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--One of the following tracts can't

be seen in a transverse section through the lumbar level of

the spinal card:

a. Ventral spinocerebellar

b. Posterior Spinocerebellar ✅

c. Medial reticlospinal tract

d. Ventral reticlospinal tract

-Which of the following connects the orbital surface and Brocha's speech area of the frontal
lobe with the anterior part of the temporal lobe:

a. The superior langtudinal bundle

b. The uncinate bundle ✅

c. The cingulum

d. The corpus callosum

-Which of the following passes over the insula:

a. The anterior cerebral vein

b. The anterior cerebral artery artery

C. The middle cerebral artery ✅

d. inferior cerebral artery

-Circulars of willis is an anastomosis between:

a. 7 arteries.

b. 8 arteries

c. 9 arteries ✅

d. 10 arteries

-The true vocal cards are formed by the free border of the.....
a. thyrohyoid membrane

b. cervicothyroid membrane ✅

c .cricotrachial ligament

d. quadrate membrane

-One of the fallowing tracts can be seen in a cross section in the lumbar level and not in the

mid-cervical level of the spinal cord

a. Lateral reticlospinal tract

b. Tegmemtospinal tract ✅

c. Fasciculus gracilis

d. Spino-olivary tract

1. Which of the following is attached to the Lingula of mandible

a. Stylomandibular Ligament

b. Temporo-mandibular ligament

c. Pterygomandibular ligament.

d. sphenomandibular ligament. ✅

2. Which of the following is attached to the lingula of mandible

a. Temporo-mandibular ligament.

b. Pterygomandibular ligament

c. Stylomandibular ligament

d. None of the above ✅

3. One of the following does not pass through the foramen oval:

a. mandibular nerve

b. abducent nerve ✅

c. Lesser petrosal nerve

d. accessory meningeal artery

4. Which passes through the jugular foramen:

a. Glossopharyngeal nerve ✅

b. External Jugular vein

c. Facial nerve

d. ascending portion of spinal accessory nerve

5. Foramen magnum Transmits all of the following except:

a. hypoglossal nerve ✅

b. Vertebral artery

c. medulla oblongata

d. accessory nerve

6. Which passes through the superior orbital fissure:

a. optic nerve (tract).

b. ophthalmic artery

c. Emissary Vein

d. None of the above ✅

7. Which of the following does not transmit an emissary vein:

a. Foramen caecum

b. Foramen oval

c. both transmit an emissary v. ✅

d. both don't transmits an emissary v

8. All of following passes through superior orbital fissure except:

a. divisions of oculomotor nerve

b. trochlear nerve

c. Abducent nerve

d. None of the above ✅

9. One of the following is not a primary muscle of mastication:

a. buccinator ✅

b. masseter

c. Temporalis

d. all are primary muscles of mastication

10. All if the following muscles supplied by trigeminal nerve except:

a. Temporalis

b. Masseter

c. Buccinator ✅

d. medial pterygoid
11. Originate from the medial palpebral ligament:

a. orbicularis oculi - palpebral part. ✅

b. orbicularis oculi- orbital part.

C. Corrugator supercilli

d. procerus muscle

12. Which muscle is not around the nose:

a. Nasalis

b. depressor septti

c. procerus

d. mentalis ✅

13. Which muscle is not around the mouth:

a. Mentalis

b. Zygomatic major

c. Buccinator

d. Non ✅

14. Which is an intrinsic muscle of the auricle:

a. posterior auricularis

b. Tragius ✅

c. anterior. auricularis

d. Superior auricularis
15. Which is not an origin for trapezius:

a. all thoracic spines

b. acromion ✅

C. ligamentum nuchae

d. External occipital protuberance

16. Sensory proprioceptive supply of Trapezius in by:

a. Spinal accessory

b. C1-C2

c. cranial accessory

d. C3-c4 ✅

17. Which is an insertion of sternomastoid:

a. front of manubrium

b. medial 1/3 of clavicle

C. Lateral surface of mastoid process. ✅

d. Non

18. One of the following is a content of temporal fossa

a. medial pterygoid

b. Lateral pterygoid

c. sphenomandibular ligament.

d. Temporalis ✅
19. All are contents of infratemporal fossa except:

a. maxillary nerve and its branches ✅

b. corda tympani nerve

c. otic ganglion

d. Glossopharyngeal n

20. Pterygoid plexus is a content of:

a. supratemporal fossa

b. Temporal fossa

c. infratemporal fossa ✅

d. Non

21. One of the following does not give a sensory branch to the scalp.

a. Supra orbital

b. Supra trochlear

c. mental ✅

d. Greater occipital

22. The temporomandibular Joint Consist of articulation of..... surfaces:

a. 2

b. 3 ✅

C. 4

d. 5
23. The TMJ is a Synovial Joint:

a. True ✅

b. False

24. The cavity of TMJ is divided completely into 2 compartments by:

a. Articular disk ✅

b. Ligament

c. capsule

d. muscle

25. ........... is a thickening of the joint capsule.

