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2D6 Dungeon
Lairs Expansion - Vol 1
A roll-and-write, print & play, solo player, dungeon crawler game
Written and Designed by
Toby Lancaster
Illustration by
Jeremy Mohler
Brent Ritchey, Clive Sutherland, Vincent Yip and Jeffrey Mullen
Steve Boulter, Victor Haerinck Jr., Scott Kirby, Paul Baker, Nick Moore,
Tammy Dave, Frederico S. B. Mesquita, Tenten Kasak, Daniel Glassey,
James Marshall, Jess Rombocos, Michael Russell, Clive Sutherland,
Michael Ladd, Kaleb Mayfiled, Brian Moore, Tim Archer, Chris Brown,
Kasla Anesh, Patrick Philippi, Bob Bell, Brett Moyer, Jonathan Mortimer,
Michael Frusti, Vincent Yip, Dave Yan, Curt Rustle, Ibah Mycin,
Dimme, Orey Crounk, Loren, Dunbruha Jones, Leszek Cimala,
Todd Pote, Justin Vinci, Angelika Fröhlich, William Beekman,
Doug Rosengard, Michael Philips, Eccentric Marcupial,
Patrick Szellas, Jeffrey Mullen, Julien Touzot, Sam Walmsley
João Campos, Javier Altman, Kevin Wiles, Eric Maxham

Copyright 2023 DR Games (Version 1)


Introduction, Difficulty Level, 5

Size of Lair, Dead Ends, Completing a Lair 5
An Example of an Incomplete Lair 6
Damage, No Exits, Treasure, The Gods, Walls 7
Doors and Locks, The Infernal Caves 8
Fire Resistance, The Sunken Swamp 8
Becoming Soaked, Flooded Rooms, Two new Runes 9
Boulter’s Surge Rune, Romboco’s Scale Rune 9
Tables Index 11
Bestiary Index 28

Introduction their normal creature card from the
Tables Codex.
This is the Lairs Expansion for 2D6
Size of the Lair
Dungeon and features the rules and
tables for the Infernal Caves and
Sunken Swamp. To play the Lairs Every lair you explore cannot exceed
25x25 squares. This size is set for
Expansion you will need the 2D6
balancing reasons.
Dungeon Core Rules and any
additional rules are listed below. You
Dead Ends
will also need the Tables Codex as
some of the tables referenced in this
If you find that you face a series of
expansion are found there.
dead ends, cannot progress and there is
A New Adventure less than 80% of the Lair explored,
then add in a extra room exit. Select a
wall that leads into as wide a space as
Adventurers are known to have braved
possible. This secret exit has revealed
the caves for many reasons. To help rid
itself after extensive searches.
the land of the creatures that might
venture out at night or to find treasure
Completing a Lair
to support their growing domains.
Others enter to raise their level before
You may retreat from a lair at any
they venture back into the main
point, following the same path you
undefeated dungeon that plagues the
came in by. But you cannot re-enter
and carry on where you left off. You
Difficulty Level would instead restart a new lair.

The goal for the Infernal Caves is to

These lairs can be taken on by any
kill Harakor. Once this is done there is
level adventurer, levels 1 to 10. There
an exit in that room that will take you
are special conditions that have to be
out to the surface. In the Sunken
applied depending on your level. For
Swamp you need to explore every
example, when you encounter traps,
room and clear out all the monsters
you will take damage per level of
that live there so they will no longer
adventurer. There are also four
threaten the town. Once this is done
versions of each creature. You fight
the final room presents an exit you can
the creature that is closest to your level
take. Back in town there is praise for
at the start of the combat. If it is a tie
what you have achieved and word soon
and you have fifty percent or less of
spreads. You are toasted in the pub and
your HP you face the lower level
enemy. There are a few minor awarded a purse of 100 GC by the
town mayor.
exceptions, creatures which do not
have variations. Just fight these as per
An Example Incomplete Lair They fought valiantly and managed to
take down the creature with only 2 HP
In this example the adventurer, Level 2 remaining. Being weakened, soaked
Vel Cotez, entered a sunken swamp and on their last legs Vel left the lair
and made their way through a series of and returned to the surface. Having
rooms. They encountered a not completed the lair they did not
Bladderwort Host, that took them receive a reward from the mayor and
close to death. They pushed on cannot pick this lair back up in the
looking for treasure and came to a future. She will never find this lair
Talis Lotus in a room full of tall plants. again.

