Bokashi Bran Usage Tutorial

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The Biorfe® Bokashi Bran is a specially formulated blend designed to facilitate efficient composting of

organic waste through the Bokashi method. Derived from natural ingredients and fortified with
beneficial microorganisms, the bokashi bran accelerates the fermentation process, transforming kitchen
scraps and other organic materials into nutrient-rich compost. With its balanced composition, the
bokashi bran ensures optimal conditions for microbial activity, leading to the production of high-quality
compost that enhances soil health and promotes plant growth.

Usage Steps:
1. Prepare Your Bokashi Bucket:
• Begin by obtaining a Bokashi bucket or any airtight container equipped with a lid and a
drainage spigot.
• Place a drainage tray or similar container beneath the spigot to collect excess liquid.

2. Layer Organic Waste with Bokashi Bran:

• Cut organic waste into small pieces to facilitate decomposition.
• Sprinkle 0.85-1.70 oz (25-50 ml) of Biorfe Bokashi Bran at the bottom of the Bokashi bucket and
then place the first layer of organic waste.
• Sprinkle a similar amount of Bokashi Bran evenly over the waste layer.

3. Press and Seal:

• Press down on the waste layer to expel air and ensure close contact with the Bokashi Bran.
• Seal the lid tightly to create an anaerobic environment essential for fermentation.

4. Repeat and Ferment:

• Continue layering organic waste and Bokashi Bran until the bucket is full, pressing down and
sealing after each addition.
• Allow the contents to ferment undisturbed for approximately two weeks, replenishing with
additional waste and Bokashi Bran as needed.

5. Collect Bokashi Tea:

• Throughout the fermentation process, a liquid known as Bokashi tea will accumulate in the
drainage tray.
• Periodically drain the Bokashi tea from the spigot and dilute it with water for use as a nutrient-
rich liquid fertilizer.

6. Utilize Finished Compost:

• After the fermentation period, the composted material is ready for further use.
• Incorporate the fermented compost into your garden soil, mix it with traditional compost, or
apply it as a nutrient-rich mulch around plants.

By following these simple steps, you can effectively harness the power of our Bokashi Bran to transform
organic waste into valuable compost, enriching your soil and promoting sustainable gardening practices.

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