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‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.


‭Group Updated Rulebook‬

‭The deck is separated into 3 different draw piles; Action cards, Counter cards and Trap cards.‬

‭ hen drawing a card, either on your turn or when picking up. A you can choose to draw from‬
‭any of the piles. However, you can’t draw more than 4 of the same type of card at a time.‬

‭Since the draw piles are separated each player’s starting hand consists of one of each card.‬


‭Trap cards may be played at any point during the players turn and you may play multiple trap‬
‭cards at once,‬
‭There is no limit to the amount of trap cards a play may have in play at once‬

‭If you choose to draw an action card during your turn, you can either draw another action‬
‭card or play a card.‬

‭At the start of the game, draw one Game Mode card.‬
‭This rule is active for this game.‬
‭Muffin Time still wins IF it is within the game mode’s rule.‬

‭The modes are as follows:‬

‭1.‬ T
‭ rain Ticket‬
‭Set that Timer!‬
‭If no Muffin Time has been had, the Player with the‬‭MOST‬‭cards in their hand after 12 Minutes and‬
‭30 Seconds Wins!‬

‭2.‬ B
‭ omb Timer‬
‭Set that Timer!‬
‭If no Muffin Time has been had, the Player with the‬‭LEAST‬‭cards in their hand after 12m and 30s‬

‭3.‬ F
‭ lip it or Skip it‬
‭As you DRAW flip the card! If it is muffin up you get to keep it, if not skip this turn and return the card‬
‭to the deck.‬

‭4.‬ I‭ wanna Die, Die, Dice‬

‭Every round, each player rolls a die‬
‭That round is played in order from lowest to highest number.‬
‭Re-roll turn order each round.‬

‭5.‬ I‭ce-Cream‬
‭No Game mode here. Just play without it.‬
‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.1‬

‭Group Feedback Form and Collected Feedback‬


‭GROUP MEMBER NAMES‬ ‭Annika‬‭Cameron‬‭Megan‬‭Riley‬

‭EXPANSION NAME‬ ‭Muffin Time Madness‬

‭GOOGLE FORM LINK‬ ‭ ttps://‬


‭FIRST CHANGE‬ (‭ Annika)‬‭Triple Pile‬‭- split the deck into 3 piles‬‭separated by‬
‭card type.‬

‭SECOND CHANGE‬ (‭ Cameron)‬‭Double Action‬‭- On your turn, when you draw‬‭an‬

‭action card you can either play a card or draw another action‬

‭THIRD CHANGE‬ (‭ Riley)‬‭Trap Card Hoarder‬‭- There is no limit on the‬‭amount of‬

‭trap cards you can have active.‬

‭FOURTH CHANGE‬ (‭ Megan)‬‭Game Mode‬‭- An additional win condition is‬‭drawn at‬

‭the start of the game.‬

‭Slug rule.‬ ‭ ot actually a proper change but I want to include it anyway.‬

‭The person who’s turn it is, holds the slug. you end your turn‬
‭by passing the slug.‬

‭Data Collected from Feedback Form‬

‭Overall, how did you enjoy the experience of playing the game?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭5‬
‭25%‬ ‭75%‬

‭Change 1 -‬‭Three Pile‬

‭How much did you enjoy this change?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭‬
‭25%‬ ‭25%‬ ‭50%‬
‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.1‬

‭How much impact do you feel this change had?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭3‬ ‭‬

4 ‭‬
‭50%‬ ‭50%‬

‭Change 2 -‬‭Double Action‬

‭How much did you enjoy this change?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭‬
‭25%‬ ‭25%‬ ‭50%‬

‭How much impact do you feel this change had?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭5‬
‭25%‬ ‭75%‬

‭Change 3 -‬‭Trap Card Hoarder‬

‭How much did you enjoy this change?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭5‬
‭50%‬ ‭50%‬

‭How much impact do you feel this change had?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭5‬
‭75%‬ ‭25%‬

‭Change 4 -‬‭Game Mode‬

‭How much did you enjoy this change?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭3‬ ‭4‬ ‭5‬

‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.1‬

‭25%‬ ‭25%‬ ‭50%‬

‭How much impact do you feel this change had?‬

‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭3‬ ‭‬

4 ‭‬
‭25%‬ ‭75%‬


‭As a combined expansion, how well mechanically did these changes work together?‬

‭Not at all‬ ‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭3‬ ‭‬

4 ‭5‬ ‭Very Well‬

‭As a combined expansion, how did the changes work together thematically?‬

‭Not at all‬ ‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭‬

3 ‭‬
4 ‭‬
5 ‭Very Well‬
‭50%‬ ‭25%‬ ‭25%‬

‭As a combined expansion, how much fun did the changes add?‬

‭Detracted‬ ‭1‬ ‭‬
2 ‭‬
3 ‭‬
4 ‭‬
5 ‭Added‬
‭25%‬ ‭25%‬ ‭25%‬ ‭25%‬

‭If you could suggest a change to the creators, what would it be?‬

‭Remove die die dice‬

‭I got NUTHIN‬

‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.1‬

‭Gameplay Data - Raw‬

‭Choices players make on their turn‬

‭Game with Megan's Flip it or Skip it rule‬
‭Game 1‬ ‭ layer 1‬
P ‭Player 2‬ ‭Player 3‬ ‭Player 4‬ ‭Player 5‬

‭Play action‬ ‭1‬ ‭1‬

‭2 action card‬ ‭3‬ ‭2‬ ‭2‬ ‭3‬ ‭3‬

‭1 action 1 play‬ ‭1‬

‭Trap Card‬ ‭5‬

‭Counter Card‬ ‭1‬ ‭1‬ ‭1‬

‭NUMBER OF ACTIONS‬ ‭6‬ ‭7‬ ‭4‬ ‭3‬ ‭4‬

‭Game with Megan’s Die Die Dice gamemode‬

‭=Game 2‬ ‭Player 1‬ ‭Player 2‬ ‭ layer 5‬

‭Play action‬ ‭2‬ ‭1‬ ‭3‬

‭2 action card‬ ‭4‬ ‭4‬

‭1 action 1 play‬ ‭1‬ ‭2‬ ‭1‬

‭Trap Card‬ ‭1‬ ‭8‬

‭Counter Card‬ ‭1‬ ‭4‬

‭NUMBER OF ACTIONS‬ ‭9‬ ‭11‬ ‭12‬

‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.1‬

‭Gameplay Data - Organised‬

‭ otes on the data:‬‭Was recorded while testing Megan’s‬‭different game modes. Players‬
‭had uneven amounts of turns so data isn’t completely accurate. One player chose to‬
‭draw trap cards every turn on purpose. I made two graphs, one without any of their data‬
‭so I could see the average player choices.‬
‭Annika‬‭,‬‭Cameron‬‭,‬‭Megan‬‭,‬‭Reily‬ ‭24T2 GAD175.1‬

‭Summary of the Collected Feedback from your playtesting session here:‬

‭ eedback received from form‬
‭Were our rules unclear?‬
‭-‬ ‭No‬
‭-‬ ‭It all made sense‬
‭-‬ ‭Yes, but that's more because I have never played Muffin Time before, and I really‬
‭should have asked for the rules beforehand.‬

‭Anything else?‬
‭-‬ ‭Nah‬
‭-‬ ‭I like the variety this gives the game, while also giving players more control over what‬
‭category they wish to pick. I am definitely interested to play it again and actually learn‬
‭the rules properly this time.‬

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