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on MMMy:a4 Vrev9e, ndwed © yocteso) WL cha zueH inpe on xxe4 ‘Bovevoe ~+ewae(es0) 4 er Tier ‘SI ‘yy 4 |] ProbRern:-o1 as al Particles of mass aj2rasdes axe Socated at the parts Ca,8@s (a,~6,-0), C&,4,-€) and ©a,-a.0) — and are -etgiddy connedied with i ancther by a Right frame . By | using the Baste def. of cnomenta a; and products of wmertia, Show ‘that the | Princtpel moments of the system of the evtgin are -20ma", 210 + As Jeane, 2Cto-d5) ma. Analyticat Mecha nick «rnc Urey us a C4 Be)tM. (y+ Za) + wosCy 423) 4 rou (Yurde =m (arya?) 4am las a) + Sm 4ah) + UMA" a) amar 4 Umar + Gmo™ +Bmol = 20m" SimiPaily + lay = s mi a4 Zt) = 2omat , = PWAY EMG, 9X34 a4 MHRUy = m(a*) +2mla) +3m(-a) + 4m (ar) “29LEP9EES0) :XC4 “BOVEPIE LLPEPYE GrEevoewe= - — BO ei peow ueyer indjerer ‘sndweo yeAeH ZU2H 2ma’-3ma*+Uma™ =O NEiZE ma ada TIMAY Bae mugger es ma*+ 2ma*+ sma") + Um (a2) = -4ma* 4 Pee = Swine; = mo%)42mCa)+ am") +Umla*) = -2ma \ne inertia -matriy %s =. [rsx Ixy tae 3 ~hey Tw lye “ae -1y2 Lez 2.6 ma? o ama? | ee Qomd Umar Umat* 2omo* do 3 qT ° to. QR 4 ge 10 The characteristic eg, ox IY ts Vit -al\ 26 =.2ma* 10-A on se a 9. 40-A-—5- =) 1 a do-A = Clo-a) [ Clo-Ay> Ms BOO—(9G—2)) = 4 »4d-npo-Bon-amamy:cygy ry Xe 'BObEP9E ‘ZLLEPgE ‘zLLerge(eso) tel eer indjerer ‘sndwies jekey ZyEH 891 ‘L9Lep9e(ego) . yelIng peoy us S$ (lo-ay [OO-ay- 4-1] = 0 => 10-A=0 oF (10-a> > A=10 Let, 210 4 A Tas Ahe — princtpa aye Soret ho(amad) >» (10+ AS) (2ma'), (10-45) 278 OF 2omo » 2 ProbSer:- 02. Three uniform ods A208, OC ase eath of unit Length ond unit mass. Choosing Ahe corteston frame of veference with origin ok 0, the coordinates of pts. A»8 ov A Ke Fey © X=572, 4-1), are ,0,02 , (3639 and Ofas¥230) wespedctivedy, Show that the principal m1 of the system at © ove 2%, 243 r4/o , Va- Vad. 891 “L9LE98(EG0) :xe4 Noy ony yeuIn 80bep9¢ « 4 a #99 PeoY UeHer indie Sengnge Zeepac(eso) 181 eke us choose Austen OxyZ. Let the and the wod xy ofane Fos vod oA Laney 3 Raced akong axis) Tsy= 4D (Ly Tayo 4 ly For vod ob: Tax =tyyeh Taso | Ixyzo > Tye For sod oc: let the sod OC makes _amg%es OB ,¥ with 2 - Oxts, 27 ants and 2-axt Wen tona- 1/2 Saison B/> AS » PB=I6~A = Go"-30'= 60° ANSO, Costa cos'B tos" ¥=4 cost ee ae 9 Ccos¥=O = Y =Go* -3, U eyOe ChE oy” Glaeg wekeH ZHEH (ego) es ‘soveroe ‘Lb ‘peow ueper andjeyer ‘st . 