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Hitler Youth

The hitler youth was started on the 4th of July 1926 by the Nazi party
to ensure the next generation would grow up to be nazis and ensure the
survival of the third reich. It was created so
that the nazi party would in uence all
aspects of German society, the HY was also
created so that the nazi party could prepare
the next generation for war. It changed over
time from the Jugendbund der NSDAP the
original youth group in 1922 nut after the
beer hall putsch it went underground and
hidden later to remerge as the HY, in 1931 it Original picture of the Hitler Youth
would also include a female branch the
league of German girls further expanding its
The league would also change over the war and before to include more
propaganda and brain washing the youth of
Germany into being loyal to the fuhrer. When the
nazis came to power in 1933 the Hitler youth
member ship skyrocketed to 2,300,000 when it
was only at 1200 members in 1923 and when it
became mandatory for aryans to join the youth
program and it had around 5 million young kids
aged 14-18. The boys in the youth practiced
military drills and learned how to handle di erent weapons. They also
worked on farms in the summer and participated in many competitive
sports, especially boxing as it was seen as very competitive. Messages
conveyed in the HY was a lot of anti semtic messages, self sacri ce for
your nation and devotion to the fuhrer. They taught this through
pledges, biased textbooks, punishments from teachers, cerebrating
dates like hitlers birthday and children’s toys and board games.

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