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Science group

Introduction: Good morning, everyone. Today, we're going to embark on a journey into the world of
science. Imagine a world where science isn't just a tool, but a companion, enhancing every aspect of
our lives. That's the world we're shaping, and in the next minutes and hours, we'll uncover the keys
to thrive in this science revolution.

In the world of metals, there exists a silent adversary, a phenomenon that slowly but surely erodes
their strength and beauty: rusting. Today, we embark on a journey to understand the intricate
factors that conspire to bring about this corrosion, transforming sturdy structures into delicate relics
tinged with hues of orange and red. From the dance between moisture and oxygen to the role of
temperature and impurities, join me as we unravel the mysteries behind rust's relentless advance.

Problem solving: Do air and water cause rusting?

Scientific terms: Rust, or corrosion, is caused by the interaction of iron, oxygen, and water. Factors
like moisture, oxygen availability, electrolytes, temperature, surface area, impurities in iron, and
galvanic corrosion accelerate this process.

Aim: To investigate the relationship between the type of liquid and the amount of rust formed.


To investigate the relationship between the type of liquid and the amount of rust formed.

Hypothesis: To investigate the relationship between the type of liquid and the amount of rust formed.

Safety precaution:

1. Eye Protection: Wear safety goggles to protect your eyes from potential splashes or
spills of corrosive liquids. This precaution is essential, especially when handling
solutions containing acids or other corrosive substances.
2. Skin Protection: Use gloves to shield your skin from direct contact with chemicals or
solutions. Choose gloves made of materials resistant to corrosion, such as nitrile or
neoprene, to prevent irritation or burns.
3. Ventilation: Conduct the experiment in a well-ventilated area or use a fume hood if
working with volatile chemicals. Adequate ventilation helps disperse fumes and
reduces the risk of inhaling harmful vapours, promoting a safer working environment.

These precautions aim to minimize potential hazards associated with handling corrosive
materials and ensure your safety during the rusting experiment.


1.Placed three test tubes and label the test tube as A B and C.

2.Add each test tube with the material as shown in the picture above.

3.Left the test tube for five days.

4.After five days, observe the condition of the nail in each test tube.

5.Record the observation in the table as shown below.


Test tube Condition of nail

A a slower rate of rust formation
B A bit rust but mostly rust - free
C visible rusting as the iron reacts

Conclusion: In conclusion, understanding the factors driving rust formation equips us to

protect our infrastructure and assets. Let's implement proactive measures to combat rust,
ensuring the longevity of our metal structures.

Finishing: Thank you for joining me on this journey through the world of rusting and corrosion. As we
wrap up, remember: understanding the factors behind rust formation empowers us to protect our
infrastructure and assets. Let's take proactive steps to preserve and prolong the life of our metal
structures. Thank you for your attention and engagement throughout this presentation. Together,
let's work towards a world where rusting is no longer a threat, but a conquered obstacle on the path
to progress.
Questions answers

1 objects that will rust typically contain iron or iron alloys. Here are some common examples:
Steel: Steel structures, including bridges, buildings, and reinforcement bars, are prone to rusting due
to their iron content.
Iron Tools: Metal tools such as wrenches, hammers, and screwdrivers can rust if they are not properly
maintained or exposed to moisture.

Automobiles: Cars and trucks have various metal components, such as body panels and chassis
parts, that can rust if they are scratched or exp

2 Applying Rust Inhibitors: Rust inhibitors are chemicals that can be applied to metal surfaces to
prevent or slow down the corrosion process. These inhibitors work by forming a protective layer on
the metal surface, which blocks the interaction between the metal, oxygen, and water, thus inhibiting
rust formation.

Electroplating: Electroplating is a process where a thin layer of metal, such as chromium or nickel, is
deposited onto the surface of a metal substrate through electrolysis. This layer

3 Preservation of Structural Integrity: Rust weakens metal structures over time, compromising their
strength and durability. Preventing rusting helps maintain the structural integrity of buildings, bridges,
vehicles, and other metal components, ensuring their safety and longevity.

Cost Savings: Rust-related damage can be expensive to repair or replace. By implementing

preventive measures, such as coatings or corrosion inhibitors, organizations can avoid costly
maintenance and replacement expenses

4 High Humidity: Coastal areas often have high humidity levels due to the proximity to large bodies
of water. Elevated humidity accelerates the formation of rust by providing more moisture for the
oxidation reaction to occur.

Salt Content in the Air: Sea air contains salt particles (primarily sodium chloride) from ocean spray.
Salt is hygroscopic, meaning it attracts moisture from the air, further increasing the humidity levels
near the coast. Salt also acts as an electrolyte, enhancing the condition.

Thank you.

Before starting acting

[Scene: A dimly lit stage with a large, mysterious contraption at its center. Fog machines emit
wisps of smoke, creating an eerie atmosphere. The stage is adorned with props resembling
rusted metal and test tubes.]

Narrator (voice booming): In a world plagued by the insidious villain Rusto, one hero rises to
the challenge! Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to the Spectacular Spectacle of Rustic
[The audience cheers as the spotlight focuses on the hero, clad in a shining cape and wielding
a rust-resistant shield.]

Hero (striking a heroic pose): Citizens of Science City, fear not! For I am the Rust Buster,
sworn protector of all that shines! Tonight, we face our greatest foe yet—Rusto, the
Corrosive Conqueror!

[The audience gasps as the spotlight shifts to reveal Rusto, a devious figure cloaked in

Rusto (cackling menacingly): Ah, but the Rust Buster underestimates my power! With every
creak and every groan, I shall turn your precious metals to dust!

[The hero and villain face off as the audience watches with bated breath.]

Narrator (building suspense): And so, the stage is set for an epic showdown between good
and evil, between corrosion and resilience! Who will emerge victorious in this battle for the

[The hero and villain engage in a fierce battle, with Rusto unleashing his corrosive powers
upon the city. The audience watches in anticipation.]

Narrator (with dramatic flair): With the city on the brink of destruction, the Rust Buster
refuses to back down, his determination unwavering in the face of adversity!

[The hero, with a mighty swing of his rust-resistant shield, charges into battle, unleashing a
dazzling display of heroism.]

Narrator (with triumph): And just when all seems lost, a glimmer of hope appears on the
horizon—the Rust Buster unveils his ultimate weapon, a formula to neutralize Rusto's
corrosive powers once and for all!

[The hero's triumph fills the stage as Rusto is vanquished, his nefarious plans foiled by the
indomitable spirit of the Rust Buster.]

Narrator (with triumph): And so, with the city saved and the day won, the Rust Buster stands
victorious, a beacon of hope in a world threatened by corrosion.

[The audience erupts into thunderous applause as the hero takes a triumphant bow, their
heroic deeds forever etched in the annals of history.]

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