79! no yd-npe-Bon-mmmy:day Py \sarev9e(eso) :xe4 ‘gopevar ‘ZLLepge ‘ZLLerae(eso) “IL Jiang peoy ueyer andyeyer ‘snduieg weAeH ZUCH F uy a) CON-AV(S-ay-33 = Or A* ~AGAtSS py ye-npe-Bon-awwy:day Tr “zoLevse(eso) :xe4 ‘sopepge ‘LLLep9e ‘ZLLErae(es0) tL jeuInp peoy ueper indjejer ‘sndweo yeheH ZUeH a A= &t 2438 A=8, B+243 , 8-243 hus the psinctoay 8 13 Problem: 03. Find the. ‘pe mr and the principal axes of @ unifosrn Sokid hemispheve, about @ point on #8 vim. i Bok: z Let O be a ot, on the vie of *he P&ane Race of the herviaphexe » Let uA choose a Note: The cortrwtd of hemisphere ts ($9,0,0) I cooxainate Systenn RaNeS = SPwirt ar’y2' St. OZ % povaddeQ to 010,30) EB ust cong 2a] J the Symmetry Oats ond Y oY is a ciometer of oa x! pkane Face . Simitondy We “choose two ie 4d-npa-Bon-mmmy:dyy re 891 ‘L9LE~9e(eso) :xey ‘B0vE PoE ‘LLLepge ‘zLLevoe(eso) el 3e4IND Peow uEHEP ndyejer ‘sndwie9 yekey ZyeH Aystems AXY¥2’ ang CAVE, A belnc nise of plane face and o the hemisphere and the axes being pervalte? 6 these of system oxyz, We know — that Ze wrt oxyz entrold Tw = 2 Ma, Iay-2 Inz’. 2 Ma, 3 °, mM ts the mass of hemtyphere a ts yadius cai we determine Tey lye! = Ineo Ml accoxiv _ lkvs0 > Te =O, Ixeto cesenting The coordinates of C wayt AX?’ aye {0.9;38) 3 3 Se 38P5 So, by using It axes theorem, we get Tax’ = Lent + CG +32) = Tenn +M Co4Q a’) 6y Tex” = Tax’~ % mor ~ 2m 6y S = (28-45) Mai = 83 m, Icy": Tay~ (24 3) == 1(9 ot) = 83 Mg* $ i 320 Tee’ = Thar 2 MA GD = 2ma"— MO+0) = 2M. yd:npe-Bonmmmy:day rt F ny ixed 4 ! “zurerge(eso) “el ‘z9Lep9E(eso) :xe4 ‘BovEeroe ‘LLLEVOE ‘ZLLE! it iS peoy ueper indjejer ‘sndweo yeheH 2UCH Avso Ley = I'y —MR§ = 040-0 Ixte! = 1x2 -M2Z= 0-0=0 Iy’a! = Tye -Mgz = 0-0-0 ; | Now the coordinates of C west oxte Ove (050,%a). Using 7 axis theorem , we get = F z 3 Be Tox = Teen + M (94 43%) 3 Fa0,94 02> 59 (2 me gfe") +M (a+ selon) mat — Q prat + Mat+ Ymna* bY by = Emot a mar= 2 met Toy = ey + M(@*45*) = 2Mo'- 9. Matsm(ordd $s 64 64 = 2M $ To2 = Tee” +M (Zt + 9) > 2 Mats M (o40") = 2mat 5 5 Tey = Ivy” +Mig = 04 M)=0 Jya =Ty’a’+ M¥2 = 0 + M1 (a. 3a) = 3h Tx2 = Ixv2’+ MAZ_= 040 26 2 2 Thus the inevtfa.__ matty mice ts f- Tax “ly ~ke-}| —— Aij_= |-lyx Tyy___=yz.| (lex aaa ‘L9Lep9eleso) :xed ‘govepoe “vitero. i 0) sxe ‘BOvepoe ‘LLLepas ‘zLLerge(eso) “lar "4, jean peoy ueyjer andjejer ‘sndwes yekey zyeH * = [em 5 5 9 s 75M" Bgma? “Zama Y_ema} = Ma? 5é oo] 40 } 76-15 = ° aus: sé] the characteristic eq: is (Iy-all=o a S6-A oO oo ° 16-4 -15 |=0 ° ~15 36-4} =) (S6-A) (CI6-A(56-A) - 225) =0 56-A=0 OY 2 A*- 56 A-16A48I6-225=0 A=56 => +429 +671=0 => A722 Asay-2604 Let A, -56 Feapeeieeeera Thus che principe? mI ot 0 Mar(5é)> OIg* (61) , mq? «19 46 46 Yo We. 54 719°, Sima. ama we mace ? B 2 te $$$ yd-npe-bonmmay:ai4 ) :xe4 "BOvEPIE “LELEPIE ‘ziLevoel fp ‘sndueg yeAeH ZHEH got ‘zgLerge(eso! qeu[ng peow vener indiele eigen value you? 1Sa7? ) ASai? ° eigen vector (s. ‘|jthat the principe m1 ea la comer Of the Aquare yea peva verne ~ For Aru (Tip - 931) 2 =0 | rr J Gey : J Ge | ~ ay = Bi] =26 x «| [a | Solving , Prag | Let w_3, A umiferm s0Rid wectangular blocks of mats m has a square hase with edges of Length 2a and its ight ts a. Using cartesian oxes Pp wm O te height and to the diagonals of the bese , Ahow vehative to a couner of base ave| gma > (3+ GMa’, (g~ Byma* rna| also ptinaped anes. - Oe constlet OQ coordinate Ayotem Oxy2. 4-t aoe base Ord X¥ axes i IXB4 BUPEVYD Lrrerey wooo - got LOE oO oor cundjeter “snduleg vekeH ZHeH ase paralteh to the dliggonats 0B and AC sespectively. Cheose an ofhexr — coexelinate ayster Ox'Y'2’ axes axe parallel to the eclges 2a ,2a and a respectively. Cooxdinates of Of mutt O aze €42@,A%/2) OP 425 Now, Tre = 1 mar cat) Tey = 11 @*4aQ*) = S rma* 3 g 12 Ty = Ima lats (anV) = 5 mar 7 5) Ta/a! = m Ca*4a*) = 2 mai. 3 Tatlin yy Tydne thiehend let us take a xe me 2 ty Pe pazalte, te ox, wmeugh Oo! ond Then _ Diveetfon cosMes oP 2s oP tie about 2 Bete (AEN Tyg . C5) Tne (Ay Ly’ XL ave a y/ tCONNe’2! + 01040 a4. Cema’) +4 {S Ma*y =s amar Sealy. fe tea eae 2b. O and Para Me?” AS Oy then = S mat 12 45449 a Ive’ = 2 ma* ig yd-npe-Bon-mmmy:cny te pL ‘Z9Ler9e(eSo) :xe4 ‘eoverge ‘LLLED9E ‘ZLLEPSE(ESO) 19L qesIng peoy uryer indjejer ‘snduies yeAeH ZUEH using pataltep arts = Te t+m(9*+ 3 = 5 mat m/(a4 9’) ¢) = 5 mat 22 3 Te + ml %*4 3*) = S may masa") 2 2 > ma? a To's’ tom (x4 52) = 2ma'sme@'a') = 8ma+ 2 3 Ixy = Tey! + MRT) = 0+ Mat Tae = Txre! 4+ mM X32) = ot Mat Ty2 = Iy'e’ tm 92) = ma? fnertia_metix_at_o % =Iny -Ixe ly Sra’ - ma -. “lie mat Sma! ley Tee mo* mq to = gs. 33 -6 lo 3 “3 73. 16. The __Chayact evistic_eg. of 1y Ty -a1l so ww yd-npe'Bor-mMmy:any Sara ‘z91ev9e(€S0) *Xe4 ‘BOVEPIE “LLLEVIE cUersee 9 a aing peow uener andjerer ‘sndwed H z = (10-2) C10 -AdCI6-AD- 910 -A) ~36 CIB-A) -54-54 ~QFlo-Ad=0 (10-9) C10-A) C16 -4) -3 6 b-A)-18U6-A) -108 =o = U0-A) (10-4) 6-9) -36 Clb-A)~18 Llo-A46) =o > > C16-AD [ lio-ap* -36 LEB 7SS: > IB-A=6 2 O8 =) J00+A220A-S4-6 A= A=20at46=0 = A= 20 tN 0-184 = > A= 204 dz ie : = A=lOt3Ne the Prihcipa® m.t are 16 (m9), o+8dé mig sie eo ae or > 2. s A3 ox 8ma 2 (s tale Mars ( s =) ero cooke sponding to The_efgen __ vectors A=16 is given b (it; = 5 eet eo, x5? °9 =6 =6 -3 xo a 6 at ae “3 —— 9} ag —+ 0 a) = 6x1" — 675" BX" =O — thy ~64"" — 6X" 392 =6 —S tay ay gD Sonia Oh =k A'BOPEPIE LELEVYS CEEeYoe.coyy + 391 | (0) :xe. far