurs the coarse
material shall be removed and replaced by material of the specified grading.

The filter and transition layers shall be placed in approximately horizontal layers
not exceeding 200mm compacted thickness.

Each layer shall be thoroughly compacted by means of a vibrating compaction

machine (static weight between 15 and 25 kg/cm of drum) to achieve a minimum
field dry density of 93% of maximum index density.

In order not to “Contaminate” the filter material by impervious core material or

coarser transition zone material, the Filters will always be placed 1 layer above
the adjacent fills of core material on one side and coarser filter/transition zone on
the other side.

In the horizontal “Drainage Carpet”, the layers being horizontal, the above
procedure doesn’t apply.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Rockfill

The material to be compacted shall be off-loaded on the previously finished

compacted and approved layer, as continuation of the Present Rockfill layer be
spread, pushed and levelled by means of bulldozers or other suitable equipment
over the face in such a manner that the fine material is well mixed with the rock.
Hauling, spreading and compacting equipment shall be routed uniformly over the
full width of the layer to be compacted. After the material has been dumped on
the fill, oversize material be bladed off the fill and disposed of so that layer
thickness need not be dictated by the presence of isolated large rocks.

The Engineer may direct that additional action be taken and the Contractor will

Unless otherwise indicated on the Drawings rockfill shall be compacted in

continuous layers which are approximately horizontal and not more than the
thickness given in Table 7.3 or as determined from the trial fill. Each layer shall be
compacted by vibrating rollers. The compacted surface shall have a uniform
appearance; concentrations of large stones shall be removed and replaced by
finer materials.

Water shall be sprayed on the rockfill in a volume of 15% of the rockfill volume;
the spray being distributed uniformly over the layer.

Water shall be added as necessary to the other rockfill zones to maximize the
density that is being achieved. This will be determined from the trial fill, although
subject to amendment as directed by the Engineer.

Table 7.3 Rockfill Materials

Placing & Compaction

Zone Function Layer Thickness after No of passes of a 10
compaction, m ** t vibratory roller ***
Transition 0.5 6
Upstream 1.5 6
Downstream 1.5 6
** Subject to amendment following the trial fill
*** Subject to Results and amendment following the trail fill by a 10t toed vibratory

7.2.8 Backfill to Structures

Backfill shall be placed in layers not more than 200mm thick and lightly tamped if
the material is crushed rock, or compacted to a density of not less than 95% of
Standard Proctor optimum density if the material is earth fill.

Within 1 meter of concrete structures the method of compaction shall be such as

to avoid damage to the structure. Compaction shall be by means of compressed
air tampers rather than heavy rollers, and the layer thickness shall be adjusted
accordingly to achieve the required density of the material.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Fill Sampling

The Contractor shall take samples as directed by the Engineer to enable the
following tests to be carried out:

 Field bulk density and moisture content

 Laboratory compaction
 Particle size distribution
 Plastic and liquid limits

The minimum rate of sampling and testing shall be as shown in Table 7.4.

The actual frequency of sampling may be greater than this and shall be
determined from the results of previous tests, the quality of the material revealed
during such tests and the uniformity of such quality. The frequency may be
amended as required by the Engineer.

In the event that individual compaction tests on samples of fill material result in
widely ranging values for Proctor Optimum moisture content and Proctor
Maximum dry density, and maximum index density the Engineer may require that
during the construction of the trial embankments and form time to time during the
construction of the actual embankments, laboratory Proctor compaction and
maximum index density tests shall be carried out at the same frequency as field
density tests on material taken from the fill adjacent to the location of the filed
density test.

Should the fill placed, in the opinion of the Engineer, be likely not to comply with
the Specification, the Contractor shall, if directed by the Engineer, Carry out
additional tests.

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Table 7.4 - Minimum Rate of Sampling and Testing

Quantity of fill placed per sample (m3)

Location density Labora Particle size
of Relative
and tory Density distribution Permeabi Shear
Material Density
moisture compa in Place lity strengt
content ct ion h
tests test *
Core * 400 1200 2400 4,000 3-4
Filter 400 2400 1200 2400 **
Drainage 400 2400 na 2400 -“-
Transition na na 2400 -“-
Backfill to 250 500 500
Granular 250 500 500 -“-
s fill
Rock fill 15,000 4,000 -“-
Note: * Also to include Plastic and Liquid Limits
** As directed by the Engineer

7.2.9 Field Density and Compaction Testing Granular Materials

Test methods shall be as follows:

a) Field Density of all Rockfill

ASTM D5030-89 'Density of Soil and Rock in place by the Water

Replacement Method in a Test Pit'.

b) Field Density of Filter and Drainage Materials (Filter and transition zones)

BS 1377: Part 9:1990 Section 2.2 'Sand replacement method suitable for
fine-medium and coarse-grained soils (Large pouring cylinder method).

c) Moisture Content

BS 1377; Part 2: 1990 Section 3.2.

d) Maximum Index Density

ASTM D4253-93 'Maximum Index Density and Unit Weight of Soils using
a Vibratory Table'.
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Both dry and wet methods shall be carried out, and the maximum index density
taken as the higher of the results of the two test methods.

The laboratory maximum index density and moisture content shall be corrected to
allow for the particles larger than 75 mm in the filed grading using the following
Y Y G  1 0.05I  F 
F L I  F Y  FG 
 L 

WF  FWL L  F Ws


F Ratio of dry mass of % passing 75 mm to dry mass of whole filed

ãL Laboratory maximum index density
G Bulk specific gravity (oven dry) of particles larger than 75 mm
WL Laboratory moisture content
Ws Moisture content of particles larger than 75 mm
WF Filed moisture content Impervious Fill

Test methods shall be as follows:

a) Field Density

British Standard BS 1377: Part 9: 1990, Section 2.2 "Sand replacement

method suitable for fine, medium and coarse-grained soils (large pouring
cylinder method)". This test is commonly referred to as the "Sand
Replacement Test".

b) Moisture Content

BS 1377: Part 2: 1990 section 3.2.

c) Proctor Maximum Dry Density

British standard, BS 1377: Part 4: 1990, Section 3.3, "Method using 2.5 kg
rammer for soil with particles up to medium-gravel size", and Section 3.4
"Method using 2.5 kg rammer for soils with some coarse-gravel size
particles". This test is commonly referred to as the "Proctor Compaction

The "Proctor Optimum" moisture content (OMC) shall be defined as "the

moisture content which will result in a maximum dry unit weight of soil
when subject t the Proctor Compaction Test".
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Nuclear Density Meter instruments answering to ASTM - D2292 – 91 for control

of density and moisture content will be permitted, provided that:

 Only instruments approved by the Engineer are used.

 The instruments are in a state of proper calibration, (checked and/or calibrated
every day), and wet density bias is not introduced; Moisture shall also be
 The calibration of the instrument is carried out according to the manufacturer’s
manual and whenever the Engineer directs.
 The dry density as determined by the use of the instrument does not vary from
that determined by the sand replacement method by more than 3%.
 The equipment for carrying out field density tests by the sand replacement
method is available on the Site at all times, and used in addition to control by
the sand replacement method according to the standard, and whenever the
Engineer so decreases. Tolerances

Earthworks shall be constructed within the following tolerances:

Vertical elevations - 0mm/ + 100mm

Horizontal dimensions - 250mm/ + 250mm

7.3 Borrow Pits and Quarries

The Contractor will excavate provisional Test Pits in each Borrow Area to at least
6 to7 m depth or deeper if directed by the Engineer to verify the amount of the
available material in placement and depth, approved by the Engineer.

Each Test Pit shall be logged for it’s material layers. An accurate map of each
Borrow Area or Quarry shall be submitted to the Engineer’s Representative for
The map shall be to scale and include for each Test Pit: the logs, including
material description, layers thickness, depth of Test Pit and any other data
demanded by the Engineer.

All Alluvium Rockfill core and shell materials for the dams shall be obtained from
the borrow areas and quarries (BA & Q) shown on the Drawings. The BA & Q for
material for the core zone and embankment shoulders should have been proved
to contain adequate quantities for construction of the Works, by the additional test
pits the Contractor has excavated, within the areas expropriated by the Employer.

The location and extent of additional borrow pits within borrow areas shall be as
agreed with the Engineer.

In operating the borrow areas and Quarries the Contractor shall take due note of
the variable moisture conditions which occur throughout the year. The Contractor
should note that there will be a seasonal variation in groundwater levels and a
consequent variation in the natural moisture content depending on the extent and
intensity of the rainfall in the wet season (normally July to September). This
variation will extend into the dry season and the Contractor should take
appropriate measures for either “drying out” or “wetting up” the fill material as
appropriate. Borrow and Quarry areas shall be operated such that

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slopes are free draining, with the provision of temporary drainage ditches as

Final excavated surfaces of borrow pits shall be graded to slopes not steeper than
1: 1.5 for Borrow Pits and 1:0.5÷1 (vertical: horizontal) for Quarries. They shall be
operated so as not to impair the usefulness or mar the appearance of any part of
the Works or any other property of the Employer. The surfaces of heaps of
rejected materials shall be trimmed and left in a reasonably smooth, drained, and
even condition. Where final slopes of borrow pits extend above full supply level,
these shall be hydroseeded.

Other than as shown on the drawings as part of the construction of the Works, no
excavation for fill material shall be permitted within 100 m of the upstream toes of
the two dam embankments.
In any case a blanket of at least 1m thick impermeable material shall be left at the
bottom of the Borrow Areas, to ensure minimum seepage.

7.4 Permitted Deviations

Except as limited by minimum thickness of thin zones the deviations from the
defined boundary between the various zones shall not exceed the tolerances
given in Table 7.4

Table 7.4: Permitted Deviations

Maximum deviation
measured horizontally (m)
Item Boundary Towards
Towards the
the latter
former zone
1. Between the core zone 0.3 0.5
and the shoulder zone
2. Between the nominal 0.3 0.0
core zone and the
chimney drain
3. Between the shoulder 0.3 0.0
zone and the chimney
4. Between the shoulder 0.3 0.0
zone and the drainage
5. Between the shoulder 0.3 0.0
zone and the Carpet

The tolerance requirement for the horizontal drains shall be to maintain a

minimum slope of 1:30.

7.5 Compaction Trials

Prior to placing any embankment material in the Works the Contractor shall
construct trial embankments using the earthfill materials for core zone, cofferdam
material and the embankments shoulder excavated from the proposed borrow
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In constructing the trial embankment the same Equipment and technique shall be
used by the Contractor as that which he proposes to use in constructing the
embankment proper. In collaboration with the Engineer the Contractor shall
determine the number of roller passes and the loading of the rollers required to
achieve the degrees of compaction specified for the embankments shoulder
zones and the core zone.

Towed rollers shall be pulled by tractors which are adequately powered to work
satisfactorily when the rollers are fully loaded.
7.6 Preparation of Foundations and Abutments in Rock

Where material for the earthfill core is to be placed against rock foundations or
abutments the rock shall be excavated to the lines and dimensions indicated on
the drawings. The rock shall be so shaped as to form a smooth and regular
surface to the satisfaction of the Engineer so that the core can be properly
compacted against it. All cavities, fissures, and areas where a smooth surface
cannot be achieved shall be treated with concrete.

Before placing the earthfill core material against the rock foundation all obvious
cracks in the rock shall be cleaned out and a cement slurry in the proportions of:

1 Part Cement: 2 Parts Water

shall be spread over the contact zone and in the cracks.

7.7 Excavation of Cutoff Trench at Main Dam

The cutoff trench at the Main Dam will be founded on rock, as indicated on the
Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Where the cutoff trench is founded on rock, the sequence of excavation shall be:

a) Eexcavate down to rock level.

b) Eexcavate moderately weathered or partially weathered rock to depths

directed by the Engineer, by the use of hydraulic breakers, jack hammers or
other such equipment for the excavation in rock (blasting of the rock will not
be permitted).

c) Clean up of the exposed rock, including picking and barring of loose rock.

d) Place cement slurry over the exposed rock surface, at locations as directed
by the Engineer to the requirements specified.

7.8 Material for Clay Core

Earth fill Material for construction of the core zone for the embankments shall be
taken from the zones designated "Proposed Borrow Areas" on the Drawings. The
material shall lie within the grading limits given in determined by Test Methods 9.2
and 9.5 of BS 1377: Part 2: 1990.
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Table: 7.5 grading limit of Kalid Dijo Core material

Particle size 2.0 0.60 0.20 0.06 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.001
% Finer - 95 94 75 38 30 20 13
% Finer 100 86.4 80 70 25 8 5 3.0

7.9 Materials for Filters, Drainage Layers and Riprap Bedding

Materials for the various filters, drainage layers and riprap bedding shall be
obtained from sources approved by the Engineer and shall conform to the grading
requirements given in table 7.6 as determined by Test Methods 9.2 and
9.5 of BS 1377: Part 2: 1990.

Table 7.6: Gradation of Fine Filter (F1)

For DFmin For DFmax

Size (mm) Percentage Size Percentage
Pass (%) (mm) Pass (%)
0.08 0 0.30 0
0.10 10 0.42 10
0.12 15 0.50 15
0.60 60 2.5 60
2.00 85 25.0 90
20.0 90 30.0 100
25.0 100

Table 7.7: Gradation of Coarse Filter (F2)

For DFmin For DFmax

Size (mm) Percentage Pass Size (mm) Percentage
(%) Pass (%)
1.50 0 5.50 0
2.08 10 7.32 10
2.50 15 8.75 15
8.33 60 29.17 60
20.00 90 50.00 90
27.00 100 70.00 100

7.10 Topsoil Material

Topsoil Material shall be obtained from the material excavated in accordance with
Clause 4.5.
The volume of material available from stripping for the area of the Works is
adequate. If the volume is inadequate because, in the opinion of the Engineer, the
Contractor has stockpiled the topsoil in an unsuitable manner or allowed
contamination, the Engineer may require the Contractor to provide topsoil from
designated areas at no extra cost to the Employer over the rate allowed for placing
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7.11 Material for Riprap

The rock lumps shall be dense, sound, angular and resistant to abrasion and shall
be free from cracks, seams, weathering and other defects that would tend to
increase unduly their destruction by water. Water rounded boulders shall not be

Samples prepared in accordance with applicable designations of the US Bureau

of Reclamation's "Concrete Manual", eighth edition, shall meet the requirements
given in Table 7.8.

Table 7.8: Requirements for Samples of Riprap

Test Designation Requirements

Specific gravity 10 Greater than 2.65
(Saturated surface-dry basis)
Soundness 19 Less than 10% loss of
(Sodium sulphate method) weight
(after 5 cycles)
Abrasion 21 Less than 35% loss of
(using Los Angeles machine weight
Grading A) (after 500 revolutions)

7.12 Construction of Clay Core and Shoulder Zone

Materials approved for inclusion in the core and shoulder zones of the
embankment as defined shall be compacted in layers not exceeding 0.20 m before
compaction and in such a manner that field densities as measured in-situ using
Test Nr 15(B) of BS 1377 achieve a compaction of 100% when compared with the
maximum dry density arrived at by means of Test Nr 12 of BS 1377 (2.5 kg rammer
method). The moisture content of the material shall be controlled preferably to give
uniformly distributed in-situ moisture content after compaction, as a percentage of
the optimum moisture content determined by Test Nr 12 of BS 1377 (2.5 kg
rammer method) as defined in Table hereunder.

Table 7.8: Percentage of Optimum Moisture Content

Location Percentage of Optimum Moisture Content

Core Zone Between OMC and 2% wet of OMC
Shoulder Zones Between 2% dry and 2% wet of OMC

Where compacted material does not meet the requirements specified above, it
shall be removed or re-worked as indicated by the Engineer. If for any reason the
surface of the earth fill material becomes so smooth or dry that, in the opinion of
the Engineer, it cannot be properly bonded with the succeeding layer, then the
Contractor shall remove the surface layer and scarify or water the newly exposed
surface, or both, to the satisfaction of the Engineer, before recommencing filling

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If smooth rollers are employed, the surface of the clay shall be scarified and target
moisture kept, before a further layer is placed on top.

Where the material is placed against the sides of the core trench, steep rock faces
or the spillway walls, it may be necessary to use hand held compacting equipment
to achieve the required degree of compaction.

The surface of the core and shoulder zones shall be sealed by rolling with a
smooth roller or other approved means and an adequate cross-fall provided during
or before rainfall in order to facilitate surface drainage and prevent the ingress of
water into the core material.

7.13 Construction of Riprap Protection

Approved material for inclusion in the riprap protection to the Dams as defined in
Clause 7.14 shall be transported without intermediate handling direct to the point
of final use, where it shall be dumped and graded off in a manner to ensure that
the larger rock fragments are uniformly distributed and the smaller rock fragments
fill the spaces between the larger rock fragments to form compact uniform layers
of riprap of the specified thicknesses as shown on the Drawings. Hand placing will
be required only to the extent necessary to secure the results specified above.

7.14 Construction of Internal Drainage Layers, Filters and Riprap Bedding

The drainage layers, filters and riprap bedding in the dam embankment shall be
constructed of material complying with the requirements.

As the drainage layers or filters are steeply inclined 1:0.25 (vertical: horizontal),
they shall be brought up in 0.30 m horizontal layers, and compacted by approved
vibratory equipment to achieve the specified density. As mentioned formerly, the
filter and drainage layers shall be at all times at least 1-2 layers higher than the
core material and shell material fill. This will prevent the introduction of other
material into the filter/drainage material. The filter fill will always be 1 layer higher
than the drainage layer. This will not apply for the horizontal “Carpet Drain”.

Where the material is to form filter/drainage layers which are horizontal it may,
subject to the approval of Engineer, be placed in layers not exceeding 0.30 m in
thickness after compaction. During or immediately prior to compaction, the
material shall be thoroughly wetted. The outer and inner boundaries of each layer
shall be true to the lines, dimensions, elevations shown on the Drawings.

It is of the utmost importance to ensure that the drainage layers and filters are not
contaminated by other fill materials and the Contractor shall ensure that
constructional traffic does not cross such sections of the embankment or otherwise
contaminate the drainage or filter material. If, the Contractor finds out that, or in
the Engineer’s opinion, contamination does take place, the contaminated material
shall be removed from the Works and the Contractor shall have no claim for
payment for such material so removed.

The Density Index (ID) of the compacted material shall not be less than 70 as
determined by Test Method Nr 4 of BS 1377: Part 4: 1990.

7.15 Control of Moisture Content

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Moisture content of the embankment material shall be controlled as far as

practicable at the borrow pits as defined to give uniformly distributed in situ
moisture contents after compaction within the limits given for the various materials.
Supplementary water, if required, may be added to the material by sprinkling on
the embankment and shall be mixed uniformly throughout the layer before

7.16 Test on Embanking Material

Whilst embanking is in progress periodic site tests will be made by the Engineer
in the borrow pit and on the material, to ascertain the grading, moisture content,
index properties, compaction characteristics and other such properties of the
embanking material.

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer field control tests of the core and
shoulder materials will be made for every layer, or approximately every 400 m³ of
material placed to ascertain the density and moisture content of the fill, to ensure
adequate compaction.

Tests will be made by the Engineer’s Representative on the filter, drainage and
bedding material for approximately every 200 m³ placed on the embankment.

All tests will be made in accordance with the various parts of BS 1377: 1990 where
applicable or in accordance with other recognised standards, as specified.

In all cases the tests will be preformed at the laboratory provided in accordance
with under the supervision of the Engineer but the Contractor shall deliver samples
to the laboratory as required by the Engineer.

The performance of the tests specified in no way relieves the Contractor of his
responsibility to ensure by similar test or any other means that the embanking
materials are placed in accordance with the requirements of this Specification.

7.17 Settlement Allowance

In the setting out and construction of the embankment an allowance shall be made
for post-construction settlement, as shown on the Drawings. The nominal crest
level shall be raised by the amount shown on the embankment camber diagram
by steepening the slopes of the embankments.

7.18 Hydro Seeding

At final borrow area slopes where these are above the reservoir full supply level.
hydro seeding shall be carried out following the methodology described in Clause
5.10 for road cuttings and embankments.

8. Drainage Works

8.1 General

These works include the construction of surface drains, subsoil drains, pipe
culverts, box culverts, sumps and other drainage structures. Drainage works shall
be constructed to the lines, levels, grades and cross-sections shown on the
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8.2 Excavation and Backfilling for Drainage Works

8.2.1 Description

This work shall consist of excavation for the construction of surface drains, subsoil
drains, cast in situ box culverts, and other drainage structures, except pipe
culverts, not otherwise provided for in this Specification, and shall include
furnishing, placing, compacting and shaping foundation bedding materials,
backfilling excavations against completed structures with suitable material or
granular backfill where specified, and the removal and disposal of all excess
excavated material as shown on the Drawings.

Excavation and backfill for pipe culverts and precast box culverts shall be in
accordance with the provisions of Clause 8.11.

8.2.2 Excavated Material

Generally material excavated shall be classified as common excavation or rock

as defined in Clause 6.9.

8.2.3 Granular Bedding Material

Granular bedding material for the foundations of structures shall be suitably

graded broken rubble, crushed stone, crushed gravel, sand or other material as
specified on the Drawings.

8.2.4 Concrete Bedding

Concrete bedding or blinding for the foundations of structures shall conform to the
requirements of Division 10 for the class of concrete specified on the Drawings.

8.2.5 Ordinary Backfill Material

Ordinary backfill material shall be suitable material. The maximum particle size of
the backfill material shall be 50 mm.

8.2.6 Granular Backfill Material

Granular backfill material shall be sand, crushed stone, crushed gravel or a

mixture of crushed and natural aggregates, shall be essentially free from
vegetation and other organic matter and clay, and shall not contain lateritic or
concretionary materials.

The material shall conform to the following physical and mechanical quality

a) The fines shall be non-plastic.

b) Sand shall have a gradation conforming to the envelope shown in Table


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Table 8.1: Grading Limits for Sand Backfill

BS Sieve Size % passing by

10.0 mm 100
5.0 mm 90 - 100
1.18 mm 45 - 80
300 μm 10 - 30
150 μm 2 - 10

Material other than sand shall have a gradation conforming to one of the
envelopes shown in Table 8.2:

Table 8.2: Grading Limits for Granular Backfill other than Sand

% passing by weight
BS Sieve Size
37.5 mm 100 - -
28.0 mm 70 - 100 100 -
20.0 mm 60 - 90 70 - 100 100
10.0 mm 45 - 75 45 - 75 70 - 100
5.0 mm 30 - 60 35 - 65 45 - 75
2.0 mm 20 - 50 25 - 50 30 - 60
425 μm 10 - 30 10 - 30 15 - 35
75 μm 0-2 0-2 0-2

8.2.7 Excavation

The requirements of Division 6 shall apply to excavation for the drainage works.
Further requirements are given below.

Trenches and foundation pits for structures and structure footings and
underdrains shall be excavated to the lines, grades and elevations shown on the
Drawings. The elevations of the bottoms of footings shown on the Drawings are
approximate only and the Engineer may order in writing such changes in the
dimensions or elevations of footings as may be deemed necessary to secure a
satisfactory foundation.

After each excavation is completed the Contractor shall notify the Engineer to that
effect and no footing, bedding material or structure shall be placed until the
Engineer has approved the depth of excavation and the character of the
foundation material.

Rock and other hard foundation material shall be cleared of all loose material and
cut to a firm surface, either level or stepped or serrated, as specified or shown on
the Drawings. All seams and crevices shall be cleared out and grouted with OPC
cement grout at the time the footing is placed.

When the footing is to rest on material other than rock, special care shall be taken
not to disturb the bottom of the excavation, and excavation to final grade shall be
deferred until just before the footing is to be placed. When, in the opinion of the
Engineer, the foundation material is soft or mucky or otherwise
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unsuitable, the Contractor shall remove the unsuitable material and insert
foundation fill material or concrete as specified or shown on the Drawings or
directed by the Engineer. If foundation fill material is required it shall be placed
and compacted in layers not more than 150 mm thick or as directed by the
Engineer. The degree of compaction shall be equivalent to that of the surrounding

All excavation surfaces and surfaces of backfill material against which concrete is
to be placed shall be even and firm and true to line and level.

Excavated material suitable for use as backfill may be deposited by the Contractor
in storage piles at points convenient for re-handling of the material during the
backfilling operation.

8.2.8 Backfilling with Ordinary or Granular Backfill Material

Backfill not within the embankment areas shall be placed in layers not more than
250 mm in depth (compacted measurement) and shall be compacted to a density
comparable with the adjacent undisturbed material.

Backfill within the embankment areas shall be made with approved material
placed in uniform layers not to exceed 150 mm in depth (compacted
measurement) and each layer shall be constructed in accordance with 8.2.7,
except that mechanical tampers may be used for compaction. Unless otherwise
approved by the Engineer, hand tamping will not be accepted.

In placing backfill and embankment, the material shall be placed insofar as

possible to approximately the same height on both sides of the structure. If
conditions require backfilling appreciably higher on one side, the additional
material on the higher side shall not be placed until permission is given by the
Engineer or until the Engineer is satisfied that the structure has enough strength
to withstand any pressure created.

Backfill for embankment shall not be placed behind the walls of box culverts until
the top slab is placed for the required time and not less than three Days. Backfill
and embankment behind abutment held at the top by superstructure shall be
carried up simultaneously behind opposite abutments and side walls.

No backfilling shall be placed against any structure until permission shall have
been given by the Engineer. Jetting of fill or other hydraulic methods involving, or
likely to involve, liquid or semi-liquid pressure shall be prohibited.
Special care shall be taken to prevent any unduly high pressures against the

The placing of embankment and the benching of slopes shall continue in such a
manner that at all times there will be a horizontal berm of thoroughly compacted
material for a distance at least equal to the height of the abutment or wall to be

8.3 Channel Excavation

8.3.1 General

This work shall consist of excavation for waterway channels both inside and
outside the Site, as shown on the Drawings and shall include all required
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excavation for widening, training or permanently diverting rivers, streams and

irrigation and drainage channels other than drains and ditches appurtenant to the
roadway, except excavation of topsoil for use in the Works and excavation
required for clearing and grubbing. This work shall also include the backfilling of
old channels, haulage to their points of utilization in the Works or the removal and
disposal of all excavated materials, the construction of appurtenant bunds, dikes
and berms, and all the shaping and finishing of all earthworks involved in the
construction of channels in accordance with the required lines, levels, grades and

8.3.2 Materials

Channel excavation shall be classified as common excavation or rock as specified

in Clause 6.9.

8.3.3 Construction Methods

All suitable materials removed from channel excavations shall be used for
backfilling waterways to be abandoned and constructing bunds, dikes and other
earth appurtenances as required. Surplus suitable materials shall be used as far
as is practicable in constructing the roadway. The Contractor shall provide borrow
of satisfactory quality and approved by the Engineer should this be necessary to
complete the work. Borrow which is required to replace suitable excavated
materials needed for construction which the Contractor elects to waste shall not
be paid for.

During construction, channel excavations shall be kept drained as far as is

practicable and the work shall be carried out in a neat and workmanlike manner.
All channels and appurtenances shall be excavated and constructed to the lines,
levels, grades and cross-sections shown on the Drawings. Excavation beyond the
limits required shall not be paid for and shall be backfilled at the Contractor’s
expense as directed by the Engineer should he deem it necessary.

Sections of channel abandoned owing to diversions shall be backfilled as directed

by the Engineer.

8.4 Surface Drainage

8.4.1 Surface Drainage Types

Surface drains of the types shown on the Drawings shall be constructed to the
lines, levels, grades and cross-sections as specified. Surface drains shall include
interceptor drains, roadside drains, embankment toe drains, shoulder drains,
bench drains, berm drains, median drains, outfall drains, cascade drains, etc.

Any of the above drains may be constructed either unlined or lined using cast in-
situ concrete, precast or porous concrete drain sections, or stone pitching.

8.4.2 Surface Drain Construction

a) Unlined Drains

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Excavation for unlined drains shall be trimmed to form a smooth, firm

surface to the required lines, levels, grades and cross-sections as
shown on the Drawings.

Any areas of over excavation shall be made good to the satisfaction

of the Engineer, all at the Contractor’s expense.

b) Cast In-Situ Concrete Drains

Excavation shall be carried out to the lines and levels as specified and
as shown on the Drawings. Templates which may be of timber or steel
shall then be provided to ensure the thickness and shape of the
concrete drains. The concrete shall be poured in sections not
exceeding 2 m in length and shall be carried out between end forms
in alternate bays. Construction joints shall not be formed in the inverts.

All concrete shall be Class C20 concrete unless otherwise specified

and shall conform to the requirements of Division 10. Weep holes
shall be cast in-situ as shown on the Drawings.

c) Precast Concrete Drain Sections

Precast concrete block inverts shall be of the shapes and dimensions

as shown on the Drawings and shall be of Class C20 concrete
conforming to the requirements of Division 10 or of porous concrete
unless otherwise specified. The precast concrete drain sections shall
be manufactured using good quality moulds and the finished product
shall be round and have smooth inside surfaces all to the approval of
the Engineer. Ready made precast concrete drain sections may be
used subject to the approval of the Engineer. Samples of ready made
drain sections shall be submitted to the Engineer for his approval
before placing of orders. Notwithstanding any approval given by the
Engineer, any defective or broken drain section shall be replaced by
the Contractor at his own expense before or after laying in position.

Precast concrete drain sections shall be laid on concrete bedding in

trenches excavated to the lines and levels as specified and jointed to
produce a neat even alignment and gradient. The joint shall be
grouted with 1:3 cement mortar complying with Clause 8.5.2(b) and
weep holes shall be provided as shown on the Drawings.

Porous concrete pipes shall comply with the requirements of BS 1194.

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Cement and aggregates used in the manufacture of the porous

concrete drain sections shall conform to the requirements of Division

Mass concrete for bases shall be of Class C20 concrete or as

specified and to the dimensions and thickness as shown on the
8.5 Stone Pitching

8.5.1 Description

This work shall consist of the construction of all structures or parts of structures to
be composed of stone pitching either grouted or ungrouted as shown on the
Drawings including erosion protection pavements and aprons, drain linings,
culvert inlets and outlets, etc.

8.5.2 Materials

A Stone

Stone shall be clean rough quarry stone, or pit or river cobbles, or a

mixture of any of these materials, and shall be essentially free from
dust, clay, vegetative matter and other deleterious materials.
Individual pieces of stone shall be approximately cubical or spherical
and shall have least dimensions in the range 100 to 150 mm and a
maximum dimension of 250 mm unless otherwise specified. The
stone shall be hard, tough, durable and dense, resistant to the action
of air and water, and suitable in all respects for the purpose intended.

b) Cement Mortar

Cement mortar, unless otherwise specified, shall contain 1 part OPC

cement to 3 parts fine aggregate by volume. Water shall be added to
the mix to produce a suitable consistency for the intended use, all to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. The constituent materials of the
mortar shall comply with the appropriate requirements of Division 10.

The ingredients for mortar shall be measured in proper gauge boxes

and mixed on a clean boarded platform or in an approved mechanical
batch mixer.

All mortar shall be used within 30 minutes of mixing and no reworking

of mortar shall be permitted thereafter.

8.5.3 Construction Methods

A) Grouted Stone Pitching

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Prior to constructing grouted stone pitching, the surfaces against

which it is to be placed shall have been finished in accordance with
the appropriate provisions of this Specification. Notwithstanding any
earlier approval of these finished surfaces, any damage to or
deterioration of them shall be made good to the satisfaction of the
Engineer before grouted stone pitching is placed.

Construction of grouted stone pitching shall commence at the lowest

part of each structure or section of a structure and continue
progressively upward. Long structures such as drain linings and slope
protection pavements shall be constructed in sections of practicable
length, to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The surface against which
the work is to be placed shall be moistened with clean water a little in
advance of construction, and covered with a layer of cement mortar
about 50 mm thick. Stones shall then be firmly set by hand into the
mortar, densely packed against adjacent stones and built up to form
a stone structure of more or less uniform thickness which shall
nowhere be less than 150 mm (measured perpendicularly to the
surface covered). All the while that stones are being placed, all voids
in the structure shall be packed solidly with mortar and stone spalls;
however the surfaces of stones in the exposed faces and edges shall
not be covered with mortar. The exposed surfaces and edges of the
structure shall be constructed such that they have as large a
proportion as practicable composed of stone faces. Weep holes shall
be provided as shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Mortar which has been mixed for more than 30 minutes shall not be
used in the works. Nor shall mortar be laid against the supporting
surface more than 2 minutes before pitching stone and building up the
structure to full thickness is commenced on any section of the work,
as the construction advances.

The work shall be carried out and finished all to the satisfaction of the

b) Ungrouted Stone Pitching

Where shown on the Drawings, ungrouted stone pitching shall be

hand set to provide maximum interlocking effect. The stones, the
largest of which shall be used at the bottom, shall be well bedded on
a 75 mm layer of gravel or aggregate rammed to an even surface. The
whole work shall be finished to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
8.6 Gabions

8.6.1 Description

This work shall consist of the construction of miscellaneous erosion protection

and retaining structures to be composed of stone filled wire mesh gabions.
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8.6.2 Materials

A Wire Mesh Gabions

Gabions shall be rectangular baskets of the required dimensions as

shown on the Drawings. Unless otherwise specified, they shall be of
the following standard dimensions:-

1) Width: 1.00 m;

2) Length: 1.00, 2.00 or 3.00 m;

3) Height: 0.50 or 1.00 m.

Gabions longer than 1.00 m shall be divided into compartments of equal

length not exceeding 1.00 m by wire mesh diaphragms securely tied along
all edges. Each gabion or compartment of a gabion shall be provided with at
least 4 cross-connecting wires if its height is 0.50 m or less, and with at least
8 cross-connecting wires if its height is in the range 0.50 to 1.00 m.

Gabions shall be fabricated from steel wire manufactured in accordance with

BS 1052 and galvanised in accordance with BS 443, or such similar
standards as the Engineer shall approve. The galvanised wire sizes used shall
be in accordance with Table 8.3.

Table 8.3: Galvanised Wire Sizes for Gabions

Type of wire Minimum

Selvage (perimeter) wire 3.50 mm
Mesh wire 2.70 mm
Tying and connecting wire 2.20 mm

Gabion mesh shall be triple twisted and shall have a uniform hexagonal pattern
with openings of 100 x 120 mm or less. The mesh shall be securely tied to selvage
wires to form rectangular panels that shall be securely wired together to form the
completed gabion baskets. The ties and connections for each gabion basket shall
comprise not less than 8% of its total weight, and the fabrication shall be all to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

b) Polyvinyl Chloride Coating

When specified on the Drawings, all wire used in the fabrication of

gabions and in the wiring operation during construction shall, after
galvanising, have extruded on to it a coating of polyvinyl chloride
(PVC). The PVC coating, not inclusive of galvanising, shall nowhere
be less than 0.55 mm in thickness.

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c) Stone

Stone fill for gabions shall be clean rough quarry stone, or pit or river
cobbles, or a mixture of any of these materials, and shall be
essentially free from dust, clay, vegetative matter and other
deleterious materials. Individual pieces of stone shall have least
dimensions not less than 20 mm larger than the gabion mesh
openings and greatest dimensions not more than 250 mm. The stone
shall be hard, tough, durable and dense, resistant to the action of air
and water, and suitable in all aspects for the purpose intended. The
material shall be approved by the Engineer.

8.6.3 Construction Methods

Prior to placing gabions, the surface on and against which they are to be
constructed shall have been prepared and finished in accordance with the
relevant provisions of the appropriate chapters of this Specification.
Notwithstanding any earlier approval of these finished surfaces, any damage to
or deterioration of them shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer
before gabions are placed.

Each gabion basket shall be put in place in its turn, completely fabricated except
for the fastening down of the lid, stretched to the correct shape and dimensions,
and fastened securely to all contiguous baskets along each edge with tying wire.
The basket shall then be tightly packed with approved stone by hand in such a
manner that voids are kept to a practicable minimum and are uniformly distributed
in the stone mass. Finally, the lid of the basket shall be securely fastened down
with tying wire along all hitherto unfastened edges, all to the satisfaction of the
Engineer. In no case shall the weight of the finished gabion be less than 1300 kg
per cubic metre.

As a gabion structure is built up, backfilling against finished gabions shall be

carried out as necessary for proper progressive construction, all in accordance
with the relevant provisions of the appropriate chapters of this Specification.
Unless otherwise specified, vertical joints between gabions shall be staggered in
gabion structures in a pattern similar to the joints in running bond brickwork.

8.7 Subsoil Drains

8.7.1 Description

This work shall include the supply and installation of subsoil drains constructed at
the locations and in accordance with the lines, levels and grades as shown on the

8.7.2 Materials

a) Pipes

Porous concrete pipes for subsoil drains shall comply with the
requirements of BS 1194.

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Clay pipes for subsoil drains shall comply with BS 1196.

Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC) pipes for subsoil drains shall comply with BS

b) Filter Material

Filter material used in the construction of subsoil drains shall consist

of hard, clean sand conforming to the grading limits given in Table.
The material passing the 425 μm sieve shall be non-plastic when
tested in accordance with BS 1377.

Table 8.4: Grading Limits for Filter Material

BS Sieve Size % Passing by weight

10.0 mm 100
5.0 mm 90-100
2.36 mm 75.-100
1.18 mm 55 – 90
600 m 35 – 59
300 m 8 – 30
150 m 0 - 10

c) Filter Cloth

The synthetic filter cloth shall be a non-woven type of approved

manufacture having the following properties.

i) Chemical Composition Requirements

Fibres used in the manufacture of the engineering fabric shall

consist of a long chain synthetic polymer, composed of at least
85% by weight of polypropylene, polyethylene, polyesteramide or
polyvinylidene chloride and shall contain stabilisers and/or
inhibitors added to the base plastic (as necessary) to make the
fabric resistant to deterioration from ultraviolet and heat exposure.

ii) Physical Property Requirements

The physical properties of the filter cloth shall comply with.

Table 8.2: Physical Properties of Filter Cloth

Grab Strength 0.9 kN

(ASTM D1682)
Puncture Strength 0.4 kN

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(ASTM D3787 - 80a)

Burst Strength 2 100 kN/mm²
(ASTM D3786 - 80a)

iii Filtration Requirement

Equivalent opening size of the filter cloth determined by sieving

as described in ASTM D422 shall be less than the 85% size of
the adjacent soil.

iv) Permeability Requirement

The equivalent Darcy Permeability of the filter cloth shall be

greater than 10 times the Darcy Permeability of the soil to be

d) Cement Mortar

1:3 cement mortar for use in pipe joints shall comply with Clause
8.5.2 (b).

8.7.3 Construction Methods

Filter material as described in Clause 8.7.2 (ii) above shall be placed and uniformly
compacted by a suitable method approved by the Engineer to form a firm, even
bedding for the pipe drain as shown on the Drawings.

The pipe sections shall be set firmly against the filter material bedding with the
flow lines in the design position. For pipes with mating joints, the receiving ends
shall be upgrade, and the pipe joints shall be fully mated. For butt jointed pipes
with collars, the pipe sections shall be fully contiguous, and the collars properly
centred over the joints.

Joints shall be spot mortared as necessary to hold the pipe sections correctly
centred and aligned, but not so as to unduly restrict the infiltration of water through
the joints.

Slotted or perforated pipes shall be tightly wrapped in filter cloth such that the
entire length of the mortared pipe is covered by at least 2 layers of cloth. All joints
in both layers shall have an overlap of at least 100 mm and joints in the outer layer
shall be offset by at least 300 mm from joints in the inner layer, all to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

After pipe laying and, if appropriate, wrapping has been approved by the Engineer,
the remainder of the filter material shall be placed and uniformly compacted by a
suitable method approved by the Engineer to form a dense, even surround to the
pipe as shown on the Drawings. Care shall be taken that the pipe is neither
damaged nor displaced.

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Backfill shall then be placed and compacted in accordance with the appropriate
provisions of Clause 8.2.8.

8.8 Weep Holes

Weep holes shall be circular holes formed through concrete or drilled through
concrete or shotcrete, as shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. The
diameter of each hole shall be not less than 30 mm. The weep holes shall be
extended 50 mm into the in-situ material by drilling.
8.9 uPVC Pipes

8.9.1 General

The Contractor shall construct uPVC pipes in the locations and to the lines, grades
and dimensions shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

Pipes shall be clearly marked as to class and shall be Class 9 unless otherwise
shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

8.9.2 Installation

All pipes shall be laid in trenches in solid ground or, where approved by the
Engineer, in drainage depressions. Compressible and other unsatisfactory
material on the bottom of the trenches shall be removed as directed by the
Engineer before laying the pipes.

Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, all pipes
shall be laid on a 150 mm thick layer of sand bedding material which shall not
contain stones or rock fragments having a maximum dimension greater than 2
mm and which shall be obtained from approved sources. Sand bedding shall be
compacted to provide a firm and uniform bed for approximately one-third of the
circumference of the pipe and/or as directed by the Engineer.

After the pipes have been bedded, laid and jointed, sand which shall not contain
stones or rock fragments having a maximum dimension greater than 2 mm and
which shall be obtained from approved sources, shall be placed about the pipes
and compacted in accordance with the relevant requirements of these
Specifications for a height of at least 150 mm above the top of the pipes, unless
otherwise shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

8.10 Slotted PVC Pipe Drains

8.10.1 General

The Contractor shall construct slotted uPVC pipe drains beneath the spillway
chute, behind spillway retaining walls, leading into the seepage collection and
measuring chamber and elsewhere in the locations and to the lines and grades
shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

All pipes for slotted uPVC pipe drains shall be Class 9 unless otherwise shown in
the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Slotted pipes shall have 4 rows of
number 50 mm long by 2 mm wide slots at 250 mm centres longitudinally along
the pipe. The pipes shall be laid such that the rows of slots in the bottom half of
the pipe shall be located symmetrically about the pipe invert and are 550 form the
pipe axis through the invert.
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8.10.2 Installation

a) Spillway Chute

Slotted uPVC pipe drains beneath the spillway chute shall be laid in trenches with
pipe surround material satisfying the requirements of 19 mm coarse aggregate as
specified in the applicable Clauses of these Specifications. The surround material
shall be placed under the pipe to minimum depths as shown in the Drawings
and/or directed by the Engineer. The pipe shall be laid carefully on the bedding.
Butt jointed pipes shall be laid with the joint gap not exceeding 2 mm and the top
of joints shall be covered with building paper or other suitable material. The pipes
shall be laid such that the rows of slots in the bottom half of the pipe shall be
located symmetrically about the pipe invert and are 550 from the pipe axis through
the invert.