a. Lateral ligament ✅

b. Sphenomandibular ligament

c. Stylomandibular ligament

d. Non

26. One of the following does not give Support to TMJ:

a. medial ligament ✅

b. Lateral ligament

c. sphenomandibular ligament

d. Stylomandibular ligament

27. One of the following opens the jaw:

a. Masseter
b. Temporalis

c. Medial pterygoid

d. Lateral pterygoid ✅

28. All of these are contents of occipital triangle except:

a. spinal accessory nerve

b. cranial accessory nerve✅

c. occipital vein

d. deep cervical lymph node

29. All of these are contents of supraclavicular triangle except:

a. third part of subclavian artery

b. trunks of brachial plexus

c. subclavian vein

d. internal jugular vein✅

30. One of these is a content of occipital triangle:

a. post. auricular nerve

b. greater auricular nerve✅

c. facial nerve

d. vagus nerve

31. All of these are infrahyoid muscles except:

a. sternohyoid
b. omohyoid

c. stylohyoid✅

d. sternothyroid

32. One of these is suprahyoid muscle:

a. omohyoid

b. digastric✅

c. thyrohyoid

d. mentalis

33. Upper part of carotid sheath contains all the following except:

a. internal carotid artery

b. internal jugular vein

c. vagus nerve

d. facial nerve ✅

34. Sympathetic chain embedded in the .........wall of carotid sheath

a. posterior✅

b. anterior

c. lateral

d. medial

35. Tonsilar branch of facial artery is from

a. facial part
b. lingual part

c. cervical part✅

d. from the scalp

36. All of these are branches of facial artery except

a. sup. Labial

b. ascending palatine

c. tonsilar branch

d. lingual branch✅

37. All of these are boundaries of post. triangle except:

a. ant. border of sternomastoid muscle✅

b. ant. border of trapezius muscle

c. medial 1/3 of clavicle

d. post. border of sternomastoid muscle

38. All of these are boundaries of digastric triangle except:

a. post. belly of digastric m.

b. ant. belly of digastric m.

c. intermediate tendon

d. sup. belly of omohyoid m.✅

39. All of these are contents of digastric triangle except:

a. vagus nerve✅
b. hypoglossal nerve.

c. submandibular ganglion

d. lingual nerve

40. All of these are branches of 4th part of internal carotid artery except:

a. ophthalmic

b. middle cerebral

c. ant. cerebral

d. post. cerebral✅

41. All of these are branches from external carotid artery except:

a. sup. thyroid artery

b. inf. thyroid artery✅

c. lingual artery

d. facial artery

42. All of these are muscles of mastication except:

a. temporalis

b. masseter

c. lat. pterygoid

d. inf. pterygoid✅

43. All of these are branches from vertebral artery except:

a. post. inf. cerebellar artery

b. medullary artery

c. ant. spinal artery

d. pontine artery✅

44. Superior cerebellar artery is branch of

a. internal carotid artery

b. external carotid artery

c. basilar artery✅

d. vertebral artery

45. One of these is branch of 2nd part of maxillary artery

a. buccal artery✅

b. greater palatine artery

c. sphenopalatine artery

d. middle meningeal artery

46. All of these are terminal branches of infraorbital artery except

a. palpebral

b. nasal

c. orbital✅

d. labial

47. Lesser and greater palatine arteries are branches of

a. mandibular artery
b. maxillary artery✅

c. facial artery

d. nasal artery

48. Which of these is a medial content of cavernous sinus

a. abducent nerve✅

b. vagus nerve

c. trochlear nerve

d. ophthalmic nerve

49. All of these are lateral content of cavernous sinus except

a. maxillary nerve

b. mandibular nerve✅

c. ophthalmic nerve

d. trochlear nerve

50. Internal carotid artery is considered as a ............content of cavernous sinus

a. medial ✅

b. lateral

c. anterior

d. posterior

51. Which of the following distinguishes cavernous sinus thrombosis from orbital cellulitis?

a. Cranial nerve dysfunction ✅

b. High fever

c. Eyelid swelling

d. Severe headache

52. Cavernous sinus thrombosis most commonly occurs as a complication of which of the

a. Dental infections

b. Ethmoidal sinusitis

c. Nasal furuncles ✅

d. Sphenoidal sinusitis

53. The largest endocrine gland is thyroid:

A. True ✅

B. False

54. All are anterior relations to Thyroid except:

a. deep fascia

b. steronomastoid muscle

c. Sternothyroid muscle

d. parathyroid ✅

55. Superior, middle, and inferior thyroid.........are the Blood supply (or venous drainage) of the
Thyroid gland:

a. Vein ✅

b. Artery
C. both

d. Non

56. During Thyroidectomy, superior thyroid artery is Ligated...... the gland, and inferior thyroid
artery is ligated...... the gland.