cat evestes er indjejer ‘sndwed yeheH ZCH qesIng peoy uent roblem:05. A unifosmrm 4ohid eglindest with civeukas base of vadus a and d3a, Show that w&s pwincipek mM-I -vefative to a point on the tim of base ate Ima, Zme*>» 2 ma. Show that verative — to this 7 pomt one of the principal axis passes through centroid. Soks- let us choose a COoxclinate system o'x'y’2’, whese of &% centsold of i cykincler _,mwe _ choose lores gae 5,2) aystem at part # on vim of Q4 Bhoum in tq. am be the mass of simagt eement Cyfindes at point p (x,y 42), “WT of small element abont o%. Set Ga 2 Yardy’ d! = VoD Sense 4! =yWAin® ¢ Dela eon 222 ss teegiehy, Mi of cylinder absut of! 9 ‘d 2h djo-—_—__—. ee Ta! -Tew. 8 ( ( ( CP std0 125 arclocts ae yd-npa-Bon-mmay:day 891 ‘z9Lepge(eso) “xe 'govEP9E ‘LLLEPOE ‘ZLLEP9E(ESO) “191 yealng peoy ueper indjeyer ‘sndues yeAeH ZUEH ny a 3 Sirbdb. (xde ( aA2t (40- ) ) Shi Bat ly 9 eh IONS? 2) dv = Ama 2'*) clv = 1 mat Ga Cocos® (x s8 ) Td yd 8d2 ( \ ) o oO! _w.xt_O Med xe4K Ahearem ,we have UAING Pare ae ii Laie + Mig 42°) 4d-npo-Bon-mmmy:dy ‘¥9E(£S0) :xe4 “sopevos ‘ZLLEPgE ‘ZLLEPgE(ESO) “191 9 PEOY uener indjejer ‘sndweo weAeH ZUCH envalues yd-npa-Bon-mmny:d nu ray ypevoe(eso) :xed ‘BOvEPIE “LELEPSE ‘zuvevoeteso) Wek ing peoy uener andierer ‘sndwed yekCH ZUEH ZEL S60 given @ | 6. Oo ae Oo 74 38 xe? | = Lo -28 31 =~ yg? - 7 => -uxé Bx i. ee 2h WA KG? . f ) yd-npe-Bon-mmmy:day vr glevoe(eso) :xe4 ‘sopepge ‘zLLepge ‘ZELePge(eso) “10. HPo peoy uener indjejep ‘sndwes yexey 22H to unity fs Bey KL *Be4 EI SS Principal Axes Fos Leming: @ Choose a ay coordinate OX and oY the €@ of Lemna, fe the mass at point PtGae yy) then 5 and pracucts of wnertia Lamina about coordinates as axe Tx-Emryi Ly sSmiat tn Suppose the aordinate arts ox! OY (aloseit 8 ‘thaoughy angle 8) are obtained by rotating O* and OY about oO AN an angve on Let (2,47) be coordinates of OX’y’, Then xi =XiCosBt YiAtno Yi == 3taIng +42 Cos yd-npe Bon mmmy:dny wy -gLepge(eso) :xe4 ‘BOPEPIE ‘LLLEPIE ‘ZLLEP9E(ESO) “OL Ine peOM UPNPe indipier ‘endiies IekeL ZHEH Nous , I’ = Somigs" = Emi © xAinO + 4:cos o~ = = om (AP SIND F-C08"B = 2x6 9,5in Oc 030) mm ycos'O- ZBrnr2a yf . AinOcast Sami xi sir'6t Lysinto + Tscos*® - Txysin28 —ben nt [xcodOFY 2500 ]* dy! Ee mixiicos’® + = nig PAin'® + SrI xt Ye (2sinOcos8)} = Tycos@ + Lxstr@ — TnySin20 20 nB)(~ Xi SinG +Yyrcas8) wes Ixy) 2 Smaly! = E mi(aicoss syst = & mi l-xPeosg sind + Aycos’6 -% : + YP sinecos® S mi Ee xicosGsin® +Y/sin&cosO +H4,Cos26} = -S i x2 Sindcosb + Smiy;sinOas6 4 ; S minty; cos28 = -lysm8cosB + lasind cos6 + Lny cos26 