Except as otherwise shown in the Drawings and/or directed by the Engineer,

surround material shall then be placed to provide a minimum thickness of 100 mm
over the top and at the sides of the pipe. The surround material shall be carefully
placed and tamped about the pipe so as not to disturb the pipe after being laid
and to hold it securely in position while the overlying material is being placed.

Where shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer the sidewalls and base
of trenches shall be lined with an approved filter fabric prior to placing the bedding

Where concrete is to be placed over or against the bedding material, the bedding
shall be covered, before the concrete is placed, with a layer of plastic sheet 0.1
mm thick lapped 80 mm at all edges, where required. The plastic sheet shall be
of an approved type and grade.

b) Spillway Retaining Walls

Slotted uPVC pipe drains behind the spillway retaining walls shall be laid on free-
draining backfill. The pipe shall be laid carefully on the bedding. Butt jointed pipes
shall be laid with the joint gap not exceeding 2 mm and the top of joints shall be
covered with building paper or other suitable material. The pipes shall be laid
such that the rows of slots in the bottom half of the pipe shall be located
symmetrically about the pipe invert and are 550 from the pipe axis through the

Except as otherwise shown in the Drawings, free-draining backfill shall then be

placed to provide a minimum thickness of 250 mm over the top and at the sides
of the pipe. The surrounding free-draining backfill material shall be carefully
placed and tamped about the pipe so as not to disturb the pipe after being laid
and to hold it securely in position while the adjacent free-draining backfill is placed.

c) Laid within Embankment Zones

Slotted uPVC pipe drains shall be laid with the slots above the pipe invert and
symmetrical about the invert.

8.11 RC Pipe Culverts

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8.11.1 Description

This work shall comprise the supply and installation of reinforced concrete pipe
culverts, inclusive of excavation, backfilling, jointing, bedding, construction of
headwalls, wingwalls, aprons and sumps and channel protection works, in
accordance with the details shown on the Drawings.

8.11.2 Materials

a) Pipes

Reinforced concrete pipes shall conform to the requirements of BS

881 and shall be supplied by manufacturers approved by the

Rebated pipes of diameter 600 mm and above shall be internally


Collars shall be precast with Class C25 concrete and shall be suitably
reinforced all in accordance with Division 11. The width of the collar
shall be not less than 150 mm and the minimum thickness shall be 50

Rubber rings for spigot and socket pipes shall comply with the
requirements of Type 2 as specified in BS 2494.

b) Cement Mortar

1:3 cement mortar for jointing of reinforced concrete pipes shall

conform to the requirements of Clause 8.5.2 (b).

c) Bedding Material

Type A bedding shall consist of Class C25 concrete unless otherwise

specified complying with the requirements of Division 10.

Type B bedding shall consist of clean, natural sand or gravely sand of

suitable gradation and quality, approved by the Engineer. The
material shall have a maximum particle size of not more than 12 mm.

8.12 Excavation and Backfilling for RC Pipe Culverts

8.12.1 Excavation

a) General

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Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, prior to construction of a pipe

culvert, the earthworks at the required locations shall have been constructed
to a level at least 600 mm above the top of culvert design levels or to the top
of sub-grade levels, whichever is lower.

Pipe culverts specified to be constructed in trench conditions shall be

excavated in accordance with Clause 8.12.1(b) below.

Where drainage conditions or other circumstances so require, the Engineer

may direct the Contractor to construct the pipe culvert without first
constructing the earthworks to the level specified above, in which case
excavation and foundation preparation shall be in accordance with Clause
8.12.1(c) below.

b) Trench Method

The trench to receive a culvert pipe shall be of sufficient width and depth to
enable the placing of bedding material and construction of pipe joints in
accordance with this Specification, and the bottom of the trench shall be
trimmed to a suitably smooth plane surface which shall be kept free from
water, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer. Where rock or other hard
unyielding foundation material is encountered in the trench, it shall be
excavated to a depth below the bottom of pipe design levels at least 300 mm
or 12.5 mm per 300 mm of fill to be placed over the top of pipe, whichever
is greater, up to a maximum of 75% of the internal diameter of the pipe. The
hard material so excavated shall be replaced with suitable material uniformly
compacted in layers of not more than 150 mm compacted thickness to
provide satisfactory support for the pipe, all to the satisfaction of the

c) Open Ground Method

Where existing ground levels are above top of bedding materials design
levels and firm foundation materials are encountered, excavation and
foundation preparation shall be similar to that described in the trench method
above. Otherwise a firm foundation plane shall be prepared, which shall be
essentially free draining along the line of the culvert, by trimming the
existing ground, or such fill as it is necessary to place and compact, over a
width sufficient to permit satisfactory construction of the pipe bedding, all to
the satisfaction of the Engineer. Hard materials shall be excavated from the
pipe foundation over a width equal to the outside diameter of the pipe to the
same depth as specified in the trench method, and shall be replaced with
suitable material uniformly compacted in layers of not more than 150 mm
compacted thickness to provide satisfactory support for the pipe, all to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.

Where soft or unstable soil is encountered in the foundation, it shall be

excavated over a width of at least 1.5 times the outside diameter of the pipe
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on each side of the culvert centre-line to the depth directed by the Engineer,
and replaced with suitable material uniformly compacted in layers of not
more than 150 mm compacted thickness to provide satisfactory support for
the pipe, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

8.12.2 Backfilling

Backfilling against reinforced concrete pipe culverts and their appurtenant

structures shall be carried out in accordance with the construction methods
described in Clause 8.2.8. Special care shall be taken to properly compact backfill
against the undersides of culvert pipes without disturbing or damaging the pipe
and joints. Backfill shall be built up evenly on both sides of each pipe culvert along
its entire length.
Heavy Equipment shall not operate within 1.5 m of any pipe culvert until backfilling
and, where appropriate, pavement construction has advanced to a stage that
provides at least 600 mm of cover to the culvert. Subject to the approval of the
Engineer, light compaction equipment may be operated above pipe culverts after
a minimum of 300 mm of cover has been placed and compacted.

8.13 Installation of RC Pipe Culverts

8.13.1 General

The type, size and class of pipe to be installed at each location shall be as shown
on the Drawings. Culverts shall not be installed at any location until the type of
pipe, the exact location, the lines, levels and grades, the length of pipe and details
of inlet and outlet structures have been confirmed by the Engineer. In addition,
special requirements recommended by the manufacturer with respect to
assembly and installation shall be complied with. Especially where elliptically
reinforced pipe sections are used, care shall be taken to ensure that the loading
axes are positioned exactly vertically.

8.13.2 Butt Ended Pipe Culverts with Precast Concrete Collars

The pipes shall be laid on Type A bedding in conformity with the dimensions
shown on the Drawings. Before placing any concrete bedding, the pipes shall be
assembled complete with precast concrete collars to the correct levels and grades
on precast concrete spacing blocks of the same class of concrete as the bedding
material and of sufficient size to eliminate any risk of settlement of the pipes before
or during concreting.

All joints shall be fully mortared with 1:3 cement mortar before concreting of the
cradle, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The concrete cradle shall be cast as
one monolithic unit. Alternatively, part of the concrete cradle below the underside
of the pipe may be constructed monolithically at least 24 hours before the
assembly and mortaring up of the pipe sections and collars, on condition that
shear connectors are provided across horizontal construction joints to the
satisfaction of the Engineer.
During installation, the ends of the pipes shall be butted and the collar centred
about the joint using wedges or other approved means. The annular shall be
completely filled with 1:3 cement mortar with only sufficient water added to ensure
adequate workability and the wedges removed before finally fairing the joint.
Special care shall be taken to ensure that excess cement mortar is neatly

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cleaned off. For pipes over 900 mm in diameter the jointing space shall be filled
from inside the pipe after completion of embankment construction using 1:3
cement mortar. When installed, the clearance between the outer diameter of pipe
and the inner diameter of collar shall be at least 20 mm.

Following pipe assembly and mortaring up as above, the remainder of the cradle
shall be cast monolithically, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Where vertical construction joints in the concrete cradle are unavoidable due to
circumstances on Site, transfer bars shall be provided to the satisfaction of the
Special care shall be taken when placing the concrete cradle to avoid the
entrapment of air underneath the pipe. To eliminate this possibility, concrete shall
be placed to one side of the pipe only until such time as the level of the concrete
surface rises above the underside of the pipe on the side remote from that on
which concrete is being placed. The concrete shall then be brought up at the same
level on both sides of the pipe.

8.13.3 Rebated Pipe Culverts

The pipes shall be laid on Type A bedding in conformity with the dimensions
shown on the Drawings.

The method of construction shall follow that described in 8.13.2 above for butt
ended pipe culverts except for the exclusion of precast concrete collars.

The rebated joint shall be internally flush and fully mortared with 1:3 cement
mortar, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

8.13.4 Spigot and Socket Pipe Culverts

The pipes shall be laid on Type B bedding in conformity with the dimensions
shown on the Drawings. The bedding material shall be accurately shaped by a
template to fit the lower part of the pipe exterior for a height of at least 10% of the
outside diameter of the pipe. Gaps shall be left in the bedding material and
recesses dug in the earth foundation of sufficient width and depth to accommodate
the socket without it resting on the bottom of the recess. The widths of the
recesses in the foundation and the bedding shall both exceed the width of the
socket by more than 50 mm.

Jointing of the pipes shall be carried out strictly in accordance with the
manufacturer's recommendations, all to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Concrete pipes as specified above shall be laid true to line and level, each pipe
being separately boned between sight rails. Pipes shall be laid in an upstream
direction with the sockets towards the inlet and shall rest on even foundations for
the full length of the barrel. Rubber ring joints shall be installed strictly in
accordance with the manufacturer's instructions. Prior to jointing, rubber rings and
jointing surfaces shall be cleaned of all contaminants except for specified
lubricants. The spigot of each pipe shall be inserted concentrically in socket of the
one previously laid and the pipe then adjusted and fixed in its correct position with
the spigot correctly entered in the socket.

Care shall be taken to see that the rubber ring is adequately compressed to seal
the joint. All pipes shall be laid to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
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8.14 Precast Box Culverts

8.14.1 Description

This work shall comprise the supply and installation of precast box culverts
inclusive of excavation, backfilling, jointing, bedding, construction of headwalls,
wingwalls, aprons and sumps and channel protection works in accordance with
the details shown on the Drawings.

8.14.2 Materials

a) Precast Box Culverts

Precast box culverts shall be of approved manufacture complying with

Ethiopian Standard Specifications, or any equivalent alternative standard
acceptable and approved by the Engineer.

b) Cement Mortar

1:3 cement mortar for jointing of precast box culvert sections shall conform
to the requirements of Clause 8.5.2(b).

c) Bedding Material

Precast box culverts shall be bedded on Type B bedding as specified in

Clause 8.11.2(c).

8.14.3 Excavation and Backfilling

a) Excavation for Precast Box Culverts

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, prior to construction of a precast

box culvert, the earthworks at the required location shall have been first
constructed to a level at least 600 mm above the top of the culvert design
levels or to the top of sub-grade levels, whichever is lower, and the precast
box culvert shall then be constructed in a trench excavated in accordance
with Clause 8.12.1(0b).

Where drainage conditions or other circumstances so require, the Engineer

may direct the Contractor to construct the precast box culvert without first
constructing the earthworks to the level specified above, in which case
excavation and foundation preparation shall be in accordance with Clause

b) Backfilling

Backfilling against precast box culverts and their appurtenant structures shall
be carried out in accordance with the construction methods described
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in Clause 8.2.8, using material conforming to the requirements of Clause

8.2.6. Special care shall be taken to properly compact backfill without
disturbing or damaging the precast box culvert sections. Backfill shall be
built up evenly on both sides of each box culvert along its entire length.

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, heavy Equipment shall not

operate within 19.0 m of any precast box culvert until backfilling and, where
appropriate, pavement construction has advanced to a stage which provides
at least 300 mm of cover to the culvert.

c) Installation of Precast Box Culverts

The type and size of precast box culvert to be installed at each location shall
be as shown on the Drawings. Precast box culverts shall not be installed at
any location until the exact location, the lines, levels and grades, the length
of culvert and details of inlet and outlet structures have been confirmed by
the Engineer. In addition, special requirements recommended by the
manufacturer shall be complied with.

Precast box culverts shall be laid on Type B bedding as specified in Clause

8.11.2(c) in conformity with the dimensions shown on the Drawings. Where
specified on the Drawings Type B bedding shall be laid on a layer of crushed
aggregate of maximum particle size not exceeding 50 mm.

All joints shall be fully mortared with 1:3 cement mortar, all to the
satisfaction of the Engineer. In addition, a 3 mm layer of 1:3 cement mortar
shall be spread on top of the legs of the invert in order to ensure uniform
bearing between the invert and lid.

Lifting holes shall be filled with 1:3 cement mortar.

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9. Grouting

9.1 Drilling and Grouting

9.1.1 Drilling - General Requirement for Drilling

The Contractor shall perform drilling operations in the locations shown in the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

During the course of the work, the Engineer may direct the Contractor to core drill
vertical or sloping holes. Such cored holes shall be water tested in stages as the
drilling progresses. Location and Method

The location, direction and length of holes and their reference numbers shall be
as shown in the Drawings or as determined by the Engineer, who may at any time
increase or decrease the number of holes or instruct drilling to a greater or lesser

If foundation conditions and rock conditions as revealed by the excavation, drilling,

testing and grouting operations, indicate that grouting at greater depths or closer
spacing or in other locations than those shown in the Drawings is necessary, the
Contractor shall drill holes to such depths and spacings as directed by the

Grout, test, exploratory and instrumentation holes may be drilled with either rotary
type diamond drills or percussion type drills, provided that where holes satisfactory
for subsequent grouting cannot be drilled by percussion type drills, rotary type
diamond drills shall be used.

The diameters specified shall be obtained at the maximum depth required. The
equipment shall be capable of drilling holes to a maximum of 50 m depth. The
drilling equipment shall be capable of drilling at any angle below 45 degrees and
be capable of being set to an accuracy of one degree.

Holes shall be drilled to an accuracy of 3 degrees of angle of that specified but the
Engineer may require certain holes to be drilled within 2 degrees of the specified
direction. Holes shall be drilled from positions shown in the Drawings with a
tolerance of 150 mm. Holes for testing and grouting shall have diameters not less
than 35 mm. For percussion drill holes, the bit diameter shall be at least 8 mm
greater than that of the coupling used for drill rods.

All holes shall be drilled without mud-support and without the use of grease, "rod-
dope" or other non water soluble material or the lubrication of the drill rods. The
Engineer may permit the use of an additive in the drilling water. A sample of any
proposed additive shall be submitted to the Engineer at least seven (7) days prior
to its being used. The concentration of the permitted additive shall not exceed the
manufacturer's recommendation.

Unless otherwise ordered by the Engineer, all holes shall, immediately after
drilling, be thoroughly washed out with water under pressure from the bottom.
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Water flushing shall continue until the waste water runs clear or until otherwise
directed by the Engineer. Drilling Sequence

Unless otherwise directed by the Engineer, when drilling curtain grout holes the
first holes drilled into the foundations shall be widely spaced and shall be drilled
and grouted before intermediate holes are drilled and grouted, and in this manner
the drilling and grouting of holes shall be completed to such final spacing as
directed by the Engineer. A minimum period of 16 hours shall be provided before
drilling intermediate holes.

After holes in a region have been drilled and grouted, it may be necessary to drill
additional grout holes. Casing

It may be necessary to install casing in portions of holes drilled for grouting. Unless
otherwise approved by the Engineer, any casing that is installed for the purpose
of keeping the grout hole open for grouting shall be removed immediately prior to
or simultaneously with the grouting process. Over lengths of the hole where
grouting is required the casing left in place shall be perforated sufficiently so that
grout shall readily flow into the foundations. Capping Holes

Each grout hole in foundations shall be suitably capped, or plugged by other

means, until the hole is grouted, immediately following drilling. Any hole which
becomes obstructed before being grouted shall be cleared. Standpipes

Where holes are required below or behind concrete they shall be drilled through
the concrete or through pipes embedded in the concrete. When grouting is carried
out it shall be carried out through pipes set into the concrete or rock. The pipes
shall project 300 mm above the rock surface or concrete and shall be bonded
firmly into the top of the hole for a length of not less than 750 mm. The grout hole
shall be suitably capped until the hole is grouted, and any hole which becomes
obstructed before being grouted shall be cleared by and at the expense of the

9.1.2 Water Pressure Tests

A water pressure test shall be carried out in grout holes prior to grouting, and
elsewhere as required by the Engineer.

Water pressure tests shall be carried out in stages of depth not exceeding 10 m.
The water pressure test shall be carried out between a packer and the bottom of
the hole or between packers in depth stages to suit the variation of jointing of rock.

Water pressure tests shall be carried out with clean water and the rate of flow shall
be determined to an accuracy of 10% for flows exceeding 1 litre/min, using an air
vessel to smooth out fluctuations of pressure. The results shall be expressed in
Lugeon units. One Lugeon unit is determined by a water pressure

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test where a leakage occurs of 1 litre of water per minute per metre length of hole
under pressure of 1 MPa

Pressure shall be maintained for 5 minutes at each of five pressures, which shall
be 10 kPa, 20 kPa, 30 kPa, 20 kPa, 10 kPa per metre of depth to the top of the
stage, or such lower figure as the Engineer may instruct. The pressure shall be
determined to an accuracy of 10%.

Should the flow be too great to hold the specified pressure, the flow shall be held
constant at the maximum discharge of the pump and the pressure shall be
observed at one minute intervals over a period of 10 minutes. If the results do not
give an adequate indication of the required grouting, the tests shall be repeated
using two or shorter stage lengths.

9.1.3 Pressure Grouting – General Requirement for Grouting

The Contractor shall perform curtain grouting operations in the locations shown in
the Drawings. The depth of the grout curtain shall be as shown in the Drawings or
as directed by the Engineer and shall be measured from the final foundation level.

Drilling and grouting operations shall be performed in accordance with the

requirements of this Section of the Specifications and with procedures developed
by the Contractor with regard to experience as the work proceeds and submitted
to and approved by the Engineer from time to time.

The Contractor shall use grout proportions and injection pressures as nominated
in the procedures approved by the Engineer, and he shall be responsible for
control of those grout proportions and injection pressures. Mixing and Pumping Equipment

Grouting shall generally be carried out from one or more central stations which
shall contain stores for grouting materials, batching plant, grout mixers, holding
tanks, and grout pumps.

The arrangements shall be such as to ensure the continuous and uninterrupted

flow of grout to the hole being injected. The grouting shall be carried out by a
return flow system to ensure continuous circulation of grout to the hole being
injected and return surplus grout which is not accepted by the hole to the holding

Each grouting unit, including the mixer, pump, hoses and pipelines used for
surface grouting operations shall be capable of delivering not less than 60 litres of
liquid grout per minute to each hole being injected up to a maximum pressure of
500 kPa and shall include a water storage tank of adequate capacity to be used
for pressure testing and for flushing out the pumps.

All grout shall be pumped with an approved type of pumping equipment. The
pumping equipment shall be capable of forcing grout into the holes or grout
connections in a continuous, uninterrupted flow at any specified pressure up to

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maximum pressures as noted above, only minimum fluctuations in pressure during

the pump cycle being permissible. The grouting equipment shall be arranged to
provide a supply line and a return line from the grout pump to the grout hole.
Provision shall be made to permit accurate control of grouting pressures and of
grout flow into the grout holes, and continuous circulations of grout within the
grouting system.

Pressure gauges shall have an accuracy of +/- 3%.

A standardised gauge shall be provided for calibrating working gauges. Working

gauges shall be used for no longer than two shifts after which time they shall be
cleaned and calibrated. All working gauges shall have reference numbers for
identification. Calibration sheets shall be dated and available for inspection at all
times when a gauge is being used.

Packers shall be such that they seal the drill holes at the specified level and shall
then be capable of withstanding water pressure exceeding the maximum grout or
water pressure to be used at the level without leakage. The Contractor shall have
available on site an adequate supply of packers of a size to suit different holes
being used.

The total length of pipe and hose between the hole being grouted and the pump
shall be kept to a minimum.

A valve, bypass valve, and pressure gauge shall be fitted at the collar of a hole
being grouted. Material for Pressure Grouting

Grout shall generally be cement mixed with water. The Engineer may direct the
addition of fine aggregate or bentonite to cement grout where foundation rock is
disturbed or contains large voids.

Cement used in pressure grouting shall be Type A cement, or approved alternative

fine grind cement, and shall comply with the requirements of these Specifications
and the applicable Clauses of Division 10 (Concrete Works). Cement shall be
fresh and delivered in bags. Bags shall be stored under cover. Any bags which
have become damp or which are older than three months shall be removed and
not used for grouting.

Fine aggregate for pressure grouting shall be clean and of such fineness that
100% will pass a 2.36 mm sieve and not less than 30% a 0.300 mm sieve.

Cement grout mixtures within the range of one part cement to three parts of water
and two parts cement to one part of water are envisaged.

Water having a temperature above 30°C shall not be used in grouting operations.
The use of water at a temperature not exceeding 30°C is designed to limit the
temperature rise in the grout during the grouting operation. The Contractor's
attention is drawn to the need to provide shelter from effects of hot weather and
wind, for the stored cement, water and grout lines and the other equipment
handling the grout.

Cement grout which is not injected within two hours after mixing shall not be used
for grouting, unless an appropriate retarding admixture is used.
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Volume – X Technical Specification Grouting Method – Upstage and Downstage

Drilling and grouting of foundations may be performed by using both the upstage
method and the downstage method.

Normally the upstage method shall be used and it shall be performed in

successive operations, consisting in each case of:

 Drilling the hole to its required final depth.

 Installing a packer into the hole at the top of the lowest stage and grouting that
 Allowing the packer to remain in place until there is no back pressure and then
installing the packer at the top of the next stage; and thus successively
grouting the hole in stages until the hole is completely grouted.

Whenever the downstage method is directed, the drilling and grouting shall be
performed in successive operations, consisting in each case of:

 Drilling holes to a limited depth and grouting at that depth.

 Allowing the grout in the grout holes to set for at least 24 hours, unless
washing out of the hole is directed.
 Drilling the hole to an additional depth and then grouting at the additional
section thus successively drilling and grouting the hole in stages until the
required depth of hole is completely drilled and grouted.

Pressure grouting of any part of the foundations shall not be carried out until all
excavation, drilling and water pressure testing has been completed within 30 m of
the holes to be grouted, and any concrete or shotcrete through which the grout
holes extend is at least fourteen (14) days old.

The composition of the grout, the time of grouting and all other details of the
grouting operations shall be as determined by the Engineer.

Grouting pressures shall be as directed by the Engineer. Generally these shall be

based on surface pressure of 200 kPa with an additional 25 kPa / metre depth to
the packer. The grouting pressure shall generally be reduced in the weathered
areas. Procedure for Grouting Foundation

Water pressure tests shall be carried out in stages in each hole before grouting.
Permeabilities shall be measured in Lugeon units at the point in the hole being
tested. A record of holes drilled, depth and water pressure test results shall be
prepared and provided to the Engineer. If a hole has a Lugeon value less than 5
then it may be backfilled with grout without pressure grouting.

Curtain grouting of any portion of the foundations shall be carried out using the
following criteria unless otherwise directed by the Engineer:

Curtain grouting shall generally be started by the drilling of primary holes at 6 m

centres. Secondary holes shall be midway between the primary holes. Zones
where third series holes (closure holes) may be necessary will then be decided
and ordered by the Engineer. No holes of subsequent series shall be drilled until
grouting has been completed to full depth in adjacent holes of the previous
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series. Locations of grout holes shall be as shown in the Drawings or directed by

the Engineer.

If the Engineer considers the excavated surface is not satisfactory for grouting he
may require foundation concrete to be placed prior to grouting.

Grouting shall be carried out in stages suited to the jointing, etc. of the rock and
the grout to be used but not exceeding 10 m (except as allowed below) and shall
be performed by using the upstage method except where the Engineer determines
that the downstage method is necessary for satisfactory grouting.

In downstage grouting sufficient time shall be allowed for the grout to set before
the next stage is commenced.

Normally grouting shall commence with a mix of 3 parts water to 1 part cement
(by volume). After approximately 20 litres / metre of grout had been injected the
starting mix would normally be thickened to 2:1. This would then be thickened to
1:1 after a further 20 litres and so on through 0.8:1, 0.6:1 and finally 0.5:1.

The grouting of any hole shall be a continuous operation until the hole or grout
connection takes grout at the rate of less than 30 litres of grout mixture in twenty
minutes or 20 litres of 0.5 parts water to 1 part cement grout mix has been pumped.

The maximum grout pressure shall be as directed by the Engineer, but generally
200 kPa plus 25 kPa per metre of depth to the top of the hole. Unless otherwise
directed by the Engineer, fissure splitting shall be avoided.

During grouting, grout leaks shall be caulked but if this cannot be achieved and
the leaks are excessive, grouting shall be stopped and resumed later when the
grout already injected into the leaking fissures has hardened. Precautions shall be
taken to ensure that the grout does not enter other parts of the Works such as
drains. The Engineer may order the establishment of level reference points to be
observed as a check against uplift. Any possible movement shall be taken as an
indication that the grouting pressure being used is excessive and it shall be
immediately relieved.

Adequate communication by radio or by any other approved means shall be

maintained between the grout pump and the collar of the hole being grouted.

After grouting grout holes, any stand pipes shall be removed or burned off flush
with the surface. Grouting Operation – General

If, during the grouting of any hole, grout is found to flow from adjacent grout
connections in sufficient quantity to interfere seriously with the grouting operation
or to cause appreciable loss of grout, such connections may be capped
temporarily, provided that when grouting is being done with packers, the pressure
of the grout returning from any adjacent hole shall be measured by seating a
packer in the adjacent hole and the pressure in such adjacent hole shall be kept
below the allowable pressure for that stage of that hole. Where such capping is
not essential, ungrouted holes shall be left open to facilitate the escape of air and
water from pockets in the surrounding rock as the grout is forced into other holes.
Before grout has set, the grout pump shall be connected

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to adjacent capped holes and to other holes from which grout flow has been
observed and grouting of all holes shall be completed at the pressure directed by
the Engineer.

If, during the grouting of any hole, grout is found to flow from points in the rock
surfaces, such leaks shall be immediately and effectively plugged or caulked by
the Contractor. As a safeguard against rock or concrete displacement, or while
grout leaks are being caulked, a reduction of the pumping pressure, or the
discontinuation of pumping may be required. The Contractor shall have a range
of caulking materials on site whenever grouting is being undertaken. These shall
include wooden wedges, steel wool, and fast setting cements as well as propriety
caulking materials.

After grouting of the holes is completed, the pressure shall be maintained by

means of stopcocks or other suitable valve devices until the grout has set
sufficiently so that it shall be retained in the holes or connections being grouted.

9.1.4 Grouting and Water Test Records

Within 24 hours of doing the work concerned, the Contractor shall submit in
duplicate and in a form approved by the Engineer a record of the grouting and
water pressure tests. The record shall include the following data:

 The location and reference number of holes grouted and the lengths of stages.
Level of grout pump and collar of hole.
 Water pressure test results including details of pressures, volumes of water
used, timing of each operation, permeability values and graphical records of
the tests.
 Details of grout injections, pressures, consistencies, quantities and timing for
each stage of the grouting.
 Proportions of the grout materials.
 General remarks on the procedure of the grouting, surface leaks and
connections to other holes, if any.

When directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall supply grout samples 0.5 kg
in mass taken from any point in the grouting system.

9.1.5 Pipes, Fittings and Outlets for Grouting General

The Contractor shall furnish and install standard black pipe for all standpipes and
grout connections set in concrete or rock. Grout holes shall be drilled to full depth
before installing the standpipe.

The depth of holes for setting pipe for foundation grouting shall be 1 m or as
directed by the Engineer. Each pipe shall be anchored into the concrete or rock
into which it is set and the space around the pipe shall be carefully sealed with
grout or other suitable material. All pipes and fittings to be embedded in concrete
shall be cleaned thoroughly of all dirt, grease, grout and mortar immediately before
being embedded in the concrete or rock.

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10. Concrete Works

10.1 Scope
This Specification deals with the quality of the materials and workmanship for
concrete and reinforced concrete works, performed in accordance with the
drawings and specifications, and shall apply to all parts of the structures,
underground and above, for the whole site at any given depth or height. The
specifications apply for ready mixed concrete and concrete mixed on site.

10.2 Concrete Production and Construction

10.2.1 General Place of Concrete Production

The Contractor shall either use ready-mixed concrete, or manufacture concrete

on site.

The properties of ready-mixed concrete and its components shall comply with the
requirements of site manufactured concrete. The Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer all information necessary to satisfy the Engineer that this requirement is
being met. Concrete Manufactured on Site

For manufacturing concrete on Site the Contractor shall, not less than sixty
(60) days before installing his plant and equipment, submit flow charts, drawings,
and written descriptions of his proposals for the concrete materials and the
production and placing of concrete, mortar and shotcrete in the Works to the
Engineer approval.

All aggregate shall be produced using plant capable of supplying aggregate at a

rate which is adequate to meet the requirements for the progress of the Works.

The Contractor shall install, maintain and operate a communications system

linking the points of placing concrete with the concrete batching and mixing plant,
and such shall be available to the Engineer at all times. Transporting and Handling Equipment

The use of transporting and handling equipment including buckets, chutes,

hoppers, agitator trucks or pumps which cannot readily handle and place concrete
of the slumps as specified shall not be permitted. Alternative Type of Equipment

Where these Specifications require specific types of equipment to be used or

specific procedures to be followed, such requirements are not to be construed as
prohibiting use by the Contractor of alternative types of equipment or procedures
if it can be demonstrated that equal results will be obtained by the use of such
alternatives. Maximum Size Aggregate

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Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or approved by the Engineer, the normal
maximum size aggregate used in concrete shall be as follows:

 76 mm - for concrete in walls, slabs and sections more than 600 mm in

 38 mm - for concrete in walls, slabs and sections less than 600 mm in
 19 mm - for heavy reinforced sections, pre-cast concrete elements and walls
less than 400 mm in thickness. Concrete Mix Design

The Contractor shall be responsible for the design of concrete mixes and for
ensuring that all concrete placed in the Works meets the requirements of the

The Contractor shall prepare, in the Engineer's presence, trial mixes of the
proposed mix designs and carry out tests to verify their compliance with these

The class of concrete and maximum water cement ratio shall be as specified in
Table 10.2.1. To achieve adequate workability a water reducing agent and/or
plasticiser may need to be used. For all structures the use of a plasticiser shall be
subject to the approval of the Engineer.

Concrete class refers to 28 day strength as defined in BS 1881 Part 116 (on cube

At least 120 days prior to commencement of any concreting of Permanent Works,

the Contractor shall start the testing of materials, propose the composition of
concrete mixes and prepare trial mixes of each of the proposed concrete classes.
The Contractor shall prepare the trial mixes using the cement, water, aggregates
manufactured by the crushing and screening plants for the main works and
admixtures intended for the work and which conform to the requirements specified

Table 10.2.1: Standard Classes of Concrete

Class of Characteristic Max.

Concrete Strength (Mpa) w/c ratio
C 15-38 15 0.55
C 15-76 15 0.45
C 20-38 20 0.50
C 20-76 20 0.45
C 25-19 25 0.55
C 25-38 25 0.50
C 25-76 25 0.45
C 30-19 30 0.60
C 30-38 30 0.50*
C30-76 30 0.50
C 40-19 40 0.55
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C 40-38 40 0.50
* for non-reinforced concrete
** for reinforced concrete
*** 0.55 for walls and slabs less than 400 mm, 0.45 for thicker walls and slabs

This preliminary test program shall include the determination of the following

 Cement properties.
 Characteristics of aggregates.
 Mix water properties.
 Admixture properties.
 Proportion of aggregate ranges in the mix.
 Cement dosage.
 Water-cement ratio (w/c).
 Workability of concrete mixes.
 Compressive and tensile strength.
 Entrained air.
 Density.
 Water tightness.

These tests shall be carried out until the concrete mixes show appropriate
strength, workability, density and water tightness without excessive use of

Initially not less than 12 concrete cubes shall be prepared in accordance with ACI-
211.1 and BS 1881 for each class of concrete, i.e. 4 cubes for each w/c ratio
varying from 0.55, 0.50 and 0.45 for concrete class C20 and below, while for C25
and above a w/c ratio range of 0.50, 0.55 and 0.60 shall be covered.
Compressive strength of concrete shall be tested at 7 days (1 cube), and 28 days (3

Based on the results from the initial testing series, additional tests shall be carried
out to fine-tune the required cement content to fulfill the requirements of ACI-211.1
and BS 1881 standards for each concrete class. This shall include not less than
12 concrete cubes for C20/38, C25/38 and C30/38, testing the compressive
strength at 3 days (2 cubes), 7 days (2 cubes), 28 days (3 cubes), 90 days (3
cubes), and 180 days (2 cubes). Not less than nine concrete cubes for the
remaining concrete classes shall be tested for compressive strength at ages as
directed by the Engineer.

The static modulus of elasticity and Poisson's ratio of concrete in compression

shall be determined in accordance with ASTM Test Method C 469 for not less
than 3 cubes in each concrete class. Required Properties of Concrete

Plastic concrete will be liable to rejection if the air content is not within the ranges
specified in Table 10.2.2.

Table 10.2.2: Required Air Content

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Coarse Aggregate Total Air

(maximum size, mm) (percentage of concrete by volume)
19 6 +/-1
38 5 +/-1
76 4 +/-1

or, after the concrete has been discharged at the placing point and before it has
been consolidated, the slump is not within the ranges specified in Table 10.2.3.

Table 10.2.3: Concrete Slump Limits

Design Slump Tolerance

(mm) (mm)
Walls, over 300 mm thick 65 20
Walls thinner than 300 mm 100 20
Slabs 50 25
Mass concrete 50 25

Hardened concrete shall be liable to rejection if the characteristic strength of

concrete for the particular class does not comply with BS 5328. Limits of Salt Content

No concrete shall contain more than the following total quantities of substances
expressed as percentages by weight of cement:

 For mixes containing ordinary Portland cement to BS 12: Total water soluble
chlorides 0.4% (as chloride ions).
 For mixes containing cements complying with BS 4027: Total chlorides 0.2%
(as chloride ions).
 For mixes used for pre-stressed concrete (all cement types): Total chlorides
0.1% (as chloride ions).
 For all mixes: Total acid soluble sulphates 4.0% (as SO3 ions).

Tests shall be carried out in accordance with the following standards:

 Chlorides in aggregates: ASTM D 1411

 Sulphates in aggregates: BS 1377 test 9
 Chloride ion in mixing water: ASTM D 512
 Sulphates in mixing water: ASTM D 516 Regulation of Water Content

During batching, the Contractor shall periodically measure the moisture content
of the fine aggregate held in the batch bins.

The amount of water used in the concrete shall be regulated to adjust for any
variation of the moisture content or grading of the aggregates as they enter the

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Addition of water to overcome stiffening of the concrete before placing shall not
be permitted.

Concrete shall have uniform consistency from batch to batch. Workability

The workability of each grade of concrete shall be such that satisfactory

compaction can be obtained when the concrete is placed and vibrated and that
there is no tendency to segregate when it is handled, transported and compacted
by the methods which the Contractor proposes to use in the Works.

For reinforced concrete, the compacting factor, determined by the method

described in BS 1881, shall not be less than 0.85 nor greater than 0.92. For
unreinforced concrete the compacting factor shall be not greater than 0.85. Where
pumping of concrete is permitted, the compacting factor may be increased to 0.95,
provided that the conditions in Clause are not varied. In any case,
pumped concrete shall be subjected to approval by the Engineer for all water
retaining structures.

10.2.2 Cement Properties

Cement for concrete, mortar and slush grout shall be Ordinary Portland Cement
(OPC) for a tropical climate and shall conform to BS 12.

Cement for shotcrete and grout shall be Rapid Hardening Cement (RHC) and
shall conform to BS 12.

For surfaces exposed to public view, where colour of the finished concrete is
important, all cement shall be of the same type and colour and origin from the
same plant. Maximum Storage Period

Cement that has not been used within 3 months from the date of initial sampling
shall not be used in the Works unless it has been shown to conform to the
specified requirements. Delivery of Bulk Cement

All containers shall be completely weatherproof and maintained in good order and
condition. Each and every container dispatched from the manufacturer's works or
any intermediate transfer point shall be accompanied by a delivery docket which
shall clearly show the brand and type of cement, identification number or numbers
relating to the testing and certification of the cement, the date of filling the
container and the net mass of the cement in the container.

Cement supplied in bulk shall not be bagged for use in the Works. Delivery of Bagged Cement

Cement shall be delivered in sound undamaged bags uncontaminated by

moisture, oil or any other substance.
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Individual bags which vary by more than 5% from the nominal mass shall be
rejected. Where the average mass of 50 bags taken at random from any one
consignment is less than the nominal mass, the whole consignment shall be

Every bag shall be marked with the manufacturer's brand, the type of cement,
identification number or numbers relating to the testing and certification of the
cement, and the date the bag was filled.

The content of broken or damaged bags shall not be rebagged. Storage and Handling of Cement

All methods for transporting, handling and sorting cement shall be designed,
constructed and arranged so as to ensure the use or transfer of cement in the
approximate chronological order of manufacture.

All storage bins and cement handling equipment shall be completely weatherproof
and substantially dust-free to the satisfaction of the Engineer and shall be
designed and constructed so as to ensure that there will be no dead storage of

The Contractor shall not set up cement handling facilities where cement dust may
come in contact with electrical and mechanical equipment stored in the vicinity
and to which cement dust will be deleterious.

All loading and unloading facilities for cement shall be under cover and

All storage bins and silos shall be drawn down so as to be substantially empty at
least once every 3 months.

All bagged cement shall be stored at all times, up to its use in the Works, in
completely weatherproof structures, which shall include a raised floor and which
shall be adequately ventilated to prevent the accumulation of moisture.
All storage of bagged cement shall be arranged so as to permit easy access for
inspection and definite identification of all cement in the storage.

The temperature of the cement as delivered to the site shall not exceed 60°C and
when entering the mixers shall not exceed 50°C unless otherwise approved by
the Engineer. Cement used in Ready-Mixed Concrete

If ready-mixed concrete is used, the Contractor shall ensure that the supplier
continuously maintains a record of the use of cement so related to test certificates
as to permit the immediate identification of cement in use at any time. Fly Ash

If used, fly ash shall conform to BS 3892. For concrete and mortar the percentage
of cement, by weight, to be substituted by fly ash shall be 30% if not otherwise
approved. Cement for shotcrete shall be RHC without fly ash, and with
accelerator or silica fume to achieve the required early strength. Fly ash for

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grouting shall be used in ratio of C:FA = 0.7:0.3. However, if the workability of

grout is inadequate, the fly ash dosage may be increased to 50% of cement

10.2.3 Admixtures General

Only approved admixtures shall be used in the concrete, shotcrete or mortar for
the Works. When more than one admixture is to be used, each admixture shall be
batched in its own batcher and added to the mixing water separately before
discharge into the mixer.

Admixtures shall be delivered in suitably labelled containers to enable

identification. All admixtures shall be prevented from segregating before batching. Air-entraining Agent

When directed or approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall use a

neutralised, vinsol-resin, air-entraining agent. Where the Contractor wishes to use
an alternative air-entraining agent, he shall demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the
Engineer, its compliance with BS 5075 when tested with the cement, aggregates
and admixtures to be used in the Works.

The amount of air-entraining agent used in each concrete mix shall be such as
will effect the entrainment of the percentage of air specified in the concrete at the
point of delivery.

The air-entraining agent shall be supplied and batched as a solution with a solids
content not exceeding 15% by mass, if using vinsol-resin with an approved, stable
and consistent pH. Expanding Agent

The Contractor may be directed by the Engineer to use an approved expanding

agent in a small amount of the second stage concrete and mortar used in the
Works. The quantity of expanding agent shall be as directed by the Engineer. Water-Reducing, Set-Retarding Agent

The Contractor may use a water-reducing set-retarding admixture. The use of

such an admixture shall not be permitted to overcome problems associated with
inadequate concrete plant capacity or improperly planned placing operations and
shall only be used as an aid to overcoming unusual circumstances and placing

The specified limits in respect of maximum slump, slump loss during transit and
the time allowed for concrete to remain in the mixer may be changed by the
Engineer when a water-reducing, set-retarding agent is used. Calcium Chloride

Calcium chloride shall not be used as an admixture in any concrete or grout.

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10.2.4 Water

Water used in concrete, grout, shotcrete, and mortar, for washing aggregate and
for curing concrete shall not contain more than 2,000 ppm of suspended colloidal
solids. The water shall not be aggressive and shall have a chloride content less
than 50 mg/l and sulphate content less than 100 mg/l. Water having a temperature
above 25°C shall not be used in concrete.

During the rainy season and high runoff periods the Contractor shall construct
settlement ponds to ensure that the above requirements are met.

10.2.5 Aggregates General

Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to BS 882 and to the requirements of
these Specifications.

The term "fine aggregate" is used to designate aggregate in which the maximum
size is 5 mm. Fine aggregate for concrete, shotcrete and mortar and grout shall
be furnished by the Contractor and shall be natural sand, a manufactured sand, a
blend of natural sands or a blend of natural and manufactured sands.

The term "coarse aggregate" is used to designate aggregate in which the

minimum nominal size is 5 mm and which is reasonably well graded from 5 mm
to the largest size required in the work in which the material is being used. Coarse
aggregate for concrete shall be furnished by the Contractor and shall consist of
natural gravel, a mixture of natural and crushed oversize gravel or manufactured
At least 60 days before placing any concrete the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer test results from representative samples of the proposed aggregates. Deleterious Substances

Table 10.2.4: Maximum Amounts of Deleterious Substances

Maximum Percentage by
Fine Coarse
aggregate Aggregate
Material passing 0.075 mm 2.0 0.5
Lightweight material 2.0 2.0
Organic matter Zero Zero
Clay lumps 1.0 0.5
Other deleterious substances 2.0 1.0

The sum of the percentages of all deleterious substances in aggregates as

delivered to the mixer, shall not exceed 3% for fine aggregate and 2% for coarse

Aggregate which, when tested in accordance with ASTM C289, Figure 2, is

considered deleterious, shall be rejected.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Particle Shape

The aggregates shall consist substantially of particles having a maximum

dimension not greater than 3 times the minimum dimension. Grading of Fine Aggregate

The fine aggregate as batched shall be well graded and when tested shall conform
to the limits specified in Table 10.2.5.