You can always return to these lairs amount such as in this example: 10 GC
and explore them again once they have PL. Here if you are level 2 you would
been completed because the Order find 20 GC and if you were level 9 you
restock the caves and new creatures would find 90 GC. This is for balance
eventually emerge in the swamp. purposes. Not all treasure is adjusted
like this.
No Exit Shafts
There are no exit shafts to climb or
portals to find in the lairs. There is The PL abbreviation is also used in
only one way in and only one way out, relation to damage taken on occasion.
but as previously mentioned, you can This reflects that the encounter is no
retreat from a lair. doubt tougher for the higher level
dungeons, which are more financially

The Gods

The Gods have little physical presence

in lairs, for the creatures that lurk there
are not worshippers. But they can be
tapped into if the right situation
presents itself and occasions might
occur when they could aid you on your

Cave and Swamp Walls

The walls in the caves and swamps are

uneven. As a result, when you are
drawing the walls for the rooms make
the line uneven to represent this. These
Treasure wiggly lines have to remain within one
square width of the rolled dimensions
Loot quantity and quality varies of the room.
depending on the level of the creature
you are fighting, even if you are facing
a different variation of the same
creature. Also, when you find treasure,
it will sometimes have a new
abbreviation. PL refers to Per Level of
Adventurer and is placed after the coin
If at any point a new room crosses infested with FURNICAR, giant, heat
over this rough boundary, as rooms loving, human-hybrid ants.
will sometimes butt up to other rooms,
redraw both walls so they share the Fire Resistance
buffer zone.
The Infernal Monks have cast a
magical aura over the caves which
nullifies rings and armour that have
fire resistance. They only have no
effect for the Infernal Caves.

The Sunken Swamp

Doors and Locks
To the west of the village is the
There are no doors in the Sunken wetlands. Fed by a series of narrow
Swamp or the Infernal Caves so all tributaries the area is now flooded, old
exits are archways. There are chests fishing hamlets lost and sections have
though and some will be locked. This formed swamps and marshes.
will be highlighted in the text. Treacherous to navigate, few but the
Osier farmers and Fisher People dare
The Infernal Caves to enter. Recently undead beings and
mutated creatures have been emerging
To the north of the village is a network from the swamps and rumour has it
of caves, the entrance for which is that some kind of subterranean lair is
known about and avoided. At night the source of an undead corruption. It
terrifying calls can be heard emanating is a threat to the village and must be
from the depths. It is said that the dealt with.
Infernal Order release the animals they
experiment on into the cave system, Within the Sunken Swamp the rooms
creatures they cannot contain in their are of varying heights and levels. Some
Menagerie, but may have a use for in rooms are open to the elements, the
some future maniacal plan. The caves walls too high and wet to climb out of,
are formed by the heat of a large while others turn downwards and
underground lava lake and so are the appear as caves. The main structure
perfect environment for the creatures. was formed when an underground
As a result, the Order have hidden cavern collapsed on to a conduit of
treasure within the caves to lure primordial magic. It prevented areas
Overlanders to their death. Rumour from filling with water, forming walls
has it that a monstrous, mutated bear and open chambers, and revealing lost
lives within and such is its reputation treasures. The presence of the magic
that it has become known as Harakor. imbued some of the creatures that
The cave is also rumoured to be lived there with an undead curse,
mutating some and empowering surfaces in the Lair.
others, calling forth wraiths to possess
long lost souls. BOULTER’S SURGE RUNE