Tx'y! = Ty Cos eee 1 sin26 (Ix-1y) 92 ‘he ones OX Gm OF are ! princtpar axed, they potest Ixy’ =O => Uyycos2 $928 (1x-1,)-0] => S20 = —Qiayeos28 = 2layCos2d con yi q did-npe Bon-mamy:dyu pry Lepoc(eso) :xe4 ‘gorerge ‘zt Lepore ‘zirevge(eso) ten Ny Inc DAN! Hones indusine feninin sokott FPL Since tan2a=-tan2(ara) 2 Jy >dx iP 5 ae ap: in 228-8 Of | tone, has her) « a 0 +ve value men B= Oto and Ries AD» Ty>lk 5 then (3) Shou at quad. 2a and hence & ts ar acute | \ Frow € qa } Ty’ = 4 Ty (2sivo) + 2 Tx (266 Txysind |} 2 2 | muttiplyty ma clivfding «bd Tet (i= cos26) +4 InG = qycos 26 42 Let 11x C0828 —Ley 28 a1 Clsely) 4 Cly -Ix }cos26 Txysin28 | 2s 2 | 1 (1x+Iy)- 2 (Cly 34) ¢0s26-+2Lyy so} | 4(Ix4 Ty) +4 COTy-La) Cos 204 basin 5) a oTay+ yan Chat ly —day-moedty J (Ine ly +ddy-104 YT J Gnd Reape Grd of £0, min 1X =4 4 2 Ww attamed oa8ong the Q¥inci{ yd-npe Bon mmay:day ra, ae ed ‘LLLE9E ‘ZLLEPOE! Ee Or ee eT rnet os Sine ne: Probferm: o1 caa Show thal the inertia tensor | for a thin homogeneous plate which | ies in the xy-plane i ik -ly o | Wy- wy Ty o } ° o. Ixtly | ©) 5# the coordinates axis ave votat i through an angle 6 about 2 -axis. [Show thot the new mertia temor ts le ty | Tj= ny ie : ! ° Oo Italy’ |) where Ix’= 12 Coe® - Lay Smeertysize | Ty’ = Le ste¥6 + Ley Sin204 Lytosp | Iny's Try cos 26 ~4 Cly-TD £in28 | and hence show = thet “he x’ | and ¥’ axis becomes principal ares tf the angle of wtation is O=1tan' (ale), } 2 bon : Ty-lk? xy Sok: = A) ChO0s¢ 1 coordinate system OxYz the. plete the x4 -pMane . 9R mas ovtide 9 yd-npe-Bon-mmmy:day :xe4 'BOPEPIE ‘LILEVIE ‘zuperge(eso) “19 fandrenn oko 7B at pt. A latsgi00) » then the moments and products of intertia of the Lamfna about — the coosdina axes are 2 » ys Svea, Ixy = fnestia tensoy these fove the homogeneous whith XY- plane is Ix Try ie Tx ~Iny o | ly = [me iy -ye|=|49 o| wine ~Iey Te o oO bel (b> 9¢ the Aystem Ackoked Anrough about Oo and a of PE wert n& cootdlinates t= A7SMHE + 4, Cos 8 Yr = Now + : 0 -2x:4, sing = We" cos 8) MEY COS ~2 Six Sind << = Ty Sin’O +Txcostg —Tyy (2sinOcos®) =1xcos*® +LySin® —Tyy sin28 —>¢1 \d-npe’6 ss a xe "zbenae.@ 9e(eS0) © ixed rover ‘zuLevoetesy wa = 1) c0s6 + Ix4ir 29 + Ixy sion 2D Uxtcos Bt 4,598) C xen +42005 ecosO +Yyisin@cosO + == ne igcoS 6 ~H “0? = -IysinO@cc Ix stadcos® + Lxycoee “ba” +l (cose -Si¥ 8) = -1 Ty (2sin®cose)41 1s (2stnBcas 3 2 = 1 Lysm26 + 11x Si8 + Txy cos28 4 (Ix-Ly)sin28 yleycos29 —sC3> _ ix'2'=0 » Ly2!