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As a starforger, you are constantly orbited by small Stars that make up your damaging abilities. At the
1st level, you have a pool of Stars to utilize equally to 1 + half your starforger level rounded up.
Using Stars requires an open hand.
Your orbit regains all expended Stars when you finish a long or short rest.
Whenever you roll Initiative, you gain one Star if you are missing one.
Your Star Attack Dice changes when you reach certain levels in this class. It starts at 1d6 and
becomes 1d8 at the 5th level, 2d6 at the 10th level, 2d8 at the 15th level, and 2d10 at the 20th level.

Star Attack
As a Starforger, you gain the ability to use your orbiting Stars as attacks. To make a Star Attack, you
must expend one star.
They have a range of 60 feet
The damage for each Star Attack is your Star Attack die + your Wisdom modifier + your Proficiency
Bonus. Star Attacks deal fire damage and are treated as spells.

If there is something that equals each star forger, it is stardust, the source of life and death of many
constellations and you have the power to shape the cosmos at your will. From level 2 you have access
to Stardust giving you a series of tricks and creations worthy of an artist.
You can spend 5 stardust and an action to create a small item, 10 stardust and 1 minute for a medium
item, 20 stardust and 10 minutes for a large item, etc. Tiny items cost no stardust and a bonus action
Any Item cannot be magical

From Matter To Dust

everything is matter, everything starts in dust and from level 2 you can return everything to its
original state, you can transform matter depending on the size into Stardust:
This takes a bonus action if the object is small, an action for medium, 1 minute for large, etc.
This gives you 5 stardust per size category above tiny

Star Rain
Starting at level 5, you expend an additional star to use Star Attack twice as one action

Comet Of Legend
At Level 8 you may spend 10 minutes exposed to the sky gathering cosmic energy, at the end of the
10 minutes you launch into the sky bringing up to 5 willing creatures with you moving 1000ft a
minute towards a target location. During this flight, you and any passengers cannot see or interact
with anything that was not brought with you. When reaching your destination you and any passengers
land at the location unharmed. From the outside, this feature looks like a shooting star or comet.
You can use this ability once per long rest

Strength of the Ages

At level 14, you understand all spoken Languages and become immune to radiant damage. Moreover,
any creature that can understand a language can understand what you say. Additionally, you are
unable to die of age.

Stellar Recovery
At 18th level, you can spend 1 minute forging an orbit of Stars, restoring any spent stars. Once you
regain Stars using this feature, you must finish a long rest before you can do so again.


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