a. Far from - near

b. Near - far from ✅

C. near- near

d. Far from - far from

57. Ligation of thyroid artery should be far from the gland:

a. True

b. False ✅

58. due to persistence of part of the thyroglossal duct.

a. Thyroid agenesis

b. Lingual thyroid

c. Thyroglossal cyst ✅

d. Aberrant thyroid

59. The largest salivary gland is the ..........gland

a. Parotid ✅

b. sublingual

c. submandibular

d. buccal
60. Innervation of parotid is by........salivary nucleus through ........while of submandibular gland
is by.........salivary nucleus through..........

a. inf, IX, sup., VII ✅

b. sup., IX, inf., VII

C. int., VII, superior, IX

d. sup., VII, in, IX

61. One of the following has a large superficial and a small deep part:

a. parotid

b. submandibular ✅

C. sublingual

d. Non

62. Parotid swelling are very painful due to:

a. the firm attachment of Parotid fascia ✅

b. the firm attachment of underlying Ligaments

C. Compression of sensory nerve endings

d. all are correct

63. One of the following Carries sympathetic, parasympathetic, sensory fibers to the parotid

a. There is no one nerve carries all of the mentioned above

b. Glossopharyngeal n.

c. auricotemporal n. ✅
d. Chorda tympani n.

64. All of the muscles of soft palate are supplied by ............ nerve, except one which is supplied
by....... nerve

a. vagus nerve - glossopharyngeal nerve

b. Trigeminal - vagus

C. facial - Trigeminal

d. accessory- Trigeminal ✅

65. Hard palate lies in the roof of oral cavity and floor of nasal cavity

a. True ✅

b. false

66. Its undersurface is covered by mucoperiostium:

a. Hard palate ✅

b. Soft palate

C. Both

d. Non

67. Gives origin and insertion to palatine muscles:

a. Hard palate

b. soft palate ✅

C. Both

D. Non
68. Has an origin from spine of sphenoid:

a. Tensor vili palatine ✅

b. Levator veli palatine

c. Palatoglossus

d. palatopharyngeus.

69. All the muscles of soft palate are supplied by............., except........ muscle.

a. pharyngeal plexus - Levator veli palatini

B. accessory never IX - Tensor veli palatine ✅

C. Trigeminal nerve - Tensor veli palatine

d. No correct answer

70. Cleft palate can be superficial or deep:

a. True ✅

b. false

71. Which part of the tongue lies behind the sulcus terminalis is:

a. oral part

b. pharyngeal part ✅

C. The Base

D. Non

72. All are intrinsic muscles of the tongue except:

a. Superior longitudinal muscle

b. vertical muscle

c. hypoglossus muscle ✅

d. all are intrinsic muscle

73. Which of the following is not in the inferior surface of the tongue:

a. Frenulum Linguea

b. plica fimbria

C. sublingual fold

d. deep Lingual artery ✅

74. All of the following contribute to the blood supply of Tonsils except:

a. Lingual artery

b. Ascending pharyngeal artery

C. Ascending palatine artery

d. all are Blood supply to the tonsil ✅

75. Tonsillitis is caused by viral infection but can't be due bacterial Infection:

a. True

b. False ✅

76. The larynx lies opposite......... cervical vertebrae.

a. C3-C7

b. C4-C6

C. C3-C6
d. C3-C6 ✅

77. All are paired cartilages of Larynx except:

a. Cricoid ✅

b. Cuneiform

c. Cornniculate

d. Arytenoid

78. One of the following is not an extrinsic muscle of Larynx:

a. sterno hyoid muscle

b. superior constrictor of pharynx ✅

c. Stylopharyngeus

d. palato pharyngeus

79. ............. closes the inlet of larynx, while.......... closes the glottis:

a. Aryepiglotticus - Transvers arytenoids ✅

b. Lateral cricoarytenoids -oblique Arytenoids

c. cricothyroid, Thyroepiglotticus

d. a+c

80. All intrinsic muscles of larynx are supplied by external Laryngeal nerve except Cricothyroid:

a. True

b. False ✅
81. The mucus membrane above Vocal cords is supplied by:

a. External Laryngeal

b. internal laryngeal ✅

c. Recurrent laryngeal

d. Non

82. All the following are true regarding the pharynx except:

a. it's 12 cm muscular tube.

b. it extend from the base of skull to the lower border of C6

c. its constrictor muscles are originated from a fibrous median raphe.✅

d. it's made up of 5 layers.