=0 (2 H=0 Ww xy’ pane, perxpenciiculay axes hetero Tes eal thus, the Wnertta Lensoy xeLative +o new Ae Of coordinates axe ‘ Ix ‘Ix'y! 2 Tif = |-ay ly’ 6 0 oO daly’ and Ty’ aie Given by and 63) sexpectivedy « fi | Let us choos a y tt” c } D Dianne ; Coordinate By Bem AXY a x |op Sot AX fs a 6 x Aides A 2 NCKE AR 2Q { | I yd-npo-Bon-asay:da4 orepge(eso) :xed ‘BOPEP9E ‘LELEVSE 9f ox’ ,0yY' ave the windy ther tentiq must be 2eso | 120 (Ix- Ty) + sy COS2O=0 Tuy Cos 28 s928 (Ix -Iy? = 2Iny = (x -Ty) 1 = 1 q =5 | | Probfern:02 A uniform zectangukart Lamina | ABCD 4-t AB=2a , BC=26. Find he dizection of principal axis at A. another coc Cth 4 tem Gir’y’ where peek 1a and a ; Otalle pasatteR 10 AK a6 shown ¢ poy . . d-npe Bon’ mam) i ——— parteso) med! overse *2LLEv9e zprerge(eso) “tL ee “29 1€! we Know ayot mel of the rectangular poate about Gir’ fs amb fee Tow’ = me mf mwas of phate AQSO » \ Tay'= 17 5 y= 0. || Now 3 r | By using para te9 axtg theayem Jax = i mb* me =¥mb* 3 3 Tay = LmMa’+ Mar Y ma® s 3 Ixy o+ Mab =Mab axen at A of principa? The ctfrection be I tan26 = 2x Tay ~Iak 6 = 1tan' 2Mab ) 2 ( Epne- 4 prb* or: i 7 4 tan’ ( 2ma? . : | 2 . 4m (a —B) / | = ttar! (32%) = aQeh> ——_—_——— Note:5@ in the clove Problem the PrincipaR axes are sequived «then use the Formula > then puk value of 6 e@, =Cos SinOj ¢ @2=-SinO; 4 CosO? Bxom-ay tn these eq is eq. e1= Cos/ dtan'(2a gab Sy -o mo sabe 2c »)) —egonmmnydnl ne, erp bone LLevae equvergetes®) 19% a >» -porewaetee™ sxe ‘2008 Problem 203 A tviangutos plate it ome of a uniform material and a, éga- Determine sides of Length a.»2 the ptincipal axes OF the 30 comnet- > d the ptineipak m1 about Bok: One i , ' triangusar pl uA take x-axis Wong 7 ; 00,00 ¢ md Y paraiseR to AB ad Shown. Then ; uniform a 2 phote te (aerate < Aw 4 Ss -_ € We MI of titangee Qbout Ar Ay = 4h », 6 h eQht and om ‘S mass of Screnpel| \ Let ¢c be whe certycid tne “Crianc yve Cc 20 0 (2.5 a) lz c= (@arBa .2 vai 3) 3 3 Ler 2 be the Sin rough Cc ond PeTaWal | | to AB-So by q cl : 5 oy Paraflel Line which alse “moll ee pads Tan >to +m[ 30-2 AS — ——— yarnporBon'mn:ce ri wpusevast(eso) Hen 5 Me pinanceces VEEN be iiguennnion” 2) | ‘ , -ih+r™/( \ | = p+ ma* 3 => , Tp = Jag — Mar = Ame? 1 ma? 3 2 3 $200) aeeie =m area fe. _principak m1 axe given by ts 2 Chet yn Sayre I = Tox + Toy — V Gey -To9 415, J C / =1 (4moary 3 2 So 3 2°6 FS OO Jp2mal Lays (Barf) =1 [ '2mar = {amass 2g) “J = [Sma “ af Brahe 3 0" ] ee = se isthe — sub [Smee = [amie ] 21 [gma mada] 2 3 € i 4b lemat= anal} = 4ma- oda) =e ~é 72 Now nth aye = 4 [ Toxtloy + WUey=texd*4 Wi J 2 214° mat (104+ 491) .