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JFC Test ( units 1-3)

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1 Listen to a teenager called Emma talking about Irish dancing, which she does in her f ree time. UT T rack 1
Complete the sentences with a word or short phrase you hear.

1 Emma was particularly impressed by the and the skilful footwork of the dancers at the first
show she saw.
2 Emma’s mother seemed when Emma first expressed an interest in learning how to dance.
3 Learning to do Irish dancing was more on her body than she thought it would be.
4 It’s essential to be able to maintain a straight back and when you do Irish dancing.
5 T his hobby requires a lot of , so it’s great exercise.

Score: /5

2 You will hear people talking in f ive dif f erent situations. Listen and choose the best answer (A, B UT T rack 2
or C).

1 You hear a girl and her father talking about swimming lessons. How does the man feel about taking swimming lessons?
A He’s pleased that there are swimming lessons for middle-aged people.
B He’s fairly certain he’ll learn slowly.
C He wishes he’d learnt to swim when he was younger.
2 You hear two friends talking about an online course. How does the boy feel about the online courses?
A He thinks that people should be charged money to use them.
B He believes universities should think of better ways to promote themselves.
C He’s attracted by the variety of courses that are available.
3 You hear a boy and his mother talking about a smartphone app. How does the boy’s mother feel about the app?
A She thinks the boy should remove it from his phone.
B She’s not convinced that it’s useful for revision.
C She’s convinced the boy will fail the test because of it.
4 You hear two teachers talking about a first aid course. How does the woman feel about learning first aid?
A First aid skills would have been useful in a recent situation.
B It’s something that she’s wanted to do for a long time.
C She doubts the course will qualify her to give first aid.
5 You hear two friends talking about a T V documentary. What was wrong with the programme according to the boy?
A It was difficult to understand because it was in a foreign language.
B Although it was informative, the topic wasn’t very interesting.
C T he ideas were too complicated for ordinary viewers to follow.

Score: /5
3 You will hear f ive people talking about dif f erent ways of playing computer games. Listen, and UT T rack 3

f or each speaker, choose f rom the list (A–H) what each speaker says. T here are three extra letters you do not

A T he price of the games prohibited me from owning

B T hey look cheap because they’re made out of
C Many of these devices can have negative physical Speaker 1:
side effects.
D T hey were annoying because the games had very Speaker 2:

few colours.
Speaker 3:
E T here are very few similarities between modern
games machines and older ones. Speaker 4:
F I find it quite difficult to control this games
machine. Speaker 5:

G I’m not convinced that all of the features are

absolutely necessary.
H I don’t find it easy to resist playing some computer

Score: /5

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