Becoming Soaked Applied to Melee Weapons - Once per

combat, after you have hit an
Because you were more than aware of opponent, you can fire a surge of
the wet nature of the marshes you water from the tip of your weapon,
have waterproofed your backpack with striking that opponent down, causing
oil and fat but if the room you 10 damage and knocking them to the
encounter is flooded you naturally floor. You can then follow up with an
acquire the soaked status. You have extra hit before the next round.
packed kindling and wood wrapped in
oil cloth and can use this to create a ROMBOCO’S SCALE RUNE
fire. You have enough to start two fires
in the Sunken Swamp and can only Applied to Melee Weapons - Once per
light them if the room description combat as long as you are holding your
states there is a dry space. You will weapon you can turn your skin to
need to carefully monitor your soaked scales for an instant so as to deflect the
status. Don’t forget if you backtrack to strike. You take no damage this round.
a dry space you need to count the
rooms you backtrack through. The Tables and Monsters

Flooded Rooms The tables and monsters for The

Infernal Caves and the Sunken Swamp
Some rooms in the Sunken Swamp are follow. They are combined for they
flooded and moving through them can share some of the same tables.
be challenging. If you encounter two
flooded chambers in a row you must
roll on SOT1 the Soaked Table 1. This
represents that potentially one or more
of your items has been damaged. If
the room is flooded it will be noted in
the description. Small rooms do not
count but large rooms do.

Two New Runes

There are two new Rune Stones in the

Sunken Swamp. These runes draw
upon the power of the ancient reptile
god seen on numerous items and
The Tables and Monsters

The tables and monsters for The

Infernal Caves and the Sunken Swamp
follow. They are combined for they
share some of the same tables.

Note from the author

“Thank you for playing the Lairs

Expansion for 2D6 Dungeon. When I
created this I wanted to offer up a
different experience from the main
human ancestry dungeon. I also
wanted all adventurers, no matter what
level they are, to be able to have a
challenging and fair experience. So I
had to have a leveling system built into
the expansion which is not present in
the main dungeon. I hope you enjoy
what this offers.

It is also worth nothing that it is fine if

you want to tinker with some of these
rules, house-ruling if you like. I have
absolutely no problem with any player
bringing their own ideas to the game.

There will be a second Lairs volume,

which will be an addon for the new
2D6 Kingdom expansion Kickstarter
campaign, coming later in 2023. So
keep an eye out for more adventures.
Don’t forget to also checkout our
website at”


Toby Lancaster

Lairs Tables
Tables for the Infernal Caves and Sunken Swamp
Table Page
CAT1 - Contaminated Air Table 1 12
CULT1 - Caught Up Loot Table 1 12
CLLR - Cave Lair Large Rooms Table 13
CLSR - Cave Lair Small Rooms Table 14
HLT1 - Hoarded Loot Table 1 15
LOT1 - Locker Table 1 15
ICIT1 - Infernal Caves Incidents Table - Part 1 16
ICIT1 - Infernal Caves Incidents Table - Part 2 17
Infernal Caves Rooms - Part 1 18
Infernal Caves Rooms - Part 2 19
MBT1 - Minor Blessing Table 20
SLT1 - Sack of Loot Table 1 20
SOT1 - Soaked Table 1 21
USGT - Unknown Scaled God Table 21
SSIT1 - Sunken Swamp Incidents Tables - Part 1 22
SSIT1 - Sunken Swamp Incidents Tables - Part 2 23
SSLR - Sunken Swamp Large Rooms Table 24
SSSR - Sunken Swamp Small Rooms Table 25
Sunken Swamp Rooms - Part 1 26
Sunken Swamp Rooms - Part 2 27

An index of the creatures for the Infernal Caves and Sunken Swamp.
Creatures Page
Bladderwort Hosts - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 29
Flame Wolf - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 30
Furnicar - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 31
Giant Spider - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 32
Harakor - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 33
Talis Lotus - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 34
Vean Fray - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 35
Water Cadaver - Levels 2, 4, 7 & 9 36

This is the Lairs Expansion for 2D6 Dungeon and features the rules and tables
for the Infernal Caves and Sunken Swamp. To play the Lairs Expansion you will
need the 2D6 Dungeon Core Rules and any additional rules are listed below.
You will also need the Tables Codex as some of the tables referenced in this
expansion are found there.

Adventurers are known to have braved the caves for many reasons. To help rid
the land of the creatures that might venture out at night or to find treasure to
support their growing domains. Others enter to raise their level before they
venture back into the main undefeated dungeon that plagues the land.

DR Games ©2023

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