Table 10.2.5: Grading of Fine Aggregate

Percentage of total Sieve size

mass passing sieve (mm)
4.75 95-100
2.46 80-100
1.18 50-85
0.60 25-60
0.30 10-30
0.15 2-10
0.075 0-3

The grading of the fine aggregate shall be so controlled that at any time the
fineness modulus of at least 9 out of 10 consecutive test samples of finished fine
aggregate shall not vary by more than 0.20 from the average fineness modulus of
the 10 test samples.

Where fine aggregates from different sources are being used at the one batching
plant at the same time, they shall be so blended to ensure uniform grading and
colour in successive batches. Nominal Size Range and Grading of Coarse Aggregate

The coarse aggregate as batched shall be separated into nominal sizes and shall
be well graded such that when tested by the sieves designated in Table B41.6 the
minimum amounts of intermediate sizes shall comply with the requirements set
out in Table 10.2.7.

Table 10.2.6: Sieve Size for Aggregate Sizing

Designation of Size of square opening in sieve

aggregate size (mm) For under-size test For over-size test
9.5 4.0 11.2
19.0 8.0 22.4
37.5 16.0 45.0
75.0 31.5 90.0

Table 10.2.7: Nominal Size Ranges of Coarse Aggregate

Minimum percentage
Designation of size Nominal size range
(mm) (mm)
on sieve indicated
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9.5 4.75 to 9.5 Not applicable

19.0 9.5 to 19.0 25 on 16.0 mm
37.5 19.0 to 37.5 25 on 31.5 mm
75.0 37.5 to 75.0 25 on 63.0 mm

Separation of the coarse aggregate into the specified sizes shall be such that
when the aggregate, as batched, is tested by the sieve designated in Table B41.8
the materials passing the under-size test sieve shall not exceed 2% by mass, and
all materials shall pass the oversize test sieve. Other Properties

Aggregate which does not comply with the requirements set out in Table 10.2.8
may be rejected.
Table 10.2.8: Aggregate Requirements

Properties of aggregate Fine Coarse

aggregate aggregate
Minimum specific gravity 2.56 2.56
Maximum weighted loss of a portion 8% by mass 10% by mass
retained on an 0.30 mm sieve when subject
to 5 cycles of sodium sulphate test
Maximum loss in Los Angeles abrasion test N/A 40%
(500 cycles)
Maximum sum of flakiness and elongation N/A 60%
Minimum fineness modulus 2.10 N/A
Maximum fineness modulus (*)
Natural sand 3.10 N/A
Manufactured sand 2.80 N/A
* For a mixture of natural sand and manufactured fine aggregate the maximum
fineness modulus shall have a value between 3.10 and 2.80 in proportion to the
constituent materials.

10.2.6 Batching and Mixing Plant

The capacity of the plant for the batching and mixing of concrete shall be in excess
of that required to meet the Contractor's peak placing requirements but shall be
not less than 50 m3/h of concrete.

Plant for batching concrete ingredients shall be constructed and operated in

accordance with BS 3963 and this Specification. Measuring and Tolerances

Cement shall be weighed separately on an individual scale. Water shall be

weighed separately on an individual scale or may be measured by volume. All
other ingredients shall be measured by mass except that liquid admixtures may
be measured by mass or volume. If water is measured by volume, 2 flow-meters
shall be installed in parallel so that no delay shall result from faulty operation of
the meters.
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The equipment shall be capable of controlling the delivery of each size of

aggregate to the mixer within the tolerances specified in BS 3963. Calibration

The construction and accuracy of the weighing and measuring equipment shall be
such that the equipment shall maintain an accuracy within 0.4% of the scale
capacity. The equipment shall be capable of ready adjustment for compensating
for the varying weight of any moisture contained in the aggregates and for
effecting changes in concrete mix proportions. Batching equipment shall be
maintained and operated so that the combined inaccuracies in feeding and
measuring the materials shall not exceed 1.0% for water or air-entraining agent
and 3.0% for cement and each size of aggregate.

The Contractor shall provide standard certified test weights and any other auxiliary
equipment required for checking the accuracy of each measuring device.

The Contractor shall calibrate each measuring device at least once every month
in the case of equipment for measuring aggregates and at least once every two
weeks in the case of equipment for measuring cement, water and admixtures.

The Contractor shall furnish copies of the complete results of all calibrations to
the Engineer and shall adjust, repair or replace any measuring device which does
not meet the requirements for accuracy. Batching and Weighing Equipment

The batching equipment shall be capable of handling a minimum of two (2)

different sets of mix proportions without the necessity of resetting the scales
manually and shall be capable of recording the batches of each mix separately.

Materials shall be weighed individually and each weighing device shall be

equipped with a visible springless dial which shall register the scale load at any
stage of the weighing operation.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary facilities for obtaining representative
samples of aggregates and cement from the discharge streams between the bins
and weigh-hoppers or between weigh-hoppers and the mixers.

All gates and closing devices shall be positive in action and shall prevent leakage
of materials when in the closed position.

Batching equipment shall be interlocked so that:

 A new weighing cycle cann ot be started until all weigh-hoppers are

completely emptied and the discharge gates closed.
 The discharge gates of the weigh-hoppers cann ot be opened until the
correct masses of materials are in and the scales in balance.
 The discharge gate cann ot be closed until all materials are entirely
discharged and the scales are back in balance.
 The discharge valve of the water measuring device cannot be opened until
the filling valve is closed;
 Accidental over batching of admixtures is prevented.

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The batch bins shall be constructed so as to be self-cleaning during draw-down

and the bins shall be drawn down until they are practically empty at least three
times per week. Materials shall be deposited in the batch bins through effective
rock ladders when the distance through which the aggregate would fall is greater
than 1.0 m. Equipment for conveying batched materials from the batchers or
hoppers to and into the mixer shall be so constructed, maintained and operated
that there shall be no spillage or contamination of the batched materials or overlap
of batches. Equipment that fails to conform to this requirement shall be effectively
repaired, modified or replaced to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

When cement and aggregates are hauled from a central batching plant to the
mixer, the cement for each batch shall be placed in an individual covered
watertight compartment which, during transit, shall prevent the cement from
intermingling with the aggregates and shall prevent loss or contamination of
cement. Aggregates shall be covered to prevent changes in moisture content
during transit. Each batch compartment shall be of sufficient capacity to prevent
loss in transit and to prevent spilling and intermingling of batches as
compartments are being emptied. Surface haulage of batched aggregates from a
central batching plant to mixers shall not be permitted, if when so hauled the
changes in moisture content of the fine aggregate between batching plant and
mixer exceeds 1%.

The moisture contents of the aggregates shall be determined before the

commencement of each day's concreting and at such intervals during each day
as may be necessary. The Contractor shall make due allowance for the water
contained in the aggregates when determining the quantity of water to be added
to each mix, and shall adjust the amount of water added to each mix to maintain
constant the approved free water/cement ratio of the mixed concrete. Records

The batching equipment shall include an accurate recorder for making a

continuous record of the measurement of each separate concrete ingredient,
including all mixing water and admixtures as well as registering the date and time
of day. Mixer

The concrete ingredients shall be mixed thoroughly in approved stationary mixers

which are so designed as to ensure uniform distribution of all of the component
materials throughout the mass at the end of the mixing period.

The Contractor shall not use any mixer which:

 From 3 tests of any batch of concrete, a range in slump exceeding 25 mm or

a range in air content exceeding one percent (1%) is given between
representative samples taken at different portions of the mixer discharge.
 For any batch of concrete, the difference between unit masses of air-free
mortar in samples taken from the first and last portions of the batch as
discharged from the mixer, when determined in accordance with the
provisions of the United States Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual,
exceeds 1.6% of the mean value.
 For any batch of concrete, the difference between the unit masses of coarse
aggregate from samples from the first and last portions of the batch as
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discharged from the mixer, when determined in accordance with the

provisions of the United States Bureau of Reclamation Concrete Manual,
exceeds 10% of the mean value.

Truck mounted mixers shall not be used. Testing

The Contractor shall test the mixers to ensure compliance with these
Specifications and shall submit the results to the Engineer. Every mixer shall be
tested not more than 28 days before being used for manufacture of concrete for
use in the Works. Additional tests during the progress of the work shall be carried
out monthly and when directed by the Engineer. Mixing Time

The mixing of each batch shall produce homogenous concrete and shall continue
for not less than the time recommended by the batch plant manufacturer and
approved by the Engineer.

The minimum mixing period recommended by the batch plant manufacturer shall
be conditional on the materials being fed into mixer in a manner which shall
facilitate efficient mixing and on operation of the mixer at its designed speed. Charging Sequence

The Engineer reserves the right to vary the mixing time or to limit the batch size
when the charging and mixing operations fail to produce a batch of concrete that
conforms with the foregoing requirements with respect to adequacy of mixing. The
concrete of a given composition, as discharged from the mixer, shall be uniform
in composition and consistency within batches and from batch to batch.

Water shall be added before, during and following the mixer-charging operations.
Excessive over-mixing, requiring addition of water to preserve the required
concrete consistency, shall not be permitted. Discharging Period

Unless otherwise approved, concrete shall be completely discharged from the

mixers or agitator drums within 40 minutes after the mixing water has been added
to the dry ingredients. During weather not conductive to quick stiffening of
concrete, this period may, if approved by the Engineer, be extended. Any concrete
which requires additional water to be added to permit satisfactory discharge or
placing shall not be accepted regardless of the time which has elapsed since the
mixing water has been added. Such rejected concrete shall be promptly removed
from the Works with the least possible delay. Delivery Docket

At the point of delivery or placing, the Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with a
delivery docket stating the batch number, the time of batching, class of concrete
and volume of concrete delivered.

10.2.7 Temperature of Concrete

Ethiopian Construction Design and Supervision Works Corporation 138 February, 2024
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Volume – X Technical Specification Placing Temperature

The temperature of all concrete when it is being placed shall not exceed:

 30°C for structural concrete.

 30°C for mass concrete; Cooling Plastic Concrete

The Contractor shall, where necessary, employ effective means such as pre-
cooling the aggregates, refrigerating the mixing water, adding chipped or flaked
ice to the mixing water, placing at night or a combination of these or other methods
to ensure that the concrete does not exceed the temperatures specified.

For further reference see the appropriate Clauses on Cooling of Concrete. Minimum Placing Temperature

Whenever necessary to maintain the placing temperature of the concrete above

the specified limits as it is placed, the Contractor shall heat concrete ingredients
to a temperature not higher than that necessary to keep the temperature of the
mixed concrete from falling below the specified minimum temperature. In no case
shall any ingredient be heated to a temperature higher than 60oC. Methods of
heating concrete ingredients shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

10.2.8 Sampling and Testing Facilities

The Contractor shall provide a laboratory and all equipment required for testing
concrete and materials for concrete. The Contractor shall also provide an
approved laboratory supervisor and all other personnel required for performing
sampling and testing.

Alternatively, the Contractor may nominate, for approval by the Engineer, a

registered laboratory that he proposes to use for testing concrete materials and
concrete in accordance with this Clause. Such laboratory shall be in no way
associated with the Contractor or ready mixed supplier or a subsidiary of the
Contractor or ready mixed supplier.

At all batch and mixing plants the Contractor shall provide and maintain a lock-
up, weatherproof, dustproof, soundproof room for use by the Engineer. The room
shall have a minimum area of 7 m2 with a 2.8 m high ceiling and shall be furnished
with a bench 3 m long by 60 cm wide, fitted with a sink connected to drainage and
a water supply and electricity power points and fluorescent lights. The design
layout and location of each room shall be submitted for approval by the Engineer. Standards

Unless otherwise specified, sampling and testing of concrete materials, plastic

concrete and hardened concrete shall be in accordance with the testing, methods
and recommended practices of the British Standards Institution except

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that, where a British Standard is not available, testing shall be in accordance with
the relevant standard of the American Society for Testing and Materials, referred
to as the ASTM.

Tests on materials for concrete, plastic concrete and hardened concrete shall
include, but not necessarily be restricted to, those listed in Table 10.2.9, 10.2.10
and 10.2.11.

All sieve sizes referred to in this Section refer to the aperture dimensions in
millimetres of sieves conforming to BS 410.

Table 10.2.9: Standards for Testing Concrete

Test Standard
Sampling BS 1881 Part 101
Compressive strength BS 1881 Part 116
Slump BS 1881 Part 102
Air Content BS 1881 Part 107
Unit Weight BS 1881 Part 107
Chloride Ion Content BS 8110 Part 1, BS 6337 Part 4
Drying Shrinkage BS 1881 Part 109

Table 10.2.10: Standards for Testing Aggregate

Test Standard testing
frequency (m3)
Sampling BS 812 Part 102 500
Particle shape BS 812 Part 1 2500
Material finer than .075mm BS 812 Part 1 500
Light particles ASTM C123 500
Friable particles ASTM C142 500
Organic impurities ASTM C40 500
Soundness ASTM C88 2500
Grading BS 812 Part 103 500
Los Angeles Abrasion BS 812 Part 3 500
Unit mass BS 812 Part 2 2500
Specific gravity and BS 812 Part 2 500
Alkali reactivity ASTM C227, C285 2500

Table 10.2.11: Standards for Testing Fly Ash

Test Standard
Moisture content BS 3892 Part 1 1 per 400 t
Loss of ignition BS 3892 Part 1 1 per 400 t
Fineness BS 3892 Part 1 1 per 400 t
Autoclave expansion ASTM C311, 1 per 400 t

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Specific gravity ASTM C311, 1 per 400 t

Pozzolanic activity BS 3892 Part 1 1 per 400 t
Remaining physical and chemical tests BS 3892 Part 1 1 per 2000 t

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Volume – X Technical Specification Testing Cement at Source

Cement shall be sampled at the source and tested by the manufacturer and
certified as conforming to the requirements of these Specifications before being

Bulk or bagged cement used for concrete, mortar, shotcrete or grout shall be
sampled by taking one grab sample representing not more than 300 tonnes of
cement manufactured in an uninterrupted process and stored in one silo. The
sample shall be tested for all the requirements given in BS 12, by the methods
given in the Standard. Test results shall be forwarded to the Engineer, within a
period following testing, as determined by the Engineer.

The Engineer may allow a reduction in the tests made for the determination of the
chemical oxide and hypothetical compound composition, and for the heat of
hydration, provided that at least one of these tests shall be made from one
randomly selected grab sample representing an uninterrupted manufacture of not
more than 1,000 tonnes of cement stored in one silo.

Cement used for pressure grouting shall be additionally sampled by taking one
grab sample (usually one integral bag), representing not more than 480 bags filled
with cement manufactured in an uninterrupted process and delivered to the Site
in one consignment. This additional sample shall be tested in accordance with BS
12 for specific surface and for the percentage of material retained on sieves 0.1,
0.06, 0.02, 0.045 and 0.075 mm.

The Engineer may require the Contractor to take samples of cement from any bulk
or bagged storage, transfer point or usage point and arrange for testing. Cement
found not to comply with the requirements of these Specifications shall be
removed from the Site. The Engineer may require the removal of any concrete,
mortar or shotcrete produced with cement not complying with the requirements of
these Specifications. Testing Aggregate

At least 60 days before placing any concrete, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer results of tests on representative samples of the proposed aggregates,
that have been tested by an approved laboratory for compliance with these

During production of concrete aggregates the Contractor shall provide to the

Engineer for testing a 100 kg representative sample of fine and coarse aggregate
for every 5,000 m3 produced.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Sampling and Testing Fly Ash

The Contractor shall take samples of fly ash from any storage, transfer point or
usage point and arrange for testing. Fly ash shall be sampled by taking one grab
sample representing not more than 400 tonnes of fly ash proposed for use in
concrete. Fly ash found not to comply with the requirements of these
Specifications shall be removed from the Site.

The fly ash shall be tested in accordance with BS 12 and BS 3892 for specific
surface and for the percentage of material retained on sieves 0.1, 0.06, 0.02,
0.045 and 0.075 mm. Sampling and Testing Plastic Concrete

The Contractor shall sample concrete, for testing, from the batch plant, delivery
trucks, at the forms or elsewhere where concrete is being handled or placed.
Samples shall be obtained at uniform intervals, as directed, throughout the
production or delivery of concrete for a given placement. A placement shall be
considered as an operation involving the continuous placing of concrete between
adjacent construction joints. In general, the frequency of sampling of a class/type
of concrete in any one placement shall be in accordance with Table B41.12.

Table 10.2.12: Frequency of Sampling Concrete

Up to 10 m3 1 sample
10 to 40 m3 2 samples
40 to 80 m3 3 samples

For each additional 50 m3, 1 additional sample shall be taken.

Where the concrete is deposited into the forms directly from the agitator truck
chute, sampling shall be from the discharge and the sampling procedure will be
as in BS 1881, Part 101.

In general the Engineer shall require 2 specimen cubes for testing at 28 days, plus
as many specimens as required for other testing, to be made from any sample.

The sampling and testing for determination of concrete properties shall be carried
out in the presence of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall test the plastic concrete to determine its compliance with the
provisions of the Specifications.

The number and frequency of the tests on plastic concrete shall be as directed by
the Engineer, but in general shall not be less than four tests for each eight hours
of concrete production.
More frequent testing of plastic concrete shall be directed under certain
circumstances, such as but not limited to times when the sand moisture content
is fluctuating.

Tests for chloride ion content shall be required whenever the source of cement,
coarse aggregate or fine aggregate is varied from the sources approved by the
Engineer for use in the various classes of concrete.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Testing Cubes

The compressive strength of concrete shall be determined by tests on 150 mm

cubes. Concrete containing aggregate coarser than 40 mm shall be sieved to
remove all larger particles before the concrete cubes are made. Testing Hardened Concrete in Structures

If approved by the Engineer on each specific occasion, hardened concrete liable

to rejection may be tested by the Contractor for compressive strength in
accordance with BS 1881, Part 120. Unless otherwise directed, core specimens
shall be 150 mm in diameter. At least 3 specimens shall be tested and the points
from which the specimens are obtained shall be as directed by the Engineer.

If the average compressive strength of the core specimens so obtained is equal

to or greater than the specified characteristic strength for that section of the
Works, then the concrete represented by the core specimens shall be considered
to be structurally satisfactory.

If the concrete is considered to be structurally satisfactory then the holes left by

the removal of the test cores shall be repaired as specified.

Unless otherwise directed, concrete which fails to meet the requirements of this
Clause shall be removed and replaced in an approved manner.

10.2.9 Concrete Construction General

All concrete construction shall conform to the requirements of this Section of the
Specifications. All structures shall be built in a workmanlike manner to the lines,
grades and dimensions as shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Accessories

The Contractor shall place and attach to each structure all timber, metal or other
accessories necessary for its completion, as shown on the Drawings or directed
by the Engineer. Changes to Dimensions

The dimensions of each structure shown in the Drawings shall be subject to such
changes as may be found necessary by the Engineer to adapt the structures to
the conditions disclosed.

B41.10.4 Changes in Colour

Abrupt changes in colour of external concrete surfaces exposed to public view

shall not be permitted. The Contractor shall ensure that as far as possible these
surfaces shall be of uniform or well graded colour.

B41.10.5 Application of Loads

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Loads shall not be applied to concrete placed in the Permanent Works without
prior approval by the Engineer.

B41.10.6 Joint Fillers and Sealants

At least 60 days before their proposed use, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer samples of the proposed joint fillers and sealants together with the
manufacturer's technical data and the details of the recommended method of

10.2.10 Joints Construction Joints

Concrete surfaces, upon or against which concrete is to be placed and to which

new concrete is to adhere, that have become so rigid that the new concrete can
not be incorporated integrally with that previously placed, are defined as
construction joints.

The location of construction joints and sequence of concrete placements shall be

subject to the approval of the Engineer. At least 90 days before commencing
construction of a separate feature the Contractor shall submit drawings showing
the location of all his proposed construction joints and sequence of concrete
placements for that feature.

Certain joints may be shown in the Drawings as compulsory construction joints.

These joints shall not be altered and no concrete shall be placed adjacent to the
joint for at least 7 days for features up to 1 m in thickness and for 10 days where
the thickness exceeds 1 m.

Construction joints shall be approximately horizontal or vertical unless otherwise

shown in the Drawings or approved, and shall be given the prescribed shape by
the use of forms, where required, or by other means that shall ensure suitable
jointing with subsequent work; provided that, unless otherwise shown in the
Drawings, keyways shall not be required at construction joints. All intersections of
construction joints with concrete surface which shall be exposed to view shall be
made straight and level or plumb. Contraction Joints

Contraction joints shall be located and constructed as shown in the Drawings. The
joints shall be made by forming the concrete on one side of the joint and allowing
it to set before concrete is placed on the other side of the joint. The surface of the
concrete first placed at contraction joints shall be coated with curing compound to
break the bond before the concrete on the other side of the joint is placed. Expansion Joints

Expansion joints shall be located and constructed as shown in the Drawings. The
joints shall be made by forming the concrete on one side of the joint and allowing
it to set before concrete is placed on the other side of the joint. The

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surface of the concrete on either side of the expansion joint shall be separated by
joint filler as shown in the Drawings.

10.2.11 Tolerances for Concrete Construction General

Allowable deviations from plumb or level and from the alignment, profile, grades
and dimensions shown in the Drawings are defined as "tolerances". Tolerances
shall be inclusive of surface irregularities. Deviations from the established lines,
grades and dimensions shall be permitted to the extent set forth in this Clause.

Where tolerances are not stated in the Specifications or shown in the Drawings
for any individual structure or feature thereof, permissible deviations shall be
interpreted in conformity with the provisions of this Clause. Notations in the
Drawings or included in these Specifications of specific tolerances in connection
with any dimensions, shall be considered as supplementary to the tolerances
specified in this Clause.
The Contractor shall be responsible for setting and maintaining concrete forms
sufficiently within the tolerance limits and shall ensure that the work is completed
within the tolerances specified in this Clause. Concrete work that exceeds the
tolerance limits specified in this Clause shall be remedied or removed and
replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor. Concrete

Tolerance for reinforced concrete structures shall be in accordance with the

requirements of BS 5606, except where such tolerances are amended by these
Specifications or the Drawings. Reinforcement

Tolerances for reinforcing steel:

 Length of splice: - 25 mm
 Variation of protective cover: +/- 5 mm

Variation in indicated position of reinforcement:

 Starter bars: one bar diameter.

 Slabs and walls: 0.25 the indicated spacing.
 Beams and columns: +/- 5 mm.

Dimensions of bent bars:

 Stirrups and ties: +/- 5 mm.

 Other bars: +/- 10 mm. Embedded Metalwork

Tolerances for placing of embedded metalwork: +/- 5 mm.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Soleplates

Tolerances for placing soleplates:

Variation in level: +/- 3 mm.

Maximum tilt along a diagonal: 3 mm. Precast Concrete Deck Formwork

Variation in level of underside of precast: +/- 3 mm in 3 m concrete deck slabs

after installation.

10.2.12 Falsework

The Contractor shall be responsible for the adequacy of all falsework necessary
for the temporary support and erection of the Permanent Works.

10.2.13 Formwork General

Forms shall be used to confine the concrete and shape it to the required lines.

Forms shall be designed and constructed by the Contractor in accordance with

BS 5975 and shall have sufficient strength to withstand the pressure resulting from
placement and vibration of the concrete, and shall be maintained rigidly in position.

Forms shall be sufficiently tight to prevent loss of mortar from the concrete.

Moulding strips shall be placed in the corners of forms so as to produce bevelled

edges on permanently exposed concrete surfaces. Interior angles on such
surfaces and edges at formed joints shall not require bevelling unless the
requirement for bevelling is shown in the Drawings.

The Contractor shall be fully responsible for the safety of structures from which
he removes formwork. Sloping Surfaces

Formwork shall be provided for concrete surface at slopes steeper than 300 to the
horizontal. Surfaces at slopes less than 150 may be formed by screeding. Surface
at slopes between 150 and 300 shall generally be retained with formwork unless
the Contractor can demonstrate to the satisfaction of the Engineer that such
slopes can be screeded with the use of special screed boards to hold the concrete
in place during vibration. Form-ties

Embedded ties for holding forms shall remain embedded not less than two
diameters or twice the minimum dimension of the tie or 10 mm, whichever is the
greater, in from the formed faces of the concrete.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Architectural Requirements

For concrete surface for which F4 finish is specified, bevelled corners and
horizontal and vertical grooves and construction joints shall be constructed as
shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer and shall be straight and true
to level and plumb.

Forms for F4 finish surfaces in one plane shall be continuous in a vertical direction
so that horizontal form joints occur at approved locations, and generally at 2 m
minimum centres coinciding with horizontal construction joints, and at the same
horizontal level as form joints on adjacent planes.

Form lining shall be continuous for the full height of the form.

Vertical joints in form lining shall be equally spaced along the length of the form
for exposed concrete surfaces. The spacing shall be identical in succeeding wall

All edges of lining shall be straight and true to level and plumb.

Form ties shall have a regular set-out in relation to the whole form and to each
piece of form lining. Treatment of Forms

Before concrete is placed the surfaces of the forms shall be coated with a
napthalinic form oil that shall effectively prevent sticking and shall not stain the
concrete surface. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer details of the
proposed form oil for approval at least 28 days before its use is required.

When concrete is placed, the surfaces of the forms shall be free from
encrustations of mortar, grout, or other foreign material. Removal of Forms

Excepts as provided in BS 8110 Part 1, or as directed or approved by the

Engineer, forms shall be removed carefully as soon as the concrete has hardened
sufficiently to prevent damage in order to facilitate satisfactory progress with the
specified curing and enable the earliest practicable repair of imperfections in the
surface of the concrete.

Concrete shall be cured immediately the forms have been removed. Curing shall
be only temporarily stopped in the actual locations where repairs are being carried

Forms on upper sloping faces of concrete shall be removed as soon as the

concrete has attained sufficient stiffness to prevent sagging. Any needed repairs
or treatment required on such sloping surfaces shall be performed at once.

In order to avoid excessive stresses in the concrete that might result from swelling
of the forms, timber forms for wall openings shall be loosened as soon as this can
be accomplished without damage to the concrete. Forms for the openings shall
be constructed so as to facilitate such loosening.

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Subject to approval by the Engineer, forms on concrete surfaces close to

excavated rock surfaces may be left in place, provided that the distance between
the concrete surface and the rock is less than 500 mm and that the forms are not
exposed to view after the completion of the Works.

10.2.14 Finishes and Finishing General

Irregularities to finish as described herein are to be distinguished from tolerances

as specified.

The classes of finish and the requirements for finishing of concrete surfaces shall
be in accordance with the following, as shown in the Drawings or as directed by
the Engineer.

In the event that finishes are not definitely specified herein or in the Drawings, the
finishes to be used shall be those specified for similar adjacent surfaces.

Unless inspection is waived by the Engineer in each specific case, finishing of

concrete shall be performed only in the presence of the Engineer. Class of Finish for Formed Concrete

a) F1 Finish

This finish is for surfaces against which backfill or further concrete shall be placed.

Abrupt and gradual surface irregularities shall not exceed 25 mm.

b) F2 Finish

This finish is for conduit linings unless otherwise specified and for surfaces which
are permanently exposed to view but where the highest standard of finish is not
required. The finish is intended to be left as struck, but surface defects shall be
remedied in accordance with the relevant requirements of these Specifications.
While minor surface blemishes and discolouration shall be permitted, large
blemishes and severe stains and discolouration shall be made good.

c) F3 Finish

This finish is for surfaces which shall be in contact with fast flowing water and for
surfaces that are prominently exposed to view where good appearance is for
special importance. After striking of forms all projections shall be removed,
irregularities repaired and the surface rubbed or treated to form a smooth finish of
uniform texture, appearance and colour.

Abrupt surface irregularities shall not exceed 5 mm and gradual surface

irregularities shall not exceed 15 mm. All abrupt surface irregularities shall be
shaped to a chamfer not steeper than 1 to 10 perpendicular to the direction of
water flow and to a chamfer not steeper than 1 to 30 parallel to the direction of
water flow.

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d) F4 Finish

This finish is similar to that required for F3 but is used in places where a first class
alignment and dense surface free from air holes and other defects is required,
suitable for the application of decorative finishes, in high velocity water channels
and in other similar circumstances, like in the spillway surface.

Abrupt irregularities parallel to the flow direction shall be eliminated by grinding to

bevel of 1 to 20 ratio of length to height. Abrupt irregularities transverse to the flow
direction shall be eliminated by grinding to bevel 1 to 50 ratio of height to length. Class of Finish for Unformed Concrete

The classes of finish for unformed concrete surfaces are designated by the
symbols U1 to U5. Interior surfaces shall be sloped for drainage where shown in
the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Surfaces which shall be exposed to the
weather and which are nominally level shall be sloped for drainage approximately
2% unless the use of other slopes or level surfaces are shown in the Drawings or
directed by the Engineer. Unless otherwise specified or shown in the Drawings,
these classes of finish shall apply as follows:

a) U1 Finish

Finish U1 (screeded finish) applies to unformed surfaces that shall be covered by

fill material or by concrete. Finish U1 shall also be used as the first stage of
finishes U2 and U3. The surfaces shall be levelled and screeded sufficiently to
produce even, uniform surfaces. Surface irregularities shall not exceed 10 mm.

b) U2 Finish

Finish U2 (floated finish) applies to unformed surfaces not permanently concealed

by fill material or concrete, or not required to receive finishes U1 and U3. Finish
U2 shall also be used as the second stage of Finish U3. Floating may be
performed by use of hand or power-driven equipment. Floating shall be delayed
until the screeded surface has stiffened sufficiently to prevent the formation of
laitance, and shall be the minimum necessary to produce a surface that is free
from screed marks and is uniform in texture. If Finish U3 is to be applied, floating
shall be continued until a small amount of mortar without excess water is brought
to the surface, so as to permit effective trowelling. Surface irregularities shall not
exceed 5 mm. Joints and edges shall be tooled down where shown in the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

c) U3 Finish

Finish U3 (trowelled finish) applies to the tops of parapet walls, exposed internal
floor slabs in buildings and elsewhere as shown on the Drawings. When the
floated surface has hardened sufficiently to prevent excess of fine material from
being drawn to the surface, steel-trowel trowelling shall be started. Trowelling shall
be performed with firm pressure, such as will flatten the sandy texture of the
floated surface and produce a dense uniform surface, free from blemishes and
trowel marks. Immediately following steel trowelling, the surfaces of floor slabs
shall be floated with a foam-rubber face float to achieve a uniformly textured
slightly roughened non-skid surface.

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Abrupt surface irregularities shall not exceed 5 mm and gradual surface

irregularities shall not exceed 15 mm. All abrupt surface irregularities shall be
shaped to a chamfer not steeper than 1 to 10 perpendicular to the direction of
water flow and to a chamfer not steeper than 1 to 30 parallel to the direction of
water flow.

d) U4 finish

U4 finish, specified for very high flow such as the spillway chute, is similar to the
U3 finish except as follows:

Abrupt irregularities parallel to the flow direction shall be eliminated by grinding to

bevel of 1 to 20 ratio of length to height. Abrupt irregularities transverse to the flow
direction shall be eliminated by grinding to bevel 1 to 50 ratio of height to length.

e) U5 finish

A brushed finish. The surface shall be treated as a U2 finish and then lightly
brushed with a stiff brush to produce a texture finish for concrete paving and
walkways. Sprinkling with Cement

Sprinkling of the surfaces with dry cement or any other material during finishing
operations for drying off the concrete, to facilitate trowelling or for any other
purpose shall not be permitted. Floor Hardeners

Where shown in the Drawings the surfaces of concrete floors shall be chemically
case-hardened by application of an approved surface hardening liquid. The
method and rate of application shall be in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions. The timing of the application of the floor hardener shall be subject to
approval by the Engineer.

10.2.15 Preparation for Placing Concrete General

Concrete shall not be placed in water unless the method of depositing the
concrete has been approved. In no circumstances shall concrete be placed in
running water or be subject to the action of running water until after the concrete
has hardened.

All surfaces of forms and embedded materials that have become encrusted with
dried mortar or grout from concrete previously placed, shall be cleaned of all such
mortar or grout before the surrounding or adjacent concrete is placed. Cleaning Foundations

Immediately before placing concrete, all surfaces of foundations upon or against

which the concrete is to be placed shall be free from standing water, mud, debris,
oil, objectionable coatings and loose semi-detached or unsound

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fragments. Where necessary, surfaces of foundations shall be cleaned with air-

water jets.

The surfaces of absorptive foundations, against which concrete is to be placed,

shall be moistened thoroughly so that moisture shall not be drawn from the freshly
placed concrete. Where directed an approved by the Engineer, a water barrier
such as 0.25 mm thick polyethylene sheet shall be used to cover absorbent
foundations. Cleaning Previously Placed Concrete Surfaces

The surfaces of construction joints shall be clean and damp when covered with
fresh concrete or mortar. Cleaning shall consist of the removal of all laitance, loose
or defective concrete, coatings, sand, curing compound if used, and other foreign
material to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

The surfaces of blockouts against which concrete is to be placed shall be

roughened by scabbling.

The surfaces of all construction joints, including surfaces of blockouts, shall be

washed thoroughly with air-water jets immediately before placing adjoining
concrete. All pools of water shall be removed from the surfaces of construction
joints before the new concrete is placed.

The surfaces of all contraction joints shall be cleaned thoroughly of accretions of

concrete or other foreign material.

10.2.16 Placing Concrete General

The Contractor shall place all concrete in structures in accordance with these
Specifications or as approved by the Engineer. The Contractor shall advise the
Engineer when concrete shall be placed and concrete shall only be placed in the
presence of the Engineer, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer. Concreting During Hot Weather

The Contractor’s shall follow the recommendations contained in Manual of

Concrete Practice Part 2-1989, “Hot Weather Concreting, American Concrete
Institute 305R-77”.

All reasonable precautions shall be taken by the Contractor to place concrete at

the temperatures specified having regard to the ambient temperature conditions
at the Site. Under no circumstances shall concrete be accepted if the temperature
of the concrete as deposited into the formwork exceeds that specified. Slush Mortar

Unless otherwise approved in each specific case, construction joints and highly
fractured or irregular rock surfaces against which concrete is to be placed shall be
moistened but free of standing water and shall be covered with a layer of mortar
approximately 10 mm thick.

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The mortar shall have the same proportions of water, air-entraining agent, cement
and sand as the adjacent concrete, unless otherwise approved by the Engineer.
The water-cement ratio of the mortar in place shall not exceed that of the concrete
to be placed upon it, and the consistency of the mortar shall be suitable for placing
and working in the manner hereinafter specified.

The mortar shall be spread and shall be worked thoroughly into all irregularities
of the surface.

Concrete shall not be placed upon mortar which has dried out or become
contaminated by water, debris or other deleterious material. Mortar which has
been so contaminated shall be removed from the surface of the rock or
construction joint, the surface shall be recleaned and a fresh layer of mortar
deposited on the surface before concrete is placed against the surface. Depositing Concrete

The Engineer may direct that structural concrete placements in formed work shall
be started with an oversanded mix containing 20 mm maximum size aggregate, a
maximum water-cement ratio of 0.47 by mass, and having a maximum slump of
100 mm, placed about 40 mm deep on the joint at the bottom of the placement.

Where two different classes of concrete are shown in the Drawings adjacent to
one another without an intervening movement joint, the two classes shall be
placed at the same time. Where the surface of division between the two classes
is vertical or inclined the two classes of concrete shall be placed together using a
separator which shall be withdrawn as the concrete is placed. Alternatively, the
concrete may be placed in alternate batches of one class and then the other
without a separator, provided measures are taken to prevent excessive
intermixing of the two classes.

Whenever practicable, concrete shall be deposited directly in its final position and
shall not be dropped, chuted or caused to flow in a manner to permit or cause
segregation. Methods and equipment employed in depositing concrete in forms
shall be such as will not result in clusters or groups of coarse aggregate being
separated from the mass. The Contractor shall provide chutes and baffles to
confine and control the falling concrete. The movement of concrete within the
forms by use of vibrators shall not be permitted.

In the event of continuous placing being interrupted for any reason, the Contractor
shall thoroughly consolidate the concrete at such joints to a reasonably uniform
and stable slope while the concrete is plastic and any concrete which is
unconsolidated and no longer plastic shall be removed by the Contractor at his
own expense. The concrete at the surface of such cold joints shall be clean and
damp when covered with fresh concrete. Concrete Placed in Horizontal Layers

Except as intercepted by joints and for concrete in conduit linings, all formed
concrete shall be placed in continuous approximately horizontal layers, the depths
of which generally shall not exceed 500 mm. The Engineer may direct thinner
layers where concrete in 500 mm layers cannot be placed in accordance with the
requirements of these Specifications.

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Volume – X Technical Specification Placing Unformed Concrete on Slopes

In placing unformed concrete on slopes so steep as to make internal vibration of

the concrete impracticable, the concrete shall be placed ahead of an unvibrated
slip-form screed extending approximately 800 mm back from its leading edge.
Concrete ahead of the slip-form screed shall be consolidated by internal vibrators
so as to ensure complete filling under the slip-form screed. Placing Concrete Monolithically Around Openings

If concrete is placed monolithically around openings having vertical dimensions

greater than 600 mm, or if concrete in decks, floor slabs, beams, girders or other
similar parts of structures is placed monolithically with supporting concrete, the
following instructions shall be strictly observed:

 Placing of concrete shall be delayed not less than 30 minutes nor more than
1 hour at the top of openings and at the bottom of bevels under decks, floor
slabs, beams, girders or other similar parts of structures when bevels are
specified and at the bottom of such structural members when bevels are not
specified, but in no case shall the placing be delayed so long that the vibrating
unit shall not of its own weight readily penetrate the concrete placed before
the delay. When consolidating concrete placed after the delay, the vibrating
unit shall penetrate and revibrate the concrete placed before the delay.
 The last 600 mm or more of concrete placed immediately before the delay
shall be placed with as low a slump as practicable, as determined by the
Engineer and shall be thoroughly consolidated.
 The surfaces of concrete where delays occur shall be clean and free from
loose and foreign material when concrete placing is started after the delay.
 Concrete placed over openings and in decks, floors, beams, girders and other
similar parts of structures shall be placed with as low a slump as practicable
and the Contractor shall ensure that thorough consolidation of the concrete is
effected. Placing Mass Concrete

In placing mass concrete, the Contractor shall maintain the exposed area of fresh
concrete at the practical minimum, by first building up the concrete in successive
approximately horizontal layers to the full width of the block and to full height of
the lift over a restricted area at one end of the block and then continuing to the
opposite end in similar progressive stages to the full area of the block.

The lift heights and the period between successive lifts shall be controlled to
prevent the maximum temperature exceeding the limits specified.
Unless otherwise shown in the Drawings or approved by the Engineer, the times
between successive lifts and maximum permissible lift heights shall be as set out
in Table 10.2.13.

Table 10.2.13: Maximum Lift Height and Time Between Lifts

Maximum Lift Minimum Time

Height Between Lifts

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(m) (hours)
Mass concrete in massive 2.25 72
Walls and piers less than 2.50 48
5m thick
Second stage concrete 3.0 72

Clusters of large aggregate shall be scattered before new concrete is placed over
them. Each deposit of concrete shall be vibrated completely before another
deposit of concrete is placed over it.

Mass concrete shall not be placed during rains sufficiently heavy or prolonged to
wash mortar from coarse aggregate on the forward slopes of the placement.

Once placement of mass concrete has commenced in a block, placement shall

not be interrupted by diverting the placing equipment to other uses. Consolidation

Concrete shall be consolidated to the maximum practicable density in such a

manner that it shall be free from pockets of coarse aggregate and fit snugly
against all surfaces of forms and embedded materials.

Whenever practicable concrete shall be consolidated by immersion type vibrators

operated in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations. Form
vibrators shall be used whenever internal vibration is not possible or would be
inadequate. Where the use of mechanical vibration is not possible or would be
inadequate, concrete shall be consolidated thoroughly by hand.

Consolidation of concrete in the side walls and arch of tunnel linings and in parts
of other structures exposed to view shall be by immersion-type vibrators
supplemented by heavy-duty form vibrators. Form vibrators shall be firmly
attached to the forms but the vibrator shall be capable of being moved up or down
or laterally along the forms and shall operate at speeds of at least 8,000
revolutions per minute when vibrating concrete.
In consolidating each layer of concrete, the immersion type vibrator shall be
operated in a near vertical position and the vibrating head shall be allowed to
penetrate and revibrate the concrete in the upper portion of the underlying layer.
In the area where newly placed concrete in each layer joins previously placed
concrete in the same layer, more than usual vibration shall be performed, the
vibrator penetrating deeply at close intervals over the areas of contact of these
layers. Layers of concrete shall not be placed until layers previously placed have
been vibrated thoroughly as specified. Contact of the vibrating head with surfaces
of the forms shall be avoided. Direct vibration of the reinforcement shall not be

Total consolidating capacity in m3 of concrete per hour, of all vibrators in effective

operating condition, and employed on concrete compaction in the Works, shall be
based on a rated capacity of 70% of the manufacturer’s recommendation of each
type of vibrator in operation and the total compacting capacity so computed shall
be not less than the maximum rate at which concrete is placed in the Works. For
every 3 vibrators in use on concrete placement, the Contractor shall provide 1
additional standby vibrator of similar compacting capacity and in good working

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10.2.17 Protection of Concrete General

The Contractor shall protect all concrete against damage or disfigurement in

accordance with BS8110 Part 1 and this Clause. High Temperatures

When the ambient temperature in the vicinity of the Works is likely to reach or
exceed 32ºC, the Contractor shall protect all concrete from drying winds or surface
temperature rise for not less than 48 hours after it is placed. Such protection shall
include methods as recommended in Manual of Concrete Practice Part 2-1989,
“Hot Weather Concreting, American Concrete Institute 305R-77”. Damage and Disfigurement

All surfaces for which Classes F3, F4 and U3 finishes are specified shall be
protected from damage or disfigurement during placement of concrete in adjacent
areas by covering such surfaces with polythene sheets or other effective methods.

10.2.18 Curing of Concrete General

All concrete shall be cured in accordance with this Clause using water, except
that, for certain surfaces, membrane curing may be approved by the Engineer.
Membrane curing shall not be approved for surfaces exposed to public view or
surfaces which are to be subsequently coated.

