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Royal University of Phnom Penh Professional Communication (PC)

Institute of Foreign Languages Advanced English 401

Department of English Academic Year: 2023-2024

Unit 2.3: Expanding your horizons (Reading Section) (p.24-25)

Words hunting

Instruction: Find the words in the text (p.10-11) and write them next to their meanings.

Paragraph 1
1. __________________ (noun): A general agreement or harmony among a group of people, typically
resulting from a discussion or deliberation.
2. __________________ (noun): The act or instance of being carried along by a current of air or water, or
the gradual movement or change in position or direction without any clear
purpose or pattern.
3. __________________ (adjective): Lacking interest, excitement, or brightness; boring or uninteresting.
4. __________________ (adjective): Not providing a sense of satisfaction, fulfillment, or achievement.
5. __________________ (noun): Expansive views or prospects, typically of a landscape or area.

Paragraph 2

6. __________________ (noun): A person who publicly supports or recommends a particular cause, policy,
or action.
7. __________________ (noun): Turbulent or frothy water in a river or other body of water, typically
caused by the presence of rocks or other obstacles.
8. __________________ (adjective): Full of danger or hazards; presenting hidden or unpredictable risks.
9. __________________ (noun): A fast-flowing and turbulent part of a river or stream, typically with rough
water and rocks.
10. __________________ (noun): A person who seeks out and thrives on thrilling, high-risk activities that
produce an adrenaline rush.
11. __________________ (adjective): Lacking interest or excitement; dull and ordinary.

Paragraph 3
12. __________________ (adjective): Having a concern for the well-being of society and a desire to
contribute to its improvement.
13. __________________ (noun): A person confined or held in a prison or other institution.
14. __________________ (adverb): Finally, in the end, or as a final result.

Paragraph 4
15. __________________ (noun): A narrow space or enclosure.
16. __________________ (noun): A person who is in the same position, doing the same activity, or sharing
a particular experience or quality with others.
17. __________________ (verb): To protect or shield from outside influences or unwanted effects; to isolate
or make separate.

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