= fp) STs ry 2 Senet (ey. pespendicuhar ants theorem) % find the __griincipa® _axes__ot 0, Let the axer be xotcited Anoug|, an onase 8 Ohovk O. 6 = 1 tam (2es = ton 2 Z, yin 7 2 (Qn tt B= tan? a 2 = Bont ic d-npa'Bonmmany:day, 1a ieee wen vor nenn erreparleso) Hel "Yy P The principal axes at 6 ayo given if = COBS +55 of f= -Ain8? +cosoF &=ifk Whese 6 Problem:-04 The momentad eLPipsoid of n body at O wepgered to 0 tectongulat castesian axes ox, 0¥,02 has eq. Sxrséyt+Fe*—Yzye4y2=1 Find the momentaQ eRtipscid at O weffered to the priy axez and eq. of principal oxex at o. Eq. of rromertad elMioseid at O eB 749 -Yxg 44ge=1 —9Od Given) A240, Generad ea. momenta? eQliprotd if 1S: Lax tlyy—2lay %y -24ye Y2-21e x2—~J=stad| and ©)> we get Ty-6 27, Traz0, Iny2, Tya=-2 the fnettia -matyly at 9 w *s > a: 3 ay 72 6 :] Lo eh The Characteristi eq. ts \Wi=a1\ =0 ve-nna-Bon-mmmy:day ny Bgl ‘917 aeecteen) tar Wy e = (5 | > DUCA) 04-4) 47 42 02)(9-a <0 => (S-A) (A a9 +381 -~28744 =o > Sa'~6sa $190 ~A241397 284-28r4a-ol =)_-23 + 1897-999 +162 =0 = APS BAY ed 999 =16220 118 49-102 A= 35659 3 4s ies Ty 2 1 1s sul The princiogR m-T at Oar 6] si | Rtas 1y'=6 ,12'29 at Whe _momental ellipsoid at \ ° BefReved 40 “he — principa® axes ts || Iv (aot Ty CyP a Te (2¥ 2a => 3xr4 Gyr +9221 | Let =(as%12%3] be qtuen eigen vector |} cooresponaling to az3 $73,_=2 mH o 2 eee Rel SIO) 4-3 x3: =) 2M -2%.=0 m= G 2% t 3d%at20 Dat BAe 4 O% F2%4 UR=G We -2H, 2%, ts r sesan reds BgL ‘29° ? 4. . = 2 Mrs -1 go & = (1,1,-1)27 z p find eq. of prindpa axes ato, wlving 2% ~2%,+02%=0 2 72%) Biu+2%, X21 =o | \ } | 1 = Xr -2XL7OX2 To 2X TOT Xs OX, + 2% WG | Zoduting + ~Ay 2X. TOKI=O 2 -24 04, 42730 j BO, the eq: of principal axis ft “-=Y=2 3 Fox a=? ~Y => ont ny W yd-npe-Bon-mvamyciay 01 ‘zoue" satan isewas ‘ZLLepge(eso) 1eL q = 4%, 2x2 box =6 2-32 Dey= oO OMY 2 Bors oa sokving, 4m - 2%, +O0%I=O = | 5 =. =m | Ox, + 2x, = 28 25 jo 4-3 8 | or Zam 3 he eq. ) One e I | qT Of pytrc HpaP ares te x=y -2 “i, 2 3 ea) Poblern:05 eee Find the principal m.1 of the eM of @ fate wigid body in the [Bone Of an tSoacebes vight triangh » What ze the principal axes of in /there at? Let CAR be an tweeles Wht Triangle. 2 NK w y | aheaty’ | ! | Let Us Choose ‘ Cicer) ACa,0) | Coordinate system Oxy At = X-AXS ‘8 along OA and Y-axis % akong o4 Bhawn.. Let lOA\ = \oRIzQ and LA0R=90° Consider another cacrdinate AyMenn oxy! where 0% %% the Centicid Sf Agar. Now, Ty 4 Ma! and Ty- ma ‘ =Ixtly= amd Bon mam/:dBu 1] te neo eerae LLLevae ‘ziEeraeteso) ‘tel soi 5 mdiueg yAEH ZCH 7 nye §XYdm = % CO? SX ‘ SSS xyctaaty ex (2 ye Ax By. og Ae ye Though casey a ond tosa5 - xCOA=2 dx SQuIa heads See | 5 % 4EaEy 28 (Chat