At least 14 days before placing concrete in any structure to be water cured, the
Contractor shall submit to the Engineer details of the equipment and methods he
proposes to use for water curing. After the initial placement of concrete in any
structure, subsequent placements shall not be permitted until equipment for curing
has been satisfactorily installed and is operating on all previous placements in the
structure. Water Curing Period

Concrete cured with water shall be kept continuously wet for at least 14 days
immediately following placement of the concrete, or until covered with fresh
concrete. Water used for curing shall meet the requirements of these
Specifications for water used in concrete, but with the additional requirement that
the water shall not contain any chemicals or other substances that shall cause
staining of concrete surfaces. Membrane Curing

At least 28 days before using curing compound, the Contractor shall submit to the
Engineer details of the proposed compound. Such details shall be accompanied
by test certificates to show that the compound shall give satisfactory results for
the proposed application.

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Membrane curing, if approved, shall be by application of a type of curing

compound which forms a water retaining membrane on the surface of the
concrete. Curing compound shall be applied to the concrete surfaces in
accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions and shall comply with the
stipulations of ASTM C309.

When curing compound is to be used on unformed concrete surfaces, application

of the compound shall commence immediately after the finishing operations are

When curing compound is to be used on formed concrete surfaces, the surface

shall be moistened with a light spray of water immediately after the forms are
removed, and shall be kept wet until the surface shall not absorb more moisture.
As soon as the surface film of moisture disappears but while the surface still has
a damp appearance, the curing compound shall be applied.

Traffic and other operations by the Contractor shall be such as to avoid damage
to coatings of curing compound for a period of not less than 28 days after
application of the curing compound. Where it is impossible because of
construction operations to avoid traffic over surfaces coated with curing
compound, the membrane shall be protected by a covering of sand not less than
25 mm in thickness or by other effective means. The protective covering shall not
be placed until the sealing membrane is completely dry. The Contractor shall
remove all sand covering after completion of the curing period. Any sealing
membrane that is damaged or that peels from concrete surfaces within 28 days
after application shall be repaired without delay.

Curing compound shall be delivered to the Site in suitably labelled containers to

enable identification of the batch number and date of manufacture.

10.2.19 Repair of Concrete General

Repair of concrete shall be performed by skilled workmen. Unless inspection is

waived by the Engineer in each specific case, repair of concrete shall be
performed only in the presence of the Engineer.

The Contractor shall correct all imperfections on the concrete surfaces as

necessary to produce surfaces that conform to those specified. For formed
concrete, where the forms are removed within 3 days of concrete placement and
repair of imperfections is completed within 24 hours after removal of forms, or of
unformed concrete where repairs are completed within 24 hours after the placing
of the concrete, repairs shall be dry-pack, mortar or concrete repairs. Otherwise
repairs shall be epoxy resin repairs.

Fins and encrustations shall be neatly removed from surfaces for which Class F3
and Class F4 finishes are specified, and encrustations shall be removed from
surfaces for which U2 and U3 finishes are specified.

Concrete that is damaged from any cause and concrete that is honeycombed,
fractured or otherwise defective, and concrete which is rejected because of
excessive surface depressions, shall be removed and built up with dry-pack,
mortar, or concrete, as hereinafter specified, to bring the surface to the
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prescribed lines. Where bulges and abrupt irregularities protrude outside the limits
specified on formed surfaces for which Class F3 and Class F4 finishes are
required, the protrusions shall be reduced by bush-hammering and grinding so
that the surfaces are within the specified limits. After the dressing, the irregularities
shall not exceed the limits specified. Dry-Pack

Dry-pack shall be used for filling holes having a depth greater than the least
surface dimension; for narrow slots cut for repair of cracks; and for tie-rod fastener
recesses as specified. Dry-pack shall not be used for filling behind reinforcement
or for filling holes that extend completely through a concrete section.

Dry-pack shall be composed of a mix of 1 part of cement, by volume, to 2.5 parts,

by volume, of fine aggregate passing a 1.18 mm sieve, together with enough water
to produce a mortar which shall just stick together when moulded into a ball by a
light pressure of the hands and shall not exude water, but shall leave the hands

Dry-pack shall be placed and packed into under-cut holes in layers each having a
thickness of approximately 10 mm. Packing shall be carried out with a hardwood
stick struck with a hammer to compress the dry-pack thoroughly into contact with
the surfaces of the hole. Mortar

Mortar-filling, placed under impact by use of a mortar gun, shall be used for
repairing defects which are too wide for dry-pack fillings and too shallow for
concrete filling and no deeper than the far side of the reinforcement that is nearest
the surface. Concrete

Concrete-filling shall be used for holes extending entirely through concrete

sections; for holes which are greater in area than 0.10 m2 and deeper than 80
mm; and for holes in reinforced concrete which are greater in area than 0.05 m2
and which extend beyond the reinforcement that is nearest the surface. Epoxy Resin

Epoxy resin repairs shall be used where approved by the Engineer. Epoxy resin
repairs shall not be made until 28 days after the concrete has been placed, unless
earlier repairs are approved by the Engineer, and shall be completed within 56
days after the concrete has been placed. All materials used for epoxy resin repairs
shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

Epoxy resin repairs shall be carried out as follows:

 All imperfections to be repaired with epoxy resin shall be chipped back to

sound concrete and the edges of the holes trimmed square for a minimum
depth of 3 mm.
 Immediately before performing a repair, the surface of the concrete to be
repaired shall be freed of all contaminants by grit blasting, scabbling, and shall
present a clean, sound, dry, roughened and dust free surface with the

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surface temperature not less than 13ºC; and where directed by the Engineer
a bonding coat of an unfilled, solvent free epoxy resin shall be placed on the
prepared surface. The repair material, consisting of an approved filled resin
or an unfilled resin with sand and or other approved fillers added on Site,
prepared, batched and mixed in accordance with the manufacturer’s
instructions, shall be placed and given a smooth finish. The repair shall be
cured by maintaining it at a temperature not less than 21ºC for a period of 24
hours. Staining of Concrete

For concrete surfaces for which Class F2, Class F3 and Class F4 finishes are
specified, care shall be taken that accumulation of foreign materials or staining
due to any cause shall not occur on the finished surface. Any accumulation or
staining shall be cleaned off by the Contractor. Plugging Form-tie Holes

In formed concrete, surface holes remaining after dismantling form-ties shall be

cleaned out and neatly plugged with dry-pack. The dry-pack shall be colour
matched with surrounding concrete.

10.2.20 Cooling of Concrete Requirement

In order to prevent cracking of the concrete the Contractor shall design the mix,
formwork and curing systems and time sequence of placement of concrete such

 For mass concrete the difference between the concrete at the surface and at
any internal point shall not exceed 20ºC at any time during the hydration
 For all other concrete for which the least dimension is greater than or equal to
1 m, the difference between the concrete at the surface and at any internal
point shall not exceed 25ºC at any time during the hydration period.
 The maximum temperatures of mass concrete shall not exceed 50ºC at any
time subsequent to placement. Furthermore, for mass concrete the maximum
concrete hydration temperature shall not exceed 40ºC within 3 m of the
foundation rock or on top of a previous lift that is older than 28 days when

Not less than 56 days before placing concrete in the structure, the Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer his proposal for placing concrete conforming to the above
requirement. These proposals may include:

 Alteration to mix design, to keep cement content to a minimum, consistent

with other requirements of the Specifications.
 The use of cement or pozzolanic materials having low heat of hydration.
 Reduction in the temperature at placement of the concrete by pre-cooling
the aggregates and/or mixing water, or the concrete mix itself.
 Casting the unit in sections, the size, relative positions and time interval
between which shall ensure adequate surface area for cooling.

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 The incorporation of special cooling arrangements, such as using a system of

black steel pipes embedded in the concrete through which cooling water is
 Avoiding concreting in hot weather. Measurement of Temperatures

The Contractor shall furnish and use approved types of devices for determining

If directed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall record all data pertaining to the
temperature of the concrete and the operation of any cooling system. The
following data shall be recorded:

 Maximum and minimum daily temperature.

 Location and date of concrete lifts placed and cooling procedures carried out.
 Concrete placing temperature which shall be taken as the temperature of the
concrete when delivered to the point of placement.
 Locations of recording devices in the concrete placement.
 Daily concrete temperature for 8 days after placing any lift, then at 2 days
intervals up to 14 days and thereafter at weekly intervals for a period of 3
months. Concrete temperatures shall be measured by an approved method
on the axial centreline at mid-height, 250 mm from the base and 250 mm from
the top of the placement. Repairs

After fulfilling their purpose, any pipes left in place in the concrete shall be filled
with grout and the surface of the concrete at the end of each pipe shall be repaired
and made good to achieve the required concrete surface finish.

10.2.21 Waterstops – General Concreting Size and Material

Waterstops shall be placed in joints of concrete structures as shown in the

Drawings or directed by the Engineer. The width of the waterstop shall be within
a tolerance of 10 mm of the nominal width shown 1n the Drawings exclusive of
nailing strips.

Waterstops shall be 250 mm wide, and of extruded polyvinyl chloride complying

with BS 2571 Class 3, Compound Type G4.

Waterstops shall be of sufficient stiffness so that they remain in their correct

position during concreting.

The type of waterstop shall suit the particular location in the structure in which the
waterstop is to be placed and the pattern shall be such that concrete can be
placed all around it with complete consolidation and the voids or crevices.

Waterstops used in each location shall include at least one nailing strip, having a
minimum thickness of 4.5 mm, so located that the efficiency of the waterstop shall
not be impaired.

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The Contractor shall store the waterstops in such a way that the material shall not
deteriorate during storage.

The Contractor shall replace or repair any punctured or damaged waterstops. Joints

The number of joints in the waterstops shall be the minimum practicable and all
joints and bends shall be made in an acceptable manner. The number of butt
joints shall be kept to a minimum and all “Tee” and “Flat X” joints shall be factory

All joints shall be made with a temperature controlled apparatus and in such a
manner as to ensure that:

 The material shall not be damaged by heat, searing or by the application of

cementing materials.
 The splices shall have a tensile strength not less than 80% cent of that
required of the specified material.
 The splice is watertight and free of air bubbles.
 The ribs and central bulb, where applicable, match up exactly and are

10.2.22 Joint Strips for Expansion Joints Requirement

Joint strips for expansion joints shall be furnished and installed by the Contractor,
where shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Where a pre-formed
rubber or plastic joint strip is used, all joints in the joint strips shall be close fitting
butt joints and the location of all joints shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.

Joint strips shall be of a commercial grade of rubber or PVC pre-formed strip or a

resilient waterproofing compounds.

10.2.23 Polystyrene Filler for Expansion Joints Requirement

The Contractor shall furnish and install expanded polystyrene filler in expansion
joints as shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Expanded
polystyrene shall comply with BS 3837 and shall be of density 24 kg/m3. Installation

The Contractor shall cut the polystyrene filler to cover the required surface of the
concrete at expansion joints and to fit around all openings.

Where placed against vertical surfaces, polystyrene filler shall be held in place
against the completed side of an expansion joint by a waterproof cement applied
to the face of each piece of polystyrene filler as a marginal strip coating
approximately 50 mm wide.

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Joints in the polystyrene filler shall be scarfed, made tight and filled so that mortar
from the concrete shall not seep through to the opposite concrete surface. The
number of field joints shall be kept to a minimum.

The polystyrene filler shall be raked out after the concrete has set.

10.2.24 Mastic Filler

The Contractor shall furnish and install mastic filler where shown in the Drawings
or directed by the Engineer.

Mastic filler shall be a two-part polysulphide liquid polymer sealant complying with
BS 4254.
At least 60 days before its intended use, the Contractor shall submit a sample of
the proposed mastic filler together with the manufacturer’s technical data and the
details of the recommended method of application for approval by the Engineer.

10.2.25 Pipe Wrapping Material Requirement

The Contractor shall furnish and install a pipe wrapping material where shown in
the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Material

The wrapping material shall be a closed polyethylene foam 20 mm thick.

The pipe wrapping material shall not absorb water to any appreciable extent, shall
be chemically inert and shall be compatible with concrete, the material of the item
being wrapped and its external coating.

At least 60 days before its proposed use the Contractor shall submit for apprval
by the Engineer:

 A sample of the proposed pipe wrapping material.

 Details of its composition.
 Details of its proposed use, including the method of attachment to the item
being wrapped.
 A certificate from an approved independent laboratory that the proposed
pipe wrapping material satisfies the requirements of this Sub-clause. Pipe Wrapping for Embedded Pipework

The pipe wrapping material for use with embedded pipework shall be capable of
being deformed, without rupture, by the following longitudinal and radial
movement of any point on the pipe-shell relative to the surrounding concrete.

 6 mm radially after being subjected to a pressure of 35 kPa.

 15 mm longitudinal movement of the pipe. Application

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Pipes which protrude from concrete walls shall be wrapped for a distance of half
their diameter within the concrete embedment unless otherwise shown in the
Drawings and/or directed by the Engineer. The material to be used shall be
applied in at least two equal layers with joints between sheets offset at least 200
mm from the joints of the adjoining layer. The joints between adjacent sheets shall
be tightly sealed with a contact adhesive tape to prevent the ingress of concrete
or mortar. An adhesive shall be used to fix the material to the pipelines.

10.2.26 Annular Seal for Pipes General

The Contractor shall furnish and install an annular seal between the pipe-shell
and surrounding concrete as shown in the Drawings and/or directed by the
Engineer. Material

The annular seal material shall:

 Consist of a silicone elastomer, similar to Rhodosil Mastic 3b or equivalent.

 Permit a relative movement of 25 mm between the pipe-shell and the
concrete without breaking its bond to the concrete or to the pipe-shell.
 Be compatible with the pipe wrapping material

At least 60 days before its intended use, the Contractor shall submit for approval
by the Engineer a sample of the proposed mastic together with the manufacturer’s
technical data and details of the recommended method of application.

10.2.27 Epoxy Mortar General

The Contractor shall place non-shrink epoxy mortar in blockouts as shown in the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall also construct blockouts and place epoxy mortar in the
blockouts as shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer to permit
installation of items of structural steelwork, metalwork and equipment.

The Contractor shall place epoxy mortar under baseplates as shown in the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer after baseplates have been levelled and
aligned correctly and the baseplates rigidly secured in place by the anchor bolts
and nuts. All spaces under the baseplates shall be completely filled with epoxy
mortar. Composition

Epoxy mortar shall consist of an approved filled resin or an unfilled resin with sand
or other approved fillers added on site.

All sand shall be thoroughly dry before being mixed with resin

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Epoxy mortar shall be prepared and placed in accordance with the manufacturer’s

10.2.28 Reinforcement General

The Contractor shall furnish and install all reinforcement required for execution of
the Works where shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Material

Reinforcement shall be high yield stress steel bars Type C, Class 2 with Grade 1
deformations to SABS 920.

Reinforcing fabric shall comply with SABS 1024.

Test certificates shall be required for all reinforcement to be used on the Works. Drawings

Steel reinforcing bars shall be placed in concrete where shown in the Drawings or
directed by the Engineer. Bar Lists

The Contractor shall prepare complete reinforcing bar lists, including bar bending
details, for each reinforcement drawing in an approved form.

All reinforcing bars shown on the reinforcement drawings shall be identified on the
bar lists. The bars shall be detailed in accordance with the SABS 82: 1997. All bar
lists shall be identified with the relevant reinforcement detail drawing and all bars
scheduled on the bar lists shall be defined and dimensioned in an approved

At least thirty (30) days before placing reinforcement shown on any reinforcement
drawing, the Contractor shall furnish to the Engineer two (2) paper copies and one
(1) electronic copy of reinforcing bar list for that drawing, together with two (2)
paper copies and one (1) electronic copy of the reinforcement detail drawing
marked up with each bar identified in accordance with the bar list. Placing Reinforcement

The Contractor shall be responsible for the accuracy of the cutting, bending and
placing of the reinforcement.

Before the reinforcement is placed, the surfaces of the bars or fabric and the
surfaces of any metal bar supports shall be cleaned of heavy rust, loose mill scale,
dirt, grease and other objectionable foreign substances. Heavy flaky rust which
can be removed by firm rubbing with hessian or equivalent treatment is considered
objectionable. After being placed, the reinforcing bars or fabric shall

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be maintained in a clean condition until they are completely embedded in the


Reinforcing bars or fabric shall be accurately placed and secured in position so

that there shall be a clear distance of at least 25 mm between the bars or fabric
and any adjacent metalwork and so that the bars and fabric shall not be displaced
during the placing of concrete, and the Contractor shall ensure that there is no
disturbance of the reinforcing bars or fabric in concrete that has already been

Chairs, hangers, spacers and other metal, plastic or concrete supports may be
furnished and used by the Contractor for supporting reinforcing bars or fabric.
Concrete supports where used shall conform to the concrete requirements of
these Specifications. Steel spacers which are liable to cause rust staining of
finished surfaces shall not be used.

Where protruding bars are exposed to the elements for an indefinite period, the
bars shall be adequately protected against corrosion and damage and shall be
properly cleaned before being permanently encased in concrete.

When it is necessary to bend protruding steel reinforcement aside temporarily, the

radius of the bend shall not be less than four times the bar diameter for plain bars
or six times the bar diameter for high yield deformed bars. Such bends shall be
carefully straightened before concrete placing continues, without leaving residual
kinks or damaging the concrete around them.

In members that are formed with sliding formwork, spacer “ladders” for the placing
and fixing of the wall reinforcement shall be used at spacings agreed with the
Engineer. The ties shall be spaced at multiples of the horizontal bar spacing in the
wall, and be used to secure the horizontal reinforcement. The laps in the
horizontal reinforcement shall be staggered to ensure that no part of two laps in
any four consecutive layers lie in the same vertical plane.

Where holes are to be subsequently drilled through the concrete for grouting, the
Contractor shall ensure that the reinforcement is placed clear of the location of
the grout holes and shall mark the location of the hole by attaching a suitable
former to the formwork. Cover to Reinforcement

The term “cover” in this context shall mean the minimum clear thickness of
concrete between the surface of the reinforcement and face of the concrete.
Where reinforcement is to be placed adjacent to excavated surfaces, the term
“cover” shall mean the minimum clear thickness of concrete between the surface
of the reinforcement and the face of the excavation.
Unless otherwise detailed in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer, the
minimum cover to reinforcement shall be the greater of:

 50 mm, or
 The normal maximum size of the aggregate plus 5 mm.

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the Contractor shall measure the
cover to all reinforcement with a meter as soon as the formwork has been stripped.
Copies of these measurements shall be submitted to the Engineer the day
following the taking of the measurements.
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Where the measurements show cover less than specified, the Works involved
shall be dismantled and re-executed, unless other acceptable measures for
protection are approved.

The Contractor shall provide on Site two portable electronic meters for measuring
the depth of cover for the exclusive use of the Engineer. The Contractor shall
recalibrate these meters weekly on a test section of concrete containing the full
range of reinforcement used in the Works set at known depths. The meters shall
be provided with all necessary batteries and consumables and shall be capable
of accurately measuring cover 25 mm greater than the maximum cover specified. Joining and Splicing Reinforcement

Where it is necessary to splice reinforcement, the splices shall be by Cadweld

splice method, by mechanical means or other approved methods.

Joints or splices in reinforcing bars or fabric shall generally be made at the

positions shown in the Drawings, but the Contractor shall be permitted to make
joints or splices at positions other than those shown in the Drawings, provided that
such positions are approved by the Engineer and that the joints and splices in
adjacent bars are staggered. Approval of such additional splices shall generally
be restricted to splices not closer than 8 m in horizontal bars or 4 m in vertical bars
measured between the midpoints of laps. The number of splices shall be kept to
a minimum.

If the Contractor proposes to use mechanical couplings for reinforcing bars, he

shall submit, for approval by the Engineer, samples and details of the proposed
coupling not less than 60 days before their proposed use.

10.2.29 Grouted Anchor Bars General

The Contractor shall drill holes and furnish, install and grout anchor bars for
anchoring concrete structures or parts of structures to the foundations where
shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Materials

Anchor bars shall comply with the relevant requirements for deformed high yield
reinforcing bars (fy = 450 MPa).

Anchor bars shall be provided with a centering device to ensure that they are fully
encompassed in grout. Installation

The dimensions of the anchor bars and the locations, diameters and depths of the
drilled holes shall be as shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

The diameter of each drilled hole shall not be less than 1.5 times the diameter or
greater cross-sectional dimensions of the anchor bar specified for that hole.

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The hole shall be cleaned thoroughly and shall be completely filled with grout. If
the hole cannot be kept dry during the filling operation, the grout shall be tremmied
into the bottom of the hole by means of a pipe which shall subsequently be

The anchor shall be forced into place before the grout takes its initial set and,
where practicable, shall be vibrated or rapped. Thereafter, the Contractor shall
ensure that movement of the placed anchor does not occur, and concrete shall
not be placed around anchors until 24 hours after the anchors have been grouted. Testing

The Contractor shall carry out pull out tests, in the presence of the Engineer, on
anchor bars selected by the Engineer. The required frequency of testing shall not
exceed one test for every 200 anchor bars installed. The testing method and
equipment shall be capable of stressing the largest diameter anchor bar to the
yield stress of the bar.

10.2.30 Bridge Bearings

The Contractor shall install bridge bearing pads as shown in the Drawings.
Elastomeric bearings shall conform to reference 3556 from Freyssinet or equal in
60% Shore hardness natural rubber.

Before placement of bearings the areas on the piers and abutments shall be
cleaned to be free of dust, oil and laitance and shall be lightly scabbled to produce
a bond between mortar and hardened concrete.

Cement mortar with a water-cement ratio of 0.4 and compressive strength of 30

MPA at 7 days shall be placed on the prepared surfaces. The mortar pads shall
be placed and accurately aligned and levelled. Mortar shall be moist cured for not
less than 7 days.

Elastomeric bearings conforming to BS 5400 shall then be placed on top of the

hardened mortar pad so that their mark numbers are visible.

Bearing plates shall consist of hot dipped galvanised steel plates, complete with
shear connectors as shown in the Drawings and shall conform to SABS 0162-1
or equivalent standard.

Elastomeric bearings shall be stored carefully under cover in the shade, and well
away from petroleum products or other chemicals.

10.3 Concrete in Structures

10.3.1 Submittals

At least 1 month prior to commencing concreting of the concrete structure

Contractor shall submit to the Engineer updated and detailed plans and
descriptions consistent with those submitted in his Bid of all equipment and
procedures to be used. Information to be supplied shall include:

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a) Method statement for construction of the side spillway describing formwork,

concrete works, sequence of construction procedures.

b) Proposals for cooling of the concrete in the side spillway.

c) Method statement for construction of the spillway chute and basin stilling
invert, describing drainage works, formwork, concrete works, sequence of
construction, procedures.

d) Method statement for construction of the spillway chute and stilling basin
walls, describing drainage works, formwork, concrete works, sequence of
construction procedures.

e) Method statement for construction of the intake tower, describing formwork,

concrete works, sequence of construction, procedures.

f) Proposals for cooling of the concrete in the intake tower.

g) Method statement for construction of the outlet conduit and chute and stilling
basin describing formwork, concrete works, sequence of construction

h) Method statement for construction of diversion conduit, describing

formwork, concrete works, sequence of construction procedures.

i) Method statement for construction of pedestrian bridge, describing

formwork, concrete work, sequence of construction procedure.

j) Method statement for construction of truck bridge, describing formwork,

concrete work, sequence of construction procedures.

k) Proposed concrete mix and methods of concrete transportation, handling and

placement, as well as concrete placement for the above mentioned structures
and slipform travel rates, if applicable.

l) Concrete compaction, finishing and curing provisions, including water

supply arrangements.

10.3.2 Concrete in the Side Spillway General

The Contractor shall place all required concrete in the side spillway, chute and
retaining walls, as shown in the Drawings or as directed.

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The concrete used for the construction of structures shall be Class C25-76 unless
otherwise approved or directed by the Engineer. Concrete exposed to weathering,
freezing/thawing, and standing or flowing water shall be constructed of C30/38
and higher strength concrete as indicated in the Drawings.

Reinforcement shall be provided in two layers the first layer at the surfaces in
contact with the standing or flowing water and at all openings in concrete as shown
in the Drawings. Side Spillway Structure and Walls

The side spillway weir shall be cast in stages as shown in the Drawings. Stage 1
shall consist of placing concrete in the base of the spillway walls. Stage 2 shall
consist of placing the remainder of the concrete in the walls, and block crest of
the spillway.

The temperature of the concrete in the side spillway and walls shall be controlled
such that the maximum temperature does not exceed 25°C at any time. To ensure
a sufficient placement rate it may be necessary to pre-cool the aggregate by
sprinkling the aggregate stockpiles with chilled water and by adding ice to the
mixing water to obtain a placing temperature of between 12 and 15C.
Alternatively, the Contractor may use cooling coils at his own expense.

Temperatures of critical pours shall be monitored by means of thermocouples

placed 0.5 m from the concrete surface as well as in the centre of the concrete
pour in sets of 3 x 3 m minimum.

The lift height (thickness of a pour) may be varied to increase the effect of surface
cooling and shorten the time between pours but shall not exceed the limits
stipulated in Table 10.3.1.

Table 10.3.1: Maximum Lift Height and Time Between Lifts

Maximum Lift Minimum Time

Location Height Between Lifts
(m) (hours)
Walls and piers less than 2m 5.0 48
Second stage concrete 5.0 48 Approach Apron and Chute Slabs

Slipforms shall be of rigid construction, capable of resisting the working loads

imposed upon them and of a configuration approved by the Engineer. The length
of the slipform shall be such that with the proposed concrete mix and slipform
speed, the concrete emerging from the slipform will not slump.

The Contractor shall construct trial bays with the slipform proposed to be used in
constructing the spillway chute slab at the locations as determined by the
Engineer. On completion of the trial bay the Contractor shall modify his slipform
or slipforming operations as necessary. Any concrete placed which is defective or
which does not otherwise conform with these Specifications shall be removed.

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Prior to the setting of any slipform rails, the Contractor shall survey the entire
excavated surface of the spillway on a 3 m grid to determine the variation in the
excavation profile from the design lines and levels. The results of the survey
together with the Contractor's proposals for setting, the alignment and levels of
the slipform rails shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval. Slipform rails
shall be set so that the finished surfaces of the side spillway and spillway chute
slab follow the lines and levels shown in the Drawings and are within the
tolerances specified herein.

Slipform rails and side forms shall be fixed and supported in such a way that they
can be accurately aligned and adjusted prior to being firmly fixed to prevent
movement or misalignment during continuous concrete casting operations.

No construction joints, unless shown in the Drawings, shall be allowed in the chute
slab, unless approved or directed by the Engineer. Should a joint be permitted,
additional steel reinforcement shall be placed across the joint and the joint surface
shall be roughened or shuttered with expanded metal before placing the chute
slab concrete.

Contraction joints shall be constructed in the chute walls at the locations as shown
in the Drawings. Steel dowels shall be placed through these joints and the surface
shall be painted with bituminous coat or other approved bond breaker.

All movement joints exposed to flowing water shall be chamfered 1:1 on upstream
side and 1:8 on downstream side.

10.3.3 Concrete in Intake Tower General

The Contractor shall place all required concrete for the Intake Tower as shown in
the Drawings or directed by the Engineer. Placing Concrete in Intake Structure Monoliths

The Contractor shall observe the following conditions in the construction of the
intake tower:

a) All concrete in the intake tower shall be placed in horizontal lifts not
exceeding 1.50 m in thickness, provided that for the first two (2) lifts placed
against rock or on concrete older than ten (10) days in any block, the lift
thickness shall not exceed half the maximum thickness of a normal lift. Each
lift shall be placed and built up to the full height of the lift. For the purposes
of this Clause, when a lift is to be placed partly on rock and partly on concrete
it shall be regarded as being placed against rock if the rock contact area for
that lift is greater than the contact area on concrete. Where more than half of
the contact area for the previous lift is on concrete placed within the previous
ten (10) days, normal lift heights will be permitted.

b) The placing of concrete in the intake tower shall be regulated such that the
maximum difference in height between adjacent blocks shall not exceed
2.5 m unless specifically approved by the Engineer.

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c) Forms may be removed as soon as the concrete has hardened sufficiently to

prevent surface damage.

10.3.4 Structural Concrete Concrete in Structures

The Contractor shall place all required structural concrete in the various
structures, as shown in the Drawings or directed, including the following:

 Spillway Crest Block, Chute Slabs and Chute Walls.

 Intake Tower Base, Stem and Hoist House.
 Intake Tower Hoist House Access Bridge Abutment (pedestrian bridge).
 Diversion conduit plug.
 Outlet Conduit, not steel lined and steel lined.
 River Outlet Structure and Chute.
 Truck Bridge over the side spillway chute. Testing Water Retaining Structures

All concrete structures designed to retain water or other liquid shall be tested by
the Contractor after completion for water-tightness. Such testing will not be
allowed to begin until the structure has been fully completed and all concrete has
reached its specified strength. The Contractor shall make preparations to begin
testing as soon as possible after each main structure has been completed.

The tests shall be carried out by filling the structure with clean water obtained from
an approved source. The Contractor shall be responsible for organising the supply
of water and all costs involved, including for water and transport, if necessary.

After cleaning to the satisfaction of the Engineer, the structure shall be filled at an
approximately uniform rate of increase of water level of not more than 2 m in 24
hours to the intended top water level.

The water shall be left to stand for seven (7) days, during which period visual
examination and readings of water levels shall be taken. To allow for absorption
where the structure is constructed of concrete, the level shall be maintained by
topping up as necessary for four (4) days. To allow for evaporation, an approved
"evaporation tank" of minimum depth of one (1) metre shall be provided by the
Contractor and supported inside the structure with its open top above the top
water level. The evaporation tank shall be partially filled with water, to
approximately the same level as the structure, and the levels monitored during the
test period.

After the four days absorption period, no topping up of the structure of the
evaporation tank shall be carried out. For the following three (3) days, water levels
in the structure and in the evaporation tank shall be noted at intervals of twenty
four (24) hours. During this period, the outer faces of the structure shall be
carefully examined for signs of damp patches. If, after allowance for evaporation,
the level in the structure is found to have dropped by more than 3 mm in any
twenty four hour period, or by more than 9 mm overall, or there is excessive
evidence of damp on the outside faces, then the structure shall be deemed to
have failed the test. If, after allowance for evaporation, the level in

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the structure has not dropped by more than 3 mm in any twenty four hour period,
nor by more than 9 mm overall, and no signs of excessive damp are visible on the
outside faces, then the structure shall be deemed to have passed the test.

If the structure does not satisfy the conditions of the test, but the daily drop in
water level is decreasing, the period of test may be extended for a further three
(3) days, and if the specified limit is then not exceeded the structure may be
considered as satisfactory.

Should the structure be deemed by the Engineer to have failed the test, the
Contractor shall be responsible for, and bear the expense of, locating the source
of leakage and carrying out all necessary remedial work as required by the
Engineer to make the structure water-tight. A further test shall then be carried out
as before and the procedure shall be repeated until the structure is deemed by
the Engineer to have passed the water-tightness test.

In reservoirs of more than one compartment, each compartment shall be

separately tested to the level of the top of the division wall or walls before
conducting the test to overflow level.

Roofs to potable water retaining structures shall be tested by the Contractor for
water-tightness on completion. The Contractor shall flood the roof to a minimum
depth of 25 mm of water for a period of 24 hours. The roof shall be considered
satisfactory if no leaks of damp patches show on the soffit.

The structures will not be accepted by the Employer until they have been
ascertained to be in a perfectly usable and watertight condition to the complete
satisfaction of the Engineer.

No claim for extra payment to the Contractor shall be allowed if for any reason the
Engineer is unable to allow filling or emptying to be carried out at the time required
by the Contractor.

The costs of all testing of water-retaining structures shall be deemed to be

included in the Contractor's rates for concrete.

10.3.5 Blinding Concrete

Where overbreak in excavation below the theoretical lines and grades exceeds
acceptable limits, as determined by the Engineer, the Contractor shall place
blinding unreinforced concrete Class C15/38 over the rock foundation in such
thickness that the upper surface is at the theoretical grade elevation. The surface
shall be roughened before placing structural concrete.

10.3.6 No-Fines Concrete

No-fines concrete shall be placed where free drainage is required, and shall be
produced by gap grading or single size aggregate grading.

The porosity shall be such that water will pass through a slab 30 mm thick at a
minimum rate of 500 l/min/m2 with a constant depth of water on the slab of 100

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No-fines concrete shall not be vibrated but only placed and lightly rammed.
Formed surfaces shall be Class F1 finish. Exposed surfaces of the no-fines
concrete shall be sealed in an approved manner, such as the use of polyethylene
or rendering with sand and cement, before structural concrete is placed against it.

10.3.7 Backfill Concrete

The Contractor shall place backfill concrete (C20/38) in the following locations:

 Filling seams and treating defects, below the general level of excavations.
 Modifying abutment contact slopes.
 Filling over excavations.
 Bedding below the lining of surface drains.
 Elsewhere as directed by the Engineer.

10.3.8 Miscellaneous Concrete

The Contractor shall place miscellaneous concrete (C25/38) in the following


 Inlet sumps, head walls, retaining walls, wing walls, concrete surround for
 Terminal structures and instrument boxes.
 Other miscellaneous concrete as shown in the Drawings or directed by the

10.3.9 Second Stage Concrete

The Contractor shall embed gate guides, gate seals and other equipment in
second stage concrete as shown in the Drawings or directed by the Engineer.
The joint between the first and second stage concrete shall be deemed to be a
construction joint and shall be prepared as such in accordance with the provisions
of the applicable Clauses of these Specifications.

Second stage concrete shall be of the same Class as the first stage concrete
which it adjoins, except that, subject to the Engineer’s approval, the Contractor
may reduce the maximum aggregate size.

10.4 Precast Concrete

10.4.1 General

Precast concrete members are required for the Pedestrian Bridge and the Truck

The Contractor shall design the precast elements to meet the requirements of
these Specifications and to suit his erection method.

The Contractor shall cast and erect the precast bridges elements.

Unless otherwise approved by the Engineer, the maximum size of the coarse
aggregate for all precast concrete elements shall be 19 mm.

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All elements shall be cast in individual forms and may be cured by steam curing.

Elements shall not be branded or marked in any position which can be seen in the
finished work.

The elements may be supplied by a manufacturer or may be manufactured by the

Contractor at an approved location. For elements other than concrete blocks and
precast elements which are detailed in the Drawings, the Contractor shall also
submit to the Engineer all details of all individual elements, including proposed
reinforcement, proposed concrete strength and location of lifting points as
hereinafter specified.

Repairing of damaged elements will not be permitted except where such damage
and repair will not impair the installation or the appearance of the elements after

10.4.2 Submission of Proposed Methods

One month before commencing manufacture of precast reinforced concrete

elements, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer all details of the methods to
be used in manufacture, handling, transport, storage and erection of the elements.

10.4.3 Handling

During transportation and storage, all precast reinforced concrete elements shall
be supported as in their final positions. All elements shall be adequately braced
and supported during erection to ensure proper alignment and safety. Such
bracing or support shall be maintained until adequate permanent connections
have been made.

10.4.4 Tolerances

The dimensions of all finished precast reinforced concrete elements shall be within
the limits shown in Table 10.4.1 at the time of placement of the elements in the
structure, unless otherwise shown in the Drawings.

Table 10.4.1: Tolerances Applicable to Precast Concrete Elements

Overall dimensions of elements ± 1.5 mm

Cross-sectional dimensions ± 1.5 mm
± 1.5 mm
Deviation from straight line in long sections Maximum 5 mm in 6 m length
Deviation from specified camber ± 1.5 mm per 3 m of span
Maximum differential in camber between 10 mm
adjacent elements in erected position

10.5 Underdrains and Rock Anchors

10.5.1 General

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Underdrains shall be constructed under the spillway walls and base slab to the
dimensions and gradients shown on the Drawings.

Care shall be taken at all times to ensure cleanliness of the gravel filter material
and pipework so that the underdrains do not become clogged with construction
debris. Underdrains shall be protected from contamination by concrete by placing
a layer of 50 gauge polythene sheeting or similar approved material over them
before concreting.

10.5.2 Gravel Filters

The 'fine gravel filter' shown on the Drawings shall lie between the grading limits
given in for the Gravel Pack for the Pressure Relief Wells.

The 'coarse gravel filter' shown on the Drawings shall lie within the grading limits
given in

Table 10.5.1: Grading Limits for Course Gravel


Particle size % finer

20 mm 100
6 mm 100 - 70
2 mm 70 - 20
600 μm 30 - 0
200 μm 0

10.5.3 Pipework

Porous concrete pipes shall comply with the requirements of BS 1194.

Non-porous concrete pipes shall comply with Clause 11.3.

10.6 Rock Anchors

The spillway chute base slab and the spillway and bottom outlet stilling basins
shall be tied into the rock by steel anchor bars tied to the structural reinforcement
as shown on the Drawings. The anchor bars shall be 32 mm diameter high tensile
deformed bars.

The holes for the anchor bars shall be drilled to a minimum diameter of 60 mm
and flushed clean by air passed down the center of the drill rod at suitable

The depths of holes shown on the Drawings for receiving the bars are minimum
depth to be drilled into the rock. In over-break areas longer bars will be required
to maintain the required depth of hole and extend the top of the anchor bar hook
to the position shown on the Drawings.

Bars shall be bent to the shapes and dimensions shown on the Drawings before
being grouted into place. Anchor bars shall be cleaned thoroughly before being

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The holes shall be partially filled by grout consisting of 2 parts cement to 1 part
water, or as directed by the Engineer. The anchor bars shall be inserted before
the grout takes its initial set and, where practicable, shall be rapped or vibrated
until the entire surface of the embedded portions of the bars is in intimate contact
with the grout. Addition of grout subsequent to the insertion of the bar in the hole
shall not be permitted. Special care shall be taken to prevent accidental movement
of anchor bars which have already been placed.

10.7 Tests on Anchor Bars

The Engineer may require pull-out tests to be performed on the anchor bars as
the work proceeds. The test shall be performed by two hydraulic jacks acting in
the same direction as the anchor bar on a short cross beam attached to the anchor

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11. Pipes and Pipe works

11.1 Work to be Carried Out

The Contractor shall:

 Supply all necessary materials for the construction of all pipelines.

 Construct and lay all pipelines as shown in the Drawings and directed by the
 Supply and install all associated pipe fittings;
 Hydrostatically test the pipelines.
 Where welding is specified it shall be carried out by qualified welders to the
Engineer’s approval.

11.2 Transport and Handling

Any vehicle on which pipes are to be transported shall have a body of such length
that the pipes do not overhang. Large pipes are to be placed on cradles and the
loads properly secured during transport. The pipes are to be handled in
accordance with the manufacturer's recommendations. Wide non-abrasive or
other approved slings shall be padded and steadying ropes used. Pipe handling
equipment shall be maintained in good repair and any equipment which in the
opinion of the Engineer may damage the pipes shall not be used. Under no
circumstances are pipes to be dropped or allowed to strike one another, rolled
freely or dragged along the ground. No metal tools or heavy objects shall be
permitted to come into contact with the pipes or fittings.

11.3 Concrete Pipes

Concrete pipes and fittings shall comply with BS 556, Part 2. No admixtures shall
be included in the concrete without the written approval of the Engineer.

Joints shall be spigot and socket type made with cement mortar, composed of one
part OPC cement to one part fine sand, thoroughly packed into the joint with the
appropriate tools.

11.4 Ductile Iron Pipes

Spun and cast ductile iron pipes to Class K9 and fittings to Class K12 shall comply
with BS 4772.

For flanged pipes and fittings, end flanges shall be in accordance with BS 4504
for a PN 16 rating.

The pipes shall be lined internally and externally in accordance with BS 3416 for
Type 2 material or BS 4164 for Type 1 or Type 3 materials.

Pipes shall be compatible with the various joints and fittings to be used in the

The Contractor shall provide a certificate to the Engineer to show the pipes and
specials to have undergone works hydraulic proof and leak-tightness tests to the
requirements of BS 4772.

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11.5 Grey and Cast Iron Pipes

Grey and cast iron pipes and fittings shall comply with BS 4622 and BS 437,
respectively. Pipes shall be protected to the same standards and supplied with
the same type of joint as ductile iron pipes.

11.6 Galvanised Mild Steel Pipework

Galvanised mild steel pipework shall comply with BS 1387 heavy weight. Joints
shall be screwed joints clear taper threaded to BS 21, and made using an
approved jointing compound.

Screwed fittings other than sockets shall be of galvanised malleable cast iron to
BS 143 of banded or beaded pattern thread.

Pitcher tees, bends, twin elbows, etc. shall be of the same size as the pipework
connected to them; bushings shall not be used.

Bends shall be used where practicable in preference to elbows, but square elbows
will not be accepted.

11.7 uPVC Pipes

uPVC pipes and fittings shall comply with BS 3505. Joints shall be of the spigot
and socket type.

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11.8 Steel Pipes

11.8.1 Steel Pipes and Fittings

Steel pipes, fittings and specials shall be manufactured in either seamless or

welded construction complying with Specification API 5L. The pipes and fittings
shall be hydrostatically tested to 75% of their Minimum Yield Strength in
accordance with Clause 9.4.3 of API 5L. All welds shall be subject to Radiological
and Ultrasonic inspection in accordance with Clause 9.7 of API 5L. Copies of all
the manufacturer’s manufacture, inspection and testing certificates shall
accompany each delivery to Site.

Pipes intended for fabrication by welding and for cutting into closing lengths shall
be truly circular and sized uniformly throughout their length, the tolerances
applicable to their entire outside diameter shall be those given in API 5L Table 8.
They shall be marked ‘truly circular’ and identified by painting a 25 mm wide red
strip along each of two diametrically opposite locations throughout the external
surface of the pipe length. All other pipes shall be fabricated to the tolerances
given in Tables 7 and 8 of API 5L.

Standard fittings shall be used wherever possible in preference to fabricated

special fittings. Standard fittings shall be manufactured in accordance with BS
534 or AWWA Standard C208 for fittings not covered by BS 534. Where fabricated
fittings are supplied, they shall be fully workshop fabricated and tested in
accordance with API 5L. Tees and branches on steel pipelines must be designed
and fabricated by the Contractor with reinforcement collars welded around the
base of the branch and, in the case of large diameter branches, increased main
pipe wall thickness or the use of crotch plates.

Flat tapers shall have one side of the taper at right angles to the end so that they
may be laid with level invert or level crown as required. Suitable marks indicating
the lateral symmetry of flat tapers shall be scribed at the larger end.
Bends shall be of even curvature type only unless otherwise approved by the

Steel specials shall have the same strength and shall be compatible in all other
respects with the pipes with which they are to be used. The marking of pipes and
fittings shall be as specified in Section 11 of API 5L and shall be in metric units.
All fittings, tees, branches, crosses and bends are to be designed by the fabricator.