83. Superior constrictor muscle is originated from:

a. Upper border of thyroid cartilage

b. pterygomandibular ligament✅

c. Fibrous median raphe

d. lower border of stylohyoid ligament

84. Pharynx is supplied by all the following arteries except:

a. Sublingual a ✅

b. ascending pharyngeal branch of External carotid artery.

c. Branch of superior thyroid artery

d. Branch of inferior thyroid artery

85. Which of the following is true regarding the olfactory nerve:

a. the olfactory pathway ends in the olfactory cortex ✅

b. it pass through the cribriform plate of sphenoid.

c. it originates in the olfactory mucosa in the floor of nasal cavity

d. it's made up of multiple nerve fibers coming to the receptor

86. Which of the following statements is false regarding the optic nerve:

a. it has a slightly sinuous course

b. it's crossed from lateral to medial by nasociliary nerve and ophthalmic artery

c. it leaves the orbit through the Superior orbital fissure✅

d. its medial fiber decussate to the contralateral side.

87. All the following are supplied by the Superior division of oculomotor nerve except:

a. medial rectus muscle✅

b. Levator palpebrae superioris muscle

c. Superior rectus muscle

d. Sympathetic fibers to Muller's

88. The only nerve that emerge from the posterior surface of the brainstem is:

a. Oculomotor nerve

b. trochlear nerve✅

c. abducent nerve

d. facial nerve
89. Which of the following is branch of maxillary nerve:

a. posterior superior alveolar nerve✅

b. nasociliary nerve

c. lacrimal nerve

d. Frontal nerve

90. The abducent nerve supply which muscle:

a. lateral rectus ✅

b. medial rectus

c. Superior rectus

d. inferior rectus

91. All the following are branches of interpetrous part of facial nerve except:

a. Greater superficial Petrosal nerve

b. nerve to stapedius

c. nerve to posterior belly of digastric muscle ✅

d. nerve to chorda tympani

92. Which of the following nerves enters the inner ear without supplying it:

a. vestibulocholear nerve

b. facial nerve✅

c. trigeminal nerve

d. accessory nerve
93. All the following are branches of glossopharyngeal nerve except:

a. carotid branch

b. jugular branch✅

c. terminal lingual branch

d. nerve to stylopharangeus

94. Which of the following nerves supply the stylopharangeus muscle:

a. Vagus nerve

b. Glossopharyngeal nerve ✅

c. accessory nerve

d. hypoglossal nerve

95. All the following are main nuclei of vagus nerve except:

a. Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus nerve

b. Spinal trigeminal nucleus ✅

c. Nucleus ambiguous

d. Solitary nucleus

96. All the following statements are true regarding the accessory nerve except:

a. it pierce the superficial surface of sternomastoid muscle ✅

b. it arise by 2 roots

c. it gives pharyngeal and laryngeal branches

d. none of the above

97. All the following nerves arise from hypoglossal nerve itself except:

a. nerve to styloglossus

b. nerve to geniohyoid muscle ✅

c. nerve to genioglossus

d. nerve to all intrinsic muscle of the tongue

98. The venous sinuses of brain are formed between the splitting of the two layers of:

a. Dura mater ✅

b. Pia mater

c. Arachnoid mater

d. the ventricles

99. Which of the following dural folds separate the cerebellum from the occipital lobe of

a. Falx cerebelli

b. Falx cerebri

c. tentorium cereblli✅

d. Dighragma Sella

100. All the following are unpaired venous sinuous except:

a. straight sinuous

b. Superior sagittal sinuous

c. inferior sagittal sinuous

d. Sigmoid sinuous ✅
101. The lateral ventricles and third ventricle are connected by:

a. foramina of monro ✅

b. cerebral aquiduct

c. villi

d. none of the above

102. The fourth ventricle is connected with subarachnoid through:

a. Central Canal of megendi ✅

b. Cerebral aqueduct

c. villi

d. foramina of morno

103. All the following statements are true regarding the Cerebrospinal fluid except:

a. 70 to 75 % of it in the lateral ventricles

b. it’s normally 150 cc

c. daily circulation is around 50 cc ✅

d. all the above is true

104. All of the following form the medial wall of the orbit except:

a. Maxillary bone

b. Ethmoid bone

c. Sphenoid bone ✅

d. Lacrimal bone
105. The following are intrinsic muscles of the orbit except:

a. Levator palpebrae ✅

b. Dilator of pupil

c. Constrictor of pupil

d. Ciliary muscle

106. Which of the following is supplied by Abducent nerve:

a. Superior rectus muscle

b. Superior oblique muscle

c. Inferior oblique muscle

d. Lateral rectus muscle ✅

107. This muscle is supplied by Trochlear nerve:

a. Medial rectus muscle

b. Lateral rectus muscle

c. Superior oblique muscle ✅

d. Inferior oblique muscle

108. Direct cornea upward and laterally:

a. Superior rectus muscle

b. Inferior rectus muscle

c. Superior oblique muscle

d. Inferior oblique muscle ✅

109. Which of the following is Motor nerve of the orbit:

a. Optic nerve

b. Ophthalmic nerve

c. Trochlear nerve ✅

d. Ciliary ganglion

110. What is correct about visual pathway:

a. Optic tract, optic chiasm, optic nerve, lateral meniscus, medial geniculate body

b. Optic tract, optic chiasm, optic nerve, medial meniscus, lateral geniculate body

c. Optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, lateral meniscus, medial geniculate body

d. Optic nerve, optic chiasm, optic tract, medial meniscus, lateral geniculate body ✅

111. The following form the lateral wall of the nasal cavity except:

a. Inferior nasal concha

b. Lacrimal bone

c. Lateral plate of pterygoid process ✅

d. Perpendicular plate of palatine bone

112. All the following are in the lateral wall of the nasal cavity except:

a. Labyrinth of the ethmoid bone

b. Perpendicular plate of ethmoid ✅

c. Maxilla

d. Lacrimal bone
113. The following innervate lateral wall of the nasal cavity except:

a. Olfactory nerve

b. Anterior ethmoidal nerve

c. Short spheno-palatine nerve

d. Long spheno-palatine nerve ✅

114. The following share in the formation of kiesselbach's plexus except:

a. Anterior ethmoidal artery

b. Superior labial artery

c. Greater palatine artery

d. Posterior ethmoidal artery ✅

115. Hiatus semilunaris receive opening of all except:

a. Maxillary sinuses

b. Frontal sinuses

c. Posterior ethmoidal sinuses ✅

d. Anterior ethmoidal sinuses

116. Posterior group of ethmoidal sinuses open into:

a. Spheno-ethmoidal recess

b. Superior meatus ✅

c. Middle meatus

d. Inferior meatus
117. All meatuses receive opening of air sinuses except:

a. Spheno-ethmoidal recess

b. Superior meatus

c. Middle meatus

d. Inferior meatus ✅

118. Maxillary air sinuses open into:

a. Spheno-ethmoidal recess

b. Bulla ethmoidalis

c. Hiatus semilunaris ✅

d. None of above

119. Apex of maxillary sinus related to:

a. Lateral wall of nasal cavity

b. Zygomatic process of maxilla ✅

c. Orbital plate of maxilla

d. Alveolar process of maxilla

120. Nerve supply of maxillary air sinuses:

a. Supraorbital nerve

b. Superior alveolar nerve ✅

c. Inferior alveolar nerve

d. Nasopalatine nerve
121. Sensory supply of external ear:

a. Greater occipital nerve

b. Lesser auricular nerve

c. Posterior auricular nerve

d. Auricular branch of vagus nerve ✅

122. Which part of the ear is devoid of cartilage:

a. Helix

b. Tragus

c. Lobule ✅

d. Cymba conchae

123. Which of the following statements is true regarding the nerve supply of the external ear:

a. auriculotemporal nerve supply the upper 1/2 of its outer surface. ✅

b. lesser occipital nerve supply the lower 1/2 of its outer surface

c. Greater auricular nerve supply the upper 1/2 of the inner surface.

d. All of them are true

124. All the following statements are true regarding the lymph drainage of external ear except:

a. drain into pre-auricular (parotid) L.Ns

b. drain into post auricular L.Ns

c. drain into Cervical L.Ns

d. drain into retropharyngeal L.Ns✅

125. Which of the following is NOT true regarding to the external auditory meatus:

a. external auditory meatus is not straight.

b. Ear wash can cause reflex cough due to irritation of the auricular branch of vagus.

c. boils of meatus cause severe pain.

d. its outer 2/3 is cartilaginous✅

126. Which of the following statements is true regarding the medial wall of middle ear:

a. the oval window is located below promontory.

b. the round window is closed by the stapes

c. the Sinus tympani is the depression between both windows✅

d. none of the above

127. Which of the following arteries supplies the middle ear:

a. Anterior tympanic artery (branch of maxillary)

b. posterior tympanic artery (branch of post. auricular a.)