KE 20077 dx 28 foe ash ° 2s 2, ~2q4 } = 9% samas (or = 8 a same 2 2 a4 ae Sa) Ry parallel axes heoiens +S a0 ea Ry P , area of Te sIw + mM(Q) = Ty 4 Re onal dyzly- MOQ" = Amor assets “sg Eye org a Hig « (28) - Amat gmd= me Let and Ie" be principal M7 at CLa4Ty! = ly Teel [amet +A ma* - dorifens’) = 4 [3ma-amar] =1 mae 2 rd e aah oo iy” sACd. +1 4 dae = 1 [4 mat 7 = mo* 53 {ama +2 ma*] = “ By Principad ones Theayerns le” -1,” +] 5 pa yd-npe-Bon-mvamy:day 891 ‘ZaLeper/“rn) :xeJ ‘BOPEP9E ‘LELEPIE * Soren Fendueg * apP28e WE Buystem oxy! pbout oO! . ‘hough angie wincipad AXES ot of, Then O= A tant ( ate * yay = A toR ( 2(e90* tar (eo) al oerici<= ao - Ama* is in zirevac(eso) ten yekeH ZUEH ts hia a © © get the ) | Tuy J Salta Te = : ee Dy h= Uneasy) | ; : oie N= Grit Sop * Cty k We Tienes T = Win = Wag ttete « Q < Mel 4f Swall Phen baal O® Lh t dm. (d) qe j Cs - Met 26 Rechanyater | eae af; Poralleloppa 7 BA 2%) 0y, 02 be » f A wate Tum Yee baatgmlley by ox. “Amed te me af slize ) Vn Q d vc hdvigd Q. Cohewlak, Mer ahh Yeelaunoulay pavallele pt fe (. blocty abot Us ee alte fina Pro duck of Luetea - sv & 1g bai dow U ws the Coutre Of mast of ¢ 6 fey ah ign ond ay 7 4 4 bnccler OS R-Gxre = ( @+ yi Pdv do Ha Tlosp pe EP 7 e devicad Corrcln’ aber) eS Pan / ind of on : ae = 0b. ed i 4a fllire a be out a frist om ib a ’ Om: Covdivalis oP Oey Ati a! ox Ange @Ck, 2) = (o,a, Wr) jj If &xs Keerew » oe get eh nd M Fat MOR) L = Snr —M Cogs) Ss dL yor x. $3 ma zma—F ma ~ 320 | 1 he Leardinke F oye (gets FE COM) wert C (9,4, xa) =( Lop MCG eye > ma Smet M Cag, Ds This ap ment N, p54) 5 d= TER === aw 2 4) I forg wert a5 O59) T< i, rh Es: rep j us vr vata) g fe anoyo Of. / a ae sya my . sop oe os ae YY pp seer pent Ww > pvr (df ie) yet oe Qooet Re | Germs - Cem £7 ME | LA pte fealersn » ~M spp F fo 27 fd “of a 225 aunyer agra, «fll? hy vpie adew i porweu td yarnpe v~ . ee eebat ‘LELEVIE “CULE ay 2 91 axed Bindteler Lpbetieg veAeH 2HeH yeaing peod (1) » we get Put fn g°=0 Let afr ek . So, 2272K Tie eigen vector HO (k,-k,0) Te een vector normabized to unity 15 C4 > “pred fz by ee )toOt= 1 = kod Fot a=lo+3dé a2 Comider (1is-al] 2 =0 where xP afar 22es2T) =o 53 ] a2 ° 3-3 59 | = le -3_4=38)_| aS? ° = ar ye : 3dE XP 62-3 4PM 20 — PER) ~6 2x -3dSxM-BalPso 34d - ~ 34-34 (U- a XY ro ts Aolving Gamal (49 ATmultaneously s a = ee aa 18-VWde a = Ate 18-6 54-36 Or = xi. seal | 4 ae CaS ee (Fae) dead 186=VWE CG) which 5 eq: of principal ants Simifasly, fos \ =10-3Ne he 2q. of principad — ae Soa o> ) = ae 7 Fa) al ‘

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