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Hello Mum, I guess i'm doing well over here by the grace of God, I read your mails
and would love to let you know about what i'm passing trough over here in England-
London, ever since dad left for Kabul, Afghanistan, Things has not been going
smoothly as usual, but God has always been there for me, i would love to call you
trough a Telephone booth but the truth is that i don't have any money here with me
for charge's, i'm also in need of 384.53 British Pounds to pay for my shopping
bills, up keeping and to also fix up my summer break piratical assignment's, please
mum help me talk to dad, i know making money is not that easy.. but i want you and
dad to please put head's together and work things out as husband and wife, i never
wanted to bother you with my personal need's, all i need is a cell phone which i
can use in communicating, i hope you do understand me mum, When God gives the world
a mother like you, it is His way of saying that the world needs lots more love,
care and affection. I have been lucky to be your son, I love you mom � not just
because you are my mother, but because there is no one else in the world who
understands me better than you do, Metaphorically you are the programmer who has
originally coded and constantly improved the operating system of my life, The real
meaning of the words True Love is not written in a dictionary, but in a mother�s
heart. Thanks mum, I love you. Hope to read from you soonest. kisses.

Lot's of love,


How is everything going on with you today Mam,i hope fine?If so mam thanks to God
almighty for everything, Ma am doing good over here in England London.Well my name
is Larry,i am 15 years old,I School here in England London as well cos Education is
the key to success as my Dad always say to me

Ma,i know my Dad might have told you so much about me as he has told me so many
wonderful things about you also,Ma,i am so happy when i heard from my Dad that he
has finally made up his mind getting married again and it's gives me a lot of joy
when he said he has find the right woman for him,and a mother for me too i was so
surprised and wanted to know who has touched my Dad and he told me we are coming to
see you over there in Callifonia as soon as his vacation is been approved by the
U.N head office over there in the states,... Ma Dad told me you're a very lovely
and pretty woman,respectful and very romantic,caring and sweetest thing that he has
never meant in his life,Made me get jealous,.seems so sweet...for so long now Dad
has never talked about any woman as he says about you each time he send me e-
mail...he was so happy talking to me yesterday i never knew a woman could make my
Dad as happy as you are doing right now, and again he had to let me talk online
with a woman and thats is what my dad has never done since i have been with
him .please Mam promise me you will make my Dad much more happy than before and

Mam,I am so sorry if you will be angry on me cos i call you Mam not Mom,cos if i do
call you Mom i don't know how you will feel about it that why i decides to call you
Mam...,i will be so glad if i started calling you Mom and not Mam, Mam tell me what
you think about it.

Mom,i will be so happy having someone like you as my future Mom cos i have also
prayed for this as a little boy without a motherly care,I want to stay home with my
Mom,You know there are things that only women need to talk about and I cannot
discuss them with my dad. I also envy some of my friends when they talk about their
mom and I want one to talk to also,and he told me i have some brother's also i will
love to meet them soon i guess!! so i will be so glad if things works out between
you and my Dad.

My Regard to my brother's back home in Hawaii, cos Daddy has told me alot about
them too.

Bye for now Mam,



Hi Mom,
I am so happy reading from you and most importantly accepting me as your
son,Thanks so much mom,i promise to be a good boy mom,i promise to be
truthful,honest and respectful to you mommy,i have been praying for this day to
come mom..If only you know how happy i am right now when writing you this e-mail
Mommy,i guess you understand why i am happy Mommy and i am thanking God for giving
me a new Mom and not just a New Mom but a good,caring and beautiful one for that
matter Mom...Mom please if there is anything in this world that i should do to have
you i will Mom just tell me what to do to make you happy as your son mommy and i
promise i will do it mommy..Oh my God i can't believe i have someone now that i am
calling mom..Thank you so much father Lord for this day that you have made Lord,i
will for ever live to remember it cos its a great day..Thanks so much mom...I
really appreciate it so much my beloved Mom.

Mom,I don't really know where to start from cos right now i feel happy,i am happy
cos i remembered something after reading this e-mail you send to me...Here,few days
back i have a little miss understanding with a friend and she told me something
that i will never forget or forgive her until i die,but when i read this e-mail i
have the heart for forgiveness Mom...She told me she have a mother that cares for
her and me i should go and meet my dead mom to take care of me as her mom is doing
to her..that makes me cry so hard mom...make me never want to see her again in my
life cos she said something about my mom..But today here i am with a new mom..tell
me what else can i do than to thank God for giving me you...I Love you Mommy.

Thanks mom..


A mother is special. She's as soft and graceful as a butterfly, yet as strong and
courageous as a grizzly bear. Her heart is large enough to hold everyone's pain and
joy. Her hands are always gentle and soothing. Her arms are always warm and tender.
She works hard to make a home feel like home, and she strives to make life pleasant
and comfortable for those she loves. She never fails to go that extra mile to make
the holidays happy and memorable. Her job is the most difficult and demanding ever
known to any human being, yet she's fully dedicated to the task. She's always there
for her family, guiding them and keeping them safe from harm.She owns a magical way
to raise spirits and make everything feel better. And her sympathy, unselfishness
and forgiveness are unending. All that anyone is or could ever hope to be can be
attributed to a mother. She instills the teachings that will last a lifetime. She
sows the seeds of virtue and morality, and in the process, she opens up love and
vast horizons. She's always watching and hoping that her children's goals will have
meaning. She always listens and tries to understand even when it's difficult to do
so. She's a true friend in every sense of the word. She's noble and sublime, and
holds all the beauty of a golden day, yet even during the storms, she always shines
bright like an evening star. Her name should be honored well, for she's the closest
thing to God on earth.A mother is special, she's more than a friend. Whenever you
need her, she'll give you a hand. She'll lead you and guide you in all that you do.
Try all that she can just to see you get through. Good times and bad times, she's
there for it all. Say head up, be proud, and always stand tall.She'll love you
through quarrels and even big fights, or heart to heart chats on cold lonely
nights. My mother�s the greatest that I've ever known, I think God made my mother
like He'd make his own. A praiser, a helper, an encourager too, nothing in this
world that she wouldn't do. To help us succeed she does all that she can, raised a
young boy now into a man. I want to say thank you for all that you do, please
always know mom, that I love you


HI MOM, How are you doing over there in Callifonia?? i wanna thank you once again
for accepting me into your life as your own son, ever since i lost my late mom so
many years back life has been so hard but i thank God for always being there for me
and my lovely dad mack, you truly mean a lot to me and i will forever love and
cherish you till the end, i can't wait to be with you soon over there, am so happy
mom,i have always wished to have a new mom and i thank God almighty for making my
dreams come true, May the music of the heavens Dance around you in the air, May
the peace of God the Father Keep your heart and soul from care. May each step that
you are taking Be paved with great success And behind each door you open There be
love and happiness. May the gift of true contentment Glow like sunlight on your
face, May the angels sing into your life A song of God's own grace And everywhere
you travel Each path that you walk on May the Father's love shine forth from you In
each note of every song. May angels keep guard over you As you walk along life's
way And may your life be truly blessed As you start each brand new day, i promise
to always take my studies serious and i will always make you proud, Mom please send
my regards to my lovely big brothers over there in Hawii, bye for now mom, take
care, kisses

Your lovely son Larry...

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