c. Superior tympanic artery (branch of middle meningeal a.)

d. all of the above ✅

128. Which is not true about the development of anterior 2/3 of the tongue:

a. From the third pharyngeal arch ✅

b. From the tuberculum impar

c. From two lateral lingual swelling

d. All are true

129. Which does not develope from the frontonasal process:

a. Forehead

b. Nasal cavity

c. Chin ✅

d. Philtrum of upper lip

130. The primary palate develops from ..... , While the secondary palate from ......:

a. Maxillary process, frontonasal process

b. Mandibular process, maxillary process

c. Frontonasal process, mandibular process

d. None is correct ✅

131. Lateral cleft is due to failure of fusion between maxillary process and philtrum:

a. True ✅

b. False

132. Reichert's cartilage is the cartilage of:

a. First arch

b. Second arch ✅

c. Third arch

d. Fourth arch

133. Muscles of mastication are derived from the ...... :

a. First pharyngeal arch ✅

b. Second pharyngeal arch

c. Third pharyngeal arch

d. Fourth pharyngeal arch

134. The superior parathyroid is derived from the fifth arch while the inferior parathyroid is
derived from the fourth arch:

a. True

b. False ✅

135. Which of the following is true regarding the Middle ear:

a. the oval window is closed by stapes

b. the round window is closed by 2ry tympanic membrane

c. both of them are true ✅

d. both of them are wrong

136. The middle ear is separated from inner ear by its:

a. lateral wall

b. medial wall✅

c. posterior wall

d. inferior wall

137.which of the following parts separates the middle ear from the middle cranial foss :

a. floor of middle ear

b. anterior wall of middle ear

c. roof of middle ear ✅

d. posterior wall of middle ear

138. All the following statements are true regarding the Eustachian tube except:

a. it is supplied by the tympanic plexus and pharyngeal branch of sphenopalatine ganglion

b. its function is to equalize the pressure on the both sides if tympanic membrane

c. its proximal two third is bony✅

d. it opens in the nasopharynx

139. The three ossicles of middle ear from medial to lateral are:

a. stapes, incus, malleus.✅

b. malleus, incus, stapes

c. incus, malleus, stapes

d. stapes, malleus, incus

140. all of these are developed from caudal part of foregut except

a. esophagus

b. liver

c. salivary gland✅

d. pancreas

141. the first arch is supplied by

a. maxillary n

b. mandibular n✅
c. facial n

d. external laryngeal n.

142. thyroid cartilage is developed from

a. first arch

b. second arch

c. third arch

d. fourth arch✅

143. Posterior belly of digastric muscle is supplied by

a. facial n✅

b. mandibular n.

c. maxillary n

d. external laryngeal n

144. all of these developed from mandibular process except

a. chin

b. lower lip

c. lower parts of cheeks

d. upper part of cheeks✅

145. it is a median elevation between the ventral ends of the first pharyngeal arch

a. right lingual swelling

b. left lingual swelling

c. tuberculum impar✅

d. third arch

146. the most post.part of the tongue is supplied by

a. first arch

b. second arch

c. third arch

d. fourth arch✅

147. the ossicles are part of

a. external ear

b. middle ear✅

c. internal ear

d. auricle

148. external auditory meatus is developed from

a. first pharyngeal cleft✅

b. second cleft

c. third cleft

d. fourth cleft

149. the bony part of middle ear is

a. endodermal in origin

b. mesodermal in origin✅
c. ectodermal in origin

d. ectodermal and mesodermal

150. Which structure degenerates to allow communication between the anterior and posterior
chambers of the eye?

a. choroid fissure

b. iridopupillary membrane ✅

c. lens vesicle

d. sclera

e. suspensory ligament

151. The ventral horn of the spinal cord contains motor neurons. What part of the developing
spinal cord becomes the ventral horn?

a. alar plate

b. basal plate ✅

c. marginal layer

d. metencephalon

152. Red nucleus and substantia nigra developed from:

a. prosencephalone

b. mesencephalon✅

c. rhombencephalon

d. none of the above

153. Which of the following is formed from the myelencephalon:

a. Pons

b. midbrain

c. medulla oblongata ✅

d. cerebellum

154. All the following are developed from the caudal part of forebrain except:

a. lateral ventricles ✅

b. Thalamus

c. hypothalamus

d. pineal gland

155. the failure of fusion of the dorsal part of one vertebra around the spinal cord can cause a
congenital anomalies that is called:

a. hydrocephalus

b. myocele

c. spina bifida occulta ✅

d. None of the above

156. The superior Parathyroid gland develope from :

a. dorsal part of the 4th pouch✅

b. ventral part of the 4th pouch

c. dorsal part of 3rd pouch

d. ventral part of the 3rd pouch

157. To avoid the injury of external and recurrent laryngeal nerves in the surgical removal of
thyroid gland we do which of the following:

a. cut and bind the inferior thyroid artery close to the gland

b. cut and bind the superior thyroid artery close to the gland ✅

c. Cut and bind the Superior thyroid artery Away from the gland

d. cut and bind both the superior and inferior thyroid arteries close to the gland