Pipe wall thickness shall be determined by the Contractor based on his design of
the steel pipe and shall be not less than the minimum wall thickness specified in

11.8.2 Flanged Joints

All flanges shall comply with BS 4504. The nominal pressure rating for particular
flanges shall be at least equal to the highest pressure rating of the pipes or fittings
to which they are attached, but with a minimum nominal pressure of PN16. All
flanges shall be provided with all necessary nuts, bolts, washers and gaskets, as
specified herein.

Flange connections to plant shall be compatible with the plant supplied.

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After cleaning the flanges, the gasket shall be fitted smoothly to the flange and
the joint made by tightening the nuts to finger pressure first. Thereafter the final
tightening of the nuts shall be made by gradually and evenly tightening bolts in
diametrically opposite positions using only standard spanners of a type approved
by the Engineer.

Graphite grease shall be applied to the threads of bolts before joints are made.

All buried flanged joints shall be protected with petroleum paste, mastic and tape
with all the components being supplied by a single manufacturer. The materials
shall be applied in accordance with the manufacturer’s recommendations, but as
a minimum comply with the following specification.

The application of a thin continuous coating of petroleum paste over the whole
area to be protected as a primer. Where bolt heads, nuts, flanges and other
projections arise a profiling mastic shall be used to give a smooth external profile.
The joint or fitting shall be wrapped with a 150 mm wide protective tape. The
minimum application shall be a spiral wrap using 55% overlap. The tape shall
extend along 150 mm of the barrel of the pipe on each side of the joint or fitting.

11.8.3 Gasket and Joint Rings

Gaskets and joint rings shall be manufactured from natural or approved synthetic
rubber conforming to BS 2494.

Flanged joint gaskets shall be the inside bolt circle type, unless specified
otherwise, and shall comply with BS 4865.

11.8.4 Nuts, Bolts and Washers for Pipework

Unless otherwise specified, nuts, bolts and washers shall conform to the
requirements of BS 4504. All nuts, bolts and washers shall be galvanised in
accordance with BS 729.
Bolts shall be of sufficient length that one thread shall show through the nut when
in the fully tightened condition.

11.8.5 Welded Joints

a) General

Unless detailed otherwise, all welded joints for steel pipes and fittings shall
be in accordance with BS 534.

b) Welded Joints

i) Sleeve Welded Joints

Sleeve welded joints shall be welded inside and outside the pipe using
metal arc welding. The internal weld shall be a full depth structural
weld, whilst the exterior weld shall be a small fillet weld to seal the

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joint and to allow gas testing of the joint. A ¼" (6 mm) diameter tapped
hole sealed with a threaded plug shall be made in the socket end of each
pipe for the purpose of gas testing the joint.

Hemispherical Type 3 joints as shown in Figure 2 of BS 534, where the

spigot end of the joint protrudes below the socket end shall not be used.

ii) Butt Joints

Detailed proposals for the use of butt welded joints shall be submitted
to and approved by the Engineer before work starts.

11.8.6 Welding of Joints for Steel Pipes

Welding of joints shall be carried out using the metal arc welding process in
accordance with BS 4515.

a) Production welding

The requirements of BS 4515: 1996 Section 4 shall be achieved, in


i) the maximum gap in joints before welding shall be 3 mm;

ii) a minimum of 600 mm working clearance shall be provided around all


iii) filling and capping of weld must maintain pace with the lead welders -
all welds shall be completed by the end of each working day;

iv) the pipe used for tie-ins shall be at least 3 m long, tie-ins shall be at least
one pipe length from any bend or fitting, alignment of pipework at tie-
ins shall be achieved without jacking previously jointed pipes.

b) Inspection and Testing of Welds

Inspection and testing procedures shall as a minimum include to the

following items.

i) Reporting: All inspection and testing shall be carried out by certified

inspectors appointed by the Contractor. Reports on inspections and tests
shall be submitted to the Engineer promptly.

ii) Inspection of welds: All welds shall be visually inspected.

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iii) Non-destructive testing of welds: The first 10 joints made by each

welder shall be 100% tested, thereafter 10% of the joints made by the
welder shall be tested. If a weld is found to be defective the welder
concerned will have his previous and subsequent weld 100% tested, if a
further defect is found the next three welds will be 100% tested.

iv) Non-destructive testing methods:

1) Butt welds - radiographic testing.

2) Part penetration and fillet welds - magnetic particle testing.

v) Testing of sleeve welded, sleeve collar & welded spigot and socket
joints: These shall be gas tested in accordance with the specification in
this document.

vi) The Contractor shall be required to comply with local, national and
international regulations in all aspects of radiographic examination so
as to minimise risks to the public and operatives, and to develop and
adopt procedures following international best practice.

c) Repairs

Defective welds shall be repaired in accordance with the repair method

approved by the Engineer.

d) Protection of Joints

No weld or adjacent parts of the pipe shall be painted or covered prior to

inspection by the Engineer and the undertaking of non-destructive testing
(and gas testing on sleeved joints). Only after passing inspection and testing
shall the joint area have the specified internal lining and external coating

11.8.7 Solvent Free Epoxy Linings

All steel pipes and fittings shall be internally lined with a spray applied solvent
free epoxy approved for contact with potable water, in accordance with BS 6920
The coating system shall have a proven track record of potable water service
and a reference list of previous project usage shall be submitted for review and
approval. The lining shall be suitable for application in an environment with a
black bulb temperature up to 85°C and velocities of up to 8 m/s.

All steel pipes and fittings shall be lined at the factory. Joints between pipes
welded on site shall be lined on site to the same standard as for pipes.

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Detailed proposals of the lining method, materials, and apparatus to be used for
both factory and site application shall be submitted to and approved by the
Engineer before work starts. Storage and application shall be in accordance with
the recommendations of the coating manufacturer, but as a minimum:

a) A visual examination of the surface to be coated shall be carried out and any
slivers or similar deposits removed.

b) Prior to blasting all oil and grease shall be removed from the surface to be

c) Preparation of steel surfaces for both factory and site application shall be to
a minimum of Sa 2 1/2 in accordance with BS 7079.

d) The surface to be coated shall be surface blown with dry, filtered air and
coating shall take place before any surface rusting occurs and at least within
4 hours of blasting.

e) Surface preparation and coating shall not be carried out when the relative
humidity exceeds 85% or when the surface to be coated is less than 5oC
above the dew point.

f) The coating shall have a minimum mean dry film thickness of 500 microns
and a minimum dry film thickness of 400 microns.

g) Coatings shall be used within the pot life specified by the manufacturer.

h) Materials certificates for each batch used shall be available to the Engineer
for inspection.

Pipe linings shall be inspected on Site, and damaged, defective or otherwise

unsatisfactory linings may be condemned at any time during the construction
period. All defective areas shall be made good to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
Inspection and testing shall be detailed in the Contractor’s proposals to be
submitted to the Engineer, and as a minimum undertaken to the following

a) Visual inspection of blasted profile on every pipe/joint to be coated.

b) Visual inspection of finished coating on every pipe/joint.

c) Measurement of coating thickness at four points on each end of each pipe

and on field joint coatings using a method approved by the Engineer.

d) The completed pipe and coated joints shall be subjected to holiday detection
tests which shall be carried out to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
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The applied voltages shall be those appropriate to the coating under test as
recommended by the coating material manufacturer.

11.8.8 Polyurethane Coatings

All above ground steel pipework shall be protected with a white or cream colour
two pack polyurethane coating in accordance with BS 5493 - Type KF2.

The cured polyurethane coating shall have a shore hardness of D 75 and impact
resistance of 20 Nm. It shall be suitable for service in black bulb temperatures of
up to 85°C.

Factory application is to be by twin component airless spray equipment. Surface

preparation shall be in accordance with the manufactures instructions, but as a
minimum shall be abrasive blast cleaned to BS 7079, Grade Sa 2.5, 75 - 100
micron profile. The first coating layer shall be applied within 2 hours of surface
preparation, before flash rusting can occur. No coating shall be applied if the
surface temperature of the pipe exceeds 35ºC.

The final dry film thickness shall be a minimum of 2 mm. This may be achieved
by applying several coats provided that the coats are applied within 2 hours of
each other. Any surface blooming shall be removed by light abrasion before

The Contractor shall notify the Engineer of any damage to the coating system.
Such damage shall be repaired in accordance with the manufacturers’ instructions
and to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

11.9 Excavation
a) General

Excavation shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements of the

applicable Clauses of these Specifications and this Sub-Clause.

b) Trenches

Pipe trenches shall be excavated to the depths shown in the Drawings to

achieve the required invert levels plus the bedding. The Contractor shall
make allowance for widening and deepening the trench at pipe joints. Over-
excavation shall be backfilled with material suitable for bedding, placed in
layers and compacted. Surplus material not used in backfilling the excavation
shall be disposed of along the pipeline route as approved by the Engineer.

c) Blasting

Blasting in the vicinity of public roads and houses shall be carried out only
with the prior approval in writing by the competent authorities.

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Explosives shall be of such power that will not open seams nor crack nor
damage rock, pipelines or structures outside the limits of the excavation.

d) Excavation below Existing Pipelines

Excavation for pipe trenches below existing pipelines, shall be carried out as
shown in the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

e) Length of Open Trench

The maximum length of excavated trench ahead of the pipe already laid, shall
be 100 m and the total length of trench left open at any time shall be a
maximum of 250 m.

11.10 Laying
Pipework, including valves and fittings, shall be erected or laid to the lines and
levels shown on the Drawings or as directed by the Engineer.

Spigot and socket pipelines shall be laid so that the angular deflection at the joints
lies within the manufacturer's recommended limits.

Immediately before incorporation in the pipework, each pipes and fitting shall be
brushed out and examined for soundness. Areas of rusted pipework shall be wire
brushed and repainted with approved bitumen paint in sufficient coats to obtain
the same thickness of coating as the original protection.

Every precaution shall be taken to prevent foreign material from entering the pipes
or fittings. During laying operations, no debris, tools, cloth or other materials shall
be placed in the pipe. Pipes and fittings shall be moved with equipment suitable
for the weight of the pipes and fittings and shall be carefully cleaned before

Pipework in the base of the Intake Tower shall be protected from falling debris at
all times by methods approved by the Engineer.

Where pipework or bends are to be cast into concrete, care shall be taken to
maintain the correct alignment of the cast in work for subsequent jointing.

The Contractor shall provide all necessary tools and equipment for installing
pipework including, where required, props, slings, ropes and hoists.

Care shall be taken to ensure that there is no extraneous material allowed into the
pipe during laying and each pipe open end shall be covered at the end of each day.

11.11 Pipe Bedding and Backfilling of Pipe Trench

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Pipes shall be bedded and backfilled as shown in the Drawings and in accordance
with the applicable Clauses of these Specifications.

Until the results of the hydrostatic test have been approved by the Engineer,
backfilling shall not be done over each pipe joint for a distance of at least one metre
on each side of the joint. After the successful completion of the hydrostatic test,
backfilling shall be completed.

The trench shall be backfilled to a level of 300 mm above the barrel of the pipe
with approved selected bedding material thoroughly compacted in 150 mm layers.
Should suitable material not be available from the particular excavation material,
the Contractor will utilize material from other sections of trench or works.

11.12 Anchor Blocks and Concrete Surrounds

Concrete anchor blocks at pipe bends and concrete surrounds to the pipeline
beneath rivers and other water courses shall be constructed as shown in the
Drawings or directed by the Engineer.

The Contractor shall ensure that the concrete is placed against the undisturbed soil
of the trench and cured for at least 7 days before testing of the pipeline.

11.13 Jointing of Pipes

The jointing of pipes shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's

recommendations. The Contractor shall obtain from the manufacturer all special
information regarding the handling of their pipes and the formation of the joints.

Where joints are flanged the Contractor shall apply graphite grease to the threads
of the bolts before joints are made up.

After cleaning the flanges the gaskets shall be fitted smoothly to the flange and the
joint made by tightening the nuts to finger pressure first. Thereafter the final
tightening of the nuts shall be made gradually and evenly tightening bolts in
diametrically opposite positions using standard spanners.

After completion of joints all bolts shall be coated with bitumen.

Flexible joints shall be made in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.

Until immediately required for incorporation in a joint, each rubber ring shall be
stored in the dark, free from the deleterious effects of heat or cold, and kept flat
so as to prevent any part of the rubber being in tension.

Only lubricants recommended by the manufacturer shall be used in connection

with rubber rings.

11.14 Flexible Couplings and Flange Adaptors

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Where Viking Johnson or similar flexible couplings and flange adaptors are
required the coupling and adaptor joints shall be assembled in accordance with the
manufacturer's instructions. Unless the coupling is galvanised, the internal faces of
adaptor sleeves and both faces of coupling sleeves and end flanges shall be coated
as recommended by the manufacturer. Couplings and flange adaptors placed below
ground level shall be adequately protected by Denso tape and paste.

11.15 Cutting of Pipes

Should it be necessary to cut pipes on Site the pipes shall be cut by a method which
provides a clean square cut of the pipe and of the lining. All cut or trimmed ends
and the parts of any pipe on which the coating may have suffered damage shall be
recoated with bitumen before the pipes are laid. The external area at cut spigot
ends of ductile iron pipes shall be ground for a distance of at least 125 mm.

11.16 Testing Pressure Pipework

On completion of laying but before concreting, the pipework shall be subjected to

a test in accordance with CP2010.

The Contractor shall supply water for test and shall submit to the Engineer details
of the arrangements he proposes to use. No connections to the pipework, which
would involve cutting, tapping or otherwise permanently altering the Works, will
be allowed for the purposes of testing.

The pipework shall be capped or flanged off at each end and before pressure is
applied the blanked off ends and the pipework shall be securely strutted or
otherwise held to withstand the test pressure. The Contractor’s attention is drawn
to the considerable forces which will be exerted on the end anchorages, and the
possible movement of non-strutted pipes with flexible joints.

Pressure testing of the Irrigation Offtake pipework shall be carried out by sealing
the upstream end of the pipework, where it passes through the Intake Tower wall
and at the downstream end by closure of the flow regulating valve.

Pressure testing of the compensation release pipework in the Intake Tower shall be
carried out by closing the submerged discharge valves and by blocking off the
intakes at the external side of the tower.

The pipework shall be filled with water and all air liberated through an air valve at
the upper end of the line. The line shall then remain under a moderate pressure (10
m to 20 m head of water) for a period of 30 minutes before the final release of air.

The test pressure shall be applied by means of a manually operated pump and the
pressure shall be raised steadily until the test pressure is reached at the pump and
then maintained by the pump, the rate of leakage being measured. The test pressure
shall be measured and shall be at 1.25 x maximum working pressure.

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There shall be no loss of pressure over a period of 4 hours. There shall also not be
any visible leakage at any joint. If the test is not satisfactory the fault shall be
located, rectified and the pipework retested until a satisfactory result is obtained.

11.17 Testing of Pipework Not Subject to Internal Pressure

Pipework not subject to internal pressure shall be tested on completion either by

an air test or by a water test in accordance with the following, and approved by the

a) The air test shall be conducted as follows.

The pipeline shall be thoroughly wetted for the length under test. Air or
smoke shall be pumped into the pipeline under test until a pressure equal to
100 mm of water is indicated on a graduated "U" tube gauge. After a period
of 5 minutes without any further pumping, this pressure shall not have fallen
below 75 mm.

b) The water test shall be conducted as follows.

The length of pipeline under test shall be filled with water from a header tank
at the lower end, air being released through a valve at the upper end until the
pipeline is completely full of water. After a period approved by the Engineer
for absorption by the pipe material, water shall be added until the head over
the soffit of the pipeline is 1 200 mm at its highest point, but not more than
6 m at its lowest point. The water level in the header tank shall be marked.
If at the end of thirty minutes the Engineer considers that the drop in the level
of the water below the mark is not excessive and there are no visible leaks
along the pipeline the test may be considered satisfactory.

11.18 Pipeline Markers

Concrete posts shall be furnished and installed in the locations shown in the
Drawings and as directed by the Engineer. The posts shall be installed within
0.5 m of the centreline of the pipeline.

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12. Metalwork

12.1 Standards of Materials and Workmanship

Steel and other metalwork shall comply with the following Standard Specifications
in Table 12.1 and/or Table 12.2 as applicable to the Works shown on the drawings
or ordered by the Engineer.

Table 12.1: British Standards Relating to Steel and Metalwork

Structural Steel Section Part 1, Hot rolled sections BS 4

Steel Girder Bridges BS 153
Steel Wire Ropes BS 302
The Use of Structural Steel in Building BS 449
Covered Electrodes for the Manual Metal-Arc Welding of BS 639
Mild Steel
Methods of Testing Welds BS 709
Hot Dip Galvanised Coatings on Iron & Steel Articles BS 729
Black Bolts, Screws and Nuts BS 916
Steel Tubes and Tubulars suitable for Screwing to BS 21 BS 1387
Pipe Threads
Grey Iron Castings BS 1452
Zinc plating or Anchor bolts BS 1706
Steel Tubes for Structures BS 1775
Sprayed Metal Coatings BS 2569
Electroplated Coating on Threaded Components ISO Metric BS 3382
Precision Hexagon Bolts, Screws and Nuts
ISO Metric Precision Hexagon Bolts, Screws and Nuts BS 3692
ISO Metric Black Hexagon Bolts, Screws and Nuts BS 4190
Wrought Aluminium and Aluminium Alloys for General BS 4300/
Engineering Purpose 6
Weldable Structural Steels BS 4360
High Strength Friction Grip Bolts and Associated Nuts and BS 4395
Washers for Structural Engineering
The Use of High Strength Friction Grip Bolts in Structural BS 4604
Steelwork, Metric Series
Structural Hollow Sections BS 4848
Sheradized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles BS 4921
Metal-Arc Welding of Carbon and Carbon Manganese Steels BS 5135

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Table 12.2: Additional or Alternative Standard relating to Structural Steel and

Miscellaneous Steel Work

Fabrication, welding and erection (Materials ASTM
Grade 300 W) A242 AWS
Shielded consumables for automatic or semi- A559-65T
automatic welding Grades
E70S or

12.2 Welding
Welding shall be metal-arc welding complying with the requirements of BS 5135
as appropriate. All welds shall be continuous.

A full description of each welding procedure shall be submitted for approval.

Operators of manually-guided machine welding equipment or manual welders

using covered electrodes shall be qualified in accordance with AWS D1.1.

Wherever possible, welding of high yield stress steel and of mild steel plates of
combined thickness greater than 50 mm shall be carried out by a procedure which
uses a high arc energy to ensure freedom from heat affected zone cracking.

The Contractor shall supply samples to the Engineer when required by him for
examination or test.

12.3 Galvanising
Where steel or wrought iron is specified to be galvanised the galvanising shall be
executed in accordance with BS 729 after all fabrication has been completed. The
articles shall be cleaned and pickled in dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid
followed by rinsing in water and pickling in phosphoric acid. They shall be
thoroughly washed, stoved and dipped in molten zinc and brushed so that the
whole of the metal shall be evenly covered and the additional weight thereof after
dipping shall be not less than 0.61 kg/m² of surface galvanised, except in the case
of tubes to BS 1387 when it shall be not less than 0.46 kg/m². Edges shall be
clean and surfaces bright.

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12.4 Nuts and Bolts

External bolts and fixing rag bolts, nuts and washers shall be sheradised steel.
Assembly nuts, bolts and washers on galvanised fittings or equipment shall be
either galvanised or sheradised.

Nuts and bolts used in the fabrication of aluminium structures shall be cadmium
plated and shall have galvanised washers. Washers shall be separated from the
aluminium structure by fibre washers of equal diameter. Cadmium platting shall
comply with the requirements of BS 3382.

12.5 Handrailing
Handrailing shall be supplied and fixed in accordance with the Drawings.
Handrailing shall be cleaned and painted in accordance with the Specification.

12.6 Staircase
12.6.1 General

The staircase including landings and associated steelwork, in the Intake Tower
shall be fabricated in accordance with BS 449.

12.6.2 Materials

All steel shall be mild steel to BS 4360 Grade 43.

Chequer plate for the stair treads shall have a raised self-draining non-slip pattern
or as shown on the Drawings as Durbar pattern or similar approved. The minimum
thickness shall be 6 mm.

The open tread steel flooring shall be of sufficient thickness to carry a load of
4 kN/m² but not less than 40 mm thick or similar approved.

Bolts shall be grade 4.6 to BS 4190. All bolts, nuts and washers shall be either
galvanised or sheradised.

The square edge convex handrail (or similar approved), shall be as shown on the

12.6.3 Protective Coating

All steelwork shall be galvanised after manufacture in accordance with Clause

12.3. The staircase will not be painted.

12.6.4 Erection

The method of erection of the staircase shall be to the approval of the Engineer.

When assembly of steelwork is complete at any landing level the fixings to

concrete shall be completed before assembling steelwork at the next landing
level. The fixing brackets to the Intake Tower concrete shall be grouted with epoxy
resin mortar.

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12.7 Trash Screen

Steel for trash screens shall be BS 4360: Grade 43A. Members of the panels shall
be welded with 5 mm continuous welds at all points of contact.

Trash screens shall be painted on Site with two coats of bituminous paint.

12.8 Fixing and Building-in

Openings left in concrete for the subsequent fitting and concreting-in of pipework
and fixtures shall have the soffit of the opening inclined at not less than one in four
to the horizontal. The periphery of the opening shall be formed as specified for
construction joints.

After placing the pipe or fixture the remaining void shall be carefully packed with
concrete of the appropriate class to produce a watertight joint. The concrete shall
be retained by a shutter which shall be built up as concrete filling proceeds. The
Contractor shall ascertain from the suppliers of prefabricated or manufactured
goods any special fixing instructions and shall refer them to the Engineer.

Where fixing bolts are positioned by means of a template they shall be supported
and braced to remain in perfect alignment during the setting of the concrete or
grout. Where it is necessary to drill for fixing, the holes shall be the correct size
and they shall be grouted solid with cement mortar.

Frames and flanges to be fixed against the face of concrete masonry or brickwork
shall be supported against the face and separated from it by packings.
Immediately before fixing the frame or flange, the face shall be carefully cleaned
and roughened over the whole area to be covered. The nut securing each point
shall be lightly tightened to hold the frame or flange in its correct position without
distortion. The space between the face and frame or flange shall then be filled
with cement mortar or a hard-setting butyl mastic or an approved epoxy resin
mortar. After the filling has hardened, the nuts shall be finally tightened in a
sequence to prevent distortion and to ensure equal bearing. Cement mortar shall
not be used where the frame or flange is of aluminium. The packings shall
maintain a minimum gap of 10 mm to be filled with cement mortar. The material
of the packing shall be to the approval of the Engineer; it shall be waterproof,
durable and compatible with the materials with which it comes into contact. It shall
be hard, but just sufficiently flexible that any shrinkage of the filler during
hardening is taken up in the process of final tightening. When fixing sluices and
the like, the gates or doors shall be in the closed position.
Care must be taken to protect faces and other working parts from mortar and other

Except where otherwise specified, when a metal is fixed permanently to metal or

any other surface, the metal surfaces in contact shall be painted on Site with two
coats of bituminous paint immediately prior to fixing.

Under no circumstances shall aluminium be built into wet concrete or be fixed to

green concrete.

Where it is necessary to joint aluminium to steel or cast iron the two surfaces shall
be separated by an approved insulation not less than 1.5 mm thick.

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Where aluminium or ferrous structural members are built into brickwork, masonry
or concrete, the contact surfaces shall be first painted with two coats of bituminous

12.9 Fabrication of Structural and other Steelwork

12.9.1 Certificates

Materials shall not be transported to the Site until all tests, analyses and final
inspections have been made and certified copies of reports of tests and analyses or
manufacturer's warranties have been submitted to the Engineer. The tests specified
in the standard specifications shall be carried out by the manufacturers of the
materials or by an approved testing laboratory and three certified copies of test
reports shall be supplied.

12.9.2 Storage

All materials stored at the fabricating plant prior to fabrication and all fabricated
materials shall be supported above the ground so as not to cause over-stressing,
shall be protected properly from rust, and shall be kept free from dirt, grease, oil
and other foreign matter. Material which shows signs of pitting due to rust will be

12.9.3 Quality

Before being laid out or worked on in any way, rolled material shall be straight and
shall be cleaned of all loose rust and dirt. Sharp kinks or bends shall be cause for
rejection of the material. If straightening is necessary, it shall be done by methods
not likely to produce fracture or other injury. Heating shall not be to a higher
temperature than 650C. After heating, the metal shall be cooled slowly.

All cut edges shall be finished neatly.

Welded splices that develop the full strength of the material being joined shall be
kept to a minimum.

12.9.4 Changes to Proposals

Changes shall not be made in any of the Contractor's drawings after they have been
submitted. Substitutions of sections having dimensions different from those shown
in the Drawings shall be made only when approved by the Engineer.

12.9.5 Protective Coating

After the structural steelwork has been fabricated and inspected, the Contractor
shall clean and coat all metalwork as specified.

12.9.6 Shipment

Prior to shipment, each member shall be marked with erection marks for
identification and ease of erection and the Contractor shall furnish one
transparency of an erection diagram with the erection marks shown thereon. The
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Contractor shall also furnish a copy of each shipping statement showing the weight
of individual members in each shipment. Members weighing more than 3 tonnes
shall have their weights marked thereon. Structural members shall be loaded in
such a manner that they may be transported and unloaded at their destination
without being excessively stressed, deformed or otherwise damaged.
12.10 Tolerances for Structural Steelwork

All structural members shall satisfy the specified tolerances.

Where tolerances are not specified for any individual structure or feature thereof,
permissible deviations will be interpreted in conformity with the provisions of this
Clause. Notations in the Drawings or included in these Specifications, or specific
maximum or minimum tolerances in connection with any dimensions, shall be
considered as supplementary to the tolerances specified in this Clause.

Steelwork which exceeds the tolerance limits specified in this Clause shall be
remedied or removed and replaced by and at the expense of the Contractor.

Tolerances shall be as set out in Table. For built up members the additional
tolerances set out in Table shall apply.

Table 1: Tolerances on Steelwork

Straightness length of member

Struts, beams and columns 1,000
Camber ± 5 mm
+ zero
- 5 mm
End of beams, out of depth
squareness 400

Table 2: Tolerances on Built-up Steelwork

Lateral deviation between centerline of web and
centerline of each flange at the contact surface 5 mm
Deviation from specified depth, measured at web ± 4 mm
Deviation from flatness in web plates between depth of web 200
stiffeners or between flanges
Warpage or tilt of flanges width of flange 100

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12.11 Erection of Structural Steelwork

12.11.1 General

The Contractor shall furnish all necessary equipment and shall erect the structural
steel in a workmanlike manner and in accordance with these Specifications and the

Structural steel members to be stored shall be placed on blocks so that no part of

the members will touch the ground or be over-stressed and shall be kept clean and
properly drained.

Not less than 28 days before starting the work of erection, the Contractor shall
submit drawings showing the method of erection proposed and the amount and
type of equipment to be used. Steelwork which has been galvanised shall not be
welded. When the galvanising has been damaged, the area affected shall be cleaned
and coated with zinc rich paint. Proper allowance shall be made to compensate for
shrinkage of field welds so that the structure will not be unduly stressed or its
correct alignment affected.

12.11.2 Anchor Bolts

Anchor bolts shall be positioned with a template before the concrete is placed and
the Contractor shall ensure that the anchor bolts are maintained in the correct
position during the placing of concrete.

12.11.3 Erection

Hammering that will injure or distort the members shall not be permitted. The
members shall not be over-stressed during the process of erection. Any error in the
work which prevents proper assembling and fitting of parts shall be reported
immediately to the Engineer, and his approval of the proposed method of
correction obtained.

Erection in the field will be by bolting, high-strength friction grip bolting, arc
welding or a combination of these methods, as shown in the Drawings or directed
by the Engineer. In bolted connections where black bolts are used, the bolts shall
be drawn tight as directed, and where required the threads shall be burred or spot
welded so that the nuts cannot become loosened. Where high tensile bolts are
required, the method of fabrication and assembly of the connections shall comply
with the provisions of BS 4604 Part 1 for friction type joints.

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13. Instrumentation

13.1 General
Kalid dijo dam located on varying foundation conditions. The rock, which is the
basis for the impermeable core and to large parts of it’s length also basis to the
other dam zones, is covered by varying thickness of alluvium.

Although the design takes into account the above mentioned special conditions,
still, the development of conditions which might lead to results: traumatic to the
dam, it’s surrounds and the downstream, necessitate additional follow-up and
data gathering and processing,

The solution to the problem lies in monitoring instrumentation which will enable
the resident engineer/ operator to collect and process the different dam data,
assess the dam condition with/ without communicated help of the dam safety
assessment system/ organization.

Accordingly, the instrumentation designed for the dam shall include the following

13.2 Proposed Instrumentation:

Service Movement Indicators:

a) Benchmarks:

Benchmarks shall be erected on the dam crest and surveyed at high

precision enabling to check horizontal and vertical
movement/settlement at representative locations of the dam.

The benchmarks will be established every 100 m along the crest (and
on the D/S slope - rockfill) for periodical checking of vertical settlement
and horizontal displacement. This will enable to monitor if the
settlement progresses “normally”, if the designed crest camber
suffices and if differential settlements or displacements occur.

Survey of the benchmarks will be carried out periodically.

b) “Stand Pipe” and Vibrating Wire Piezometers

“Stand Pipe” piezometers, will be placed in boreholes including

porous envelop at the desired layer elevation and sealed with
bentonite and grouted. Several piezometers could be placed in one
borehole (of a suitable diameter) at different elevations.

Also Vibrating Wire Piezometers will be used, “buried” in the fill of

some of the dam zones.

The piezometers will be placed in the core, shell and foundation.

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The installation of piezometers also downstream of the dam

foundation, will enable to monitor also the function of the different
means to contain the water in the reservoir.

c) Checking the Stability of Foundation for Differential Settlement/


Different gauges: inclinometers/ tilt meters/ settlement sensors might

be used to monitor and measure the differential settlement/
movement of the high Intake Tower which might be caused by it’s
loading of the foundation, forces /loads on the tower, earthquake etc.

Two benchmarks might be fixed at certain locations on the Tower. A

precise periodical survey will monitor the settlement and horizontal

Either type of monitoring will avail the operator/ engineer with data
concerning the condition of the Tower.
d) Measuring Weirs – for Seepage and Drainage Quantification.

The simplest means of checking/measuring the seeping water

discharge from the dam (and foundation). The Chipolleti/ V notch weir,
or in fact any other type of weir used in Ethiopia.

Weirs will be placed in representing points/ sections to collect and

process data on water draining from U/S to D/S of the core/ grouting

If the seeping water is spread over larger areas collecting drainage

ditches will help to route the water towards the weirs.

e) Water and Sediment Level Gauges

The data will enable the operator to relate different phenomena

connected to the reservoir water and or sediments level and the need
for sediment flushing or any other action derived from said data.

The gauges could be one of any of the different types of gauges such
as: ultra -sonic, electric, etc.

f) Internal Settlement Gauges

The settlement gauges will be “buried” in the dam body to check

horizontal and vertical displacement of foundation/ fill.

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If it will be proved that the fault/s exist, differential settlement along

the dam should be monitored at frequent intervals, at least in the
several first years the reservoir becomes operational, (not to mention
during construction), for any outstanding behavior.

g) Earth Pressure Cells

Total earth pressure can be measured by these cells and will help
monitor under what conditions the core and outer shell zone are
situated. At this stage of design, only monitoring the highest section
is considered.

h) Computer and Communications Center

The Computer and Communications Center will include: automatic

data collection monitors and data processing units serving each and
every instrument, connected to a central computer. A means of a
reliable communications system for the data and processed results to
be communicated to the professional decision makers and the local/
regional Dam Safety Body in the case of emergency, as well as to the
right functionaries of MoWR.

A reliable electric power source will be needed: EEPCO/ solar/ diesel-


Data collection could be manual and/ or by cable/ short distance

transmitters + central receiver.

i) Brand of Instrumentation

As there are several possible suppliers, the detailed design/ tender

documents will specify the characteristics/ condition of the dam/work
environment to which the instruments should be adapted and other
needed data.
13.3 Placement of the Instruments:
13.3.1 Main Dam:

The main dam is crossing a valley where one or two faults are suspected to exist.
The existence of the faults should be either verified or disproved, (to which
purpose, additional boreholes and an inclined borehole have been suggested).

If the fault/s exist the sets of instrumentation adopted for the control and data
collecting, will also have to “straddle” the fault and probably be densified. If there
are no faults the instrumentation will be set at more even and further apart
sections along the dam.

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Table 13.1: dam instrumentation for Kalid Dijo dam
Name of Instrument/ Symbol Total Remark
Bench Marks 20 +2 for reference
Standpipe Piezometer 04 At two sections two each
Vibrating Wire Piezometer 12
Vibrating Wire Settlement Sensor 12
Earth Pressure Cell 01
Accelerometer Recorder 01
Seepage Measuring Weir 01
Deep Meter 01
Water Level Gage (m) 21
Computer ( Main and Portable) 02
Data logger and communication center 01
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13.4 General
The Contractor shall provide, install, test, commission the following
instrumentation Plant for Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation as specified and shown on
the Drawings:

a) Vibrating Wire Piezometers.

b) Water Level Meter.

c) Surface Movement Indicators.

d) Flow Measuring Weirs.

e) Water Level Boards.

f) Water Level Sensors.

g) Water Level Recorders.

h) Depth echo-sounder.

The Contractor shall purchase item (a) from an approved manufacturer.

In addition electromagnetic flow meters shall be provided.

13.5 Design
The Drawings indicate generally the layout of Plant required. The Plant shall be
designed for a minimum useful life of twenty years.

The Contractor shall be responsible for the satisfactory quality, design and
workmanship of all Plant whether manufactured by him or supplied to him by other

13.6 Standardization
Wherever possible, pin, plug, terminal or other connectors on all Plant supplied
under the Contract shall be consistently uniform throughout to facilitate

13.7 Installation
The Contractor shall install the instrumentation Plant strictly in accordance with
the manufacturer's instructions. Installation of the instrumentation shall be carried
out by a technician well experienced in such work. Details of this experience shall
be submitted to the Engineer for his approval.
As soon as practicable after the receipt of the Start Date, the Contractor shall
submit to the Engineer for approval six copies of instructions detailing the

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proposed method of installation and site testing for each item of instrumentation
Plant to be supplied under the Contract.

The permanent instrument houses shall be constructed and completed, ready for
the installation of the monitoring Plant, at the same time as this placing of the
horizontal lines of tubing and wires are laid at the corresponding level as the
respective instrument houses.

The Contractor shall exercise the greatest care in installing the Plant. Once the
Plant has been installed and tested and the trenches have been backfilled and
the embankment placing continued, connecting tubes and cables cannot be
attended to again.

Connecting tubes and cables shall be accommodated generally in approximately

level trenches excavated in the embankment. The width of the trenches shall be
determined by the number of cables to be accommodated therein.

Tubes and cables shall be laid loosely in the trenches to avoid damage from
movements within the embankment. Tubes and cables in the same trench shall
not touch or cross and shall be placed in layers with a horizontal distance of not
less than 50 mm between each. Successive layers shall be separated by a
minimum depth of 75 mm of compacted sand or clay fill. The top layer shall be
covered by a minimum depth of 75 mm of compacted sand or clay fill. Sufficient
slack shall be allowed for l m extension in tubes passing into the clay core from
the shoulder zones.

Where the tubes pass through the filters and drains they shall be threaded through
100 mm diameter PVC pipes whose ends shall be cast in concrete blocks to
prevent the ingress of filter material.

The orientation and placing of all Plant to be installed and the backfilling around
and above the Plant shall be carried out in the presence of the Engineer. The
exact location and level of each instrument shall be carefully recorded.
Backfilling shall not be commenced until the completed instrument circuits have
been individually tested. Backfilling material shall be the material excavated from
the trench, sorted to reject stones. Backfilling shall be placed and compacted by
hand to a density similar to that of the surrounding embankment material. Placing
and compaction of embankment material by machine shall not continue until at
least 0.75 m of compacted material has been placed over the instruments and
Care shall be taken not to contaminate the embankment material with material
from different zones. Special care will be taken when installing the foundation
piezometers in the appropriate boreholes, so that an effective watertight seal is
achieved around the standpipe, so that no percolation up the standpipe will occur.
The borehole shall be sealed by compacting bentonite pellets in the borehole by
an approved method to a depth of 300 mm.

In pricing the Bills of Quantities the Contractor shall allow for any interruption,
disturbance or loss of working time in placing fill or in carrying out any other part
of the Works which may be attributable to installing and testing the instrumentation

13.8 Operation and Maintenance Instructions

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Instructions in English for operating and maintaining the Plant shall be provided
by the Contractor. The Contractor shall prepare a draft of the instructions for the
approval of the Engineer and, after approval, shall supply complete sets in
accordance with the Specification.

13.9 Spare Parts, Special Tools, etc

The Contractor shall provide with the instrumentation Plant sufficient number of
spare parts, together with any special tools required for operating and maintaining
the Plant during the design life.

13.10 Field Data Sheets

The Contractor shall provide sufficient field data sheets, etc. for recording a
minimum of 100 readings per instrument.

13.11 Electricity Supply

All the Plant shall be self-contained in its power requirements.

13.12 Site Testing and Commissioning

On completion of the installation of the whole or integral parts of the Plant, tests
shall be made by the Contractor in the presence of the Engineer to demonstrate
satisfactory operation.

The Contractor shall give the Engineer due written notice when the whole or parts
of the Plant is ready for testing and commissioning and shall submit a formal
programme setting out the testing procedures to be carried out on the Plant.

Plant shall be tested and commissioned as soon as possible after installation, so

that initial readings may be taken during the construction of the main civil
engineering works.

13.13 Vibrating Wire Piezometers

Vibrating wire piezometers shall be installed at the locations shown on the
Drawings. The piezometers shall be of the electrical vibrating wire type. The
piezometer shall be manufactured from stainless steel and have a high air entry
sintered stainless steel filter stone. The cable shall be of a heavy duty type with a
double layer high-density polyethylene wrap separated by a metallic armoured
sheath suitable for direct burial in the ground. The pressure range will be 0 - 100
m of water.

A compatible, portable vibrating wire readout unit capable of incorporation into a

permanent display cabinet shall be provided incorporating a digital display.
Waterproof junction boxes and terminal boxes shall be supplied as required.

Embankment piezometers will be installed in approximately level trenches cut in

the fill during embankment construction. Foundation piezometers shall be
installed in 150 mm diameter boreholes in the embankment foundations. The

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borehole shall be driven in soils using shell and auger techniques and rocks with
rotary drilling. Air flush methods will not be permitted. The sides of the hole in the
vicinity of the piezometer tip shall be kept free from mudcake and debris. If the
hole requires casing, this shall be withdrawn to keep pace with the installation.
Coarse, clean sand filter material shall be placed through water to the proposed
base of the piezometer tip. The piezometer tip having been soaked in water for
at least 24 hours shall be inserted in the borehole, following which, further filter
sand shall be poured until the tip is covered by at least 150 mm.

A plug to prevent entry of grout into the sand cell shall be usually placed in the
form of bentonite pellets, balls of still bentonite or bentonite granules dropped
through water. Backfilling shall be completed to ground surface with impervious
grout, generally a bentonite-cement mix placed through a tremie pipe positioned
above the bentonite plug and withdrawn as grouting proceeds.

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13.14 Water Level Meter

A water level meter of the Dipmeter type, comprising a cable-suspended probe
and cable reel which emits an audible signal on coming into contact with the water,
shall be provided to measure the water level in the pressure relief wells.

The Dipmeter shall be fully portable.

The Dipmeter shall be capable of measuring water depth from 0.00 m to 20.00 m
to an accuracy of ± 0.05 m.

13.15 Surface Movement Indicators

Surface movement of the embankment will be measured using a number of
surface movement stations, comprising a stainless steel pin (32 mm dia)
concreted into a mass concrete base. The surface movement stations will be
located on the downstream side of the embankment crest at 300 m centres. The
concrete base will have a plan area of 250 mm  250 mm, with a depth of
300 mm. The concrete will be cast in an excavated hole against undisturbed
ground. The surface movement stations will be tied into the permanent
triangulation stations once the embankment crest is completed and an initial set
of levels will be then be taken.

13.16 Flow Measuring Weirs

Flow measuring devices shall be installed at the locations shown on the Drawings.
They shall consist of either 90 sharp-edged V-notches or sharp crested
rectangular weirs to BS 3680 Part 4A with gauge plates wall-mounted in the
approach channel to the notch.

The weir plates shall be fabricated from 12 mm thick galvanised steel plate. The
gauge plate shall be constructed of glass reinforced plastic or similar approved
material, and shall be calibrated in millimetres and centimetres. Zero datum for
the gauge plate shall coincide with the apex of the V-notch.

13.17 Water Level Boards

Standard metric reinforced plastic gauge boards, as Type D50 produced by
Shelley Signs Limited, Eaton-on-Tern, Market Drayton, Shropshire, TF9 2BX, UK,
or similar approved, shall be supplied, and will be installed on the outside of the
Intake Tower to provide a visual check of the water level.

A water level board will also be installed on the retaining wall of the spillway
forebay. They shall be calibrated in centimetres.

13.18 Water Level Sensors

Water level sensors shall be of the pneumatic pressure open screen bulb type
suitable for permanent and intermittent immersion in water and fully compatible
with the Water Level Recorder specified rigidly mounted and located on the
outside of the Intake Tower.
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Connecting pipes shall be PVC covered 3.2 mm outside diameter copper pipe or
similar approved. All connections shall be made using approved airtight
connectors supplied by the manufacturer of the pipe. Care shall be taken not to
kink the pipes and their minimum bending radius shall be 0.15 m. The connecting
pipes shall be located and fastened to the outside of the Intake Tower by approved
non-corrosive clips at 0.5 m centres. The pipes pass to the inside of the Intake
Tower through a PVC pipe 50 mm diameter and cast into the wall of the Drawoff
Conduit. The PVC pipe shall be sealed with bituminous sealant at both ends.
Inside the Intake Tower the pipes shall be fastened to the concrete by similar clips.
The pipes shall be enclosed within galvanised steel cable conduit 20 mm diameter
from the underside of the Intake Tower deck slab to the water level recorder.

13.19 Water Level Recorders

Water level recorders shall be as manufactured by Kent Instruments Ltd., Biscot
Road, Luton, England LU3 1AL or similar approved. They shall be designed to
operate independently of any outside power source, including batteries.

