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5/13/22, 1:23 PM Quiz on Feminist Ethics: Attempt review

Dashboard / My courses / Ethics-Lecture-Spring 2022 / Week 11: Feminism and Social Contract Theory (April 11-15)
/ Quiz on Feminist Ethics

Started on Friday, 15 April 2022, 7:01 PM

State Finished
Completed on Friday, 15 April 2022, 7:14 PM
Time taken 13 mins 12 secs
Marks 5.25/8.00
Grade 65.63 out of 100.00
Question 1
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which of these best describes Nussbaum's overall conclusion about whether liberalism can be defended against feminist objections?
Select one:
a. Nussbaum admits that liberalism is not a good theory for satisfying the needs and aims of women in modern developed
democracies, but holds that it is nonetheless the best theory for women in the modern developing world.
b. Nussbaum admits that liberalism is not a good theory for satisfying the needs and aims of women in the modern developing
world, but holds that it is the best theory for women in modern developed democracies.
c. Nussbaum admits that the foundational ideas that lie behind liberalism are problematic and in need of correction for reasons
that feminists point out, but argues that most liberal theorists themselves have typically given the right answers: we can correct
the general ideas by listening to particular liberal theorists.
d. Nussbaum admits that many liberal theorists have made claims that are wrong for reasons that feminists point out, but she 
holds that the foundational ideas that lie behind liberalism are correct: the trouble is that particular liberal theorists have not
implemented these ideas consistently.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Nussbaum admits that many liberal theorists have made claims that are wrong for reasons that feminists point
out, but she holds that the foundational ideas that lie behind liberalism are correct: the trouble is that particular liberal theorists have not
implemented these ideas consistently. 1/5
5/13/22, 1:23 PM Quiz on Feminist Ethics: Attempt review

Question 2
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Pateman argues that one of the fundamental assumptions in social contract theory is that we are the owners of our bodies and our
freedom. Being the owner of your own body means that nobody else owns it and that it can become part of a contract. This, then, entails
Select one:
a. Contracts become a vehicle to trade away liberties and even control over one’s body. 
b. Contracts become a vehicle for women to retain their freedom.
c. Contracts between men and women become a vehicle for both to enter the political community.
d. Contracts become a vehicle to gain liberties and even control over one’s body.

Your answer is correct.

By giving consent in marriage, women would trade away their liberties and control over their own body.
The correct answer is: Contracts become a vehicle to trade away liberties and even control over one’s body.

Question 3
Partially correct
Mark 0.25 out of 1.00

Recall the experiment in which Kohlberg poses to two sixth graders, Jake (a boy) and Amy (a girl), a moral dilemma involving a chemist
who cannot afford medication to keep his wife alive. Select the lessons that Gilligan extracts from Kohlberg's studies that lead her to
develop an ethics of care.
Select one or more:
a. Jake endorses breaking the law, whereas Amy endorses lawfulness. This indicates a moral bias in favor of men even when they
are prepared to break the law and a disposition to criticize the moral responses of women and girls even when they are prepared
to obey the law.
b. Whereas Jake answers the question squarely, Amy  Incorrect. This is one way to characterize the difference in
ignores the description of the situation and evades the response between Jake and Amy, but it is not the interpretation
moral dilemma that it presents. that leads to an ethics of care.
c. The very traits associated with traditional norms of femininity are interpreted as rendering women and girls morally deficient or
relatively underdeveloped in moral reasoning.
d. Jake employs deductive logic and abstract moral reasoning to distinguish between law and morality. Amy, on the other hand, 
thinks of the moral situation in terms of the effects that actions will have on relationships.

Your answer is partially correct.