158. Thyroid primordium appears as median endodermal proliferation at .......

a. 3rd week

b. 4th week ✅

c. 5th week

d. 6th week

. The somatic nervous system can be devided functionally as:

a. Somatic &autonomic ✅
b. central & peripheral
c. Sympathetic & parasympathetic
d. All are correct

. The cerebrum has elevations (....)and depressions (....).

a. gyri - fissures
b. sulci- gyri
c. gyri - sulci ✅
d. Non

. The term "diencephalon" refers to the:

a. Thalamus & cortex
b. Thalamus & hypothalamus ✅
C. hypothalamus & mid brain
d. mid brain & pons

. The spinal cord ends at the:

a. upper border of L1
b. Lower border of L2 ✅
c. Upper border of L3
d. Non of the above

.The "horse's tail" of the spinal cord refers to the:

a. Conus medularis
b. cauda equina ✅
c. filum terminal
d. Lumbar enlargement

. Arises from branchiomeric Structures

such as muscles of mastication:
a. special somatic efferent
b. general veciral efferent
C. general veciral afferent
d. special veciral efferent ✅

.One correctly describes The development of the neural tube:

a. Ectoderm →neural groove →neural crest → neural tube
b- Mesoderm → neural griove→ neural crest →neural tube
C. Ectoderm →neural crest→ neural
groove→ neural tube ✅
d. non is correct

. The posterior inferior cerebellar artery arises from the

a- vertebral artery ✅
b- basillar artery
c. internal carotid artery
d. circle of willis

. One is true Regarding the blood supply of spinal cord:

a. The post 2/3 is supplied by post spinal artery

B. There are 2 anterior Spinal arteries

c. segmental arteries anastomose with each other ✅
d. All are correct

The spinal cord forms..........enlargement (s).

b. Thoracic
c. Lumbar
D. a&c ✅

. The spinal ganglia refers to the.....

a. dorsal root ganglia ✅
b. ventral root ganglia
C. Both
d. non

. The posterior column in spinal cord is composed mainly of

a. descending fibers
b. ascending fibers ✅
c. mixed fibers
D. Non of the above

. A tract is a group of fibers having a different origin & termination:

a. True
b. False ✅

. Which of the following is not a

descending Tract (or bundle):
a. Thalamopontine
b. Corticobulbar
c. Spinocerebellar ✅
d. Thalamospinal

. In a lumbar puncture, the needle is inserted between:

A. L1-L2
B. L2-L3
C. L3-L4 ✅
d. L4-L5
When moving from down upwards, the gray matter of the spinal cord
becomes....... ,while the White matter becomes.....
A. smaller- lager
b. Thicker -Larger
C. Larger - even larger
D. Non is correct ✅
. The........ is connected to the carebellum by the middle cerebellar peduncle:
a. mid-brain
b. pons ✅
c. medulla
d. hypothalamus

. The 5th, 6th 7th canial nerves emerge at The junction of pons and medulla:
b. False ✅

.It is the lowest part of the hindbrain:

a. mid-brain
b. pons
c. medulla ✅
d. spinal cord

. Which of the following occurs at the most lower part of the medulla:
a. formation of the Lower part of 4th ventricle
b. Sensory decussation
c. pyrimidal decussation ✅
D. A+B

. The cavity of the telencephalon is the:

a Lateral ventricle ✅
b. third ventricle
C. Cerebral aqueduct
d. Forth ventricle.

The blood supply of medulla is mainly via branches from the:

a. anterior spinal artery
b. Vertebral artery ✅
c. basilar artery
D. all of the above

. An increase in the intracranial pressure would be gradual if the tumor is in the lower
a. True
b. False ✅

. ...... is posteriorly Related to the cerebellum:

a. Thalamus
b. medulla
c. Mid brain

d. pons ✅

The basilar sulcus is formed by the:

a. anteriorspinal artery
b. vertebral artery
c. basillar artery ✅
d. Non of the above

The....... divides the midbrain into Tectum and tegmentum

a. 3rd ventričle
b. 4th ventricle
C. Lateral ventride
d. Cerebral aqueduct ✅

• One of the following is not in mid brain:

a. Red nucleus
b. inferior olivary nucleus ✅
C. Substantia nigra
d. Trochlear nucleus