The Water Level Recorder installed on the Intake Tower superstructure shall be
wall mounted, fully enclosed and lockable. It shall record the water level sensor,

The recording chart shall be circular, with a minimum diameter of 280 mm,
graduated in metres recording from two pens continuously. It shall be driven by
a hand wound 8-day type mechanical clock at a speed of 1 revolution per week.
The range of levels recorded from the sensor shall be:

0 m to 20 m full scale deflection.

13.20 Depth Echo-sounder

The depth echo-sounder is to monitor the build-up of silt around the Intake Tower.
The instrument shall be a “Clipper Depth” as manufactured by Nasa Instruments,
obtainable from “Mailspeed Marine” Unit 16 Greys Court, Kingsland Grange,
Warrington, Cheshire WA1 4SH, UK, or similar approved.

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14. Pressure Relief Wells

14.1 General
Pressure relief wells shall be installed in boreholes at the downstream toe of the
dam embankments at the location and to the lines and dimensions shown on the

Unless otherwise approved, boreholes shall be drilled by a rotary method using

water, air or other fluid approved by the Engineer for flushing and lubrication.

The pressure relief well installation shall incorporate:

a) An upper casing set into the borehole with a concrete plug, at ground level,
discharging into a concrete collecting box.

b) A screen string comprising screen, tailpipe, and plug, gravel placement

fittings, together with all couplings, centralisers and other fittings as required.

c) A lower casing set into the borehole with a concrete plug, 5 m below
rockhead level (moderately weathered rock or better).

14.2 Installation
As soon as possible after the completion of the drilling, the pressure relief well
screen string shall be assembled and lowered into position. The gravel placing
operation shall commence immediately from a stockpile kept on Site.

14.3 Casing
Casing shall be constructed from 4 mm thick glass reinforced epoxy resin, and
shall be as manufactured by Bristol Composite Materials Engineering Limited,
Bristol, England, or similar approved.

14.4 Screen
Screens shall be constructed entirely from 4 mm thick glass reinforced epoxy
resin, and shall be as manufactured by Bristol Composite Materials Engineering
Limited, Bristol, England, or similar approved.

Couplings between components of the well shall be of compatible type.

The screen shall have a continuous slot opening of not more than 1.25 mm
Centralisers shall be provided on the screen string at a rate of one per 4 metres
of total string length.

14.5 Gravel Placement

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Gravel shall be placed in wells by a method to be proposed by the Contractor and

approved by the Engineer. Care shall be taken during placement to ensure that
the screen string remains centrally aligned in the borehole, and that "arching" of
the gravels does not occur.

Gravel for use in gravel packs shall be clean, free from dust, well rounded and of
entirely siliceous material. A water-worn pure quartz sand would be regarded as
ideal for this purpose.

The Contractor shall provide samples of any gravel material he proposes to use
for the Engineer’s approval before starting any operations.

The gravel used shall have a grading within the area bounded by a straight line
plot of the percentages given in the Table below or other grading approved by the

Grading Limits for Gravel in Gravel Pack

Particle size Max % finer Min % finer

6 mm 100 100
3.53 mm 84 63
2 mm 64 44
1.18 mm 40 20
425 μm 0 0

All gravel used shall be sampled during the placing operation in accordance with
methods described in BS 812. Two kilograms of the sample for each well shall be
labelled and delivered to the Engineer for check grading.

14.6 Well Completion

Immediately after hanging screen strings, each well shall be washed out to the
approval of the Engineer. Gravel packing shall commence immediately after
completion of the washout operations and shall be placed in the well to the depths
shown on the Drawings. Thereafter all fluid in the well shall be displaced from the
bottom by clean water and the well flushed out twice using each time the
equivalent amount of clean water as the volume of the well. The development of
the well shall then be carried out following the procedure described below. Care
shall be taken at all times to ensure that no extraneous material or fluid enters the
well from ground level.

14.7 Development
The purpose of development shall be to remove fine material from the borehole
wall, to grade the gravel and formation into a stable matrix outside the screen and
to increase the local permeability around the hole.

Development shall commence immediately after the placing of the gravel pack.

Development shall consist of two stages as follows:

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a) Spotting into the screened section a concentrated solution of approved mud

dispersant and allowing this to stand for two hours, followed by a minimum
of 4 hours agitation.

b) Six hours airlift pumping to maximum possible rate in 1 hour periods

interspersed with air surging for 30 minute periods.

c) Subsequently a final phase of 3 hours airlift pumping or such other length of

time until water is sand free, and the well operating draw downs show no
significant reduction between repeats.

Immediately after development the Contractor shall top up any slump in the gravel
pack and then place a plug of well graded sand, 1 m long. The remainder of the
well shall then be backfilled with Class C20 concrete or as shown on the Drawings
with a minimum slump of 150 mm. The concrete shall be placed in the well by
hand and compacted around the casing by a method approved by the Engineer.

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15. Cleaning, Corrosion Protection and Painting

15.1 General
15.1.1 Requirement

The Contractor shall furnish, prepare and apply all material for cleaning, corrosion
protection and painting of all surfaces as hereinafter specified.

15.1.2 Surface Not Requiring Corrosion Protection

The following surfaces and materials shall not be painted:

 Concrete surfaces except where required to be painted for architectural
reasons or for protection from chemicals as specified herein.
 Hot-dip galvanised steel components except where required as part of total
protection system or for decorative reasons as specified herein.
 Stainless steel, copper, PVC, glass, vinyl and aluminium surfaces.
 Steel surfaces to be covered by insulation and lagging.
 Machined surfaces.
 Pre-finished panels for ceilings, walls and fixtures.
 Steel surfaces subject to temperatures above 100C.

15.1.3 Embedded Metalwork

Surfaces of metalwork completely embedded in concrete, unless otherwise

specified or shown in the Drawings, shall be treated in accordance with the Table

Treatment of Embedded Metalwork

Metalwork Surface Treatment

External surfaces of pressure pipes BS 7079 Portland cement
All metal surfaces except steel tunnel BS 7079 Not required
liners and pressure pipes and
galvanised surfaces

15.1.4 Welding Margins

Where the protective coating is applied prior to field assembly involving welding,
the surface coating shall end not closer than 150 mm to, nor further than 200 mm
from the proposed weld. Field weld preparations and the adjacent blast cleaned
surfaces shall be protected with one coat of a paint as a corrosion inhibitor. This
paint shall be of a type which is readily removable for the restoration of the
specified coatings after the assembly is complete.

15.1.5 Metal to Metal and Metal to Concrete Contact

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Except as otherwise specified, surfaces of metalwork that shall be in contact with

other metalwork or concrete shall receive three coats of priming paint. The type of
priming paint and the method of surface preparation shall be consistent with the
requirement for other surfaces of the same metalwork.

15.1.6 Temporary Corrosion Inhibitor

Items of metalwork to be shipped from abroad, welding margins, and all machined
surfaces shall be painted with one coat of a temporary corrosion inhibitor on all
internal and external surfaces prior to being transported from the place of

15.1.7 Care of Coated Metalwork

Metalwork that has been coated shall be handled with care to preserve the coating
in the best practical condition and shall be protected from mechanical damage and
the harmful effects of heat and weather conditions.

Supports and slings used for lifting and holding the coated metalwork shall be
padded with rubber blocks or similar material to prevent damage to the external
coating. The coating on the invert section of the steel liners and pressure pipes
shall, during erection, be protected by rubber matting or other suitable material.

15.1.8 Colour Schedule

The final colour schedule shall be advised by the Engineer.

15.2 Supply of Materials

15.2.1 Qualification of Materials for Painting

The Contractor shall submit, to the Engineer, not less than 90 days prior to the
proposed date of commencement of painting, the following for each paint type to
be used:

 A certificate from the manufacturer giving details for each different product
 The composition, including proportions of each major constituent.
 The proportion of volatile material in the product
 The proportion of any constituent considered hazardous, and the nature
of the hazard.
 The physical characteristic claimed for the paint as supplied and as a
 The manufacturer’s recommendation as to storage, handling and
application, including:
 The maximum and minimum temperatures and humidities at which it can
be satisfactorily applied.
 The time which must elapse after application until:
* The surface first hardens (“touch time”).
* The surface shall bear normal working loads (“hard dry time”).
* A further coat can be applied (“minimum re-coat time”).
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* A further coat cannot be applied without special precautions

(”maximum re-coat time”).
* The system is fully cured, and can be put into service (“service
availability time”).
 The types of equipment with which it is recommended to be used,
including, for spray equipment, nozzle sizes and air pressures, instruction
for cleaning equipment, and any other special instruction of a similar
 Recommended procedures for application in a factory nor workshop
adjacent to the site,
 Recommended procedures for making good assembly joints and
damaged areas, where the age of the paint film exceeds the maximum re-
coat time.
 Reference test plates of each paint type to be used inclusive of surface
preparation (metal surfaces only).
 The Contractor’s detailed proposals as to equipment, work place, and
procedures for application of the paint, consistent with the above instructions.
 If requested, the Contractor shall also supply samples of any paint or surface
protection coatings proposed for use in the Works.

15.2.2 Supply of Materials

All paint materials shall be delivered to the site in unopened containers bearing the
manufacturer’s label and instructions. Each container of coating material shall be
identified with the name of the paint system, component of paint system and batch
number of that component.

15.2.3 Paint Manufacturer

All paints constituting one paint system including primer, intermediate coat and
finishing coats shall be supplied by the same manufacturer.

15.2.4 Tropicalisation

All decorative internal and external paints shall be of tropical quality. The addition
of fungicides that may lose effectiveness in time, shall not constitute a suitable
tropical quality paint.

15.3 Surface Preparation

15.3.1 Metalwork

All cleaning and surface preparation of metalwork shall be performed by skilled

personnel under the supervision of staff experienced in the surface preparation of

Weld spatter, burrs and any other objectionable surface irregularities on metalwork
shall be carefully removed or repaired before cleaning. Edges of steel plate which
are to be painted shall be rounded off to a radius of 3 mm with a smooth transition
to the plate surface.

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Steel surfaces to be coated shall be cleaned of all detrimental foreign matter such
as oil, grease, soil, welding slag or other contaminants in accordance with Methods
A and B of BS 7773.

The Contractor shall use clean, sharp cast iron grit which is free from dust to obtain
the surface preparation and the surface profile specified for the particular coating

Blast-cleaned surfaces showing plate surface defects such as scabs or sharp gouges
shall be repaired before applying the coating systems.

For blast-cleaned surfaces, the surface profile as defined in BS 7079, shall be as

specified for the appropriate coating system.
Before being coated, the blast-cleaned surface shall be fibre-brushed and vacuum-
cleaned to remove all blast products and abrasives from the entire surface
including pockets and corners. Final blast-cleaning operations shall not be
conducted on surfaces that shall become wet after blast-cleaning and before
painting, or on surfaces the temperature of which is less than 3C above the dew
point of the surrounding air, or when the relative humidity of the surrounding air
is greater than 85 percent unless otherwise recommended by the coating

Wet-blasting methods shall not be used.

Cleaned surfaces shall be kept free from any contamination and shall not be
touched by bare hands. The operators shall wear fabric gloves whilst carrying out
cleaning and coating duties, and any areas inadvertently touched by hands or bare
parts of the body shall be solvent-cleaned immediately.

The cleaned surface shall be tested for soluble and insoluble residues in accordance
with the following table.

Testing Cleaned Surfaces for Residue

Substance Method
Soluble Iron Salts DIN 55928: Part 4
Grease, oil and epoxy DIN 55928: Part 4
Millscale, rust and dust BS 5493 Appendix F

15.3.2 Concrete and Concrete Blockwork Surfaces

Concrete and concrete blockwork surfaces to be painted shall be rubbed with a

carbonandum block and shall be free from dirt, rust stains, encrustations or other
contaminants and shall have a smooth uniform surface. Any grinding or buffing to
achieve such a surface shall be carried out using flexible cloth backed carborundum
discs. Grinding stones and wheels shall not be used for general clean off of concrete
surfaces. Surfaces containing blow holes in excess of the number listed for Class
2 finish, shall be stopped up either individually or
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generally using a cement plaster compatible with the paint. Any excess mortar shall
be scraped or sanded from the wall to present a smooth surface for painting.

Concrete surfaces shall be acid-etched with a 10 percent solution of hydrochloric

acid after surface preparation and prior to painting.

Concrete surfaces to be painted shall be water cured.

Concrete surfaces shall not be painted within 21 days after casting.

15.3.3 Timber

Sap or gum exudations shall be scraped off and the areas solvent-cleaned. Dirt and
mortar shall be removed using scraper, abrasive paper or steel wool as necessary.
All excessive roughness, loose edges, slivers and splinters shall be removed with
abrasive paper. Surface defects, cracks and nail holes shall be stopped up after
application of primer, with linseed oil putty.

15.4 Application of Coating Materials

15.4.1 Personnel

The application of all coating materials shall be carried out in a neat, workmanlike
manner by skilled personnel under the supervision of staff experienced in the
application of the particular system and in accordance with the manufacturer's
written application instruction.

15.4.2 Equipment

All equipment used in the application of coating materials shall be as

recommended by the manufacturer. The equipment shall be in first class order and,
where power driven equipment is used, shall deliver the coating materials at the
rate specified in the manufacturer's application instruction.

15.4.3 Temperature and Humidity

Coatings shall only be applied within the temperature and humidity ranges
recommended by the paint manufacturer, but in no case shall coatings be applied
to surfaces upon which there is any moisture, or during rain or misty weather
without suitable protection. Application shall not be carried out when the
temperature at the time of application or the temperature anticipated during the
subsequent four hours is less than 3C above the dew point of the surrounding air,
or when the ambient temperature falls below 7C or when the relative humidity of
the surrounding air is greater than 85 percent unless otherwise recommended by
the coating manufacturer. Each coat shall be protected during the initial curing
period against the possibility of moisture condensation or contamination with
foreign matter.

15.4.4 Priming

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Cleaned surfaces shall be primed or treated as specified for the appropriate coating
system as soon as practicable and in any case within 8 hours after cleaning or as
specified by the coating manufacturer. Blast cleaned surfaces shall not be allowed
to stand overnight without having received the first coat of paint. Should rust form
or the surface become otherwise contaminated in the interval between cleaning and
coating, re-blasting shall be carried out.

The application of a prime coat in the shop followed by the application of the
finishing coats in the field shall not be accepted.

15.4.5 Spraying

When the coating material is applied by spraying, suitable means shall be provided
to prevent segregation during the coating operation. Free oil and moisture shall be
removed from the air supply lines of all spraying equipment. Each coat shall be
uniform and free from runs, sags and other imperfections. The time between
successive coats shall be not less than minimum nor more than the maximum re-
coating time specified by the manufacturer.

15.4.6 Film Thickness

The paint shall be applied so that the thickness at any point is that required for the
particular coating material within the specified range of thickness specified both
for the individual coat and the complete system as required. Unless otherwise
specified the dry film thickness shall not be less than the specified thickness and
shall not exceed this value by more than:

Fifty percent for coats up to 100 micron in required thickness; and Fifty micron for
coats exceeding 100 micron in required thickness.

15.4.7 Tinting

To facilitate application and inspection successive coats shall be tinted


15.4.8 Inaccessible Surfaces

Surfaces that shall be inaccessible after installation shall be completely coated as

required prior to installation.

15.4.9 Protection of Surfaces

Surfaces not required to be coated, but adjacent to metalwork which is to be

cleaned and coated, shall be adequately protected during cleaning and coating.

Metalwork that has been coated shall be handled with care to preserve the coating
in the best practical condition and be protected from mechanical damage and the
harmful effects of heat and weather conditions. Supports and slings used for lifting
and holding the coated metalwork shall be padded with rubber blocks or similar
material to prevent damage to the external coating. The coating on the

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invert section of the steel tunnel liners and pressure pipes shall, during erection, be
protected by rubber matting or other suitable material.

15.4.10 Defects

The coating of all areas which are defective or damaged shall be cleaned and
repaired in accordance with the manufacturer’s field application instruction.
Coatings that are loose, weakly bonded, blistered, abraded or otherwise defective
shall be removed and the surface re-cleaned in accordance with the method
prescribed for the specified coating. The surface shall then be re-coated.

15.4.11 Elapsed Time

The maximum allowable elapsed time between blast cleaning and application of
paint shall be fixed by the Engineer having regard to climatic conditions existing
at the time. If a period of more than the maximum allowable time has elapsed, the
surface shall be re-blasted to produce a fresh surface. The elapsed time between
application of successive coats shall not be less than the specified minimum re-
coat time, not more than the specified maximum re-coat time. If the elapsed time
since the previous coat exceeds the specified maximum re-coat time, the Engineer
at his discretion may direct either that the system be removed and reapplied or that
the procedure for repair of old paint be followed.

15.5 Coating Systems

The coating systems required for various features are specified in the tables at the
end of this Section.

Coating systems are named according to the generic system type. Each coating
system comprises the following four components:

 Type of surface preparation.

 Type of primer.
 Type of body coat.
 Type of finish coat.

Brand names, indicated in by an asterisk, are an indication of a suitable type of

coating material only.

15.6 Epoxy Coating System

The epoxy lining to the insides of the steel liners and pressure pipes shall be in
accordance with Coating System B.

15.7 Portland Cement Wash

The cement wash coating to the outsides of steel liners and pressure pipes to be
embedded in concrete shall be in accordance with Coating System F.

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15.8 Galvanising

15.8.1 General

Galvanising shall be applied by the hot-dip process in accordance with BS 729.

The erection marks shall be legible after galvanising.

Where possible, welding, drilling and other working required for fabrication of the
material shall be completed and all burrs and other defects removed before the
galvanising process commences. All joints shall be seal welded before galvanising.

15.8.2 Film Thickness

The surface after galvanising shall carry an unbroken covering, uniform in

appearance and thickness. The coating weight and thickness shall be in accordance
with the following table.

Coating Mass of General Ferrous Articles

Minimum average coating on any

individual test area
Product Coating Equivalent thickness
mass Micron
Steel 5 mm thick and over 600 84
Steel under 5 mm thick but not less 450 63
than 2 mm
Steel less than 2 mm thick 350 49
Castings (iron and steel) 600 84

15.8.3 Repairs to Galvanising

Where the galvanised coat has been broken during fabrication or damaged in
handling, the exposed surface shall be painted as soon as possible in accordance
with the following procedure:

 Clean back to bright steel.

 Feather the edges of the surrounding galvanised coating.
 Degrease in accordance with BS 7773.
 Apply two coats of zinc rich primer giving a total dry film thickness of not less
than 75 micron. Zinc rich primer shall consist of fine zinc powder, epoxy resin
base and polyamide accelerator, which when mixed in the correct proportions,
produce a paint suitable for brush or spray application with or without thinning
as recommended by the manufacturer. The dry paint film

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shall contain at least 92 percent fine zinc powder. The finished repair coating
shall be over-coated with a finish coat to approximately colour match adjacent

15.9 Painting Concrete, Blockwork and Plasterboard Surfaces

15.9.1 General

Where shown in the Drawings or elsewhere as directed by the Engineer, concrete,

blockwork and plasterboard surfaces shall be painted. The colour of all paints and
the time at which painting is carried out shall be as directed by the Engineer.

The surface preparation and painting system to be used shall be as specified.

Concrete floors shall be sealed with a calcifier such as “Benton-seal Super K” or
similar approved by the Engineer.

15.10 Painting and Varnishing Timber

15.10.1 General

Where specified, shown in the Drawings and elsewhere as directed by the

Engineer, timber surfaces shall be painted or varnished. Colours of all paint and
stains and the time at which painting is carried out shall be as directed by the

The surface preparation and painting system to be used shall be as specified.

15.11 Road Painting and Signs

15.11.1 Requirement

The Contractor shall provide and apply all paint coating materials for road
markings and road signs.

15.11.2 Materials

Signs shall be reflectorised adhesive type on aluminium plate and shall conform
with BS 873. Road markings and paint shall conform with BS 6044.

15.12 Inspection and Testing

15.12.1 General

Full and uninterrupted access to the Contractor's and any of his subcontractor's
workshops shall be provided to the Engineer. The workshops shall possess
illumination which, in the opinion of the Engineer, is adequate for the application
and inspection of protective coatings.

The Contractor shall provide all the necessary inspection and testing equipment to
monitor the quality of surface preparations and application of coatings.
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The Contractor shall perform all measurements and complete all the tests specified
in this Clause.

15.12.2 Profile

Profile shall be measured by direct means such as by surface roughness testers,

optical focussing systems, or needle gauges. Routine control may be achieved by
the use of standard reference plates.

15.12.3 Coating Thickness

The coating thickness shall be measured by electromagnetic or magnetic gauges at

sufficient locations to define the minimum, maximum and average thickness. The
gauges shall be regularly calibrated by placing a brass shim on the surface of a flat
plate abrasive blasted to the specified profile and the calibration shall be relative
to the thickness of the brass shim when so calibrated.

15.12.4 Coating Continuity

The continuity of epoxy coatings and linings shall be checked using a low voltage
wet sponge type electrical insulation detectors. High voltage "Holiday" detectors
shall not be used.

15.12.5 Other Tests

In case of dispute or to verify the compliance of the coating with the Specification
the Engineer may direct the use of other tests including but not limited to adhesion
tests and paint film sections.

15.12.6 Rejection

Coating Materials: Coating materials which in the opinion of the Engineer have
deteriorated due to improper storage or which have been otherwise damaged or
impaired or which do not comply with the manufacturer's specification shall be
liable to rejection and shall not be used for the Works.

Surface Preparation: The Engineer may direct that surfaces which have become
damaged by any means or which do not meet the specified profile or conditions of
cleanliness be reprepared before work continues.

Weather: The Engineer may direct that surface preparation or coating stop if the
environmental conditions are such that there is reasonable doubt as to the ability
of the Contractor to fulfil the work to the specified standard. For this purpose wet
and dry bulb thermometers shall be used in conjunction with standard dew point

Coatings which have been applied under weather conditions which prevent proper
curing or which have been marked by rain or condensation shall be liable to

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Properties of Coating: Surface coatings which do not comply with the requirements
for thickness may be liable to rejection or repair. Where the Engineer considers
that there is reasonable doubt as to the quality or adhesion of the paint film, he may
direct the use of other tests to determine compliance or otherwise with the
specification. Failure to comply with the manufacturer's recommendations may
render such coatings liable to rejection. Discontinuities shall be repaired and the
Engineer may reject such coatings if the incidence of defects revealed by such
testing appears excessive. Coatings showing excessive sags or runs shall be liable
to rejection.

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Coating Systems

Total Generic
Feature Primer Body Coat Finish Coat Thickness Coating
(micron) System
SYSTEM A Abrasive blast with Inorganic zinc Epoxy - Micaceous Epoxy/finish 295-365 μm Zinc
Exterior surfaces of chilled iron grit silicate iron oxide silicate/epoxy
exposed pressure Class 2½ 65-75 μm Coat 1 100-125 μm 30-40μm Micaceous
conduits Coat 2 100-125 μm Sigmacover iron oxide
Profile 60-70 μm Sigma Silicate Sigmacover CM MIO CMCoating
SYSTEM B Abrasive blast with Nil Nil Polyamine cured 250-350 Polyamine
Internal surface of steel chilled iron grit to epoxy coating cured epoxy
liner and pressure pipes Class SA 3 Coat 1 - 125-175
Profile 40-70 μm Coat 2 - 125-175
Sigmaguard EHB
SYSTEM C Abrasive blast with Inorganic zinc Alkyd gloss enamel 170-210 Inorganic zinc
Structural steelwork sand or chilled iron silicate Coat 1 - 35-40 μm silicate/alkyd
grit to Class 2½ 65-75 μm Coat 2 - 35-40 μm
Profile 60-70 μm Sigmetal
Sigma Silicote Semigloss
SYSTEM D Clean, descale, Coating mass in Thickness in Galvanising
Galvanised steel work pickle in accordance with accordance
accordance with Table B62-2 with Table
BS 7773 B62-2
SYSTEM E1 Solvent degrease, Zinc oxide/zinc Alkyd enamel Alkyd enamel 60-80 (paint Galvanising
Balustrades, crane clean rust or stains dust silicate 30-40 μm 30-40 μm only) plus
access walkway, misc. with wire brush to primer decorative decorative
metal -work, steel sheet bright metal 35 -40 μm finish finish
doors and frames, roller Class St 3 Sigmarine undercoat Sigmarine BTD

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Total Generic
Feature Primer Body Coat Finish Coat Thickness Coating
(micron) System
shutter and roller shutter Sigmarine ZP Enamel
frames primer
SYSTEM E2 Solvent degrease, Vinyl etch Epoxy enamel High Epoxy enamel 152-192 Galvanising
Ladders, platforms and clean rust or stain primer Build 40-55 μm plus heavy
handrails with wire brush to 7-12 μm 80-125 μm duty
bright metal. decorative
Galvanising to be Sigmacover CM Sigmacover CM finish
waterbrake free. Dulux Corrocote coating coating


Development & Scheme Section II - Lot I Irrigation Section II - Lot I Development & Section II - Irrigation
Administration Agency Development & Scheme Lot I Development &
Kalid-Dijo Dam and Volume – VIII Bid Scheme Volume – VIII Bid Administration Scheme
Irrigation Project document Administration document Agency Volume – VIII Administration
Agency Kalid-Dijo Dam and Bid document Agency
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and Irrigation and Irrigation
Project Project

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Coating Systems for Concrete and Cement Rendered Surfaces

Total Dry
Film Generic Coating
Feature Surface Preparation Finish Coats
Thickness System
SYSTEM G1 Clean from dirt and stain and make smooth by grinding 2 coats tropical quality 150-200 Concrete -
Concrete surfaces with cloth backed discs. Stop off holes in excess of satin acrylic resin Acrylic latex
Class 2 finish AS 3610. Acid etch with 10% hydrochloric (Sigmetal Semi-gloss) decorative finish
acid and rinse clear with water. Allow to dry for seven Moderate duty
days. Dust down.
SYSTEM G2 Clean from dirt and stain. Dust down. 2 coats thermoplastic Concrete block
Concrete blockwork acrylic 2 coats sealer
SYSTEM G3 Clean from dirt and stain and make smooth by grinding 2 coats chlorinated 100 Concrete -
Concrete surfaces in with cloth backed discs. Stop off holes in excess of rubber (Sigmacover CM chemical
transformer room. Class 2 finish AS 3610. Acid etch with 10% hydrochloric coating) resistant
Walls and ceiling only acid and rinse clear with water. Allow to dry for seven
days. Dust down. 1st coat thinned by 20 %
SYSTEM G4 Clean from dirt and stain and make smooth by grinding 2 coats polyamide cured 400-500 Concrete - oil
Internal surfaces of with cloth backed discs. Stop off holes in excess of coal tar epoxy coating resistant
transformer bays Class 2 finish AS 3610. Acid etch with 10% hydrochloric (Sigma TCN 300)
acid and rinse clear with water. Allow to dry for seven
days. Dust down.
SYSTEM G5 Block down and remove loose material. 3 coats acrylic water 200 Acrylic emulsion
Cement render and born paint (Dulux Wash
plasterboard Sand smooth where applicable. and Wear Silk)

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Coating Systems for Wood

Surface Generic Coating

Feature Primer Body Coats Finish Coats
Preparation System
SYSTEM H1 Clean and sand Oil based fungal resistant Alkyd undercoat 2 coats general purpose Alkyd resin
Internal timber down. primer. 15 m2/litre interior alkyd resin gloss at decorative finish
16.3 m2/litre 16 m2/litre internal.
Dulux undercoat for (Dulux Gloss Enamel).
Primer for new plaster. all surfaces.
SYSTEM H2 Clean and sand 2 coats varnish plywood Polyurethane Plastic, satin Joinery
Joinery down. surface sealer or gloss.
paraphenyl- formaldehyde Dulux Woodguard
resin based. Timbasheen

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15.13 Painting Buildings

15.13.1 General

These clauses are supplementary to the previously specified clauses. The

workmanship and quality of materials for painting shall comply with CP 231 or BS
5493 as appropriate.

No paint shall be used after the date of expiry of the `shelf life' marked on its
container, and on such expiry the paint shall be immediately removed from the

Paints shall be thoroughly mixed under the supervision of a competent foreman

in a manner approved by the Engineer and shall not be passed to the painters
until both it and the surfaces to be painted have been properly prepared.

The Contractor shall provide any equipment necessary to demonstrate that

required paint thicknesses have been achieved.

15.13.2 Preparation of Surfaces

The Contractor shall regard the preparation of surfaces to be painted as a work of

fundamental importance, the object of which is to ensure the production of sound,
clean and dry surfaces which shall have no detrimental effect on the material to
be treated and the subsequent treatment.

Rags, brushes and tools used in the preparation of surfaces for painting shall be
clean. Surfaces contaminated with oil or grease shall be cleaned with white spirit.
Immediately before paint is applied the whole of the surface to be painted shall be
thoroughly cleaned of all dust, loose paint or dirt by washing down with fresh clean
water and as necessary by brushing with a bristle brush and allowed to dry

Contact surfaces and surfaces to be painted shall be maintained clean of cement

grout or concrete, and any such contamination shall be thoroughly washed away
with fresh water before it has hardened.

15.13.3 Protection of Hardwood

Hardwood surfaces shall not be painted but shall be treated with three coats of
white linseed oil, to BS 242, well rubbed in.

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15.13.4 Protection and Painting of Softwood

All softwood joinery in contact with external walls or exposed to the elements shall
not be painted but shall be made from timber which has been given preservative
treatment by vacuum/pressure impregnation with water-borne preservative in
accordance with BS 4072 Class B or other approved.

Joinery which is to be painted shall be primed with one coat immediately after
fabrication. The primer shall be lead-based complying with BS 2521. Spraying of
paint will not be allowed in the application of first priming coat. Contact surfaces
with brick, masonry or concrete shall be given a second coat of primer. After fixing
and before applying any subsequent coats of paint, the primer shall be examined
for defects and holidays. Powdery, brittle or peeling primer shall be removed,
holes, cracks and blemishes in exposed surfaces shall be stopped with putty, and
knots shall be treated with an approved knotting, and such surfaces shall be made
good with primer. Joinery shall then be painted with one undercoat and two gloss
finishing coats of compatible alkyd resin paints from the same manufacturer, of
approved colours. The first gloss finishing coat shall be rubbed down on interior
surfaces before the top coat is applied.

15.13.5 Protection and Painting of Metal

Unless otherwise specified, metal surfaces shall be cleaned by manual or

mechanical processes. Flame cleaning or chemical processes may only be used
on Site with the Engineer’s prior approval.

Fabricated steel which is not galvanised shall be primed with one coat of red lead
before leaving the manufacturer’s works. After erection any damaged areas shall
be cleaned of all dirt, rust, grease, oil and scale and re-primed with one coat of
red lead paint. Subsequently after cleaning off all dirt and grease, two coats of
silver grey micaceous iron oxide paint shall be applied.

Galvanised steel surfaces shall be treated before painting with an approved

etching primer (other than a mordant containing copper) which shall be supplied
in two parts for mixing at Site in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions.
The surfaces shall afterwards be thoroughly rinsed with clean water and allowed
to dry. Galvanised steel surfaces shall be painted as specified for softwood except
that no other priming coat and only one undercoat and one gloss finishing coat
are required.

Where bituminous coated metalwork is required it shall have a minimum of three

coats of bituminous paint.

Other steel or metalwork, unless otherwise specified, immediately after cleaning

shall be primed with one coat of red lead paint to BS 2521 and BS 2523 and
painted as specified for joinery.

15.13.6 Painting of Concrete, Plaster and Blockwork

The surfaces of concrete, rendering, plaster and blockwork which are specified or
ordered to be painted shall be allowed to dry after preparing them as specified in
Clause 15.13.2 hereof and shall then be treated with a fungicidal wash. Subject
to the approval of the Engineer the fungicidal wash may be
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omitted. Oil painted surfaces shall be primed with one coat of approved sealer,
and painted with one specified in Clause 15.13.4 hereof. Epoxy painted surfaces
shall be primed with one coat of approved sealer and painted with polyamide
cured epoxy coats to give a dry film thickness of not less than 200 microns.

15.13.7 Protection and Painting of Aluminium

Aluminium shall be degreased by the use of solvents which are compatible with
and of the same manufacture as the paint finishes to be applied. Within four hours
of degreasing apply polyamide cured epoxy etch primer to give a minimum film
thickness of 50 microns. The final finish shall be coats of polyamide cured pure
epoxy resin incorporating inert pigments of an approved colour to give a dry film
thickness of not less than 100 microns.

If damage occurs before applying the final finish, any damaged areas of the
previous finish shall be made good by powered or hand operated wire brush. The
surface shall be degreased with suitable solvent and further coats of the previous
finish applied to obtain the original quality and thickness. In any event the previous
finish shall be thoroughly cleaned, all grease, dirt and dust removed from the
surface as appropriate and within two hours the final finish applied.

15.13.8 Conditions for Painting

Each coat of paint shall be allowed to dry and harden thoroughly before the
application of the next coat. No painting shall be done in wet or foggy weather or
without the Engineer’s prior approval when during the period of painting or
hardening the temperature is or is likely to be less than 15C or more than 32C
or the relative humidity more than 90%. During hot weather and when requested
by the Engineer the surfaces shall be shaded from the direct rays of the sun during
the application and hardening of paint.

Internal paintwork to buildings other than priming and sealing shall not be
commenced until all other trades have finished and, on plastered or rendered
surfaces, until the surfaces have fully hydrated and dried.

16. Miscellaneous

16.1 Fencing and Gates

Materials for fencing and gates shall comply with the latest edition of the following
standards unless otherwise shown in the Drawings:

BS 4: Part 1: Structural Steel Sections Hot-Rolled Sections

Part 2: Structural Steel Sections Hot-Rolled Hollow Sections
BS 729: Hot Dip Galvanized Coatings on Iron and Steel Articles
BS 1722: Part 1: Chain Link Fences
BS 1722: Part 1: Supplement Nr 1 (1975) Gates and Gateposts used in
Conjunction with Chain Link Fences
BS 1775: Steel Tubes for Mechanical, Structural and General Purposes
BS 4102: Steel Wire For Fences
BS 4360: Weldable Structural Steels

The type of fence to be supplied shall be GLS 180 to BS 1722, steel posts with
chain link of 50 mm mesh and wire diameter 3.00 mm, 3 line wires of diameter
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3.55 mm. The chain link, line wire, tying wire and fittings shall comply with BS
1722 Part 1 and BS 4102.

Steel straining posts, intermediate posts and struts shall be fabricated to the
dimensions as shown on the Drawings and shall comply with the requirements of
BS 4 Part 1 and BS 4360 and shall be set in concrete Class C20.

Fences shall be erected along the lines as shown on the Drawings. The fences
shall follow generally the profile of the ground except where otherwise directed by
the Engineer. Trimming, cutting or filling to existing ground surfaces shall be
considered incidental to the works of erecting fences and gates and will not be
measured for payment.

Where holes are made in chain-link fencing for the passage of pipes etc. the
edges of the hole shall be trimmed in a circle to fit the diameter of the pipe and
the surrounding mesh shall be strengthened by weaving tying wire into the mesh
round the pipe ensuring all cut ends are tied-in.

Gates shall be of welded construction with the frame formed from mild steel angles
to BS 4 Part 1 and BS 4360 as shown in the Drawings and shall comply with the
requirements of Supplement Nr 1 (1975) to BS 1722 Part 1. The chain link in-filling
shall be as specified above and shall be fixed as described in BS 1722 Part 1.
Hinges, drop bolts, slam plates and locking bars shall be as described in BS 1722
and BS 3470 except where otherwise shown on the Drawings. Gate posts shall
be mild steel tube to BS 1775.

Gates and gate posts shall be supplied and constructed as shown on the
Drawings with connections, hinges, staples, bolts, fixing of chain link netting, and
all other accessories necessary for easy opening and closing of the gates. The
gates are to clear the ground by not more than 50 mm when closed, and will be
free to open as shown through an angle of 90 degree. All components of the fence
shall be galvanized to the requirements of BS 729, and painted with one coat of
approved aluminium paint after erection.

16.2 Doors
All doors and frames shall be constructed of best quality timber in accordance with
BS 459 and BS CP 151. The details of design, joinery and fixing shall be in
accordance with best local practice and to the approval of the Engineer.

Frames shall be constructed from timber of minimum overall dimensions 100 mm

 75 mm. They shall be fixed securely to the reinforced concrete by screwing into
wooden plugs set in drilled holes.

Doors shall be of minimum thickness 25 mm, fixed to the frame by 3 brass butt
hinges on each leaf. One leaf shall be fitted with flush bolts top and bottom and
the other with a rim dead lock of approved pattern.

16.3 Glass
16.3.1 General

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All glass shall be of the best quality of its respective kind and shall be free from
specks, bubbles and other defects. Glass shall comply with BS 952 and BS CP
152 and shall be obtained from approved manufacturers.

Generally, unless otherwise specified, all glass shall be 6 mm thick for windows,
partitions and doors. Glass shall be cut neatly to fit into the rebates and all
exposed edges carefully rubbed down and finished smooth to the touch with the
arises slightly rounded. Plate glass shall have edges blocked.

On completion all glass shall be cleaned on both sides to remove dirt, mortar or
plaster droppings, stains, paint splashes, etc., and polished to the satisfaction of
the Engineer. Any broken, cracked or defective panes shall be replaced at the
Contractor’s own expense.

16.3.2 Clear Sheet Glass

All clear sheet glass shall be of the best quality and of suitable thickness as shown
on the Drawings.

16.3.3 Float Glass

Float glass shall be "Glazing Quality" as approved by the Engineer.

16.4 Windows
16.4.1 General

Windows shall include frame and glass and all fixing accessories. Materials shall
be of the best quality. All windows shall be subjected to testing in accordance with
BS 5368.

16.4.2 Timber Framed Windows

All timber frames shall be primed with a coat of approved aluminium wood primer
and all other exposed surfaces of timber frames shall be prepared, knotted,
primed, stopped and painted with 3 coats of approved paint.

Glazing to windows shall be 6 mm thick of an approved quality tinted flat glass as

shown on the Drawings.

16.4.3 Aluminium Framed Windows

All aluminium frames shall be of the best quality and shall be fabricated and
installed in place as shown on the Drawings in accordance to the manufacturer's
instructions and recommendation.

The windows shall have the manufacturer's recommended fittings, joints,

fasteners, peg stays etc.. To secure the window firmly, a cement and sand (1:3
mix) fillet shall run between the back of the window frame and the jamb.

Glazing to windows shall be 6 mm thick of an approved quality, tinted float glass

unless otherwise shown on the Drawings.

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16.4.4 Timber Framed Adjustable and Fixed Louvered Windows

Timber framed adjustable and fixed louvered windows shall be constructed
complete in place and finished in accordance with the Drawings.

Glazing in louvers shall be 6 mm thick of an approved quality tinted float glass

unless otherwise shown on the Drawings and not exceeding 760 mm in length.
The long edges shall be rounded or chamfered so that there shall be no sharp
cutting edge.

All louvered windows shall be provided with 12 mm diameter mild steel anti-
burglar bars, one per leaf of louver. The clips for holding glass louvers shall have
U-shaped outside ends and such that the glass can be only inserted or removed
from the inside and not from outside.

16.5 Rainwater Down-Pipe

The rainwater down pipe to the Intake Tower superstructure shall be flexible PVC
pipe, spirally wound to give rigidity against collapse. It shall be fixed to the
guttering by two galvanised jubilee clips.

16.6 Brickwork
16.6.1 Description

Brickwork shall include the laying of brickwork to the lines, levels and grades
shown on the Drawings.

16.6.2 Brick Walls

All bricks are to be of a standard size of even shape, hard, well burnt, machine
made pressed bricks with true arises and to be to the Engineer’s approval. Bricks
shall be delivered to the Site by the supplier and are to be carefully stacked on
arrival. All bricks shall give a clear ring when struck with a trowel.

All bricks are to be well wetted by being soaked in water for at least half an hour
before use. Tops of walls, where left off, shall be well wetted before recommencing
building. All joints are to be 10 mm thick and flushed up and grouted in solid as
the works proceed.

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16.7 Cement Rendering / Plastering

Where shown in the drawings, brickwork shall be rendered with 20 mm thickness
of cement mortared applied in 2 layers. The rendering shall be towelled hard and

The cement mortar shall consist of 1 part OPC cement to 3 parts of sand. No
mortar which has commenced to set may be used or mixed with any other mortar.

16.8 Masonry for Structures

Mortared rock masonry shall comprise hard, clean rock fragment bonded with
concrete or cement or sand mortar, hereinafter called mortar, to form a dense
homogeneous mass. The rock shall be clean, hard, durable, fresh or slightly
weathered rock which after excavation and handling is free from structural
weaknesses. The sizes and shapes of the individual rock fragments or rocks shall
be chosen so that the gaps formed between adjacent rocks as finally placed can
be properly filled with mortared. Rocks located at external faces of walls shall be
all of similar size with the average dimension of the exposed face of each rock not
less than 225 mm for retaining walls and pylons, and 300 mm for side slopes
above precast concrete drains. All points on external faces of walls shall be in their
designated positions within a tolerance of minus 0 plus 150 mm measured outside
the limits of the walls. Exposed rock faces shall be free of surplus mortar with all
mortared joints neatly finished.

The mortar used to fill the gaps between the rocks shall be one part cement to
two parts sand by volume and shall have a cube strength at 28 Days of not less
than 20 N/mm² and be sufficiently workable to allow it to be placed in gaps without
segregation. At the time of positioning and mortaring, all rocks shall be clean of
all soil or material which would otherwise reduce the bond between the rock faces
and the mortar. Mortared rock walls shall be constructed in vertical lifts of
approximately uniform thickness across the width of the wall. A blanket of mortar
shall be placed in stages over each lift so that when rocks in the succeeding lift
are placed, all gaps between the lifts are completely filled with mortar. As rocks
are placed, or on completion of each lift, mortar shall be worked into place in the
gaps between adjacent rocks so that at least 75 per cent of the volume of each
void formed between adjacent rocks is filled with mortar.

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17. Water Control Gates

17.1 General
17.1.1 Scope of Works

The Contractor shall design, manufacture, supply, test, paint, pack and deliver to
Site and install the following:

a) Control and Emergency Gates complete with operating electric actuator


b) Manually operated maintenance hoists with sufficient capacity to lift each

of the gates.
The dimensions and level of installation of each of the gates are shown in the
drawings that form an integral part of the tender documents.