You have correctly selected 1.
The correct answers are: The very traits associated with traditional norms of femininity are interpreted as rendering women and girls
morally deficient or relatively underdeveloped in moral reasoning., Jake employs deductive logic and abstract moral reasoning to
distinguish between law and morality. Amy, on the other hand, thinks of the moral situation in terms of the effects that actions will have
on relationships. 2/5
5/13/22, 1:23 PM Quiz on Feminist Ethics: Attempt review

Question 4
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Nussbaum says that she will defend liberalism against "three salient charges": three arguments that a feminist philosopher might make
to show that liberalism is wrong. Which of the following is NOT a reasonably good description of one of the arguments she considers?
Select one:
a. Liberalism focuses around a theory of moral development according to which all humans who develop properly pass through
stages and ultimately recognize autonomously chosen principles. But a better political theory should focus on other sorts of
moral development as well: including that which culminates in recognizing the interdependence of self and others.
b. Liberalism focuses around the well-being of humans taken one by one rather than  Incorrect: this is the concern that
in groups. But a better political should focus on what is good for groups instead. liberalism is "individualistic".
c. Liberalism focuses around the importance of things that all humans share: like the capacity to choose. But a better political
theory should focus on ways in which humans are different from one another.
d. Liberalism gives things like love a significant role only once they have been subjected to the critical scrutiny of "reason". But a
better political theory should give a significant role to, for example, love that is not subject to critical reflection.

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is: Liberalism focuses around a theory of moral development according to which all humans who develop properly
pass through stages and ultimately recognize autonomously chosen principles. But a better political theory should focus on other sorts
of moral development as well: including that which culminates in recognizing the interdependence of self and others.

Question 5
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

Which if the following best describes Gilligan's position, according to the lectures?
Select one:
a. The ways of thinking of men and women are incompatible, but the inclusion of women in society will increase the likelihood that
together they get things right.
b. The morality of autonomy and rights and the ethics of care are complementary. An ethics of care should be  This is
tempered by a respect for rights, and the potential indifference of a morality of rights should be corrected correct.
with an ethics of care.
c. The ways of thinking about morality of men and women are incompatible because they have occupied different roles in society
throughout history. When women take on more roles that were historically reserved for men, their way of reasoning about
morality will change as well.
d. Men's focus on autonomy and rights leads them to disregard relationships. The world would be a better place if men would
adopt the feminine ethics of care instead.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: The morality of autonomy and rights and the ethics of care are complementary. An ethics of care should be
tempered by a respect for rights, and the potential indifference of a morality of rights should be corrected with an ethics of care. 3/5
5/13/22, 1:23 PM Quiz on Feminist Ethics: Attempt review

Question 6
Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

Which does not describe a lesson liberalism could learn from the discussion of its emphasis on individualism, according to Nussbaum?
Select one:
a. In sharply demarcating the public sphere from the private sphere, liberalism has created space in which inequalities for women
can thrive.
b. Liberalism should diminish its focus on the separateness of individuals.
c. Liberalism should not should not regard the protections it insists on for the public sphere as unnecessary in the private sphere.
d. We should not assume that  Liberal theorists, like Rawls, have often assumed that we do not need to protect
members of families will be autonomy in families as rigorously as we do in the public sphere, because members of
disposed to be just or fair to one families are less likely to fail to respect one another's autonomy. Nussbaum argues that
another. this is false, and so this is a lesson to be learned.

Your answer is incorrect.

The correct answer is:
Liberalism should diminish its focus on the separateness of individuals.

Question 7
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

What did Gilligan’s studies show?

Select one:
a. Male and female participants, despite initial appearances, were not different in their responses.
b. Male and female participants were different but Gilligan shows that those differences were not due to gender.
c. Males and females were different, in that women were less likely to think in terms of individual rights and  This is
more likely to reason from a perspective that centered relationships. correct.
d. That men and women think differently about ethics due to genetic differences.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: Males and females were different, in that women were less likely to think in terms of individual rights and more
likely to reason from a perspective that centered relationships. 4/5
5/13/22, 1:23 PM Quiz on Feminist Ethics: Attempt review

Question 8
Mark 1.00 out of 1.00

From the following options, select the one that is *not* included as a stage in the development of an ethics of care.
Select one:
a. One comes to understand one's relations with others as characterized by mutual dependence. From this point of view, the
person appreciates the destructive power of violence to all one cares about.
b. One comes to downplay the importance of other people's  CORRECT. This is not one of Gilligan's stages. She rather
rights, and instead focuses only on duties of care. thinks of rights of others and duties of care as
c. The concept of responsibility is developed in the person's care for those who depend on him or her.
d. Out of a concern with survival, the child cares for him or herself.

Your answer is correct.

The correct answer is: One comes to downplay the importance of other people's rights, and instead focuses only on duties of care.

◀︎Supplementary Reading: Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy: Feminist Moral Psychology

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