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The use of atomic weaponry on imperial Japan was a unnecessary and unjusti ed use of force by

the USA. On may 7th 1945 after years of ghting the war in Europe was over with the
unconditional surrender of Germany. But the war in the Paci c still continued with imperial Japan
ghting back against the USA and allied forces. The USA wanted a quick end to the war so they
dropped the bomb, the USA justi es this by claiming that it saved more lives then it took as
operation downfall a land invasion of Japan would have cost the USA a predicted one million men
not counting the Japanese casualties. Despite justi cations it cannot hide the horrors of the
bomb as it killed thousands of Japanese and destroyed two cities with only two bombs. It also left
behind a deadly legacy and would plague the Japanese population with death for decades to

Argument 1
The bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would force the nal member of the axis powers to
surrender without need to invade mainland Japan. Operation downfall as it was called was a
planed invasion of Japan that was predicted to cost the USA 1 million men, this tally is not
counting Japanese casualties. We could see how costly a land invasion would have been as
Japan as their ancient samurai code wouldn’t allow them to surrender. It was also feared that the
50 000 allied POW on mainland Japan would have been executed to prevent a uprising. The
bomb also allowed the USA to end the cruelty and all the bloody battles of ww2 quickly and not
prolong the su ering. su ering greatly”.

Argument 2
Despite the justi cation of those who believe the bombs should have been dropped, the massive
loss of thousands of innocent Japanese lives taken by the bomb and the shear amount of
destruction it caused would tell another story. The bomb little boy detonated above the city of
Hiroshima on August 6th 1945 at 8:15am, releasing a force of 15,000 tons of TNT creating a re
ball 200-250 meters in diameter. This bomb would end up killing 80 000-90 000 innocents
Japanese as well as destroying 98% of Hiroshima. Around 40 000 more innocent people would
die during the following decade from their injuries, this is a result of the bomb and its lasting
e ects on the . The bomb would not discriminate and destroyed everything in its path, buildings
would crumble leaving those like YASUJIRO TANAKA “buried alive under the house”. Pilot Tibbets
who was ying the B2P Enola gay would remark that “We had seen the city when we went in, and
there was nothing when we came back”. The dropping of the atomic bomb was a excessive cruel
use of force on innocent Japanese civilians

Argument 3
While the bomb did force imperial Japan to surrender on 2nd of September 1945 it did not stop
the su ering, it only moved it. The atomic bomb was an “untested weapon” so the USA did not
know what it would do. It levelled the city in under a minute as well as creating a massive reball
inferno that left those who weren’t already atomised by the blast to be burnt alive inside their
homes or on the street. There was also a silent killer, radiation, the radioactive fallout of the bomb
would kill most survivors in a slow and very painful way. Family like SACHIKO MATSUOs who all
survived the initial blast would later be torn apart by the silent killer as their father would pass
away “su ering greatly august 28th” to the killer. It would also take years to rebuild the once
proud innocent cities and cost a crippled Japan millions of dollars, while the cities could be rebuilt
the thousands of families couldn’t be rebuilt along with forgetting the horrors of the bomb
because the side e ects would carry on for decades

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