The Contractor has the right to propose any alternative system.

17.1.2 Standard Specification

Except where otherwise specified all materials and workmanship shall comply
with British Standards Codes of Practice or with the requirements of the
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) or the International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), as appropriate or any other internationally
known standard.

The electrical installation as a whole shall comply with the latest edition of "The
Regulations for Electrical Installation" issued by the Institution of Electrical
Engineers, Savoy Place, London, WC2R OBL, England, U.K.

17.1.3 Guarding of Machinery

The Contractor shall ensure that all designs and equipment for which he is
responsible are safe. Nothing in this Specification shall remove the Contractor’s
obligation from drawing the attention of the Engineer to any feature of the Works
which is not consistent with safety, or to prevent making proposals for
incorporating equipment or designs which would increase the safety of the Plant.

The installation layout and plant design shall not allow any item of Plant to be so
positioned that danger to operating personnel could arise during normal operation
and maintenance.
All rotating shafts, couplings, gears, or other moving parts shall be fully guarded
in accordance with BS 5304. Guards shall be designed to provide access to
bearings, grease points and other check points and to allow safe routine
observation and servicing to be executed without the need to dismantle any part
of their structure.

17.1.4 Fixing in Concrete

Where items of Plant are required to be fixed in concrete, the Contractor shall
supervise the works and be responsible for its positioning. This shall entail
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shimming, temporary fixing and final checking, as necessary, to satisfy himself of

its correctness.

Anchor members, seating plates etc for building into primary concrete work to
facilitate alignment and fixing of embedded parts shall be supplied and delivered
in advance of the remainder of the Plant in accordance with a programme.

17.1.5 Grounding

All electric equipment in the Plant shall be substantially grounded to an embedded

copper plate. Adequate size of copper grounding conductors, based on the
maximum ground fault current and the protection in the circuit shall be used and
where possible, shall run inside the conduits with the power conductors.

17.1.6 Labels and Plates

All duty labels, data, name plates and instruction plates on cubicles and
equipment shall be in English.

17.1.7 Design Calculations and Drawings

The Drawings indicate generally the types of equipment required, the approximate
dimensions of the recesses allowed for the reception of the "built- in" work and
other pertinent features. The Contractor shall design the gates and hoists to be
supplied under the Contract.

The Contractor will submit in due time all the details of recesses to be left in the
structure for correct installation

The drawings submitted by the Contractor with his Bid shall be considered as
generally indicative of the quality of the equipment to be supplied but will not be
considered as binding in detail.
As soon as practicable, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer fully detailed
calculations and shop drawings of all equipment to be supplied under the Contract
for approval, before manufacture commences. Two prints of each drawing shall
be provided in the first instance and any modification or changes which the
Engineer may require or consider desirable shall be made and the work executed
accordingly without extra payment. As many copies of approved drawings as may
be required by the Engineer shall be supplied without extra charge.

17.2 Materials, Workmanship and Design

17.2.1 Materials Stresses and Workmanship

Structural steelwork used in the Plant shall be designed and constructed in

accordance with BS 5950 except where inconsistent with the terms of the
Specification. The steelwork shall comply with the appropriate gradings of BS
4360, but in no case shall the grade of steel be less than Grade 43.

The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer with manufacturer's test certificates for
all steel used in the Plant and Temporary Works, when requested by the Engineer.

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The maximum deflection of plates and structural members in the Works shall be
restricted to 1/600th of their span under all specified conditions of loading, unless
otherwise stated.

The seated and unseated pressures operating on the various gates are shown on
the drawing in the drawings by maximum water level.

17.2.2 Minimum Thickness

An allowance of 2 mm shall be added to the thickness of gate skin plates over and
above the calculated thickness required to meet the design stresses, but in no
case shall the actual skin plate thickness be less than 12 mm unless otherwise
Plates (other than skin plates), rolled steel angle or tee-sections, open-ended
rectangular hollow sections and tubes used in the construction of gates shall have
a minimum thickness of 9.5 mm. Rectangular hollow sections and tubes used in
the construction of gates may, however, have a minimum wall thickness of 6 mm
provided that their ends are fully sealed. Webs or rolled steel beam and channel
sections used in the construction of gates shall have a minimum thickness of 8

Steelwork which will be permanently or semi-permanently submerged such as

that used for embedded guides, frames, etc., shall have a minimum thickness of
12 mm, with the exception of rolled steel beam, channel and hollow sections (with
their ends sealed), which shall have a minimum thickness of 9.5 mm.

17.2.3 Earthquake Loading

Gate stresses shall be checked to ensure that the permissible stresses are not
exceeded when the normal water loading conditions on the gate is combined with
an earthquake having a horizontal acceleration of 0.05 g in any direction including
forces due to the effect of the earthquake on the reservoir. In calculating the
hydrodynamic water pressure on the upstream face of the gate, due to
earthquake, the following Westguard's formula shall be used:

P max = 7/8 w k(hy)

Pd = 7/12 w k h1/2 y3/2


 P max: max hydrodynamic water pressure at y (in tonnes/m²)

 Pd: total hydrodynamic water load from reservoir water surface to y (in
 w: unit weight of water (in tonnes/m³)
 y: depth of any point (in m)
 k: horizontal coefficient of earthquake intensity
 h: depth of reservoir (in m)

When checking the gate stresses under this combined loading condition, a 30%
increase in permissible stresses may be allowed.

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17.2.4 Welding

In all cases where welds are liable to be highly stressed the Contractor shall
supply to the Engineer, before fabrication commences, detailed drawings of all
welding procedures. No such welding shall be carried out before the Engineer has
approved the proposed details. No alteration shall be made to any previously
approved detail of weld preparation without prior approval of the Engineer.
Welders shall be qualified in accordance with the requirements of the appropriate
section of BS 2645.

Welding shall be metal-arc welding complying with the requirements of BS 5153

as appropriate. All welds shall be continuous. Electrodes shall comply with BS

The welding of structural hollow sections shall comply with BS 5153 unless
otherwise specified. All welds shall be continuous.

Where full strength butt welds are to be formed, run-on, run-off plates of the same
material and of suitable size and thickness shall be used to ensure an area of
weld equal to that of the parts joined. The run-on, run-off shall be indexed, burned
off and laid aside for inspection and testing should the Engineer require.

Tack welds and temporary attachments shall comply with the requirements of BS

All welding work shall be carried out only under the direction of an experienced
and competent supervisor and only certified welders, qualified in this class of
work, shall be employed.

Dye penetrant tests on welds, as required and directed by the Engineer, shall also
be carried out in presence of the Engineer.

17.2.5 Castings

The structure of the castings shall be homogeneous and free from non-metallic
inclusions and other defects. All surfaces of castings which are not machined shall
be smooth and shall be carefully fettled to remove all foundry irregularities.

Minor defects not exceeding 2.5 mm in depth or 12% of the total metal thickness,
whichever is less and which will not ultimately affect the strength and serviceability
of the casting, may be repaired by approved welding techniques and subsequent
heat treatment for stainless steel. The Engineer shall be notified of larger defects
and no welding repairs to such defects shall be carried out without the prior
approval of the Engineer.

If the removal of metal for repair should reduce the stress resisting cross-section
of the casting by more than 25%, or to such an extent that the computed stress in
the remaining metal exceeds the allowable stress by more than 25%, then that
casting shall be rejected.

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Casting repaired by welding for major defects shall be stress-relieved after such
welding, or as otherwise approved in writing by the Engineer.

Non-destructive tests may be required for any casting containing defects whose
effect cannot otherwise be established or to determine that repair welds have
been properly made.

Unless otherwise specified, castings shall be produced to the standards given in

Table 17.1 or equivalent standards.

Table17.1: Standards Relating to Specified Castings

Grey-iron BS 1452 Grade 220

Carbon steel BS 3100
Stainless steel BS 3100
Group A Grade LG2
Copper and copper alloy BS 1400 Group B Grade CT1, AB2
Group C Grade G1

17.2.6 Nuts, Bolts and Washers

Nuts, bolts, studs and washers for incorporation in the Works shall conform to the
requirements of British or other approved standard. Nuts and bolts for pressure
fittings shall be of the best quality steel machined on the shank and under the
head and nut. Bolts shall be of such a length that two threads shall show through
the nut when in the fully tightened condition. Fitted bolts shall be a light driving fit
in the reamed holes they occupy, shall have the screwed portion of such a
diameter that it will not be damaged in driving and shall be marked in a
conspicuous position to ensure correct assembly at site. Washers, locking devices
and anti-vibration fittings shall be provided where necessary to ensure that no
bending stress is caused in the bolt.

When there is a risk of corrosion, bolts and studs shall be designed so that the
maximum stress in the bolt does not exceed half the yield stress of the material
under all conditions.

All bolts, nuts and screws, which are subject to frequent adjustment or removal in
the course of maintenance and repair, shall be made of nickel-bearing stainless

The Contractor shall supply all holding down, alignment and levelling bolts
complete with anchorages, nuts, washers and packings required to attach the
Plant to its foundation, and all bedplates, frames and other structural parts
necessary to spread the loads transmitted by the Plant to concrete foundations
without exceeding the design stresses.

Isometric black hexagonal bolts, nuts and screws shall comply with BS 4190
strength grade 4.6 for bolts and screws, and strength grade 4 for nuts.

Isometric precision hexagonal bolts, nuts and screws shall comply with BS 3692
strength grade 8.8 for bolts and screws, and strength grade 8 for nuts.

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Friction grip bolts, nuts and washers shall comply with BS 4395: Part 1 and shall
be used in accordance with BS 4604: Part 1. They shall be used on all bolted
joints which are liable to vibrate and elsewhere to the approval of the Engineer.

17.2.7 Fixings

The Contractor shall supply all anchor bolts, holding down bolts, fixing bolts,
washers, nuts, straps, supports, brackets, spacers and fixtures, which are
necessary for the satisfactory installation and erection of the Works.

17.2.8 Bearings

Maintenance-free, self-lubricating metal bearing materials shall be used for

bearings which may be submerged. Bearings and moving parts for use above
water shall be roller bearings; provision shall be made for their efficient lubrication
by the provision of nipples for grease-gun lubricators. The Contractor’s detailed
proposals for the various bearings shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval
before being incorporated in the Works.

17.2.9 Seals

Where required, rubber seals for use on gates shall be in accordance with BS
2752 and shall be suitable for the purpose, having regard to their effectiveness as
a seal, durability in the climatic conditions prevailing in Ethiopia and continual
immersion in water and subsequent exposure to sunlight. Neoprene rubber shall
be used wherever possible. Reclaimed rubber shall not be used.

The requirements to be satisfied by gate seal rubber of 60 to 70 Shore hardness

are listed in Table 17.2.

Table 17.2: Gate Seal Rubber Requirements

Physical Properties Test value

Hardness, Shore A 60 to 70
Tensile strength 3 000 psi minimum
(210 kPa/cm² minimum)
Tensile strength after oxygen at least 80% of initial value
ageing (2 Days at 70C)
Elongation at break 450% minimum
Tensile stress (300%) 900 psi minimum
(60 kPa/cm² minimum)
Water absorption 5% maximum of weight
Compression set 30% maximum
Volume increase (tested in <2%
distilled water @23°C for 70

Where low coefficients of sliding friction are required PTFE clad seals have been
specified for use. The coefficient of friction for PTFE clad seals sliding on stainless
steel sealing faces shall be approximately 0.10 under wet and dry conditions.

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The arrangements for fixing the seals to the gates shall be such that the seals
may be simply adjusted or replaced, and their fixing bolts and nuts shall be of
corrosion-resisting material.

The holes drilled through the gate sealing rubber shall be reinforced with nylon
sleeves to assist in bolting. The sleeve length shall be 1 mm less than the
thickness of the rubber.

17.2.10 Lifting Ropes, Drums and Sheaves

Manufacturer's test certificates for ropes shall be submitted to the Engineer.

Lifting equipment will be designed for lifting velocity of 0.6 m/min when operated
by electricity. When operated manually the lifting velocity will be 8-10 cm/min
when operated by 2 operators.

Gate lifting ropes shall be galvanised marine ropes of 6 x 36 construction having

a wire core. The ropes shall be pre-stretched and be individually prepared to the
correct length and the terminal fittings shall be connected to the ends of the ropes
at the manufacturer's works. The ropes shall be properly wrapped and packed for
despatch to the Site in casings designed to prevent damage to the galvanised

The ropes shall be treated with a suitable water-repellent dressing and/or lubricant
as recommended by the rope manufacturer and a quantity of the dressing material
shall be supplied for maintenance purposes and shall be delivered to the Site and
placed into store (with the necessary application instructions).

The diameters of rope winding drums and sheaves shall not be less than 19 times
the diameter of the rope, in order to avoid abnormal stresses and to increase rope

17.3 Mechanical & Electrical Equipment

The mechanical and electrical works, i.e. supply, installation and

commissioning of Electro-mechanical Components shall be performed for
the following plants:

 Transfer pumping station

17.3.1 Scope of New Works

This part of the project will include the construction of a new 72 m3/h
transmission system with new pumping station.

A summary of the scope of works detailed herein is as follows

 Supply and installation of horizontal split surface centrifugal pumps according

to the specification, drawings and BOQ.
 Complete electrical design and installation with main switch board at the
pump station.

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 Supply and install pipes and fittings and other accessories for the pumping

17.3.2 Altitude

The altitude of the pumping station is 1965masl.

17.3.3 De-rating

Items of plant at the works shall be de-rated for an altitude of 1390masl and a
maximum ambient temperature of 300C.

17.3.4 Spare Parts

Two years supply of spare parts essential for regular servicing of equipment as
recommended by the manufacturer or indicated in the service manuals shall be
offered. The spare parts shall at least include the following items;
 Complete set of spare fuses or MCB's as required
 Spare coils and contactors for starters
 Spare overload relays and contacts for starters
 Recommended spares for control systems
 Service kit, Bearing, Mechanical seal, Packing gland etc. for surface and
submersible pumps & motors
 Any other spares recommended by the manufacturer

All spare parts shall be new, unused and strictly interchangeable with the parts for
which they are intended to be replacements. The parts shall be treated and packed
for long storage under the climatic conditions prevailing at the Site. Each spare
part shall be clearly marked or labeled on the outside of its packing with its
description and purpose.

When more than one spare is packed in a single case or other container, general
description of its containers and other packages shall be marked and numbered
in an approved manner for purposes of identification.

17.3.5 Installation, Operation and Maintenance Manuals

The Contractor shall supply to the Engineer illustrated operating and maintenance
manuals. The manuals shall be in one or more volumes in order to separate
literature from drawings, etc., as necessary.

The manuals shall have tests in English. They shall include the following
information for the operating personnel:

 Description of all systems installed, including electric lighting and power

installation, electronic installations, mechanical installation, air systems,
automatic controls systems, etc. An identification system should be
established and shown on drawings and in the manuals.

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 Schedule of all equipment suppliers (and their local agents) including names,
addresses, telephone, telex and Fax numbers.
 Fully detailed instructions for the installation testing and commissioning of all
plant, which will be undertaken by the contractor including detailed schedules
of checks to be carried out prior to putting the equipment into operation.
 The Start-Up Operation and shut down instructions for all equipment and
 Full maintenance instructions for all equipment including planned maintenance
schedules or charts giving daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, half yearly and
annual maintenance instruction, together with recommended lubricants and
spares. This should also include details of routine maintenance work that will
be within the competence of the normal maintenance staff, and notification of
maintenance work that will have to be done the manufacturer, his agent or
other specialist operator.
 Spare parts list.
 Fault finding charts.
 Copies of performance curves.

17.3.6 Record Drawings

Record drawings shall be prepared and compiled by the Contractor after the Works
have been completed and handed over and shall constitute a permanent record
of the whole of the works as finally built and installed.

A print of the appropriate wiring connection diagram shall be fixed to the inside of
the hinged front of each control cabinet, switchboard panel or distribution
switchboard. The print shall be protected by non-flammable transparent material.
Where insufficient space is available, the print shall be reduced in size. A copy of
the print shall also be provided with the Record Drawings and inserted in the
Operating and Maintenance Instructions. In addition, block diagrams of the panel
components shall also be fixed to the inside front covers so that operators and
maintenance personnel are made aware of the function of each component.

17.3.7 Tests after Erection on Site

All Plant shall pass such tests on site as are required by the Engineer/owner to
prove compliance with the contract independently of any tests which may already
have been carried out at the Manufacturer's works. In particular, all electrical
pressure tests made at the Manufacturer's works shall be repeated at voltages to
be approved by the Engineer, and all pump performance tests shall be repeated
on Site.

The Contractor shall prepare all on site test results and certificates for all items as
required by the IEE Regulations and relevant British Standards. These certificates
and test results shall be provided in triplicate with copies included within the
operation and maintenance manuals.

All skilled labor, supervision, apparatus, electricity, water, fuel and the like for
tests, and instruments required for carrying out the tests efficiently will be the

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responsibility of and at the expense of the Contractor. The accuracy of the

instruments shall be demonstrated if required.

Tests on completion shall be carried out to ensure that the Plant is complete, has
been correctly installed, is reliable in operation under the conditions at site and is
able to operate over its whole working range. In addition, the efficiency and
performance of the Plant shall be checked as far as possible over the whole works

Range and the values obtained will be compared with those obtained during the
tests at the Contractor's premises.

On completion, all plant and pipe work systems shall be properly balanced, left in
working order and instructions given on the efficient operation and maintenance
of the plant to the Engineer/ Employer satisfaction.

If, in the opinion of the Engineer/ Employer, the Plant does not comply with this
Specification, the defect shall be remedied at no cost to the Employer.

17.3.8 Continuous Test Period

The Plant shall be tested, under normal operating conditions over a continuous
period of 14 days. The Plant shall, at the discretion of the Engineer, be divided
into sections for the purpose of these tests but each and every section shall be
tested for the full period of 14 days continuous operation. Where sections of Plant
form an integral operation the section of the Plant shall be tested together to
ensure the correct and proper functioning of the water pumping, storage and flow

The Contractor shall arrange to run all Plant before submission for final testing to
ensure that the period will not be interrupted for adjustment or breakdown.

17.3.9 Mechanical Particular Specification

17.3.10 Introduction

This section of the Specification sets out the particular requirements for the
mechanical part of the transfer pumping station Works. The Contractor
shall supply, transport to site, store, protect and paint, unload, install, test
on completion and carry out performance tests as detailed herein and as
required demonstrating the satisfactory operation of this part of the Works.

The Contractor shall provide all labour, material, plant and equipment for a
complete working installation to the satisfaction of the Engineer/owner.

17.3.11 Pump Sets General

Transfer pump sets are required at pumping stations. All these pump sets
will be of the same type and design and the following paragraphs, ‘Eligibility
of Pump set Suppliers’, ‘Type of Pump set’, ‘Motor Sizing and De-rating’,
‘Pump Materials’, ‘Data to be supplied’, apply to all these pump

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sets. The Performance requirements for the pumping station have been
specified separately at the end of this clause.

17.3.12 Eligibility of Pump Set Suppliers

It is important that the pump set installation is simple, reliable, durable and
easy to operate. The durability of an installation of this nature is dependent
on good maintenance which will sometimes require support from the pump
supplier or their agent. The pump set supplier shall therefore be limited to
one who can demonstrate the provision of an effective support service in
Ethiopia and extensive experience of working in similar projects elsewhere.

17.3.13 Type of Pump Sets

The pumps shall be of end suction surface centrifugal pump long coupled
with its electric motor drive and mounted horizontally on a fabricated steel
base plate.

The pump shall have both suction and delivery radial nozzles with rolling
element bearings on both the drive and suction side. The orientation of both
the suction and delivery nozzles shall suit the layout as shown on the

Shaft seals shall be by either stuffing box seal or mechanical seal. The
speed of pumps shall not exceed 1500 rpm. The max water temperature is
300C and has a maximum of sand grain size 2.5mm.

17.3.14 Pump Materials

Materials of construction shall be selected with due regard to the water

being pumped and the risk of corrosion, cavitation, and metal-to-metal
galling that can occur within a pump in all its modes of operation. The
following table outlines the general material construction of the pump.
However it is the Contractor’s responsibility to select the exact grade of
materials that will provide an adequate service life. The contractor shall
specify in detail materials offered and all Technical Information.

Horizontal Split Double Suction Pumps

Pump Parts Material
Pump Casing Cast iron
Bearing Housing Cast iron
Stuffing box Housing Cast iron
Shaft Stainless steel
Impeller Cast bronze
Shaft sleeve Chrome nickel steel

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Horizontal Split Double Suction Pumps

Pump Parts Material
Shaft protecting sleeve Chrome nickel steel
Gland packing Teflon + graphite

17.3.15 Supply of Pump Set Technical Information

The Contractor shall submit the following technical information

(i) Drive De-rating Calculations

(iii) A set of combined pump set performance curves which shall include:

The standard head versus flow over the complete working range for the duty impeller
diameter and both the maximum and minimum impeller diameters. (Impeller diameters
shall be specified)
 The pump efficiency
 The NPSH required
 The pump absorbed power
 The motor efficiency
 The motor input power
The guaranteed duty point and all other specified duty points shall be
shown on these curves.

17.3.16 Pumps Performance Requirement

Two new end suction centrifugal pump sets with electric motor drives shall
be provided to transfer 300l/s of water to the service canal. This shall be
achieved with one duty pump set and one standby.

The required guaranteed duty point of each pump sets is 300l/s at a head
of 62 metres.

The pumps must be capable of operating over the operating range without
cavitation, undue vibration or any detrimental effect. The NPSH
requirement of the pumps at the run out point shall be less than 7metres.

The Contractor shall submit pump sets factory test results to the
Engineer/Employer. All pump sets shall operate at their guaranteed design
points within the ‘acceptance’ tolerances for flow rate and total head laid
down in BS EN ISO 9906. The pump sets will not be accepted if they are
outside the accepted tolerances. Pumps shall have a minimum hydraulic
efficiency of 75% at the design point.

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Vibration of the pump sets or any point inside or outside the bearings shall
be no more than 0.71 mm/s and the vibration amplitude (crest value) shall
be no more than 0.05 mm when the pump sets run normally.

Pump casings shall be subject to a pressure test at 1.5 times the pressure
obtained with the delivery valve closed. The positive suction head shall be
taken into account in determining this pressure.

17.3.17 Pipe work, Equipment and Valves

Pipe work

The Contractor shall supply and install all the required pipe work above
ground within the pumping station in accordance with the specification and
Drawing. The extent of the pipe work and associated fittings is shown on
the drawing. The pipe work shall be galvanized steel and flanged with
EPDM gaskets approved for use with potable water. All pipe work shall be
fully supported, including the installation of all necessary thrust blocks, and
no loads shall be transferred to the flow meter or valves.

The pipe work shall be as indicated on the drawings and schedule of prices.


Valves of the same type and size and designed for the same service shall
be obtained from a single manufacturer, and shall be strictly

Valves shall be provided as specified on the Drawings and in this

Specification, and shall be specifically designed for use in raw and treated

Valves shall unless otherwise specified be double flanged and flanges shall
be as specified in this Specification.

All valves shall be of the sizes shown on the Drawings or stated in the
Documents and shall be obtained from manufacturers approved by the

All valves bodies shall give the following information:

 Manufacturer's name
 Hydraulic test pressure
 Size of valve
 Direction of flow 'Arrow'
All valves, hand wheel, spindles and headstocks shall be positioned to
give good access for operational personnel.

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Valves shall not be installed in an inverted position.

Valves buried or installed in underground chambers where access to a

hand wheel would be impractical shall be key operated.

All hand wheels shall be arranged to turn in a clockwise direction to close

the valve or penstock and the direction of rotation for opening and closing
shall be indicated on the hand wheels.

Unless otherwise stated the hand wheels shall be coated with black plastic
and incorporate facilities for padlocking in either the open or closed position.

For complete list of valves refer to the schedule of prices. All valves shall
be rated for 25 bars, be fully supported and all the nuts and bolts shall be
in galvanized steel.

17.3.18 Performance Monitoring

The following equipment shall be provided and installed to monitor the

performance of the pump set at the pump station site. The equipment shall
be in accordance with the standard specifications and particular

 One water meter

 Pressure gauge with stop cock.

 Low level alarm and stop conductivity electrode

 Low level alarm and stop reset conductivity electrode

For complete list refer to the schedule of prices

17.4 Electrical General

17.4.1 Scope
The electrical works for Dalocha pumping station and treatment plant shall include
the following items:

 Main LV switchboard (incorporating the control & instrumentation)

 1 No. standby diesel generator
 Cabling (main LV, auxiliary, control & instrumentation)

17.4.2 EEPCO Work

All HV work including supply and installation of the station transformer will
be carried out by EEPCO. One pole mounted transformer of 15/0.4 with
400 KVA capacity will be installed at the station.

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The following transformer protection devices may be incorporated by


 Buchholz relay (on conservator type transformers)

 Overpressure device (on hermetically sealed transformers)
 Coolant over-temperature alarm and trip.
EEPCO will connect them to their HV circuit breaker. EEPCO will provide
an inter-trip signal to the corresponding downstream LV ACBs.. .

The Contractor shall provide the following:

 Main LV cabling from EEPCO metering to the AMF (mains failure switch)
 From Standby generator to AMF (mains failure switch)
 From AMF (mains failure switch) to LV Switchboard
 From main switch board to applicable loads.
 Auxiliary supply cables from the Essential Services Switchboard to applicable
distribution boards and loads.
 Termination of the main LV cables shall be carried out to the satisfaction of
EEPCO and if required, under their direct supervision.
Sizing of the main LV cables shall be in accordance with the design carried
out to meet the requirements of the section of this specification relating to
cable sizing and voltage drop.

The expected vector group for the transformers is DYn11, but even if this
is not the case it can be expected that the secondary winding will be “star”
connected with the star point brought out at the system neutral.

Earthing of transformer secondary winding star point shall be solid by

connection of the neutral conductor to earth. Each connection shall be via
a bolted link.

17.4.3 Manual Changeover Units

The Manual change over unit shall be fixed and supported to suit the final
cabling requirements to the unit and switchgear.

The units shall include the following basic requirements

 Incoming mains and standby circuit breakers
 Main bypass switch suitably interlocked
 Mains and alternator Changeover contractors electrically and mechanically
 Audible alarm with automatic reset to show engine starting
 Adjustable time delays on load “ pick – up “ and for engine “ run – on “ after
mains restoration

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There is no requirement to parallel the standby diesel plant with the EEPCO
incoming mains supply. All required electrical and, where possible
mechanical interlocks shall be provided to prevent any form of inadvertent
simultaneous closing of the supply source circuit breakers.

17.4.4 Motor and Equipment Voltages

The drives of auxiliary pumps, fans etc shall operate on a 380 V 3 phase

Single phase power sockets provided as part of the building services

system shall operate at 220 V.

Note:- The expected ratio of the EEPCO transformer will provide a nominal
secondary open circuit voltage of approximately 400 V. Thus the fully
loaded voltage will be 380 V phase to phase, and 220 V phase to neutral.
The Contractor shall be responsible for ascertaining the actual supply
voltage from EEPCO.

17.4.5 Local Control Facilities

For each of the motors powered from a starter or drive in one of the LV
switchboards, provision shall be made to start and stop the motor locally from the
front panel of the switchboard.

For the chlorination motive water pumps, these shall additionally be provided with
local control stations located close to the pumps themselves. Each local control
station shall be equipped with pushbuttons for the following functions:
 Start
 Stop
 Emergency stop

Use of the start and stop pushbuttons shall be possible when the control selector
at the starter is set to “Remote”, but the emergency stop button shall be effective
in all modes of operation.

17.4.6 Starter Control Supplies

Each motor starter shall be complete with its own integral control transformer to
provide 110 V AC auxiliary voltages for the operation of the contactor(s) and other
control circuits. Control transformers shall be supplied from two phases of the
incoming 380 V supply and shall be connected on the downstream side of the
incoming isolation device.

A test switch shall be fitted which will bypass the incoming isolation device and
supply to the control transformer only. The test switch shall be arranged such that
it can only be engaged when the compartment door is open, and its operation is
automatically cancelled when the compartment door is closed.

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Each control transformer shall have one end of its secondary winding connected
to earth, and shall be complete with upstream fuse protection (in both poles) and
downstream fuse protection (live pole only).

17.4.7 Auto-Resetting Function

All starters and drives shall be fitted with an auto-resetting function which operates
once each time the starter is powered up to reset any alarm or lockout condition
arising from a cleared source. As a result, failsafe alarm circuits shall be set to the
“healthy” condition thus allowing the drive to become available and ready for

Where the source of the alarm or lockout condition has not cleared the attempt to
reset shall fail and the starter or drive will power-up into the failed or locked out

17.4.8 Main LV Switchboard

The main LV Switchboard shall be installed in the clear water pumping station and
it shall incorporate incoming compartment, bus bar section, motor starter
compartment, common controls & instrumentation, feeders etc. All loads within the
station shall be supplied, directly or indirectly, from the Main LV Switchboard.

The incoming compartment comprises as a minimum the following:-

 General isolating switch with fuses and external handle.
 Protective relay against under/over voltage, phase reversal and lack of phase.
 Voltmeter and ammeter with phase selector switches.
 Over current relay
 Earth leakage relay
 Power on light
 Lightening surge arrestor etc.

17.4.9 Control & Instrumentation section

A control & instrumentation section shall be provided as part of the Main LV

Switchboard to house the station instrumentation converters and relays. The
section shall incorporate a metal fronted panel complete with key lockable handle.
The section shall match the appearance of the LV switchboard.

The control & instrumentation section shall be complete with the following items:
 220 V single phase and switched neutral incoming switch-disconnector rated
16 A and incorporating protective shrouding on the circuit side (not door
 220 V single phase MCB distribution board with outgoing circuits for:
 220/110 V control transformer
 internal lighting
 anti-condensation heaters
 Other 220 V loads

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 1 No. 220/110 V control transformer complete with primary and secondary fuse
or MCB protection.
 Fluorescent type lighting to give illumination of the whole of the section interior.
Each fitting shall be complete with safety cage or mechanically robust diffuser
 Door switch to automatically switch on the internal lighting
 Compartment anti-condensation heaters complete with thermostat
 Instrumentation earth bar
 Auxiliary relays, terminal blocks and sundry items as necessary
 Transformer and power supply unit ratings to be determined by the

17.4.10 Main Pump Motor Starters

Each starter shall be complete with the following features:

 Incoming door interlocked switch disconnector
 Control circuit bypass “test” switch
 Set of three contactors for star/delta starting
 Motor protection relay incorporating instantaneous overcurrent, earth-fault,
thermal overload, delayed start, current unbalance, loss of phase and under
 Integral 380/110 V transformer for AC control supply
 Power factor correction device to 0.96 when the load is at rated value
 110 V AC operated “external trip” relay (de-energise to trip/energise to permit
 110 V AC operated “start/stop” command relay (energise to start)
 Thermistor relay
 Front of panel mounted start, stop and reset pushbuttons
 Front of panel mounted hand/off/auto selector switch (auto selects control from
the C&I section)
 Front of panel mounted indicator lamps for running, stopped, motor protection
relay fault, motor winding over temperature alarm, motor winding over
temperature trip, and “external trip operated”
 “Power-up” auto-reset timer relay
 Anti-condensation heater complete with fuse protection and thermostat
 Cable termination features for multiple outgoing multicore power cables
 Volt-free changeover contacts for remote indication of running status, internal
trip conditions, external trip relay operated, control selection and “available”
 Auxiliary terminals and contacts as necessary
The external trip relay shall be powered from circuitry in the Control &
Instrumentation section and will be energised when external hydraulic conditions

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permit operation of the pump set. If the external trip relay is de-energised it shall
latch out and power to the pump shall immediately be cut-off. The pump shall
remain unavailable for service until the trip condition has been cancelled and the
relay has been manually reset, or reset by a power-up auto reset function following
power failure.
The “available” signal shall be generated when no internally detected trip
conditions exist and the “external trip” relay is energised.

17.4.11 Sump Pump Motor Starter

2 No. starter sections shall be provided for the pumping station sump drainage
pumps. Each starter shall be complete with the following features:
 Incoming door interlocked switch disconnector
 Control circuit bypass “test” switch
 Line contactor for DOL starting
 Motor thermal protection device incorporating thermal overload and single
phasing protection
 Integral 380/110 V transformer for AC control supply
 Power factor correction device to 0.96 when the load is at rated value
 Front of panel mounted start, stop and reset pushbuttons
 Front of panel mounted hand/off/auto selector switch (auto selects control
from the sump pumps common control section)
 Front of panel mounted indicator lamps for running, stopped, and motor
 “Power-up” auto-reset timer relay
 Anti-condensation heater complete with fuse protection and thermostat
 Cable termination features for outgoing multicore power cable
 Volt-free changeover contacts for remote indication of running status, internal
trip condition, and “available”
 Auxiliary terminals and contacts as necessary

17.4.12 Sump Pump Common Controls Section

A control section shall be provided to operate in conjunction with the pumping

station sump drainage pumps. The section shall be complete with the following
 Incoming door interlocked switch disconnector
 Control circuit bypass “test” switch
 Integral 380/110 V transformer for AC control supply
 Front of panel mounted duty selector switch
 Level electrode relays for “start/stop pump duty 1”, “start/stop pump duty 2”,
and “sump high level alarm”
 Rail mounted fuses for level relays

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 Connections to starter sections for Sump Pump 1 and Sump Pump 2

 Auxiliary contacts as necessary

17.4.13 Power Factor Correction

Power factor correction capacitors shall be provided within each starter rated to
achieve a target power factor of 0.96 when the drive is operating at rated load.
Light fittings are specified in the document relating to building services to
incorporate power factor correction.

Consideration shall be given to the fact that motor drives are de-rated due to
altitude and will thus require additional capacitor correction to achieve the desired
running power factor.

No attempt shall be made to correct the power factor of any motor during its
starting period.

As a result, the provision of automatic switched banks of power factor correction

capacitors shall not be required.

17.4.14 Earthing

a) General

A complete earthing system shall be supplied and installed, and shall be in

accordance with the requirements of the General Specification, BS 7430:1991
(Code of Practice for Earthing), the 17th Edition of the IEE Regulations (BS7671),
and any particular requirements stipulated by EEPCO.
The earthing system shall include:
 Two separate earth fields each comprising sufficient rods to ensure a
resistance to earth of 1 ohms or less
 Main earth bar, wall mounted in the pumping station building in the zone
underneath the switchboards mezzanine floor
 Secondary earth bar wall-mounted in the Chlorination Building
 Cross-bonding to the EEPCO transformer station
 Cross-bonding to pumping station earthing system
 Radial system of circuit protective conductors connecting to each electrical
 Main equipotential bonding system connecting to all conductive pipes
entering or leaving the station
 Equipotential bonding system connecting to all non-electrical items of plant;
cable trays; metallic floors, stairs and handrails; metal doors and frames
 Instrumentation earth

The configuration of the earthing system shall be radial with an independent circuit
protective conductor being provided for each plant item. Such a protective
conductor shall either be the cable armour wires, or a separate green/yellow PVC
insulated conductor, or shall be an unused core in the power cable to the plant
item (eg. a 4 core cable can be used for a circuit with no neutral, and the
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blue core can be used as earth provided that it is marked with green/yellow
sleeving at every termination).

A cable number shall be allocated to each earthing conductor and this shall be
shown on a cable sheath number fixed to each end of the cable. Earthing
conductor numbers shall be shown on the drawings.

The main earth bar shall include three separate sections, two for the connection
of the two groups of earth rods, and the third section for the connection of earth
bonding conductors and earths to other earth bars. Bolted links shall be fitted to
link the three sections together.

Bonding connections shall be made to any lightning protection system earth rods
which are installed.

b) Bonding

All extraneous metalwork within the works shall be bonded to earth. A ring earth
network (with radial connections as necessary) shall be supplied and installed to
connect to all extraneous metalwork including but not limited to:
 Metallic cable trays and ladders
 Hand railings and metal barriers
 Pipes and cables entering the works
 Structural steelwork
 Concrete re-inforcement

c) Station Earth

A main station earth shall be provided comprising a sufficient number of earth rods
arranged in two groups each one constructed to achieve a resistance to the
general mass of earth not exceeding 5 ohms. The actual resistance to earth of
each individual group shall be determined by the Contractor to meet all of the
following requirements:
 Enable fault current at any point within the installation to be returned to the
supply source, ie. the transformer or generator neutral(s), without thermal or
mechanical damage to connected apparatus and to enable protective
equipment to operative correctly
 Limit the Earth Potential Rise (EPR) on all metalwork and the surface of the
ground to which persons have normal access, to a safe vale under normal and
abnormal circuit conditions
 Ensure compliance with the requirements of this specification and to ensure
the site is classified “Cold” as defined by the International Telecommunication
Union (ITU)

Each earth rod shall be provided with a pre-cast concrete connection box. The
boxes shall be of a design which is flush with the ground and shall be installed
away from areas required for vehicle access, or areas designated for future works.

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d) Cable Armours

All cable armours, metallic sheaths and screens shall be connected to earth.
Earthing shall be at both ends except in the case single core cables and in this
case the armours shall be earthed at one end only. At the non-earthed ends of
single core cables, insulation shall be applied to the armour wires to prevent
accidental contact with earth.

Where practicable the cable armour wires shall be used as the sole circuit
protective conductor. Where this is not practicable or where there is risk of
corrosion, either the power cable shall include an additional core or a separate
earth cable shall be run alongside the power cable.

17.4.15 Lightning Protection System

A study in accordance with BS 6651 shall be made to determine whether a

lightning protection system is required for the pumping station building.
If a system is required this shall comprise:
 Colour co-ordinated PVC sheathed copper tape laid along the apex of the
roof of the pumping station
 Down-conductors at each end and at intermediate positions every 20 meters
 Single earth rod in underground disconnecting chamber for each down-
conductor to achieve a resistance to earth not less than 10 ohms
All earth rods provided as part of a lightning protection system shall be bonded
to the station’s main earthing system.

17.4.16 Cabling

a) General

The Contractor shall supply, install, and terminate a complete cabling system
including power, control, instrumentation, communications, and building services
cables. Cables shall be as detailed on the cable schedule subject to confirmation
of ratings.

All cables run within a building shall be mechanically protected either by being of
armoured construction, being enclosed in galvanised steel conduit or trunking, or
by being run on cable trays or ladders with galvanised steel protection covers
fitted. In locations particularly vulnerable to damage, galvanised steel protection
covers shall be fitted to cable trays and ladders even if all the cables on that route
are of armoured construction. Cable armouring shall be of the steel wire type
except for single-core AC cables which shall use aluminium wire or strip

b) Cable Types and Uses

Power cables shall incorporate XLPE thermosetting insulation and armouring

(except where they are building services single insulated wires contained in
conduit or trunking).

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Multi-core control cables (carrying digital signals for switching and signalling) shall
be armoured type and shall be rated for the voltage at which they are required to
operate subject to a minimum of 110 V.

Multi-pair cables (carrying analogue signals) shall be armoured and screened and
constructed in accordance with BS 5308. These cables shall be used primarily for
analogue signals based on power sources not exceeding 24 V DC. Additionally,
the use of these cables to carry low level digital signals (voltage not exceeding 24
V DC and “on state” current not exceeding 5 mA) is permitted.

Data cables carrying RS232, Ethernet or similar shall be to designs and

performance levels which are suitable for their intended duty. Where these cables
run outside panels (including underground sections) they shall either be of an
armour protected design, or they shall be run with a suitable form of mechanical
protection (eg. run inside rigid metal conduit or wire protected flexible conduit).

Cables run entirely within panels need not incorporate any form of armouring.

c) Cable Routes

Underground cables between buildings shall run using one of the following
 Surface accessible concrete trenches with inlaid cover slabs
 Underground ducts and draw pits

The use of direct burial shall not be permitted. Where surface accessible concrete
trenches cross roadways the trenches and cover slabs shall be strong enough to
support the axle weight of the largest truck, tanker, or crane likely to be used at
the pumping station.

Unless unavoidable, draw pits shall not be positioned in roadways. If draw pits
have to be located in roadways their covers shall be strong enough to support the
axle weight of the largest truck, tanker, or crane likely to be used at the pumping
The following routes shall be provided:
 EEPCO substation to the pumping station building
 Generator House to the pumping station building
 Pumping station to the contact tank (level sensor location)
 Pumping station to the valve house

Each duct route shall be provided with 20% spare unused ducts, with a minimum
of 1 No. spare duct. Every spare duct shall be provided with a pull-cord.

Cables entering buildings and structures, or running within buildings between fire
zones, shall pass via cable transits guaranteed to form a fire barrier and gas seal.

Cables other than building services circuits within the pumping station, the
chlorination building or the valve house, shall run on cable routes constructed
using cable tray and/or ladder.

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Building services circuits shall run using one of the following methods:
 SWA cables shall run on cable tray/ladder as per plant cables
 Single insulated wires shall run inside conduit or trunking

Where a conduit and/or trunking system is used for building services, the conduit
shall be of the galvanised steel type and shall be complete with compatible
galvanised accessories and connection boxes. Trunking shall be galvanised steel.

d) Voltage Drop

Cable systems shall achieve voltage drops as detailed in the 17th edition of the
IEE wiring regulations (BS 7671). For an installation fed from a dedicated
transformer (ie. with no publicly owned LV distribution system) these permit the
following voltage drops:

Installation Lighting Other

Overall voltage drop 2% 3%
Voltage drop in the final 3% 3%

The overall voltage drop shall include the following components:

 Voltage drop from the transformer (or generator) to the Main LV Switchboard
 Voltage drop from the Main LV Switchboard to the next switchboard or
distribution board (and for the section to a subsequent switchboard or
distribution board for some circuits)
 Voltage drop from the final switchboard or distribution board to the connected
Where a motor starter is located close to the source of supply it can be assumed
that it will continue to receive an adequate level of voltage during motor starting,
and no separate consideration need be given to voltage drop during motor starting.

Where a circuit feeds to a remotely located switchboard containing starters it might

be necessary to separately consider the voltage drop experienced at the motor
starters during the motor starting period.

Where part of the load on a remotely located switchboard is for lighting purposes,
the overall voltage drop permitted up to the point where lighting circuits split from
circuits used for other purposes shall be the allowance for lighting. After this point
both the overall and final circuit voltage drops, the allowance for non-lighting loads
shall be as per “other uses”.

