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Understanding The Self

Peer Teaching

Presented by Group 6

Benjamin Chester Nathaniel


l a n d im m a t er ia l
b et w e e n mater ia
ed is tin c t io n
To understand th fluence o n ind iv id u a l id entity.
a n d t h eir in
1 aspects of cult u re
b e lief s a n d b ia s es, and
a lly a n a ly z e e t h nocentric
To recognize and n d erstand in g a n d c o m m un ic ation.
t er cu lt u r a l u
2 their impact on in t o culture a n d e v a lu a t e th eir
t yp e s r ela t e d
t if y c om m o n stereo
To iden
s a nd p e r s on a l identity.
s o cia l in t e raction
3 implicatio n s on
tity str u gg le o f L a d a ra n,
lif e c a se s o f id e n
a m in e a n d d is c u ss real- cu lt u r a l id en tit y and
To ex to t h e c o m p lex ities of
sights in
4 JB, in o rd er to g a in in
personal experienc
Ma i n To p i c s


Culture (Material The self as embedded in Some Cases of Identity

culture amidst Struggle
and ethnocentric belief and
Immaterial) biases, stereotypes
Define Culture

Culture is one of the most important

concepts within sociology because
sociologists recognize that it plays a crucial
role in our social lives. (Cole, 2019)

The non-material aspects of
Material culture is culture are the values,
composed of the beliefs, language,
things that humans communication, and practices
make and use. that are shared in common
by a group of people.
The Culture
and the Self
How we see ourselves shapes our
lives, and is shaped by our cultural
Culture influences our beliefs about
what is true and false, our attitudes
including our likes and dislikes, our
values regarding what is right and
wrong, and our behaviors.


is the tendency to look at Stereotype, in psychology, a

the world primarily from the fixed, oversimplified, and
perspective of one’s own often biased belief about a
culture. group of people. Stereotypes
are typically rationally
unsupported generalizations.
Some Cases of
Identity Struggle

Identity is a fundamental aspect of

human existence, encompassing our
understanding of self, our place in the
world, and our sense of self.
Identity Struggle

It is a time of intensive
analysis and exploration of • What am I passionate
different ways of looking at about?
oneself. During this period, • What is my role?
individuals questions their • what is my purpose in life?
beliefs, values, and • Who am I?
Cases of Identity
During this time, teenagers explore their beliefs,
values, andinterests to figure out who they are.

They compare themselves to peers and grapple

with fitting in while seeking uniqueness.

Experimentation with different roles and

activities is common. Some experience intense
identity crises with questions like "Who am I?"

This process continues into adulthood as people

adapt to new experiences, shaping their lifelong
Gender Identity
A gender identity struggle is a deeply personal journey where
individuals confront the mismatch between their internal gender
identity and their assigned sex at birth.
Cultural Identity
Cultural identity struggle is a complex journey that
individuals undertake in their quest to define and
reconcile their cultural identity.
A deep examination of one's cultural heritage, including
roots, traditions, and values.
A constant tug-of-war between the culture of one's
upbringing and the influences of the broader society.
They also happen during points of
great change such as
Starting a new relationship,
Ending a relationship,
experiencing a traumatic event,
losing a loved one,
moving to a new environment.
Thank You!
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