•The largest posterior part of hind-brain:

a. Cerebellum ✅
b. mid-brain
C. Pons

The fixed border of tentorium cerebelli is attached to the:

a. anterior clenoid process
b. Posterior clenoid process ✅
C. a + b
d. Non

. the... is made of the whole anterior labe (except lingula) and the pyrmid & uvula of

b.Paleocerebellum ✅
C Neocerebellum
d-Fluconodular lobe

.One of the following fissures separates the anterior & posterior libes of the cerebellum:
A. Primary ✅
B. Horizontal
c. posterolateral
d. retro tonsillar

•The middle cerebellar peduncle consist mainly of the.....

a. Cerebellarubral tract
b. ponto cerebellar ✅
C. posterior spinocerebellar tract
D. Anterior spinocerebellar tract

• medullary syndrome includes:

a. ataxia
b. Nystagmus
c. intention tremor
d. Horner syndrome ✅
• which is a non-specific nucleus of the Thalamus:
a. Lateral n
b. anterior n
c. intralaminar n ✅
d. Medial n

The floor of hypothalamus from anterior to posterior is:

A. Mammillary body- Posterior perforated Substance - hypophyseal cerebri - optic
B. Posterior perforated Substance - hypophyseal cerebri - optic chiasm - Mammillary
C.Marmmilary body - hypophyseal cerebri - optic chiasm - Posterior perforated
D. optic chiasm -hypophyseal cerebri -
cerebrum -Mammillary body - Posterior perforated Substance ✅

.the largest artery supplying the

a. The middle cerebral a ✅
b. The anterior cerebral a
C. The inferior cerebral a
D. The posterior cerebral a

.The inferior olivary nucleus is situated

at the junction of pons & medulla:
a. True ✅

b. false

The auditory signals pass through the:

a. medial laminsci
b. Lateral laminsci ✅

c. Trigeminal laminsci
d. Spinal laminsci

The main tract arising from the Red nucleus:

a. Tectospinal
b. Bulbospinal
C. rubrospinal ✅
d. Olivospinal

The lentiform nucleus consists of :

a. Outer globes externus and inner globes internus

b. Caudate nucleus and putamen
c. Putamen and globes polidus ✅
d. Non is correct

Amygdaloid body is a continuation of the :

a. Tail of caudate nucleus ✅

b. Fornix
c. Corpus callosum
d. Steria medularis thalami

A v-shaped structure, consists of lateral and medial limps and a genu:

a. External capsule
b. Corpus callosum
c. Insula
d. Internal capsule ✅

Which passes the genu of Internal capsule

a. Frontopontine fibers
b. Thalamocortical radiation
c. Corticobulbar fibers ✅
d. Corticospinal fibers

The major blood supply or the Internal capsule is through the:

a. Anterior cerebral artery

b. Middle cerebral artery ✅
c. Posterior cerebral artery
d. All of the shares equally

Which is located at the junction between the diencephalon and telencephalon:

a. Limbic system ✅
b. Basal ganglia
c. Corpus callosum
d. Hypothalamus

All are components of the Limbic system except:

a. Olfactory group
b. Medial frontal lobe ✅
c. Cingulate gyrus
d. Anterior nucleus or the thalamus

One of the following is markedly reduced in size in Alzheimer’s disease:

a. Occipital lobe
b. Corpus callosum
c. Hypothalamus
d. Hippocampus ✅

The central sulcus separates the:

a. Frontal and parital lobes ✅

b. Partial and occipital lobes
c. Frontal and temporal lobes
d. Temporal and parietal lobes

The somatosensory area is the area:

a. 1, 2, 3
b. 41, 42
c. 31, 32
d. 3, 1, 2 ✅

One of the following does not terminate on the cranial nerve nuclei:

a. Pyramidal system
b. Extrapyramidal system ✅
c. Corticobulbar fibers
d. All are correct

The Pyramidal system is mononeural while the extrapyramidal multineural:

a. True ✅
b. False

The rostrum, genu, body an splenium are components of the:

a. Corpus callosum ✅
b. Fornix
c. Caudate n
d. Cingulate lobe

All of the following are association fibers except:

a. Arcuate fasciculus
b. Uncinate fasciculus
c. Optic radiation
d. Anterior commissure ✅

Which secretes 70% of C.S.F

a. 3rd ventricle
b. Lateral ventricle ✅
c. Cerebral aqueduct
d. 4th ventricle

The floor of the forth ventricle consists of all the following except:

a. Median eminence
b. Midian sulcus
c. Hypoglossal trigone
d. Gracile tubercle ✅

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