Where control cables carry substantial amounts of current (eg. emergency stop
circuits carrying contactor current) consideration shall be given to the voltage drop
resulting from long circuit lengths. The maximum permitted voltage drop in a
control circuit, from the transformer or PSU which produces the control voltage,
shall be 5% as per non-lighting final circuits. Where possible, control circuits shall
carry only signalling currents so that large currents are avoided (eg. operation shall
be via relays rather than direct connections).

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e) Cable Rating Requirements

Cables connecting to or from major transformers or generators shall be rated, both

in terms of current and voltage drop, for the full load which could be supplied by
that transformer or generator. A reduced size relating to the actual connected load
shall not be permitted.

Cables connecting from one switchboard to another can be rated for the actual
connected load (including allowance for future loads fed from “spare” circuits),
provided they are able to withstand the prospective fault current let through by the
upstream protective device.

Where cables are de-rated due to the proximity of other cables the following
factors can be considered:
 Where a single trench or duct contains cables (or groups of cables) from two
or more transformers or generators which normally share the load, the worst
case will apply when one circuit is operating alone. In this case it can be
assumed that the other circuit is generating no heat.
 For de-rating purposes earthing cables can be disregarded since under normal
circumstances they carry no current
 The heat generation from control and communications cables is usually
negligible and provided this is true in a particular circumstance, the presence
of these cables can be disregarded

All cables using air as their cooling medium shall be de-rated according to the
altitude at the installation.

f) Oversized and De-Rated Cables

Where cables have to be increased in size due to voltage drop or de-rating

reasons, the equipment to which they connect shall be constructed to accept the
oversized cables. Where this is not possible, a junction box shall be provided at
the end of the oversized cable to allow a conversion to a smaller cable. The
junction box shall be equipped with suitably sized terminals to accept the
oversized cables and the smaller cable. Where the oversized cable is in fact
multiple cables, the junction box shall accept all the cables installed as part of this

The smaller cable provided for the final connection into the equipment shall be
sized according to the current rating of the circuit and shall be of negligible length
so that additional voltage drop considerations will not apply.

The assumption is made that all equipment will be able to accept the full-sized
incoming cables so the design does not include any junction boxes which might
be necessary for size reduction. Where the limitations of the equipment provided
by the Contractor makes such junction boxes necessary, the Contractor shall
identify each location and shall supply and install each junction box, including
termination of the incoming and outgoing cables. This shall be a no extra cost to
the Employer.

The change from one cable to another, where this is solely for size change
reasons, shall not require a change of cable number.

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Size-change junction boxes shall not be installed underground or in locations

where they could be subjected to flooding.

g) Cable Termination Schedules

The Contractor shall prepare a cable termination schedule for both ends of each
control, instrumentation and communication cable.

h) Cable Loop Diagrams

The Contractor shall prepare a cable loop diagram for each signal carried by each
control, instrumentation or communication cable. Each cable shall be shown from
source to destination, and detailing all terminations and interconnections.
i) Unused Cable Entries

Any unused cable entries in motors, instruments, actuators, etc. not used after
cabling is completed shall be plugged with threaded brass blanks and the threaded
joints made watertight by using suitable tape or jointing compound.

17.4.17 Building Electrical Installations

Electrical installation will be performed in various buildings in the treatment

plant and within the TP compound.

a) Electrical Installation within Pump Station

Electrical installation in the clear water pump house will include all lighting,
power outlets, controls, cables, cable tray etc.
The main LV switchgear shall be installed within clear water pump house.

b) Electrical Installation within Diesel House

Electrical installation in the diesel house will include all lighting, power
outlets, controls, cables, cable tray, and accessories within diesel house
and fuel tank area.

c) Electrical Installation within Guard House and operator’s


Externally mounted floodlight s will be controlled from the guardhouse.

Electrical installation in the within Guard House and operator’s dwelling will
include all lighting, power outlets, controls, cables, cable tray etc.
The control board shall be wall mounted to an approved height and
positioned over the incoming cable duct such that the cables enter directly
from below.

17.4.18 Flood Lights Cables, Wiring and Accessories

Armored power and control cables, together with bare copper earth wire
conductors shall be extended underground from the compound

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switchgear to the various structures. Electrical installation in the compound

will include Services and facilities within the compound, including road
lighting and floodlighting columns.

Weatherproof termination cabinets shall be supplied and installed at the

head of each tank structure, to suit the layout of the tank related pipe work,
plant and equipment.

Tough rubber sheathed power and control cables shall be extended from
the weatherproof cabinets to the controls within the tanks and wet well, the
cables being suitably supported on cable trays.

Cables to the compound road lighting columns and the area floodlighting
columns shall be terminated within the base of each column at separate
miniature circuit breakers.

17.4.19 Standby Diesel Generating Plant

Whenever EEPCO power failure occurs, so as to satisfy part of the water

demand, Standby generating plants shall be erected in the generator buildings
at the pumping station.

The requirements shall include for the manufacture, supply, installation, test
and commissioning of all materials, equipment, plant and components
necessary for the provision of fully operational and functioning standby diesel
plant, associated switchgear and services, as specified and shown on the

The diesel plant and equipment shall include:

 Diesel generating set exhaust pipe work

 Fuel tanks and pipe work
 Manual Changeover panels
 Switchgear
 Cables
 Earthing
 All accessories and other necessary items

The plant and associated equipment should be to the highest possible

standard and requiring the minimum of maintenance. The contractor shall
therefore ensure that the equipment offered meets all relevant Standards and
is of a type and manufacture such that spares are readily available for
immediate and long term use.

The diesel plant, while providing a standby power sources, shall be

continuously rated and of a type suitable for continuous operation: the plant
being brought into service only in the event of EEPCO mains supply failure.
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The set shall be rated for the duties specified together with all starting current,
surges and the like, due allowance being made for the altitude and climate
conditions specified.

It is intended that the plant is sized/rated to cater for 50% of the total electrical
load at the site. The details of the load capabilities of the set shall be clearly
identified on the set and as part of the operating manual supplied by the

17.4.20 Starting Surges and Sequence Starting

The Contractor shall/rate the diesel plant to suit the finally agreed starting
method for the pumping sets. The effects of light load running must be taken
into account, the contractor including for the provision of any dummy loads
necessary. Full details of how the sets have been rated shall be provided.

Load/supply alarm indicator shall be provided to advise operators that the

mains network is not sufficient to meet the compound/site loads. Details shall
be agreed.

17.4.21 Type of Plant

The contractor shall supply and install the generating plant complete with all
switchgear and controls, auxiliary equipment, and all other items as specified
and required for the erection and setting to work of the plant in accordance
with the specification.

The generating plant shall be suitable for manual start-up and changeover
from mains to standby, this unit being located within the diesel house. All
required interlocks should be provided to prevent inadvertent paralleling.

17.4.22 General Description

The generating set shall be as set out below:

Number required 1 for pumping station & treatment plant

Diesel engine:
Minimum power at site To suit the alternator
Ignition Compression
Starting medium Electric 24 volts heavy duty
starting method To suit the individual pumps
manual push button
Cycle 4 strokes
Cooling Water cooled with radiator
Lubrication pressure
Shut down Manual push button and automatic
shutdown safety features
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Engine speed 1500 revolution per minute

Number required One for one engine
Coupling Direct
Generating voltage 400 ACV
Phase Three(3), 4-wire system
Connection Star with neutral earth point
Pole No. 4
Frequency 50 Hz
Rating Power 900 KVA
Duty Continuous
Overload 10% for 1 hour in any 12hr period
Excitation Self

The plant shall be designed and/or selected to operate under the specified
conditions prevailing at the site. In this respect the contractor shall allow for
operation in an unheated, minimum ventilated building and dust-laden
atmosphere. The contractor shall be fully responsible for sizing the diesel plant
to suit the rating of the alternator which in turn shall be sized and rated to suit
the pumping plant, starting surges, equipment loads and auxiliaries at each of
the compounds. Full details are to be submitted with the tender.

The plant and equipment shall be suitable for continuous operation and shall
be rated to suit the prime power requirements of the complete installation
including staring currents, surges and the like.

The ratings specified for the diesel plant are approximate only. It shall be the
responsibility of the Contractor to liaise with the EEPCO and the Engineer to
determine precisely what loadings should be used to size the diesel plant, all
details being agreed before the commencement of supply.

All components shall be fully tropicalised and protected against mould growth.

17.4.23 Alternator Power output

The alternator power output for the diesel set shall be of sufficient rating to
provide power for the items of plant finally identified by the contractor,
particularly the pumping plant. The final rating of the diesel plant shall therefore
be determined by the contractor to suit the pumping plant and auxiliaries,
together with derating factors for temperature and altitude and an allowance
for starting surges and transient voltage dip associated with starting.
It shall be the responsibility of the contractor to ensure that the plant offered
and supplied is properly and adequately ventilated and suitable for the site
operating conditions. In addition, the contractor shall size and rate the plant

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to suit the load demand, altitude and temperature, the necessary derating
factors being taken into account to suit the plant characteristics.

The load details and set rating shown on the drawings are intended for
guidance only. The Contractor shall be fully responsible for determining the
final loads associated with the pumping plant supplied and shall consider
staring characteristics, plant load requirements and auxiliaries so that the final
size and rating of the diesel plant meets the load requirements associated with
the compound. Staring details shown on the drawings are for information only
and have been used to merely establish an indicative diesel plant rating.
Details of the diesel plant shall be submitted with the tender.

The Contractor shall consider the details specified and shown on the drawings,
taking into account the pumping plant identified together with the station
auxiliaries, floodlighting, road lighting etc.

The contractor shall clearly identify, on the diesel control panel, the maximum
load capability of the plant such the operators can add loads to the set and be
fully aware of the set loadings. The contractor shall clearly identify the
minimum load at which the set can operate for prolonged periods without
causing damage to the set through "light load running". In addition to being
indicated on the control panel, these limits shall also be clearly described
within the operation/maintenance manual.

17.4.24 Operation

Upon mains failure, the standby sets shall be manually started and within 20
seconds reach full operating voltage.

17.4.25 Performance

With the operating conditions specified, the set equipped with its standard air
intake filters, shall be capable to delivering its rated output continuously at
rated voltage and 0.8 lagging power factor and of delivering 10% in excess of
the continuous maximum rating for a period of one hour in any 12 hour period.
The deviation of the waveform of the voltage output from a pure sine wave
shall not exceed the limits specified in BS 5000 Part 99.

Radiated interference shall be suppressed to the limits specified in BS 800 and

BS 833.

17.4.26 Diesel Engine

The diesel engine shall be designed and build to the appropriate British
Standard Specification or to an alternative widely accepted specification,
which maintains an equal standard of quality. The engine shall be a water
cooled, direct injection, compression ignition type, suitable for operating on
diesel commercially available in Ethiopia. The engine shall be totally enclosed,
with forced lubrication from an integral pump having suitable

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coarse strainer and fine filter elements fitted to the suction and delivery sides
respectively. The filters shall be conveniently located for servicing and shall be
equipped with a spring loaded bypass valve to ensure oil circulation if the filters
become clogged. The capacity of the lubricating oil system shall be sufficient
to enable the engine to run continuously at any load without replenishment
until normal routine maintenance is required.

A suitable filter shall be fitted in the fuel line immediately before the pumps. Air
filters complying with BS 1701, Grade A or Grade B suitable for use in a
medium atmosphere shall be fitted to the engine air intakes.

Cooling water system shall be of the fan cooled radiator type, thermostatically
controlled, with means of discharging waste heat from the engine room. A
circulating water pump of ample capacity shall be fitted and suitable provision
made for waster expansion and make-up.

Adequate drains shall be provided at low points in the water and lubricating oil

A statically and dynamically balanced flywheel shall be provided of such mass

to ensure smooth engine operating during staring and running.

Bearings shall be suitable for operation over long periods without the need for
replacement of the lubricant.

Suitable means shall be provided for turning the engine main shaft by hand
and the associated generator to facilitate inspection and overhaul.

The engine governor shall ensure control within= 2.5% of nominal speed for
all conditions of load, and shall be capable of fine adjustment with the engine
running. Governor details shall be submitted with the tender.

Injectors shall be suitable for the grade of fuel selected, and fuel pumps shall
be capable of individual adjustment to maintain even load distribution between

Starting shall be by means of electricity supplied from a starter battery. The

engines shall be equipped with a 12 volt electric starting system of sufficient
capacity to crank the engine at a speed, which will allow for diesel staring of
the engine. The staring battery shall be capable of withstanding the loads
imposed upon it. Auxiliary circuits connected to the battery shall be protected
by fuses.

The battery shall be used to supply the staring and control equipment and relay
operation shall not be impaired when the battery is supplying current to the
starter motor.

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Lead-acid batteries shall be furnished having sufficient capacity for at least 30

seconds at firing speed in the ambient temperatures specified and with
capacity for staring the diesel engine a minimum of ten times each day.

A suitable battery-charging generator shall be provided with sufficient capacity

to recharge the batteries back to normal staring requirements quickly.

The engine mounted instrument panel and engine control shall include all
items necessary for manual staring, governor speed control, shut down, and
also visual alarms indicating, low fuel, low oil pressure, engine temperature,
vibration alarm, oil temperature, high cooling water temperature and over-

In the case of all the above items, automatic shutdown shall occur. Additional
safety measures shall be provided in accordance with the requirements of the
particular plant offered.

The engine shall be complete with all pipe work, valves, heaters and ancillary
equipment necessary for its correct operation, including inlet air filters,
silencer, exhaust piping, all supports and anti-vibration mountings, hot air
discharge louvres, canvas ducting, etc.

Fuel level, oil pressure and temperature, water temperature and engine speed,
shall be indicated by means of approved dial gauges and integrating house-
run meter and fuel flow meter shall be provided in each case. Gauges shall be
graduated in metric units.

The engines shall be capable of being started from crank position.

Details relating to the lubrication, fuelling and cooling system of the diesel plant
shall be finally determined by the contractor to suit the diesel plant offered.
Details of systems, particularly the fuelling systems, shall be submitted with
the tender such that sufficient information is readily available for an
assessment to be carried out.

All auxiliary equipment for starting the set shall be provided. Critical speeds
occurring during start up or shut down shall be countered by satisfactory
means, and no critical speed within close proximity to the operation conditions
will be acceptable.

After all tests, the contractor shall ensure that the fuel tanks are left full.

The Contractor shall include for a series of suitable sized drip trays for
installation below the diesel plant, tanks etc. These trays shall be sized such
that they are easy to handle, remove and replace and shall be located to
minimize the effects of oil spillage onto the power station floor. Details shall be
provided for approval.

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17.4.27 Exhaust System

The exhaust system indicated on the drawings is for information only. The
Contractor shall provide exact details of his proposals. The contractor shall
supply silencers to meet the requirements of the installation and to reduce the
exhaust noise to a level comparable to a domestic installation. The Contractor
shall ensure that the system proposed does not create unacceptable

The exhaust system shall be fully lagged within the building and shall be
provided with sleeving where they pass through the building structures. The
exhausts shall be suitable fixed and supported such that no undue strain is
imposed upon the exhaust system and/or the building structure. Full details of
the contractor's proposals for running, supporting and installation of the
exhaust system shall be submitted for approval.

The exhaust shall exit the room via a mild steel sleeve with asbestos rope
packing to ensure no heat transfer takes place to the structure. The final size,
type and fixing arrangements for the domestic silencer shall be agreed. Details
shall be submitted for approval.

The contractor shall be fully responsible for the supply and complete
installation of the ventilation louvers required within the external wall of the
power station for the discharge of the hot air. These louvers, forming part of
the ducting and exhaust system, shall be designed to permit maximum
discharge during the operation of the plant, but shall restrict entry of rain/dust
during the stationary period of plant.

The gravity flap louvers shall be of the industrial, non-return design to permit
air flow in one direction. The frames/apertures shall be sized by the contractor
to suit the requirements of the plant offered. The frames shall be manufactured
from prime galvanised steel. The blades shall be a minimum of
20 swg lightweight aluminum fixed to spindles, which shall rotate in self-
lubricating nylon bushes. Canvas ducting from the radiator to the louvers shall
be flame retardant. Details shall be provided for approval.

17.4.28 Auxiliary Equipment

Any auxiliary equipment not specifically mentioned, but needed to start and
operate the set, shall be provided and fitted. Normal starting sequence of
circulating oil, fuel supply and the like shall be adhered to.

Critical speeds occurring during start up or shut down shall be encountered by

satisfactory means, and no critical speed within the close proximity to the
operating conditions will be accepted.

The engine shall be capable of, and adjusted to permit operation on a suitable
diesel fuel such as gas-oil economically and readily available in Ethiopia. After
test, the contractor shall ensure that the daily service tank is
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left full and that a change of lubricating oil is available for the engine as part of
this contract. The filling of the main bulk storage tank will be at the Employer's
expense, but the contractor shall make all necessary arrangement on his
behalf, as part of this contract.

17.4.29 Alternator

The contractor shall supply and install an alternator and associated equipment
to operate in conjunction with the diesel engine described previously. The
alternators shall be direct coupled by means of a flexible coupling and
spigotted flanged ring to ensure permanent alignment and shall be capable of
delivering their rated output continuously at 380 volts and 0.8 lagging power
factor. The alternators shall be provided with direct self- excitation.

Alternators shall be constructed to BS 2613 and BS 5000 part 99 or other

approved equal specification, and rated for operation under the conditions of
climate, elevation and load previously specified. Insulation shall be Class F
throughout. Heater windings shall be provided in the alternator so that the
temperature of the machine can be maintained electrically at approximately
300 C above the ambient temperature. When the set is standing, as in the case
of the standby set, the heater winding shall be supplied from 220 volt single
phase circuit through a small double wound transformer having a secondary
voltage of 50 volts. The mid-point of the secondary shall be earthed and the
connections shall be such that when the set is running. the heater is
disconnected. Thermostatic control or protection will be required. Details of
this requirement are to be agreed to suit the site conditions.

The alternators shall also be of a screen protected, drip proof construction, and
shall be radio suppressed to BS 800 and BS 833. The alternators shall be
provided with automatic voltage regulation of an approved type, such that
generated voltage shall be held within 2% over the full range of load. Maximum
divergence of voltage waveform shall be to BS 5000 Part 99. The alternators
shall be capable of sustaining a 10% overload for one hour without damage,
and the degree of out of balance load which may be carried shall be stated in
the tenders.

Three-phase machines shall be star connected, and a diagram showing

terminal markings and phase rotation shall be provided in the terminal box.
Cable connecting the machine windings and machine terminal shall not have
a higher de-rating factor for r-temperature than the winding. Connection to the
control cubicle shall be made through approved cable and boxes.

A non-ferrous metal rating plant shall be fixed on the front of the alternator
giving the following information.

Continuous out put 90 kVA at 0.8 pf

Voltage V
Frequency Hz speed rev/min

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Control supply V DC Marker's name

Serial number Year of supply
Any other relevant, standard information

Each alternator shall be fitted with embedded temperature sensitive

thermistors to control a winding over temperature relay mounted in the
alternator control cubicle. Each shall have at least three thermistors. Additional
alternator protection shall be recommended by the contractor for

17.4.30 Control Panel

A control cubicle shall be provided for each alternator and shall accommodate
the following equipment, in addition to all other items necessary to the
installation and operation of the plant. The control panels shall comprise totally
enclosed steel cubicles, the numbers and layout of compartment being
dictated by the additional switchgear requirements and automatic mains failure
chageover units. A hinged door (s) on the panel shall be provided for access
to all components. The panel shall be free standing on a 100mm raised base.
The final external colour of the panel shall be subject to an agreement. The
inside shall be white and all instruments black on a white background.

The control panel shall include:

 a manually/automatically operated air or moulded case circuit breaker

with overload and under voltage protection to control the generator load.
 tripped indication
 engine off, start, stop controls
 audible fault/stop alarm with mute and reset provision
 earth bar and neutral link
 mains and control cable terminal boxes for incoming and outgoing
 a single phase switch fuse which shall be wired to a pair of incoming
terminations and associated distribution fuses for supplying any
required mains operated equipment on the set (i.e. heaters, battery,
charger and the like)
 an automatic voltage regulator of the type which will maintain its
adjustment for long periods without attention.
 where required, a hand field regulator complete with a "Hand/Auto"
switch. The hand field regulator shall give stable control of the voltage
under the specified operating conditions. If the hand field regulator is to
be left in a precise position when the set is under the control of the
automatic voltage regulator, this position shall be clearly marked.
 a hand-auto-test switch shall be provided to facilitate operation and
maintenance checks. The Contractor shall recommend the frequency
with which the sets shall be test operated on load/no load

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 control equipment as necessary to fulfil the functional requirement

associated with the engine start, stop, governor control and the like as
necessary for each station.
 voltmeter
 voltmeter selector switch
 three ammeters, reading current in each leg
 polyphase maximum demand indicator meter
 hours run meter
 frequency meter of the vibrating reed type
 power factor meter
 kilo watt hour meter with maximum demand pointer
 battery trickle charge ammeter
 low oil pressure indicator
 high oil temperature indicator
 high water temperature indicator
 overspeed indicator
 overload indicator
 starter failed indicator
 set failed indicator

The panel shall also include other lamps as required for the correct operation
of the generating set together with alarms and switches. Automatic shut down
shall occur with the operation of any of the first five alarm, protection and
indicating circuits together with overload after reaching an agreed
predetermined load value, and the operation of the thermistor protection relay.

17.4.31 Enclosures for Electrical and Control Equipment

Enclosures for electrical and control equipment shall be drip proof and dust
protecting with adequate front access as necessary for maintenance and
repair and to IP51 classification. Special attention shall be given to the method
of construction and to the mounting of the components to minimize the effect
of vibration. Diagrams of connection in durable form shall be mounted inside
the enclosures.

Full consideration shall be given to the fixing/supports and the

running/connection of all cables. Full details shall be submitted for approval,
the contractor taking into consideration all details including cable terminations,
access to these terminations, cable-bending radii etc.

17.4.32 Finishes

All ferrous metalwork shall be either painted or processed to give a rustproof

coating. Ferrous metalwork to be painted shall first be either shot blaster or
thoroughly wire brushed to remove all scale and oxide and immediately given
one brushed coat or two sprayed coats of primer. After not less than four hours,
one brushed or two sprayed undercoats followed by one brushed or

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two sprayed finishing coats of hear and oil resisting quality paint shall be

Successive coats of paint shall be slightly differing shades. The interior surface
of electrical equipment enclosures shall be finished white and all external
surfaces shall be finished to the BS 4800 to suit the manufacturer's standard
colour. The engine crankcase shall not be painted internally unless the plant
is resistant to the lubricating oil.

17.4.33 Drawings

The contractor shall provide to the Engineer specific sets of the following

 Building drawings showing details of cable entries, pipe entries and

ducts required.
 General arrangement drawings showing the principal dimensions
and set weights.
 General arrangement of the diesel engines.
 Details, supports and general requirements associated with the
exhaust system.
 General arrangement of the alternator and exciter showing
terminal markings, polarity and phase rotation.
 General arrangement of the electrical control panel.
 Schematic and wiring diagram of the electrical control panel.

17.4.34 Works Tests

The set shall be tested as a unit at the manufacturer's works (or elsewhere by
agreement) for output and performance generally in accordance with the
requirements of BS 649 and BS 5000 Part 99. The Engineer shall be given
adequate notice in writing of the date and the time of the works test and he, or
his representative, shall, if he so desires, be present at such test and be given
all reasonable facilities for his own inspections during the course of the tests.

17.4.35 Commissioning

The Contractor shall include for fully commissioning the set and its control
equipment and for the purpose of the required tests, shall provide all necessary
instruments, tools, fuel and lubricating oil. The following tests and checks, as
applicable, shall be carried out by the contractor in the presence of the
Engineer or his representative.

 Check that the main frame is level in all directions, engine and
generator shafts are in proper alignment and the vibration absorbing
devices are properly installed and located.

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 Check water and sump oil levels and that the water jacket and
radiator heater (if fitted) are in working order.
 Check the battery electrolyte levels and the specific gravity.
 Examine the containers in which the fuel and lubricating oils are
delivered and check that the type and grades of oil are as
recommended for the unit.
 Ensure that sufficient fuel oil is in the fuel tank for a six-hours test
 Check that all radiator and engine block water drain points are free
from sludge and other blockage.
 Check engine bolts, main drive coupling, valve clearances, fuel
pump settings, governor set-rings, pipeline connection, water hose,
exhaust couplings, flexible pipe work and the like.
 Check all outgoing connections on the generator and at the control
panel. All lugs for principal connections shall have clean and bright
contact surfaces. A suitable abrasive material shall be used where
 Check access panels and doors for proper opening and closing and
for the functioning of any interlocks fitted.
 With the set isolated from the system, start the engine by means of
the "start" push button and allow it to run up to normal speed. Check
that the battery charging dynamo is in operation with the engine
 Check instruments and gauges for normal operation and response
and that the generator voltage is being maintained within the
prescribed limits.
 Compare the reading of the frequency meter with that of the engine
tachometer, where both are fitted.
 Stop the engine and verify that the generator contactor opens at
between 95% and 85% of normal voltage. Re-check water and oil
 Run the set a various load for periods totaling at least 30 minutes.
Check the voltage and current in each phase in turn and check that
the voltage and frequency are being maintained within the required
limits with large alternations of loads. Note the rate of charge on the
dynamo ammeter with the engine running and the rate of charge on
the battery-charging ammeter with the engine stopped. Check
against the manufacture's recommendations and adjust charging
rates if necessary.
 Check that the various engine safeguards operate satisfactorily.
 Check vibration absorbing devices for proper operation and that the
performance of all flexible connections, both mechanical and
electrical, is satisfactory.
 When all tests are satisfactory and agreed with the Engineer or his
representative, the lubricating oil and water levels shall be finally
checked, the fuel tank replenished and the set left in normal
operating order.

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 An initial supply of all lubricating oils and grease shall e provided

by the Contractor.
Running of the engine for any length of time under- non-load conditions is
undesirable and tests calling for such operation should be carried out in as
short time as possible consistent with thoroughness.

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17.4.36 Motor Brake

The brake mounted on motor shall be of spring-applied and AC, solenoid released
type. The rated capacity of the above shall not be less than 200 percent of the
rated full load torque of the motor. The brake shall be arranged for automatic
application, when the motor power supply is cut off, and release when the motor
is energized. The brake enclosure shall be weather-proof with convenient access
for maintenance.

17.4.37 Electric Cables and Wiring

All wiring in the control panel shall be with cross-linked polyethylene insulated and
vinyl sheathed cables (CV cable) stranded conductor formed neatly into groups
and properly supported. There shall be no splices in the wires or cables and all
connections shall be made only at terminal blocks or studs.

All external wiring between the control cubicles, motors, limit switches, etc., shall
be with multi-core copper, CV cable, 600-volt grade. The minimum size of the
conductor shall be 2.0 mm².

17.4.38 Motor Starters and Ammeters

All starters shall be suitable for direct-on-line starting of motors, provided with 3-
phase induction type over current relays for overload phenomenon with manual
resetting, open-phase relays and under-voltage release feature. Over-current
relays shall be field adjustable to the rated full load currents of motors. Back-up
protection shall be provided with high rupturing capacity enclosed fuses or
moulded case circuit breakers. The control voltage shall be 220-volt, AC.

All motor shall be provided with disconnect switch of quick break no-fuse circuit
breaker with operating handle lockable in "off" position. They shall be rated to
interrupt the full load current of motor or other equipment in the circuit.

17.4.39 Conduit

Rigid steel conduit shall be galvanized inside and outside in accordance with BS
1387. It shall be of a minimum thickness of 2.3 mm and have a minimum inside
diameter of 16 mm.

17.4.40 Enclosures

Motor enclosures shall be weatherproof and totally enclosed. Enclosures for all
other equipment shall in general be dustproof and weatherproof where required.
Enclosure, trim and doors shall be coated with two coats of a suitable primer and
finished with enamel paint, the colour of which will be as approved by the

17.4.41 Limit Switches

The limit switches shall have weatherproof enclosures and shall be mounted
suitable for easy adjustment and for rigidly locking in position after being adjusted.
They shall be heavy-duty rating and shall have stainless steel rotating parts and
permanently lubricated bearings.
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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
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17.4.42 Indicating Lights

All indicating lights shall be of filament type with coloured plastic lenses type for
long life and service under conditions of shock, vibration and rough handling.

17.4.43 Instruments and Meters

All instruments and meters shall have approximately 110 mm dial, and shall be
heavy-duty, industrial type suitable for extreme shock and severe vibration

17.5 Painting, Inspection and Erection

17.5.1 Shop Cleaning and Painting

Steelwork surfaces to be painted shall be shot or grit blasted, and the maximum
surface roughness of blasted steel shall not exceed an amplitude of 0.1 mm. A
second quality surface finish is required in accordance with BS 4232.

The blasting material shall be in accordance with BS 2451, and the following
abrasives properly used can produce the required surface roughness:

a) Steel and malleable iron: S 340 shot or G39 grit.

b) Chilled iron: S 240 shot or G24 grit.

Blast-cleaned surfaces shall receive their first coat of priming paint under warm,
dry, dust-free conditions within four hours of cleaning. Contact surfaces of joints
made with friction grip bolts shall be left unpainted as specified in BS 4604 Part I,
Clause 3.2.1. Any paint that has been previously applied shall be removed by

Contact surfaces in welded construction that will be completely sealed shall be

left unpainted.

Surfaces which will be in contact with concrete when erected on site, shall receive
no treatment or painting.

Contact surfaces of sub-assemblies which are put together at the manufacturer's

works and which will be in permanent contact or concealment after shop
assembly, shall each be cleaned and painted with one coat of priming paint before
assembly and brought finally together while the paint is still wet.

Contact surfaces between steel and timber exposed to wet or corrosive conditions
shall be coated with a hot bitumen bedding compound immediately before joining
together. Large washers shall be provided under nut and bolt heads to prevent
ingress of water into the timber. Nuts, bolts and washers shall be coated in the
same way.

All rags, brushes and tools used for the surface preparation shall be clean.

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Surfaces contaminated with oil or grease shall be cleaned with white spirit.

Surfaces to be painted shall be properly prepared and ample time shall be allowed
for drying and hardening before the application of successive coats of paint, and
no exterior painting is to be done in wet, foggy or frosty weather.

Immediately before paint is applied the whole of the surface to be painted shall be
thoroughly cleaned of all dust, loose paint or dirt. Steelwork shall be thoroughly
dry before application of paint.

The first coat of priming paint shall be applied by brush.

The ideal temperature for painting lies within the range 13C to 32C with the
ambient relative humidity below 90%. So far as is practicable all painting should
be done when the ambient conditions are favourable and are likely to continue so
throughout the drying time of the paint.

Before despatch, surfaces of steelwork which have been previously primed shall
be properly cleaned and shall receive a second coat of priming paint, and
machined surfaces shall be cleaned and treated with approved varnish or plastic

17.5.2 Supply of Paint

The Contractor will prepare the surfaces and apply the finishing coats of paint
during erection at Site.

The Contractor shall supply a sufficient quantity of priming paint to make good any
damage during delivery to the site. The Contractor shall also supply and deliver
to the site sufficient paint for two finishing coats. The supply and delivery of the
paint shall be in accordance with the programmes which the Contractor shall have
previously agreed with the Engineer, having proper regard to the "shelf life" of the
paints and all to the approval of the Engineer.

The paint shall be delivered in the paint manufacturer's drums with seals
unbroken. Each drum shall be clearly and indelibly marked with a description of
its contents, its date of manufacture, and the date before which it should be used.
Each drum shall have a different serial number.

The Contractor shall keep a record of the delivery dates of each drum and shall
make copies of the record available for use on request by the Engineer.

17.5.3 Paint

The following schedule sets out the components of the schemes for protection of
the water control equipment:

a) Surface preparation - blast cleaning as specified.

b) Priming paint:

i) Underwater parts: 2 coats of zinc epoxy priming paint, each of dry film
thickness 25 microns, each layer will have a different colour.
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ii) Above water parts: 2 coats of zinc phosphate priming paint to suit the
finishing paint, each of dry film thickness 35 microns. Each layer will
have a different colour.

c) Finishing paint:

i) Underwater parts: 2 coats of coal tar/epoxy paint, dry film thickness 125
microns each layer.

ii) Above water parts: 1 undercoat and 1 finishing coat of high build
M.I.O. chlorinated rubber paint in grey, total dry film thickness 200

All the paints shall be obtained from the same manufacturer and shall be
compatible with the other paints in the same protective scheme. They shall be
suitable for the climatic conditions at the Site. The manufacturer and the
formulation of the paints shall be subject to the approval of the Engineer. The
Contractor shall supply to the Engineer samples of the paints at least two months
before their being used on the Works.

In selecting or formulating the zinc rich priming paint, the Contractor shall give due
regard to the period of storage outdoors in Ethiopia, for periods of possibly up to
six months.

The coal tar/epoxy paint shall be such that the coating will not run or craze when
exposed to direct sunlight on the Site for prolonged periods after immersion in

17.5.4 Galvanising

Where steel or wrought iron is specified to be galvanised the galvanising shall be

executed after all fabrication has been completed. The articles shall be cleaned
and pickled in dilute sulphuric or hydrochloric acid followed by rinsing in water and
pickling in phosphoric acid. They shall be thoroughly washed, stoved and dipped
in molten zinc and brushed so that the whole of the metal shall be evenly covered
and the additional weight thereof after dipping shall not be less than 610 g/m² of
surface galvanised, except in the case of tubes to BS 1387 when it shall be 460
g/m². Edges shall be clean and surfaces bright.

17.5.5 Preparation and Storage of Bolts

Before they are despatched to the Site, all bolts shall be protected as approved
by the Engineer. The bolts shall be packed carefully so that the threads do not
become damaged or dirty during delivery, storage, and transport to Site.

Attention shall be given to the protection of parts which are liable to deterioration
in the climatic conditions prevailing in Ethiopia, and the form of packaging shall
be such that no damage shall result from normal handling or prolonged storage in
the open.

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Small parts shall be boxed and suitably marked on the outside. Larger parts shall
be protected as necessary and shall be suitably marked and listed.

Lists of contents of crates, boxes and bundles shall be supplied and shall be
handed over to the Engineer on delivery of each consignment.

Attention shall be given to the method of marking sub-assemblies and other

components to assist in identifying them at Site. The method of marking employed
shall enable any particular component or sub-assembly to be easily identified from
the manufacturer's drawings and also from the shipping specification.

17.5.6 Instruction for Site Erection

As soon as practicable four sets of instructions detailing the method of Site

erection of the various items of Plant to be supplied under the Contract shall be
submitted by the Contractor to the Engineer for approval. The instructions shall
be in English and shall refer to identification marks on the various components.

17.5.7 Erection and Inspection at Place of Manufacture

Each gate and operating gear shall be fully assembled at the place of manufacture
for inspection and testing before dispatch by the Independent Testing
Organisation appointed by the Contractor. The Contractor shall give to the
Engineer in writing a minimum of fourteen Days notice prior to the date when the
assemblies will be ready for inspection. No parts shall be despatched from the
manufacturer's works until they have been marked to ensure correct re- assembly
at Site.

The operating gear for the Bottom Outlet Emergency Gate shall be fully
assembled at the place of manufacture and both the hoisting and lowering motions
shall be demonstrated to the satisfaction of the Engineer before despatch to the

Inspection of materials, workmanship, manufacture of the Plant and the trial

assembly of components at the place of manufacture shall be carried out by the
Engineer and will include the following checks.

a) Checks on steel and other materials used to ensure compliance with

accepted Standards. Manufacturer's chemical analysis sheets and
report sheets showing results of tests on physical properties may be
called for.

b) Dimensional checks to ensure conformity with the Drawings.

c) Weld inspection and testing where required.

d) Inspection of cleaning and painting of steelwork.

e) Witnessing trial erection and testing.

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f) Inspection of method of packing components for shipment.

No item of Plant shall be dispatched to Site until released by the Engineer.

17.5.8 Test Procedure Instructions

The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, during or immediately
following the submission of drawings, an instructional testing procedure
describing each test to be performed. The procedure shall define the sequence of
the tests, the equipment preparation and operation procedures to be followed and
the detail procedures for conducting the tests.

17.5.9 Tests

During the construction and after the installation of each item of Plant, the
Contractor shall perform the tests as described in the test procedure instructions
to establish the accuracy of the assembly and to prove the adequacy of the
materials and workmanship.

The tests and test results shall be approved by the Engineer. No part of the work
shall be considered acceptable until it has successfully complied with these tests,
to the satisfaction of the Engineer.

Test records, data, calculation sheets and photographs, if any, shall be submitted
to the Engineer in three copies within two weeks after the test had been

17.5.10 Leakage Test

A field leakage test will be performed often installation of the gates. After all
adjustments have been made and the mechanisms properly lubricated, each gate
slide shall be operated through one complete cycle as a final check on proper
operation before starting the leakage test.

Seating heads shall be measured from the top surface of the water to the center
of the gate.

Seating Head. Under the design seating head the leakage shall not exceed 1.2
lit/min per 1 meter of seating perimeter.

17.5.11 Spare Parts and Tools

The Contractor shall furnish the recommended spare parts as listed below.

a) Control and Emergency Gates:

i) 1 Nr set of rubber gate seals (undrilled).

ii) 1 Nr grease wheel with roller bearings;

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Kalid-Dijo Dam and Irrigation Project Section II
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iii) 2 Nr grease nipples and/or cups or each type and size to be


iv) 100% of indicating lamps and fuses;

v) 1 Nr set of each fixed and moving contacts for switches, relays,


b) other necessary spare parts recommended by the manufacturers;

c) any further spares included in for the relevant items in Schedule 2 in

Section 2 of the Contract.

Any spare parts supplied shall be packed or treated in such a manner as to be

suitably stored in the climate at the Site for a period of not less than two years,
and each part shall be clearly marked with its description and purpose on the
outside of the packing.

Spare parts so provided must be delivered into such store as may be nominated
by the Engineer.

17.5.12 Operating and Maintenance Instructions

Notwithstanding the requirements of Sub-Clause 58.1 of the Conditions of

Contract, the Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval, as early as
possible and before dispatch of the equipment, general instructions concerning
the correct manner of assembling, operating and maintaining the equipment with
special references to any recently developed features. These instruction manuals
shall be submitted immediately following approval of the drawings.

The instruction manuals shall be submitted for approval and when finally
approved, three copies of the manual shall be prepared and forwarded to the
Engineer. The Contractor shall ensure that the erection supervisor has a copy in
his site office.

The instruction manuals shall describe in detail, the procedure for assembling,
adjusting, operating and dismantling of each component, system and machine
shall be adequately described and illustrated. The maintenance of each
component shall be described, including the recommended frequency of
inspections and lubrication, and other pertinent information.

The instruction manuals shall include a separate and complete section describing
the operating procedures for the control of the gates, valves and associated
equipment, and shall include easily read schematic drawings of the equipment to
facilitate understanding the descriptive information.

The instruction manuals shall include a complete list of all applicable drawings, a
recommended spare parts list and a parts list for each component or item of Plant.
The parts list shall include manufacturer's code, serial numbers and ordering
instructions. The parts list shall be detailed for only the equipment supplied and
shall not include general reference or description of similar
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equipment which is of the same model but different only in detail. The manuals
shall be prepared in the English language.

17.6 Shop Assembly and Tests

17.6.1 Gate and Guide Frame

The gates consisting of the wheels, seals, and guide brackets shall be assembled
in the shop in an approximate position so as to be installed at the Site. While
assembled, the gates shall be checked for dimensions, tolerances, and accuracy
of alignment. Any error and misalignment discovered shall be promptly corrected.
The seals shall be fitted to their supports during shop assembly. Parts shall be
clearly match-marked before disassembling for transportation. Wheel pathways,
side guide rails, sealing faces, lintel and sill members for the guide frame shall be
checked by means of straight edge and feeler gauges.

All dimensions of the guide frames, that correspond to the gate dimensions, shall
be checked and any errors and misalignments shall be corrected. Parts shall be
clearly match marked before disassembling for transportation.

17.6.2 Operating Gear and Control Cabinet

The operating gear shall be completely shop assembled and tested for smooth
and proper performance. All units shall be tested at normal operating speed and
at rated load and closely checked to ensure that all necessary clearance and
tolerance have been provided and that no binding occurs in any moving part. All
bearings shall be carefully checked. All lubricating grease and oil required for the
performance of the test shall be furnished. Any defect or improper operation
discovered shall be corrected and the entire test shall be repeated.

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17.7 Installation and Tests at the Site

17.7.1 Guide Frames

The guide frames shall be assembled in the box-out in accordance with the final
approved drawings, brought to line and grade within the tolerances specified and
firmly secured in place. Alignment bolts or other necessary devices shall be used
to install the guide frames at corresponding accurate position. Connections
between guide frame, anchored materials and the alignment devices shall be
adjusted, firmly tightened and welded to hold the guide frame securely in position
while concrete is being placed in the box-out.

Additional bracing shall be provided where necessary to ensure the required

alignment. Extreme care shall be taken to ensure that the wheel paths and guiding
and sealing surfaces lie in a true plane within the tolerance specified for their entire
length. Placement of concrete in the box-out shall not proceed until the guide
frame have been completely assembled and secured. During concrete placing,
alignment tolerances shall be checked and remedial action taken if readings
indicate that displacement has occurred.

17.7.2 Gates

The gates complete with seals shall be assembled and erected in accordance with
the details shown on the final approved drawings.

Joints shall be watertight where required. The bottom of the gate, when erected,
shall be in true alignment to ensure a tight and even bearing of the rubber seal on
the embedded sill beam. The sides of the gate shall be true alignment so that the
rubber seals, when installed, will have a tight and even bearing on the sealing
surface embedded in the concrete. The gates shall be assembled and erected
within the shop test tolerance necessary to meet the specified tolerances.

Detailed descriptions and sketches of proposed methods of erection shall be

submitted for approval.

17.7.3 Operating Gear and Control Cabinet

During assembly, all bearing surfaces, journals, grease and oil grooves shall be
carefully cleaned and lubricated with an approved oil or grease. Before operation,
all lubricating system shall be checked by the Contractor.

The hoist shall be completely assembled and installed in accordance with the final
approved drawings. The wire rope drums shall be located and adjusted so that
they are in true alignment with the wire rope attachments of the Emergency Gate.
Operating screws and spindles shall be adjusted.

After installation of the hoist and prior to setting the wire ropes, the hoist shall be
operated and checked for proper operation. After completion of the above tests,
the wire ropes shall be set and connected to the Emergency Gate and the gate
shall be tested, at which time all controls such as limits switches and position
indicator, etc, shall be adjusted and tested for proper operation. Any defect or
improper operation discovered during the test shall be corrected and the entire
test repeated.

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